LRC Lyrics LRC同步歌词 LRC Lyrics is a lyrics script for XBMC. It support lrc lyrics synchronized scroll when the song playing. You should save the lrc file with mp3(or other type of music) at the same path and same file name, or scrape lrc from some site. In default, lrc lyrics scrape from a site design for chinese language. And the site also support some english songs, you can try it. LRC Lyrics support additional scraper to get lrc file from other site for the language you use, Hope you write for this. LRC同步歌词脚本,实现播放音乐时歌词同步滚动显示功能。显示歌词时先读取与音乐文件存放在一起的同名LRC文件,没找到的情况下到指定目录读取或从网站获取。 all