Provides an alarm clock for XBMC. The add-on provides five individual alarms for XBMC playing either a file or an URL on repeat. Features - Up to five individual alarms - Scheduling for a week day, every day or Monday to Friday - Plays either a file or a custom path may be set which may point to any media type supported by XBMC including for example web radio URLs Notes - If the duration is over, XBMC will stop playing regardless of what is being played at the moment. This means a) alarm 1 could disable alarm 2 if alarm 2 starts before alarm 1 start time plus duration 1 is over and b) it may stop something you were playing intentionally in the meantime. - The overflow over to the next day is not considered. You should make sure the start time of any alarm plus its duration is before 0:00. Credits - Cron-like helper classes CronTab and Event inspired by an answer by Brian on - Clock clip art - fanart.jpg: a blend of and all