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Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.d$aord1-prod-a64build003.svc.aws.rockylinux.orgKojiRockyGPLv3+infrastructure@rockylinux.orgDevelopment/Debughttps://sourceware.org/annobin/linuxaarch64G Q-.MYH/+xAA큤AA큤A큤d$^d$^d$^d$^d$^ccccccccd$^cd$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-toolset-12-annobin-11.08-1.el8.src.rpmgcc-toolset-12-annobin-debuginfogcc-toolset-12-annobin-debuginfo(aarch-64)scl-package(gcc-toolset-12)    gcc-toolset-12-runtimerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3ccGc@cFcR@c@cEb>b@ba@bb@b@b@b@b{@bzSby@bu bq@bbbV@bUibMbMbL/@bH:bEbDF@bDF@b/.@b(b(b%b!@b@bs@b @b D@bOa@a@a@a@a@aNaNa@a@a@a@a@aZ@aeaeaq@aa@a@a@a+@a+@aՈ@aՈ@a6a{a@a@a5a5a@a@a@aca)@aa@@a@aKa@ay?@awawaqV@apamaamaahaf@aexaexa`2a`2a\>@a\>@aZaV@aTU@aC1aA@aA@aA@a;Ha9@a2@a.a&0a$@a@a@aaaS@aS@aaj@a`@` @`@`@`@` @`@`@`Ȗ@`Ȗ@`@``@````7@`@`e@``~@`~@`}p`y|@`x*`pA`U`Gc@`?z@`8`7@`3`#`3@`@`@`x@___@_@_@__@__@_ _м@_j_@____ǁ_0@_@__ _@_i_i__/@_:__@_"_"_{ _u_q@_h_cO_`_Z@_Z@_:q@_2@_"@_"@_!d__p@_p@_^z^b^1^H^@^@^}^|@^|@^j$@^j$@^j$@^_@^Y^W@^U @^J@^F^B@^4^4^2@^2@^0"@^%@^%@]B]҇]Γ@]@]@]]@]@]]]o@]Ik]Ik]8H@]@\\l8\@\8\\O\f\w@\T4\R@\P@@\P@@\N\N\N\I\HW@\E@\E@\@n@\,\\&@[@[@[@[[[0[u[u[u[[;@[[[F[F[R@[ @[ @[ @[[t[#@[#@[[@[@[:@[[@[@[["@[@[[~[~[}P@[{[z@[t[j@[j@[i[b@[b@[Xf@[U@[U@[Q[Q[P}@[O+[M@[M@[GB[GB[D[D[CN@[CN@[CN@[?Y[>@[:[:[4[3|@[0@[,[,[,[(@[(@[o[[5@[[@Zz@Z@ZZ@Z@Z@ZlZZ`@ZkZZ@Z}@Zz@Zp^@Zo Zk@Zk@Zk@Z]@ZN@Z.s@Z*~ZY{YA@YA@YéYéYYYS@YR@Nick Clifton - 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Jones - 3.1-3Nick Clifton - 3.1-2Nick Clifton - 3.1-1Nick Clifton - 2.5.1-5Nick Clifton - 2.5.1-4Florian Weimer - 2.5.1-3Igor Gnatenko - 2.5.1-2Nick Clifton - 2.5.1-1Nick Clifton - 2.5-2Nick Clifton - 2.4-1Nick Clifton - 2.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0-3Florian Weimer - 2.0-2Nick Clifton - 2.0-1Nick Clifton - 1.0-1- Annocheck: Fix atexit test. Fix recording of version numbers. (#2165826)- Annocheck: Fix handling of file built by multiple versions of gcc. (#2160701) - Spec file: Enable annotated building.- Annocheck: Fix handling of empty files. (#2159292) - Annocheck: Add crti.o and crtn.o to the list of known glibc special files. (#2158740) - Annocheck: Fix memory leaks. - Annocheck: Do not assume that object files contain no code simply because they do not have an executable segment. (#2158182) - Annocheck: Add more special glibc filenames. (#2158100)- Annocheck: Improve handling of tool versions.- GCC Plugin: Fix building with gcc-13. - Annocheck: Add test for binaries built by cross compilers. - Annocheck: Improve heuristic used to detect binaries without code. (#2144533) - Annocheck: Use real filename rather than debuginfo filename. (#2152280)- Rename gcc plugin to gts-annobin. (#2107575)- Rebase to 10.94, brining in support for LLVM 15. (#2118992) - Annocheck: Better detection of binaries which do not contain code. (#2144533) - Annocheck: Provide more information when a test is skipped because the file being tested was not compiled. - Annocheck: Try harder not to run mutually exclusive tests. - Tests: Fix future-test so that it properly handles the situation where the compiler does not support the new options. - Libannocheck: Actually set result fields after tests are run. - Libannocheck: Replace libannocheck_version variable with LIBANNOCHECK_VERSION define. - Libannocheck: Remove 'Requires binutils-devel' from libannocheck.pc. - Libannocheck: Move into separate sub-package. - Libannocheck: Add libannocheck.pc pkgconfig file. - Libannocheck: Add libannocheck_reinit(). - GCC Plugin: Record -ftrivial-auto-var-init and -fzero-call-used-regs. - Annocheck: Add future tests for -ftrivial-auto-var-init and -fzero-call-used-regs. - Clang Plugin: Fix for building with Clang-15. (#2125875) - Annocheck: Add a test for the inconsistent use of -Ofast. (#1248744) - Plugin: Fix top level configuration support for RiscV. - Annocheck: Improvements to the size tool. - Annocheck: Fixes for libannocheck.h. - Annocheck: Add automatic profile selection. - Annocheck: Improve gap detection and reporting. - Spec File: Use the %dir directive in the %files section to ensure that - plugin directories are useable. (#2080454)- Fix tests to run in a scl environment. (#2099696)- Spec file: Remove bogus Provides for the annobin-doc subpackage. (#2097616)- Spec file: Correct the Provides for the annobin-doc subpackage again. (#2097616)- Spec file: Correct the Provides for the annobin-doc subpackage. (#2097065) - Annocheck: Check build-id of separate debuginfo files. - Annocheck: Add GAPS test replacing --ignore-gaps. - Annocheck: Fix covscan detected race condition between stat() and open().- Annocheck: Handle binaries created by Rust 1.18. (#2094420) - Annocheck: Add optional function name to --skip arguments. (PR 29229)- Default to using group attach because os s390 build problems.- Rebuild with scl macros in place. (#2091570) - Annocheck: Fix handling of command line options that take arguments. (#2086850) - Annocheck: Do not complain about unenabled -mbranch-protection option in AArch64 binaries. (#2078909)- Bump NVR to allow rebuild with BuildRequires temporarily set to systemOS.- Initial import of annobin sources for GTS12 / RHEL8. (#2077447) - gcc-plugin: Fix typo in configure.ac.- Add support for RISC-V.- Annocheck: Add another special case for glibc rpms. (#2083070)- Annocheck: Do not complain about unenabled -mbranch-protection option in AArch64 binaries if compiled using LTO. (#2082146)- Annocheck: Add more glibc exceptions + check PT_TLS segments. (#2081131)- Annocheck: Do not complain about missing -mbranch-protection option in AArch64 binaries if compiled by golang.- Annocheck: Do not complain about missing -mbranch-protection option in AArch64 binaries if compiled in LTO mode.- gcc-plugin: Add support for CLVC_INTEGER options.- Annocheck: Even more special cases for AArch64 glibc on RHEL-8. (#2072082)- Annocheck: Add more special cases for AArch64 glibc on RHEL-8. (#2072082)- llvm-plugin: Fix a thinko in the sources.- gcc-plugin: Add remap of OPT_Wall. - configure: Fix typo in top level configure.ac.- Add support for building using meson+ninja.- Rebuilt against new LLVM release, with patch.- Annocheck: Fix test for AArch64 property notes. (#2068657)- gcc-plugin: Do not issue warning messages for autoconf generated source files. (#2009958)- NVR bump to allow rebuild for new GCC.- NVR bump to allow rebuild for new GCC.- Annocheck: Update documentation and fix typo in annocheck. (#2061291)- Annocheck: Add option to enable/disable following symbolic links.- Always identify Rust binaries, even if built on a host that does not know about Rust. (#2057737)- NVR bump to allow rebuild for new GCC.- Spec File: Use a different method to disable the annobin plugin (#2054571)- NVR bump to allow rebuild for new GCC.- Annocheck: Skip PIE anf PIC tests for GO binaries.- NVR bump to allow rebuild in yet another side tag.- gcc-plugin: Fix libtool so that extraneous runpaths are not added to the plugin. (#2030667)- gcc-plugin: Use canonical_option field of save_decoded_options array. (#2047148)- Rebuild for new gcc version- Annocheck: Add an option to disable the use of debuginfod (if available). - Annocheck: Add more glibc special file names. - Annocheck: Skip some tests for BPF binaries.- Annocheck: Add another glibc static library symbol. (#2043047)- Annocheck: Skip property note test for GO binaries. (#204300)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild- NVR bump to allow rebuild in another side tag.- NVR bump to allow rebuild in yet another side tag.- NVR bump to allow rebuild in another side tag.- NVR bump to allow rebuild in a side tag.- GCC Plugin: Do not fail if a section cannot be attached to a group.- NVR bump to allow rebuild in a side tag.- Annocheck: Improve detection of kernel modules. - GCC Plugin: Only default to link-once when using gcc-12 or later. (#2039297)- Annocheck: Add option to disable instrumentation test.- GCC Plugin: Replace CLVC_BOOLEAN with CLVC_BIT_SET/CLVC_BIT_CLEAR.- Rebuild against new GCC.- Rebuild against new GCC.- Rebuild against new GCC.- Annocheck: Add even more glibc function names. (#2037333)- Annocheck: ARM: Do not fail tests that rely upon annobin notes.- Annocheck: Extend list of known glibc functions. (#2037333)- Annocheck: Ignore gaps that contain the _start symbol (for AArch64). (#1995224) - Annocheck: Ignore more glibc special binaries. (#2037220)- Annocheck: Do not complaining about missing stack clash notes if the compilation used LTO. (#2034946)- Annocheck: Add /usr/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 to the list of known glibc binaries. (#2033255) - Doc: Note that ENDBR is only needed as the landing pad for indirect branches/calls. (#28705) - Spec File: Store full gcc version release string in plugin info file. (#2030671)- Annocheck: Add special case for x86_64 RHEL-7 gaps. (#2031133)- Annocheck: Do not complaining about missing -mstackrealign notes in LTO mode. (#2030298)- GCC Plugin: Do not record missing -mstackrealign in LTO mode. (#2030298)- Tests: Fix fortify and debuginfod tests to use newly built annobin plugin.- Tests: Fix gaps and stat tests to use newly built annobin plugin. (#2028063)- Annocheck: Ignore gaps in binaries at least partial built by golang. (#2028583)- Annocheck: Allow spaces in golang symbols.- Annocheck: Initial deployment of libannocheck.- gcc-plugin: Fix bug creating empty attachments. - Annocheck: Change MAYB result to SKIP for DT_RPATH. (#2026300)- Annocheck: Skip missing fortify/warning notes for ARM32.- gcc-plugin: Try another fix for ppc64le section grouping. (#2023437)- gcc-plugin: Revert 10.22 change. (#2023437)- Annocheck: Add exception for /usr/sbin/ldconfig. (#2022973)- Annocheck: Add a test for unicode characters in identifiers.- gcc-plugin: Default to link-order grouping for PPC64LE. (#2016458)- Annocheck: Do not fail if a --skip- option does not match a known test. - ldconfig-test: Skip the LTO check.- Annocheck: Add more glibc function names.- gcc-plugin: Fix attaching the .text section to the .text.group section.- Complain about DT_RPATH for Fedora binaries.- Better reporting of problems in object files. (#2013708)- Add a requirement on llvm-libs for clang and llvm plugins. (#2014573)- Fix configuring annocheck without gcc-plugin. - Annocheck: Better reporting of debuginfod problems. - Tests: Fix bugs in debuginfod test.- Annocheck: Add tests based upon recent bug fixes.- Annocheck: Another tweak to glibc detection code.- Rebuild for llvm-13.0.0- Annocheck: Fix memory corruptions when using --debug-path and when a corrupt note is found. (#20011438)- Annocheck: Fix MAYB results for mixed GO/C files. - Annocheck: Move some messages from VERBOSE to VERBOSE2. - Annocheck: Scan zero-length tool notes.- Annocheck: Fix covscan detected flaws. - plugins: Add more required build options.- Annocheck: Fix cf-prot test to fail if the CET notes are missing. - Annocheck: Skip gaps in the .plt section. - Plugins: Add -g option when building LLVM and Clang.- Annocheck: Add more cases of glibc startup functions.- Annocheck: Fix covscan detected problems. - Annocheck: Add --profile=el8. - gcc-plugin: Conditionalize generation of branch protection note.- Annocheck: Ignore gaps containing NOP instructions.- GCC Plugin: Fix detection of running inside the LTO compiler. (#2004917)- Annocheck: Do not insist on the DT_AARCH64_PAC_PLT flag being present in AArch64 binaries.- Annocheck: With gaps at the start/end of the .text section, check for special symbols before displaying a MAYB result.- Annocheck: Do not set CFLAGS/LDFLAGS when building. Take from environment instead.- Annocheck: Fix exit code when tests PASS.- Documentation: Add node for each hardening test. - Documentation: Install online. - Annocheck: Annote FAIL and MAYB results with URL to documentation - Annocheck: Add --no-urls and --provide-urls options - Annocheck: Add --help- option.- Annocheck: Fix fuzzing detected failures. - Annocheck: Add --profile option. - Docs: Document --profile option and rpminspect.yaml.- Annocheck: Skip GO/CET checks. Fix fuzzing detected failures.- LLVM Plugin: Automatically choose the correct tests to run, based upon the version of Clang installed. (#1997444) - spec file: Add the installation of the annobon sources into /usr/src/annobin.- Annocheck: Fix memory corruption. (#1996963) - spec file: Add the creation of a gcc-plugin version info file in /usr/lib/rpm/redhat.- Annocheck: Fix conditionalization of AArch64's PAC+BTI detection.- Annocheck: Add linker generated function for ppc64le exceptions. (#1981410) - LLVM Plugin: Allow checks to be selected from the command line. - Annocheck: Examine DW_AT_producer for -flto.- Annocheck: Conditionalize detection of AArch64's PAC+BTI protection. - Annocheck: Add linker generated function for s390x exceptions. (#1981410)- Annocheck: Generate MAYB results for gaps in notes covering the .text section. (#1991943) - Annocheck: Close DWARF file descriptors once the debug info is no longer needed. (#1981410) - LLVM Plugin: Update to build with Clang v13. (Thanks to: Tom Stellard )- Rebuild for LLVM 13.0.0-rc1- Annocheck: Fix memory corruption. (#1988715)- Annocheck: Skip certain tests for kernel modules.- Annocheck: Detect a missing CET note. (#1991931) - Annocheck: Do not report future fails for AArch64 notes. - Annocheck: Warn about multiple --debug-file, --debug-rpm and --debug-dir options.- Annocheck: Process files in command line order. (#1988714)- Annocheck: Reverse AArch64 PAC+BTI check, ie fail if they are enabled. (#1984995)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild- Annocheck: Add another test exceptions.- Annocheck: Add some more test exceptions.- Tests: Skip glibc-notes test if the assembler does not support --generate-missing-build-notes. (#1978573) - Tests: Skip objcopy test if objcopy does not support --merge-notes.- Annocheck: Fix spelling mistake in -mstack-realign failure message. (#1977349)- gcc-plugin: Do not record global versions of stack protection settings in LTO mode, if not set. (#1958954)- Annocheck: Remove limit on number of input files.- clang/llvm plugins: Build with correct security options.- Annocheck: Better detection of GO compiler version.- Annocheck: Better support for symbolic links. - Annocheck: In verbose mode, report the reason for skipping specific tests. (#1969584)- Rebuild for LLVM 12.0.1- Obsolete all previous versions of annobin. (#1967339)- Annocheck: Improve detection of shared libraries. (#1958954)- Tidy up spec file.- Annocheck: Accept 0 as a valid number for gcc minor versions and release numbers. - gcc-plugin: Add support for ARM and RISCV targets.- timing: do not initialise the clock if the timing tool is disabled.- gcc-plugin: Replace ICE messsages with verbose messages.- Fix the testsuite so that it can be run in parallel.- Annocheck: WARN if the annobin plugin was built for a newer version of the compiler than the one on which it was run. (#1950657)- Obsolete annobin < 9.66-1 (bug #1949570)- Annocheck: Improve detection of missing GNU-stack support.- Bump a release- Correct a package rename (bug #1949570) - Require docs subpackage by the other ones because of a license - Build-requiring perl-interpreter is enough- Fix bz1949570- Fix anomolies reported by covscan. - Move documentation into a sub-package.- NVR bump to rebuild against GCC 11.0.1- gcc-plugin: Use a fixed filename when running in LTO mode.- Annocheck: Fix detection of special function names. (#1934189)- Annocheck: FAIL the deliberate use of -fno-stack-protector, but add some exceptions for glibc. (#1923439)- Annocheck: Add colour to some messages. Skip the deliberate use of -fno-stack-protector. (#1923439)- Annocheck: Fix some problems with tests for missing notes.- Split plugins into separate sub-packages- Add some GO tests to annocheck.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild- Add a future fail for the presence of RPATH in the dynamic tags.- Add the ability to disable the warning message about -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE being missing.- Workaround for elflint problems with PPC compiled files. (#1880634)- Fix bogus AArch64 test failures.- Improved testing by annocheck. Add fixed format message mode.- Fix inconsistency reporting -fcf-protection and -fstack-clash-protection results.- Add support for -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3.- NVR bump in order to allow the new gating tests to be run.- annocheck: When a binary is produced both by GAS and GCC, select GAS as the real producer. (#1906171)- annocheck: Improve test for LTO compiled binaries that do not have -Wall annotations. (#1906171)- annocheck: Mark a missining -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE as a FAIL.- annocheck: Fix notes analyzer to accept empty PPC64 notes.- NVR bump for another ELN sidetag rebuild.- Revert back to previous settings.- Another NVR bump for GCC 11 rebuild.- NVR bump for GCC 11 rebuild.- gcc plugin: Tweak generation of end symbols for PPC64 when LTO is active. (#1898075)- gcc plugin: Add support for GCC 11's cl_vars array.- NVR bump for another ELN sidetag rebuild.- Annocheck: Support enabling/disabling future fails.- GCC plugin: Always record global notes for the .text.startup, .text.exit, .text.hot and .text.cold sections.- Clang plugin: Add -lLLVM to the build command line.- Annocheck: Improve reporting of missing -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE option. (#1898075)- Annocheck: Improve reporting of missing LTO option.- Add detecting of gimple compiled binaries.- Add --without-gcc-plugin option.- Annocheck: Fix bug parsing DW_AT_producer.- Add test of .note.gnu.property section for PowerPC. - Add test of objcopy's ability to merge notes.- NVR bump for another ELN sidetag rebuild.- Record the -flto setting and produce a soft warning if it is absent. - Suppress warnings about _D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS if the source code is known to be something other than C++.- NVR bump to allow building on ELN sidetag.- Correct the directory chosen for 32-bit LLVM and Clang plugins. (#1884951)- Allow the use of the SHF_LINK_ORDER section flag to discard unused notes. (Experimental).- Enable the build and installation of the LLVM and Clang plugins. (Experimental).- gcc-plugin: Fix test for empty PowerPC sections. (#1880634)- NVR bump to allow rebuild against f34-build-side-30319.- annocheck: Add tests for the AArch64 BTI and PAC security features. (#1862478)- gcc plugin: Use a 4 byte offset for PowerPC start symbols, so that they do not break disassemblies.- gcc plugin: Correct the detection of 32-bit x86 builds. (#1876197)- gcc plugin: Detect any attempt to access the global_options array.- gcc plugin: Do not complain about missing pre-processor options when examining a preprocessed input file. (#1862718)- Use more robust checks for AArch64 options.- Detect CLANG compiled assembler that is missing IBT support.- Improved target pointer size discovery.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuild with plugin enabled to check that suppression works.- Add support for installing clang and llvm plugins. - Temporary suppression of aarch64 pointer size check. (#1860549)- Rebuild for gcc 10.2- Annocheck: Do not skip tests of the short-enums notes. (#1743635)- Add (optional) llvm plugin.- Annobin: Fall back on using the flags if the option cannot be found in cl_options. (#1817659)- Annocheck: Detect Fortran compiled programs. (#1824393)- Annobin: If option name mismatch occurs, seach for the real option. (#1817452)- Annocheck: Fix a division by zero error when parsing GO binaries. (#1818863)- Annobin: Fix access to the -flto and -fsanitize flags.- Annobin: Use offsets stored in gcc's cl_option structure to access the global_options array, thus removing the need to check for changes in the size of this structure.- NVR bump to allow rebuilding against new gcc.- Rename gcc plugin directory to gcc-plugin. - Stop annocheck from complaining about missing options when the binary has been built in a mixed environment.- And again, this time with annotation enabled. (#1810941)- NVR bump to enable rebuild against updated gcc. (#1810941)- Improve builtby tool. - Stop annocheck complaining about missing notes when the binary is not compiled by either gcc or clang. - Skip the check of the ENTRY instruction for binaries not compiled by gcc or clang. (#1809656)- Fix infinite loop hangup in annocheck. - Disable debuginfod support by default. - Improve parsing of .comment section.- Fix clang plugin to use hidden symbols.- Add ability to build clang plugin (disabled by default).- Annocheck: Fix error printing out the version number.- Annobin: Add checks of the exact location of the examined switches.- Annobin: Note when stack clash notes are generated. - Annocheck: Handle multiple builder IDs in the .comment section.- Add configure option to suppress building annocheck.- Fix debuginfod test.- Correct the build requirement for building with debuginfod support.- Add debuginfod support.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuild againt latest gcc-10.- Add clang plugin (experimental).- Have annocheck ignore notes with an end address of 0.- Improve checking of gcc versions.- Do not skip positive results.- Generate a WARN result for code compiled with instrumentation enabled. (#1753918)- Replace address checks with dladdr1.- Use libabigail like checking to ensure variable address consistency.- Skip generation of global notes for hot/cold sections.- Generate FAIL results if -Wall or -Wformat-security are missing.- If notes cannot be found in the executable look for them in the debuginfo file, if available. - Generate a FAIL if notes are missing from the executable/debuginfo file. - Record and report the setting of the AArcht64 specific -mbranch-protection option.- Improve detection of GO binaries. - Add gcc version information to annobin notes. - Do not complain about missing FORTIFY_SOURCE and GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS in LTO compilations.- NVR bump to allow rebuild against latest gcc. (#1748529)- Allow compiler used to run tests to be specified on the command line. (#1723401)- Fix a memory allocation error in the annobin plugin. (#1737306)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild- Another attempt at fixing the detection and reporting of missing -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE options. (#1703500)- Rebuild for RPM 4.15- Rebuild for RPM 4.15- Really enable annocheck sub-package- Report a missing -D_FORTIFY_SOUCRE option if -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS was detected. (#1703499) - Do not report problems with -fstack-protection if the binary was not built by gcc or clang. (#1703788)- Add tests of clang command line options recorded in the DW_AT_producer attribute.- Fix test for an executable stack segment. (#1700924)- Rebuild annobin with the latest rawhide gcc sources. (#1700923)- Annobin: Suppress more calls to free() which are triggering memory checker errors. (#1684148)- Add section flag matching ability to section size tool.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild- Use 'with' for rich dependency on gcc- Really fix rhbz#1607430.- Rebuilt with annotations enabled- Fix rpm query for gcc version.- Add an exact requirement on the major version of gcc. (#1607430)- Annobin: Add support for .text.startup and .text.exit sections generated by gcc 9. - Annocheck: Add a note displaying tool.- Annocheck: Skip checks for -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE and -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS if there is no compiler generated code in the binary.- Rebuilt with annotations enabled- Rebuilt for GCC 9- Annocheck: Only skip specific checks for specific symbols. (#1666823) - Annobin: Record the setting of the -fomit-frame-pointer option.- Annocheck: Do not ignore -Og when checking to see if an optimization level has been set. (#1624162)- Annobin: Fix handling of multiple .text.unlikely sections.- Annocheck: Skip gaps in PPC64 executables covered by start_bcax_ symbols. (#1630564)- Annocheck: Disable ENDBR test for shared libraries. (#1652925)- Annocheck: Add test for ENDBR instruction at entry address of x86/x86_64 executables. (#1652925)- Adjust how the gcc_vr macro is set.- Fix building with gcc version 4.- Skip -Wl,-z,now and -Wl,-z,relro checks for non-gcc produced binaries. (#1624421)- Ensure GNU Property notes are 8-byte aligned in x86_64 binaries. (#1645817)- Skip PPC64 linker stubs created in the middle of text sections (again). (#1630640)- Suppress free of invalid pointer. (#1638371)- Skip PPC64 linker stubs created in the middle of text sections. (#1630640)- Reset the (PPC64) section start symbol to 0 if its section is empty. (#1638251)- Also skip virtual thinks created by G++. (#1630619)- Use uppercase for all fail/mayb/pass results. (#1637706)- Generate notes for unlikely sections. (#1630620)- Fix edge case computing section names for end symbols. (#1637039)- Skip dynamic checks for binaries without a dynamic segment. (#1636606)- Delay generating attach_to_group directives until the end of the compilation. (#1636265)- Fix bug introduced in previous delta which would trigger a seg-fault when scanning for gaps.- Annobin: Fix section name selection for startup sections. - Annocheck: Improve gap skipping heuristics. (#1630574)- Fix function section support (again). (#1630574)- Skip compiler option checks for non-GNU producers. (#1633749)- Fix function section support (again). (#1630574)- Ignore ppc64le notes where start = end + 2. (#1632259)- Make annocheck ignore symbols suffixed with ".end". (#1639618)- Reinstate building annobin with annobin enabled. (#1630550)- Tweak tests.- Generate notes and groups for .text.hot and .text.unlikely sections. - When -ffunction-sections is active, put notes for startup sections into .text.startup.foo rather than .text.foo. - Similarly put exit section notes into .text.exit.foo. (#1630574) - Change annocheck's maybe result for GNU Property note being missing into a PASS if it is not needed and a FAIL if it is needed.- Make the --skip-* options skip all messages about the specified test.- Improve error message when an ET_EXEC binary is detected.- Skip failures for PIC vs PIE. (#1629698)- Ensure 4 byte alignment of note sub-sections. (#1629671)- Add timing tool to report on speed of the checks. - Add check for conflicting use of the -fshort-enum option. - Add check of the GNU Property notes. - Skip check for -O2 if compiled with -Og. (#1624162)- Add test for ET_EXEC binaries. (#1625627) - Document --report-unknown option.- Fix bug in hardened tool which would skip gcc compiled files if the notes were too small. - Fix bugs in section-size tool. - Fix bug in built-by tool.- Generate notes for comdat sections. (#1619267)- Add more names to the gap skip list. (#1619267)- Skip gaps covered by _x86.get_pc_thunk and _savegpr symbols. (#1619267) - Merge ranges where one is wholly covered by another.- Skip gaps at the end of functions. (#1619267)- Fix thinko in ppc64 gap detection code. (#1619267)- Skip gaps at the end of the .text section in ppc64 binaries. (#1619267)- Skip checks in stack_chk_local_fail.c - Treat gaps as FAIL results rather than MAYBE.- Skip checks in __stack_chk_local_fail.- Reduce version check to gcc major version number only. Skip compiler option checks if binary not built with gcc. (#1603089)- Fix bug in annobin plugin. Add --section-size=NAME option to annocheck.- rebuild for new gcc- Correct name of man page for run-on-binaries-in script. (#1611155)- Allow $ORIGIN to be at the start of entries in DT_RPATH and DT_RUNPATH.- Add support for big endian targets.- Count passes and failures on a per-component basis and report gaps.- Use our own copy of the targetm.asm_out.function_section() function. (#159861 comment#17)- Generate grouped note section name all the time. (#159861 comment#16)- Fix section conflict problem. (#1603071)- Fix for building with gcc version 4. - Fix symbol placement in functions with local assembler.- Fix assertions in range checking code. Add detection of -U options.- Handle function sections properly. Handle .text.startup and .text.unlikely sections. Improve gap detection and reporting. (#1601055)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild- Fix construction of absolute versions of --dwarf-dir and --debug-rpm options.- Fix buffer overrun when very long symbol names are encountered.- Do not force the generation of function notes when -ffunction-sections is active. (#1598961)- Skip the .annobin_ prfix when reporting symbols. (#1599315)- Use the assembler (c++ mangled) version of function names when switching sections. (#1598579)- Do not call function_section. (#1598961)- Ignore cross-section gaps. (#1598551)- Do not skip empty range notes in object files. (#1598361)- Create the start symbol at the start of the function and the end symbol at the end. (#1596823)- Fix --debug-rpm when used inside a directory.- Use a prefix for all annobin generated symbols, and make them hidden. - Only generate weak symbol definitions for linkonce sections.- Skip some checks for relocatable object files, and dynamic objects. - Stop bogus complaints about stackrealignment not being enabled.- Add -debug-rpm= option to annocheck. - Only use a 2 byte offset for the initial symbol on PowerPC.- Use --dwarf-path when looking for build-id based debuginfo files.- Fix premature closing of dwarf handle.- Fix scoping bug computing the name of a separate debuginfo file.- Fix file descriptor leak.- Add command line options to annocheck to disable individual tests.- Remove C99-ism from annocheck sources.- Add the annocheck program.- Do not use the SHF_GNU_BUILD_NOTE section flag.- Remove .sh extension from shell scripts.- Record the setting of the -mstackrealign option for i686 binaries.- Hide the annobin start of file symbol.- Fix script bug in hardended.sh. (Thanks to: Stefan Sørensen )- Version number bump so that the plugin can be rebuilt with the latest version of GCC.- Rebuild the plugin with the newly created plugin enabled. (#1573082)- Skip the isa_flags check in the ABI test because the crt[in].o files are compiled with different flags from the test files.- Add manual pages for annobin and the scripts.- Do not record a stack protection setting of -1. (#1563141)- Do not complain about a dwarf_version value of -1. (#1557511)- Bias file start symbols by 2 in order to avoid them confused with function symbols. (#1554332) - Version jump is to sync the version number with the annobin plugins internal version number.- Add --ignore-gaps option to check-abi.sh script. - Use this option in the abi-test check. - Tweak hardening test to skip pic and stack protection checks.- Handle functions with specific assembler names. (#1552018)- Add an explicit requirement on the version of gcc used to built the plugin. (#1547260)- Change type and size of symbols to STT_NOTYPE/0 so that they do not confuse GDB. (#1539664) - Add run-on-binaries-in.sh script to allow the other scripts to be run over a repository.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild- Rebase on 3.3 release, which adds support for recording -mcet and -fcf-protection.- Rebuild for GCC 8- Fix the installation of the annobin.info file.- Rebase on 3.2 release, which now contains documentation!- Rebuild against GCC 7.3.1.- Add --with-gcc-plugin-dir option to the configure command line.- Rebase on version 3.1 sources.- Do not generate notes when there is no output file. (#1523875)- Invent an input filename when reading from a pipe. (#1523401)- Use DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME for symbol references (#1519165)- Cleanups in spec- Touch the auto-generated files in order to stop them from being regenerated.- Stop the plugin complaining about compiler datestamp mismatches.- Tweak tests so that they will run on older machines.- Add annobin-tests subpackage containing some preliminary tests. - Remove link-time test for unsupported targets.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636)- Fixes for problems reported by the package submission review: * Add %license entry to %file section. * Update License and BuildRequires tags. * Add Requires tag. * Remove %clean. * Add %check. * Clean up the %changelog. - Update to use version 2 of the specification and sources.- Initial submission. 11.08-1.el811.08-1.el8debug.dwzgcc-toolset-12-annobin-11.08-1.el8.aarch64gcc-toolset-12-annobin-11.08-1.el8.aarch64annocheckannocheck.cannocheck.hbuilt-by.chardened.clibannocheck.hnotes.csize.ctiming.cgcc-pluginaarch64.annobin.ccannobin.ccannobin.h/usr/lib//usr/lib/debug//usr/lib/debug/.dwz//usr/src/debug//usr/src/debug/gcc-toolset-12-annobin-11.08-1.el8.aarch64//usr/src/debug/gcc-toolset-12-annobin-11.08-1.el8.aarch64/annocheck//usr/src/debug/gcc-toolset-12-annobin-11.08-1.el8.aarch64/gcc-plugin/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=09a2aaafe5ff5d56afccbda0b182c5a5197eb08e, with debug_info, not strippedC source, ASCII textC source, UTF-8 Unicode textutf-8527ee27803c0ae18a7b0c3c36e80df97e98359643031fd8faea0afec0ae890a6?p7zXZ !#, ] b2u jӫ`(y/(IB&zJ4µ-xG0]A@K~-oӎ\*v4sJg/ue뗣]rߐ R;|fn2-cط cY7Zz}y>*Z1cͫ^Ѵ*p]?^ʆ룷j{o(GymD5z.j+#KuC"0*|`(1~}y2[&y6@qMƽɱԄ8=)aQa-pQ%qH#l4'/TCTPS  +Cstݓq@ iVjn_|,,E"]Xw>``G_J'r|r ~"j4/d\NKюY-\@N21Gị,F{G˗*J#\)DF ":w9½κ~XFAyTmd[ouvbLpYLPˬ$;}|-vVvC+TNGd`lPJ{QxJM.=M8 ϖn0Nt+䊄"b2n@rUu>J H WY|oҘi5 ֖k7`ag*U]̣GDgUؘY()zi/ξTRJuqڨ>odYxqboLt7K??.xC;JZ< 7'd?S=  #H窩rrWrVEBAiܦi'`6l^Hס([TD"}ͳ( _2^+C=o".2;k[<@ity3NzP)*Ye5>h꙰m13.+6pJ ”Ai`wKW2K K? 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