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Linville - 16.11.2-4John W. Linville - 16.11.2-3John W. Linville - 16.11.2-2Timothy Redaelli - 16.11.2-1Timothy Redaelli - 16.11-4Timothy Redaelli - 16.11-3Kevin Traynor - 16.11-2Panu Matilainen - 16.07-1Flavio Leitner - 16.04-4Panu Matilainen - 2.2.0-3Panu Matilainen - 2.2.0-2Panu Matilainen - 2.2.0-1Panu Matilainen - 2.1.0-5Panu Matilainen - 2.1.0-4Panu Matilainen - 2.1.0-3Panu Matilainen - 2.1.0-2Panu Matilainen - 2.1.0-1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-9Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-8Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-7Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-6Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-5Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-4Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-3Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.2086.git263333bb.2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.2049.git2f95a470.1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.2038.git91a8743e.3Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.2038.git91a8743e.2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.2038.git91a8743e.1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.2022.gitfe4810a0.2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.2022.gitfe4810a0.1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1916.gita001589e.2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1916.gita001589e.1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1911.gitffc468ff.2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1911.gitffc468ff.1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1906.git00c68563.1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1903.gitb67578cc.3Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1903.gitb67578cc.2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1717.gitd3aa5274.2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1698.gitc07691ae.1Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1695.gitc2ce3924.3Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1695.gitc2ce3924.2Panu Matilainen - 2.0.0-0.1695.gitc2ce3924.1Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-15Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-14Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-13Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-12Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-11Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-10Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-9Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-8Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-7Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-6Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-5Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-4Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-3Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-2Panu Matilainen - 1.8.0-1Panu Matilainen - 1.7.0-8Panu Matilainen - 1.7.0-7Panu Matilainen - 1.7.0-6Panu Matilainen - 1.7.0-5Panu Matilainen - 1.7.0-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.7.0-3- John W. Linville - 1.7.0-2- Neil Horman - 1.7.0-1.0- Neil Horman - Neil Horman - 1.7.0- Neil Horman - 1.7.0-0.9.20140603git5ebbb1728- Neil Horman - 1.7.0-0.8.20140603git5ebbb1728- Neil Horman - 1.7.0-0.7.20140603git5ebbb1728- Neil Horman - 1.7.0-0.6.20140603git5ebbb1728- Rebase to 23.11 (RHEL-19584)- Version bump just to be sure it's updated from dpdk-21.11-2.el8_7- Backport fixes for CVE-2022-2132 (#2107171)- Rebase to 21.11 (#2029497)- Fix gating since on DPDK 20.11 testpmd is called dpdk-testpmd- Enable ice PMD for x86_64 (#1927179)- Rebase DPDK to 20.11 using meson build system (#1908446)- Rebase DPDK to 19.11.3 (#1868708)- Rebase DPDK to 19.11.2 (#1836830, #1837024, #1837030, #1837022)- Rebase DPDK to 19.11.1 (#1824905) - Remove dpdk-pmdinfo.py (#1801361) - Add Requires: rdma-core-devel libmnl-devel on x86_64 for dpdk-devel (#1813252)- Remove MLX{4,5} glue libraries since RHEL 8 ships the correct libibverbs library. (#1805140)- Remove /usr/share/dpdk/mk/exec-env/{bsd,linux}app symlinks (#1773889)- Add pretrans to handle /usr/share/dpdk/mk/exec-env/{bsd,linux}app (#1773889)- Rebase to 19.11 (#1773889) - Remove dpdk-pdump (#1779229)- Pass the correct LDFLAGS to host apps (dpdk-pmdinfogen) too (#1755538)- Add fix for wrong pointer calculation to fix Covscan issue - https://cov01.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com/covscanhub/task/135452/log/added.html- Backport "net/virtio: allocate vrings on device NUMA node" (#1700373)- Updated to DPDK 18.11.2 (#1713704)- Backport "net/virtio: allocate vrings on device NUMA node" (#1525039)- Really use the security cflags (copied from Fedora RPM) (#1703985)- Fix basic CI gating test (#1682308) - Add manual gating test (#1682308)- Add basic CI gating test (#1682308)- Set correct offload flags for virtio and allow jumbo frames (#1676646)- Backport NETVSC pmd fixes (#1676534)- Remove meson.build from dpdk-tools - Don't install README and MAINTAINERS in dpdk-doc- Updated to DPDK 18.11 (#1492326): - Updated configs - Added libmnl-devel BuildRequires for Mellanox- Require the Python interpreter directly instead of using the package name - Related: rhbz#1619153- Backport "net/mlx{4,5}: Avoid stripping the glue library" (#1609659)- Use python3 packages on RHEL8 and Fedora - Remove dpdk-pmdinfo (#1494462) - Backport "net/mlx5: fix build with rdma-core v19"- Re-align with DPDK patches inside OVS FDP 18.06 (#1591198)- Fix mlx5 memory region boundary checks (#1581230)- Add 2 missing QEDE patches - Fix previous changelog date- Align with DPDK patches inside OVS FDP 18.06 - Enable BNXT, MLX4, MLX5, NFP and QEDE PMDs - Backport "net/mlx: fix rdma-core glue path with EAL plugins" (only needed on DPDK package)- Backport to forbid IOVA mode if IOMMU address width too small (#1530957)- Backport to protect active vhost_user rings (#1525446)- Real backport of "net/virtio: fix vector Rx break caused by rxq flushing"- Backport "net/virtio: fix vector Rx break caused by rxq flushing"- Enable ENIC only for x86_64- Re-add main package dependency from dpdk-tools - Add explicit python dependency to dpdk-tools- Update to DPDK 17.11 (#1522700) - Use a static configuration file - Remove i686 from ExclusiveArch since it's not supported on RHEL7 - Remove "--without shared" support- Rebuild to pick up all arches- Enable only supported PMDs (#1497384)- Backport "eal/ppc: fix mmap for memory initialization"- Enable i40e driver in PowerPC along with its altivec intrinsic support - Add PCI probing support for vfio-pci devices in Power8- Enable aarch64, ppc64le (#1428587)- Import from fdProd - Update to 16.11.2 (#1459333)- Avoid infinite loop while linking with libdpdk.so (#1434907)- Make driverctl a different package- Update to DPDK 16.11 (#1335865)- Update to DPDK 16.07 (#1383195) - Disable unstable bnx2x driver (#1330589) - Enable librte_vhost NUMA support again (#1279525) - Enable librte_cryptodev, its no longer considered experimental - Change example prefix to dpdk- for consistency with other utilities - Update driverctl to 0.89- Updated to DPDK 16.04- Disable librte_vhost NUMA support for now, it causes segfaults- Use a different quoting method to avoid messing up vim syntax highlighting - A string is expected as CONFIG_RTE_MACHINE value, quote it too - Enable librte_vhost NUMA-awareness- Update DPDK to 2.2.0 final - Add README and MAINTAINERS docs - Adopt new upstream standard installation layout, including dpdk_nic_bind.py renamed to dpdk_nic_bind - Move the unversioned pmd symlinks from libdir -devel - Establish a driver directory for automatic driver loading - Disable CONFIG_RTE_SCHED_VECTOR, it conflicts with CONFIG_RTE_MACHINE default - Disable experimental cryptodev library - More complete dtneeded patch - Make option matching stricter in spec setconf - Update driverctl to 0.59- Fix artifacts from driverctl having different version - Update driverctl to 0.58- Add driverctl sub-package- Enable bnx2x pmd, which buildrequires zlib-devel- Make lib and include available both ways in the SDK paths- Update to dpdk 2.1.0 final - Disable ABI_NEXT - Rebase patches as necessary - Fix build of ip_pipeline example - Drop no longer needed -Wno-error=array-bounds - Rename libintel_dpdk to libdpdk- Drop main package dependency from dpdk-tools- Drop eventfd-link patch, its only needed for vhost-cuse- Drop pointless build conditional, the linker script is here to stay - Drop vhost-cuse build conditional, vhost-user is here to stay - Cleanup comments a bit - Enable parallel build again - Dont build examples by default- Fix potential hang and thread issues with VFIO eventfd- Fix a potential hang due to missed interrupt in vhost library- Drop unused pre-2.0 era patches - Handle vhost-user/cuse selection automatically based on the copr repo name- Dont depend on fuse when built for vhost-user support - Drop version from testpmd binary, we wont be parallel-installing that- Remove the broken kmod stuff - Add a new dkms-based eventfd_link subpackage if vhost-cuse is enabled- Update to 2.0 final (http://dpdk.org/doc/guides-2.0/rel_notes/index.html)- Switch (back) to vhost-user, thus disabling vhost-cuse support - Build requires fuse-devel for now even when fuse is unused- New snapshot - Add spec option for enabling vhost-user instead of vhost-cuse - Build requires fuse-devel only with vhost-cuse - Add virtual provide for vhost user/cuse tracking- Disable vhost-user for now to get vhost-cuse support, argh.- Add a bunch of missing dependencies to -tools- Another day, another snapshot - Disable IVSHMEM support for now- Dont fail build for array bounds warnings for now, gcc 5 is emitting a bunch- Another day, another snapshot - Avoid building pdf docs- Add missing dependency to tools -subpackage- New snapshot - Work around #1198009- Optionally package tools too, some binding script is needed for many setups- New snapshot - Disable kernel module build by default - Add patch to fix missing defines/includes for external applications- New snapshot - Remove bogus devname module alias from eventfd-link module - Whack evenfd-link to honor RTE_KERNELDIR too- Add spec option to build kernel modules too - Build eventfd-link module too if kernel modules enabled- Move config changes from spec after "make config" to simplify things - Move config changes from dpdk-config patch to the spec- Fix warnings tripping up build with gcc 5, remove -Wno-error- Move the unversioned .so links for plugins into main package - New snapshot- Fix missing symbol export for rte_eal_iopl_init() - Only mention libs once in the linker script- Fix gcc version logic to work with 5.0 too- Add spec magic to easily switch between stable and snapshot versions - Add tarball snapshot script for reference - Update to pre-2.0 git snapshot- Disable -Werror, this is not useful behavior for released versions- Fix typo causing librte_vhost missing DT_NEEDED on fuse- Fix vhost library linkage - Add spec option to build example applications, enable by default- Enable librte_acl build - Enable librte_ivshmem build- Drop the private libdir, not needed with versioned libs- Drop symbol versioning patches, always do library version for shared - Add comment on the combined library thing- Add missing symbol version to librte_cmdline- Set soname of the shared libraries - Fixup typo in ld path config file name- Add library versioning patches as another build option, enable by default- Add our libraries to ld path & run ldconfig when using shared libs- Add DT_NEEDED for external dependencies (pcap, fuse, dl, pthread) - Enable combined library creation, needed for OVS - Enable shared library creation, needed for sanity- Include scripts directory in the "sdk" too- Fix -Wformat clash preventing i40e driver build, enable it - Fix -Wall clash preventing enic driver build, enable it- Enable librte_vhost, which buildrequires fuse-devel - Enable physical NIC drivers that build (e1000, ixgbe) for VFIO use- Update to 1.8.0- Always build with -fPIC- Policy compliance: move static libraries to -devel, provide dpdk-static - Add a spec option to build as shared libraries- Avoid variable expansion in the spec here-documents during build - Drop now unnecessary debug flags patch - Add a spec option to build a combined library- Avoid unnecessary use of %global, lazy expansion is normally better - Drop unused destdir macro while at it - Arrange for RTE_SDK environment + directory layout expected by DPDK apps - Drop config from main package, it shouldn't be needed at runtime- Copy the headers instead of broken symlinks into -devel package - Force sane mode on the headers - Avoid unnecessary %exclude by not copying unpackaged content to buildroot - Clean up summaries and descriptions - Drop unnecessary kernel-devel BR, we are not building kernel modules- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Use EXTRA_CFLAGS to include standard Fedora compiler flags in build - Set CONFIG_RTE_MACHINE=default to build for least-common-denominator machines - Turn-off build of librte_acl, since it does not build on default machines - Turn-off build of physical device PMDs that require kernel support - Clean-up the install rules to match current packaging - Correct changelog versions 1.0.7 -> 1.7.0 - Remove ix86 from ExclusiveArch -- it does not build with above changes- Update source to official 1.7.0 release- Fixing up release numbering- Fixed some build errors (empty debuginfo, bad 32 bit build)- Fix another build dependency- Fixed doc arch versioning issue- Added verbose output to build- Initial Build23.11-1.el823.11-1.el8dpdk-cmdline-gen.pydpdk-devbind.pydpdk-hugepages.pydpdk-pmdinfo.pydpdk-rss-flows.pydpdk-telemetry.py/usr/bin/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnuPython script, ASCII text executableRRRRRRutf-8403844d5227e1eec9445c37fe71ab9aa809d0a6b03f2fd0e5ba47ecddb97d430?@7zXZ !#,'_Nv] b2u y-iSqlK^ĭ](P q{=p@YJ "\$Z8ACN?%%$,lsB1Y oV'_L{=B#~Zm-=!؛fEkc0g$u\==K6OTI |E/ҏԓojmi6a2;69;')A#zq/j^ Bԕ5~l#F nqGAF7pM9LKMo]8\:<]L Z$@$2!Tgf )WD;8;RU>=")0H,2^q%C+a{^:̊A^ *3 fb$T+U{q.mh%X1!McX=NAOXũJf#v-8SV7elRѭgZ)wkk9{<"3l(_Q0nW.>GqcߊD=?7д?3o+b̟qYi)fjx$Kݘ*OkJ`ly -N*!)Wv D-KWD6qN/ΒW!:5a_xȗ`[b=4 m\  S@/bTq:fc>Kl^a or$8\~iFS|;o_S#W#f:om K~i3y}]8M<n {hrqR31R[F-e ˊ;͠Ʋ}Jࢌ403iX YlcdG}qLYņ X(lIN^gD}L6 2fȝ'wf}Pvkr6vʬ3/!`LϾ{"L9 e( Pa`>?ﬥ{Ïxɕ8e,ǵjP[%lbrYҵ0]gݬ-ln1wzϙ 5lMnv}gPz͕mAV_.PF kw7W*f*0yF*?^_>6CNw50SR3/J]rH-5q覴yew).TZ![}~}[=\ _"~0uP9,-fl*.zqUue>&Ks,BE ©TT)hsޓԣM3#Fo4'ԞҁbˌZke:윁Rf߻]|/u/ Γ5C>op*ʬ$'" h@  |v;t d.)TB`rV]7}lMf$znC`l(U3}>JǶ?NY:*3e,$ˀVhI\#lڈU^)o'UsU6~L,+YF犝Ʋlʶ520>uZ $s 6F*K?mnX>d36oYݔɕolm {,0Ъ~J_MeJBH( 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