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1:1.8.0-13Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-12Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos - 1:1.8.0-11Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-10Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-9Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-8Jitka Plesnikova - 1:1.8.0-7Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-6Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-5Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-4Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-3Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-2Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.8.0-1Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.7.12-1Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.7.10-1Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.6.2-4Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.6.2-3Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.6.2-2Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.6.2-1Jitka Plesnikova - 1:1.6.1-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.6.1-3Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.6.1-2Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.6.1-1Yaakov Selkowitz - 1:1.6.0-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.6.0-2Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.6.0-1Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.4.7-1Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.4.6-1Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.4.5-2Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.4.5-1Peter Borsa - 1:1.4.4-1Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.4.3-1Jonathan Steffan - 1:1.4.2-3Petr Pisar - 1:1.4.2-2Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.4.2-1Petr Pisar - 1:1.4.1-3Remi Collet - 1:1.4.1-2Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.4.1-1Dan Horák - 1:1.4.0-2Jamie Nguyen - 1:1.4.0-1Jamie Nguyen - 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0.7.67-2Jeremy Hinegardner - 0.7.67-1Marcela Maslanova - 0.7.65-2Jeremy Hinegardner - 0.7.65-1Jeremy Hinegardner - 0.7.64-1- Debrand default pages- Resolves: #1963174 - CVE-2021-23017 nginx:1.16/nginx: Off-by-one in ngx_resolver_copy() when labels are followed by a pointer to a root domain name- Resolves: #1798230 - CVE-2019-20372 nginx:1.16/nginx: HTTP request smuggling via error pages in http/ngx_http_special_response.c- update to 1.16.1 - Resolves: #1745697 - CVE-2019-9511 nginx:1.16/nginx: HTTP/2: large amount of data request leads to denial of service - Resolves: #1745690 - CVE-2019-9513 nginx:1.16/nginx: HTTP/2: flood using PRIORITY frames resulting in excessive resource consumption - Resolves: #1745645 - CVE-2019-9516 nginx:1.16/nginx: HTTP/2: 0-length headers leads to denial of service- Resolves: #1718929 - ssl_protocols config option has faulty behavior in nginx:1.16- new version 1.16.0 - enable ngx_stream_ssl_preread module - main package does NOT require all-modules package- enable TLS 1.3 by default (#1643647) - TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 can be enabled now (#1644746)- fix unexpanded paths in nginx(8) (#1643069)- Resolves: #1655530 - Hardening tests fail for nginx- new version 1.14.1 - Resolves: #1647257 - CVE-2018-16845 nginx: Denial of service and memory disclosure via mp4 module - Resolves: #1647262 - CVE-2018-16844 nginx: Excessive CPU usage via flaw in HTTP/2 implementation - Resolves: #1647263 - CVE-2018-16843 nginx: Excessive memory consumption via flaw in HTTP/2 implementation- fix PKCS#11 support (Anderson Sasaki, #1545526)- add dependency on perl(constant)- Resolves: #1558420 - directory permissions are now correct after processing USR1 signal - Resolves: #1601414 - nginx: drop GeoIP support- add build conditional for geoip support- new version 1.14.0- changed directory permissions (#1558420)- disable gperftools (#1496868)- update branding (#1512565)- Rebuilt for Add patch to apply glibc bugfix if really needed only - Disable strict symbol checks in the link editor- Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- rebuild- own system drop-in directories #1493036- update to 1.12.1 (#1469924) - enable http_auth_request_module (Tim Niemueller, #1471106)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Perl 5.26 rebuild- new version 1.12.0- update to upstream release 1.10.3- update to upstream release 1.10.2- update to upstream release 1.10.1- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Enable AIO on aarch64 (rhbz 1258414)- only Require nginx-all-modules for EPEL and current Fedora releases- update to upstream release 1.10.0 - split dynamic modules into subpackages - spec file cleanup- Rebuilt for update to upstream release 1.8.1 - CVE-2016-0747: Insufficient limits of CNAME resolution in resolver - CVE-2016-0746: Use-after-free during CNAME response processing in resolver - CVE-2016-0742: Invalid pointer dereference in resolver- consistently use '%global with_foo' style of logic - remove PID file before starting nginx (#1268621)- Use nginx-mimetypes from mailcap (#1248736) - Mark LICENSE as %license- also build with gperftools on aarch64 (#1258412)- nginx.conf: added commented-out SSL configuration directives (#1179232)- switch back to /bin/kill in logrotate script due to SELinux denials- fix path to png in error pages (#1232277) - optimize png images with optipng- replace /bin/kill with /usr/bin/systemctl kill in logrotate script (#1231543) - remove in nginx.service (#1231543) - replace ExecStop with KillSignal=SIGQUIT in nginx.service (#1231543)- Perl 5.22 rebuild- revert previous change- move default server to default.conf (#1220094)- add TimeoutStopSec=5 and KillMode=mixed to nginx.service - set worker_processes to auto - add some common options to the http block in nginx.conf - run nginx-upgrade on package update - remove some redundant scriptlet commands - listen on ipv6 for default server (#1217081)- improve nginx-upgrade script- add --with-pcre-jit- update to upstream release 1.8.0- update to upstream release 1.7.12- update to upstream release 1.7.10 - remove systemd conditionals- fix package ownership of directories- add vim files (#1142849)- create nginx-filesystem subpackage (patch from Remi Collet) - create /etc/nginx/default.d as a drop-in directory for configuration files for the default server block - clean up nginx.conf- update to upstream release 1.6.2 - CVE-2014-3616 nginx: virtual host confusion (#1142573)- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for add logic for EPEL 7- update to upstream release 1.6.1 - (#1126891) CVE-2014-3556: SMTP STARTTLS plaintext injection flaw- Fix FTBFS on aarch64 (#1115559)- Rebuilt for update to upstream release 1.6.0- update to upstream release 1.4.7- update to upstream release 1.4.6- avoid multiple index directives (#1065488)- update to upstream release 1.4.5- Update to upstream release 1.4.4 - Security fix BZ 1032267- update to upstream release 1.4.3- Add in conditionals to build for non-systemd targets- Perl 5.18 rebuild- update to upstream release 1.4.2- Perl 5.18 rebuild- rebuild for new GD 2.1.0- update to upstream release 1.4.1 (#960605, #960606): CVE-2013-2028 stack-based buffer overflow when handling certain chunked transfer encoding requests- gperftools exist only on selected arches- update to upstream release 1.4.0 - enable SPDY module (new in this version) - enable http gunzip module (new in this version) - enable google perftools module and add gperftools-devel to BR - enable debugging (#956845) - trim changelog- update to upstream release 1.2.8- make sure nginx directories are not world readable (#913724, #913735)- update to upstream release 1.2.7 - add .asc file- use 'kill' instead of 'systemctl' when rotating log files to workaround SELinux issue (#889151)- uncomment "include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf by default but leave the conf.d directory empty (#903065)- add comment in nginx.conf regarding "include /etc/nginf/conf.d/*.conf" (#903065)- use correct file ownership when rotating log files- send correct kill signal and use correct file permissions when rotating log files (#888225) - send correct kill signal in nginx-upgrade- update to upstream release 1.2.6- update to upstream release 1.2.5- update to upstream release 1.2.4 - introduce new systemd-rpm macros (#850228) - link to official documentation not the community wiki (#870733) - do not run systemctl try-restart after package upgrade to allow the administrator to run nginx-upgrade and avoid downtime - add nginx man page (#870738) - add nginx-upgrade man page and remove README.fedora - remove chkconfig from Requires(post/preun) - remove initscripts from Requires(preun/postun) - remove separate configuration files in "/etc/nginx/conf.d" directory and revert to upstream default of a centralized nginx.conf file (#803635) (#842738)- update to upstream release 1.2.3- Rebuilt for Perl 5.16 rebuild- update to upstream release 1.2.1- Perl 5.16 rebuild- update to upstream release 1.2.0- add nginx-upgrade to replace functionality from the nginx initscript that was lost after migration to systemd - add README.fedora to describe usage of nginx-upgrade - nginx.logrotate: use built-in systemd kill command in postrotate script - nginx.service: start after and - nginx.service: remove unnecessary references to config file location - nginx.service: use /bin/kill instead of "/usr/sbin/nginx -s" following advice from nginx-devel - nginx.service: use private /tmp- fix incorrect postrotate script in nginx.logrotate- renable auto-cc-gcc patch due to warnings on rawhide- update to upstream release 1.0.15 - no need to apply auto-cc-gcc patch - add %global _hardened_build 1- update to upstream release 1.0.14 - amend some %changelog formatting- update to upstream release 1.0.13 - amend --pid-path and --log-path- change pid path in nginx.conf to match systemd service file- fix %pre scriptlet- update upstream URL - replace %define with %global - remove obsolete BuildRoot tag, %clean section and %defattr - remove various unnecessary commands - add systemd service file and update scriptlets - add Epoch to accommodate %triggerun as part of systemd migration- Update to 1.0.12- Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if resolver got a big DNS response. Thanks to Ben Hawkes. - Bugfix: in cache key calculation if internal MD5 implementation wasused; the bug had appeared in 1.0.4. - Bugfix: the module ngx_http_mp4_module sent incorrect "Content-Length" response header line if the "start" argument was used. Thanks to Piotr Sikora.- Update to new 1.0.8 stable release- Update nginx to Latest Stable Release- Perl mass rebuild- Perl 5.14 mass rebuild- Update to 1.0.0- Rebuilt for Extract out default config into its own file (bug #635776)- Revert ownership of log dir- Change ownership of /var/log/nginx to be 0700 nginx:nginx - update init script to use killproc -p - add reopen_logs command to init script - update init script to use nginx -q option- Fix linking of perl module- Update to new stable 0.8.53- add Provides: webserver (bug #619693)- Update to new stable 0.7.67 - fix bugzilla #591543- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- Update to new stable 0.7.65 - change ownership of logdir to root:root - add support for ipv6 (bug #561248) - add random_index_module - add secure_link_module- Update to new stable 0.7.64/bin/ -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=dc59dae0645bea227e1e419dec1eb784f732541b, strippedASCII textRRRRRR utf-808c9666e4ff7b79ec7482788f335de3eac31a610ee6ca64c2f3ddb81bb082684nginx:1.16:8040020210610090125:9f9e2e7e?7zXZ !#,K&2] b2u jӫ`(y,xoĂ{܃fɟOmCAF3@4/R]/WWH&"[ ԟi '=!y!5Uh,vFŊ_׹QLsYU- _7_CYn\!nԩWkE2+ÁG5]N30 6?ګnTgD? ۹7c$D'Ij7r{$0ӣLP"&MOcЃܺ'q+(ްBoƫ9Z0̴ ߦ^@jo;' z"z`,4J;kv9,IXXpZ>pBD7k%9dt!CP#KEB,|[+(sۘ{XqكWaͭnzb u[Ts:*&:nU9[؇ nIt`cݸzX ꡏ#p/<' D&Z`pe9r֪z0G!޹ηR ":Z1ߛrѨ8m.bY"w6v»!8!'j͹CCCɲ{*I3ʕx0k$zp]L7ۈ8nܟpL/Ϛ˽ n(XZPJopjH{aaj"|K*410Pg|Q"ׅ續TIbBBPzѪ#Xd ob${HoRgO0yWAr ֻ11= mmR7 oV%62ש?L*iPKsʍtpF;N!F:JAJA#Ysp6uX.{}Zh j! +^30w0&+!+Cq,arUB"xYh ym/POi]D"EF}2yĊ܎㑫E#T9)̈P>L>ES,6z?v; `&7uaV .{9?`E)wnƗJ fȁ;xX@ٸ8aJ3((G^Tu%.]6-AZXj}]*r qXp1m QUa,J5Z/[6U@ ꁊp$x"-<344"y2`2)=kZ>(mF,A\06@ } ^bmوh 64״\|?nL76=hB.Z" Ym]qj}h\JvBPrg'UGF{$K" ]ܰ`;Y઴ki <}.D#&s_ʯǰ[ʗ3 4ܼ/ :gUña[cd4YQҮuZܘ(:-|6L7xqCoxܐ dע*j&z|;Rlf?$.U>YdA|L b`/Y_0ߧ0p Vy0ÞzL3710,퉝i8^C%ַ 4YJ: xLಏȨJ8MXMUYyTSkbk Д{k<%oC9bơa.bZ82>f51^*r\@M2z_b4B 7tK.t9b8qO = o3F^U¢p7'`^k6g=.cq%C(5NٟAo~Dt,Wg*`xrz־aM"af`yznGs:La{ ^몭-=ָ(YG]=+~Xuٓ}8y`𺚰u q'L ls6cxƂAhm>:I*RKʰqj qPjJGa59r&pOEY,z@~Qe#@}I@v<־BiEhV9#?q Dk;:sKPv7|4@ΆdTz<[9[ K2+#[b3Sٌޤ@/`jиԴ7fn5 8$`)*c3-ԜEvĭP`D=܇Mt^gMzJ0.KuBc2ni~LջYZNu)~y6ךV\|fgOJ:!-k6C^|྅+k{mήɱq Wلv]1_i')qU^?1IzZ*|Df6}1RFAu'f3_*`:wBƇ !8QmWL~CN&Bn+ud`>swqҀBUh%8vC̻1," l7|דLtC;t}ڒNi&5RԬL^n֚̓&ZMr`N@?*/JB>̔żE/,) "1"rɻF5+WVFKwFWʲV =` R[Us*sF)UA(PMTűL ~ɃSm}J-$/Cd#fy=N>u%< B7ٔSiR/qkߓWB* 댫USukoQs_gooc.G `RdI/+qzh\9{-3Z&`mf~@՛ZsŒPp- "̓PdK >b< SE=Qq?aG^*~~5֞mx %"&#,BB[ݖB^!_ҟ'}I P6$m9z9'_ĭp=sfK{Vo-̮O$ou?R&$8 5t<$HÿNL'NbT i|U`94$o5^zNN{oQfwg@1X01[i#:U tZ@r=­ wE 4s8xFj > {Hh$/pF%եI^-!H$X[*=‚hVC[尽*tɢ\c2SAZ9<1ir8kiH 6h]5盢"dQ`_6i΂]1TC? >Qf6#@ BwM GT>m>,>`E+i8fu-X5D+Hxj<ƿ{=5b;{ lH6'y>io I) a8dN}_Fyd,rR-ʍ1gxe-0M4H MMOڍv3w$_TPߋYJ!8t+(JT;B8&>x_u-O~1Lҡ11zW݌N W̩I~ړwUk*ee ;l%w  *_5#:~י;vA=3<;j*37'y 9 z+l&Zjf#sBA-m]_̼xgsVd3cˑ':w`7n593ڢ(T2<]QHЗ7q~ڽӡTxĸE>y8-mV:T\dVۅ‰'؂-fSQ9g5KsӺaFWёup@K4m5cz| 3`eu?%zxOcN0)pS+C+'\\C Uƿ2gG}j3"c A@xD-bPp [4h7YDy'㪎d wX^f "%b.?`n(|Z<.89EIai[‰K2g[O'1!{}HKztWl[B3Ȳª+}׉b1{6@p 2SvbWшb!!E1-ʂ3@qN_}=#2jן6Ya,J 1 Z̙=qV\S9UXU=qʩ꿉>r# C`Ia!a [) :nr4E+e IdC825g)BPe ⴘI^,f˖/ppp%UlRHu+⵩]fW z6.K:Elr5,eM Mo\I%3%1A4dq qc>KY! 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