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This is possible, but neither documented nor supported by INTEL. May be your motherboard's BIOS is mapping shadow ram this way, or you are using one of those old and strange EMM managers, but probably this is an indication of a not exactly compatible 486 clone. If you are not using one of the older EMM-managers you better should use the -clone switch to work around. $WARNING: Not enough free memory (load buffer size)$ WARNING: The setup buffer of LOADLIN is too small (must recompile)$ WARNING: Option -f set, CPU-Check bypassed !$ f`>etPSe>!e[Xf`.>et.>eu.e .>et @.fe>fl>f;lwfaLOADLIN v1.6e (C) 1994..2002 Hans Lermen $ (C) 2008..2010 Samuel Thibault $comspecwindirNot enough free memory between 90000h and 9ffffh, may be you have some zombie programs, try to reboot. If this doesn't help, try to find out what driver occupies this space. $Please enter name of kernel image file followed by optional command line parameters for Linux (e.g. root=XXXX) or @file ( file = param file ) or "empty string" to abort: $LOADLIN aborted by user $Image file not found, $enter file name of Image: $not an Image file, $Your current configuration needs interception of "setup.S," but the setup-code in your Image file is *very* old (or wrong) Please use BIOSINTV/REALBIOS or try an other Image file $Ooops..., size of "setup.S" has become too long for LOADLIN, please E-mail this condition to ! $not enough memory below 90000h to load kernel $IO Error during load $Insert floppy disk for loading into RAMDISK $ CPU is in V86-mode (may be WINDOWS, EMM386, QEMM, 386MAX, ...) You need pure 386/486 real mode or a VCPI server to boot Linux VCPI is supported by most EMS drivers (if EMS is enabled), but never under WINDOWS-3.1 or WINDOWS'95. (However, real DOS-Mode of WINDOWS'95 can have EMS driver with VCPI) If loading via VCPI you also MUST have: 1. An interceptable setup-code (see MANUAL.TXT) 2. Identical Physical-to-Virtual mapping for the first 640 Kbytes $You need a 386 CPU at minimum, but you haven't ! $error on reading command line response file $ Option -t set, Linux not loaded $ ERROR detected, Linux not loaded $ LOADLIN holding in idle loop (You must reboot) $ USAGE: LOADLIN @params LOADLIN [zimage_file] [options] [boot_params] without any params, LOADLIN displays this help message. @params: params is a DOS file containing all other options zimage_file: DOS file name of compressed Linux kernel image options: -v verbose, show information on params and configuration -t test mode, do all but starting Linux, also sets -v -d file debug mode, same as -t, but duplicates output to "file" -clone ( Please read MANUAL.TXT before using this switch! ) -n no translation for root=/dev/... -txmode switch to textmode 80x25 on startup -noheap disable use of setup heap -wait=nn after loading wait nn (DOS)ticks before booting Linux -dskreset after loading reset all disks before booting Linux boot_params: root=xxx filesystem to be mounted by Linux as "/" (string passed unchanged to the kernel) xxx = hex number (e.g. root=201 for /dev/fd1) = /dev/mmmn (e.g. root=/dev/hda2) mmm = fd,hda,hdb,sda,sdb... n = 1..10.. decimal ro mount "/" readonly rw mount "/" read/write initrd=x (for kernels > 1.3.72) load file x into /dev/ram. If FS in x contains /linuxrc, execute it, and then remount to root=xxx. If root=/dev/ram, just load, bypass execution of /linuxrc for more boot params see PARAMS.TXT or Paul Gortmakers HOWTO: $f`fjjjjjfUjjh.f&z{ܕffii(.f6efi g0Ў؎.f&z{F f .fifaPwXËeffff fFƁ4% ffffFǁ % fff  "fffff ffffPfVfWfQ.6f..&.> f. .&6fYf_f^fXÍtPS.fe.eC/e.feSR.f>et.e .e t .eZ[f f1PSR.e .e t.e.fZ[Xؗo Cannot lock XMS memory $PSR.e .e.e .eZ[Xfs ff`fffrf>>e>f>1f>1>frf66e6f61f6166 .efaf`ff1ff1fffffaf`feff ffeff ff+ ff ff>f>itG.>er>..e@Dt3.feffffffffff fffaø-v#ffffffffff뷀>etfRgfrffff fZf>fvBfff ff; fs f fÀ>ftfffffRgf%fZf1Ҁ>f>f>ffPSfQRUfVfWҳrf͉ffrGgIr?sfffffQfffYffrgf_f^]ZfY[fX,>ffPSfQRUfVfWҳsfnjfffffff>fՉff-rYfefrJsffffr f>efffffffffffrf>eff;f_f^]ZfY[fXÀ>ft.SfWֳf޳>ҳLJfֳff_[À>fSfWfҳftOfuFfPfQfVfWsfnjfffffff_f^fYfXffҳֳKff_[f`f.>fu!f1fffffa rfnjffff(ffa>!N Out of memory (may be low or extended) $.>ef`>f="!effeff%fffrff ffff)f%fe>fu'f=vff+%f9rfef+%f9sMff>efeoegr.f9u)>!fafa3f@feff؞ can't open image file for initrd $ no place after kernel for initrd $ warning: loading above 16MB using INT15 $ IO-error while reading initrd $ no support in setup for reading initrd $QRfVB11!PRB11!fYZB!ff^ZYPQW1>?$[ڳܳ_YX i`i`Loadlin-1.6e