moarvm-0.2019.07.1-2.el8 >
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F G D H L I T R X \ \ ] d ^ d e f C moarvm 0.2019.07.1 2.el8 Meta-model On A Runtime Virtual Machine Short for "Metamodel On A Runtime", MoarVM is a virtual machine built
especially for Rakudo Perl 6 and the NQP Compiler Toolchain. MoarVM is a
back-end for NQP.
MoarVM already stands out among the various Rakudo and NQP compilation
targets by typically:
Running the Perl 6 specification test suite fastest
Having the lowest memory usage
Having the best start-up time
Being fastest to build both NQP and Rakudo - and thus in theory your
Perl 6 and NQP programs too! ]7[ OOVFedora Project Fedora Project Artistic 2.0 Fedora Project Unspecified MoarVM-2019.07.1.tar.gz linux aarch64 O0c ];߹]6253c945ee6b589ede6949b8e77814542befcbc326190e18ef549634db4955988 2c55e679e9abeafc1095c4cbf6d7e8a6769ee5014f7feb91b9b5a6cb8af93bea mockbuild mockbuild mock mock
gcc libffi-devel perl(Data::Dumper) perl(ExtUtils::Command) perl(Pod::Usage) perl(autodie) python3-markdown rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) rpmlib(FileDigests) 3.0.4-1 4.6.0-1 4.14.2 ]4@\\[@Z@ZmY@YFk@Y]Y.XJVT@U@Ua@U`kU;U;TÉ@T@T k@S0Sj @S`S[S9XS2@S&S"@S@Gerd Pokorra 0.2019.07.1-2 Gerd Pokorra 0.2019.07.1-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2019.03-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2018.10-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2018.04.1-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2018.04-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2017.08.1-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2017.06-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2017.04-2 Gerd Pokorra 0.2017.04-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2016.11-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2016.01-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2015.06-1 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.2015.05-2 Gerd Pokorra 0.2015.05-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2015.04-2 Gerd Pokorra 0.2015.04-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.12-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.04-6 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.04-5 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.04-4 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.04-3 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.04-2 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.04-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.03-2 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.03-1 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.02-3 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.02-2 Gerd Pokorra 0.2014.02-1 - add the header directories libtommath and libuv for epel8 - update to 2019.07.1
- build on epel8 - update to 2019.03 - update to 2018.10
- add BuildRequires perl(Data::Dumper) - update to 2018.04.1, that fix denormals and precision issues in Num parser
- include the libatomic_ops header files, which are needed for EPEL - update to 2018.04
- change the remove of the libatomic_ops sources to the new different directory - change the work around of libtommath and add the definition of
- update to 2017.08.1 - use the environment variables CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
- update to 2017.06 - add $RPM_OPT_FLAGS to cflags again (bug #1448686) - use the option has-libffi
- update to 2017.04 - build on epel7
- update to 2016.11 - sha1, msinttypes and tinymt header files will no longer installed
- update to 2016.01 - add HTML files and man-page generation
- change Summary text
- update to 2015.06 - Rebuilt for - 3rdparty/linenoise is gone, no readline are used
- update to 2015.05 - change MoarVM build to that NQP builds on top - update to 2015.04 - update to 2014.12
- add pkgconfig/moar.pc file
- --libdir option could used - add BuildRequies: perl(ExtUtils::Command) perl(autodie)
- rebuild to solve dependency - remove of libtommath 3rdparty source files
- remove of libatomic_ops only if fedora > 20 - add 'BuildRequires: libatomic_ops-devel >= 7.4'
- first remove of 3rdparty source files - modify so that the Fedora specific flags for cflags and ldflags
will be written to the Makefile
- make lib64 directory creation more general - add optimize flag to
- add CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to make
- change summary tag - update to 2014.04
- remove patches that are included in upstream
- add BuildRequires perl(Pod::Usage) - add patch to have more configuration flags
- call with has-libatomic_ops - update to 2014.03
- call with has-sha and add BuildRequires sha-devel
- call with has-libuv and add BuildRequires libuv-devel
- exclude libuv and sha1 header file
- exclude header files for Microsoft Visual Studio (msinittypes) - call with use-readline flag
- add BuildRequires readline-devel and libtommath-devel
- exclude linenoise and libtommath header file
- add patch to link with libtommath from the system and use it as a flag - improve devel package tags
- description is no longer than 80 chars per line any more
- RPM_BUILD_ROOT cleanup is removed - create initial spec file from the template 'rpmdev-newspec moarvm'
- add changing permission of
- add Group tag
- add devel-subpackage 1570191195 MoarVM-2019.07.1.tar.gz moarvm.spec cpio gzip 9 utf-8 fab453f5945d1d24f0d591f7631b2732b799afbde4b4425b40b659936de7100a ? zCp.dl6ضm6^ضb۶mv궇4U]U p kr2`b3e1657 XY ,/0q_&`.G`b p00193XxFA/^u_o40p)LrQkx4Tu&昒sa͑c