atril-caja-1.26.2-1.el8 > 6 6_6 3!y덏%!E/֡ep\ !E/֡8P> `wr:ޘz k?VCSR*ɇ1[ŔL=. [}n/АJOE%)|:8?}}ՠ_0d `%FtӖg{0(B_+~EmMmX>oP?@8bmp\I~W6H:^mJn[UFꔠb?nC2[qwORo6لx9C>$kגe X^TR2p=<?<d   B#2M \h    Q \E(z8q9Hq:qG7H7I7X7Y7\8]8(^8b9d:=e:Bf:El:Gt:`u:tv:w;8x;Ly;` ;;;;<Catril-caja1.26.21.el8Mate-document-viewer extension for cajaThis package contains the mate-document-viewer extension for the caja file manager. It adds an additional tab called "Document" to the file properties;Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MITFedora ProjectUnspecifiedhttp://mate-desktop.orglinuxaarch64E -AA큤e~e~e~ezeN911f3988cd64ada572d9866a0e942ab20873df25497fe5b7dab1de4344285465eb4c65b7a314c96316b38bc889faa82c27511bbc491d3e9282387dc4e5a70edf../../../../usr/lib64/caja/extensions-2.0/libatril-properties-page.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootatril-1.26.2-1.el8.src.rpmatril-cajaatril-caja(aarch-64)    @atril(aarch-64)` @`Y@`@_^(@^B@^8 @^0"@^!]]@]@]8H@\\}@\R@\[P}@[GB[Z2@ZZ0@Zz@ZX@ZR ZN@Z@Z@Y@Y@YW@Y@Y@YYx@YX@X•@X@XXF@X,J@WW@W@Wu WYZ@W@MW0{WX@WV@V1VVV^@V<@V(UAU@Ua@UHU@T@T@TTL@T9T)IS@S@Sہ@SR@SSU@S)SSR@RUR߲R@RH@RY9R@QQQQ@QQQ2Q@QQ\QJ@P*P@Pp@P;a@PSPSOiOiOaO]@ObObO?@Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.26.2-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.26.1-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.26.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24.1-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.24.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24.0-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24.0-3Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.24.0-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 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1.8.0-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.7.90-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - Ulbrich - 1.7.1-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.7.1-0.1.git20140122.26539f8Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.7.0-0.2.git20131120.26539f8Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.7.0-0.1.git26539f8Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.1-6Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.1-5Rex Dieter - 1.6.1-4Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.6.1-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.1-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.0-6Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.0-5Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.0-4Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.0-3Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.0-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.0-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.5.0-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.5.0-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1:1.4.0-0102Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.4.0-0101Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.4.0-0100Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.4.0-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.4.0-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.2.1-3Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.2.1-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.2.1-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.2.0-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.1.1-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.1.1-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.1.0-1- update to 1.26.2- update to 1.26.1 release- initial build for epel8 - disable synctex support - update to 1.26.0 release- Rebuilt for update to 1.24.1- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for drop libglade2 build requires- update to 1.24.0- update to 1.23.2- Rebuilt for Rebuild for poppler-0.84.0- update to 1.22.3- use - Reset text selection after Drag and Drop- update to 1.22.2- Rebuilt for update to 1.22.1- update to 1.22.0- Rebuilt for test 1.20.3- Add BuildRequires gcc-c++- Rebuilt for update to 1.20.2 - use webkit2gtk3-devel for f28- update to 1.20.1- fix for rhbz (#1554134)- update to 1.20.0 release - drop desktop-database rpm scriptlet - drop GSettings Schema rpm scriptlet - drop IconCache Schema rpm scriptlet - switch to using autosetup- Rebuilt for Adapt to the webkitgtk4 rename- Remove obsolete scriptlets- update to 1.19.6 - fixes update to 1.19.5- fix rhbz (#1513826)- update to 1.19.4- update to 1.19.3 release- update to 1.19.2 release- update to 1.19.1 release- remove virtual provides- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update to 1.19.0 release- update to 1.18.0 release- update to 1.17.1 release- Rebuilt for fix running under gnome-wayland session- update 1.17.0 release- update to 1.16.1 release- update to 1.16.0 release- update to 1.15.3 release- update to 1.15.2 release- update to 1.15.1 release- update to 1.15.0 release - switch to gtk+3- update to 1.14.1 release - fix for revert fix for rhbz (#1303999), which introduced regressions- fix for rhbz (#1303999)- update to 1.14.0 release- update to 1.13.1 release- update to 1.13.0 release- Rebuilt for update to 1.12.2 release- update to 1.12.1 release - removed upstreamed patch- update to 1.12.0 release - fix regression with dvi documents, update to 1.11.0 release - drop runtime require mate-icon-theme - add runtime require mathjax for epub- update to 1.10.2 release- update to 1.10.1 release- Rebuilt for update to 1.10.0 release- update to 1.9.90 release- update to 1.9.2 release- update to 1.9.1 release - remove atril_epub-mimetypes.patch- Don't build against t1lib, freetype is sufficient (#852489)- update to 1.9.0 - Add epub support (part of GSoC 2014). - Use MateAboutDialog from libmate-desktop - remove upstreamed patches - add configure patch- enable thumbnailer support and use a -thumbnailer subpackage for it - fix rhbz (#1150875)- update to 1.8.1 release- Rebuilt for disable thumbnailer- rebuild to obsolete mate-document-viewer correctly- Rebuilt for gobject-introspection 1.41.4- Rebuilt for fix rhbz (#1082143)- fix rhbz (#999912) - use better conditionals for obsoleting mate-document-viewer- Update to 1.8.0- update to 1.7.90 - no need of autoreconf anymore- update to 1.7.2 release - add autoreconf to fix building- update to 1.7.1 release - add gtk-doc dir for release builds- update to git snapshot from 2014.01.22- make Maintainers life easier and use better git snapshot usage, Thanks to Björn Esser - use modern 'make install' macro - limit obsoletes/provides- rename to atril - use 1.7 git snaphot - fix rpm scriptlets- fix rhbz (#1005519)- rebuild for mate-desktop package split - add runtime require mate-desktop-libs, fix #974791 - change caja subpackage requires - remove -libs subpackage requires to main package - add icon cache scriplets for internal icons - use autoreconf instead of autogen- fix deps so main pkg isn't multilib'd - workaround libtool breakage - .spec cleanup- fix obsoleting old -data subpackage- Rebuilt for update to 1.6.1 - remove -data subpackage - remove NOCONFIGURE=1 ./ line- add require mate-desktop, fix #974791- remove isa tag from -data subpackage requires- remove gsettings convert file - create -data noarch subpackage - move docs in -data subpackage - move help dir in -data subpackage - move locale in -data subpackage- remove -dvi, -djvu, -xps subpackages and move the libs to -libs subpackage - add Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} to -libs subpackage - remove sed commands for desktop file - add hicolor-icon-theme require - fix last changelog date - rename atril to mate-document-viewer in summarys and descriptions - to avoid rpmlint warnings - rename evince to mate-document-viewer in description - update description - fix mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs in spec file - move additional doc files to valid doc dir- use libmate-keyring-devel as BR instead of mate-keyring-devel - fix spelling-error in %description of -devel subpackage - fix gsettings schema rpm scriptlets- update to 1.6.0- initial build for fedora- build against official fedora - update to 1.5.0 - remove scrollkeeper BR - remove mate-conf schema directory - remove upstreamed mate-document-viewer_change_ev_api_version.patch - remove epoch- add epoch - add desktop-file-validate - remove (noreplace) from schema files- improve and review spec file - own include dir - add mate-document-viewer_change_ev_api_version.patch - fix license information - add ChangeLog - fix description - fix unused-direct-shlib-dependency - fix scriplet section- build for f18- rebuild for f17 and f18- update to 1.4.0- test build- Silence rpm scriptlet output in fc17- update to 1.2.1- update to 1.2.0- rebuild for enable builds for .i686- updated to 1.1.1 version- atril.spec based on evince-2.32.0-4.fc14 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ce201d413930cfb31333d943116bd8e458d30c6c, strippedUTF-8 Unicode text PRRRRR R RR RRR !#,?s'G] b2u jӫ`(y/`_O`Q #Z^I&r f-I*mg2 -֑{d>oX T!x֠ xpc"=}sՊFlVjoF$| lB`ӱMDŽh*j=G+'vgsjFߑ/CZS"Q(AT.$F^̎f8ig0;+u^0(OK, .>(Pw+8F7rҀ bn68e1;MzBRJpXqE3֍[#r9:5ama檎5yW]k"zsy` | H|1o )Nwa19P+s>;4H{;Pe%OA72s :iveOMGSG+1d(6/ӹK5'iFB@Qg/F:u~IfGV߮dp Z:H*@GE6sF[][ioA. %VI5 LU`|\Abv) Y#,UY'3T/@ ]gʆȞ>܊4Z" $JgS&@qO9*A0| tۂjQ `B65S''COJ}@\hiA#ȶ7 XQa-*{z'-+ GІtW /5Ű?N T$B¤8&~8K9sOT.6eIs2t8]VZݻqhx^곜Mp>NJ1F cE "`RR-h I6lμa͇FjKQ,;4S W_ Кf* |zP:$./fSMOa!M}}9\};c#gùÔt06Ropi-U>C Il?#51gIxNMaŕ9gmLx G~xn|d#_!_l-b?7n9.5tIq[N6.$/ICǞa(ܕVD狪}L܄%K9#S$7C\iM %/NIy()r-aONfAē!wf.NO\a,A+mo9t~4ޛJ2>.N[owPcGdKkM%Z*$@ "K:ٲM5 _݄eNk*-k 8s\]CEs, L.LLHՌWGJ9gúsXv&:xS8%O(bW'p)SA*/(poY 7{ny/?:JoR^ņy`a."PFV:t5ĵ=*HgÇ6W$DNelEπި=^.d,i. f 3֍jN\°,F@c9\+R ɕٰAy7hzT~/d)k l̾259&MAf)S|:؍}hU#p]AAd=8^c}:cg[33}'A6KWlO᧠gJvk1:qި4PqXЇRe>YKp;`kﭬyN(TuÃrYO"$K_V&a87H yZM:g ̼;ܹ.ƛO;ψMM4+5OUkmo&>lccֳZkHQ䛲%];xɸNwpv<F]9I:S'7%^.TyiBۋgk{VQdmXa42*Q[J~wEDYe^FraVK~ NrkCcNyac!YAْ[Ag o?L)K\C֞; 9֓,1[־apӹ@T_Yp_[9Zc OP7!خ^O\d;'g/8&X`q(OYZ݋{]7FWVΛb%_2Q \fgHZ=b2<OP2%q:D/D$$fg* s..ld>G{TO@}uVPeh6͑h m`E/1tB9pwx^b2Τzryte=_SĹ` ްVٛ.lcH=ތjZ{8]<[YLh`:WH#䲲)6+LANQ^bqGl _V(`//t9"{^VHScl.m ]Urqh3ιh6B`ߜ )aQ͖ a\G2:c9UN}䚊&m|IZyf.'QjƸ!턴Nd߯{?oмSp%(!.ڸDO GOz&JUB1eS#2goQǏL 4o/f:iEbܕ$>\kVZCu Zq:!+2>)Ɇۃgcj3H5 nJf#;S)QxB6m}T(EyM75,jj4bAfwTغdXb2Q \0^#9~0vuh}:W3`k?ηAX9qe t$ٜ)M'Kڅ5knǚ G4fN ZGASv.F@DstX8EKR1TlWҶNvQ6U߮% ߐѧ3]pw P4nEp<6#,!e$0,]rH )lU&)\۫Y)7Bʪnh0Z.g9frqA&.5i#]gʃ/O^!tŬ4" ἂtun,EJ|QNiTOI.Rw3oDnfDq|jO䀹7OxRBG2hJe'8@\LNA[HC}s&o]`~s: `kWli dH*VJ@H7JX Ps}b5QX.͂l]ih>ERBgBsb\8E2,@)aT s.Y)ȂT`XA՟.h%65pp2:)k&Bv!U&Ԋi6A{' Yul{} @)ăXsk0 2 |2* Q厥^8Ih %,]?Bh1nf.}/]]U;@Ya~ޏ-iZJbh5k_UK}ۿCգo]Wz{*ID$rH(︻ՉE?C:ӈˍRY8J]233"7H^{ע`+S~<+Cwܯv!Vk1NYY. bq|Qv$0;9(q{tQa&3WY/j /H{>I C:vk&G_e{Hgup3!`tX74MC -OQA3$3.+r:)ŐBWfR5wJ"#u$+nnf+ O͜e]OI *֯FYAB<5 RD< @ [ݗ B>'0|4}wbhؼC0dttN=c=u$aZ"01LNaۉ|oFToWR{aɺn%_{:%-miXlq)wOE!b3l]wW1 \[/$0)L ʍ_?Ɗ b6@x# _1LWNVjcHRrY%bkBvnRB]A DCXOVz dvK63"J(oU cNc[N٪@Bes$kK+)KW I>4κc|e;o%bYf<+rƫX2,ܷSǀT[\MUHxiY\PTuyϵؗ2ej?+"6s\^c|ֳH $<<ɕomƥ}/YO#Ab'("5ٱ pm.pS<(oL#;qu ; tEG5Dm+-)0#tb%殘hs޵TG违OmBxx`6LG7MiHR{DN i~ H!d}rcJQy-ަhIP [@KRk v˒Α"  A.W3>7#4'DG:f}6u'%ƽ#Iq-oni&[stwUzLmEshr?aM@&nr_* x*KV267) ]D7|:~ԕ.-@_EgYb ]8k#S0M%7uEz-ydD_BwSޢ'5[\ XS]15bvr"yT ~׿Ɂ}y!hJL<9qT(06HQT'{AV b1r׹LG?ڢ>d?$IsL059'o^֓bTA-W.I577"ݿG44O:[^Qd0XLj3{mUR}xrIxE$gﻼ瘀F~̻uVwV&Y-9EGtyM4۰QɮcO4# g@ CMp.7#p |Z #7pJ_t3X.Yև= ѯiAH/(X鮶 &l.CLcgQ~ѭ?%4JڝL'-1N${==.n{C:袎ER]Dp b hU%ԕJנuLDJ ] ?ykN'PS`ڏb4"YyL`25/L'Y$@gRTznz˸r Hgק1NҍSƎO 1 Rx73_bHh1q\]~Z `+ i3;wAտ| 8=3#'PD}A܋t+*qC3FKcn>V2Jj[%ZѪMuk$i{ 9hkn@6RļutGT8]npL+rl[4q8U"ڹ҆^g,/t24-&EN{hVٍFrۨĦY;^>2sRd9Vُ5!b5]>OpMצO0b <=WvH7w(gfSV \bN#U^亠d4FpFGPdٛڧ8ju&\[f̟ nw^'fqFVQhb%.3y6EeShfJ>? 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