lighttpd-fastcgi-1.4.67-1.el8 > 6 6_6 3!y덏%!E/֡c5~ !E/֡iSG̗%YRCQ {xLzunݮ{oC 3[ .<<*FB#Wrޛn ?#fDMٜm]fΆ3 veB= 9«QLkhPr5,S%%h”"ʱ7&̕chAWR] PCmlH>5v) d Z$Aꌎb xKzfӹ[S9O8Ij|m1u Y :ĞN)dP$\-]7 aZL(>kw?S5hj|6>ר,I٭+΍1@)_0\)F ?ޘtS yx@i%caB4_kvPz04m҇η}AYǪ *]MSs%'|~sjpXiȩc O;JVsg]zg)t^|e…%#ӣ#tK0938abcc09480d963af1dccc0e3cf4110de2f8f036bec1279e3dfcb216608ef8c0ffce99836721eb46addcdc5dea4c7c7a1410f93!y덏%!E/֡c5~ !E/֡."ݍ0h>ȫRLA' !d(3AuF42Q)A67U7i=+3[VғW(|^[gX25!(Ќscvs 4g%xiDrxcge8rWaTV]3ID!W $hTɎ)]+4?FlP4LNR"Qm|8lHuT!y9S$ P9"a>E aMoպ];vdo5x&{-~AGB^O9dN'%7MH/KΫ\`W؛^3ϒ+iYM0FAgX1'~3\xʒ,/+EP׵!Ph>pMd74=/vw 5ܚp8Bg4ԙgpa]5 mpz2/Y: 2>|*aQyn[?JO}ULBCFy>p=YX?YHd  f04\`o~        <     ( Z   H T (89 H:(GT HT, ITT XT`YTl\T ]T ^U[bUdWeW!fW$lW&tW@ uWh vWwXl xX yXXXXYYDClighttpd-fastcgi1.4.671.el8FastCGI module and spawning helper for lighttpd and PHP configurationThis package contains the spawn-fcgi helper for lighttpd's automatic spawning of local FastCGI programs. Included is also a PHP .ini file to change a few defaults needed for correct FastCGI behavior.c5jbuildvm-a64-22.iad2.fedoraproject.orgsLFedora ProjectFedora ProjectBSDFedora ProjectUnspecified JAAA큤c&c59c5fc5fc5dc5ec5gc&c&c&a3cd089488b24eecc4b643e169461f2357f66c5d96cdc80939e67079d75bb2c4ee91a738e940eca4cdd3758bfdcc5b5637a27c236a8ff1f3cdd93e649f738ebf5e7c3f943f75c1828b3b78fbf34a19a68578a835a08cfe49f7e212509af0c33de8ca86f118f333b49c07a1748e8812b2d1499c30904ad40c57b6ecfd36cb8cfb0aa8388540396e3ce5bc4603f7eb0702602a24ee966aeeecd1e4ee940aea64280a93ee36bb70637a7b0e74d7d8b14ae8a475d98e28cf8f1f127cc3e3ecfb1c8b../../../../usr/lib64/lighttpd/mod_fastcgi.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootlighttpd-1.4.67-1.el8.src.rpmconfig(lighttpd-fastcgi)lighttpd-fastcgilighttpd-fastcgi(aarch-64)@@@@    @config(lighttpd-fastcgi){@aZa@`]`>(`>`@__H@_ǁ__@_ @^@^@^8 @^1s^[]@]@]9\\T4\N\C>CJ@C @ClBBۙBBt@BQ,@BM7B*B%B$Y@B@BB5A[@@Y>XGwyn Ciesla - 1.4.67-1Gwyn Ciesla - 1.4.66-1Gwyn Ciesla - 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1.3.13-5Matthias Saou 1.3.13-4Michael Schwendt 1.3.13-2Matthias Saou 1.3.13-1Matthias Saou 1.3.12-1Matthias Saou 1.3.11-2Matthias Saou 1.3.11-0Matthias Saou 1.3.10-0Matthias Saou 1.3.10-0 1.3.1 1.2.3- 1.4.67- 1.4.66- Update document-root- Rebuilt for Drop spawn-fastcgi requirement.- Update lua flag, unit file enhancements.- 1.4.65- Rebuilt for mbedTLS 2.28.0- 1.4.64- Update lib/httpd permissions.- Fix typos.- Drop mod_authn_mysql, mod_mysql_vhost, mod_geoip - Add mod_maxminddb, mod_authn_dbi, mod_authn_sasl - Add mod_vhostdb_dbi mod_vhostdb_mysql mod_vhostdb_pgsql - Add mod_openssl, mod_gnutls, mod_mbedtls, mod_nss - mod_deflate built with brotli, zstd - mod_webdav built with PROPPATCH and LOCK support- 1.4.63 - Use modern lua. - Upstream patches for setrlimit, mod_auth trace. - Migrated to pcre2- 1.4.61- 1.4.60, patches for glibc change.- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for updated systemd-rpm-macros See 1.4.59- Rebuilt for 1.4.58- 1.4.57- Drop fam/gamin, no longer used.- 1.4.56 final.- 1.4.56 rc1- Rebuilt for Fix tmpfiles for EL-8.- Fix ipv6 default config bug.- 1.4.55- Rebuilt for Path corrections, BZ 1789874- Conditional correction.- Conditionalize GeoIP, fix logo requires.- Rebuilt for 1.4.54.- Rebuilt for 1.4.53.- Rebuilt for (#1666033)- 1.4.52.- 1.4.51.- 1.4.50.- Rebuilt for 1.4.49- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Flag corrections, BZ 1516422.- 1.4.48.- 1.4.47.- Switch to mariadb-connector-c, BZ 1493633.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Spec cleanup, patch cleanup per upstream.- 1.4.45.- 1.4.44.- Require fedora-logos-httpd, BZ 1387752. - Move some configs to subpackages, BZ 1387763. - Create filesystem subpackage for php-fpm integration, BZ 117282.- Patch for MySQL deps.- 1.4.43.- Patch for MySQL deps, split out gssapi and mysql authn modules.- Patch for FTBFS- 1.4.42, now with included mod_geoip- Permissions, defaultconf patch correction, BZ 1201056.- 1.4.41- Patch for CVE-2016-1000212.- Patch for connection state issue.- Patch for ipv6 blocking issue.- 1.4.40- Correct socket location, BZ 1310297.- Restored defaultconf, BZ 1310036.- Rebuilt for 1.4.39, BZ 1295149.- 1.4.38, BZ 1288708. - defaultconf patch upstreamed.- 1.4.37, BZ 1258284.- 1.4.36 1246857, 1224910, 1224911.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Use system crypto policy, BZ 1109112.- Rebuilt for 1.4.35, SA-2014-01.- Enable lua, BZ 912546.- Enable PIE, BZ 955145.- Apply Ken Dreyer's spec patches from BZ 850188.- 1.4.34, multiple security fixes.- Update to 1.4.32, BZ 878915.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to 1.4.31 (#828198).- service file patch per BZ 720210.- Update to 1.4.30 (#768903). - Update mod_geoip patch. - Remove upstreamed ssl_no_ecdh patch.- Rebuild against PCRE 8.30- Rebuilt for Re-update to 1.4.29, including ssl_no_ecdh to fix build (#625737).- Update the defaultconf patch to hint at selinux change to fix server.max-fds. - Start using %bcond, including quick defines to also support EL4. - Include systemd service for F16+, don't add all of the ugly trigger for sysv migration (yet : new versions might be released before F16 final) (#720210).- Rebase F15 master to the 1.4.28 update. - Try to update to 1.4.29 (#625737). - Rebase geoip patch for 1.4.29. - Update /var/run to work with F15+ (#656612). - Include all of the new example configuration, with conf.d files and vhosts.d. - Disable server.max-fds by default since SELinux denies it.- rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)- Rebuilt for Update to 1.4.28. - Update defaultconf patch. - Remove upstreamed ssl-2157 patch.- Update to 1.4.26. - Update the geoip patch. - Remove no longer provided ChangeLog from %doc. - Include patch to fix upstream SSL related bug #2157.- Update to 1.4.23. - Update defaultconf and mod_geoip patches. - Remove no longer shipped spawn-fcgi, it's a separate source package now. - Remove unused patch to the init script.- rebuilt with new openssl- Rebuilt for Update init script to new style. - No longer include a sysconfig file, though one can be set to override the default configuration file location.- Update to 1.4.22. - Add missing defattr for the spawn-fcgi package.- Rebuilt for Update to 1.4.21.- rebuild for dependencies- Partially revert last change by creating a "spawn-fastcgi" symlink, so that nothing breaks currently (especially for EL). - Install empty poweredby image on RHEL since the symlink's target is missing. - Split spawn-fcgi off in its own sub-package, have fastcgi package require it to provide backwards compatibility.- Rename spawn-fastcgi to lighttpd-spawn-fastcgi to avoid clash with other packages providing it for their own needs (#472749). It's not used as-is by lighttpd, so it shouldn't be a problem... at worst, some custom scripts will need to be updated.- Include conf.d/*.conf configuration snippets (#444953). - Mark the default index.html in order to not loose changes upon upgrade if it was edited or replaced with a different file (#438564). - Include patch to add the INIT INFO block to the init script (#246973).- Update to 1.4.20 final.- Update to 1.4.20 r2303 pre-release.- Include memory leak patch (changeset #2305 from ticket #1774).- Merge in second changest from upstream fix for upstream bug #285.- Include sslshutdown patch, upstream fix to upstream bug #285 (#439066).- Provide "webserver" (#437884).- Update to 1.4.19, which includes all previous security fixes + bugfixes.- Include patch for CVE-2008-0983 (crash when low on file descriptors). - Include patch for CVE-2008-1111 (cgi source disclosure).- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Rebuild for deps- Update mod_geoip source to fix segfault upon stopping lighttpd.- Include mod_geoip additional source, make it an optional sub-package. - Reorder sub-packages alphabetically in spec file. - Make sub-packages require exact release, just in case. - Change default webroot back from /srv to /var.- Update to 1.4.18. - Include newly installed lighttpd-angel ("angel" process meant to always run as root and restart lighttpd when it crashes, spawn processes on SIGHUP), but it's in testing stage and must be run with -D for now.- Update to 1.4.17. - Update defaultconf patch to match new example configuration. - Include patch to fix log file rotation with max-workers set (trac #902). - Add /var/run/lighttpd/ directory where to put fastcgi sockets.- Add /usr/bin/awk build requirement, used to get LIGHTTPD_VERSION_ID.- Rebuild to fix wrong execmem requirement on ppc32.- Update to 1.4.16 security fix release.- Update to 1.4.15. - Remove now included previous patch. - Switch to using the bz2 source. - Add optional --with-webdav-locks support.- Include patch to fix 99% cpu bug when client connection is dropped.- Update defaultconf patch to change php binary to /usr/bin/php-cgi (#219723). - Noticed %{?_smp_mflags} was missing, so add it as it works fine.- Remove readline-devel build req, added by lua but since fixed (#213895).- Switch to using killall for log rotation to fix it when using workers.- Remove gcc-c++ build req, it's part of the defaults. - Add readline-devel build req, needed on RHEL4.- Update to 1.4.13, which contains the previous fix.- Include fix for segfaults (lighttpd bug #876, changeset 1352).- Update to 1.4.12 final.- Update to latest 1.4.12 pre-release, fixes SSL issues and other bugs. - Update powered_by_fedora.png to the new logo.- FC6 rebuild.- Update to 1.4.11.- FC5 rebuild.- Update to 1.4.10. - Remove now included fix.- Add mod_fastcgi-fix patch to fix crash on backend overload.- Update to 1.4.9.- Update to 1.4.8.- Update to 1.4.7.- Update to 1.4.6.- Update to 1.4.5. - Disable gamin/fam support for now, it does not work.- Update to current SVN to check if it fixes the remaining load problems.- Patch to SVN 722 revision : Fixes a crash in mod_mysql_vhost and a problem with keepalive and certain browsers.- Update to 1.4.4 final. - Enable ldap auth, gdbm and gamin/fam support by default.- Update to 1.4.4 pre-release (fixes another fastcgi memleak). - Enable lua (cml module) by default. - Add --with-webdav-props conditional option.- Include lighttpd-1.4.3-stat_cache.patch to fix memleak.- Rearrange the included index.html to include the new logo, button and favicon from Update to 1.4.3. - No longer override libdir at make install stage, use DESTDIR instead, as the resulting binary would now have referenced to %{buildroot} :-(- Update to 1.4.2.- Update to 1.4.1.- Update to 1.4.0. - Add conditional of gamin, gdbm, memcache and lua options.- Update to 1.3.16, rebuild.- Update to 1.3.15.- Update to 1.3.14.- rebuild on all arches- Change signal sent from the logrotate script from USR1 to HUP, as that's the correct one.- Include /etc/lighttpd directory.- Update to 1.3.13.- Update to 1.3.12. - Remove obsolete empty_cgi_handler patch.- Add missing defattr to sub-packages (#150018).- Update to 1.3.11. - Remove cleanconf and init.d patches (merged upstream). - Add empty_cgi_handler patch.- Split off -fastcgi sub-package. - Include php.d entry to set sane FastCGI defaults.- Spec file cleanup for - Compile OpenSSL support unconditionally. - Put modules in a subdirectory of libdir. - Don't include all of libdir's content to avoid debuginfo content. - Add optional LDAP support. - Add patch to change the default configuration. - Add dedicated lighttpd user/group creation. - Add logrotate entry. - Include a nice little default page for the default setup. - Split off mod_mysql_vhost sub-package, get dep only there. - Use webroot in /srv by default. - Exclude .la files, I doubt anyone will need them.- upgraded to 1.3.1- rpmlint'ed the package - added URL - added (noreplace) to start-script - change group to Networking/Daemon (like apache)- initial version -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b96b807870c7d7b5370ebb0ba89106d849221bc4, strippedBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executableRRRRR !#,y;] b2u Q{LUOlrJV[h^-8WU&lqofcWضkJ׃w*.s0Nt EuR+$ :CW[Ujy,H|'`q,?^[yo 9)d*mld2< ٦>t9Į2QExwѯ#*Yӆm? \A2)ݩ̶dKk²~05O+B+%0L smꇌʢ XFa|6dΌY?DKGJ{:p$0X5־-7ye<Ra=fvKQ5NT+l<؏Jא>kid>߸ףX9=Zz5:[rB dŶc>ɉ*rJv\S`D} Z! ]]ΔVՎ ^qW6RK8Q8K"EQKn(;(h6${0P91`[,7m graSa~mN"Yh4>2zϸM8b0ڿ"|l!_̇U!@[c e|eO +/;E*>f` SNlDsAlno(R_l$>8PfD1mBň=9083;hR,0l675=e*/ǽы߈i#[rgĊ՝`,bHOK%NJ"Y{l vtQ.z՞B=,ْ`ЪRA;u7&fHM!"s4fitݜqM DP 3hgg9̈́0yCҊ3F7; k!/W>HwarXKdc]6C왖&;wa΋ .Ѧ1G5]ͅB8$+2Ιnʶ1LNT&?޶ =n2/(#͏p9j)eiԩF |tR1{G6>ՙ\w˵fTS"|ndSy"CT}&M8>%ckZ\yPhZD8+{G1}yJ]?)e`bX#&%e/Lŷb+krEq,$gЈF;+Ltm,: F'&={TS9d %ѽ[ b=oWTwFZzzī KmtYF髋P„1wІ{5LgxjH RrkQX)$dER]!]H"ZE󒅉7l;0F;TytR$a`իꘆbr D]{;l5U=h5coCMWVN!hhV--RwcTntA6G nm6qf#LLCg[*H|&zpio0]9ryq[R! i̙v)R2'~<q)[ЩMӤVKe"G*; ^@Ʃ a-Ɣ6ba7BdIJ>L塞Vf%Uz~ qHs#寴,fm*cЅGڔ8D6x3]ۄym@ 2Jvv\n6t5ZɡmI=yק*w!3b7mm>>aL0D)$,PUO1{Cی }Gs^ kܿh⊘^o(-2o}]6ºG Xfq,$[bYlW,|\7K@h'3Sc)>q8'fInWP`nrm.iuRWFCXm^s6 t`}јh,bk0nz[Xގmx{cF' U|>'㫥=-}h\4tF햂KVr] /b!pkM>HK܏GPBnOm,I xa$F#Ƅ aU f? cO(bϓvwtZ6ֱyX2t:ڏ ^hB0Qs߾ a6$gb-.d%cp,bӊ-0>*esdh=>Iޭb *wD5M>7tmeH1SL%19"[Y$Ќ@'̷ 1s3/ojIGh!>]w:3Hs!DOrEuG#G=!Of=+o|5:|bsP1e@9BV+Vrt^P&e8ɯ(@5ljEg~;G36 `.^HԨb aO`Oe _OYn6dycPҰ9B@PXGѫ%1WW i&?:8{62+\ 'B=[dC%Rt~5r#xBo#XJl8v??NT5Y% KWΑydkP'"9{OUVHWpnˁBaY1gbxTֈ=ڱ SʚЉ vL+k+ș˄! 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