lirc-devel-0.10.0-19.el8 >  A Љ]{ǵ!E/֡+T2dw( o}]e&| ~B#;a|]ņ/P*PBɧCDN̈́[ډ{~) az8Z:EOBqBEsAG™WZ*%ᕡ Eh/,Jp'dρ%M-w]zcL7)S"0Sglácfl])/Ky;9_"~Md93# ra654ae3697e8d0181cb0061dd03c4d2916169c5cbe2a9783fa2cf98fc37840877563d73fbafdd8c139b5309f82b70890030f1e60]{ǵ!E/֡S߂SKñ-jl˔ުAC#!WReoc١Yʰ#T/̞gwCJUj ._Ċ##l$EbpǛ43)l}p=r?rd   604CR` o{+L+ + + +  O+  + +_+6T+H p e (89$:3Gh+Hi8+Ii+XjYj \jL+]j+^lbmdnenfnlntn+uo+vp@wp+xq\+yrr(r,rPrVrClirc-devel0.10.019.el8Development files for LIRCPart of the LIRC package suite which handles IR remotes. See the package lirc for more. This package includes files for developing applications that use lirc including headers and pkg-config files.]{ Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2 and BSDFedora ProjectUnspecified$$g<]1.#3   h3W*A큤AA큤A큤]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{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    /usr/bin/]]2@]Z@]9\\T4[[[H@[:[6@[(@[!@Zz@Ze@ZDZ-!YyY@YY@Yx@XX@XlX]XWXGXX TX @X @W:W@WQWW@Ws@WF@WF@W4p@V=@VUVA@VCUU@U|@U*U*U@UoU@UU@Ua@T5TS@S@S<@SS@SS!@S!@R=RRRR^@R@R_@R].@RVQPO@ONM@M@MM@M@M@MQ0@LLL4LV@KuKK@Ky7@Ky7@JJJ@J@JjJeJB@J@J|J@I4I@I>]I= @I[H,HHCHHHf@H+HϟH@H@H_@HCH(1@H@HjG@G@GJFFkFfFM@EETE~EnE2"DDcC@C"@CC@C,C @CBCqCdCB2@B@BbOBU A@A3@L@?@>-=w@=<*@;O@Alec Leamas - 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Fix FTBS on python 3.8. Closes: #1718285. - mode2: Fix inconsistent loglevel/debug option (upstream #307) - plugins: devinput: fix glob "no match" error (upstream #285, DBS 860551)- Rebuilt for Python 3.8- Rebuilt for EPEL 7 has moved forward to Python 3.6, no need for suppressing tests for < 3.5 any longer- Rebuilt for Rework patch for lirc-setup crash on startup.- Added patch for lirc-setup crash on startup.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Conditionalize ldconfig scriptlets.- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Patch systemd files to use correct user and group - #1590724.- Rebuilt for Fix for rhbz #1536901, missing R(post) in lirc-core.- Don't expire files in runtime directory.- Fix rhbz #1514359, f27 version is less than f26.- Fix rhbz #1483330, use correct serial devices lock dir.- Fix Debian BTS 872074, FTBS on external plugins e. g. libirman.- New upstream release - All patches upstreamed.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fix bad include paths causing FTBS in packages using -devel. - Fix bad python import path. - Fix missing socket activation - #1438702- Rebuilt for Added upstream patch for bad ircat --config handling - Added upstream patch for lircd SET_INPUTLOG segfault - Added upstream patch for FTBS on clients building against lirc- Add patch for --listen parsing bug (upstream #249).- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Added missing lircd-setup.service file.- Added upstream patches (10)- Add fix for header file curl_poll.h, fixing clients FTBS errors.- Rebuilt- New upstream version, patches upstreamed- Add fixes for #221 and #222 - Update patches, include everything from upstream - Add some minor fixes for - Obsoletes 0.9.4b-3 which is unpushed.- Add yet another ABRT crasher fix. - Update fix for #1364744.- Added patch for audio_alsa plugin (#218). - Move R: python3-PyYAML to lirc-compat, fixes import error - Modify usb devices acl(5) udev rule (#1364744).- Rebuilt for new upstream version 0.9.4b.- New upstream release. - Fixes #1350750, bad systemd files syntax.- Add fix for FTBS parallel build deps error.- New upstream release.- Fix upstreamed/duplicated lirc.4 manpage (#1319344).- Rebuilt for Fix bad Obsoletes (#1284522).- Rebuilt for Upstream update - Added missing icons dependency. - Some patches upstreamed.- Add a selinux policy. - Clean up some macros.- Move scriptles to lirc-core (#1261289). - Adjust deps between lib, core, and devel (also #1261289). - Make temporary files owned by lirc:lirc - Add missing library flag causing rpmlint noise. - Remove foreign distro stuff in contrib/.- Fix missing file (lirc-setup cannot start).- Fix missing lirc-drv-irman.- Rebuilt- New upstream version.- Added lirc-lsplugins left-over logfile patch (COPR only).- Add new patch for external module compilation (COPR only).- Add udev rule to fix /dev/lirc0 permissions (COPR only).- Provisionary COPR 0.9.3 pre-release - major upstream update.- Rebuilt for Major upstream update. - New package structure with more, smaller packages.- rebuilt- rebuilt to pick up new iguanaIR.- Rebuilt for new iguanaIR ABI version.- Updating to latest release. - Removing tons of patches now upstreamed. - Using built manpages as-is (no need to remove not-built tools)- Rebuilt due to iguanaIR so-bump.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for enable BR iguanaIR again - add missing isa tags- rebuild for libftdi soname bump - disable BR iguanaIR temporary, it pulls in lirc-0.9.0-23 and build fails- Remove f16 systemd upgrade snippets.- Fix -Werror=format-security build error (#1037178). - Not yet built.- lircd.service: add sh wrapper to handle empty argumentes.- Fixing typo in -20. - Ignore errors in PreExec/PostExec.- Fix missing {} in lircd.service (bz 1025030, comment 24)- Remove old nowadays stale links to lirc.service. - Fix broken reference to lirc.service in lircmd.service - Update README- Add a udev "Only use lirc" subpackage. - Revise enabling of lirc protocol. - Documenting upstream merge request. - Resurrect contrib/lircs, use systemctl. - Force creation of /run/lirc after installation. - Use /lib/tmpfiles.d, not /etc/tmpfiles.d with _tmpfilesdir macro.- fix build for f18 - remove BR perl, already called in build system - fix bogus in changelog date- Actually use sysconfig files (881976). - Modify lirc.service to not fork. - Add support for iguanaIR driver (#954146). - Add hardened build flag (955144). - Use actual systemd macros (850191). - Clean up some nowadays not used directives. - Run autoreconf by default (926082). - Cleanup some obsoleted autotools usage, two new patches. - Deactivate other decoders on start (923978). - Filter away docdir dependencies. - Remove obsolete F8 upgrade Obsoletes: (sic!). - Fix inconsistent/duplicate /usr/share/lirc in %files. - Add %doc (notably COPYING) to remotes subpackage. - Claim /etc/lirc. - Update to latest upstream (10 patches). - Use /var and /etc instead of %{_sysconfdir} and %{localstatedir}. - Removed obsolete code to move config files to /etc/lirc in %post. - Renamed main systemd service: lirc.service -> lircd.service. - Added socket activation support. - Don't claim temporary files in /run/lirc, they are just transient. - Initiate lircd.conf, lircmd.conf from external template. - Bumping release, 14 is published.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Migrate to systemd, BZ 789760.- Rebuilt for Only alter protocols for the device lirc is configured to talk to and don't try to poke protocols on non-rc-core lirc devices- And now take out the libusb1-devel bit, its actually the removal of libusb-config from libusb-devel that broke things, so we need some fixage upstream, backported here.- Add explict BR: libusb1-devel, as some userspace drivers require it, and its apparently not getting into the build root any longer- Apparently, the title of bz656613 wasn't quite correct, some stuff in /var/run does need to be installed, not ghosted...- Properly support tmpfs /var/run/lirc in new systemd world (#656613) - Don't ghost config files, lay 'em down with pointers in them- Only disable in-kernel IR decoders if we're not using devinput mode, as they're actually required for devinput mode to work right.- Update to lirc 0.9.0 release - Disable in-kernel IR decoding when starting up lircd, reenable on shutdown- Rebuilt for Update to lirc 0.9.0-pre1 snapshot - Add conditional flag for building with iguanaIR support (there's an iguanaIR package awaiting review right now)- Update to lirc 0.8.7 release- Update to lirc 0.8.7-pre3 snapshot- Fix up sub-package license file inclusion per new fedora licensing guidelines - Update to lirc 0.8.7pre2 snapshot- Fix Firefly remote definition keycodes- Revert to compat-ioctls per upstream discussion (#581326)- Update devinput lircd.conf with additional keys from input.h- Un-bungle newly introduced segfault in prior build- Fix up ioctl portability between 32-bit and 64-bit- Add devinput mouse event passthru to uinput support from lirc cvs- Update to lirc 0.8.6 release- Rediff patches so they actually apply still- Update to lirc 0.8.6pre2- Rebuilt for Set up tools to use /dev/lirc0 instead of /dev/lirc by default - Set a default font for xmode2 most people actually have (#467339)- Fix things up so the relocated socket actually works out of the box- Update to lirc 0.8.6pre1 - Adds Linux input layer support to lircmd - Adds XMP protocol support - Moves lircd socket from /dev/ to /var/run/lirc/ and pid file from /var/run/ to /var/run/lirc/- Update to lirc 0.8.5 - Add irman support, now that libirman is in Fedora (#474992)- Update to lirc 0.8.5pre3 cvs snapshot- Update to lirc 0.8.5pre2 cvs snapshot- Update to lirc 0.8.5pre1 cvs snapshot - Adds support for usb-connected ftdi-based homebrew transceivers - Rebuilt for BR: automake and libtool to get cvs additions building- Nuke bogus and harmful %postun --try-restart (#474960) - Assorted updates from lirc cvs: * Add uinput injection support * Add support for binding lircd listener to a specific ip- Update to lirc 0.8.4a release (fixes mode2 irrecord failures) - Really fix the mceusb remote config file this time- Make all remote configs have unique names (#467303) - Fix up some key names that got screwed up by standardization script- Update to 0.8.4 release- Re-enable portaudio driver by default, require v19 or later- Update to 0.8.4pre2- Fix more keycodes for the streamzap remote- Don't create a backup for the keycodes patch, or all the original files will also get installed, and get used in gnome-lirc-properties- Update to 0.8.4pre1 - Drop upstream patches - Adds support for the CommandIR II userspace driver- Fix multilib upgrade path from F8 (Nicolas Chauvet, #462435)- Make lircd not exit when there's no device available, so that the daemon is running as expected when the hardware is plugged back in (#440231)- Add huge patch to fix the majority of remotes to have sensible keycodes, so they work out-of-the-box (#457273)- Drop resume switch patch, no longer required - Add support for config option style used by gnome-lirc-properties (#442341)- Add additional required patches for gnome-lirc-properties (#442248) - Put remote definitions in their own sub-package (#442328)- Include upstream patch for lircd.conf remote include directives (#442248) - Include upstream patch to validate transmit buffers- Update to 0.8.3 release- Update to 0.8.3pre3- Update to 0.8.3pre2- Split libraries into -libs subpackage. - Refresh autotools re-run avoidance hack.- 0.8.3pre1 - adds Mac IR support, resolves bz #284291- License: GPLv2+- 0.8.2.- 0.8.2pre3. - Fix up linefeeds and char encodings of more docs.- 0.8.2pre2.- 0.8.1.- 0.8.1pre5.- 0.8.1pre4.- 0.8.1pre3.- 0.8.1pre2, optflags patch no longer needed.- Rebuild.- 0.8.1pre1. - Add rpmbuild options for enabling/disabling ALSA, portaudio and/or X support, ALSA and X enabled by default, portaudio not. - Split most of the documentation to -doc subpackage. - Install irman2lirc as non-doc.- Avoid standard rpaths on lib64 archs.- 0.8.0.- 0.8.0pre4.- 0.8.0pre3.- Split kernel modules into separate package. - Disable debugging features.- 0.8.0pre2, kernel >= 2.6.15 USB patch applied upstream. - lirc_clientd renamed to lircrcd.- Pull security fix for the new lirc_clientd from upstream CVS, and while at it, some other useful post-0.8.0pre1 changes. - Kernel >= 2.6.15 patchwork based on initial patch from Andy Burns (#172404). - Disable lirc_cmdir kernel module (unknown symbols). - Adapt to modular X.Org packaging.- 0.8.0pre1, usage message patch applied upstream.- 0.7.3pre1, "no device" crash fix applied upstream. - Fix lircd and lircmd usage messages.- Make the init script startup earlier and shutdown later by default.- 0.7.2, patch to fix crash at startup when no device is specified. - Enable audio input driver support (portaudio). - Improve package description. - Don't ship static libraries. - Drop pre Fedora Extras backwards compatibility hacks. - Make svgalib support (smode2) build conditional, disabled by default. - Simplify module package build (still work in progress, disabled by default). - Other minor specfile cleanups and maintainability improvements.- Adjust kernel module build for FC4 and add hauppauge, igorplugusb, imon, sasem, and streamzap to the list of modules to build. This stuff is still disabled by default, rebuild with "--with modules --target $arch" to enable.- 0.7.1.- rebuilt- Update to 0.7.0; major rework of the package: - Change default driver to "any". - Add -devel subpackage. - Improve init script, add /etc/sysconfig/lirc for options. - Rename init script to "lirc" to follow upstream; the script is not only for lircd, but lircmd as well. - Log to syslog instead of separate log file. - %ghost'ify /dev/lirc*. - Build kernel modules when rebuilt with "--with kmod". This stuff was mostly borrowed from Axel Thimm's packages, and is not really ready for FC3+ yet. - Enable debugging features. - Specfile cleanups.- Added missing /sbin/ldconfig calls.- Rebuild for Fedora Core 2... this spec file still _really_ needs reworking!- Rebuild for Fedora Core 1... this spec file _really_ needs reworking!- Rebuilt for Red Hat Linux 9... this spec file needs some reworking!- Update to 0.6.6 final.- Updated to latest pre-version. - Kernel modules still need to be compiled separately and with a custom kernel :-(- Update to 0.6.5. - Rebuilt against Red Hat Linux 7.3. - Added the %{?_smp_mflags} expansion.- Initial RPM release.  !"#$%&'()*+0.10.0-19.el80.10.0-19.el80. -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryC source, ASCII textASCII textC++ source, ASCII textC source, UTF-8 Unicode textpkgconfig fileRRRRPRPR !#,] b2u jӫ`(xxћ*m>\!GAlKgKra1{56䒥&gpn \t9*_ج))AV/i)2l\[`Jk~ߜ0 ?Ɇ ! dɄ^h@x[q#(ڃS7H>lje$%ł1Ь;g8E9Nўtg{˔ =T*slJ\CxDC*h !8(Y95ٹF>E K5 &\UT|+xIwmvi@K[zY #!Č-?tqx[$) uX282JF'6)HU$tK;/PXsg |Y%C2P}r;t8a nU%_! 86qEL|ETbcc({uʭ  ]cqNP1XjUcW6 PI'E,x !}SQ 7aۆV/\si!Df{3vHi=&p+?m{vԛUUp(OCn$Y|YrӁ|7qY2ZW qAWL7#Βf wHhbUcռJ@QX?Vlп%l"z`>â0)f(@.g N0vPAOᬚ7aK:_6N+o^P1&@Q 4<ۻ~;@Q#釆>$gBՊ|FDsc{ʶ_ƭTf __YZPw(\֖`9i*Բ.EzEN-e~p.ܴ͊c2b.1!L8@-ҵ_+`0HZ_5+/"v&4 WC0 )7P&7 rG&+ jeY|e7p;?*뻠W,$3ۣ)@9/&%reG\L#?u-FΑkK$T-[uz:FanLPEתmt uO Sc?2fg3֪<0;?`&7}鯧&.}boiG9ր'fC٤o68O}K}%0;Uڝ}N!} .90VR mx!/^cR! ķkI(nmHTp5A7@4k܃Гe!td@Ł fFD.-_]SRjҔVc\Ӄdg7$l*`42`Y/U J9Gf.`0asbi^儝 RT EmÌnX} HL*Dҙe8rC301)88;tŴfeA S F{d G?qkʶ4>o4/W2T0=]ij-z8^Lm0&&s#Q.Fqf '9y;`"J⯃Ų8#f-J22BƿZ Bw"s4n# h'ME "E76nGCZ[ 0C9SCi 'ԛG>pR{Lpjk(K*tѬPܛ{2 Z\ASFs} 葹4Xtyf2j=Ÿ_x|0gy?7ё&Q3;`v$/IKILIl~ja BYЈ0=~^[h%AeU0giZqPch|?MS]PeV0 ,-2%l}Ϻv%و0 IVAx?Yf tM7g %\5xL?˷qqhOV, - ߈5V??4v<mK牌nvџpiVaS99ӯ}X(zD0~rPbtLI(WǞ>b=qib:]RP.5-AM<3j[m7i(6FSxV?9X'ұ9rV諒jxfPLkTvrF@LyZeSW}UM)&/$|KڑvUB$e #ڀ:-Yu޲- G޼J}MA)C?H*ZϭUuwY(;| #@ǪAw^; *98^s󍉢 (Q͞+lTqRB@ܔCϕՋ1p/;z)qQxϠ:[mgbm̺bدMt)CrU⺞6G}V+PM_1NJ VWvةhUP0twZ6%_E0ބh$(hMTwVܱoI aסk] g /Y) \]/3kE$4xEʿ'l5w>ni`PJ8NU%h,?'?⎭(~iJ3w5FDbj-LyӎqՀ}vƬ51TQ/x1 l8y8kUѡLl7[ AF_ħ(B؜#o(0Ϧ_nƱ%AXrsAeKNB.=ZOkNs0Sհ^?~U)o ziV5 4VR F5|.kB AN6 J QAe|\Lܵ!w*w;LQ!g>@q;QFD rC5ebnlJ*ʵ om=͹g "dBfшJts佅pą//u63{̴pezg;TGM6[LќQìpF\};|\kt9s^{(x( x;CI)XcZv6b\1"2=tk@"Iۦ !%!O`l(P0'%'"μg(m|2,Љ)MVF(6]*z/ qPml?k+ss}jD}(1 ^hS毄<.u!ʸ?/,qnJ0{x VD% ȯu'O!_xF.KI{\s~HAߗ`7x>:SMIe66.t4yV/|a.JVJŭW]yƉ!_2ο9aT;L ]4ȯ9bɎPZ?R 1tXs]񨥝-m Z/j,%A8pF;ENy gy@B.q9?WDGxG * ?),"vF~6y`9я6gJ82qQucN(%>Xy4W$ [ O$z%\ݮ& NZ"ςJg /X܅hք ౝftY 838#fAy.LP*: AH{^ivq ?yif1h쀡}P)w95Hdi*TkGv %h= |ªOn8q$ XPiD DYgu GKVIe|c]S^YTw|K`P[4]]A%zh-ŞVP~%krTIz#*ݤH&E1}a Txjb$\_sm&7rjv{!Bu1t77uiZ%Af <\+i  : ΌԁqG tߪ.9X[E{)Zѻ ^ї)Ϟe|_ i 45(+>`H gc$o5>R;9& | ͋,?z>hzӢ}E'VNEd~K'W c"xYY~Y:HSg궅`vLYsh'&Oy',T4%*_'!0or ,4}4֨ޞX,qݺ`Zlze ţow}45/NeY uZHs"oPhZaP*:r_5yKqC9I G#m$K961)cA+z ϓǭ}PV) *3?83{;˹N*)<c#cb'K:໖$Q Z&r'~2].ܻ٢ezz x AZ.tIb, YK0{;ZLnO$$t?~qy|zRH5q bIeڇ憊[<<ͭ\d;lۯSQ0"bZ2{IQ9.p=es`ҵ_Vl\gepq8%w~IGyXїx*lib"e$QAۑƙbnH˜_GgvS`Ύjca3ǩ韇jlp'SWl$-PݤzE_CaC)yHh(xⶭwUгZ2PXFG-u݌ٟZ$-[MxG67+K*̦ʛA: RH4bXG{2aZzkQ89ri/ڔ1+kbVҳJHfcݘ@#%av7«O> )JFpvҸf[$V.Wuf=c;f6*mtELEA32+[)QS0{ ]c" /+[O|=Td"%3uhT5`8|P'{%y# ]yV5K w4=&0MX-si !Hzq9´:XQ՜N't"dEj{?/TXV{H1E2֤X34W$ΡLj\qm ݏ Ⱦ? 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