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To be reinstated when CentOS 8.2 is released. BZ#1837397- Remove ssl_validity as perl-Convert-ASN1 has been retired. BZ#1837397- Clean up some git related build stuff - Add check_ssl_validity subpackage - New Upstream Version- Add conditional for perl-UTF8. Thanks to Todd Zullinger and Alexander Kohr - Update to newer git tag to fix check_smb- Update to 2.2.2 and update to latest patchset to fix things missed in 2.2.2- Update to latest git and fix release string to match again - was still getting installed as check_ntp. Fix BZ#1664981 - has ipv6 problem. Fix BZ#1731468- Rebuilt for Update requirement for ps to procps - Fix check_smtp certificate verification- Rebuilt for Fix check_smtp certificate verification- Add upstream PR #428 to add PROXY protocol support to check_smtp- Update to latest git and fix release string to match - Fix BZ#1604915 - Fix BZ#1579292 - Possibly fix BZ#1525609 - Possibly fix BZ#1518811 - Possibly fix BZ#1470823- Rebuilt for fix conditionals - include mysql_version for MYSQL_PORT macro - fix perl shebang in plugin-scripts/check_ntp- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Fix mysql patch problem with quakestat (see rhbz #533777) - Disable radius plugin for EL4 - there is not radiuscleint-ng for EL-4- Ver. 1.4.14 - Rebased patches.- rebuilt with new openssl- Rebuilt for Added patch from upstream to fix ntp faults (bz #479030)- Rebuilt for rebuild for dependencies- rebuild with new openssl- Enabled --with-extra-opts again- removed provides perl plugins Bugzilla 457404- This is a "CVS is horrible" rebuild- Rebuilt with a proper patch- Added changed recent permission changes to allow nagios group to execute- Fixed up some permission issues- Fixing patch, missing semicolon- Upstream released new version #464419 - Added patch fix for check_linux_raid #253898 - Upstream releases fix for #451015 - check_ntp_peers - Upstream released fix for #459309 - check_ntp - Added Provides Nagios::Plugins for #457404 - Fixed configure line for #458985 check_procs- Removed --with-extra-opts, does not build in Koji- Enabled --with-extra-opts- Upstream released version 1.4.12 - Removed patches ping_timeout.patch and pgsql-fix.patch- added patch for check_pgsql- Fix for 250588- Upstream released version 1.4.11 - Added check_ntp peer and time- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Rebuild for gcc43- Fixed check_log plugin #395601- Rebuild for deps- Upstream released new version - Removed some patches- Fix for Bug 348731 and CVE-2007-5623- Rebuild for BuildID - License change- Fix for check_linux_raid - #234416 - Fix for check_ide_disk - #251635- Fix for check_smtp - #251049- Upstream released new version- Upstream released new version- Upstream released new version- Enabled check_smart_ide - Added patch for linux_raid - Fixed permissions on check_icmp- Upstream new version - Disabled check_ide_smart (does not compile cleanly/too lazy to fix right now) - Added check_apt- Removed from the base nagios-plugins package into its own package- Added requires qstat for check_game- Providing path to qstat- Fixed permissions on check_dhcp - Added check_game - Added check_radius - Added patch for ntp- Patched upstream issue: 196356- nagios-plugins-all now includes nagios-plugins-mysql- removed sensors support for sparc and sparc64- Created a README.Fedora explaining how to install other plugins- Removed check_sensors in install section- Inserted conditional blocks for ppc exception.- Removed sensors from all plugins and added excludearch: ppc- For ntp plugins requires s/ntpc/ntpdc/- Fixed a few syntax errors and removed an empty export- Now using configure macro instead of ./configure - Added BuildRequest: perl(Net::SNMP) - For reference, this was ticket# 176374- Added check_ide_smart - Added some dependencies - Added support for check_if* (perl-Net-SNMP now in extras) - nagios-plugins now owns dir %{_libdir}/nagios- Added a number of requires that don't get auto-detected- Upstream remeased 1.4.3- Fixed a typo where nagios-plugins-all required nagios-plugins-httpd- Updated to CVS head for better MySQL support- Added a nagios-plugins-all package- Added provides for check_tcp- Created individual packages for all check_* scripts- Fedora friendly spec file- just include the nagios plugins directory, which will automatically include all generated plugins (which keeps the build from failing on systems that don't have all build-dependencies for every plugin)- extensive rewrite to facilitate processing into various distro-compatible specs- extensive rewrite to facilitate processing into various distro-compatible -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=73193d1dbbae04f486e88e24c2a5ddf66540eb11, stripped RR RRR RR RRRR !#,[F_] b2u jӫ`(y0G08\J䋜wֽTt(=};uڧsӒX5^|꠼gJJFމUAۼiF{20kU((=Pi'2dD-M\nc3|OkЋM0+so>ZuMl2UtUP˷6+BonRك+\c\/>1I3+̃2<(PR#VKzH'/K)KeTOGL=;@G|GfD}<!d`M3qgBDHI^"v~@KcӐ ėq#$RΨbSp̩%l֌[mJOHE b/9m8ha0aC+r'襤o"х$0~n}4kvo mΉ)9qZ?Fc2V81,98:(xk6 ܍C2aniJ-.r,#)|>?? 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