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2.2011-9Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2011-8Jitka Plesnikova - 2.2011-7Jitka Plesnikova - 2.2011-6Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2011-5Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2011-4Jitka Plesnikova - 2.2011-3Jitka Plesnikova - 2.2011-2Paul Howarth - 2.2011-1Emmanuel Seyman - 2.2010-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2009-2Paul Howarth - 2.2009-1Paul Howarth - 2.2008-1Paul Howarth - 2.2007-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2006-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2006-2Emmanuel Seyman - 2.2006-1Jitka Plesnikova - 2.2005-3Jitka Plesnikova - 2.2005-2Paul Howarth - 2.2005-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2004-2Paul Howarth - 2.2004-1Paul Howarth - 2.2003-1Paul Howarth - 2.2002-1Emmanuel Seyman - 2.2000-1Paul Howarth - 2.1807-1Paul Howarth - 2.1806-1Paul Howarth - 2.1805-1Petr Pisar - 2.1804-2Paul Howarth - 2.1804-1Paul Howarth - 2.1803-1Paul Howarth - 2.1802-1Jitka Plesnikova - 2.1801-3Jitka Plesnikova - 2.1801-2Emmanuel Seyman - 2.1801-1Paul Howarth - 2.1605-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1604-2Paul Howarth - 2.1604-1Emmanuel Seyman - 2.1603-1Emmanuel Seyman - 2.1600-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1405-4Jitka Plesnikova - 2.1405-3Jitka Plesnikova - 2.1405-2Emmanuel Seyman - 2.1405-1Paul Howarth - 2.1404-1Emmanuel Seyman - 2.1403-1Emmanuel Seyman - 2.1402-1Jitka Plesnikova - 2.1005-5Jitka Plesnikova - 2.1005-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1005-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1005-2Iain Arnell 2.1005-1Jitka Plesnikova - 2.0802-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0802-3Petr Pisar - 2.0802-2Iain Arnell 2.0802-1Iain Arnell 2.0801-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0604-2Iain Arnell 2.0604-1Iain Arnell 2.0603-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0602-4Petr Pisar - 2.0602-3Petr Pisar - 2.0602-2Iain Arnell 2.0602-1Iain Arnell 2.0402-2Iain Arnell 2.0402-1Iain Arnell 2.0401-2Iain Arnell 2.0401-1Iain Arnell 2.0205-2Iain Arnell 2.0205-1Petr Pisar - 2.0204-2Iain Arnell 2.0204-1Iain Arnell 2.0202-1Petr Sabata - 2.0010-2Iain Arnell 2.0010-1Iain Arnell 2.0007-1Iain Arnell 2.0002-2Iain Arnell 2.0002-1Iain Arnell 2.0001-3Iain Arnell 2.0001-2Iain Arnell 2.0001-1Iain Arnell 2.00-1Iain Arnell 1.25-1Iain Arnell 1.24-1Iain Arnell 1.23-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.21-2Iain Arnell 1.21-1Iain Arnell 1.15-1Iain Arnell 1.14-1Iain Arnell 1.08-1Marcela Maslanova - 1.03-1Marcela Maslanova - 1.02-1Marclea Mašláňová 1.01-1Chris Weyl 0.99-1Chris Weyl 0.98-1Chris Weyl 0.96-1Chris Weyl 0.94-3Chris Weyl 0.94-2Chris Weyl 0.94-1Stepan Kasal - 0.92-2Chris Weyl 0.92-1Chris Weyl 0.90-1Chris Weyl 0.89-1Chris Weyl 0.88-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.81-3Chris Weyl 0.81-2Chris Weyl 0.81-1Chris Weyl 0.80-1Chris Weyl 0.79-1Chris Weyl 0.78-1Chris Weyl 0.74-2Chris Weyl 0.74-1Chris Weyl 0.73-1Chris Weyl 0.72-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.71-2Chris Weyl 0.71-1Chris Weyl 0.64-1Chris Weyl 0.63-1Chris Weyl 0.62-1Chris Weyl 0.61-4Chris Weyl 0.61-3Chris Weyl 0.61-2Chris Weyl 0.61-1Chris Weyl 0.57-2Chris Weyl 0.57-1Chris Weyl 0.54-1Chris Weyl 0.51-1Chris Weyl 0.50-1Chris Weyl 0.44-2Chris Weyl 0.44-1Tom "spot" Callaway 0.33-3Chris Weyl 0.33-2Chris Weyl 0.33-1Chris Weyl 0.32-1Chris Weyl 0.30-1Chris Weyl 0.29-1Chris Weyl 0.26-1Chris Weyl 0.24-1Chris Weyl 0.22-1Chris Weyl 0.21-1Chris Weyl 0.20-2Chris Weyl 0.20-1Chris Weyl 0.18-1Chris Weyl 0.17-2Chris Weyl 0.17-1Chris Weyl 0.15-1Chris Weyl 0.14-1Chris Weyl 0.13-1Chris Weyl 0.12-2Chris Weyl 0.12-1- Spec tidy-up - Use author-independent source URL - Don't run tests that would require bootstapping on EPEL - Refresh build and runtime dependencies - Use %{make_build} and %{make_install}- Rebuilt for Perl 5.30 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Perl 5.30 rebuild- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Perl 5.28 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Update to 2.2011- Update to 2.2010- Rebuilt for Update to 2.2009- Update to 2.2008- Update to 2.2007- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to 2.2006- Perl 5.26 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Perl 5.26 rebuild- Update to 2.2005- Rebuilt for Update to 2.2004- Update to 2.2003- Update to 2.2002- Update to 2.2000- Update to 2.1807- Update to 2.1806- Update to 2.1805 - BR: perl(MooseX::NonMoose) and perl(Specio) for further test coverage - Use NO_PERLLOCAL/NO_PACKLIST from recent EU::MM - Fix wrong URL link- Break build cycle: perl-Moose → perl-Type-Tiny → perl-Moose- Update to 2.1804- Update to 2.1803 - Add some optional test dependencies for better coverage - Drop obsoletion of perl-Class-MOP, merged into perl-Moose in Fedora 15- Update to 2.1802 - BR: perl-generators - Simplify find commands using -empty and -delete- Perl 5.24 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Update to 2.1801- Update to 2.1605- Rebuilt for Update to 2.1604 - Drop obsoletes for old tests sub-package- Update to 2.1603- Update to 2.1600- Rebuilt for Perl 5.22 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Perl 5.22 rebuild- Update to 2.1405- Update to 2.1404 - Use %license- Update to 2.1403- Update to 2.1402- Perl 5.20 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update to latest upstream version- Perl 5.18 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- update to latest upstream version - add examples to documentation- update to latest upstream version- Rebuilt for update to latest upstream version- update to latest upstream version- Rebuilt for Perl 5.16 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Perl 5.16 rebuild- update to latest upstream version- avoid circular build-dependencies with Data::Visitor and Devel::Partialdump (patch from Paul Howarth rhbz#810394)- update to latest upstream version- drop tests subpackage; move tests to main package documentation- update to latest upstream version- add virtual provides for perl-Any-Moose- update to latest upstream version- Build-require Carp because Carp dual-lives now (bug #736768)- update to latest upstream version - additional build/test dependencies for more testing- update to latest upstream version- Perl mass rebuild- update to latest upstream version- update to latest upstream version- drop unnecessary BR perl(Devel::PartialDump)- update to latest upstream version- add explicit perl(Dist::CheckConflicts) requirement- obsolete perl-Class-MOP-tests too- update to latest upstream version- update to latest upstream version - regenerate BuildRequires from META.json - obsoletes perl-Class-MOP (now incluced in Moose itself) - clean up spec for modern rpmbuild- update to latest upstream version- update to latest upstream version- update to latest upstream version- Rebuilt for update to latest upstream version - update R/BR perl(Class::MOP) >= 1.11 - update R/BR perl(Params::Util) >= 1.00 - update R/BR perl(Package::DeprecationManager) >= 0.10 - new BR perl(Test::Fatal) >= 0.001 - drop old BR perl(Test::Exception)- update to latest upstream version - update BR perl(Class::MOP) >= 1.09 - new BR perl(Params:Util)- update to latest upstream version - update BR perl(Class:MOP) >= 1.05 - new BR perl(Test::Requires) >= 0.05 - new R/BR perl(Package::DeprecationManager) >= 0.04- update to latest upstream - update BR perl(Class:MOP) >= 1.02- update- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0 - switch off tests for meantime, needs Class::ISA- update- update by Fedora::App::MaintainerTools 0.006 - updating to latest GA CPAN version (0.99)- update by Fedora::App::MaintainerTools 0.003- auto-update by cpan-spec-update 0.002 - dropped old BR on perl(UNIVERSAL::require) - dropped old BR on perl(Sub::Install) - dropped old BR on perl(Test::LongString) - dropped old BR on perl(Filter::Simple)- PERL_INSTALL_ROOT => DESTDIR - add perl_default_subpackage_tests - properly exclude vendorarch/auto/ directory - add br on DateTime::Calendar::Mayan- we're not noarch anymore :)- auto-update to 0.94 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01) - altered br on perl(Class::MOP) (0.94 => 0.98) - altered req on perl(Class::MOP) (0.94 => 0.98)- rebuild against perl 5.10.1- auto-update to 0.92 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01) - altered br on perl(Class::MOP) (0.93 => 0.94) - altered req on perl(Class::MOP) (0.93 => 0.94)- switch filtering systems... - auto-update to 0.90 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01) - altered br on perl(Class::MOP) (0.92 => 0.93) - altered br on perl(Test::More) (0.77 => 0.88) - added a new br on perl(Try::Tiny) (version 0.02) - altered req on perl(Class::MOP) (0.92 => 0.93) - added a new req on perl(Try::Tiny) (version 0.02)- auto-update to 0.89 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01) - altered br on perl(Class::MOP) (0.89 => 0.92) - altered req on perl(Class::MOP) (0.89 => 0.92)- auto-update to 0.88 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01) - altered br on perl(Class::MOP) (0.85 => 0.89) - altered br on perl(Sub::Exporter) (0.972 => 0.980) - added a new req on perl(Carp) (version 0) - added a new req on perl(Class::MOP) (version 0.89) - added a new req on perl(Data::OptList) (version 0) - added a new req on perl(List::MoreUtils) (version 0.12) - added a new req on perl(Scalar::Util) (version 1.19) - added a new req on perl(Sub::Exporter) (version 0.980) - added a new req on perl(Sub::Name) (version 0) - added a new req on perl(Task::Weaken) (version 0)- Rebuilt for split off Test::Moose- auto-update to 0.81 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01) - altered br on perl(Class::MOP) (0.83 => 0.85)- auto-update to 0.80 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)- auto-update to 0.79 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01)- auto-update to 0.78 (by cpan-spec-update 0.01) - altered br on perl(Test::Exception) (0.21 => 0.27) - altered br on perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) (0 => 6.42) - added a new br on perl(Sub::Name) (version 0) - altered br on perl(Class::MOP) (0.81 => 0.83) - altered br on perl(Sub::Exporter) (0.954 => 0.972) - added a new br on perl(Carp) (version 0)- switch filtering to a cleaner system- update to 0.74- update to 0.73- update to 0.72- Rebuilt for update to 0.71- update to 0.64- update to 0.63 - bump br versions on Moose, List::MoreUtils- update to 0.62 - new Task::Weaken and Class::MOP requirements- aaaand drop them again, as it was really perl-Class-MOP's issue.- same with Devel::GlobalDestruction (same RT as below)- add Sub::Name as a build dep (RT#40772)- update to 0.61 - update BR's- add additional test BR's- update to 0.57- update to 0.54- update to 0.51- update to 0.50 - drop obviated test patch- bump- update to 0.44- rebuild for new perl- remove *.orig files from t/ (BZ#427754)- update to 0.33- update to 0.32- update to 0.30- update to 0.29 - refactor to Module::Install- udpate to 0.26- update to 0.24 - license tag: GPL -> GPL+ - patch t/202_...t to write to a tmpdir rather than .- update to 0.22- update to 0.21- add t/ to %doc - add br for optional test #7- update to 0.20 - add additional BR's for new optional tests- Sub::Name only needed as a br for Moose < 0.18 - update to 0.18- add IO::File and IO::String to br's for testing- update to 0.17- update to 0.15- update to 0.14 - drop some cruft from the specfile - make %description a touch more verbose :)- update to 0.13- bump- Specfile autogenerated by cpanspec -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryPerl5 module source texttroff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)PRRRRRR !#,B] b2u jӫ`(xx墫l{wmN p{H!Y+ι$=?c,4RT=9M*o>M@:,{OqC[[7w{0Nu=ˤ,lW .#M5#waPD}# pEg뒎d$˾ ;4ߋ#b[5> 4ph?\*8>Tj{&q)D?ր+Jï&MX0G#bqsQԱ1dDr5/ þu MCgQZVWE~60i+@5n粢A]ˮe's' , ~ɁvZ֑%'Ʈ,G^h('x>8]9K5mu=5[(~#LKK~<*L]Wl~4\{ Dɥ*NJ.:NOOWaeCj "#qއA ׁ+s+!g@gix<)?mu2JaZv׮_ઽNxrUI^x{Y$sa$tXq8ir,?p2?"R-\%XaN ȓ>\)vsXR '55\W9͉$ja rߟD|HZkk ]y$Idzь|5.}Rw07Bi7r{tZ4S37vl/ME7(${h7IlQ%t "eپm!(d9ݤqGhq9=t.! vSK2(t]~4IWzH F w/~(Sl1t౨L:4.#pYe~"af$g9-+=2f %cRqԐ\Y+6ƥm=YyB0Uu.k,٭&eHchB?Z٣')fKVHѾj>,r2hW>"NYk RpP T$)Q&Qf&_,2d2~im[p !a- ߽ypWVY9 }'8?WryeWxK"C+.=)=%)ߐӶ3a-:_Fx>KNQW];`+R?ўy/)l-9%F '0Yq<ȁÐ y貯&}ׇ|fN'5dsY1*%~Z go^6V!!AEȷq,@ RFM7CU-rc~p|,;%N!]:gyS̩D Be/KrN %@hvphb< P1ȕC i {w~LB*\O27`w*15sOR/KU4m*󭹢; f7{eW\a[Μ;3 v -ij `lO g7\ 0]It4_" 4l=iXg\~~Tldg L~=eǥM"9 ddJ 1Q]פi-`fZ>,훃Y%1lOk:H[rLv_ܯKCPYB׍Oޥ\Pzi7iBKT#žZrit3~Dv%-31Ng=bUbAai}Q$?@>3r?c ?|~O`iD <%YmljK~t_359]v\(;ո &d;?pv^Yj|)DXh4pFeQc~UA@~O7wXp݉Z{W!VԦ90@'S.)d2K@ǯPP5`avFI,d02#NEX^kx,ҠyhKZ=f̒o*6Eol9_KzN8/$dy,n1o9`tTK2קxxPKۚLZꁉAϯ/5H̓Z6ت@L%H?,S{JNlXJ,@c{e;jYy,7\1^AIYfsyF|4:\BT鞫"VBS1Q_pIc%>< ya▼m Q?pYF}qaY~Bݥ@;rSxomeÔy''Tѝ<+ IExͥ0:/Lm?ZSvʂ]LMI.PraoX rzDsngդ+V}>=2tDkgm2HlYV+sƋ9Z5v°R_}˛Nƶ7gNY #7qj 𐷄GPĮҖ8*rLqU9avSvJÍ{O:ECI,^6V)Y'HFGvKcd)ޮɵiOΎT=[Fҵ3Vs#好g+b;֐&R3wAakX"db;MEG{7\lfCld<A?jiRnT{|.i?3xz@ |[يi-*4XoJc67{Kylq. ?3ɔ+:Zt~jlN@ =nѷvBygֿ'gaU(0! `v >ilPǵd̑Diwa/Aj,M82Z NI5YS#l4݈>qGKXEu5!?^/b=\l7h5664hx_D&_ 7.0~Cd ?x#40:*YCvra[-[ҌvUP2K {aHh8I*\f_&y`NέQ ǬOLGQFmʚHrWNq~2FOz5;_V˖51M>M\Wf>I(]5%7G6QJ}~o?.:䲈NknD(:i"8/ YZ