armadillo-12.6.6-1.el8 > 6 6_6 3!y덏%!E/֡e !E/֡S,b,c/+4^~Y y\ˣ ' T_B&gU`?؁^M㋓=$(>F$w*¥^3m(o'vX%*k k4tn 2;_\_ Zh7:C5,4 f[^iGnG7FZ  c|3,iحfSi%G[o"/fӐ5}@t-:K#|?l:|tq*+v\`s&b6Yǝe4ٕgMk_-'|~O₯?<ծtM 4I %aƱ Ewې4Y&;NbZWR↳yQd-t@Bb;S>ij#V9Bu}lUvI3B_@ÄijHtk4K=RdXPuoJ]ajzhTk ؜+)@sP'c!(1prR[6yo*g_T]J^QkM-IWq7|t'Y50[&@*,)?l̛1R,.dسrY\\,#b_PFR2JTrhy%Z9 {T 46?Y2˨gXjP3?Ah懥BsBZ bB:FDl̝Jо  83#%r8aP0>p=@?@d   ZLP|    , L  `H(*849 L:%G<H< I<@Xe>f>l>t>u?v?(w@x@ y@@ @t@x@@@Carmadillo12.6.61.el8Fast C++ matrix library with syntax similar to MATLAB and OctaveArmadillo is a C++ linear algebra library (matrix maths) aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries. A delayed evaluation approach is employed (during compile time) to combine several operations into one and reduce (or eliminate) the need for temporaries. This is accomplished through recursive templates and template meta-programming. This library is useful if C++ has been decided as the language of choice (due to speed and/or integration capabilities), rather than another language like Matlab or Octave.eRbuildvm-ppc64le-23.iad2.fedoraproject.orgJFedora ProjectFedora ProjectASL 2.0Fedora ProjectUnspecified,-(AAA큤eQeQeQeEeFeQWbZWbZeb33051b4784cfd7957c0e3e98029f097fe81b0001006d86b2bd0afbbdfabd943ddf9be5c28fe27dad143a5dc76eea25222ad1dd68934a047064e56ed2fa40c5ad0eeb41d701b65ced6cd202a389f04cad40813f83437ee4c62fc4791ad0560d../../../../usr/lib64/}3aj@` @`#@`@`@`@_T_R,@_P_*@_*@_%Y@__^^^^@^Ri@^0"@^@]nU]R@]8H@],j\\\~\D@\Z@\@\\R@\LK\'@[@[v[m~@[GB[7pZ@ZmZz@ZY@YcYYYx@Y)j@X @XZXZX@XfL@XRXF@Xx@WE@WW-@Wv[@Wu Ws@Ws@WXWM|WL+@W-WVn@VyV@V@VV_UUWUy@U'Ua@UD@T\@T@T@TxcTeT!`S@S@SSf+ScSE6@S"@S@R@RRΏ@R@R;Ro@RIgRIgR>R@QQQbQQ@QsQj@Q1Q& @QQ:@QP @P+P@PP@O@NqM'L Ryan Curtin - 12.6.6-1José Matos - 10.8.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 10.7.4-2José Matos - 10.7.4-1Orion Poplawski - 10.6.0-7Orion Poplawski - 10.6.0-6Antoio Trande - 10.6.0-5Orion Poplawski - 10.6.0-4Fedora Release Engineering - 10.6.0-3José Matos - 10.6.0-1José Matos - 10.5.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 10.2.0-2José Matos - 10.2.0-1José Matos - 10.1.2-1José Matos - 9.900.3-2José Matos - 9.900.3-1José Matos - 9.900.2-5José Matos - 9.900.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 9.900.2-3Fedora Release Engineering - 9.900.2-2José Matos - 9.900.2-1José Matos - 9.900.1-1Orion Poplawski - 9.880.1-2José Matos - 9.880.1-1José Matos - 9.860.1-1José Matos - 9.850.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 9.800.3-2José Matos - 9.800.3-1Devrim Gündüz - 9.700.2José Matos - 9.600.6-1Fedora Release Engineering - 9.600.4-2José Matos - 9.600.4-1José Matos - 9.500.2-1José Matos - 9.400.4-1José Matos - 9.400.3-1José Matos - 9.400.2-1José Matos - 9.300.2-1Orion Poplawski - 9.200.8-2José Matos - 9.200.8-1Fedora Release Engineering - 9.200.7-2José Matos - 9.200.7-1José Matos - 9.200.6-1José Matos - 9.200.4-1José Matos - 9.100.5-1José Matos - 8.600.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 8.600.0-2José Matos - 8.600.0-1Richard Shaw - 8.300.0-3.1Richard Shaw - 8.300.0-3Fedora Release Engineering - 8.300.0-2Ryan Curtin - 8.300.0-1Ryan Curtin - 8.200.1-1Rex Dieter - 8.100.1-2Ryan Curtin - 8.100.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 7.900.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 7.900.1-2José Matos - 7.900.1-1José Matos - 7.800.2-1José Matos - 7.800.1-2José Matos - 7.800.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 7.600.2-2José Matos - 7.600.2-1José Matos - 7.600.1-1Orion Poplawski - 7.500.0-2José Matos - 7.500.0-1José Matos - 7.300.1-1José Matos - 7.300.0-1Dan Horák - 7.200.2-5Dan Horák - 7.200.2-4Dan Horák - 7.200.2-3Orion Poplawski - 7.200.2-2José Matos - 7.200.2-1José Matos - 7.200.1-1José Matos - 7.100.3-2José Matos - 7.100.3-1José Matos - 6.700.6-1José Matos - 6.700.4-1Mukundan Ragavan - 6.600.4-3Mukundan Ragavan - 6.600.4-2José Matos - 6.600.4-1José Matos - 6.500.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 6.500.4-2José Matos - 6.500.4-1José Matos - 5.600.2-1José Matos - 5.300.4-1José Matos - 5.200.2-2José Matos - 5.200.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.650.2-3Kalev Lember - 4.650.2-2José Matos - 4.650.2-1José Matos - 4.600.4-1Ryan Curtin - 4.550.2-1José Matos - 4.550.0-1José Matos - 4.500.0-1José Matos - 4.450.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.320.0-2José Matos - 4.320.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.300.0-3José Matos - 4.300.0-2José Matos - 4.300.0-1José Matos - 4.200.0-1José Matos - 4.100.2-1José Matos - 4.100.0-1José Matos - 4.000.2-1José Matos - 4.000.0-2José Matos - 4.000.0-1José Matos - 3.930.1-1José Matos - 3.920.3-1José Matos - 3.920.2-1José Matos - 3.920.1-1José Matos - 3.920.0-1Orion Poplawski - 3.910.0-2José Matos - 3.910.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.900.4-3Petr Machata - 3.900.4-2José Matos - 3.900.4-1José Matos - 3.820.0-1José Matos - 3.810.2-1José Matos - 3.810.0-1José Matos - 3.800.2-1José Matos - 3.800.0-1José Matos - 3.6.3-1Denis Arnaud - 3.6.2-3Denis Arnaud - 3.6.2-2José Matos - 3.6.2-1José Matos - 3.6.1-1José Matos - 3.6.0-1José Matos - 3.4.4-1José Matos - 3.2.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2.3-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2.3-2Conrad Sanderson - 2.2.3-1Conrad Sanderson - 1.2.0-1Conrad Sanderson - 1.0.0-1- Update to latest stable version.- update to 10.8.2- Rebuilt for Update to 10.7.4- Rebuild to tag build- Rebuild for hdf5 1.12.1- Rebuild for SuperLU-5.3.0- Rebuild for hdf5 1.10.7- Rebuilt for update to 10.6.0 - BR flexiblas for Fedora and lapack, openblas and atlas for EPEL - adapt armadillo-devel accordingly- update to 10.5.3- Rebuilt for update to 10.2.0- update to 10.1.2- make extra_options empty in the correct way- update to 9.900.3- add upstream patch to support flexiblas - enable tests- clean the spec file and remove support for epel 6- Second attempt - Rebuilt for Rebuilt for - Adapt cmake to work with out of tree builds (and other minor cleanups)- update to 9.900.2- update to 9.900.1- Rebuild for hdf5 1.10.6- update to 9.880.1- update to 9.860.1- update to 9.850.1 - update list of document files- Rebuilt for update to 9.800.3- Update to 9.700.2- update to 9.600.6- Rebuilt for update to 9.600.4- update to 9.500.2- update to 9.400.4- update to 9.400.3- update to 9.400.2- update to 9.300.2- Rebuild for hdf5 1.10.5- update to 9.200.8- Rebuilt for update to 9.200.7- update to 9.200.6- update to 9.200.4- update to 9.100.5 - add white lines to improve spec file readability- update to 8.600.1- Rebuilt for Update to 8.600.0 - Make calls to ldconfig conditional (not needed for Fedora >= 28)- Rebuild for fixed soname in SuperLU 5.2.1.- Rebuild for SuperLU 5.2.1.- Rebuilt for Update Armadillo to 8.300.0.- Update Armadillo to 8.200.1.- tighten %files to track library soname- Update Armadillo to 8.100.1.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update to 7.900.1- update to 7.800.2- really change the license this time (thought experiments do not count) - remove last instance of Group in the -devel subpackage- update to 7.800.1 - clean spec file- Rebuilt for update to 7.600.2- update to 7.600.1 - install pkgconfig file- Rebuild for hdf5 1.8.18- update to 7.500.0- update to 7.300.1- update to 7.300.0- switch to positive list for R/BR: openblas-devel that matches openblas' ExclusiveArch tag- and fix also R: in the devel subpackage- don't use BR: openblas-devel on s390(x)- Rebuild for hdf5 1.8.17- update to 7.200.2- update to 7.200.1- bring back lapack-devel BR or else LAPACK functions are disabled- update to 7.100.3 - link with openblas instead of atlas- update to 6.700.6- update to 6.700.4 - superlu43 is only required for Fedora >= 24- Add SuperLU43 (compat package) as dep - Fix cmake files for building against SuperLU43- Rebuild for SuperLU soname bump ( update to 6.600.4- update to 6.500.5- Rebuilt for update to 6.500.4 - cleaned spec file: removed %defattr not needed in any supported version of fedora or epel- update to 5.600.2- update to 5.300.4 - add %license tag- add requires:SuperLU-devel to -devel subpackage- update to 5.200.2 - add BR SuperLU-devel, required on version 5+- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- update to 4.650.2- update to 4.600.4- update to 4.550.2 for gcc 4.4 bug which is only relevant on EL6- update to 4.550.0- update to 4.500.0- update to 4.450.0- Rebuilt for update to 4.320.0- Rebuilt for add hdf5-devel as build requirement and also as required for the -devel sub-package- update to 4.300.0- update to 4.200.0- update to 4.100.2- update to 4.100.0- update to 4.000.2- add mex_interface to documentation (demonstration of how to connect Armadillo with MATLAB/Octave mex functions)- update to 4.000.0 - dropped boost dependency and added arpack - remove reference to boost in the comments- update to 3.930.1 - update the name of the documentation paper from 2013 to 2014- update to 3.920.3- update to 3.920.2- update to 3.920.1- update to 3.920.0- Rebuild for atlas 3.10- update to 3.910.0- Rebuilt for Rebuild for boost 1.54.0- update to 3.900.4- update to 3.820.0- Update to latest stable version- Update to latest stable version- Update to latest stable version- Update to latest stable version - License changed from LGPLv3+ to MPLv2.0 - Added another documentation file (rcpp related) - Spec changelog trimmed- Update to latest stable release- Rebuild for Boost-1.53.0- Rebuild for Boost-1.53.0- Update to latest stable release- Update to latest stable release- Update to latest stable release- Update to latest stable release - Clean the spec files (documentation has a special treatment with rpm)- Update to version 3.2.4- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for spec updated for Armadillo 2.2.3- spec updated for Armadillo 1.2.0- spec updated for Armadillo -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9402f49e8e9982b7d98d626e42b04160bfd329eb, strippedASCII text, with CRLF line terminators PRRRRRR R RRRRR !#,P/d8] b2u jӫ`(y/݆yE(#4G1IjPD!Bl z.gfRKV~4H#sHxdo5NWUV. 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