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Jones 4.10.0-3jkeating - 4.10.0-2Robert Scheck 4.10.0-1Alan Pevec 4.9.2-1Marcela Maslanova - 4.9.1-3Alan Pevec 4.9.1-2Lubomir Rintel 4.9.1-1Alan Pevec 4.8.3-1Stepan Kasal - 4.8.1-3Alan Pevec 4.8.1-2Alan Pevec 4.8.1-1Tom "spot" Callaway 4.6.5-1Alan Pevec 4.6.4-1Tomas Mraz - 4.6.2-5Richard W.M. Jones - 4.6.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 4.6.2-2Alan Pevec 4.6.2-1Alan Pevec 4.5.3-2Alan Pevec 4.5.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.5.1-4Richard W.M. Jones - 4.5.1-3Alan Pevec 4.5.1-2.1Alan Pevec 4.5.1-2Alan Pevec 4.5.1-1Alan Pevec 4.4.2-1Lubomir Rintel 4.4.1-4Lubomir Rintel 4.4.1-3Alan Pevec 4.4.1-2Alan Pevec 4.4.1-1Alan Pevec 4.4.0-2Alan Pevec 4.4.0-1Richard W.M. Jones - 4.3.2-9Richard W.M. Jones - 4.3.2-8Richard W.M. Jones - 4.3.2-6Richard W.M. Jones - 4.3.2-5Richard W.M. Jones - 4.3.2-4Richard W.M. Jones - 4.3.2-2Richard W.M. Jones - 4.3.2-1Richard W.M. Jones - Lalancette - Wieers - 4.2.0-1 - 5946+/dagDag Wieers - 3.11.5-1- Enable write_riemann plugin (#1770457)- Remove a few plugins for which we don't have the necessary requirements- Remove lvm2 plugin, liblvm2 is gone from the distro- Rebuilt for Update to 5.9.0.- Rebuild (gpsd)- Rebuilt (iptables)- Perl 5.30 rebuild- Fix test failure- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for (#1666033) - Add upstream patch to remove upper limit of SENSORS_API_VERSION- Upstream released new version- Rebuilt for Perl 5.28 rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Remove unneeded ldconfig scriptlets- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Depend on perl-interpreter since the build scripts call /usr/bin/perl- Fix segfault in Ceph plugin (#1531596)- Rebuild for new libowcapi.- Rebuilt for Disable strict symbol checks in the link editor. Collectd uses plugins so undefined symbols are expected.- Disable broken gmond plugin. Ganglia needs to depend on libtirpc-devel.- Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Rebuild for new libxen.- Enable write_mongodb plugin (#1388826) - Remove dependency on libltdl- Upstream released new version - Fixes CVE-2017-16820 (double free in snmp plugin)- Use mariadb-connector-c-devel instead of mysql-devel (31493616)- Enable ping plugin again (#1478736)- Rebuild for new libgps- Rebuilt for Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636)- Rebuilt for Rebuild for new libxenctrl- Own /usr/share/collectd (#1471070) - Own /usr/include/collectd- Re-enable java plugin on ppc64le- Disable java plugin on ppc64le for now, javac segfaults.- Rebuild for owfs- Disable ping plugin for now until liboping is fixed (#1427893)- Perl 5.26 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages- Disable turbostat plugin. Upstream issue #2311- Upstream released new version- Perl 5.26 rebuild- Enable write_kafka plugin (#1388826)- Fix CVE-2017-7401- Rebuilt for Upstream released new version - Re-enable parallel make, this was fixed upstream- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Upstream released new version - Enable new hugepages and write_prometheus plugins- Rebuild for owfs- Upstream released new version- fix arch checks for xencpu subpackage- Upstream released new version: - Enable new plugins: chrony, cpusleep, gps, lua, mqtt, xencpu- Add patch to fix build with glibc 2.24 - Switch to Python 3 - Move python plugin to subpackage- Upstream released new version ( - Contains fix for CVE-2016-6254 - Drop a few patches applied upstream- Rebuild against new glibc (see Suppress spammy debug messages of exec plugin (#1343863) Upstream commit 53de2cf4- Enable iptables plugin again now that kernel-headers are fixed. ( Fix build with librrd rrdtool 1.6 is now thread-safe, but we failed to detect this. upstream commit 70cb50e- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Rebuild for librrd- Rebase modbus patch- Use Type=notify in systemd unit now that collectd supports it - Uncomment accidentally commented Requires for collectd-utils- Enable zfs_arc plugin now that it supports ZoL. - Move disk plugin to subpackage. - Move log_logstash plugin to subpackage. - Move write_http plugin to subpackage. - Move utils to subpackage. - Finally create subpackage for libcollectdclient. - Modbus: avoid enabling libmodbus's debug flag by default- Disable deprecation warnings in vserver plugin for now. The upcoming glibc 2.24 deprecates readdir_r. Reported upstream in #1566- Disable -Werror Fixes build failures due to deprecation warnings turned into errors.- Rebuilt for Rediff patch - Use fully versioned dependencies on main package- Upstream released new version- Fix regression in swap plugin (#1261237) - Replace my patch for Varnish 4.1 with upstream patches- Fix build against Varnish 4.1 (#1275413)- Use %license - Fix build on PPC64 and PPC64LE - Minor spec cleanups- Rebuild for hiredis soname bump - Drop hardened_build macro, it's the default now- Silence build noise by setting AR_FLAGS: ar: `u' modifier ignored since `D' is the default (see `U')- Disable iptables plugin, libiptc is broken (#1239213)- Turbostat plugin doesn't need net-snmp- Enable Redis plugin - Reduce diff with EPEL spec - Remove unused collection.conf- Rebuilt for Rebuild for new OneWire version- Upstream released new version - New plugins for Ceph, DRBD, SMART, turbostat, Redis and more- Perl 5.22 rebuild- rebuild for new librabbitmq- Rebuilt for new Ganglia version- Remove workaround for perl / python module loading This was fixed by upstream commit f131f0347f58 in 2009- Upstream released new version - Drop BuildRequires on owfs-capi, fixed in owfs - Drop collectd-fix-colors-in-collection.conf.patch, fixed upstream - Drop collectd-lvm-do-not-segfault-when-there-are-no-vgs.patch, fixed upstream- OneWire libraries are in owfs-capi package- Rebuilt for new OneWire version- Exclude onewire.conf from main collectd package- Improve the systemd unit a bit- Fix building with varnish 4- Rebuilt for new OneWire version- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for Rebuild for new protobuf-c again- Enable onewire plugin (patch from Tomasz Torcz) - Rebuild for new protobuf-c (#1126752)- Fix 404 while loading stylesheet in collection3 - Restore symlink to /etc/collection.conf- Rebuilt for Enable nut plugin again - Disable varnish plugin (#1099363) - Don't build libcollectd client with -Werror for now ( - LVM plugin: don't segfault when there are no vgs- Disable nut plugin (#1071919)- Upstream released new version: Rebuild for new libdbi- Enable memcached plugin (#1036422) - Stop running autoreconf- Update to 5.4.0 - Enable new cgroups, statsd and lvm plugins- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- Rebuild for new ganglia- BuildRequire static version of iproute (#967214)- update to 5.3.0 - enable all plugins we can enable - filter plugins from Provides - use new systemd macros (#850062) - modernize specfile- update to 5.2.2 - build with PIE flags rhbz#954322- update to 5.2.1 update to 5.2.0 from Steve Traylen rhbz#877721- update to 5.1.1 - spec cleanups from Ruben Kerkhof - fix postgresql_default.conf location rhbz#681615 - fix broken configuration for httpd 2.4 rhbz#871385- new upstream version 5.0.5 New upstream release, version bump to 5 (#743894) from Andrew Elwell- Rebuilt for Perl 5.16 rebuild- new upstream release 4.10.7 new upstream release 4.10.6 Rebuilt for new upstream version 4.10.4 - collectd-web config file DataDir value wrong rhbz#719809 - Python plugin doesn't work rhbz#739593 - Add systemd service file. (thanks Paul P. Komkoff Jr) rhbz#754460- Rebuild for new snmp again.- Perl mass rebuild- Perl mass rebuild- Rebuild for new snmp- Perl mass rebuild- fix build on s390(x)- re-enable nut plugin rhbz#465729 rhbz#691380- new upstream version 4.10.3 - disable nut 2.6 which fails collectd check: libupsclient . . . . no (symbol upscli_connect not found)- rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)- Rebuilt for no nut on s390(x)- New upstream version 4.10.2 - - explicitly disable/enable all plugins, fixes FTBFS bz#660936- New upstream version 4.10.1 Bump and rebuild for updated Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- New upstream version 4.10.0 (thanks to Mike McGrath)- New upstream version 4.9.2 Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- enable ping plugin bz#541744- New upstream version 4.9.1 New upstream version 4.8.3 - FTBFS bz#564943 - system libiptc is not usable and owniptc fails to compile: add a patch from upstream iptables.git to fix owniptc compilation- rebuild against perl 5.10.1- use Fedora libiptc, owniptc in collectd sources fails to compile- update to 4.8.1 (Florian La Roche) bz# 516276 - disable ping plugin until liboping is packaged bz# 541744- update to 4.6.5 - disable ppc/ppc64 due to compile error- fix condrestart: on upgrade collectd is not restarted, bz# 516273 - collectd does not re-connect to libvirtd, bz# 480997 - fix unpackaged files - New upstream version 4.6.4 rebuilt with new openssl- Force rebuild to test FTBFS issue. - lib/collectd/types.db seems to have moved to share/collectd/types.db- Rebuilt for New upstream version 4.6.2 patch for strict-aliasing issue in liboping.c- New upstream version 4.5.3 - fixes collectd is built without iptables plugin, bz# 479208 - list all expected plugins explicitly to avoid such bugs- Rebuilt for Rebuild against new mysql client.- fix subpackages, bz# 475093- workaround for New upstream version 4.5.1, bz# 470943 - enable Network UPS Tools (nut) plugin, bz# 465729 - enable postgresql plugin - spec cleanup, bz# 473641- New upstream version 4.4.2.- Fix a typo introduced by previous change that prevented building in el5- Make this compile with older perl package - Turn dependencies on packages to dependencies on Perl modules - Add default attributes for files- Split rrdtool into a subpackage (Chris Lalancette) - cleanup subpackages, split dns plugin, enable ipmi - include /etc/collectd.d (bz#443942)- New upstream version 4.4.1. - plugin changes: reenable iptables, disable ascent- disable iptables/libiptc- New upstream version 4.4.0.- Added {?dist} to release number (thanks Alan Pevec).- Bump release number so we can tag this in Rawhide.- Exclude from the main package.- Put the perl bindings and plugin into a separate perl-Collectd package. Note AFAICT from the manpage, the plugin and Collectd::* perl modules must all be packaged together.- Remove -devel subpackage. - Add subpackages for apache, email, mysql, nginx, sensors, snmp (thanks Richard Shade). - Add subpackages for perl, libvirt.- Install Perl bindings in vendor dir not site dir.- New upstream version 4.3.2. - Create a -devel subpackage for development stuff, examples, etc. - Use .bz2 package instead of .gz. - Remove fix-hostname patch, now upstream. - Don't mark collectd init script as config. - Enable MySQL, sensors, email, apache, Perl, unixsock support. - Don't remove example Perl scripts. - Package types.db(5) manpage. - Fix defattr. - Build in koji to find the full build-requires list.- Prepare for Fedora package review: - Clarify license is GPLv2 (only). - Setup should be quiet. - Spelling mistake in original description fixed. - Don't include NEWS in doc - it's an empty file. - Convert some other doc files to UTF-8. - config(noreplace) on init file.- Update to git version 79b0797 - Remove *.pm files so we don't get a bogus dependency - Re-enable rrdtool; we will need it on the WUI side anyway- Updated to release 4.2.0.- Initial package. (using DAR) -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a5fd8774abfc190168708984db882b98e1f26759, strippedRRR R RR R RRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRR !#,,Y] b2u Q{K'>3b·%*ybγB3x#M38II:*,Fϊ9nKot:gN_bxgUj)\>c)Q4ȕSK`$9yŅ\a4r;2jX#{$ ;B Y2ߓߜ wx=4o+DB 28A!.y|WdDesȯĔ* 8ltf q78$>ίTBx7I +cIa|~=UY^Џ9u6cP?:ߘGs -JHUG> gW /dnEvX(/0hīT9zQ HX}٬II ÿ&Xgtqo{L09GYdw_ /YA!?}{tU=tu!k.C xXE݈iYvh)<0_B@Yde%N gnFRo3|mͿqz]AΌF߳l8#2.f# ø[X$܇;k6 ht.l"[Z&Gs^]EW vic>eiy,9զ*tF\QN_1eI5FWMtuKwE>6Pt]ʶe{53G%ǛI6R]?]pmN`qRiт\x< $~h\.M_חlf[ճ%\+HK4p{~ǣJ`>]ԡ:dTn9јaS&4t|-*x uBWʄMG+ßZ}#yA3Pyq 7]P_ܟO`h74IaZw#p!ꛯFgp™#{Ն ' M+'{u}ţ{/'{ϔ{-J<7K50Vt&)B{+%ϗ~VXeD*ͮ #Hpnw Ǜe8xۋh}:]j'r`SXXhaPX CU,@O$uZt#vC209Ot(x;>iH^ي6M$5EˌkϽx\ccL)0-D!@oy0u)xDg@+Ɯא/g2^rb $oD'˟3ۄ#fg{bUT -b%cplݍMfWqNjB;O(,/C"zhdײz}q&8ۏJ}sP+|ϖ5_~km3?jv֌`bq/ lu˵Fj۳sL =j?cq G,`0Q~fOk>">e +e%ZLDp)KT<j7lWFKX.9&{,Dj*6D?X8#͋{R<DY=QO/'J;OVnI~Q_ $Wѩ- ߨg5I/ǥnEVՍR,-;S Ra+HBZ5}tԽ-802uxSθcV>;V3C(73q| 4X^{UktOF(&2*ZJm3슊W,0x0f#;d^ʸ c/_@8SۇNs(RQCe&H$ BWS' GD>:?,trS/9[ZaikʏqVrV`̩SMKW;b(!+e m׮g =5ȶBaHy <OqBXhecNxUcdV_۞t&7)Z9v,Kia0;ӯ@KEAw[ S#N\ާ8S-Ε$KMKc#}Lw9$5L$GaMLӓQjt|WI劜UܟmgÄiUgo+m~*E)W6 J%^0[}`S6=vZ&]7#Db6s#^ؾ:{Yhϳ=;y)b9c%?&:0Dbt97Gfv dGs0dڛUHXA5tm} Όq#1^a衔:UXLhB7eH]6\۫5,e7'2kAqL+B˱BJpfh"Vi-(ABN5r2u1-EݑwS ;{Xuhswϑj𾪹4u8U@gٓئGwgfTqD3, gZɶ p|OiBCl1=UPVxޓmeՀO]PF'7xٴOmM`6]f.Z8ybSésA#+$4nPnIV)Ytal[eկQdا>LGcqAJ_p֬^2 >C" =KV^7X7qFY"dr\GS6F\~]v[%η(hT} i|F449RZ xzpĚ9'U}TlSQJ;mKNuQoϤC{.l:9eϔwQ?iTUeGY#\KB^Ю"WCd 2kxSSWVE!G2ҭ0+"ݫL0m:g8o&Ƌ1c&{c*\tcc+Y(xix NT a-Пs#K| DiZ)D',[ ޗF33rVϮUX2>@k>iEogt[ƾe|zҋ5xKpZް%;9KvgG1ǔl)@vsh7+JgpBb@ <˺vCpZ PSm _]ޭnbq$-U7N.-v;vCҐs=9htG66 3q2r.JНe'NSa["Ď>g!=HqvٟihժW,ˊ7*_)Iu;¤ fe FWn/ ׮jeya1HjV ǧS*JhvhqaES GE @7M{px[EX&aM{on0P~YwRRvXe]*&WI }9t{vn)= w \mZrK #XdX ]=BEԴ#P](2! \|CUF^e40+r$ɓ$U9̛2JWwFQJ3)JR4m }6a :Dm!'D-F R}_gYMTCkzYWߕ8/u͗b|s;O, > ?&7+/LhⶠQCBiK:a!#tȲ/JO|T;R,&D"nEٿaSHUGw\#.&&_zNMEѣtҊv!YPqS9G0,w@4As&hV.\NE~ ') 8ZQ/5~4.Cc:ѝPwcF))Koa k9 o MzF.Pn2$uX-Sw d=MΡFm!V)x#s`Yq ӯ(dHY|_y{ƌ\WM4U3(ێeoޣi@@$SWRL\*F)rt?C{DSs*- '0SGAZYQjA Tu(.kb$Nr3ڿVĄ9EeTѽi$vv-DK0(d"(얉 ł ]l\"A@o #j\ƏG&]G5鍓{?bEJ !Ԍ!ZS![:R6 u)$c`F_$lW8 +K+͙'ب.FWf ;/:϶6aIc2E>azaZP9tXN#sV ?҃1^|?;nU;;'3) nIkιDpG׺Lfp:",1SpO ̥ -oaǽq 7hؚ*D1JZĔMNe=ϠIVg >mtLM&^D>w:<+cGIO ( |:@pXjE0F:҈ \"1JВX [OnQeBM=ʝg4+U;;xI]O|d`5l1/exwU R_h7W읓'N~ `i-#Xzq-0h̿PҖ&(KU0P") YA}4nZM""PyӄjtєiK?c0j% r t ry1Xv[]gBr G.OgSC 8|+d<ٕDDOLcLвxщp Y0 nrm0YΚ;'Qkwkt=P\͟7r]KڑA8~r.&W/i@3 V9νpf$a5ɞor`أSJ:wv +WFO'nWLxcE_et2`r &lHmOi*$2ü9>4ZY)|>_0NĊ*y/2.^jŞ_y#UJP{FG z\D%q .CkV S99"Տ ,b`5sTs7fars.n}cjF.3}aK婎¦9+[9r3!3v>*љѕ9\NyWT(ʩmҠQlc&zy4V;fˉ bTzHm 9"T=@@ZFVηq0s{snOTFwdgKT:ՑD%+PȋMѶQ+ERe4c4-u8o5;4\M3TK-_.1] bhpAdxh8s=XwW{$cBB v]~r$8$rcVO0, c| QzEEB T^dzܚ84N=EPxS8*NHu$b.:Zee+|avb/!L$8 Q ː@lp (Opb6nZ'kQk3d Ek53?<N;h֣f3IBҟmEc/܌% 3m ^:|7m]]U"YZWIap~֦U0dz g"6"#0_{8@)+Ywd\ 5rxvs4R~_gՆC_!%)HlM1ַgWZ>\P|Ky !㛽$I2K|$lCV6dzO[=aA!q<J9dvz`1?/Cܨ$w4xgK7ˤovG^0=b[!<W O!j)F~'k65Im0C#X@ ގ>emn؞h(] e..b_-N"M0?BQt5q_&%*~嶿98nTʍP d\v7 N!˧\9\՝; CCSOO=@P'3ӳ$Vly"'A *Sh5{b5K`q@u,j מ^c:Z*k#RF=bIAKr&Y.)p?RuRM^䛋ATdcIpSyZ+*V!j3 (3-Ws^V'ʋ/5xwuڴ|=#X(v[M Ga8S* F }јJ P3w-C!tq!G7 н0B"i\$ů. rK 2OB:w#y_4=m "81Cbo14LR"߆UOf6ʴ]GBi%+t1VE;OYMp !B U&R}ۉƬьDe1B#[Tn(Q-TL|;%`hqTp5hP)AA&v'j!؟Yf%F^"V/ 9ڿŝU]r#Y~gg? 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