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Resolves: rhbz#2028336- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream release.- Rebuilt against fixed atk (#1626575)- New upstream release. - Don't show desktop file on GNOME.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Use ldconfig rpm macro.- Add BR: gcc- Rebuilt for Remove obsolete scriptlets- New upstream release. - Fix the preference link to work. (#1484894)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream release. - Fix the session management handling on XFCE. (#1419270)- Rebuilt for New upstream release.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuild for Xfce 4.12- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream release. - Remove BR: docbook2X- New upstream release. - Add a link to the log file in the error dialog (#950488) - Fix a crash issue (#859624)- Remove --vendora from desktop-file-utils in F19+ Rebuilt for New upstream release. - the spec file cleanup. - Correct License field - Add Provides: bundled(egglib) to im-chooser-common since it actually contains things in New upstream release. Translation updates. (#863375)- Rebuilt for Add ldconfig calls to -common scriptlets.- New upstream release.- Own the %{_datadir}/imchooseui dir.- Conditionally build XFCE support for RHEL.- New upstream release. - Update translations (#801232)- Rebuild for Xfce 4.10- New upstream release.- Update po files.- Rebuilt for New upstream release. - Fix the logout button behaved shutting down on KDE. (#741497)- New upstream release.- Add some Obsoletes for upgrading path.- New upstream release. - Add im-chooser-xfce subpackage.- Disable capplet. (#693809)- New upstream release.- Rebuild again.- Rebuild against latest imsettings.- Rebuild against newer gtk- Rebuilt for Rebuild against newer gtk- Rebuild against newer gtk3- New upstream release.- Rebuild against newer gtk3- New upstream release. - Improve the window title (#607502) - Move none state from checkbox to selector (#628420) - GNOME3 support- New upstream release. - Improve UI (#607513)- New upstream release. - Fallback to the themed icon if no icons are installed on the specified path. (#604482)- New upstream release. - GTK+ stock icon support. (#528850)- add new gnome-icon-theme style icons by Lapo Calamandrei and Jakub Steiner (mizmo, #587712) - add scriptlets for icon cache- New upstream release. - translation updates only.- Rebuilt for Disable the status icon check box.- Fix a typo in xfce4-im-chooser.desktop. (#487275)- New upstream release.- New upstream release.- New upstream release.- New upstream release.- New upstream release.- New upstream release. - Display IM icon in the list. (#454371)- New upstream release.- New upstream release. - Fix a segfault when no Input Method installed. (#452997)- New upstream release.- Fix a typo in the package group of imsettings-xfce. (#448037)- im-chooser-fix-window-border.patch: Display the progress window with the certain window border. (#444818) - imsettings-ignore-error-on-check-running.patch: Fix a crash issue when the pidfile doesn't exist. (#445129)- im-chooser-0.99.6-sanity-check-on-dbus-conn.patch: Do not abort even if getting the bus is failed. (#444494) - im-chooser-0.99.6-validate-pid.patch: Validate the pid. (#443765)- im-chooser-0.99.6-check-if-im-is-running.patch: Do not turn on the check box if IM isn't really running. (#443765) - im-chooser-0.99.6-correct-build-order.patch: Apply to correct the build order.- New upstream release. - translation updates. - Remove unnecessary patches: - im-chooser-0.99.5-no-xinputrc-update.patch - im-chooser-0.99.5-no-crash-on-no-im.patch- im-chooser-0.99.5-no-crash-on-no-im.patch: Fix a crash when no IM available. (#440519) - Invoke ReloadConfig to apply changes on DBus services in %post and %postun.- im-chooser-0.99.5-no-xinputrc-update.patch: real fix for #437732 - ensure invoking after the session bus is established. (#436284)- New upstream release. - Fix an issue always create .xinputrc at the startup time. (#437732) - Add Xfce support.- New upstream release. - Compress im-chooser.png icon. (#330441)- Run ldconfig on scriptlet of imsettings-libs.- New upstream release. - Fix taking too much CPU power. (#433575) - Fix not parsing the multiple command line options in xinput script. (#433578)- New upstream release. - Fix not working the user own .xinputrc properly.- New upstream release. - Fix some memory leaks and clean up the code. (#431167) - Fix the handling of the user own .xinputrc. (#431291)- New upstream release. - IMSettings is now enabled. you don't need to restart your desktop after changing IM for GTK+ applications. but still need to do for others so far.- New upstream release. - Rename sr@Latn to sr@latin. (#426540)- New upstream release. - Improve .desktop file for GNOME HIG compliant (#330431) - Improve English label on GUI (#302491) - Remove the dead link. (#330391) - Improve a package description. (#330421)- Remove the obsolete Norwegian (no) translation. (#332131)- New upstream release. - Fix an issue that looks like IM can't be disabled on im-chooser. (#324231)- Revert the previous change.- Bring up IM by default again, except the session is on Live CD. (#250226)- New upstream release. - Fix to allow users disabling IM.- Add README into the package.- New upstream release.- New upstream release.- Update License tag.- Own /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d (#250960)- Update Require for xorg-x11-xinit- New upstream release. - has been moved from xorg-x11-xinit.- Translations update release.- Add X-GNOME-PersonalSettings to the desktop file categories (#224159) - Use desktop-file-install- added Assamese, Greek and Marathi translation. (#208258)- Translations update release. (#208258, #208512)- New upstream release. - added an icon. (#199337) - removed the unnecessary patches: - im-chooser-r49.patch - im-chooser-r53.patch- im-chooser-r53.patch: take care of the suffix to appears current selection. (#204433)- im-chooser-r49.patch: removed MimeType field from .desktop file. (#203982)- New upstream release.- New upstream release. - add libgnomeui-devel to BR. - im-chooser-suffix-r40.patch: applied to support the recent change in the xinput files.- rebuilt- New upstream release.- New upstream release. - improved the package summary and description. - added intltool to BuildReq. - added gettext to BuildReq.- New upstream release. - use dist tag. - registered xinputrc alternatives for none and xim. - removed the empty docs. - add Requires: xorg-x11-xinit >= 1.0.2-5.fc6 for new Initial -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, BuildID[sha1]=0d327f7ba8dc43ca66af5752be085a0d281a809f, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RR RRR RRRRRRRR R R RRPP !#,;*] b2u y-iSqjk+%8啜q\uIs}#T_Ӹ TN5Kn,m_#MgwF\8$t҄{6t(Ƀ޷N=&ph+Z(YIV)6] |9`W갖v >@y|E(κK$N2W(B˷?ynW m37q %WY~'yn XNf@:9tw!$]AELawיwG%[OeP<;d@]" u&U:(򕠴< w%,ͻ,Gv%S̲ZTVC8]4b"8zSgw#4: DLOx] o,}8Nގsh8"UF.ۿ-_,tqVLh~uW'p$>vJ(|P2X&gT/9/tr,Ja$8tpvv)4E0羷 Yen˥8mZkO}'UDxέU"h] 1,cF^`܋@XS W$/_ֶVjxX.WZ"5P k& d0:f|r;:aJf ǸAGp}|l*@0b3Q TB'y DlS$rJFl:ǗJ\]!)9 FqGexH- tavG$6]&%gzo/sn͵+BV~z+Ub83b8W>OXExg]`~d&\ PZNJ-(}ߋ`md~ʓ7+h}C²fjdi4#E µvH{LBTAyQh_MX Hɬ^.y##<ܡZKv'T;DQ- Q6a1TZz "fXi"U:L]%#޹`e}cT*iɱ-JV_~*V,.1U^}2~'f'Okå 7g>/^ֿY+ܫ#"Nu&̈́p7d9}88&5UK=GDH&9sښbeCʖlQT;8aki`-qc}|L&tmHH^ȧCKА8POeiO{4p{~zN3>g 2# ΕDr>~K"%mF̪2R pŴE lïioNzP%q^܋kcy:;y06t7 /O&axA)_ NL)"Դ0&KIO&#Keg6FEmGu+*\(FO@ő! {Ahh$iϬ[TWTåG˿}7~@H$Oqqa&])4U(hGJg5PͅbLJA}6 jy@XqLf·}6D5̝8_Mu"tMb]O >%"QaNyл%+C>v4xjj'?'~ 1Nz9YkF)l+L߿Tbs؟I26ɚ]% M4a{꧒DeɹXGRn]:(CaN@geբ=&~8=Tb=K$e4S& rauJ uN[j!ad8![0C=/xVƻLw`n>Dٳa).* }Saхg@SѨA//NͿGxo5T?iۨވ- PPOJk'h(X4n'4D6Ԑ}B"z_RQL6CGrLs?Vc4uҗFmTt uoikM!r!QY[ƬWᘶ">3f;XWK C@LիX'&x/tot[#XQD뱢:D/hRS/vrGarA̢,r`~/@ dF`&K'g0?Yj.Ϭe(%z İNOvU4p<n6qlR9Y%F;q'l8?GU?~EI_eхgpry7qsg d lʥj=C&BXћB=8Aї¨(n),j}G3:A%E;ۍ-}dʾj q8&[ mV줪!rϦ~w`s4̥V#)(C.v_1p%y<䴚V={ \%[GbtCn owoIP>*ELl:G:$̯̀_6Ny/ :2eQ=?{7xlmB:;^xQ)b8&œ\gUΚv0ܶ):Ǎ-2ޜy0dQ)$KjId$. kȍ 77= ۺ>Kn/*#2|2ˆgm(B9BpQVL7/fLEOE?k|#MA4+WJ?`' =`>#$J^dwxU_L6DaW8J *-BF6ekBӼ i{8Fradb5"^0o$*O{imJQ7z%&>_U췳ٿbh'9v--Gn]L7迎Z ("V:3}%3@Q* $-)WjrN`{(2*"@Ncݏ#t5*taO=NV{._hug\$ng[o"Cx43/x7OY Gij#T`iVNtnjVE4Xm%'\dZa͠d&wȢu!mg<) ~S!* pV?u?{I"uT}DBJg P#7صפ<P0ԋh٘̅u`ruÏ)\8Ž1[v˧ RF7̩{)6#$ pasA`4x _]'=T`'6GS)*:PLj\*UCMQW -Z`_7z2r[v"~$sw֮Fn.;Ic0a]H]' ^-x9ȏ8{*Dy%jvBg(J{"pū.+?0|mBBu)pdT,2AE{Nq C(p3 !hֺlt=$ Q j}*+~<ޜ}У8uqp@mGyߛM7$5Q3R$Y1;]eܸUfa:)M;0+7=\5hoa< ߊkx7YFܾ4 q\P7m~2sYk'ES⒊\ :Aud "&E/yeFa\X[i,;yjA3B#-ާGg(s"a"*Œۤg H5<ʐޢs&Ekj(umF ExճZSw挐t4wSRZojBԅ pPomZNM"N@@(o([^~уՆ`6n\.?:TK VK*pq:KgL0dij#¥{oxG}e> QQn eҫt'L'֍fajw&`d5F}5(c͞5cn$vH+{8@|sӒh/T˅ZƓEt|>1)_p *um/} +&Uucun-Nv;'+ȄvoXJ{ |P. 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