mate-control-center-filesystem-1.26.1-1.el8 > 6 6_6 3!y덏%!E/֡dWt !E/֡^/z~4 #juSwɃ#|;:W}: >:JDrH!B~zLS2}v%BxuaL@vT#!Ԛ๺Hk5t4zpuԴ b>p:sKq &WX)!\W ٮw337?Z E,8f,e*nϚ@ Z,. QmzfQc~~2./[7(eadfdc727d1a43d17c9d169b15e7f1d9fa3044eed0acfa4d8b94c1df741f1926da5dd18ebd43dc921bc198d695db32d4931e9e8f;D3!y덏%!E/֡dWt !E/֡D_F䣷$Zܡ&>b@/HD U `vf?ߦ s^ëoqiOaklRme`%-qITe߉`rMԏ1U-kn,P$wXR&( c1Gth'JG<m|~Uo("CWdU&c$en.wF ɫ5 ԃ.6f4SsV_i:˧f/RQ})wkxσF&prL(8<$xiĞm1,@Q sxYD#􏊒Zּ=m; /'ei>p:6?6d!( . N(,X\kz      4<(8k9k:kG40H48I4@X4DY4L\4h]4p^4b4d5e6f6l6t6 u6(v606<6@6s6y6Cmate-control-center-filesystem1.26.11.el8MATE Control Center directoriesThe MATE control-center provides a number of extension points for applications. This package contains directories where applications can install configuration files that are picked up by the control-center utilities.dWbuildvm-ppc64le-40.iad2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPLv2+ and GPLv2+Fedora ProjectUnspecifiedhttp://mate-desktop.orglinuxppc64leAAdWdWrootrootrootrootmate-control-center-1.26.1-1.el8.src.rpmmate-control-center-filesystemmate-control-center-filesystem(ppc-64)    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3dWbʿ@aexau`]`Y@`@_7@_ @^n^n^B@^8 @^1s]@]@]=@]9]\\}@\T4\@[H@[#@ZmZ2@ZZ|;ZtRZiZJ"Z%8Y@Y@Yx@Y[@YC@X@X@XX@X@XF@WWҤ@WwWq@WYZ@W@V@V1V=@VVn@V^@VEV<@V'~@VU@UUa@UHTE@TE@TC@TL@T+S@SS#@SSRe@S%@SSRRmRR@Rbt@Q@QQ@Q\QP<@QP<@QNQPP@PDPPO@P@PPoP}L@Pl(Pl(Pj@Pj@Ph4@Pb@PaPAWolfgang Ulbrich - 1.26.1-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.26.0-3Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.26.0-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.26.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24.2-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.24.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24.1-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 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1.6.1-3Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.1-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.1-1Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.6.0-2Dan Mashal - 1.6.0-1Dan Mashal - 1.5.5-3Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.5.5-2Wolfgang Ulbrich - 1.5.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.3-4Rex Dieter 1.5.3-3Dan Mashal - 1.5.3-2Dan Mashal - 1.5.3-1Dan Mashal - 1.5.2-2Nelson Marques - 1.5.2-1Dan Mashal - 1.5.1-1Leigh Scott - 1.5.0-2Leigh Scott - 1.5.0-1Leigh Scott - 1.4.0-9Dan Mashal 1.4.0-8Dan Mashal 1.4.0-7Dan Mashal 1.4.0-6Dan Mashal 1.4.0-5Dan Mashal 1.4.0-4Dan Mashal 1.4.0-3Dan Mashal 1.4.0-2Dan Mashal 1.4.0-1- update to 1.26.1- add upstream commits from 1.26 branch - initial build for epel8- fix mate-about-me-password capplet- update to 1.26.0 release- Rebuilt for update to 1.24.2- Rebuilt for update to 1.24.1- Rebuilt for add upstream patch - fix terminal warning- add upstream patch - fix pt and pt_BR locale translation issues- update to 1.24.0- update to 1.23.3- Rebuilt for use - force uniform size of icons in shell- update 1.22.2 release- fix building for f31 mass-rebuild - add some upstream patches- Rebuilt for rebuild because of soname bump of marco- update to 1.22.1- update to 1.22.0- Rebuilt for update to 1.20.4- Rebuilt for update to 1.20.3- Change default cursor size to 24px, - better for modern HIDIPI displays- update to 1.20.2- uppdate to 1.20.0 - drop mimeinfo rpm scriptlet - drop desktop-database rpm scriptlet - drop GSettings Schema rpm scriptlet - drop IconCache rpm scriptlet - switch to using autosetup- Rebuilt for probably fix for rhbz (#1540878)- update to 1.19.3- update to 1.19.2- use to - fix rhbz (#1517547)- update to 1.19.1 release- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for use - warn about enabling multi-finger emulation, libinput may disables - software buttons when clickfinger is enabled.- update to 1.19.0- update to 1.18.1- update to 1.18.0 release- update to 1.17.3- Rebuilt for update 1.17.2 to release with libinput support- update 1.17.0 release- update to 1.16.0 release- update to 1.15.2 release- update to 1.15.1 release- don't show broken elements- update to 1.15.0 release - switch to gtk+3- update to 1.14.0 release- update to 1.13.2 release- update to 1.13.1- Rebuilt for move mate-menus-preferences-category-menu to mate-menus- update to 1.12.1 release - remove a upstreamed patch- Obsoletes/Provides: mate-menus-preferences-category-menu (#1287845)- fix crash with display-properties- update to 1.12.0 release - include from mate-menus- update to 1.11.0 release- update to 1.10.2 release- update to 1.10.1 release- add runtime requires mate-settings-daemon - fix rhbz (#1234438)- Rebuilt for update to 1.10.0-1 release- fix pkexec issue with mate-control-center, rhbz (#972534)- update to 1.9.90 release- update to 1.9.1 release- update to 1.9.0 release - windows: Add option to configure titlebar buttons layout - appearance: Add support for metacity-theme-2.xml - default-applications: Add support for office applications- update to 1.8.3 release- Rebuilt for update mime scriptlet- update to 1.8.2 release - removeed upstreamed typo-in-gsettings-key.patch- Rebuilt for typo in gsettings key, rhbz (#1089461)- update to 1.8.1 release - use wildcards for man files extensions - remove --disable-scrollkeeper configure flag- Update to 1.8.0- update to 1.7.90 - repair usage of git snapshots - improve find language command for yelp-tools - move autoreconf to the right place- Add autoreconf to work around rpath.- Update to 1.7.0 release.- make Maintainers life easier and use better git snapshot usage, Thanks to Björn Esser - use BR marco-devel - remove Obsoletes: libslab line, no need anymore - fix mixed usage of tabs and spaces - use modern 'make install' macro - make configure command better readable- Update to 1.7.0- switch to gnome-keyring for > f19- add mate-control-center-file-system subpackage - add requires hicolor-icon-theme- update to 1.6.1 release - remove NOCONFIGURE=1 ./ - update file section - remove old remnants from spec file- add runtime require gsettings-desktop-schemas to have proxy support - from gnome gsettings schema - remove needless mate-control-center.convert file - remove unused-direct-shlib-dependency to avoid rpmlint warnings - cleanup BR's- Update to latest 1.6.0 stable release.- Readd desktop file install and remove desktop file validate - Own proper dirs - Use buildroot macro instead of rpm_build_root- bump version in spec file- update to new upstream release - remove desktop-file-install command - add desktop-file-validate command - fix icon cache rpm scriptlet- Rebuilt for fix obsoletes - sort BuildRequires- Fix conflicts- Update to latest upstream release.- Switch back to old BR scheme. - Drop unneeded BR's - Add upstream patch to fix tielbar actions- Update to version 1.5.2 so we can receive mate-panel 1.5.3 - Remove dropped BRs: MateCORBA-2.0 - Split out libslab (now distributed) - Minor rework for readibility and ordered BuildRequires- Bump to 1.5.1 release- patch with latest upstream fixes- update to 1.5.0 release - change build requires and change style - add requires gsettings-desktop-schemas - add build requires gsettings-desktop-schemas-devel - add schema scriptlets - add build requires dconf-devel- move unversioned .so back to main package - fix directory ownership - fix scriplets - add missing build requires- Add disable-update-mimedb to configure flag and update files section- Remove noreplace bit for schemas - Remove ownership of XMLnamespaces and aliases folders - Remove desktop-file-utils from post and postun requires field - Add mate-conf to post requires field- Remove unnecessary explicit libexecdir configure flag, remove explicit requires field- Fix spelling error on schema install.- Update BR and remove about-me- Add excludes to files section as per package review.- Update files section as per review, update build requires.- Initial build1.26.1-1.el81.26.1-1.el8mate-control-centerkeybindings/usr/share//usr/share/mate-control-center/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnudirectory`7zXZ !#,k] b2u jӫ`(y/*SͲ: RMwWc>!V\8F4T|R=<\UP tMɦ@w3ђA܀NL.ַw<#)/H֜ YZ