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4.4.9-1Guido Aulisi - 4.4.6-4Guido Aulisi - 4.4.6-3Guido Aulisi - 4.4.6-2Guido Aulisi - 4.4.6-1Stephen Smoogen - 4.4.5-3Fedora Release Engineering - 4.4.5-2Stephen Smoogen - 4.4.5-1Stephen Smoogen - 4.4.3-7Fedora Release Engineering - 4.4.3-6Jitka Plesnikova - 4.4.3-5Stephen Smoogen - 4.4.3-4Stephen Smoogen - 4.4.3-3Fedora Release Engineering - 4.4.3-2Stephen Smoogen - 4.4.3-1Stephen Smoogen - 4.4.2-3Stephen Smoogen - 4.4.2-2Justin Paulsen 4.4.2-1Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-13Fedora Release Engineering - 4.3.4-12Jitka Plesnikova - 4.3.4-11Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-10Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-9Fedora Release Engineering - 4.3.4-8Robert Scheck - 4.3.4-7Robert Scheck - 4.3.4-6Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-5Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-4Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-3Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-3Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-2Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.4-1Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-12Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-11Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-10Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-9Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-8Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-7Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-7Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-6Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-5Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-4Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-3Jitka Plesnikova - 4.3.2-2Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.2-1Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.1-4gitStephen Smoogen - 4.3.1-3gitStephen Smoogen - 4.3.1-2Stephen Smoogen - 4.3.1-1Stephen Smoogen - 4.2.4-4Stephen Smoogen - 4.2.4-3Stephen Smoogen - 4.2.4-2Justin Paulsen - 4.2.4-1Stephen Smoogen - 4.2.2-1Kevin Fenzi - 4.0.8-4Jitka Plesnikova - 4.0.8-3Fedora Release Engineering - 4.0.8-2Scott Wilkerson - 4.0.8-2Scott Wilkerson - 4.0.8-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.1-9Jitka Plesnikova - 3.5.1-8Jitka Plesnikova - 3.5.1-7Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.1-6Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.1-5Peter Lemenkov - 3.5.1-4Peter Lemenkov - 3.5.1-3Peter Lemenkov - 3.5.1-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.5.1-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.5.0-9Fedora Release Engineering - 3.5.0-8Petr Pisar - 3.5.0-7Keiran Smith - 3.5.0-6Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.5.0-5Remi Collet - 3.5.0-4Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.5.0-3Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.5.0-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.5.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.4.4-3Adam Tkac - 3.4.4-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.4.4-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.4.3-5Adam Tkac - 3.4.3-4Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.4.3-3Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.4.3-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.4.3-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.4.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.4.1-3Petr Pisar - 3.4.1-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.4.1-1Petr Pisar - 3.3.1-4Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.3.1-3Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.3.1-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.3.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.2.3-13Adam Jackson - 3.2.3-12Marcela Maslanova - 3.2.3-11Jan ONDREJ (SAL) - 3.2.3-10Fedora Release Engineering - 3.2.3-9Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.3-8Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.3-7Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.3-6Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.3-5Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.3-4Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.3-3Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.3-2Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.3-1jkeating - 3.2.2-2Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.2-1Adam Tkac - 3.2.1-6Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.1-5Marcela Maslanova - 3.2.1-4Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.1-3Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.1-2Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.1-1Peter Lemenkov - 3.2.0-4Stepan Kasal - 3.2.0-3Mike McGrath - 3.2.0-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.2.0-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 3.1.2-3Mike McGrath 3.1.2-2Robert M. Albrecht 3.1.1-1Mike McGrath - 3.0.6-4Fedora Release Engineering - 3.0.6-3Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.6-2Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.6-1Mike McGrath 3.0.5-1Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.4-3Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.4-2Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.4-1Mike McGrath 3.0.3-9Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.3-8Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.3-7Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.3-6Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.3-5Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.3-4Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.3-3Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.3-2Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.3-1Robert M. Albrecht 3.0.2-1Shawn Starr 2.12-3Shawn Starr 2.12-2Shawn Starr 2.12-1Tom "spot" Callaway 2.11-3Mike McGrath 2.11-2Mike McGrath 2.10-6Mike McGrath 2.10-5Mike McGrath 2.9-5Mike McGrath 2.9-4Mike McGrath 2.9-3Mike McGrath 2.9-2Mike McGrath 2.9-1Mike McGrath 2.7-2Mike McGrath 2.6-1Mike McGrath 2.5-3Mike McGrath 2.5-2Mike McGrath 2.5-1Mike McGrath 2.4-2Mike McGrath 2.4-1Mike McGrath 2.3.1-1Mike McGrath 2.3-3Mike McGrath 2.3-1Mike McGrath 2.2-3Mike McGrath 2.0-1Mike McGrath 2.0-0.2.rc2Mike McGrath 2.0-0.1.rc2Mike McGrath 1.3-15Mike McGrath 1.3-14Karl DeBisschop (1.1-1)Karl DeBisschop (1.0-4)Karl DeBisschop (1.0-3)Karl DeBisschop (1.0-2)Karl DeBisschop Karl DeBisschop Ethan Galstad (1.0a4)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.7a5-1)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6-1)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b5-1)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b5-1)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b3-2)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b3-1)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b2-3)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b2-2)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b2-1)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b1-1)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.6b1-1)Karl DeBisschop (0.0.5-4)Karsten Weiss (0.0.5-3)Mike McHenry (0.0.4-1)Mike McHenry - Update to 4.4.9- Add missing require for nagios-plugins-ping - Fix run path- Require plugins needed for localhost monitoring (#1932297)- Fix systemd unit file permissions #1676334- Update to 4.4.6 - Fix for CVE-2020-13977 #BZ1849087 - Some spec cleanup- Add change to allow for problems found in mass rebuild and gcc10. - Fix BZ#1793909- Rebuilt for Move to 4.4.5 - Updated patches to cleanly patch- Try to put in fixes to allow this to work on EL8- Rebuilt for Perl 5.30 rebuild- Fix BZ#1674258 add explicite User and Group to systemctl startup. - Problem was missed because some config files had this set in them- Fix BZ#1672027 - Patch for daemon did not have enough endif in them. However test looks superfluous- Rebuilt for Incorporate many fixes from Justin Paulsen THANKS!!! - Update to 4.4.3 for CVE fixes - BZ#1661479 - BZ#1661480 - BZ#1665200 - BZ#1665201 - BZ#1665206 - BZ#1665207 - BZ#1665209 - BZ#1665210 - Fix BZ#1666209 Add RuntimeDirectory too systemd- Remove systemd startup since built in works properly - Incorporate fixes from patch14 into patch9- Fix init-type and initdir for systemd and sysv- Bumped to version 4.4.2 - Updated patches 0001,0002,0003,0006,0009,0010,0011 to reflect upstream changes - Updates to nagios.spec (this file) to cleanup un-needed elements and adjust/fix as required - As a result of the cleanup I have added a patch nagios-0014-fix-resource.cfg-path.patch- Remove section which unset nagios Fix BZ#1568273 - Remove /etc/nagios/conf.d Fix BZ#1504306 - Change perms on dir Fix BZ#1579935 - Close BZ#1273154 - Hopefully Fix BZ#1201849 - Hopefully Fix BZ#1476238 - Hopefully Fix BZ#1494292- Rebuilt for Perl 5.28 rebuild- Fix systemd failures due to old versioning.- Add buildrequires for gcc- Rebuilt for Fix initscript stop action for RHEL/CentOS 6 (#1515445 #c11)- Fix shell syntax error in initscript for RHEL/CentOS 6- Fix entry for nagios not stopping correctly sometimes - Try to make kill smarter. Needs to use the RH killproc instead- Fix nagios su lines to work on rhel6- Try to fix error on update with systemctl - Find all the parts i forgot to send to dev null- Fix conflict between nagios and nagios-contrib - Fix reload problem in nagios systemd- Merge patches from EPEL tree to master - Fix contrib entries - Use rpmlint to fix items in spec file- Update to 4.3.4 - Rebase patches to 4.3.4 - Change configure to match upstream recommendations. - Get the docs from doxygen added. - Remove the rpmbuild in contrib so other arches can build- Add a contrib section for event handlers - Fix BZ#1476346 - Fix BZ#1476238 - Remove some contrib makes as not currently implemented for anything other than x86_64- Fix a service problem again. Lost patch - nagios script- Fix fix- Fix RHBZ#1475447 - How the henry do you mess that up over 4 releases?- Fix the systemd service file reload and other issues- Update initd patch to move mktemp from /tmp to /var/log/nagios where it has permission to write - Update patches so they aren't offset- And remember to push the release number up one - Add entries for RHEL-6- Fix nagios selinux entries- Added fix for selinux from Patrick Uiterwijk- Fix a problem with systemctl scripts. Mea culpa, mea culpa- Update to latest in git - Fix bug 1428111 - Fix bug 1426816 - Fix bug 1218320- Perl 5.26 rebuild- Updated from 4.3.1 maint to 4.3.2 - Update selinux- I broke several peoples names because the UTF-8 character was removed. My apologies.- fix selinux items - change name to work of selinux module not to conflict with shipped one.- Update to the maintenance version - Add a starting selinux options - Update patches to deal with newer code.- Updated to 4.3.1 - Removed (de) entries in the spec file for 2 reasons. - Some characters break RHEL6 - The text was diverging from the English and I don't trust google translate to put text that isn't insulting. - And they renamed nagioscore-release to nagioscore-nagios. Ping/Pong - Need to look at redoing pngs and such- We find out that RHEL-6 does not like non-UTF so removed German translation- Figure out that a mkdir only worked by accident on previous package. Move out of ifdef- Pulled in version from COPR - Remove lines which fedpkg lint did not like- Bumped to version 4.2.4 - Fixed patches to match current version- Bumped to version 4.2.2 - Fixed patches to match current version- Correct using sysvinit file instead of systemd unit- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Rebuilt for Fixed missing PID #1291555 - Fixed selinux permissions #1291734, #1291718- update to 4.0.8- Rebuilt for Perl 5.22 rebuild- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fixed main binary permissions- Fixed typo in *.service file- Drop EL5 support - Added systemd support (rhbz #913550, also obsoletes rhbz #246990) - Replace config.sub and config.guess instead of patching them- update to 3.5.1 - drop patch nagios-3.4.3-spaces-to-plus-signs.patch (upstream bug #407)- init script overwrites pid file unnecessarily (#983129) - corrected bogus dates- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- implimemt aarch64 patch from bug #926192- Build package with PIE flags (#965529) - Insecure temporary file usage in (#958292)- rebuild for new GD 2.1.0- Add cfg_dir=/etc/nagios/conf.d to the main nagios configuration file (nagios-3.5.0-conf.d-configuration-directory.patch) (#907145#c5) - Own the configuration directory /etc/nagios/conf.d (#907145#c5) - Ship the internet.cfg configuration file as documentation (#907145#c5)- Patch nagios-3.4.3-spaces-to-plus-signs.patch (#952139) (upstream Update to 3.5.0- Rebuilt for rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop- Update to 3.4.4 - CVE-2012-6096 (#893269)- Refactored the patch nagios-0010-Added-several-images-to-the-sample-config.patch as patch cant create binary files (#875362). The old patch10 was replaced by nagios-0010-Added-several-images-to-the-sample-config-revb.patch and the PNG files included as sources 10, 11, and 12.- rebuild against new libjpeg- Use the Apache 2.4 RequireAll authorization container- Apache 2.4 configuration fix for Fedora 18+ (#871438); Patch nagios-3.4.3-httpd-2.4-and-2.2.patch- Upgrade to 3.4.3- Upgrade to 3.4.2- Rebuilt for Perl 5.16 rebuild- Upgrade to 3.4.1 (#835047) - Dropped nagios-0012-Fixed-html-rss-install-files.patch- Perl 5.16 rebuild- Move the nagios-commons usermod line to the main nagios package (#627527).- Add php to the requirements list (#519371, et al.).- Upgrade to 3.3.1 (#732329); includes fixes for CVE-2011-1523 and CVE-2011-2179 (#690880, #690881, #709874). - Make nagios-common own the /usr/lib{,64}/nagios/plugins directories (#756839). - Change the ownership of /etc/nagios to the nagios-common package (#756839). - Retab (tabs -> spaces).- Rebuilt for Rebuild for new libpng- Perl mass rebuild- Rebuild against new mysql.- Rebuilt for Fixed strange permission on executables (see rhbz #672074) - Dropped permissions on directories with log-files (see rhbz #672074)- Finally fixed path to CGI (rhbz #653291) - Added runtime dependency - mailx (see rhbz #655541) - Added more images to the sample config- Fixed path to passwd file in Apaches config file- Fix building on EL-5- Fix path to CGI (rhbz #653291)- Disable stripping of binaries (see rhbz #648223).- Accidentally forgotten patches added back- Ver. 3.2.3 - Further cleanups in spec-file- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- Ver. 3.2.2 (rhbz #629439). - Cleanup spec-file - Ensure that %{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf points to the actual passwd file (see rhbz #576571).- rebuild- Removed obsoletes: nagios < 3.2.1-2- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- Fixed severe issue with uninstalling main nagios package while updating (see rhbz #590709 for details).- Created 'common' subpackage for gid/uid and common directory- Upgrade to 3.2.1 (#572587). - Fixed SELinux patch (#573119).- The package builds now with distro CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS (see bz #520979) - Fixed returning status for init-script (see bz #546561) - Fixed selinux issue with writing of PID-file (see bz #548638 and bz #539963) - Fixed build on EPEL (see bz #526817)- rebuild against perl 5.10.1- s/datarootdir/datadir/- Upgrade to 3.2.0 (#517210).- Corrected the package version in the last two changelog entries (#499853) - Using configure --datarootdir option instead of --datadir (#499853) (fixes the physical_html_path value in cgi.cfg) - Fixes permissions to the new php configuration file (#499853) - Re-enables the httpd requirement as its removal caused several problems (see #487411 for more information)- Release bump for rebuild- Upstream released a new version- Removing httpd requires for #487411- Rebuilt for I messed my CVS up- Upstream released a new version- Upstream released a new version- Fixed a typo introduced in fixing Bugzilla 461087- Bugzilla 461087 wrong path for icons- Upstream released 3.0.4 - Fixed two typos in nagios.spec- License fix- Matthew Jurgens provided a script and Readme for upgrading your config to Release 3- Added summary - Added german translations- disabled conf.d in nagios.conf for now- Killed BuildRequirements for unsupported Fedora releases- renamed preconfigured passwd to .htpasswd to enable Apaches .ht* protection - added default .htpasswd with user nagiosadmin password nagiosadmin- Added Apache style conf.d - Added a working example config named internet.cfg - The object folder was created twice- Fixed folder /var/log/nagios/spool/checkresults - silenced rpmlint (tabs, spaces) - silenced rpmlint (configure missing libdir)- Upstream released 3.0.3- Upstream released 3.0.2- Fix spec seems to break for Fedora 10+- Put back fix for Bugzilla #233887- Upstream released 2.12 - Fixes CVE-2007-5803 XSS issues, Bugzilla #445512- add Requires for versioned perl ( - get rid of pointless file Requires- Upstream released new version - Added perl-ExtUtils-Embed- Rebuild for gcc43- Upstream released 2.10 - Renamed cfg-sample configs to just .cfg - Added BR of perl-devel, libjpeg-devel, libpng-devel- rebuild for koji test- rebuild- Rebuild for ppc32 and license- Release bump- Upstream released 2.9- Upstream released 2.7- Upstream released 2.6- Release bump for mass rebuild- Fixed default permissions for private and the resource file- Upstream released 2.5- Added /usr/bin/nagiostats bz# 194461- Upstream released 2.4 - Cleaned up changelog- Bug fix for HTTP content_length header integer overflow in CGIs - Updates no longer remove Nagios from starting up on reboot- updates to the init script that prevented nagios from shutting down- Upstream released 2.3 - Bug fix for negative HTTP content_length header in CGIs - Added missing links for notes_url and action_url to service column of status detail page- Upstream released 2.2- Upstream released 2.0 (changes below) - Fix for segfault in timed event queue - Removed length limitations for object vars/vals - Updated config.sub and config.guess to versions from automake-1.9 - Doc updates- Fixed default options in Apache config- Using 2.0rc2 tarball- Fixed usermod -a issue, Bugzilla #49609- Fedora friendly spec file- Merge with CVS for 1.1 release- cmdgrp was not always getting created - patches for cmd.cgi and history.cgi- patches for doco and PostgreSQL timestamp - make sure all files are packaged (otherwise, will not build on RH9)- patch for file descriptor leak- merge many improvements from Ramiro Morales (macros for PERF_EXTERNAL and EMBPERL, cleanup pre/post scripts, nnmmsg logger macro, include eventhandlers, convertcfg, mini_epn) - use LSB-standard /etc/init.d/nagios startup location- INSTALL was renamed INSTALLING - script included in package - web server restarted because Red Hat 7.3 init does not do 'reload'- Modified requirements to work when installed using KickStart (Jeff Frost) - Changed method used for checking for user/group existence (Jeff Frost)- Updated to work with new sample template-based config files (Darren Gamble)- Fixed spec file to work with Nagios- switch from /usr/libexec to /usr/lib because linux FHS has no libexec - use global macro to set location of init script - fold htaccess.sample into contrib directory of tarball- Rebuild with final sources- Create separate cgi, html, and devel packages - Include commands.cfg- beta 5- fixes for daemon-init, multi-OS RPM building- beta 3- true beta2 sources- cleanup spec, still using pre-beta2 sources- mandrake merge using pre-beta2 sources (many thanks to Stefan van der Eijk )- add stylesheet diffs- adapt for 0.0.6b1- add traceroute.cgi and htaccess.sample - move placement of docs (in files) to avoid group warnings - change www user and group to nobody and add warning- official group name - improved user detection- Fixed init.d scripts to better fit new Redhat init.d script formats- Upgraded package from 0.0.4b4 to 0.0.4- First RPM build (0.0.4b4) 4.4.9-1.el84.4.9-1.el8 .build-idb8fa899f6ab2a71aad347d2783222a72dba408c0cgidaemonchk.cgitraceroute.cgidisable_active_service_checksdisable_notificationsdistributed-monitoringobsessive_svc_handlersubmit_check_result_via_nscaenable_active_service_checksenable_notificationsredundancy-scenario1handle-master-host-eventhandle-master-proc-eventsubmit_check_resultnagios-contribREADME.contrib/usr/lib//usr/lib/.build-id//usr/lib/.build-id/b8//usr/lib64/nagios//usr/lib64/nagios/cgi//usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/eventhandlers//usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/eventhandlers/distributed-monitoring//usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/eventhandlers/redundancy-scenario1//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/nagios-contrib/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, BuildID[sha1]=b8fa899f6ab2a71aad347d2783222a72dba408c0, strippedPerl script text executablePOSIX shell script, ASCII text executableASCII textRRRRR RRRR !#,d{=R] b2u jӫ`(y.uvQv@k.)Pe)kQΣa-):l/O`TAJ{U{db0YW7>a[[X-;FkA5% m1\"z6[摒ctn|߭Y˼n}(81`;/;Vݯj%7Gl#,-<*gmV"J^c ^)Ar'B->1pbֹߊihlѷB2T eqYOQ "@Ǧg㠌(DYcv2w~kI0TȚ^تSLr1n(@|ٜTz! m41oWEzd|+lGIwnrq"D~V@W]ϟ#;BVb: y3}|7N!1SC y%.Y_`}<KE)AK kgOU"a4 W=$i}uB@ފ8;Z-µs1^FyOIeh=~s {,DJz@<"/ԉ2 A3h>DVDWDlF/[e) S#ءmnZAqyl9 (]zܗjc,;\8C;ٜʰ:4Hc]?u!9G F TbiV05=R}w{tEOl Uk`(ОHZqg\v2}.J;3JrCkwxEr0ME;3|%|[t&#@lRS8  ?ðΣ5iKGXC0*cpo!QlJ'CRO.\OOe>>E69?u/>>L5jVo yO;zoױu@VI-.ULYň?E徼y]*3bU51[x2Rm!2rH $3Җ4f;v)|IJ1B6N oT]ޗ#G H BhG<~1um%8Wō,e, 1@2063Ą$c3M䮇 e/ Z:U(Er,jsWk}9G?J֮陨YzzDH:/ʷ}=nzW!ȟE@ r&Z{`*>0e?TN.\$=&,Wp L"%)f0[^UԀ5-=Sou (qI;o WKXKiYi/kxh,zfUFxyi3=њѼBm3 )t@. 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