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To be reinstated when CentOS 8.2 is released. BZ#1837397- Remove ssl_validity as perl-Convert-ASN1 has been retired. BZ#1837397- Clean up some git related build stuff - Add check_ssl_validity subpackage - New Upstream Version- Add conditional for perl-UTF8. Thanks to Todd Zullinger and Alexander Kohr - Update to newer git tag to fix check_smb- Update to 2.2.2 and update to latest patchset to fix things missed in 2.2.2- Update to latest git and fix release string to match again - was still getting installed as check_ntp. Fix BZ#1664981 - has ipv6 problem. Fix BZ#1731468- Rebuilt for Update requirement for ps to procps - Fix check_smtp certificate verification- Rebuilt for Fix check_smtp certificate verification- Add upstream PR #428 to add PROXY protocol support to check_smtp- Update to latest git and fix release string to match - Fix BZ#1604915 - Fix BZ#1579292 - Possibly fix BZ#1525609 - Possibly fix BZ#1518811 - Possibly fix BZ#1470823- Rebuilt for fix conditionals - include mysql_version for MYSQL_PORT macro - fix perl shebang in plugin-scripts/check_ntp- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Fix mysql patch problem with quakestat (see rhbz #533777) - Disable radius plugin for EL4 - there is not radiuscleint-ng for EL-4- Ver. 1.4.14 - Rebased patches.- rebuilt with new openssl- Rebuilt for Added patch from upstream to fix ntp faults (bz #479030)- Rebuilt for rebuild for dependencies- rebuild with new openssl- Enabled --with-extra-opts again- removed provides perl plugins Bugzilla 457404- This is a "CVS is horrible" rebuild- Rebuilt with a proper patch- Added changed recent permission changes to allow nagios group to execute- Fixed up some permission issues- Fixing patch, missing semicolon- Upstream released new version #464419 - Added patch fix for check_linux_raid #253898 - Upstream releases fix for #451015 - check_ntp_peers - Upstream released fix for #459309 - check_ntp - Added Provides Nagios::Plugins for #457404 - Fixed configure line for #458985 check_procs- Removed --with-extra-opts, does not build in Koji- Enabled --with-extra-opts- Upstream released version 1.4.12 - Removed patches ping_timeout.patch and pgsql-fix.patch- added patch for check_pgsql- Fix for 250588- Upstream released version 1.4.11 - Added check_ntp peer and time- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Rebuild for gcc43- Fixed check_log plugin #395601- Rebuild for deps- Upstream released new version - Removed some patches- Fix for Bug 348731 and CVE-2007-5623- Rebuild for BuildID - License change- Fix for check_linux_raid - #234416 - Fix for check_ide_disk - #251635- Fix for check_smtp - #251049- Upstream released new version- Upstream released new version- Upstream released new version- Enabled check_smart_ide - Added patch for linux_raid - Fixed permissions on check_icmp- Upstream new version - Disabled check_ide_smart (does not compile cleanly/too lazy to fix right now) - Added check_apt- Removed from the base nagios-plugins package into its own package- Added requires qstat for check_game- Providing path to qstat- Fixed permissions on check_dhcp - Added check_game - Added check_radius - Added patch for ntp- Patched upstream issue: 196356- nagios-plugins-all now includes nagios-plugins-mysql- removed sensors support for sparc and sparc64- Created a README.Fedora explaining how to install other plugins- Removed check_sensors in install section- Inserted conditional blocks for ppc exception.- Removed sensors from all plugins and added excludearch: ppc- For ntp plugins requires s/ntpc/ntpdc/- Fixed a few syntax errors and removed an empty export- Now using configure macro instead of ./configure - Added BuildRequest: perl(Net::SNMP) - For reference, this was ticket# 176374- Added check_ide_smart - Added some dependencies - Added support for check_if* (perl-Net-SNMP now in extras) - nagios-plugins now owns dir %{_libdir}/nagios- Added a number of requires that don't get auto-detected- Upstream remeased 1.4.3- Fixed a typo where nagios-plugins-all required nagios-plugins-httpd- Updated to CVS head for better MySQL support- Added a nagios-plugins-all package- Added provides for check_tcp- Created individual packages for all check_* scripts- Fedora friendly spec file- just include the nagios plugins directory, which will automatically include all generated plugins (which keeps the build from failing on systems that don't have all build-dependencies for every plugin)- extensive rewrite to facilitate processing into various distro-compatible specs- extensive rewrite to facilitate processing into various distro-compatible -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, BuildID[sha1]=471b64f58607edbfbbf089fa2e983e3d9c0d5fa3, stripped RRRRRRRRR !#,B] b2u jӫ`(y0G^ YG"jʼn&ps3RV/@Fq ypPf˚IoaTNz'bKg\ma7cT&Ha\¹+C IsB t(0}ƹo"vƜl43;v,Y~;^cfaI7$w?;wK~ /<2|ecPNrPe7B0׆qNݍmUVw+<_2o5.8ưC$6IC} 6U1~~pu<݊u ³Dz x x܍%W˰Kvf'0*}29KF[Z01UP2nDll r=>F6@Ug6בN<حVR߄d=Yˁ㔢]I~0] T(QdH:s} CK&9C+cQwef( tϪ/ Y^d[H ݺ0YfuA1V灖&i֩OICFIlvL-qZ$+>_$):I)&`)oj74^,3[.MmlxrG"V5=HtO+zMQa @f=?K򈧷փ ¹r d==dv "ډIv&vDЀ.<6rUDnw\#]9u ׁh er@# )}?GYPsg-kyҁr(J׊}ĹkÕ|Z.1Ђ,O\Papduvy~p99N{@m+[ j~*L!,Ĝ֠/^bjȜd jAT,Lbc3-@-T k0ݮih*Gm@7$G^ DA|bz׹gb~ZB 1)!laZm1{2;_֏q7ɿ=:Rك>UFء̰[ЍϏkemeXNqU6d' ";v fJ_$ll+>1KuJ-DiyEY ,`oJ c?co"eLu%jBr 80 mfy{6]j|B^RP.%W犖Jip]4{&%ߤ@;zp[g z MEn ,4~˃0_HP TGW!ZcFMo5)C57I75 X]Z0S=(+Wg~w r mge:;K>noiz!H v V_Ll γW9T-T_or T%곩Vϫg0mK ĝD1Y u;V*ab~P%x,ڄ:ĎַaڒSWԶ_L$h ^*1/h &xƋ*#jͷaoMOm>7g譊pV4IqIw6'\*Q$ .3!Jn00Pmarz_IHeb@ޠL';X7@!F99B%ZHZ{V{ao&T@ī@J$їA+myH 鈱pM?{&KCS T?fJ'0yU|@G5zH7{PcZ5Nl"!O^T,`7'h]6ve x߰TDL -7P\ 22[GjBTh\4W};,_Ԗ+[JMGJaٔ/qRABG+Ұ7qJ䲞]+zkdJj .Nx\q;Jh&p%qC+nKTd69cp7bV­ dAoĮJ3Ŏ\9w†̱\T:޳9ح!zs5EW9)lk|Ψ%_RUXT%{8ȔDQUhUR7CUh<<ْo/|էtk6 64xvŻ-qOm䏽.#/َO$M^U=E$䇉%FFi'i%w_h5w$;FPToȋ3UAH$DF0}hC|p94%/!D aq҈?$@q3ӏR!"?tGpgGPU鏣h90ҫcMCyVc#ICE%v![w՛ӎq#h8~8܎roз:'S/IIc”TJRF6⻌.`I745!YF7nV$qBcekq;00524ށkXlҠ;ѮN+j#!pWPc #2t=HەE3ustUq⒵Ry1(ZB`hɿ.<ǒrgW;]WcErz=Luَf 6ȀCN.L=4Ġ:<+եd^lJw^%!9DpTHnY=:=֌G릷ۗM}p_v!֢>=cq Cl0LŦdBmiF~ϓ6< Pjp7A}k}ڜ[zzzUk`a j\1 4KTKr+'8܃:S@Y#uNi͔޾n\%TD |®+]Xq!`"B'}`mR|$jA뽻 :.iDm/. u4s0 E-l8Eò^Q=W!5C9.J̈$_ƨja\0(ܹk{"b~4eN/Ո{ g~tcOsV:){oBwz8Td ᑥbqq]̴IL,T9j*uzBm5BYc/5YK?R[̷f|8qָ 0?pi T W$212`q[TnlY|1x/wt2|}!b41cZnuoK\ b؁&zt9npI D5.^sM1Hvy YIkFX/T]T}>fSY 89t<=)MuA(%li=यst7=|JC~1x/枉0gySY5cJ|u?18^ #7^5-sn7e"Ƨ$t¶-,/;/Bv/t'5^x2bd!r!6W2quzE/`ȗCAxUcoX7njUNWPU*d6ZVX`aŶA4cga1WtL*J3wO @[a̲'Rl\ɺW1qḨ/Ȳb@׎8^Uq,*+}ItvhKG9;-M p:Q@;o2jAYH8dwoC1J6J{jwthP<,Zy B>F]mL!xzY&pV땜  .Ejhh`;=-RЈ0?omg,Q#.¦=]̰#dDC(S؜/vQh bbs", 67>i<;ty`/$+;xJoZg( yKnh=TvЄ&L'7X 2ٿ!JS.#ۋGa "ua8݅s\sA UWoE5[֙;[xvWu!odvciT/D` XcE9rCKaDI4Y!!%G~}NyJ{ЊJ^.sk#E} @Gx8}-= Ex{Cv2>V JXkPDcBt3WWA IM@B{rٜ v"jߧzhkX5wpc} }lS7zCne m=7Aa'c98o@M]8U3 G-~M:{@T#R8gb [v]`Ad6}W_ eCKzn=YoZTL2ߔL1%4UN?c)Vw +K@mI9񨰨nZI /c)V$. tk~K74LRGM T.Tse SC1C4uTPˢQa =a70(mcצpvqp|iSx j-P\&=Niىt4(${I?6W .izu#%\8֌DnG4ͱ7XSAf mq>\ :l }9G+@Pm:(x.;A0#ivM^BV#ʏbcwK1Zh`)JQHa5GYty,Ҏb6ռGR!"Bvh3 7mZcchV'3I-LX{7Us*uaB:mHvdR`ŶjHP!֓ |Yֈ"J= w+y*1e:3ّp,إvWd:t՘Z^IB眇?Ku+k2lOlE i Gądg1#IjTo82yt{S`I/M߈Mװ9iEʠ&7X;pm$݌jI3W50Lvـi -:UoazVO/0-ɡהo桲=?嵙ұxF!?Ep%֯>"he~߳_" I yrt>ge}(5kPLBvSƑ.9yj9D+,|D'h=,~/V ~*(EAS"t% ?K{rM]yMiZ!/~vK"3|P 4+KHd4ZҴL Njm(FA(K6r2Vb)A~[@%UU됌qϜZS#?z| t᠞:Y?̪I$ZDNeVdBR jI.~:gU%(2Ն8oDž_|Z 3= u*E=7bE#7nj H7!Ԑc?%PfpyTWNv_:kHMp`6A7.npQm&G`'QMv1Eqp)/~ 5~ft8쯳Zmfke瘾x=*a8YdRLKQyX)!R~rcA5Js qا䱝jLO4'.ιF\f ZOOӦg7aGmݗXq`p)Af:նq'n- 0A`ğ/JOMcQG٢Dt7bvqRcȨ!%)X|C}Xo+EI L-(r '  *w'[=1 罏C{{oJ^ڵsqYb#˲lqգhJx)Bw*YUBy"]~D7H TwMRؽ0THhek/<w\C;6nno\Aإbw+ZfyӎD.T.~D)o7{1"xLYtk3i(5W&|WG63][y`nUc.Iyҷ6eeD:>k?|]^g6HTGnXD۹f[~#SxdcHE[)AE 2^'nj!ZS*0HN nܔPI\1i: |Ȇv;'xզNkdHL_}v6 !#؋IQ-O4'/{aa H(*g;fnycAKiTC,<# F6ܑ2Fg^:ᜳ&lr-O0^~n-{ n9Ӂ.,ZHGwIoUv簋fcUgj2]Fa{01נ`odEYbfGc$_P, @&ِ/F=a (pk@+sOZu.ܖ cRX`OՃY 舓XbJLTHDžT2<یN"͡?F_\AJӊ@-wãrUaYvj튖ebf6o]CYVИ: BGVz,94lOmg(ڠ~ǣu$P(b#D+/:ߏ\cA)WQ!3g. -e'i9]`DYp6 # 4@^8nrOŏƎ;8_$t)64!Fu| pk MXyMuYd=K[.mVi()&A4-=*H}lcg~-nRj{4: I]Vp0 3w3i+(lnS`h1~2k%Eiq׺0;P`f[? }> BHP3/1Ȼn$E >PJI4 Z3ZٻoĄT@.RK."{IMM/0 ouK~ὡ47,ɲWHpnjl? 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