nagios-plugins-ssl_validity-2.4.9-1.el8 > 6 6_6 3!y덏%!E/֡fo; !E/֡' i5Q+3d*dqt XLYKD`1 a7A{zf k;%ry]d9^ӎRl$#5WRCQ}LKK!A5)'cp0WډG!v'ixxBSiۓQɼ~%374%fZt߮pN' C)!9JQ,>_MMEyMDntjAgڮ̐#< Yr`Ӑetϑd|A+_TarZ CbɤN @ P!nie&@x!:|bu,z\5t%c#˪RXMYԃ'n~&NެNP+۾^ _@_as+Sk9hG2j ʀj-??̞^5IRef,HG\9掯> 18b1e43ce52b7f8d0b6b27c3e7aac28e46454bbaf9c31dee783c6570c5d62da8821ed5a17fd8a51b8f8bfce248a402ad13c5a48f_3!y덏%!E/֡fo; !E/֡c2[Ճq~ 5rU* ƨ5^Ⅷ{O"3j~Q*;ID% qa96Ýq9 0b-ZtApi#i/F*_JGf4,Yq:\,OV~o F֩͝n8!Z>Z=ÑhZD}1ߨfF8Ԯy͇tZMܳ Io8\\ZɌ-U2V!y[c zt3w@/F"ˣ|E_ĹOa,ZF036h|%אIXrFw>4A֔߂B<< W ԆMzOJ1ģŮr;M~B' e? 5X~82>p=K?Jd$ * M $( * , 0 q tx}D(894:!?GHXHH\IH`XHdYHl\H]H^HbHdIeIfIlItJuJvJ wJ<xJ@yJD JtJxJJJCnagios-plugins-ssl_validity2.4.91.el8Nagios Plugin - check_ssl_validityProvides check_ssl_validity support for Nagios.flbuildvm-ppc64le-14.iad2.fedoraproject.org1Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectUnspecified    /usr/bin/perlnagios-pluginsopensslperl(Crypt::X509)perl(Crypt::X509)perl(Date::Format)perl(Date::Parse)perl(Date::Parse)perl(Digest::MD5)perl(File::Basename)perl(File::Temp)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Getopt::Std)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(LWP::Simple)perl(POSIX)perl(Text::Glob)perl(Text::Glob)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)2.4.9-1.el83.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3f@c< @`dd@^)@^a^@^]@]]g@]9\@\T4\-@\I[Xf@[H@Z$Z|;Zc/@Z@Z@Y@Yx@Yh@Yh@Yf@YZ1XXg@X8@X•@XXqXqXqX @X@X@XBX@XXXS@V=@V=@U@UU@Ua@S@SSb7@Ri Rg@R^QQ@Q@QP.2@P,P H@OOO@O@OMMQ0@L@Lk@K@K@K @KJ@JjJ?r@I2I{Iq@HrHrH,H@HHHHqHuHhHgy@H_@GGƢ@GG@GGW@GW@G!F%@FS@F^FpE@E1@EAE>@D@D@D@D@DdDdD@D@DD@DDn@DyDm@Dm@De@D]@DDD'D CCC@B@G@@G@Guido Aulisi - 2.4.9-1Igor Raits - 2.3.3-6Igor Raits - 2.3.3-5Martin Jackson - 2.3.3-4Martin Jackson - 2.3.3-3Martin Jackson - 2.3.3-2Martin Jackson - 2.3.3-1Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.2-2.20190926git1b8ad57Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.2-1.20190919git00cff01Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-17.20190829gitfb792ffFedora Release Engineering - 2.2.1-16.20180725git3429dadPatrick Uiterwijk - 2.2.1-15.20180725git3429dadFedora Release Engineering - 2.2.1-15.20180725git3429dadPatrick Uiterwijk - 2.2.1-16.20180725git3429dadPatrick Uiterwijk - 2.2.1-15.20180725git3429dadStephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-14.20180725git3429dadFedora Release Engineering - 2.2.1-13Karsten Hopp - 2.2.1-12Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2.1-11Björn Esser - 2.2.1-10Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-9Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-8Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2.1-7gitFedora Release Engineering - 2.2.1-6gitStephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-5gitStephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-4gitStephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-3gitStephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-2gitStephen Smoogen - 2.2.1-1Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.0-8Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.0-7Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.0-6Patrick Uiterwijk - 2.2.0-5Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.0-4Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.0-3Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.0-2Stephen Smoogen - 2.2.0-1Stephen Smoogen - 2.1.4-7Stephen Smoogen - 2.1.4-6Stephen Smoogen - 2.1.4-5Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.4-4Stephen Smoogen - 2.1.4-3Scott Wilkerson 2.1.4-1Scott Wilkerson 2.1.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.3-4Scott Wilkerson 2.0.3-3Kevin Fenzi 2.0.3-2Josh Boyer - 2.0.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.1-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.1-2Sam Kottler - 2.0.1-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.5-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.5-1Peter Lemenkov - 1.4.16-10Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.16-9Petr Pisar - 1.4.16-8Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.4.16-7Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.16-6Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.4.16-5Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.4.16-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.16-3Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.4.16-2Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.4.16-1Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.4.15-7Jose Pedro Oliveira - 1.4.15-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.15-5Dan Horák - 1.4.15-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.15-3Peter Lemenkov - 1.4.15-2Peter Lemenkov - 1.4.15-1Peter Lemenkov - 1.4.14-4Peter Lemenkov - 1.4.14-3Peter Lemenkov - 1.4.14-2Peter Lemenkov - 1.4.14-1Tomas Mraz - 1.4.13-17Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.13-16Mike McGrath - 1.4.13-15Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.13-14Caolán McNamara 1.4.13-13Tomas Mraz 1.4.13-12Robert M. Albrecht 1.4.13-11Robert M. Albrecht 1.4.13-10Mike McGrath 1.4.13-9Mike McGrath 1.4.13-8Mike McGrath 1.4.13-7Mike McGrath 1.4.13-6Mike McGrath 1.4.13-5Mike McGrath 1.4.13-4Robert M. Albrecht 1.4.12-3Robert M. Albrecht 1.4.12-2Robert M. Albrecht 1.4.12-1Mike McGrath 1.4.11-4Mike McGrath 1.4.11-2Mike McGrath 1.4.11-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.10-6Mike McGrath 1.4-10-5Mike McGrath 1.4.10-4Release Engineering - 1.4.10-2Mike McGrath 1.4.10-1Mike McGrath 1.4.8-9Mike McGrath 1.4.8-7Mike McGrath 1.4.8-6Mike McGrath 1.4.8-2Mike McGrath 1.4.8-1Mike McGrath 1.4.6-1Mike McGrath 1.4.5-1Mike McGrath 1.4.4-2Mike McGrath 1.4.4-1Mike McGrath 1.4.3-18Mike McGrath 1.4.3-17Mike McGrath 1.4.3-16Mike McGrath 1.4.3-15Mike McGrath 1.4.3-14Mike McGrath 1.4.3-13Mike McGrath 1.4.3-12Mike McGrath 1.4.3-11Mike McGrath 1.4.3-9Mike McGrath 1.4.3-8Mike McGrath 1.4.3-7Mike McGrath 1.4.3-6Mike McGrath 1.4.3-5Mike McGrath 1.4.3-4Mike McGrath 1.4.3-3Mike McGrath 1.4.3-2Mike McGrath 1.4.3-1Mike McGrath 1.4.2-9Mike McGrath 1.4.2-8Mike McGrath 1.4.2-7Mike McGrath 1.4.2-6Mike McGrath 1.4.2-5Mike McGrath 1.4.2-4Sean Finney - cvs headKarl DeBisschop - 1.4.0alpha1Karl DeBisschop - 1.4.0alpha1- Update to 2.4.9- Backport fix for check_disk space accounting (esp. on btrfs)- Build against mariadb instead of mysql- Reintroduce check_ssl_validity now that the dependency is in EL 8.2- Obsolete check_ssl_validity. To be reinstated when CentOS 8.2 is released. BZ#1837397- Remove ssl_validity as perl-Convert-ASN1 has been retired. BZ#1837397- Clean up some git related build stuff - Add check_ssl_validity subpackage - New Upstream Version- Add conditional for perl-UTF8. Thanks to Todd Zullinger and Alexander Kohr - Update to newer git tag to fix check_smb- Update to 2.2.2 and update to latest patchset to fix things missed in 2.2.2- Update to latest git and fix release string to match again - was still getting installed as check_ntp. Fix BZ#1664981 - has ipv6 problem. Fix BZ#1731468- Rebuilt for Update requirement for ps to procps - Fix check_smtp certificate verification- Rebuilt for Fix check_smtp certificate verification- Add upstream PR #428 to add PROXY protocol support to check_smtp- Update to latest git and fix release string to match - Fix BZ#1604915 - Fix BZ#1579292 - Possibly fix BZ#1525609 - Possibly fix BZ#1518811 - Possibly fix BZ#1470823- Rebuilt for fix conditionals - include mysql_version for MYSQL_PORT macro - fix perl shebang in plugin-scripts/check_ntp- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Fix mysql patch problem with quakestat (see rhbz #533777) - Disable radius plugin for EL4 - there is not radiuscleint-ng for EL-4- Ver. 1.4.14 - Rebased patches.- rebuilt with new openssl- Rebuilt for Added patch from upstream to fix ntp faults (bz #479030)- Rebuilt for rebuild for dependencies- rebuild with new openssl- Enabled --with-extra-opts again- removed provides perl plugins Bugzilla 457404- This is a "CVS is horrible" rebuild- Rebuilt with a proper patch- Added changed recent permission changes to allow nagios group to execute- Fixed up some permission issues- Fixing patch, missing semicolon- Upstream released new version #464419 - Added patch fix for check_linux_raid #253898 - Upstream releases fix for #451015 - check_ntp_peers - Upstream released fix for #459309 - check_ntp - Added Provides Nagios::Plugins for #457404 - Fixed configure line for #458985 check_procs- Removed --with-extra-opts, does not build in Koji- Enabled --with-extra-opts- Upstream released version 1.4.12 - Removed patches ping_timeout.patch and pgsql-fix.patch- added patch for check_pgsql- Fix for 250588- Upstream released version 1.4.11 - Added check_ntp peer and time- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Rebuild for gcc43- Fixed check_log plugin #395601- Rebuild for deps- Upstream released new version - Removed some patches- Fix for Bug 348731 and CVE-2007-5623- Rebuild for BuildID - License change- Fix for check_linux_raid - #234416 - Fix for check_ide_disk - #251635- Fix for check_smtp - #251049- Upstream released new version- Upstream released new version- Upstream released new version- Enabled check_smart_ide - Added patch for linux_raid - Fixed permissions on check_icmp- Upstream new version - Disabled check_ide_smart (does not compile cleanly/too lazy to fix right now) - Added check_apt- Removed from the base nagios-plugins package into its own package- Added requires qstat for check_game- Providing path to qstat- Fixed permissions on check_dhcp - Added check_game - Added check_radius - Added patch for ntp- Patched upstream issue: 196356- nagios-plugins-all now includes nagios-plugins-mysql- removed sensors support for sparc and sparc64- Created a README.Fedora explaining how to install other plugins- Removed check_sensors in install section- Inserted conditional blocks for ppc exception.- Removed sensors from all plugins and added excludearch: ppc- For ntp plugins requires s/ntpc/ntpdc/- Fixed a few syntax errors and removed an empty export- Now using configure macro instead of ./configure - Added BuildRequest: perl(Net::SNMP) - For reference, this was ticket# 176374- Added check_ide_smart - Added some dependencies - Added support for check_if* (perl-Net-SNMP now in extras) - nagios-plugins now owns dir %{_libdir}/nagios- Added a number of requires that don't get auto-detected- Upstream remeased 1.4.3- Fixed a typo where nagios-plugins-all required nagios-plugins-httpd- Updated to CVS head for better MySQL support- Added a nagios-plugins-all package- Added provides for check_tcp- Created individual packages for all check_* scripts- Fedora friendly spec file- just include the nagios plugins directory, which will automatically include all generated plugins (which keeps the build from failing on systems that don't have all build-dependencies for every plugin)- extensive rewrite to facilitate processing into various distro-compatible specs- extensive rewrite to facilitate processing into various distro-compatible specs2.4.9-1.el82.4.9-1.el8check_ssl_validity/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnuPerl script text executable RRRRR R R R RRRR !#,2] b2u y-iSqm[>Ek7 D4Ok I"L%9xɸ)dOTT<蝖[M/?@f&d^qVywNV-SS:טaKOi!اAm_ٷOѡu vDo|!ٜUlHtipvP\#H@Y0bg}濽OX2CF;yq9$;s)2إn/lތ]~ʩb]ao``x἗baڙv 3"!fo<a]Yb;cޘ#0wh`&7uJayj6r^Ց|.F*10n&\p(`K|@v/x'$Qh8ʶ\!+BL (%{mJA)С%)qK,j{NX#_` bQ}9JFh.]\s0tLؘ޿Z=h$|z5BrEm q˸gixuQ \ɕ׷Pѵ$ՖpNvJ.#4t-l{bxMyZjb݃nnN:@yVu `P1y0tX$%A(؇=2Z]VUfcķR@FX+*"ƨ.(|"njr}g*1:J{ K}ʹ*a`c<hVZovIhL.:Q>c&1Ө`cϟvH)[xKNC,c/-D6A]p`^a/ҩMQaښK`kVNoA_up[(RڭˡjtQAݏH_#*4tJ Ɵk,e_R6&OM¬E`cp J=5K3+''komgsWbQIE^gɡ*x83߄h>+s$p,ƚ`Fh(=Z/0$GM$]>]1&%;7PCY*ਔo\rcK5EVq/돖ri +?^,W`i@2yTEO*)7,fcsh@ МާHwR><=OmEԞ>i׸ouqB#2Q(e'z sGbsU4άNUυql<4Պ HuS[y2c M]Tq⨃aqOyz-^hq ]bE 4 /2Qb>ѠԠl9(>>>B@aeҞwNwr%L=Cg91<\\DD$dTGf9hVz.+wU Pi$XZMB[r'%J:\JlAoJhcd׾qȚTb-\A e,-7,9Cz eis:]YZcA]YX#-syu5 eGq"ˆkӓA2Gn6#d5@6:Q=ޤu QJ9Bi] GM7oRm?"7 2g:`SȨa]zsUgZ)E[sQTlLEv3?=BL.~t&ZYn-@\G!-17oҤN̔wy;>$NY_\2C~Z UiKGmL+L-˼O^pjPǓFiYgdSC'@f`I24h [f;r#W;XL'TTpT_7^ Wnfᗝ %;s͎_?_!(ˎ2'fݹ?ξ=PTY&zWƸF˂C  yc? @69-k Nnx^/j*5Fй=0$P~LmF#$QO/G]j1R/+uwyqNpfPqUNA|XGKP܈]8 ߣ*15b-WӶŖnY: KY%Wp@nJ(ԭO%{b,_SzsǮaz6|ZϷ􈺴̞^L (VsB;vmjF{I;6B%q1ыu9Rr a,Y~#~Ov8}Oqh/AQ V]5mrJcDu6S3e\ԉy9P7el9X]C)I屮O7iQE2ςcw -ߦAw.rMpNx;LrDþNcg"E=EXz Fj]`:j}SX @+$ ~K֪Q{΅eWYb!#bn8Jo~m Z?` k7fY;c~ Blaѓo6QD;PXCklgҡEVR*qY} 84R&0җLh |WRH[/z{R0O i6{0NR?cYx5Huп,R6Ι3^kT5pX|3_1;PBx$m;l\D3z5B"^