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Perlotto II 1.6.0rc1-1Richard E. Perlotto II 1.5.26-1Richard E. Perlotto II 1.5.24-1Richard E. Perlotto II 1.5.23-2Richard E. Perlotto II 1.5.23-1- add 4110.diff to fix CVE-2022-38725- fix MaxMindDB (GeoIP) packaging (make it a sub-package again) - fix file conflicit between rsyslog and syslog-ng: /etc/logrotate.d/syslog see: It became a weak dependency which conflicts with rsyslog- Update to version 3.23.1- Rebuilt for Python 3.8- Update to version 3.22.1- Rebuilt for Exclude unversioned private libraries from Provides: metadata. (rhbz#1726732)- Update to version 3.21.1- Update to version 3.20.1- Put Python extensions into its own subpackage- Update to version 3.19.1- Backport fix for use after free in affile_dw_reap (rhbz#1663936)- Update to version 3.18.1- Fix ambiguous python shebang- Update to version 3.17.2 (rhbz#1614997)- Update to version 3.17.1 (rhbz#1614581)- Rebuild with fixed binutils- Rebuild for new binutils- Build with python as /usr/bin/python2 (rhbz#1606471)- Rebuilt for Enable the AMQP destination- Update to version 3.16.1- rebuild with libbson and libmongc 1.10.2 (soname back to 0)- rebuild with libbson and libmongc 1.10.0- Update to version 3.15.1- Rebuilt for (json-c v0.13.1)- Remove bundled libraries at build time- Disable configuring of rabbitmq-c- Update to upstream release 3.14.1- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards (See Escape macros in %changelog- Drop support for TCP wrappers (rhbz#1518790)- Fix patch for json-c- Add patch for building cleanly against json-c v0.13- Rebuilt for Update to upstream release 3.11.1- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to upstream release 3.10.1- update to 3.9.1 (resolves openssl 1.1 compatibility) - switch mongodb driver - disable "make check" temporarily - add pkgconfig file for add-contextual-data- Rebuilt for update to 3.8.1 - new URL and source URL (moved to GitHub) - remove/update obsolated patches - enable java, curl (HTTP) destinations - python destination added, but disabled - merge JSON support to core - added dependencies for "make test" and new features- Rebuilt for rebuild (hiredis)- Rebuilt for rebuild against new hiredis- update to syslog-ng 3.6.2 (bugfix release) - disabled "make check" temporarily due to a false positive- update to syslog-ng 3.6.1 - enable riemann-c-client support- update to syslog-ng 3.6.0rc1 - removed --enable-pcre, as it's always required - configuration file version bump to 3.6- Rebuild for rpm bug 1131960- Rebuilt for Update to syslog-ng 3.5.6 (bugfix release)- Update to syslog-ng 3.5.5 (bugfix release)- Rebuilt for enable SCL in syslog-ng.conf - use system() in syslog-ng.conf - move JSON, SMTP and GeoIP support to separate subpackages due to dependencies- Update to syslog-ng Upstream patch: add support for the Tzif3 timezone files (syslog-ng-3.5.3-support-Tzif3-format-timezone-files.patch)- rebuild due libdbi bump- Bump configuration file version to 3.5 - Rebuild for libdbi soname bump- Update to syslog-ng 3.5.3- Update to syslog-ng 3.5.2- New upstream package description (Balabit; Peter Czanik)- Update to syslog-ng 3.5.1 (first stable release of branch 3.5) - New build requirement: libxslt (--enable-man-pages)- Update to syslog-ng 3.5.0 rc 1 - Re-enabled parallel build- Update to syslog-ng 3.5.0 beta 3 - Updated source0 URL - syslog-ng.service patch rebased (syslog-ng-3.5.0-syslog-ng.service.patch) - New BR: systemd-devel - New subpackage: syslog-ng-redis (new BR: hiredis-devel) - Disabled parallel build (currently fails)- Update to syslog-ng 3.4.4- Update to syslog-ng 3.4.3- Rebuilt for Update to syslog-ng 3.4.1 (first stable version of branch 3.4)- Update to syslog-ng 3.4.0 rc2 - Bumped the eventlog version requirement to 0.2.13 - Bumped the ivykis version requirement to 0.36.1 - New build requirement: GeoIP-devel (--enable-geoip) - New build requirement: libuuid-devel - New build requirement: libesmtp-devel (--enable-smtp) - New build requirement: libmongo-client--devel (--with-libmongo-client=system) - Splitted the mongodb support into a subpackage - Rebased the patch - Disable the AMQP support (until it builds with an external librabbitmq library)- Corrected bogus dates in the changelog section- Update to 3.3.8 - Use the new --with-embedded-crypto configure's option in order to avoid shipping a file- Introduce the new systemd-rpm macros (#850332)- Rename ivykis-ver to ivykis_ver (invalid character)- Update to 3.3.7- Update to 3.3.7 RC2 (aka syslog-ng- - Create and own the /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d directory - syslog-ng.conf: now sources additional configuration files located at /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d ; these files must have a .conf extension - syslog-ng.conf: make the s_sys source more compliant with the one generated by - syslog-ng.conf: retab - Bump the minimal ivykis version requirement to 0.30.4- Update to 3.3.6 - Now builds with an external (and unpatched) version of the ivykis library (>= 0.30.1) - Enable JSON support (BR json-c-devel). - Enable Linux caps (BR libcap-devel). - BR bison and flex - syslog-ng.conf: rename the now obsolete long_hostnames option to chain_hostnames - install a conf file so that the private shared library - libsyslog-ng-crypto - can be found. - Unconditionally run "systemctl daemon-reload" on the %postun scriptlet ( Rebuilt for Remove the ExecStartPre line from the service file (#833551)- Improve syslog-ng-3.2.5-tests-functional-sql-test.patch- Add a conflict with the filesystem package (due to the /usr-move)- No longer disable the SSL tests.- Correct the path in syslog-ng-3.2.5-syslog-ng.service.patch.- Enable SSL.- Fedora 17’s unified filesystem (/usr-move) Resolve the file conflict with rsyslog (#811058). - Don't tag the syslog-ng.service file as a configuration file.- Rebuild for updated libnet.- Rebuild against PCRE 8.30- Improve test coverage: remove a couple of errors and really run the SQL test. Patches: and syslog-ng-3.2.5-tests-functional-sql-test.patch.- Rebuilt for Drop the sysconfig configuration file (use syslog-ng.service instead) - Make the syslog-ng.service file a configuration file - Drop Vim 7.2 support- Fix the freeze problems caused by the /dev/log unix socket type mismatch (#742624) + syslog-ng.conf: change /dev/log from unix-stream to unix-dgram + upstream patch syslog-ng-3.3.4-afunix.c-diagnostic-messages.patch - Move the SCL files to the main RPM (#742624 comments >= 28)- Update to 3.2.5- New 3.2.5 pre-release tarball - Updated patch syslog-ng-3.2.5-syslog-ng.service.patch- 3.2.5 pre-release: changelog and tarball from Patches dropped: syslog-ng-3.2.4-systemd-acquired-fd.patch syslog-ng-3.2.4-chain-hostnames-processing.patch - New configure option: --with-systemdsystemunitdir - Patched the included syslog-ng.service file syslog-ng-3.2.5-syslog-ng.service.patch- Patch syslog-ng-3.2.4-systemd-acquired-fd.patch (see bug #742624)- disable linux-caps support for the time being (see bug #718439)- Fixed the syslog-ng.service configuration file: * Sockets setting (#734569) * StandardOutput setting (#734591)- Patch syslog-ng-3.2.4-chain-hostnames-processing.patch (#713965)- Enabled support for capability management (--enable-linux-caps)- Enabled SQL support (subpackage syslog-ng-libdbi)- Updated the homepage URL - Syslog-ng data directory in %{_datadir}/%{name} - Include the main library header files in the devel subpackage- No need to create the directory /etc/syslog-ng in the install section - Enable the test suite (but excluding the SQL and SSL tests)- Update to 3.2.4- Overrided the default _localstatedir value (configure --localstatedir) (value hardcoded in update-patterndb) - Manually created the patterndb.d configuration directory (update-patterndb) (see also comments >= 4) - Dropped support for Vim 7.0 and 7.1- Dropped the bison and flex build requirements - Corrected a couple of macro references in changelog entries (rpmlint)- Added the build requirement systemd-units (macro %_unitdir) - Dropped the redefinition of the %_localstatedir macro - Use %global instead of %define - Minor modifications of the %post, %preun and %postun scripts - Expanded tabs to spaces (also added a vim modeline)- Fix systemd-related scriptlets (Bill Nottingham) - Explicitly add --enable-systemd to configure's command line- updated to 3.2.3 final - cleaned the sysconfig file- downgrade the pcre minimal required version from 7.3 to 6.1 (#651823#c26) - better compliance with the package guidelines ( honor pidfile - disable ssl - disable sql- drop support for fedora without systemd- change NVR to alert users that we have been using a syslog-ng v3.2 git snapshot (for systemd support)- re-introduces the "Provides: syslog" (#651823 comments 13, 15 and 21) - rename the logrotate.d file back to syslog (#651823 comments 12, 15, 16 and 21) - cleans the sysconfig and logrotate file mess (#651823 comments 17, 20 and 21) - spec code cleanup (#651823 comments 10 and 11) - dropped duplicated eventlog-devel BR- systemd fixup - more spec file cleanup, - incorporate fixes from Jose Pedro Oliveira (#651823 comments 7 and 8)- spec cleanup- update to 3.2.2 - built from git snapshot- install to /sbin - native systemd start script- finally move libs to correct place - split out -devel subpackage- update to syslog-ng 3.2.1- update for syslog-ng 3.1.1 - supports the new syslog protocol standards - log statements can be embedded into each other - the encoding of source files can be set for proper character conversion - can read, process, and rewrite structured messages (e.g., Apache webserver logs) using templates and regular expressions - support for patterndb v2 and v3 format, along with a bunch of new parsers: ANYSTRING, IPv6, IPvANY and FLOAT. - added a new "pdbtool" utility to manage patterndb files: convert them from v1 or v2 format, merge mulitple patterndb files into one and look up matching patterns given a specific message. - support for message tags: tags can be assigned to log messages as they enter syslog-ng: either by the source driver or via patterndb. Later it these tags can be used for efficient filtering. - added support for rewriting structured data - added pcre support in the binary packages of syslog-ng- Adjust eventlog build requirement- Branch sync- Branch sync- Rebuilding for tag issue- libnet linking (bug#518150)- Init script fix (bug#517339)- Rebuilt for update to 2.1.4 - enabling mixed linking to compile only non-system libs statically - lots of packaging updates to be able to build on RHEL4,5, Fedora9+ and be parallel-installable with rsyslog and/or sysklogd on those platforms - removing BR for flex & byacc to try to prevent files from being regenerated - fixing build error with cfg-lex.l and flex 2.5.4 - Fixed a possible DoS condition triggered by a destination port unreachable ICMP packet received from a UDP destination. syslog-ng started eating all available memory and CPU until it crashed if this happened. - Fixed the rate at which files regular were read using the file() source. - Report connection breaks as a write error instead of reporting POLLERR as the write error path reports more sensible information in the logs.- Rebuilt for update to 2.0.10 - fix for CVE-2008-5110- do not conflicts with rsyslog, both rsyslog and syslog-ng use same pidfile and logrotate file (#441664)- fix license tag- updated to 2.0.8 - removed logrotate patch- added patch from git commit a8b9878ab38b10d24df7b773c8c580d341b22383 to fix log rotation (bug#430057)- updated to 2.0.7 - force regeneration to avoid broken paths from upstream (#265221) - adding loggen binary- updated to 2.0.6 - fixes DoS in ZSA-2007-029- add conflicts (#400661)- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.- Update to 2.0.5- Add support for vim 7.1.- Increase the number of unix-stream max-connections (10 -> 32).- New upstream download location ( Update to 2.0.4.- Update to 2.0.3.- Update to latest snapshot (2007-03-23).- Enable support for TCP wrappers (--enable-tcp-wrapper). - Optional support for spoofed source addresses (--enable-spoof-source) (disabled by default; build requires libnet).- Dynamic link glib2 and eventlog (--enable-dynamic-linking). For Fedora Core 6 (and above) both packages install their dynamic libraries in /lib.- Update to 2.0.2.- Update to 2.0.1.- Updated the init script patch: LSB Description and Short-Description.- Update to 2.0.0.- Rebuild for FC6.- Install the vim syntax file.- Update to 1.6.11.- Build option to support the syslog-ng spoof-source feature (the feature spoof-source is disabled by default).- Update to 1.6.10. - The postscript documentation has been dropped (upstream).- Rebuild.- Provides syslog instead of sysklogd (#172885).- Build conflict statement (see: Update to 1.6.9. - The libol support library is now included in the syslog-ng tarball.- BuildRequire which, since it's not part of the default buildgroup (Konstantin Ryabitsev).- Update to 1.6.8.- Shipping the sysklogd logrotate file and using the same pidfile as suggested by Jeremy Katz. - Patching the init script: no default runlevels. - Removed the triggers to handle the logrotate file (no longer needed). - The SELinux use_syslogng boolean has been dropped (rules enabled).- Increased libol required version to 0.3.16 ( Update to 1.6.7. - The Red Hat/Fedora Core configuration files are now included in the syslog-ng tarball (directory: contrib/fedora-packaging).- Logrotate file conflict: just comment/uncomment contents of the syslog logrotate file using triggers.- Require logrotate. - Documentation updates (upstream).- Added contrib/ (missing in syslog-ng-1.6.6). - Requires libol 0.3.15. - Added %trigger scripts to handle the logrotate file.- Update to 1.6.6. - Patches no longer needed.- Took ownership of the configuration directory (/etc/syslog-ng/). - Updated the syslog-ng(8) manpage (upstream patch). - Updated the configuration file: /proc/kmsg is a file not a pipe. - Patched two contrib files: syslog2ng and syslog-ng.conf.RedHat. - Logrotate file inline replacement: perl --> sed (bug 1332 comment 23).- Logrotate problem: only one logrotate file for syslog and syslog-ng. - Configuration file: don't sync d_mail destination (/var/log/maillog).- SIGHUP handling upstream patch (syslog-ng-1.6.5+20050121.tar.gz). - Static linking /usr libraries (patch already upstream).- make: do not strip the binaries during installation (install vs install-strip) (bug 1332 comment 18). - install: preserve timestamps (option -p) (bug 1332 comment 18).- use the tcp_wrappers static library instead (bug 1332 comment 15).- added missing build requirement: flex (bug 1332 comment 13).- update to 1.65. - removed the syslog-ng.doc.patch patch (already upstream). - removed the syslog-ng.conf.solaris documentation file.- removed Conflits: - changed the %post and %preun scripts - splitted Requires( ... , ... ) into Requires( ... )- corrected the source URL- changed packaged name to be compliant with naming conventions- updated to version 1.6.2 - undo "Requires: tcp_wrappers" - tcp_wrappers is a static lib- make %{?_smp_mflags} - Requires: tcp_wrappers- first release for updated to version 1.6.1- updated to version 1.6.0rc4- installation scripts improved - conflits line- install-strip- missing document: contrib/syslog-ng.conf.doc- Version 1.6.0rc3- Reorganized specfile - Corrected the scripts (%post, %postun, and %preun) - Commented the mysql related lines; create an option for future inclusion- Updated for new version- Updated for new version- Updated for new version- Corrected the mass of errors that occured with rpmlint - Continue to clean up for the helpful hints on how to write to a database- Updated file with notes and PGP -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=07cf98b672fdb4ad99d3bbf31e60aba7c37a4ae2, strippedRRRRRR !#,2] b2u jӫ`(y.r5R^NqSPc/;cbM;ZE$ w-w|=Z_Vב oե:#&uHdY-?|Y\#79f~pQIU;%4Ɗ/G͆/*uQrhƒԌns}:hޢ3>p&|+JkTN<뤠q ON޳*0ʜ^{T '= OP^}HKYSЪncm|3R. &M=.k78n2o$v!I(N*h>O;H#G$=p7$1'j*ݩ)GلQ͞+ K֎diWeȸ7{BuDjKxm +F[ zO~!-e@t3E݁jq<_`XP]B_c躗L=$3*x>)r>Pw"%2A>AI4(ΒFFVv}MeQi|@ȷHPcy D]IJdp58Ni&-E+cѮ?-?MZvM&%BgFȫw)iܾOڿ$^=2VV:a~!*^QRFiT~}GtQXbDr^;ՂW"My :| i^ MUb ~aCC+Xjm.AXU08|M.[PfӚ@U"+ג"G̗lM""&L^hBHZ/)伺<=[0"/.ADnl4}>ABn}<#;aN]A}yAǛj/i^pXAp0C"*)fJ߷UIr|*{%[ZrhvIB`_ < /b sO񔈴veR]FF_)D;3Xfk;SмjSD'oȦ)R4i=g{^3}MMp%v)0 ޛE4̌/Hl1yNϬ[>TSwksN؂y.xvAU LA̹ɒŻ". 5V6"Uٙr]=Ow_+/5pz;"ELI 6Q>dcgT&#>ȻslWmLy& oƈ>{_;x*پlnM{> 3tuL[F$CxU#6,%'.BV4 ,b̑į|G' 0?}5qJ*_|cZb"^zC3M,S׽#WWI|me7IF'hߨ Ȋ' FD#G[0)9:}C l[^8[]_&fַ!Ğ!vSbx lVߠ:Ԓr`?iřw3C j~gUM=ϯ2g^X(B FWqM ; ;Z&#Ƒ%d*ց[Z`\Z+[=bh;a+}e?p/)+JbK7!Q41H%?GBx 5K" &SzIAдWXqEtuHŕ2!h{Odg"I2 ϧ>ـʦHk.u@` :r(Wc>TsITaWlu>yg;L%IߊůxA"r{ M~K`wt!7ry ] 䕧;@£! 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