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Lane - 0.3.5-1Bruno Wolff III - 034-11Bruno Wolff III - 034-10Bruno Wolff III - 034-9Bruno Wolff III - 034-8Tom "spot" Callaway - 034-7Bruno Wolff III - 034-6Bruno Wolff III - 034-5Bruno Wolff III - 034-4Bruno Wolff III - 034-3Bruno Wolff III - 034-2Bruno Wolff III - 034-1Bruno Wolff III - 033-3Bruno Wolff III - 033-2Bruno Wolff III - 033-1David Malcolm - 032-5Bruno Wolff III - 032-4Bruno Wolff III - 032-3Bruno Wolff III - 032-2Bruno Wolff III - 032-1Warren Togami - 031-1Warren Togami - 030-1Warren Togami - 028-1Warren Togami - 027-2Warren Togami - 027-1Jeremy Katz - 026-1Jeremy Katz - 025-1Fedora Release Engineering - 024-2Jeremy Katz - 024-1Jeremy Katz - 023-1Jeremy Katz - 022-1Fedora Release Engineering - 021-2Jeremy Katz - 021-1Jeremy Katz - 020-1Jeremy Katz - 019-1Jeremy Katz - 018-1Bill Nottingham - 017-1Jeremy Katz - 016-1Jeremy Katz - 015-1Jeremy Katz - 014-1Jeremy Katz - 013-1Jeremy Katz - 012-1Jeremy Katz - 011-1Jeremy Katz - 010-1Jeremy Katz - 009-1Jeremy Katz - 008-1Jeremy Katz - 007-1Jeremy Katz - 006-1Jeremy Katz - 005-3Jeremy Katz - 005-2Jeremy Katz - 005-1Jeremy Katz - 004-1Jeremy Katz - 003-1Jeremy Katz - 002-1David Zeuthen - 001-1.el8- Release 31.0 (neal) - imgcreate/ fix SELinux unmount order (3526918+cbs228) - livecd-iso-to-disk: Remove useless test to fix issue #237 (fgrose) - imgcreate/ correct setfiles relabeling (3526918+cbs228) - Avoid bind mounting an existing file target. (fgrose)- Rebuilt for Python 3.11- Release 30.0 (ngompa13) - imgcreate/ abort on hard-unmount failure (lersek) - imgcreate/util: Fix errors import (T-vK) (#2078710)- Release 29.0 (ngompa13) - Makefile: Drop creating signed tags (ngompa13) - Preload the libnss_systemd library (#2007045) (sergey) - livecd-iso-to-disk, editliveos: Add option to skip macboot.img processing. (fgrose) - Copy 'unicode.pf2' from correct path (zhanggyb) - editliveos: Refresh vmlinuz & initrd.img files upon kernel updates. (fgrose) - livecd-iso-to-disk & editliveos: Preserve extra-kernel-args from source. (fgrose) - add livenet dracut module to allow for pxe boot (sobjerke) - switch from authconfig to authselect (pbrezina) - Support either /images or /isolinux directories for efi images. (fgrose) - livecd-iso-to-disk & editliveos: Expand partitioning & filesystem support (fgrose) - make live image the default boot option (sobjerke) - Modernize detection of checkisomd5 (m.novosyolov)- Rebuilt for Backport fix for finding unicode grub2 font file (rhbz#2037096)- Switch from authconfig to authselect (rhbz#1982159)- Rebuilt for Release 28.3 (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Make EFI packages optional for x86 (ngompa13) - Fix missync of locations of efiboot.img (m.novosyolov) - mkdir isolinux on aarch64 (m.novosyolov) - Fix check if EFI bootloader exists (m.novosyolov)- Release 28.2 (ngompa13) - rearrange xorrisofs options to make image efi bootable (sobjerke) - place efiboot.img and macboot.img in /isolinux (sobjerke) - Remove duplicate sentence (35056002+BessieTheCookie)- Rebuilt for Python 3.10- Release 28.1 (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Add missing comma for xorrisofs options (ngompa13) - prevent urlgrabber.urlgrab() from overwriting ks files in current directory (sobjerke)- Add missing dependencies (urlgrabber, dracut-live) - Remove hfsplus-tools as a dependency for EL8+- Release 28.0 (ngompa13) - HACKING: Fix URL for the Git repository (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Add missing variable "_isDracut" (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Use the right EFI binaries for x86 images (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Add AArch64 support (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Rework ISO creation to split x86 specific parts out (ngompa13) - Add missing files to uninstall section of makefile (quanterium) - Separate the errors for no ks specified and file not found (bcotton) - Pass package_types to dnf base group_install as tuple, not set (awilliam) - imgcreate: Allow more SquashFS compression options. (fgrose) - BindChrootMount: Expand this class to include bind mounting of files. (fgrose) - Obsolete osmin.img processing. (fgrose) - harmonize xorrisofs arguments with lorax live/x86.tmpl (fgrose) - imgcreate/kickstart: Use urlgrabber again instead of urllib (ngompa13) - Make --livedir & --multi handling more robust. (fgrose) - editliveos: Use USERNAME now instead of LOGNAME. (fgrose) - livecd-iso-to-disk: Update test for 'gio' presence. (fgrose) - Store EFI boot images in /images/. (fgrose) - livecd-iso-to-disk: Use -E, --exit-if-exists option to udevadm settle. (fgrose) - Update xorrisofs_options for x86 images. (fgrose) - editliveos: Rework installing packages into image (khoidinhtrinh)- Rebuilt for Backport PR #168 to fix a compatibility issue with DNF 4.4.0+- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Python 3.9- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Python 3.8.0rc1 (#1748018)- Rebuilt for Python 3.8- Rebuilt for Bump version to 27.1 (ngompa13) - Fix Kernel version detection (pablo)- Bump version to 27.0 (ngompa13) - imgcreate/creator: Change to text strings for reading file list from rpm (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Check for dracut being installed to determine usability (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Add squashfs as a mandatory extra filesystem (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Rename dracut config file to 99-liveos.conf (ngompa13) - 'udevadm settle' needs some time to settle (sbonds) - README: Removed unnecessary 'the' (scwicker) - imgcreate/kickstart: Use systemctl for enabling/disabling services (ngompa13) - livecd-iso-to-disk: Simply mount read-only to test for flat_squashfs. (fgrose) - editliveos: Accommodate netinstall in multi boot configuration files. (fgrose) - livecd-iso-to-disk+pod: Support netinstall .isos and as multi install. (fgrose)- Add patch to adapt to rpm Python bindings changing from bytes to strings (RH#1699432)- Backport fix from upstream to use systemctl instead of chkconfig (RH#1696064)- Rebuilt for Bump version to 26.1 (ngompa13) - Run setfiles after chroot (noto.kazufumi) - imgcreate/dnfinst: Force latest packages from only specified repos (ngompa13)- Backport fix from upstream to ensure latest versions install - Fix extlinux dependency for EL7- Fix Obsoletes of python2-imgcreate from =6.03 (yturgema)- Rebuilt for Move system dependencies for livecd-tools to python-imgcreate-sysdeps (#1409536) - Ensure pythonX-imgcreate depend on python-imgcreate-sysdeps (#1409536)- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Remove unused tmpdir parameter in resize2fs(). (fgrose) - HACKING: Fix mailing list address (ngompa13) - README: Fix the mailing list reference (ngompa13) - Check if FirewallD is installed before running ks firewall commands (ngompa13) - Merge pull request #6 from Conan-Kudo/yumtodbo (kevin.kofler) - Fixup and update the README (ngompa13) - Yum -> DNF; ayum -> dbo (ngompa13) - Properly exclude packages from the install set (ngompa13) - Merge pull request #3 from Conan-Kudo/warningfix (kevin.kofler) - logging.warn -> logging.warning (ngompa13) - Delete any leftover (Kevin) - Fix error handling in (Kevin) - Merge pull request #2 from Conan-Kudo/fixmakefile (kevin.kofler) - Fix command for creating symlink in Makefile (ngompa13) - Fix command for getting Python directory in the Makefile (ngompa13) - Merge pull request #1 from Conan-Kudo/futurize (kevin.kofler) - Bump version to 24.0 (ngompa13) - Fix up README (ngompa13) - More conversion of strings to bytestrings (ngompa13) - Convert bytestring to string (ngompa13) - Replace deprecated string.join() with str.join (ngompa13) - Fix division to be unambiguous (ngompa13) - Purge all Python < 2.6 exception handling code (ngompa13) - 'msg' should be 'message' for CreatorError exceptions (ngompa13) - More string to bytestring conversions (ngompa13) - Convert string to bytestring (ngompa13) - Convert result sliced from bytestring into string (ngompa13) - More declaring bytestrings as bytestrings (ngompa13) - Replace file() with open() (ngompa13) - use six module for urllib import (ngompa13) - Mark byte being written as byte (ngompa13) - Prepend file:// for local paths that don't have it already (ngompa13) - Remove unused import for system-config-keyboard (ngompa13) - Migrate from urlgrabber to urllib for Python 2/3 compatibility (ngompa13) - Makefile fixes for setting which Python to use (ngompa13) - Add support for setting Python interpreter to be used (ngompa13) - Port to Python 2.6+, 3.3+ (ngompa13) - Port from yum to dnf. (Kevin) - Add imgcreate/.gitignore (Kevin) - Disambiguation (PeteLawler)- Version 23.4 (bcl) - yuminst.LiveCDYum.runInstall: import yum.Errors (sandro.bonazzola) - Wrap all parted calls in LC_ALL=C (#1350253) (bcl) - Fix calling livecd-iso-to-pxeboot with a full path (cadegenn) - Stop truncating /etc/resolv.conf in SELinux module -- fixes #31 (torrancew) - litp: Copy ldlinux.c32 to tftpboot for PXE live setup. (bcl) - Always use rsync to copy Packages (#1343645) (bcl) - Fix extended regular expression [0-9] (fgrose) - Enable loop device as installation target (fgrose)- Version 23.3 (bcl) - litd: add the "rw" argument even if there's no "ro" (#1318470) (lkundrak) - Remove everything but LiveOS/ from appended ISO (lzap+git) - support aarch64 (jef199006)- Rebuilt for Actually add the source file- Version 23.2 (bcl) - Use add_drivers for dracut config (#1192030) (bcl) - litd: Don't add inst.stage2 to cmdline (bcl) - livecd-iso-to-disk: partnum should only be a digit (#1136586) (bcl) - Handle devices ending in a digit (#1136586) (bcl)- Rebuilt for Version 23.1 (bcl) - litd: All parted calls should use -s mode (#1195478) (bcl) - litd: Make sure device nodes have time to appear (bcl) - Sync usage documentation with livecd-iso-to-disk.pod (fgrose) - Correct misinformation and cover new options (fgrose) - Update repo urls to point to new github location (#1208825) (bcl) - Explicitly add the uas driver to the initrd (#1201983) (bcl) - Update repo urls to point to new github location.- Version 23.0 (bcl) - kickstart: Handle resolv.conf being a nonexistent symlink (walters) - Report Kickstart errors without traceback (#1168030) (bcl) - Change console font to eurlatgr (myllynen) - litd: Add missing syslinux modules (#1192137) (bcl) - Note lz4 compression in help (bruno)- Require python-kickstart since it has teh python2 version of pykickstart- Version 21.4 (bcl) - Ignore case when looking for UEFI boot*efi file (#1156380) (bcl) - Preload the libnss_sss library (#1127103) (bcl)- Version 21.3 (bcl) - mkefiboot now expects all upper case for BOOT*.EFI (#1154138) (bcl) - Move __fstype into ImageCreator class (bcl) - Catch Yum errors and print them (#1119906) (bcl)- Rebuilt for Version 21.2 (bcl) - Abort livecd creation if selinux relabel fails (#1121301) (bcl) - Add lorax ppc config files to search path (bcl) - Use inst.repo and inst.stage2 (bcl) - Use instead of overlay (bcl)- Rebuilt for Version 21.1 (bcl) - Update for syslinux 6.02-4 (bcl)- Version 21.0 (bcl) - Update for new kickstart (bcl) - Update yuminst for new pykickstart (bcl) - Cleanup paths in README (bcl) - livecd-creator: Make sure kickstart file exists (#1074295) (bcl)- Version 20.4 (bcl) - Fix extlinux check (#1059278) (bcl) - Check kickstart for repo line (#1005580) (bcl) - Catch CreatorError during class init (#1005580) (bcl) - Add docleanup to edit-livecd (#1000744) (bcl) - utf8 decode unicode error strings (#1035248) (bcl) - Remove switch to Permissive (#1051523) (bcl)- Version 20.3 (bcl) - Add missing quote (#1044675) (bcl)- Version 20.2 (bcl) - Use LC_ALL=C for parted calls (#1045854) (bcl) - Fix to work with the changed yum.config._getsysver (bruno) - Add check for extlinux tools (#881317) (bcl) - Cleanup arg parsing a bit (#725047) (bcl)- add 'troubleshooting' submenu with 'basic graphics mode' to UEFI boot menu (awilliam) - make UEFI boot menu resemble the BIOS and non-live boot menus more (awilliam) - drop 'xdriver=vesa' from basic graphics mode parameters (per ajax) (awilliam) - Ensure filesystem modules end up in the live image initramfs. (notting) - Don't use mkfs.extN options for any filesystem types. (notting) - litd: Add --label option to override LIVE label (helio) - liveimage-mount: add missing import (bcl) - Change vfat limit from 2047 to 4095 (#995552) (bcl)- Version 20.0 (bcl) - Install docs in unversioned doc directory (#992144) (bochecha)- Rebuilt for Version 19.6 (bcl) - litd: Add kickstart option (bcl) - ts.check output is a list of tuples (#979759) (bcl) - Add repo --noverifyssl support (#907707) (bcl)- Version 19.5 (bcl) - Write vconsole.conf directly (bcl) - litd: Add --updates option (bcl)- Version 19.4 (bcl) - Replace bash string parsing with awk (#962039,#969521) (bcl) - Fix symlink (#968272) (bcl)- Add requirement on rsync (#967948)- Version 19.3 (bcl) - Avoid setting empty root password (#964299) (thoger) CVE-2013-2069 - Handle urlgrabber callback changes (#963645) (bcl)- only require hfsplus-tools on ppc and x86 arches- Version 19.2 (bcl) - Use parted to check for GPT disklabel (#947653) (bcl) - Output details of dep check failure (bcl) - Properly generate kernel stanzas (#928093) (bcl)- Version 19.1 (bcl) - iso9660 module is named isofs (bcl) - disable dracut hostonly and rescue image (#921422) (bcl)- Version 19.0 (bcl) - iso9660 is now a module, include it (bcl) - correctly check for selinux state (#896610) (bcl) - Simplify kickstart example (#903378) (bcl) - default to symlink for /etc/localtime (#885246) (bcl)- Get an up to date build in rawhide, since the mass - rebuild used a master branch that was behind the f18 - branch and builds from f18 are no longer inherited. - Version 18.14 (bcl) - add --verifyudev to dmsetup (#885385) (bcl) - Version 18.13 (bcl) - silence the selinux umount error (bcl) - use systemd instead of inittab for startx (bcl) - set selinux permissive mode when building (bcl) - fix kickstart logging entry (bcl) - write hostname to /etc/hostname (#870805) (bcl) - add nocontexts for selinux (#858373) (bcl) - remove lokkit usage (bcl) - use locale.conf not sysconfig/i18n (#870805) (bcl) - don't write clock (#870805) (bcl) - add remainder of virtio modules to initrd (#864012) (bcl) - Require hfsplus-tools so that images will boot on Mac - Version 18.12 (bcl) - Remove grub 0.97 splash (bcl) - Version 18.11 (bcl) - not copying UEFI files shouldn't be fatal (#856893) (bcl) - don't require shim and grub2-efi (#856893) (bcl) - efi_requires.patch: don't force grub2-efi and shim into the package list, it breaks 32-bit compose and isn't needed, we have it in comps - Version 18.10 (bcl) - use cp -r instead of -a (bcl) - Version 18.9 (bcl) - fix extra-kernel-args (#853570) (bcl) - New location for GRUB2 config on UEFI (#851220) (bcl) - Add nocleanup option to retain temp files (bcl) - Update imgcreate for UEFI Secure Boot (bcl)- Rebuilt for Version 18.8 (bcl) - dracut needs to load vfat and msdos filesystems (bcl)- Version 18.7 (bcl) - Recognize as well as liveimg in sed scripts of livecd-iso-to- disk & edit-livecd (fgrose) - fix /etc/localtime file vs. symlink (#829032) (bcl)- Version 18.6 (bcl) - switch to using instead of liveimg (bcl) - dracut doesn't need explicit filesystems (bcl) - livecd-creator: Add --cacheonly for offline use (martin) - Implement cacheonly (offline) support in ImageCreator and LoopCreator (martin) - if mounting squashfs add ro mount option (jboggs) - imgcreate: Use copy2 for TimezoneConfig (#829032) (bcl)- Rebuilt for Version 18.5 (bcl) - Include Mac volume name graphic (mjg) - copy repo data to USB for F17 (#806166) (bcl) - Version 18.4 (bcl) - allow for use of yum plugins during livecd creation (notting) - Capitalise EFI names (mjg) - Add tighter Mac boot image integration (mjg) - fix quoting with basename and SRC (#814174) (bcl) - check for LIVE-REPO partition when writing DVD (#813905) (bcl)- Version 18.3 (bcl) - add support for cost in kickstart repo line (#735079) (mads) - skip copying DVD image file with skipcopy option (786037) (bcl) - remove kernel and initrd from EFI/BOOT (#811438) (bcl) - fix syntax problem in detectsrctype (bcl)- Version 18.2 (bcl) - livecd-iso-to-disk: Add 2MB slop to calculation (bcl) - Change EFI/boot to EFI/BOOT (mjg) - Add support for generating EFI-bootable hybrid images (mjg)- Version 18.1 (bcl) - livecd-iso-to-disk: create partition for iso (bcl)- Version 18.0 (bcl) - check for valid script path before editing livecd image and update usage options confusion (jboggs) - imgcreate: fix typo in ResizeError (bcl) - add missing selinux_mountpoint class object to edit-livecd (jboggs)- Version 17.4 (bcl) - selinux may be off on the host, skip mount (#737064) (bcl) - Set base_persistdir (#741614) (bcl) - Fix the fix for dracut modules (#766955) (bcl) - Use dracut.conf.d instead fo dracut.conf (bcl) - dracut needs dmsquash-live explicitly included (bcl) - edit-livecd: -k --kickstart option (apevec)- Rebuilt for Version 17.3 (bcl) - python-imgcreate: remove -f from second lokkit call (#769457) (bcl) - Install edit-livecd to /usr/bin (bcl)- Version 17.2 (bcl) - Fix indent and typo in liveimage-mount (#749643) (bcl) - Make sure the target is labeled LIVE (#751213) (bcl) - Only check first match for boot flag (#739411) (bcl) - Stop creating backup image before resizing (#737243) (bcl)- Version 17.1 (bcl) - Add title and product args (#669120) (bcl) - Skip bind mounts when source isn't there (bcl) - Add new syslinux.cfg template (#734173) (bcl) - Use copyFile on the iso (bcl) - Use rsync to copy if available (bcl)- Version 17.0 - Quote $SRC so iso's with spaces will work (#694915) (bruno) - Handle move to /sys/fs/selinux (#728576) (dwalsh) - master is now v17.X (bcl) - Turn on the legacy_boot flag for EFI (#680563) (bcl) - Don't ask about replacing MBR when formatting (bcl) - Make MBR replacement message more clear (bcl) - Ensure previous filesystems are wiped when formatting (#712553) (bcl) - Modify pxeboot script to work with F16 (bcl) - Add initial support for ARM architectures (martin.langhoff) - Copy updates and product image files (bcl)- Version 16.3 (bcl) - Copy old initrd/xen files to isolinux when using base-on (#690940) (bcl) - Don't fail on missing splash image (bcl) - Images go into $SYSLINUXPATH (bcl) - fix typo (bcl) - Check for spaces in fs label when using overlay (#597599) (bcl) - Fix logic for syslinux check (bcl) - Fix image-creator symlink so that it is relative (bcl) - symlink /etc/mtab to /proc/self/mounts (#688277) (bcl) - liveimage-mount installed LiveOS with overlay (fgrose) - Fix overzealous boot->BOOT change (bcl) - Fix return code failure (#689360) (fgrose) - Fix pipefailure in checkSyslinuxVersion (#689329) (fgrose) - Symlink image-creator instead of hardlink (#689167) (bcl) - Add extracting BOOTX64.efi from iso (#688258) (bcl) - Add repo to DVD EFI install config file (#688258) (bcl) - Add EFI support to netboot (#688258) (bcl) - Support /EFI/BOOT or /EFI/boot (#688258) (bcl)- Version 16.2 (bcl) - livecd-iso-to-disk: Catch all failures (lkundrak) - Mailing list address changed (lkundrak) - Fall back to to msdos format if no extlinux (bcl) - Create an ext4 filesystem by default for home.img (fgrose) - Add error checks to home.img creation (bcl) - livecd-iso-to-disk Detect more disk space issues (fgrose) - gptmbr can be written directly to the mbr (bcl) - Fixup livedir support (#679023) (jan.kratochvil)- Version 16.1 (bcl) - Print reason for sudden exit (bcl) - Fix skipcopy usage with DVD iso (#644194) (bmj001) - Move selinux relabel to after %post (#648591) (bcl) - Add support for virtio disks to livecd (#672936) (bcl) - Support attached LiveOS devices as well as image files for LiveOS editing. (fgrose) - Check return value on udevadm (#637258) (bcl)- Version 16.0 (bcl) - Add tmpdir to LiveImageCreator (bcl) - Source may be a file or a block device, mount accordingly (bcl) - Enable reading of SquashFS compression type. (fgrose) - Enable cloning of a running LiveOS image into a fresh iso. (fgrose) - Update usage documentation & add it to the script (fgrose) - Support the propagation of an installed Live image (fgrose) - Rename image source- and target-related variables (fgrose) - Align start of partition at 1MiB (#668967) (bcl) - Pass tmpdir to ImageCreator class initializer (#476676) (bcl) - Add tmpdir to ImageCreator class initializer (#476676) (bcl) - Enable an optional tmpdir for e2image in fs.resize2fs() (fgrose) - Bad karma commit reverted; The option to boot from a local drive *MUST* exist as 99.9% of our consumers have default desktop hardware configurations. (jeroen.van.meeuwen) - Really switch the default compression type, not just the default cli option value (jeroen.van.meeuwen)- Rebuilt for Version 15.3 (bcl) - Remove boot from local drive option (bcl) - Check for one big initrd.img (#671900) (bcl) - Make xz the default compression type for live images. (bruno) - Update documentation for xz availability. (bruno) - Change releasever to a command line option (#667474) (bcl)- patch to drop support of releasever in urls it destroys image creation in koji- Version 5.2 (bcl) - Assign a device-mapper UUID w/ subsystem prefix to the dm snapshot. (dlehman) - Fix git URLs to match reality. (dlehman) - Trap copyFile errors (#663849) (fgrose) - Fix incomplete rename of freespace variable (#656154) (fgrose)- Bump version to 15.1 (bcl) - Wrap so we can capture all command output for debugging. (jlaska) - Work with the logging settings when emitting progress. (jlaska) - Add a quiet option to surpress stdout. Adjust handle_logfile to not surpress stdout. (jlaska) - Fix partition number selection for MMC bus devices (#587411) (fgrose) - Fix disk space estimation errors (#656154) (fgrose) - Tolerate empty transactions (lkundrak) - Merge livecd-creator and image-creator (lkundrak) - Cleanup if/then blocks (#652522) (fgrose)- Each branch needs a different version number.- Bump version to 0.3.6 (bcl) - Misc. fixups (#652522) (fgrose) - Set indentation to 4 spaces (#652522) (fgrose) - Add a release target (bcl) - Pass dracut args during check (#589778) (bcl) - Update dracut args (#652484) (bcl) - Cleanup tabs (#652522) (fgrose) - Cleanup EOL spaces (#652522) (fgrose) - Typo. Need space before ]. (bruno) - Add support for timeout and totaltimeout to livecd-iso-to-disk (#531566) (bcl) - Add proxy support to livecd-creator (#649546) (bcl)- Converting version number to NVR - Removed patches (now included in v0.3.5)- Fix live image relabel when compose host has selinux disabled.- Document the lzo compressor.- Change requires to /sbin/extlinux since that will work with old and new versions of syslinux.- extlinux is now in a subpackage that is required by livecd-iso-to-disk- fix background image copying to use new-new logo path- One /dev/loop* change had been missed. Backport patch.- Backport basic video menu label fix- Backport missing parts of the regex fix patch- Backported fix for vesa boot menu item- mkbiarch needs pyparted- A new experimental script for creating live images. - Handle partition devices that have a separator character in them. - Initial checkin of a new expermiental tool for live backup images. - Allow use of stage2 for repos to help with netinst ISOs. - Fix issue with using netinst ISOs. - Add support for ext4 now that syslinux supports it. - Fix for enumerating loop devices using bash 4.1.7. - Change --skipcopy to not overwrite other large areas. - Add basic video driver option to syslinux/isolinux. - Don't create sparse files one byte too large. - Display progress information when copying image to USB devices. - Set default boot language for USB images to the current locale. - Use grep instead of depreceated egrep. - Set up locale or there can be problems handling nonascii strings. - Try normal umount before falling back to lazy umount. - Allow creation of SELinux enabled LiveCD from an SELinux disabled system.- The previous update got replaced by the python update; another bump is needed.- Replace 'zlib' with 'gzip' to fix thinko about the compressor name.- Fix for vesa splash file change for bz 617115. - Use lazy umounts as a work around for bz 617844. - Better handling of Environment exceptions for bz 551932.- Rebuilt for liveimage-mount is new to 023- Change the version in the Makefile- Fix tar prefix and document how to make it- Added support for specifying compressors - Add Requires for parted - Bug 605639 - Add rd_NO_DM dracut cmdline options - Bug 589783 - See;a=shortlog for a list of upstream commits since 031 was tagged.- livecd-iso-to-disk capable of installing installer DVD to USB- Tell dracut not to ask for LUKS passwords or activate mdraid sets - Silence the /etc/modprobe.conf deprecation warning- Fix LiveUSB with live images - Fix display of free space during livecd-iso-to-disk error (farrell)- test patch to make LiveUSB work again, need to be sure it doesn't break LiveCD before committing in the next version- Support new dracut output filename /boot/initramfs-* - Fix cleanup of fake /selinux directory during teardown Bug #522224- More resize2fs -M usage - Work with dracut-based initramfs - Some error handling updates- Bind mount /dev/shm also (#502921) - Update man pages (Michel Duquaine, #505742) - Use blkid instead of vol_id (mclasen, #506360) - A few livecd-iso-to-disk tweaks (Martin Dengler, Jason Farrell) - Another fix for SELinux being disabled (#508402) - Use resize2fs -M and handle resize errors better - Use isohybrid on the live image - Use system-config-keyboard instead of rhpl- Rebuilt for Fix ppc image creation (#497193, help from jwboyer) - Fixes for using ext[23] usb stick (wtogami) - Check filesystem after resizing and raise an error if there are problems (#497377)- Don't prompt about overwriting when making usb stick (#491234) - Fix up livecd-iso-to-pxeboot for new syslinux paths - Fix --xo variable expansion (Alexander Boström) - Name of EFI partitions doesn't matter for mactel mode (Jim Radford) - Fix unterminated sed command (#492376) - Handle kernel/squashfs mismatch when making usb stick in --xo mode (Alexander Boström) - Support all of the options for the 'firewall' kickstart directive - Deal with syslinux com32 api incompat when making usb sticks (#492370) - Add options to force fetching of repomd.xml every run (jkeating) - Quiet restorecon (Marc Herbert) - Fix traceback with syslinux disabled (#495269) - Split python-imgcreate module into a subpackage- Fixes for hybird GPT/MBR usb sticks (Stewart Adam) - Support setting SELinux booleans (Dan Walsh) - Fix unicode error messages (Felix Schwarz) - Update man pages (Chris Curran, #484627) - Support syslinux under /usr/share - Remove some legacy support from livecd-iso-to-disk - Basic support for multi-image usb sticks- Rebuilt for Start of support for hybrid GPT/MBR usb sticks (Stewart Adam) - Fix for udev deprecated syntax (#480109) - Keep cache with --cache (Jan Kratochvil, #479716) - Use absolute path to cachedir (#479716) - Support UDF for large ISO spins (Bruno Wolf, #476696) - Improvements for encrypted /home setup (mdomsch, #475399) - Don't allow spaces in labels (#475834) - Fix --tmpdir relative path (dhuff) - Support ext4 rootfs - Fix device command version check (apevec) - Allow URLs for specifying the kickstart config (bkearney) - Fix macro name for excludedocs (bkearney) - Fix up --base-on (#471656)- Support setting up a swap file - Verify integer args in livecd-iso-to-disk (#467257) - Set up persistent /home on internal mtd0 for XO - Default to resetting the overlay on XO - Support copying the raw ext3fs to the usb stick instead of the squash - Mactel fixes - Align initrd properly on XO (#467093) - Make initrd load addr work on newer XO firmwares - Fix up Xen paths for Xen live images (Michael Ansel) - Support --defaultdesktop (Orion Poplawski)- livecd-iso-to-disk: Various other XO fixes - Cleanup rpmdb locks after package installation - Fix traceback due to lazy rhpl.keyboard import - Fix using groups with options (jkeating) - Support persistent /home on XO's internal flash - Fix ramdisk load addr in boot/olpc.fth for XO - Fix up boot from SD - Fix extracting boot parameters for pxe (apevec) - Make rpm macro information persist into the image (bkearney) - Support %packages --instLangs (bkearney)- Use logging API for debugging messages (dhuff) - Some initial support for booting live images on an XO - Refactoring of mount code for appliance-creator (danpb, dhuff) - Make --base-on actually work again - Drop the image configs; these are now in the spin-kickstarts repo - plymouth support - Listen to bootloader --append in config - Add man pages (Pedro Silva) - Support booting from Intel based Macs via EFI on USB (#450193) - Fixes for SELinux enforcing (eparis) - Eject the CD on shutdown (#239928) - Allow adding extra kernel args with livecd-iso-to-disk - Support for persistent /home (#445218) - Copy timezone to /etc/localtime (#445624) - Ensure that commands run by livecd-creator exist - Mount a tmpfs for some dirs (#447127)- fix F9 final configs- Config changes all around, including F9 final configs - Fix up the minimal image creation - Fix odd traceback error on __del__ (#442443) - Add late initscript and split things in half - livecd-iso-to-disk: Check the available space on the stick (#443046) - Fix partition size overriding (kanarip)- Support for using live isos with pxe booting (Richard W.M. Jones and Chris Lalancette) - Fixes for SELinux being disabled (Warren Togami) - Stop using mayflower for building the initrd; mkinitrd can do it now - Create a minimal /dev rather than using the host /dev (Warren Togami) - Support for persistent overlays when using a USB stick (based on support by Douglas McClendon)- Rework to provide a python API for use by other tools (thanks to markmc for a lot of the legwork here) - Fix creation of images with ext2 filesystems and no SELinux - Don't require a yum-cache directory inside of the cachedir (#430066) - Many config updates for rawhide - Allow running live images from MMC/SD (#430444) - Don't let a non-standard TMPDIR break things (Jim Meyering)- Lots of config updates - Support 'device foo' to say what modules go in the initramfs - Support multiple kernels being installed - Allow blacklisting kernel modules on boot with blacklist=foo - Improve bootloader configs - Split configs off for f8- Allow %post --nochroot to work for putting files in the root of the iso - Set environment variables for when %post is run - Add progress for downloads (Colin Walters) - Add cachedir option (Colin Walters) - Fixes for ppc/ppc64 to work again - Clean up bootloader config a little - Enable swaps in the default desktop config - Ensure all configs are installed (#281911) - Convert method line to a repo for easier config reuse (jkeating) - Kill the modprobe FATAL warnings (#240585) - Verify isos with iso-to-disk script - Allow passing xdriver for setting the xdriver (#291281) - Add turboliveinst patch (Douglas McClendon) - Make iso-to-disk support --resetmbr (#294041) - Clean up filesystem layout (Douglas McClendon) - Manifest tweaks for most configs- Many config updates for Fedora 8 - Support $basearch in repo line of configs; use it - Support setting up Xen kernels and memtest86+ in the bootloader config - Handle rhgb setup - Improved default fs label (Colin Walters) - Support localboot from the bootloader (#252192) - Use hidden menu support in syslinux - Have a base desktop config included by the other configs (Colin Walters) - Use optparse for optino parsing - Remove a lot of command line options; things should be specified via the kickstart config instead - Beginnings of PPC support (David Woodhouse) - Clean up kernel module inclusion to take advantage of files in Fedora kernels listing storage drivers- Separate out configs used for Fedora 7 - Add patch from Douglas McClendon to make images smaller - Add patch from Matt Domsch to work with older syslinux without vesamenu - Add support for using mirrorlists; use them - Let livecd-iso-to-disk work with uncompressed images (#248081) - Raise error if SELinux requested without being enabled (#248080) - Set service defaults on level 2 also (#246350) - Catch some failure cases - Allow specifying tmpdir - Add patch from nameserver specification from Elias Hunt- miscellaneous live config changes - fix isomd5 checking syntax error- disable screensaver with default config - add aic7xxx and sym53c8xx drivers to default initramfs - fixes from johnp for FC6 support in the creator - fix iso-to-stick to work on FC6- Disable prelinking by default - Disable some things that slow down the live boot substantially - Lots of tweaks to the default package manifests - Allow setting the root password (Jeroen van Meeuwen) - Allow more specific network line setting (Mark McLoughlin) - Don't pollute the host yum cache (Mark McLoughlin) - Add support for mediachecking- Many fixes to error handling from Mark McLoughlin - Add the KDE config - Add support for prelinking - Fixes for installing when running from RAM or usb stick - Add sanity checking to better ensure that USB stick is bootable- have to use excludearch, not exclusivearch- exclusivearch since it only works on x86 and x86_64 for now- some shell quoting fixes - allow using UUID or LABEL for the fs label of a usb stick - work with ext2 formated usb stick- add livecd-iso-to-disk for setting up the live CD iso image onto a usb stick or similar- fix remaining reference to run-init- update for new version- Initial build.  !31.0-1.el831.0-1.el8imgcreate__init__.py__pycache____init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc__init__.cpython-36.pyccreator.cpython-36.opt-1.pyccreator.cpython-36.pycdebug.cpython-36.opt-1.pycdebug.cpython-36.pycdnfinst.cpython-36.opt-1.pycdnfinst.cpython-36.pycerrors.cpython-36.opt-1.pycerrors.cpython-36.pycfs.cpython-36.opt-1.pycfs.cpython-36.pyckickstart.cpython-36.opt-1.pyckickstart.cpython-36.pyclive.cpython-36.opt-1.pyclive.cpython-36.pycutil.cpython-36.opt-1.pycutil.cpython-36.pyccreator.pydebug.pydnfinst.pyerrors.pyfs.pykickstart.pylive.pyutil.pypython3-imgcreateAPIpython3-imgcreateCOPYING/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/imgcreate//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/imgcreate/__pycache__//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/python3-imgcreate//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/python3-imgcreate/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -march=z13 -mtune=z14 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2s390x-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryPython script, ASCII text executablepython 3.6 byte-compiledPython script, UTF-8 Unicode text executableASCII text RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !#,'] b2u jӫ`(y-PAȷc Zy#dgEBe@ ABMѽS[,aM>߅(#*FQo 50~=Yfۯ{1P1(F2Qfk OH9o8¢'j%%נC@.d{tP'$po=P0sf.RglE-ɬ\e M C hUjs D2dh<\z*~r 7N݃&ր7 !XC<d/[>>)*#TuLso\2;Zݩ}i$${$[\2]'+Pg:ISG`A^ZE.UAG0֟0[ˆ*1(4@-lЎD{)Ciu+(r~J ;r.]:r pKtu$4YLDU˯YItp!5ѫ7ѣ˺CEK<@go3Ԋz[;=72HO-|SF&tgp,0p%QkcD,"$笽O$г9#]zPTJZ^*m||7U+!M!v/UA90[gk }GfSGmT?Aj ڋʷ̖*#1 d3p4شU[7P,o47:*n.EήٓRzT*0rX[ k,j/G)Vpx.wKsHYvmwtԑey^.eu1;1gH.mysgIcu(&nT=ɥ_yKpM73 %;b^ɂ6\zit Vk{ 2+ow?{R} q(ф’4AxF@F'P 6a 9஁\74_'i,e ̪sJe^L M',!}3|V;tL)QͫV85g"2goi @%q'8=r Kʿ–Mv ĸ}%R*jđm;hadELٞZ8e(!kr>>VFw TP|0(-ÖX[2jlNHHv`hJݹPY6f‡k: fVp Q4a zd?4^,Kl&k67x.D KIζ1@e0lerm0vzN=s$r޺Ư,0T$2T1iؑ|G]d+R,b$[<-遄b. 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