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G[H\0I\lX\|Y\\\]\^^[b_hd`e`f`l`t`ua vaHwb(xbdybcccEcKcCpython3-matplotlib-tk3.0.34.el8Tk backend for python3-matplotlibTk backend for python3-matplotlibaubuildvm-s390x-02.s390.fedoraproject.org7Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectPython and MITFedora ProjectUnspecifiedhttp://matplotlib.orglinuxs390xgz:z:X-'A큤auauauauauauauauauau\t]au\t]\t]\t]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../../../../usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/_tkagg.cpython-36m-s390x-linux-gnu.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpython-matplotlib-3.0.3-4.el8.src.rpmpython3-matplotlib-tkpython3-matplotlib-tk(s390-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@]]\zp@\U@[[ٙ@[@[:@[qr[Q[I[(@ZZx@Z@ZxG@ZdZ-!Y@Y@Y@Y@YyX8@XO@XX@XXtXs{@Xr)XOX W WW@WQq@WBW - 3.0.3-4Orion Poplawski - 3.0.3-3Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 3.0.3-2Elliott Sales de Andrade - 3.0.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.0.2-1.1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 3.0.2-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 3.0.1-1Miro Hrončok - 3.0.0-2Elliott Sales de Andrade - 3.0.0-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.2.3-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.2.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2.2-3.1Miro Hrončok - 2.2.2-3Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.2.2-2Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.2.2-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.1.2-3Karsten Hopp - 2.1.2-2Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.1.2-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.1.1-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.1.0-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.0.2-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 2.0.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.0-3.2Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.0-3.1Peter Robinson 2.0.0-3Thomas Spura - 2.0.0-2.2Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.0-2.1Dan Horák - 2.0.0-2Orion Poplawski - 2.0.0-1Adam Williamson - 2.0.0-0.7.rc2Adam Williamson - 2.0.0-0.6.b4Adam Williamson - 2.0.0-0.5.b4Charalampos Stratakis - 2.0.0-0.4.b4Dan Horák - 2.0.0-0.3.b4Dominik Mierzejewski - 2.0.0-0.2.b4Dominik Mierzejewski - 2.0.0-0.1.b4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.2-0.2.rc2Dominik Mierzejewski - 1.5.1-7Dominik Mierzejewski - 1.5.1-6Dominik Mierzejewski - 1.5.1-5Ralf Corsépius - 1.5.1-4Orion Poplawski - 1.5.1-3Jon Ciesla - 1.5.1-2Thomas Spura - 1.5.1-1Thomas Spura - 1.4.3-13Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.3-12Thomas Spura - 1.4.3-11Thomas Spura - 1.4.3-10Thomas Spura - 1.4.3-9Thomas Spura - 1.4.3-8Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.3-7Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.3-6Kalev Lember - 1.4.3-5Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 1.4.3-4Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 1.4.3-3Elliott Sales de Andrade - 1.4.3-2Elliott Sales de Andrade - 1.4.3-1Elliott Sales de Andrade - 1.4.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3.1-7Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3.1-6Jaroslav Škarvada - 1.3.1-5Bohuslav Kabrda - 1.3.1-4pcpa - 1.3.1-3pcpa - 1.3.1-2Thomas Spura - 1.3.1-1Thomas Spura - 1.3.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.0-15Jon Ciesla - 1.2.0-14Thomas Spura - 1.2.0-13Thomas Spura - 1.2.0-12pcpa - 1.2.0-11pcpa - 1.2.0-10Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.0-9pcpa - 1.2.0-8pcpa - 1.2.0-7David Malcolm - 1.2.0-6pcpa - 1.2.0-5pcpa - 1.2.0-4pcpa - 1.2.0-3pcpa - 1.2.0-2pcpa - 1.2.0-1Jerry James - 1.1.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.1-21pcpa - 1.1.0-1David Malcolm - 1.0.1-20Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.1-19Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.1-18David Malcolm - 1.0.1-17David Malcolm - 1.0.1-16Adam Jackson - 1.0.1-15Dan Horák - 1.0.1-14Jef Spaleta - 1.0.1-13Orion Poplawski - 1.0.1-12Jonathan G. 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Drop Python 2 subpackages - Stop setting a default backend (allow Matplotlib to choose automatically)- Update to latest version- Don't use unversioned Python in build (#1605766) - Add missing texlive-cm BR- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Remove bytecode produced by pytest - Add python?-matplotlib-test-data subpackages- Update to latest release - Run tests in parallel- Cleanup spec file of old conditionals - Use more python2- dependencies- update and fix spec file conditionals- Update to latest release- Update to latest release- Update to latest release- Update to latest release- Update to latest release- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fix NVR- Remove copyrighted file from tarball (gh-8034)- Rebuilt for Apply the 'aarch64' test tolerance patch on s390(x) also- Update to 2.0.0 final- Update to 2.0.0rc2 - Fix more big-endian integer issues - Apply the 'aarch64' test tolerance patch on ppc64 also (it's affected by same issues) - Tweak the 'i686' test tolerance patch a bit (some errors are gone, some new ones) - Re-enable test suite for all arches - Note a remaining quasi-random test issue that causes build to fail sometimes- Fix another integer type issue which caused more issues on ppc64- Fix int type conversion error that broke text rendering on ppc64 (#1411070)- Rebuild for Python 3.6- disable tests on some alt-arches to unblock depending builds- add missing runtime dependencies for python2 package- Update to 2.0.0b4 - Drop upstreamed or obsolete patches - python-cycler >= 0.10.0 is required - move around Requires and BRs and sort more or less alphabetically - don't ship baseline images for tests (like Debian) - Require stix fonts only when they're not bundled - disable HTML doc building for bootstrapping 2.0.x series - relax image rendering tests tolerance due to freetype version differences - disable some failing tests on aarch64 for now- Update to 1.5.2rc2. - Drop wrong hunk from use-system-six patch. - Patch new qhull paths on F25+ instead of using sed. - Rebase failing tests patch.- Upstream no longer ships non-free images, use pristine source.- Unbundle python-six (#1336740). - Run tests (and temporarily disable failing ones). - Use upstream-recommended way of running tests in parallel. - python2-cycler and -mock are required for running tests.- Rebuild for qhull-2015.2-1. - Reflect qhull_a.h's location having changed.- Add requires python-cycler- Drop agg-devel BR, fix sphinx build with python*cycler BR- update to 1.5.1 (#1276806) - Add missing requires of dvipng to python3-matplotlib (#1270202) - use bundled agg (#1276806) - Drop cxx patch (was dropped upstream) - Regenerate search path patch2- Require the qt5 subpackage from the qt4 subpackage (#1219556)- Rebuilt for Fix another requires of the main package- Fix requiring the correct backend from the main package- regenerate tarball to exclude lena image (#1295174)- Pick upstream patch for fixing the gdk backend #1231748 - Add python2 subpackages and use python_provide- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- Split out python-matplotlib-gtk, python-matplotlib-gtk3, python3-matplotlib-gtk3 subpackages (#1067373) - Add missing requirements on gtk- Use %license, add skimage to build requirements- Disable Qt5 backend on Fedora <21 and RHEL- New upstream release (#1134007) - Add Qt5 backend- Bump to new upstream release - Add qhull-devel to BR - Add six to Requires- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Make TkAgg the default backend - Remove python2 dependency from -data subpackage- Correct environment for and enable %check - Install system wide matplotlibrc under /etc - Do not duplicate mpl-data for python2 and python3 packages - Conditionally bundle data fonts ( update to 1.3.1 - use GTKAgg as backend (#1030396, #982793, #1049624) - use fontconfig - add %check for local testing (testing requires a display)- update to new version - use xz to compress sources - drop fontconfig patch (upstream) - drop tk patch (upstream solved build issue differently) - redo use system agg patch - delete bundled python-pycxx headers - fix requires of python3-matplotlib-qt (fixes #988412)- Rebuilt for agg rebuild.- use python3 version in python3-matplotlib-qt4 (#915727) - include __pycache__ files in correct subpackages on python3- Decode output of subprocess to utf-8 or regex will fail (#928326)- Make stix-fonts a requires of matplotlib (#928326)- Use stix fonts avoid problems with missing cm fonts (#908717) - Correct type mismatch in python3 font_manager (#912843, #928326)- Rebuilt for Update fontconfig patch to apply issue found by upstream - Update fontconfig patch to apply issue with missing afm fonts (#896182)- Use fontconfig by default (#885307)- remove wx support for rhel >= 7- Reinstantiate wx backend for python2.x. - Run under xvfb-run to detect and default to gtk backend (#883502) - Split qt4 backend subpackage and add proper requires for it. - Correct wrong regex in tcl libdir patch.- Obsolete python-matplotlib-wx for clean updates.- Enable python 3 in fc18 as build requires are now available (#879731)- Build python3 only on f19 or newer (#837156) - Build requires python3-six if building python3 support (#837156)- Update to version 1.2.0 - Revert to regenerate tarball with (#837156) - Assume update to 1.2.0 is for recent releases - Remove %defattr - Remove %clean - Use simpler approach to build html documentation - Do not use custom/outdated setup.cfg - Put one BuildRequires per line - Enable python3 support - Cleanup spec as wx backend is no longer supported - Use default agg backend - Fix bogus dates in changelog by assuming only week day was wrong- Update to version 1.1.1. - Remove obsolete spec file elements - Fix sourceforge URLs - Allow sample data to have a different version number than the sources - Don't bother removing problematic file since we remove entire agg24 directory - Fix building with pygtk in the absence of an X server - Don't install license text for bundled software that we don't bundle- Rebuilt for Update to version 1.1.0. - Do not regenerate upstream tarball but remove problematic file in %prep. - Remove non longer applicable/required patch0. - Rediff/rename -noagg patch. - Remove propagate-timezone-info-in-plot_date-xaxis_da patch already applied. - Remove tkinter patch now with critical code in a try block. - Remove png 1.5 patch as upstream is now png 1.5 aware. - Update file list.- remove wx support for rhel >= 7- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage- Rebuilt for fix the build against libpng 1.5- fix egg-info conditional for RHEL- Rebuild for new libpng- fix build with new Tkinter which doesn't return an expected value in __version__- apply upstream bugfix for timezone formatting (Bug 735677)- Add Requires dvipng (Bug 684836) - Build against system agg (Bug 612807) - Use system pyparsing (Bug 702160)- Set PYTHONPATH during html doc building using find to prevent broken builds- Spec file cleanups for readability- Bump and rebuild- Fix spec file typos so package builds- Remove a debugging echo statement from the spec file - Fix some line endings and permissions in -doc sub-package- Spec file cleanups to silence some rpmlint warnings- Add default attr to doc sub-package file list - No longer designate -doc subpackage as noarch - Add arch specific Requires for tk, wx and doc sub-packages- Enable wxPython backend - Make -doc sub-package noarch- Add conditional for optionally building doc sub-package - Add flag to build low res images for documentation - Add matplotlib-1.0.1-plot_directive.patch to fix build of low res images - Remove unused patches- Build and package HTML documentation in -doc sub-package - Move examples to -doc sub-package - Make examples non-executable- update to new bugfix version (#678489) - set file attributes in tk subpackage - filter private *.so- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream release - Remove undistributable file from bundled agg library- New upstream release- Upstream patch to fix deprecated gtk tooltip warning.- Bump to rebuild against numpy 1.3- Bump to rebuild against numpy 1.4.0- Update to Rebuilt for Fixed font dep after font guideline change- Rebuilt for Add dep on DejaVu Sans font for default font support- Latest upstream release - Strip out included fonts- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Latest upstream release- Latest upstream release- gcc43 cleanups- New upstream version - Adding Fedora specific setup.cfg from included template - removed numarry and numerics build requirements- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Fixed typo in spec.- Support for Python Eggs for F9+- Rebuild for new Tcl 8.5- Update license tag to Python - Rebuild for BuildID- Update to 0.90.1- Rebuild for Tcl/Tk downgrade- Release bump for rebuild against new tk- Update to 0.90.0- Add examples to %docs- Release bump for rebuild against python 2.5 in devel tree- Force build of gtk/gtkagg backends in mock (bug #218153) - Change Requires from python-numeric to numpy (bug #218154)- Update to 0.87.7 and fix up the defaults to use numpy - Force build of tkagg backend without X server - Use src.rpm from Jef Spaleta, closes bug 216578- Update to 0.87.6- Update to 0.87.5- Update to 0.87.4- Update to 0.87.3- Rebuild for new numpy- Update to 0.87.2- Update to 0.87.1 - Add pycairo >= 1.0.2 requires (FC5+ only)- Update to 0.87 - Add BR numpy and python-numarray - Add patch to keep Numeric as the default numerix package - Add BR tkinter and tk-devel for TkInter backend - Make separate package for Tk backend- Update to 0.86- Rebuild- New upstream version 0.85- New upstream version 0.84- bump release- Add Requires: python-numeric, pytz, python-dateutil- New upstream version matplotlib 0.83.2- Bump rel to fix botched tag- New upstream version matplotlib 0.83.1- BuildRequires: pytz, python-dateutil - use upstream - Don't use INSTALLED_FILES, list dirs - Fix execute permissions- Use %{python_sitearch}- Rename to python-matplotlib - Remove unneeded Requires: python - Add private directories to %files- Initial package for Fedora Extras -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -march=z13 -mtune=z14 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2s390x-redhat-linux-gnudirectorypython 3.6 byte-compiledPython script, ASCII text executableELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d85c3512fe8a7ff2bd159c0f752bcd014cf84455, stripped RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R RR R RRR RRRRR !#,ḏ] b2u jӫ`(y|&jRibB`ИC* ZҪy iQa,mկGy/rXP?pXw/ڡ)(4ޭCcQb!p8G/_M _rv].4%DLI۽I80بdY_0E}:L(,&.v;oˤIͨ$l!LP8WDʲE|rEߓ8[Q!$W ;9uOCǔ٪BVhEݨ~޾΍94CDZI[QΈm7s IslHr FL_;h~x{ȜKgj\ *O9ոŢI+&U,> V[R8ɠeˠaHF(+ywS>дb9`諦Y(62JyYMD1׊lKTc/ ܜOl0T+6Ղob止oY9S/kg9T&`  ȉ6mFjEU^X`P$+Y|?u7@am0_ZĮ6 alH0&OEX Q1Y'-حr;ḪF;gN ~)~hкɘ%[;Fhko%asB uE "m+]ze‹/#KYJp6ҙ'a%=?ʈ?o-Aa}yɉ9蟩 `izW?)P<YֵZ(*-t^:[ ?٨2raXޅ5%-^).ƨ1R;9t鿷(Į,ݴףMXl1hKj JxJ{!y=CK-'{zKU'ŽVۈ?z]?Zg޾#qrK䘕S޹V[^.eWu%mN|¾'G]!ۿ}l %^sӈSh9*'TY~ *Ӣ8-&j]/Oۉk88I8k3ZFGZ̚Fַs\ibVExX\_V 4i/)pR4ٞ]Swx_u/qu9M{,IWK>%lx)ͩkοFn{@5 ڶsiP?QYp1dGg*1dt$o@R ==1.LJ8 ^(S1k@Az/U̻!9; HQzK'<7k5lkR4#_NlsY%>GlUuDE| RCNVͪH-)/fdA{© !A{(T:\ݐfy'^Lt/<9N6s)S2,H,lV/u=@Pk@?GKS * 2ScFw eֻ+ky|Es?]D3kDZGT$CԋDEC+E.J2I@*|j}3E bO { CG}@FGvD4 6X,Q`%Cj1BD a3}B16mׄ4r[3,iōDepȍr~l5Wq7,QHy+Q*tLm-XΣ#Tpwz nq[JZ٣%љPbquGw ! 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