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Di Nitto 7.0.1-11Jens Petersen Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-10Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-9Fedora Release Engineering - 7.0.1-8Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-7Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-6Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-5Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-4Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-3Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-2Jens Petersen - 7.0.1-1Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-9Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-8Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-7Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-6Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-5Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-4Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-3Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-2Jens Petersen - 6.12.3-1Jens Petersen - Petersen - 6.12.2-1Jens Petersen - 6.12.1-6Jens Petersen - 6.12.1-5Jens Petersen - 6.12.1-4Jens Petersen - 6.12.1-3Jens Petersen - 6.12.1-2Jens Petersen - 6.12.1-1Jens Petersen - 6.12.1-0.2Jens Petersen - 6.12.1-0.1Jens Petersen - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - Petersen Fedora Release Engineering - 6.10.4-2Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.10.4-1Jens Petersen - 6.10.3-3Jens Petersen - 6.10.3-2Jens Petersen - 6.10.3-1Jens Petersen - 6.10.2-4Jens Petersen - 6.10.2-3Jens Petersen - 6.10.2-2Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.10.2-1Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-13Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-12Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-11Fedora Release Engineering - 6.10.1-10Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-9Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-8Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-7Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-6Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-5Jens Petersen - 6.10.1-4Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.10.1-3Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.10.1-2Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.10.1-1Jens Petersen - Petersen - Petersen - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - Petersen - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - Petersen - 6.8.3-5Jens Petersen - 6.8.3-4Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.8.3-3Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.8.3-2Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.8.3-1Jens Petersen - 6.8.2-10Jens Petersen - 6.8.2-9Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.8.2-7Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.8.2-6Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.8.2-1Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.8.1-2Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.8.1-2Michel Salim - 6.8.1-1Bryan O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - O'Sullivan - 6.6.1-3Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.6.1-2Bryan O'Sullivan - 6.6.1-1Jens Petersen - 6.6-2Jens Petersen - 6.6-1Jens Petersen - 6.4.2-4Jens Petersen - 6.4.2-3.fc6Jens Petersen - 6.4.2-2.fc6Jens Petersen - 6.4.2-1.fc6Jens Petersen - 6.4.1-3.fc5Jens Petersen - 6.4.1-2.fc5Jens Petersen - 6.4.1-1.fc5Jens Petersen Jens Petersen - 6.4-8Jens Petersen Jens Petersen - 6.4-7Jens Petersen - 6.4-6Jens Petersen - 6.4-5Jens Petersen - 6.4-4Jens Petersen - 6.4-3Jens Petersen - 6.4-2Jens Petersen - 6.4-1Jens Petersen - 6.2.2-2Jens Petersen - 6.2.2-1Jens Petersen - 6.2.2-0.fdr.1Gerard Milmeister - 6.2.2-0.fdr.1Gerard Milmeister - 6.2.1-0.fdr.1Gerard Milmeister - 6.2-0.fdr.1Gerard Milmeister - 6.0.1-0.fdr.3Gerard Milmeister - 6.0.1-0.fdr.2Gerard Milmeister - 6.0.1-0.fdr.1Manuel ChakravartyManuel ChakravartyManuel ChakravartySven PanneManuel ChakravartyManuel ChakravartyManuel ChakravartyManuel ChakravartyManuel ChakravartyManuel ChakravartyZoltan VorosbaranyiManuel Chakravarty- unregisterized: fix 32bit adjacent floats issue ( add ghc_unregisterized_arches - Recommends zlib-devel - epel6 tweaks- Use C.UTF-8 locale See update to 8.4.4 bugfix release- add ABI hash check to build - use with_prof - BR python3-sphinx - extend quickbuild to handle perf_build- Update alternatives dependencies- 8.4.3 release - package changes from Fedora Rawhide: - fix sphinx-build version detection - merge bcond for haddock and manual - move manuals to ghc-manual (noarch) - rename ghc-doc-index to ghc-doc-cron (noarch) - ghost the ghc-doc-index local state files - ghost some newer libraries index files - simplify and extend bcond for build configuration - drop bootstrap builds - no longer need autotools on aarch64 - add armv7l to llvm-targets (patch from OpenSuse/Debian) - s390x: silence flood of -Wunused-label warnings - s390x: Debian patch for Stg.h to fix build with ghc-8.2- 8.4.2 perf build- 8.4.2 quick build- disable testsuite for rhel7 to avoid python3- 8.4.1 perf build- 8.4.1 quick build- 8.4.1 RC1 quick build - use python-sphinx - move into %prep - rts files fixes to allow building for older releases without _ghcdynlibdir- re-enable buildpath-abi-stability.patch - add manpages from debian for ghc-pkg, haddock, runghc - forward port changes from Fedora 28: - apply Phabricator D4159.patch to workaround - python3- install ghc libs in libdir and remove RUNPATHs- add shadowed-deps.patch (haskell/cabal#4728)- 8.2.2 release perf build- 8.2.2 release bootstrap build- 8.2.2 RC2 bootstrap build- 8.2.2 RC1 bootstrap build - fix space in BSDHaskellReport license macro for rpm-4.14 - mark other subpackages correctly as BSD license - drop ghc-boot from ghc-libraries- 8.2.1 perf build- 8.2.1 bootstrap- 8.2.1 rc3 bootstrap- 8.2.1 rc2 perf- 8.2.1 rc2 bootstrap- 8.2.1 rc1 perf build - patch testsuite for 8.2.1 rc1 - bootstrap - new ghc-compact library - exclude ghc-boot for ghc-libraries- config versioned llc and opt for all archs - use ghc_lib_subpackage -d to find .files - add Debian patches: no-missing-haddock-file-warning, reproducible-tmp-names, x32-use-native-x86_64-insn, osdecommitmemory-compat- Cabal: install dynlibs next to static libs to simplify packaging- 8.0.2 perf build- 8.0.2 quick build- 8.0.2 RC2 perf build- 8.0.2 RC2 quick build - Cabal, directory, haskeline, process bumped- patch Cabal to install dynlibs in libdir itself instead of abi dir- 8.0.2 RC1 perf build - no manpage installed- 8.0.2 RC1 quick build - Cabal, base, filepath, template-haskell, unix bumped- use llvm3.7 (needed for armv7hl) - drop armv5tel - update for latest ghc-rpm-macros - quick build- 8.0.1 perf- 8.0.1 respin 3- 8.0.1 respin- 8.0.1 quick build- RC4 perf- RC4 quick- RC3 perf- RC3 quick- - perf build - BR sphinx for manual- 8.0.1 RC2 bootstrap- 7.30.3 perf build- 7.10.3 quick build - Cabal- perf build- 7.10.3 RC3 - bootstrap build- 7.10.3 RC2 bootstrap - base bump- bump release over xhtml- forward port el6 tweaks from 7.8.4 branch- perf build- 7.10.2- perf build- 7.10.2 RC2 - bump Cabal - aarch64 SMP/ghci patch is upstream- perf build- 7.10.2 RC1 - bump Cabal and binary- reenable dynamic linking of the ghc programs- 7.10.2 snapshot: quick build - bump base - enable ghci and smp on aarch64- production build- 7.10.1 bootstrap - bump Cabal, deepseq, ghc-prim, haskeline- production- RC3 bootstrap - Cabal, array, deepseq, filepath, and process bumped - on aarch64 link ghc programs statically - disabling ld hardening (for F23)- RC2 production- RC2 bootstrap - Cabal and binary bumped- production build- update to latest ghc-7.10 git snapshot- 7.10.1 RC1 - haskell2010, haskell98, old-locale, and old-time libraries gone - all libraries bumped wrt 7.8.4- production build- update to 7.8.4 bugfix release bootstrap- sync with latest changes from rawhide 7.8.3 for arm and secondary archs- use rpm internal dependency generator with ghc.attr on F22- 7.8.3 final release performance build- 7.8.3 final release: bootstrap build - sync with fedora pkg git: - simpler Cabal PATH warning - configure ARM with VFPv3D16 and without NEON (#995419) - hide llvm version warning on ARM now up to 3.4 - add aarch64 with Debian patch by Karel Gardas and Colin Watson - patch Stg.h to define _DEFAULT_SOURCE instead of _BSD_SOURCE to quieten glibc 2.20 warnings (see #1067110) - add ppc64le support patch from Debian by Colin Watson- only apply the Cabal unversion docdir patch to F21 and later- 7.8.3 almost final: performance build- 7.8.3 almost final release: bootstrap build - terminfo devel needs ncurses-devel- 7.8.3 prerelease snapshot (git 32b4bf3) performance build - ghc-package-xhtml-terminfo-haskeline.patch obsolete- 7.8.3 prerelease snapshot (git aede2d6) bootstrap build - bump over haskell-platform xhtml- production build- 7.8.2 bugfix release - 7.8.1 bootstrap - revert dynlinking in ARM build (upstream abb86ad): it requires gold linker which only works with ghc-7.8 for llvm backend- shared libs on all secondary archs too- 7.8.1 RC2' bootstrap with testsuite - unix bumped - run check section in utf8 encoding- 7.8.1 RC2 bootstrap - use new xz tarballs - own libdir/bin/ and libdir/rts-1.0/ - without_vanilla - no prof - turn off testsuite- production build without testsuite - unversion pkgdoc htmldir- update library versions - merge some updates from master - handle manpage in filelist whether without_manual or not - enable shared on ARM- update to latest git - update libraries versions - build with utf8 locale to avoid hGetContents encoding errors- enable dyn by default- subpackage haskeline, terminfo and xhtml- 7.7.20130828 snapshot - ghc-use-system-libffi.patch, Cabal-fix-dynamic-exec-for-TH.patch, Patch12: ghc-7.4.2-Cabal-disable-ghci-libs.patch, ghc-llvmCodeGen-empty-array.patch, ghc-7.6.3-LlvmCodeGen-no-3.3-warning.patch no longer needed - library versions of containers, directory, haskell2010, old-locale, and old-time unchanged - transformers now provided by ghc so bump release above current haskell-platform - needs binary library to build - dph TH seems to break on ARM- ghc-doc-index requires crontabs and mark cron file config noreplace ( silence warnings about unsupported llvm version (> 3.1) on ARM- revert the executable stack patch since it didn't fully fix the problem and yet changed the ghc library hash- turn off executable stack flag in executables (#973512) (thanks Edward Zhang for upstream patch and Dhiru Kholia for report)- fix compilation with llvm-3.3 (#977652) see production perf -O2 build - see release notes: bootstrap 7.6.3 - all library versions bumped except pretty - ghc-7.4-add-support-for-ARM-hard-float-ABI-fixes-5914.patch, and ghc-7.4-silence-gen_contents_index.patch are no longer needed - build with ghc-rpm-macros-extra - no longer filter type-level package from haddock index - process obsoletes process-leksah - do production build with BuildFlavour perf (#880135)- ghclibdir should be owned at runtime by ghc-base instead of ghc-compiler (thanks Michael Scherer, #907671)- rebuild for F19 libffi soname bump- fix permissions of ghc-doc-index and only run when root - ghc-doc-index cronjob no longer looks at /etc/sysconfig/ghc-doc-index- production 7.4.2 build 7.4.2 bootstrap - update base and unix library versions - ARM StgCRun patches not longer needed - use Karel Gardas' ARM hardfloat patch committed upstream - use _smp_mflags again - disable Cabal building ghci lib files - silence the doc re-indexing script and move the doc indexing cronjob to a new ghc-doc-index subpackage (#870694) - do not disable hscolour in - drop the explicit hscolour BR - without_hscolour should now be set by ghc-rpm-macros for bootstrapping- Rebuilt for use ghc_lib_subpackage instead of ghc_binlib_package (ghc-rpm-macros 0.91)- add ghc-wrapper-libffi-include.patch to workaround "missing libffi.h" for prof compiling on secondary archs- build with llvm-3.0 on ARM - remove ARM from unregisterised_archs - add 4 Debian ARM patches for armel and armhf (Iain Lane)- full build- update to new 7.4.1 major release - all library versions bumped - binary package replaces ghc-binary - random library dropped - new hoopl library - deepseq is now included in ghc - Cabal --enable-executable-dynamic patch is upstream - add Cabal-fix-dynamic-exec-for-TH.patch - sparc linking fix is upstream - use Debian's system-libffi patch by Joachim Breitner - setup after ghc_version_override for bootstrapping - drop ppc64 config, pthread and mmap patches - do not set GhcUnregisterised explicitly - add s390 and s390x to unregisterised_archs - Cabal manual needs pandoc- move ghc-ghc-devel from ghc-libraries to the ghc metapackage- Rebuilt for do alternatives handling correctly (reported by Giam Teck Choon, #753661) see move ghc-doc and ghc-libs obsoletes - add HaskellReport license also to the base and libraries subpackages- the post and postun scripts are now for the compiler subpackage- rename ghc-devel metapackage to ghc-libraries - require ghc-rpm-macros-0.14- move compiler and tools to ghc-compiler - the ghc base package is now a metapackage that installs all of ghc, ie ghc-compiler and ghc-devel (#750317) - drop ghc-doc provides- rebuild against new gmp- add HaskellReport license tag to some of the library subpackages which contain some code from the Haskell Reports- rebuild with new gmp without compat lib- setup after ghc_version_override for bootstrapping- add armv5tel (ported by Henrik Nordström) - also use when bootstrapping (ghc-rpm-macros-0.13.13)- remove libffi_archs: not allowed to bundle libffi on any arch - include the ghc (ghci) library in ghc-devel (Narasim)- rebuild with new gmp- build with ghc-rpm-macros >= 0.13.11 to fix provides and obsoletes versions in library devel subpackages- no need to specify -lffi in (Henrik Nordström)- port to armv7hl by Henrik Nordström (#741725)- setup when not bootstrapping!- setup dependency generation with since it was moved to ghc_lib_install in ghc-rpm-macros- BR same ghc version unless ghc_bootstrapping defined - add libffi_archs - drop the quick build profile - put dyn before p in GhcLibWays - explain new bootstrapping mode using ghc_bootstrap (ghc-rpm-macros-0.13.5)- update to 7.0.4 bugfix release - strip static again (upstream #5004 fixed) - Cabal updated to - re-enable testsuite - update summary and description- finally change from ExclusiveArch to ExcludeArch to target more archs- obsolete dph libraries and feldspar-language- merge prof subpackages into the devel subpackages with ghc-rpm-macros-0.13- configure with /usr/bin/gcc to help bootstrapping to new archs (otherwise ccache tends to get hardcoded as gcc, which not in koji) - posttrans scriplet for ghc_pkg_recache is redundant- make devel and prof meta packages require libs with release - make ghc-*-devel subpackages require ghc with release- fixes path to gcc on ppc64 arch- add upstream ghc-powerpc-linker-mmap.patch for ppc64 (Jiri Skala)- bootstrap to ppc64- rebuild against ghc-rpm-macros-0.11.14 to provide ghc-*-doc- provides ghc-doc again: it is still a buildrequires for libraries - ghc-prof now requires ghc-devel - ghc-devel now requires ghc explicitly- do not strip static libs since it breaks ghci-7.0.2 loading libHSghc.a (see - no longer provide ghc-doc - no longer obsolete old haddock- fix back missing LICENSE files in library subpackages - drop ghc_reindex_haddock from install script- rebuild against 7.0.2- update to 7.0.2 release - move bin-package-db into ghc-ghc - disable broken testsuite- enable build on sparcv9 - add ghc-fix-linking-on-sparc.patch to fix ld being called at the same time with --relax and -r. The two options conflict on sparc. - bump BuildRequires on ghc-rpm-macros to >= 0.11.10 that guarantees a correct build on secondary architectures.- without_shared renamed to ghc_without_shared- rebuild- fix without_shared build (thanks Adrian Reber) - disable system libffi for secondary archs - temporarily disable ghc-*-devel BRs for ppc- Rebuilt for include LICENSE files in the shared lib subpackages- patch Cabal to add configure option --enable-executable-dynamic - exclude huge ghc API library from devel and prof metapackages- fix no doc and no manual builds- add BRs for various subpackaged ghc libraries needed to build ghc - condition rts .so libraries for non-shared builds- subpackage all the libraries with ghc-rpm-macros-0.11.1 - put rts, integer-gmp and ghc-prim in base, and ghc-binary in bin-package-db - drop the libs mega-subpackage - prof now a meta-package for backward compatibility - add devel meta-subpackage to easily install all ghc libraries - store doc cronjob package cache file under /var (#664850) - drop old extralibs bcond - no longer need to define or clean buildroot - ghc base package now requires ghc-base-devel - drop ghc-time obsoletes- require libffi-devel- update to 7.0.1 release - turn on system libffi now- disable the libffi changes for now since they break libHSffi*.so- add a cronjob for doc indexing - disable gen_contents_index when not run with --batch for cron - use system libffi with ghc-use-system-libffi.patch from debian - add bcond for system libffi- skip huge type-level docs from haddock re-indexing (#649228)- move gtk2hs obsoletes to ghc-glib and ghc-gtk - drop happy buildrequires - smp build with max 4 cpus- obsolete old gtk2hs packages for smooth upgrades- merge ghc-doc into base package - obsolete ghc-time and ghc-ghc-doc (ghc-rpm-macros-0.8.0) - note that ghc-6.12.3 is part of haskell-platform-2010.2.0.0- drop the broken summary and description args to the ghc-ghc package and use ghc-rpm-macros-0.6.1- strip all dynlinked files not just shared objects (ghc-rpm-macros-0.5.9)- 6.12.3 release: - build with hscolour - use ghc-rpm-macro-0.5.8 for ghc_strip_shared macro- 6.12.3 rc1 - ghost package.cache - drop ghc-utf8-string obsoletes since it is no longer provided - run testsuite fast - fix description and summary of ghc internal library (John Obbele)- update to 6.12.2 - add testsuite with bcond, run it in check section, and BR python- ghc-6.12.1 is part of haskell-platform-2010.1.0.0 - drop old ghc682, ghc681, haddock09 obsoletes - drop haddock_version and no longer provide haddock explicitly - update ghc-rpm-macros BR to 0.5.6 for ghc_pkg_recache- drop ghc-6.12.1-no-filter-libs.patch and extras packages again - filter ghc-ghc-prof files from ghc-prof - ghc-mtl package was added to fedora- ghc-rpm-macros-0.5.4 fixes wrong version requires between lib subpackages- ghc-rpm-macros-0.5.2 fixes broken pkg_name requires for lib subpackages- include haskeline, mtl, and terminfo for now with ghc-6.12.1-no-filter-libs.patch - use ghc_binlibpackage, grep -v and ghc_gen_filelists to generate the library subpackages (ghc-rpm-macros-0.5.1) - always set GhcLibWays (Lorenzo Villani) - use ghcdocbasedir to revert html doc path to upstream's html/ for consistency- pre became 6.12.1 final - exclude ghc .conf file from package.conf.d in base package - use ghc_reindex_haddock - add scripts for ghc-ghc-devel and ghc-ghc-doc - add doc bcond - add ghc-6.12.1-gen_contents_index-haddock-path.patch to adjust haddock path since we removed html/ from libraries path - require ghc-rpm-macros-0.3.1 and use ghc_version_override- remove redundant mingw and perl from ghc-tarballs/ - fix exclusion of ghc internals lib from base packages with -mindepth - rename the final file lists to PKGNAME.files for clarity- update to ghc-6.12.1-pre - separate bcond options into enabled and disabled for clarity - only enable shared for intel x86 archs (Lorenzo Villani) - add quick build profile (Lorenzo Villani) - remove package_debugging hack (use "make install-short") - drop sed BR (Lorenzo Villani) - put all config into one cat block (Lorenzo Villani) - export CFLAGS to configure (Lorenzo Villani) - add dynamic linking test to check section (thanks Lorenzo Villani) - remove old ghc66 obsoletes - subpackage huge ghc internals library (thanks Lorenzo Villani) - BR ghc-rpm-macros >= 0.3.0 - move html docs to docdir/ghc from html subdir (Lorenzo Villani) - disable smp build for now: broken for 8 cpus at least- update to 6.12.1 rc2 - build shared libs, yay! and package in standalone libs subpackage - add bcond for manual and extralibs - reenable ppc secondary arch - don't provide ghc-haddock-* - remove obsolete post requires policycoreutils - add vanilla v to GhcLibWays when building without prof - handle without hscolour - can't smp make currently - lots of filelist fixes for handling shared libs - run ghc-pkg recache posttrans - no need to install gen_contents_index by hand - manpage is back- comprehensive attempts at packaging fixes- fix package.conf stuff- give up trying to install man pages- try to install man pages- fix %check- disable ppc for now (seems unsupported) - buildreq ncurses-devel- Update to 6.12 RC 1- selinux file context no longer needed in post script - (for ghc-6.12-shared) drop files- Rebuilt for update to 6.10.4- add haddock_version and use it to obsolete haddock and ghc-haddock-*- update haddock provides and obsoletes - drop ghc-mk-pkg-install-inplace.patch: no longer needed with new 6.11 buildsys - add bcond for extralibs - rename doc bcond to manual- update to 6.10.3 - haskline replaces editline, so it is no longer needed to build - macros.ghc moved to ghc-rpm-macros package - fix handling of hscolor files in filelist generation- add experimental bcond hscolour - add experimental support for building shared libraries (for ghc-6.11) - add libs subpackage for shared libraries - create a ld.conf.d file for libghc*.so - BR libffi-devel - drop redundant setting of GhcLibWays in for no prof - drop redundant setting of HADDOCK_DOCS - simplify filelist names - add a check section based on tests from debian's package - be more careful about doc files in filelist- define ghc_version in macros.ghc in place of ghcrequires - drop ghc-requires script for now- add ghc-requires rpm script to generate ghc version dependencies (thanks to Till Maas) - update macros.ghc: - add %ghcrequires to call above script - pkg_libdir and pkg_docdir obsoleted in packages and replaced by ghcpkgdir and ghcdocdir inside macros.ghc - make filelist also for docs- Update to 6.10.2- ok let's stick with ExclusiveArch for brevity- drop ghc_archs since it breaks koji - fix missing -devel in ghc_gen_filelists - change from ExclusiveArch to ExcludeArch ppc64 since alpha was bootstrapped by oliver- use %ix86 for change from i386 to i586 in rawhide - add ghc_archs macro in macros.ghc for other packages - obsolete haddock09 - use %global instead of %define - use bcond for doc and prof - rename ghc_gen_filelists lib filelist to -devel.files- Rebuilt for require and buildrequire libedit-devel > 2.11-2 - protect ghc_register_pkg and ghc_unregister_pkg- fix to libedit means can drop ncurses-devel BR workaround (#481252)- buildrequire ncurses-devel to fix build of missing editline package needed for ghci line-editing (#478466) - move spec templates to cabal2spec package for easy updating - provide correct haddock version- update macros.ghc to latest proposed revised packaging guidelines: - use runghc - drop trivial cabal_build and cabal_haddock macros - ghc_register_pkg and ghc_unregister_pkg replace ghc_preinst_script, ghc_postinst_script, ghc_preun_script, and ghc_postun_script - library templates prof subpackage requires main library again - make cabal2spec work on .cabal files too, and read and check name and version directly from .cabal file - ghc-prof does not need to own libraries dirs owned by main package- add cabal2spec and template files for easy cabal hackage packaging - simplify script macros: make ghc_preinst_script and ghc_postun_script no-ops and ghc_preun_script only unregister for uninstall- fix broken urls to haddock docs created by gen_contents_index script - avoid haddock errors when upgrading by making doc post script posttrans- libraries/prologue.txt should not have been ghosted- Fix a minor packaging glitch- Update to 6.10.1- remove redundant --haddockdir from cabal_configure - actually ghc-pkg no longer seems to create package.conf.old backups - include LICENSE in doc- need to create ghost package.conf.old for ghc-6.10- use gen_contents_index to re-index haddock - add %pkg_docdir to cabal_configure - requires(post) ghc for haddock for doc - improve doc file lists - no longer need to create ghost package.conf.old - remove or rename alternatives files more consistently- Update macros to install html and haddock bits in the right places- Don't use a macro to update the docs for the main doc package- Add ghc_haddock_reindex macro - Generate haddock index after installing ghc-doc package- provide haddock = 2.2.2 - add selinux file context for unconfined_execmem following darcs package - post requires policycoreutils- Use libedit in preference to readline, for BSD license consistency - With haddock bundled now, obsolete standalone versions (but not haddock09) - Drop obsolete freeglut-devel, openal-devel, and haddock09 dependencies- Update to 6.10.1 release candidate 1- Drop unneeded haddock patch - Rename hsc2hs to hsc2hs-ghc so the alternatives symlink to it will work- bring back including haddock-generated lib docs, now under docdir/ghc - fix macros.ghc filepath (#460304) - spec file cleanups: - fix the source urls back - drop requires chkconfig - do not override __spec_install_post - setup docs building in - no longer need to remove network/include/Typeable.h - install binaries under libdir not libexec - remove hsc2hs and runhaskell binaries since they are alternatives- add macros.ghc for new Haskell Packaging Guidelines (#460304)- Add symlinks from _libdir, where ghc looks, to _libexecdir - Patch libraries/gen_contents_index to use haddock-0.9- Remove unnecessary dependency on alex- Upgrade to 6.8.3 - Drop the ghc682-style naming scheme, obsolete those packages - Manually strip binaries- another rebuild attempt- remove unrecognized --docdir and --htmldir from configure - drop old buildrequires on libX11-devel and libXt-devel - rebuild with gcc43- More attempts to fix docdir- Fix docdir- Update to 6.8.2- Exclude alpha- Drop bit-rotted attempts at making package relocatable- Update to 6.8.1- add happy to BuildRequires- prepare for GHC 6.8.1 by building a release candidate snapshot- install man page for ghc- exclude ppc64 for now, due to lack of time to bootstrap- update to 6.6.1 release- remove truncated duplicate Typeable.h header in network package (Bryan O'Sullivan, #222865)- update to 6.6 release - buildrequire haddock >= 0.8 - fix summary of ghcver package (Michel Salim, #209574)- turn on docs generation again- ghost package.conf.old (Gérard Milmeister) - set unconfined_execmem_exec_t context on executables with ghc rts (#195821) - turn off building docs until haddock is back- buildrequire libXt-devel so that the X11 package and deps get built (Garrett Mitchener, #190201)- update to 6.4.2 release- buildrequire libX11-devel instead of xorg-x11-devel (Kevin Fenzi, #181024) - make ghc-doc require ghc (Michel Salim, #180449)- turn on build_doc since haddock is now in Extras - no longer specify ghc version to build with (Ville Skyttä, #170176)- 6.4.1 release - the following patches are now upstream: ghc-6.4-powerpc.patch, rts-GCCompact.h-x86_64.patch, ghc-6.4-dsforeign-x86_64-1097471.patch, ghc-6.4-rts-adjustor-x86_64-1097471.patch - builds with gcc4 so drop %_with_gcc32 - x86_64 build restrictions (no ghci and split objects) no longer apply- add %dist to release- initial import into Fedora Extras- add build_prof and build_doc switches for -doc and -prof subpackages - add _with_gcc32 switch since ghc-6.4 doesn't build with gcc-4.0- make package relocatable (ghc#1084122) - add post install scripts to replace prefix in driver scripts - buildrequire libxslt and docbook-style-xsl instead of docbook-utils and flex- add ghc-6.4-dsforeign-x86_64-1097471.patch and ghc-6.4-rts-adjustor-x86_64-1097471.patch from trunk to hopefully fix ffi support on x86_64 (Simon Marlow, ghc#1097471) - use XMLDocWays instead of SGMLDocWays to build documentation fully- add rts-GCCompact.h-x86_64.patch to fix GC issue on x86_64 (Simon Marlow)- add ghc-6.4-powerpc.patch (Ryan Lortie) - disable building interpreter rather than install and delete on x86_64- make ghc require ghcver of same ver-rel - on x86_64 remove ghci for now since it doesn't work and all .o files- ghc requires ghcver (Amanda Clare)- 6.4 release - x86_64 build no longer unregisterised - use sed instead of perl to tidy filelists - buildrequire ghc64 instead of ghc-6.4 - no epoch for ghc64-prof's ghc64 requirement - install docs directly in docdir- add x86_64 port - build unregistered and without splitobjs - specify libdir to configure and install - rename ghc-prof to ghcXYZ-prof, which obsoletes ghc-prof- move ghc requires to ghcXYZ- ghc622 - provide ghc = %version - require gcc, gmp-devel and readline-devel- New Version 6.2.2- New Version 6.2.1- New Version 6.2- A few minor specfile tweaks- Different file list generation- First Fedora release - Added generated html docs, so that haddock is not needed- small changes for 5.04- split documentation off into a separate package - adapt to new docbook setup in RH7.1- revised for 5.00 - also runs autoconf automagically if no ./configure found- removed explicit usage of hslibs/docs, it belongs to ghc/docs/set- revised for ghc 4.07; added suggestions from Pixel - added profiling package- version for use from CVS- modified for GHC 4.04, patchlevel 1 (no more 62 tuple stuff); minimises use of patch files - instead emits a on-the-fly- modified for GHC 4.04- some more improvements from vbzoli- modified for GHC 4.02- added BuildRoot - files located in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib moved to /usr/bin, /usr/lib- original -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -funwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2ppc64le-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=96796504433a4f1caaccec034053dad74ede345a, strippedASCII text PRRRRRRRR 7zXZ !#,Rä] b2u jӫ`(y,xn5ـ+e*q_ԑͼ|(sPpez):zNhl$Sz+W_vNqͪ`h(BY;d/7SY.H<ߏ1ie1k_A-rd8'ٺ 8鵢y2_RR\#W-kPx<誖P،m"| &ځs K49YQ-g"bsgR)[No[4aˁEXGm Uk P$:=d"9OvX9*$YFnx30wTCbuuo"> OTpefߧ":.3>S4R_;Lh!Mq#Hh\<_}+C8V[~;g2;J*6 6y~Lo]24û\(:_ߋv^{J 'Sj9Oʿ$.%:aXQ85_]`E oygCj=7@Esk4#8Hy&ҏnidbOw*O<}Rnl0þB:KRI܇U*doFb`n`Elo{TW;xz+ h( lLR+3=~m T#Q>Qۛ1zr. 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