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interconnected HTML files which can be explored using automatically generated
navigation panels. The cross-references, citations, footnotes, the table of
contents and the lists of figures and tables, are also translated into hypertext
links. Formatting information which has equivalent tags in HTML (lists, quotes,
paragraph breaks, type styles, etc.) is also converted appropriately. The
remaining heavily formatted items such as mathematical equations, pictures or
tables are converted to images which are placed automatically at the correct
positions in the final HTML document. arobs-worker1638945593-x86 wHUopenEuler:20.03:LTS:SP3 / standard_x86_64 GPLv2+ Unspecified linux noarch [ -x /usr/bin/texconfig-sys ] && /usr/bin/texconfig-sys rehash 2> /dev/null || : [ -x /usr/bin/texconfig-sys ] && /usr/bin/texconfig-sys rehash 2> /dev/null || : D D X FC
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