additional-devel Additional Development 附加开发 Additional development headers and libraries for building open-source applications. 用于构建开源应用程序的附加开发标头及程序可。 true false audit-libs-devel bzip2-devel c-ares-devel cyrus-sasl-devel e2fsprogs-devel elfutils-devel elfutils-libelf-devel expat-devel fuse3-devel gmp-devel lksctp-tools-devel iptables-devel libacl-devel libaio-devel libattr-devel libblkid-devel libcap-devel libcap-ng-devel libcurl-devel libffi-devel libgcrypt-devel libnl3-devel libselinux-devel libusbx-devel libuuid-devel lksctp-tools-devel lz4 lz4-devel lzo lzo-devel numactl-devel pciutils-devel pcre-devel polkit-devel popt-devel rdma-core-devel readline-devel sqlite-devel systemd-devel tcl-devel xfsprogs-devel xz-devel SDL-devel alsa-lib-devel binutils-devel boost-devel dbus-glib-devel gd-devel gnutls-devel gpm-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel gvfs-devel hunspell-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel libXau-devel libXaw-devel libXinerama-devel libXmu-devel libXrandr-devel libcanberra-devel libdrm-devel libnotify-devel libpfm-devel libpq-devel librsvg2-devel libsoup-devel libssh-devel libtiff-devel libxslt-devel mariadb-devel mpfr-devel net-snmp-devel newt-devel openscap-devel papi-devel protobuf-c sane-backends-devel slang-devel startup-notification-devel tbb-devel tk-devel unixODBC-devel xorg-x11-proto-devel flatpak anaconda-tools Anaconda tools Anaconda 工具 false false lorax chrony cryptsetup device-mapper-multipath dosfstools dracut-network e2fsprogs efibootmgr fcoe-utils firewalld gfs2-utils glibc-all-langpacks grub2-efi-aa64 grub2-efi-aa64-cdboot grub2-tools grub2-tools-extra iscsi-initiator-utils lvm2 mdadm realmd shim-aa64 libteam tmux xfsprogs authselect-compat kdump-anaconda-addon base Base 基本 The standard installation. true false acl at attr bc cpio crontabs cyrus-sasl dbus ed file iptstate irqbalance kpatch logrotate lsof net-tools pciutils psacct quota openEuler-release openEuler-latest-release sudo symlinks systemd-udev tar tree util-linux-user bash-completion bpftool bzip2 chrony cockpit cryptsetup dos2unix dosfstools ethtool gnupg2 libstoragemgmt lvm2 mailcap man-pages mdadm mlocate mtr nano realmd rng-tools rsync smartmontools sssd strace libteam time unzip usbutils virt-what which words xfsdump zip cifs-utils cockpit-doc ima-evm-utils nfs-utils traceroute zsh conflicts-baseos Conflicts BaseOS 与 BaseOS 冲突 This group includes packages conflicting with an everything installation from the BaseOS repo 这个组包括了与通过 BaseOS repo 安装的软件冲突的软件包 false false container-management Container Management 容器管理 Tools for managing Linux containers 用于管理 Linux 容器的工具 true true containernetworking-plugins core Core 核心 Smallest possible installation 最小安装 true false audit kernel basesystem bash coreutils cronie curl dnf e2fsprogs filesystem firewalld glibc grubby hostname initscripts iproute iprutils iputils irqbalance kbd kexec-tools less man-db ncurses openssh openssh-server openssh-clients parted passwd policycoreutils procps-ng rng-tools rootfiles rpm selinux-policy-targeted setup shadow sssd sudo systemd tuned util-linux vim-minimal xfsprogs yum wget openEuler-release openEuler-latest-release NetworkManager NetworkManager-config-server authselect dnf-plugins-core dracut-config-rescue kernel-tools sysfsutils linux-firmware lshw lsscsi rsyslog security-tool sg3_utils dracut-config-generic dracut-network rdma-core selinux-policy-mls oeAware-manager desktop-debugging Desktop Debugging and Performance Tools 桌面调试和运行工具 GUI tools for debugging applications and performance. 调试应用程序和性能的 GUI 工具。 true false crash crash-gcore-command crash-trace-command xrestop development Development Tools 开发工具 A basic development environment. 基本开发环境。 true true autoconf automake binutils bison flex gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel gettext gdb libtool make patch pkgconf openEuler-rpm-config rpm-build rpm asciidoc byacc ctags diffstat elfutils gcc-gfortran git subversion intltool ltrace patchutils perl-Fedora-VSP perl-generators pesign source-highlight systemtap valgrind valgrind-devel babel chrpath expect gcc-objc gcc-objc++ mercurial mod_dav_svn systemtap-sdt-devel systemtap-server cmake rpmdevtools rpmlint dial-up Dial-up Networking Support 拨号网络支持 true false ppp ModemManager NetworkManager-adsl lrzsz minicom dns-server DNS Name Server DNS 名称服务器 This package group allows you to run a DNS name server (BIND) on the system. 该软件包组允许您在系统上运行 DNS 名称服务器(BIND)。 false false bind bind-chroot bind-dyndb-ldap unbound directory-client Directory Client 目录客户端 Clients for integration into a network managed by a directory service. 用于整合到使用目录服务管理的网络的客户端。 false false adcli oddjob-mkhomedir realmd sssd clevis-dracut clevis-udisks2 krb5-pkinit krb5-workstation luksmeta nss-pam-ldapd openldap-clients samba-winbind samba-winbind-clients sssd-dbus sssd-tools sssd-winbind-idmap file-server File and Storage Server 文件及存储服务器 CIFS, SMB, NFS, iSCSI, iSER, and iSNS network storage server. CIFS, SMB, NFS, iSCSI, iSER 及 iSNS 网络存储服务器。 true false cifs-utils gssproxy nfs-utils nfs4-acl-tools samba open-isns opengauss-server openGauss Server openGauss数据库 openGauss is an open source relational database management system. openGauss一款开源的关系数据库管理系统。 true false lz4-devel protobuf-devel snappy-devel zstd-devel boost-devel libcgroup-devel unixODBC-devel jemalloc-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel libedit-devel libaio-devel numactl-devel DCF opengauss fonts Fonts 字体 Fonts packages for rendering text on the desktop. 用于在桌面显示文字的字体软件包。 true false dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-sans-mono-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts abattis-cantarell-fonts gnu-free-mono-fonts gnu-free-sans-fonts gnu-free-serif-fonts google-noto-sans-cjk-ttc-fonts google-noto-serif-cjk-ttc-fonts jomolhari-fonts julietaula-montserrat-fonts paktype-naskh-basic-fonts paratype-pt-sans-fonts sil-abyssinica-fonts sil-nuosu-fonts sil-padauk-fonts smc-meera-fonts stix-fonts thai-scalable-waree-fonts bpg-algeti-fonts bpg-chveulebrivi-fonts bpg-courier-fonts bpg-courier-s-fonts bpg-elite-fonts bpg-excelsior-fonts bpg-glaho-fonts bpg-ingiri-fonts bpg-nino-medium-cond-fonts bpg-nino-medium-fonts bpg-sans-fonts bpg-sans-medium-fonts bpg-sans-modern-fonts bpg-sans-regular-fonts bpg-serif-fonts bpg-serif-modern-fonts fontawesome-fonts google-droid-kufi-fonts google-droid-sans-fonts google-droid-sans-mono-fonts google-droid-serif-fonts gubbi-fonts kacst-art-fonts kacst-book-fonts kacst-decorative-fonts kacst-digital-fonts kacst-farsi-fonts kacst-letter-fonts kacst-naskh-fonts kacst-office-fonts kacst-one-fonts kacst-pen-fonts kacst-poster-fonts kacst-qurn-fonts kacst-screen-fonts kacst-title-fonts kacst-titlel-fonts kurdit-unikurd-web-fonts lato-fonts madan-fonts nafees-web-naskh-fonts navilu-fonts overpass-fonts paktype-naqsh-fonts paktype-tehreer-fonts saab-fonts samyak-devanagari-fonts samyak-gujarati-fonts samyak-malayalam-fonts samyak-odia-fonts samyak-tamil-fonts sil-scheherazade-fonts smc-anjalioldlipi-fonts smc-dyuthi-fonts smc-kalyani-fonts smc-rachana-fonts smc-raghumalayalam-fonts smc-suruma-fonts stix-math-fonts thai-scalable-garuda-fonts thai-scalable-kinnari-fonts thai-scalable-loma-fonts thai-scalable-norasi-fonts thai-scalable-purisa-fonts thai-scalable-sawasdee-fonts thai-scalable-tlwgmono-fonts thai-scalable-tlwgtypewriter-fonts thai-scalable-tlwgtypist-fonts thai-scalable-tlwgtypo-fonts thai-scalable-umpush-fonts tibetan-machine-uni-fonts wqy-microhei-fonts xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic xorg-x11-fonts-misc ftp-server FTP Server FTP 服务器 These tools allow you to run an FTP server on the system. 这些工具允许您在系统上运行 FTP 服务器。 true false vsftpd gnome-apps GNOME Applications GNOME 应用程序 A set of commonly used GNOME Applications. 一组经常使用的 GNOME 应用程序。 false false gnome-desktop GNOME GNOME GNOME is a highly intuitive and user friendly desktop environment. GNOME 是一个非常直观且用户友好的桌面环境。 false false at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core avahi control-center dconf eog evince evince-nautilus file-roller file-roller-nautilus firewall-config fprintd-pam gdm glib-networking gnome-bluetooth gnome-classic-session gnome-color-manager gnome-dictionary gnome-disk-utility gnome-font-viewer gnome-getting-started-docs gnome-icon-theme gnome-initial-setup gnome-packagekit gnome-packagekit-updater gnome-screenshot gnome-session gnome-session-xsession gnome-settings-daemon gnome-shell gnome-terminal gnome-terminal-nautilus gnome-themes-standard gnome-user-docs gvfs-afc gvfs-afp gvfs-archive gvfs-fuse3 gvfs-goa gvfs-gphoto2 gvfs-mtp gvfs-smb initial-setup-gui libcanberra-gtk2 libcanberra-gtk3 librsvg2 metacity nautilus nm-connection-editor PackageKit-command-not-found PackageKit-gtk3-module sane-backends-drivers-scanners setroubleshoot vinagre vino xdg-user-dirs-gtk yelp dconf-editor vim-X11 guest-desktop-agents Guest Desktop Agents 虚拟机桌面代理 Agents used when running as a virtualized desktop. 作为虚拟桌面运行时使用的代理。 true false qemu-guest-agent spice-vdagent hardware-monitoring Hardware Monitoring Utilities 硬件监控工具 A set of tools to monitor server hardware. 一组用来监控服务器硬件的工具。 true false rasdaemon smartmontools lm_sensors hardware-support Hardware Support This group is a collection of tools for various hardware specific utilities. true false bolt usb_modeswitch linux-firmware lsscsi opensc openssl-pkcs11 pcsc-lite pcsc-lite-ccid headless-management Headless Management 无图形终端系统管理工具 Tools for managing the system without an attached graphical console. 用于管理无图像终端系统的工具。 true true PackageKit cockpit openssh-server sscg infiniband Infiniband Support Infiniband 支持 Software designed for supporting clustering, grid connectivity, and low-latency, high bandwidth storage using RDMA-based InfiniBand, iWARP, RoCE, and OPA fabrics. true false libibverbs libibverbs-utils librdmacm librdmacm-utils rdma-core ibacm iwpmd perftest srp_daemon opensm input-methods Input Methods 输入法 Input method packages for the input of international text. 输入非英文文本的输入法软件包 true false ibus-sayura ibus-table ibus-table-array30 gtk2-immodule-xim gtk3-immodule-xim ibus-gtk2 ibus-gtk3 internet-applications Internet Applications 互联网应用程序 Email, chat, and video conferencing software. 电子邮件、聊天和视频会议软件。 false false internet-browser Internet Browser 互联网浏览器 The Firefox web browser Firefox web 浏览器 true false java-platform Java Platform Java 平台 Java support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server and Desktop Platforms. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 服务器和桌面平台的 Java 支持。 true false java-1.8.0-openjdk large-systems Large Systems Performance 大系统性能 Performance support tools for large systems. 用于大型系统的性能支持工具。 true false numactl numad hwloc mstflint qperf libvma legacy-unix Legacy UNIX Compatibility 传统 UNIX 兼容性 Compatibility programs for migration from or working with legacy UNIX environments. 用于从继承 UNIX 环境中迁移或者可用于该环境的兼容程序。 true true mksh legacy-x Legacy X Window System Compatibility 传统 X Windows 系统的兼容性 Compatibility programs for migration from or working with legacy X Window System environments. 用于从继承 X Windows 环境中迁移或者可用于该环境的兼容程序。 true false libXmu xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-fonts-misc xterm mail-server Mail Server 邮件服务器 These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or SMTP mail server. 这些软件包允许您配置 IMAP 或 Postfix 邮件服务器。 true false cyrus-sasl postfix mainframe-access Mainframe Access 主框架访问 Tools for accessing mainframe computing resources. 访问主框架计算源的工具。 true false x3270-text network-file-system-client Network File System Client 网络文件系统客户端 Enables the system to attach to network storage. 启用该系统附加到网络存储。 true false cifs-utils device-mapper-multipath fcoe-utils gssproxy iscsi-initiator-utils lldpad nfs-utils nfs4-acl-tools samba-client cachefilesd cgdcbxd network-server Network Servers 网络服务器 These packages include network-based servers such as DHCP, Kerberos and NIS. 这些软件包包括基于网络的服务器,例如 DHCP、Kerberos 和 NIS。 true true dhcp-server krb5-server dnsmasq freeradius libreswan radvd rsyslog rsyslog-mysql rsyslog-pgsql rsyslog-relp tang tftp-server network-tools Networking Tools 联网工具 Tools for configuring and analyzing computer networks. 配置和分析计算机网络的工具。 true false arpwatch ipset iptraf-ng iptstate dnsmasq freeradius libreswan radvd rsyslog rsyslog-mysql rsyslog-pgsql rsyslog-relp tang tftp-server networkmanager-submodules Common NetworkManager submodules This group contains NetworkManager submodules that are commonly used, but may not be wanted in some streamlined configurations. true false NetworkManager-bluetooth NetworkManager-wifi NetworkManager-wwan dhcp iptables dnsmasq performance Performance Tools 性能工具 Tools for diagnosing system and application-level performance problems. 诊断系统和程序级别性能问题的工具。 true false iotop perf hdparm tuned sysstat pcp pcp-conf pcp-devel pcp-doc pcp-export-pcp2graphite pcp-export-pcp2influxdb pcp-export-pcp2json pcp-export-pcp2xml pcp-export-pcp2zabbix pcp-export-zabbix-agent pcp-import-collectl2pcp pcp-import-ganglia2pcp pcp-import-iostat2pcp pcp-import-mrtg2pcp pcp-libs pcp-libs-devel pcp-pmda-apache pcp-pmda-bash pcp-pmda-bonding pcp-pmda-cifs pcp-pmda-cisco pcp-pmda-dbping pcp-pmda-dm pcp-pmda-docker pcp-pmda-ds389 pcp-pmda-gfs2 pcp-pmda-gluster pcp-pmda-gpfs pcp-pmda-gpsd pcp-pmda-haproxy pcp-pmda-infiniband pcp-pmda-json pcp-pmda-kvm pcp-pmda-libvirt pcp-pmda-lio pcp-pmda-lmsensors pcp-pmda-logger pcp-pmda-lustre pcp-pmda-lustrecomm pcp-pmda-mailq pcp-pmda-memcache pcp-pmda-mic pcp-pmda-mounts pcp-pmda-mysql pcp-pmda-named pcp-pmda-netfilter pcp-pmda-news pcp-pmda-nfsclient pcp-pmda-nvidia-gpu pcp-pmda-oracle pcp-pmda-pdns pcp-pmda-perfevent pcp-pmda-prometheus pcp-pmda-redis pcp-pmda-roomtemp pcp-pmda-rsyslog pcp-pmda-samba pcp-pmda-sendmail pcp-pmda-shping pcp-pmda-slurm pcp-pmda-smart pcp-pmda-snmp pcp-pmda-summary pcp-pmda-systemd pcp-pmda-trace pcp-pmda-unbound pcp-pmda-weblog pcp-pmda-zimbra pcp-pmda-zswap pcp-selinux pcp-system-tools pcp-testsuite pcp-webapi pcp-zeroconf perl-PCP-LogImport perl-PCP-LogSummary perl-PCP-MMV perl-PCP-PMDA powertop fio iperf3 libpfm papi tuned-utils platform-devel Platform Development 平台开发 Recommended development headers and libraries for developing applications. 推荐用于开发应用程序的标头及程序库。 true false fontconfig-devel freetype-devel glib2-devel glibc-devel krb5-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel libpng-devel libstdc++-devel ncurses-devel openldap-devel openssl-devel pam-devel zlib-devel atk-devel cairo-devel dbus-devel desktop-file-utils gtk2-devel gtk3-devel libICE-devel libSM-devel libX11-devel libXext-devel libXft-devel libXi-devel libXrender-devel libXt-devel libXtst-devel libXv-devel libXxf86dga-devel libdb-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel libstdc++-devel libvirt-devel libxml2-devel libxshmfence-devel mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel nss-devel pango-devel qt5-qtdoc qt5-qttranslations print-client Printing Client 打印客户端 Tools for printing to a local printer or a remote print server. 在本地打印机和远程打印服务器中打印的工具。 true false python-web Python Web Basic Python web application support. 基本 Python 网页应用程序支持。 true false freetype-devel libcurl libcurl-devel libjpeg-turbo libjpeg-turbo-devel python3-magic remote-system-management Remote Management for Linux Linux 的远程管理 Remote management interface. Linux 的远程管理界面。 true false cockpit net-snmp net-snmp-utils openwsman-client tog-pegasus openwsman-server scientific Scientific Support 科学记数法支持 Tools for mathematical and scientific computations, and parallel computing. 用于数学和科学计算以及平行计算的工具。 true true units fftw fftw-devel fftw-static gsl-devel lapack python3-numpy python3-scipy security-tools Security Tools 安全性工具 Security tools for integrity and trust verification. 用于完整性和可信验证的安全性工具。 true true hmaccalc tpm-quote-tools tpm-tools trousers scap-security-guide aide openscap openscap-engine-sce openscap-utils scap-security-guide-doc server-product Server product core Packages mandatory for the server product. true false chrony polkit realmd openEuler-release timedatex dhcp NetworkManager-config-server NetworkManager smb-server Windows File Server Windows 文件服务器 This package group allows you to share files between Linux and MS Windows(tm) systems. 该软件包组允许您在 Linux 和 MS Windows(tm) 系统间共享文件。 true false samba samba-client cifs-utils standard Standard 标准 The standard installation. 标准安装。 true false acl at attr bc cpio crontabs cyrus-sasl dbus ed file iptstate irqbalance kpatch logrotate lsof net-tools pciutils quota openEuler-release sudo symlinks systemd-udev tar tree util-linux-user bash-completion bpftool bzip2 chrony cockpit cryptsetup dos2unix dosfstools ethtool gnupg2 lvm2 mailcap man-pages mdadm mlocate mtr realmd rsync smartmontools sssd strace libteam time unzip usbutils virt-what which words xfsdump zip cifs-utils cockpit-doc ima-evm-utils nfs-utils traceroute zsh psacct libstoragemgmt nano rng-tools rsyslog rsyslog-relp nmap pinfo plymouth tcpdump vim-enhanced wget system-tools System Tools 系统工具 This group is a collection of various tools for the system, such as the client for connecting to SMB shares and tools to monitor network traffic. 这组软件包是各类系统工具的集合,如:连接 SMB 共享的客户;监控网络交通的工具。 true true chrony cifs-utils openldap-clients samba-client setserial tmux zsh arpwatch chrpath fuse iotop lzop xdelta environment-modules libreswan nmap tigervnc PackageKit-command-not-found aide amanda-client convmv createrepo_c freerdp gpm gssdp gupnp mc mtx net-snmp-utils oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir sysstat x3270-x11 virtualization-hypervisor Virtualization Hypervisor 虚拟化 Hypervisor Smallest possible virtualization host installation. 最小的虚拟化主机安装。 false false libvirt libvirt-admin libvirt-bash-completion libvirt-client libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-config-network libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-interface libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-gluster libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi libvirt-daemon-kvm libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-devel libvirt-docs libvirt-libs libvirt-lock-sanlock libvirt-nss python3-libvirt edk2-aarch64 edk2-help qemu-help qemu qemu-block-iscsi qemu-img stratovirt openvswitch Virtualization Openvswitch 虚拟switch vswitch installation. 安装vswitch。 false false openvswitch remote-desktop-clients Remote Desktop Clients 远程桌面客户端 true false freerdp tigervnc vinagre smart-card Smart Card Support 智能卡支持 Support for using smart card authentication. 支持使用智能卡验证。 true true esc web-server Basic Web Server 基本网页服务器 These tools allow you to run a Web server on the system. 这些工具允许您在系统上运行万维网服务器。 true false httpd mod_fcgid mod_ssl libmemcached memcached mod_security x11 X Window System X 窗口系统 X Window System Support. X 窗口系统支持。 false false glx-utils initial-setup-gui mesa-dri-drivers plymouth-system-theme spice-vdagent xorg-x11-drivers xorg-x11-server-Xorg xorg-x11-utils xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-xinit xvattr mesa-libGLES tigervnc-server wayland-protocols-devel xorg-x11-drv-libinput development Development 开发 Packages which provide functionality for developing and building applications. 用于开发和构建应用程序的软件包。 90 additional-devel development platform-devel servers Servers 服务器 Software used for running network servers 用于运行网络服务器的软件 20 file-server ftp-server mail-server network-server web-server base-system System 系统 Core system components. 核系统组件。 10 backup-client debugging java-platform print-client smart-card dial-up hardware-monitoring infiniband large-systems legacy-unix mainframe-access network-tools performance scientific security-tools standard desktops Desktops 桌面环境 Desktops and thin clients. 桌面和瘦客户端。 70 base-x desktop-debugging fonts input-methods legacy-x remote-desktop-clients apps Applications 应用程序 Applications to perform a variety of tasks 执行不同任务的应用程序 80 graphics minimal-environment Minimal Install 最小安装 Basic functionality. 基本功能。 1 core standard server-product-environment Server 服务器 An integrated, easy-to-manage server. 集成的易于管理的服务器 2 container-management core hardware-support headless-management server-product standard debugging dns-server file-server ftp-server hardware-monitoring infiniband mail-server network-file-system-client network-server performance remote-system-management smb-server virtualization-hypervisor web-server opengauss-server virtualization-host-environment Virtualization Host 虚拟化主机 Minimal virtualization host. 最小虚拟化主机。 40 base core virtualization-hypervisor debugging network-file-system-client remote-system-management openvswitch