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otrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootro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loongarch kvm - net/tls: do not free tls_rec on async operation in bpf_exec_tx_verdict() - !2976 Add script to check & update openeuler_defconfig - config: update openeuler_defconfig for arm64 - config: update openeuler_defconfig for x86 - kconfig: Add script to check & update openeuler_defconfig - Revert "kconfig: Add script to update openeuler_defconfig" - !1562 [sync] PR-1527: arm64/mpam: fix missing kfree domain's ctrl_val arrray - !2043 [sync] PR-1327: Huawei BMA: To fix the bug in the iBMA driver code - !1896 [sync] PR-1853: ring-buffer: Fix deadloop issue on reading trace_pipe - !1941 [sync] PR-1900: tracing: Fix cpu buffers unavailable due to 'record_disabled' missed - !1983 [sync] PR-1905: tracing: Fix memleak due to race between current_tracer and trace - !2652 [sync] PR-2377: tracing: Backport bugfixes - !1402 [sync] PR-1399: bpf: cpumap: Fix memory leak in cpu_map_update_elem - !2633 [sync] PR-2615: preempt/dynamic: Fix setup_preempt_mode() return value - !1808 [sync] PR-1768: bonding: Fix incorrect deletion of ETH_P_8021AD protocol vid from slaves - !2811 [sync] PR-2716: ext4: recheck buffer valid after page unlock - loongarch/kvm: disable hugepage during migration process - loongarch/kvm: Fix oneshot timer emulation - loongarch/kvm: Remove SW timer switch when vcpu is halt polling - !2899 [sync] PR-2884: LoongArch: fix two cpu hotplug problem - !1424 [sync] PR-1354: ubi: Fix return value overwrite issue in try_write_vid_and_data() - !889 [sync] PR-886: net: sched: fix NULL pointer dereference in mq_attach - !900 [sync] PR-890: ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in ethtool_set_coalesce() - !2019 [sync] PR-1965: crypto:padata: Fix return err for PADATA_RESET - !2896 [sync] PR-2867: netfilter: conntrack: dccp: copy entire header to stack buffer, not just basic one - !1512 [sync] PR-1357: SUNRPC: Ensure that the gssproxy client can start in a connected state - !2753 fix memcgv1 oom meminfo bug - LoongArch: fix two cpu hotplug problem - netfilter: conntrack: dccp: copy entire header to stack buffer, not just basic one - ext4: recheck buffer valid after page unlock - memcg: dump memory.stat during cgroup OOM for v1 - memcg: use seq_buf_do_printk() with mem_cgroup_print_oom_meminfo() - seq_buf: Add seq_buf_do_printk() helper - seq_buf: Add seq_buf_terminate() API - ring-buffer: Do not attempt to read past "commit" - ring-buffer: Do not swap cpu_buffer during resize process - preempt/dynamic: Fix setup_preempt_mode() return value - Huawei BMA: To fix the bug in the iBMA driver code - crypto:padata: Fix return err for PADATA_RESET - tracing: Fix memleak due to race between current_tracer and trace - tracing: Fix cpu buffers unavailable due to 'record_disabled' missed - ring-buffer: Fix deadloop issue on reading trace_pipe - bonding: Fix incorrect deletion of ETH_P_8021AD protocol vid from slaves - arm64/mpam: fix missing kfree domain's ctrl_val arrray - SUNRPC: Ensure that the gssproxy client can start in a connected state - ubi: Fix return value overwrite issue in try_write_vid_and_data() - bpf: cpumap: Fix memory leak in cpu_map_update_elem - ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in ethtool_set_coalesce() - net: sched: fix NULL pointer dereference in mq_attach - KVM: nVMX: Inject #GP, not #UD, if "generic" VMXON CR0/CR4 check fails - kvm: x86: Sink cpuid update into vendor-specific set_cr4 functions- !2860 bugfix for CVE-2022-45884 - media: dvb-core: Fix use-after-free due to race at dvb_register_device() - media: dvbdev: fix error logic at dvb_register_device() - media: dvbdev: Fix memleak in dvb_register_device - !2846 [sync] PR-2840: drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation - drm/qxl: fix UAF on handle creation - !2800 [sync] PR-2782: cpufreq: Abort show()/store() for half-initialized policies - cpufreq: make interface functions and lock holding state clear - cpufreq: Abort show()/store() for half-initialized policies- !2717 [sync] PR-2678: io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid - !2739 [sync] PR-2443: CVE-2023-37453 - !2733 [sync] PR-2688: nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup - USB: core: Fix oversight in SuperSpeed initialization - USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in hub_port_init() - USB: core: Change usb_get_device_descriptor() API - USB: core: Unite old scheme and new scheme descriptor reads - nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup - !2701 [sync] PR-2672: fix CVE-2023-46813 - io_uring/fdinfo: lock SQ thread while retrieving thread cpu/pid - !2710 [sync] PR-2694: LoongArch: add 32/64 pc relative relocation type support - !2664 [sync] PR-2579: LoongArch: default IPMI related defconfig to m - LoongArch: Add support for 64_PCREL relocation type - LoongArch: Add support for 32_PCREL relocation type - LoongArch: Define relocation types for ABI v2.10 - !2644 [sync] PR-2543: psi: fix "no previous prototype" warnings when CONFIG_CGROUPS=n - x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space - x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space - x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode - LoongArch: default IPMI related defconfig to m - psi: fix "no previous prototype" warnings when CONFIG_CGROUPS=n- !2690 [sync] PR-2666: net: xfrm: Fix xfrm_address_filter OOB read - !2373 [sync] PR-2258: ext4: do not mark inode dirty every time when appending using delalloc - !2637 [sync] PR-2454: igb: set max size RX buffer when store bad packet is enabled - net: xfrm: Fix xfrm_address_filter OOB read - !2535 [sync] PR-2370: ipv4: fix null-deref in ipv4_link_failure - !2524 [sync] PR-2440: netfilter: xt_u32: validate user space input - !2530 [sync] PR-2411: netfilter: xt_sctp: validate the flag_info count - !2527 [sync] PR-2410: netfilter: nfnetlink_osf: avoid OOB read - !2658 [sync] PR-2628: ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 - !2663 arm64: fix a concurrency issue in emulation_proc_handler() - arm64: armv8_deprecated: fix unused-function error - arm64: armv8_deprecated: rework deprected instruction handling - arm64: armv8_deprecated: move aarch32 helper earlier - arm64: armv8_deprecated move emulation functions - arm64: armv8_deprecated: fold ops into insn_emulation - arm64: rework EL0 MRS emulation - arm64: factor insn read out of call_undef_hook() - arm64: factor out EL1 SSBS emulation hook - arm64: split EL0/EL1 UNDEF handlers - arm64: allow kprobes on EL0 handlers - arm64: rework BTI exception handling - arm64: rework FPAC exception handling - arm64: consistently pass ESR_ELx to die() - arm64: die(): pass 'err' as long - arm64: report EL1 UNDEFs better - Revert "arm64: fix a concurrency issue in emulation_proc_handler()" - ubi: Refuse attaching if mtd's erasesize is 0 - !2647 [sync] PR-2641: Fix CVE-2023-5717 - perf: Fix kabi breakage in struct perf_event - perf: Disallow mis-matched inherited group reads - !2563 fix cgroup poll UAF - !2519 [sync] PR-2437: crypto: drbg - Only fail when jent is unavailable in FIPS mode - !2558 USB: ene_usb6250: Allocate enough memory for full object - igb: set max size RX buffer when store bad packet is enabled - !2595 [sync] PR-2573: media: dvb-core: Fix use-after-free due to race condition at dvb_ca_en50221 - !2566 [sync] PR-2557: Bluetooth: hci_ldisc: check HCI_UART_PROTO_READY flag in HCIUARTGETPROTO - !2580 [sync] PR-2476: Fixed five CVEs vulnerabilities of ksmbd - !2613 CVE-2022-44033 - char: pcmcia: remove all the drivers - tty: ipwireless: move Kconfig entry to tty - !2552 scsi: mpt3sas: Driver patch set for openEuler-22.03-LTS - !2584 [sync] PR-2571: xen/events: replace evtchn_rwlock with RCU - media: dvb-core: Fix use-after-free due to race condition at dvb_ca_en50221 - xen/events: replace evtchn_rwlock with RCU - ksmbd: do not call kvmalloc() with __GFP_NORETRY | __GFP_NO_WARN - ksmbd: fix infinite loop in ksmbd_conn_handler_loop() - ksmbd: send proper error response in smb2_tree_connect() - ksmbd: fix racy issue from smb2 close and logoff with multichannel - ksmbd: call rcu_barrier() in ksmbd_server_exit() - ksmbd: fix racy issue under cocurrent smb2 tree disconnect - Bluetooth: hci_ldisc: check HCI_UART_PROTO_READY flag in HCIUARTGETPROTO - sched/psi: Select KERNFS as needed - kernfs: add stub helper for kernfs_generic_poll() - sched/psi: use kernfs polling functions for PSI trigger polling - USB: ene_usb6250: Allocate enough memory for full object - scsi: mpt3sas: Perform additional retries if doorbell read returns 0 - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix NULL pointer access in mpt3sas_transport_port_add() - scsi: mpt3sas: Remove usage of dma_get_required_mask() API - scsi: mpt3sas: re-do lost mpt3sas DMA mask fix - scsi: mpt3sas: Don't change DMA mask while reallocating pools - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix a memory leak - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix possible resource leaks in mpt3sas_transport_port_add() - scsi: mpt3sas: Force PCIe scatterlist allocations to be within same 4 GB region - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix use-after-free warning - ipv4: fix null-deref in ipv4_link_failure - netfilter: xt_sctp: validate the flag_info count - netfilter: nfnetlink_osf: avoid OOB read - netfilter: xt_u32: validate user space input - !1561 Add ACS quirk for Wangxun NICs - !2514 [sync] PR-2499: f2fs: fix to avoid NULL pointer dereference f2fs_write_end_io() - crypto: drbg - Only fail when jent is unavailable in FIPS mode - !2485 [sync] PR-2340: xfs: recent patches to fix xfs issues - f2fs: fix to avoid NULL pointer dereference f2fs_write_end_io() - xfs: update the last_sync_lsn with ctx start lsn - xfs: shutdown xfs once inode double free - xfs: fix off-by-one-block in xfs_discard_folio() - xfs: xfs_bmap_punch_delalloc_range() should take a byte range - iomap: buffered write failure should not truncate the page cache - xfs,iomap: move delalloc punching to iomap - xfs: use byte ranges for write cleanup ranges - xfs: punching delalloc extents on write failure is racy - xfs: longest free extent no need consider postalloc - xfs: fix xfs shutdown since we reserve more blocks in agfl fixup - xfs: block reservation too large for minleft allocation - xfs: set minleft correctly for randomly sparse inode allocations - xfs: shutdown to ensure submits buffers on LSN boundaries - xfs: don't verify agf length when log recovery - xfs: Remove redundant assignment to busy - xfs: remove redundant pointer lip - xfs: remove redundant initializations of pointers drop_leaf and save_leaf - xfs: xfs_trans_cancel() path must check for log shutdown - xfs: fix bounds check in xfs_defer_agfl_block() - xfs: AGF length has never been bounds checked - xfs: journal geometry is not properly bounds checked - xfs: don't block in busy flushing when freeing extents - xfs: allow extent free intents to be retried - xfs: pass alloc flags through to xfs_extent_busy_flush() - Revert "xfs: propagate the return value of xfs_log_force() to avoid soft lockup" - xfs: use deferred frees for btree block freeing - xfs: don't reverse order of items in bulk AIL insertion - xfs: validate block number being freed before adding to xefi - xfs: validity check agbnos on the AGFL - xfs: pass xfs_extent_free_item directly through the log intent code - xfs: remove unused parameter from refcount code - xfs: reduce the size of struct xfs_extent_free_item - xfs: rename xfs_bmap_add_free to xfs_free_extent_later - xfs: create slab caches for frequently-used deferred items - xfs: compact deferred intent item structures - xfs: rename _zone variables to _cache - xfs: remove kmem_zone typedef - xfs: remove xfs_setattr_time() declaration - xfs: use setattr_copy to set vfs inode attributes - xfs: set prealloc flag in xfs_alloc_file_space() - xfs: don't assert fail on perag references on teardown - xfs: fix dir3 block read verify fail during log recover - xfs: propagate the return value of xfs_log_force() to avoid soft lockup - xfs: keep growfs sb log item active until ail flush success - !1141 [sync] PR-953: xfs: fixes patchs and backport patchs - PCI: Add ACS quirk for Wangxun NICs - ext4: do not mark inode dirty every time when appending using delalloc - Revert "openeuler: pci: workaround multiple functions can be assigned to only one VM" - xfs: atomic drop extent entries when inactiving attr - xfs: factor out __xfs_da3_node_read() - xfs: fix a UAF in xfs_iflush_abort_clean - xfs: fix a UAF when inode item push - xfs: fix the problem of mount failure caused by not refreshing mp->m_sb - iomap: iomap: fix memory corruption when recording errors during writeback - xfs: fix hung when transaction commit fail in xfs_inactive_ifree - xfs: fix dead loop when do mount with IO fault injection - xfs: fix ag count overflow during growfs - xfs: account extra freespace btree splits for multiple allocations - xfs: force shutdown xfs when xfs_attr_inactive fails - xfs: fix negative array access in xfs_getbmap - xfs: fix BUG_ON in xfs_getbmap() - xfs: use iomap_valid method to detect stale cached iomaps - iomap: write iomap validity checks - xfs: write page faults in iomap are not buffered writes - xfs: fix exception caused by unexpected illegal bestcount in leaf dir - Revert "[Huawei] xfs: fix uaf when leaf dir bestcount not match with dir data blocks" - xfs: don't expose internal symlink metadata buffers to the vfs - xfs: shut down filesystem if we xfs_trans_cancel with deferred work items - xfs: fix maxlevels comparisons in the btree staging code - xfs: sb verifier doesn't handle uncached sb buffer - xfs: fallocate() should call file_modified() - xfs: remove XFS_PREALLOC_SYNC - xfs: shutdown during log recovery needs to mark the log shutdown - xfs: xfs_trans_commit() path must check for log shutdown - xfs: xfs_do_force_shutdown needs to block racing shutdowns - xfs: log shutdown triggers should only shut down the log - xfs: shutdown in intent recovery has non-intent items in the AIL - xfs: AIL should be log centric - xfs: increase rename inode reservation - xfs: trim the mapp array accordingly in xfs_da_grow_inode_int - xfs: check return codes when flushing block devices - xfs: remove xfs_blkdev_issue_flush - xfs: fix NULL pointer dereference in xfs_getbmap()- !2420 [sync] PR-2323: net/sched: Retire rsvp classifier - net/sched: Retire rsvp classifier - !2366 [sync] PR-2282: sdei_watchdog: Avoid exception during sdei handler - sdei_watchdog: Avoid exception during sdei handler- !2391 netfilter: nf_tables: disallow rule removal from chain binding - netfilter: nf_tables: disallow rule removal from chain binding - !2389 nf_table LTS - netfilter: nf_tables: disallow rule addition to bound chain via NFTA_RULE_CHAIN_ID - netfilter: nf_tables: skip bound chain on rule flush - netfilter: nf_tables: skip immediate deactivate in _PREPARE_ERROR - netfilter: nf_tables: unbind non-anonymous set if rule construction fails - netfilter: nf_tables: drop map element references from preparation phase - netfilter: nftables: rename set element data activation/deactivation functions - netfilter: nf_tables: reject unbound chain set before commit phase - netfilter: nf_tables: reject unbound anonymous set before commit phase - netfilter: nf_tables: add NFT_TRANS_PREPARE_ERROR to deal with bound set/chain - netfilter: nf_tables: fix chain binding transaction logic - netfilter: nf_tables: incorrect error path handling with NFT_MSG_NEWRULE - netfilter: nf_tables: use net_generic infra for transaction data - Revert "netfilter: nf_tables: disallow rule addition to bound chain via NFTA_RULE_CHAIN_ID" - Revert "netfilter: nf_tables: skip bound chain on rule flush" - Revert "netfilter: nf_tables: incorrect error path handling with NFT_MSG_NEWRULE" - Revert "netfilter: nf_tables: fix chain binding transaction logic" - Revert "netfilter: nf_tables: add NFT_TRANS_PREPARE_ERROR to deal with bound set/chain" - Revert "netfilter: nf_tables: skip immediate deactivate in _PREPARE_ERROR" - Revert "netfilter: nf_tables: unbind non-anonymous set if rule construction fails" - !2378 [sync] PR-2359: netfilter: ipset: add the missing IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NET0 macro for ip_set_hash_netportnet.c - netfilter: ipset: add the missing IP_SET_HASH_WITH_NET0 macro for ip_set_hash_netportnet.c - !2299 [sync] PR-2287: scsi: lpfc: Fix ioremap issues in lpfc_sli4_pci_mem_setup() - !2297 [sync] PR-2286: scsi: lpfc: Prevent lpfc_debugfs_lockstat_write() buffer overflow - scsi: lpfc: Fix ioremap issues in lpfc_sli4_pci_mem_setup() - scsi: lpfc: Prevent lpfc_debugfs_lockstat_write() buffer overflow - !2273 [sync] PR-2156: drm: add inspur drm driver support - !2238 [sync] PR-2163: Fix the two problems when using binutil 2.41. - !2277 [sync] PR-2269: etmem: Fixed an issue where the module reference counting is incorrect - etmem: Fixed an issue where the module reference counting is incorrect - !2124 [sync] PR-1778: nvme-pci: fix DMA direction of unmapping integrity data - !2186 nvme-pci: fix timeout request state check - !2188 nvme-pci: fix mempool alloc size - drm: add inspur drm driver support - !2249 [sync] PR-2224: ext4: fix rec_len verify error - ext4: fix rec_len verify error - LoongArch: Fix module relocation error with binutils 2.41 - LoongArch: Fix the write_fcsr() macro - nvme-pci: fix mempool alloc size - nvme-pci: fix timeout request state check - nvme-pci: fix DMA direction of unmapping integrity data- !2214 [sync] PR-2210: jbd2: Fix potential data lost in recovering journal raced with synchronizing fs bdev - !2231 [sync] PR-2086: fix CVE-2023-20588 - !2239 [sync] PR-2169: net: sched: sch_qfq: Fix UAF in qfq_dequeue() - !2242 [sync] PR-2230: media: ttusb-dec: fix memory leak in ttusb_dec_exit_dvb() - !2237 x86/speculation: Add force option to GDS mitigation - media: ttusb-dec: fix memory leak in ttusb_dec_exit_dvb() - net: sched: sch_qfq: Fix UAF in qfq_dequeue() - !2041 [sync] PR-1786: LoongArch: export lsx/lasx related struct to user space - x86: Move gds_ucode_mitigated() declaration to header - Documentation/x86: Fix backwards on/off logic about YMM support - KVM: Add GDS_NO support to KVM - x86/speculation: Add Kconfig option for GDS - x86/speculation: Add force option to GDS mitigation - x86/CPU/AMD: Fix the DIV(0) initial fix attempt - x86/CPU/AMD: Do not leak quotient data after a division by 0 - !1877 [sync] PR-1826: x86/speculation: Add Gather Data Sampling mitigation - jbd2: Fix potential data lost in recovering journal raced with synchronizing fs bdev - !2170 [sync] PR-2153: netfilter: nftables: exthdr: fix 4-byte stack OOB write - netfilter: nftables: exthdr: fix 4-byte stack OOB write - !2149 [sync] PR-2095: io_uring: ensure IOPOLL locks around deferred work - io_uring: ensure IOPOLL locks around deferred work - LoongArch: export lsx/lasx related struct to user space - x86/speculation: Add cpu_show_gds() prototype - x86/speculation: Add Gather Data Sampling mitigation- !2143 [sync] PR-2126: netfilter: nf_tables: skip immediate deactivate in _PREPARE_ERROR - !2107 [sync] PR-2090: net/sched: sch_hfsc: Ensure inner classes have fsc curve - netfilter: nf_tables: skip immediate deactivate in _PREPARE_ERROR - !2105 [sync] PR-2092: netfilter: nf_tables: skip bound chain on rule flush - !2108 [sync] PR-2085: af_unix: Fix null-ptr-deref in unix_stream_sendpage(). - !2113 [sync] PR-2097: Fixed 4 CVEs of the ksmbd - !1779 nvme-pci: clear the prp2 field when not used - !2081 [sync] PR-2065: dm: switch to precise io accounting - ksmbd: not allow guest user on multichannel - ksmbd: fix deadlock in ksmbd_find_crypto_ctx() - ksmbd: block asynchronous requests when making a delay on session setup - ksmbd: destroy expired sessions - af_unix: Fix null-ptr-deref in unix_stream_sendpage(). - net/sched: sch_hfsc: Ensure inner classes have fsc curve - netfilter: nf_tables: skip bound chain on rule flush - !1925 [sync] PR-1883: SUNRPC: don't pause on incomplete allocation - !1748 [sync] PR-1649: Enable TPM TIS customization - !1747 [sync] PR-1646: Fixed extioi hardware emulation bugs on loongarch - dm: switch to precise io accounting - !2057 [sync] PR-2055: Only enable unicast promisc when mac table full to fix the hns3 bug - SUNRPC: don't pause on incomplete allocation - net: hns3: only enable unicast promisc when mac table full - !2047 [sync] PR-1752: ksmbd: validate session id and tree id in the compound request - ksmbd: validate session id and tree id in the compound request - nvme-pci: clear the prp2 field when not used - loongarch/config: Enable TPM TIS customization - loongarch/kvm: Fixed extioi hardware emulation bugs- !2002 [sync] PR-1911: ksmbd: fix out-of-bound read in smb2_write - !1626 [sync] PR-1621: fix three CVEs by backport mainline patchs - !1817 [sync] PR-1788: exfat: check if filename entries exceeds max filename length - ksmbd: fix out-of-bound read in smb2_write - !1979 [sync] PR-1446: Fix the default return value of dm_pool_dec_data_range() - Fix the default return value of dm_pool_dec_data_range() - !1384 [sync] PR-1346: dm thin metadata: check fail_io before using data_sm - exfat: check if filename entries exceeds max filename length - ksmbd: fix racy issue from session setup and logoff - ksmbd: Fix spelling mistake "excceed" -> "exceeded" - ksmbd: limit pdu length size according to connection status - ksmbd: Implements sess->ksmbd_chann_list as xarray - dm thin metadata: check fail_io before using data_sm- !1891 [sync] PR-1784: tun/tap: fix CVE-2023-4194 - !1885 [sync] PR-1815: Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free in l2cap_sock_ready_cb - !1866 [sync] PR-1821: nbd: pass nbd_sock to nbd_read_reply() instead of index - !1780 [sync] PR-1766: xen/netback: Fix buffer overrun triggered by unusual packet - !1888 [sync] PR-1835: tcp: Reduce chance of collisions in inet6_hashfn(). - net: tap_open(): set sk_uid from current_fsuid() - net: tun_chr_open(): set sk_uid from current_fsuid() - tcp: Reduce chance of collisions in inet6_hashfn(). - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free in l2cap_sock_ready_cb - !1827 [sync] PR-1813: ksmbd: fix cve-2023-38432 - nbd: pass nbd_sock to nbd_read_reply() instead of index - ksmbd: validate command request size - ksmbd: validate command payload size - xen/netback: Fix buffer overrun triggered by unusual packet- !1838 fix CVE-2023-20593 for openEuler - tools arch x86: Sync the msr-index.h copy with the kernel sources - x86/cpu/amd: Enable Zenbleed fix for AMD Custom APU 0405 - x86/cpu/amd: Add a Zenbleed fix - x86/cpu/amd: Move the errata checking functionality up - x86/cpu: Restore AMD's DE_CFG MSR after resume - !1775 [sync] PR-1729: fix CVE-2023-4128 in OLK510 - net/sched: cls_route: No longer copy tcf_result on update to avoid use-after-free - net/sched: cls_fw: No longer copy tcf_result on update to avoid use-after-free - net/sched: cls_u32: No longer copy tcf_result on update to avoid use-after-free- !1756 [sync] PR-1742: cxgb4: fix use after free bugs caused by circular dependency problem - !1763 [sync] PR-1749: Input: cyttsp4_core - change del_timer_sync() to timer_shutdown_sync() - !1668 [sync] PR-1657: media: usb: siano: Fix CVE-2023-4132 - Input: cyttsp4_core - change del_timer_sync() to timer_shutdown_sync() - !1753 [sync] PR-1737: ksmbd: fix out of bounds read in smb2_sess_setup - cxgb4: fix use after free bugs caused by circular dependency problem - !1744 [sync] PR-1727: add support for timer_shutdown() api - !1731 [sync] PR-1713: netfilter: nf_tables: disallow rule addition to bound chain via NFTA_RULE_CHAIN_ID - ksmbd: fix out of bounds read in smb2_sess_setup - timers: Keep del_timer[_sync]() exported - timers: Provide timer_shutdown[_sync]() - timers: Add shutdown mechanism to the internal functions - timers: Split [try_to_]del_timer[_sync]() to prepare for shutdown mode - timers: Silently ignore timers with a NULL function - timers: Rename del_timer() to timer_delete() - timers: Rename del_timer_sync() to timer_delete_sync() - timers: Use del_timer_sync() even on UP - timers: Update kernel-doc for various functions - timers: Replace BUG_ON()s - timers: Get rid of del_singleshot_timer_sync() - sw64: Do not use timer namespace for timer_shutdown() function - clocksource/drivers/sp804: Do not use timer namespace for timer_shutdown() function - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Do not use timer namespace for timer_shutdown() function - ARM: spear: Do not use timer namespace for timer_shutdown() function - !1617 LoonArch: KVM: fix vcpu timer - !1639 nvme-pci: set min_align_mask before calculating max_hw_sectors - !1714 [sync] PR-1711: xfrm: add NULL check in xfrm_update_ae_params - !1632 [sync] PR-1604: net: nfc: Fix CVE-2023-3863 - netfilter: nf_tables: disallow rule addition to bound chain via NFTA_RULE_CHAIN_ID - !1710 [sync] PR-1618: LoongArch: fix some config not defined - xfrm: add NULL check in xfrm_update_ae_params - LoongArch: fix CONFIG_TRACE_IRQFLAGS_SUPPORT not defined - LoongArch: fix CONFIG_ZONE_DMA32 not defined - LoongArch: fix percpu area not allocated as expected - media: usb: siano: Fix warning due to null work_func_t function pointer - media: usb: siano: Fix use after free bugs caused by do_submit_urb - nvme-pci: set min_align_mask before calculating max_hw_sectors - LoongArch: KVM: fix vcpu timer functions - net: nfc: Fix use-after-free caused by nfc_llcp_find_local - nfc: llcp: simplify llcp_sock_connect() error paths- !1702 [sync] PR-1682: netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: fix improper element removal - !1674 [sync] PR-1596: ksmbd: fix out-of-bound read in deassemble_neg_contexts() - netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: fix improper element removal - !1656 Revert "arm64/mpam: Fix mpam corrupt when cpu online" - !1640 [sync] PR-1551: ksmbd: allocate one more byte for implied bcc[0 - !1664 [sync] PR-1605: CVE-2023-38430 - ksmbd: fix out-of-bound read in deassemble_neg_contexts() - ksmbd: validate smb request protocol id - ksmbd: define SMB2_COMPRESSION_TRANSFORM_ID in fs/ksmbd/smb2pdu.h - Revert "arm64/mpam: Fix mpam corrupt when cpu online" - ksmbd: allocate one more byte for implied bcc[0]- !1587 [sync] PR-1557: net/sched: cls_fw: Fix improper refcount update leads to use-after-free - !1582 [sync] PR-1480: ksmbd: fix wrong UserName check in session_user - !1598 [sync] PR-1547: binder: fix UAF caused by faulty buffer cleanup - !1601 [sync] PR-1581: psi: fix compile error for psi cgroupv1 when CONFIG_CGROUP=n - !1614 [sync] PR-1591: net/sched: cls_u32: Fix reference counter leak leading to overflow - net/sched: cls_u32: Fix reference counter leak leading to overflow - !1592 [sync] PR-1585: ksmbd: fix global-out-of-bounds in smb2_find_context_vals - psi: fix compile error for psi cgroupv1 when CONFIG_CGROUP=n - binder: fix UAF caused by faulty buffer cleanup - ksmbd: fix global-out-of-bounds in smb2_find_context_vals - net/sched: cls_fw: Fix improper refcount update leads to use-after-free - ksmbd: fix wrong UserName check in session_user - !1467 Fix null-ptr-deref while calling getpeername - !1573 [sync] PR-1535: net/sched: sch_qfq: account for stab overhead in qfq_enqueue - net/sched: sch_qfq: account for stab overhead in qfq_enqueue - !1558 [sync] PR-1548: mm: memcontrol: fix cannot alloc the maximum memcg ID - !1380 [sync] PR-1351: dm thin: fix deadlock when swapping to thin device - !1349 [sync] PR-1294: dm stats: check for and propagate alloc_percpu failure - !1502 block: don't set GD_NEED_PART_SCAN if scan partition failed - !1477 [sync] PR-1345: dm: requeue IO if mapping table not yet - mm: memcontrol: fix cannot alloc the maximum memcg ID - block: don't set GD_NEED_PART_SCAN if scan partition failed - dm: don't lock fs when the map is NULL during suspend or resume - dm: don't lock fs when the map is NULL in process of resume - dm: requeue IO if mapping table not yet available - Revert "dm: make sure dm_table is binded before queue request" - scsi: iscsi_tcp: Check that sock is valid before iscsi_set_param() - scsi: iscsi: iscsi_tcp: Fix null-ptr-deref while calling getpeername() - dm thin: fix deadlock when swapping to thin device - dm stats: check for and propagate alloc_percpu failure- !1524 [sync] PR-1482: CVE-2023-3567 fix patches - !1337 [sync] PR-1335: bpf: Fix incorrect verifier pruning due to missing register precision taints - vc_screen: modify vcs_size() handling in vcs_read() - vc_screen: don't clobber return value in vcs_read - vc_screen: move load of struct vc_data pointer in vcs_read() to avoid UAF - !1515 Fix CDM node problems - mm: fix alloc CDM node memory for MPOL_BIND - mm: fix ignore cpuset enforcement - !1489 [sync] PR-1476: ipv6/addrconf: fix a potential refcount underflow for idev - !1485 [sync] PR-1452: media: dvb-core: Fix use-after-free due on race condition at dvb_net - !1494 [sync] PR-1445: netfilter: nf_tables: prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval - netfilter: nf_tables: prevent OOB access in nft_byteorder_eval - ipv6/addrconf: fix a potential refcount underflow for idev - media: dvb-core: Fix use-after-free due on race condition at dvb_net - !1371 [sync] PR-1254: Two CVE fixes of ksmbd - ksmbd: fix NULL pointer dereference in smb2_get_info_filesystem() - ksmbd: fix memleak in session setup - bpf: Fix incorrect verifier pruning due to missing register precision taints- !1289 [sync] PR-1262: drm/msm/dpu: Add check for pstates - !1455 [sync] PR-1358: Remove DECnet support from kernel - !1438 [sync] PR-1426: netfilter: nf_tables: do not ignore genmask when looking up chain by id - !1459 [sync] PR-1425: loop: loop_set_status_from_info() check before assignment - !1462 [sync] PR-1436: Fix CVE-2023-3117 - !1429 nbd: fix null-ptr-dereference while accessing 'nbd->config' - netfilter: nf_tables: unbind non-anonymous set if rule construction fails - netfilter: nf_tables: add NFT_TRANS_PREPARE_ERROR to deal with bound set/chain - netfilter: nf_tables: fix chain binding transaction logic - netfilter: nf_tables: incorrect error path handling with NFT_MSG_NEWRULE - loop: loop_set_status_from_info() check before assignment - Remove DECnet support from kernel - netfilter: nf_tables: do not ignore genmask when looking up chain by id - !1419 [sync] PR-1415: Fix generic/299 fail - !1348 [sync] PR-1295: blk-wbt: don't show valid wbt_lat_usec in - nbd: fix null-ptr-dereference while accessing 'nbd->config' - nbd: factor out a helper to get nbd_config without holding 'config_lock' - nbd: fold nbd config initialization into nbd_alloc_config() - ext4: Add debug message to notify user space is out of free - Revert "ext4: Stop trying writing pages if no free blocks generated" - !1411 [sync] PR-1408: Replace the hulk patch with the lts patch - cgroup: Do not corrupt task iteration when rebinding subsystem - Revert "cgroup: Stop task iteration when rebinding subsystem" - !1388 [sync] PR-1312: quota: fix race condition between dqput() and dquot_mark_dquot_dirty() - !1391 [sync] PR-1376: jbd2: Check 'jh->b_transaction' before remove it from checkpoint - !1307 [sync] PR-1280: cgroup: always put cset in cgroup_css_set_put_fork - jbd2: Check 'jh->b_transaction' before remove it from checkpoint - quota: simplify drop_dquot_ref() - quota: fix dqput() to follow the guarantees dquot_srcu should provide - quota: add new helper dquot_active() - quota: rename dquot_active() to inode_quota_active() - quota: factor out dquot_write_dquot() - !1328 [sync] PR-1325: jbd2: fix several checkpoint - !1331 [sync] PR-1314: ext4: Stop trying writing pages if no free blocks generated - !1339 [sync] PR-1286: ext4: turning quotas off if mount failed after enable quotas - blk-wbt: don't show valid wbt_lat_usec in sysfs while wbt is disabled - blk-wbt: make enable_state more accurate - ext4: turning quotas off if mount failed after enable quotas - ext4: Stop trying writing pages if no free blocks generated - jbd2: fix checkpoint cleanup performance regression - jbd2: remove __journal_try_to_free_buffer() - jbd2: fix a race when checking checkpoint buffer busy - jbd2: Fix wrongly judgement for buffer head removing while doing checkpoint - jbd2: remove journal_clean_one_cp_list() - cgroup: always put cset in cgroup_css_set_put_fork - drm/msm/dpu: Add check for pstates- Fix error provides- !1366 [sync] PR-1324: io_uring: hold uring mutex around poll removal - !1369 [sync] PR-1287: ipvlan:Fix out-of-bounds caused by unclear skb->cb - ipvlan:Fix out-of-bounds caused by unclear skb->cb - io_uring: hold uring mutex around poll removal - !1342 [sync] PR-1272: xfs: fix some problems recently - xfs: fix uninitialized variable access - xfs: set XFS_FEAT_NLINK correctly - xfs: don't leak perag when growfs fails - xfs: factor out xfs_destroy_perag() - xfs: fix warning in xfs_vm_writepages() - xfs: don't leak intent item when recovery intents fail - xfs: factor out xfs_defer_pending_abort - xfs: fix mounting failed caused by sequencing problem in the log records- Fix x86 provides error symbol- !1311 Fix CVE-2023-2860 - !1237 [sync] PR-1194: fix memleak with efi_fake_mem - ipv6: sr: fix out-of-bounds read when setting HMAC data. - !1274 [sync] PR-1253: media: saa7134: fix use after free bug in saa7134_finidev due to race condition - !1303 [sync] PR-1283: media: dm1105: Fix use after free bug in dm1105_remove due to race condition - !1299 [sync] PR-1270: media: dvb-core: Fix kernel WARNING for blocking operation in wait_event*() - !1269 arm64: Add AMPERE1 to the Spectre-BHB affected list - !1264 [sync] PR-1261: usb: gadget: udc: renesas_usb3: Fix use after free bug in renesas_usb3_remove due to race condition - media: dm1105: Fix use after free bug in dm1105_remove due to race condition - !1187 [sync] PR-1177: net/sched: flower: fix possible OOB write in fl_set_geneve_opt() - media: dvb-core: Fix kernel WARNING for blocking operation in wait_event*() - media: saa7134: fix use after free bug in saa7134_finidev due to race condition - !1202 [sync] PR-1148: LoongArch: cleanup swiotlb bakcup buffer related code - arm64: Add AMPERE1 to the Spectre-BHB affected list - !1255 [sync] PR-1247: HID: intel_ish-hid: Add check for ishtp_dma_tx_map - !1128 [sync] PR-1077: drm/qxl: Fix missing free_irq - usb: gadget: udc: renesas_usb3: Fix use after free bug in renesas_usb3_remove due to race condition - HID: intel_ish-hid: Add check for ishtp_dma_tx_map - config: Disable EFI_FAKE_MEMMAP support for arm64 by default - efi: Fix UAF for arm64 when enable efi_fake_mem - Revert "LoongArch: Add ARCH_HAS_SETUP_DMA_OPS and DMA_OPS" - Revert "LoongArch: Add swiotlb backups buffer" - net/sched: flower: fix possible OOB write in fl_set_geneve_opt() - drm/qxl: Fix missing free_irq- use full version-release instead of devel_release for mkgrub-menu- !1250 hugetlb: Fix some incorrect behavior - hugetlb: fix hugepages_setup when deal with pernode - hugetlb: fix wrong use of nr_online_nodes - !1238 [sync] PR-1181: relayfs: fix out-of-bounds access in relay_file_read - relayfs: fix out-of-bounds access in relay_file_read - !1209 [sync] PR-1185: nbd: validate the block size in nbd_set_size - !1232 [sync] PR-1220: mm/memory_hotplug: extend offline_and_remove_memory() to handle more than one memory block - mm/memory_hotplug: extend offline_and_remove_memory() to handle more than one memory block - !1224 [sync] PR-1221: media: rkvdec: fix use after free bug in rkvdec_remove - media: rkvdec: fix use after free bug in rkvdec_remove - !1198 [sync] PR-1190: memcg: fix implicit declaration of memcg_print_bad_task() - nbd: fix incomplete validation of ioctl arg - nbd: validate the block size in nbd_set_size - memcg: fix implicit declaration of memcg_print_bad_task() - memstick: r592: Fix UAF bug in r592_remove due to race condition- !1176 MAINTAINERS: update openEuler/MAINTAINERS for LoongArch - MAINTAINERS: update openEuler/MAINTAINERS for LoongArch - !1167 [sync] PR-1162: fbcon: Check font dimension limits - !1171 mm: oom: move memcg_print_bad_task() out of mem_cgroup_scan_tasks() - !1163 [sync] PR-1098: proc: allow pid_revalidate() during LOOKUP_RCU - mm: oom: move memcg_print_bad_task() out of mem_cgroup_scan_tasks() - fbcon: Check font dimension limits - proc: allow pid_revalidate() during LOOKUP_RCU - !1145 [sync] PR-1136: gfs2: Don't deref jdesc in evict - gfs2: Don't deref jdesc in evict - !1024 [sync] PR-947: locking/rwsem: Prevent potential lock starvation - !1073 [sync] PR-1042: xfrm: Reinject transport-mode packets through workqueue - xfrm: Reinject transport-mode packets through workqueue - locking/rwsem: Prevent potential lock starvation - locking/rwsem: Pass the current atomic count to rwsem_down_read_slowpath() - locking/rwsem: Better collate rwsem_read_trylock()- !1103 [sync] PR-1089: power: supply: bq24190: Fix use after free bug in bq24190_remove due to race condition - !1108 [sync] PR-1090: fs/ntfs3: Check fields while reading - !1117 [sync] PR-1084: LoongArch: fix wrong 7a1000 int_clear register write - !1116 [sync] PR-1083: LoongArch: fix system hang caused by 2k500 bmc driver - irqchip/loongson-pch-pic: 7a1000 int_clear reg must use 64bit write. - ipmi_si: ls2k500 kcs driver add wait bmc reboot done and rebind support. - fs/ntfs3: Check fields while reading - power: supply: bq24190: Fix use after free bug in bq24190_remove due to race condition - !1008 [sync] PR-941: LoongArch: fix 2k500 sfb driver not work during reboot - !1031 nbd: get config_lock before sock_shutdown - !1060 Support dynamic_hugetlb on arm64 and fix some bug - !1057 [sync] PR-1028: fs: hfsplus: fix UAF issue in hfsplus_put_super - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: fix type error of pfn in __hpool_split_gigantic_page() - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: set PagePool to bad page - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: replace spin_lock with mutex_lock and fix kabi broken - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: isolate hugepage without dissolve - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: support dynamic hugetlb on arm64 - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: fix kabi broken when enable CONFIG_DYNAMIC_HUGETLB on arm64 - !1034 io_uring: fix the problem of - fs: hfsplus: fix UAF issue in hfsplus_put_super - !1050 [sync] PR-1027: scripts: Fix issue of module signing with openssl 3.x - scripts: Fix issue of module signing with openssl 3.x - !994 [sync] PR-990: ubi: Fix deadlock caused by recursively holding work_sem - !999 [sync] PR-928: hikey9xx: Fixed incorrect use of kfree to free sreg - !1010 [sync] PR-924: dm: add disk before alloc dax - !1013 [sync] PR-920: dm thin: Fix ABBA deadlock by resetting dm_bufio_client - kernel: don't call do_exit() for PF_IO_WORKER threads - x86/process: setup io_threads more like normal user space threads - arch: ensure parisc/powerpc handle PF_IO_WORKER in copy_thread() - arch: setup PF_IO_WORKER threads like PF_KTHREAD - !950 [sync] PR-929: xfs: rework feature flags - nbd: get config_lock before sock_shutdown - !971 [sync] PR-969: kobject: Fix slab-out-of-bounds in fill_kobj_path() - !986 [sync] PR-954: block: iocost bugfix - !983 [sync] PR-946: icost bugfix - dm thin: Fix ABBA deadlock by resetting dm_bufio_client - dm: add disk before alloc dax - PCI/portdrv: Prevent LS7A Bus Master clearing on shutdown - Revert "PCI: Add quirk for LS7A to avoid reboot failure" - hikey9xx: Fixed incorrect use of kfree to free sreg - ubi: Fix deadlock caused by recursively holding work_sem - mtd: ubi: wl: Fix a couple of kernel-doc issues - !975 [sync] PR-968: Fix ORC unwinder on paravirt {save,restore}_fl - !936 [sync] PR-897: LoongArch: improve dma ops and interrupt process - !939 [sync] PR-869: LoongArch: defconfig: Enable a large number of configurations - block: fix order error in blk_release_queue - block: fix null-pointer dereference in ioc_pd_init - blk-iocost: dispatch all throttled bio in ioc_pd_offline - blk-iocost: don't throttle bio if iocg is offlined - blk-iocost: track whether iocg is still online - blk-iocost: fix UAF in ioc_pd_free - x86/unwind: Fix check_paravirt() calls orc_find() before declaration - x86/unwind: Fix orc entry for paravirt {save,restore}_fl - kobject: Fix slab-out-of-bounds in fill_kobj_path() - xfs: kill xfs_sb_version_has_v3inode() - xfs: introduce xfs_sb_is_v5 helper - xfs: remove unused xfs_sb_version_has wrappers - xfs: convert xfs_sb_version_has checks to use mount features - xfs: convert scrub to use mount-based feature checks - xfs: open code sb verifier feature checks - xfs: convert xfs_fs_geometry to use mount feature checks - xfs: replace XFS_FORCED_SHUTDOWN with xfs_is_shutdown - xfs: convert remaining mount flags to state flags - xfs: convert mount flags to features - xfs: consolidate mount option features in m_features - xfs: replace xfs_sb_version checks with feature flag checks - xfs: reflect sb features in xfs_mount - xfs: rework attr2 feature and mount options - xfs: rename xfs_has_attr() - xfs: xfs_is_shutdown vs xlog_is_shutdown cage fight - xfs: log items should have a xlog pointer, not a mount - xfs: fix incorrect error-out in xfs_remove - LoongArch: defconfig: Enable a large number of configurations - LoongArch: Add swiotlb backups buffer - LoongArch: Add ARCH_HAS_SETUP_DMA_OPS and DMA_OPS - pci: irq: Add early_param pci_irq_limit to limit pci irq numbers- !904 [sync] PR-903: backport block bugfix - !962 [sync] PR-937: tcp: restrict net.ipv4.tcp_app_win - !959 [sync] PR-925: tcp: prohibit TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS if data was already sent - !955 [sync] PR-938: config: Disable CONFIG_EULER_FS by default - tcp: restrict net.ipv4.tcp_app_win - tcp: prohibit TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS if data was already sent - config: Disable CONFIG_EULER_FS by default - !930 xfs: missing lts patchs - !935 [sync] PR-922: jbd2: fix checkpoint inconsistent - !917 [sync] PR-880: LoongArch: kdump: Add high memory reservation - !916 [sync] PR-868: LoongArch: fix compile error caused by __ffs not defined - !915 [sync] PR-792: LoongArch: add ls2k500 bmc support - jbd2: remove t_checkpoint_io_list - jbd2: recheck chechpointing non-dirty buffer - xfs: validate inode fork size against fork format - xfs: reorder iunlink remove operation in xfs_ifree - !912 [sync] PR-906: ipv6: Add lwtunnel encap size of all siblings in nexthop calculation - LoongArch: kdump: Add high memory reservation - LoongArch: fix __ffs not defined compile error - LoongArch: fix ls2k500 bmc not work when installing iso - LoongArch: defconfig: enable CONFIG_FB_LS2K500=m. - ipmi: add ls2k500 bmc ipmi support. - fbdev: add ls2k500sfb driver for ls2k500 bmc. - ipv6: Add lwtunnel encap size of all siblings in nexthop calculation - md/raid10: fix incorrect done of recovery - md/raid10: fix null-ptr-deref in raid10_sync_request - block/badblocks: fix badblocks loss when badblocks combine - block/badblocks: fix the bug of reverse order - md: fix unexpected changes of return value in rdev_set_badblocks - md/raid10: fix io hung in md_wait_for_blocked_rdev() - block: Only set bb->changed when badblocks changes - md/raid10: fix incorrect counting of rdev->nr_pending - md/raid10: remove WANR_ON_ONCE in raid10_end_write_request - md/raid10: fix uaf if replacement replaces rdev - md/raid10: fix null-ptr-deref of mreplace in raid10_sync_request - md/raid10: fix io loss while replacement replace rdev - md/raid10: prioritize adding disk to 'removed' mirror - md: fix io loss when remove rdev fail - md/raid10: fix a race between removing rdev and access conf->mirrors[i].rdev - md/raid10: fix taks hung in raid10d - md/raid10: factor out code from wait_barrier() to stop_waiting_barrier() - md/raid10: fix softlockup in raid10_unplug - md/raid1: stop mdx_raid1 thread when raid1 array run failed - md: fix sysfs duplicate file while adding rdev - md: replace invalid function flush_rdev_wq() with flush_workqueue() - md: Flush workqueue md_rdev_misc_wq in md_alloc() - block: don't allow the same type rq_qos add more than once - blk-iocost: use spin_lock_irqsave in adjust_inuse_and_calc_cost - blk-iocost: don't allow to configure bio based device - !867 arm64: kdump: Avoid reserving low memory repeatedly - !854 [sync] PR-793: LoongArch: kvm: add pv ipi support - !853 [sync] PR-809: LoongArch: defconfig: enable memory and pci hotplug related configs for LoongArch - arm64: kdump: Avoid reserving low memory repeatedly - LoongArch: LSVZ: Support PV IPI to reduce VM exit - LoongArch: defconfig: Add PCI hotplug support - LoongArch: defconfig: Add memory hotplug support- !862 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - cgroup: Stop task iteration when rebinding subsystem - drm/virtio: Fix error code in virtio_gpu_object_shmem_init() - drm/virtio: Correct drm_gem_shmem_get_sg_table() error handling - drm/virtio: Fix NULL vs IS_ERR checking in virtio_gpu_object_shmem_init - sched/topology: Fix exceptional memory access in sd_llc_free_all() - block: Fix the partition start may overflow in add_partition() - ext4: avoid a potential slab-out-of-bounds in ext4_group_desc_csum - iomap: don't invalidate folios after writeback errors - iomap: Don't create iomap_page objects in iomap_page_mkwrite_actor - iomap: Don't create iomap_page objects for inline files - iomap: Permit pages without an iop to enter writeback - md: fix kabi broken in struct mddev - md: use interruptible apis in idle/frozen_sync_thread - md: wake up 'resync_wait' at last in md_reap_sync_thread() - md: refactor idle/frozen_sync_thread() - md: add a mutex to synchronize idle and frozen in action_store() - md: refactor action_store() for 'idle' and 'frozen' - Revert "md: unlock mddev before reap sync_thread in action_store" - md: unlock mddev before reap sync_thread in action_store - block: fix wrong mode for blkdev_put() from disk_scan_partitions() - block: fix scan partition for exclusively open device again - block: merge disk_scan_partitions and blkdev_reread_part - !812 [sync] PR-761: net: stmmac: fix potential double free of dma descriptor resources - net: stmmac: fix potential double free of dma descriptor resources - !806 [sync] PR-760: LoongArch: kvm: fix bug of kvm's hugepage - !669 [sync] PR-564: usb: disable soft retry for EJ188 controller - !796 [sync] PR-765: LoongArch: fix some stability issues - !784 [sync] PR-766: LoongArch: add kexec&kdump support - LoongArch: kvm: fix bug of kvm's hugepage - LoongArch: defconfig: enable CONFIG_CACHEFILES - i2c: loongson: fix irq not freed when remove module - LoongArch: Set _PAGE_DIRTY only if _PAGE_MODIFIED is set in {pmd,pte}_mkwrite() - LoongArch: Set _PAGE_DIRTY only if _PAGE_WRITE is set in {pmd,pte}_mkdirty() - LoongArch: Clear FPU/SIMD thread info flags for kernel thread - LoongArch: Remove generic irq migration - LoongArch: Fix secondary bridge routing errors - LoongArch: Fix kdump failure on v40 interface specification - LoongArch: configs: Enable kexec/kdump - LoongArch: kdump: Add crashkernel=YM handling - LoongArch: kdump: Add single kernel image implementation - LoongArch: Add support for kernel address space layout randomization (KASLR) - LoongArch: Add support for kernel relocation - LoongArch: Add la_abs macro implementation - LoongArch: Add JUMP_VIRT_ADDR macro implementation to avoid using la.abs - LoongArch: Use la.pcrel instead of la.abs when it's trivially possible - LoongArch: efistub: Modify the address where efistub jumps to the main kernel - LoongArch: kdump: Add memory reservation for old kernel - LoongArch: Integrate initrd operation - LoongArch: kexec: Add compatibility with old interfaces - LoongArch: Flush TLB earlier at initialization - LoongArch: Add kdump support - LoongArch: Add kexec support - usb: xhci: add XHCI_NO_SOFT_RETRY quirk for EJ188- !800 Backport CVEs - netfilter: nf_tables: deactivate anonymous set from preparation phase - xfs: verify buffer contents when we skip log replay- !775 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - filemap: Correct the conditions for marking a folio as accessed - Revert "filemap: Correct the conditions for marking a folio as accessed" - netrom: Fix use-after-free caused by accept on already connected socket - bluetooth: Perform careful capability checks in hci_sock_ioctl() - fs/ntfs3: Delete duplicate condition in ntfs_read_mft() - fs/ntfs3: Fix slab-out-of-bounds read in run_unpack - fs/ntfs3: Validate data run offset - xfs: buffer pins need to hold a buffer reference - ovl: get_acl: Fix null pointer dereference at realinode in rcu-walk mode - fix kabi broken due to import new inode operation get_inode_acl - ovl: enable RCU'd ->get_acl() - vfs: add rcu argument to ->get_acl() callback - bpf: add missing header file include - uaccess: Add speculation barrier to copy_from_user() - !684 [sync] PR-675: driver/hifc&hinic: Fix compile error in allyesconfigs - scsi/hifc: Fix compile error in allyesconfigs - net/hinic: Fix compile error in allyesconfigs- !723 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - USB: gadgetfs: Fix race between mounting and unmounting - prlimit: do_prlimit needs to have a speculation check - ext4: check iomap type only if ext4_iomap_begin() does not fail - dm ioctl: fix nested locking in table_clear() to remove deadlock concern - net: qcom/emac: Fix use after free bug in emac_remove due to race condition - net: sched: sch_qfq: prevent slab-out-of-bounds in qfq_activate_agg - i2c: xgene-slimpro: Fix out-of-bounds bug in xgene_slimpro_i2c_xfer() - ext4: only update i_reserved_data_blocks on successful block allocation - can: af_can: fix NULL pointer dereference in can_rcv_filter - RDMA/core: Refactor rdma_bind_addr - RDMA/cma: Ensure rdma_addr_cancel() happens before issuing more requests - scsi: dpt_i2o: Remove obsolete driver - writeback, cgroup: fix null-ptr-deref write in bdi_split_work_to_wbs - bpf, sockmap: Fix an infinite loop error when len is 0 in tcp_bpf_recvmsg_parser() - bpf, sockmap: Fix double bpf_prog_put on error case in map_link - bpf, sockmap: Re-evaluate proto ops when psock is removed from sockmap - bpf, sockmap: Attach map progs to psock early for feature probes - bpf, sockmap: Fix return codes from tcp_bpf_recvmsg_parser() - bpf, sockmap: Fix race in ingress receive verdict with redirect to self- !632 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - bonding: Fix memory leak when changing bond type to Ethernet - bonding: restore bond's IFF_SLAVE flag if a non-eth dev enslave fails - bonding: restore IFF_MASTER/SLAVE flags on bond enslave ether type change - hwmon: (xgene) Fix use after free bug in xgene_hwmon_remove due to race condition - rxrpc: Fix race between conn bundle lookup and bundle removal [ZDI-CAN-15975] - power: supply: da9150: Fix use after free bug in da9150_charger_remove due to race condition - timers/nohz: Last resort update jiffies on nohz_full IRQ entry - xfs: don't leak btree cursor when insrec fails after a split - xfs: avoid unnecessary runtime sibling pointer endian conversions - xfs: detect self referencing btree sibling pointers - xfs: introduce xfs_buf_daddr() - xfs: move kernel-specific superblock validation out of libxfs - xfs: bound maximum wait time for inodegc work - xfs: introduce xfs_inodegc_push() - xfs: flush inodegc workqueue tasks before cancel - xfs: drop async cache flushes from CIL commits. - xfs: limit iclog tail updates - xfs: need to see iclog flags in tracing - io_uring: ensure that io_init_req() passes in the right issue_flags - io_uring: add missing lock in io_get_file_fixed- !588 [sync] PR-585: x86/speculation: Allow enabling STIBP with legacy IBRS - !591 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - net/sched: Retire tcindex classifier - drm/vmwgfx: Validate the box size for the snooped cursor - netfilter: nf_tables: nft_parse_register can return a negative value - netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace. - Bluetooth: btsdio: fix use after free bug in btsdio_remove due to race condition - KVM: nVMX: add missing consistency checks for CR0 and CR4 - nfc: st-nci: Fix use after free bug in ndlc_remove due to race condition - xfs: __percpu_counter_compare() inode count debug too expensive - xfs: fix memcpy fortify errors in EFI log format copying - xfs: fix memcpy fortify errors in RUI log format copying - xfs: fix memcpy fortify errors in CUI log format copying - xfs: fix memcpy fortify errors in BUI log format copying - xfs: Use struct xfs_bmdr_block instead of struct xfs_btree_block to calculate root node size - xfs: allow setting full range of panic tags - xfs: don't use BMBT btree split workers for IO completion - xfs: fix extent busy updating - xfs: get root inode correctly at bulkstat - xfs: invalidate xfs_bufs when allocating cow extents - xfs: attach dquots to inode before reading data/cow fork mappings - xfs: invalidate block device page cache during unmount - xfs: add selinux labels to whiteout inodes - xfs: convert buf_cancel_table allocation to kmalloc_array - xfs: don't leak xfs_buf_cancel structures when recovery fails - xfs: refactor buffer cancellation table allocation - xfs: fix type mismatches in the inode reclaim functions - xfs: don't allow log writes if the data device is readonly - x86/speculation: Allow enabling STIBP with legacy IBRS- !574 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - driver core: Fix lockdep warning on wfs_lock - driver core: platform: Add extra error check in devm_platform_get_irqs_affinity() - 9p/xen : Fix use after free bug in xen_9pfs_front_remove due to race condition - ubi: Fix failure attaching when vid_hdr offset equals to (sub)page size - ubi: ensure that VID header offset + VID header size <= alloc, size - ftrace: Fix issue that 'direct->addr' not restored in modify_ftrace_direct() - perf/core: Fix perf_output_begin parameter is incorrectly invoked in perf_event_bpf_output - xirc2ps_cs: Fix use after free bug in xirc2ps_detach - ring-buffer: Fix race while reader and writer are on the same page - loop: Add parm check in loop_control_ioctl - ext4: Fix i_disksize exceeding i_size problem in paritally written case - ext4: ext4_put_super: Remove redundant checking for 'sbi->s_journal_bdev' - ext4: Fix reusing stale buffer heads from last failed mounting - btrfs: fix race between quota disable and quota assign ioctls - dm crypt: add cond_resched() to dmcrypt_write() - xfs: don't leak memory when attr fork loading fails - xfs: delete unnecessary NULL checks - xfs: replace inode fork size macros with functions - xfs: replace XFS_IFORK_Q with a proper predicate function - xfs: use XFS_IFORK_Q to determine the presence of an xattr fork - xfs: make inode attribute forks a permanent part of struct xfs_inode - xfs: convert XFS_IFORK_PTR to a static inline helper - xfs: don't reuse busy extents on extent trim - fs/xfs: convert comma to semicolon - xfs: xfs_ail_push_all_sync() stalls when racing with updates - xfs: check buffer pin state after locking in delwri_submit - xfs: log worker needs to start before intent/unlink recovery- !550 anolis: bond: broadcast ARP or ND messages to all slaves - !561 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - !560 [sync] PR-539: LoongArch: fix compile warnning of drm/loongson driver - net: sched: Use struct_size() helper in kvmalloc() - net_sched: Use struct_size() and flex_array_size() helpers - ext4: dio take shared inode lock when overwriting preallocated blocks - ext4: fix race between writepages and remount - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Fix CNTPCT_LO and CNTVCT_LO value - kvm: initialize all of the kvm_debugregs structure before sending it to userspace - nvme: use nvme_cid to generate command_id in trace event - xfs: don't report reserved bnobt space as available - xfs: don't include bnobt blocks when reserving free block pool - xfs: set aside allocation btree blocks from block reservation - xfs: introduce in-core global counter of allocbt blocks - act_mirred: use the backlog for nested calls to mirred ingress - net/sched: act_mirred: better wording on protection against excessive stack growth - net/sched: act_mirred: refactor the handle of xmit - scsi: scsi_dh_alua: fix memleak for 'qdata' in alua_activate() - anolis: bond: broadcast ARP or ND messages to all slaves - !558 net: hns3: modify reset delay time to avoid configuration timeout - drm/loongson: fix compile warnning - net: hns3: modify reset delay time to avoid configuration timeout- !541 fix CVE-2023-0266 - ALSA: pcm: Move rwsem lock inside snd_ctl_elem_read to prevent UAF- !529 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - block: fix use-after-free of q->q_usage_counter - block: move q_usage_counter release into blk_queue_release - Revert "block: fix null-deref in percpu_ref_put" - mm: compaction: avoid possible NULL pointer dereference in kcompactd_cpu_online - md/raid6: Fix the problem of repeatedly applying for memory in raid5_read_one_chunk - xfs, iomap: limit individual ioend chain lengths in writeback - net/sched: tcindex: search key must be 16 bits - net/sched: tcindex: update imperfect hash filters respecting rcu - tty: fix out-of-bounds access in tty_driver_lookup_tty() - fs/ntfs3: Validate resident attribute name - ima: Fix memory leakage in ima_store_template - Revert "mm/vmalloc: huge vmalloc backing pages should be split rather than compound" - coredump: fix kabi broken in struct coredump_params - coredump: Use the vma snapshot in fill_files_note - coredump/elf: Pass coredump_params into fill_note_info - coredump: Remove the WARN_ON in dump_vma_snapshot - coredump: Snapshot the vmas in do_coredump - mm/swapfile: add cond_resched() in get_swap_pages() - mm: slince possible data races about pgdat->kswapd - mm: fix null-ptr-deref in kswapd_is_running() - fs/ntfs3: Validate MFT flags before replaying logs - fs/ntfs3: Validate attribute name offset - bpf: Fixes possible race in update_prog_stats() for 32bit arches - bpf: Avoid races in __bpf_prog_run() for 32bit arches - ext4: make sure fs error flag setted before clear journal error - ext4: commit super block if fs record error when journal record without error - af_unix: Get user_ns from in_skb in unix_diag_get_exact(). - net: tls: fix possible race condition between do_tls_getsockopt_conf() and do_tls_setsockopt_conf() - wifi: brcmfmac: slab-out-of-bounds read in brcmf_get_assoc_ies() - arm64: errata: Remove AES hwcap for COMPAT tasks - ARM: 9206/1: A9: Add ARM ERRATA 764319 workaround (Updated) - kernel: Initialize cpumask before parsing - softirq: Don't try waking ksoftirqd before it has been spawned - bpf: Prevent decl_tag from being referenced in func_proto arg - bpf: Skip task with pid=1 in send_signal_common() - bpf, sockmap: Fix an infinite loop error when len is 0 in tcp_bpf_recvmsg_parser() - !460 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - !517 [sync] PR-510: LoongArch: fix dual-bridge machine can not work - !516 [sync] PR-509: Loongson: fix 7a2000 gpu driver can not work - irqchip/loongson: Fix syscore ops registration - irqchip/loongarch: Fix some issues of irq controllers - drm/loongson: using hdmi hot plug status register - malidp: Fix NULL vs IS_ERR() checking- !512 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - livepatch/core: Fix hungtask against cpu hotplug on x86 - livepatch: Narrow the scope of the 'text_mutex' lock - livepatch: Cleanup klp_mem_prepare() - seccomp: Move copy_seccomp() to no failure path. - media: dvb-usb: az6027: fix null-ptr-deref in az6027_i2c_xfer() - ftrace: Fix invalid address access in lookup_rec() when index is 0 - mm: optimize do_wp_page() for fresh pages in local LRU pagevecs - mm: optimize do_wp_page() for exclusive pages in the swapcache - tipc: add an extra conn_get in tipc_conn_alloc - tipc: set con sock in tipc_conn_alloc - ext4: fix another off-by-one fsmap error on 1k block filesystems - mm/vmalloc: huge vmalloc backing pages should be split rather than compound - HID: asus: use spinlock to safely schedule workers - HID: asus: use spinlock to protect concurrent accesses - HID: asus: Remove check for same LED brightness on set - jbd2: fix data missing when reusing bh which is ready to be checkpointed - !502 [sync] PR-476: LoongArch: fix failed to boot - !498 [sync] PR-479: LoongArch: update network related default config - !496 [sync] PR-448: LoongArch: fix some pci problems - LoongArch: Initialize screen_info variable - LoongArch: Fixed EIOINTC structure members - LoongArch: Fix virtual machine startup error - loongarch/kvm: ls7a add iocsrw emulation - LoongArch: fix signal handler name changed - LoongArch: defconfig: update network configurations - LoongArch: pci root bridige set acpi companion only when not acpi_disabled. - pci: fix X server auto probe fail when both ast and etnaviv drm present - LS7A2000: PCIE: Fixup GPU card error - pci/quirks: ls7a2000: fix pm transition of devices under pcie port - LoongArch: Fixed some pcie card not scanning properly - pci: fix kabi error caused by pm_suspend_target_state - PCI: PM: Fix pcie mrrs restoring - PCI: Check if the pci controller can use both CFG0 and CFG1 mode to access configuration space - PCI: Check if entry->offset already exist for mem resource- !485 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - !491 [sync] PR-477: tools: fix compile error introduced by LoongArch commit - fix compile error introduced by LoongArch commit - scsi: cancel the inflight async device probe when remove scsi_target - scsi: fix use-after-free problem in scsi_remove_target - ring-buffer: Fix race between reset page and reading page - raid1, raid10: switch to precise io accounting - block: add precise io accouting apis - md/raid10: fix memleak for 'conf->bio_split' - sctp: fail if no bound addresses can be used for a given scope - ext4: fix WARNING in mb_find_extent - scsi: iscsi_tcp: Fix UAF during login when accessing the shost ipaddress - scsi: iscsi_tcp: Fix UAF during logout when accessing the shost ipaddress - scsi: iscsi: Move pool freeing - xfs: aborting inodes on shutdown may need buffer lock - ext4: fix incorrect options show of original mount_opt and extend mount_opt2 - !439 openeuler: pci: workaround multiple functions can be assigned to only one VM - !474 [sync] PR-447: add perf loongarch support - tools/perf: Add basic support for LoongArch - perf machine: Use path__join() to compose a path instead of snprintf(dir, '/', filename) - !467 LoongArch: add kvm support - LoongArch: kvm: KVM support for 5.10 - !472 [sync] PR-466: LoongArch: fix compile error when using make allmodconfig - LoongArch: fix compile error when using make allmodconfig - LoongArch: Export symbol for function smp_send_reschedule() - LoongArch: kvm: add initial kvm support - !453 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - !463 [sync] PR-444: LoongArch: some LS7a device drivers support and LoongArch bug fix - LoongArch: remove __ARCH_WANT_NEW_STAT - LoongArch: modify defconfig according to other architectures - LoongArch: Change definition of cpu_relax() for Loongson-3 - drm/loongson: add kernel modesetting driver support for ls7a1000/ls7a2000 - LoongArch: Use alternative to optimize libraries - LoongArch: Add alternative runtime patching mechanism - LoongArch: Remove the .fixup section usage - LoongArch: extable: Add a dedicated uaccess handler - LoongArch: extable: Add `type` and `data` fields - LoongArch: Switch to relative exception tables - LoongArch: Consolidate __ex_table construction - LoongArch: fix SECCOMP test error - LoongArch: fix vmlinux ld error - LoongArch: enable hugetlbfs support - LoongArch: save one instruction for arch_local_irq_{enable,disable} - LoongArch: optimize for syscall return - LoongArch: refresh usage of sync - LoongArch: use 40 bits address space for user - LoongArch: Support loader and kernel interface V40 - LoongArch: Enhance booting and resume compatibility - LoongArch: Remove redudant csr save/restore - LoongArch: Support Power Manager - irqchip/loongson-liointc: Set different isr for differnt core - platform: Support loongson laptop generic driver - LoongArch: Adapted SECTION_SIZE_BITS with page size - ACPI: Support ACPI_MACHINE_WIDTH for 64 - spi: loongson: Add LS7A spi driver support - i2c: loongson: Add LS7A i2c driver support - LoongArch: Call irq_find_matching_fwnode get irq domain - irqchip/ACPI: Introduce ACPI_IRQ_MODEL_LPIC for LoongArch - gpio: loongson: Add 3A/3B/3C/7A gpio dirver support - rtc: ls2x: Add support for the Loongson-2K/LS7A RTC - LoongArch: convert p v s cache to l1 l2 l3 format - cpufreq: Add cpufreq driver for LoongArch - LoongArch: Fix section mismatch due to acpi_os_ioremap() - LoongArch: Add vector extensions support - phy: tegra: xusb: Fix return value of tegra_xusb_find_port_node function - openeuler: pci: workaround multiple functions can be assigned to only one VM- !454 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - media: rc: Fix use-after-free bugs caused by ene_tx_irqsim() - neigh: make sure used and confirmed times are valid - HID: check empty report_list in bigben_probe() - HID: check empty report_list in hid_validate_values() - Documentation/hw-vuln: Fix rST warning - Documentation/hw-vuln: Add documentation for Cross-Thread Return Predictions - KVM: x86: Mitigate the cross-thread return address predictions bug - x86/speculation: Identify processors vulnerable to SMT RSB predictions - radi10: fix leak of 'r10bio->remaining' for recovery - md: fix soft lockup in status_resync - md: don't update recovery_cp when curr_resync is ACTIVE - md: Ensure resync is reported after it starts - md: Use enum for overloaded magic numbers used by mddev->curr_resync - raid10: fix leak of io accounting - tcp: Fix listen() regression in 5.15.88. - net/ulp: Remove redundant ->clone() test in inet_clone_ulp(). - net/ulp: use consistent error code when blocking ULP - net/ulp: prevent ULP without clone op from entering the LISTEN status - net/tls: tls_is_tx_ready() checked list_entry - usb: dwc3: dwc3-qcom: Add missing platform_device_put() in dwc3_qcom_acpi_register_core - ntfs: fix out-of-bounds read in ntfs_attr_find() - splice: don't generate zero-len segement bvecs - rds: rds_rm_zerocopy_callback() use list_first_entry() - tap: tap_open(): correctly initialize socket uid - tun: tun_chr_open(): correctly initialize socket uid - net: add sock_init_data_uid() - ring-buffer: Handle race between rb_move_tail and rb_check_pages - blk-mq: use quiesced elevator switch when reinitializing queues - ovl: fix use inode directly in rcu-walk mode- !419 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - net: mpls: fix stale pointer if allocation fails during device rename - x86/bugs: Flush IBP in ib_prctl_set() - binder: Gracefully handle BINDER_TYPE_FDA objects with num_fds=0 - binder: Address corner cases in deferred copy and fixup - binder: fix pointer cast warning - binder: defer copies of pre-patched txn data - binder: read pre-translated fds from sender buffer - binder: avoid potential data leakage when copying txn - ARM: 9242/1: kasan: Only map modules if CONFIG_KASAN_VMALLOC=n - rcu: Avoid stack overflow due to __rcu_irq_enter_check_tick() being kprobe-ed - net/sched: sch_taprio: do not schedule in taprio_reset() - net/sched: sch_taprio: fix possible use-after-free - nbd: fix assignment error for first_minor in nbd_dev_add - md/raid10: fix wrong setting of max_corr_read_errors - md/raid10: fix overflow in safe_delay_store - md/raid10: fix slab-out-of-bounds in md_bitmap_get_counter - fix kabi broken due to import of 5.15-stable io_uring - io_uring: import 5.15-stable io_uring - task_work: add helper for more targeted task_work canceling - coredump: Limit what can interrupt coredumps - kernel: provide create_io_thread() helper - fs: provide locked helper variant of close_fd_get_file() - kernel: remove checking for TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL - entry: Add support for TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL - signal: Add task_sigpending() helper - arm: add support for TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL - arm64: add support for TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL - riscv: add support for TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL - powerpc: add support for TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL - x86: Wire up TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL - iov_iter: add helper to save iov_iter state - perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources - perf trace beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources - io_uring: correct pinned_vm accounting - file: Rename __close_fd_get_file close_fd_get_file - io_uring: don't hold uring_lock when calling io_run_task_work* - io_uring: don't take uring_lock during iowq cancel - fs: make do_renameat2() take struct filename - net: add accept helper not installing fd - net: provide __sys_shutdown_sock() that takes a socket - fs: expose LOOKUP_CACHED through openat2() RESOLVE_CACHED - Make sure nd->path.mnt and nd->path.dentry are always valid pointers - fix handling of nd->depth on LOOKUP_CACHED failures in try_to_unlazy* - fs: add support for LOOKUP_CACHED - Revert "io_uring: fix soft lockup when call __io_remove_buffers" - Revert "io_uring: deduplicate failing task_work_add" - Revert "io_uring: don't take uring_lock during iowq cancel" - Revert "[Backport] io_uring: don't keep looping for more events if we can't flush overflow" - Revert "[Huawei] io-wq: Switch io_wqe_worker's fs before releasing request" - Revert "[Huawei] io_uring:drop identity before creating a private one"- !410 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - x86/kasan: Populate shadow for shared chunk of the CPU entry area - x86/kasan: Add helpers to align shadow addresses up and down - x86/kasan: Rename local CPU_ENTRY_AREA variables to shorten names - x86/mm: Populate KASAN shadow for entire per-CPU range of CPU entry area - x86/mm: Recompute physical address for every page of per-CPU CEA mapping - x86/kasan: Map shadow for percpu pages on demand - x86/mm: Randomize per-cpu entry area - Huawei BMA: Fix iBMA driver bug - mm: memcg: fix NULL pointer in mem_cgroup_track_foreign_dirty_slowpath() - mm,hugetlb: take hugetlb_lock before decrementing h->resv_huge_pages - ppp: associate skb with a device at tx - arm32: kaslr: Avoid using the -fpic and fno-pic parameters together - bpf, sockmap: fix race in sock_map_free() - bpf: make sure skb->len != 0 when redirecting to a tunneling device - cifs: Fix use-after-free in rdata->read_into_pages() - net: bridge: mcast: add and enforce query interval minimum - net: bridge: mcast: add and enforce startup query interval minimum - media: vivid: fix compose size exceed boundary - !405 kvm: arm64: fix some pvsched bugs - kvm: arm64: fix some pvsched bugs- !400 Backport fs and block bugfixes - ubi: Fix UAF wear-leveling entry in eraseblk_count_seq_show() - ubi: fastmap: Fix missed fm_anchor PEB in wear-leveling after disabling fastmap - ubifs: Re-statistic cleaned znode count if commit failed - ubifs: dirty_cow_znode: Fix memleak in error handling path - block, bfq: switch 'bfqg->ref' to use atomic refcount apis - cifs: sanitize multiple delimiters in prepath - !392 OpenEuler-22.03-LTS Fixes Some Bugs in Accelerator Disk Storage Encryption and Decryption Scenarios - crypto: hisilicon/sec - delete the flag CRYPTO_ALG_ALLOCATES_MEMORY - crypto: hisilicon/qm - prevent soft lockup in qm_poll_req_cb()'s loop - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify event irq processing - crypto: hisilicon/qm - move alloc qm->wq to qm.c - crypto: hisilicon/qm - add functions for releasing resources- !386 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - net: sched: fix race condition in qdisc_graft() - macvlan: enforce a consistent minimal mtu - net: switch to storing KCOV handle directly in sk_buff - drm/i915/gvt: fix double free bug in split_2MB_gtt_entry - mm/memcg_memfs_info: fix potential oom_lock recursion deadlock - mm: memcontrol: fix potential oom_lock recursion deadlock - ipv6: raw: Deduct extension header length in rawv6_push_pending_frames - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_orphan_cleanup - ext4: fix null-ptr-deref in ext4_write_info - xfs: fix potential log item leak- !369 Backport CVEs and bugfixes - mm/vmpressure: fix data-race with memcg->socket_pressure - of/fdt: Don't calculate initrd size from DT if start > end - lib/cmdline: avoid page fault in next_arg - mm/memory: return vm_fault_t result from migrate_to_ram() callback - net: sched: disallow noqueue for qdisc classes - netfilter: nft_payload: incorrect arithmetics when fetching VLAN header bits - xfs: Fix deadlock on xfs_inodegc_worker - net: sched: cbq: dont intepret cls results when asked to drop - net: sched: atm: dont intepret cls results when asked to drop - scsi: ses: fix slab-out-of-bounds in ses_enclosure_data_process - rndis_wlan: Prevent buffer overflow in rndis_query_oid- !357 Backport CVEs, bugfixes, performance and other - binder: fix UAF of alloc->vma in race with munmap() - io_uring: add missing item types for splice request - xfs: fix overfilling of reserve pool - xfs: always succeed at setting the reserve pool size - xfs: remove infinite loop when reserving free block pool - xfs: use current->journal_info for detecting transaction recursion - mm: fix unexpected changes to {failslab|fail_page_alloc}.attr - fix kabi broken due to may_pollfree - io_uring: disable polling pollfree files - sched: disable sched_autogroup by default - driver: char: delete svm.c - ksmbd: check nt_len to be at least CIFS_ENCPWD_SIZE in ksmbd_decode_ntlmssp_auth_blob - fs/ntfs3: Fix attr_punch_hole() null pointer derenference - tracing/osnoise: Do not unregister events twice - tracing/osnoise: Properly unhook events if start_per_cpu_kthreads() fails - mm/filemap.c: remove bogus VM_BUG_ON - mm: oom_kill: fix KABI broken by "oom_kill.c: futex: delay the OOM reaper to allow time for proper futex cleanup" - oom_kill.c: futex: delay the OOM reaper to allow time for proper futex cleanup - fork: Allocate a new task_struct_resvd object for fork task - tmpfs: fix regressions from wider use of ZERO_PAGE - tmpfs: do not allocate pages on read- !348 Backport CVEs and fs bugfixes - io_uring: kill goto error handling in io_sqpoll_wait_sq() - misc: sgi-gru: fix use-after-free error in gru_set_context_option, gru_fault and gru_handle_user_call_os - ext4: fix bad checksum after online resize - xfs: fix use-after-free in xattr node block inactivation - USB: core: Fix RST error in hub.c - USB: core: Prevent nested device-reset calls- KVM: VMX: Execute IBPB on emulated VM-exit when guest has IBRS - bfq: fix null-ptr-deref in bfq_pd_offline - i2c: ismt: Fix an out-of-bounds bug in ismt_access() - ksmbd: fix heap-based overflow in set_ntacl_dacl() - ksmbd: prevent out of bound read for SMB2_WRITE - ksmbd: validate length in smb2_write() - xfs: fix super block buf log item UAF during force shutdown - xfs: wait iclog complete before tearing down AIL - xfs: get rid of assert from xfs_btree_islastblock- ext2: replace bh_submit_read() helper with bh_read() - ufs: replace ll_rw_block() - udf: replace ll_rw_block() - reiserfs: replace ll_rw_block() - ocfs2: replace ll_rw_block() - ntfs3: replace ll_rw_block() - jbd2: replace ll_rw_block() - isofs: replace ll_rw_block() - gfs2: replace ll_rw_block() - fs/buffer: replace ll_rw_block() - fs/buffer: add some new buffer read helpers - sched/qos: Don't unthrottle cfs_rq when cfs_rq is throttled by qos - mtd: physmap-core: Fix NULL pointer dereferencing in of_select_probe_type() - blk-mq: set default elevator as deadline in case of hctx shared tagset - dm thin: Use last transaction's pmd->root when commit failed - media: mceusb: Use new usb_control_msg_*() routines - block, bfq: fix possible uaf for 'bfqq->bic' - block, bfq: fix null pointer dereference in bfq_bio_bfqg() - scsi: iscsi: remove .unbind_conn from iscsi_transport - Revert "scsi: iscsi: fix kabi broken in struct iscsi_transport" - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in struct bio - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in struct request - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: fix clear PagePool without lock protection - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: fix list corruption in hpool_merge_page() - x86/cpu/hygon: Set __max_die_per_package on Hygon - block: always align request_wrapper to cacheline - block: fix crash on cmpxchg for request_wrapper - clk: imx: Add check for kcalloc - Bluetooth: L2CAP: fix use-after-free in l2cap_conn_del() - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix build errors in some archs- wifi: wilc1000: validate length of IEEE80211_P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST attribute - xen/netback: don't call kfree_skb() with interrupts disabled - media: dvb-core: Fix UAF due to refcount races at releasing - wifi: wilc1000: validate pairwise and authentication suite offsets - wifi: wilc1000: validate number of channels - wifi: wilc1000: validate length of IEEE80211_P2P_ATTR_OPER_CHANNEL attribute - drm/amdkfd: Check for null pointer after calling kmemdup- proc: proc_skip_spaces() shouldn't think it is working on C strings - proc: avoid integer type confusion in get_proc_long - xen/netback: fix build warning - xen/netback: Ensure protocol headers don't fall in the non-linear area - livepatch/ppc64: Fix preemption check when enabling - block: only use cmpxchg64 in 64bit platform - efi/libstub: Fix build error in efi-stub.c for riscv- block: fix regression for dm - dm: switch to rq-based after queue is initialized - net/af_packet: make sure to pull mac header - net/af_packet: add VLAN support for AF_PACKET SOCK_RAW GSO - sched: Fix null-ptr-deref in free_fair_sched_group - arm64: fix a concurrency issue in emulation_proc_handler() - dm thin: Fix ABBA deadlock between shrink_slab and dm_pool_abort_metadata - Revert "ipvlan: Modify the value of ipvlan modes" - workqueue: fix state-dump console deadlock - preempt/dynamic: Fix typo in macro conditional statement - jump_label: Fix usage in module __init - arm64/mpam: update last_cmd_status in parse_cache() and parse_bw() - arm64/mpam: remove kernfs_get() calls() and add kernfs_put() calls to prevent refcount leak - arm64/mpam: make mbw_max/min not less than min_bw - arm64/mpam: Fix indent format error in resctrl_parse_param() - arm64/mpam: decrease dom_num when domain goes offline - arm64/mpam: correct mbw_max/min if remainder is too large - Revert "add barriers to buffer_uptodate and set_buffer_uptodate" - pinctrl: core: Set ret to 0 when group is skipped - pinctrl: core: Handling pinmux and pinconf separately - ACPI: APD: Check for NULL pointer after calling devm_ioremap() - Revert "ACPICA: Interpreter: fix memory leak by using existing buffer" - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: fix compound_nr incorrect - scsi: storvsc: Remove WQ_MEM_RECLAIM from storvsc_error_wq - scsi: ufs: core: Enable link lost interrupt - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix broken read_counter() for SNB IMC PMU - perf python: Fix build when PYTHON_CONFIG is user supplied - Documentation/ABI: Mention retbleed vulnerability info file for sysfs - arm64: Fix match_list for erratum 1286807 on Arm Cortex-A76 - md: call __md_stop_writes in md_stop - Revert "md-raid: destroy the bitmap after destroying the thread" - mm/hugetlb: fix hugetlb not supporting softdirty tracking - xen/privcmd: fix error exit of privcmd_ioctl_dm_op() - ACPI: processor: Remove freq Qos request for all CPUs - s390: fix double free of GS and RI CBs on fork() failure - asm-generic: sections: refactor memory_intersects - loop: Check for overflow while configuring loop - x86/bugs: Add "unknown" reporting for MMIO Stale Data - perf/x86/lbr: Enable the branch type for the Arch LBR by default - btrfs: check if root is readonly while setting security xattr - btrfs: add info when mount fails due to stale replace target - btrfs: replace: drop assert for suspended replace - btrfs: fix silent failure when deleting root reference - ionic: fix up issues with handling EAGAIN on FW cmds - rxrpc: Fix locking in rxrpc's sendmsg - ixgbe: stop resetting SYSTIME in ixgbe_ptp_start_cyclecounter - net: Fix a data-race around sysctl_somaxconn. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_devconf_inherit_init_net. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_fb_tunnels_only_for_init_net. - net: Fix a data-race around netdev_budget_usecs. - net: Fix a data-race around netdev_budget. - net: Fix a data-race around sysctl_net_busy_read. - net: Fix a data-race around sysctl_net_busy_poll. - net: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tstamp_allow_data. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_optmem_max. - bpf: Folding omem_charge() into sk_storage_charge() - ratelimit: Fix data-races in ___ratelimit(). - net: Fix data-races around netdev_tstamp_prequeue. - net: Fix data-races around netdev_max_backlog. - net: Fix data-races around weight_p and dev_weight_[rt]x_bias. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_[rw]mem_(max|default). - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_[rw]mem(_offset)?. - tcp: tweak len/truesize ratio for coalesce candidates - netfilter: nf_tables: disallow jump to implicit chain from set element - netfilter: nf_tables: upfront validation of data via nft_data_init() - netfilter: bitwise: improve error goto labels - netfilter: nft_cmp: optimize comparison for 16-bytes - netfilter: nf_tables: consolidate rule verdict trace call - netfilter: nftables: remove redundant assignment of variable err - netfilter: nft_tunnel: restrict it to netdev family - netfilter: nft_osf: restrict osf to ipv4, ipv6 and inet families - netfilter: nf_tables: do not leave chain stats enabled on error - netfilter: nft_payload: do not truncate csum_offset and csum_type - netfilter: nft_payload: report ERANGE for too long offset and length - bnxt_en: fix NQ resource accounting during vf creation on 57500 chips - netfilter: ebtables: reject blobs that don't provide all entry points - net: ipvtap - add __init/__exit annotations to module init/exit funcs - bonding: 802.3ad: fix no transmission of LACPDUs - net: moxa: get rid of asymmetry in DMA mapping/unmapping - net: ipa: don't assume SMEM is page-aligned - net/mlx5e: Properly disable vlan strip on non-UL reps - ice: xsk: prohibit usage of non-balanced queue id - ice: xsk: Force rings to be sized to power of 2 - nfc: pn533: Fix use-after-free bugs caused by pn532_cmd_timeout - rose: check NULL rose_loopback_neigh->loopback - mm/smaps: don't access young/dirty bit if pte unpresent - mm/huge_memory.c: use helper function migration_entry_to_page() - SUNRPC: RPC level errors should set task->tk_rpc_status - NFSv4.2 fix problems with __nfs42_ssc_open - NFS: Don't allocate nfs_fattr on the stack in __nfs42_ssc_open() - xfrm: clone missing x->lastused in xfrm_do_migrate - xfrm: fix refcount leak in __xfrm_policy_check() - kernel/sched: Remove dl_boosted flag comment - vfs: make sync_filesystem return errors from ->sync_fs - fs: remove __sync_filesystem - pinctrl: amd: Don't save/restore interrupt status and wake status bits - kernel/sys_ni: add compat entry for fadvise64_64 - parisc: Fix exception handler for fldw and fstw instructions - audit: fix potential double free on error path from fsnotify_add_inode_mark - kbuild: dummy-tools: avoid tmpdir leak in dummy gcc- blk-mq: don't access request_wrapper if request is not allocated from block layer - blk-mq: fix kabi broken due to request_wrapper - ide-cd: don't clear rq_flags after blk_get_request - iommu: Fix error handling in probe_acpi_namespace_devices()- staging: rtl8712: fix use after free bugs - drivers/perf: fixed the issue that the kabi value changed - drm/i915: fix TLB invalidation for Gen12 video and compute engines - l2tp: Don't sleep and disable BH under writer-side sk_callback_lock - l2tp: Serialize access to sk_user_data with sk_callback_lock - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix u8 overflow - dm: Fix UAF in run_timer_softirq() - dm-thin: Resume failed in FAIL mode - mm: hugetlb: fix UAF in hugetlb_handle_userfault - ARM: 9160/1: NOMMU: Reload __secondary_data after PROCINFO_INITFUNC - ARM: 9059/1: cache-v7: get rid of mini-stack - ARM: 9058/1: cache-v7: refactor v7_invalidate_l1 to avoid clobbering r5/r6 - block: check flags of claimed slave bdev to fix uaf for bd_holder_dir - mpi: Fix length check in mpi_key_length() - dm btree spine: show warning if node_check failed in node_prep_for_write() - dm btree spine: remove paranoid node_check call in node_prep_for_write() - signal: fix deadlock caused by calling printk() under sighand->siglock - mm: fix missing handler for __GFP_NOWARN - Fix kabi change caused by reverting patches - Revert "iommu: Introduce attach/detach_pasid_table API" - Revert "iommu: Introduce bind/unbind_guest_msi" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Allow s1 and s2 configs to coexist" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Get prepared for nested stage support" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Implement attach/detach_pasid_table" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Allow stage 1 invalidation with unmanaged ASIDs" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Implement cache_invalidate" - Revert "dma-iommu: Implement NESTED_MSI cookie" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Nested mode single MSI doorbell per domain enforcement" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Enforce incompatibility between nested mode and HW MSI regions" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Implement bind/unbind_guest_msi" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: report additional recoverable faults" - Revert "vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_SET_PASID_TABLE" - Revert "vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_CACHE_INVALIDATE" - Revert "vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_SET_MSI_BINDING" - Revert "vfio/pci: Add VFIO_REGION_TYPE_NESTED region type" - Revert "vfio/pci: Register an iommu fault handler" - Revert "vfio/pci: Allow to mmap the fault queue" - Revert "vfio: Use capability chains to handle device specific irq" - Revert "vfio/pci: Add framework for custom interrupt indices" - Revert "vfio: Add new IRQ for DMA fault reporting" - Revert "vfio/pci: Register and allow DMA FAULT IRQ signaling" - Revert "vfio: Document nested stage control" - Revert "vfio/pci: Register a DMA fault response region" - Revert "vfio/pci: Inject page response upon response region fill" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Using HTTU with SMMU STE and stage 2 TTD" - Revert "iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Make data access permissions of stage1/2 compatible" - Revert "iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Remove the limitation on the page table format of sync/clear_dirty_log()" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Change the TLBI CMD in arm_smmu_cache_invalidate()" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Align invalid range with leaf page size upwards when support RIL" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Standardize granule size when support RIL" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Remove the redundant shift operation of 'size'" - Revert "iommu: fix build error when CONFIG_IOMMU_API is off" - Revert "vfio/pci: Fix wrong return value when get iommu attribute DOMAIN_ATTR_NESTING" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Remove the S1 mapping restriction of dirty log" - perf/core: Fix reentry problem in perf_output_read_group() - tty: serial: uartlite: Disable clocks in case of errors - cgroup: Fix race condition at rebind_subsystems() - xfs: Fix unreferenced object reported by kmemleak in xfs_sysfs_init() - xfs: fix memory leak in xfs_errortag_init - xfs: fix sb write verify for lazysbcount - xfs: reject crazy array sizes being fed to XFS_IOC_GETBMAP* - xfs: prevent a WARN_ONCE() in xfs_ioc_attr_list() - xfs: prevent a UAF when log IO errors race with unmount - xfs: purge dquots after inode walk fails during quotacheck - xfs: revert "xfs: actually bump warning counts when we send warnings" - xfs: run callbacks before waking waiters in xlog_state_shutdown_callbacks - xfs: async CIL flushes need pending pushes to be made stable - xfs: don't generate selinux audit messages for capability testing - xfs: only bother with sync_filesystem during readonly remount - xfs: remove xfs_inew_wait - xfs: mark a data structure sick if there are cross-referencing errors - xfs: restore speculative_cow_prealloc_lifetime sysctl - xfs: make xfs_file_aio_write_checks IOCB_NOWAIT-aware - xfs: scrub should mark a directory corrupt if any entries cannot be iget'd - xfs: factor out a xfs_ilock_iocb helper - xfs: fix parent pointer scrubber bailing out on unallocated inodes - xfs: fix uaf when leaf dir bestcount not match with dir data blocks - xfs: Fix dax inode extent calculation when direct write is performed on an unwritten extent - xfs: Check for extent overflow when swapping extents - xfs: Check for extent overflow when remapping an extent - xfs: Check for extent overflow when moving extent from cow to data fork - xfs: Check for extent overflow when writing to unwritten extent - xfs: Check for extent overflow when adding/removing xattrs - xfs: Check for extent overflow when renaming dir entries - xfs: Check for extent overflow when removing dir entries - xfs: Check for extent overflow when adding dir entries - xfs: Check for extent overflow when punching a hole - xfs: Check for extent overflow when trivally adding a new extent - xfs: Add helper for checking per-inode extent count overflow - xfs: flush inode gc workqueue before clearing agi bucket - xfs: check sb_meta_uuid for dabuf buffer recovery - xfs: Fix the free logic of state in xfs_attr_node_hasname - xfs: reduce kvmalloc overhead for CIL shadow buffers - xfs: only run COW extent recovery when there are no live extents - xfs: remove all COW fork extents when remounting readonly - xfs: don't catch dax+reflink inodes as corruption in verifier - xfs: fix soft lockup via spinning in filestream ag selection loop - xfs: return errors in xfs_fs_sync_fs - bpf, test_run: Fix alignment problem in bpf_prog_test_run_skb() - PCI: Do not enable AtomicOps on VFs - ext4: fix bug in extents parsing when eh_entries == 0 and eh_depth > 0 - config: enable CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE_DEFAULT_DISABLE by default - scsi: hisi_sas: Prevent parallel FLR and controller reset - scsi: hisi_sas: Prevent parallel controller reset and control phy command - xfs: fix incorrect i_nlink caused by inode racing - block: Fix kabi broken in blk-merge.h and blk-cgroup.h - block: don't merge across cgroup boundaries if blkcg is enabled - ima: Handle -ESTALE returned by ima_filter_rule_match() - ima: Simplify ima_lsm_copy_rule - selftests: bpf: Don't run sk_lookup in verifier tests - bpf: Add PROG_TEST_RUN support for sk_lookup programs - bpf: Consolidate shared test timing code - arm64/mm: Drop THP conditionality from FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER - blk-mq: fix io hang for scsi drivers that depends on timeout handling during scan - blk-mq: fix null pointer dereference in blk_mq_queue_tag_busy_ite - KVM: arm64: Only probe Hisi ncsnp feature on Hisi CPUs - dm ioctl: print error when HC and MD do not match - block: fix use after free for bd_holder_dir - Revert "block: Fix UAF in bd_link_disk_holder()" - block: Fix UAF in bd_link_disk_holder() - ftrace: Fix use-after-free for dynamic ftrace_ops - blk-mq: fix null pointer dereference in blk_mq_clear_rq_mapping() - scsi: hisi_sas: Revert "scsi: hisi_sas: Limit max hw sectors for v3 HW" - bfq: Make sure bfqg for which we are queueing requests is online - bfq: Get rid of __bio_blkcg() usage - bfq: Track whether bfq_group is still online - Revert "block, bfq: move bfqq to root_group if parent group is offlined" - blk-wbt: fix that 'rwb->wc' is always set to 1 in wbt_init() - blk-wbt: call rq_qos_add() after wb_normal is initialized - block: wbt: Remove unnecessary invoking of wbt_update_limits in wbt_init - blk-mq: fix missing blk_account_io_done() in error path - stack: Declare {randomize_,}kstack_offset to fix Sparse warnings - stack: Introduce CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_KSTACK_OFFSET - stack: Replace "o" output with "r" input constraint - lkdtm: Add REPORT_STACK for checking stack offsets - arm64: entry: Enable random_kstack_offset support - x86/entry: Enable random_kstack_offset support - stack: Optionally randomize kernel stack offset each syscall - jump_label: Provide CONFIG-driven build state defaults - ext4: fix super block checksum incorrect after mount - Revert "block/wbt: fix negative inflight counter when remove scsi device" - !313 openEuler: add openEuler/MAINTAINERS for Maintainers & Committers - openEuler: add openEuler/MAINTAINERS for Maintainers & Committers - !301 txgbe : fix arm32 compiler error warning in txgbe_main.c - !287 defconfig: add helper script for update openeuler_defconfig - configs: update arch/x86/configs/openeuler_defconfig - configs: update arch/arm64/configs/openeuler_defconfig - kconfig: Add script to update openeuler_defconfig - !264 Add LoongArch support - !297 tc-testing: fix a bug in gitignore of tc-testing - openeuler: net: txgbe: fix arm 32bit arch compile warning. - tc-testing: gitignore, delete plugins directory - !277 net: ngbe: fix ngbe checkpatch warnnings - LoongArch: defconfig: Set CONFIG_TXGBE=m by default - LS7A2000 : Add quirk for OHCI device rev 0x02 - stmmac: pci: Add dwmac support for Loongson - LoongArch: hugepage table replace tlb - LoongArch: change global registers to local registers - LoongArch: Old BPI compatibility - LoongArch: add kernel setvirtmap for runtime - LoongArch: enable some netfilter related configs - LoongArch: defconfig: use make defconfig to save a clean defconfig - tools perf: Fix compilation error with new binutils - tools include: add dis-asm-compat.h to handle version differences - tools build: Don't display disassembler-four-args feature test - tools build: Add feature test for init_disassemble_info API changes - LoongArch: Support R_LARCH_GOT_PC_{LO12,HI20} in modules - LoongArch: Support PC-relative relocations in modules - LoongArch: Define ELF relocation types added in v2.00 ABI - LoongArch: Adjust symbol addressing for AS_HAS_EXPLICIT_RELOCS - LoongArch: Add Kconfig option AS_HAS_EXPLICIT_RELOCS - irqchip/loongson-liointc: Fix an error handling path in liointc_init() - irqchip/loongarch: Fix irq_domain_alloc_fwnode() abuse - irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Fix a build warning - irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Fix irq affinity setting - irqchip: Adjust Kconfig for Loongson - PCI: Add quirk for LS7A to avoid reboot failure - PCI: loongson: Improve the MRRS quirk for LS7A - PCI: loongson: Work around LS7A incorrect Interrupt Pin registers - PCI: loongson: Don't access non-existent devices - PCI: loongson: Add ACPI init support - PCI: loongson: Use generic 8/16/32-bit config ops on LS2K/LS7A - irqchip / ACPI: Introduce ACPI_IRQ_MODEL_LPIC for LoongArch - ACPI: irq: Allow acpi_gsi_to_irq() to have an arch-specific fallback - APCI: irq: Add support for multiple GSI domains - drm/radeon: Workaround radeon driver bug for Loongson - LoongArch: Add writecombine support for drm - Input: i8042 - Add PNP checking hook for Loongson - LoongArch: Add qspinlock support - LoongArch: Add perf events support - LoongArch: Add SysRq-x (TLB Dump) support - LoongArch: Use TLB for ioremap() - LoongArch: Enable ARCH_WANT_HUGETLB_PAGE_OPTIMIZE_VMEMMAP - LoongArch: Add sparse memory vmemmap support - MIPS&LoongArch&NIOS2: Adjust prototypes of p?d_init() - irqchip/loongson-pch-lpc: Add suspend/resume support - irqchip/loongson-pch-pic: Add suspend/resume support - irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Add suspend/resume support - irqchip/loongson-htvec: Add suspend/resume support - irqchip/loongson-htvec: Add ACPI init support - ACPI / table: Print CORE_PIC information when MADT is parsed - ACPICA: Events: Support fixed pcie wake event - ACPICA: MADT: Add LoongArch APICs support - ACPI: Add LoongArch support for ACPI_PROCESSOR/ACPI_NUMA - Revert "LoongArch: Provisionally add ACPICA data structures" - loongarch: efi: enable generic EFI compressed boot - efi/libstub: implement generic EFI zboot - efi/libstub: use EFI provided memcpy/memset routines - efi/libstub: add some missing EFI prototypes - efi/loongarch: Add efistub booting support - irqchip: Select downstream irqchip drivers for LoongArch CPU - LoongArch: Add subword xchg/cmpxchg emulation - LoongArch: Cleanup headers to avoid circular dependency - LoongArch: Cleanup reset routines with new API - LoongArch: Fix build warnings in VDSO - LoongArch: Select PCI_QUIRKS to avoid build error - LoongArch: Update Loongson-3 default config file - LoongArch: Add USER_STACKTRACE support - LoongArch: Add STACKTRACE support - LoongArch: Add prologue unwinder support - LoongArch: Add guess unwinder support - LoongArch: Add vDSO syscall __vdso_getcpu() - LoongArch: Add PCI controller support - LoongArch: Parse MADT to get multi-processor information - LoongArch: Jump to the link address before enable PG - LoongArch: Requires __force attributes for any casts - LoongArch: Fix unsigned comparison with less than zero - LoongArch: Adjust arch/loongarch/Kconfig - LoongArch: cpuinfo: Fix a warning for CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK - irqchip/loongson-pch-pic: Move find_pch_pic() into CONFIG_ACPI - LoongArch: Fix wrong "ROM Size" of boardinfo - LoongArch: Fix missing fcsr in ptrace's fpr_set - LoongArch: Fix shared cache size calculation - LoongArch: Disable executable stack by default - LoongArch: Remove unused variables - LoongArch: Remove clock setting during cpu hotplug stage - LoongArch: Remove useless header compiler.h - LoongArch: Remove several syntactic sugar macros for branches - LoongArch: Re-tab the assembly files - LoongArch: Simplify "BGT foo, zero" with BGTZ - LoongArch: Simplify "BLT foo, zero" with BLTZ - LoongArch: Simplify "BEQ/BNE foo, zero" with BEQZ/BNEZ - LoongArch: Use the "move" pseudo-instruction where applicable - LoongArch: Use the "jr" pseudo-instruction where applicable - LoongArch: Use ABI names of registers where appropriate - irqchip: Add LoongArch CPU interrupt controller support - LoongArch: fix kabi change due to enum chuph_state - irqchip: Add Loongson Extended I/O interrupt controller support - irqchip/loongson-liointc: Add ACPI init support - irqchip/loongson-pch-msi: Add ACPI init support - irqchip/loongson-pch-pic: Add ACPI init support - irqchip: Add Loongson PCH LPC controller support - LoongArch: Prepare to support multiple pch-pic and pch-msi irqdomain - LoongArch: Use ACPI_GENERIC_GSI for gsi handling - LoongArch: Provisionally add ACPICA data structures - loongarch: drop definition of PGD_ORDER - loongarch: drop definition of PUD_ORDER - loongarch: drop definition of PMD_ORDER - loongarch: drop definition of PTE_ORDER - LoongArch: Fix section mismatch warning - LoongArch: Fix build errors for tinyconfig - LoongArch: Remove obsolete mentions of vcsr - LoongArch: Drop these obsolete selects in Kconfig - efi: Simplify arch_efi_call_virt() macro - LoongArch: Make compute_return_era() return void - LoongArch: Fix wrong fpu version - LoongArch: Fix EENTRY/MERRENTRY setting in setup_tlb_handler() - LoongArch: Fix sleeping in atomic context in setup_tlb_handler() - LoongArch: Fix the _stext symbol address - LoongArch: Fix the !THP build - LoongArch: Add missing ELF_DETAILS - LoongArch: Remove MIPS comment about cycle counter - LoongArch: Fix the !CONFIG_SMP build - LoongArch: Add Loongson-3 default config file - LoongArch: Add Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) support - LoongArch: Add multi-processor (SMP) support - LoongArch: Add VDSO and VSYSCALL support - LoongArch: Add some library functions - LoongArch: Add misc common routines - LoongArch: Add ELF and module support - LoongArch: Add signal handling support - LoongArch: Add system call support - LoongArch: Add memory management - LoongArch: Add process management - LoongArch: Add exception/interrupt handling - LoongArch: Add boot and setup routines - LoongArch: Add other common headers - LoongArch: Add atomic/locking headers - LoongArch: Add CPU definition headers - LoongArch: Add ELF-related definitions - LoongArch: Add build infrastructure - fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already registered - serial: 8250_pnp: Support configurable clock frequency - genirq/generic_chip: Export irq_unmap_generic_chip - mm/swapops: make is_pmd_migration_entry more strict - initramfs: Provide a common initrd reserve function - initrd: Add the preprocessor guard in initrd.h - PCI/ERR: Retain status from error notification - tee: fix memory leak in tee_shm_register() - qrtr: Convert qrtr_ports from IDR to XArray - can: j1939: j1939_sk_queue_activate_next_locked(): replace WARN_ON_ONCE with netdev_warn_once() - tracing/probes: Have kprobes and uprobes use $COMM too - netfilter: nf_tables: fix audit memory leak in nf_tables_commit - netfilter: nftables: fix a warning message in nf_tables_commit_audit_collect() - MIPS: tlbex: Explicitly compare _PAGE_NO_EXEC against 0 - video: fbdev: i740fb: Check the argument of i740_calc_vclk() - powerpc/64: Init jump labels before parse_early_param() - smb3: check xattr value length earlier - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on segment type in build_sit_entries() - f2fs: fix to avoid use f2fs_bug_on() in f2fs_new_node_page() - ALSA: control: Use deferred fasync helper - ALSA: timer: Use deferred fasync helper - ALSA: core: Add async signal helpers - powerpc/32: Don't always pass -mcpu=powerpc to the compiler - watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure - RISC-V: Add fast call path of crash_kexec() - riscv: mmap with PROT_WRITE but no PROT_READ is invalid - modules: Ensure natural alignment for .altinstructions and __bug_table sections - mips: cavium-octeon: Fix missing of_node_put() in octeon2_usb_clocks_start - vfio: Clear the caps->buf to NULL after free - tty: serial: Fix refcount leak bug in ucc_uart.c - lib/list_debug.c: Detect uninitialized lists - ext4: avoid resizing to a partial cluster size - ext4: avoid remove directory when directory is corrupted - drivers:md:fix a potential use-after-free bug - nvmet-tcp: fix lockdep complaint on nvmet_tcp_wq flush during queue teardown - md: Notify sysfs sync_completed in md_reap_sync_thread() - dmaengine: sprd: Cleanup in .remove() after pm_runtime_get_sync() failed - selftests/kprobe: Do not test for GRP/ without event failures - csky/kprobe: reclaim insn_slot on kprobe unregistration - RDMA/rxe: Limit the number of calls to each tasklet - um: add "noreboot" command line option for PANIC_TIMEOUT=-1 setups - PCI/ACPI: Guard ARM64-specific mcfg_quirks - cxl: Fix a memory leak in an error handling path - pinctrl: intel: Check against matching data instead of ACPI companion - gadgetfs: ep_io - wait until IRQ finishes - scsi: lpfc: Prevent buffer overflow crashes in debugfs with malformed user input - clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: fix clk_trion_pll_configure description - zram: do not lookup algorithm in backends table - uacce: Handle parent device removal or parent driver module rmmod - clk: qcom: ipq8074: dont disable gcc_sleep_clk_src - vboxguest: Do not use devm for irq - usb: dwc2: gadget: remove D+ pull-up while no vbus with usb-role-switch - usb: renesas: Fix refcount leak bug - usb: host: ohci-ppc-of: Fix refcount leak bug - clk: ti: Stop using legacy clkctrl names for omap4 and 5 - drm/meson: Fix overflow implicit truncation warnings - irqchip/tegra: Fix overflow implicit truncation warnings - usb: gadget: uvc: call uvc uvcg_warn on completed status instead of uvcg_info - usb: cdns3 fix use-after-free at workaround 2 - platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: don't show MKBP version if unsupported - PCI: Add ACS quirk for Broadcom BCM5750x NICs - drm/sun4i: dsi: Prevent underflow when computing packet sizes - netfilter: add helper function to set up the nfnetlink header and use it - netfilter: nftables: add helper function to set the base sequence number - audit: log nftables configuration change events once per table - drm/meson: Fix refcount bugs in meson_vpu_has_available_connectors() - ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward - gcc-plugins: Undefine LATENT_ENTROPY_PLUGIN when plugin disabled for a file - kbuild: fix the modules order between drivers and libs - igb: Add lock to avoid data race - stmmac: intel: Add a missing clk_disable_unprepare() call in intel_eth_pci_remove() - fec: Fix timer capture timing in `fec_ptp_enable_pps()` - i40e: Fix to stop tx_timeout recovery if GLOBR fails - regulator: pca9450: Remove restrictions for regulator-name - i2c: imx: Make sure to unregister adapter on remove() - ice: Ignore EEXIST when setting promisc mode - net: dsa: sja1105: fix buffer overflow in sja1105_setup_devlink_regions() - net: genl: fix error path memory leak in policy dumping - net: dsa: felix: fix ethtool 256-511 and 512-1023 TX packet counters - net: dsa: microchip: ksz9477: fix fdb_dump last invalid entry - net: moxa: pass pdev instead of ndev to DMA functions - net: dsa: mv88e6060: prevent crash on an unused port - spi: meson-spicc: add local pow2 clock ops to preserve rate between messages - powerpc/pci: Fix get_phb_number() locking - netfilter: nf_tables: check NFT_SET_CONCAT flag if field_count is specified - netfilter: nf_tables: validate NFTA_SET_ELEM_OBJREF based on NFT_SET_OBJECT flag - netfilter: nf_tables: really skip inactive sets when allocating name - ASoC: tas2770: Fix handling of mute/unmute - ASoC: tas2770: Drop conflicting set_bias_level power setting - ASoC: tas2770: Allow mono streams - ASoC: tas2770: Set correct FSYNC polarity - iavf: Fix adminq error handling - nios2: add force_successful_syscall_return() - nios2: restarts apply only to the first sigframe we build... - nios2: fix syscall restart checks - nios2: traced syscall does need to check the syscall number - nios2: don't leave NULLs in sys_call_table[] - nios2: page fault are *not* restartable syscalls... - dpaa2-eth: trace the allocated address instead of page struct - perf probe: Fix an error handling path in 'parse_perf_probe_command()' - geneve: fix TOS inheriting for ipv4 - xen/xenbus: fix return type in xenbus_file_read() - nfp: ethtool: fix the display error of `ethtool -m DEVNAME` - NTB: ntb_tool: uninitialized heap data in tool_fn_write() - tools build: Switch to new openssl API for test-libcrypto - kbuild: dummy-tools: avoid tmpdir leak in dummy gcc - ceph: don't leak snap_rwsem in handle_cap_grant - tools/vm/slabinfo: use alphabetic order when two values are equal - ceph: use correct index when encoding client supported features - dt-bindings: clock: qcom,gcc-msm8996: add more GCC clock sources - dt-bindings: arm: qcom: fix MSM8916 MTP compatibles - vsock: Set socket state back to SS_UNCONNECTED in vsock_connect_timeout() - plip: avoid rcu debug splat - ipv6: do not use RT_TOS for IPv6 flowlabel - geneve: do not use RT_TOS for IPv6 flowlabel - ACPI: property: Return type of acpi_add_nondev_subnodes() should be bool - pinctrl: qcom: sm8250: Fix PDC map - pinctrl: sunxi: Add I/O bias setting for H6 R-PIO - pinctrl: qcom: msm8916: Allow CAMSS GP clocks to be muxed - pinctrl: nomadik: Fix refcount leak in nmk_pinctrl_dt_subnode_to_map - net: bgmac: Fix a BUG triggered by wrong bytes_compl - virtio_net: fix memory leak inside XPD_TX with mergeable - SUNRPC: Reinitialise the backchannel request buffers before reuse - sunrpc: fix expiry of auth creds - net: atlantic: fix aq_vec index out of range error - can: mcp251x: Fix race condition on receive interrupt - bpf: Check the validity of max_rdwr_access for sock local storage map iterator - bpf: Acquire map uref in .init_seq_private for sock{map,hash} iterator - bpf: Acquire map uref in .init_seq_private for sock local storage map iterator - bpf: Acquire map uref in .init_seq_private for hash map iterator - bpf: Acquire map uref in .init_seq_private for array map iterator - NFSv4/pnfs: Fix a use-after-free bug in open - NFSv4.1: RECLAIM_COMPLETE must handle EACCES - NFSv4: Fix races in the legacy idmapper upcall - NFSv4.1: Handle NFS4ERR_DELAY replies to OP_SEQUENCE correctly - NFSv4.1: Don't decrease the value of seq_nr_highest_sent - Documentation: ACPI: EINJ: Fix obsolete example - apparmor: Fix memleak in aa_simple_write_to_buffer() - apparmor: fix reference count leak in aa_pivotroot() - apparmor: fix overlapping attachment computation - apparmor: fix setting unconfined mode on a loaded profile - apparmor: fix aa_label_asxprint return check - apparmor: Fix failed mount permission check error message - apparmor: fix absroot causing audited secids to begin with = - apparmor: fix quiet_denied for file rules - can: ems_usb: fix clang's -Wunaligned-access warning - ALSA: usb-audio: More comprehensive mixer map for ASUS ROG Zenith II - tracing: Have filter accept "common_cpu" to be consistent - btrfs: fix lost error handling when looking up extended ref on log replay - mmc: meson-gx: Fix an error handling path in meson_mmc_probe() - mmc: pxamci: Fix an error handling path in pxamci_probe() - mmc: pxamci: Fix another error handling path in pxamci_probe() - ata: libata-eh: Add missing command name - rds: add missing barrier to release_refill - x86/mm: Use proper mask when setting PUD mapping - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NS50PU, NS70PU - ALSA: info: Fix llseek return value when using callback - !280 ksmbd-introduce-new-SMB3-kernel-server - ksmbd: add reserved room in ipc request/response - ksmbd: limits exceeding the maximum allowable outstanding requests - ksmbd: move credit charge deduction under processing request - ksmbd: add support for smb2 max credit parameter - ksmbd: set unique value to volume serial field in FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION - cifsd: add Kconfig and Makefile - ksmbd: Fix wrong return value and message length check in smb2_ioctl() - ksmbd: set NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SEAL flag to challenge blob - ksmbd: fix encryption failure issue for session logoff response - ksmbd: fix endless loop when encryption for response fails - ksmbd: return STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error status if share is not configured - ksmbd: prevent out of bound read for SMB2_TREE_CONNNECT - ksmbd: Fix user namespace mapping - ksmbd: fix use-after-free bug in smb2_tree_disconect - ksmbd: fix memory leak in smb2_handle_negotiate - ksmbd: fix racy issue while destroying session on multichannel - ksmbd: use vfs_llseek instead of dereferencing NULL - ksmbd: remove unused ksmbd_share_configs_cleanup function - ksmbd: fix kernel oops from idr_remove() - ksmbd: replace sessions list in connection with xarray - ksmbd: use wait_event instead of schedule_timeout() - ksmbd: fix incorrect handling of iterate_dir - ksmbd: handle smb2 query dir request for OutputBufferLength that is too small - ksmbd: add channel rwlock - ksmbd: smbd: fix connection dropped issue - ksmbd: fix reference count leak in smb_check_perm_dacl() - ksmbd: reduce smb direct max read/write size - ksmbd: don't align last entry offset in smb2 query directory - ksmbd: fix same UniqueId for dot and dotdot entries - ksmbd: smbd: validate buffer descriptor structures - ksmbd: fix SMB 3.11 posix extension mount failure - ksmbd: fix guest connection failure with nautilus - ksmbd: uninitialized variable in create_socket() - ksmbd: smbd: fix missing client's memory region invalidation - ksmbd: add smb-direct shutdown - ksmbd: smbd: change the default maximum read/write, receive size - ksmbd: smbd: create MR pool - ksmbd: smbd: call rdma_accept() under CM handler - ksmbd: set 445 port to smbdirect port by default - ksmbd: register ksmbd ib client with ib_register_client() - ksmbd: Fix smb2_get_name() kernel-doc comment - ksmbd: Fix smb2_set_info_file() kernel-doc comment - ksmbd: Fix buffer_check_err() kernel-doc comment - ksmbd: fix multi session connection failure - ksmbd: set both ipv4 and ipv6 in FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO - ksmbd: set RSS capable in FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO - ksmbd: Remove unused fields from ksmbd_file struct definition - ksmbd: Remove unused parameter from smb2_get_name() - ksmbd: disable SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_ENCRYPTION for SMB 3.1.1 - ksmbd: fix uninitialized symbol 'pntsd_size' - ksmbd: remove select FS_POSIX_ACL in Kconfig - ksmbd: fix memleak in get_file_stream_info() - ksmbd: contain default data stream even if xattr is empty - ksmbd: downgrade addition info error msg to debug in smb2_get_info_sec() - ksmbd: Fix an error handling path in 'smb2_sess_setup()' - ksmbd: change LeaseKey data type to u8 array - ksmbd: remove smb2_buf_length in smb2_transform_hdr - ksmbd: remove smb2_buf_length in smb2_hdr - ksmbd: don't need 8byte alignment for request length in ksmbd_check_message - ksmbd: Fix buffer length check in fsctl_validate_negotiate_info() - ksmbd: Remove redundant 'flush_workqueue()' calls - ksmdb: use cmd helper variable in smb2_get_ksmbd_tcon() - ksmbd: use ksmbd_req_buf_next() in ksmbd_smb2_check_message() - ksmbd: use ksmbd_req_buf_next() in ksmbd_verify_smb_message() - ksmbd: add buffer validation in session setup - ksmbd: throttle session setup failures to avoid dictionary attacks - ksmbd: validate OutputBufferLength of QUERY_DIR, QUERY_INFO, IOCTL requests - ksmbd: validate credit charge after validating SMB2 PDU body size - ksmbd: add buffer validation for smb direct - ksmbd: limit read/write/trans buffer size not to exceed 8MB - ksmbd: validate compound response buffer - ksmbd: fix potencial 32bit overflow from data area check in smb2_write - ksmbd: improve credits management - ksmbd: add validation in smb2_ioctl - ksmbd: fix oops from fuse driver - ksmbd: fix version mismatch with out of tree - ksmbd: use buf_data_size instead of recalculation in smb3_decrypt_req() - ksmbd: remove the leftover of smb2.0 dialect support - ksmbd: check strictly data area in ksmbd_smb2_check_message() - ksmbd: add the check to vaildate if stream protocol length exceeds maximum value - ksmbd: missing check for NULL in convert_to_nt_pathname() - ksmbd: fix transform header validation - ksmbd: add buffer validation for SMB2_CREATE_CONTEXT - ksmbd: add validation in smb2 negotiate - ksmbd: add request buffer validation in smb2_set_info - ksmbd: use correct basic info level in set_file_basic_info() - ksmbd: remove NTLMv1 authentication - ksmbd: fix documentation for 2 functions - ksmbd: fix invalid request buffer access in compound - ksmbd: remove RFC1002 check in smb2 request - ksmbd: use LOOKUP_BENEATH to prevent the out of share access - ksmbd: remove follow symlinks support - ksmbd: check protocol id in ksmbd_verify_smb_message() - ksmbd: add default data stream name in FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION - ksmbd: log that server is experimental at module load - ksmbd: add validation for FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION of smb2_get_info - ksmbd: prevent out of share access - ksmbd: transport_rdma: Don't include rwlock.h directly - ksmbd: fix read of uninitialized variable ret in set_file_basic_info - ksmbd: remove unused ksmbd_file_table_flush function - ksmbd: smbd: fix dma mapping error in smb_direct_post_send_data - ksmbd: Reduce error log 'speed is unknown' to debug - ksmbd: remove setattr preparations in set_file_basic_info() - ksmbd: ensure error is surfaced in set_file_basic_info() - ksmbd: fix __write_overflow warning in ndr_read_string - ksmbd: fix permission check issue on chown and chmod - ksmbd: don't set FILE DELETE and FILE_DELETE_CHILD in access mask by default - ksmbd: smbd: fix kernel oops during server shutdown - ksmbd: use proper errno instead of -1 in smb2_get_ksmbd_tcon() - ksmbd: update the comment for smb2_get_ksmbd_tcon() - ksmbd: change int data type to boolean - ksmbd: Fix multi-protocol negotiation - ksmbd: fix an oops in error handling in smb2_open() - ksmbd: add ipv6_addr_v4mapped check to know if connection from client is ipv4 - ksmbd: fix missing error code in smb2_lock - ksmbd: use channel signingkey for binding SMB2 session setup - ksmbd: don't set RSS capable in FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO - ksmbd: Return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND if smb2_creat() returns ENOENT - ksmbd: fix -Wstringop-truncation warnings - ksmbd: Fix potential memory leak in tcp_destroy_socket() - ksmbd: add support for negotiating signing algorithm - ksmbd: add negotiate context verification - ksmbd: fix typo of MS-SMBD - ksmbd: move credit charge verification over smb2 request size verification - ksmbd: set STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER error status if credit charge is invalid - ksmbd: fix wrong error status return on session setup - ksmbd: fix wrong compression context size - ksmbd: fix typo in comment - ksmbd: fix an error message in ksmbd_conn_trasnport_init - ksmbd: set RDMA capability for FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO - ksmbd: fix unused err value in smb2_lock - ksmbd: fix memory leak in ksmbd_vfs_get_sd_xattr() - ksmbd: remove unneeded check_context_err - ksmbd: handle error cases first in smb2_create_sd_buffers - ksmbd: make smb2_find_context_vals return NULL if not found - ksmbd: uninterruptible wait for a file being unlocked - ksmbd: free ksmbd_lock when file is closed - ksmbd: fix the running request count decrement - ksmbd: use kasprintf() in ksmbd_vfs_xattr_stream_name() - ksmbd: delete some stray tabs - ksmbd: change data type of volatile/persistent id to u64 - ksmbd: fix memory leak in smb_inherit_dacl() - ksmbd: fix memory leak smb2_populate_readdir_entry() - ksmbd: fix read on the uninitialized send_ctx - ksmbd: remove unneeded NULL check in for_each_netdev - ksmbd: Fix read on the uninitialized pointer sess - ksmbd: fix kernel oops in ksmbd_rpc_ioctl/rap() - ksmbd: adapt vfs api to 5.10 - ksmbd: replace struct dentry with struct path in some function's arguments - ksmbd: reorder and document on-disk and netlink structures in headers - ksmbd: change server config string index to enumeration - ksmbd: change server state type macro to enumeration - ksmbd: change sid types to enumeration - ksmbd: change ACE types to enumeration - ksmbd: remove SMB1 oplock level macros - ksmbd: opencode to remove ATTR_FP macro - ksmbd: use ksmbd_vfs_lock_parent to get stable parent dentry - ksmbd: opencode to remove FP_INODE macro - ksmbd: fix dentry racy with rename() - ksmbd: Relax credit_charge check in smb2_validate_credit_charge() - ksmbd: allow PROTECTED_DACL_SECINFO and UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECINFO addition information in smb2 set info security - ksmbd: replace request and respone buffer macro with inline functions - ksmbd: replace SMB_DIRECT_TRANS macro with inline function - ksmbd: remove and replace macros with inline functions in smb_common.h - ksmbd: remove getting worker state macros - ksmbd: replace PAYLOAD_HEAD with inline function - ksmbd: replace KSMBD_ALIGN with kernel ALIGN macro - ksmbd: replace BUFFER_NR_PAGES with inline function - ksmbd: remove macros in transport_ipc.c - ksmbd: set MAY_* flags together with open flags - ksmbd: factor out a ksmbd_vfs_lock_parent helper - ksmbd: move fs/cifsd to fs/ksmbd - cifsd: add index.rst in cifs documentation - cifsd: fix WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree - cifsd: add ksmbd/nfsd interoperability to feature table - doc: cifsd: change the reference to configuration.txt - cifsd: fix build warnings from cifsd.rst - cifsd: update cifsd.rst document - cifsd: fix WARNING: Title overline too short - ksmbd: use f_bsize in FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION - ksmbd: remove unneeded NULL check in the list iterator - ksmbd: use f_bsize instead of q->limits.logical_block_size - ksmbd: change stream type macro to enumeration - ksmbd: opencode posix acl functions instead of wrappers - ksmbd: factor out a ksmbd_validate_entry_in_use helper from __ksmbd_vfs_rename - ksmbd: opencode to avoid trivial wrappers - ksmbd: remove ksmbd_err/info - ksmbd: replace KSMBD_SHARE_CONFIG_PATH with inline function - ksmbd: remove ____ksmbd_align in ksmbd_server.h - ksmbd: remove unneeded FIXME comment - ksmbd: fix overly long line - ksmbd: use goto instead of duplicating the resoure cleanup in ksmbd_open_fd - ksmbd: use list_for_each_entry instead of list_for_each - ksmbd: remove ksmbd_vfs_copy_file_range - ksmbd: initialize variables on the declaration - ksmbd: remove cache read/trans buffer support - ksmbd: add support for SMB3 multichannel - ksmbd: fix kfree of uninitialized pointer oid - cifsd: append ksmbd prefix into names for asn1 decoder - cifsd: remove duplicated argument - cifsd: set epoch in smb2_lease_break response - cifsd: fix list_add double add BUG_ON trap in setup_async_work() - cifsd: fix additional warnings from --strict - cifsd: fix potential read overflow in ksmbd_vfs_stream_read() - cifsd: check return value of ksmbd_vfs_getcasexattr() correctly - cifsd: fix memleak in ksmbd_vfs_stream_read() - cifsd: fix memleak in ksmbd_vfs_stream_write() - cifsd: make alignment match open parenthesis - cifsd: enclose macro variables in parenthesis - cifsd: fix Control flow issues in ksmbd_build_ntlmssp_challenge_blob() - cifsd: lookup a file with LOOKUP_FOLLOW only if 'follow symlinks = yes' - cifsd: Prefer kernel type 'u16' over 'uint16_t' - cifsd: remove unnecessary parentheses around - cifsd: Alignment should match open parenthesis - cifsd: Blank lines aren't necessary after an open brace '{' - cifsd: No space is necessary after a cast - cifsd: don't use multiple blank lines - cifsd: spaces preferred around that '/' - cifsd: braces {} should be used on all arms of this statement - cifsd: add the check to prevent potential overflow with smb_strtoUTF16() and UNICODE_LEN() - cifsd: alignment match open parenthesis - cifsd: return -ENOMEM about error from ksmbd_crypto_ctx_find_xxx calls - cifsd: simplify error handling in ksmbd_gen_preauth_integrity_hash() - cifsd: call kzalloc() directly instead of wrapper - cifsd: add default case in switch statment in alloc_shash_desc() - cifsd: change success handling to failure handling - cifsd: fix wrong return value in ksmbd_crypt_message() - cifsd: remove unneeded initialization of rc variable in ksmbd_crypt_message() - cifsd: len can never be negative in ksmbd_init_sg() - cifsd: add the check if nvec is zero - cifsd: never return 1 on failure - cifsd: return zero in always success case - cifsd: set error return value for memcmp() difference - cifsd: remove unneeded type casting - cifsd: simplify error handling in ksmbd_auth_ntlm() - cifsd: move ret check before the out label - cifsd: just return smbhash() instead of using rc return value - cifsd: move fips_enabled check before the str_to_key() - cifsd: add goto fail in neg_token_init_mech_type() - cifsd: use memcmp instead of for loop check in oid_eq() - cifsd: add goto fail in asn1_oid_decode() - cifsd: add support for FSCTL_DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_TO_FILE - cifsd: Do not use 0 or 0xFFFFFFFF for TreeID - cifsd: fix xfstests generic/504 test failure - cifsd: fix boolreturn.cocci warnings - cifsd: fix WARNING: Too many leading tabs - cifsd: fix WARNING: Possible unnecessary 'out of memory' message - cifsd: decoding gss token using lib/asn1_decoder.c - cifsd: fix invalid memory access in smb2_write() - cifsd: add support for AES256 encryption - cifsd: Fix potential null-ptr-deref in destroy_previous_session() - cifsd: Update out_buf_len in smb2_populate_readdir_entry() - cifsd: Handle ksmbd_session_rpc_open() failure in create_smb2_pipe() - cifsd: Call smb2_set_err_rsp() in smb2_read/smb2_write error path - cifsd: Fix regression in smb2_get_info - cifsd: Remove is_attributes_write_allowed() wrapper - cifsd: Update access check in set_file_allocation_info/set_end_of_file_info - cifsd: remove the dead code of unimplemented durable handle - cifsd: use d_inode() - cifsd: Fix potential null-ptr-deref in smb2_open() - cifsd: move nt time functions to misc.c - cifsd: remove unused nterr.c file - cifsd: remove unused smberr.h - cifsd: Remove smb2_put_name() - cifsd: fix reference count decrement of unclaimed file in __ksmbd_lookup_fd - cifsd: re-implement ksmbd_vfs_kern_path - cifsd: get parent dentry from child in ksmbd_vfs_remove_file() - cifsd: add the check if parent is stable by unexpected rename - cifsd: declare ida statically - cifsd: remove unused including - cifsd: prevent a integer overflow in wm_alloc() - cifsd: remove wrappers of kvmalloc/kvfree - cifsd: fix memdup.cocci warnings - cifsd: use kfree to free memory allocated by kmalloc or kzalloc - cifsd: fix memory leak when loop ends - cifsd: remove stale prototype and variables - cifsd: use xarray instead of linked list for tree connect list - cifsd: remove useless error handling in ksmbd_vfs_read - cifsd: use file_inode() instead of d_inode() - cifsd: handle unhashed dentry in ksmbd_vfs_mkdir - cifsd: remove calling d_path in error paths - cifsd: remove smack inherit leftovers - cifsd: fix wrong prototype in comment - cifsd: merge time_wrappers.h into smb_common.h - cifsd: clean-up codes using --strict - cifsd: fix error return code in ksmbd_vfs_remove_file() - cifsd: add the check to work file lock and rename behaviors like Windows unless POSIX extensions are negotiated - cifsd: use kmalloc() for small allocations - cifsd: fix wrong use of rw semaphore in __session_create() - cifsd: remove unneeded macros - cifsd: remove redundant assignment to variable err - cifsd: fix error handling in ksmbd_server_init() - cifsd: Fix an error code in smb2_read() - cifsd: Pass string length parameter to match_pattern() - cifsd: fix warning: variable 'total_ace_size' and 'posix_ccontext' set but not used - cifsd: fix incorrect comments - cifsd: remove unneeded FIXME comments - cifsd: fix static checker warning from smb_check_perm_dacl() - cifsd: fix static checker warning from smb_direct_post_send_data() - cifsd: Fix a use after free on error path - cifsd: fix a IS_ERR() vs NULL bug - cifsd: fix a precedence bug in parse_dacl() - cifsd: Fix a handful of spelling mistakes - cifsd: uniquify extract_sharename() - cifsd: add file operations - cifsd: add server-side procedures for SMB3 - cifsd: add server handler for central processing and tranport layers - openeuler: net: ngbe: fix ngbe checkpatch warnnings- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix accepting connection request for invalid SPSM - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix attempting to access uninitialized memory - !225 Synchronize the coresight code of the Linux mainline to support HiSilicon tracing - !257 [5.10] [Feature] :add net-swift ngbe NIC support - !263 svm: Delete unused ioctl command - svm: Delete unused ioctl command - openeuler: net: ngbe: add ngbe module source code - openeuler: net: ngbe add build support - openeuler: config: add NGBE MODODULE CONFIG - openeuler_defconfig: Enable TRBE and TMC - drivers/ETM: fix error in invalid cs_id - coresight: etm4x: Expose trcdevarch via sysfs - perf cs-etm: Update ARM's CoreSight hardware tracing OpenCSD library to v1.0.0 - coresight: etm4x: Add support for PE OS lock - coresight: etm4x: Convert all register accesses - coresight: etm4x: avoid build failure with unrolled loops - coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space - coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment - coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base - coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area - coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated - coresight: trbe: Defer the probe on offline CPUs - coresight: trbe: Fix incorrect access of the sink specific data - coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE - coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation - coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ - coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts - coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed - coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence - coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags - coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set - coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid - coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically - coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 - coresight: etm4x: Move ETM to prohibited region for disable - coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos - coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode - KVM: arm64: Handle access to TRFCR_EL1 - coresight: sink: Add TRBE driver - perf: aux: Add flags for the buffer format - perf: aux: Add CoreSight PMU buffer formats - arm64: Add support for trace synchronization barrier - coresight: core: Add support for dedicated percpu sinks - coresight: etm-perf: Handle stale output handles - coresight: ete: Add support for ETE tracing - coresight: ete: Add support for ETE sysreg access - coresight: Add support for v8.4 SelfHosted tracing - arm64: Add TRBE definitions - arm64: Add TRFCR_ELx definitions - coresight: etm4x: Add support for sysreg only devices - coresight: etm4x: Refactor probing routine - coresight: etm4x: Use TRCDEVARCH for component discovery - coresight: etm4x: Add necessary synchronization for sysreg access - coresight: etm4x: Detect system instructions support - coresight: etm4x: Detect access early on the target CPU - coresight: etm4x: Handle ETM architecture version - coresight: etm4x: Check for Software Lock - coresight: etm4x: Define DEVARCH register fields - coresight: etm4x: Hide sysfs attributes for unavailable registers - coresight: etm4x: Add sysreg access helpers - coresight: etm4x: Make offset available for sysfs attributes - coresight: etm4x: Always read the registers on the host CPU - coresight: Convert claim/disclaim operations to use access wrappers - coresight: Convert coresight_timeout to use access abstraction - coresight: Introduce device access abstraction- btrfs: raid56: don't trust any cached sector in __raid56_parity_recover() - btrfs: only write the sectors in the vertical stripe which has data stripes - sched/fair: Fix fault in reweight_entity - net_sched: cls_route: disallow handle of 0 - net/9p: Initialize the iounit field during fid creation - tee: add overflow check in register_shm_helper() - kvm: x86/pmu: Fix the compare function used by the pmu event filter - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Prevent an unsupported configuration - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix l2cap_global_chan_by_psm regression - Revert "net: usb: ax88179_178a needs FLAG_SEND_ZLP" - drm/vc4: change vc4_dma_range_matches from a global to static - drm/bridge: tc358767: Fix (e)DP bridge endpoint parsing in dedicated function - Revert "mwifiex: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by dev_coredumpv" - tcp: fix over estimation in sk_forced_mem_schedule() - mac80211: fix a memory leak where sta_info is not freed - KVM: x86: Avoid theoretical NULL pointer dereference in kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic_fast() - KVM: x86: Check lapic_in_kernel() before attempting to set a SynIC irq - KVM: Add infrastructure and macro to mark VM as bugged - dm raid: fix address sanitizer warning in raid_status - dm raid: fix address sanitizer warning in raid_resume - ext4: fix extent status tree race in writeback error recovery path - ext4: update s_overhead_clusters in the superblock during an on-line resize - ext4: fix warning in ext4_iomap_begin as race between bmap and write - tracing: Use a struct alignof to determine trace event field alignment - tpm: eventlog: Fix section mismatch for DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH - KEYS: asymmetric: enforce SM2 signature use pkey algo - xen-blkfront: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect - xen-blkback: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect - xen-blkback: fix persistent grants negotiation - KVM: x86/pmu: Ignore pmu->global_ctrl check if vPMU doesn't support global_ctrl - KVM: VMX: Mark all PERF_GLOBAL_(OVF)_CTRL bits reserved if there's no vPMU - KVM: x86/pmu: Introduce the ctrl_mask value for fixed counter - KVM: x86/pmu: Use different raw event masks for AMD and Intel - KVM: x86/pmu: Use binary search to check filtered events - KVM: nVMX: Inject #UD if VMXON is attempted with incompatible CR0/CR4 - KVM: x86: Move vendor CR4 validity check to dedicated kvm_x86_ops hook - KVM: SVM: Drop VMXE check from svm_set_cr4() - KVM: VMX: Drop explicit 'nested' check from vmx_set_cr4() - KVM: VMX: Drop guest CPUID check for VMXE in vmx_set_cr4() - ACPI: CPPC: Do not prevent CPPC from working in the future - btrfs: reset block group chunk force if we have to wait - btrfs: reject log replay if there is unsupported RO compat flag - um: Allow PM with suspend-to-idle - timekeeping: contribute wall clock to rng on time change - kexec, KEYS, s390: Make use of built-in and secondary keyring for signature verification - dm writecache: set a default MAX_WRITEBACK_JOBS - serial: 8250: Fold EndRun device support into OxSemi Tornado code - serial: 8250_pci: Replace dev_*() by pci_*() macros - serial: 8250_pci: Refactor the loop in pci_ite887x_init() - serial: 8250: Correct the clock for OxSemi PCIe devices - serial: 8250: Dissociate 4MHz Titan ports from Oxford ports - PCI/AER: Iterate over error counters instead of error strings - iommu/vt-d: avoid invalid memory access via node_online(NUMA_NO_NODE) - KVM: x86: Signal #GP, not -EPERM, on bad WRMSR(MCi_CTL/STATUS) - KVM: set_msr_mce: Permit guests to ignore single-bit ECC errors - intel_th: pci: Add Raptor Lake-S CPU support - intel_th: pci: Add Raptor Lake-S PCH support - intel_th: pci: Add Meteor Lake-P support - firmware: arm_scpi: Ensure scpi_info is not assigned if the probe fails - usbnet: smsc95xx: Avoid link settings race on interrupt reception - usbnet: smsc95xx: Don't clear read-only PHY interrupt - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Fix clock rate in NV-DDR - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Support NV-DDR interface - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Fix a macro parameter - mtd: rawnand: Add NV-DDR timings - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Check the proposed data interface is supported - mtd: rawnand: Add a helper to clarify the interface configuration - drm/vc4: drv: Adopt the dma configuration from the HVS or V3D component - HID: hid-input: add Surface Go battery quirk - HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Spectre X360 15-df0xxx - drm/mediatek: Keep dsi as LP00 before dcs cmds transfer - drm/mediatek: Allow commands to be sent during video mode - drm/i915/dg1: Update DMC_DEBUG3 register - spmi: trace: fix stack-out-of-bound access in SPMI tracing functions - __follow_mount_rcu(): verify that mount_lock remains unchanged - Input: gscps2 - check return value of ioremap() in gscps2_probe() - x86/olpc: fix 'logical not is only applied to the left hand side' - ftrace/x86: Add back ftrace_expected assignment - x86/bugs: Enable STIBP for IBPB mitigated RETBleed - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix losing FCP-2 targets during port perturbation tests - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix losing FCP-2 targets on long port disable with I/Os - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix erroneous mailbox timeout after PCI error injection - scsi: qla2xxx: Turn off multi-queue for 8G adapters - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix discovery issues in FC-AL topology - scsi: zfcp: Fix missing auto port scan and thus missing target ports - video: fbdev: s3fb: Check the size of screen before memset_io() - video: fbdev: arkfb: Check the size of screen before memset_io() - video: fbdev: vt8623fb: Check the size of screen before memset_io() - x86/entry: Build thunk_$(BITS) only if CONFIG_PREEMPTION=y - sched: Fix the check of nr_running at queue wakelist - tools/thermal: Fix possible path truncations - video: fbdev: arkfb: Fix a divide-by-zero bug in ark_set_pixclock() - x86/numa: Use cpumask_available instead of hardcoded NULL check - sched, cpuset: Fix dl_cpu_busy() panic due to empty cs->cpus_allowed - sched/deadline: Merge dl_task_can_attach() and dl_cpu_busy() - scripts/faddr2line: Fix vmlinux detection on arm64 - genelf: Use HAVE_LIBCRYPTO_SUPPORT, not the never defined HAVE_LIBCRYPTO - powerpc/pci: Fix PHB numbering when using opal-phbid - kprobes: Forbid probing on trampoline and BPF code areas - perf symbol: Fail to read phdr workaround - powerpc/cell/axon_msi: Fix refcount leak in setup_msi_msg_address - powerpc/xive: Fix refcount leak in xive_get_max_prio - powerpc/spufs: Fix refcount leak in spufs_init_isolated_loader - f2fs: fix to remove F2FS_COMPR_FL and tag F2FS_NOCOMP_FL at the same time - f2fs: write checkpoint during FG_GC - f2fs: don't set GC_FAILURE_PIN for background GC - powerpc/pci: Prefer PCI domain assignment via DT 'linux,pci-domain' and alias - powerpc/32: Do not allow selection of e5500 or e6500 CPUs on PPC32 - ASoC: mchp-spdifrx: disable end of block interrupt on failures - video: fbdev: sis: fix typos in SiS_GetModeID() - video: fbdev: amba-clcd: Fix refcount leak bugs - watchdog: armada_37xx_wdt: check the return value of devm_ioremap() in armada_37xx_wdt_probe() - ASoC: audio-graph-card: Add of_node_put() in fail path - fuse: Remove the control interface for virtio-fs - ASoC: qcom: q6dsp: Fix an off-by-one in q6adm_alloc_copp() - ASoC: fsl_easrc: use snd_pcm_format_t type for sample_format - s390/zcore: fix race when reading from hardware system area - s390/dump: fix old lowcore virtual vs physical address confusion - perf tools: Fix dso_id inode generation comparison - iommu/arm-smmu: qcom_iommu: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of loop - mfd: max77620: Fix refcount leak in max77620_initialise_fps - mfd: t7l66xb: Drop platform disable callback - remoteproc: sysmon: Wait for SSCTL service to come up - lib/smp_processor_id: fix imbalanced instrumentation_end() call - kfifo: fix kfifo_to_user() return type - rpmsg: qcom_smd: Fix refcount leak in qcom_smd_parse_edge - iommu/exynos: Handle failed IOMMU device registration properly - tty: n_gsm: fix missing corner cases in gsmld_poll() - tty: n_gsm: fix DM command - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong T1 retry count handling - vfio/ccw: Do not change FSM state in subchannel event - vfio/mdev: Make to_mdev_device() into a static inline - vfio: Split creation of a vfio_device into init and register ops - vfio: Simplify the lifetime logic for vfio_device - vfio: Remove extra put/gets around vfio_device->group - remoteproc: qcom: wcnss: Fix handling of IRQs - ASoC: qcom: Fix missing of_node_put() in asoc_qcom_lpass_cpu_platform_probe() - tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in gsmld_write() - tty: n_gsm: fix packet re-transmission without open control channel - tty: n_gsm: fix non flow control frames during mux flow off - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong queuing behavior in gsm_dlci_data_output() - tty: n_gsm: fix user open not possible at responder until initiator open - tty: n_gsm: Delete gsmtty open SABM frame when config requester - ASoC: samsung: change gpiod_speaker_power and rx1950_audio from global to static variables - powerpc/perf: Optimize clearing the pending PMI and remove WARN_ON for PMI check in power_pmu_disable - ASoC: samsung: h1940_uda1380: include proepr GPIO consumer header - profiling: fix shift too large makes kernel panic - selftests/livepatch: better synchronize test_klp_callbacks_busy - remoteproc: k3-r5: Fix refcount leak in k3_r5_cluster_of_init - rpmsg: mtk_rpmsg: Fix circular locking dependency - ASoC: codecs: wcd9335: move gains from SX_TLV to S8_TLV - ASoC: codecs: msm8916-wcd-digital: move gains from SX_TLV to S8_TLV - serial: 8250_dw: Store LSR into lsr_saved_flags in dw8250_tx_wait_empty() - serial: 8250: Export ICR access helpers for internal use - ASoC: mediatek: mt8173-rt5650: Fix refcount leak in mt8173_rt5650_dev_probe - ASoC: codecs: da7210: add check for i2c_add_driver - ASoC: mt6797-mt6351: Fix refcount leak in mt6797_mt6351_dev_probe - ASoC: mediatek: mt8173: Fix refcount leak in mt8173_rt5650_rt5676_dev_probe - ASoC: samsung: Fix error handling in aries_audio_probe - ASoC: cros_ec_codec: Fix refcount leak in cros_ec_codec_platform_probe - opp: Fix error check in dev_pm_opp_attach_genpd() - usb: cdns3: Don't use priv_dev uninitialized in cdns3_gadget_ep_enable() - nvme: use command_id instead of req->tag in trace_nvme_complete_rq() - null_blk: fix ida error handling in null_add_dev() - RDMA/rxe: Fix error unwind in rxe_create_qp() - RDMA/mlx5: Add missing check for return value in get namespace flow - selftests: kvm: set rax before vmcall - mm/mmap.c: fix missing call to vm_unacct_memory in mmap_region - RDMA/srpt: Fix a use-after-free - RDMA/srpt: Introduce a reference count in struct srpt_device - RDMA/srpt: Duplicate port name members - platform/olpc: Fix uninitialized data in debugfs write - usb: cdns3: change place of 'priv_ep' assignment in cdns3_gadget_ep_dequeue(), cdns3_gadget_ep_enable() - USB: serial: fix tty-port initialized comments - PCI: tegra194: Fix link up retry sequence - PCI: tegra194: Fix Root Port interrupt handling - HID: alps: Declare U1_UNICORN_LEGACY support - mmc: cavium-thunderx: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of loop - mmc: cavium-octeon: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of loop - HID: mcp2221: prevent a buffer overflow in mcp_smbus_write() - gpio: gpiolib-of: Fix refcount bugs in of_mm_gpiochip_add_data() - RDMA/hfi1: fix potential memory leak in setup_base_ctxt() - RDMA/siw: Fix duplicated reported IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY event - RDMA/qedr: Fix potential memory leak in __qedr_alloc_mr() - RDMA/qedr: Improve error logs for rdma_alloc_tid error return - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Fix modinfo output for stringify - RDMA/rtrs: Avoid Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare - RDMA/rtrs: Define MIN_CHUNK_SIZE - um: random: Don't initialise hwrng struct with zero - interconnect: imx: fix max_node_id - eeprom: idt_89hpesx: uninitialized data in idt_dbgfs_csr_write() - usb: dwc3: qcom: fix missing optional irq warnings - usb: dwc3: core: Do not perform GCTL_CORE_SOFTRESET during bootup - usb: dwc3: core: Deprecate GCTL.CORESOFTRESET - usb: aspeed-vhub: Fix refcount leak bug in ast_vhub_init_desc() - usb: gadget: udc: amd5536 depends on HAS_DMA - xtensa: iss: fix handling error cases in iss_net_configure() - xtensa: iss/network: provide release() callback - scsi: smartpqi: Fix DMA direction for RAID requests - PCI: qcom: Set up rev 2.1.0 PARF_PHY before enabling clocks - PCI/portdrv: Don't disable AER reporting in get_port_device_capability() - KVM: s390: pv: leak the topmost page table when destroy fails - mmc: block: Add single read for 4k sector cards - mmc: sdhci-of-at91: fix set_uhs_signaling rewriting of MC1R - memstick/ms_block: Fix a memory leak - memstick/ms_block: Fix some incorrect memory allocation - mmc: sdhci-of-esdhc: Fix refcount leak in esdhc_signal_voltage_switch - staging: rtl8192u: Fix sleep in atomic context bug in dm_fsync_timer_callback - intel_th: msu: Fix vmalloced buffers - intel_th: msu-sink: Potential dereference of null pointer - intel_th: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - PCI: endpoint: Don't stop controller when unbinding endpoint function - dmaengine: sf-pdma: Add multithread support for a DMA channel - dmaengine: sf-pdma: apply proper spinlock flags in sf_pdma_prep_dma_memcpy() - KVM: arm64: Don't return from void function - soundwire: bus_type: fix remove and shutdown support - PCI: dwc: Always enable CDM check if "snps,enable-cdm-check" exists - PCI: dwc: Deallocate EPC memory on dw_pcie_ep_init() errors - PCI: dwc: Add unroll iATU space support to dw_pcie_disable_atu() - clk: qcom: camcc-sdm845: Fix topology around titan_top power domain - clk: qcom: ipq8074: set BRANCH_HALT_DELAY flag for UBI clocks - clk: qcom: ipq8074: fix NSS port frequency tables - clk: qcom: ipq8074: SW workaround for UBI32 PLL lock - clk: qcom: ipq8074: fix NSS core PLL-s - usb: host: xhci: use snprintf() in xhci_decode_trb() - clk: qcom: clk-krait: unlock spin after mux completion - misc: rtsx: Fix an error handling path in rtsx_pci_probe() - dmaengine: dw-edma: Fix eDMA Rd/Wr-channels and DMA-direction semantics - mwifiex: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by dev_coredumpv - mwifiex: Ignore BTCOEX events from the 88W8897 firmware - KVM: Don't set Accessed/Dirty bits for ZERO_PAGE - clk: mediatek: reset: Fix written reset bit offset - iio: accel: bma400: Reordering of header files - platform/chrome: cros_ec: Always expose last resume result - iio: accel: bma400: Fix the scale min and max macro values - netfilter: xtables: Bring SPDX identifier back - usb: xhci: tegra: Fix error check - usb: gadget: tegra-xudc: Fix error check in tegra_xudc_powerdomain_init() - usb: ohci-nxp: Fix refcount leak in ohci_hcd_nxp_probe - usb: host: Fix refcount leak in ehci_hcd_ppc_of_probe - fpga: altera-pr-ip: fix unsigned comparison with less than zero - mtd: st_spi_fsm: Add a clk_disable_unprepare() in .probe()'s error path - mtd: partitions: Fix refcount leak in parse_redboot_of - mtd: sm_ftl: Fix deadlock caused by cancel_work_sync in sm_release - HID: cp2112: prevent a buffer overflow in cp2112_xfer() - PCI: tegra194: Fix PM error handling in tegra_pcie_config_ep() - mtd: rawnand: meson: Fix a potential double free issue - mtd: maps: Fix refcount leak in ap_flash_init - mtd: maps: Fix refcount leak in of_flash_probe_versatile - clk: renesas: r9a06g032: Fix UART clkgrp bitsel - wireguard: allowedips: don't corrupt stack when detecting overflow - wireguard: ratelimiter: use hrtimer in selftest - dccp: put dccp_qpolicy_full() and dccp_qpolicy_push() in the same lock - net: ionic: fix error check for vlan flags in ionic_set_nic_features() - net: rose: fix netdev reference changes - netdevsim: Avoid allocation warnings triggered from user space - iavf: Fix max_rate limiting - net: allow unbound socket for packets in VRF when tcp_l3mdev_accept set - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_l3mdev_accept. - ipv6: add READ_ONCE(sk->sk_bound_dev_if) in INET6_MATCH() - tcp: sk->sk_bound_dev_if once in inet_request_bound_dev_if() - inet: add READ_ONCE(sk->sk_bound_dev_if) in INET_MATCH() - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix auth key size error - crypto: inside-secure - Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE for of - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - don't use GFP_KERNEL to alloc mem during softirq - net/mlx5e: Fix the value of MLX5E_MAX_RQ_NUM_MTTS - net/mlx5e: Remove WARN_ON when trying to offload an unsupported TLS cipher/version - media: cedrus: hevc: Add check for invalid timestamp - wifi: libertas: Fix possible refcount leak in if_usb_probe() - wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix double list_add at iwl_mvm_mac_wake_tx_queue - wifi: wil6210: debugfs: fix uninitialized variable use in `wil_write_file_wmi()` - i2c: mux-gpmux: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of loop - i2c: cadence: Support PEC for SMBus block read - Bluetooth: hci_intel: Add check for platform_driver_register - can: pch_can: pch_can_error(): initialize errc before using it - can: error: specify the values of data[5..7] of CAN error frames - can: usb_8dev: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: kvaser_usb_leaf: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: kvaser_usb_hydra: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: sun4i_can: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: hi311x: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: sja1000: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: rcar_can: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: pch_can: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - selftests/bpf: fix a test for snprintf() overflow - wifi: p54: add missing parentheses in p54_flush() - wifi: p54: Fix an error handling path in p54spi_probe() - wifi: wil6210: debugfs: fix info leak in wil_write_file_wmi() - fs: check FMODE_LSEEK to control internal pipe splicing - bpf: Fix subprog names in stack traces. - selftests: timers: clocksource-switch: fix passing errors from child - selftests: timers: valid-adjtimex: build fix for newer toolchains - libbpf: Fix the name of a reused map - tcp: make retransmitted SKB fit into the send window - drm/exynos/exynos7_drm_decon: free resources when clk_set_parent() failed. - mediatek: mt76: mac80211: Fix missing of_node_put() in mt76_led_init() - mt76: mt76x02u: fix possible memory leak in __mt76x02u_mcu_send_msg - media: platform: mtk-mdp: Fix mdp_ipi_comm structure alignment - crypto: hisilicon - Kunpeng916 crypto driver don't sleep when in softirq - drm/msm/mdp5: Fix global state lock backoff - lib: bitmap: provide devm_bitmap_alloc() and devm_bitmap_zalloc() - lib: bitmap: order includes alphabetically - drm: bridge: sii8620: fix possible off-by-one - drm/mediatek: dpi: Only enable dpi after the bridge is enabled - drm/mediatek: dpi: Remove output format of YUV - drm/rockchip: Fix an error handling path rockchip_dp_probe() - drm/rockchip: vop: Don't crash for invalid duplicate_state() - selftests/xsk: Destroy BPF resources only when ctx refcount drops to 0 - crypto: arm64/gcm - Select AEAD for GHASH_ARM64_CE - drm/vc4: hdmi: Correct HDMI timing registers for interlaced modes - drm/vc4: hdmi: Fix timings for interlaced modes - drm/vc4: hdmi: Limit the BCM2711 to the max without scrambling - drm/vc4: hdmi: Don't access the connector state in reset if kmalloc fails - drm/vc4: hdmi: Avoid full hdmi audio fifo writes - drm/vc4: hdmi: Remove firmware logic for MAI threshold setting - drm/vc4: dsi: Add correct stop condition to vc4_dsi_encoder_disable iteration - drm/vc4: dsi: Fix dsi0 interrupt support - drm/vc4: dsi: Register dsi0 as the correct vc4 encoder type - drm/vc4: dsi: Introduce a variant structure - drm/vc4: dsi: Use snprintf for the PHY clocks instead of an array - drm/vc4: drv: Remove the DSI pointer in vc4_drv - drm/vc4: dsi: Correct pixel order for DSI0 - drm/vc4: dsi: Correct DSI divider calculations - drm/vc4: plane: Fix margin calculations for the right/bottom edges - drm/vc4: plane: Remove subpixel positioning check - media: tw686x: Fix memory leak in tw686x_video_init - media: v4l2-mem2mem: prevent pollerr when last_buffer_dequeued is set - media: hdpvr: fix error value returns in hdpvr_read - drm/mcde: Fix refcount leak in mcde_dsi_bind - drm: bridge: adv7511: Add check for mipi_dsi_driver_register - crypto: ccp - During shutdown, check SEV data pointer before using - test_bpf: fix incorrect netdev features - drm/radeon: fix incorrrect SPDX-License-Identifiers - wifi: iwlegacy: 4965: fix potential off-by-one overflow in il4965_rs_fill_link_cmd() - media: tw686x: Register the irq at the end of probe - crypto: sun8i-ss - fix infinite loop in sun8i_ss_setup_ivs() - i2c: Fix a potential use after free - crypto: sun8i-ss - fix error codes in allocate_flows() - crypto: sun8i-ss - do not allocate memory when handling hash requests - drm: adv7511: override i2c address of cec before accessing it - virtio-gpu: fix a missing check to avoid NULL dereference - i2c: npcm: Correct slave role behavior - i2c: npcm: Remove own slave addresses 2:10 - drm/mediatek: Add pull-down MIPI operation in mtk_dsi_poweroff function - drm/mediatek: Separate poweron/poweroff from enable/disable and define new funcs - drm/mediatek: Modify dsi funcs to atomic operations - drm/radeon: fix potential buffer overflow in ni_set_mc_special_registers() - ath11k: Fix incorrect debug_mask mappings - drm/mipi-dbi: align max_chunk to 2 in spi_transfer - ath11k: fix netdev open race - wifi: rtlwifi: fix error codes in rtl_debugfs_set_write_h2c() - drm/st7735r: Fix module autoloading for Okaya RH128128T - ath10k: do not enforce interrupt trigger type - drm/bridge: tc358767: Make sure Refclk clock are enabled - drm/bridge: tc358767: Move (e)DP bridge endpoint parsing into dedicated function - pwm: lpc18xx-sct: Convert to devm_platform_ioremap_resource() - pwm: sifive: Shut down hardware only after pwmchip_remove() completed - pwm: sifive: Ensure the clk is enabled exactly once per running PWM - pwm: sifive: Simplify offset calculation for PWMCMP registers - pwm: sifive: Don't check the return code of pwmchip_remove() - dm: return early from dm_pr_call() if DM device is suspended - thermal/tools/tmon: Include pthread and time headers in tmon.h - selftests/seccomp: Fix compile warning when CC=clang - nohz/full, sched/rt: Fix missed tick-reenabling bug in dequeue_task_rt() - drivers/perf: arm_spe: Fix consistency of SYS_PMSCR_EL1.CX - arm64: dts: qcom: qcs404: Fix incorrect USB2 PHYs assignment - soc: qcom: Make QCOM_RPMPD depend on PM - regulator: of: Fix refcount leak bug in of_get_regulation_constraints() - blktrace: Trace remapped requests correctly - block: remove the request_queue to argument request based tracepoints - hwmon: (drivetemp) Add module alias - blk-mq: don't create hctx debugfs dir until q->debugfs_dir is created - erofs: avoid consecutive detection for Highmem memory - arm64: tegra: Fix SDMMC1 CD on P2888 - arm64: dts: mt7622: fix BPI-R64 WPS button - bus: hisi_lpc: fix missing platform_device_put() in hisi_lpc_acpi_probe() - ARM: dts: qcom: pm8841: add required thermal-sensor-cells - soc: qcom: aoss: Fix refcount leak in qmp_cooling_devices_register - soc: qcom: ocmem: Fix refcount leak in of_get_ocmem - ACPI: APEI: Fix _EINJ vs EFI_MEMORY_SP - regulator: qcom_smd: Fix pm8916_pldo range - cpufreq: zynq: Fix refcount leak in zynq_get_revision - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix refcount leak in omap3xxx_prm_late_init - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix refcount leak in omapdss_init_of - ARM: dts: qcom: mdm9615: add missing PMIC GPIO reg - block: fix infinite loop for invalid zone append - soc: fsl: guts: machine variable might be unset - locking/lockdep: Fix lockdep_init_map_*() confusion - arm64: cpufeature: Allow different PMU versions in ID_DFR0_EL1 - hexagon: select ARCH_WANT_LD_ORPHAN_WARN - ARM: dts: ast2600-evb: fix board compatible - ARM: dts: ast2500-evb: fix board compatible - x86/pmem: Fix platform-device leak in error path - arm64: dts: renesas: Fix thermal-sensors on single-zone sensors - soc: amlogic: Fix refcount leak in meson-secure-pwrc.c - soc: renesas: r8a779a0-sysc: Fix A2DP1 and A2CV[2357] PDR values - Input: atmel_mxt_ts - fix up inverted RESET handler - ARM: dts: imx7d-colibri-emmc: add cpu1 supply - ACPI: processor/idle: Annotate more functions to live in cpuidle section - ARM: bcm: Fix refcount leak in bcm_kona_smc_init - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon: Fix regulator node names - meson-mx-socinfo: Fix refcount leak in meson_mx_socinfo_init - ARM: findbit: fix overflowing offset - spi: spi-rspi: Fix PIO fallback on RZ platforms - powerpc/64s: Disable stack variable initialisation for prom_init - selinux: Add boundary check in put_entry() - PM: hibernate: defer device probing when resuming from hibernation - firmware: tegra: Fix error check return value of debugfs_create_file() - ARM: shmobile: rcar-gen2: Increase refcount for new reference - arm64: dts: allwinner: a64: orangepi-win: Fix LED node name - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: fix NAND node name - ACPI: LPSS: Fix missing check in register_device_clock() - ACPI: PM: save NVS memory for Lenovo G40-45 - ACPI: EC: Drop the EC_FLAGS_IGNORE_DSDT_GPE quirk - ACPI: EC: Remove duplicate ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th entry from DMI quirks - ARM: OMAP2+: display: Fix refcount leak bug - spi: synquacer: Add missing clk_disable_unprepare() - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Add DT for Meraki MR26 - ARM: dts: imx6ul: fix qspi node compatible - ARM: dts: imx6ul: fix lcdif node compatible - ARM: dts: imx6ul: fix csi node compatible - ARM: dts: imx6ul: fix keypad compatible - ARM: dts: imx6ul: change operating-points to uint32-matrix - ARM: dts: imx6ul: add missing properties for sram - wait: Fix __wait_event_hrtimeout for RT/DL tasks - irqchip/mips-gic: Check the return value of ioremap() in gic_of_init() - genirq: GENERIC_IRQ_IPI depends on SMP - irqchip/mips-gic: Only register IPI domain when SMP is enabled - genirq: Don't return error on missing optional irq_request_resources() - ext2: Add more validity checks for inode counts - arm64: Do not forget syscall when starting a new thread. - x86: Handle idle=nomwait cmdline properly for x86_idle - epoll: autoremove wakers even more aggressively - netfilter: nf_tables: fix null deref due to zeroed list head - lockdep: Allow tuning tracing capacity constants. - usb: dwc3: gadget: fix high speed multiplier setting - usb: dwc3: gadget: refactor dwc3_repare_one_trb - arm64: dts: uniphier: Fix USB interrupts for PXs3 SoC - ARM: dts: uniphier: Fix USB interrupts for PXs2 SoC - USB: HCD: Fix URB giveback issue in tasklet function - usb: typec: ucsi: Acknowledge the GET_ERROR_STATUS command completion - coresight: Clear the connection field properly - MIPS: cpuinfo: Fix a warning for CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK - powerpc/powernv: Avoid crashing if rng is NULL - powerpc/ptdump: Fix display of RW pages on FSL_BOOK3E - powerpc/fsl-pci: Fix Class Code of PCIe Root Port - PCI: Add defines for normal and subtractive PCI bridges - ia64, processor: fix -Wincompatible-pointer-types in ia64_get_irr() - media: [PATCH] pci: atomisp_cmd: fix three missing checks on list iterator - md-raid10: fix KASAN warning - md-raid: destroy the bitmap after destroying the thread - serial: mvebu-uart: uart2 error bits clearing - fuse: limit nsec - scsi: qla2xxx: Zero undefined mailbox IN registers - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix incorrect display of max frame size - scsi: sg: Allow waiting for commands to complete on removed device - iio: light: isl29028: Fix the warning in isl29028_remove() - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Update NAND bus clock instead of system clock - drm/amdgpu: Check BO's requested pinning domains against its preferred_domains - drm/nouveau/acpi: Don't print error when we get -EINPROGRESS from pm_runtime - drm/nouveau: Don't pm_runtime_put_sync(), only pm_runtime_put_autosuspend() - drm/nouveau: fix another off-by-one in nvbios_addr - drm/vc4: hdmi: Disable audio if dmas property is present but empty - drm/gem: Properly annotate WW context on drm_gem_lock_reservations() error - parisc: io_pgetevents_time64() needs compat syscall in 32-bit compat mode - parisc: Check the return value of ioremap() in lba_driver_probe() - parisc: Fix device names in /proc/iomem - ovl: drop WARN_ON() dentry is NULL in ovl_encode_fh() - usbnet: Fix linkwatch use-after-free on disconnect - fbcon: Fix accelerated fbdev scrolling while logo is still shown - fbcon: Fix boundary checks for fbcon=vc:n1-n2 parameters - thermal: sysfs: Fix cooling_device_stats_setup() error code path - fs: Add missing umask strip in vfs_tmpfile - vfs: Check the truncate maximum size in inode_newsize_ok() - tty: vt: initialize unicode screen buffer - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for HP OMEN 15 (8786) mute LED - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for another Asus K42JZ model - ALSA: hda/cirrus - support for iMac 12,1 model - ALSA: hda/conexant: Add quirk for LENOVO 20149 Notebook model - riscv: set default pm_power_off to NULL - KVM: x86: Tag kvm_mmu_x86_module_init() with __init - KVM: x86: Set error code to segment selector on LLDT/LTR non-canonical #GP - KVM: x86: Mark TSS busy during LTR emulation _after_ all fault checks - KVM: nVMX: Let userspace set nVMX MSR to any _host_ supported value - KVM: s390: pv: don't present the ecall interrupt twice - KVM: SVM: Don't BUG if userspace injects an interrupt with GIF=0 - KVM: nVMX: Snapshot pre-VM-Enter DEBUGCTL for !nested_run_pending case - KVM: nVMX: Snapshot pre-VM-Enter BNDCFGS for !nested_run_pending case - HID: wacom: Don't register pad_input for touch switch - HID: wacom: Only report rotation for art pen - add barriers to buffer_uptodate and set_buffer_uptodate - wifi: mac80211_hwsim: use 32-bit skb cookie - wifi: mac80211_hwsim: add back erroneously removed cast - wifi: mac80211_hwsim: fix race condition in pending packet - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Spectre x360 15-eb0xxx - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NV45PZ - ALSA: bcd2000: Fix a UAF bug on the error path of probing - scsi: Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover" - Revert "pNFS: nfs3_set_ds_client should set NFS_CS_NOPING" - x86: link vdso and boot with -z noexecstack --no-warn-rwx-segments - Makefile: link with -z noexecstack --no-warn-rwx-segments - !253 [5.10] [bugfix] : fix arm32 compiler error ERROR and warning - openeuler: net: txgbe: fix arm32 compile error because 64bit div and warnning - macintosh/adb: fix oob read in do_adb_query() function - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x13D3:0x3586 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x13D3:0x3587 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x0CB8:0xC558 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x04C5:0x1675 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x04CA:0x4007 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add support of IMC Networks PID 0x3568 - Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Add DT compatible for CYW55572 - Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Add BCM4349B1 variant - selftests: KVM: Handle compiler optimizations in ucall - tools/kvm_stat: fix display of error when multiple processes are found - ACPI: APEI: Better fix to avoid spamming the console with old error logs - ACPI: video: Shortening quirk list by identifying Clevo by board_name only - ACPI: video: Force backlight native for some TongFang devices - selftests/bpf: Check dst_port only on the client socket - selftests/bpf: Extend verifier and bpf_sock tests for dst_port loads - ath9k_htc: fix NULL pointer dereference at ath9k_htc_tx_get_packet() - ath9k_htc: fix NULL pointer dereference at ath9k_htc_rxep() - x86/speculation: Make all RETbleed mitigations 64-bit only - x86/bugs: Do not enable IBPB at firmware entry when IBPB is not available - xfs: prevent UAF in xfs_log_item_in_current_chkpt - docs/kernel-parameters: Update descriptions for "mitigations=" param with retbleed - EDAC/ghes: Set the DIMM label unconditionally - ARM: 9216/1: Fix MAX_DMA_ADDRESS overflow - mt7601u: add USB device ID for some versions of XiaoDu WiFi Dongle. - page_alloc: fix invalid watermark check on a negative value - ARM: crypto: comment out gcc warning that breaks clang builds - sctp: leave the err path free in sctp_stream_init to sctp_stream_free - sfc: disable softirqs for ptp TX - perf symbol: Correct address for bss symbols - virtio-net: fix the race between refill work and close - sctp: fix sleep in atomic context bug in timer handlers - i40e: Fix interface init with MSI interrupts (no MSI-X) - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_reflect_tos. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_comp_sack_nr. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_comp_sack_slack_ns. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_comp_sack_delay_ns. - net: macsec: fix potential resource leak in macsec_add_rxsa() and macsec_add_txsa() - macsec: always read MACSEC_SA_ATTR_PN as a u64 - macsec: limit replay window size with XPN - macsec: fix error message in macsec_add_rxsa and _txsa - macsec: fix NULL deref in macsec_add_rxsa - Documentation: fix sctp_wmem in ip-sysctl.rst - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_invalid_ratelimit. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_autocorking. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_min_rtt_wlen. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_min_tso_segs. - net: sungem_phy: Add of_node_put() for reference returned by of_get_parent() - igmp: Fix data-races around sysctl_igmp_qrv. - net/tls: Remove the context from the list in tls_device_down - net: ping6: Fix memleak in ipv6_renew_options(). - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_challenge_ack_limit. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_limit_output_bytes. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_moderate_rcvbuf. - Revert "tcp: change pingpong threshold to 3" - scsi: ufs: host: Hold reference returned by of_parse_phandle() - ice: do not setup vlan for loopback VSI - ice: check (DD | EOF) bits on Rx descriptor rather than (EOP | RS) - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_no_ssthresh_metrics_save. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_nometrics_save. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_frto. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_app_win. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_dsack. - watch_queue: Fix missing locking in add_watch_to_object() - watch_queue: Fix missing rcu annotation - nouveau/svm: Fix to migrate all requested pages - s390/archrandom: prevent CPACF trng invocations in interrupt context - ntfs: fix use-after-free in ntfs_ucsncmp() - Revert "ocfs2: mount shared volume without ha stack" - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free caused by l2cap_chan_put - net: usb: ax88179_178a needs FLAG_SEND_ZLP - x86/alternative: Report missing return thunk details - x86/amd: Use IBPB for firmware calls - Bluetooth: Fix bt_skb_sendmmsg not allocating partial chunks - Bluetooth: SCO: Fix sco_send_frame returning skb->len - Bluetooth: Fix passing NULL to PTR_ERR - Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with bt_skb_sendmmsg - Bluetooth: SCO: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with bt_skb_sendmsg - Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmmsg helper - Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmsg helper - ALSA: memalloc: Align buffer allocations in page size - bitfield.h: Fix "type of reg too small for mask" test - drm/imx/dcss: fix unused but set variable warnings - dlm: fix pending remove if msg allocation fails - x86/bugs: Warn when "ibrs" mitigation is selected on Enhanced IBRS parts - sched/deadline: Fix BUG_ON condition for deboosted tasks - bpf: Make sure mac_header was set before using it - mm/mempolicy: fix uninit-value in mpol_rebind_policy() - KVM: Don't null dereference ops->destroy - spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref for non DMA transfers - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_max_reordering. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_rfc1337. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_stdurg. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_retrans_collapse. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_slow_start_after_idle. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_thin_linear_timeouts. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_recovery. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_early_retrans. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl knobs related to SYN option. - udp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_udp_l3mdev_accept. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_prot_sock. - ipv4: Fix a data-race around sysctl_fib_multipath_use_neigh. - drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path - be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom - gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache sync during init - gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync - gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode - ixgbe: Add locking to prevent panic when setting sriov_numvfs to zero - i40e: Fix erroneous adapter reinitialization during recovery process - iavf: Fix handling of dummy receive descriptors - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_fastopen_blackhole_timeout. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_fastopen. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_max_syn_backlog. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_notsent_lowat. - tcp: Fix data-races around some timeout sysctl knobs. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_reordering. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_syncookies. - tcp: Fix data-races around keepalive sysctl knobs. - igmp: Fix data-races around sysctl_igmp_max_msf. - igmp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_igmp_max_memberships. - igmp: Fix data-races around sysctl_igmp_llm_reports. - net/tls: Fix race in TLS device down flow - net: stmmac: fix dma queue left shift overflow issue - i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be unconditional - net: stmmac: fix unbalanced ptp clock issue in suspend/resume flow - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_probe_interval. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_probe_threshold. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_mtu_probe_floor. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_min_snd_mss. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_base_mss. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_mtu_probing. - tcp/dccp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_fwmark_accept. - ip: Fix a data-race around sysctl_fwmark_reflect. - ip: Fix a data-race around sysctl_ip_autobind_reuse. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_nonlocal_bind. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_fwd_update_priority. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_fwd_use_pmtu. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_no_pmtu_disc. - igc: Reinstate IGC_REMOVED logic and implement it properly - drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode - perf/core: Fix data race between perf_event_set_output() and perf_mmap_close() - pinctrl: ralink: Check for null return of devm_kcalloc - power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in versatile_reboot_probe - serial: mvebu-uart: correctly report configured baudrate value - PCI: hv: Fix interrupt mapping for multi-MSI - PCI: hv: Reuse existing IRTE allocation in compose_msi_msg() - PCI: hv: Fix hv_arch_irq_unmask() for multi-MSI - PCI: hv: Fix multi-MSI to allow more than one MSI vector - Revert "m68knommu: only set CONFIG_ISA_DMA_API for ColdFire sub-arch" - net: inline rollback_registered_many() - net: move rollback_registered_many() - net: inline rollback_registered() - net: move net_set_todo inside rollback_registered() - docs: net: explain struct net_device lifetime - xen/gntdev: Ignore failure to unmap INVALID_GRANT_HANDLE - mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix IPv4 nexthop gateway indication - riscv: add as-options for modules with assembly compontents - pinctrl: stm32: fix optional IRQ support to gpios - !196 openEuler-22.03-LTS: kernel: add OPENEULER_VERSION_CODE to version.h - !176 bugfix: Limit "Dummy wait" workaround to old Intel systems in acpi idle driver - ACPI: processor idle: Practically limit "Dummy wait" workaround to old Intel systems - kernel: add OPENEULER_VERSION_CODE to version.h- bnx2x: fix potential memory leak in bnx2x_tpa_stop() - scsi: stex: Properly zero out the passthrough command structure - libbpf: Fix null-pointer dereference in find_prog_by_sec_insn() - blktrace: remove unnessary stop block trace in 'blk_trace_shutdown' - blktrace: fix possible memleak in '__blk_trace_remove' - blktrace: introduce 'blk_trace_{start,stop}' helper - ext4: record error information when insert extent failed in 'ext4_split_extent_at' - pgp: Check result of crypto_alloc_shash properly - net: tun: fix bugs for oversize packet when napi frags enabled - irqdomain: Fix driver re-inserting failures when IRQs not being freed - nbd: refactor size updates - nbd: move the task_recv check into nbd_size_update - nbd: remove the call to set_blocksize - Revert "cifs: fix double free race when mount fails in cifs_get_root()" - scsi: libsas: Resume SAS host for phy reset or enable via sysfs - !207 [5.10] [bugfix] : merge net-swift txgbe out_of_tree module v1.2.3 to openEuler/txgbe for some known bugs - openeuler: net: txgbe: Fix some known bugs, merge net-swift txgbe-1.2.3 out-of-tree - openeuler: configs: delete txgbe/Kconfig, add txgbe_config to netswift/Kconfig- atm: idt77252: fix use-after-free bugs caused by tst_timer - fs: fix UAF/GPF bug in nilfs_mdt_destroy - wifi: Fix potential buffer overflow in 'brcmf_fweh_event_worker' - nilfs2: fix NULL pointer dereference at nilfs_bmap_lookup_at_level() - mm/hugetlb: fix races when looking up a CONT-PTE/PMD size hugetlb page - usb: mon: make mmapped memory read only - scsi: sd: Revert "scsi: sd: Remove a local variable" - devlink: Fix use-after-free after a failed reload - nouveau: fix migrate_to_ram() for faulting page - mm/memory.c: fix race when faulting a device private page - vsock: Fix memory leak in vsock_connect() - ext4: fix bug_on in __es_tree_search caused by bad boot loader inode - ext4: add EXT4_IGET_BAD flag to prevent unexpected bad inode - ext4: add helper to check quota inums - ext4: fix bug_on in __es_tree_search caused by bad quota inode - netfilter: nfnetlink_osf: fix possible bogus match in nf_osf_find() - mtd: rawnand: cafe: fix drivers probe/remove methods - nilfs2: fix leak of nilfs_root in case of writer thread creation failure - net: mvpp2: fix mvpp2 debugfs leak - x86/unwind/orc: Unwind ftrace trampolines with correct ORC entry - kprobes: don't call disarm_kprobe() for disabled kprobes - block: fix inaccurate io_ticks by set 'precise_iostat' - arm64: fix rodata=full - block: fix kabi broken in request_queue - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in blk_mq_tags - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in blk_mq_tag_set - blk-mq: Fix blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter() for shared tags - blk-mq-sched: Don't reference queue tagset in blk_mq_sched_tags_teardown() - blk-mq: Optimise blk_mq_queue_tag_busy_iter() for shared tags - blk-mq: Stop using pointers for blk_mq_tags bitmap tags - blk-mq: Use shared tags for shared sbitmap support - blk-mq: Always use blk_mq_is_sbitmap_shared - blk-mq: Refactor and rename blk_mq_free_map_and_{requests->rqs}() - blk-mq: Add blk_mq_alloc_map_and_rqs() - blk-mq: Add blk_mq_tag_update_sched_shared_sbitmap() - blk-mq: Don't clear driver tags own mapping - blk-mq: Pass driver tags to blk_mq_clear_rq_mapping() - blk-mq-sched: Rename blk_mq_sched_free_{requests -> rqs}() - blk-mq-sched: Rename blk_mq_sched_alloc_{tags -> map_and_rqs}() - blk-mq: Invert check in blk_mq_update_nr_requests() - blk-mq: Relocate shared sbitmap resize in blk_mq_update_nr_requests() - blk-mq: Change rqs check in blk_mq_free_rqs() - Revert "blk-mq: fix kabi broken by "blk-mq: Use request queue-wide tags for tagset-wide sbitmap"" - block: fix null-deref in percpu_ref_put - x86: Use -mindirect-branch-cs-prefix for RETPOLINE builds - x86/asm/32: Fix ANNOTATE_UNRET_SAFE use on 32-bit - objtool: Fix objtool regression on x32 systems - objtool: Fix symbol creation - objtool: Fix type of reloc::addend - objtool: Fix code relocs vs weak symbols - x86/alternative: Add debug prints to apply_retpolines() - x86/alternative: Try inline spectre_v2=retpoline,amd - x86/alternative: Handle Jcc __x86_indirect_thunk_ eg - x86/insn-eval: Handle return values from the decoder - x86/pat: Fix x86_has_pat_wp() - serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover - serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle - serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays - serial: 8250: fix return error code in serial8250_request_std_resource() - vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer - tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 - usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check - usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD - USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids - signal handling: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging - nvme-pci: phison e16 has bogus namespace ids - Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" - ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on stm32mp151 - soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning - irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered hardware - ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls - ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux - ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control - ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls - ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control - ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow - pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() - ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation - net: sfp: fix memory leak in sfp_probe() - nvme-tcp: always fail a request when sending it failed - NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error - net: tipc: fix possible refcount leak in tipc_sk_create() - platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event - cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug - scsi: hisi_sas: Limit max hw sectors for v3 HW - netfilter: br_netfilter: do not skip all hooks with 0 priority - virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume - virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore - mm: sysctl: fix missing numa_stat when !CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE - net/tls: Check for errors in tls_device_init - KVM: x86: Fully initialize 'struct kvm_lapic_irq' in kvm_pv_kick_cpu_op() - net: atlantic: remove aq_nic_deinit() when resume - net: atlantic: remove deep parameter on suspend/resume functions - sfc: fix kernel panic when creating VF - seg6: bpf: fix skb checksum in bpf_push_seg6_encap() - seg6: fix skb checksum in SRv6 End.B6 and End.B6.Encaps behaviors - seg6: fix skb checksum evaluation in SRH encapsulation/insertion - sfc: fix use after free when disabling sriov - ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() - ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is configured - net: ftgmac100: Hold reference returned by of_get_child_by_name() - nexthop: Fix data-races around nexthop_compat_mode. - ipv4: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_dynaddr. - raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept. - icmp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_icmp_ratemask. - icmp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_icmp_ratelimit. - sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies(). - drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets - drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests - ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node - ipv4: Fix a data-race around sysctl_fib_sync_mem. - icmp: Fix data-races around sysctl. - cipso: Fix data-races around sysctl. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_mem. - inetpeer: Fix data-races around sysctl. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_max_orphans. - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec(). - net: stmmac: dwc-qos: Disable split header for Tegra194 - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config flexible array - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in skl_get_ssp_clks() - ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default - ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range - ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling - ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays - ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove - ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in ima_appraise_measurement - drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in intel_dp_add_mst_connector() - net/mlx5e: Fix capability check for updating vnic env counters - net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix build time constant test in RX - net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix build time constant test in TX - ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable - ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU comes out of idle - spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count - ext4: fix race condition between ext4_write and ext4_convert_inline_data - Revert "evm: Fix memleak in init_desc" - sh: convert nommu io{re,un}map() to static inline functions - nilfs2: fix incorrect masking of permission flags for symlinks - fs/remap: constrain dedupe of EOF blocks - drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL - drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error - btrfs: return -EAGAIN for NOWAIT dio reads/writes on compressed and inline extents - wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces - ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb instruction - ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds only once - ip: fix dflt addr selection for connected nexthop - net: sock: tracing: Fix sock_exceed_buf_limit not to dereference stale pointer - tracing/histograms: Fix memory leak problem - mm: split huge PUD on wp_huge_pud fallback - fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers - xen/netback: avoid entering xenvif_rx_next_skb() with an empty rx queue - ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine with alc221 - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine with alc671 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51 - ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3 model - ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 - Revert "mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Fix setting busy timeout setting" - dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate - dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate - dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc() correctly - dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key - ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging - dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo - misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path - misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers - misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk transfer - dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs - i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path - r8169: fix accessing unset transport header - selftests: forwarding: fix error message in learning_test - selftests: forwarding: fix learning_test when h1 supports IFF_UNICAST_FLT - selftests: forwarding: fix flood_unicast_test when h2 supports IFF_UNICAST_FLT - ibmvnic: Properly dispose of all skbs during a failover. - i40e: Fix dropped jumbo frames statistics - xsk: Clear page contiguity bit when unmapping pool - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2_icp: fix eeprom compatibles - ARM: dts: at91: sam9x60ek: fix eeprom compatible and size - ARM: at91: pm: use proper compatibles for sam9x60's rtc and rtt - ARM: at91: pm: use proper compatible for sama5d2's rtc - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-*: Fix vdd_lvs1_2-supply typo - pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: correct I2C3 pad settings - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: correct gpio-led pad settings - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: correct the uart2 pinctl value - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: correct mmc pad settings - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8994: Fix CPU6/7 reg values - pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins - ARM: meson: Fix refcount leak in meson_smp_prepare_cpus - xfs: remove incorrect ASSERT in xfs_rename - can: kvaser_usb: kvaser_usb_leaf: fix bittiming limits - can: kvaser_usb: kvaser_usb_leaf: fix CAN clock frequency regression - can: kvaser_usb: replace run-time checks with struct kvaser_usb_driver_info - powerpc/powernv: delay rng platform device creation until later in boot - video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h - memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition - PM: runtime: Redefine pm_runtime_release_supplier() - fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue - iommu/vt-d: Fix PCI bus rescan device hot add - netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: release elements in clone from abort path - net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry - usbnet: fix memory leak in error case - bpf: Fix insufficient bounds propagation from adjust_scalar_min_max_vals - bpf: Fix incorrect verifier simulation around jmp32's jeq/jne - can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak - can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get() - can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu() - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU - clocksource/drivers/ixp4xx: remove EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL from ixp4xx_timer_setup() - net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition - net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition - selftests/rseq: Change type of rseq_offset to ptrdiff_t - selftests/rseq: x86-32: use %gs segment selector for accessing rseq thread area - selftests/rseq: x86-64: use %fs segment selector for accessing rseq thread area - selftests/rseq: Fix: work-around asm goto compiler bugs - selftests/rseq: Remove arm/mips asm goto compiler work-around - selftests/rseq: Fix warnings about #if checks of undefined tokens - selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 offsets by using long rather than off_t - selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 missing instruction selection "u" and "x" for load/store - selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32: wrong rseq_cs 32-bit field pointer on big endian - selftests/rseq: Uplift rseq selftests for compatibility with glibc-2.35 - selftests/rseq: Introduce thread pointer getters - selftests/rseq: Introduce rseq_get_abi() helper - selftests/rseq: Remove volatile from __rseq_abi - selftests/rseq: Remove useless assignment to cpu variable - selftests/rseq: introduce own copy of rseq uapi header - selftests/rseq: remove ARRAY_SIZE define from individual tests - hwmon: (ibmaem) don't call platform_device_del() if platform_device_add() fails - ipv6/sit: fix ipip6_tunnel_get_prl return value - sit: use min - drivers: cpufreq: Add missing of_node_put() in qoriq-cpufreq.c - xen/gntdev: Avoid blocking in unmap_grant_pages() - tcp: add a missing nf_reset_ct() in 3WHS handling - xfs: fix xfs_trans slab cache name - xfs: ensure xfs_errortag_random_default matches XFS_ERRTAG_MAX - net: tun: avoid disabling NAPI twice - tunnels: do not assume mac header is set in skb_tunnel_check_pmtu() - io_uring: ensure that send/sendmsg and recv/recvmsg check sqe->ioprio - epic100: fix use after free on rmmod - tipc: move bc link creation back to tipc_node_create - NFC: nxp-nci: Don't issue a zero length i2c_master_read() - nfc: nfcmrvl: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - net: bonding: fix use-after-free after 802.3ad slave unbind - net: bonding: fix possible NULL deref in rlb code - net/sched: act_api: Notify user space if any actions were flushed before error - netfilter: nft_dynset: restore set element counter when failing to update - s390: remove unneeded 'select BUILD_BIN2C' - PM / devfreq: exynos-ppmu: Fix refcount leak in of_get_devfreq_events - caif_virtio: fix race between virtio_device_ready() and ndo_open() - NFSD: restore EINVAL error translation in nfsd_commit() - net: ipv6: unexport __init-annotated seg6_hmac_net_init() - usbnet: fix memory allocation in helpers - linux/dim: Fix divide by 0 in RDMA DIM - RDMA/cm: Fix memory leak in ib_cm_insert_listen - RDMA/qedr: Fix reporting QP timeout attribute - net: dp83822: disable rx error interrupt - net: dp83822: disable false carrier interrupt - net: tun: stop NAPI when detaching queues - net: tun: unlink NAPI from device on destruction - net: dsa: bcm_sf2: force pause link settings - selftests/net: pass ipv6_args to udpgso_bench's IPv6 TCP test - virtio-net: fix race between ndo_open() and virtio_device_ready() - net: usb: ax88179_178a: Fix packet receiving - SUNRPC: Fix READ_PLUS crasher - s390/archrandom: simplify back to earlier design and initialize earlier - dm raid: fix KASAN warning in raid5_add_disks - dm raid: fix accesses beyond end of raid member array - powerpc/bpf: Fix use of user_pt_regs in uapi - powerpc/book3e: Fix PUD allocation size in map_kernel_page() - powerpc/prom_init: Fix kernel config grep - nvdimm: Fix badblocks clear off-by-one error - nvme-pci: add NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID for ADATA XPG SX6000LNP (AKA SPECTRIX S40G) - ipv6: take care of disable_policy when restoring routes - drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series - net: mscc: ocelot: allow unregistered IP multicast flooding - powerpc/ftrace: Remove ftrace init tramp once kernel init is complete - tick/nohz: unexport __init-annotated tick_nohz_full_setup() - drm: remove drm_fb_helper_modinit - MAINTAINERS: add Amir as xfs maintainer for 5.10.y- nilfs2: fix use-after-free bug of struct nilfs_root - can: j1939: j1939_session_destroy(): fix memory leak of skbs - r8152: Rate limit overflow messages - nfp: fix use-after-free in area_cache_get() - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free caused by l2cap_reassemble_sdu - media: pvrusb2: fix memory leak in pvr_probe - binderfs: rework superblock destruction - libbpf: Fix use-after-free in btf_dump_name_dups - sch_sfb: Also store skb len before calling child enqueue - sch_sfb: Don't assume the skb is still around after enqueueing to child - watch-queue: remove spurious double semicolon - watchqueue: make sure to serialize 'wqueue->defunct' properly - kabi: net: fix kabi broken in sk_buff - io_uring/af_unix: defer registered files gc to io_uring release - mISDN: fix use-after-free bugs in l1oip timer handlers - ubi: fastmap: Add fastmap control support for Module parameters - ubi: fastmap: Add fastmap control support for 'UBI_IOCATT' ioctl - ipv6: Fix data races around sk->sk_prot. - io_uring: Use original task for req identity in io_identity_cow() - tcp: Fix data races around icsk->icsk_af_ops. - wifi: mac80211: fix crash in beacon protection for P2P-device - ovl: do not fail because of O_NOATIME - x86/ftrace: Use alternative RET encoding - x86/ibt,ftrace: Make function-graph play nice - Revert "x86/ftrace: Use alternative RET encoding" - tcp/udp: Fix memory leak in ipv6_renew_options(). - kcm: avoid potential race in kcm_tx_work - ubifs: Reserve one leb for each journal head while doing budget - ubifs: do_rename: Fix wrong space budget when target inode's nlink > 1 - ubifs: Fix wrong dirty space budget for dirty inode - ubifs: Rectify space budget for ubifs_xrename() - ubifs: Rectify space budget for ubifs_symlink() if symlink is encrypted - powerpc/pseries: wire up rng during setup_arch() - kbuild: link vmlinux only once for CONFIG_TRIM_UNUSED_KSYMS (2nd attempt) - random: update comment from copy_to_user() -> copy_to_iter() - modpost: fix section mismatch check for exported init/exit sections - ARM: cns3xxx: Fix refcount leak in cns3xxx_init - memory: samsung: exynos5422-dmc: Fix refcount leak in of_get_dram_timings - ARM: Fix refcount leak in axxia_boot_secondary - soc: bcm: brcmstb: pm: pm-arm: Fix refcount leak in brcmstb_pm_probe - ARM: exynos: Fix refcount leak in exynos_map_pmu - ARM: dts: imx6qdl: correct PU regulator ramp delay - ARM: dts: imx7: Move hsic_phy power domain to HSIC PHY node - powerpc/powernv: wire up rng during setup_arch - powerpc/rtas: Allow ibm,platform-dump RTAS call with null buffer address - powerpc: Enable execve syscall exit tracepoint - parisc: Enable ARCH_HAS_STRICT_MODULE_RWX - parisc/stifb: Fix fb_is_primary_device() only available with CONFIG_FB_STI - xtensa: Fix refcount leak bug in time.c - xtensa: xtfpga: Fix refcount leak bug in setup - iio: adc: adi-axi-adc: Fix refcount leak in adi_axi_adc_attach_client - iio: adc: axp288: Override TS pin bias current for some models - iio: adc: stm32: Fix IRQs on STM32F4 by removing custom spurious IRQs message - iio: adc: stm32: Fix ADCs iteration in irq handler - iio: imu: inv_icm42600: Fix broken icm42600 (chip id 0 value) - iio: adc: stm32: fix maximum clock rate for stm32mp15x - iio: trigger: sysfs: fix use-after-free on remove - iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix the error handling in mpu3050_power_up() - iio: accel: mma8452: ignore the return value of reset operation - iio:accel:mxc4005: rearrange iio trigger get and register - iio:accel:bma180: rearrange iio trigger get and register - iio:chemical:ccs811: rearrange iio trigger get and register - f2fs: attach inline_data after setting compression - usb: chipidea: udc: check request status before setting device address - USB: gadget: Fix double-free bug in raw_gadget driver - usb: gadget: Fix non-unique driver names in raw-gadget driver - xhci-pci: Allow host runtime PM as default for Intel Meteor Lake xHCI - xhci-pci: Allow host runtime PM as default for Intel Raptor Lake xHCI - xhci: turn off port power in shutdown - usb: typec: wcove: Drop wrong dependency to INTEL_SOC_PMIC - iio: adc: vf610: fix conversion mode sysfs node name - iio: mma8452: fix probe fail when device tree compatible is used. - s390/cpumf: Handle events cycles and instructions identical - gpio: winbond: Fix error code in winbond_gpio_get() - nvme: move the Samsung X5 quirk entry to the core quirks - nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device - nvme-pci: allocate nvme_command within driver pdu - nvme: mark nvme_setup_passsthru() inline - nvme: centralize setting the timeout in nvme_alloc_request - Revert "net/tls: fix tls_sk_proto_close executed repeatedly" - virtio_net: fix xdp_rxq_info bug after suspend/resume - igb: Make DMA faster when CPU is active on the PCIe link - regmap-irq: Fix a bug in regmap_irq_enable() for type_in_mask chips - ice: ethtool: advertise 1000M speeds properly - afs: Fix dynamic root getattr - MIPS: Remove repetitive increase irq_err_count - x86/xen: Remove undefined behavior in setup_features() - selftests: netfilter: correct PKTGEN_SCRIPT_PATHS in - udmabuf: add back sanity check - net/tls: fix tls_sk_proto_close executed repeatedly - erspan: do not assume transport header is always set - drm/msm/dp: fix connect/disconnect handled at irq_hpd - drm/msm/dp: promote irq_hpd handle to handle link training correctly - drm/msm/dp: deinitialize mainlink if link training failed - drm/msm/dp: fixes wrong connection state caused by failure of link train - drm/msm/dp: check core_initialized before disable interrupts at dp_display_unbind() - drm/msm/mdp4: Fix refcount leak in mdp4_modeset_init_intf - net/sched: sch_netem: Fix arithmetic in netem_dump() for 32-bit platforms - bonding: ARP monitor spams NETDEV_NOTIFY_PEERS notifiers - igb: fix a use-after-free issue in igb_clean_tx_ring - tipc: fix use-after-free Read in tipc_named_reinit - tipc: simplify the finalize work queue - phy: aquantia: Fix AN when higher speeds than 1G are not advertised - bpf, x86: Fix tail call count offset calculation on bpf2bpf call - drm/sun4i: Fix crash during suspend after component bind failure - bpf: Fix request_sock leak in sk lookup helpers - drm/msm: use for_each_sgtable_sg to iterate over scatterlist - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition - netfilter: use get_random_u32 instead of prandom - netfilter: nftables: add nft_parse_register_store() and use it - netfilter: nftables: add nft_parse_register_load() and use it - drm/msm: Fix double pm_runtime_disable() call - USB: serial: option: add Quectel RM500K module support - USB: serial: option: add Quectel EM05-G modem - USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910Cx 0x1250 composition - dm mirror log: clear log bits up to BITS_PER_LONG boundary - dm era: commit metadata in postsuspend after worker stops - ata: libata: add qc->flags in ata_qc_complete_template tracepoint - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Fix setting busy timeout setting - mmc: sdhci-pci-o2micro: Fix card detect by dealing with debouncing - btrfs: add error messages to all unrecognized mount options - net: openvswitch: fix parsing of nw_proto for IPv6 fragments - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NS50PU - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo PD70PNT - ALSA: hda/realtek: Apply fixup for Lenovo Yoga Duet 7 properly - ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC897 headset MIC no sound - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add mute LED quirk for HP Omen laptop - ALSA: hda/conexant: Fix missing beep setup - ALSA: hda/via: Fix missing beep setup - random: quiet urandom warning ratelimit suppression message - random: schedule mix_interrupt_randomness() less often - arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer - serial: core: Initialize rs485 RTS polarity already on probe - tcp: drop the hash_32() part from the index calculation - tcp: dynamically allocate the perturb table used by source ports - tcp: add small random increments to the source port - tcp: use different parts of the port_offset for index and offset - tcp: add some entropy in __inet_hash_connect() - usb: gadget: u_ether: fix regression in setting fixed MAC address - zonefs: fix zonefs_iomap_begin() for reads - s390/mm: use non-quiescing sske for KVM switch to keyed guest - clk: imx8mp: fix usb_root_clk parent - powerpc/book3e: get rid of #include - igc: Enable PCIe PTM - Revert "PCI: Make pci_enable_ptm() private" - net: openvswitch: fix misuse of the cached connection on tuple changes - net/sched: act_police: more accurate MTU policing - dma-direct: don't over-decrypt memory - virtio-pci: Remove wrong address verification in vp_del_vqs() - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix right sounds and mute/micmute LEDs for HP machine - KVM: SVM: Use kzalloc for sev ioctl interfaces to prevent kernel data leak - KVM: x86: Account a variety of miscellaneous allocations - KVM: arm64: Don't read a HW interrupt pending state in user context - ext4: add reserved GDT blocks check - drm/amd/display: Cap OLED brightness per max frame-average luminance - dm mirror log: round up region bitmap size to BITS_PER_LONG - serial: 8250: Store to lsr_save_flags after lsr read - usb: gadget: lpc32xx_udc: Fix refcount leak in lpc32xx_udc_probe - usb: dwc2: Fix memory leak in dwc2_hcd_init - USB: serial: io_ti: add Agilent E5805A support - USB: serial: option: add support for Cinterion MV31 with new baseline - crypto: memneq - move into lib/ - comedi: vmk80xx: fix expression for tx buffer size - mei: me: add raptor lake point S DID - i2c: designware: Use standard optional ref clock implementation - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix refcount leak in gic_populate_ppi_partitions - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix error handling in gic_populate_ppi_partitions - irqchip/gic/realview: Fix refcount leak in realview_gic_of_init - i2c: npcm7xx: Add check for platform_driver_register - faddr2line: Fix overlapping text section failures, the sequel - block: Fix handling of offline queues in blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx() - certs/blacklist_hashes.c: fix const confusion in certs blacklist - arm64: ftrace: consistently handle PLTs. - arm64: ftrace: fix branch range checks - net: ax25: Fix deadlock caused by skb_recv_datagram in ax25_recvmsg - net: bgmac: Fix an erroneous kfree() in bgmac_remove() - mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Reorder counter pools - nvme: add device name to warning in uuid_show() - nvme: use sysfs_emit instead of sprintf - drm/i915/reset: Fix error_state_read ptr + offset use - misc: atmel-ssc: Fix IRQ check in ssc_probe - tty: goldfish: Fix free_irq() on remove - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Release cpu lock in error case - i40e: Fix call trace in setup_tx_descriptors - i40e: Fix calculating the number of queue pairs - i40e: Fix adding ADQ filter to TC0 - clocksource: hyper-v: unexport __init-annotated hv_init_clocksource() - pNFS: Avoid a live lock condition in pnfs_update_layout() - pNFS: Don't keep retrying if the server replied NFS4ERR_LAYOUTUNAVAILABLE - random: credit cpu and bootloader seeds by default - gpio: dwapb: Don't print error on -EPROBE_DEFER - MIPS: Loongson-3: fix compile mips cpu_hwmon as module build error. - mellanox: mlx5: avoid uninitialized variable warning with gcc-12 - net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix misuse of mem alloc interface netdev[napi]_alloc_frag - ipv6: Fix signed integer overflow in l2tp_ip6_sendmsg - nfc: nfcmrvl: Fix memory leak in nfcmrvl_play_deferred - virtio-mmio: fix missing put_device() when vm_cmdline_parent registration failed - ALSA: hda/realtek - Add HW8326 support - scsi: pmcraid: Fix missing resource cleanup in error case - scsi: ipr: Fix missing/incorrect resource cleanup in error case - scsi: lpfc: Allow reduced polling rate for nvme_admin_async_event cmd completion - scsi: lpfc: Fix port stuck in bypassed state after LIP in PT2PT topology - scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Expand vcpuHint to 16 bits - Input: soc_button_array - also add Lenovo Yoga Tablet2 1051F to dmi_use_low_level_irq - ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix event generation for wm_adsp_fw_put() - ASoC: es8328: Fix event generation for deemphasis control - ASoC: wm8962: Fix suspend while playing music - quota: Prevent memory allocation recursion while holding dq_lock - ata: libata-core: fix NULL pointer deref in ata_host_alloc_pinfo() - ASoC: cs42l51: Correct minimum value for SX volume control - ASoC: cs42l56: Correct typo in minimum level for SX volume controls - ASoC: cs42l52: Correct TLV for Bypass Volume - ASoC: cs53l30: Correct number of volume levels on SX controls - ASoC: cs35l36: Update digital volume TLV - ASoC: cs42l52: Fix TLV scales for mixer controls - dma-debug: make things less spammy under memory pressure - ASoC: nau8822: Add operation for internal PLL off and on - arm64: dts: imx8mm-beacon: Enable RTS-CTS on UART3 - bpf: Fix incorrect memory charge cost calculation in stack_map_alloc() - nfsd: Replace use of rwsem with errseq_t - 9p: missing chunk of "fs/9p: Don't update file type when updating file attributes" - !164 add CONFIG_TXGBE=m for arm64 openeuler_deconfig - openeuler: configs: add CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_NETSWIFT=y and CONFIG_TXGBE=m for arm64 arch default config- binder: fix UAF of ref->proc caused by race condition - wifi: cfg80211: fix u8 overflow in cfg80211_update_notlisted_nontrans() - wifi: mac80211: fix MBSSID parsing use-after-free - fbdev: smscufx: Fix use-after-free in ufx_ops_open() - arm64: fix oops in concurrently setting insn_emulation sysctls - wifi: cfg80211: avoid nontransmitted BSS list corruption - ext4: ext4_read_bh_lock() should submit IO if the buffer isn't uptodate - ipv4: Handle attempt to delete multipath route when fib_info contains an nh reference - HID: roccat: Fix use-after-free in roccat_read() - wifi: cfg80211: fix BSS refcounting bugs - mm/rmap: Fix kabi broken in anon_vma - mm/rmap: Fix anon_vma->degree ambiguity leading to double-reuse - tcp: fix tcp_mtup_probe_success vs wrong snd_cwnd - dmaengine: idxd: add missing callback function to support DMA_INTERRUPT - zonefs: fix handling of explicit_open option on mount - PCI: qcom: Fix pipe clock imbalance - md/raid0: Ignore RAID0 layout if the second zone has only one device - interconnect: Restore sync state by ignoring ipa-virt in provider count - interconnect: qcom: sc7180: Drop IP0 interconnects - powerpc/mm: Switch obsolete dssall to .long - drm/atomic: Force bridge self-refresh-exit on CRTC switch - drm/bridge: analogix_dp: Support PSR-exit to disable transition - Input: bcm5974 - set missing URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP urb flag - ixgbe: fix unexpected VLAN Rx in promisc mode on VF - ixgbe: fix bcast packets Rx on VF after promisc removal - nfc: st21nfca: fix incorrect sizing calculations in EVT_TRANSACTION - nfc: st21nfca: fix memory leaks in EVT_TRANSACTION handling - nfc: st21nfca: fix incorrect validating logic in EVT_TRANSACTION - net: phy: dp83867: retrigger SGMII AN when link change - mmc: block: Fix CQE recovery reset success - ata: libata-transport: fix {dma|pio|xfer}_mode sysfs files - cifs: fix reconnect on smb3 mount types - cifs: return errors during session setup during reconnects - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix for quirk to enable speaker output on the Lenovo Yoga DuetITL 2021 - ALSA: hda/conexant - Fix loopback issue with CX20632 - scripts/gdb: change kernel config dumping method - vringh: Fix loop descriptors check in the indirect cases - nodemask: Fix return values to be unsigned - cifs: version operations for smb20 unneeded when legacy support disabled - s390/gmap: voluntarily schedule during key setting - jump_label,noinstr: Avoid instrumentation for JUMP_LABEL=n builds - x86/cpu: Elide KCSAN for cpu_has() and friends - modpost: fix undefined behavior of is_arm_mapping_symbol() - drm/radeon: fix a possible null pointer dereference - ceph: allow ceph.dir.rctime xattr to be updatable - Revert "net: af_key: add check for pfkey_broadcast in function pfkey_process" - scsi: myrb: Fix up null pointer access on myrb_cleanup() - md: protect md_unregister_thread from reentrancy - watchdog: wdat_wdt: Stop watchdog when rebooting the system - kernfs: Separate kernfs_pr_cont_buf and rename_lock. - serial: msm_serial: disable interrupts in __msm_console_write() - staging: rtl8712: fix uninit-value in r871xu_drv_init() - staging: rtl8712: fix uninit-value in usb_read8() and friends - clocksource/drivers/sp804: Avoid error on multiple instances - extcon: Modify extcon device to be created after driver data is set - misc: rtsx: set NULL intfdata when probe fails - usb: dwc2: gadget: don't reset gadget's driver->bus - sysrq: do not omit current cpu when showing backtrace of all active CPUs - USB: hcd-pci: Fully suspend across freeze/thaw cycle - drivers: usb: host: Fix deadlock in oxu_bus_suspend() - drivers: tty: serial: Fix deadlock in sa1100_set_termios() - USB: host: isp116x: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - drivers: staging: rtl8192e: Fix deadlock in rtllib_beacons_stop() - drivers: staging: rtl8192u: Fix deadlock in ieee80211_beacons_stop() - tty: Fix a possible resource leak in icom_probe - tty: synclink_gt: Fix null-pointer-dereference in slgt_clean() - lkdtm/usercopy: Expand size of "out of frame" object - iio: st_sensors: Add a local lock for protecting odr - staging: rtl8712: fix a potential memory leak in r871xu_drv_init() - iio: dummy: iio_simple_dummy: check the return value of kstrdup() - drm: imx: fix compiler warning with gcc-12 - net: altera: Fix refcount leak in altera_tse_mdio_create - ip_gre: test csum_start instead of transport header - net/mlx5: fs, fail conflicting actions - net/mlx5: Rearm the FW tracer after each tracer event - net: ipv6: unexport __init-annotated seg6_hmac_init() - net: xfrm: unexport __init-annotated xfrm4_protocol_init() - net: mdio: unexport __init-annotated mdio_bus_init() - SUNRPC: Fix the calculation of xdr->end in xdr_get_next_encode_buffer() - net/mlx4_en: Fix wrong return value on ioctl EEPROM query failure - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Fix refcount leak in gswip_gphy_fw_list - bpf, arm64: Clear prog->jited_len along prog->jited - af_unix: Fix a data-race in unix_dgram_peer_wake_me(). - xen: unexport __init-annotated xen_xlate_map_ballooned_pages() - netfilter: nf_tables: bail out early if hardware offload is not supported - netfilter: nf_tables: memleak flow rule from commit path - netfilter: nf_tables: release new hooks on unsupported flowtable flags - ata: pata_octeon_cf: Fix refcount leak in octeon_cf_probe - netfilter: nf_tables: always initialize flowtable hook list in transaction - powerpc/kasan: Force thread size increase with KASAN - netfilter: nf_tables: delete flowtable hooks via transaction list - netfilter: nat: really support inet nat without l3 address - xprtrdma: treat all calls not a bcall when bc_serv is NULL - video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: release the resources correctly in pxa3xx_gcu_probe/remove() - video: fbdev: hyperv_fb: Allow resolutions with size > 64 MB for Gen1 - NFSv4: Don't hold the layoutget locks across multiple RPC calls - dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: In struct zynqmp_dma_chan fix desc_size data type - m68knommu: fix undefined reference to `_init_sp' - m68knommu: set ZERO_PAGE() to the allocated zeroed page - i2c: cadence: Increase timeout per message if necessary - f2fs: remove WARN_ON in f2fs_is_valid_blkaddr - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - iommu/arm-smmu: fix possible null-ptr-deref in arm_smmu_device_probe() - tracing: Avoid adding tracer option before update_tracer_options - tracing: Fix sleeping function called from invalid context on RT kernel - bootconfig: Make the bootconfig.o as a normal object file - mips: cpc: Fix refcount leak in mips_cpc_default_phys_base - dmaengine: idxd: set DMA_INTERRUPT cap bit - perf c2c: Fix sorting in percent_rmt_hitm_cmp() - driver core: Fix wait_for_device_probe() & deferred_probe_timeout interaction - tipc: check attribute length for bearer name - scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference - afs: Fix infinite loop found by xfstest generic/676 - gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address to do regcache sync - tcp: tcp_rtx_synack() can be called from process context - net: sched: add barrier to fix packet stuck problem for lockless qdisc - net/mlx5e: Update netdev features after changing XDP state - net/mlx5: correct ECE offset in query qp output - net/mlx5: Don't use already freed action pointer - sfc: fix wrong tx channel offset with efx_separate_tx_channels - sfc: fix considering that all channels have TX queues - nfp: only report pause frame configuration for physical device - net/smc: fixes for converting from "struct smc_cdc_tx_pend **" to "struct smc_wr_tx_pend_priv *" - riscv: read-only pages should not be writable - bpf: Fix probe read error in ___bpf_prog_run() - ubi: fastmap: Fix high cpu usage of ubi_bgt by making sure wl_pool not empty - jffs2: fix memory leak in jffs2_do_fill_super - modpost: fix removing numeric suffixes - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Fix refcount leak in mv88e6xxx_mdios_register - net: ethernet: ti: am65-cpsw-nuss: Fix some refcount leaks - net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: out of bounds read in mtk_hwlro_get_fdir_entry() - net: sched: fixed barrier to prevent skbuff sticking in qdisc backlog - s390/crypto: fix scatterwalk_unmap() callers in AES-GCM - clocksource/drivers/oxnas-rps: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - ASoC: fsl_sai: Fix FSL_SAI_xDR/xFR definition - watchdog: ts4800_wdt: Fix refcount leak in ts4800_wdt_probe - watchdog: rti-wdt: Fix pm_runtime_get_sync() error checking - driver: base: fix UAF when driver_attach failed - bus: ti-sysc: Fix warnings for unbind for serial - firmware: dmi-sysfs: Fix memory leak in dmi_sysfs_register_handle - serial: stm32-usart: Correct CSIZE, bits, and parity - serial: st-asc: Sanitize CSIZE and correct PARENB for CS7 - serial: sifive: Sanitize CSIZE and c_iflag - serial: sh-sci: Don't allow CS5-6 - serial: txx9: Don't allow CS5-6 - serial: rda-uart: Don't allow CS5-6 - serial: digicolor-usart: Don't allow CS5-6 - serial: 8250_fintek: Check SER_RS485_RTS_* only with RS485 - serial: meson: acquire port->lock in startup() - rtc: mt6397: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - clocksource/drivers/riscv: Events are stopped during CPU suspend - soc: rockchip: Fix refcount leak in rockchip_grf_init - extcon: ptn5150: Add queue work sync before driver release - coresight: cpu-debug: Replace mutex with mutex_trylock on panic notifier - serial: sifive: Report actual baud base rather than fixed 115200 - phy: qcom-qmp: fix pipe-clock imbalance on power-on failure - rpmsg: qcom_smd: Fix returning 0 if irq_of_parse_and_map() fails - iio: adc: sc27xx: Fine tune the scale calibration values - iio: adc: sc27xx: fix read big scale voltage not right - iio: proximity: vl53l0x: Fix return value check of wait_for_completion_timeout - iio: adc: stmpe-adc: Fix wait_for_completion_timeout return value check - usb: typec: mux: Check dev_set_name() return value - firmware: stratix10-svc: fix a missing check on list iterator - misc: fastrpc: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - usb: dwc3: pci: Fix pm_runtime_get_sync() error checking - rpmsg: qcom_smd: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - pwm: lp3943: Fix duty calculation in case period was clamped - staging: fieldbus: Fix the error handling path in anybuss_host_common_probe() - usb: musb: Fix missing of_node_put() in omap2430_probe - USB: storage: karma: fix rio_karma_init return - usb: usbip: add missing device lock on tweak configuration cmd - usb: usbip: fix a refcount leak in stub_probe() - tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: fix potential bug when using both of_alias_get_id and ida_simple_get - tty: n_tty: Restore EOF push handling behavior - tty: serial: owl: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() in owl_uart_probe - tty: goldfish: Use tty_port_destroy() to destroy port - lkdtm/bugs: Check for the NULL pointer after calling kmalloc - iio: adc: ad7124: Remove shift from scan_type - staging: greybus: codecs: fix type confusion of list iterator variable - pcmcia: db1xxx_ss: restrict to MIPS_DB1XXX boards - init/Kconfig: Add SMP to the dependencies of QOS_SCHED - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Disable ECMDQ before the system is suspended - tty: fix deadlock caused by calling printk() under tty_port->lock- netfilter: nf_conntrack_irc: Fix forged IP logic - ext4: fix dir corruption when ext4_dx_add_entry() fails - ext4: fix check for block being out of directory size - ext4: make sure ext4_append() always allocates new block - ext4: check if directory block is within i_size - ext4: make variable "count" signed - iommu: Fix compliation failure caused by iommu_device_register - ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix race at SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC - blk-iocost: don't ignore vrate_min on QD contention - !157 Enable NVMe over TCP for arm64 - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: enable nvmf tcp- KVM: arm64: Try stage2 block mapping for host device MMIO - KVM: arm64: Remove the creation time's mapping of MMIO regions - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_ext_shift_extents - arm64: kdump: Properly handle the 4G boundary - KVM: x86/pmu: Update AMD PMC sample period to fix guest NMI-watchdog - KVM: x86/pmu: Introduce pmc->is_paused to reduce the call time of perf interfaces - hwtracing: hisi_ptt: Fix up for "iommu/dma: Make header private" - MAINTAINERS: Add maintainer for HiSilicon PTT driver - docs: trace: Add HiSilicon PTT device driver documentation - hwtracing: hisi_ptt: Add tune function support for HiSilicon PCIe Tune and Trace device - hwtracing: hisi_ptt: Add trace function support for HiSilicon PCIe Tune and Trace device - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Make default domain type of HiSilicon PTT device to identity - spi: hisi-sfc-v3xx: add address mode check - spi: hisi-sfc-v3xx: fix potential irq race condition - spi: hisi-sfc-v3xx: drop unnecessary ACPI_PTR and related ifendif protection - spi: hisi-sfc-v3xx: extend version checking compatibility - mm: Force TLB flush for PFNMAP mappings before unlink_file_vma() - sched/fair: Fix kabi broken in struct cfs_rq - sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_clock_pelt() for throttled cfs_rq - ext4: only allow test_dummy_encryption when supported - MIPS: IP30: Remove incorrect `cpu_has_fpu' override - MIPS: IP27: Remove incorrect `cpu_has_fpu' override - RDMA/rxe: Generate a completion for unsupported/invalid opcode - Revert "random: use static branch for crng_ready()" - block: fix bio_clone_blkg_association() to associate with proper blkcg_gq - bfq: Remove pointless bfq_init_rq() calls - bfq: Drop pointless unlock-lock pair - bfq: Avoid merging queues with different parents - thermal/core: Fix memory leak in the error path - thermal/core: fix a UAF bug in __thermal_cooling_device_register() - kseltest/cgroup: Make work if run interactively - xfs: assert in xfs_btree_del_cursor should take into account error - xfs: consider shutdown in bmapbt cursor delete assert - xfs: restore shutdown check in mapped write fault path - xfs: fix incorrect root dquot corruption error when switching group/project quota types - xfs: sync lazy sb accounting on quiesce of read-only mounts - xfs: set inode size after creating symlink - net: ipa: fix page free in ipa_endpoint_replenish_one() - net: ipa: fix page free in ipa_endpoint_trans_release() - phy: qcom-qmp: fix reset-controller leak on probe errors - coresight: core: Fix coresight device probe failure issue - blk-iolatency: Fix inflight count imbalances and IO hangs on offline - vdpasim: allow to enable a vq repeatedly - dt-bindings: gpio: altera: correct interrupt-cells - docs/ Cope with removal of language=None in Sphinx 5.0.0 - SMB3: EBADF/EIO errors in rename/open caused by race condition in smb2_compound_op - ARM: pxa: maybe fix gpio lookup tables - ARM: dts: s5pv210: Remove spi-cs-high on panel in Aries - phy: qcom-qmp: fix struct clk leak on probe errors - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: fix the sleep clock frequency - gma500: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - tilcdc: tilcdc_external: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - serial: pch: don't overwrite xmit->buf[0] by x_char - stm: ltdc: fix two incorrect NULL checks on list iterator - carl9170: tx: fix an incorrect use of list iterator - ASoC: rt5514: Fix event generation for "DSP Voice Wake Up" control - rtl818x: Prevent using not initialized queues - xtensa/simdisk: fix proc_read_simdisk() - hugetlb: fix huge_pmd_unshare address update - nodemask.h: fix compilation error with GCC12 - iommu/msm: Fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - ftrace: Clean up hash direct_functions on register failures - um: Fix out-of-bounds read in LDT setup - um: chan_user: Fix winch_tramp() return value - mac80211: upgrade passive scan to active scan on DFS channels after beacon rx - cfg80211: declare MODULE_FIRMWARE for regulatory.db - irqchip: irq-xtensa-mx: fix initial IRQ affinity - irqchip/armada-370-xp: Do not touch Performance Counter Overflow on A375, A38x, A39x - csky: patch_text: Fixup last cpu should be master - RDMA/hfi1: Fix potential integer multiplication overflow errors - Kconfig: Add option for asm goto w/ tied outputs to workaround clang-13 bug - ima: remove the IMA_TEMPLATE Kconfig option - media: coda: Add more H264 levels for CODA960 - media: coda: Fix reported H264 profile - mtd: cfi_cmdset_0002: Use chip_ready() for write on S29GL064N - mtd: cfi_cmdset_0002: Move and rename chip_check/chip_ready/chip_good_for_write - md: fix an incorrect NULL check in md_reload_sb - md: fix an incorrect NULL check in does_sb_need_changing - drm/i915/dsi: fix VBT send packet port selection for ICL+ - drm/bridge: analogix_dp: Grab runtime PM reference for DP-AUX - drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: atom: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - drm/nouveau/clk: Fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - drm/etnaviv: check for reaped mapping in etnaviv_iommu_unmap_gem - drm/amdgpu/cs: make commands with 0 chunks illegal behaviour. - scsi: ufs: qcom: Add a readl() to make sure ref_clk gets enabled - scsi: dc395x: Fix a missing check on list iterator - ocfs2: dlmfs: fix error handling of user_dlm_destroy_lock - dlm: fix missing lkb refcount handling - dlm: fix plock invalid read - s390/perf: obtain sie_block from the right address - mm, compaction: fast_find_migrateblock() should return pfn in the target zone - PCI: qcom: Fix unbalanced PHY init on probe errors - PCI: qcom: Fix runtime PM imbalance on probe errors - PCI/PM: Fix bridge_d3_blacklist[] Elo i2 overwrite of Gigabyte X299 - tracing: Fix potential double free in create_var_ref() - ACPI: property: Release subnode properties with data nodes - ext4: avoid cycles in directory h-tree - ext4: verify dir block before splitting it - ext4: filter out EXT4_FC_REPLAY from on-disk superblock field s_state - bfq: Update cgroup information before merging bio - bfq: Split shared queues on move between cgroups - efi: Do not import certificates from UEFI Secure Boot for T2 Macs - iwlwifi: mvm: fix assert 1F04 upon reconfig - wifi: mac80211: fix use-after-free in chanctx code - f2fs: fix to do sanity check for inline inode - f2fs: fix fallocate to use file_modified to update permissions consistently - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on total_data_blocks - f2fs: don't need inode lock for system hidden quota - f2fs: fix deadloop in foreground GC - f2fs: fix to clear dirty inode in f2fs_evict_inode() - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on block address in f2fs_do_zero_range() - f2fs: fix to avoid f2fs_bug_on() in dec_valid_node_count() - perf jevents: Fix event syntax error caused by ExtSel - perf c2c: Use stdio interface if slang is not supported - i2c: rcar: fix PM ref counts in probe error paths - i2c: npcm: Handle spurious interrupts - i2c: npcm: Correct register access width - i2c: npcm: Fix timeout calculation - iommu/amd: Increase timeout waiting for GA log enablement - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: fix chan initialization in stm32_mdma_irq_handler() - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: rework interrupt handler - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: remove GISR1 register - video: fbdev: clcdfb: Fix refcount leak in clcdfb_of_vram_setup - NFSv4/pNFS: Do not fail I/O when we fail to allocate the pNFS layout - NFS: Don't report errors from nfs_pageio_complete() more than once - NFS: Do not report flush errors in nfs_write_end() - NFS: fsync() should report filesystem errors over EINTR/ERESTARTSYS - NFS: Do not report EINTR/ERESTARTSYS as mapping errors - dmaengine: idxd: Fix the error handling path in idxd_cdev_register() - i2c: at91: Initialize dma_buf in at91_twi_xfer() - MIPS: Loongson: Use hwmon_device_register_with_groups() to register hwmon - cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit - cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit - cpufreq: mediatek: add missing platform_driver_unregister() on error in mtk_cpufreq_driver_init - i2c: at91: use dma safe buffers - iommu/mediatek: Add list_del in mtk_iommu_remove - f2fs: fix dereference of stale list iterator after loop body - OPP: call of_node_put() on error path in _bandwidth_supported() - Input: stmfts - do not leave device disabled in stmfts_input_open - RDMA/hfi1: Prevent use of lock before it is initialized - mailbox: forward the hrtimer if not queued and under a lock - mfd: davinci_voicecodec: Fix possible null-ptr-deref davinci_vc_probe() - powerpc/fsl_rio: Fix refcount leak in fsl_rio_setup - macintosh: via-pmu and via-cuda need RTC_LIB - powerpc/perf: Fix the threshold compare group constraint for power9 - powerpc/64: Only WARN if __pa()/__va() called with bad addresses - hwrng: omap3-rom - fix using wrong clk_disable() in omap_rom_rng_runtime_resume() - PCI/AER: Clear MULTI_ERR_COR/UNCOR_RCV bits - Input: sparcspkr - fix refcount leak in bbc_beep_probe - crypto: cryptd - Protect per-CPU resource by disabling BH. - crypto: sun8i-ss - handle zero sized sg - crypto: sun8i-ss - rework handling of IV - PCI: imx6: Fix PERST# start-up sequence - ipc/mqueue: use get_tree_nodev() in mqueue_get_tree() - proc: fix dentry/inode overinstantiating under /proc/${pid}/net - ASoC: atmel-classd: Remove endianness flag on class d component - ASoC: atmel-pdmic: Remove endianness flag on pdmic component - powerpc/4xx/cpm: Fix return value of __setup() handler - powerpc/idle: Fix return value of __setup() handler - pinctrl: renesas: core: Fix possible null-ptr-deref in sh_pfc_map_resources() - powerpc/8xx: export 'cpm_setbrg' for modules - drivers/base/memory: fix an unlikely reference counting issue in __add_memory_block() - dax: fix cache flush on PMD-mapped pages - drivers/base/node.c: fix compaction sysfs file leak - pinctrl: mvebu: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - nvdimm: Allow overwrite in the presence of disabled dimms - nvdimm: Fix firmware activation deadlock scenarios - firmware: arm_scmi: Fix list protocols enumeration in the base protocol - mfd: ipaq-micro: Fix error check return value of platform_get_irq() - powerpc/fadump: fix PT_LOAD segment for boot memory area - arm: mediatek: select arch timer for mt7629 - pinctrl: bcm2835: implement hook for missing gpio-ranges - gpiolib: of: Introduce hook for missing gpio-ranges - crypto: marvell/cesa - ECB does not IV - misc: ocxl: fix possible double free in ocxl_file_register_afu - ARM: dts: bcm2835-rpi-b: Fix GPIO line names - ARM: dts: bcm2837-rpi-3-b-plus: Fix GPIO line name of power LED - ARM: dts: bcm2837-rpi-cm3-io3: Fix GPIO line names for SMPS I2C - ARM: dts: bcm2835-rpi-zero-w: Fix GPIO line name for Wifi/BT - ARM: dts: stm32: Fix PHY post-reset delay on Avenger96 - can: xilinx_can: mark bit timing constants as const - platform/chrome: Re-introduce cros_ec_cmd_xfer and use it for ioctls - ARM: dts: imx6dl-colibri: Fix I2C pinmuxing - platform/chrome: cros_ec: fix error handling in cros_ec_register() - KVM: nVMX: Clear IDT vectoring on nested VM-Exit for double/triple fault - KVM: nVMX: Leave most VM-Exit info fields unmodified on failed VM-Entry - soc: qcom: llcc: Add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() - ARM: dts: ci4x10: Adapt to changes in imx6qdl.dtsi regarding fec clocks - PCI: dwc: Fix setting error return on MSI DMA mapping failure - PCI: rockchip: Fix find_first_zero_bit() limit - PCI: cadence: Fix find_first_zero_bit() limit - soc: qcom: smsm: Fix missing of_node_put() in smsm_parse_ipc - soc: qcom: smp2p: Fix missing of_node_put() in smp2p_parse_ipc - ARM: dts: suniv: F1C100: fix watchdog compatible - memory: samsung: exynos5422-dmc: Avoid some over memory allocation - arm64: dts: rockchip: Move drive-impedance-ohm to emmc phy on rk3399 - net/smc: postpone sk_refcnt increment in connect() - rxrpc: Fix decision on when to generate an IDLE ACK - rxrpc: Don't let ack.previousPacket regress - rxrpc: Fix overlapping ACK accounting - rxrpc: Don't try to resend the request if we're receiving the reply - rxrpc: Fix listen() setting the bar too high for the prealloc rings - hv_netvsc: Fix potential dereference of NULL pointer - net: stmmac: fix out-of-bounds access in a selftest - net: stmmac: selftests: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() - ASoC: max98090: Move check for invalid values before casting in max98090_put_enab_tlv() - NFC: hci: fix sleep in atomic context bugs in nfc_hci_hcp_message_tx - ASoC: wm2000: fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in wm2000_anc_transition() - thermal/drivers/imx_sc_thermal: Fix refcount leak in imx_sc_thermal_probe - thermal/core: Fix memory leak in __thermal_cooling_device_register() - thermal/drivers/core: Use a char pointer for the cooling device name - thermal/drivers/broadcom: Fix potential NULL dereference in sr_thermal_probe - thermal/drivers/bcm2711: Don't clamp temperature at zero - drm/i915: Fix CFI violation with show_dynamic_id() - drm/msm/dpu: handle pm_runtime_get_sync() errors in bind path - x86/sev: Annotate stack change in the #VC handler - drm: msm: fix possible memory leak in mdp5_crtc_cursor_set() - drm/msm/a6xx: Fix refcount leak in a6xx_gpu_init - ext4: reject the 'commit' option on ext2 filesystems - media: rkvdec: h264: Fix bit depth wrap in pps packet - media: rkvdec: h264: Fix dpb_valid implementation - media: staging: media: rkvdec: Make use of the helper function devm_platform_ioremap_resource() - media: ov7670: remove ov7670_power_off from ov7670_remove - ASoC: ti: j721e-evm: Fix refcount leak in j721e_soc_probe_* - sctp: read sk->sk_bound_dev_if once in sctp_rcv() - lsm,selinux: pass flowi_common instead of flowi to the LSM hooks - m68k: math-emu: Fix dependencies of math emulation support - nvme: set dma alignment to dword - Bluetooth: use hdev lock for accept_list and reject_list in conn req - Bluetooth: use inclusive language when filtering devices - Bluetooth: use inclusive language in HCI role comments - Bluetooth: LL privacy allow RPA - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Rudimentary typo fixes - Bluetooth: Interleave with allowlist scan - Bluetooth: fix dangling sco_conn and use-after-free in sco_sock_timeout - media: vsp1: Fix offset calculation for plane cropping - media: pvrusb2: fix array-index-out-of-bounds in pvr2_i2c_core_init - media: exynos4-is: Change clk_disable to clk_disable_unprepare - media: st-delta: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in delta_probe - media: exynos4-is: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fimc_is_probe - media: aspeed: Fix an error handling path in aspeed_video_probe() - scripts/faddr2line: Fix overlapping text section failures - kselftest/cgroup: fix to use OUTPUT dir - ASoC: samsung: Fix refcount leak in aries_audio_probe - ASoC: samsung: Use dev_err_probe() helper - regulator: pfuze100: Fix refcount leak in pfuze_parse_regulators_dt - ASoC: mxs-saif: Fix refcount leak in mxs_saif_probe - ASoC: fsl: Fix refcount leak in imx_sgtl5000_probe - ath11k: Don't check arvif->is_started before sending management frames - perf/amd/ibs: Use interrupt regs ip for stack unwinding - regulator: qcom_smd: Fix up PM8950 regulator configuration - Revert "cpufreq: Fix possible race in cpufreq online error path" - spi: spi-fsl-qspi: check return value after calling platform_get_resource_byname() - iomap: iomap_write_failed fix - media: uvcvideo: Fix missing check to determine if element is found in list - drm/msm: return an error pointer in msm_gem_prime_get_sg_table() - drm/msm/mdp5: Return error code in mdp5_mixer_release when deadlock is detected - drm/msm/mdp5: Return error code in mdp5_pipe_release when deadlock is detected - drm/msm/dp: fix event thread stuck in wait_event after kthread_stop() - regulator: core: Fix enable_count imbalance with EXCLUSIVE_GET - arm64: fix types in copy_highpage() - x86/mm: Cleanup the control_va_addr_alignment() __setup handler - irqchip/aspeed-scu-ic: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - irqchip/aspeed-i2c-ic: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - irqchip/exiu: Fix acknowledgment of edge triggered interrupts - x86: Fix return value of __setup handlers - virtio_blk: fix the discard_granularity and discard_alignment queue limits - perf tools: Use Python devtools for version autodetection rather than runtime - drm/rockchip: vop: fix possible null-ptr-deref in vop_bind() - drm/panel: panel-simple: Fix proper bpc for AM-1280800N3TZQW-T00H - drm/msm: add missing include to msm_drv.c - drm/msm/hdmi: fix error check return value of irq_of_parse_and_map() - drm/msm/hdmi: check return value after calling platform_get_resource_byname() - drm/msm/dsi: fix error checks and return values for DSI xmit functions - drm/msm/dp: fix error check return value of irq_of_parse_and_map() - drm/msm/dp: stop event kernel thread when DP unbind - drm/msm/disp/dpu1: set vbif hw config to NULL to avoid use after memory free during pm runtime resume - perf tools: Add missing headers needed by util/data.h - ASoC: rk3328: fix disabling mclk on pclk probe failure - x86/speculation: Add missing prototype for unpriv_ebpf_notify() - mtd: rawnand: cadence: fix possible null-ptr-deref in cadence_nand_dt_probe() - x86/pm: Fix false positive kmemleak report in msr_build_context() - mtd: spi-nor: core: Check written SR value in spi_nor_write_16bit_sr_and_check() - libbpf: Fix logic for finding matching program for CO-RE relocation - selftests/resctrl: Fix null pointer dereference on open failed - scsi: ufs: core: Exclude UECxx from SFR dump list - scsi: ufs: qcom: Fix ufs_qcom_resume() - drm/msm/dpu: adjust display_v_end for eDP and DP - of: overlay: do not break notify on NOTIFY_{OK|STOP} - fsnotify: fix wrong lockdep annotations - ALSA: pcm: Check for null pointer of pointer substream before dereferencing it - drm/panel: simple: Add missing bus flags for Innolux G070Y2-L01 - media: hantro: Empty encoder capture buffers by default - ath9k_htc: fix potential out of bounds access with invalid rxstatus->rs_keyix - cpufreq: Fix possible race in cpufreq online error path - spi: img-spfi: Fix pm_runtime_get_sync() error checking - drm/bridge: Fix error handling in analogix_dp_probe - HID: elan: Fix potential double free in elan_input_configured - HID: hid-led: fix maximum brightness for Dream Cheeky - mtd: rawnand: denali: Use managed device resources - EDAC/dmc520: Don't print an error for each unconfigured interrupt line - drbd: fix duplicate array initializer - target: remove an incorrect unmap zeroes data deduction - efi: Add missing prototype for efi_capsule_setup_info - NFC: NULL out the dev->rfkill to prevent UAF - net: dsa: mt7530: 1G can also support 1000BASE-X link mode - scftorture: Fix distribution of short handler delays - spi: spi-ti-qspi: Fix return value handling of wait_for_completion_timeout - drm: mali-dp: potential dereference of null pointer - drm/komeda: Fix an undefined behavior bug in komeda_plane_add() - nl80211: show SSID for P2P_GO interfaces - bpf: Fix excessive memory allocation in stack_map_alloc() - libbpf: Don't error out on CO-RE relos for overriden weak subprogs - drm/vc4: txp: Force alpha to be 0xff if it's disabled - drm/vc4: txp: Don't set TXP_VSTART_AT_EOF - drm/vc4: hvs: Reset muxes at probe time - drm/mediatek: Fix mtk_cec_mask() - drm/ingenic: Reset pixclock rate when parent clock rate changes - x86/delay: Fix the wrong asm constraint in delay_loop() - ASoC: mediatek: Fix missing of_node_put in mt2701_wm8960_machine_probe - ASoC: mediatek: Fix error handling in mt8173_max98090_dev_probe - spi: qcom-qspi: Add minItems to interconnect-names - drm/bridge: adv7511: clean up CEC adapter when probe fails - drm/edid: fix invalid EDID extension block filtering - ath9k: fix ar9003_get_eepmisc - ath11k: acquire ab->base_lock in unassign when finding the peer by addr - dt-bindings: display: sitronix, st7735r: Fix backlight in example - RDMA/hfi1: Prevent panic when SDMA is disabled - powerpc/iommu: Add missing of_node_put in iommu_init_early_dart - macintosh/via-pmu: Fix build failure when CONFIG_INPUT is disabled - powerpc/powernv: fix missing of_node_put in uv_init() - powerpc/xics: fix refcount leak in icp_opal_init() - powerpc/powernv/vas: Assign real address to rx_fifo in vas_rx_win_attr - tracing: incorrect isolate_mote_t cast in mm_vmscan_lru_isolate - PCI: Avoid pci_dev_lock() AB/BA deadlock with sriov_numvfs_store() - ARM: hisi: Add missing of_node_put after of_find_compatible_node - ARM: dts: exynos: add atmel,24c128 fallback to Samsung EEPROM - ARM: versatile: Add missing of_node_put in dcscb_init - pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Fix possible null-ptr-deref in sh_pfc_map_resources() - fat: add ratelimit to fat*_ent_bread() - powerpc/fadump: Fix fadump to work with a different endian capture kernel - ARM: OMAP1: clock: Fix UART rate reporting algorithm - fs: jfs: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in dbFree() - soc: ti: ti_sci_pm_domains: Check for null return of devm_kcalloc - crypto: ccree - use fine grained DMA mapping dir - PM / devfreq: rk3399_dmc: Disable edev on remove() - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8994: Fix BLSP[12]_DMA channels count - ARM: dts: s5pv210: align DMA channels with dtschema - ARM: dts: ox820: align interrupt controller node name with dtschema - IB/rdmavt: add missing locks in rvt_ruc_loopback - gfs2: use i_lock spin_lock for inode qadata - selftests/bpf: fix btf_dump/btf_dump due to recent clang change - eth: tg3: silence the GCC 12 array-bounds warning - rxrpc, afs: Fix selection of abort codes - rxrpc: Return an error to sendmsg if call failed - m68k: atari: Make Atari ROM port I/O write macros return void - x86/microcode: Add explicit CPU vendor dependency - can: mcp251xfd: silence clang's -Wunaligned-access warning - ASoC: rt1015p: remove dependency on GPIOLIB - ASoC: max98357a: remove dependency on GPIOLIB - media: exynos4-is: Fix compile warning - net: phy: micrel: Allow probing without .driver_data - nbd: Fix hung on disconnect request if socket is closed before - ASoC: rt5645: Fix errorenous cleanup order - nvme-pci: fix a NULL pointer dereference in nvme_alloc_admin_tags - openrisc: start CPU timer early in boot - media: cec-adap.c: fix is_configuring state - media: imon: reorganize serialization - media: coda: limit frame interval enumeration to supported encoder frame sizes - media: rga: fix possible memory leak in rga_probe - rtlwifi: Use pr_warn instead of WARN_ONCE - ipmi: Fix pr_fmt to avoid compilation issues - ipmi:ssif: Check for NULL msg when handling events and messages - ACPI: PM: Block ASUS B1400CEAE from suspend to idle by default - dma-debug: change allocation mode from GFP_NOWAIT to GFP_ATIOMIC - spi: stm32-qspi: Fix wait_cmd timeout in APM mode - perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value - s390/preempt: disable __preempt_count_add() optimization for PROFILE_ALL_BRANCHES - net: remove two BUG() from skb_checksum_help() - ASoC: tscs454: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver - HID: bigben: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in bigben_probe - drm/amdgpu/ucode: Remove firmware load type check in amdgpu_ucode_free_bo - mlxsw: Treat LLDP packets as control - mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Do not warn about priority changes - ASoC: dapm: Don't fold register value changes into notifications - net/mlx5: fs, delete the FTE when there are no rules attached to it - ipv6: Don't send rs packets to the interface of ARPHRD_TUNNEL - drm: msm: fix error check return value of irq_of_parse_and_map() - arm64: compat: Do not treat syscall number as ESR_ELx for a bad syscall - ath10k: skip ath10k_halt during suspend for driver state RESTARTING - drm/amd/pm: fix the compile warning - drm/plane: Move range check for format_count earlier - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for the HP Pro Tablet 408 - ath11k: disable spectral scan during spectral deinit - scsi: lpfc: Fix resource leak in lpfc_sli4_send_seq_to_ulp() - scsi: ufs: Use pm_runtime_resume_and_get() instead of pm_runtime_get_sync() - scsi: megaraid: Fix error check return value of register_chrdev() - drivers: mmc: sdhci_am654: Add the quirk to set TESTCD bit - mmc: jz4740: Apply DMA engine limits to maximum segment size - md/bitmap: don't set sb values if can't pass sanity check - media: cx25821: Fix the warning when removing the module - media: pci: cx23885: Fix the error handling in cx23885_initdev() - media: venus: hfi: avoid null dereference in deinit - ath9k: fix QCA9561 PA bias level - drm/amd/pm: fix double free in si_parse_power_table() - tools/power turbostat: fix ICX DRAM power numbers - spi: spi-rspi: Remove setting {src,dst}_{addr,addr_width} based on DMA direction - ALSA: jack: Access input_dev under mutex - sfc: ef10: Fix assigning negative value to unsigned variable - rcu: Make TASKS_RUDE_RCU select IRQ_WORK - rcu-tasks: Fix race in schedule and flush work - drm/komeda: return early if drm_universal_plane_init() fails. - ACPICA: Avoid cache flush inside virtual machines - x86/platform/uv: Update TSC sync state for UV5 - fbcon: Consistently protect deferred_takeover with console_lock() - ipv6: fix locking issues with loops over idev->addr_list - ipw2x00: Fix potential NULL dereference in libipw_xmit() - b43: Fix assigning negative value to unsigned variable - b43legacy: Fix assigning negative value to unsigned variable - mwifiex: add mutex lock for call in mwifiex_dfs_chan_sw_work_queue - drm/virtio: fix NULL pointer dereference in virtio_gpu_conn_get_modes - iommu/vt-d: Add RPLS to quirk list to skip TE disabling - btrfs: repair super block num_devices automatically - btrfs: add "0x" prefix for unsupported optional features - ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL - ptrace/xtensa: Replace PT_SINGLESTEP with TIF_SINGLESTEP - ptrace/um: Replace PT_DTRACE with TIF_SINGLESTEP - perf/x86/intel: Fix event constraints for ICL - x86/MCE/AMD: Fix memory leak when threshold_create_bank() fails - parisc/stifb: Keep track of hardware path of graphics card - Fonts: Make font size unsigned in font_desc - xhci: Allow host runtime PM as default for Intel Alder Lake N xHCI - cifs: when extending a file with falloc we should make files not-sparse - usb: core: hcd: Add support for deferring roothub registration - usb: dwc3: gadget: Move null pinter check to proper place - USB: new quirk for Dell Gen 2 devices - USB: serial: option: add Quectel BG95 modem - ALSA: usb-audio: Cancel pending work at closing a MIDI substream - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix microphone noise on ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output for Dell XPS 15 9520 laptop - riscv: Fix irq_work when SMP is disabled - riscv: Initialize thread pointer before calling C functions - parisc/stifb: Implement fb_is_primary_device() - binfmt_flat: do not stop relocating GOT entries prematurely on riscv- efi: capsule-loader: Fix use-after-free in efi_capsule_write - etmem: Add a scan flag to support specified page swap-out - etmem: add swapcache reclaim to etmem - etmem: add original kernel swap enabled options - etmem: add CONFIG_ETMEM macro definition for etmem feature - config: enable CONFIG_ETMEM by default - add ETMEM feature CONFIG to mm/Kconfig - quota: Add more checking after reading from quota file - quota: Replace all block number checking with helper function - quota: Check next/prev free block number after reading from quota file - RDMA/hns: Fix gid idx issue caused by free mr - RDMA/hns: Use the reserved loopback QPs to free MR before destroying MPT - scsi: libiscsi: Teardown iscsi_cls_conn gracefully - scsi: libiscsi: Add iscsi_cls_conn to sysfs after initialization - scsi: iscsi: Add helper functions to manage iscsi_cls_conn - blk-mq: fix io hung due to missing commit_rqs - x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence - x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections - !110 Add patches for CVE-2022-29900, CVE-2022-23816 and CVE-2022-29901 - Re-add padlen to the structure alt_instr - tools headers: Remove broken definition of __LITTLE_ENDIAN - tools arch: Update arch/x86/lib/mem{cpy,set}_64.S copies used in 'perf bench mem memcpy' - again - objtool: Fix elf_create_undef_symbol() endianness - kvm: fix objtool relocation warning - um: Add missing apply_returns() - x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo - tools headers cpufeatures: Sync with the kernel sources - tools arch x86: Sync the msr-index.h copy with the kernel sources - x86/kvm: fix FASTOP_SIZE when return thunks are enabled - efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper - x86/speculation: Use DECLARE_PER_CPU for x86_spec_ctrl_current - x86/ftrace: Add UNWIND_HINT_FUNC annotation for ftrace_stub - x86/xen: Fix initialisation in hypercall_page after rethunk - x86, kvm: use proper ASM macros for kvm_vcpu_is_preempted - tools/insn: Restore the relative include paths for cross building - x86/static_call: Serialize __static_call_fixup() properly - x86/speculation: Disable RRSBA behavior - x86/kexec: Disable RET on kexec - x86/bugs: Do not enable IBPB-on-entry when IBPB is not supported - x86/bugs: Add Cannon lake to RETBleed affected CPU list - x86/retbleed: Add fine grained Kconfig knobs - x86/cpu/amd: Enumerate BTC_NO - x86/common: Stamp out the stepping madness - x86/speculation: Fill RSB on vmexit for IBRS - KVM: VMX: Fix IBRS handling after vmexit - KVM: VMX: Prevent guest RSB poisoning attacks with eIBRS - KVM: VMX: Convert launched argument to flags - KVM: VMX: Flatten __vmx_vcpu_run() - objtool: Re-add UNWIND_HINT_{SAVE_RESTORE} - x86/speculation: Remove x86_spec_ctrl_mask - x86/speculation: Use cached host SPEC_CTRL value for guest entry/exit - x86/speculation: Fix SPEC_CTRL write on SMT state change - x86/speculation: Fix firmware entry SPEC_CTRL handling - x86/speculation: Fix RSB filling with CONFIG_RETPOLINE=n - x86/cpu/amd: Add Spectral Chicken - objtool: Add entry UNRET validation - x86/bugs: Do IBPB fallback check only once - x86/bugs: Add retbleed=ibpb - x86/xen: Rename SYS* entry points - objtool: Update Retpoline validation - intel_idle: Disable IBRS during long idle - x86/bugs: Report Intel retbleed vulnerability - x86/bugs: Split spectre_v2_select_mitigation() and spectre_v2_user_select_mitigation() - x86/speculation: Add spectre_v2=ibrs option to support Kernel IBRS - x86/bugs: Optimize SPEC_CTRL MSR writes - x86/entry: Add kernel IBRS implementation - x86/bugs: Keep a per-CPU IA32_SPEC_CTRL value - x86/bugs: Enable STIBP for JMP2RET - x86/bugs: Add AMD retbleed= boot parameter - x86/bugs: Report AMD retbleed vulnerability - x86: Add magic AMD return-thunk - objtool: Treat .text.__x86.* as noinstr - x86: Use return-thunk in asm code - x86/sev: Avoid using __x86_return_thunk - x86/vsyscall_emu/64: Don't use RET in vsyscall emulation - x86/kvm: Fix SETcc emulation for return thunks - x86/bpf: Use alternative RET encoding - x86/ftrace: Use alternative RET encoding - x86,static_call: Use alternative RET encoding - objtool: skip non-text sections when adding return-thunk sites - x86,objtool: Create .return_sites - x86: Undo return-thunk damage - x86/retpoline: Use -mfunction-return - Makefile: Set retpoline cflags based on CONFIG_CC_IS_{CLANG,GCC} - x86/retpoline: Swizzle retpoline thunk - x86/retpoline: Cleanup some #ifdefery - x86/cpufeatures: Move RETPOLINE flags to word 11 - x86/kvm/vmx: Make noinstr clean - x86/realmode: build with -D__DISABLE_EXPORTS - x86/entry: Remove skip_r11rcx - objtool: Fix SLS validation for kcov tail-call replacement - crypto: x86/poly1305 - Fixup SLS - objtool: Default ignore INT3 for unreachable - kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS - tools arch: Update arch/x86/lib/mem{cpy,set}_64.S copies used in 'perf bench mem memcpy' - x86: Add straight-line-speculation mitigation - objtool: Add straight-line-speculation validation - x86/alternative: Relax text_poke_bp() constraint - x86: Fix objtool build warning - x86: Prepare inline-asm for straight-line-speculation - x86: Prepare asm files for straight-line-speculation - x86/lib/atomic64_386_32: Rename things - bpf,x86: Respect X86_FEATURE_RETPOLINE* - bpf,x86: Simplify computing label offsets - x86/alternative: Implement .retpoline_sites support - x86/retpoline: Create a retpoline thunk array - x86/retpoline: Move the retpoline thunk declarations to nospec-branch.h - x86/asm: Fixup odd GEN-for-each-reg.h usage - x86/asm: Fix register order - x86/retpoline: Remove unused replacement symbols - objtool,x86: Replace alternatives with .retpoline_sites - objtool: Explicitly avoid self modifying code in .altinstr_replacement - objtool: Classify symbols - objtool: Handle __sanitize_cov*() tail calls - objtool: Introduce CFI hash - objtool: Make .altinstructions section entry size consistent - objtool: Remove reloc symbol type checks in get_alt_entry() - objtool: print out the symbol type when complaining about it - objtool: Teach get_alt_entry() about more relocation types - objtool: Don't make .altinstructions writable - objtool/x86: Ignore __x86_indirect_alt_* symbols - objtool: Only rewrite unconditional retpoline thunk calls - objtool: Fix .symtab_shndx handling for elf_create_undef_symbol() - x86/alternative: Optimize single-byte NOPs at an arbitrary position - objtool: Support asm jump tables - objtool/x86: Rewrite retpoline thunk calls - objtool: Skip magical retpoline .altinstr_replacement - objtool: Cache instruction relocs - objtool: Keep track of retpoline call sites - objtool: Add elf_create_undef_symbol() - objtool: Extract elf_symbol_add() - objtool: Extract elf_strtab_concat() - objtool: Create reloc sections implicitly - objtool: Add elf_create_reloc() helper - objtool: Rework the elf_rebuild_reloc_section() logic - objtool: Handle per arch retpoline naming - objtool: Correctly handle retpoline thunk calls - x86/retpoline: Simplify retpolines - x86/alternatives: Optimize optimize_nops() - x86: Add insn_decode_kernel() - x86/alternative: Use insn_decode() - x86/insn: Add an insn_decode() API - x86/insn: Add a __ignore_sync_check__ marker - x86/insn: Rename insn_decode() to insn_decode_from_regs() - x86/alternative: Use ALTERNATIVE_TERNARY() in _static_cpu_has() - x86/alternative: Support ALTERNATIVE_TERNARY - x86/alternative: Support not-feature - x86/alternative: Merge include files - x86/xen: Support objtool vmlinux.o validation in xen-head.S - x86/xen: Support objtool validation in xen-asm.S - objtool: Combine UNWIND_HINT_RET_OFFSET and UNWIND_HINT_FUNC - objtool: Assume only ELF functions do sibling calls - objtool: Support retpoline jump detection for vmlinux.o - objtool: Support stack layout changes in alternatives - objtool: Add 'alt_group' struct - objtool: Refactor ORC section generation - KVM/nVMX: Use __vmx_vcpu_run in nested_vmx_check_vmentry_hw - KVM/VMX: Use TEST %REG,%REG instead of CMP $0,%REG in vmenter.S- netfilter: nf_tables: disallow binding to already bound chain - netfilter: nf_conntrack_irc: Tighten matching on DCC message - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: enable ACPI_HMAT and HOT_MEMREMOVE - video: fbdev: i740fb: Error out if 'pixclock' equals zero - block: fix the problem of io_ticks becoming smaller - KVM: x86: do not report a vCPU as preempted outside instruction boundaries - !107 video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: Fix integer overflow in pxa3xx_gcu_write - video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: Fix integer overflow in pxa3xx_gcu_write- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow RULE_ID to refer to another chain - netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow CHAIN_ID to refer to another table - netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow SET_ID to refer to another table- bpf, cgroup: Fix kernel BUG in purge_effective_progs - bpf: Don't use tnum_range on array range checking for poke descriptors - configfs: fix a race in configfs_lookup() - configfs: fold configfs_attach_attr into configfs_lookup - configfs: simplify the configfs_dirent_is_ready - configfs: return -ENAMETOOLONG earlier in configfs_lookup - af_key: Do not call xfrm_probe_algs in parallel - tty: use new tty_insert_flip_string_and_push_buffer() in pty_write() - tty: extract tty_flip_buffer_commit() from tty_flip_buffer_push() - tty: drop tty_schedule_flip() - tty: the rest, stop using tty_schedule_flip() - tty: drivers/tty/, stop using tty_schedule_flip() - pipe: fix kabi for poll_usage in struct pipe_inode_info - bpf: Enlarge offset check value to INT_MAX in bpf_skb_{load,store}_bytes - bpf: Fix potential array overflow in bpf_trampoline_get_progs() - NFSD: Fix possible sleep during nfsd4_release_lockowner() - NFS: Memory allocation failures are not server fatal errors - docs: submitting-patches: Fix crossref to 'The canonical patch format' - tpm: ibmvtpm: Correct the return value in tpm_ibmvtpm_probe() - tpm: Fix buffer access in tpm2_get_tpm_pt() - HID: multitouch: add quirks to enable Lenovo X12 trackpoint - HID: multitouch: Add support for Google Whiskers Touchpad - raid5: introduce MD_BROKEN - dm verity: set DM_TARGET_IMMUTABLE feature flag - dm stats: add cond_resched when looping over entries - dm crypt: make printing of the key constant-time - dm integrity: fix error code in dm_integrity_ctr() - ARM: dts: s5pv210: Correct interrupt name for bluetooth in Aries - Bluetooth: hci_qca: Use del_timer_sync() before freeing - zsmalloc: fix races between asynchronous zspage free and page migration - crypto: ecrdsa - Fix incorrect use of vli_cmp - crypto: caam - fix i.MX6SX entropy delay value - x86, kvm: use correct GFP flags for preemption disabled - x86/kvm: Alloc dummy async #PF token outside of raw spinlock - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: fix incorrect NULL check on list iterator - netfilter: conntrack: re-fetch conntrack after insertion - crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() synchronous - crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to __drbg_seed() - crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with !rng_is_initialized() - crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of seeding state - lib/crypto: add prompts back to crypto libraries - exfat: check if cluster num is valid - drm/i915: Fix -Wstringop-overflow warning in call to intel_read_wm_latency() - xfs: detect overflows in bmbt records - net: ipa: compute proper aggregation limit - assoc_array: Fix BUG_ON during garbage collect - cfg80211: set custom regdomain after wiphy registration - pipe: Fix missing lock in pipe_resize_ring() - pipe: make poll_usage boolean and annotate its access - drivers: i2c: thunderx: Allow driver to work with ACPI defined TWSI controllers - i2c: ismt: Provide a DMA buffer for Interrupt Cause Logging - net: ftgmac100: Disable hardware checksum on AST2600 - nfc: pn533: Fix buggy cleanup order - net: af_key: check encryption module availability consistency - percpu_ref_init(): clean ->percpu_count_ref on failure - pinctrl: sunxi: fix f1c100s uart2 function- net: fix sk_wmem_schedule() and sk_rmem_schedule() errors - KVM: arm64: Use generic KVM xfer to guest work function - entry: KVM: Allow use of generic KVM entry w/o full generic support - KVM: arm64: Record number of signal exits as a vCPU stat - VFS: Rolling Back the fmode macro definition and structure members - dm thin: fix use-after-free crash in dm_sm_register_threshold_callback - Revert "NFS: Use of mapping_set_error() results in spurious errors" - random: Fix kabi change of get_random_bytes() - random: Fix kabi change due to enum cpuhp_state - ALSA: ctxfi: Add SB046x PCI ID - random: check for signals after page of pool writes - random: wire up fops->splice_{read,write}_iter() - random: convert to using fops->write_iter() - random: convert to using fops->read_iter() - random: unify batched entropy implementations - random: move randomize_page() into mm where it belongs - random: move initialization functions out of hot pages - random: make consistent use of buf and len - random: use proper return types on get_random_{int,long}_wait() - random: remove extern from functions in header - random: use static branch for crng_ready() - random: credit architectural init the exact amount - random: handle latent entropy and command line from random_init() - random: use proper jiffies comparison macro - random: remove ratelimiting for in-kernel unseeded randomness - random: move initialization out of reseeding hot path - random: avoid initializing twice in credit race - random: use symbolic constants for crng_init states - siphash: use one source of truth for siphash permutations - random: help compiler out with fast_mix() by using simpler arguments - random: do not use input pool from hard IRQs - random: order timer entropy functions below interrupt functions - random: do not pretend to handle premature next security model - random: use first 128 bits of input as fast init - random: do not use batches when !crng_ready() - random: insist on random_get_entropy() existing in order to simplify - xtensa: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - sparc: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - um: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - x86/tsc: Use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - nios2: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - arm: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - mips: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of just c0 random - riscv: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - m68k: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - timekeeping: Add raw clock fallback for random_get_entropy() - powerpc: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - alpha: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - parisc: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - s390: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - ia64: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - init: call time_init() before rand_initialize() - random: fix sysctl documentation nits - random: document crng_fast_key_erasure() destination possibility - random: make random_get_entropy() return an unsigned long - random: allow partial reads if later user copies fail - random: check for signals every PAGE_SIZE chunk of /dev/[u]random - random: check for signal_pending() outside of need_resched() check - random: do not allow user to keep crng key around on stack - random: do not split fast init input in add_hwgenerator_randomness() - random: mix build-time latent entropy into pool at init - random: re-add removed comment about get_random_{u32,u64} reseeding - random: treat bootloader trust toggle the same way as cpu trust toggle - random: skip fast_init if hwrng provides large chunk of entropy - random: check for signal and try earlier when generating entropy - random: reseed more often immediately after booting - random: make consistent usage of crng_ready() - random: use SipHash as interrupt entropy accumulator - random: replace custom notifier chain with standard one - random: don't let 644 read-only sysctls be written to - random: give sysctl_random_min_urandom_seed a more sensible value - random: do crng pre-init loading in worker rather than irq - random: unify cycles_t and jiffies usage and types - random: cleanup UUID handling - random: only wake up writers after zap if threshold was passed - random: round-robin registers as ulong, not u32 - random: clear fast pool, crng, and batches in cpuhp bring up - random: pull add_hwgenerator_randomness() declaration into random.h - random: check for crng_init == 0 in add_device_randomness() - random: unify early init crng load accounting - random: do not take pool spinlock at boot - random: defer fast pool mixing to worker - random: rewrite header introductory comment - random: group sysctl functions - random: group userspace read/write functions - random: group entropy collection functions - random: group entropy extraction functions - random: group crng functions - random: group initialization wait functions - random: remove whitespace and reorder includes - random: remove useless header comment - random: introduce drain_entropy() helper to declutter crng_reseed() - random: deobfuscate irq u32/u64 contributions - random: add proper SPDX header - random: remove unused tracepoints - random: remove ifdef'd out interrupt bench - random: tie batched entropy generation to base_crng generation - random: fix locking for crng_init in crng_reseed() - random: zero buffer after reading entropy from userspace - random: remove outdated INT_MAX >> 6 check in urandom_read() - random: make more consistent use of integer types - random: use hash function for crng_slow_load() - random: use simpler fast key erasure flow on per-cpu keys - random: absorb fast pool into input pool after fast load - random: do not xor RDRAND when writing into /dev/random - random: ensure early RDSEED goes through mixer on init - random: inline leaves of rand_initialize() - random: get rid of secondary crngs - random: use RDSEED instead of RDRAND in entropy extraction - random: fix locking in crng_fast_load() - random: remove batched entropy locking - random: remove use_input_pool parameter from crng_reseed() - random: make credit_entropy_bits() always safe - random: always wake up entropy writers after extraction - random: use linear min-entropy accumulation crediting - random: simplify entropy debiting - random: use computational hash for entropy extraction - random: only call crng_finalize_init() for primary_crng - random: access primary_pool directly rather than through pointer - random: continually use hwgenerator randomness - random: simplify arithmetic function flow in account() - random: selectively clang-format where it makes sense - random: access input_pool_data directly rather than through pointer - random: cleanup fractional entropy shift constants - random: prepend remaining pool constants with POOL_ - random: de-duplicate INPUT_POOL constants - random: remove unused OUTPUT_POOL constants - random: rather than entropy_store abstraction, use global - random: remove unused extract_entropy() reserved argument - random: remove incomplete last_data logic - random: cleanup integer types - random: cleanup poolinfo abstraction - random: fix typo in comments - random: don't reset crng_init_cnt on urandom_read() - random: avoid superfluous call to RDRAND in CRNG extraction - random: early initialization of ChaCha constants - random: use IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NUMA) instead of ifdefs - random: harmonize "crng init done" messages - random: mix bootloader randomness into pool - random: do not re-init if crng_reseed completes before primary init - random: do not sign extend bytes for rotation when mixing - random: use BLAKE2s instead of SHA1 in extraction - random: remove unused irq_flags argument from add_interrupt_randomness() - random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input functions - lib/crypto: blake2s: avoid indirect calls to compression function for Clang CFI - lib/crypto: sha1: re-roll loops to reduce code size - lib/crypto: blake2s: move hmac construction into wireguard - lib/crypto: blake2s: include as built-in - crypto: blake2s - include instead of - crypto: blake2s - adjust include guard naming - crypto: blake2s - add comment for blake2s_state fields - crypto: blake2s - optimize blake2s initialization - crypto: blake2s - share the "shash" API boilerplate code - crypto: blake2s - move update and final logic to internal/blake2s.h - crypto: blake2s - remove unneeded includes - crypto: x86/blake2s - define shash_alg structs using macros - crypto: blake2s - define shash_alg structs using macros - crypto: lib/blake2s - Move selftest prototype into header file - MAINTAINERS: add git tree for random.c - MAINTAINERS: co-maintain random.c - random: remove dead code left over from blocking pool - random: avoid arch_get_random_seed_long() when collecting IRQ randomness - ACPI: sysfs: Fix BERT error region memory mapping - ACPI: sysfs: Make sparse happy about address space in use - media: vim2m: initialize the media device earlier - media: vim2m: Register video device after setting up internals - KVM: x86: Properly handle APF vs disabled LAPIC situation - staging: rtl8723bs: prevent ->Ssid overflow in rtw_wx_set_scan() - Revert "alinux: random: speed up the initialization of module" - !71 xfs: backport 2 patches from upstream - xfs: fix inode reservation space for removing transaction - xfs: fix comment for start time value of inode with bigtime enabled- module: check for exit sections in layout_sections() instead of module_init_section() - afs: Fix afs_getattr() to refetch file status if callback break occurred - i2c: mt7621: fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in mtk_i2c_probe() - module: treat exit sections the same as init sections when !CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD - dt-bindings: pinctrl: aspeed-g6: remove FWQSPID group - Input: ili210x - fix reset timing - arm64: Enable repeat tlbi workaround on KRYO4XX gold CPUs - net: atlantic: verify hw_head_ lies within TX buffer ring - net: atlantic: add check for MAX_SKB_FRAGS - net: atlantic: reduce scope of is_rsc_complete - net: atlantic: fix "frag[0] not initialized" - net: stmmac: fix missing pci_disable_device() on error in stmmac_pci_probe() - ethernet: tulip: fix missing pci_disable_device() on error in tulip_init_one() - nl80211: fix locking in nl80211_set_tx_bitrate_mask() - selftests: add ping test with ping_group_range tuned - nl80211: validate S1G channel width - mac80211: fix rx reordering with non explicit / psmp ack policy - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix missed DMA unmap for aborted commands - perf bench numa: Address compiler error on s390 - gpio: mvebu/pwm: Refuse requests with inverted polarity - gpio: gpio-vf610: do not touch other bits when set the target bit - riscv: dts: sifive: fu540-c000: align dma node name with dtschema - net: bridge: Clear offload_fwd_mark when passing frame up bridge interface. - igb: skip phy status check where unavailable - ARM: 9197/1: spectre-bhb: fix loop8 sequence for Thumb2 - ARM: 9196/1: spectre-bhb: enable for Cortex-A15 - net: af_key: add check for pfkey_broadcast in function pfkey_process - net/mlx5e: Properly block LRO when XDP is enabled - NFC: nci: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by nci_skb_alloc - net/qla3xxx: Fix a test in ql_reset_work() - clk: at91: generated: consider range when calculating best rate - ice: fix possible under reporting of ethtool Tx and Rx statistics - net: vmxnet3: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in vmxnet3_rq_cleanup() - net: vmxnet3: fix possible use-after-free bugs in vmxnet3_rq_alloc_rx_buf() - net: systemport: Fix an error handling path in bcm_sysport_probe() - net/sched: act_pedit: sanitize shift argument before usage - net: evaluate net.ipvX.conf.all.disable_policy and disable_xfrm - net: macb: Increment rx bd head after allocating skb and buffer - net: ipa: record proper RX transaction count - ARM: dts: aspeed-g6: fix SPI1/SPI2 quad pin group - pinctrl: pinctrl-aspeed-g6: remove FWQSPID group in pinctrl - ARM: dts: aspeed-g6: remove FWQSPID group in pinctrl dtsi - dma-buf: fix use of DMA_BUF_SET_NAME_{A,B} in userspace - drm/dp/mst: fix a possible memory leak in fetch_monitor_name() - libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends - crypto: qcom-rng - fix infinite loop on requests not multiple of WORD_SZ - arm64: mte: Ensure the cleared tags are visible before setting the PTE - arm64: paravirt: Use RCU read locks to guard stolen_time - KVM: x86/mmu: Update number of zapped pages even if page list is stable - PCI/PM: Avoid putting Elo i2 PCIe Ports in D3cold - Fix double fget() in vhost_net_set_backend() - selinux: fix bad cleanup on error in hashtab_duplicate() - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for TongFang devices with pop noise - ALSA: wavefront: Proper check of get_user() error - ALSA: usb-audio: Restore Rane SL-1 quirk - nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings during disk space reclamation - nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings in page operations for btree nodes - platform/chrome: cros_ec_debugfs: detach log reader wq from devm - drbd: remove usage of list iterator variable after loop - MIPS: lantiq: check the return value of kzalloc() - fs: fix an infinite loop in iomap_fiemap - rtc: mc146818-lib: Fix the AltCentury for AMD platforms - nvme-multipath: fix hang when disk goes live over reconnect - tools/virtio: compile with -pthread - vhost_vdpa: don't setup irq offloading when irq_num < 0 - s390/pci: improve zpci_dev reference counting - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable headset mic on Lenovo P360 - crypto: x86/chacha20 - Avoid spurious jumps to other functions - crypto: stm32 - fix reference leak in stm32_crc_remove - rtc: sun6i: Fix time overflow handling - gfs2: Disable page faults during lockless buffered reads - nvme-pci: add quirks for Samsung X5 SSDs - Input: stmfts - fix reference leak in stmfts_input_open - Input: add bounds checking to input_set_capability() - um: Cleanup syscall_handler_t definition/cast, fix warning - rtc: pcf2127: fix bug when reading alarm registers - rtc: fix use-after-free on device removal - igc: Update I226_K device ID - igc: Remove phy->type checking - igc: Remove _I_PHY_ID checking - io_uring: always grab file table for deferred statx - usb: gadget: fix race when gadget driver register via ioctl- crypto: arm64/poly1305 - fix a read out-of-bound - posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec - net_sched: cls_route: remove from list when handle is 0 - tty: serial: 8250: 8250_port: Move prototypes to shared location - mm/slub: add missing TID updates on slab deactivation - signal/seccomp: Dump core when there is only one live thread - netfilter: nft_compat: use nfnetlink_unicast() - netfilter: use nfnetlink_unicast() - dm-mpath: fix UAF in multipath_message() - tun: avoid double free in tun_free_netdev - efi/libstub: arm64: Fix KASLR and memmap= collision - efi/libstub: arm64: support strchr function for EFI stub - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: add pagecache limit proc interface" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: create kernel thread for page cache limit" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: calculate reclaim pages for each node" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: shrink page cache" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: reconfiguration about page cache limit when memory plug/unplug" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: do shrink_page_cache when adding page to page cache" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: add support for droping caches for target node" - drivers/perf: hisi: Add Support for CPA PMU - drivers/perf: hisi: Associate PMUs in SICL with CPUs online - drivers/perf: hisi: Add driver for HiSilicon PCIe PMU - SUNRPC: Fix fall-through warnings for Clang - usb: gadget: uvc: allow for application to cleanly shutdown - usb: gadget: uvc: rename function to be more consistent - ping: fix address binding wrt vrf - arm[64]/memremap: don't abuse pfn_valid() to ensure presence of linear map - net: phy: Fix race condition on link status change - SUNRPC: Don't call connect() more than once on a TCP socket - SUNRPC: Prevent immediate close+reconnect - SUNRPC: Clean up scheduling of autoclose - drm/vmwgfx: Initialize drm_mode_fb_cmd2 - cgroup/cpuset: Remove cpus_allowed/mems_allowed setup in cpuset_init_smp() - net: atlantic: always deep reset on pm op, fixing up my null deref regression - i40e: i40e_main: fix a missing check on list iterator - drm/nouveau/tegra: Stop using iommu_present() - ceph: fix setting of xattrs on async created inodes - serial: 8250_mtk: Fix register address for XON/XOFF character - serial: 8250_mtk: Fix UART_EFR register address - slimbus: qcom: Fix IRQ check in qcom_slim_probe - USB: serial: option: add Fibocom MA510 modem - USB: serial: option: add Fibocom L610 modem - USB: serial: qcserial: add support for Sierra Wireless EM7590 - USB: serial: pl2303: add device id for HP LM930 Display - usb: typec: tcpci_mt6360: Update for BMC PHY setting - usb: typec: tcpci: Don't skip cleanup in .remove() on error - usb: cdc-wdm: fix reading stuck on device close - tty: n_gsm: fix mux activation issues in gsm_config() - tty/serial: digicolor: fix possible null-ptr-deref in digicolor_uart_probe() - firmware_loader: use kernel credentials when reading firmware - tcp: resalt the secret every 10 seconds - net: sfp: Add tx-fault workaround for Huawei MA5671A SFP ONT - net: emaclite: Don't advertise 1000BASE-T and do auto negotiation - s390: disable -Warray-bounds - ASoC: ops: Validate input values in snd_soc_put_volsw_range() - ASoC: max98090: Generate notifications on changes for custom control - ASoC: max98090: Reject invalid values in custom control put() - hwmon: (f71882fg) Fix negative temperature - gfs2: Fix filesystem block deallocation for short writes - tls: Fix context leak on tls_device_down - net: sfc: ef10: fix memory leak in efx_ef10_mtd_probe() - net/smc: non blocking recvmsg() return -EAGAIN when no data and signal_pending - net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Fix Wake-on-LAN with mac_link_down() - net: bcmgenet: Check for Wake-on-LAN interrupt probe deferral - net/sched: act_pedit: really ensure the skb is writable - s390/lcs: fix variable dereferenced before check - s390/ctcm: fix potential memory leak - s390/ctcm: fix variable dereferenced before check - selftests: vm: Makefile: rename TARGETS to VMTARGETS - hwmon: (ltq-cputemp) restrict it to SOC_XWAY - dim: initialize all struct fields - ionic: fix missing pci_release_regions() on error in ionic_probe() - nfs: fix broken handling of the softreval mount option - mac80211_hwsim: call ieee80211_tx_prepare_skb under RCU protection - net: sfc: fix memory leak due to ptp channel - sfc: Use swap() instead of open coding it - netlink: do not reset transport header in netlink_recvmsg() - drm/nouveau: Fix a potential theorical leak in nouveau_get_backlight_name() - ipv4: drop dst in multicast routing path - net: mscc: ocelot: avoid corrupting hardware counters when moving VCAP filters - net: mscc: ocelot: restrict tc-trap actions to VCAP IS2 lookup 0 - net: mscc: ocelot: fix VCAP IS2 filters matching on both lookups - net: mscc: ocelot: fix last VCAP IS1/IS2 filter persisting in hardware when deleted - net: Fix features skip in for_each_netdev_feature() - mac80211: Reset MBSSID parameters upon connection - hwmon: (tmp401) Add OF device ID table - iwlwifi: iwl-dbg: Use del_timer_sync() before freeing - batman-adv: Don't skb_split skbuffs with frag_list - !68 scsi: mpt3sas: Transition IOC to Ready state during shutdown - scsi: mpt3sas: Stop fw fault watchdog work item during system shutdown - !48 Fix kabi header file being repeatedly referenced by the same file - scsi: mpt3sas: Transition IOC to Ready state during shutdown - Fix kabi header file being repeatedly referenced by the same file- x86: Clear .brk area at early boot- netfilter: nf_queue: do not allow packet truncation below transport header offset - io_uring: use separate list entry for iopoll requests - io_uring: add missing item types for various requests - io_uring:drop identity before creating a private one - io-wq: Switch io_wqe_worker's fs before releasing request - coresight: etm4x: Workaround CPU hung bug on HiSilicon ETM - mm: userfaultfd: fix missing cache flush in mcopy_atomic_pte() and __mcopy_atomic() - mm: hugetlb: fix missing cache flush in copy_huge_page_from_user() - mm: fix missing cache flush for all tail pages of compound page - Bluetooth: Fix the creation of hdev->name - arm: remove CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_HOLES_MEMORYMODEL - nfp: bpf: silence bitwise vs. logical OR warning - drm/amd/display/dc/gpio/gpio_service: Pass around correct dce_{version, environment} types - block: drbd: drbd_nl: Make conversion to 'enum drbd_ret_code' explicit - regulator: consumer: Add missing stubs to regulator/consumer.h - MIPS: Use address-of operator on section symbols- ipv6/addrconf: fix a null-ptr-deref bug for ip6_ptr - xfrm: xfrm_policy: fix a possible double xfrm_pols_put() in xfrm_bundle_lookup() - ath9k: fix use-after-free in ath9k_hif_usb_rx_cb - jbd2: Fix assertion 'jh->b_frozen_data == NULL' failure when journal aborted - RDMA/hns: Recover 1bit-ECC error of RAM on chip - RDMA/hns: Refactor the abnormal interrupt handler function - RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect clearing of interrupt status register - RDMA/hns: Fix the wrong type of return value of the interrupt handler - RDMA/hns: Remove unused abnormal interrupt of type RAS - ext4: Fix race when reusing xattr blocks - ext4: Unindent codeblock in ext4_xattr_block_set() - ext4: Remove EA inode entry from mbcache on inode eviction - mbcache: Add functions to delete entry if unused - mbcache: Don't reclaim used entries - md/raid6: refactor raid5_read_one_chunk - md/raid10: enable io accounting - md/raid1: enable io accounting - md/raid1: rename print_msg with r1bio_existed - md/raid5: avoid redundant bio clone in raid5_read_one_chunk - md: add io accounting for raid0 and raid5 - mmc: rtsx: add 74 Clocks in power on flow - PCI: aardvark: Fix reading MSI interrupt number - PCI: aardvark: Clear all MSIs at setup - dm: interlock pending dm_io and dm_wait_for_bios_completion - rcu: Apply callbacks processing time limit only on softirq - rcu: Fix callbacks processing time limit retaining cond_resched() - KVM: LAPIC: Enable timer posted-interrupt only when mwait/hlt is advertised - KVM: x86/mmu: avoid NULL-pointer dereference on page freeing bugs - KVM: x86: Do not change ICR on write to APIC_SELF_IPI - x86/kvm: Preserve BSP MSR_KVM_POLL_CONTROL across suspend/resume - net/mlx5: Fix slab-out-of-bounds while reading resource dump menu - kvm: x86/cpuid: Only provide CPUID leaf 0xA if host has architectural PMU - net: igmp: respect RCU rules in ip_mc_source() and ip_mc_msfilter() - btrfs: always log symlinks in full mode - smsc911x: allow using IRQ0 - selftests: ocelot: tc_flower_chains: specify conform-exceed action for policer - bnxt_en: Fix unnecessary dropping of RX packets - bnxt_en: Fix possible bnxt_open() failure caused by wrong RFS flag - selftests: mirror_gre_bridge_1q: Avoid changing PVID while interface is operational - net: emaclite: Add error handling for of_address_to_resource() - net: cpsw: add missing of_node_put() in cpsw_probe_dt() - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: add missing of_node_put() in sun8i_dwmac_register_mdio_mux() - net: dsa: mt7530: add missing of_node_put() in mt7530_setup() - net: ethernet: mediatek: add missing of_node_put() in mtk_sgmii_init() - NFSv4: Don't invalidate inode attributes on delegation return - RDMA/siw: Fix a condition race issue in MPA request processing - selftests/seccomp: Don't call read() on TTY from background pgrp - net/mlx5: Avoid double clear or set of sync reset requested - net/mlx5e: Fix the calling of update_buffer_lossy() API - net/mlx5e: CT: Fix queued up restore put() executing after relevant ft release - net/mlx5e: Fix trust state reset in reload - ASoC: dmaengine: Restore NULL prepare_slave_config() callback - hwmon: (adt7470) Fix warning on module removal - gpio: pca953x: fix irq_stat not updated when irq is disabled (irq_mask not set) - can: grcan: only use the NAPI poll budget for RX - can: grcan: grcan_probe(): fix broken system id check for errata workaround needs - can: grcan: use ofdev->dev when allocating DMA memory - can: isotp: remove re-binding of bound socket - can: grcan: grcan_close(): fix deadlock - s390/dasd: Fix read inconsistency for ESE DASD devices - s390/dasd: Fix read for ESE with blksize < 4k - s390/dasd: prevent double format of tracks for ESE devices - s390/dasd: fix data corruption for ESE devices - ASoC: meson: Fix event generation for AUI CODEC mux - ASoC: meson: Fix event generation for G12A tohdmi mux - ASoC: meson: Fix event generation for AUI ACODEC mux - ASoC: wm8958: Fix change notifications for DSP controls - ASoC: da7219: Fix change notifications for tone generator frequency - genirq: Synchronize interrupt thread startup - net: stmmac: disable Split Header (SPH) for Intel platforms - firewire: core: extend card->lock in fw_core_handle_bus_reset - firewire: remove check of list iterator against head past the loop body - firewire: fix potential uaf in outbound_phy_packet_callback() - Revert "SUNRPC: attempt AF_LOCAL connect on setup" - drm/amd/display: Avoid reading audio pattern past AUDIO_CHANNELS_COUNT - iommu/vt-d: Calculate mask for non-aligned flushes - KVM: x86/svm: Account for family 17h event renumberings in amd_pmc_perf_hw_id - gpiolib: of: fix bounds check for 'gpio-reserved-ranges' - mmc: core: Set HS clock speed before sending HS CMD13 - mmc: sdhci-msm: Reset GCC_SDCC_BCR register for SDHC - ALSA: fireworks: fix wrong return count shorter than expected by 4 bytes - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Yoga Duet 7 13ITL6 speakers - parisc: Merge model and model name into one line in /proc/cpuinfo - MIPS: Fix CP0 counter erratum detection for R4k CPUs - perf symbol: Remove arch__symbols__fixup_end() - tty: n_gsm: fix software flow control handling - tty: n_gsm: fix incorrect UA handling - tty: n_gsm: fix reset fifo race condition - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command frame length field encoding - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command retry handling - tty: n_gsm: fix missing explicit ldisc flush - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong DLCI release order - tty: n_gsm: fix insufficient txframe size - netfilter: nft_socket: only do sk lookups when indev is available - tty: n_gsm: fix malformed counter for out of frame data - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong signal octet encoding in convergence layer type 2 - tty: n_gsm: fix mux cleanup after unregister tty device - tty: n_gsm: fix decoupled mux resource - tty: n_gsm: fix restart handling via CLD command - perf symbol: Update symbols__fixup_end() - perf symbol: Pass is_kallsyms to symbols__fixup_end() - x86/cpu: Load microcode during restore_processor_state() - thermal: int340x: Fix callback prototype - net: ethernet: stmmac: fix write to sgmii_adapter_base - drm/i915: Fix SEL_FETCH_PLANE_*(PIPE_B+) register addresses - kasan: prevent cpu_quarantine corruption when CPU offline and cache shrink occur at same time - zonefs: Clear inode information flags on inode creation - zonefs: Fix management of open zones - powerpc/perf: Fix 32bit compile - drivers: net: hippi: Fix deadlock in rr_close() - cifs: destage any unwritten data to the server before calling copychunk_write - x86: __memcpy_flushcache: fix wrong alignment if size > 2^32 - ASoC: wm8731: Disable the regulator when probing fails - ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: correct device endpoints for max98373 - tcp: fix F-RTO may not work correctly when receiving DSACK - Revert "ibmvnic: Add ethtool private flag for driver-defined queue limits" - ibmvnic: fix miscellaneous checks - ixgbe: ensure IPsec VF<->PF compatibility - net: fec: add missing of_node_put() in fec_enet_init_stop_mode() - bnx2x: fix napi API usage sequence - tls: Skip tls_append_frag on zero copy size - drm/amd/display: Fix memory leak in dcn21_clock_source_create - drm/amdkfd: Fix GWS queue count - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Don't set GSWIP_MII_CFG_RMII_CLK - net: phy: marvell10g: fix return value on error - net: bcmgenet: hide status block before TX timestamping - clk: sunxi: sun9i-mmc: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - bus: sunxi-rsb: Fix the return value of sunxi_rsb_device_create() - tcp: make sure treq->af_specific is initialized - tcp: fix potential xmit stalls caused by TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT - ip_gre, ip6_gre: Fix race condition on o_seqno in collect_md mode - ip6_gre: Make o_seqno start from 0 in native mode - ip_gre: Make o_seqno start from 0 in native mode - net/smc: sync err code when tcp connection was refused - cpufreq: fix memory leak in sun50i_cpufreq_nvmem_probe - pinctrl: pistachio: fix use of irq_of_parse_and_map() - arm64: dts: imx8mn-ddr4-evk: Describe the 32.768 kHz PMIC clock - ARM: dts: imx6ull-colibri: fix vqmmc regulator - sctp: check asoc strreset_chunk in sctp_generate_reconf_event - wireguard: device: check for metadata_dst with skb_valid_dst() - pinctrl: stm32: Keep pinctrl block clock enabled when LEVEL IRQ requested - tcp: md5: incorrect tcp_header_len for incoming connections - pinctrl: rockchip: fix RK3308 pinmux bits - bpf, lwt: Fix crash when using bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key() from bpf_xmit lwt hook - netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: overlap detection with element re-addition after deletion - net: dsa: Add missing of_node_put() in dsa_port_link_register_of - memory: renesas-rpc-if: Fix HF/OSPI data transfer in Manual Mode - pinctrl: stm32: Do not call stm32_gpio_get() for edge triggered IRQs in EOI - mtd: rawnand: Fix return value check of wait_for_completion_timeout - pinctrl: mediatek: moore: Fix build error - ipvs: correctly print the memory size of ip_vs_conn_tab - ARM: dts: logicpd-som-lv: Fix wrong pinmuxing on OMAP35 - ARM: dts: am3517-evm: Fix misc pinmuxing - ARM: dts: Fix mmc order for omap3-gta04 - phy: ti: Add missing pm_runtime_disable() in serdes_am654_probe - phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix PM error handling in phy_mdm6600_probe - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d4_xplained: fix pinctrl phandle name - ARM: dts: at91: Map MCLK for wm8731 on at91sam9g20ek - phy: ti: omap-usb2: Fix error handling in omap_usb2_enable_clocks - bus: ti-sysc: Make omap3 gpt12 quirk handling SoC specific - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix refcount leak in omap_gic_of_init - phy: samsung: exynos5250-sata: fix missing device put in probe error paths - phy: samsung: Fix missing of_node_put() in exynos_sata_phy_probe - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-apalis: Fix sgtl5000 detection issue - USB: Fix xhci event ring dequeue pointer ERDP update issue - mtd: rawnand: fix ecc parameters for mt7622 - iio:imu:bmi160: disable regulator in error path - arm64: dts: meson: remove CPU opps below 1GHz for SM1 boards - arm64: dts: meson: remove CPU opps below 1GHz for G12B boards - video: fbdev: udlfb: properly check endpoint type - iocost: don't reset the inuse weight of under-weighted debtors - x86/pci/xen: Disable PCI/MSI[-X] masking for XEN_HVM guests - riscv: patch_text: Fixup last cpu should be master - hex2bin: fix access beyond string end - pinctrl: samsung: fix missing GPIOLIB on ARM64 Exynos config - arch_topology: Do not set llc_sibling if llc_id is invalid - serial: 8250: Correct the clock for EndRun PTP/1588 PCIe device - serial: 8250: Also set sticky MCR bits in console restoration - serial: imx: fix overrun interrupts in DMA mode - usb: phy: generic: Get the vbus supply - usb: cdns3: Fix issue for clear halt endpoint - usb: dwc3: gadget: Return proper request status - usb: dwc3: core: Only handle soft-reset in DCTL - usb: dwc3: core: Fix tx/rx threshold settings - usb: dwc3: Try usb-role-switch first in dwc3_drd_init - usb: gadget: configfs: clear deactivation flag in configfs_composite_unbind() - usb: gadget: uvc: Fix crash when encoding data for usb request - usb: typec: ucsi: Fix role swapping - usb: typec: ucsi: Fix reuse of completion structure - usb: misc: fix improper handling of refcount in uss720_probe() - iio: imu: inv_icm42600: Fix I2C init possible nack - iio: magnetometer: ak8975: Fix the error handling in ak8975_power_on() - iio: dac: ad5446: Fix read_raw not returning set value - iio: dac: ad5592r: Fix the missing return value. - xhci: increase usb U3 -> U0 link resume timeout from 100ms to 500ms - xhci: stop polling roothubs after shutdown - xhci: Enable runtime PM on second Alderlake controller - USB: serial: option: add Telit 0x1057, 0x1058, 0x1075 compositions - USB: serial: option: add support for Cinterion MV32-WA/MV32-WB - USB: serial: cp210x: add PIDs for Kamstrup USB Meter Reader - USB: serial: whiteheat: fix heap overflow in WHITEHEAT_GET_DTR_RTS - USB: quirks: add STRING quirk for VCOM device - USB: quirks: add a Realtek card reader - usb: mtu3: fix USB 3.0 dual-role-switch from device to host - lightnvm: disable the subsystem- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy - fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() - fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size - fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size - inotify: show inotify mask flags in proc fdinfo - block: prevent lockdep false positive warning about 'bd_mutex' - block: fix that part scan is disabled in device_add_disk() - block: Fix warning in bd_link_disk_holder() - ucounts: add missing data type changes - bpf: Don't redirect packets with invalid pkt_len - Revert "net: micrel: fix KS8851_MLL Kconfig" - block/compat_ioctl: fix range check in BLKGETSIZE - staging: ion: Prevent incorrect reference counting behavour - spi: atmel-quadspi: Fix the buswidth adjustment between spi-mem and controller - can: isotp: stop timeout monitoring when no first frame was sent - ext4: force overhead calculation if the s_overhead_cluster makes no sense - ext4: fix overhead calculation to account for the reserved gdt blocks - ext4, doc: fix incorrect h_reserved size - ext4: limit length to bitmap_maxbytes - blocksize in punch_hole - ext4: fix fallocate to use file_modified to update permissions consistently - perf report: Set PERF_SAMPLE_DATA_SRC bit for Arm SPE event - powerpc/perf: Fix power9 event alternatives - drm/vc4: Use pm_runtime_resume_and_get to fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage - KVM: PPC: Fix TCE handling for VFIO - drm/panel/raspberrypi-touchscreen: Initialise the bridge in prepare - drm/panel/raspberrypi-touchscreen: Avoid NULL deref if not initialised - perf/core: Fix perf_mmap fail when CONFIG_PERF_USE_VMALLOC enabled - sched/pelt: Fix attach_entity_load_avg() corner case - arm_pmu: Validate single/group leader events - ARC: entry: fix syscall_trace_exit argument - e1000e: Fix possible overflow in LTR decoding - ASoC: soc-dapm: fix two incorrect uses of list iterator - gpio: Request interrupts after IRQ is initialized - openvswitch: fix OOB access in reserve_sfa_size() - xtensa: fix a7 clobbering in coprocessor context load/store - xtensa: patch_text: Fixup last cpu should be master - net: atlantic: invert deep par in pm functions, preventing null derefs - dma: at_xdmac: fix a missing check on list iterator - ata: pata_marvell: Check the 'bmdma_addr' beforing reading - mm/mmu_notifier.c: fix race in mmu_interval_notifier_remove() - mm, hugetlb: allow for "high" userspace addresses - EDAC/synopsys: Read the error count from the correct register - nvme-pci: disable namespace identifiers for Qemu controllers - nvme: add a quirk to disable namespace identifiers - stat: fix inconsistency between struct stat and struct compat_stat - scsi: qedi: Fix failed disconnect handling - net: macb: Restart tx only if queue pointer is lagging - drm/msm/mdp5: check the return of kzalloc() - dpaa_eth: Fix missing of_node_put in dpaa_get_ts_info() - brcmfmac: sdio: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the constant - mt76: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the constant - net: atlantic: Avoid out-of-bounds indexing - cifs: Check the IOCB_DIRECT flag, not O_DIRECT - vxlan: fix error return code in vxlan_fdb_append - arm64: dts: imx: Fix imx8*-var-som touchscreen property sizes - ALSA: usb-audio: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the constant - platform/x86: samsung-laptop: Fix an unsigned comparison which can never be negative - reset: tegra-bpmp: Restore Handle errors in BPMP response - ARM: vexpress/spc: Avoid negative array index when !SMP - arm64: mm: fix p?d_leaf() - arm64/mm: Remove [PUD|PMD]_TABLE_BIT from [pud|pmd]_bad() - selftests: mlxsw: vxlan_flooding: Prevent flooding of unwanted packets - dmaengine: idxd: add RO check for wq max_transfer_size write - dmaengine: idxd: add RO check for wq max_batch_size write - net: stmmac: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic() in atomic state - netlink: reset network and mac headers in netlink_dump() - ipv6: fix kabi for ip6_rt_gc_expire in struct netns_ipv6 - ipv6: make ip6_rt_gc_expire an atomic_t - l3mdev: l3mdev_master_upper_ifindex_by_index_rcu should be using netdev_master_upper_dev_get_rcu - net/sched: cls_u32: fix possible leak in u32_init_knode() - ip6_gre: Fix skb_under_panic in __gre6_xmit() - ip6_gre: Avoid updating tunnel->tun_hlen in __gre6_xmit() - net/packet: fix packet_sock xmit return value checking - net/smc: Fix sock leak when release after smc_shutdown() - rxrpc: Restore removed timer deletion - igc: Fix BUG: scheduling while atomic - igc: Fix infinite loop in release_swfw_sync - esp: limit skb_page_frag_refill use to a single page - spi: spi-mtk-nor: initialize spi controller after resume - dmaengine: mediatek:Fix PM usage reference leak of mtk_uart_apdma_alloc_chan_resources - dmaengine: imx-sdma: Fix error checking in sdma_event_remap - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: do not switch off SIDO Buck when codec is in use - ASoC: msm8916-wcd-digital: Check failure for devm_snd_soc_register_component - ASoC: atmel: Remove system clock tree configuration for at91sam9g20ek - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NP70PNP - ALSA: usb-audio: Clear MIDI port active flag after draining - gfs2: assign rgrp glock before compute_bitstructs - perf tools: Fix segfault accessing sample_id xyarray - tracing: Dump stacktrace trigger to the corresponding instance - mm: page_alloc: fix building error on -Werror=array-compare - etherdevice: Adjust ether_addr* prototypes to silence -Wstringop-overead- KEYS: Fix mistaken sizeof call in pgp_key_generate_id - KEYS: Add safe guard against faulty PGP key - KEYS: Fix error path return value in pgp_generate_fingerprint - block: fix mismatch size for flush_rq - crypto: hisilicon/sec - don't sleep when in softirq - xen/arm: Fix race in RB-tree based P2M accounting - nbd: fix io hung while disconnecting device - nbd: don't clear 'NBD_CMD_INFLIGHT' flag if request is not completed - filemap: Correct the conditions for marking a folio as accessed - Revert "mm/filemap: fix that first page is not mark accessed in filemap_read()" - net: rose: fix UAF bugs caused by timer handler - nbd: fix race between nbd_alloc_config() and module removal - nbd: call genl_unregister_family() first in nbd_cleanup() - openeuler_defconfig: Enable SENSORS_ZHAOXIN_CPUTEMP as module by default - Driver for Zhaoxin CPU core temperature monitoring - scsi: iscsi: fix kabi broken in struct iscsi_transport - scsi: iscsi: fix kabi broken in struct iscsi_cls_conn - scsi: iscsi: Fix unbound endpoint error handling - scsi: iscsi: Fix endpoint reuse regression - dma-direct: avoid redundant memory sync for swiotlb - timers: Fix warning condition in __run_timers() - i2c: pasemi: Wait for write xfers to finish - smp: Fix offline cpu check in flush_smp_call_function_queue() - dm integrity: fix memory corruption when tag_size is less than digest size - ARM: davinci: da850-evm: Avoid NULL pointer dereference - tick/nohz: Use WARN_ON_ONCE() to prevent console saturation - genirq/affinity: Consider that CPUs on nodes can be unbalanced - drm/amdgpu: Enable gfxoff quirk on MacBook Pro - drm/amd/display: don't ignore alpha property on pre-multiplied mode - ipv6: fix panic when forwarding a pkt with no in6 dev - nl80211: correctly check NL80211_ATTR_REG_ALPHA2 size - ALSA: pcm: Test for "silence" field in struct "pcm_format_data" - ALSA: hda/realtek: add quirk for Lenovo Thinkpad X12 speakers - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo PD50PNT - btrfs: mark resumed async balance as writing - btrfs: fix root ref counts in error handling in btrfs_get_root_ref - ath9k: Fix usage of driver-private space in tx_info - ath9k: Properly clear TX status area before reporting to mac80211 - gcc-plugins: latent_entropy: use /dev/urandom - memory: renesas-rpc-if: fix platform-device leak in error path - KVM: x86/mmu: Resolve nx_huge_pages when kvm.ko is loaded - mm: kmemleak: take a full lowmem check in kmemleak_*_phys() - mm: fix unexpected zeroed page mapping with zram swap - mm, page_alloc: fix build_zonerefs_node() - perf/imx_ddr: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the constant - drivers: net: slip: fix NPD bug in sl_tx_timeout() - scsi: megaraid_sas: Target with invalid LUN ID is deleted during scan - scsi: mvsas: Add PCI ID of RocketRaid 2640 - drm/amd/display: Fix allocate_mst_payload assert on resume - drm/amd/display: Revert FEC check in validation - myri10ge: fix an incorrect free for skb in myri10ge_sw_tso - net: usb: aqc111: Fix out-of-bounds accesses in RX fixup - net: axienet: setup mdio unconditionally - tlb: hugetlb: Add more sizes to tlb_remove_huge_tlb_entry - arm64: alternatives: mark patch_alternative() as `noinstr` - regulator: wm8994: Add an off-on delay for WM8994 variant - gpu: ipu-v3: Fix dev_dbg frequency output - ata: libata-core: Disable READ LOG DMA EXT for Samsung 840 EVOs - net: micrel: fix KS8851_MLL Kconfig - scsi: ibmvscsis: Increase INITIAL_SRP_LIMIT to 1024 - scsi: lpfc: Fix queue failures when recovering from PCI parity error - scsi: target: tcmu: Fix possible page UAF - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Prevent load re-ordering when reading ring buffer - drm/amdkfd: Check for potential null return of kmalloc_array() - drm/amdgpu/vcn: improve vcn dpg stop procedure - drm/amdkfd: Fix Incorrect VMIDs passed to HWS - drm/amd/display: Update VTEM Infopacket definition - drm/amd/display: FEC check in timing validation - drm/amd/display: fix audio format not updated after edid updated - btrfs: do not warn for free space inode in cow_file_range - btrfs: fix fallocate to use file_modified to update permissions consistently - drm/amd: Add USBC connector ID - net: bcmgenet: Revert "Use stronger register read/writes to assure ordering" - dm mpath: only use ktime_get_ns() in historical selector - cifs: potential buffer overflow in handling symlinks - nfc: nci: add flush_workqueue to prevent uaf - perf tools: Fix misleading add event PMU debug message - testing/selftests/mqueue: Fix mq_perf_tests to free the allocated cpu set - sctp: Initialize daddr on peeled off socket - scsi: iscsi: Fix conn cleanup and stop race during iscsid restart - scsi: iscsi: Fix offload conn cleanup when iscsid restarts - scsi: iscsi: Move iscsi_ep_disconnect() - scsi: iscsi: Fix in-kernel conn failure handling - scsi: iscsi: Rel ref after iscsi_lookup_endpoint() - scsi: iscsi: Use system_unbound_wq for destroy_work - scsi: iscsi: Force immediate failure during shutdown - scsi: iscsi: Stop queueing during ep_disconnect - scsi: pm80xx: Enable upper inbound, outbound queues - scsi: pm80xx: Mask and unmask upper interrupt vectors 32-63 - net/smc: Fix NULL pointer dereference in smc_pnet_find_ib() - drm/msm/dsi: Use connector directly in msm_dsi_manager_connector_init() - drm/msm: Fix range size vs end confusion - cfg80211: hold bss_lock while updating nontrans_list - net/sched: taprio: Check if socket flags are valid - net: ethernet: stmmac: fix altr_tse_pcs function when using a fixed-link - net: dsa: felix: suppress -EPROBE_DEFER errors - net/sched: fix initialization order when updating chain 0 head - mlxsw: i2c: Fix initialization error flow - net: mdio: Alphabetically sort header inclusion - gpiolib: acpi: use correct format characters - veth: Ensure eth header is in skb's linear part - SUNRPC: Fix the svc_deferred_event trace class - media: rockchip/rga: do proper error checking in probe - firmware: arm_scmi: Fix sorting of retrieved clock rates - memory: atmel-ebi: Fix missing of_node_put in atmel_ebi_probe - drm/msm: Add missing put_task_struct() in debugfs path - btrfs: remove unused variable in btrfs_{start,write}_dirty_block_groups() - ACPI: processor idle: Check for architectural support for LPI - cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the function - drm/amdkfd: Use drm_priv to pass VM from KFD to amdgpu- powerpc: Fix virt_addr_valid() for 64-bit Book3E & 32-bit - Revert "powerpc: Fix virt_addr_valid() check" - mm/sparsemem: fix 'mem_section' will never be NULL gcc 12 warning - irqchip/gic, gic-v3: Prevent GSI to SGI translations - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Replace smp_store_mb() with virt_store_mb() - arm64: module: remove (NOLOAD) from linker script - selftests: cgroup: Test open-time cgroup namespace usage for migration checks - selftests: cgroup: Test open-time credential usage for migration checks - selftests: cgroup: Make cg_create() use 0755 for permission instead of 0644 - selftests/cgroup: Fix build on older distros - mm: don't skip swap entry even if zap_details specified - ubsan: remove CONFIG_UBSAN_OBJECT_SIZE - dmaengine: Revert "dmaengine: shdma: Fix runtime PM imbalance on error" - tools build: Use $(shell ) instead of `` to get embedded libperl's ccopts - tools build: Filter out options and warnings not supported by clang - perf python: Fix probing for some clang command line options - perf build: Don't use -ffat-lto-objects in the python feature test when building with clang-13 - drm/amdkfd: Create file descriptor after client is added to smi_clients list - drm/nouveau/pmu: Add missing callbacks for Tegra devices - drm/amdgpu/smu10: fix SoC/fclk units in auto mode - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix GICR_CTLR.RWP polling - perf: qcom_l2_pmu: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - ata: sata_dwc_460ex: Fix crash due to OOB write - gpio: Restrict usage of GPIO chip irq members before initialization - RDMA/hfi1: Fix use-after-free bug for mm struct - arm64: patch_text: Fixup last cpu should be master - btrfs: prevent subvol with swapfile from being deleted - btrfs: fix qgroup reserve overflow the qgroup limit - x86/speculation: Restore speculation related MSRs during S3 resume - x86/pm: Save the MSR validity status at context setup - mm/mempolicy: fix mpol_new leak in shared_policy_replace - mmmremap.c: avoid pointless invalidate_range_start/end on mremap(old_size=0) - lz4: fix LZ4_decompress_safe_partial read out of bound - mmc: renesas_sdhi: don't overwrite TAP settings when HS400 tuning is complete - mmc: mmci: stm32: correctly check all elements of sg list - Revert "mmc: sdhci-xenon: fix annoying 1.8V regulator warning" - arm64: Add part number for Arm Cortex-A78AE - perf session: Remap buf if there is no space for event - perf tools: Fix perf's libperf_print callback - perf: arm-spe: Fix perf report --mem-mode - iommu/omap: Fix regression in probe for NULL pointer dereference - SUNRPC: svc_tcp_sendmsg() should handle errors from xdr_alloc_bvec() - SUNRPC: Handle low memory situations in call_status() - SUNRPC: Handle ENOMEM in call_transmit_status() - io_uring: don't touch scm_fp_list after queueing skb - drbd: Fix five use after free bugs in get_initial_state - bpf: Support dual-stack sockets in bpf_tcp_check_syncookie - spi: bcm-qspi: fix MSPI only access with bcm_qspi_exec_mem_op() - qede: confirm skb is allocated before using - net: phy: mscc-miim: reject clause 45 register accesses - rxrpc: fix a race in rxrpc_exit_net() - net: openvswitch: fix leak of nested actions - net: openvswitch: don't send internal clone attribute to the userspace. - ice: synchronize_rcu() when terminating rings - ipv6: Fix stats accounting in ip6_pkt_drop - ice: Do not skip not enabled queues in ice_vc_dis_qs_msg - ice: Set txq_teid to ICE_INVAL_TEID on ring creation - dpaa2-ptp: Fix refcount leak in dpaa2_ptp_probe - IB/rdmavt: add lock to call to rvt_error_qp to prevent a race condition - RDMA/mlx5: Don't remove cache MRs when a delay is needed - sfc: Do not free an empty page_ring - bnxt_en: reserve space inside receive page for skb_shared_info - drm/imx: Fix memory leak in imx_pd_connector_get_modes - drm/imx: imx-ldb: Check for null pointer after calling kmemdup - net: stmmac: Fix unset max_speed difference between DT and non-DT platforms - net: ipv4: fix route with nexthop object delete warning - ice: Clear default forwarding VSI during VSI release - net/tls: fix slab-out-of-bounds bug in decrypt_internal - scsi: zorro7xx: Fix a resource leak in zorro7xx_remove_one() - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix potential crash on module unload - drm/amdgpu: fix off by one in amdgpu_gfx_kiq_acquire() - Revert "hv: utils: add PTP_1588_CLOCK to Kconfig to fix build" - mm: fix race between MADV_FREE reclaim and blkdev direct IO read - parisc: Fix patch code locking and flushing - parisc: Fix CPU affinity for Lasi, WAX and Dino chips - NFS: Avoid writeback threads getting stuck in mempool_alloc() - NFS: nfsiod should not block forever in mempool_alloc() - SUNRPC: Fix socket waits for write buffer space - jfs: prevent NULL deref in diFree - virtio_console: eliminate anonymous module_init & module_exit - serial: samsung_tty: do not unlock port->lock for uart_write_wakeup() - x86/Kconfig: Do not allow CONFIG_X86_X32_ABI=y with llvm-objcopy - NFS: swap-out must always use STABLE writes. - NFS: swap IO handling is slightly different for O_DIRECT IO - SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks. - SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory - SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory - clk: Enforce that disjoints limits are invalid - clk: ti: Preserve node in ti_dt_clocks_register() - xen: delay xen_hvm_init_time_ops() if kdump is boot on vcpu>=32 - NFSv4: Protect the state recovery thread against direct reclaim - NFSv4.2: fix reference count leaks in _nfs42_proc_copy_notify() - w1: w1_therm: fixes w1_seq for ds28ea00 sensors - staging: wfx: fix an error handling in wfx_init_common() - phy: amlogic: meson8b-usb2: Use dev_err_probe() - staging: vchiq_core: handle NULL result of find_service_by_handle - clk: si5341: fix reported clk_rate when output divider is 2 - minix: fix bug when opening a file with O_DIRECT - init/main.c: return 1 from handled __setup() functions - ceph: fix memory leak in ceph_readdir when note_last_dentry returns error - netlabel: fix out-of-bounds memory accesses - Bluetooth: Fix use after free in hci_send_acl - MIPS: ingenic: correct unit node address - xtensa: fix DTC warning unit_address_format - usb: dwc3: omap: fix "unbalanced disables for smps10_out1" on omap5evm - net: sfp: add 2500base-X quirk for Lantech SFP module - net: limit altnames to 64k total - net: account alternate interface name memory - can: isotp: set default value for N_As to 50 micro seconds - scsi: libfc: Fix use after free in fc_exch_abts_resp() - powerpc/secvar: fix refcount leak in format_show() - MIPS: fix fortify panic when copying asm exception handlers - PCI: endpoint: Fix misused goto label - bnxt_en: Eliminate unintended link toggle during FW reset - Bluetooth: use memset avoid memory leaks - Bluetooth: Fix not checking for valid hdev on bt_dev_{info,warn,err,dbg} - tuntap: add sanity checks about msg_controllen in sendmsg - macvtap: advertise link netns via netlink - mips: ralink: fix a refcount leak in ill_acc_of_setup() - net/smc: correct settings of RMB window update limit - scsi: hisi_sas: Free irq vectors in order for v3 HW - scsi: aha152x: Fix aha152x_setup() __setup handler return value - mt76: mt7615: Fix assigning negative values to unsigned variable - scsi: pm8001: Fix memory leak in pm8001_chip_fw_flash_update_req() - scsi: pm8001: Fix tag leaks on error - scsi: pm8001: Fix task leak in pm8001_send_abort_all() - scsi: pm8001: Fix pm8001_mpi_task_abort_resp() - scsi: pm8001: Fix pm80xx_pci_mem_copy() interface - drm/amdkfd: make CRAT table missing message informational only - dm ioctl: prevent potential spectre v1 gadget - ipv4: Invalidate neighbour for broadcast address upon address addition - iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set fragmented EBS - power: supply: axp288-charger: Set Vhold to 4.4V - PCI: pciehp: Add Qualcomm quirk for Command Completed erratum - tcp: Don't acquire inet_listen_hashbucket::lock with disabled BH. - PCI: endpoint: Fix alignment fault error in copy tests - usb: ehci: add pci device support for Aspeed platforms - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: fix event handling soft lockup - PCI: aardvark: Fix support for MSI interrupts - drm/amdgpu: Fix recursive locking warning - powerpc: Set crashkernel offset to mid of RMA region - ipv6: fix kabi for mc_forwarding in struct ipv6_devconf - ipv6: make mc_forwarding atomic - libbpf: Fix build issue with llvm-readelf - cfg80211: don't add non transmitted BSS to 6GHz scanned channels - mt76: dma: initialize skip_unmap in mt76_dma_rx_fill - power: supply: axp20x_battery: properly report current when discharging - scsi: bfa: Replace snprintf() with sysfs_emit() - scsi: mvsas: Replace snprintf() with sysfs_emit() - bpf: Make dst_port field in struct bpf_sock 16-bit wide - ath11k: mhi: use mhi_sync_power_up() - ath11k: fix kernel panic during unload/load ath11k modules - powerpc: dts: t104xrdb: fix phy type for FMAN 4/5 - ptp: replace snprintf with sysfs_emit - usb: gadget: tegra-xudc: Fix control endpoint's definitions - usb: gadget: tegra-xudc: Do not program SPARAM - drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_cs: fix refcount leak of a dma_fence obj - drm/amd/display: Add signal type check when verify stream backends same - ath5k: fix OOB in ath5k_eeprom_read_pcal_info_5111 - drm: Add orientation quirk for GPD Win Max - KVM: x86/emulator: Emulate RDPID only if it is enabled in guest - KVM: x86/svm: Clear reserved bits written to PerfEvtSeln MSRs - rtc: wm8350: Handle error for wm8350_register_irq - gfs2: gfs2_setattr_size error path fix - gfs2: Fix gfs2_release for non-writers regression - gfs2: Check for active reservation in gfs2_release - xen/blkfront: force data bouncing when backend is untrusted - xen/netfront: force data bouncing when backend is untrusted - xen/netfront: fix leaking data in shared pages - xen/blkfront: fix leaking data in shared pages - netfilter: nf_tables: stricter validation of element data - xen-netfront: restore __skb_queue_tail() positioning in xennet_get_responses() - tmpfs: fix the issue that the mount and remount results are inconsistent. - tmpfs: fix undefined-behaviour in shmem_reconfigure() - mm/filemap: fix UAF in find_lock_entries - shmem: allow reporting fanotify events with file handles on tmpfs - fs: introduce a wrapper uuid_to_fsid() - Revert "iommu: handle page response timeout" - mm/filemap: fix that first page is not mark accessed in filemap_read() - block: don't use cmpxchg64() on 32-bit platform - block: fix that iostat can show huge wait time - block: fix sleeping function called from invalid context in part_get_stat_info() - block: fix kabi broken in struct hd_struct - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in struct request - block: update nsecs[] in part_stat_show() and diskstats_show() - blk-throttle: fix io hung due to configuration updates - kabi: deduplication friendly structs- vt: drop old FONT ioctls - genirq: Take the proposed affinity at face value if force==true - irqchip/gic-v3: Always trust the managed affinity provided by the core code - genirq: Always limit the affinity to online CPUs - genirq/msi: Shutdown managed interrupts with unsatifiable affinities - sign-file: Support SM signature - arm64: Do not defer reserve_crashkernel() for platforms with no DMA memory zones- smp: fix early_param csdlock_debug boot panic - RDMA/hns: Use hr_reg_read() instead of remaining roce_get_xxx() - RDMA/hns: Use hr_reg_xxx() instead of remaining roce_set_xxx() - RDMA/hns: Remove the num_cqc_timer variable - RDMA/hns: Add the detection for CMDQ status in the device initialization process - RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary ret variable from hns_roce_dereg_mr() - RDMA/hns: Init the variable at the suitable place - RDMA/hns: Add judgment on the execution result of CMDQ that free vf resource - RDMA/hns: Remove redundant variable "ret" - RDMA/hns: Remove unused function to_hns_roce_state() - RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary check for the sgid_attr when modifying QP - ipmi:watchdog: Set panic count to proper value on a panic - ipmi/watchdog: replace atomic_add() and atomic_sub() - scsi: hisi_sas: Change the debugfs parameters dump count default value - blk-mq: don't clear flush_rq from tags->rqs[] - ext4: correct the misjudgment in ext4_iget_extra_inode - ext4: correct max_inline_xattr_value_size computing - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_xattr_set_entry - ext4: add EXT4_INODE_HAS_XATTR_SPACE macro in xattr.h - x86/speculation/mmio: Print SMT warning - KVM: x86/speculation: Disable Fill buffer clear within guests - x86/speculation/mmio: Reuse SRBDS mitigation for SBDS - x86/speculation/srbds: Update SRBDS mitigation selection - x86/speculation/mmio: Add sysfs reporting for Processor MMIO Stale Data - x86/speculation/mmio: Enable CPU Fill buffer clearing on idle - x86/bugs: Group MDS, TAA & Processor MMIO Stale Data mitigations - x86/speculation/mmio: Add mitigation for Processor MMIO Stale Data - x86/speculation: Add a common function for MD_CLEAR mitigation update - x86/speculation/mmio: Enumerate Processor MMIO Stale Data bug - Documentation: Add documentation for Processor MMIO Stale Data - PCI: xgene: Revert "PCI: xgene: Use inbound resources for setup" - can: m_can: m_can_tx_handler(): fix use after free of skb - openvswitch: Fixed nd target mask field in the flow dump. - docs: sysctl/kernel: add missing bit to panic_print - um: Fix uml_mconsole stop/go - ARM: dts: spear13xx: Update SPI dma properties - ARM: dts: spear1340: Update serial node properties - ASoC: topology: Allow TLV control to be either read or write - dt-bindings: spi: mxic: The interrupt property is not mandatory - dt-bindings: mtd: nand-controller: Fix a comment in the examples - dt-bindings: mtd: nand-controller: Fix the reg property description - bpf: Fix comment for helper bpf_current_task_under_cgroup() - bpf: Adjust BPF stack helper functions to accommodate skip > 0 - mm/usercopy: return 1 from hardened_usercopy __setup() handler - mm/memcontrol: return 1 from cgroup.memory __setup() handler - ARM: 9187/1: JIVE: fix return value of __setup handler - mm/mmap: return 1 from stack_guard_gap __setup() handler - batman-adv: Check ptr for NULL before reducing its refcnt - ASoC: soc-compress: Change the check for codec_dai - staging: mt7621-dts: fix pinctrl-0 items to be size-1 items on ethernet - proc: bootconfig: Add null pointer check - can: isotp: restore accidentally removed MSG_PEEK feature - platform/chrome: cros_ec_typec: Check for EC device - ACPI: CPPC: Avoid out of bounds access when parsing _CPC data - riscv module: remove (NOLOAD) - io_uring: fix memory leak of uid in files registration - ARM: iop32x: offset IRQ numbers by 1 - ASoC: mediatek: mt6358: add missing EXPORT_SYMBOLs - pinctrl: nuvoton: npcm7xx: Use %zu printk format for ARRAY_SIZE() - pinctrl: nuvoton: npcm7xx: Rename DS() macro to DSTR() - watchdog: rti-wdt: Add missing pm_runtime_disable() in probe function - pinctrl: pinconf-generic: Print arguments for bias-pull-* - watch_queue: Free the page array when watch_queue is dismantled - crypto: arm/aes-neonbs-cbc - Select generic cbc and aes - mailbox: imx: fix wakeup failure from freeze mode - rxrpc: Fix call timer start racing with call destruction - gfs2: Make sure FITRIM minlen is rounded up to fs block size - rtc: check if __rtc_read_time was successful - XArray: Update the LRU list in xas_split() - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_register_get_dev_id(): fix return of error value - can: mcba_usb: properly check endpoint type - XArray: Fix xas_create_range() when multi-order entry present - wireguard: socket: ignore v6 endpoints when ipv6 is disabled - wireguard: socket: free skb in send6 when ipv6 is disabled - wireguard: queueing: use CFI-safe ptr_ring cleanup function - ASoC: SOF: Intel: Fix NULL ptr dereference when ENOMEM - KVM: SVM: fix panic on out-of-bounds guest IRQ - KVM: x86: fix sending PV IPI - KVM: Prevent module exit until all VMs are freed - KVM: x86: Forbid VMM to set SYNIC/STIMER MSRs when SynIC wasn't activated - platform: chrome: Split trace include file - scsi: qla2xxx: Use correct feature type field during RFF_ID processing - scsi: qla2xxx: Reduce false trigger to login - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix N2N inconsistent PLOGI - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix missed DMA unmap for NVMe ls requests - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix hang due to session stuck - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix incorrect reporting of task management failure - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover - scsi: qla2xxx: Suppress a kernel complaint in qla_create_qpair() - scsi: qla2xxx: Check for firmware dump already collected - scsi: qla2xxx: Add devids and conditionals for 28xx - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix device reconnect in loop topology - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning for missing error code - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix wrong FDMI data for 64G adapter - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix scheduling while atomic - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix stuck session in gpdb - powerpc: Fix build errors with newer binutils - powerpc/lib/sstep: Fix build errors with newer binutils - powerpc/lib/sstep: Fix 'sthcx' instruction - powerpc/kasan: Fix early region not updated correctly - KVM: x86/mmu: Check for present SPTE when clearing dirty bit in TDP MMU - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add alc256-samsung-headphone fixup - media: atomisp: fix bad usage at error handling logic - mmc: host: Return an error when ->enable_sdio_irq() ops is missing - media: hdpvr: initialize dev->worker at hdpvr_register_videodev - media: Revert "media: em28xx: add missing em28xx_close_extension" - video: fbdev: sm712fb: Fix crash in smtcfb_write() - ARM: mmp: Fix failure to remove sram device - ARM: tegra: tamonten: Fix I2C3 pad setting - lib/test_lockup: fix kernel pointer check for separate address spaces - uaccess: fix type mismatch warnings from access_ok() - media: cx88-mpeg: clear interrupt status register before streaming video - ASoC: soc-core: skip zero num_dai component in searching dai name - ARM: dts: bcm2711: Add the missing L1/L2 cache information - video: fbdev: udlfb: replace snprintf in show functions with sysfs_emit - video: fbdev: omapfb: panel-tpo-td043mtea1: Use sysfs_emit() instead of snprintf() - video: fbdev: omapfb: panel-dsi-cm: Use sysfs_emit() instead of snprintf() - arm64: defconfig: build imx-sdma as a module - ARM: dts: imx7: Use audio_mclk_post_div instead audio_mclk_root_clk - ARM: ftrace: avoid redundant loads or clobbering IP - media: atomisp: fix dummy_ptr check to avoid duplicate active_bo - media: atomisp_gmin_platform: Add DMI quirk to not turn AXP ELDO2 regulator off on some boards - ASoC: madera: Add dependencies on MFD - ARM: dts: bcm2837: Add the missing L1/L2 cache information - ARM: dts: qcom: fix gic_irq_domain_translate warnings for msm8960 - video: fbdev: omapfb: acx565akm: replace snprintf with sysfs_emit - video: fbdev: cirrusfb: check pixclock to avoid divide by zero - video: fbdev: w100fb: Reset global state - video: fbdev: nvidiafb: Use strscpy() to prevent buffer overflow - media: ir_toy: free before error exiting - media: staging: media: zoran: fix various V4L2 compliance errors - media: staging: media: zoran: calculate the right buffer number for zoran_reap_stat_com - media: staging: media: zoran: move videodev alloc - ntfs: add sanity check on allocation size - f2fs: compress: fix to print raw data size in error path of lz4 decompression - NFSD: Fix nfsd_breaker_owns_lease() return values - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on curseg->alloc_type - ext4: don't BUG if someone dirty pages without asking ext4 first - ext4: fix ext4_mb_mark_bb() with flex_bg with fast_commit - ext4: correct cluster len and clusters changed accounting in ext4_mb_mark_bb - locking/lockdep: Iterate lock_classes directly when reading lockdep files - spi: tegra20: Use of_device_get_match_data() - nvme-tcp: lockdep: annotate in-kernel sockets - parisc: Fix handling off probe non-access faults - PM: core: keep irq flags in device_pm_check_callbacks() - ACPI/APEI: Limit printable size of BERT table data - Revert "Revert "block, bfq: honor already-setup queue merges"" - lib/raid6/test/Makefile: Use $(pound) instead of # for Make 4.3 - ACPICA: Avoid walking the ACPI Namespace if it is not there - fs/binfmt_elf: Fix AT_PHDR for unusual ELF files - irqchip/nvic: Release nvic_base upon failure - irqchip/qcom-pdc: Fix broken locking - Fix incorrect type in assignment of ipv6 port for audit - loop: use sysfs_emit() in the sysfs xxx show() - selinux: allow FIOCLEX and FIONCLEX with policy capability - selinux: use correct type for context length - pinctrl: npcm: Fix broken references to chip->parent_device - gcc-plugins/stackleak: Exactly match strings instead of prefixes - regulator: rpi-panel: Handle I2C errors/timing to the Atmel - LSM: general protection fault in legacy_parse_param - fs: fix fd table size alignment properly - lib/test: use after free in register_test_dev_kmod() - fs: fd tables have to be multiples of BITS_PER_LONG - net: dsa: bcm_sf2_cfp: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - NFSv4/pNFS: Fix another issue with a list iterator pointing to the head - qlcnic: dcb: default to returning -EOPNOTSUPP - selftests: test_vxlan_under_vrf: Fix broken test case - net: phy: broadcom: Fix brcm_fet_config_init() - net: enetc: report software timestamping via SO_TIMESTAMPING - xen: fix is_xen_pmu() - clk: Initialize orphan req_rate - clk: qcom: gcc-msm8994: Fix gpll4 width - kdb: Fix the putarea helper function - NFSv4.1: don't retry BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION on session error - netfilter: nf_conntrack_tcp: preserve liberal flag in tcp options - jfs: fix divide error in dbNextAG - driver core: dd: fix return value of __setup handler - firmware: google: Properly state IOMEM dependency - kgdbts: fix return value of __setup handler - serial: 8250: fix XOFF/XON sending when DMA is used - kgdboc: fix return value of __setup handler - tty: hvc: fix return value of __setup handler - pinctrl/rockchip: Add missing of_node_put() in rockchip_pinctrl_probe - pinctrl: nomadik: Add missing of_node_put() in nmk_pinctrl_probe - pinctrl: mediatek: paris: Skip custom extra pin config dump for virtual GPIOs - pinctrl: mediatek: paris: Fix pingroup pin config state readback - pinctrl: mediatek: paris: Fix "argument" argument type for mtk_pinconf_get() - pinctrl: mediatek: paris: Fix PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_* readback - pinctrl: mediatek: Fix missing of_node_put() in mtk_pctrl_init - staging: mt7621-dts: fix GB-PC2 devicetree - staging: mt7621-dts: fix pinctrl properties for ethernet - staging: mt7621-dts: fix formatting - staging: mt7621-dts: fix LEDs and pinctrl on GB-PC1 devicetree - NFS: remove unneeded check in decode_devicenotify_args() - clk: tegra: tegra124-emc: Fix missing put_device() call in emc_ensure_emc_driver - clk: clps711x: Terminate clk_div_table with sentinel element - clk: loongson1: Terminate clk_div_table with sentinel element - clk: actions: Terminate clk_div_table with sentinel element - nvdimm/region: Fix default alignment for small regions - remoteproc: qcom_q6v5_mss: Fix some leaks in q6v5_alloc_memory_region - remoteproc: qcom_wcnss: Add missing of_node_put() in wcnss_alloc_memory_region - remoteproc: qcom: Fix missing of_node_put in adsp_alloc_memory_region - dmaengine: hisi_dma: fix MSI allocate fail when reload hisi_dma - clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Update the frac table for pixel clock - clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Update logic to calculate D value for RCG - clk: at91: sama7g5: fix parents of PDMCs' GCLK - clk: imx7d: Remove audio_mclk_root_clk - dma-debug: fix return value of __setup handlers - NFS: Return valid errors from nfs2/3_decode_dirent() - habanalabs: Add check for pci_enable_device - iio: adc: Add check for devm_request_threaded_irq - serial: 8250: Fix race condition in RTS-after-send handling - NFS: Use of mapping_set_error() results in spurious errors - serial: 8250_lpss: Balance reference count for PCI DMA device - serial: 8250_mid: Balance reference count for PCI DMA device - phy: dphy: Correct lpx parameter and its derivatives(ta_{get,go,sure}) - clk: qcom: ipq8074: Use floor ops for SDCC1 clock - pinctrl: renesas: checker: Fix miscalculation of number of states - pinctrl: renesas: r8a77470: Reduce size for narrow VIN1 channel - staging:iio:adc:ad7280a: Fix handing of device address bit reversing. - iio: mma8452: Fix probe failing when an i2c_device_id is used - clk: qcom: ipq8074: fix PCI-E clock oops - soundwire: intel: fix wrong register name in intel_shim_wake - cpufreq: qcom-cpufreq-nvmem: fix reading of PVS Valid fuse - misc: alcor_pci: Fix an error handling path - fsi: Aspeed: Fix a potential double free - fsi: aspeed: convert to devm_platform_ioremap_resource - pwm: lpc18xx-sct: Initialize driver data and hardware before pwmchip_add() - mxser: fix xmit_buf leak in activate when LSR == 0xff - mfd: asic3: Add missing iounmap() on error asic3_mfd_probe - tipc: fix the timer expires after interval 100ms - openvswitch: always update flow key after nat - tcp: ensure PMTU updates are processed during fastopen - net: bcmgenet: Use stronger register read/writes to assure ordering - PCI: Avoid broken MSI on SB600 USB devices - selftests/bpf/ Exit with proper code - i2c: mux: demux-pinctrl: do not deactivate a master that is not active - i2c: meson: Fix wrong speed use from probe - af_netlink: Fix shift out of bounds in group mask calculation - ipv4: Fix route lookups when handling ICMP redirects and PMTU updates - Bluetooth: btmtksdio: Fix kernel oops in btmtksdio_interrupt - Bluetooth: call hci_le_conn_failed with hdev lock in hci_le_conn_failed - selftests/bpf: Fix error reporting from sock_fields programs - bareudp: use ipv6_mod_enabled to check if IPv6 enabled - can: isotp: support MSG_TRUNC flag when reading from socket - can: isotp: return -EADDRNOTAVAIL when reading from unbound socket - USB: storage: ums-realtek: fix error code in rts51x_read_mem() - samples/bpf, xdpsock: Fix race when running for fix duration of time - bpf, sockmap: Fix double uncharge the mem of sk_msg - bpf, sockmap: Fix more uncharged while msg has more_data - bpf, sockmap: Fix memleak in tcp_bpf_sendmsg while sk msg is full - RDMA/mlx5: Fix memory leak in error flow for subscribe event routine - mtd: rawnand: atmel: fix refcount issue in atmel_nand_controller_init - MIPS: pgalloc: fix memory leak caused by pgd_free() - MIPS: RB532: fix return value of __setup handler - mips: cdmm: Fix refcount leak in mips_cdmm_phys_base - ath10k: Fix error handling in ath10k_setup_msa_resources - vxcan: enable local echo for sent CAN frames - powerpc: 8xx: fix a return value error in mpc8xx_pic_init - platform/x86: huawei-wmi: check the return value of device_create_file() - selftests/bpf: Make test_lwt_ip_encap more stable and faster - libbpf: Unmap rings when umem deleted - mfd: mc13xxx: Add check for mc13xxx_irq_request - powerpc/sysdev: fix incorrect use to determine if list is empty - mips: DEC: honor CONFIG_MIPS_FP_SUPPORT=n - net: axienet: fix RX ring refill allocation failure handling - IB/hfi1: Allow larger MTU without AIP - power: supply: wm8350-power: Add missing free in free_charger_irq - power: supply: wm8350-power: Handle error for wm8350_register_irq - i2c: xiic: Make bus names unique - hv_balloon: rate-limit "Unhandled message" warning - KVM: x86/emulator: Defer not-present segment check in __load_segment_descriptor() - KVM: x86: Fix emulation in writing cr8 - powerpc/Makefile: Don't pass -mcpu=powerpc64 when building 32-bit - powerpc/mm/numa: skip NUMA_NO_NODE onlining in parse_numa_properties() - libbpf: Skip forward declaration when counting duplicated type names - gpu: host1x: Fix a memory leak in 'host1x_remove()' - bpf, arm64: Feed byte-offset into bpf line info - bpf, arm64: Call build_prologue() first in first JIT pass - drm/bridge: cdns-dsi: Make sure to to create proper aliases for dt - scsi: hisi_sas: Change permission of parameter prot_mask - power: supply: bq24190_charger: Fix bq24190_vbus_is_enabled() wrong false return - drm/tegra: Fix reference leak in tegra_dsi_ganged_probe - ext2: correct max file size computing - TOMOYO: fix __setup handlers return values - drm/amd/display: Remove vupdate_int_entry definition - RDMA/mlx5: Fix the flow of a miss in the allocation of a cache ODP MR - scsi: pm8001: Fix abort all task initialization - scsi: pm8001: Fix NCQ NON DATA command completion handling - scsi: pm8001: Fix NCQ NON DATA command task initialization - scsi: pm8001: Fix le32 values handling in pm80xx_chip_sata_req() - scsi: pm8001: Fix le32 values handling in pm80xx_chip_ssp_io_req() - scsi: pm8001: Fix payload initialization in pm80xx_encrypt_update() - scsi: pm8001: Fix le32 values handling in pm80xx_set_sas_protocol_timer_config() - scsi: pm8001: Fix payload initialization in pm80xx_set_thermal_config() - scsi: pm8001: Fix command initialization in pm8001_chip_ssp_tm_req() - scsi: pm8001: Fix command initialization in pm80XX_send_read_log() - dm crypt: fix get_key_size compiler warning if !CONFIG_KEYS - drm/msm/dpu: fix dp audio condition - drm/msm/dpu: add DSPP blocks teardown - drm/msm/dp: populate connector of struct dp_panel - iwlwifi: mvm: Fix an error code in iwl_mvm_up() - iwlwifi: Fix -EIO error code that is never returned - dax: make sure inodes are flushed before destroy cache - IB/cma: Allow XRC INI QPs to set their local ACK timeout - drm/amd/display: Add affected crtcs to atomic state for dsc mst unplug - drm/amd/pm: enable pm sysfs write for one VF mode - iommu/ipmmu-vmsa: Check for error num after setting mask - HID: i2c-hid: fix GET/SET_REPORT for unnumbered reports - power: supply: ab8500: Fix memory leak in ab8500_fg_sysfs_init - drm/bridge: dw-hdmi: use safe format when first in bridge chain - PCI: aardvark: Fix reading PCI_EXP_RTSTA_PME bit on emulated bridge - scripts/dtc: Call pkg-config POSIXly correct - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Enable port policy support on 6097 - mt76: mt7615: check sta_rates pointer in mt7615_sta_rate_tbl_update - mt76: mt7603: check sta_rates pointer in mt7603_sta_rate_tbl_update - mt76: mt7915: use proper aid value in mt7915_mcu_sta_basic_tlv - mt76: mt7915: use proper aid value in mt7915_mcu_wtbl_generic_tlv in sta mode - powerpc/perf: Don't use perf_hw_context for trace IMC PMU - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Check return value of kvmppc_radix_init - powerpc: dts: t1040rdb: fix ports names for Seville Ethernet switch - ray_cs: Check ioremap return value - power: reset: gemini-poweroff: Fix IRQ check in gemini_poweroff_probe - i40e: respect metadata on XSK Rx to skb - i40e: don't reserve excessive XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM on XSK Rx to skb - KVM: PPC: Fix vmx/vsx mixup in mmio emulation - RDMA/core: Set MR type in ib_reg_user_mr - ath9k_htc: fix uninit value bugs - drm/amd/pm: return -ENOTSUPP if there is no get_dpm_ultimate_freq function - drm/amd/display: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in amdgpu_dm_connector_add_common_modes() - drm/nouveau/acr: Fix undefined behavior in nvkm_acr_hsfw_load_bl() - ionic: fix type complaint in ionic_dev_cmd_clean() - drm/edid: Don't clear formats if using deep color - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: fix controller timings setting - mtd: onenand: Check for error irq - Bluetooth: hci_serdev: call init_rwsem() before p->open() - udmabuf: validate ubuf->pagecount - libbpf: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference when destroying skeleton - drm/panfrost: Check for error num after setting mask - ath10k: fix memory overwrite of the WoWLAN wakeup packet pattern - drm: bridge: adv7511: Fix ADV7535 HPD enablement - drm/bridge: nwl-dsi: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in nwl_dsi_probe - drm/bridge: Add missing pm_runtime_disable() in __dw_mipi_dsi_probe - drm/bridge: Fix free wrong object in sii8620_init_rcp_input_dev - drm/meson: osd_afbcd: Add an exit callback to struct meson_afbcd_ops - ARM: configs: multi_v5_defconfig: re-enable CONFIG_V4L_PLATFORM_DRIVERS - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: Add missing of_node_put() in wcd934x_codec_parse_data - ASoC: msm8916-wcd-analog: Fix error handling in pm8916_wcd_analog_spmi_probe - ASoC: atmel: Fix error handling in sam9x5_wm8731_driver_probe - ASoC: atmel: sam9x5_wm8731: use devm_snd_soc_register_card() - mmc: davinci_mmc: Handle error for clk_enable - ASoC: msm8916-wcd-digital: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() in msm8916_wcd_digital_probe - ASoC: imx-es8328: Fix error return code in imx_es8328_probe() - ASoC: fsl_spdif: Disable TX clock when stop - ASoC: mxs: Fix error handling in mxs_sgtl5000_probe - ASoC: dmaengine: do not use a NULL prepare_slave_config() callback - ASoC: SOF: Add missing of_node_put() in imx8m_probe - ASoC: rockchip: i2s: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() in rockchip_i2s_probe - ASoC: rockchip: i2s: Use devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() - ivtv: fix incorrect device_caps for ivtvfb - media: saa7134: fix incorrect use to determine if list is empty - media: saa7134: convert list_for_each to entry variant - video: fbdev: omapfb: Add missing of_node_put() in dvic_probe_of - ASoC: fsi: Add check for clk_enable - ASoC: wm8350: Handle error for wm8350_register_irq - ASoC: atmel: Add missing of_node_put() in at91sam9g20ek_audio_probe - media: vidtv: Check for null return of vzalloc - media: stk1160: If start stream fails, return buffers with VB2_BUF_STATE_QUEUED - m68k: coldfire/device.c: only build for MCF_EDMA when h/w macros are defined - arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix SDIO regulator supply properties on rk3399-firefly - ALSA: firewire-lib: fix uninitialized flag for AV/C deferred transaction - memory: emif: check the pointer temp in get_device_details() - memory: emif: Add check for setup_interrupts - ASoC: soc-compress: prevent the potentially use of null pointer - ASoC: dwc-i2s: Handle errors for clk_enable - ASoC: atmel_ssc_dai: Handle errors for clk_enable - ASoC: mxs-saif: Handle errors for clk_enable - printk: fix return value of printk.devkmsg __setup handler - arm64: dts: broadcom: Fix sata nodename - arm64: dts: ns2: Fix spi-cpol and spi-cpha property - ALSA: spi: Add check for clk_enable() - ASoC: ti: davinci-i2s: Add check for clk_enable() - ASoC: rt5663: check the return value of devm_kzalloc() in rt5663_parse_dp() - uaccess: fix nios2 and microblaze get_user_8() - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: fix return value of wcd934x_rx_hph_mode_put - media: cedrus: h264: Fix neighbour info buffer size - media: cedrus: H265: Fix neighbour info buffer size - media: usb: go7007: s2250-board: fix leak in probe() - media: em28xx: initialize refcount before kref_get - media: video/hdmi: handle short reads of hdmi info frame. - ARM: dts: imx: Add missing LVDS decoder on M53Menlo - ARM: dts: sun8i: v3s: Move the csi1 block to follow address order - soc: ti: wkup_m3_ipc: Fix IRQ check in wkup_m3_ipc_probe - firmware: ti_sci: Fix compilation failure when CONFIG_TI_SCI_PROTOCOL is not defined - arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: Correct TCS configuration for apps rsc - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: fix microphone bias properties and values - soc: qcom: aoss: remove spurious IRQF_ONESHOT flags - soc: qcom: ocmem: Fix missing put_device() call in of_get_ocmem - soc: qcom: rpmpd: Check for null return of devm_kcalloc - ARM: dts: qcom: ipq4019: fix sleep clock - firmware: qcom: scm: Remove reassignment to desc following initializer - video: fbdev: fbcvt.c: fix printing in fb_cvt_print_name() - video: fbdev: atmel_lcdfb: fix an error code in atmel_lcdfb_probe() - video: fbdev: smscufx: Fix null-ptr-deref in ufx_usb_probe() - video: fbdev: controlfb: Fix COMPILE_TEST build - video: fbdev: controlfb: Fix set but not used warnings - video: fbdev: matroxfb: set maxvram of vbG200eW to the same as vbG200 to avoid black screen - media: aspeed: Correct value for h-total-pixels - media: hantro: Fix overfill bottom register field name - media: meson: vdec: potential dereference of null pointer - media: coda: Fix missing put_device() call in coda_get_vdoa_data - ASoC: generic: simple-card-utils: remove useless assignment - ASoC: xilinx: xlnx_formatter_pcm: Handle sysclk setting - media: bttv: fix WARNING regression on tunerless devices - media: mtk-vcodec: potential dereference of null pointer - media: v4l2-mem2mem: Apply DST_QUEUE_OFF_BASE on MMAP buffers across ioctls - media: staging: media: zoran: fix usage of vb2_dma_contig_set_max_seg_size - kunit: make kunit_test_timeout compatible with comment - selftests, x86: fix how is being invoked - f2fs: fix compressed file start atomic write may cause data corruption - f2fs: compress: remove unneeded read when rewrite whole cluster - btrfs: fix unexpected error path when reflinking an inline extent - f2fs: fix to avoid potential deadlock - nfsd: more robust allocation failure handling in nfsd_file_cache_init - f2fs: fix missing free nid in f2fs_handle_failed_inode - perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix address filter config for 32-bit kernel - perf/core: Fix address filter parser for multiple filters - rseq: Optimise rseq_get_rseq_cs() and clear_rseq_cs() - sched/core: Export pelt_thermal_tp - sched/debug: Remove mpol_get/put and task_lock/unlock from sched_show_numa - f2fs: fix to enable ATGC correctly via gc_idle sysfs interface - watch_queue: Actually free the watch - watch_queue: Fix NULL dereference in error cleanup - io_uring: terminate manual loop iterator loop correctly for non-vecs - clocksource: acpi_pm: fix return value of __setup handler - hwmon: (pmbus) Add Vin unit off handling - hwrng: nomadik - Change clk_disable to clk_disable_unprepare - amba: Make the remove callback return void - vfio: platform: simplify device removal - crypto: ccree - Fix use after free in cc_cipher_exit() - crypto: ccp - ccp_dmaengine_unregister release dma channels - ACPI: APEI: fix return value of __setup handlers - clocksource/drivers/timer-of: Check return value of of_iomap in timer_of_base_init() - clocksource/drivers/timer-microchip-pit64b: Use notrace - clocksource/drivers/exynos_mct: Handle DTS with higher number of interrupts - clocksource/drivers/exynos_mct: Refactor resources allocation - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Fix regression from errata i940 fix - crypto: vmx - add missing dependencies - crypto: amlogic - call finalize with bh disabled - crypto: sun8i-ce - call finalize with bh disabled - crypto: sun8i-ss - call finalize with bh disabled - hwrng: atmel - disable trng on failure path - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: Handle error for dma_set_mask - PM: suspend: fix return value of __setup handler - PM: hibernate: fix __setup handler error handling - block: don't delete queue kobject before its children - nvme: cleanup __nvme_check_ids - hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Replace WDOG_ACTIVE with WDOG_HW_RUNNING - hwmon: (pmbus) Add mutex to regulator ops - spi: pxa2xx-pci: Balance reference count for PCI DMA device - crypto: ccree - don't attempt 0 len DMA mappings - EVM: fix the evm= __setup handler return value - audit: log AUDIT_TIME_* records only from rules - crypto: rockchip - ECB does not need IV - selftests/x86: Add validity check and allow field splitting - arm64/mm: avoid fixmap race condition when create pud mapping - spi: tegra114: Add missing IRQ check in tegra_spi_probe - thermal: int340x: Check for NULL after calling kmemdup() - crypto: mxs-dcp - Fix scatterlist processing - crypto: authenc - Fix sleep in atomic context in decrypt_tail - crypto: sun8i-ss - really disable hash on A80 - hwrng: cavium - HW_RANDOM_CAVIUM should depend on ARCH_THUNDER - hwrng: cavium - Check health status while reading random data - selinux: check return value of sel_make_avc_files - regulator: qcom_smd: fix for_each_child.cocci warnings - PCI: xgene: Revert "PCI: xgene: Fix IB window setup" - PCI: pciehp: Clear cmd_busy bit in polling mode - drm/i915/gem: add missing boundary check in vm_access - brcmfmac: pcie: Fix crashes due to early IRQs - brcmfmac: pcie: Replace brcmf_pcie_copy_mem_todev with memcpy_toio - brcmfmac: pcie: Release firmwares in the brcmf_pcie_setup error path - brcmfmac: firmware: Allocate space for default boardrev in nvram - xtensa: fix xtensa_wsr always writing 0 - xtensa: fix stop_machine_cpuslocked call in patch_text - media: davinci: vpif: fix unbalanced runtime PM enable - media: davinci: vpif: fix unbalanced runtime PM get - media: gpio-ir-tx: fix transmit with long spaces on Orange Pi PC - DEC: Limit PMAX memory probing to R3k systems - crypto: rsa-pkcs1pad - fix buffer overread in pkcs1pad_verify_complete() - crypto: rsa-pkcs1pad - restore signature length check - crypto: rsa-pkcs1pad - correctly get hash from source scatterlist - crypto: rsa-pkcs1pad - only allow with rsa - exec: Force single empty string when argv is empty - lib/raid6/test: fix multiple definition linking error - thermal: int340x: Increase bitmap size - pstore: Don't use semaphores in always-atomic-context code - carl9170: fix missing bit-wise or operator for tx_params - mgag200 fix memmapsl configuration in GCTL6 register - ARM: dts: exynos: add missing HDMI supplies on SMDK5420 - ARM: dts: exynos: add missing HDMI supplies on SMDK5250 - ARM: dts: exynos: fix UART3 pins configuration in Exynos5250 - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix PMERRLOC resource size - video: fbdev: atari: Atari 2 bpp (STe) palette bugfix - video: fbdev: sm712fb: Fix crash in smtcfb_read() - drm/edid: check basic audio support on CEA extension block - block: limit request dispatch loop duration - mailbox: tegra-hsp: Flush whole channel - ext4: fix fs corruption when tring to remove a non-empty directory with IO error - ext4: fix ext4_fc_stats trace point - coredump: Also dump first pages of non-executable ELF libraries - ACPI: properties: Consistently return -ENOENT if there are no more references - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: Fix gic-v3 compatible regs - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e: Fix gic-v3 compatible regs - arm64: dts: ti: k3-am65: Fix gic-v3 compatible regs - arm64: signal: nofpsimd: Do not allocate fp/simd context when not available - udp: call udp_encap_enable for v6 sockets when enabling encap - powerpc/kvm: Fix kvm_use_magic_page - can: isotp: sanitize CAN ID checks in isotp_bind() - drbd: fix potential silent data corruption - dm integrity: set journal entry unused when shrinking device - mm/kmemleak: reset tag when compare object pointer - mm,hwpoison: unmap poisoned page before invalidation - Revert "mm: madvise: skip unmapped vma holes passed to process_madvise" - mm: madvise: return correct bytes advised with process_madvise - mm: madvise: skip unmapped vma holes passed to process_madvise - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix audio regression on Mi Notebook Pro 2020 - ALSA: pcm: Fix potential AB/BA lock with buffer_mutex and mmap_lock - ALSA: hda: Avoid unsol event during RPM suspending - ALSA: cs4236: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() - cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() - Revert "Input: clear BTN_RIGHT/MIDDLE on buttonpads" - riscv: Increase stack size under KASAN - riscv: Fix fill_callchain return value - qed: display VF trust config - scsi: libsas: Fix sas_ata_qc_issue() handling of NCQ NON DATA commands - mempolicy: mbind_range() set_policy() after vma_merge() - mm: invalidate hwpoison page cache page in fault path - mm/pages_alloc.c: don't create ZONE_MOVABLE beyond the end of a node - mtd: rawnand: protect access to rawnand devices while in suspend - spi: mxic: Fix the transmit path - pinctrl: samsung: drop pin banks references on error paths - remoteproc: Fix count check in rproc_coredump_write() - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on .cp_pack_total_block_count - f2fs: quota: fix loop condition at f2fs_quota_sync() - f2fs: fix to unlock page correctly in error path of is_alive() - NFSD: prevent integer overflow on 32 bit systems - NFSD: prevent underflow in nfssvc_decode_writeargs() - SUNRPC: avoid race between mod_timer() and del_timer_sync() - HID: intel-ish-hid: Use dma_alloc_coherent for firmware update - firmware: stratix10-svc: add missing callback parameter on RSU - Documentation: update stable tree link - Documentation: add link to stable release candidate tree - KEYS: fix length validation in keyctl_pkey_params_get_2() - clk: uniphier: Fix fixed-rate initialization - greybus: svc: fix an error handling bug in gb_svc_hello() - iio: inkern: make a best effort on offset calculation - iio: inkern: apply consumer scale when no channel scale is available - iio: inkern: apply consumer scale on IIO_VAL_INT cases - iio: afe: rescale: use s64 for temporary scale calculations - coresight: Fix TRCCONFIGR.QE sysfs interface - mei: avoid iterator usage outside of list_for_each_entry - mei: me: add Alder Lake N device id. - xhci: fix uninitialized string returned by xhci_decode_ctrl_ctx() - xhci: make xhci_handshake timeout for xhci_reset() adjustable - xhci: fix runtime PM imbalance in USB2 resume - xhci: fix garbage USBSTS being logged in some cases - USB: usb-storage: Fix use of bitfields for hardware data in ene_ub6250.c - virtio-blk: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size - tpm: fix reference counting for struct tpm_chip - iommu/iova: Improve 32-bit free space estimate - locking/lockdep: Avoid potential access of invalid memory in lock_class - net: dsa: microchip: add spi_device_id tables - Input: zinitix - do not report shadow fingers - spi: Fix erroneous sgs value with min_t() - Revert "gpio: Revert regression in sysfs-gpio (gpiolib.c)" - net:mcf8390: Use platform_get_irq() to get the interrupt - spi: Fix invalid sgs value - gpio: Revert regression in sysfs-gpio (gpiolib.c) - ethernet: sun: Free the coherent when failing in probing - tools/virtio: fix virtio_test execution - vdpa/mlx5: should verify CTRL_VQ feature exists for MQ - virtio_console: break out of buf poll on remove - ARM: mstar: Select HAVE_ARM_ARCH_TIMER - xfrm: fix tunnel model fragmentation behavior - HID: logitech-dj: add new lightspeed receiver id - hv: utils: add PTP_1588_CLOCK to Kconfig to fix build - USB: serial: simple: add Nokia phone driver - USB: serial: pl2303: add IBM device IDs- NFC: netlink: fix sleep in atomic bug when firmware download timeout - KVM: x86: avoid calling x86 emulator without a decoded instruction - net: hns3: fix tm port shapping of fibre port is incorrect after driver initialization - net: hns3: fix PF rss size initialization bug - net: hns3: restore tm priority/qset to default settings when tc disabled - net: hns3: modify the ring param print info - net: hns3: don't push link state to VF if unalive - net: hns3: set port base vlan tbl_sta to false before removing old vlan- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address - bpf: Fix KASAN use-after-free Read in compute_effective_progs - fs, mm: fix race in unlinking swapfile - ext4: recover csum seed of tmp_inode after migrating to extents - lockdown: also lock down previous kgdb use - nds32: fix access_ok() checks in get/put_user - wcn36xx: Differentiate wcn3660 from wcn3620 - tpm: use try_get_ops() in tpm-space.c - mac80211: fix potential double free on mesh join - rcu: Don't deboost before reporting expedited quiescent state - Revert "ath: add support for special 0x0 regulatory domain" - crypto: qat - disable registration of algorithms - ACPI: video: Force backlight native for Clevo NL5xRU and NL5xNU - ACPI: battery: Add device HID and quirk for Microsoft Surface Go 3 - ACPI / x86: Work around broken XSDT on Advantech DAC-BJ01 board - drivers: net: xgene: Fix regression in CRC stripping - ALSA: pci: fix reading of swapped values from pcmreg in AC97 codec - ALSA: cmipci: Restore aux vol on suspend/resume - ALSA: usb-audio: Add mute TLV for playback volumes on RODE NT-USB - ALSA: pcm: Add stream lock during PCM reset ioctl operations - ALSA: pcm: Fix races among concurrent prealloc proc writes - ALSA: pcm: Fix races among concurrent prepare and hw_params/hw_free calls - ALSA: pcm: Fix races among concurrent read/write and buffer changes - ALSA: pcm: Fix races among concurrent hw_params and hw_free calls - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GA402 - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine with alc671 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NP50PNJ - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NP70PNJ - ALSA: usb-audio: add mapping for new Corsair Virtuoso SE - ALSA: oss: Fix PCM OSS buffer allocation overflow - ASoC: sti: Fix deadlock via snd_pcm_stop_xrun() call - staging: fbtft: fb_st7789v: reset display before initialization - tpm: Fix error handling in async work - cgroup-v1: Correct privileges check in release_agent writes - exfat: avoid incorrectly releasing for root inode - net: ipv6: fix skb_over_panic in __ip6_append_data- eulerfs: fix potential sbi->persisters free error - fs/ntfs3: Fix invalid free in log_replay - Revert "nfs: nfs_file_write() should check for writeback errors" - xfs: Skip repetitive warnings about mount options - xfs: rename variable mp to parsing_mp - ext4: convert from atomic_t to refcount_t on ext4_io_end->count - powerpc/32: Fix overread/overwrite of thread_struct via ptrace - RDMA/hns: Refactor the alloc_cqc() - RDMA/hns: Refactor the alloc_srqc() - RDMA/hns: Clean up the return value check of hns_roce_alloc_cmd_mailbox() - RDMA/hns: Remove similar code that configures the hardware contexts - RDMA/hns: Refactor mailbox functions - RDMA/hns: Fix the wrong type of parameter "op" of the mailbox - RDMA/hns: Remove redundant parameter "mailbox" in the mailbox - RDMA/hns: Remove fixed parameter "timeout" in the mailbox - RDMA/hns: Remove the unused parameter "op_modifier" in mailbox - tcp: increase source port perturb table to 2^16 - tcp: change source port randomizarion at connect() time - ext4: correct the judgment of BUG in ext4_mb_normalize_request - ext4: fix bug_on ext4_mb_use_inode_pa - net/ns: put workqueue of cleanup_net sleep for a while when notify. - bcache: avoid unnecessary soft lockup in kworker update_writeback_rate() - md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in detached_dev_do_request() - bcache: memset on stack variables in bch_btree_check() and bch_sectors_dirty_init() - bcache: avoid journal no-space deadlock by reserving 1 journal bucket - bcache: remove incremental dirty sector counting for bch_sectors_dirty_init() - bcache: improve multithreaded bch_sectors_dirty_init() - bcache: improve multithreaded bch_btree_check() - bcache: fixup multiple threads crash - bcache: fixup bcache_dev_sectors_dirty_add() multithreaded CPU false sharing - bcache: use default_groups in kobj_type - bcache: fix NULL pointer reference in cached_dev_detach_finish - bcache: replace snprintf in show functions with sysfs_emit - bcache: move uapi header bcache.h to bcache code directory - bcache: move calc_cached_dev_sectors to proper place on backing device detach - bcache: fix error info in register_bcache() - md: bcache: Fix spelling of 'acquire' - bcache: avoid oversized read request in cache missing code path - bcache: remove bcache device self-defined readahead - lib: crc64: fix kernel-doc warning - bcache: fix a regression of code compiling failure in debug.c - bcache: Use 64-bit arithmetic instead of 32-bit - md: bcache: Trivial typo fixes in the file journal.c - md: bcache: avoid -Wempty-body warnings - bcache: use NULL instead of using plain integer as pointer - bcache: remove PTR_CACHE - bcache: reduce redundant code in bch_cached_dev_run() - bcache: Avoid comma separated statements - bcache: Fix register_device_aync typo - bcache: consider the fragmentation when update the writeback rate - bcache: don't pass BIOSET_NEED_BVECS for the 'bio_set' embedded in 'cache_set' - bcache: set pdev_set_uuid before scond loop iteration - md/bcache: convert comma to semicolon - bcache:remove a superfluous check in register_bcache - bcache: fix race between setting bdev state to none and new write request direct to backing - Revert "selftests/bpf: Add test for bpf_timer overwriting crash" - smsc95xx: Ignore -ENODEV errors when device is unplugged - net: usb: Correct reset handling of smsc95xx - net: usb: Correct PHY handling of smsc95xx - perf symbols: Fix symbol size calculation condition - Input: aiptek - properly check endpoint type - scsi: mpt3sas: Page fault in reply q processing - usb: usbtmc: Fix bug in pipe direction for control transfers - usb: gadget: Fix use-after-free bug by not setting udc->dev.driver - usb: gadget: rndis: prevent integer overflow in rndis_set_response() - net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain tc-flower offload - net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums - bnx2x: fix built-in kernel driver load failure - net: phy: mscc: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macros - net: dsa: Add missing of_node_put() in dsa_port_parse_of - net: handle ARPHRD_PIMREG in dev_is_mac_header_xmit() - drm/panel: simple: Fix Innolux G070Y2-L01 BPP settings - drm/imx: parallel-display: Remove bus flags check in imx_pd_bridge_atomic_check() - hv_netvsc: Add check for kvmalloc_array - atm: eni: Add check for dma_map_single - net/packet: fix slab-out-of-bounds access in packet_recvmsg() - net: phy: marvell: Fix invalid comparison in the resume and suspend functions - esp6: fix check on ipv6_skip_exthdr's return value - vsock: each transport cycles only on its own sockets - efi: fix return value of __setup handlers - mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead - ocfs2: fix crash when initialize filecheck kobj fails - crypto: qcom-rng - ensure buffer for generate is completely filled- jbd2: fix outstanding credits assert in jbd2_journal_commit_transaction() - NFSv4: fix open failure with O_ACCMODE flag - Revert "NFSv4: Handle the special Linux file open access mode" - jbd2: fix a potential race while discarding reserved buffers after an abort - x86: Pin task-stack in __get_wchan() - x86: Fix __get_wchan() for !STACKTRACE - x86: Fix get_wchan() to support the ORC unwinder - netfilter: nf_tables: disallow non-stateful expression in sets earlier - io_uring: fix using under-expanded iters - io_uring: don't re-import iovecs from callbacks - nfc: replace improper check device_is_registered() in netlink related functions - io_uring: always use original task when preparing req identity - block: fix NULL pointer dereference in disk_release() - block, bfq: make bfq_has_work() more accurate - blk-mq: fix panic during blk_mq_run_work_fn() - blk-mq: cancel blk-mq dispatch work in both blk_cleanup_queue and disk_release() - net: hns3: fix incorrect type of argument in declaration of function hclge_comm_get_rss_indir_tbl - net: hns3: add query vf ring and vector map relation - net: hns3: add byte order conversion for VF to PF mailbox message - net: hns3: add byte order conversion for PF to VF mailbox message - net: hns3: remove the affinity settings of vector0 - net: hns3: fix access null pointer issue when set tx-buf-size as 0 - net: hns3: add return value for mailbox handling in PF - net: hns3: add validity check for message data length - net: hns3: modify the return code of hclge_get_ring_chain_from_mbx - net: hns3: fix error log of tx/rx tqps stats - net: hns3: align the debugfs output to the left - net: hns3: clear inited state and stop client after failed to register netdev - net: hns3: Fix spelling mistake "actvie" -> "active" - net: hns3: remove unnecessary line wrap for hns3_set_tunable - net: hns3: replace magic value by HCLGE_RING_REG_OFFSET - net: hns3: fix the wrong words in comments - net: hns3: update the comment of function hclgevf_get_mbx_resp - net: hns3: add log for setting tx spare buf size - net: hns3: add failure logs in hclge_set_vport_mtu - net: hns3: refine the definition for struct hclge_pf_to_vf_msg - net: hns3: refactor hns3_set_ringparam() - net: hns3: add ethtool parameter check for CQE/EQE mode - net: hns3: fix software vlan talbe of vlan 0 inconsistent with hardware - net: hns3: fix the concurrency between functions reading debugfs - skbuff: fix coalescing for page_pool fragment recycling - netfilter: nf_tables: sanitize nft_set_desc_concat_parse() - kselftest/vm: fix tests build with old libc - sfc: extend the locking on mcdi->seqno - tcp: make tcp_read_sock() more robust - nl80211: Update bss channel on channel switch for P2P_CLIENT - drm/vrr: Set VRR capable prop only if it is attached to connector - iwlwifi: don't advertise TWT support - atm: firestream: check the return value of ioremap() in fs_init() - can: rcar_canfd: rcar_canfd_channel_probe(): register the CAN device when fully ready - ARM: 9178/1: fix unmet dependency on BITREVERSE for HAVE_ARCH_BITREVERSE - MIPS: smp: fill in sibling and core maps earlier - mac80211: refuse aggregations sessions before authorized - ARM: dts: rockchip: fix a typo on rk3288 crypto-controller - ARM: dts: rockchip: reorder rk322x hmdi clocks - arm64: dts: agilex: use the compatible "intel,socfpga-agilex-hsotg" - arm64: dts: rockchip: reorder rk3399 hdmi clocks - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix rk3399-puma eMMC HS400 signal integrity - xfrm: Fix xfrm migrate issues when address family changes - xfrm: Check if_id in xfrm_migrate - Revert "xfrm: state and policy should fail if XFRMA_IF_ID 0"- ptrace: Check PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP permission on PTRACE_SEIZE - proc: Fix a dentry lock race between release_task and lookup - x86/sgx: Fix race between reclaimer and page fault handler - x86/sgx: Mark PCMD page as dirty when modifying contents - x86/sgx: Free backing memory after faulting the enclave page - KVM: SEV: add cache flush to solve SEV cache incoherency issues - mm/sharepool: Fix sharepool node id invalid when using sp_alloc - share_pool: Fix ABBA deadlock - sharepool: fix hisi oom deadlock - floppy: disable FDRAWCMD by default - xhci: Fix a logic issue when display Zhaoxin XHCI root hub speed - sw64: optimize simd version of memcpy and memset - sw64: fix sendfile system call - sw64: fix the number of aux entries in ARCH_DLINFO - sw64: pcie: enable PME and AER support - sw64: unify 32-bit MEMIO address of host and guest - hwmon: add support for sw64 temperature sensor - sw64: pci: align the address of mmio resource to PAGE_SIZE - sw64: signal: save/restore fpregs with copy user - sw64: push and pop kernel stack with ldi instruction - ipmi: add ipmi driver support - sw64: add pvt device to chip3.dts - hwmon: add voltage sensor support for sw64 - sw64: remap PA with |= in early_ioremap - sw64: vdso: fix CFI directives for fpregs in vrt_sigreturn - sw64: vdso: fix backtrace of vrt_sigreturn - sw64: kvm: simplify the code - sw64: force signal and fault for traps and debugging - sw64: fix compile error for DISCONTIGMEM=y - sw64: add old sigprocmask back for compatibility - sw64: add dynamic turning on/off cores support - sw64: add dynamic frequency scaling support - sw64: fix ip checksum calculation - sw64: remove unnecessary parameter in REG_OFFSET_NAME - sw64: kvm: fix bad page state setting outside of kvm memory pool - sw64: fix setup_rt_frame for non SA_SIGINFO - sw64: do some cleanups for rt_sigframe - sw64: kvm: handle ldl_u and stl_u when exit mmio - sw64: fix some compile errors - sw64: add missing global __constant_c_memset - sw64: remove unnecessary include headers - sw64: increase position index in c_next for cpuinfo - sw64: Kconfig: remove dependence on ARCH_SUPPORTS_ACPI - sw64: Kconfig: remove dependence on !PREEMPT - sw64: clean up out-of-date selected options - sw64: add kbuild defconfig rule - sw64: ptrace: clean up debug codes - sw64: add ARCH_HAS_PTE_SPECIAL support - sw64: kvm: remap pages of guest by vm_insert_page() - sw64: clean up a.out and ECOFF binary related headers - sw64: switch to old-style semctl/shmctl syscalls - sw64: define NR_SYSCALLS as generated __NR_syscalls - sw64: add SO_RCVTIMEO/ SO_SNDTIMEO socket options - sw64: dts: rename spi flash partition to fix warning - sw64: fix ex_table entries from misalignment handlers - sw64: radeon: add a force flush to delay work when radeon uvd suspend - sw64: add set time support for hypervisor based rtc - sw64: add regs and stack access APIs to support kprobe events - sw64: unify access to LONGTIME for guest and emulator - sw64: enable more than 32 CPUs for guest - sw64: fix SPDX license identifier in uapi headers - sw64: add required include headers to ptrace.h - sw64: fix the VDSO symbol generation for nm - sw64: add clone3 syscall support - sw64: add missing pkey syscall numbers - sw64: reformat syscall.tbl - sw64: fix printk method for guest os - sw64: remove unused a.out.h - sw64: switch GUP to the generic get_user_pages_fast() implementation - sw64: kvm: fix bug when open file with the O_DIRECT flag - sw64: fix compile error for CONFIG_PCI=n - sw64: rename kvm_mem variables - sw64: fix coding style problems - sw64: kvm: remove MAX_VPN - sw64: clean up useless #if 0 and #if 1 - sw64: fix coding style problems - sw64: remove MAX_ASN - sw64: add support for emulator running mode - sw64: optimize ip checksum calculation - sw64: use jump label for running modes - sw64: mm: mark pci and memmap region as nomap - sw64: fix the value of QEMU_PRINTF_BUFF_BASE - sw64: clean up some useless codes - sw64: numa: switch to arch node_distance - sw64: fix all compile warnings - sw64: remove CONFIG_USE_PERCPU_NUMA_NODE_ID=n code - sw64: simplify cpumask_of_node - sw64: modify tc_sched_clock debugfs file - sw64: remove redundant Kconfig source - sw64: switch to generic pcibios_set_master and pci_common_swizzle - sw64: print correct initrd address - sw64: mm: use memblock to find the end of memory - sw64: mm: warn overlapped memmap and DMA region - sw64: pci: remove some useless code - sw64: mm: reorder memblock_init process - sw64: vdso: fix time calculation - sw64: vdso: change vdso version - sw64: vdso: add automatic syscall fallback - sw64: iommu: fix 32-bit devices dma ops - sw64: re-implement sw64_dma_direct_ops according upstream - config: add initial openeuler_defconfig for sw64 - watch_queue: Fix filter limit check - ext4: add check to prevent attempting to resize an fs with sparse_super2 - x86/traps: Mark do_int3() NOKPROBE_SYMBOL - x86/boot: Add setup_indirect support in early_memremap_is_setup_data() - x86/boot: Fix memremap of setup_indirect structures - watch_queue: Make comment about setting ->defunct more accurate - watch_queue: Fix lack of barrier/sync/lock between post and read - watch_queue: Free the alloc bitmap when the watch_queue is torn down - watch_queue: Fix the alloc bitmap size to reflect notes allocated - watch_queue: Fix to always request a pow-of-2 pipe ring size - watch_queue: Fix to release page in ->release() - watch_queue, pipe: Free watchqueue state after clearing pipe ring - virtio: acknowledge all features before access - virtio: unexport virtio_finalize_features - arm64: dts: marvell: armada-37xx: Remap IO space to bus address 0x0 - riscv: Fix auipc+jalr relocation range checks - mmc: meson: Fix usage of meson_mmc_post_req() - net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive - staging: gdm724x: fix use after free in gdm_lte_rx() - staging: rtl8723bs: Fix access-point mode deadlock - selftests/memfd: clean up mapping in mfd_fail_write - selftest/vm: fix map_fixed_noreplace test failure - tracing: Ensure trace buffer is at least 4096 bytes large - ipv6: prevent a possible race condition with lifetimes - Revert "xen-netback: Check for hotplug-status existence before watching" - Revert "xen-netback: remove 'hotplug-status' once it has served its purpose" - gpio: Return EPROBE_DEFER if gc->to_irq is NULL - hwmon: (pmbus) Clear pmbus fault/warning bits after read - net-sysfs: add check for netdevice being present to speed_show - spi: rockchip: terminate dma transmission when slave abort - spi: rockchip: Fix error in getting num-cs property - selftests/bpf: Add test for bpf_timer overwriting crash - net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available - sctp: fix kernel-infoleak for SCTP sockets - net: phy: DP83822: clear MISR2 register to disable interrupts - gianfar: ethtool: Fix refcount leak in gfar_get_ts_info - gpio: ts4900: Do not set DAT and OE together - selftests: Kill tcpdump processes launched by subshell. - NFC: port100: fix use-after-free in port100_send_complete - net/mlx5e: Lag, Only handle events from highest priority multipath entry - net/mlx5: Fix a race on command flush flow - net/mlx5: Fix size field in bufferx_reg struct - net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable - net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable - tipc: fix incorrect order of state message data sanity check - ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe - ice: Fix curr_link_speed advertised speed - ice: Rename a couple of variables - ice: Remove unnecessary checker loop - ice: Align macro names to the specification - ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses - i40e: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses - ARM: dts: aspeed: Fix AST2600 quad spi group - net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in mt753x_phylink_validate() - drm/sun4i: mixer: Fix P010 and P210 format numbers - qed: return status of qed_iov_get_link - esp: Fix BEET mode inter address family tunneling on GSO - net: qlogic: check the return value of dma_alloc_coherent() in qed_vf_hw_prepare() - isdn: hfcpci: check the return value of dma_set_mask() in setup_hw() - virtio-blk: Don't use MAX_DISCARD_SEGMENTS if max_discard_seg is zero - mISDN: Fix memory leak in dsp_pipeline_build() - mISDN: Remove obsolete PIPELINE_DEBUG debugging information - tipc: fix kernel panic when enabling bearer - arm64: dts: armada-3720-turris-mox: Add missing ethernet0 alias - HID: vivaldi: fix sysfs attributes leak - clk: qcom: gdsc: Add support to update GDSC transition delay - ARM: boot: dts: bcm2711: Fix HVS register range- net, xdp: Update pkt_type if generic XDP changes unicast MAC - KVM: x86/mmu: fix NULL pointer dereference on guest INVPCID - sched/psi: report zeroes for CPU full at the system level - psi: Fix PSI_MEM_FULL state when tasks are in memstall and doing reclaim - psi: Fix psi state corruption when schedule() races with cgroup move - psi: Reduce calls to sched_clock() in psi - psi: Optimize task switch inside shared cgroups - psi: Pressure states are unlikely - psi: Use ONCPU state tracking machinery to detect reclaim - psi: Add PSI_CPU_FULL state - block/psi: remove PSI annotations from direct IO - psi: make kabi compatibility for psi in struct cgroup - psi, tracepoint: introduce tracepoints for psi_memstall_{enter, leave} - psi: fix wrong iteration in iterate_groups - config: change CONFIG_DMATEST from y to m - perf: Fix sys_perf_event_open() race against self - blk-mq: fix kabi broken by "blk-mq: Use request queue-wide tags for tagset-wide sbitmap" - blk-mq: fix use-after-free in blk_mq_exit_sched - blk-mq: Use request queue-wide tags for tagset-wide sbitmap - blk-mq: Some tag allocation code refactoring - arm64: Add memmap reserve range check to avoid conflict - ext4: add reserved GDT blocks check - ax25: Fix UAF bugs in ax25 timers - ax25: fix UAF bug in ax25_send_control() - ax25: Fix refcount leaks caused by ax25_cb_del() - ax25: fix UAF bugs of net_device caused by rebinding operation - ax25: fix reference count leaks of ax25_dev - ax25: add refcount in ax25_dev to avoid UAF bugs - driver core: fix deadlock in __driver_attach - driver core: fix deadlock in __device_attach - inet: fully convert sk->sk_rx_dst to RCU rules - Revert "ACPI: PM: s2idle: Cancel wakeup before dispatching EC GPE" - arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES - arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP - arm64: Add Cortex-A510 CPU part definition - arm64: Add Cortex-X2 CPU part definition - arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition - arm64: cputype: Add CPU implementor & types for the Apple M1 cores- sched/qos: Add qos_tg_{throttle,unthrottle}_{up,down} - sched: Throttle offline task at tracehook_notify_resume() - kfence: parse param before alloc kfence_pool - arm64: remove page granularity limitation from KFENCE - Revert "arm64: remove page granularity limitation from KFENCE" - slub: add back check for free nonslab objects - audit: improve audit queue handling when "audit=1" on cmdline - Revert "audit: bugfix for infinite loop when flush the hold queue" - hamradio: fix macro redefine warning - Revert "xfrm: xfrm_state_mtu should return at least 1280 for ipv6" - btrfs: add missing run of delayed items after unlink during log replay - btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove qgroup - btrfs: fix lost prealloc extents beyond eof after full fsync - tracing: Fix return value of __setup handlers - tracing/histogram: Fix sorting on old "cpu" value - HID: add mapping for KEY_ALL_APPLICATIONS - HID: add mapping for KEY_DICTATE - Input: samsung-keypad - properly state IOMEM dependency - Input: elan_i2c - fix regulator enable count imbalance after suspend/resume - Input: elan_i2c - move regulator_[en|dis]able() out of elan_[en|dis]able_power() - net: dcb: disable softirqs in dcbnl_flush_dev() - drm/amdgpu: fix suspend/resume hang regression - nl80211: Handle nla_memdup failures in handle_nan_filter - iavf: Refactor iavf state machine tracking - net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of pci_find_capability() - ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events - ARM: tegra: Move panels to AUX bus - soc: fsl: qe: Check of ioremap return value - soc: fsl: guts: Add a missing memory allocation failure check - soc: fsl: guts: Revert commit 3c0d64e867ed - ARM: dts: Use 32KiHz oscillator on devkit8000 - ARM: dts: switch timer config to common devkit8000 devicetree - s390/extable: fix exception table sorting - memfd: fix F_SEAL_WRITE after shmem huge page allocated - ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing - igc: igc_write_phy_reg_gpy: drop premature return - pinctrl: sunxi: Use unique lockdep classes for IRQs - selftests: mlxsw: tc_police_scale: Make test more robust - ARM: 9182/1: mmu: fix returns from early_param() and __setup() functions - ARM: Fix kgdb breakpoint for Thumb2 - igc: igc_read_phy_reg_gpy: drop premature return - arm64: dts: rockchip: Switch RK3399-Gru DP to SPDIF output - can: gs_usb: change active_channels's type from atomic_t to u8 - ASoC: cs4265: Fix the duplicated control name - firmware: arm_scmi: Remove space in MODULE_ALIAS name - efivars: Respect "block" flag in efivar_entry_set_safe() - ixgbe: xsk: change !netif_carrier_ok() handling in ixgbe_xmit_zc() - net: arcnet: com20020: Fix null-ptr-deref in com20020pci_probe() - ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter - net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler - iavf: Fix missing check for running netdev - mac80211: treat some SAE auth steps as final - net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler - mac80211: fix forwarded mesh frames AC & queue selection - ice: fix concurrent reset and removal of VFs - ice: Fix race conditions between virtchnl handling and VF ndo ops - net/smc: fix unexpected SMC_CLC_DECL_ERR_REGRMB error cause by server - net/smc: fix unexpected SMC_CLC_DECL_ERR_REGRMB error generated by client - net/smc: fix connection leak - net: dcb: flush lingering app table entries for unregistered devices - net: ipv6: ensure we call ipv6_mc_down() at most once - batman-adv: Don't expect inter-netns unique iflink indices - batman-adv: Request iflink once in batadv_get_real_netdevice - batman-adv: Request iflink once in batadv-on-batadv check - netfilter: nf_queue: handle socket prefetch - netfilter: nf_queue: fix possible use-after-free - netfilter: nf_queue: don't assume sk is full socket - net: fix up skbs delta_truesize in UDP GRO frag_list - e1000e: Correct NVM checksum verification flow - xfrm: enforce validity of offload input flags - xfrm: fix the if_id check in changelink - bpf, sockmap: Do not ignore orig_len parameter - netfilter: fix use-after-free in __nf_register_net_hook() - xfrm: fix MTU regression - mm: Consider __GFP_NOWARN flag for oversized kvmalloc() calls - ntb: intel: fix port config status offset for SPR - thermal: core: Fix TZ_GET_TRIP NULL pointer dereference - xen/netfront: destroy queues before real_num_tx_queues is zeroed - drm/i915: s/JSP2/ICP2/ PCH - iommu/amd: Recover from event log overflow - ASoC: ops: Shift tested values in snd_soc_put_volsw() by +min - riscv: Fix config KASAN && DEBUG_VIRTUAL - riscv: Fix config KASAN && SPARSEMEM && !SPARSE_VMEMMAP - riscv/efi_stub: Fix get_boot_hartid_from_fdt() return value - ALSA: intel_hdmi: Fix reference to PCM buffer address - tracing: Add ustring operation to filtering string pointers - drm/amdgpu: check vm ready by amdgpu_vm->evicting flag - ata: pata_hpt37x: fix PCI clock detection - serial: stm32: prevent TDR register overwrite when sending x_char - tracing: Add test for user space strings when filtering on string pointers - exfat: fix i_blocks for files truncated over 4 GiB - exfat: reuse exfat_inode_info variable instead of calling EXFAT_I() - net: usb: cdc_mbim: avoid altsetting toggling for Telit FN990 - i2c: qup: allow COMPILE_TEST - i2c: cadence: allow COMPILE_TEST - dmaengine: shdma: Fix runtime PM imbalance on error - selftests/seccomp: Fix seccomp failure by adding missing headers - cifs: fix double free race when mount fails in cifs_get_root() - tipc: fix a bit overflow in tipc_crypto_key_rcv() - KVM: arm64: vgic: Read HW interrupt pending state from the HW - Input: clear BTN_RIGHT/MIDDLE on buttonpads - regulator: core: fix false positive in regulator_late_cleanup() - ASoC: rt5682: do not block workqueue if card is unbound - ASoC: rt5668: do not block workqueue if card is unbound - i2c: bcm2835: Avoid clock stretching timeouts - mac80211_hwsim: initialize ieee80211_tx_info at hw_scan_work - mac80211_hwsim: report NOACK frames in tx_status- arm64: Fix wrong logic in gic_arch_restore_irqs() - secure_seq: use the 64 bits of the siphash for port offset calculation - vfio/iommu: Fix uncorrect type parameters which used in bitmap operations - ipv6: per-netns exclusive flowlabel checks - memblock: use kfree() to release kmalloced memblock regions - gpio: tegra186: Fix chip_data type confusion - tty: n_gsm: fix deadlock in gsmtty_open() - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong tty control line for flow control - tty: n_gsm: fix NULL pointer access due to DLCI release - tty: n_gsm: fix proper link termination after failed open - tty: n_gsm: fix encoding of control signal octet bit DV - riscv: fix oops caused by irqsoff latency tracer - thermal: int340x: fix memory leak in int3400_notify() - RDMA/cma: Do not change route.addr.src_addr outside state checks - driver core: Free DMA range map when device is released - xhci: Prevent futile URB re-submissions due to incorrect return value. - xhci: re-initialize the HC during resume if HCE was set - usb: dwc3: gadget: Let the interrupt handler disable bottom halves. - usb: dwc3: pci: Fix Bay Trail phy GPIO mappings - usb: dwc2: drd: fix soft connect when gadget is unconfigured - USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910R1 compositions - USB: serial: option: add support for DW5829e - tracefs: Set the group ownership in apply_options() not parse_options() - usb: gadget: rndis: add spinlock for rndis response list - Revert "USB: serial: ch341: add new Product ID for CH341A" - ata: pata_hpt37x: disable primary channel on HPT371 - sc16is7xx: Fix for incorrect data being transmitted - iio: Fix error handling for PM - iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: wait for settling time in st_lsm6dsx_read_oneshot - iio: adc: ad7124: fix mask used for setting AIN_BUFP & AIN_BUFM bits - iio: adc: men_z188_adc: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - tracing: Have traceon and traceoff trigger honor the instance - RDMA/ib_srp: Fix a deadlock - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Move free_permit from free_clt to rtrs_clt_close - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Kill wait_for_inflight_permits - regmap-irq: Update interrupt clear register for proper reset - spi: spi-zynq-qspi: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in zynq_qspi_exec_mem_op() - net/mlx5e: kTLS, Use CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY for device-offloaded packets - net/mlx5: Fix wrong limitation of metadata match on ecpf - net/mlx5: Fix possible deadlock on rule deletion - udp_tunnel: Fix end of loop test in udp_tunnel_nic_unregister() - surface: surface3_power: Fix battery readings on batteries without a serial number - net/smc: Use a mutex for locking "struct smc_pnettable" - netfilter: nf_tables: fix memory leak during stateful obj update - nfp: flower: Fix a potential leak in nfp_tunnel_add_shared_mac() - net: Force inlining of checksum functions in net/checksum.h - net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc() - net/sched: act_ct: Fix flow table lookup after ct clear or switching zones - net/mlx5e: Fix wrong return value on ioctl EEPROM query failure - drm/edid: Always set RGB444 - openvswitch: Fix setting ipv6 fields causing hw csum failure - gso: do not skip outer ip header in case of ipip and net_failover - tipc: Fix end of loop tests for list_for_each_entry() - net: __pskb_pull_tail() & pskb_carve_frag_list() drop_monitor friends - io_uring: add a schedule point in io_add_buffers() - bpf: Add schedule points in batch ops - selftests: bpf: Check bpf_msg_push_data return value - bpf: Do not try bpf_msg_push_data with len 0 - hwmon: Handle failure to register sensor with thermal zone correctly - bnxt_en: Fix active FEC reporting to ethtool - bnx2x: fix driver load from initrd - perf data: Fix double free in perf_session__delete() - ping: remove pr_err from ping_lookup - optee: use driver internal tee_context for some rpc - tee: export teedev_open() and teedev_close_context() - x86/fpu: Correct pkru/xstate inconsistency - CDC-NCM: avoid overflow in sanity checking - USB: zaurus: support another broken Zaurus - drm/i915: Correctly populate use_sagv_wm for all pipes - drm/amdgpu: disable MMHUB PG for Picasso - KVM: x86/mmu: make apf token non-zero to fix bug - parisc/unaligned: Fix ldw() and stw() unalignment handlers - parisc/unaligned: Fix fldd and fstd unaligned handlers on 32-bit kernel - vhost/vsock: don't check owner in vhost_vsock_stop() while releasing - clk: jz4725b: fix mmc0 clock gating - btrfs: tree-checker: check item_size for dev_item - btrfs: tree-checker: check item_size for inode_item- huge tmpfs: remove shrinklist addition from shmem_setattr() - huge tmpfs: fix split_huge_page() after FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE - huge tmpfs: fix fallocate(vanilla) advance over huge pages - nfc: nfcmrvl: main: reorder destructive operations in nfcmrvl_nci_unregister_dev to avoid bugs - dynamic_hugetlb: fix undefined struct cftype - file: fix kabi change since add f_ctl_mode - selftests/bpf: add demo for file read pattern detection - libbpf: Support detecting writable tracepoint program - ext4: add trace for the read and release of regular file - xfs: add trace for read and release of regular file - fs: add helper fs_file_read_do_trace() - vfs: add bare tracepoints for vfs read and release - bpf: Support writable context for bare tracepoint - trace: bpf: Allow bpf to attach to bare tracepoints - readahead: introduce FMODE_CTL_WILLNEED to read first 2MB of file - lockdep: Correct lock_classes index mapping - i2c: brcmstb: fix support for DSL and CM variants - copy_process(): Move fd_install() out of sighand->siglock critical section - i2c: qcom-cci: don't put a device tree node before i2c_add_adapter() - i2c: qcom-cci: don't delete an unregistered adapter - dmaengine: sh: rcar-dmac: Check for error num after dma_set_max_seg_size - dmaengine: stm32-dmamux: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in stm32_dmamux_probe - dmaengine: sh: rcar-dmac: Check for error num after setting mask - net: sched: limit TC_ACT_REPEAT loops - EDAC: Fix calculation of returned address and next offset in edac_align_ptr() - scsi: lpfc: Fix pt2pt NVMe PRLI reject LOGO loop - kconfig: fix failing to generate auto.conf - net: macb: Align the dma and coherent dma masks - net: usb: qmi_wwan: Add support for Dell DW5829e - tracing: Fix tp_printk option related with tp_printk_stop_on_boot - drm/rockchip: dw_hdmi: Do not leave clock enabled in error case - xprtrdma: fix pointer derefs in error cases of rpcrdma_ep_create - soc: aspeed: lpc-ctrl: Block error printing on probe defer cases - ata: libata-core: Disable TRIM on M88V29 - kconfig: let 'shell' return enough output for deep path names - selftests: fixup build warnings in pidfd / clone3 tests - pidfd: fix test failure due to stack overflow on some arches - arm64: dts: meson-g12: drop BL32 region from SEI510/SEI610 - arm64: dts: meson-g12: add ATF BL32 reserved-memory region - arm64: dts: meson-gx: add ATF BL32 reserved-memory region - netfilter: conntrack: don't refresh sctp entries in closed state - irqchip/sifive-plic: Add missing thead,c900-plic match string - phy: usb: Leave some clocks running during suspend - ARM: OMAP2+: adjust the location of put_device() call in omapdss_init_of - ARM: OMAP2+: hwmod: Add of_node_put() before break - NFS: Don't set NFS_INO_INVALID_XATTR if there is no xattr cache - KVM: x86/pmu: Use AMD64_RAW_EVENT_MASK for PERF_TYPE_RAW - KVM: x86/pmu: Don't truncate the PerfEvtSeln MSR when creating a perf event - KVM: x86/pmu: Refactoring find_arch_event() to pmc_perf_hw_id() - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix memory leak in vmbus_add_channel_kobj - mtd: rawnand: brcmnand: Fixed incorrect sub-page ECC status - mtd: rawnand: qcom: Fix clock sequencing in qcom_nandc_probe() - tty: n_tty: do not look ahead for EOL character past the end of the buffer - NFS: Do not report writeback errors in nfs_getattr() - block/wbt: fix negative inflight counter when remove scsi device - ASoC: tas2770: Insert post reset delay - KVM: SVM: Never reject emulation due to SMAP errata for !SEV guests - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: don't leak PM reference in error path - powerpc/lib/sstep: fix 'ptesync' build error - ASoC: ops: Fix stereo change notifications in snd_soc_put_volsw_range() - ASoC: ops: Fix stereo change notifications in snd_soc_put_volsw() - ALSA: hda: Fix missing codec probe on Shenker Dock 15 - ALSA: hda: Fix regression on forced probe mask option - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix deadlock by COEF mutex - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Legion Y9000X 2019 - selftests/exec: Add non-regular to TEST_GEN_PROGS - perf bpf: Defer freeing string after possible strlen() on it - dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path - libsubcmd: Fix use-after-free for realloc(..., 0) - bonding: fix data-races around agg_select_timer - net_sched: add __rcu annotation to netdev->qdisc - drop_monitor: fix data-race in dropmon_net_event / trace_napi_poll_hit - ping: fix the dif and sdif check in ping_lookup - net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: fix use after free in gswip_remove() - net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe - netfilter: nft_synproxy: unregister hooks on init error path - selftests: netfilter: fix exit value for nft_concat_range - iwlwifi: pcie: gen2: fix locking when "HW not ready" - iwlwifi: pcie: fix locking when "HW not ready" - drm/i915/gvt: Make DRM_I915_GVT depend on X86 - vsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is interrupted by a signal - drm/i915/opregion: check port number bounds for SWSCI display power state - drm/radeon: Fix backlight control on iMac 12,1 - iwlwifi: fix use-after-free - kbuild: lto: Merge module sections if and only if CONFIG_LTO_CLANG is enabled - kbuild: lto: merge module sections - random: wake up /dev/random writers after zap - gcc-plugins/stackleak: Use noinstr in favor of notrace - Revert "module, async: async_synchronize_full() on module init iff async is used" - x86/Xen: streamline (and fix) PV CPU enumeration - drm/amdgpu: fix logic inversion in check - nvme-rdma: fix possible use-after-free in transport error_recovery work - nvme-tcp: fix possible use-after-free in transport error_recovery work - nvme: fix a possible use-after-free in controller reset during load - scsi: pm8001: Fix use-after-free for aborted SSP/STP sas_task - scsi: pm8001: Fix use-after-free for aborted TMF sas_task - quota: make dquot_quota_sync return errors from ->sync_fs - vfs: make freeze_super abort when sync_filesystem returns error - selftests: skip mincore.check_file_mmap when fs lacks needed support - selftests: openat2: Skip testcases that fail with EOPNOTSUPP - selftests: openat2: Add missing dependency in Makefile - selftests: openat2: Print also errno in failure messages - selftests/zram: Adapt the situation that /dev/zram0 is being used - selftests/ Fix compression ratio calculation - selftests/zram: Skip max_comp_streams interface on newer kernel - net: ieee802154: at86rf230: Stop leaking skb's - kselftest: signal all child processes - selftests: rtc: Increase test timeout so that all tests run - platform/x86: ISST: Fix possible circular locking dependency detected - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the RWC NANOTE P8 AY07J 2-in-1 - btrfs: send: in case of IO error log it - parisc: Add ioread64_lo_hi() and iowrite64_lo_hi() - PCI: hv: Fix NUMA node assignment when kernel boots with custom NUMA topology - mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses - mmc: block: fix read single on recovery logic - parisc: Fix sglist access in ccio-dma.c - parisc: Fix data TLB miss in sba_unmap_sg - parisc: Drop __init from map_pages declaration - serial: parisc: GSC: fix build when IOSAPIC is not set - Revert "svm: Add warning message for AVIC IPI invalid target" - HID:Add support for UGTABLET WP5540 - scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver initialization - can: isotp: add SF_BROADCAST support for functional addressing - can: isotp: prevent race between isotp_bind() and isotp_setsockopt() - fs/proc: task_mmu.c: don't read mapcount for migration entry - mm: memcg: synchronize objcg lists with a dedicated spinlock - drm/nouveau/pmu/gm200-: use alternate falcon reset sequence- ext4: fix bug_on in ext4_writepages - ext4: fix warning in ext4_handle_inode_extension - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_rename_dir_prepare - ext4: fix warning when submitting superblock in ext4_commit_super() - ipv6: annotate some data-races around sk->sk_prot - net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change() - ext4: fix bug_on in __es_tree_search - exec: Remove redundant check in do_open_execat/uselib - floppy: use a statically allocated error counter - ext4: fix race condition between ext4_write and ext4_convert_inline_data - arm64: Fix some build errors related to KEXEC - ubi: ubi_create_volume: Fix use-after-free when volume creation failed - ubi: fastmap: Don't reserve beb_rsvd_pebs while filling fm pool - net: ipv6: fix use after free of struct seg6_pernet_data - net: ipv6: check return value of rhashtable_init - KVM: arm64: vgic: Drop WARN from vgic_get_irq - Documentation: arm64: Add limitation for exactmap - arm64: Fix reserved memory via memmap - ARM: 9191/1: arm/stacktrace, kasan: Silence KASAN warnings in unwind_frame()- io_uring: fix race between timeout flush and removal - net/x25: Fix null-ptr-deref caused by x25_disconnect - iommu: Fix potential use-after-free during probe - perf: Fix list corruption in perf_cgroup_switch() - arm64: dts: imx8mq: fix lcdif port node - scsi: lpfc: Reduce log messages seen after firmware download - scsi: lpfc: Remove NVMe support if kernel has NVME_FC disabled - can: isotp: fix error path in isotp_sendmsg() to unlock wait queue - Makefile.extrawarn: Move -Wunaligned-access to W=1 - hwmon: (dell-smm) Speed up setting of fan speed - phy: ti: Fix missing sentinel for clk_div_table - speakup-dectlk: Restore pitch setting - USB: serial: cp210x: add CPI Bulk Coin Recycler id - USB: serial: cp210x: add NCR Retail IO box id - USB: serial: ch341: add support for GW Instek USB2.0-Serial devices - USB: serial: option: add ZTE MF286D modem - USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add support for Brainboxes US-159/235/320 - usb: raw-gadget: fix handling of dual-direction-capable endpoints - usb: gadget: f_uac2: Define specific wTerminalType - usb: gadget: udc: renesas_usb3: Fix host to USB_ROLE_NONE transition - usb: dwc3: gadget: Prevent core from processing stale TRBs - usb: ulpi: Call of_node_put correctly - usb: ulpi: Move of_node_put to ulpi_dev_release - net: usb: ax88179_178a: Fix out-of-bounds accesses in RX fixup - Revert "usb: dwc2: drd: fix soft connect when gadget is unconfigured" - usb: dwc2: drd: fix soft connect when gadget is unconfigured - eeprom: ee1004: limit i2c reads to I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX - n_tty: wake up poll(POLLRDNORM) on receiving data - vt_ioctl: add array_index_nospec to VT_ACTIVATE - vt_ioctl: fix array_index_nospec in vt_setactivate - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister - net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats read - ice: fix IPIP and SIT TSO offload - ice: fix an error code in ice_cfg_phy_fec() - dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from the PHY - net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal - tipc: rate limit warning for received illegal binding update - net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - veth: fix races around rq->rx_notify_masked - net: fix a memleak when uncloning an skb dst and its metadata - net: do not keep the dst cache when uncloning an skb dst and its metadata - nfp: flower: fix ida_idx not being released - ipmr,ip6mr: acquire RTNL before calling ip[6]mr_free_table() on failure path - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus - net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus - net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus - net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus - bonding: pair enable_port with slave_arr_updates - gpio: sifive: use the correct register to read output values - ACPI: PM: s2idle: Cancel wakeup before dispatching EC GPE - drm/panel: simple: Assign data from panel_dpi_probe() correctly - ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF - arm64: dts: meson-g12b-odroid-n2: fix typo 'dio2133' - netfilter: ctnetlink: disable helper autoassign - misc: fastrpc: avoid double fput() on failed usercopy - drm/vc4: hdmi: Allow DBLCLK modes even if horz timing is odd. - gpio: aggregator: Fix calling into sleeping GPIO controllers - usb: f_fs: Fix use-after-free for epfile - ARM: dts: imx7ulp: Fix 'assigned-clocks-parents' typo - phy: xilinx: zynqmp: Fix bus width setting for SGMII - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-udoo: Properly describe the SD card detect - staging: fbtft: Fix error path in fbtft_driver_module_init() - ARM: dts: meson8b: Fix the UART device-tree schema validation - ARM: dts: meson8: Fix the UART device-tree schema validation - ARM: dts: meson: Fix the UART compatible strings - ARM: dts: Fix timer regression for beagleboard revision c - drm/rockchip: vop: Correct RK3399 VOP register fields - PM: s2idle: ACPI: Fix wakeup interrupts handling - ACPI/IORT: Check node revision for PMCG resources - nvme-tcp: fix bogus request completion when failing to send AER - ARM: socfpga: fix missing RESET_CONTROLLER - ARM: dts: Fix boot regression on Skomer - ARM: dts: imx23-evk: Remove MX23_PAD_SSP1_DETECT from hog group - riscv: fix build with binutils 2.38 - KVM: VMX: Set vmcs.PENDING_DBG.BS on #DB in STI/MOVSS blocking shadow - KVM: SVM: Don't kill SEV guest if SMAP erratum triggers in usermode - KVM: nVMX: Also filter MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_PINBASED_CTLS when eVMCS - KVM: nVMX: eVMCS: Filter out VM_EXIT_SAVE_VMX_PREEMPTION_TIMER - KVM: eventfd: Fix false positive RCU usage warning - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: use return val of readl_poll_timeout() - nvme-pci: add the IGNORE_DEV_SUBNQN quirk for Intel P4500/P4600 SSDs - perf: Always wake the parent event - usb: dwc2: gadget: don't try to disable ep0 in dwc2_hsotg_suspend - PM: hibernate: Remove register_nosave_region_late() - scsi: myrs: Fix crash in error case - scsi: ufs: Treat link loss as fatal error - scsi: pm8001: Fix bogus FW crash for maxcpus=1 - scsi: qedf: Fix refcount issue when LOGO is received during TMF - scsi: qedf: Add stag_work to all the vports - scsi: ufs: ufshcd-pltfrm: Check the return value of devm_kstrdup() - scsi: target: iscsi: Make sure the np under each tpg is unique - powerpc/fixmap: Fix VM debug warning on unmap - net: sched: Clarify error message when qdisc kind is unknown - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for the 1Netbook OneXPlayer - x86/perf: Avoid warning for Arch LBR without XSAVE - NFSv4 handle port presence in fs_location server string - NFSv4 expose nfs_parse_server_name function - NFSv4 remove zero number of fs_locations entries error check - NFSv4.1: Fix uninitialised variable in devicenotify - nfs: nfs4clinet: check the return value of kstrdup() - NFSv4 only print the label when its queried - NFS: change nfs_access_get_cached to only report the mask - tracing: Propagate is_signed to expression - drm/amdgpu: Set a suitable dev_info.gart_page_size - NFSD: Fix offset type in I/O trace points - NFSD: Clamp WRITE offsets - NFS: Fix initialisation of nfs_client cl_flags field - net: phy: marvell: Fix MDI-x polarity setting in 88e1118-compatible PHYs - net: phy: marvell: Fix RGMII Tx/Rx delays setting in 88e1121-compatible PHYs - can: isotp: fix potential CAN frame reception race in isotp_rcv() - mmc: sdhci-of-esdhc: Check for error num after setting mask - ima: Do not print policy rule with inactive LSM labels - ima: Allow template selection with ima_template[_fmt]= after ima_hash= - ima: Remove ima_policy file before directory - integrity: check the return value of audit_log_start()- crypto: api - Move cryptomgr soft dependency into algapi - moxart: fix potential use-after-free on remove path - selftests: nft_concat_range: add test for reload with no element add/del - cgroup/cpuset: Fix "suspicious RCU usage" lockdep warning - net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY - ext4: fix incorrect type issue during replay_del_range - ext4: fix error handling in ext4_fc_record_modified_inode() - ext4: fix error handling in ext4_restore_inline_data() - ext4: modify the logic of ext4_mb_new_blocks_simple - ext4: prevent used blocks from being allocated during fast commit replay - EDAC/xgene: Fix deferred probing - EDAC/altera: Fix deferred probing - x86/perf: Default set FREEZE_ON_SMI for all - perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix crash with stop filters in single-range mode - perf stat: Fix display of grouped aliased events - fbcon: Add option to enable legacy hardware acceleration - Revert "fbcon: Disable accelerated scrolling" - rtc: cmos: Evaluate century appropriate - tools/resolve_btfids: Do not print any commands when building silently - selftests: futex: Use variable MAKE instead of make - selftests/exec: Remove pipe from TEST_GEN_FILES - bpf: Use VM_MAP instead of VM_ALLOC for ringbuf - gve: fix the wrong AdminQ buffer queue index check - nfsd: nfsd4_setclientid_confirm mistakenly expires confirmed client. - scsi: bnx2fc: Make bnx2fc_recv_frame() mp safe - pinctrl: bcm2835: Fix a few error paths - pinctrl: intel: fix unexpected interrupt - pinctrl: intel: Fix a glitch when updating IRQ flags on a preconfigured line - ASoC: max9759: fix underflow in speaker_gain_control_put() - ASoC: cpcap: Check for NULL pointer after calling of_get_child_by_name - ASoC: xilinx: xlnx_formatter_pcm: Make buffer bytes multiple of period bytes - ASoC: fsl: Add missing error handling in pcm030_fabric_probe - drm/i915/overlay: Prevent divide by zero bugs in scaling - net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent - net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly - net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci explicitly - net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event - net: ieee802154: Return meaningful error codes from the netlink helpers - net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's - net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods - net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at probe time - spi: uniphier: fix reference count leak in uniphier_spi_probe() - spi: meson-spicc: add IRQ check in meson_spicc_probe - spi: mediatek: Avoid NULL pointer crash in interrupt - spi: bcm-qspi: check for valid cs before applying chip select - iommu/amd: Fix loop timeout issue in iommu_ga_log_enable() - iommu/vt-d: Fix potential memory leak in intel_setup_irq_remapping() - RDMA/mlx4: Don't continue event handler after memory allocation failure - RDMA/siw: Fix broken RDMA Read Fence/Resume logic. - IB/rdmavt: Validate remote_addr during loopback atomic tests - RDMA/ucma: Protect mc during concurrent multicast leaves - RDMA/cma: Use correct address when leaving multicast group - Revert "ASoC: mediatek: Check for error clk pointer" - IB/hfi1: Fix AIP early init panic - dma-buf: heaps: Fix potential spectre v1 gadget - block: bio-integrity: Advance seed correctly for larger interval sizes - mm/kmemleak: avoid scanning potential huge holes - mm/pgtable: define pte_index so that preprocessor could recognize it - mm/debug_vm_pgtable: remove pte entry from the page table - nvme-fabrics: fix state check in nvmf_ctlr_matches_baseopts() - drm/amd/display: Force link_rate as LINK_RATE_RBR2 for 2018 15" Apple Retina panels - drm/nouveau: fix off by one in BIOS boundary checking - btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan worker - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570 Aorus Xtreme after reboot from Windows - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570S Aorus Master (newer chipset) - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add missing fixup-model entry for Gigabyte X570 ALC1220 quirks - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GU603 - ALSA: hda: realtek: Fix race at concurrent COEF updates - ALSA: hda: Fix UAF of leds class devs at unbinding - ALSA: usb-audio: Correct quirk for VF0770 - ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_xr_sx() - ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_volsw_sx() - ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_volsw() - selinux: fix double free of cond_list on error paths - Revert "drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the device is powered with CEC" again - Revert "drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the device is powered with CEC" - psi: fix failure of create cgroup psi trigger - mbigen: fix mbigen driver defer probe - md/raid1: fix missing bitmap update w/o WriteMostly devices - md/raid1: only allocate write behind bio for WriteMostly device - raid1: ensure write behind bio has less than BIO_MAX_VECS sectors - arm64: entry: Save some nops when CONFIG_ARM64_PSEUDO_NMI is not set - crypto: crct10dif-neon - fix use via crypto_shash_digest() - net: fix information leakage in /proc/net/ptype - config: enable CONFIG_QOS_SCHED_SMT_EXPELLER by - sched: Add tracepoint for qos smt expeller - sched: Add statistics for qos smt expeller - sched: Implement the function of qos smt expeller - sched: Introduce qos smt expeller for co-location - ext4: fix symlink file size not match to file content - ext4: fix bug_on in start_this_handle during umount filesystem - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_search_dir - KVM: s390: Return error on SIDA memop on normal guest - fs-writeback: writeback_sb_inodes:Recalculate 'wrote' according skipped pages - ubi: fastmap: Fix high cpu usage of ubi_bgt by making sure wl_pool not empty - perf c2c: Update documentation for display option 'all' - perf c2c: Sort on all cache hit for load operations - perf c2c: Refactor node header - perf c2c: Add dimensions for load miss - perf c2c: Add dimensions for load hit - perf c2c: Add dimensions for total load hit - rcu/nocb: Make rcu_core() callbacks acceleration preempt-safe - livepatch/arm64: Fix incorrect endian conversion when long jump - livepatch: Print logs when register failed - livepatch: Print logs when check calltrace failed - livepatch: Print logs when patch text failed - livepatch: Optimize list_del operation in 'arch_klp_unpatch_func' - livepatch: Use 'old_insns' to replace 'old_insn' - livepatch: Remove redundant copy for old codes - livepatch: Reduce duplicate codes and fix issue on patch text - mm: export collect_procs() - rcu: Prevent expedited GP from enabling tick on offline CPU- tcp: add missing tcp_skb_can_collapse() test in tcp_shift_skb_data() - af_packet: fix data-race in packet_setsockopt / packet_setsockopt - cpuset: Fix the bug that subpart_cpus updated wrongly in update_cpumask() - rtnetlink: make sure to refresh master_dev/m_ops in __rtnl_newlink() - fanotify: Fix stale file descriptor in copy_event_to_user() - net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow - net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag - ipheth: fix EOVERFLOW in ipheth_rcvbulk_callback - net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix uninitialized variable modact - net/mlx5: Use del_timer_sync in fw reset flow of halting poll - net/mlx5e: Fix handling of wrong devices during bond netevent - drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the device is powered with CEC - x86/cpu: Add Xeon Icelake-D to list of CPUs that support PPIN - x86/mce: Add Xeon Sapphire Rapids to list of CPUs that support PPIN - psi: Fix uaf issue when psi trigger is destroyed while being polled - KVM: x86: Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state is toggled - Revert "drivers: bus: simple-pm-bus: Add support for probing simple bus only devices" - net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish - net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled - net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish() - PCI: pciehp: Fix infinite loop in IRQ handler upon power fault - mtd: rawnand: mpc5121: Remove unused variable in ads5121_select_chip() - block: Fix wrong offset in bio_truncate() - fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event - usr/include/Makefile: add linux/nfc.h to the compile-test coverage - dt-bindings: can: tcan4x5x: fix mram-cfg RX FIFO config - net: bridge: vlan: fix memory leak in __allowed_ingress - ipv4: remove sparse error in ip_neigh_gw4() - ipv4: tcp: send zero IPID in SYNACK messages - ipv4: raw: lock the socket in raw_bind() - net: bridge: vlan: fix single net device option dumping - Revert "ipv6: Honor all IPv6 PIO Valid Lifetime values" - net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params - drm/msm/dpu: invalid parameter check in dpu_setup_dspp_pcc - drm/msm/hdmi: Fix missing put_device() call in msm_hdmi_get_phy - video: hyperv_fb: Fix validation of screen resolution - ibmvnic: don't spin in tasklet - ibmvnic: init ->running_cap_crqs early - ipv4: fix ip option filtering for locally generated fragments - net: ipv4: Fix the warning for dereference - net: ipv4: Move ip_options_fragment() out of loop - powerpc/perf: Fix power_pmu_disable to call clear_pmi_irq_pending only if PMI is pending - hwmon: (lm90) Mark alert as broken for MAX6654 - efi/libstub: arm64: Fix image check alignment at entry - rxrpc: Adjust retransmission backoff - octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF - phylib: fix potential use-after-free - net: phy: broadcom: hook up soft_reset for BCM54616S - sched/pelt: Relax the sync of util_sum with util_avg - kernel: delete repeated words in comments - netfilter: conntrack: don't increment invalid counter on NF_REPEAT - powerpc64/bpf: Limit 'ldbrx' to processors compliant with ISA v2.06 - NFS: Ensure the server has an up to date ctime before renaming - NFS: Ensure the server has an up to date ctime before hardlinking - ipv6: annotate accesses to fn->fn_sernum - drm/msm/dsi: invalid parameter check in msm_dsi_phy_enable - drm/msm/dsi: Fix missing put_device() call in dsi_get_phy - drm/msm: Fix wrong size calculation - net-procfs: show net devices bound packet types - hwmon: (lm90) Reduce maximum conversion rate for G781 - ipv4: avoid using shared IP generator for connected sockets - ping: fix the sk_bound_dev_if match in ping_lookup - hwmon: (lm90) Mark alert as broken for MAX6680 - hwmon: (lm90) Mark alert as broken for MAX6646/6647/6649 - ipv6_tunnel: Rate limit warning messages - scsi: bnx2fc: Flush destroy_work queue before calling bnx2fc_interface_put() - rpmsg: char: Fix race between the release of rpmsg_eptdev and cdev - rpmsg: char: Fix race between the release of rpmsg_ctrldev and cdev - usb: roles: fix include/linux/usb/role.h compile issue - i40e: fix unsigned stat widths - i40e: Fix for failed to init adminq while VF reset - i40e: Fix queues reservation for XDP - i40e: Fix issue when maximum queues is exceeded - i40e: Increase delay to 1 s after global EMP reset - powerpc/32: Fix boot failure with GCC latent entropy plugin - powerpc/32s: Fix kasan_init_region() for KASAN - powerpc/32s: Allocate one 256k IBAT instead of two consecutives 128k IBATs - x86/MCE/AMD: Allow thresholding interface updates after init - sched/membarrier: Fix membarrier-rseq fence command missing from query bitmask - ocfs2: fix a deadlock when commit trans - jbd2: export jbd2_journal_[grab|put]_journal_head - ucsi_ccg: Check DEV_INT bit only when starting CCG4 - usb: typec: tcpm: Do not disconnect while receiving VBUS off - USB: core: Fix hang in usb_kill_urb by adding memory barriers - usb: gadget: f_sourcesink: Fix isoc transfer for USB_SPEED_SUPER_PLUS - usb: common: ulpi: Fix crash in ulpi_match() - usb: xhci-plat: fix crash when suspend if remote wake enable - usb-storage: Add unusual-devs entry for VL817 USB-SATA bridge - tty: Add support for Brainboxes UC cards. - tty: n_gsm: fix SW flow control encoding/handling - serial: stm32: fix software flow control transfer - serial: 8250: of: Fix mapped region size when using reg-offset property - netfilter: nft_payload: do not update layer 4 checksum when mangling fragments - arm64: errata: Fix exec handling in erratum 1418040 workaround - KVM: x86: Update vCPU's runtime CPUID on write to MSR_IA32_XSS - drm/etnaviv: relax submit size limits - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix CAS_COUNT_WRITE issue for ICX - Revert "KVM: SVM: avoid infinite loop on NPF from bad address" - fsnotify: fix fsnotify hooks in pseudo filesystems - ceph: set pool_ns in new inode layout for async creates - ceph: properly put ceph_string reference after async create attempt - tracing: Don't inc err_log entry count if entry allocation fails - tracing/histogram: Fix a potential memory leak for kstrdup() - PM: wakeup: simplify the output logic of pm_show_wakelocks() - efi: runtime: avoid EFIv2 runtime services on Apple x86 machines - scsi: zfcp: Fix failed recovery on gone remote port with non-NPIV FCP devices - bpf: Guard against accessing NULL pt_regs in bpf_get_task_stack() - s390/hypfs: include z/VM guests with access control group set - s390/module: fix loading modules with a lot of relocations - net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from suspend - net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node - media: venus: core: Drop second v4l2 device unregister - Bluetooth: refactor malicious adv data check - drm/vmwgfx: Fix stale file descriptors on failed usercopy - select: Fix indefinitely sleeping task in poll_schedule_timeout() - KVM: x86/mmu: Fix write-protection of PTs mapped by the TDP MMU - rcu: Tighten rcu_advance_cbs_nowake() checks - bnx2x: Invalidate fastpath HSI version for VFs - bnx2x: Utilize firmware - drm/i915: Flush TLBs before releasing backing store- llc: only change llc->dev when bind() succeeds - netdevice: add the case if dev is NULL - llc: fix netdevice reference leaks in llc_ui_bind() - Revert "clocksource: Reduce clocksource-skew threshold" - Revert "clocksource: Avoid accidental unstable marking of clocksources" - Revert "xfrm: rate limit SA mapping change message to user space" - ipvlan: Modify the value of ipvlan modes - of: Enable crashkernel=X,high to support kexec option -s - arm64: kdump: Try not to use NO_BLOCK_MAPPINGS for memory under 4G - arm64: kdump: Use page-level mapping for the high memory of crashkernel - arm64: kdump: Don't force page-level mappings for memory above 4G - arm64: kdump: Update the name of crashk_low_res - x86: KVM: Fixed the bug that WAITmax cannot be updated in real time - powerpc: Free fdt on error in elf64_load() - powerpc: If kexec_build_elf_info() fails return immediately from elf64_load() - nfc: st21nfca: Fix potential buffer overflows in EVT_TRANSACTION - ixgbevf: add disable link state - ixgbe: add improvement for MDD response functionality - ixgbe: add the ability for the PF to disable VF link state - can: mcba_usb: mcba_usb_start_xmit(): fix double dev_kfree_skb in error path - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Fix possible double free in error case - arm64: fix clang warning about TRAMP_VALIAS - arm64: kvm: Fix copy-and-paste error in bhb templates for v5.10 stable - arm64: proton-pack: Include unprivileged eBPF status in Spectre v2 mitigation reporting - arm64: Use the clearbhb instruction in mitigations - KVM: arm64: Allow SMCCC_ARCH_WORKAROUND_3 to be discovered and migrated - arm64: Mitigate spectre style branch history side channels - KVM: arm64: Allow indirect vectors to be used without SPECTRE_V3A - arm64: proton-pack: Report Spectre-BHB vulnerabilities as part of Spectre-v2 - arm64: Add percpu vectors for EL1 - arm64: entry: Add macro for reading symbol addresses from the trampoline - arm64: entry: Add vectors that have the bhb mitigation sequences - arm64: entry: Add non-kpti __bp_harden_el1_vectors for mitigations - arm64: entry: Allow the trampoline text to occupy multiple pages - arm64: entry: Make the kpti trampoline's kpti sequence optional - arm64: entry: Move trampoline macros out of ifdef'd section - arm64: entry: Don't assume tramp_vectors is the start of the vectors - arm64: entry: Allow tramp_alias to access symbols after the 4K boundary - arm64: entry: Move the trampoline data page before the text page - arm64: entry: Free up another register on kpti's tramp_exit path - arm64: entry: Make the trampoline cleanup optional - arm64: spectre: Rename spectre_v4_patch_fw_mitigation_conduit - arm64: entry.S: Add ventry overflow sanity checks - ARM: Spectre-BHB: provide empty stub for non-config - ARM: Do not use NOCROSSREFS directive with ld.lld - ARM: include unprivileged BPF status in Spectre V2 reporting - ARM: Spectre-BHB workaround - ARM: use LOADADDR() to get load address of sections - ARM: early traps initialisation - ARM: report Spectre v2 status through sysfs - arm64: add ID_AA64ISAR2_EL1 sys register - x86/speculation: Warn about eIBRS + LFENCE + Unprivileged eBPF + SMT - x86/speculation: Warn about Spectre v2 LFENCE mitigation - x86/speculation: Update link to AMD speculation whitepaper - x86/speculation: Use generic retpoline by default on AMD - x86/speculation: Include unprivileged eBPF status in Spectre v2 mitigation reporting - Documentation/hw-vuln: Update spectre doc - x86/speculation: Add eIBRS + Retpoline options - x86/speculation: Rename RETPOLINE_AMD to RETPOLINE_LFENCE - x86,bugs: Unconditionally allow spectre_v2=retpoline,amd - can: usb_8dev: usb_8dev_start_xmit(): fix double dev_kfree_skb() in error path - scripts: sphinx-pre-install: Fix ctex support on Debian - scripts: sphinx-pre-install: add required ctex dependency - ath10k: Fix the MTU size on QCA9377 SDIO - mtd: nand: bbt: Fix corner case in bad block table handling - lib/test_meminit: destroy cache in kmem_cache_alloc_bulk() test - mm/hmm.c: allow VM_MIXEDMAP to work with hmm_range_fault - lib82596: Fix IRQ check in sni_82596_probe - scripts/dtc: dtx_diff: remove broken example from help text - dt-bindings: watchdog: Require samsung,syscon-phandle for Exynos7 - dt-bindings: display: meson-vpu: Add missing amlogic,canvas property - dt-bindings: display: meson-dw-hdmi: add missing sound-name-prefix property - net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set - net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring - net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in mtk_mac_config() - bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check - net_sched: restore "mpu xxx" handling - net: bonding: fix bond_xmit_broadcast return value error bug - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: drop not documented adreno properties - devlink: Remove misleading internal_flags from health reporter dump - perf probe: Fix ppc64 'perf probe add events failed' case - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Fix at_xdmac_lld struct definition - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Fix lld view setting - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Fix concurrency over xfers_list - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Print debug message after realeasing the lock - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Start transfer for cyclic channels in issue_pending - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Don't start transactions at tx_submit level - perf script: Fix hex dump character output - libcxgb: Don't accidentally set RTO_ONLINK in cxgb_find_route() - gre: Don't accidentally set RTO_ONLINK in gre_fill_metadata_dst() - xfrm: Don't accidentally set RTO_ONLINK in decode_session4() - netns: add schedule point in ops_exit_list() - inet: frags: annotate races around fqdir->dead and fqdir->high_thresh - taskstats: Cleanup the use of task->exit_code - virtio_ring: mark ring unused on error - vdpa/mlx5: Fix wrong configuration of virtio_version_1_0 - rtc: pxa: fix null pointer dereference - HID: vivaldi: fix handling devices not using numbered reports - net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 - net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling - net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check - net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check - net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size - net: axienet: add missing memory barriers - net: axienet: reset core on initialization prior to MDIO access - net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset - net: axienet: increase reset timeout - net/smc: Fix hung_task when removing SMC-R devices - clk: si5341: Fix clock HW provider cleanup - clk: Emit a stern warning with writable debugfs enabled - af_unix: annote lockless accesses to unix_tot_inflight & gc_in_progress - f2fs: fix to reserve space for IO align feature - f2fs: compress: fix potential deadlock of compress file - parisc: pdc_stable: Fix memory leak in pdcs_register_pathentries - net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module - net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885 - ipv4: avoid quadratic behavior in netns dismantle - ipv4: update fib_info_cnt under spinlock protection - perf evsel: Override attr->sample_period for non-libpfm4 events - xdp: check prog type before updating BPF link - bpftool: Remove inclusion of utilities.mak from Makefiles - powerpc/fsl/dts: Enable WA for erratum A-009885 on fman3l MDIO buses - powerpc/cell: Fix clang -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning - Revert "net/mlx5: Add retry mechanism to the command entry index allocation" - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: fix STM32_MDMA_CTBR_TSEL_MASK - RDMA/rxe: Fix a typo in opcode name - dmaengine: uniphier-xdmac: Fix type of address variables - scsi: core: Show SCMD_LAST in text form - Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not setting adv set duration - Documentation: fix firewire.rst ABI file path error - Documentation: refer to config RANDOMIZE_BASE for kernel address-space randomization - Documentation: ACPI: Fix data node reference documentation - Documentation: dmaengine: Correctly describe dmatest with channel unset - media: correct MEDIA_TEST_SUPPORT help text - drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the device is powered with CEC - media: rcar-csi2: Optimize the selection PHTW register - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_tef_obj_read(): fix typo in error message - firmware: Update Kconfig help text for Google firmware - of: base: Improve argument length mismatch error - drm/radeon: fix error handling in radeon_driver_open_kms - ext4: don't use the orphan list when migrating an inode - ext4: destroy ext4_fc_dentry_cachep kmemcache on module removal - ext4: fast commit may miss tracking unwritten range during ftruncate - ext4: use ext4_ext_remove_space() for fast commit replay delete range - ext4: set csum seed in tmp inode while migrating to extents - ext4: fix fast commit may miss tracking range for FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE - ext4: initialize err_blk before calling __ext4_get_inode_loc - ext4: fix a possible ABBA deadlock due to busy PA - ext4: make sure quota gets properly shutdown on error - ext4: make sure to reset inode lockdep class when quota enabling fails - btrfs: respect the max size in the header when activating swap file - btrfs: check the root node for uptodate before returning it - btrfs: fix deadlock between quota enable and other quota operations - xfrm: fix policy lookup for ipv6 gre packets - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Set PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST for PCIe device - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Correctly set PCIe capabilities - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Fix definitions of reserved bits - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Properly mark reserved PCIe bits in PCI config space - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Make expansion ROM Base Address register read-only - PCI: pciehp: Use down_read/write_nested(reset_lock) to fix lockdep errors - PCI: xgene: Fix IB window setup - powerpc/64s/radix: Fix huge vmap false positive - parisc: Fix lpa and lpa_user defines - drm/bridge: analogix_dp: Make PSR-exit block less - drm/nouveau/kms/nv04: use vzalloc for nv04_display - drm/etnaviv: limit submit sizes - device property: Fix fwnode_graph_devcon_match() fwnode leak - s390/mm: fix 2KB pgtable release race - iwlwifi: mvm: Increase the scan timeout guard to 30 seconds - tracing/kprobes: 'nmissed' not showed correctly for kretprobe - cputime, cpuacct: Include guest time in user time in cpuacct.stat - serial: Fix incorrect rs485 polarity on uart open - fuse: Pass correct lend value to filemap_write_and_wait_range() - xen/gntdev: fix unmap notification order - spi: uniphier: Fix a bug that doesn't point to private data correctly - tpm: fix NPE on probe for missing device - ubifs: Error path in ubifs_remount_rw() seems to wrongly free write buffers - crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr - crypto: stm32/crc32 - Fix kernel BUG triggered in probe() - crypto: omap-aes - Fix broken pm_runtime_and_get() usage - rpmsg: core: Clean up resources on announce_create failure. - phy: mediatek: Fix missing check in mtk_mipi_tx_probe - ASoC: mediatek: mt8183: fix device_node leak - ASoC: mediatek: mt8173: fix device_node leak - scsi: sr: Don't use GFP_DMA - MIPS: Octeon: Fix build errors using clang - i2c: designware-pci: Fix to change data types of hcnt and lcnt parameters - irqchip/gic-v4: Disable redistributors' view of the VPE table at boot time - MIPS: OCTEON: add put_device() after of_find_device_by_node() - udf: Fix error handling in udf_new_inode() - powerpc/fadump: Fix inaccurate CPU state info in vmcore generated with panic - powerpc: handle kdump appropriately with crash_kexec_post_notifiers option - selftests/powerpc/spectre_v2: Return skip code when miss_percent is high - powerpc/40x: Map 32Mbytes of memory at startup - MIPS: Loongson64: Use three arguments for slti - ALSA: seq: Set upper limit of processed events - scsi: lpfc: Trigger SLI4 firmware dump before doing driver cleanup - dm: fix alloc_dax error handling in alloc_dev - nvmem: core: set size for sysfs bin file - w1: Misuse of get_user()/put_user() reported by sparse - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Suppress failed alloc warning in H_COPY_TOFROM_GUEST - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Suppress warnings when allocating too big memory slots - powerpc/powermac: Add missing lockdep_register_key() - clk: meson: gxbb: Fix the SDM_EN bit for MPLL0 on GXBB - i2c: mpc: Correct I2C reset procedure - powerpc/smp: Move setup_profiling_timer() under CONFIG_PROFILING - i2c: i801: Don't silently correct invalid transfer size - powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory ordering race - powerpc/btext: add missing of_node_put - powerpc/cell: add missing of_node_put - powerpc/powernv: add missing of_node_put - powerpc/6xx: add missing of_node_put - x86/kbuild: Enable CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL=y in the defconfigs - parisc: Avoid calling faulthandler_disabled() twice - random: do not throw away excess input to crng_fast_load - serial: core: Keep mctrl register state and cached copy in sync - serial: pl010: Drop CR register reset on set_termios - regulator: qcom_smd: Align probe function with rpmh-regulator - net: gemini: allow any RGMII interface mode - net: phy: marvell: configure RGMII delays for 88E1118 - mlxsw: pci: Avoid flow control for EMAD packets - dm space map common: add bounds check to sm_ll_lookup_bitmap() - dm btree: add a defensive bounds check to insert_at() - mac80211: allow non-standard VHT MCS-10/11 - net: mdio: Demote probed message to debug print - btrfs: remove BUG_ON(!eie) in find_parent_nodes - btrfs: remove BUG_ON() in find_parent_nodes() - ACPI: battery: Add the ThinkPad "Not Charging" quirk - amdgpu/pm: Make sysfs pm attributes as read-only for VFs - drm/amdgpu: fixup bad vram size on gmc v8 - ACPICA: Hardware: Do not flush CPU cache when entering S4 and S5 - ACPICA: Fix wrong interpretation of PCC address - ACPICA: Executer: Fix the REFCLASS_REFOF case in acpi_ex_opcode_1A_0T_1R() - ACPICA: Utilities: Avoid deleting the same object twice in a row - ACPICA: actypes.h: Expand the ACPI_ACCESS_ definitions - drm/etnaviv: consider completed fence seqno in hang check - xfrm: rate limit SA mapping change message to user space - Bluetooth: vhci: Set HCI_QUIRK_VALID_LE_STATES - ath11k: Fix napi related hang - um: registers: Rename function names to avoid conflicts and build problems - iwlwifi: pcie: make sure prph_info is set when treating wakeup IRQ - iwlwifi: mvm: Fix calculation of frame length - iwlwifi: remove module loading failure message - iwlwifi: fix leaks/bad data after failed firmware load - PM: AVS: qcom-cpr: Use div64_ul instead of do_div - rtw88: 8822c: update rx settings to prevent potential hw deadlock - ath9k: Fix out-of-bound memcpy in ath9k_hif_usb_rx_stream - usb: hub: Add delay for SuperSpeed hub resume to let links transit to U0 - cpufreq: Fix initialization of min and max frequency QoS requests - PM: runtime: Add safety net to supplier device release - arm64: tegra: Adjust length of CCPLEX cluster MMIO region - arm64: dts: ls1028a-qds: move rtc node to the correct i2c bus - mmc: core: Fixup storing of OCR for MMC_QUIRK_NONSTD_SDIO - media: saa7146: hexium_gemini: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in hexium_attach() - media: igorplugusb: receiver overflow should be reported - HID: quirks: Allow inverting the absolute X/Y values - bpf: Do not WARN in bpf_warn_invalid_xdp_action() - net: bonding: debug: avoid printing debug logs when bond is not notifying peers - x86/mce: Mark mce_read_aux() noinstr - x86/mce: Mark mce_end() noinstr - x86/mce: Mark mce_panic() noinstr - x86/mce: Allow instrumentation during task work queueing - ath11k: Avoid false DEADLOCK warning reported by lockdep - selftests/ftrace: make kprobe profile testcase description unique - gpio: aspeed: Convert aspeed_gpio.lock to raw_spinlock - net: phy: prefer 1000baseT over 1000baseKX - net-sysfs: update the queue counts in the unregistration path - ath10k: Fix tx hanging - ath11k: avoid deadlock by change ieee80211_queue_work for regd_update_work - iwlwifi: mvm: avoid clearing a just saved session protection id - iwlwifi: mvm: synchronize with FW after multicast commands - thunderbolt: Runtime PM activate both ends of the device link - media: m920x: don't use stack on USB reads - media: saa7146: hexium_orion: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in hexium_attach() - media: rcar-vin: Update format alignment constraints - media: uvcvideo: Increase UVC_CTRL_CONTROL_TIMEOUT to 5 seconds. - drm: rcar-du: Fix CRTC timings when CMM is used - x86/mm: Flush global TLB when switching to trampoline page-table - floppy: Add max size check for user space request - usb: uhci: add aspeed ast2600 uhci support - arm64: dts: ti: j7200-main: Fix 'dtbs_check' serdes_ln_ctrl node - ACPI / x86: Add not-present quirk for the PCI0.SDHB.BRC1 device on the GPD win - ACPI / x86: Allow specifying acpi_device_override_status() quirks by path - ACPI: Change acpi_device_always_present() into acpi_device_override_status() - ACPI / x86: Drop PWM2 device on Lenovo Yoga Book from always present table - media: venus: avoid calling core_clk_setrate() concurrently during concurrent video sessions - ath11k: Avoid NULL ptr access during mgmt tx cleanup - rsi: Fix out-of-bounds read in rsi_read_pkt() - rsi: Fix use-after-free in rsi_rx_done_handler() - crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT - HSI: core: Fix return freed object in hsi_new_client - gpiolib: acpi: Do not set the IRQ type if the IRQ is already in use - tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of .shutdown() - drm/bridge: megachips: Ensure both bridges are probed before registration - mlxsw: pci: Add shutdown method in PCI driver - soc: ti: pruss: fix referenced node in error message - drm/amdgpu/display: set vblank_disable_immediate for DC - drm/amd/display: check top_pipe_to_program pointer - ARM: imx: rename DEBUG_IMX21_IMX27_UART to DEBUG_IMX27_UART - EDAC/synopsys: Use the quirk for version instead of ddr version - media: b2c2: Add missing check in flexcop_pci_isr: - HID: apple: Do not reset quirks when the Fn key is not found - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for the Lenovo Yoga Book X91F/L - usb: gadget: f_fs: Use stream_open() for endpoint files - ath11k: Fix crash caused by uninitialized TX ring - media: atomisp: handle errors at sh_css_create_isp_params() - batman-adv: allow netlink usage in unprivileged containers - ARM: shmobile: rcar-gen2: Add missing of_node_put() - media: atomisp-ov2680: Fix ov2680_set_fmt() clobbering the exposure - media: atomisp: set per-device's default mode - media: atomisp: fix try_fmt logic - drm/nouveau/pmu/gm200-: avoid touching PMU outside of DEVINIT/PREOS/ACR - drm/bridge: dw-hdmi: handle ELD when DRM_BRIDGE_ATTACH_NO_CONNECTOR - ar5523: Fix null-ptr-deref with unexpected WDCMSG_TARGET_START reply - selftests/bpf: Fix bpf_object leak in skb_ctx selftest - drm/lima: fix warning when CONFIG_DEBUG_SG=y & CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG=y - fs: dlm: filter user dlm messages for kernel locks - Bluetooth: Fix debugfs entry leak in hci_register_dev() - ARM: dts: omap3-n900: Fix lp5523 for multi color - of: base: Fix phandle argument length mismatch error message - clk: bm1880: remove kfrees on static allocations - ASoC: fsl_asrc: refine the check of available clock divider - RDMA/cxgb4: Set queue pair state when being queried - ASoC: fsl_mqs: fix MODULE_ALIAS - powerpc/xive: Add missing null check after calling kmalloc - mips: bcm63xx: add support for clk_set_parent() - mips: lantiq: add support for clk_set_parent() - arm64: tegra: Remove non existent Tegra194 reset - arm64: tegra: Fix Tegra194 HDA {clock,reset}-names ordering - counter: stm32-lptimer-cnt: remove iio counter abi - misc: lattice-ecp3-config: Fix task hung when firmware load failed - ASoC: samsung: idma: Check of ioremap return value - ASoC: mediatek: Check for error clk pointer - phy: uniphier-usb3ss: fix unintended writing zeros to PHY register - ASoC: Intel: catpt: Test dmaengine_submit() result before moving on - iommu/amd: Restore GA log/tail pointer on host resume - iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() - dmaengine: pxa/mmp: stop referencing config->slave_id - mips: fix Kconfig reference to PHYS_ADDR_T_64BIT - mips: add SYS_HAS_CPU_MIPS64_R5 config for MIPS Release 5 support - clk: stm32: Fix ltdc's clock turn off by clk_disable_unused() after system enter shell - of: unittest: 64 bit dma address test requires arch support - of: unittest: fix warning on PowerPC frame size warning - ASoC: rt5663: Handle device_property_read_u32_array error codes - RDMA/cma: Let cma_resolve_ib_dev() continue search even after empty entry - RDMA/core: Let ib_find_gid() continue search even after empty entry - powerpc/powermac: Add additional missing lockdep_register_key() - PCI/MSI: Fix pci_irq_vector()/pci_irq_get_affinity() - RDMA/qedr: Fix reporting max_{send/recv}_wr attrs - scsi: ufs: Fix race conditions related to driver data - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Fix table descriptor paddr formatting - openrisc: Add clone3 ABI wrapper - binder: fix handling of error during copy - char/mwave: Adjust io port register size - ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous '0' in Presonus Studio 1810c's ID - ALSA: oss: fix compile error when OSS_DEBUG is enabled - clocksource: Avoid accidental unstable marking of clocksources - clocksource: Reduce clocksource-skew threshold - powerpc/32s: Fix shift-out-of-bounds in KASAN init - powerpc/perf: Fix PMU callbacks to clear pending PMI before resetting an overflown PMC - powerpc/irq: Add helper to set regs->softe - powerpc/perf: move perf irq/nmi handling details into traps.c - powerpc/perf: MMCR0 control for PMU registers under PMCC=00 - powerpc/64s: Convert some cpu_setup() and cpu_restore() functions to C - dt-bindings: thermal: Fix definition of cooling-maps contribution property - ASoC: uniphier: drop selecting non-existing SND_SOC_UNIPHIER_AIO_DMA - powerpc/prom_init: Fix improper check of prom_getprop() - clk: imx8mn: Fix imx8mn_clko1_sels - scsi: pm80xx: Update WARN_ON check in pm8001_mpi_build_cmd() - RDMA/bnxt_re: Scan the whole bitmap when checking if "disabling RCFW with pending cmd-bit" - ALSA: hda: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - ALSA: PCM: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - ALSA: jack: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - ext4: avoid trim error on fs with small groups - net: mcs7830: handle usb read errors properly - iwlwifi: mvm: Use div_s64 instead of do_div in iwl_mvm_ftm_rtt_smoothing() - pcmcia: fix setting of kthread task states - can: xilinx_can: xcan_probe(): check for error irq - can: softing: softing_startstop(): fix set but not used variable warning - tpm_tis: Fix an error handling path in 'tpm_tis_core_init()' - tpm: add request_locality before write TPM_INT_ENABLE - can: mcp251xfd: add missing newline to printed strings - regmap: Call regmap_debugfs_exit() prior to _init() - netrom: fix api breakage in nr_setsockopt() - ax25: uninitialized variable in ax25_setsockopt() - spi: spi-meson-spifc: Add missing pm_runtime_disable() in meson_spifc_probe - Bluetooth: L2CAP: uninitialized variables in l2cap_sock_setsockopt() - lib/mpi: Add the return value check of kcalloc() - net/mlx5: Set command entry semaphore up once got index free - Revert "net/mlx5e: Block offload of outer header csum for UDP tunnels" - net/mlx5e: Don't block routes with nexthop objects in SW - net/mlx5e: Fix page DMA map/unmap attributes - debugfs: lockdown: Allow reading debugfs files that are not world readable - HID: hid-uclogic-params: Invalid parameter check in uclogic_params_frame_init_v1_buttonpad - HID: hid-uclogic-params: Invalid parameter check in uclogic_params_huion_init - HID: hid-uclogic-params: Invalid parameter check in uclogic_params_get_str_desc - HID: hid-uclogic-params: Invalid parameter check in uclogic_params_init - usb: dwc3: qcom: Fix NULL vs IS_ERR checking in dwc3_qcom_probe - Bluetooth: hci_qca: Fix NULL vs IS_ERR_OR_NULL check in qca_serdev_probe - Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Check for error irq - fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap - staging: greybus: audio: Check null pointer - rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug - ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() - netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: allocate pcpu scratch maps on clone - bpf: Fix SO_RCVBUF/SO_SNDBUF handling in _bpf_setsockopt(). - bpf: Don't promote bogus looking registers after null check. - netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: fix refcount leak in clusterip_tg_check() - power: reset: mt6397: Check for null res pointer - pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in nonstatic_find_mem_region() - pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in __nonstatic_find_io_region() - ACPI: scan: Create platform device for BCM4752 and LNV4752 ACPI nodes - x86/mce/inject: Avoid out-of-bounds write when setting flags - hwmon: (mr75203) fix wrong power-up delay value - x86/boot/compressed: Move CLANG_FLAGS to beginning of KBUILD_CFLAGS - Bluetooth: hci_qca: Stop IBS timer during BT OFF - software node: fix wrong node passed to find nargs_prop - backlight: qcom-wled: Respect enabled-strings in set_brightness - backlight: qcom-wled: Use cpu_to_le16 macro to perform conversion - backlight: qcom-wled: Override default length with qcom,enabled-strings - backlight: qcom-wled: Fix off-by-one maximum with default num_strings - backlight: qcom-wled: Pass number of elements to read to read_u32_array - backlight: qcom-wled: Validate enabled string indices in DT - bpftool: Enable line buffering for stdout - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix using wrong mode - um: virtio_uml: Fix time-travel external time propagation - um: fix ndelay/udelay defines - selinux: fix potential memleak in selinux_add_opt() - mmc: meson-mx-sdio: add IRQ check - mmc: meson-mx-sdhc: add IRQ check - iwlwifi: mvm: test roc running status bits before removing the sta - iwlwifi: mvm: fix 32-bit build in FTM - ARM: dts: armada-38x: Add generic compatible to UART nodes - arm64: dts: marvell: cn9130: enable CP0 GPIO controllers - arm64: dts: marvell: cn9130: add GPIO and SPI aliases - usb: ftdi-elan: fix memory leak on device disconnect - ARM: 9159/1: decompressor: Avoid UNPREDICTABLE NOP encoding - xfrm: state and policy should fail if XFRMA_IF_ID 0 - xfrm: interface with if_id 0 should return error - media: hantro: Fix probe func error path - drm/tegra: vic: Fix DMA API misuse - drm/bridge: ti-sn65dsi86: Set max register for regmap - drm/msm/dpu: fix safe status debugfs file - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix gpio-ranges property - arm64: dts: qcom: c630: Fix soundcard setup - ath11k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in ath11k_mac_op_hw_scan() - media: coda/imx-vdoa: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes - media: msi001: fix possible null-ptr-deref in msi001_probe() - media: dw2102: Fix use after free - ARM: dts: gemini: NAS4220-B: fis-index-block with 128 KiB sectors - ath11k: Fix deleting uninitialized kernel timer during fragment cache flush - crypto: stm32 - Revert broken pm_runtime_resume_and_get changes - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix bugs and crash in tests - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix lrw chaining mode - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix double pm exit - crypto: stm32/cryp - check early input data - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix xts and race condition in crypto_engine requests - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix CTR counter carry - crypto: stm32 - Fix last sparse warning in stm32_cryp_check_ctr_counter - selftests: harness: avoid false negatives if test has no ASSERTs - selftests: clone3: clone3: add case CLONE3_ARGS_NO_TEST - x86/uaccess: Move variable into switch case statement - xfrm: fix a small bug in xfrm_sa_len() - mwifiex: Fix possible ABBA deadlock - rcu/exp: Mark current CPU as exp-QS in IPI loop second pass - drm/msm/dp: displayPort driver need algorithm rational - sched/rt: Try to restart rt period timer when rt runtime exceeded - Revert "sched/rt: Try to restart rt period timer when rt runtime exceeded" - wireless: iwlwifi: Fix a double free in iwl_txq_dyn_alloc_dma - media: si2157: Fix "warm" tuner state detection - media: saa7146: mxb: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in mxb_attach() - media: dib8000: Fix a memleak in dib8000_init() - bpf: Remove config check to enable bpf support for branch records - bpf: Disallow BPF_LOG_KERNEL log level for bpf(BPF_BTF_LOAD) - bpf: Adjust BTF log size limit. - sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym CPU capacity - sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task - Bluetooth: btmtksdio: fix resume failure - staging: rtl8192e: rtllib_module: fix error handle case in alloc_rtllib() - staging: rtl8192e: return error code from rtllib_softmac_init() - floppy: Fix hang in watchdog when disk is ejected - serial: amba-pl011: do not request memory region twice - tty: serial: uartlite: allow 64 bit address - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: Correct the d-cache-sets info - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e: Fix the L2 cache sets - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: Fix the L2 cache sets - drm/radeon/radeon_kms: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in radeon_driver_open_kms() - drm/amdgpu: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in amdgpu_connector_lcd_native_mode() - thermal/drivers/imx8mm: Enable ADC when enabling monitor - ACPI: EC: Rework flushing of EC work while suspended to idle - cgroup: Trace event cgroup id fields should be u64 - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: fix MMC controller aliases - netfilter: bridge: add support for pppoe filtering - thermal/drivers/imx: Implement runtime PM support - media: venus: core: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'venus_probe()' - media: venus: core: Fix a potential NULL pointer dereference in an error handling path - media: venus: core, venc, vdec: Fix probe dependency error - media: venus: pm_helpers: Control core power domain manually - media: coda: fix CODA960 JPEG encoder buffer overflow - media: mtk-vcodec: call v4l2_m2m_ctx_release first when file is released - media: si470x-i2c: fix possible memory leak in si470x_i2c_probe() - media: imx-pxp: Initialize the spinlock prior to using it - media: rcar-csi2: Correct the selection of hsfreqrange - mfd: atmel-flexcom: Use .resume_noirq - mfd: atmel-flexcom: Remove #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP - tty: serial: atmel: Call dma_async_issue_pending() - tty: serial: atmel: Check return code of dmaengine_submit() - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e: correct cache-sets info - ath11k: Use host CE parameters for CE interrupts configuration - crypto: qat - fix undetected PFVF timeout in ACK loop - crypto: qat - make pfvf send message direction agnostic - crypto: qat - remove unnecessary collision prevention step in PFVF - crypto: qat - fix spelling mistake: "messge" -> "message" - ARM: dts: stm32: fix dtbs_check warning on ili9341 dts binding on stm32f429 disco - mtd: hyperbus: rpc-if: fix bug in rpcif_hb_remove - crypto: qce - fix uaf on qce_skcipher_register_one - crypto: qce - fix uaf on qce_ahash_register_one - media: dmxdev: fix UAF when dvb_register_device() fails - arm64: dts: renesas: cat875: Add rx/tx delays - drm/vboxvideo: fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() check - fs: dlm: fix build with CONFIG_IPV6 disabled - tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() - ath11k: reset RSN/WPA present state for open BSS - ath11k: clear the keys properly via DISABLE_KEY - ath11k: Fix ETSI regd with weather radar overlap - Bluetooth: stop proccessing malicious adv data - memory: renesas-rpc-if: Return error in case devm_ioremap_resource() fails - fs: dlm: don't call kernel_getpeername() in error_report() - fs: dlm: use sk->sk_socket instead of con->sock - arm64: dts: meson-gxbb-wetek: fix missing GPIO binding - arm64: dts: meson-gxbb-wetek: fix HDMI in early boot - arm64: dts: amlogic: Fix SPI NOR flash node name for ODROID N2/N2+ - arm64: dts: amlogic: meson-g12: Fix GPU operating point table node name - media: aspeed: Update signal status immediately to ensure sane hw state - media: em28xx: fix memory leak in em28xx_init_dev - media: aspeed: fix mode-detect always time out at 2nd run - media: atomisp: fix uninitialized bug in gmin_get_pmic_id_and_addr() - media: atomisp: fix enum formats logic - media: atomisp: add NULL check for asd obtained from atomisp_video_pipe - media: staging: media: atomisp: pci: Balance braces around conditional statements in file atomisp_cmd.c - media: atomisp: fix ifdefs in sh_css.c - media: atomisp: fix inverted error check for ia_css_mipi_is_source_port_valid() - media: atomisp: do not use err var when checking port validity for ISP2400 - media: atomisp: fix inverted logic in buffers_needed() - media: atomisp: fix punit_ddr_dvfs_enable() argument for mrfld_power up case - media: atomisp: add missing media_device_cleanup() in atomisp_unregister_entities() - media: videobuf2: Fix the size printk format - mtd: hyperbus: rpc-if: Check return value of rpcif_sw_init() - ath11k: Send PPDU_STATS_CFG with proper pdev mask to firmware - wcn36xx: fix RX BD rate mapping for 5GHz legacy rates - wcn36xx: populate band before determining rate on RX - wcn36xx: Put DXE block into reset before freeing memory - wcn36xx: Release DMA channel descriptor allocations - wcn36xx: Fix DMA channel enable/disable cycle - wcn36xx: Indicate beacon not connection loss on MISSED_BEACON_IND - wcn36xx: ensure pairing of init_scan/finish_scan and start_scan/end_scan - drm/vc4: hdmi: Set a default HSM rate - clk: bcm-2835: Remove rounding up the dividers - clk: bcm-2835: Pick the closest clock rate - Bluetooth: cmtp: fix possible panic when cmtp_init_sockets() fails - drm/rockchip: dsi: Reconfigure hardware on resume() - drm/rockchip: dsi: Disable PLL clock on bind error - drm/rockchip: dsi: Hold pm-runtime across bind/unbind - drm/rockchip: dsi: Fix unbalanced clock on probe error - drm/panel: innolux-p079zca: Delete panel on attach() failure - drm/panel: kingdisplay-kd097d04: Delete panel on attach() failure - drm: fix null-ptr-deref in drm_dev_init_release() - drm/bridge: display-connector: fix an uninitialized pointer in probe() - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix not initializing sk_peer_pid - drm/ttm: Put BO in its memory manager's lru list - shmem: fix a race between shmem_unused_huge_shrink and shmem_evict_inode - mm/page_alloc.c: do not warn allocation failure on zone DMA if no managed pages - dma/pool: create dma atomic pool only if dma zone has managed pages - mm_zone: add function to check if managed dma zone exists - PCI: Add function 1 DMA alias quirk for Marvell 88SE9125 SATA controller - dma_fence_array: Fix PENDING_ERROR leak in dma_fence_array_signaled() - gpu: host1x: Add back arm_iommu_detach_device() - iommu/io-pgtable-arm-v7s: Add error handle for page table allocation failure - lkdtm: Fix content of section containing lkdtm_rodata_do_nothing() - iio: adc: ti-adc081c: Partial revert of removal of ACPI IDs - can: softing_cs: softingcs_probe(): fix memleak on registration failure - media: cec-pin: fix interrupt en/disable handling - media: stk1160: fix control-message timeouts - media: pvrusb2: fix control-message timeouts - media: redrat3: fix control-message timeouts - media: dib0700: fix undefined behavior in tuner shutdown - media: s2255: fix control-message timeouts - media: cpia2: fix control-message timeouts - media: em28xx: fix control-message timeouts - media: mceusb: fix control-message timeouts - media: flexcop-usb: fix control-message timeouts - media: v4l2-ioctl.c: readbuffers depends on V4L2_CAP_READWRITE - rtc: cmos: take rtc_lock while reading from CMOS - tools/nolibc: fix incorrect truncation of exit code - tools/nolibc: i386: fix initial stack alignment - tools/nolibc: x86-64: Fix startup code bug - x86/gpu: Reserve stolen memory for first integrated Intel GPU - mtd: rawnand: davinci: Rewrite function description - mtd: rawnand: davinci: Avoid duplicated page read - mtd: rawnand: davinci: Don't calculate ECC when reading page - mtd: Fixed breaking list in __mtd_del_partition. - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Remove explicit default gpmi clock setting for i.MX6 - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Add ERR007117 protection for nfc_apply_timings - nfc: llcp: fix NULL error pointer dereference on sendmsg() after failed bind() - HID: wacom: Avoid using stale array indicies to read contact count - HID: wacom: Ignore the confidence flag when a touch is removed - HID: wacom: Reset expected and received contact counts at the same time - HID: uhid: Fix worker destroying device without any protection - KVM: VMX: switch blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock to raw spinlock- sysctl: Modify sysctl_overload_detect_period minimum to 100ms - ax25: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in ax25 timers - ax25: fix NPD bug in ax25_disconnect - ax25: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ax25_kill_by_device - ax25: improve the incomplete fix to avoid UAF and NPD bugs - arm64: clear_page() shouldn't use DC ZVA when DCZID_EL0.DZP == 1 - mm: gup: fix potential pgmap refcnt leak in __gup_device_huge() - mtd: phram: Fix error return code in phram_setup()- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value - netfilter: nf_tables: initialize registers in nft_do_chain() - sched: Fix yet more sched_fork() races - USB: gadget: validate interface OS descriptor requests - usb: gadget: don't release an existing dev->buf - usb: gadget: clear related members when goto fail - usb: gadget: rndis: check size of RNDIS_MSG_SET command - locking/csd_lock: Add boot parameter for controlling CSD lock debugging - mm/mempolicy: fix a race between offset_il_node and mpol_rebind_task - PCI: fix kabi change in struct pci_dev - PCI/RCEC: Fix RCiEP device to RCEC association - PCI/AER: Add RCEC AER error injection support - PCI/PME: Add pcie_walk_rcec() to RCEC PME handling - PCI/AER: Add pcie_walk_rcec() to RCEC AER handling - PCI/ERR: Recover from RCiEP AER errors - PCI/ERR: Add pcie_link_rcec() to associate RCiEPs - PCI/ERR: Recover from RCEC AER errors - PCI/ERR: Clear AER status only when we control AER - PCI/ERR: Add pci_walk_bridge() to pcie_do_recovery() - PCI/ERR: Avoid negated conditional for clarity - PCI/ERR: Use "bridge" for clarity in pcie_do_recovery() - PCI/ERR: Simplify by computing pci_pcie_type() once - PCI/ERR: Simplify by using pci_upstream_bridge() - PCI/ERR: Rename reset_link() to reset_subordinates() - PCI/ERR: Cache RCEC EA Capability offset in pci_init_capabilities() - PCI/ERR: Bind RCEC devices to the Root Port driver - PCI/AER: Write AER Capability only when we control it - af_key: add __GFP_ZERO flag for compose_sadb_supported in function pfkey_register- SUNRPC: Ensure we flush any closed sockets before xs_xprt_free() - scsi: hisi_sas: Use autosuspend for the host controller - scsi: libsas: Keep host active while processing events - scsi: hisi_sas: Keep controller active between ISR of phyup and the event being processed - scsi: libsas: Defer works of new phys during suspend - scsi: libsas: Refactor sas_queue_deferred_work() - scsi: libsas: Add flag SAS_HA_RESUMING - scsi: libsas: Resume host while sending SMP I/Os - scsi: hisi_sas: Add more logs for runtime suspend/resume - scsi: libsas: Insert PORTE_BROADCAST_RCVD event for resuming host - scsi: mvsas: Add spin_lock/unlock() to protect asd_sas_port->phy_list - scsi: hisi_sas: Fix some issues related to asd_sas_port->phy_list - scsi: libsas: Add spin_lock/unlock() to protect asd_sas_port->phy_list - scsi: block: pm: Always set request queue runtime active in blk_post_runtime_resume() - scsi: Revert "scsi: hisi_sas: Filter out new PHY up events during suspend" - scsi: libsas: Don't always drain event workqueue for HA resume - scsi: hisi_sas: Wait for phyup in hisi_sas_control_phy() - scsi: hisi_sas: Initialise devices in .slave_alloc callback - can: ems_usb: ems_usb_start_xmit(): fix double dev_kfree_skb() in error path - drivers: hamradio: 6pack: fix UAF bug caused by mod_timer() - hamradio: remove needs_free_netdev to avoid UAF - hamradio: defer 6pack kfree after unregister_netdev - mm: page_counter: mitigate consequences of a page_counter underflow - nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add() - io_uring: don't keep looping for more events if we can't flush overflow - hugetlbfs: fix a truncation issue in hugepages parameter - spi: hisi-kunpeng: Fix the debugfs directory name incorrect - spi: hisi-kunpeng: Add debugfs support - xen/netfront: react properly to failing gnttab_end_foreign_access_ref() - xen/gnttab: fix gnttab_end_foreign_access() without page specified - xen/pvcalls: use alloc/free_pages_exact() - xen/9p: use alloc/free_pages_exact() - xen: remove gnttab_query_foreign_access() - xen/gntalloc: don't use gnttab_query_foreign_access() - xen/scsifront: don't use gnttab_query_foreign_access() for mapped status - xen/netfront: don't use gnttab_query_foreign_access() for mapped status - xen/blkfront: don't use gnttab_query_foreign_access() for mapped status - xen/grant-table: add gnttab_try_end_foreign_access() - xen/xenbus: don't let xenbus_grant_ring() remove grants in error case - net: sched: fix use-after-free in tc_new_tfilter() - mtd: fixup CFI on ixp4xx - powerpc/pseries: Get entry and uaccess flush required bits from H_GET_CPU_CHARACTERISTICS - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order quirk entries for Lenovo - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Legion Y9000X 2020 - ALSA: hda: ALC287: Add Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 9i 14ITL5 speaker quirk - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master after reboot from Windows - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add speaker fixup for some Yoga 15ITL5 devices - KVM: x86: remove PMU FIXED_CTR3 from msrs_to_save_all - firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: fix kobject leak in probe error path - firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: fix NULL-pointer deref on duplicate entries - firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: fix sysfs information leak - rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Fix WARNING when calling local_irq_restore() with interrupts enabled - media: uvcvideo: fix division by zero at stream start - video: vga16fb: Only probe for EGA and VGA 16 color graphic cards - 9p: only copy valid iattrs in 9P2000.L setattr implementation - KVM: s390: Clarify SIGP orders versus STOP/RESTART - KVM: x86: Register Processor Trace interrupt hook iff PT enabled in guest - perf: Protect perf_guest_cbs with RCU - remoteproc: qcom: pil_info: Don't memcpy_toio more than is provided - orangefs: Fix the size of a memory allocation in orangefs_bufmap_alloc() - devtmpfs regression fix: reconfigure on each mount - kbuild: Add $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) to 'has_libelf' test - staging: greybus: fix stack size warning with UBSAN - drm/i915: Avoid bitwise vs logical OR warning in snb_wm_latency_quirk() - staging: wlan-ng: Avoid bitwise vs logical OR warning in hfa384x_usb_throttlefn() - media: Revert "media: uvcvideo: Set unique vdev name based in type" - random: fix crash on multiple early calls to add_bootloader_randomness() - random: fix data race on crng init time - random: fix data race on crng_node_pool - can: gs_usb: gs_can_start_xmit(): zero-initialize hf->{flags,reserved} - can: isotp: convert struct tpcon::{idx,len} to unsigned int - can: gs_usb: fix use of uninitialized variable, detach device on reception of invalid USB data - mfd: intel-lpss: Fix too early PM enablement in the ACPI ->probe() - veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit - mmc: sdhci-pci: Add PCI ID for Intel ADL - ath11k: Fix buffer overflow when scanning with extraie - USB: Fix "slab-out-of-bounds Write" bug in usb_hcd_poll_rh_status - USB: core: Fix bug in resuming hub's handling of wakeup requests - ARM: dts: exynos: Fix BCM4330 Bluetooth reset polarity in I9100 - Bluetooth: bfusb: fix division by zero in send path - Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for Foxconn QCA 0xe0d0 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for Foxconn MT7922A - Bluetooth: btusb: Add two more Bluetooth parts for WCN6855 - Bluetooth: btusb: fix memory leak in btusb_mtk_submit_wmt_recv_urb() - workqueue: Fix unbind_workers() VS wq_worker_running() race- Add java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel BuildRequires for kernel.spec - Compress modules to xz format in kernel.spec, which reduces disk consumption - kabichk: do kabi check only for 4K page_size- USB: gadget: validate endpoint index for xilinx udc - sr9700: sanity check for packet length - Reinstate some of "swiotlb: rework "fix info leak with DMA_FROM_DEVICE"" - swiotlb: fix info leak with DMA_FROM_DEVICE- sched/fair: Add qos_throttle_list node in struct cfs_rq - ARM: 9142/1: kasan: work around LPAE build warning - mm: kfence: fix missing objcg housekeeping for SLAB - cgroup: Export cgroup.kill from cgroupv2 to cgroupv1 - cgroup: introduce cgroup.kill - memcg: Fix inconsistent oom event behavior for OOM_MEMCG_KILL - memcg: Export and from cgroupv2 to cgroupv1 - net: hns3: fix phy can not link up when autoneg off and reset - net: hns3: add NULL pointer check for hns3_set/get_ringparam() - net: hns3: add netdev reset check for hns3_set_tunable() - net: hns3: clean residual vf config after disable sriov - net: hns3: add max order judgement for tx spare buffer - net: hns3: fix ethtool tx copybreak buf size indicating not aligned issue - net: hns3: refine the process when PF set VF VLAN - net: hns3: add vlan list lock to protect vlan list - net: hns3: fix port base vlan add fail when concurrent with reset - net: hns3: fix bug when PF set the duplicate MAC address for VFs - net: hns3: handle empty unknown interrupt for VF - net: hns3: fix race condition in debugfs - arm64: cpu_park: Move into stand-alone file - arm64: quick_kexec: Move to stand-alone file - jffs2: fix NULL pointer dereference in jffs2_scan_medium - rseq, ptrace: Add PTRACE_GET_RSEQ_CONFIGURATION request - config: enable CONFIG_MEMCG_MEMFS_INFO by default - mm/memcg_memfs_info: show files that having pages charged in mem_cgroup - share_pool: don't trace the invalid spa address - mm: share_pool: adjust sp_alloc behavior when coredump - mm: share_pool: adjust sp_make_share_k2u behavior when coredump- net/spnic: Remove spnic driver. - SCSI: spfc: remove SPFC driver- block-map: add __GFP_ZERO flag for alloc_page in function bio_copy_kern - net: snmp: inline snmp_get_cpu_field()- Revert "Compress modules to xz format in kernel.spec, which reduces disk consumption" - esp: Fix possible buffer overflow in ESP transformation - sock: remove one redundant SKB_FRAG_PAGE_ORDER macro - kabi: only reserve flags on X86_64 and ARM64 - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: only compile PG_pool on X86_64 and ARM64- kabi: fix kabi broken in struct fuse_args - fuse: fix pipe buffer lifetime for direct_io- vfs: fs_context: fix up param length parsing in legacy_parse_param - NFS: LOOKUP_DIRECTORY is also ok with symlinks - blk-mq: fix potential uaf for 'queue_hw_ctx' - blk-mq: add exception handling when srcu->sda alloc failed- mm/dynamic_hugetlb: initialize subpages before merging - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: set/clear HPageFreed - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: only support to merge 2M dynamicly - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: hold the lock until pages back to hugetlb - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: use mem_cgroup_force_empty to reclaim pages - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: check page using check_new_page - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: use pfn to traverse subpages - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: improve the initialization of huge pages - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: check free_pages_prepares when split pages- Compress modules to xz format in kernel.spec, which reduces disk consumption.- irqchip/gic-phytium-2500: Fix issue that interrupts are concentrated in one cpu- scsi: ses: Fix crash caused by kfree an invalid pointer - ovl: fix incorrect extent info in metacopy case - perf sched: Cast PTHREAD_STACK_MIN to int as it may turn into sysconf(__SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN_VALUE)- arm/arm64: paravirt: Remove GPL from pv_ops export- ima: bugfix for digest lists importing - net/hinic: Fix call trace when the rx_buff module parameter is grater than 2 - net/hinic: Fix null pointer dereference in hinic_physical_port_id- net/hinic: Fix double free issue- src-openEuler: add with_64kb to control 64KB page size - scsi: spfc: Remove redundant mask and spinlock - xfs: order CIL checkpoint start records - xfs: attach iclog callbacks in xlog_cil_set_ctx_write_state() - xfs: factor out log write ordering from xlog_cil_push_work() - xfs: pass a CIL context to xlog_write() - xfs: fix the forward progress assertion in xfs_iwalk_run_callbacks - xfs: move xlog_commit_record to xfs_log_cil.c - xfs: log head and tail aren't reliable during shutdown - xfs: don't run shutdown callbacks on active iclogs - xfs: separate out log shutdown callback processing - xfs: rework xlog_state_do_callback() - xfs: make forced shutdown processing atomic - xfs: convert log flags to an operational state field - xfs: move recovery needed state updates to xfs_log_mount_finish - xfs: XLOG_STATE_IOERROR must die - xfs: convert XLOG_FORCED_SHUTDOWN() to xlog_is_shutdown() - Revert "nfs: ensure correct writeback errors are returned on close()" - fuse: support SB_NOSEC flag to improve write performance - fuse: add a flag FUSE_OPEN_KILL_SUIDGID for open() request - fuse: don't send ATTR_MODE to kill suid/sgid for handle_killpriv_v2 - fuse: setattr should set FATTR_KILL_SUIDGID - fuse: set FUSE_WRITE_KILL_SUIDGID in cached write path - fuse: rename FUSE_WRITE_KILL_PRIV to FUSE_WRITE_KILL_SUIDGID - fuse: introduce the notion of FUSE_HANDLE_KILLPRIV_V2 - xfs: remove dead stale buf unpin handling code - xfs: hold buffer across unpin and potential shutdown processing - xfs: fix an ABBA deadlock in xfs_rename - Revert "efi/libstub: arm64: Relax 2M alignment again for relocatable kernels" - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix memset during queues clearing - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify device status check parameter - crypto: hisilicon/qm - remove redundant cache writeback - crypto: hisilicon/qm - disable queue when 'CQ' error - crypto: hisilicon/qm - reset function if event queue overflows - crypto: hisilicon/qm - use request_threaded_irq instead - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the handling method after abnormal interruption - crypto: hisilicon/qm - code movement - crypto: hisilicon/qm - remove unnecessary device memory reset - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix deadlock for remove driver - crypto: hisilicon/sec - add some comments for soft fallback - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for engine- blk-throttle: Set BIO_THROTTLED when bio has been throttled - bpf, selftests: Add ringbuf memory type confusion test - bpf/selftests: Test bpf_d_path on rdonly_mem. - bpf, selftests: Add various ringbuf tests with invalid offset - selftests/bpf: Add verifier test for PTR_TO_MEM spill - bpf: Fix ringbuf memory type confusion when passing to helpers - bpf: Fix out of bounds access for ringbuf helpers - bpf: Generally fix helper register offset check - bpf: Mark PTR_TO_FUNC register initially with zero offset - bpf: Generalize check_ctx_reg for reuse with other types - bpf/selftests: Test PTR_TO_RDONLY_MEM - bpf: Add MEM_RDONLY for helper args that are pointers to rdonly mem. - bpf: Make per_cpu_ptr return rdonly PTR_TO_MEM. - bpf: Convert PTR_TO_MEM_OR_NULL to composable types. - bpf: Introduce MEM_RDONLY flag - bpf: Replace PTR_TO_XXX_OR_NULL with PTR_TO_XXX | PTR_MAYBE_NULL - bpf: Replace RET_XXX_OR_NULL with RET_XXX | PTR_MAYBE_NULL - bpf: Replace ARG_XXX_OR_NULL with ARG_XXX | PTR_MAYBE_NULL - bpf: Introduce composable reg, ret and arg types. - bpf: Fix out of bounds access from invalid *_or_null type verification - blk-mq: decrease pending_queues when it expires - blk-mq: add debugfs to print information for blk_mq_tag_set - blk-mq: allow hardware queue to get more tag while sharing a tag set - bfq: fix use-after-free in bfq_dispatch_request - livepatch/core: Validate function old_name before 'klp_init_object_loaded' - arm64: config: enable CONFIG_ARM64_UCE_KERNEL_RECOVERY - arm64: ras: copy_from_user scenario support uce kernel recovery - efi: Fix efi_find_mirror redefine in x86 - sched: Fix sleeping in atomic context at cpu_qos_write() - vfio/iommu_type1: Fix the logic of updating num_non_hwdbm_domains - iommu: Stop tracking the dirty log status of iommu_domain - iommu/smmuv3: Remove the S1 mapping restriction of dirty log - timekeeping: Avoiding false sharing in field access of tk_core - config: close CONFIG_ARM64_ILP32 - arm64: replace is_compat_task() with is_ilp32_compat_task() in TASK_SIZE_MAX - arch_topology: Fix missing clear cluster_cpumask in remove_cpu_topology() - kabi: fix split error of kABI reference checking tool - ipv6: blackhole_netdev needs snmp6 counters - net: avoid quadratic behavior in netdev_wait_allrefs_any() - net: allow out-of-order netdev unregistration - net: transition netdev reg state earlier in run_todo - ipv6: give an IPv6 dev to blackhole_netdev - configs: disable CONFIG_RODATA_FULL_DEFAULT_ENABLED - dm rq: don't queue request to blk-mq during DM suspend - rcu/nocb: Fix missed nocb_timer requeue - dm: fix mempool NULL pointer race when completing IO - blk-mq: Improve performance of non-mq IO schedulers with multiple HW queues - Revert "blk-mq, elevator: Count requests per hctx to improve performance"- lib/iov_iter: initialize "flags" in new pipe_buffer- sched: enable CONFIG_QOS_SCHED on arm64 - sched/qos: Remove dependency CONFIG_x86- ubifs: rename_whiteout: correct old_dir size computing - configs: update the defconfigs to support 9P - Revert "dm space maps: don't reset space map allocation cursor when committing" - drivers: hooks: add bonding driver vendor hooks - etmem: etmem scan module Replace WARN_ONCE() with debug_printk for "nothing read" - netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action array size- f2fs: fix to do sanity check in is_alive() - f2fs: fix to avoid panic in is_alive() if metadata is inconsistent - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on inode type during garbage collection - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Fix attach device failed when smmuv3 supports HTTU - configs: enable CONFIG_INTEL_IDXD - ext4: convert DIV_ROUND_UP to DIV_ROUND_UP_ULL- bonding: force carrier update when releasing slave - ext4: fix underflow in ext4_max_bitmap_size() - dm: make sure dm_table is binded before queue request - tty/amba-pl011: Call acpi_put_table() to fix memory leak - config: enable MEMORY_RELIABLE by default - mm: add support for page cache use reliable memory - shmem: Introduce shmem reliable - mm: Reserve field in mm_struct for memory reliable - mm: Introduce reliable flag for user task - meminfo: Show reliable memory info - mm: Introduce memory reliable - efi: Disable mirror feature if kernelcore is not specified - mm: Demote warning message in vmemmap_verify() to debug level - mm: Ratelimited mirrored memory related warning messages - efi: Find mirrored memory ranges for arm64 - efi: Make efi_find_mirror() public - arm64: efi: Add fake memory support - efi: Make efi_print_memmap() public- arm64: openeuler_defconfig: Enable config for ultrasoc driver - drivers/coresight: Add Ultrasoc System Memory Buffer driver - coresight: etm4x: Modify core-commit to avoid HiSilicon ETM overflow - RAS: Report ARM processor information to userspace - configs: enable CONFIG_NTB_INTEL - udf: Restore i_lenAlloc when inode expansion fails - udf: Fix NULL ptr deref when converting from inline format - rcu: Do not report strict GPs for outgoing CPUs - rcu-tasks: Make ksoftirqd provide RCU Tasks quiescent states - entry: Explicitly flush pending rcuog wakeup before last rescheduling point - rcu/nocb: Trigger self-IPI on late deferred wake up before user resume - irq_work: Cleanup - powerpc/process, kasan: Silence KASAN warnings in __get_wchan() - net/spnic: Reduce the timeout of the channel between driver and firmware - net/spnic: Fix an error when netdev failed to link up - net/spnic: Fix xor checksum error when sending a non 4B-aligned message to firmware - net/spnic: Fix ethtool loopback command failure - net/spnic: Fix array bounds error in ethtool get_link_ksettings - x86/tsc: Make cur->adjusted values in package#1 to be the same - ata: Add support for PxSCT.LPM set based on actual LPM capability - ata: Add support for disabling PhyRdy Change Interrupt based on actual LPM capability - ahci: Fix some bugs like plugin support and sata link stability when user enable ahci RTD3 - EHCI: Clear wakeup signal locked in S0 state when device plug in - XHCI: Fix some device identify fail when enable xHCI runtime suspend - rtc: Fix set RTC time delay 500ms on some Zhaoxin SOCs- yam: fix a memory leak in yam_siocdevprivate() - Phytium/S2500: kdump: Avoid vmcore saving failure across multi-socket - irqchip/irq-gic-phytium-2500: Add support for kdump - ipmi_si: Phytium S2500 workaround for MMIO-based IPMI - iommu: support phytium ft2000plus and S2500 iommu function - sw64: vfio: select VFIO_IOMMU_TYPE1 as default - sw64: tty: add serial driver for sw64 - sw64: spi: add driver for SPI controller - sw64: add hypervisor based RTC on SW64 systems - sw64: kgdb: add support for sw64 - sw64: LPC: add driver for LPC controller - sw64: iommu: fix a bug in calling 'alloc_pages_node' - sw64: iommu: add iommu driver for sw64 - sw64: gpu/drm: fix kernel crash caused by drm driver - sw64: radeon: correct low-level mmio memset direct calls - sw64: gpu/drm: solve driver load cause kernel crash - amdgpu: enable KFD on SW64 systems - sw64: megaraid: fix kernel panic caused by accessing an illegal address - sw64: i2c: add i2c driver based designware for sw64 - sw64: efi: add SMBIOS/DMI and EFI runtime driver codes - sw64: gpio: add sunway builtin gpio driver - sw64: acpi: add initial acpi infrastructure support - sw64: add perf userspace tool support for sw64 - tools uapi: fix sw64 support - sw64: kvm: add definitions for kvm - sw64: moduleparam: fix sw64 compile failure - sw64: kdump/kexec: add KEXEC_ARCH_SW_64 definition - sw64: add AUDIT_ARCH_SW64 definition - sw64: ftrace: add sw64 support to recordmcount - sw64: add sw_64 support to buildtar, mkdebian and builddeb - sw64: add basic support for sw64 - mm/pin_mem: add invalid check for pinmemory boot parameter - livepatch/x86: Fix incorrect use of 'strncpy' - livepatch: Fix issues in klp_mem_{prepare,recycle} - livepatch: Introduce 'arch_klp_save_old_code' - livepatch: Reduce duplicated arch_klp_mem_{prepare,recycle} - livepatch: Move 'klp_func_list' related codes out of 'arch' - livepatch: Introduce 'struct arch_klp_data' - livepatch/arm64: Uniform 'old_func' field in struct klp_func_node - tpm_tis_spi: set default probe function if device id not match - deconfig: intel ice-lake missing config enable - selftests/sgx: Fix Q1 and Q2 calculation in sigstruct.c - selftests/sgx: remove checks for file execute permissions - selftests/sgx: Refine the test enclave to have storage - selftests/sgx: Add EXPECT_EEXIT() macro - selftests/sgx: Dump enclave memory map - selftests/sgx: Migrate to kselftest harness - selftests/sgx: Rename 'eenter' and 'sgx_call_vdso' - x86/sgx: Expose SGX architectural definitions to the kernel - selftests/sgx: Use getauxval() to simplify test code - selftests/sgx: Improve error detection and messages - selftests/sgx: Use a statically generated 3072-bit RSA key - x86/sgx: Remove unnecessary kmap() from sgx_ioc_enclave_init() - x86/sgx: Add a basic NUMA allocation scheme to sgx_alloc_epc_page() - x86/sgx: Replace section->init_laundry_list with sgx_dirty_page_list - x86/sgx: Maintain encl->refcount for each encl->mm_list entry - x86/sgx: Drop racy follow_pfn() check - x86/sgx: Fix the return type of sgx_init() - x86/sgx: Return -EINVAL on a zero length buffer in sgx_ioc_enclave_add_pages() - x86/sgx: Fix sgx_ioc_enclave_provision() kernel-doc - x86/sgx: Return -ERESTARTSYS in sgx_ioc_enclave_add_pages() - x86/sgx: Clarify 'laundry_list' locking - x86/sgx: Update MAINTAINERS - Documentation/x86: Document SGX kernel architecture - x86/sgx: Add ptrace() support for the SGX driver - x86/sgx: Add a page reclaimer - selftests/x86: Add a selftest for SGX - x86/vdso: Implement a vDSO for Intel SGX enclave call - x86/traps: Attempt to fixup exceptions in vDSO before signaling - x86/fault: Add a helper function to sanitize error code - x86/vdso: Add support for exception fixup in vDSO functions - x86/sgx: Add SGX_IOC_ENCLAVE_PROVISION - x86/sgx: Add SGX_IOC_ENCLAVE_INIT - x86/sgx: Add SGX_IOC_ENCLAVE_ADD_PAGES - x86/sgx: Add SGX_IOC_ENCLAVE_CREATE - x86/sgx: Add an SGX misc driver interface - mm: Add 'mprotect' hook to struct vm_operations_struct - x86/sgx: Add SGX page allocator functions - x86/cpu/intel: Add a nosgx kernel parameter - x86/cpu/intel: Detect SGX support - x86/sgx: Initialize metadata for Enclave Page Cache (EPC) sections - x86/{cpufeatures,msr}: Add Intel SGX Launch Control hardware bits - x86/cpufeatures: Add Intel SGX hardware bits - x86/sgx: Add wrappers for ENCLS functions - x86/sgx: Add SGX architectural data structures - configfs: fix a race in configfs_{,un}register_subsystem() - fs/dirty_pages: fix wrong lock for inode list in super_block - ACPI: irq: Prevent unregistering of GIC SGIs - PM: ACPI: Refresh wakeup device power configuration every time - ACPICA: Interpreter: fix memory leak by using existing buffer- configs: enable CONFIG_INTEGRITY_PLATFORM_KEYRING and CONFIG_LOAD_UEFI_KEYS - tipc: improve size validations for received domain records - cgroup-v1: Require capabilities to set release_agent - NFSv4: nfs_atomic_open() can race when looking up a non-regular file - NFSv4: Handle case where the lookup of a directory fails - cgroup/cpuset: Fix a race between cpuset_attach() and cpu hotplug - block: update io_ticks when io hang - livepatch: Fix missing unlock on error in klp_enable_patch() - livepatch: Fix kobject refcount bug on klp_init_patch_early failure path- kabi: cleanup config entries of kabi - kabi: fix build error when CONFIG_KABI_RESERVE=n - kabi:crypto: reserve space for RSASSA-PSS style certificates - mm/page_alloc: use accumulated load when building node fallback list - mm/page_alloc: print node fallback order - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: Enable Kunpeng related configs- rcu: Make TASKS_TRACE_RCU select IRQ_WORK - x86/kdump: make crash kernel boot faster - mm, hwpoison: fix condition in free hugetlb page path - x509: Detect sm2 keys by their parameters OID - mm/page_alloc.c: fix 'zone_id' may be used uninitialized in this function warning - sysctl: returns -EINVAL when a negative value is passed to proc_doulongvec_minmax - arm64: fix address limit problem with TASK_SIZE_MAX - arm64: mark __system_matches_cap as __maybe_unused - arm64: Avoid premature usercopy failure - arm64: uaccess: remove vestigal UAO support - arm64: uaccess: remove redundant PAN toggling - arm64: uaccess: remove addr_limit_user_check() - arm64: uaccess: remove set_fs() - arm64: uaccess cleanup macro naming - arm64: uaccess: split user/kernel routines - arm64: uaccess: refactor __{get,put}_user - arm64: uaccess: simplify __copy_user_flushcache() - arm64: uaccess: rename privileged uaccess routines - arm64: sdei: explicitly simulate PAN/UAO entry - arm64: sdei: move uaccess logic to arch/arm64/ - Revert "arm64: fix current_thread_info()->addr_limit setup" - Revert "arm64: fix USER_DS definition problem in non-compat mode" - Revert "arm64: Avoid premature usercopy failure" - arm64: alternatives: Move length validation in alternative_{insn, endif} - arm64: alternatives: Split up alternative.h - arm64: uaccess: move uao_* alternatives to asm-uaccess.h - Revert "arm64: alternatives: Move length validation in alternative_{insn, endif}" - arm64: add C wrappers for SET_PSTATE_*() - arm64: ensure ERET from kthread is illegal- livepatch/core: Fix where module get and put in different macro - livepatch/core: Remove redundant klp_free_objects_mod_limited - livepatch/core: Fix reference count issues - arm64/mpam: realign step entry when traversing rmid_transform - dt-bindings: mpam: refactor device tree node structure - arm64/mpam: refactor device tree structure to support multiple devices - arm64/mpam: fix __mpam_device_create() section mismatch error - block, bfq: don't move oom_bfqq - fget: clarify and improve __fget_files() implementation - KABI: add reserve space for thread_info struct - kabi: Reserve syscall entries for kabi compatibility - perf tools: Update powerpc's syscall.tbl copy from the kernel sources- kabi: reserve space for arm64 SME in thread_struct - KABI: KABI reservation for IMA namespace - kabi: Reserve space for struct acpi_device_power - kabi:fuse: reserve space for future expansion - kabi: net: reserve space for some net subsystems related structure - KABI: reserve space for struct input_dev - KABI: reserve space for several i2c structures - KABI: add reserve space for sched structures - sched: move CPU field back into thread_info if THREAD_INFO_IN_TASK=y - powerpc: add CPU field to struct thread_info - s390: add CPU field to struct thread_info - x86: add CPU field to struct thread_info - arm64: add CPU field to struct thread_info - powerpc: smp: remove hack to obtain offset of task_struct::cpu - riscv: rely on core code to keep thread_info::cpu updated - Input: zinitix - make sure the IRQ is allocated before it gets enabled - ARM: dts: gpio-ranges property is now required - ipv6: raw: check passed optlen before reading - drm/amd/display: Added power down for DCN10 - mISDN: change function names to avoid conflicts - atlantic: Fix buff_ring OOB in aq_ring_rx_clean - net: udp: fix alignment problem in udp4_seq_show() - ip6_vti: initialize __ip6_tnl_parm struct in vti6_siocdevprivate - scsi: libiscsi: Fix UAF in iscsi_conn_get_param()/iscsi_conn_teardown() - usb: mtu3: fix interval value for intr and isoc - ipv6: Do cleanup if attribute validation fails in multipath route - ipv6: Continue processing multipath route even if gateway attribute is invalid - power: bq25890: Enable continuous conversion for ADC at charging - rndis_host: support Hytera digital radios - power: reset: ltc2952: Fix use of floating point literals - power: supply: core: Break capacity loop - net: ena: Fix error handling when calculating max IO queues number - net: ena: Fix undefined state when tx request id is out of bounds - sch_qfq: prevent shift-out-of-bounds in qfq_init_qdisc - batman-adv: mcast: don't send link-local multicast to mcast routers - lwtunnel: Validate RTA_ENCAP_TYPE attribute length - ipv6: Check attribute length for RTA_GATEWAY when deleting multipath route - ipv6: Check attribute length for RTA_GATEWAY in multipath route - ipv4: Check attribute length for RTA_FLOW in multipath route - ipv4: Check attribute length for RTA_GATEWAY in multipath route - ftrace/samples: Add missing prototypes direct functions - i40e: Fix incorrect netdev's real number of RX/TX queues - i40e: Fix for displaying message regarding NVM version - i40e: fix use-after-free in i40e_sync_filters_subtask() - sfc: The RX page_ring is optional - mac80211: initialize variable have_higher_than_11mbit - RDMA/uverbs: Check for null return of kmalloc_array - netrom: fix copying in user data in nr_setsockopt - RDMA/core: Don't infoleak GRH fields - iavf: Fix limit of total number of queues to active queues of VF - i40e: Fix to not show opcode msg on unsuccessful VF MAC change - ieee802154: atusb: fix uninit value in atusb_set_extended_addr - tracing: Tag trace_percpu_buffer as a percpu pointer - tracing: Fix check for trace_percpu_buffer validity in get_trace_buf() - selftests: x86: fix [-Wstringop-overread] warn in test_process_vm_readv() - f2fs: quota: fix potential deadlock - bpf: Add kconfig knob for disabling unpriv bpf by default - perf script: Fix CPU filtering of a script's switch events - net: fix use-after-free in tw_timer_handler - Input: spaceball - fix parsing of movement data packets - Input: appletouch - initialize work before device registration - scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Set residual data length conditionally - binder: fix async_free_space accounting for empty parcels - usb: mtu3: set interval of FS intr and isoc endpoint - usb: mtu3: fix list_head check warning - usb: mtu3: add memory barrier before set GPD's HWO - usb: gadget: f_fs: Clear ffs_eventfd in ffs_data_clear. - xhci: Fresco FL1100 controller should not have BROKEN_MSI quirk set. - drm/amdgpu: add support for IP discovery gc_info table v2 - drm/amdgpu: When the VCN(1.0) block is suspended, powergating is explicitly enabled - uapi: fix linux/nfc.h userspace compilation errors - nfc: uapi: use kernel size_t to fix user-space builds - i2c: validate user data in compat ioctl - fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe - net/ncsi: check for error return from call to nla_put_u32 - selftests/net: udpgso_bench_tx: fix dst ip argument - net/mlx5e: Fix wrong features assignment in case of error - ionic: Initialize the 'lif->dbid_inuse' bitmap - igc: Fix TX timestamp support for non-MSI-X platforms - net/smc: fix kernel panic caused by race of smc_sock - net/smc: don't send CDC/LLC message if link not ready - net/smc: improved fix wait on already cleared link - NFC: st21nfca: Fix memory leak in device probe and remove - net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes - net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths - net: usb: pegasus: Do not drop long Ethernet frames - net/smc: fix using of uninitialized completions - sctp: use call_rcu to free endpoint - selftests: Calculate udpgso segment count without header adjustment - udp: using datalen to cap ipv6 udp max gso segments - net/mlx5e: Fix ICOSQ recovery flow for XSK - net/mlx5e: Wrap the tx reporter dump callback to extract the sq - net/mlx5: DR, Fix NULL vs IS_ERR checking in dr_domain_init_resources - scsi: lpfc: Terminate string in lpfc_debugfs_nvmeio_trc_write() - selinux: initialize proto variable in selinux_ip_postroute_compat() - fix typo in s390 mcount regex - memblock: fix memblock_phys_alloc() section mismatch error - platform/x86: apple-gmux: use resource_size() with res - parisc: Clear stale IIR value on instruction access rights trap - tomoyo: use hwight16() in tomoyo_domain_quota_is_ok() - tomoyo: Check exceeded quota early in tomoyo_domain_quota_is_ok(). - Input: i8042 - enable deferred probe quirk for ASUS UM325UA - Input: i8042 - add deferred probe support - fs/ntfs3: Add ntfs3 module in openeuler_defconfig - fs/ntfs3: Add NTFS3 in fs/Kconfig and fs/Makefile - fs/ntfs3: Fix the issue from backport 5.15 to 5.10 - fs/ntfs3: Add MAINTAINERS - fs/ntfs3: Check for NULL pointers in ni_try_remove_attr_list - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ntfs_read_mft - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ni_parse_reparse - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ntfs_create_inode - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ntfs_readlink_hlp - fs/ntfs3: Rework ntfs_utf16_to_nls - fs/ntfs3: Fix memory leak if fill_super failed - fs/ntfs3: Keep prealloc for all types of files - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecessary functions - fs/ntfs3: Forbid FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE for normal files - fs/ntfs3: Refactoring of ntfs_set_ea - fs/ntfs3: Remove locked argument in ntfs_set_ea - fs/ntfs3: Use available posix_acl_release instead of ntfs_posix_acl_release - fs/ntfs3: Check for NULL if ATTR_EA_INFO is incorrect - fs/ntfs3: Refactoring of ntfs_init_from_boot - fs/ntfs3: Reject mount if boot's cluster size < media sector size - fs/ntfs3: Refactoring lock in ntfs_init_acl - fs/ntfs3: Change posix_acl_equiv_mode to posix_acl_update_mode - fs/ntfs3: Pass flags to ntfs_set_ea in ntfs_set_acl_ex - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ntfs_get_acl_ex for better readability - fs/ntfs3: Move ni_lock_dir and ni_unlock into ntfs_create_inode - fs/ntfs3: Fix logical error in ntfs_create_inode - fs/ntfs3: Remove deprecated mount options nls - fs/ntfs3: Remove a useless shadowing variable - fs/ntfs3: Remove a useless test in 'indx_find()' - fs/ntfs3: Add sync flag to ntfs_sb_write_run and al_update - fs/ntfs3: Change max hardlinks limit to 4000 - fs/ntfs3: Fix insertion of attr in ni_ins_attr_ext - fs/ntfs3: Fix a memory leak on object opts - Doc/fs/ntfs3: Fix rst format and make it cleaner - fs/ntfs3: Initiliaze sb blocksize only in one place + refactor - fs/ntfs3: Initialize pointer before use place in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove tmp pointer upcase in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove tmp pointer bd_inode in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove tmp var is_ro in ntfs_fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Use sb instead of sbi->sb in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecessary variable loading in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Return straight without goto in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove impossible fault condition in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Change EINVAL to ENOMEM when d_make_root fails - fs/ntfs3: Fix wrong error message $Logfile -> $UpCase - fs/ntfs3: Use min/max macros instated of ternary operators - fs/ntfs3: Use clamp/max macros instead of comparisons - fs/ntfs3: Remove always false condition check - fs/ntfs3: Fix ntfs_look_for_free_space() does only report -ENOSPC - fs/ntfs3: Remove tabs before spaces from comment - fs/ntfs3: Remove braces from single statment block - fs/ntfs3: Place Comparisons constant right side of the test - fs/ntfs3: Remove '+' before constant in ni_insert_resident() - fs/ntfs3: Always use binary search with entry search - fs/ntfs3: Make binary search to search smaller chunks in beginning - fs/ntfs3: Limit binary search table size - fs/ntfs3: Remove unneeded header files from c files - fs/ntfs3: Change right headers to lznt.c - fs/ntfs3: Change right headers to upcase.c - fs/ntfs3: Change right headers to bitfunc.c - fs/ntfs3: Add missing header and guards to lib/ headers - fs/ntfs3: Add missing headers and forward declarations to ntfs_fs.h - fs/ntfs3: Add missing header files to ntfs.h - fs/ntfs3. Add forward declarations for structs to debug.h - fs/ntfs3: Remove redundant initialization of variable err - fs/ntfs3: Show uid/gid always in show_options() - fs/ntfs3: Rename mount option no_acs_rules > (no)acsrules - fs/ntfs3: Add iocharset= mount option as alias for nls= - fs/ntfs3: Make mount option nohidden more universal - fs/ntfs3: Init spi more in init_fs_context than fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Use new api for mounting - fs/ntfs3: Convert mount options to pointer in sbi - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecesarry remount flag handling - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecesarry mount option noatime - fs/ntfs3: Change how module init/info messages are displayed - fs/ntfs3: Remove GPL boilerplates from decompress lib files - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecessary condition checking from ntfs_file_read_iter - fs/ntfs3: Fix integer overflow in ni_fiemap with fiemap_prep() - fs/ntfs3: Restyle comments to better align with kernel-doc - fs/ntfs3: Rework file operations - fs/ntfs3: Remove fat ioctl's from ntfs3 driver for now - fs/ntfs3: Restyle comments to better align with kernel-doc - fs/ntfs3: Fix error handling in indx_insert_into_root() - fs/ntfs3: Potential NULL dereference in hdr_find_split() - fs/ntfs3: Fix error code in indx_add_allocate() - fs/ntfs3: fix an error code in ntfs_get_acl_ex() - fs/ntfs3: add checks for allocation failure - fs/ntfs3: Use kcalloc/kmalloc_array over kzalloc/kmalloc - fs/ntfs3: Do not use driver own alloc wrappers - fs/ntfs3: Use kernel ALIGN macros over driver specific - fs/ntfs3: Restyle comment block in ni_parse_reparse() - fs/ntfs3: Remove unused including - fs/ntfs3: Fix fall-through warnings for Clang - fs/ntfs3: Fix one none utf8 char in source file - fs/ntfs3: Remove unused variable cnt in ntfs_security_init() - fs/ntfs3: Fix integer overflow in multiplication - fs/ntfs3: Add ifndef + define to all header files - fs/ntfs3: Use linux/log2 is_power_of_2 function - fs/ntfs3: Fix various spelling mistakes - fs/ntfs3: Add Kconfig, Makefile and doc - fs/ntfs3: Add NTFS journal - fs/ntfs3: Add compression - fs/ntfs3: Add attrib operations - fs/ntfs3: Add file operations and implementation - fs/ntfs3: Add bitmap - fs/ntfs3: Add initialization of super block - fs/ntfs3: Add headers and misc files - openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF - Revert "openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF" - change x86 configs - change arm64 configs - mm/damon: hide kernel pointer from tracepoint event - mm/damon/vaddr: hide kernel pointer from damon_va_three_regions() failure log - mm/damon/vaddr: use pr_debug() for damon_va_three_regions() failure logging - mm/damon/dbgfs: remove an unnecessary variable - mm/damon: move the implementation of damon_insert_region to damon.h - mm/damon: add access checking for hugetlb pages - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: update for schemes statistics - mm/damon/dbgfs: support all DAMOS stats - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/reclaim: document statistics parameters - mm/damon/reclaim: provide reclamation statistics - mm/damon/schemes: account how many times quota limit has exceeded - mm/damon/schemes: account scheme actions that successfully applied - mm/damon: remove a mistakenly added comment for a future feature - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: update for kdamond_pid and (mk|rm)_contexts - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: mention tracepoint at the beginning - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: remove redundant information - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: update for scheme quotas and watermarks - mm/damon: convert macro functions to static inline functions - mm/damon: modify damon_rand() macro to static inline function - mm/damon: move damon_rand() definition into damon.h - mm/damon/schemes: add the validity judgment of thresholds - mm/damon/vaddr: remove swap_ranges() and replace it with swap() - mm/damon: remove some unneeded function definitions in damon.h - mm/damon/core: use abs() instead of diff_of() - mm/damon: add 'age' of region tracepoint support - mm/damon: unified access_check function naming rules - mm/damon/dbgfs: fix 'struct pid' leaks in 'dbgfs_target_ids_write()' - mm/damon/dbgfs: protect targets destructions with kdamond_lock - selftests/damon: split test cases - selftests/damon: test debugfs file reads/writes with huge count - selftests/damon: test wrong DAMOS condition ranges input - selftests/damon: test DAMON enabling with empty target_ids case - selftests/damon: skip test if DAMON is running - mm/damon/vaddr-test: remove unnecessary variables - mm/damon/vaddr-test: split a test function having >1024 bytes frame size - mm/damon/vaddr: remove an unnecessary warning message - mm/damon/core: remove unnecessary error messages - mm/damon/dbgfs: remove an unnecessary error message - mm/damon/core: use better timer mechanisms selection threshold - mm/damon/core: fix fake load reports due to uninterruptible sleeps - timers: implement usleep_idle_range() - mm/damon/dbgfs: fix missed use of damon_dbgfs_lock - mm/damon/dbgfs: use '__GFP_NOWARN' for user-specified size buffer allocation - NFC: add necessary privilege flags in netlink layer - net: add and use skb_unclone_keeptruesize() helper - openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF - tools/bpftool: Fix cross-build - tools/bpftool: Force clean of out-of-tree build - x86/kdump: add log before booting crash kernel - selftests/x86: Test signal frame XSTATE header corruption handling - x86/fpu: Add address range checks to copy_user_to_xstate() - block, bfq: move bfqq to root_group if parent group is offlined - ext4: report error to userspace by netlink - crypto: Add PMULL judgment during initialization to prevent oops - phonet/pep: refuse to enable an unbound pipe - hamradio: improve the incomplete fix to avoid NPD - hamradio: defer ax25 kfree after unregister_netdev - ax25: NPD bug when detaching AX25 device - hwmon: (lm90) Do not report 'busy' status bit as alarm - hwmom: (lm90) Fix citical alarm status for MAX6680/MAX6681 - pinctrl: mediatek: fix global-out-of-bounds issue - ASoC: rt5682: fix the wrong jack type detected - ASoC: tas2770: Fix setting of high sample rates - Input: goodix - add id->model mapping for the "9111" model - Input: elants_i2c - do not check Remark ID on eKTH3900/eKTH5312 - mm: mempolicy: fix THP allocations escaping mempolicy restrictions - KVM: VMX: Fix stale docs for kvm-intel.emulate_invalid_guest_state - usb: gadget: u_ether: fix race in setting MAC address in setup phase - ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories - tee: optee: Fix incorrect page free bug - mac80211: fix locking in ieee80211_start_ap error path - ARM: 9169/1: entry: fix Thumb2 bug in iWMMXt exception handling - mmc: mmci: stm32: clear DLYB_CR after sending tuning command - mmc: core: Disable card detect during shutdown - mmc: meson-mx-sdhc: Set MANUAL_STOP for multi-block SDIO commands - mmc: sdhci-tegra: Fix switch to HS400ES mode - gpio: dln2: Fix interrupts when replugging the device - pinctrl: stm32: consider the GPIO offset to expose all the GPIO lines - KVM: VMX: Wake vCPU when delivering posted IRQ even if vCPU == this vCPU - platform/x86: intel_pmc_core: fix memleak on registration failure - x86/pkey: Fix undefined behaviour with PKRU_WD_BIT - parisc: Fix mask used to select futex spinlock - parisc: Correct completer in lws start - ipmi: fix initialization when workqueue allocation fails - ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early - ipmi: bail out if init_srcu_struct fails - Input: atmel_mxt_ts - fix double free in mxt_read_info_block - ASoC: meson: aiu: Move AIU_I2S_MISC hold setting to aiu-fifo-i2s - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for Clevo NJ51CU - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add new alc285-hp-amp-init model - ALSA: hda/realtek: Amp init fixup for HP ZBook 15 G6 - ALSA: drivers: opl3: Fix incorrect use of vp->state - ALSA: jack: Check the return value of kstrdup() - hwmon: (lm90) Drop critical attribute support for MAX6654 - hwmon: (lm90) Add basic support for TI TMP461 - hwmon: (lm90) Introduce flag indicating extended temperature support - hwmon: (lm90) Fix usage of CONFIG2 register in detect function - pinctrl: bcm2835: Change init order for gpio hogs - Input: elantech - fix stack out of bound access in elantech_change_report_id() - sfc: falcon: Check null pointer of rx_queue->page_ring - sfc: Check null pointer of rx_queue->page_ring - net: ks8851: Check for error irq - drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq - fjes: Check for error irq - bonding: fix ad_actor_system option setting to default - ipmi: Fix UAF when uninstall ipmi_si and ipmi_msghandler module - igb: fix deadlock caused by taking RTNL in RPM resume path - net: skip virtio_net_hdr_set_proto if protocol already set - net: accept UFOv6 packages in virtio_net_hdr_to_skb - qlcnic: potential dereference null pointer of rx_queue->page_ring - net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-wandboard: Fix Ethernet support - RDMA/hns: Replace kfree() with kvfree() - IB/qib: Fix memory leak in qib_user_sdma_queue_pkts() - ASoC: meson: aiu: fifo: Add missing dma_coerce_mask_and_coherent() - spi: change clk_disable_unprepare to clk_unprepare - arm64: dts: allwinner: orangepi-zero-plus: fix PHY mode - HID: potential dereference of null pointer - HID: holtek: fix mouse probing - net: usb: lan78xx: add Allied Telesis AT29M2-AF - arm64: vdso32: require CROSS_COMPILE_COMPAT for gcc+bfd - arm64: vdso32: drop -no-integrated-as flag - mm/shmem.c: fix judgment error in shmem_is_huge() - drm: fix free illegal pointer when create drm_property_blob failed - BMA: Fix pointer cast compile warning in arm32 builds - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: Enable ARM64_PMEM_LEGACY - arm64: register persistent memory via protected memory - x86: pmem: move persistent memory(legacy) code into nvdimm - openeuler_defconfig: enable CONFIG_VENDOR_HOOKS for x86 and arm64 - vendor_hooks: make android vendor hooks feature generic. - ANDROID: fixup restricted hooks after tracepont refactoring - tracepoints: Do not punish non static call users - tracepoints: Remove unnecessary "data_args" macro parameter - ANDROID: simplify vendor hooks for non-GKI builds - ANDROID: vendor_hooks: fix __section macro - ANDROID: use static_call() for restricted hooks - ANDROID: fix redefinition error for restricted vendor hooks - ANDROID: add support for vendor hooks - mm: add PG_pool in /proc/kpageflags - ext4: Fix BUG_ON in ext4_bread when write quota data - ext4: fix null-ptr-deref in '__ext4_journal_ensure_credits' - bpf, mm: Fix lockdep warning triggered by stack_map_get_build_id_offset() - mmap_lock: change trace and locking order - mm: mmap_lock: fix disabling preemption directly - mm/mmap_lock: remove dead code for !CONFIG_TRACING configurations - mm: mmap_lock: use local locks instead of disabling preemption - mm: mmap_lock: add tracepoints around lock acquisition - ext4: fix an use-after-free issue about data=journal writeback mode - mm/pin_mem: improve pin mem pages rmap and free method - mm/pin_mem: add PG_hotreplace to mark pages need hotreplaced - mm/pin_mem: refactor pin memory mem reserve and pid reserve code - audit: bugfix for infinite loop when flush the hold queue - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Remove arm_smmu_cmdq_issue_sync() to keep consistent with upstream - ipvlan: disable l2e local xmit - watchdog: Fix sleeping function called from atomic context - tcp_comp: Del compressed_data and remaining_data from tcp_comp_context_rx - tcp_comp: Add dpkt to save decompressed skb - tcp_comp: Fix ZSTD_decompressStream failed - tcp_comp: Fix comp_read_size return value - tcp_comp: Avoiding the null pointer problem of ctx in comp_stream_read - tcp_comp: open configs for tcp compression - tcp_comp: implement recvmsg for tcp compression - tcp_comp: implement sendmsg for tcp compression - Revert "sched: Introcude config option SCHED_OPTIMIZE_LOAD_TRACKING" - Revert "sched: Add switch for update_blocked_averages" - Revert "sched: Add frequency control for load update in scheduler_tick" - Revert "sched: Access control for sysctl_update_load_latency" - Revert "sched: Fix branch prediction error in static_key" - Revert "arm: Optimize ttwu IPI" - Revert "sched/idle: introduce smart halt polling" - Revert "sched/idle: Add IAS_SMART_HALT_POLL config for smart halt polling feature" - Revert "sched: Add menuconfig option for CONFIG_SCHED_OPTIMIZE_LOAD_TRACKING" - Revert "sysctl: Refactor IAS framework" - Revert "sched/idle: Optimize the loop time algorithm to reduce multicore disturb" - Revert "sched/idle: Reported an error when an illegal negative value is passed" - Revert "sched: Aware multi-core system for optimize loadtracking" - blk-throttle: enable hierarchical throttle in cgroup v1 - md: Fix undefined behaviour in is_mddev_idle - cgroup: fix compile error when CONFIG_MEMCG = n - xfs: map unwritten blocks in XFS_IOC_{ALLOC,FREE}SP just like fallocate - fbcon: fix ypos over boundary issue - mm/zswap: move to use crypto_acomp API for hardware acceleration - net: fix a data race when get vlan device - ipvlan: Add handling of NETDEV_UP events - perf vendor events amd: Add Zen3 events- Disable-SATA-disk-phy-for-severe-I_T-nexus reset failure - Export-sas_phy_enable - bonding: allow nesting of bonding device - bonding: avoid adding slave device with IFF_MASTER flag - bonding: 3ad: Fix the conflict between bond_update_slave_arr and the state machine - openeuler_defconfig: enable CONFIG_DYNAMIC_HUGETLB for x86 - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add Document for dynamic hugetlb feature - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: disable dynamic hugetlb if hugetlb_vmemmap is enabled - mm/huge_memory: disable THP when dynamic hugetlb is enabled - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add some tracepoints - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: free huge pages to dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: alloc huge pages from dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: collects resv allocated for dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add interface to disable normal pages allocation - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: free pages to dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: alloc page from dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add migration function - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add merge page function - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add split page function - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add interface to configure the count of hugepages - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add PG_pool flag to mark pages from dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: establish the dynamic hugetlb feature framework - mm/hugetlb: add parameter hugetlbfs_inode_info to several functions - mm: declare several functions- SCSI: spfc: Update lb mode acquired solution - cpufreq: intel_pstate: Add Icelake servers support in no-HWP mode - asm-generic: Add missing brackets for io_stop_wc macro - net: hns3: add ethtool priv-flag for TX push - net: hns3: add support for TX push mode - asm-generic: introduce io_stop_wc() and add implementation for ARM64 - net/spnic:Remove the code about little endian and big endian conversion - net/spnic:Remove the code of polling mode - net/spnic:Remove unused clp hardware channels - net/spnic:Remove unused functions about ceq - RDMA/hns: Replace get_udp_sport with rdma_get_udp_sport - RDMA/core: Calculate UDP source port based on flow label or lqpn/rqpn - RDMA/hns: Modify the hop num of HIP09 EQ to 1 - RDMA/hns: Remove magic number - RDMA/hns: Remove macros that are no longer used - RDMA/hns: Correctly initialize the members of Array[][] - RDMA/hns: Correct the type of variables participating in the shift operation - RDMA/hns: Replace tab with space in the right-side comments - RDMA/hns: Correct the print format to be consistent with the variable type - RDMA/hns: Correct the hex print format - RDMA/hns: Validate the pkey index - RDMA/hns: Modify the value of MAX_LP_MSG_LEN to meet hardware compatibility - RDMA/hns: Fix initial arm_st of CQ - RDMA: Constify netdev->dev_addr accesses - RDMA/hns: Use dma_alloc_coherent() instead of kmalloc/dma_map_single() - RDMA/hns: Add the check of the CQE size of the user space - RDMA/hns: Fix the size setting error when copying CQE in clean_cq() - RDMA/hns: Work around broken constant propagation in gcc 8 - RDMA/hns: Delete unnecessary blank lines. - RDMA/hns: Adjust the order in which irq are requested and enabled - RDMA/hns: Remove dqpn filling when modify qp from Init to Init - RDMA/hns: Fix query destination qpn - RDMA/hns: Bugfix for incorrect association between dip_idx and dgid - RDMA/hns: Bugfix for the missing assignment for dip_idx - RDMA/hns: Bugfix for data type of dip_idx - RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect lsn field - RDMA/hns: Delete unused hns bitmap interface - RDMA/hns: Use IDA interface to manage srq index - RDMA/hns: Ownerbit mode add control field - RDMA/hns: Remove unsupport cmdq mode - RDMA/hns: Don't overwrite supplied QP attributes - RDMA/hns: Fix the double unlock problem of poll_sem - hugetlbfs: fix issue of preallocation of gigantic pages can't work - hugetlbfs: extend the definition of hugepages parameter to support node allocation - cpupower: Add cpuid cap flag for MSR_AMD_HWCR support - cpupower: Remove family arg to decode_pstates() - cpupower: Condense pstate enabled bit checks in decode_pstates() - cpupower: Update family checks when decoding HW pstates - cpupower: Remove unused pscur variable. - cpupower: Add CPUPOWER_CAP_AMD_HW_PSTATE cpuid caps flag - cpupower: Correct macro name for CPB caps flag - cpupower: Update msr_pstate union struct naming - openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_ARM64_EPAN for ARM64 - arm64: Support execute-only permissions with Enhanced PAN - arm64: head.S: cleanup SCTLR_ELx initialization - arm64: smccc: Save lr before calling __arm_smccc_sve_check() - arm64: smccc: Support SMCCC v1.3 SVE register saving hint - KVM: arm64: Implement the TRNG hypervisor call - arm64: Add support for SMCCC TRNG entropy source - firmware: smccc: Introduce SMCCC TRNG framework - firmware: smccc: Add SMCCC TRNG function call IDs - arm64: abort counter_read_on_cpu() when irqs_disabled() - arm64: implement CPPC FFH support using AMUs - arm64: split counter validation function - arm64: wrap and generalise counter read functions - arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter - arm64: Add handling of CNTVCTSS traps - arm64: Add CNT{P,V}CTSS_EL0 alternatives to cnt{p,v}ct_el0 - arm64: Add a capability for FEAT_ECV - clocksource/drivers/arch_arm_timer: Move workaround synchronisation around - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Fix masking for high freq counters - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Drop unnecessary ISB on CVAL programming - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Remove any trace of the TVAL programming interface - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Work around broken CVAL implementations - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Advertise 56bit timer to the core code - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Move MMIO timer programming over to CVAL - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Fix MMIO base address vs callback ordering issue - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Move drop _tval from erratum function names - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Move system register timer programming over to CVAL - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Extend write side of timer register accessors to u64 - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Drop CNT*_TVAL read accessors - clocksource/arm_arch_timer: Add build-time guards for unhandled register accesses - can: raw: return -ERANGE when filterset does not fit into user space buffer - x86: hugepage: use nt copy hugepage to AEP in x86- xen/netback: don't queue unlimited number of packages - xen/netback: fix rx queue stall detection - xen/console: harden hvc_xen against event channel storms - xen/netfront: harden netfront against event channel storms - xen/blkfront: harden blkfront against event channel storms - Revert "xsk: Do not sleep in poll() when need_wakeup set" - bus: ti-sysc: Fix variable set but not used warning for reinit_modules - rcu: Mark accesses to rcu_state.n_force_qs - scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in resp_mode_select() - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB - scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero - ovl: fix warning in ovl_create_real() - fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() - media: mxl111sf: change mutex_init() location - xsk: Do not sleep in poll() when need_wakeup set - ARM: dts: imx6ull-pinfunc: Fix CSI_DATA07__ESAI_TX0 pad name - Input: touchscreen - avoid bitwise vs logical OR warning - drm/amdgpu: correct register access for RLC_JUMP_TABLE_RESTORE - libata: if T_LENGTH is zero, dma direction should be DMA_NONE - serial: 8250_fintek: Fix garbled text for console - iocost: Fix divide-by-zero on donation from low hweight cgroup - zonefs: add MODULE_ALIAS_FS - btrfs: fix double free of anon_dev after failure to create subvolume - btrfs: fix memory leak in __add_inode_ref() - USB: serial: option: add Telit FN990 compositions - USB: serial: cp210x: fix CP2105 GPIO registration - usb: xhci: Extend support for runtime power management for AMD's Yellow carp. - PCI/MSI: Mask MSI-X vectors only on success - PCI/MSI: Clear PCI_MSIX_FLAGS_MASKALL on error - usb: dwc2: fix STM ID/VBUS detection startup delay in dwc2_driver_probe - USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo USB-C to Ethernet Adapher(RTL8153-04) - tty: n_hdlc: make n_hdlc_tty_wakeup() asynchronous - KVM: x86: Drop guest CPUID check for host initiated writes to MSR_IA32_PERF_CAPABILITIES - Revert "usb: early: convert to readl_poll_timeout_atomic()" - bpf, selftests: Fix racing issue in btf_skc_cls_ingress test - sit: do not call ipip6_dev_free() from sit_init_net() - net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle - net/smc: Prevent smc_release() from long blocking - net: Fix double 0x prefix print in SKB dump - sfc_ef100: potential dereference of null pointer - net/packet: rx_owner_map depends on pg_vec - ixgbe: set X550 MDIO speed before talking to PHY - ixgbe: Document how to enable NBASE-T support - igc: Fix typo in i225 LTR functions - igbvf: fix double free in `igbvf_probe` - igb: Fix removal of unicast MAC filters of VFs - soc/tegra: fuse: Fix bitwise vs. logical OR warning - mptcp: clear 'kern' flag from fallback sockets - drm/amd/pm: fix a potential gpu_metrics_table memory leak - flow_offload: return EOPNOTSUPP for the unsupported mpls action type - mac80211: fix lookup when adding AddBA extension element - mac80211: agg-tx: don't schedule_and_wake_txq() under sta->lock - drm/ast: potential dereference of null pointer - selftest/net/forwarding: declare NETIFS p9 p10 - net/sched: sch_ets: don't remove idle classes from the round-robin list - dmaengine: st_fdma: fix MODULE_ALIAS - selftests: Fix IPv6 address bind tests - selftests: Fix raw socket bind tests with VRF - selftests: Add duplicate config only for MD5 VRF tests - net: hns3: fix use-after-free bug in hclgevf_send_mbx_msg - inet_diag: fix kernel-infoleak for UDP sockets - sch_cake: do not call cake_destroy() from cake_init() - s390/kexec_file: fix error handling when applying relocations - selftests: net: Correct ping6 expected rc from 2 to 1 - virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY - soc: imx: Register SoC device only on i.MX boards - clk: Don't parent clks until the parent is fully registered - ARM: socfpga: dts: fix qspi node compatible - ceph: initialize pathlen variable in reconnect_caps_cb - ceph: fix duplicate increment of opened_inodes metric - tee: amdtee: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug - mac80211: track only QoS data frames for admission control - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix audio-supply for Rock Pi 4 - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix rk3399-leez-p710 vcc3v3-lan supply - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix rk3308-roc-cc vcc-sd supply - arm64: dts: rockchip: remove mmc-hs400-enhanced-strobe from rk3399-khadas-edge - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: Improve the Ethernet PHY description - arm64: dts: imx8m: correct assigned clocks for FEC - dm btree remove: fix use after free in rebalance_children() - look for jgnop instruction as well as bcrl on s390 - vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds - virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for virtio device - bpf, selftests: Add test case trying to taint map value pointer - bpf: Make 32->64 bounds propagation slightly more robust - bpf: Fix signed bounds propagation after mov32 - firmware: arm_scpi: Fix string overflow in SCPI genpd driver - mac80211: validate extended element ID is present - mac80211: send ADDBA requests using the tid/queue of the aggregation session - mac80211: mark TX-during-stop for TX in in_reconfig - mac80211: fix regression in SSN handling of addba tx - KVM: downgrade two BUG_ONs to WARN_ON_ONCE - KVM: selftests: Make sure kvm_create_max_vcpus test won't hit RLIMIT_NOFILE - arm: ioremap: don't abuse pfn_valid() to check if pfn is in RAM - arm: extend pfn_valid to take into account freed memory map alignment - memblock: align freed memory map on pageblock boundaries with SPARSEMEM - memblock: free_unused_memmap: use pageblock units instead of MAX_ORDER - perf intel-pt: Fix error timestamp setting on the decoder error path - perf intel-pt: Fix missing 'instruction' events with 'q' option - perf intel-pt: Fix next 'err' value, walking trace - perf intel-pt: Fix state setting when receiving overflow (OVF) packet - perf intel-pt: Fix intel_pt_fup_event() assumptions about setting state type - perf intel-pt: Fix sync state when a PSB (synchronization) packet is found - perf intel-pt: Fix some PGE (packet generation enable/control flow packets) usage - perf inject: Fix itrace space allowed for new attributes - ethtool: do not perform operations on net devices being unregistered - hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error - fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode - bpf: Fix integer overflow in argument calculation for bpf_map_area_alloc - staging: most: dim2: use device release method - KVM: x86: Ignore sparse banks size for an "all CPUs", non-sparse IPI req - tracing: Fix a kmemleak false positive in tracing_map - drm/amd/display: add connector type check for CRC source set - drm/amd/display: Fix for the no Audio bug with Tiled Displays - net: netlink: af_netlink: Prevent empty skb by adding a check on len. - i2c: rk3x: Handle a spurious start completion interrupt flag - parisc/agp: Annotate parisc agp init functions with __init - ALSA: hda/hdmi: fix HDA codec entry table order for ADL-P - ALSA: hda: Add Intel DG2 PCI ID and HDMI codec vid - net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G - Revert "tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: drop earlycon entry for i.MX8QXP" - s390/test_unwind: use raw opcode instead of invalid instruction - KVM: arm64: Save PSTATE early on exit - drm/msm/dsi: set default num_data_lanes - nfc: fix segfault in nfc_genl_dump_devices_done - cgroup: Use open-time cgroup namespace for process migration perm checks - cgroup: Allocate cgroup_file_ctx for kernfs_open_file->priv - cgroup: Use open-time credentials for process migraton perm checks - cgroup/cgroup.c: replace 'of->kn->priv' with of_cft() - cgroup: cgroup.{procs,threads} factor out common parts - netfilter: selftest: fix file permission - Documentation/Kbuild: Remove references to - MAINTAINERS: adjust GCC PLUGINS after removal - doc: gcc-plugins: update gcc-plugins.rst - kbuild: simplify GCC_PLUGINS enablement in dummy-tools/gcc - bpf: Add selftests to cover packet access corner cases - misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation - irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets - irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing INVALL - irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts - irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() - irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits. - csky: fix typo of fpu config macro - iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and remove - iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error - iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x - iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before disabling vdda - iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension - iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() - iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint - iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error - iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler - iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler - iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting - iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler - iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS - iio: trigger: Fix reference counting - iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness - xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime suspend - usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits - xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from runtime suspending - usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries - USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers - selftests/fib_tests: Rework fib_rp_filter_test() - net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() - net, neigh: clear whole pneigh_entry at alloc time - net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in fec_enet_rx_queue() - net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() - net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero - tools build: Remove needless libpython-version feature check that breaks test-all fast path - dt-bindings: net: Reintroduce PHY no lane swap binding - Documentation/locking/locktypes: Update migrate_disable() bits. - perf tools: Fix SMT detection fast read path - Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on emulated bridge" - i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc - mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation - mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account - i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF - i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF - clk: imx: use module_platform_driver - RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase - RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly - ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put - ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from msm_routing_put_audio_mixer - ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars - PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment - qede: validate non LSO skb length - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command - scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() - block: fix ioprio_get(IOPRIO_WHO_PGRP) vs setuid(2) - tracefs: Set all files to the same group ownership as the mount option - net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering - aio: fix use-after-free due to missing POLLFREE handling - aio: keep poll requests on waitqueue until completed - signalfd: use wake_up_pollfree() - binder: use wake_up_pollfree() - wait: add wake_up_pollfree() - libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 - can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt - can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free - drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in drm_syncobj_find_fence. - clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup - mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning - tracefs: Have new files inherit the ownership of their parent - nfsd: Fix nsfd startup race (again) - nfsd: fix use-after-free due to delegation race - md: fix update super 1.0 on rdev size change - btrfs: replace the BUG_ON in btrfs_del_root_ref with proper error handling - btrfs: clear extent buffer uptodate when we fail to write it - scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed - ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() - ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB - ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 - ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 platform - ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write - mm: bdi: initialize bdi_min_ratio when bdi is unregistered - KVM: x86: Wait for IPIs to be delivered when handling Hyper-V TLB flush hypercall - net/sched: fq_pie: prevent dismantle issue - devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() - IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation - iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count - iavf: restore MSI state on reset - netfilter: conntrack: annotate data-races around ct->timeout - udp: using datalen to cap max gso segments - seg6: fix the iif in the IPv6 socket control block - nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() - bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic - ice: ignore dropped packets during init - bpf: Fix the off-by-two error in range markings - bpf, x86: Fix "no previous prototype" warning - vrf: don't run conntrack on vrf with !dflt qdisc - selftests: netfilter: add a vrf+conntrack testcase - nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done - drm/amdkfd: fix boot failure when iommu is disabled in Picasso. - drm/amdgpu: init iommu after amdkfd device init - drm/amdgpu: move iommu_resume before ip init/resume - drm/amdgpu: add amdgpu_amdkfd_resume_iommu - drm/amdkfd: separate kfd_iommu_resume from kfd_resume - drm/amd/amdkfd: adjust dummy functions' placement - x86/sme: Explicitly map new EFI memmap table as encrypted - can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() - can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter - can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device - IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr - IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic - IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled - nft_set_pipapo: Fix bucket load in AVX2 lookup routine for six 8-bit groups - HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers - HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device - HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference - HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers - HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony - HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys - HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB detection - HID: google: add eel USB id - HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover - gcc-plugins: fix gcc 11 indigestion with plugins... - gcc-plugins: simplify GCC plugin-dev capability test - usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens - tee: handle lookup of shm with reference count 0 - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on last xattr entry in __f2fs_setxattr() - rds: memory leak in __rds_conn_create() - ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static - net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode - parisc: Mark cr16 CPU clocksource unstable on all SMP machines - iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed - serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode - serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() - serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array - serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak - serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for tegra20 and tegra30 - serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id - tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support - x86/64/mm: Map all kernel memory into trampoline_pgd - x86/tsc: Disable clocksource watchdog for TSC on qualified platorms - x86/tsc: Add a timer to make sure TSC_adjust is always checked - usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect - USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub - xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register. - vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling `vc_resize' - parisc: Fix "make install" on newer debian releases - parisc: Fix KBUILD_IMAGE for self-extracting kernel - x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in paranoid_entry() - x86/pv: Switch SWAPGS to ALTERNATIVE - sched/uclamp: Fix rq->uclamp_max not set on first enqueue - x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() - x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel CR3 - x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, and qword - KVM: VMX: Set failure code in prepare_vmcs02() - KVM: x86/pmu: Fix reserved bits for AMD PerfEvtSeln register - atlantic: Remove warn trace message. - atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware - Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities. - atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c. - atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac version. - atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t - atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions - drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state - drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers - net/smc: Keep smc_close_final rc during active close - net/rds: correct socket tunable error in rds_tcp_tune() - net/smc: fix wrong list_del in smc_lgr_cleanup_early - ipv4: convert fib_num_tclassid_users to atomic_t - net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner - dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function - net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs - net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of "0" if no IRQ is available - ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on ES8336 codec - rxrpc: Fix rxrpc_local leak in rxrpc_lookup_peer() - rxrpc: Fix rxrpc_peer leak in rxrpc_look_up_bundle() - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF - ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK - ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC - ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S - ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF - mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in mt7915_get_phy_mode - selftests: net: Correct case name - net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() - arm64: ftrace: add missing BTIs - siphash: use _unaligned version by default - net: mpls: Fix notifications when deleting a device - net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() - tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault - natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings - i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback - i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK - i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout - i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors - wireguard: ratelimiter: use kvcalloc() instead of kvzalloc() - wireguard: receive: drop handshakes if queue lock is contended - wireguard: receive: use ring buffer for incoming handshakes - wireguard: device: reset peer src endpoint when netns exits - wireguard: selftests: rename DEBUG_PI_LIST to DEBUG_PLIST - wireguard: selftests: actually test for routing loops - wireguard: allowedips: add missing __rcu annotation to satisfy sparse - wireguard: selftests: increase default dmesg log size - tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about signed values - KVM: X86: Use vcpu->arch.walk_mmu for kvm_mmu_invlpg() - KVM: arm64: Avoid setting the upper 32 bits of TCR_EL2 and CPTR_EL2 to 1 - KVM: x86: Use a stable condition around all VT-d PI paths - KVM: nVMX: Flush current VPID (L1 vs. L2) for KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH_GUEST - KVM: Disallow user memslot with size that exceeds "unsigned long" - drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices - ipv6: fix memory leak in fib6_rule_suppress - sata_fsl: fix warning in remove_proc_entry when rmmod sata_fsl - sata_fsl: fix UAF in sata_fsl_port_stop when rmmod sata_fsl - s390/pci: move pseudo-MMIO to prevent MIO overlap - ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue - rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start - kprobes: Limit max data_size of the kretprobe instances - vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf dev xmit - ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions - net/smc: Avoid warning of possible recursive locking - perf report: Fix memory leaks around perf_tip() - perf hist: Fix memory leak of a perf_hpp_fmt - net: ethernet: dec: tulip: de4x5: fix possible array overflows in type3_infoblock() - net: tulip: de4x5: fix the problem that the array 'lp->phy[8]' may be out of bound - ipv6: check return value of ipv6_skip_exthdr - ethernet: hisilicon: hns: hns_dsaf_misc: fix a possible array overflow in hns_dsaf_ge_srst_by_port() - ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile - drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak - drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been triggered again - scsi: iscsi: Unblock session then wake up error handler - thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal zone init - btrfs: check-integrity: fix a warning on write caching disabled disk - s390/setup: avoid using memblock_enforce_memory_limit - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue after S3 deep - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control - net: return correct error code - net/smc: Transfer remaining wait queue entries during fallback - mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped - drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY - powerpc/pseries/ddw: Revert "Extend upper limit for huge DMA window for persistent memory" - gfs2: Fix length of holes reported at end-of-file - gfs2: release iopen glock early in evict - ovl: fix deadlock in splice write - ovl: simplify file splice - can: j1939: j1939_tp_cmd_recv(): check the dst address of TP.CM_BAM - NFSv42: Fix pagecache invalidation after COPY/CLONE - drm/amdgpu/gfx9: switch to golden tsc registers for renoir+ - net: stmmac: platform: fix build warning when with !CONFIG_PM_SLEEP - shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several IPC nses - s390/mm: validate VMA in PGSTE manipulation functions - tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value - xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly - xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist - xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page - xen/netfront: read response from backend only once - xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly - xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring page - xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once - xen: sync include/xen/interface/io/ring.h with Xen's newest version - tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events - vhost/vsock: fix incorrect used length reported to the guest - iommu/amd: Clarify AMD IOMMUv2 initialization messages - smb3: do not error on fsync when readonly - ceph: properly handle statfs on multifs setups - f2fs: set SBI_NEED_FSCK flag when inconsistent node block found - sched/scs: Reset task stack state in bringup_cpu() - tcp: correctly handle increased zerocopy args struct size - net: mscc: ocelot: correctly report the timestamping RX filters in ethtool - net: mscc: ocelot: don't downgrade timestamping RX filters in SIOCSHWTSTAMP - net/smc: Don't call clcsock shutdown twice when smc shutdown - net: vlan: fix underflow for the real_dev refcnt - net/sched: sch_ets: don't peek at classes beyond 'nbands' - tls: fix replacing proto_ops - tls: splice_read: fix record type check - MIPS: use 3-level pgtable for 64KB page size on MIPS_VA_BITS_48 - MIPS: loongson64: fix FTLB configuration - igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic - nvmet: use IOCB_NOWAIT only if the filesystem supports it - net/smc: Fix loop in smc_listen - net/smc: Fix NULL pointer dereferencing in smc_vlan_by_tcpsk() - net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail indicator - net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface change - lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() - tcp_cubic: fix spurious Hystart ACK train detections for not-cwnd-limited flows - drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset - PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() - net/ncsi : Add payload to be 32-bit aligned to fix dropped packets - nvmet-tcp: fix incomplete data digest send - net: marvell: mvpp2: increase MTU limit when XDP enabled - mlxsw: spectrum: Protect driver from buggy firmware - mlxsw: Verify the accessed index doesn't exceed the array length - net/smc: Ensure the active closing peer first closes clcsock - erofs: fix deadlock when shrink erofs slab - scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer - scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING - ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow - ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing - net: nexthop: release IPv6 per-cpu dsts when replacing a nexthop group - net: ipv6: add fib6_nh_release_dsts stub - net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls - net: stmmac: fix system hang caused by eee_ctrl_timer during suspend/resume - nfp: checking parameter process for rx-usecs/tx-usecs is invalid - ipv6: fix typos in __ip6_finish_output() - firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented - mptcp: fix delack timer - ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on ES8336 codec - iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation is on - net: marvell: prestera: fix double free issue on err path - drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test - drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks - ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE - NFSv42: Don't fail clone() unless the OP_CLONE operation failed - firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller - net: ieee802154: handle iftypes as u32 - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from hw_params - ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling - ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer - ARM: dts: bcm2711: Fix PCIe interrupts - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Add interrupt properties to GPIO node - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Fix I2C controller interrupt - netfilter: flowtable: fix IPv6 tunnel addr match - netfilter: ipvs: Fix reuse connection if RS weight is 0 - netfilter: ctnetlink: do not erase error code with EINVAL - netfilter: ctnetlink: fix filtering with CTA_TUPLE_REPLY - proc/vmcore: fix clearing user buffer by properly using clear_user() - PCI: aardvark: Fix link training - PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual bridge - PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS response - PCI: aardvark: Update comment about disabling link training - PCI: aardvark: Deduplicate code in advk_pcie_rd_conf() - powerpc/32: Fix hardlockup on vmap stack overflow - mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue - mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB - mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support - tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached - tracing/uprobe: Fix uprobe_perf_open probes iteration - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Prevent POWER7/8 TLB flush flushing SLB - xen: detect uninitialized xenbus in xenbus_init - xen: don't continue xenstore initialization in case of errors - fuse: release pipe buf after last use - staging: rtl8192e: Fix use after free in _rtl92e_pci_disconnect() - staging: greybus: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - staging/fbtft: Fix backlight - HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid contacts - Revert "parisc: Fix backtrace to always include init funtion names" - media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 - ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access - binder: fix test regression due to sender_euid change - usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex - usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race - usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl interrupts - usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer dereference in probe - net: nexthop: fix null pointer dereference when IPv6 is not enabled - usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception - usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer - usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer - usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal - usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames - USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants - USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition - ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field - ARM: Add unwinding annotations to __loop.*delay functions - fcntl: fix potential deadlocks for &fown_struct.lock - mm: usercopy: Warn vmalloc/module address in check_heap_object() - powerpc: Fix virt_addr_valid() check - jffs2: fix memory leak in jffs2_scan_medium - jffs2: fix memory leak in jffs2_do_mount_fs - jffs2: fix use-after-free in jffs2_clear_xattr_subsystem - powerpc/85xx: Fix oops when CONFIG_FSL_PMC=n - netdevsim: Zero-initialize memory for new map's value in function nsim_bpf_map_alloc - mm/hwpoison: clear MF_COUNT_INCREASED before retrying get_any_page() - hugetlb: address ref count racing in prep_compound_gigantic_page - memblock: ensure there is no overflow in memblock_overlaps_region() - phonet: refcount leak in pep_sock_accep - Revert "[Backport] ARM: BCM53016: Specify switch ports for Meraki MR32" - USB: gadget: bRequestType is a bitfield, not a enum - USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests - Revert "perf: Rework perf_event_exit_event()" - ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in snd_hdac_stream_assign() - ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues - x86/Kconfig: Fix an unused variable error in dell-smm-hwmon - btrfs: update device path inode time instead of bd_inode - fs: export an inode_update_time helper - ice: Delete always true check of PF pointer - usb: max-3421: Use driver data instead of maintaining a list of bound devices - ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix - selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation fails - RDMA/netlink: Add __maybe_unused to static inline in C file - scsi: ufs: core: Fix task management completion timeout race - scsi: ufs: core: Fix task management completion - drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not works on vga and dvi connectors - drm/i915/dp: Ensure sink rate values are always valid - drm/udl: fix control-message timeout - drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums - cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type - parisc/sticon: fix reverse colors - btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions - net: stmmac: socfpga: add runtime suspend/resume callback for stratix10 platform - udf: Fix crash after seekdir - KVM: nVMX: don't use vcpu->arch.efer when checking host state on nested state load - block: Check ADMIN before NICE for IOPRIO_CLASS_RT - s390/kexec: fix memory leak of ipl report buffer - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() - powerpc/8xx: Fix pinned TLBs with CONFIG_STRICT_KERNEL_RWX - x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V setup fails - mm: kmemleak: slob: respect SLAB_NOLEAKTRACE flag - ipc: WARN if trying to remove ipc object which is absent - tipc: check for null after calling kmemdup - hexagon: clean up timer-regs.h - hexagon: export raw I/O routines for modules - tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring - arm64: vdso32: suppress error message for 'make mrproper' - net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: Fix ethernet on rk3399 based devices - s390/kexec: fix return code handling - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake Server - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on Skylake Server - pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Use GLOBAL_TOC for kvmppc_h_set_dabr/xdabr() - e100: fix device suspend/resume - NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race - net: nfc: nci: Change the NCI close sequence - NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device - NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request - i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg - i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not power of two - i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e driver - i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF - i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs - i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync - i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue - net: virtio_net_hdr_to_skb: count transport header in UFO - net: dpaa2-eth: fix use-after-free in dpaa2_eth_remove - net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress to ingress - scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs - net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported - net/mlx5: E-Switch, Change mode lock from mutex to rw semaphore - net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received - net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() - platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in 'lis3lv02d_probe()' - mips: lantiq: add support for clk_get_parent() - mips: bcm63xx: add support for clk_get_parent() - MIPS: generic/yamon-dt: fix uninitialized variable error - iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 - iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing VF reset - iavf: validate pointers - iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure - iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode - iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf - iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features - iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count - net/smc: Make sure the link_id is unique - sock: fix /proc/net/sockstat underflow in sk_clone_lock() - net: reduce indentation level in sk_clone_lock() - tipc: only accept encrypted MSG_CRYPTO msgs - bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off - net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check - net: ipa: disable HOLB drop when updating timer - tracing: Add length protection to histogram string copies - tcp: Fix uninitialized access in skb frags array for Rx 0cp. - net-zerocopy: Refactor skb frag fast-forward op. - net-zerocopy: Copy straggler unaligned data for TCP Rx. zerocopy. - drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame - perf tests: Remove bash construct from - perf bench futex: Fix memory leak of perf_cpu_map__new() - perf bpf: Avoid memory leak from perf_env__insert_btf() - tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field over the field size - perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints - sched/core: Mitigate race cpus_share_cache()/update_top_cache_domain() - mips: BCM63XX: ensure that CPU_SUPPORTS_32BIT_KERNEL is set - clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Drop (again) gcc_aggre1_pnoc_ahb_clk - clk/ast2600: Fix soc revision for AHB - clk: ingenic: Fix bugs with divided dividers - f2fs: fix incorrect return value in f2fs_sanity_check_ckpt() - f2fs: compress: disallow disabling compress on non-empty compressed file - sh: define __BIG_ENDIAN for math-emu - sh: math-emu: drop unused functions - sh: fix kconfig unmet dependency warning for FRAME_POINTER - f2fs: fix to use WHINT_MODE - f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints - maple: fix wrong return value of maple_bus_init(). - sh: check return code of request_irq - powerpc/8xx: Fix Oops with STRICT_KERNEL_RWX without DEBUG_RODATA_TEST - powerpc/dcr: Use cmplwi instead of 3-argument cmpli - ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block - ARM: dts: qcom: fix memory and mdio nodes naming for RB3011 - powerpc/5200: dts: fix memory node unit name - iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() - scsi: target: Fix alua_tg_pt_gps_count tracking - scsi: target: Fix ordered tag handling - MIPS: sni: Fix the build - tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc - ALSA: ISA: not for M68K - ARM: dts: ls1021a-tsn: use generic "jedec,spi-nor" compatible for flash - ARM: dts: ls1021a: move thermal-zones node out of soc/ - usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - ARM: dts: omap: fix gpmc,mux-add-data type - firmware_loader: fix pre-allocated buf built-in firmware use - ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices based on ES8336 codec - scsi: advansys: Fix kernel pointer leak - ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high jack-detect - clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register - ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue - arm64: dts: freescale: fix arm,sp805 compatible string - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix qcom,controlled-remotely property - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8998: Fix CPU/L2 idle state latency and residency - ARM: BCM53016: Specify switch ports for Meraki MR32 - staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect (v2) - ARM: dts: ux500: Skomer regulator fixes - usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read - usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg - bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost - RDMA/bnxt_re: Check if the vlan is valid before reporting - arm64: dts: hisilicon: fix arm,sp805 compatible string - arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable CDN DP on Pinebook Pro - scsi: lpfc: Fix list_add() corruption in lpfc_drain_txq() - ARM: dts: NSP: Fix mpcore, mmc node names - staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it - arm64: dts: allwinner: a100: Fix thermal zone node name - arm64: dts: allwinner: h5: Fix GPU thermal zone node name - ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix OPPs node name - arm64: zynqmp: Fix serial compatible string - arm64: zynqmp: Do not duplicate flash partition label property - ubifs: ubifs_releasepage: Remove ubifs_assert(0) to valid this process - ubifs: ubifs_writepage: Mark page dirty after writing inode failed - fget: check that the fd still exists after getting a ref to it - nbd: Fix use-after-free in blk_mq_free_rqs - xfs: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories - pipe: Fix endless sleep problem due to the out-of-order - blk-cgroup: prevent rcu_sched detected stalls warnings while iterating blkgs - blk-throttle: don't check whether or not lower limit is valid if CONFIG_BLK_DEV_THROTTLING_LOW is off - block: Fix fsync always failed if once failed - kfence: fix memory leak when cat kfence objects - io_uring: fix soft lockup when call __io_remove_buffers - io_uring: return back safer resurrect - io_uring: fix ltout double free on completion race - ext4: always panic when errors=panic is specified - scsi: core: Stop using DRIVER_ERROR - drm/i915/guc: Update to use firmware v49.0.1- Increase-debugfs_dump_index-after-dump - brd: expose number of allocated pages in debugfs - net: hns3: create new common cmd code for PF and VF modules - net: hns3: refactor VF tqp stats APIs with new common tqp stats APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF tqp stats APIs with new common tqp stats APIs - net: hns3: create new set of common tqp stats APIs for PF and VF reuse - net: hns3: refactor VF rss init APIs with new common rss init APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF rss init APIs with new common rss init APIs - net: hns3: create new set of common rss init APIs for PF and VF reuse - net: hns3: refactor VF rss set APIs with new common rss set APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF rss set APIs with new common rss set APIs - net: hns3: create new set of common rss set APIs for PF and VF module - net: hns3: refactor VF rss get APIs with new common rss get APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF rss get APIs with new common rss get APIs - net: hns3: create new set of common rss get APIs for PF and VF rss module - net: hns3: refactor hclge_comm_send function in PF/VF drivers - net: hns3: create new rss common structure hclge_comm_rss_cfg - net: hns3: delete the hclge_cmd.c and hclgevf_cmd.c - net: hns3: refactor VF cmdq init and uninit APIs with new common APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF cmdq init and uninit APIs with new common APIs - net: hns3: create common cmdq init and uninit APIs - net: hns3: refactor VF cmdq resource APIs with new common APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF cmdq resource APIs with new common APIs - net: hns3: create common cmdq resource allocate/free/query APIs - net: hns3: refactor hclgevf_cmd_send with new hclge_comm_cmd_send API - net: hns3: refactor hclge_cmd_send with new hclge_comm_cmd_send API - net: hns3: create new set of unified hclge_comm_cmd_send APIs - net: hns3: use struct hclge_desc to replace hclgevf_desc in VF cmdq module - net: hns3: create new cmdq hardware description structure hclge_comm_hw - net: hns3: refactor hns3 makefile to support hns3_common module - Revert "bcache: add a framework to perform prefetch" - Revert "bcache: provide a switch to bypass all IO requests" - Revert "bcache: inflight prefetch requests block overlapped normal requests" - Revert "bcache: Delay to invalidate cache data in writearound write" - Revert "bcache: Add a sample of userspace prefetch client" - Revert "bcache: Rewrite patch to delay to invalidate cache data" - Revert "bcache: do not collect data insert info created by write_moving" - Revert "bcache: always record start time of a sample"- netfilter: fix regression in looped (broad|multi)cast's MAC handling - ACPI: CPPC: Fix cppc_cpufreq_init failed in CPU Hotplug situation - cpufreq: Fix get_cpu_device() failure in add_cpu_dev_symlink() - serial: amba-pl011: Fix serial port discard interrupt when interrupt signal line of serial port is connected to mbigen. - dt-bindings: mpam: add document for arm64 mpam - arm64/mpam: add device tree support for mpam initialization - arm64/mpam: remove __init macro to support driver probe - perf script: Fix printing 'phys_addr' failure issue - bcache: always record start time of a sample - bcache: do not collect data insert info created by write_moving - bcache: Rewrite patch to delay to invalidate cache data - bcache: Add a sample of userspace prefetch client - bcache: Delay to invalidate cache data in writearound write - bcache: inflight prefetch requests block overlapped normal requests - bcache: provide a switch to bypass all IO requests - bcache: add a framework to perform prefetch - tcp: Add some stub info for KABI consistency - BMA: Fix format string compile warning in arm32 builds- hugepage: add sysctl for hugepage alloc and mig - mm: export node type {pmem|dram} under /sys/bus/node - acpi/numa: memorize node type from SRAT table - etmem_scan: add pte_hole callback - etmem_scan: release CPU after scan walk_step size - etmem: fix potential UAF when walk ept page table - etmem: fix concurrent access to export file operations - etmem scan: fix memleak in vm_idle_read - etmem_scan: x86: support scan 4 level ept under 5 level host page table - etmem: x86: support scan hugetlb of vm - etmem: add ioctl for mm idle scan - RDMA/hns: Remove support for HIP06 - RDMA/hns: Remove RST2RST error prints for hw v1 - RDMA/hns: Support direct wqe of userspace - RDMA/hns: Modify the mapping attribute of doorbell to device - RDMA/hns: Encapsulate the qp db as a function - RDMA/hns: Use the core code to manage the fixed mmap entries - RDMA/hns: Use IDA interface to manage uar index - RDMA/hns: Enable the cmd mask of uverbs to create and destroy AH - RDMA/hns: Fix Direct WQE is not enable - RDMA/hns: Enable stash feature of HIP09- tcp_comp: add stub proto ops for tcp compression socket - tcp_comp: allow ignore local tcp connections - tcp_comp: only enable compression for give server ports - tcp_comp: add sysctl for enable/disable compression - tcp_comp: add init and cleanup hook for compression - tcp_comp: add tcp comp option to SYN and SYN-ACK - tcp_comp: add Kconfig for tcp payload compression - xfs: move the CIL workqueue to the CIL - xfs: CIL work is serialised, not pipelined - xfs: AIL needs asynchronous CIL forcing - xfs: reduce ilock acquisitions in xfs_file_fsync - xfs: refactor xfs_file_fsync - xfs: throttle inode inactivation queuing on memory reclaim - xfs: avoid buffer deadlocks when walking fs inodes - xfs: use background worker pool when transactions can't get free space - xfs: don't run speculative preallocation gc when fs is frozen - xfs: flush inode inactivation work when compiling usage statistics - xfs: inactivate inodes any time we try to free speculative preallocations - xfs: queue inactivation immediately when free realtime extents are tight - xfs: queue inactivation immediately when quota is nearing enforcement - xfs: queue inactivation immediately when free space is tight - xfs: per-cpu deferred inode inactivation queues - xfs: detach dquots from inode if we don't need to inactivate it - xfs: move xfs_inactive call to xfs_inode_mark_reclaimable - xfs: remove the active vs running quota differentiation - xfs: remove the flags argument to xfs_qm_dquot_walk - xfs: remove xfs_dqrele_all_inodes - xfs: remove support for disabling quota accounting on a mounted file system - xfs: don't nest transactions when scanning for eofblocks - xfs: force log and push AIL to clear pinned inodes when aborting mount - xfs: separate primary inode selection criteria in xfs_iget_cache_hit - xfs: refactor the inode recycling code - xfs: add iclog state trace events - xfs: rename struct xfs_eofblocks to xfs_icwalk - xfs: change the prefix of XFS_EOF_FLAGS_* to XFS_ICWALK_FLAG_ - xfs: selectively keep sick inodes in memory - xfs: drop IDONTCACHE on inodes when we mark them sick - xfs: refactor per-AG inode tagging functions - xfs: merge xfs_reclaim_inodes_ag into xfs_inode_walk_ag - xfs: pass struct xfs_eofblocks to the inode scan callback - xfs: fix radix tree tag signs - xfs: make the icwalk processing functions clean up the grab state - xfs: clean up inode state flag tests in xfs_blockgc_igrab - xfs: remove indirect calls from xfs_inode_walk{,_ag} - xfs: remove iter_flags parameter from xfs_inode_walk_* - xfs: move xfs_inew_wait call into xfs_dqrele_inode - xfs: separate the dqrele_all inode grab logic from xfs_inode_walk_ag_grab - xfs: pass the goal of the incore inode walk to xfs_inode_walk() - xfs: rename xfs_inode_walk functions to xfs_icwalk - xfs: move the inode walk functions further down - xfs: detach inode dquots at the end of inactivation - xfs: move the quotaoff dqrele inode walk into xfs_icache.c - xfs: don't bounce the iolock between free_{eof,cow}blocks - xfs: expose the blockgc workqueue knobs publicly - xfs: rename the blockgc workqueue - xfs: prevent metadata files from being inactivated - xfs: parallelize block preallocation garbage collection - xfs: rename block gc start and stop functions - xfs: only walk the incore inode tree once per blockgc scan - xfs: consolidate the eofblocks and cowblocks workers - xfs: consolidate incore inode radix tree posteof/cowblocks tags - xfs: remove trivial eof/cowblocks functions - xfs: hide xfs_icache_free_cowblocks - xfs: hide xfs_icache_free_eofblocks - xfs: relocate the eofb/cowb workqueue functions - xfs: set WQ_SYSFS on all workqueues in debug mode - xfs: increase the default parallelism levels of pwork clients - xfs: flush speculative space allocations when we run out of space - xfs: refactor xfs_icache_free_{eof,cow}blocks call sites - xfs: add a tracepoint for blockgc scans - xfs: flush eof/cowblocks if we can't reserve quota for chown - xfs: flush eof/cowblocks if we can't reserve quota for inode creation - xfs: flush eof/cowblocks if we can't reserve quota for file blocks - xfs: try worst case space reservation upfront in xfs_reflink_remap_extent - xfs: pass flags and return gc errors from xfs_blockgc_free_quota - xfs: move and rename xfs_inode_free_quota_blocks to avoid conflicts - xfs: xfs_inode_free_quota_blocks should scan project quota - xfs: don't stall cowblocks scan if we can't take locks - xfs: trigger all block gc scans when low on quota space - xfs: shut down the filesystem if we screw up quota reservation - xfs: rename code to error in xfs_ioctl_setattr - xfs: remove xfs_qm_vop_chown_reserve - xfs: refactor inode ownership change transaction/inode/quota allocation idiom - xfs: refactor inode creation transaction/inode/quota allocation idiom - xfs: refactor reflink functions to use xfs_trans_alloc_inode - xfs: allow reservation of rtblocks with xfs_trans_alloc_inode - xfs: refactor common transaction/inode/quota allocation idiom - xfs: reserve data and rt quota at the same time - xfs: fix up build warnings when quotas are disabled - xfs: clean up icreate quota reservation calls - xfs: remove xfs_trans_unreserve_quota_nblks completely - xfs: create convenience wrappers for incore quota block reservations - xfs: clean up quota reservation callsites - xfs: reduce quota reservation when doing a dax unwritten extent conversion - scsi:spraid: use bsg module to replace with ioctrl - KVM: vmx/pmu: Fix dummy check if lbr_desc->event is created - KVM: vmx/pmu: Expose LBR_FMT in the MSR_IA32_PERF_CAPABILITIES - KVM: vmx/pmu: Release guest LBR event via lazy release mechanism - KVM: vmx/pmu: Emulate legacy freezing LBRs on virtual PMI - KVM: vmx/pmu: Reduce the overhead of LBR pass-through or cancellation - KVM: vmx/pmu: Pass-through LBR msrs when the guest LBR event is ACTIVE - KVM: vmx/pmu: Create a guest LBR event when vcpu sets DEBUGCTLMSR_LBR - KVM: vmx/pmu: Add PMU_CAP_LBR_FMT check when guest LBR is enabled - KVM: vmx/pmu: Add PMU_CAP_LBR_FMT check when guest LBR is enabled - KVM: x86/pmu: preserve IA32_PERF_CAPABILITIES across CPUID refresh - KVM: x86/vmx: Make vmx_set_intercept_for_msr() non-static - KVM: VMX: read/write MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTLMSR from GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL - openeuler_defconfig: Enable sharepool feature in defconfig - net/spnic:The reset command flags modification. - net/spnic:Attribute negotiation and optimization. - net/spnic:RSS initialization process optimization - arm64: Fix conflict for capability when cpu hotplug - memcg: Add static key for memcg kswapd - memcg: make memcg kswapd deal with dirty - memcg: support memcg sync reclaim work as kswapd - memcg: Export memcg.high from cgroupv2 to cgroupv1 - memcg: Export memcg.{min/low} from cgroupv2 to cgroupv1 - kabi: Add reserved page and gfp flags for future extension - kabi: reserve space for cgroup_bpf_attach_type and bpf_cgroup_storage_type - bpf: Migrate cgroup_bpf to internal cgroup_bpf_attach_type enum - bpf: Split cgroup_bpf_enabled per attach type - bpf: Try to avoid kzalloc in cgroup/{s,g}etsockopt - bpf: Allow bpf_{s,g}etsockopt from cgroup bind{4,6} hooks - KABI: Add KABI_AUX_PTR extenstions to some more base structures - kabi: Generalize naming of kabi helper macros - arm64: Request resources for reserved memory via memmap - arm64: Add support for memmap kernel parameters- openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_KABI_RESERVE for x86 and arm64 - KABI: Add CONFIG_KABI_RESERVE to control KABI padding reserve - KABI: Fix allmodconfig build error - Revert "kabi: reserve space for ptp_clock.h" - kabi: reserve space for arm64 cpufeature related structure - UAPI: nfsfh.h: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member - kabi: Add kabi reservation for storage module - KABI:reserve space for sched structures - KABI: reserve space for IMA IPE - kabi: reserve space for cred and user_namespace - Increase size of ucounts to atomic_long_t - kabi: reserve space for fwnode.h - kabi: reserve space for iommu.h - kabi: reserve space for ptp_clock.h - kabi: reserve space for struct ptp_clock_info - kabi: reserve space for struct ptp_clock - kabi: reserve space for struct module - kabi: reserve space for kobject related structures - kabi: reserve space for io subsystem related structures - KABI: add KABI padding to x86/paravirt ops structures - KABI: add KABI padding to cpuidle structures - kabi: reserve space for struct dma_map_ops - kabi: reserve space for struct cpu_stop_work - kabi: reserve space for perf subsystem related structures - kabi: net: reserve space for net netfilter subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net bpf subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net rdma subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net sunrpc subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net can subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net base subsystem related structure - kabi: reserve space for cgroup bpf structures - kabi: reserve space for cpu cgroup and cpuset cgroup related structures - kabi: reserve space for memcg related structures - kabi: reserve space for cgroup framework related structures - kabi: mm: reserve space for memory subsystem related - msi: Add kabi_reserve in msi.h - irqdomain: Add kabi_reserve in irqdomain - irq_desc: Add kabi_reserve in irq_desc - irq: Add kabi_reserve in irq - interrupt: Add kabi_reserve in interrupt.h - bootparam: Add kabi_reserve in bootparam - kabi: reserve space for hrtimer related structures - kabi: reserve space for time and workqueue subsystem related structure - kabi: reserve space for struct worker - kabi: reserve space for net_namespace - kabi: reserve space for power management related structure - kabi: reserve space for pci subsystem related structure - kabi: reserve space for posix clock related structure - kabi: add kABI reference checking tool - kabi: add a tool to generate the kabi reference relationship - kabi: add script tools to check kabi symbol - kabi: enables more stringent kabi checks - kabi: add KABI_SIZE_ALIGN_CHECKS for more stringent kabi checks - kabi: add kabi helper macros - pci: do not save 'PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_BUS_RESET' - PCI: check BIR before mapping MSI-X Table - PCI: Fail MSI-X mapping if MSI-X Table offset is out of range of BAR space - PCI/sysfs: Take reference on device to be removed - pciehp: fix a race between pciehp and removing operations by sysfs - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add suspend and resume support - cgroup: Fix task_css_check rcu warnings - psi: using cpuacct_cgrp_id under CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT - psi: fix unexpected behavior of psi in cgroup v1 during init - perf inject: Fix ARM SPE handling - perf tools: Set COMPAT_NEED_REALLOCARRAY for CONFIG_AUXTRACE=1 - perf arm-spe: Support hardware-based PID tracing - perf arm-spe: Save context ID in record - perf arm-spe: Update --switch-events docs in 'perf record' - perf arm-spe: Track task context switch for cpu-mode events - perf arm-spe: Print size using consistent format - perf arm-spe: Implement find_snapshot callback - perf arm-spe: Snapshot mode test - perf arm-spe: Add snapshot mode support - perf arm-spe: Don't wait for PERF_RECORD_EXIT event - perf arm-spe: Bail out if the trace is later than perf event - perf arm-spe: Assign kernel time to synthesized event - perf arm-spe: Convert event kernel time to counter value - perf arm-spe: Save clock parameters from TIME_CONV event - perf arm-spe: Remove redundant checking for "full_auxtrace" - perf arm-spe: Enable timestamp for per-cpu mode - perf arm-spe: Correct sample flags for dummy event - perf arm-spe: Correct sample flags for SPE event - perf arm-spe: Avoid potential buffer overrun - perf arm-spe: Set sample's data source field - perf arm-spe: Synthesize memory event - perf arm-spe: Fill address info for samples - perf arm-spe: Store operation type in packet - perf arm-spe: Store memory address in packet - perf arm-spe: Enable sample type PERF_SAMPLE_DATA_SRC - perf c2c: Add local variables for output metrics - perf c2c: Refactor node display - perf c2c: Fix argument type for percent() - perf c2c: Refactor display filter - perf c2c: Refactor hist entry validation - perf c2c: Rename for shared cache line stats - perf arm-spe: Add support for ARMv8.3-SPE - perf arm_spe: Decode memory tagging properties - perf arm-spe: Add more sub classes for operation packet - perf arm-spe: Refactor operation packet handling - perf arm-spe: Add new function arm_spe_pkt_desc_op_type() - perf arm-spe: Remove size condition checking for events - perf arm-spe: Refactor event type handling - perf arm-spe: Add new function arm_spe_pkt_desc_event() - perf arm-spe: Refactor counter packet handling - perf arm-spe: Add new function arm_spe_pkt_desc_counter() - perf arm-spe: Refactor context packet handling - perf arm_spe: Fixup top byte for data virtual address - perf arm-spe: Refactor address packet handling - perf arm-spe: Add new function arm_spe_pkt_desc_addr() - perf arm-spe: Refactor packet header parsing - perf arm-spe: Refactor printing string to buffer - perf arm-spe: Fix packet length handling - perf arm-spe: Refactor arm_spe_get_events() - perf arm-spe: Refactor payload size calculation - perf arm-spe: Fix a typo in comment - perf arm-spe: Include bitops.h for BIT() macro - perf mem: Support ARM SPE events - perf c2c: Support AUX trace - perf mem: Support AUX trace - perf auxtrace: Add itrace option '-M' for memory events - perf mem: Only initialize memory event for recording - perf c2c: Support memory event PERF_MEM_EVENTS__LOAD_STORE - perf mem: Support new memory event PERF_MEM_EVENTS__LOAD_STORE - perf mem: Introduce weak function perf_mem_events__ptr() - perf mem: Search event name with more flexible path - share_pool: Use sharepool_no_page to alloc hugepage - share_pool: Show sp vmflags in /proc/$pid/smaps - share_pool: charge pages to the memcg of current task - share_pool: Use node_id from spa when alloc share_pool memory - share_pool: Don't allow non-sp mmap in sp address range - share_pool: support fork() and exit() to handle the mm - share_pool: Implement sp_group_del_task() - share_pool: Implement sp_group_add_task() - share_pool: Implement sp_alloc() - share_pool: Implement sp_unshare_uva() - share_pool: Implement sp_make_share_k2u() - share_pool: Implement sp_free() - share_pool: Implement sp_group_id_by_pid() - share_pool: Implement sp_unshare_kva - share_pool: Implement sp_make_share_u2k() - share_pool: Compact memory when necessary - share_pool: Add sp-area management code - share_pool: Implement sp_walk_page_range() - share_pool: Add VM_SHARE_POOL flag for vm_area_struct - share_pool: Add proc interfaces to show sp info - share_pool: Reserve the va space for share_pool - share_pool: Add Statement for all the exported symbol - share_pool: Add base framework for share_pool - shmem: Alloc shared memory on a specified memory node - memory: introduce do_mm_populate - vmalloc: Extend for hugepages mapping - mm/hugetlb: allocate huge page and setup page table - timekeeping: Really make sure wall_to_monotonic isn't positive - tracing/osnoise: Fix compile warning in function start_kthread - configs: Enable osnoise and timerlat - tracing: Have osnoise_main() add a quiescent state for task rcu - tracing/osnoise: Make osnoise_instances static - tracing/osnoise: Remove PREEMPT_RT ifdefs from inside functions - tracing/osnoise: Remove STACKTRACE ifdefs from inside functions - tracing/osnoise: Allow multiple instances of the same tracer - tracing/osnoise: Remove TIMERLAT ifdefs from inside functions - tracing: Disable "other" permission bits in the tracefs files - tracing/osnoise: Support a list of trace_array *tr - tracing/osnoise: Use start/stop_per_cpu_kthreads() on osnoise_cpus_write() - tracing/osnoise: Split workload start from the tracer start - tracing/osnoise: Improve comments about barrier need for NMI callbacks - tracing/osnoise: Do not follow tracing_cpumask - tracing: Fix missing osnoise tracer on max_latency - tracing/osnoise: Fix missed cpus_read_unlock() in start_per_cpu_kthreads() - trace/osnoise: Print a stop tracing message - trace/osnoise: Make 'noise' variable s64 in run_osnoise() - tracing: Fix spelling in osnoise tracer "interferences" -> "interference" - Documentation: Fix a typo on trace/osnoise-tracer - trace/osnoise: Fix return value on osnoise_init_hotplug_support - trace/osnoise: Make interval u64 on osnoise_main - trace/osnoise: Support hotplug operations - trace/osnoise: Fix 'no previous prototype' warnings - trace/osnoise: Fix an ifdef comment - trace/osnoise: Add a header with PREEMPT_RT additional fields - trace: Add timerlat tracer - trace: Add osnoise tracer - tracing: Merge irqflags + preempt counter. - trace: Add __print_ns_to_secs() and __print_ns_without_secs() helpers - trace: Add a generic function to read/write u64 values from tracefs - driver core: auxiliary bus: Fix memory leak when driver_register() fail - driver core: auxiliary bus: Remove unneeded module bits - driver core: auxiliary bus: Fix calling stage for auxiliary bus init - driver core: auxiliary bus: Fix auxiliary bus shutdown null auxdrv ptr - driver core: auxiliary bus: minor coding style tweaks - driver core: auxiliary bus: make remove function return void - driver core: auxiliary bus: move slab.h from include file - Add auxiliary bus support - svm: Set CONFIG_HISI_SVM as m by default - svm: Change svm to modules and remove unused functions - arm64/ascend: Enable CONFIG_ASCEND_OOM for openeuler_defconfig - arm64/ascend: Add new enable_oom_killer interface for oom contrl - x86: Support huge vmalloc mappings - arm64: Support huge vmalloc mappings - mm: vmalloc: Let user to control huge vmalloc default behavior - pid_ns: Make pid_max per namespace - arm64/mpam: rmid: refine allocation and release process - arm64/mpam: resctrl: add tips when rmid modification failed - arm64/mpam: Fix mpam corrupt when cpu online - vfio/mdev: Add missing error handling to dev_set_name() - KVM: arm64: Restore PMU configuration on first run - KVM: arm64: Refuse to run VCPU if PMU is not initialized - KVM: arm64: Add kvm_vcpu_has_pmu() helper - KVM: LAPIC: Keep stored TMCCT register value 0 after KVM_SET_LAPIC - KVM: x86: Properly reset MMU context at vCPU RESET/INIT - KVM: LAPIC: Write 0 to TMICT should also cancel vmx-preemption timer - KVM: X86: Fix missing local pCPU when executing wbinvd on all dirty pCPUs - kvm: SMM: fix losing SMI problem - arm64: mm: support setting page attributes for debugging - mm: emit the "free" trace report before freeing memory in kmem_cache_free() - mm, page_alloc: disable pcplists during memory offline - mm, page_alloc: move draining pcplists to page isolation users - mm, page_alloc: cache pageset high and batch in struct zone - mm, page_alloc: simplify pageset_update() - mm, page_alloc: remove setup_pageset() - mm, page_alloc: calculate pageset high and batch once per zone - mm, page_alloc: clean up pageset high and batch update - tools arch x86: Sync the msr-index.h copy with the kernel sources - powercap: RAPL: Add AMD Fam19h RAPL support - powercap: Add AMD Fam17h RAPL support - powercap/intel_rapl_msr: Convert rapl_msr_priv into pointer - x86/msr-index: sort AMD RAPL MSRs by address - Revert "ima: Introduce ima namespace" - Revert "ima: Add a list of the installed ima namespaces" - Revert "ima: Bind ima namespace to the file descriptor" - Revert "ima: Add ima policy related data to the ima namespace" - Revert "ima: Add methods for parsing ima policy configuration string" - Revert "ima: Add ima namespace to the ima subsystem APIs" - Revert "ima: Extend the APIs in the integrity subsystem" - Revert "ima: Add integrity inode related data to the ima namespace" - Revert "ima: Enable per ima namespace policy settings" - Revert "ima: Add ima namespace id to the measurement list related structures" - Revert "ima: Keep track of the measurment list per ima namespace" - Revert "ima: Check ima namespace ID during digest entry lookup" - Revert "ima: Add a new ima template that includes namespace ID" - Revert "ima: Add per namespace view of the measurement list" - Revert "ima: Add a reader counter to the integrity inode data" - Revert "ima: Extend permissions to the ima securityfs entries" - Revert "ima: Add the violation counter to the namespace" - Revert "ima: Change the owning user namespace of the ima namespace if necessary" - Revert "ima: Configure the new ima namespace from securityfs" - Revert "ima: Parse per ima namespace policy file" - Revert "user namespace: Add function that checks if the UID map is defined" - Revert "ima: Remap IDs of subject based rules if necessary" - Revert "keys: Add domain tag to the keyring search criteria" - Revert "keys: Include key domain tag in the iterative search" - Revert "keys: Allow to set key domain tag separately from the key type" - Revert "ima: Add key domain to the ima namespace" - Revert "integrity: Add key domain tag to the search criteria" - Revert "ima: Load per ima namespace x509 certificate" - Revert "ima: Add dummy boot aggregate to per ima namespace measurement list" - Revert "ima: Set ML template per ima namespace" - Revert "ima: fix a potential crash owing to the compiler optimisation" - Revert "ima: Introduce ima-ns-sig template" - Revert "digest list: disable digest lists in non-root ima namespaces" - Revert "imans: Use initial ima namespace domain tag when IMANS is disabled." - Revert "imans: Check CAP_SYS_ADMIN in userns associated with IMA NS during configuration." - config: enable CONFIG_ASCEND_CLEAN_CDM by default - numa/cdm: Introduce a bootarg to specify the target nodes to move to - numa: Move the management structures for cdm nodes to ddr - tick/nohz: Call tick_nohz_task_switch() with interrupts disabled - tick/nohz: Kick only _queued_ task whose tick dependency is updated - tick/nohz: Change signal tick dependency to wake up CPUs of member tasks - tick/nohz: Only wake up a single target cpu when kicking a task - tick/nohz: Update idle_exittime on actual idle exit - tick/nohz: Remove superflous check for CONFIG_VIRT_CPU_ACCOUNTING_NATIVE - tick/nohz: Conditionally restart tick on idle exit - tick/sched: Release seqcount before invoking calc_load_global() - tick/sched: Optimize tick_do_update_jiffies64() further - tick/sched: Reduce seqcount held scope in tick_do_update_jiffies64() - tick/sched: Use tick_next_period for lockless quick check - arm64: Revert feature: Add memmap parameter and register pmem - crypto: hisilicon/zip - enable ssid for sva sgl - crypto: hisilicon/zip - add new algorithms for uacce device - PCI: fix the wrong class type for HiSilicon NP 5896 - PCI: Fix SD5896 NP init failure - fs: fix a hungtask problem when freeze/unfreeze fs - PCI: Add support of port isolation for QLogic HBA card 26 - xfs: fix chown leaking delalloc quota blocks when fssetxattr fails - xfs: punch out data fork delalloc blocks on COW writeback failure - xfs: use kmem_cache_free() for kmem_cache objects - xfs: fix I_DONTCACHE - xfs: only set IOMAP_F_SHARED when providing a srcmap to a write - xfs: fix perag structure refcounting error when scrub fails - xfs: make fsmap backend function key parameters const - xfs: fix off-by-one error when the last rt extent is in use - xfs: make xfs_rtalloc_query_range input parameters const - xfs: replace kmem_alloc_large() with kvmalloc() - xfs: remove kmem_alloc_io() - mm: Add kvrealloc() - xfs: introduce all-mounts list for cpu hotplug notifications - xfs: introduce CPU hotplug infrastructure - xfs: prevent spoofing of rtbitmap blocks when recovering buffers - xfs: Enforce attr3 buffer recovery order - xfs: logging the on disk inode LSN can make it go backwards - xfs: avoid unnecessary waits in xfs_log_force_lsn() - xfs: log forces imply data device cache flushes - xfs: factor out forced iclog flushes - xfs: fix ordering violation between cache flushes and tail updates - xfs: fold __xlog_state_release_iclog into xlog_state_release_iclog - xfs: external logs need to flush data device - xfs: flush data dev on external log write - xfs: fix an integer overflow error in xfs_growfs_rt - xfs: reset child dir '..' entry when unlinking child - xfs: don't wait on future iclogs when pushing the CIL - xfs: Fix a CIL UAF by getting get rid of the iclog callback lock - xfs: remove callback dequeue loop from xlog_state_do_iclog_callbacks - xfs: don't nest icloglock inside ic_callback_lock - xfs: force the log offline when log intent item recovery fails - xfs: fix log intent recovery ENOSPC shutdowns when inactivating inodes - xfs: xfs_log_force_lsn isn't passed a LSN - xfs: Fix CIL throttle hang when CIL space used going backwards - xfs: journal IO cache flush reductions - xfs: remove need_start_rec parameter from xlog_write() - xfs: CIL checkpoint flushes caches unconditionally - xfs: async blkdev cache flush - xfs: separate CIL commit record IO - xfs: Fix 64-bit division on 32-bit in xlog_state_switch_iclogs() - xfs: log stripe roundoff is a property of the log - xfs: only reset incore inode health state flags when reclaiming an inode - xfs: don't take a spinlock unconditionally in the DIO fastpath - xfs: bunmapi has unnecessary AG lock ordering issues - xfs: btree format inode forks can have zero extents - xfs: Fix fall-through warnings for Clang - xfs: don't reset log idle state on covering checkpoints - xfs: check free AG space when making per-AG reservations - xfs: unconditionally read all AGFs on mounts with perag reservation - xfs: fix deadlock retry tracepoint arguments - xfs: fix scrub and remount-ro protection when running scrub - xfs: fix xfs_reflink_unshare usage of filemap_write_and_wait_range - xfs: count free space btree blocks when scrubbing pre-lazysbcount fses - xfs: update superblock counters correctly for !lazysbcount - xfs: don't check agf_btreeblks on pre-lazysbcount filesystems - xfs: remove obsolete AGF counter debugging - xfs: drop submit side trans alloc for append ioends - net: hns3: Fix spelling mistake "faile" -> "failed" - net: hns3: fix hns3 driver header file not self-contained issue - net: hns3: replace one tab with space in for statement - net: hns3: remove rebundant line for hclge_dbg_dump_tm_pg() - net: hns3: add comments for hclge_dbg_fill_content() - net: hns3: align return value type of atomic_read() with its output - net: hns3: modify one argument type of function hclge_ncl_config_data_print - net: hns3: Align type of some variables with their print type - net: hns3: add print vport id for failed message of vlan - net: hns3: refactor function hclge_set_vlan_filter_hw - net: hns3: optimize function hclge_cfg_common_loopback() - net: hns3: refactor function hns3_get_vector_ring_chain() - net: hns3: refactor function hclge_set_channels() - net: hns3: refactor function hclge_configure() - net: hns3: split function hclge_update_port_base_vlan_cfg() - net: hns3: split function hns3_nic_net_xmit() - net: hns3: split function hclge_get_fd_rule_info() - net: hns3: split function hclge_init_vlan_config() - net: hns3: refactor function hns3_fill_skb_desc to simplify code - net: hns3: extract macro to simplify ring stats update code - net: hns3: make symbol 'hclge_mac_speed_map_to_fw' static - net: hns3: split function hns3_set_l2l3l4() - net: hns3: split function hns3_handle_bdinfo() - net: hns3: split function hns3_nic_get_stats64() - net: hns3: refine function hclge_tm_pri_q_qs_cfg() - net: hns3: add new function hclge_tm_schd_mode_tc_base_cfg() - net: hns3: refine function hclge_cfg_mac_speed_dup_hw() - net: hns3: split function hns3_get_tx_timeo_queue_info() - net: hns3: refactor two hns3 debugfs functions - net: hns3: refactor hns3_nic_reuse_page() - net: hns3: refactor reset_prepare_general retry statement - net: hns3: use macro IANA_VXLAN_GPE_UDP_PORT to replace number 4790 - net: vxlan: add macro definition for number of IANA VXLAN-GPE port - net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset command - net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when queried by debugfs - net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool - net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs - net: hns3: add dql info when tx timeout - net: hns3: debugfs add drop packet statistics of multicast and broadcast for igu - net: hns3: format the output of the MAC address - net: hns3: add log for workqueue scheduled late - net: hns3: remove the way to set tx spare buf via module parameter - net: hns3: add support to set/get rx buf len via ethtool for hns3 driver - ethtool: extend ringparam setting/getting API with rx_buf_len - ethtool: add support to set/get rx buf len via ethtool - net: hns3: add support to set/get tx copybreak buf size via ethtool for hns3 driver - ethtool: add support to set/get tx copybreak buf size via ethtool - vhost_net: avoid tx queue stuck when sendmsg fails - crypto: x86/sm4 - Fix invalid section entry size - crypto: sm4 - Do not change section of ck and sbox - crypto: x86/sm4 - Fix frame pointer stack corruption - Add the configuration for accelerated of SM4 - crypto: x86/sm4 - add AES-NI/AVX2/x86_64 implementation - crypto: x86/sm4 - export reusable AESNI/AVX functions - crypto: tcrypt - add the asynchronous speed test for SM4 - crypto: x86/sm4 - add AES-NI/AVX/x86_64 implementation - crypto: arm64/sm4-ce - Make dependent on sm4 library instead of sm4-generic - crypto: sm4 - create SM4 library based on sm4 generic code - crypto: tcrypt - add GCM/CCM mode test for SM4 algorithm - crypto: testmgr - Add GCM/CCM mode test of SM4 algorithm - crypto: tcrypt - Fix missing return value check - ipvlan: limit loop_qlen ranges - ipvlan: limit loop_delay ranges - ipvlan: Introduce local xmit queue for l2e mode - ipvlan: check the value of module parameter ipvlan_default_mode - ipvlan: Introduce l2e mode - mpam: update monitor rmid and group configuration - mpam: Add support for group rmid modify - mpam: enable rdt_mon_capable for mbw monitor - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support to enable/disable SMMU user_mpam_en - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support to get SMMU mpam configuration - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support to configure mpam in STE/CD context - iommu: add iommu interface to set/get device configuration - block/wbt: fix negative inflight counter when remove scsi device - md/raid1: fix a race between removing rdev and access conf->mirrors[i].rdev - arm64/ascend: Enable CONFIG_ASCEND_DVPP_MMAP - arm64/ascend: Enable DvPP mmap features for Ascend Platform - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: Adjust page size to 4K and VA_BITS to 48 - openeuler_defconfig: Adjust CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT to 7 - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: increase CONFIG_NR_CPUS value to 4096 - audit: ensure userspace is penalized the same as the kernel when under pressure - audit: improve robustness of the audit queue handling - arm32: kaslr: Bugfix of initrd size calculation when enabled kaslr - drm/hisilicon: Features to support reading resolutions from EDID - drm/hisilicon: Support i2c driver algorithms for bit-shift adapters - mm: Change tmpfs size base on ddr size. - SUNRPC: Close a race with transport setup and module put - sched: Introduce handle priority reversion mechanism - mm: Check numa node hugepages enough when mmap hugetlb - block: return errors from blk_execute_rq() - blk: Fix lock inversion between ioc lock and bfqd lock - bfq: Remove merged request already in bfq_requests_merged()- selftests/x86/iopl: Adjust to the faked iopl CLI/STI usage - thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions - perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails - scripts/ Rewrite based on upstream - erofs: fix unsafe pagevec reuse of hooked pclusters - erofs: remove the occupied parameter from z_erofs_pagevec_enqueue() - PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI - PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability - PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries - parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path - x86/iopl: Fake iopl(3) CLI/STI usage - net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix unbalanced pm_runtime_enable warnings - net: stmmac: fix issue where clk is being unprepared twice - net: stmmac: fix system hang if change mac address after interface ifdown - net: stmmac: fix missing unlock on error in stmmac_suspend() - net: stmmac: platform: fix build error with !CONFIG_PM_SLEEP - net: stmmac: add clocks management for gmac driver - bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() - loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size - block: Add a helper to validate the block size - fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support - soc/tegra: pmc: Fix imbalanced clock disabling in error code path - x86/sev: Make the #VC exception stacks part of the default stacks storage - x86/sev: Add an x86 version of cc_platform_has() - arch/cc: Introduce a function to check for confidential computing features - selftests/bpf: Fix also no-alu32 strobemeta selftest - mmc: moxart: Fix null pointer dereference on pointer host - ath10k: fix invalid dma_addr_t token assignment - SUNRPC: Partial revert of commit 6f9f17287e78 - PCI: aardvark: Fix PCIe Max Payload Size setting - PCI: Add PCI_EXP_DEVCTL_PAYLOAD_* macros - drm/sun4i: Fix macros in sun8i_csc.h - powerpc/85xx: fix timebase sync issue when CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU=n - powerpc/powernv/prd: Unregister OPAL_MSG_PRD2 notifier during module unload - mtd: rawnand: au1550nd: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: plat_nand: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: orion: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: pasemi: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: gpio: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: mpc5121: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: xway: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: ams-delta: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - s390/cio: make ccw_device_dma_* more robust - s390/ap: Fix hanging ioctl caused by orphaned replies - s390/tape: fix timer initialization in tape_std_assign() - s390/cio: check the subchannel validity for dev_busid - video: backlight: Drop maximum brightness override for brightness zero - mfd: dln2: Add cell for initializing DLN2 ADC - mm, oom: do not trigger out_of_memory from the #PF - mm, oom: pagefault_out_of_memory: don't force global OOM for dying tasks - powerpc/bpf: Emit stf barrier instruction sequences for BPF_NOSPEC - powerpc/security: Add a helper to query stf_barrier type - powerpc/bpf: Validate branch ranges - powerpc/lib: Add helper to check if offset is within conditional branch range - memcg: prohibit unconditional exceeding the limit of dying tasks - 9p/net: fix missing error check in p9_check_errors - net, neigh: Enable state migration between NUD_PERMANENT and NTF_USE - f2fs: should use GFP_NOFS for directory inodes - irqchip/sifive-plic: Fixup EOI failed when masked - posix-cpu-timers: Clear task::posix_cputimers_work in copy_process() - x86/mce: Add errata workaround for Skylake SKX37 - MIPS: Fix assembly error from MIPSr2 code used within MIPS_ISA_ARCH_LEVEL - parisc: Fix backtrace to always include init funtion names - ARM: 9156/1: drop cc-option fallbacks for architecture selection - ARM: 9155/1: fix early early_iounmap() - selftests/net: udpgso_bench_rx: fix port argument - cxgb4: fix eeprom len when diagnostics not implemented - net/smc: fix sk_refcnt underflow on linkdown and fallback - vsock: prevent unnecessary refcnt inc for nonblocking connect - net: stmmac: allow a tc-taprio base-time of zero - net/sched: sch_taprio: fix undefined behavior in ktime_mono_to_any - seq_file: fix passing wrong private data - gve: Fix off by one in gve_tx_timeout() - bpf: sockmap, strparser, and tls are reusing qdisc_skb_cb and colliding - bpf, sockmap: Remove unhash handler for BPF sockmap usage - arm64: pgtable: make __pte_to_phys/__phys_to_pte_val inline functions - nfc: pn533: Fix double free when pn533_fill_fragment_skbs() fails - llc: fix out-of-bound array index in llc_sk_dev_hash() - perf bpf: Add missing free to bpf_event__print_bpf_prog_info() - zram: off by one in read_block_state() - mm/zsmalloc.c: close race window between zs_pool_dec_isolated() and zs_unregister_migration() - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_chip_start(): fix error handling for mcp251xfd_chip_rx_int_enable() - mfd: core: Add missing of_node_put for loop iteration - drm/nouveau/svm: Fix refcount leak bug and missing check against null bug - ACPI: PMIC: Fix intel_pmic_regs_handler() read accesses - ice: Fix not stopping Tx queues for VFs - ice: Fix replacing VF hardware MAC to existing MAC filter - net: vlan: fix a UAF in vlan_dev_real_dev() - openrisc: fix SMP tlb flush NULL pointer dereference - ethtool: fix ethtool msg len calculation for pause stats - net: davinci_emac: Fix interrupt pacing disable - xen-pciback: Fix return in pm_ctrl_init() - i2c: xlr: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'xlr_i2c_probe()' - NFSv4: Fix a regression in nfs_set_open_stateid_locked() - scsi: qla2xxx: Turn off target reset during issue_lip - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix gnl list corruption - scsi: qla2xxx: Relogin during fabric disturbance - scsi: qla2xxx: Changes to support FCP2 Target - ar7: fix kernel builds for compiler test - watchdog: f71808e_wdt: fix inaccurate report in WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT - m68k: set a default value for MEMORY_RESERVE - signal/sh: Use force_sig(SIGKILL) instead of do_group_exit(SIGKILL) - dmaengine: dmaengine_desc_callback_valid(): Check for `callback_result` - netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: fix OOB when mac header was cleared - soc: fsl: dpaa2-console: free buffer before returning from dpaa2_console_read - auxdisplay: ht16k33: Fix frame buffer device blanking - auxdisplay: ht16k33: Connect backlight to fbdev - auxdisplay: img-ascii-lcd: Fix lock-up when displaying empty string - Fix user namespace leak - NFS: Fix an Oops in pnfs_mark_request_commit() - NFS: Fix up commit deadlocks - dmaengine: at_xdmac: fix AT_XDMAC_CC_PERID() macro - rtc: rv3032: fix error handling in rv3032_clkout_set_rate() - remoteproc: Fix a memory leak in an error handling path in 'rproc_handle_vdev()' - mtd: core: don't remove debugfs directory if device is in use - PCI: uniphier: Serialize INTx masking/unmasking and fix the bit operation - mtd: spi-nor: hisi-sfc: Remove excessive clk_disable_unprepare() - fs: orangefs: fix error return code of orangefs_revalidate_lookup() - NFS: Fix deadlocks in nfs_scan_commit_list() - opp: Fix return in _opp_add_static_v2() - PCI: aardvark: Fix preserving PCI_EXP_RTCTL_CRSSVE flag on emulated bridge - PCI: aardvark: Don't spam about PIO Response Status - drm/plane-helper: fix uninitialized variable reference - pnfs/flexfiles: Fix misplaced barrier in nfs4_ff_layout_prepare_ds - NFS: Fix dentry verifier races - i2c: mediatek: fixing the incorrect register offset - nfsd: don't alloc under spinlock in rpc_parse_scope_id - rpmsg: Fix rpmsg_create_ept return when RPMSG config is not defined - apparmor: fix error check - power: supply: bq27xxx: Fix kernel crash on IRQ handler register error - mips: cm: Convert to bitfield API to fix out-of-bounds access - virtio_ring: check desc == NULL when using indirect with packed - ASoC: cs42l42: Correct configuring of switch inversion from ts-inv - ASoC: cs42l42: Use device_property API instead of of_property - ASoC: cs42l42: Disable regulators if probe fails - powerpc/44x/fsp2: add missing of_node_put - HID: u2fzero: properly handle timeouts in usb_submit_urb - HID: u2fzero: clarify error check and length calculations - clk: at91: sam9x60-pll: use DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST_ULL - serial: xilinx_uartps: Fix race condition causing stuck TX - phy: qcom-snps: Correct the FSEL_MASK - phy: ti: gmii-sel: check of_get_address() for failure - phy: qcom-qusb2: Fix a memory leak on probe - pinctrl: equilibrium: Fix function addition in multiple groups - soc: qcom: apr: Add of_node_put() before return - firmware: qcom_scm: Fix error retval in __qcom_scm_is_call_available() - usb: dwc2: drd: reset current session before setting the new one - usb: dwc2: drd: fix dwc2_drd_role_sw_set when clock could be disabled - usb: dwc2: drd: fix dwc2_force_mode call in dwc2_ovr_init - serial: imx: fix detach/attach of serial console - scsi: ufs: ufshcd-pltfrm: Fix memory leak due to probe defer - scsi: ufs: Refactor ufshcd_setup_clocks() to remove skip_ref_clk - iio: adis: do not disabe IRQs in 'adis_init()' - usb: typec: STUSB160X should select REGMAP_I2C - soc: qcom: rpmhpd: Make power_on actually enable the domain - soc: qcom: rpmhpd: Provide some missing struct member descriptions - ASoC: cs42l42: Defer probe if request_threaded_irq() returns EPROBE_DEFER - ASoC: cs42l42: Correct some register default values - ARM: dts: stm32: fix AV96 board SAI2 pin muxing on stm32mp15 - ARM: dts: stm32: fix SAI sub nodes register range - ARM: dts: stm32: Reduce DHCOR SPI NOR frequency to 50 MHz - pinctrl: renesas: checker: Fix off-by-one bug in drive register check - staging: ks7010: select CRYPTO_HASH/CRYPTO_MICHAEL_MIC - staging: most: dim2: do not double-register the same device - usb: musb: select GENERIC_PHY instead of depending on it - RDMA/mlx4: Return missed an error if device doesn't support steering - scsi: csiostor: Uninitialized data in csio_ln_vnp_read_cbfn() - power: supply: max17040: fix null-ptr-deref in max17040_probe() - power: supply: rt5033_battery: Change voltage values to µV - usb: gadget: hid: fix error code in do_config() - serial: 8250_dw: Drop wrong use of ACPI_PTR() - powerpc: fix unbalanced node refcount in check_kvm_guest() - powerpc: Fix is_kvm_guest() / kvm_para_available() - powerpc: Reintroduce is_kvm_guest() as a fast-path check - powerpc: Rename is_kvm_guest() to check_kvm_guest() - powerpc: Refactor is_kvm_guest() declaration to new header - video: fbdev: chipsfb: use memset_io() instead of memset() - clk: at91: check pmc node status before registering syscore ops - memory: fsl_ifc: fix leak of irq and nand_irq in fsl_ifc_ctrl_probe - soc/tegra: Fix an error handling path in tegra_powergate_power_up() - ASoC: SOF: topology: do not power down primary core during topology removal - arm: dts: omap3-gta04a4: accelerometer irq fix - driver core: Fix possible memory leak in device_link_add() - scsi: pm80xx: Fix misleading log statement in pm8001_mpi_get_nvmd_resp() - soundwire: debugfs: use controller id and link_id for debugfs - ALSA: hda: Use position buffer for SKL+ again - ALSA: hda: Fix hang during shutdown due to link reset - ALSA: hda: Release controller display power during shutdown/reboot - ALSA: hda: Reduce udelay() at SKL+ position reporting - arm64: dts: qcom: pm8916: Remove wrong reg-names for rtc@6000 - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon: Fix Ethernet PHY mode - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix Secondary MI2S bit clock - JFS: fix memleak in jfs_mount - MIPS: loongson64: make CPU_LOONGSON64 depends on MIPS_FP_SUPPORT - scsi: dc395: Fix error case unwinding - ARM: dts: at91: tse850: the emac<->phy interface is rmii - bus: ti-sysc: Fix timekeeping_suspended warning on resume - arm64: dts: meson-g12b: Fix the pwm regulator supply properties - arm64: dts: meson-g12a: Fix the pwm regulator supply properties - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e-main: Fix "bus-range" upto 256 bus number for PCIe - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e-main: Fix "max-virtual-functions" in PCIe EP nodes - RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix query SRQ failure - ARM: dts: qcom: msm8974: Add xo_board reference clock to DSI0 PHY - arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix GPU register width for RK3328 - ARM: s3c: irq-s3c24xx: Fix return value check for s3c24xx_init_intc() - clk: mvebu: ap-cpu-clk: Fix a memory leak in error handling paths - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Fix memory nodes names - RDMA/rxe: Fix wrong port_cap_flags - iio: st_sensors: disable regulators after device unregistration - iio: st_sensors: Call st_sensors_power_enable() from bus drivers - of: unittest: fix EXPECT text for gpio hog errors - bpf: Fix propagation of signed bounds from 64-bit min/max into 32-bit. - bpf: Fix propagation of bounds from 64-bit min/max into 32-bit and var_off. - cgroup: Fix rootcg cpu.stat guest double counting - ibmvnic: Process crqs after enabling interrupts - ibmvnic: don't stop queue in xmit - udp6: allow SO_MARK ctrl msg to affect routing - selftests/bpf: Fix fclose/pclose mismatch in test_progs - crypto: pcrypt - Delay write to padata->info - net: phylink: avoid mvneta warning when setting pause parameters - net: amd-xgbe: Toggle PLL settings during rate change - selftests/bpf: Fix fd cleanup in sk_lookup test - selftests: bpf: Convert sk_lookup ctx access tests to PROG_TEST_RUN - drm/amdgpu/gmc6: fix DMA mask from 44 to 40 bits - wcn36xx: Fix discarded frames due to wrong sequence number - wcn36xx: add proper DMA memory barriers in rx path - libertas: Fix possible memory leak in probe and disconnect - libertas_tf: Fix possible memory leak in probe and disconnect - KVM: s390: Fix handle_sske page fault handling - samples/kretprobes: Fix return value if register_kretprobe() failed - spi: spi-rpc-if: Check return value of rpcif_sw_init() - tcp: don't free a FIN sk_buff in tcp_remove_empty_skb() - libbpf: Fix endianness detection in BPF_CORE_READ_BITFIELD_PROBED() - tpm_tis_spi: Add missing SPI ID - tpm: fix Atmel TPM crash caused by too frequent queries - irq: mips: avoid nested irq_enter() - KVM: s390: pv: avoid stalls for kvm_s390_pv_init_vm - KVM: s390: pv: avoid double free of sida page - s390/gmap: don't unconditionally call pte_unmap_unlock() in __gmap_zap() - libbpf: Fix BTF header parsing checks - libbpf: Fix overflow in BTF sanity checks - libbpf: Allow loading empty BTFs - libbpf: Fix BTF data layout checks and allow empty BTF - bpftool: Avoid leaking the JSON writer prepared for program metadata - KVM: selftests: Fix nested SVM tests when built with clang - KVM: selftests: Add operand to vmsave/vmload/vmrun in svm.c - smackfs: use netlbl_cfg_cipsov4_del() for deleting cipso_v4_doi - drm/msm: Fix potential NULL dereference in DPU SSPP - x86/sev: Fix stack type check in vc_switch_off_ist() - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Select TIMER_OF - PM: hibernate: fix sparse warnings - nvme-rdma: fix error code in nvme_rdma_setup_ctrl - phy: micrel: ksz8041nl: do not use power down mode - net: enetc: unmap DMA in enetc_send_cmd() - mwifiex: Send DELBA requests according to spec - rsi: stop thread firstly in rsi_91x_init() error handling - mt76: mt7915: fix muar_idx in mt7915_mcu_alloc_sta_req() - mt76: mt7915: fix sta_rec_wtbl tag len - mt76: mt7915: fix possible infinite loop release semaphore - mt76: mt76x02: fix endianness warnings in mt76x02_mac.c - mt76: mt7615: fix endianness warning in mt7615_mac_write_txwi - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix bitwise vs. logical warning - mmc: mxs-mmc: disable regulator on error and in the remove function - media: ir_toy: assignment to be16 should be of correct type - net: stream: don't purge sk_error_queue in sk_stream_kill_queues() - drm/msm: uninitialized variable in msm_gem_import() - drm/msm: potential error pointer dereference in init() - tcp: switch orphan_count to bare per-cpu counters - kernel/sched: Fix sched_fork() access an invalid sched_task_group - ath10k: fix max antenna gain unit - hwmon: (pmbus/lm25066) Let compiler determine outer dimension of lm25066_coeff - hwmon: Fix possible memleak in __hwmon_device_register() - net, neigh: Fix NTF_EXT_LEARNED in combination with NTF_USE - memstick: jmb38x_ms: use appropriate free function in jmb38x_ms_alloc_host() - memstick: avoid out-of-range warning - mmc: sdhci-omap: Fix context restore - mmc: sdhci-omap: Fix NULL pointer exception if regulator is not configured - gve: Recover from queue stall due to missed IRQ - b43: fix a lower bounds test - b43legacy: fix a lower bounds test - hwrng: mtk - Force runtime pm ops for sleep ops - crypto: qat - disregard spurious PFVF interrupts - crypto: qat - detect PFVF collision after ACK - media: dvb-frontends: mn88443x: Handle errors of clk_prepare_enable() - netfilter: nft_dynset: relax superfluous check on set updates - rcu: Always inline rcu_dynticks_task*_{enter,exit}() - EDAC/amd64: Handle three rank interleaving mode - PM: EM: Fix inefficient states detection - ath9k: Fix potential interrupt storm on queue reset - media: em28xx: Don't use ops->suspend if it is NULL - cpuidle: Fix kobject memory leaks in error paths - crypto: ecc - fix CRYPTO_DEFAULT_RNG dependency - kprobes: Do not use local variable when creating debugfs file - media: cx23885: Fix snd_card_free call on null card pointer - media: tm6000: Avoid card name truncation - media: si470x: Avoid card name truncation - media: radio-wl1273: Avoid card name truncation - media: mtk-vpu: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'mtk_vpu_probe()' - media: TDA1997x: handle short reads of hdmi info frame. - media: v4l2-ioctl: S_CTRL output the right value - media: dvb-usb: fix ununit-value in az6027_rc_query - media: cxd2880-spi: Fix a null pointer dereference on error handling path - media: em28xx: add missing em28xx_close_extension - drm/amdgpu: fix warning for overflow check - arm64: mm: update max_pfn after memory hotplug - drm/ttm: stop calling tt_swapin in vm_access - ath10k: sdio: Add missing BH locking around napi_schdule() - ath10k: Fix missing frame timestamp for beacon/probe-resp - ath11k: Fix memory leak in ath11k_qmi_driver_event_work - ath11k: fix packet drops due to incorrect 6 GHz freq value in rx status - ath11k: Avoid race during regd updates - ath11k: fix some sleeping in atomic bugs - net: dsa: rtl8366rb: Fix off-by-one bug - rxrpc: Fix _usecs_to_jiffies() by using usecs_to_jiffies() - crypto: caam - disable pkc for non-E SoCs - Bluetooth: btmtkuart: fix a memleak in mtk_hci_wmt_sync - wilc1000: fix possible memory leak in cfg_scan_result() - wcn36xx: Fix Antenna Diversity Switching - cgroup: Make rebind_subsystems() disable v2 controllers all at once - net: net_namespace: Fix undefined member in key_remove_domain() - lockdep: Let lock_is_held_type() detect recursive read as read - virtio-gpu: fix possible memory allocation failure - drm/v3d: fix wait for TMU write combiner flush - objtool: Fix static_call list generation - x86/xen: Mark cpu_bringup_and_idle() as dead_end_function - objtool: Add xen_start_kernel() to noreturn list - MIPS: lantiq: dma: fix burst length for DEU - rcu: Fix existing exp request check in sync_sched_exp_online_cleanup() - Bluetooth: fix init and cleanup of sco_conn.timeout_work - selftests/bpf: Fix strobemeta selftest regression - netfilter: conntrack: set on IPS_ASSURED if flows enters internal stream state - parisc/kgdb: add kgdb_roundup() to make kgdb work with idle polling - parisc/unwind: fix unwinder when CONFIG_64BIT is enabled - erofs: don't trigger WARN() when decompression fails - task_stack: Fix end_of_stack() for architectures with upwards-growing stack - parisc: fix warning in flush_tlb_all - selftests/core: fix conflicting types compile error for close_range() - drm/amd/display: dcn20_resource_construct reduce scope of FPU enabled - x86/hyperv: Protect set_hv_tscchange_cb() against getting preempted - wcn36xx: Correct band/freq reporting on RX - spi: bcm-qspi: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in bcm_qspi_probe() - btrfs: do not take the uuid_mutex in btrfs_rm_device - btrfs: reflink: initialize return value to 0 in btrfs_extent_same() - ACPI: AC: Quirk GK45 to skip reading _PSR - net: annotate data-race in neigh_output() - vrf: run conntrack only in context of lower/physdev for locally generated packets - ARM: 9136/1: ARMv7-M uses BE-8, not BE-32 - gfs2: Fix glock_hash_walk bugs - gfs2: Cancel remote delete work asynchronously - gre/sit: Don't generate link-local addr if addr_gen_mode is IN6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_NONE - ARM: clang: Do not rely on lr register for stacktrace - smackfs: use __GFP_NOFAIL for smk_cipso_doi() - iwlwifi: mvm: disable RX-diversity in powersave - selftests/bpf: Fix perf_buffer test on system with offline cpus - selftests: kvm: fix mismatched fclose() after popen() - nvme: drop scan_lock and always kick requeue list when removing namespaces - nvmet-tcp: fix use-after-free when a port is removed - nvmet-rdma: fix use-after-free when a port is removed - nvmet: fix use-after-free when a port is removed - media: allegro: ignore interrupt if mailbox is not initialized - block: remove inaccurate requeue check - mwl8k: Fix use-after-free in mwl8k_fw_state_machine() - mt76: mt7915: fix an off-by-one bound check - tracing/cfi: Fix cmp_entries_* functions signature mismatch - workqueue: make sysfs of unbound kworker cpumask more clever - lib/xz: Validate the value before assigning it to an enum variable - lib/xz: Avoid overlapping memcpy() with invalid input with in-place decompression - memstick: r592: Fix a UAF bug when removing the driver - md: update superblock after changing rdev flags in state_store - block: bump max plugged deferred size from 16 to 32 - drm/msm: prevent NULL dereference in msm_gpu_crashstate_capture() - leaking_addresses: Always print a trailing newline - net: phy: micrel: make *-skew-ps check more lenient - drm/amdkfd: fix resume error when iommu disabled in Picasso - ACPI: battery: Accept charges over the design capacity as full - iov_iter: Fix iov_iter_get_pages{,_alloc} page fault return value - mmc: moxart: Fix reference count leaks in moxart_probe - ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix possible null-pointer dereference in channel_detector_create() - tracefs: Have tracefs directories not set OTH permission bits by default - net-sysfs: try not to restart the syscall if it will fail eventually - media: usb: dvd-usb: fix uninit-value bug in dibusb_read_eeprom_byte() - media: ipu3-imgu: VIDIOC_QUERYCAP: Fix bus_info - media: ipu3-imgu: imgu_fmt: Handle properly try - ACPICA: Avoid evaluating methods too early during system resume - fs/proc/uptime.c: Fix idle time reporting in /proc/uptime - ipmi: Disable some operations during a panic - media: rcar-csi2: Add checking to rcsi2_start_receiver() - brcmfmac: Add DMI nvram filename quirk for Cyberbook T116 tablet - rtw88: fix RX clock gate setting while fifo dump - ia64: don't do IA64_CMPXCHG_DEBUG without CONFIG_PRINTK - media: mceusb: return without resubmitting URB in case of -EPROTO error. - media: imx: set a media_device bus_info string - media: s5p-mfc: Add checking to s5p_mfc_probe(). - media: s5p-mfc: fix possible null-pointer dereference in s5p_mfc_probe() - media: uvcvideo: Set unique vdev name based in type - media: uvcvideo: Return -EIO for control errors - media: uvcvideo: Set capability in s_param - media: stm32: Potential NULL pointer dereference in dcmi_irq_thread() - media: atomisp: Fix error handling in probe - media: netup_unidvb: handle interrupt properly according to the firmware - media: mt9p031: Fix corrupted frame after restarting stream - ath10k: high latency fixes for beacon buffer - ath11k: Change DMA_FROM_DEVICE to DMA_TO_DEVICE when map reinjected packets - ath11k: add handler for scan event WMI_SCAN_EVENT_DEQUEUED - ath11k: Avoid reg rules update during firmware recovery - drm/amdgpu: Fix MMIO access page fault - fscrypt: allow 256-bit master keys with AES-256-XTS - mwifiex: Properly initialize private structure on interface type changes - mwifiex: Run SET_BSS_MODE when changing from P2P to STATION vif-type - x86: Increase exception stack sizes - ath11k: Align bss_chan_info structure with firmware - smackfs: Fix use-after-free in netlbl_catmap_walk() - rcu-tasks: Move RTGS_WAIT_CBS to beginning of rcu_tasks_kthread() loop - net: sched: update default qdisc visibility after Tx queue cnt changes - locking/lockdep: Avoid RCU-induced noinstr fail - MIPS: lantiq: dma: reset correct number of channel - MIPS: lantiq: dma: add small delay after reset - platform/x86: wmi: do not fail if disabling fails - rcutorture: Avoid problematic critical section nesting on PREEMPT_RT - drm/panel-orientation-quirks: add Valve Steam Deck - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for the Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for KD Kurio Smart C15200 2-in-1 - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Update the Lenovo Ideapad D330 quirk (v2) - dma-buf: WARN on dmabuf release with pending attachments - power: supply: max17042_battery: Clear status bits in interrupt handler - USB: chipidea: fix interrupt deadlock - USB: iowarrior: fix control-message timeouts - most: fix control-message timeouts - serial: 8250: fix racy uartclk update - USB: serial: keyspan: fix memleak on probe errors - iio: ad5770r: make devicetree property reading consistent - iio: dac: ad5446: Fix ad5622_write() return value - coresight: cti: Correct the parameter for pm_runtime_put - pinctrl: core: fix possible memory leak in pinctrl_enable() - PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on emulated bridge - PCI: aardvark: Set PCI Bridge Class Code to PCI Bridge - PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_BUS_RESET on emulated bridge - PCI: aardvark: Fix support for bus mastering and PCI_COMMAND on emulated bridge - PCI: aardvark: Read all 16-bits from PCIE_MSI_PAYLOAD_REG - PCI: aardvark: Fix return value of MSI domain .alloc() method - PCI: aardvark: Fix configuring Reference clock - PCI: aardvark: Fix reporting Data Link Layer Link Active - PCI: aardvark: Do not unmask unused interrupts - PCI: aardvark: Fix checking for link up via LTSSM state - PCI: aardvark: Do not clear status bits of masked interrupts - PCI: cadence: Add cdns_plat_pcie_probe() missing return - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Fix emulation of W1C bits - xen/balloon: add late_initcall_sync() for initial ballooning done - ALSA: mixer: fix deadlock in snd_mixer_oss_set_volume - ALSA: mixer: oss: Fix racy access to slots - ifb: fix building without CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT - serial: core: Fix initializing and restoring termios speed - ring-buffer: Protect ring_buffer_reset() from reentrancy - powerpc/85xx: Fix oops when mpc85xx_smp_guts_ids node cannot be found - can: j1939: j1939_can_recv(): ignore messages with invalid source address - can: j1939: j1939_tp_cmd_recv(): ignore abort message in the BAM transport - KVM: nVMX: Query current VMCS when determining if MSR bitmaps are in use - KVM: arm64: Extract ESR_ELx.EC only - power: supply: max17042_battery: use VFSOC for capacity when no rsns - power: supply: max17042_battery: Prevent int underflow in set_soc_threshold - mtd: rawnand: socrates: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - soc: fsl: dpio: use the combined functions to protect critical zone - soc: fsl: dpio: replace smp_processor_id with raw_smp_processor_id - signal/mips: Update (_save|_restore)_fp_context to fail with -EFAULT - memory: renesas-rpc-if: Correct QSPI data transfer in Manual mode - signal: Remove the bogus sigkill_pending in ptrace_stop - RDMA/qedr: Fix NULL deref for query_qp on the GSI QP - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel ICX IIO event constraints - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Support extra IMC channel on Ice Lake server - rsi: Fix module dev_oper_mode parameter description - rsi: fix rate mask set leading to P2P failure - rsi: fix key enabled check causing unwanted encryption for vap_id > 0 - rsi: fix occasional initialisation failure with BT coex - wcn36xx: handle connection loss indication - libata: fix checking of DMA state - mwifiex: Try waking the firmware until we get an interrupt - mwifiex: Read a PCI register after writing the TX ring write pointer - PM: sleep: Do not let "syscore" devices runtime-suspend during system transitions - wcn36xx: Fix (QoS) null data frame bitrate/modulation - wcn36xx: Fix tx_status mechanism - wcn36xx: Fix HT40 capability for 2Ghz band - ifb: Depend on netfilter alternatively to tc - evm: mark evm_fixmode as __ro_after_init - rtl8187: fix control-message timeouts - PCI: Mark Atheros QCA6174 to avoid bus reset - ath10k: fix division by zero in send path - ath10k: fix control-message timeout - ath6kl: fix control-message timeout - ath6kl: fix division by zero in send path - mwifiex: fix division by zero in fw download path - EDAC/sb_edac: Fix top-of-high-memory value for Broadwell/Haswell - regulator: dt-bindings: samsung,s5m8767: correct s5m8767,pmic-buck-default-dvs-idx property - regulator: s5m8767: do not use reset value as DVS voltage if GPIO DVS is disabled - hwmon: (pmbus/lm25066) Add offset coefficients - selinux: fix race condition when computing ocontext SIDs - ia64: kprobes: Fix to pass correct trampoline address to the handler - KVM: VMX: Unregister posted interrupt wakeup handler on hardware unsetup - btrfs: call btrfs_check_rw_degradable only if there is a missing device - btrfs: fix lost error handling when replaying directory deletes - btrfs: clear MISSING device status bit in btrfs_close_one_device - rds: stop using dmapool - net/smc: Correct spelling mistake to TCPF_SYN_RECV - net/smc: Fix smc_link->llc_testlink_time overflow - nfp: bpf: relax prog rejection for mtu check through max_pkt_offset - vmxnet3: do not stop tx queues after netif_device_detach() - r8169: Add device 10ec:8162 to driver r8169 - nvmet-tcp: fix header digest verification - block: schedule queue restart after BLK_STS_ZONE_RESOURCE - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for GPD Win3 - watchdog: Fix OMAP watchdog early handling - net: multicast: calculate csum of looped-back and forwarded packets - spi: spl022: fix Microwire full duplex mode - nvmet-tcp: fix a memory leak when releasing a queue - xen/netfront: stop tx queues during live migration - gpio: mlxbf2.c: Add check for bgpio_init failure - bpf: Prevent increasing bpf_jit_limit above max - bpf: Define bpf_jit_alloc_exec_limit for arm64 JIT - fcnal-test: kill hanging ping/nettest binaries on cleanup - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for Aya Neo 2021 - mmc: winbond: don't build on M68K - reset: socfpga: add empty driver allowing consumers to probe - ARM: dts: sun7i: A20-olinuxino-lime2: Fix ethernet phy-mode - hyperv/vmbus: include linux/bitops.h - sfc: Don't use netif_info before net_device setup - sfc: Export fibre-specific supported link modes - cavium: Fix return values of the probe function - mISDN: Fix return values of the probe function - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix unmap of already freed sgl - scsi: qla2xxx: Return -ENOMEM if kzalloc() fails - cavium: Return negative value when pci_alloc_irq_vectors() fails - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fixes HP Spectre x360 15-eb1xxx speakers - ASoC: soc-core: fix null-ptr-deref in snd_soc_del_component_unlocked() - x86/irq: Ensure PI wakeup handler is unregistered before module unload - x86/cpu: Fix migration safety with X86_BUG_NULL_SEL - x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in mem_encrypt_identity.c - fuse: fix page stealing - ext4: fix lazy initialization next schedule time computation in more granular unit - ALSA: timer: Unconditionally unlink slave instances, too - ALSA: synth: missing check for possible NULL after the call to kstrdup - ALSA: hda: Free card instance properly at probe errors - ALSA: usb-audio: Add registration quirk for JBL Quantum 400 - ALSA: usb-audio: Line6 HX-Stomp XL USB_ID for 48k-fixed quirk - ALSA: line6: fix control and interrupt message timeouts - ALSA: 6fire: fix control and bulk message timeouts - ALSA: ua101: fix division by zero at probe - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP EliteBook 840 G7 mute LED - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX550VE - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for Acer Spin SP513-54N - ALSA: hda/realtek: Headset fixup for Clevo NH77HJQ - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo PC70HS - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for HP OMEN 15 mute LED - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix mic mute LED for the HP Spectre x360 14 - media: v4l2-ioctl: Fix check_ext_ctrls - media: ir-kbd-i2c: improve responsiveness of hauppauge zilog receivers - media: rkvdec: Support dynamic resolution changes - media: ite-cir: IR receiver stop working after receive overflow - media: rkvdec: Do not override sizeimage for output format - crypto: s5p-sss - Add error handling in s5p_aes_probe() - firmware/psci: fix application of sizeof to pointer - tpm: Check for integer overflow in tpm2_map_response_body() - parisc: Fix ptrace check on syscall return - parisc: Fix set_fixmap() on PA1.x CPUs - exfat: fix incorrect loading of i_blocks for large files - mmc: dw_mmc: Dont wait for DRTO on Write RSP error - mmc: mtk-sd: Add wait dma stop done flow - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix use after free in eh_abort path - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix kernel crash when accessing port_speed sysfs file - scsi: core: Remove command size deduction from scsi_setup_scsi_cmnd() - ocfs2: fix data corruption on truncate - libata: fix read log timeout value - Input: i8042 - Add quirk for Fujitsu Lifebook T725 - Input: elantench - fix misreporting trackpoint coordinates - Input: iforce - fix control-message timeout - binder: use cred instead of task for getsecid - binder: use cred instead of task for selinux checks - binder: use euid from cred instead of using task - usb: xhci: Enable runtime-pm by default on AMD Yellow Carp platform - xhci: Fix USB 3.1 enumeration issues by increasing roothub power-on-good delay- kprobe : fix out-of-bounds in register_kretprobe when parsing negative data_size - ima: Fix the pathname to relative path when get absolute path failed - Revert "init: only move down lockup_detector_init() when - pci: Enable acs for QLogic HBA cards - config: enable SVA feature - vfio/migration: bugfix queue isolation configuration - acc/migration: bugfix Guest reset scene - vfio/acc: Modify operation to get queues number - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check - crypto: hisilicon/zip - Fix spelling mistake "COMSUMED" -> "CONSUMED" - crypto: hisilicon - Fix sscanf format signedness - arm64/numa: cdm: Cacheline aligned cdmmask to improve performance - ntp: Avoid undefined behaviour in second_overflow() - arm64: kexec: only clear EOI for SDEI in NMI context - iommu/iova: wait 'fq_timer' handler to finish before destroying 'fq' - ilp32: fix compile problem when ARM64_ILP32 and UBSAN are both enabled - acpi/arm64: check the returned logical CPU number of 'acpi_map_cpuid()' - arm64: fix abi change caused by ILP32 - arm64: cpufeature: add cmdline option for disable lse - cache: Workaround HiSilicon Taishan DC CVAU - signal: Export tracepoint symbol signal_generate - suspend: export cpu_suspend/cpu_resume/psci_ops - printk: export log_buf_addr_get/log_buf_len_get - printk: Export a symbol. - ACPI / APEI: Notify all ras err to driver - Export sysboml for bbox to use. - tty: fix possible deadlock in console_unlock - printk: move printk_safe macros to printk header - iommu: set the default iommu-dma mode as non-strict - iommu/iova: avoid softlockup in fq_flush_timeout - svm: Enable CONFIG_HISI_SVM by default - svm: Add svm_get_phys to get phys addr for ts core - svm: add set l2 cache read count functions - svm: implement svm pin/unpin pages to forbid page migrtate - svm: Add ioctl to get meminfo - svm: implement the process remap features - svm: implement the svm process load flag - svm: add support for allocing memory which is within 4G physical address in svm_mmap - svm: driver probe to read l2buff addr - svm: Add and export svm_get_pasid - svm: implement svm bind and unbind - svm: using a rbtree to manage the svm_process - svm: add svm bind ioctl and add some functions - svm: init the children device of svm device - svm: init the svm device and remove the svm device - svm: add svm drv framework for ascend - arm64/crypto: Accelerated CRC T10 DIF computation - watchdog: Fix check_preemption_disabled() error - ext4: stop IO for page without buffer_head - driver: support ts core ras process - imans: Check CAP_SYS_ADMIN in userns associated with IMA NS during configuration. - stop_machine: mask pseudo nmi before running the callback - stop_machine: mask sdei before running the callback - hugetlb: before freeing hugetlb page set dtor to appropriate value- memcg: unify memcg stat flushing - memcg: flush stats only if updated - blk-cgroup: blk_cgroup_bio_start() should use irq-safe operations on blkg->iostat_cpu - memcg: flush lruvec stats in the refault - mm, memcg: remove unused functions - memcg: infrastructure to flush memcg stats - memcg: switch lruvec stats to rstat - mm: memcontrol: fix blocking rstat function called from atomic cgroup1 thresholding code - cgroup: rstat: fix A-A deadlock on 32bit around u64_stats_sync - kselftests: cgroup: update kmem test for new vmstat implementation - mm: memcontrol: consolidate lruvec stat flushing - mm: memcontrol: switch to rstat - cgroup: rstat: punt root-level optimization to individual controllers - cgroup: rstat: support cgroup1 - mm: memcontrol: privatize memcg_page_state query functions - mm: memcontrol: kill mem_cgroup_nodeinfo() - mm: memcontrol: fix cpuhotplug statistics flushing - hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare - rsi: fix control-message timeout - media: staging/intel-ipu3: css: Fix wrong size comparison imgu_css_fw_init - staging: rtl8192u: fix control-message timeouts - staging: r8712u: fix control-message timeout - comedi: vmk80xx: fix bulk and interrupt message timeouts - comedi: vmk80xx: fix bulk-buffer overflow - comedi: vmk80xx: fix transfer-buffer overflows - comedi: ni_usb6501: fix NULL-deref in command paths - comedi: dt9812: fix DMA buffers on stack - isofs: Fix out of bound access for corrupted isofs image - staging: rtl8712: fix use-after-free in rtl8712_dl_fw - printk/console: Allow to disable console output by using console="" or console=null - binder: don't detect sender/target during buffer cleanup - usb-storage: Add compatibility quirk flags for iODD 2531/2541 - usb: musb: Balance list entry in musb_gadget_queue - usb: gadget: Mark USB_FSL_QE broken on 64-bit - usb: ehci: handshake CMD_RUN instead of STS_HALT - Revert "x86/kvm: fix vcpu-id indexed array sizes" - KVM: x86: avoid warning with -Wbitwise-instead-of-logical - ovl: warn about orphan metacopy - ext4: fix e2fsprogs checksum failure for mounted filesystem - ima: Fix warning: no previous prototype for function 'ima_add_kexec_buffer' - kfence: default to dynamic branch instead of static keys mode - kfence: always use static branches to guard kfence_alloc() - kfence: shorten critical sections of alloc/free - kfence: add note to documentation about skipping covered allocations - kfence: limit currently covered allocations when pool nearly full - kfence: move saving stack trace of allocations into __kfence_alloc() - kfence: count unexpectedly skipped allocations - stacktrace: move filter_irq_stacks() to kernel/stacktrace.c - powerpc: Don't provide __kernel_map_pages() without ARCH_SUPPORTS_DEBUG_PAGEALLOC - powerpc/booke: Disable STRICT_KERNEL_RWX, DEBUG_PAGEALLOC and KFENCE - bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking - block: avoid quiesce while elevator init - mwifiex_usb: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv - bonding: Fix a use-after-free problem when bond_sysfs_slave_add() failed - drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal - drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list - drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal - locks: Fix UBSAN undefined behaviour in flock64_to_posix_lock - livepatch/arm: fix incorrect stack detection - sched/rt: Try to restart rt period timer when rt runtime exceeded - blkcg: Remove extra blkcg_bio_issue_init - ubifs: read-only if LEB may always be taken in ubifs_garbage_collect - ubifs: fix double return leb in ubifs_garbage_collect - ubifs: fix slab-out-of-bounds in ubifs_change_lp- printk: enable zap_locks on X86 and ARM64 - printk: fix potential deadlock in printk() - printk/panic: prevent spin waiting in printk() - panic/printk: fix zap_lock - printk/panic: Avoid deadlock in printk() - lib/clear_user: ensure loop in __arch_clear_user cache-aligned v2 - mm/cdm: enable CONFIG_COHERENT_DEVICE in openeuler_defconfig - mm: Be allowed to alloc CDM node memory for MPOL_BIND - mm: Add DDR and HBM to nodes by cmdline - mm: Change mbind(MPOL_BIND) implementation for CDM nodes - mm: Ignore cpuset enforcement when allocation flag has __GFP_THISNODE - mm: Ignore madvise(MADV_MERGEABLE) request for VM_CDM marked VMAs - mm: Exclude CDM marked VMAs from auto NUMA - mm: Exclude CDM nodes from task->mems_allowed and root cpuset - mm: Tag VMA with VM_CDM flag explicitly during mbind(MPOL_BIND) and page fault - mm: Enable Buddy allocation isolation for CDM nodes - mm: Change generic FALLBACK zonelist creation process - mm: Define coherent device memory (CDM) node - fs/dcache.c: avoid softlock since too many negative dentry - fs/dcache.c: avoid panic while lockref of dentry overflow - ACPI/MPAM: Use acpi_map_pxm_to_node() to get node id for memory node - arm64/mpam: Fix use-after-free in mkdir_resctrl_prepare() - mm/page_cache_limit: add support for droping caches for target node - mm/page_cache_limit: do shrink_page_cache when adding page to page cache - mm/page_cache_limit: reconfiguration about page cache limit when memory plug/unplug - mm/page_cache_limit: shrink page cache - mm/page_cache_limit: calculate reclaim pages for each node - mm/page_cache_limit: create kernel thread for page cache limit - mm/page_cache_limit: add pagecache limit proc interface - openeuler_defconfig: Enable some Icelake support configs - timer_list: avoid other cpu soft lockup when printing timer listglibc-kernheadersobs-worker-backend-test-0006.novalocal 1701216000  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~3.0-465.10.0-      !! 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