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!357 Backport CVEs, bugfixes, performance and other - binder: fix UAF of alloc->vma in race with munmap() - io_uring: add missing item types for splice request - xfs: fix overfilling of reserve pool - xfs: always succeed at setting the reserve pool size - xfs: remove infinite loop when reserving free block pool - xfs: use current->journal_info for detecting transaction recursion - mm: fix unexpected changes to {failslab|fail_page_alloc}.attr - fix kabi broken due to may_pollfree - io_uring: disable polling pollfree files - sched: disable sched_autogroup by default - driver: char: delete svm.c - ksmbd: check nt_len to be at least CIFS_ENCPWD_SIZE in ksmbd_decode_ntlmssp_auth_blob - fs/ntfs3: Fix attr_punch_hole() null pointer derenference - tracing/osnoise: Do not unregister events twice - tracing/osnoise: Properly unhook events if start_per_cpu_kthreads() fails - mm/filemap.c: remove bogus VM_BUG_ON - mm: oom_kill: fix KABI broken by "oom_kill.c: futex: delay the OOM reaper to allow time for proper futex cleanup" - oom_kill.c: futex: delay the OOM reaper to allow time for proper futex cleanup - fork: Allocate a new task_struct_resvd object for fork task - tmpfs: fix regressions from wider use of ZERO_PAGE - tmpfs: do not allocate pages on read- !348 Backport CVEs and fs bugfixes - io_uring: kill goto error handling in io_sqpoll_wait_sq() - misc: sgi-gru: fix use-after-free error in gru_set_context_option, gru_fault and gru_handle_user_call_os - ext4: fix bad checksum after online resize - xfs: fix use-after-free in xattr node block inactivation - USB: core: Fix RST error in hub.c - USB: core: Prevent nested device-reset calls- KVM: VMX: Execute IBPB on emulated VM-exit when guest has IBRS - bfq: fix null-ptr-deref in bfq_pd_offline - i2c: ismt: Fix an out-of-bounds bug in ismt_access() - ksmbd: fix heap-based overflow in set_ntacl_dacl() - ksmbd: prevent out of bound read for SMB2_WRITE - ksmbd: validate length in smb2_write() - xfs: fix super block buf log item UAF during force shutdown - xfs: wait iclog complete before tearing down AIL - xfs: get rid of assert from xfs_btree_islastblock- ext2: replace bh_submit_read() helper with bh_read() - ufs: replace ll_rw_block() - udf: replace ll_rw_block() - reiserfs: replace ll_rw_block() - ocfs2: replace ll_rw_block() - ntfs3: replace ll_rw_block() - jbd2: replace ll_rw_block() - isofs: replace ll_rw_block() - gfs2: replace ll_rw_block() - fs/buffer: replace ll_rw_block() - fs/buffer: add some new buffer read helpers - sched/qos: Don't unthrottle cfs_rq when cfs_rq is throttled by qos - mtd: physmap-core: Fix NULL pointer dereferencing in of_select_probe_type() - blk-mq: set default elevator as deadline in case of hctx shared tagset - dm thin: Use last transaction's pmd->root when commit failed - media: mceusb: Use new usb_control_msg_*() routines - block, bfq: fix possible uaf for 'bfqq->bic' - block, bfq: fix null pointer dereference in bfq_bio_bfqg() - scsi: iscsi: remove .unbind_conn from iscsi_transport - Revert "scsi: iscsi: fix kabi broken in struct iscsi_transport" - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in struct bio - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in struct request - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: fix clear PagePool without lock protection - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: fix list corruption in hpool_merge_page() - x86/cpu/hygon: Set __max_die_per_package on Hygon - block: always align request_wrapper to cacheline - block: fix crash on cmpxchg for request_wrapper - clk: imx: Add check for kcalloc - Bluetooth: L2CAP: fix use-after-free in l2cap_conn_del() - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix build errors in some archs- wifi: wilc1000: validate length of IEEE80211_P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST attribute - xen/netback: don't call kfree_skb() with interrupts disabled - media: dvb-core: Fix UAF due to refcount races at releasing - wifi: wilc1000: validate pairwise and authentication suite offsets - wifi: wilc1000: validate number of channels - wifi: wilc1000: validate length of IEEE80211_P2P_ATTR_OPER_CHANNEL attribute - drm/amdkfd: Check for null pointer after calling kmemdup- proc: proc_skip_spaces() shouldn't think it is working on C strings - proc: avoid integer type confusion in get_proc_long - xen/netback: fix build warning - xen/netback: Ensure protocol headers don't fall in the non-linear area - livepatch/ppc64: Fix preemption check when enabling - block: only use cmpxchg64 in 64bit platform - efi/libstub: Fix build error in efi-stub.c for riscv- block: fix regression for dm - dm: switch to rq-based after queue is initialized - net/af_packet: make sure to pull mac header - net/af_packet: add VLAN support for AF_PACKET SOCK_RAW GSO - sched: Fix null-ptr-deref in free_fair_sched_group - arm64: fix a concurrency issue in emulation_proc_handler() - dm thin: Fix ABBA deadlock between shrink_slab and dm_pool_abort_metadata - Revert "ipvlan: Modify the value of ipvlan modes" - workqueue: fix state-dump console deadlock - preempt/dynamic: Fix typo in macro conditional statement - jump_label: Fix usage in module __init - arm64/mpam: update last_cmd_status in parse_cache() and parse_bw() - arm64/mpam: remove kernfs_get() calls() and add kernfs_put() calls to prevent refcount leak - arm64/mpam: make mbw_max/min not less than min_bw - arm64/mpam: Fix indent format error in resctrl_parse_param() - arm64/mpam: decrease dom_num when domain goes offline - arm64/mpam: correct mbw_max/min if remainder is too large - Revert "add barriers to buffer_uptodate and set_buffer_uptodate" - pinctrl: core: Set ret to 0 when group is skipped - pinctrl: core: Handling pinmux and pinconf separately - ACPI: APD: Check for NULL pointer after calling devm_ioremap() - Revert "ACPICA: Interpreter: fix memory leak by using existing buffer" - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: fix compound_nr incorrect - scsi: storvsc: Remove WQ_MEM_RECLAIM from storvsc_error_wq - scsi: ufs: core: Enable link lost interrupt - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix broken read_counter() for SNB IMC PMU - perf python: Fix build when PYTHON_CONFIG is user supplied - Documentation/ABI: Mention retbleed vulnerability info file for sysfs - arm64: Fix match_list for erratum 1286807 on Arm Cortex-A76 - md: call __md_stop_writes in md_stop - Revert "md-raid: destroy the bitmap after destroying the thread" - mm/hugetlb: fix hugetlb not supporting softdirty tracking - xen/privcmd: fix error exit of privcmd_ioctl_dm_op() - ACPI: processor: Remove freq Qos request for all CPUs - s390: fix double free of GS and RI CBs on fork() failure - asm-generic: sections: refactor memory_intersects - loop: Check for overflow while configuring loop - x86/bugs: Add "unknown" reporting for MMIO Stale Data - perf/x86/lbr: Enable the branch type for the Arch LBR by default - btrfs: check if root is readonly while setting security xattr - btrfs: add info when mount fails due to stale replace target - btrfs: replace: drop assert for suspended replace - btrfs: fix silent failure when deleting root reference - ionic: fix up issues with handling EAGAIN on FW cmds - rxrpc: Fix locking in rxrpc's sendmsg - ixgbe: stop resetting SYSTIME in ixgbe_ptp_start_cyclecounter - net: Fix a data-race around sysctl_somaxconn. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_devconf_inherit_init_net. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_fb_tunnels_only_for_init_net. - net: Fix a data-race around netdev_budget_usecs. - net: Fix a data-race around netdev_budget. - net: Fix a data-race around sysctl_net_busy_read. - net: Fix a data-race around sysctl_net_busy_poll. - net: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tstamp_allow_data. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_optmem_max. - bpf: Folding omem_charge() into sk_storage_charge() - ratelimit: Fix data-races in ___ratelimit(). - net: Fix data-races around netdev_tstamp_prequeue. - net: Fix data-races around netdev_max_backlog. - net: Fix data-races around weight_p and dev_weight_[rt]x_bias. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_[rw]mem_(max|default). - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_[rw]mem(_offset)?. - tcp: tweak len/truesize ratio for coalesce candidates - netfilter: nf_tables: disallow jump to implicit chain from set element - netfilter: nf_tables: upfront validation of data via nft_data_init() - netfilter: bitwise: improve error goto labels - netfilter: nft_cmp: optimize comparison for 16-bytes - netfilter: nf_tables: consolidate rule verdict trace call - netfilter: nftables: remove redundant assignment of variable err - netfilter: nft_tunnel: restrict it to netdev family - netfilter: nft_osf: restrict osf to ipv4, ipv6 and inet families - netfilter: nf_tables: do not leave chain stats enabled on error - netfilter: nft_payload: do not truncate csum_offset and csum_type - netfilter: nft_payload: report ERANGE for too long offset and length - bnxt_en: fix NQ resource accounting during vf creation on 57500 chips - netfilter: ebtables: reject blobs that don't provide all entry points - net: ipvtap - add __init/__exit annotations to module init/exit funcs - bonding: 802.3ad: fix no transmission of LACPDUs - net: moxa: get rid of asymmetry in DMA mapping/unmapping - net: ipa: don't assume SMEM is page-aligned - net/mlx5e: Properly disable vlan strip on non-UL reps - ice: xsk: prohibit usage of non-balanced queue id - ice: xsk: Force rings to be sized to power of 2 - nfc: pn533: Fix use-after-free bugs caused by pn532_cmd_timeout - rose: check NULL rose_loopback_neigh->loopback - mm/smaps: don't access young/dirty bit if pte unpresent - mm/huge_memory.c: use helper function migration_entry_to_page() - SUNRPC: RPC level errors should set task->tk_rpc_status - NFSv4.2 fix problems with __nfs42_ssc_open - NFS: Don't allocate nfs_fattr on the stack in __nfs42_ssc_open() - xfrm: clone missing x->lastused in xfrm_do_migrate - xfrm: fix refcount leak in __xfrm_policy_check() - kernel/sched: Remove dl_boosted flag comment - vfs: make sync_filesystem return errors from ->sync_fs - fs: remove __sync_filesystem - pinctrl: amd: Don't save/restore interrupt status and wake status bits - kernel/sys_ni: add compat entry for fadvise64_64 - parisc: Fix exception handler for fldw and fstw instructions - audit: fix potential double free on error path from fsnotify_add_inode_mark - kbuild: dummy-tools: avoid tmpdir leak in dummy gcc- blk-mq: don't access request_wrapper if request is not allocated from block layer - blk-mq: fix kabi broken due to request_wrapper - ide-cd: don't clear rq_flags after blk_get_request - iommu: Fix error handling in probe_acpi_namespace_devices()- staging: rtl8712: fix use after free bugs - drivers/perf: fixed the issue that the kabi value changed - drm/i915: fix TLB invalidation for Gen12 video and compute engines - l2tp: Don't sleep and disable BH under writer-side sk_callback_lock - l2tp: Serialize access to sk_user_data with sk_callback_lock - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix u8 overflow - dm: Fix UAF in run_timer_softirq() - dm-thin: Resume failed in FAIL mode - mm: hugetlb: fix UAF in hugetlb_handle_userfault - ARM: 9160/1: NOMMU: Reload __secondary_data after PROCINFO_INITFUNC - ARM: 9059/1: cache-v7: get rid of mini-stack - ARM: 9058/1: cache-v7: refactor v7_invalidate_l1 to avoid clobbering r5/r6 - block: check flags of claimed slave bdev to fix uaf for bd_holder_dir - mpi: Fix length check in mpi_key_length() - dm btree spine: show warning if node_check failed in node_prep_for_write() - dm btree spine: remove paranoid node_check call in node_prep_for_write() - signal: fix deadlock caused by calling printk() under sighand->siglock - mm: fix missing handler for __GFP_NOWARN - Fix kabi change caused by reverting patches - Revert "iommu: Introduce attach/detach_pasid_table API" - Revert "iommu: Introduce bind/unbind_guest_msi" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Allow s1 and s2 configs to coexist" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Get prepared for nested stage support" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Implement attach/detach_pasid_table" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Allow stage 1 invalidation with unmanaged ASIDs" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Implement cache_invalidate" - Revert "dma-iommu: Implement NESTED_MSI cookie" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Nested mode single MSI doorbell per domain enforcement" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Enforce incompatibility between nested mode and HW MSI regions" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Implement bind/unbind_guest_msi" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: report additional recoverable faults" - Revert "vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_SET_PASID_TABLE" - Revert "vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_CACHE_INVALIDATE" - Revert "vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_SET_MSI_BINDING" - Revert "vfio/pci: Add VFIO_REGION_TYPE_NESTED region type" - Revert "vfio/pci: Register an iommu fault handler" - Revert "vfio/pci: Allow to mmap the fault queue" - Revert "vfio: Use capability chains to handle device specific irq" - Revert "vfio/pci: Add framework for custom interrupt indices" - Revert "vfio: Add new IRQ for DMA fault reporting" - Revert "vfio/pci: Register and allow DMA FAULT IRQ signaling" - Revert "vfio: Document nested stage control" - Revert "vfio/pci: Register a DMA fault response region" - Revert "vfio/pci: Inject page response upon response region fill" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Using HTTU with SMMU STE and stage 2 TTD" - Revert "iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Make data access permissions of stage1/2 compatible" - Revert "iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Remove the limitation on the page table format of sync/clear_dirty_log()" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Change the TLBI CMD in arm_smmu_cache_invalidate()" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Align invalid range with leaf page size upwards when support RIL" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Standardize granule size when support RIL" - Revert "iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Remove the redundant shift operation of 'size'" - Revert "iommu: fix build error when CONFIG_IOMMU_API is off" - Revert "vfio/pci: Fix wrong return value when get iommu attribute DOMAIN_ATTR_NESTING" - Revert "iommu/smmuv3: Remove the S1 mapping restriction of dirty log" - perf/core: Fix reentry problem in perf_output_read_group() - tty: serial: uartlite: Disable clocks in case of errors - cgroup: Fix race condition at rebind_subsystems() - xfs: Fix unreferenced object reported by kmemleak in xfs_sysfs_init() - xfs: fix memory leak in xfs_errortag_init - xfs: fix sb write verify for lazysbcount - xfs: reject crazy array sizes being fed to XFS_IOC_GETBMAP* - xfs: prevent a WARN_ONCE() in xfs_ioc_attr_list() - xfs: prevent a UAF when log IO errors race with unmount - xfs: purge dquots after inode walk fails during quotacheck - xfs: revert "xfs: actually bump warning counts when we send warnings" - xfs: run callbacks before waking waiters in xlog_state_shutdown_callbacks - xfs: async CIL flushes need pending pushes to be made stable - xfs: don't generate selinux audit messages for capability testing - xfs: only bother with sync_filesystem during readonly remount - xfs: remove xfs_inew_wait - xfs: mark a data structure sick if there are cross-referencing errors - xfs: restore speculative_cow_prealloc_lifetime sysctl - xfs: make xfs_file_aio_write_checks IOCB_NOWAIT-aware - xfs: scrub should mark a directory corrupt if any entries cannot be iget'd - xfs: factor out a xfs_ilock_iocb helper - xfs: fix parent pointer scrubber bailing out on unallocated inodes - xfs: fix uaf when leaf dir bestcount not match with dir data blocks - xfs: Fix dax inode extent calculation when direct write is performed on an unwritten extent - xfs: Check for extent overflow when swapping extents - xfs: Check for extent overflow when remapping an extent - xfs: Check for extent overflow when moving extent from cow to data fork - xfs: Check for extent overflow when writing to unwritten extent - xfs: Check for extent overflow when adding/removing xattrs - xfs: Check for extent overflow when renaming dir entries - xfs: Check for extent overflow when removing dir entries - xfs: Check for extent overflow when adding dir entries - xfs: Check for extent overflow when punching a hole - xfs: Check for extent overflow when trivally adding a new extent - xfs: Add helper for checking per-inode extent count overflow - xfs: flush inode gc workqueue before clearing agi bucket - xfs: check sb_meta_uuid for dabuf buffer recovery - xfs: Fix the free logic of state in xfs_attr_node_hasname - xfs: reduce kvmalloc overhead for CIL shadow buffers - xfs: only run COW extent recovery when there are no live extents - xfs: remove all COW fork extents when remounting readonly - xfs: don't catch dax+reflink inodes as corruption in verifier - xfs: fix soft lockup via spinning in filestream ag selection loop - xfs: return errors in xfs_fs_sync_fs - bpf, test_run: Fix alignment problem in bpf_prog_test_run_skb() - PCI: Do not enable AtomicOps on VFs - ext4: fix bug in extents parsing when eh_entries == 0 and eh_depth > 0 - config: enable CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE_DEFAULT_DISABLE by default - scsi: hisi_sas: Prevent parallel FLR and controller reset - scsi: hisi_sas: Prevent parallel controller reset and control phy command - xfs: fix incorrect i_nlink caused by inode racing - block: Fix kabi broken in blk-merge.h and blk-cgroup.h - block: don't merge across cgroup boundaries if blkcg is enabled - ima: Handle -ESTALE returned by ima_filter_rule_match() - ima: Simplify ima_lsm_copy_rule - selftests: bpf: Don't run sk_lookup in verifier tests - bpf: Add PROG_TEST_RUN support for sk_lookup programs - bpf: Consolidate shared test timing code - arm64/mm: Drop THP conditionality from FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER - blk-mq: fix io hang for scsi drivers that depends on timeout handling during scan - blk-mq: fix null pointer dereference in blk_mq_queue_tag_busy_ite - KVM: arm64: Only probe Hisi ncsnp feature on Hisi CPUs - dm ioctl: print error when HC and MD do not match - block: fix use after free for bd_holder_dir - Revert "block: Fix UAF in bd_link_disk_holder()" - block: Fix UAF in bd_link_disk_holder() - ftrace: Fix use-after-free for dynamic ftrace_ops - blk-mq: fix null pointer dereference in blk_mq_clear_rq_mapping() - scsi: hisi_sas: Revert "scsi: hisi_sas: Limit max hw sectors for v3 HW" - bfq: Make sure bfqg for which we are queueing requests is online - bfq: Get rid of __bio_blkcg() usage - bfq: Track whether bfq_group is still online - Revert "block, bfq: move bfqq to root_group if parent group is offlined" - blk-wbt: fix that 'rwb->wc' is always set to 1 in wbt_init() - blk-wbt: call rq_qos_add() after wb_normal is initialized - block: wbt: Remove unnecessary invoking of wbt_update_limits in wbt_init - blk-mq: fix missing blk_account_io_done() in error path - stack: Declare {randomize_,}kstack_offset to fix Sparse warnings - stack: Introduce CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_KSTACK_OFFSET - stack: Replace "o" output with "r" input constraint - lkdtm: Add REPORT_STACK for checking stack offsets - arm64: entry: Enable random_kstack_offset support - x86/entry: Enable random_kstack_offset support - stack: Optionally randomize kernel stack offset each syscall - jump_label: Provide CONFIG-driven build state defaults - ext4: fix super block checksum incorrect after mount - Revert "block/wbt: fix negative inflight counter when remove scsi device" - !313 openEuler: add openEuler/MAINTAINERS for Maintainers & Committers - openEuler: add openEuler/MAINTAINERS for Maintainers & Committers - !301 txgbe : fix arm32 compiler error warning in txgbe_main.c - !287 defconfig: add helper script for update openeuler_defconfig - configs: update arch/x86/configs/openeuler_defconfig - configs: update arch/arm64/configs/openeuler_defconfig - kconfig: Add script to update openeuler_defconfig - !264 Add LoongArch support - !297 tc-testing: fix a bug in gitignore of tc-testing - openeuler: net: txgbe: fix arm 32bit arch compile warning. - tc-testing: gitignore, delete plugins directory - !277 net: ngbe: fix ngbe checkpatch warnnings - LoongArch: defconfig: Set CONFIG_TXGBE=m by default - LS7A2000 : Add quirk for OHCI device rev 0x02 - stmmac: pci: Add dwmac support for Loongson - LoongArch: hugepage table replace tlb - LoongArch: change global registers to local registers - LoongArch: Old BPI compatibility - LoongArch: add kernel setvirtmap for runtime - LoongArch: enable some netfilter related configs - LoongArch: defconfig: use make defconfig to save a clean defconfig - tools perf: Fix compilation error with new binutils - tools include: add dis-asm-compat.h to handle version differences - tools build: Don't display disassembler-four-args feature test - tools build: Add feature test for init_disassemble_info API changes - LoongArch: Support R_LARCH_GOT_PC_{LO12,HI20} in modules - LoongArch: Support PC-relative relocations in modules - LoongArch: Define ELF relocation types added in v2.00 ABI - LoongArch: Adjust symbol addressing for AS_HAS_EXPLICIT_RELOCS - LoongArch: Add Kconfig option AS_HAS_EXPLICIT_RELOCS - irqchip/loongson-liointc: Fix an error handling path in liointc_init() - irqchip/loongarch: Fix irq_domain_alloc_fwnode() abuse - irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Fix a build warning - irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Fix irq affinity setting - irqchip: Adjust Kconfig for Loongson - PCI: Add quirk for LS7A to avoid reboot failure - PCI: loongson: Improve the MRRS quirk for LS7A - PCI: loongson: Work around LS7A incorrect Interrupt Pin registers - PCI: loongson: Don't access non-existent devices - PCI: loongson: Add ACPI init support - PCI: loongson: Use generic 8/16/32-bit config ops on LS2K/LS7A - irqchip / ACPI: Introduce ACPI_IRQ_MODEL_LPIC for LoongArch - ACPI: irq: Allow acpi_gsi_to_irq() to have an arch-specific fallback - APCI: irq: Add support for multiple GSI domains - drm/radeon: Workaround radeon driver bug for Loongson - LoongArch: Add writecombine support for drm - Input: i8042 - Add PNP checking hook for Loongson - LoongArch: Add qspinlock support - LoongArch: Add perf events support - LoongArch: Add SysRq-x (TLB Dump) support - LoongArch: Use TLB for ioremap() - LoongArch: Enable ARCH_WANT_HUGETLB_PAGE_OPTIMIZE_VMEMMAP - LoongArch: Add sparse memory vmemmap support - MIPS&LoongArch&NIOS2: Adjust prototypes of p?d_init() - irqchip/loongson-pch-lpc: Add suspend/resume support - irqchip/loongson-pch-pic: Add suspend/resume support - irqchip/loongson-eiointc: Add suspend/resume support - irqchip/loongson-htvec: Add suspend/resume support - irqchip/loongson-htvec: Add ACPI init support - ACPI / table: Print CORE_PIC information when MADT is parsed - ACPICA: Events: Support fixed pcie wake event - ACPICA: MADT: Add LoongArch APICs support - ACPI: Add LoongArch support for ACPI_PROCESSOR/ACPI_NUMA - Revert "LoongArch: Provisionally add ACPICA data structures" - loongarch: efi: enable generic EFI compressed boot - efi/libstub: implement generic EFI zboot - efi/libstub: use EFI provided memcpy/memset routines - efi/libstub: add some missing EFI prototypes - efi/loongarch: Add efistub booting support - irqchip: Select downstream irqchip drivers for LoongArch CPU - LoongArch: Add subword xchg/cmpxchg emulation - LoongArch: Cleanup headers to avoid circular dependency - LoongArch: Cleanup reset routines with new API - LoongArch: Fix build warnings in VDSO - LoongArch: Select PCI_QUIRKS to avoid build error - LoongArch: Update Loongson-3 default config file - LoongArch: Add USER_STACKTRACE support - LoongArch: Add STACKTRACE support - LoongArch: Add prologue unwinder support - LoongArch: Add guess unwinder support - LoongArch: Add vDSO syscall __vdso_getcpu() - LoongArch: Add PCI controller support - LoongArch: Parse MADT to get multi-processor information - LoongArch: Jump to the link address before enable PG - LoongArch: Requires __force attributes for any casts - LoongArch: Fix unsigned comparison with less than zero - LoongArch: Adjust arch/loongarch/Kconfig - LoongArch: cpuinfo: Fix a warning for CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK - irqchip/loongson-pch-pic: Move find_pch_pic() into CONFIG_ACPI - LoongArch: Fix wrong "ROM Size" of boardinfo - LoongArch: Fix missing fcsr in ptrace's fpr_set - LoongArch: Fix shared cache size calculation - LoongArch: Disable executable stack by default - LoongArch: Remove unused variables - LoongArch: Remove clock setting during cpu hotplug stage - LoongArch: Remove useless header compiler.h - LoongArch: Remove several syntactic sugar macros for branches - LoongArch: Re-tab the assembly files - LoongArch: Simplify "BGT foo, zero" with BGTZ - LoongArch: Simplify "BLT foo, zero" with BLTZ - LoongArch: Simplify "BEQ/BNE foo, zero" with BEQZ/BNEZ - LoongArch: Use the "move" pseudo-instruction where applicable - LoongArch: Use the "jr" pseudo-instruction where applicable - LoongArch: Use ABI names of registers where appropriate - irqchip: Add LoongArch CPU interrupt controller support - LoongArch: fix kabi change due to enum chuph_state - irqchip: Add Loongson Extended I/O interrupt controller support - irqchip/loongson-liointc: Add ACPI init support - irqchip/loongson-pch-msi: Add ACPI init support - irqchip/loongson-pch-pic: Add ACPI init support - irqchip: Add Loongson PCH LPC controller support - LoongArch: Prepare to support multiple pch-pic and pch-msi irqdomain - LoongArch: Use ACPI_GENERIC_GSI for gsi handling - LoongArch: Provisionally add ACPICA data structures - loongarch: drop definition of PGD_ORDER - loongarch: drop definition of PUD_ORDER - loongarch: drop definition of PMD_ORDER - loongarch: drop definition of PTE_ORDER - LoongArch: Fix section mismatch warning - LoongArch: Fix build errors for tinyconfig - LoongArch: Remove obsolete mentions of vcsr - LoongArch: Drop these obsolete selects in Kconfig - efi: Simplify arch_efi_call_virt() macro - LoongArch: Make compute_return_era() return void - LoongArch: Fix wrong fpu version - LoongArch: Fix EENTRY/MERRENTRY setting in setup_tlb_handler() - LoongArch: Fix sleeping in atomic context in setup_tlb_handler() - LoongArch: Fix the _stext symbol address - LoongArch: Fix the !THP build - LoongArch: Add missing ELF_DETAILS - LoongArch: Remove MIPS comment about cycle counter - LoongArch: Fix the !CONFIG_SMP build - LoongArch: Add Loongson-3 default config file - LoongArch: Add Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) support - LoongArch: Add multi-processor (SMP) support - LoongArch: Add VDSO and VSYSCALL support - LoongArch: Add some library functions - LoongArch: Add misc common routines - LoongArch: Add ELF and module support - LoongArch: Add signal handling support - LoongArch: Add system call support - LoongArch: Add memory management - LoongArch: Add process management - LoongArch: Add exception/interrupt handling - LoongArch: Add boot and setup routines - LoongArch: Add other common headers - LoongArch: Add atomic/locking headers - LoongArch: Add CPU definition headers - LoongArch: Add ELF-related definitions - LoongArch: Add build infrastructure - fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already registered - serial: 8250_pnp: Support configurable clock frequency - genirq/generic_chip: Export irq_unmap_generic_chip - mm/swapops: make is_pmd_migration_entry more strict - initramfs: Provide a common initrd reserve function - initrd: Add the preprocessor guard in initrd.h - PCI/ERR: Retain status from error notification - tee: fix memory leak in tee_shm_register() - qrtr: Convert qrtr_ports from IDR to XArray - can: j1939: j1939_sk_queue_activate_next_locked(): replace WARN_ON_ONCE with netdev_warn_once() - tracing/probes: Have kprobes and uprobes use $COMM too - netfilter: nf_tables: fix audit memory leak in nf_tables_commit - netfilter: nftables: fix a warning message in nf_tables_commit_audit_collect() - MIPS: tlbex: Explicitly compare _PAGE_NO_EXEC against 0 - video: fbdev: i740fb: Check the argument of i740_calc_vclk() - powerpc/64: Init jump labels before parse_early_param() - smb3: check xattr value length earlier - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on segment type in build_sit_entries() - f2fs: fix to avoid use f2fs_bug_on() in f2fs_new_node_page() - ALSA: control: Use deferred fasync helper - ALSA: timer: Use deferred fasync helper - ALSA: core: Add async signal helpers - powerpc/32: Don't always pass -mcpu=powerpc to the compiler - watchdog: export lockup_detector_reconfigure - RISC-V: Add fast call path of crash_kexec() - riscv: mmap with PROT_WRITE but no PROT_READ is invalid - modules: Ensure natural alignment for .altinstructions and __bug_table sections - mips: cavium-octeon: Fix missing of_node_put() in octeon2_usb_clocks_start - vfio: Clear the caps->buf to NULL after free - tty: serial: Fix refcount leak bug in ucc_uart.c - lib/list_debug.c: Detect uninitialized lists - ext4: avoid resizing to a partial cluster size - ext4: avoid remove directory when directory is corrupted - drivers:md:fix a potential use-after-free bug - nvmet-tcp: fix lockdep complaint on nvmet_tcp_wq flush during queue teardown - md: Notify sysfs sync_completed in md_reap_sync_thread() - dmaengine: sprd: Cleanup in .remove() after pm_runtime_get_sync() failed - selftests/kprobe: Do not test for GRP/ without event failures - csky/kprobe: reclaim insn_slot on kprobe unregistration - RDMA/rxe: Limit the number of calls to each tasklet - um: add "noreboot" command line option for PANIC_TIMEOUT=-1 setups - PCI/ACPI: Guard ARM64-specific mcfg_quirks - cxl: Fix a memory leak in an error handling path - pinctrl: intel: Check against matching data instead of ACPI companion - gadgetfs: ep_io - wait until IRQ finishes - scsi: lpfc: Prevent buffer overflow crashes in debugfs with malformed user input - clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: fix clk_trion_pll_configure description - zram: do not lookup algorithm in backends table - uacce: Handle parent device removal or parent driver module rmmod - clk: qcom: ipq8074: dont disable gcc_sleep_clk_src - vboxguest: Do not use devm for irq - usb: dwc2: gadget: remove D+ pull-up while no vbus with usb-role-switch - usb: renesas: Fix refcount leak bug - usb: host: ohci-ppc-of: Fix refcount leak bug - clk: ti: Stop using legacy clkctrl names for omap4 and 5 - drm/meson: Fix overflow implicit truncation warnings - irqchip/tegra: Fix overflow implicit truncation warnings - usb: gadget: uvc: call uvc uvcg_warn on completed status instead of uvcg_info - usb: cdns3 fix use-after-free at workaround 2 - platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: don't show MKBP version if unsupported - PCI: Add ACS quirk for Broadcom BCM5750x NICs - drm/sun4i: dsi: Prevent underflow when computing packet sizes - netfilter: add helper function to set up the nfnetlink header and use it - netfilter: nftables: add helper function to set the base sequence number - audit: log nftables configuration change events once per table - drm/meson: Fix refcount bugs in meson_vpu_has_available_connectors() - ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward - gcc-plugins: Undefine LATENT_ENTROPY_PLUGIN when plugin disabled for a file - kbuild: fix the modules order between drivers and libs - igb: Add lock to avoid data race - stmmac: intel: Add a missing clk_disable_unprepare() call in intel_eth_pci_remove() - fec: Fix timer capture timing in `fec_ptp_enable_pps()` - i40e: Fix to stop tx_timeout recovery if GLOBR fails - regulator: pca9450: Remove restrictions for regulator-name - i2c: imx: Make sure to unregister adapter on remove() - ice: Ignore EEXIST when setting promisc mode - net: dsa: sja1105: fix buffer overflow in sja1105_setup_devlink_regions() - net: genl: fix error path memory leak in policy dumping - net: dsa: felix: fix ethtool 256-511 and 512-1023 TX packet counters - net: dsa: microchip: ksz9477: fix fdb_dump last invalid entry - net: moxa: pass pdev instead of ndev to DMA functions - net: dsa: mv88e6060: prevent crash on an unused port - spi: meson-spicc: add local pow2 clock ops to preserve rate between messages - powerpc/pci: Fix get_phb_number() locking - netfilter: nf_tables: check NFT_SET_CONCAT flag if field_count is specified - netfilter: nf_tables: validate NFTA_SET_ELEM_OBJREF based on NFT_SET_OBJECT flag - netfilter: nf_tables: really skip inactive sets when allocating name - ASoC: tas2770: Fix handling of mute/unmute - ASoC: tas2770: Drop conflicting set_bias_level power setting - ASoC: tas2770: Allow mono streams - ASoC: tas2770: Set correct FSYNC polarity - iavf: Fix adminq error handling - nios2: add force_successful_syscall_return() - nios2: restarts apply only to the first sigframe we build... - nios2: fix syscall restart checks - nios2: traced syscall does need to check the syscall number - nios2: don't leave NULLs in sys_call_table[] - nios2: page fault are *not* restartable syscalls... - dpaa2-eth: trace the allocated address instead of page struct - perf probe: Fix an error handling path in 'parse_perf_probe_command()' - geneve: fix TOS inheriting for ipv4 - xen/xenbus: fix return type in xenbus_file_read() - nfp: ethtool: fix the display error of `ethtool -m DEVNAME` - NTB: ntb_tool: uninitialized heap data in tool_fn_write() - tools build: Switch to new openssl API for test-libcrypto - kbuild: dummy-tools: avoid tmpdir leak in dummy gcc - ceph: don't leak snap_rwsem in handle_cap_grant - tools/vm/slabinfo: use alphabetic order when two values are equal - ceph: use correct index when encoding client supported features - dt-bindings: clock: qcom,gcc-msm8996: add more GCC clock sources - dt-bindings: arm: qcom: fix MSM8916 MTP compatibles - vsock: Set socket state back to SS_UNCONNECTED in vsock_connect_timeout() - plip: avoid rcu debug splat - ipv6: do not use RT_TOS for IPv6 flowlabel - geneve: do not use RT_TOS for IPv6 flowlabel - ACPI: property: Return type of acpi_add_nondev_subnodes() should be bool - pinctrl: qcom: sm8250: Fix PDC map - pinctrl: sunxi: Add I/O bias setting for H6 R-PIO - pinctrl: qcom: msm8916: Allow CAMSS GP clocks to be muxed - pinctrl: nomadik: Fix refcount leak in nmk_pinctrl_dt_subnode_to_map - net: bgmac: Fix a BUG triggered by wrong bytes_compl - virtio_net: fix memory leak inside XPD_TX with mergeable - SUNRPC: Reinitialise the backchannel request buffers before reuse - sunrpc: fix expiry of auth creds - net: atlantic: fix aq_vec index out of range error - can: mcp251x: Fix race condition on receive interrupt - bpf: Check the validity of max_rdwr_access for sock local storage map iterator - bpf: Acquire map uref in .init_seq_private for sock{map,hash} iterator - bpf: Acquire map uref in .init_seq_private for sock local storage map iterator - bpf: Acquire map uref in .init_seq_private for hash map iterator - bpf: Acquire map uref in .init_seq_private for array map iterator - NFSv4/pnfs: Fix a use-after-free bug in open - NFSv4.1: RECLAIM_COMPLETE must handle EACCES - NFSv4: Fix races in the legacy idmapper upcall - NFSv4.1: Handle NFS4ERR_DELAY replies to OP_SEQUENCE correctly - NFSv4.1: Don't decrease the value of seq_nr_highest_sent - Documentation: ACPI: EINJ: Fix obsolete example - apparmor: Fix memleak in aa_simple_write_to_buffer() - apparmor: fix reference count leak in aa_pivotroot() - apparmor: fix overlapping attachment computation - apparmor: fix setting unconfined mode on a loaded profile - apparmor: fix aa_label_asxprint return check - apparmor: Fix failed mount permission check error message - apparmor: fix absroot causing audited secids to begin with = - apparmor: fix quiet_denied for file rules - can: ems_usb: fix clang's -Wunaligned-access warning - ALSA: usb-audio: More comprehensive mixer map for ASUS ROG Zenith II - tracing: Have filter accept "common_cpu" to be consistent - btrfs: fix lost error handling when looking up extended ref on log replay - mmc: meson-gx: Fix an error handling path in meson_mmc_probe() - mmc: pxamci: Fix an error handling path in pxamci_probe() - mmc: pxamci: Fix another error handling path in pxamci_probe() - ata: libata-eh: Add missing command name - rds: add missing barrier to release_refill - x86/mm: Use proper mask when setting PUD mapping - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NS50PU, NS70PU - ALSA: info: Fix llseek return value when using callback - !280 ksmbd-introduce-new-SMB3-kernel-server - ksmbd: add reserved room in ipc request/response - ksmbd: limits exceeding the maximum allowable outstanding requests - ksmbd: move credit charge deduction under processing request - ksmbd: add support for smb2 max credit parameter - ksmbd: set unique value to volume serial field in FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION - cifsd: add Kconfig and Makefile - ksmbd: Fix wrong return value and message length check in smb2_ioctl() - ksmbd: set NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SEAL flag to challenge blob - ksmbd: fix encryption failure issue for session logoff response - ksmbd: fix endless loop when encryption for response fails - ksmbd: return STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error status if share is not configured - ksmbd: prevent out of bound read for SMB2_TREE_CONNNECT - ksmbd: Fix user namespace mapping - ksmbd: fix use-after-free bug in smb2_tree_disconect - ksmbd: fix memory leak in smb2_handle_negotiate - ksmbd: fix racy issue while destroying session on multichannel - ksmbd: use vfs_llseek instead of dereferencing NULL - ksmbd: remove unused ksmbd_share_configs_cleanup function - ksmbd: fix kernel oops from idr_remove() - ksmbd: replace sessions list in connection with xarray - ksmbd: use wait_event instead of schedule_timeout() - ksmbd: fix incorrect handling of iterate_dir - ksmbd: handle smb2 query dir request for OutputBufferLength that is too small - ksmbd: add channel rwlock - ksmbd: smbd: fix connection dropped issue - ksmbd: fix reference count leak in smb_check_perm_dacl() - ksmbd: reduce smb direct max read/write size - ksmbd: don't align last entry offset in smb2 query directory - ksmbd: fix same UniqueId for dot and dotdot entries - ksmbd: smbd: validate buffer descriptor structures - ksmbd: fix SMB 3.11 posix extension mount failure - ksmbd: fix guest connection failure with nautilus - ksmbd: uninitialized variable in create_socket() - ksmbd: smbd: fix missing client's memory region invalidation - ksmbd: add smb-direct shutdown - ksmbd: smbd: change the default maximum read/write, receive size - ksmbd: smbd: create MR pool - ksmbd: smbd: call rdma_accept() under CM handler - ksmbd: set 445 port to smbdirect port by default - ksmbd: register ksmbd ib client with ib_register_client() - ksmbd: Fix smb2_get_name() kernel-doc comment - ksmbd: Fix smb2_set_info_file() kernel-doc comment - ksmbd: Fix buffer_check_err() kernel-doc comment - ksmbd: fix multi session connection failure - ksmbd: set both ipv4 and ipv6 in FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO - ksmbd: set RSS capable in FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO - ksmbd: Remove unused fields from ksmbd_file struct definition - ksmbd: Remove unused parameter from smb2_get_name() - ksmbd: disable SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_ENCRYPTION for SMB 3.1.1 - ksmbd: fix uninitialized symbol 'pntsd_size' - ksmbd: remove select FS_POSIX_ACL in Kconfig - ksmbd: fix memleak in get_file_stream_info() - ksmbd: contain default data stream even if xattr is empty - ksmbd: downgrade addition info error msg to debug in smb2_get_info_sec() - ksmbd: Fix an error handling path in 'smb2_sess_setup()' - ksmbd: change LeaseKey data type to u8 array - ksmbd: remove smb2_buf_length in smb2_transform_hdr - ksmbd: remove smb2_buf_length in smb2_hdr - ksmbd: don't need 8byte alignment for request length in ksmbd_check_message - ksmbd: Fix buffer length check in fsctl_validate_negotiate_info() - ksmbd: Remove redundant 'flush_workqueue()' calls - ksmdb: use cmd helper variable in smb2_get_ksmbd_tcon() - ksmbd: use ksmbd_req_buf_next() in ksmbd_smb2_check_message() - ksmbd: use ksmbd_req_buf_next() in ksmbd_verify_smb_message() - ksmbd: add buffer validation in session setup - ksmbd: throttle session setup failures to avoid dictionary attacks - ksmbd: validate OutputBufferLength of QUERY_DIR, QUERY_INFO, IOCTL requests - ksmbd: validate credit charge after validating SMB2 PDU body size - ksmbd: add buffer validation for smb direct - ksmbd: limit read/write/trans buffer size not to exceed 8MB - ksmbd: validate compound response buffer - ksmbd: fix potencial 32bit overflow from data area check in smb2_write - ksmbd: improve credits management - ksmbd: add validation in smb2_ioctl - ksmbd: fix oops from fuse driver - ksmbd: fix version mismatch with out of tree - ksmbd: use buf_data_size instead of recalculation in smb3_decrypt_req() - ksmbd: remove the leftover of smb2.0 dialect support - ksmbd: check strictly data area in ksmbd_smb2_check_message() - ksmbd: add the check to vaildate if stream protocol length exceeds maximum value - ksmbd: missing check for NULL in convert_to_nt_pathname() - ksmbd: fix transform header validation - ksmbd: add buffer validation for SMB2_CREATE_CONTEXT - ksmbd: add validation in smb2 negotiate - ksmbd: add request buffer validation in smb2_set_info - ksmbd: use correct basic info level in set_file_basic_info() - ksmbd: remove NTLMv1 authentication - ksmbd: fix documentation for 2 functions - ksmbd: fix invalid request buffer access in compound - ksmbd: remove RFC1002 check in smb2 request - ksmbd: use LOOKUP_BENEATH to prevent the out of share access - ksmbd: remove follow symlinks support - ksmbd: check protocol id in ksmbd_verify_smb_message() - ksmbd: add default data stream name in FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION - ksmbd: log that server is experimental at module load - ksmbd: add validation for FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION of smb2_get_info - ksmbd: prevent out of share access - ksmbd: transport_rdma: Don't include rwlock.h directly - ksmbd: fix read of uninitialized variable ret in set_file_basic_info - ksmbd: remove unused ksmbd_file_table_flush function - ksmbd: smbd: fix dma mapping error in smb_direct_post_send_data - ksmbd: Reduce error log 'speed is unknown' to debug - ksmbd: remove setattr preparations in set_file_basic_info() - ksmbd: ensure error is surfaced in set_file_basic_info() - ksmbd: fix __write_overflow warning in ndr_read_string - ksmbd: fix permission check issue on chown and chmod - ksmbd: don't set FILE DELETE and FILE_DELETE_CHILD in access mask by default - ksmbd: smbd: fix kernel oops during server shutdown - ksmbd: use proper errno instead of -1 in smb2_get_ksmbd_tcon() - ksmbd: update the comment for smb2_get_ksmbd_tcon() - ksmbd: change int data type to boolean - ksmbd: Fix multi-protocol negotiation - ksmbd: fix an oops in error handling in smb2_open() - ksmbd: add ipv6_addr_v4mapped check to know if connection from client is ipv4 - ksmbd: fix missing error code in smb2_lock - ksmbd: use channel signingkey for binding SMB2 session setup - ksmbd: don't set RSS capable in FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO - ksmbd: Return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND if smb2_creat() returns ENOENT - ksmbd: fix -Wstringop-truncation warnings - ksmbd: Fix potential memory leak in tcp_destroy_socket() - ksmbd: add support for negotiating signing algorithm - ksmbd: add negotiate context verification - ksmbd: fix typo of MS-SMBD - ksmbd: move credit charge verification over smb2 request size verification - ksmbd: set STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER error status if credit charge is invalid - ksmbd: fix wrong error status return on session setup - ksmbd: fix wrong compression context size - ksmbd: fix typo in comment - ksmbd: fix an error message in ksmbd_conn_trasnport_init - ksmbd: set RDMA capability for FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO - ksmbd: fix unused err value in smb2_lock - ksmbd: fix memory leak in ksmbd_vfs_get_sd_xattr() - ksmbd: remove unneeded check_context_err - ksmbd: handle error cases first in smb2_create_sd_buffers - ksmbd: make smb2_find_context_vals return NULL if not found - ksmbd: uninterruptible wait for a file being unlocked - ksmbd: free ksmbd_lock when file is closed - ksmbd: fix the running request count decrement - ksmbd: use kasprintf() in ksmbd_vfs_xattr_stream_name() - ksmbd: delete some stray tabs - ksmbd: change data type of volatile/persistent id to u64 - ksmbd: fix memory leak in smb_inherit_dacl() - ksmbd: fix memory leak smb2_populate_readdir_entry() - ksmbd: fix read on the uninitialized send_ctx - ksmbd: remove unneeded NULL check in for_each_netdev - ksmbd: Fix read on the uninitialized pointer sess - ksmbd: fix kernel oops in ksmbd_rpc_ioctl/rap() - ksmbd: adapt vfs api to 5.10 - ksmbd: replace struct dentry with struct path in some function's arguments - ksmbd: reorder and document on-disk and netlink structures in headers - ksmbd: change server config string index to enumeration - ksmbd: change server state type macro to enumeration - ksmbd: change sid types to enumeration - ksmbd: change ACE types to enumeration - ksmbd: remove SMB1 oplock level macros - ksmbd: opencode to remove ATTR_FP macro - ksmbd: use ksmbd_vfs_lock_parent to get stable parent dentry - ksmbd: opencode to remove FP_INODE macro - ksmbd: fix dentry racy with rename() - ksmbd: Relax credit_charge check in smb2_validate_credit_charge() - ksmbd: allow PROTECTED_DACL_SECINFO and UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECINFO addition information in smb2 set info security - ksmbd: replace request and respone buffer macro with inline functions - ksmbd: replace SMB_DIRECT_TRANS macro with inline function - ksmbd: remove and replace macros with inline functions in smb_common.h - ksmbd: remove getting worker state macros - ksmbd: replace PAYLOAD_HEAD with inline function - ksmbd: replace KSMBD_ALIGN with kernel ALIGN macro - ksmbd: replace BUFFER_NR_PAGES with inline function - ksmbd: remove macros in transport_ipc.c - ksmbd: set MAY_* flags together with open flags - ksmbd: factor out a ksmbd_vfs_lock_parent helper - ksmbd: move fs/cifsd to fs/ksmbd - cifsd: add index.rst in cifs documentation - cifsd: fix WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree - cifsd: add ksmbd/nfsd interoperability to feature table - doc: cifsd: change the reference to configuration.txt - cifsd: fix build warnings from cifsd.rst - cifsd: update cifsd.rst document - cifsd: fix WARNING: Title overline too short - ksmbd: use f_bsize in FS_SECTOR_SIZE_INFORMATION - ksmbd: remove unneeded NULL check in the list iterator - ksmbd: use f_bsize instead of q->limits.logical_block_size - ksmbd: change stream type macro to enumeration - ksmbd: opencode posix acl functions instead of wrappers - ksmbd: factor out a ksmbd_validate_entry_in_use helper from __ksmbd_vfs_rename - ksmbd: opencode to avoid trivial wrappers - ksmbd: remove ksmbd_err/info - ksmbd: replace KSMBD_SHARE_CONFIG_PATH with inline function - ksmbd: remove ____ksmbd_align in ksmbd_server.h - ksmbd: remove unneeded FIXME comment - ksmbd: fix overly long line - ksmbd: use goto instead of duplicating the resoure cleanup in ksmbd_open_fd - ksmbd: use list_for_each_entry instead of list_for_each - ksmbd: remove ksmbd_vfs_copy_file_range - ksmbd: initialize variables on the declaration - ksmbd: remove cache read/trans buffer support - ksmbd: add support for SMB3 multichannel - ksmbd: fix kfree of uninitialized pointer oid - cifsd: append ksmbd prefix into names for asn1 decoder - cifsd: remove duplicated argument - cifsd: set epoch in smb2_lease_break response - cifsd: fix list_add double add BUG_ON trap in setup_async_work() - cifsd: fix additional warnings from --strict - cifsd: fix potential read overflow in ksmbd_vfs_stream_read() - cifsd: check return value of ksmbd_vfs_getcasexattr() correctly - cifsd: fix memleak in ksmbd_vfs_stream_read() - cifsd: fix memleak in ksmbd_vfs_stream_write() - cifsd: make alignment match open parenthesis - cifsd: enclose macro variables in parenthesis - cifsd: fix Control flow issues in ksmbd_build_ntlmssp_challenge_blob() - cifsd: lookup a file with LOOKUP_FOLLOW only if 'follow symlinks = yes' - cifsd: Prefer kernel type 'u16' over 'uint16_t' - cifsd: remove unnecessary parentheses around - cifsd: Alignment should match open parenthesis - cifsd: Blank lines aren't necessary after an open brace '{' - cifsd: No space is necessary after a cast - cifsd: don't use multiple blank lines - cifsd: spaces preferred around that '/' - cifsd: braces {} should be used on all arms of this statement - cifsd: add the check to prevent potential overflow with smb_strtoUTF16() and UNICODE_LEN() - cifsd: alignment match open parenthesis - cifsd: return -ENOMEM about error from ksmbd_crypto_ctx_find_xxx calls - cifsd: simplify error handling in ksmbd_gen_preauth_integrity_hash() - cifsd: call kzalloc() directly instead of wrapper - cifsd: add default case in switch statment in alloc_shash_desc() - cifsd: change success handling to failure handling - cifsd: fix wrong return value in ksmbd_crypt_message() - cifsd: remove unneeded initialization of rc variable in ksmbd_crypt_message() - cifsd: len can never be negative in ksmbd_init_sg() - cifsd: add the check if nvec is zero - cifsd: never return 1 on failure - cifsd: return zero in always success case - cifsd: set error return value for memcmp() difference - cifsd: remove unneeded type casting - cifsd: simplify error handling in ksmbd_auth_ntlm() - cifsd: move ret check before the out label - cifsd: just return smbhash() instead of using rc return value - cifsd: move fips_enabled check before the str_to_key() - cifsd: add goto fail in neg_token_init_mech_type() - cifsd: use memcmp instead of for loop check in oid_eq() - cifsd: add goto fail in asn1_oid_decode() - cifsd: add support for FSCTL_DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_TO_FILE - cifsd: Do not use 0 or 0xFFFFFFFF for TreeID - cifsd: fix xfstests generic/504 test failure - cifsd: fix boolreturn.cocci warnings - cifsd: fix WARNING: Too many leading tabs - cifsd: fix WARNING: Possible unnecessary 'out of memory' message - cifsd: decoding gss token using lib/asn1_decoder.c - cifsd: fix invalid memory access in smb2_write() - cifsd: add support for AES256 encryption - cifsd: Fix potential null-ptr-deref in destroy_previous_session() - cifsd: Update out_buf_len in smb2_populate_readdir_entry() - cifsd: Handle ksmbd_session_rpc_open() failure in create_smb2_pipe() - cifsd: Call smb2_set_err_rsp() in smb2_read/smb2_write error path - cifsd: Fix regression in smb2_get_info - cifsd: Remove is_attributes_write_allowed() wrapper - cifsd: Update access check in set_file_allocation_info/set_end_of_file_info - cifsd: remove the dead code of unimplemented durable handle - cifsd: use d_inode() - cifsd: Fix potential null-ptr-deref in smb2_open() - cifsd: move nt time functions to misc.c - cifsd: remove unused nterr.c file - cifsd: remove unused smberr.h - cifsd: Remove smb2_put_name() - cifsd: fix reference count decrement of unclaimed file in __ksmbd_lookup_fd - cifsd: re-implement ksmbd_vfs_kern_path - cifsd: get parent dentry from child in ksmbd_vfs_remove_file() - cifsd: add the check if parent is stable by unexpected rename - cifsd: declare ida statically - cifsd: remove unused including - cifsd: prevent a integer overflow in wm_alloc() - cifsd: remove wrappers of kvmalloc/kvfree - cifsd: fix memdup.cocci warnings - cifsd: use kfree to free memory allocated by kmalloc or kzalloc - cifsd: fix memory leak when loop ends - cifsd: remove stale prototype and variables - cifsd: use xarray instead of linked list for tree connect list - cifsd: remove useless error handling in ksmbd_vfs_read - cifsd: use file_inode() instead of d_inode() - cifsd: handle unhashed dentry in ksmbd_vfs_mkdir - cifsd: remove calling d_path in error paths - cifsd: remove smack inherit leftovers - cifsd: fix wrong prototype in comment - cifsd: merge time_wrappers.h into smb_common.h - cifsd: clean-up codes using --strict - cifsd: fix error return code in ksmbd_vfs_remove_file() - cifsd: add the check to work file lock and rename behaviors like Windows unless POSIX extensions are negotiated - cifsd: use kmalloc() for small allocations - cifsd: fix wrong use of rw semaphore in __session_create() - cifsd: remove unneeded macros - cifsd: remove redundant assignment to variable err - cifsd: fix error handling in ksmbd_server_init() - cifsd: Fix an error code in smb2_read() - cifsd: Pass string length parameter to match_pattern() - cifsd: fix warning: variable 'total_ace_size' and 'posix_ccontext' set but not used - cifsd: fix incorrect comments - cifsd: remove unneeded FIXME comments - cifsd: fix static checker warning from smb_check_perm_dacl() - cifsd: fix static checker warning from smb_direct_post_send_data() - cifsd: Fix a use after free on error path - cifsd: fix a IS_ERR() vs NULL bug - cifsd: fix a precedence bug in parse_dacl() - cifsd: Fix a handful of spelling mistakes - cifsd: uniquify extract_sharename() - cifsd: add file operations - cifsd: add server-side procedures for SMB3 - cifsd: add server handler for central processing and tranport layers - openeuler: net: ngbe: fix ngbe checkpatch warnnings- Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix accepting connection request for invalid SPSM - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix attempting to access uninitialized memory - !225 Synchronize the coresight code of the Linux mainline to support HiSilicon tracing - !257 [5.10] [Feature] :add net-swift ngbe NIC support - !263 svm: Delete unused ioctl command - svm: Delete unused ioctl command - openeuler: net: ngbe: add ngbe module source code - openeuler: net: ngbe add build support - openeuler: config: add NGBE MODODULE CONFIG - openeuler_defconfig: Enable TRBE and TMC - drivers/ETM: fix error in invalid cs_id - coresight: etm4x: Expose trcdevarch via sysfs - perf cs-etm: Update ARM's CoreSight hardware tracing OpenCSD library to v1.0.0 - coresight: etm4x: Add support for PE OS lock - coresight: etm4x: Convert all register accesses - coresight: etm4x: avoid build failure with unrolled loops - coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space - coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment - coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base - coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area - coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated - coresight: trbe: Defer the probe on offline CPUs - coresight: trbe: Fix incorrect access of the sink specific data - coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE - coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation - coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ - coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts - coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed - coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence - coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags - coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set - coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid - coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically - coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 - coresight: etm4x: Move ETM to prohibited region for disable - coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos - coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode - KVM: arm64: Handle access to TRFCR_EL1 - coresight: sink: Add TRBE driver - perf: aux: Add flags for the buffer format - perf: aux: Add CoreSight PMU buffer formats - arm64: Add support for trace synchronization barrier - coresight: core: Add support for dedicated percpu sinks - coresight: etm-perf: Handle stale output handles - coresight: ete: Add support for ETE tracing - coresight: ete: Add support for ETE sysreg access - coresight: Add support for v8.4 SelfHosted tracing - arm64: Add TRBE definitions - arm64: Add TRFCR_ELx definitions - coresight: etm4x: Add support for sysreg only devices - coresight: etm4x: Refactor probing routine - coresight: etm4x: Use TRCDEVARCH for component discovery - coresight: etm4x: Add necessary synchronization for sysreg access - coresight: etm4x: Detect system instructions support - coresight: etm4x: Detect access early on the target CPU - coresight: etm4x: Handle ETM architecture version - coresight: etm4x: Check for Software Lock - coresight: etm4x: Define DEVARCH register fields - coresight: etm4x: Hide sysfs attributes for unavailable registers - coresight: etm4x: Add sysreg access helpers - coresight: etm4x: Make offset available for sysfs attributes - coresight: etm4x: Always read the registers on the host CPU - coresight: Convert claim/disclaim operations to use access wrappers - coresight: Convert coresight_timeout to use access abstraction - coresight: Introduce device access abstraction- btrfs: raid56: don't trust any cached sector in __raid56_parity_recover() - btrfs: only write the sectors in the vertical stripe which has data stripes - sched/fair: Fix fault in reweight_entity - net_sched: cls_route: disallow handle of 0 - net/9p: Initialize the iounit field during fid creation - tee: add overflow check in register_shm_helper() - kvm: x86/pmu: Fix the compare function used by the pmu event filter - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Prevent an unsupported configuration - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix l2cap_global_chan_by_psm regression - Revert "net: usb: ax88179_178a needs FLAG_SEND_ZLP" - drm/vc4: change vc4_dma_range_matches from a global to static - drm/bridge: tc358767: Fix (e)DP bridge endpoint parsing in dedicated function - Revert "mwifiex: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by dev_coredumpv" - tcp: fix over estimation in sk_forced_mem_schedule() - mac80211: fix a memory leak where sta_info is not freed - KVM: x86: Avoid theoretical NULL pointer dereference in kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic_fast() - KVM: x86: Check lapic_in_kernel() before attempting to set a SynIC irq - KVM: Add infrastructure and macro to mark VM as bugged - dm raid: fix address sanitizer warning in raid_status - dm raid: fix address sanitizer warning in raid_resume - ext4: fix extent status tree race in writeback error recovery path - ext4: update s_overhead_clusters in the superblock during an on-line resize - ext4: fix warning in ext4_iomap_begin as race between bmap and write - tracing: Use a struct alignof to determine trace event field alignment - tpm: eventlog: Fix section mismatch for DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH - KEYS: asymmetric: enforce SM2 signature use pkey algo - xen-blkfront: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect - xen-blkback: Apply 'feature_persistent' parameter when connect - xen-blkback: fix persistent grants negotiation - KVM: x86/pmu: Ignore pmu->global_ctrl check if vPMU doesn't support global_ctrl - KVM: VMX: Mark all PERF_GLOBAL_(OVF)_CTRL bits reserved if there's no vPMU - KVM: x86/pmu: Introduce the ctrl_mask value for fixed counter - KVM: x86/pmu: Use different raw event masks for AMD and Intel - KVM: x86/pmu: Use binary search to check filtered events - KVM: nVMX: Inject #UD if VMXON is attempted with incompatible CR0/CR4 - KVM: x86: Move vendor CR4 validity check to dedicated kvm_x86_ops hook - KVM: SVM: Drop VMXE check from svm_set_cr4() - KVM: VMX: Drop explicit 'nested' check from vmx_set_cr4() - KVM: VMX: Drop guest CPUID check for VMXE in vmx_set_cr4() - ACPI: CPPC: Do not prevent CPPC from working in the future - btrfs: reset block group chunk force if we have to wait - btrfs: reject log replay if there is unsupported RO compat flag - um: Allow PM with suspend-to-idle - timekeeping: contribute wall clock to rng on time change - kexec, KEYS, s390: Make use of built-in and secondary keyring for signature verification - dm writecache: set a default MAX_WRITEBACK_JOBS - serial: 8250: Fold EndRun device support into OxSemi Tornado code - serial: 8250_pci: Replace dev_*() by pci_*() macros - serial: 8250_pci: Refactor the loop in pci_ite887x_init() - serial: 8250: Correct the clock for OxSemi PCIe devices - serial: 8250: Dissociate 4MHz Titan ports from Oxford ports - PCI/AER: Iterate over error counters instead of error strings - iommu/vt-d: avoid invalid memory access via node_online(NUMA_NO_NODE) - KVM: x86: Signal #GP, not -EPERM, on bad WRMSR(MCi_CTL/STATUS) - KVM: set_msr_mce: Permit guests to ignore single-bit ECC errors - intel_th: pci: Add Raptor Lake-S CPU support - intel_th: pci: Add Raptor Lake-S PCH support - intel_th: pci: Add Meteor Lake-P support - firmware: arm_scpi: Ensure scpi_info is not assigned if the probe fails - usbnet: smsc95xx: Avoid link settings race on interrupt reception - usbnet: smsc95xx: Don't clear read-only PHY interrupt - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Fix clock rate in NV-DDR - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Support NV-DDR interface - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Fix a macro parameter - mtd: rawnand: Add NV-DDR timings - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Check the proposed data interface is supported - mtd: rawnand: Add a helper to clarify the interface configuration - drm/vc4: drv: Adopt the dma configuration from the HVS or V3D component - HID: hid-input: add Surface Go battery quirk - HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Spectre X360 15-df0xxx - drm/mediatek: Keep dsi as LP00 before dcs cmds transfer - drm/mediatek: Allow commands to be sent during video mode - drm/i915/dg1: Update DMC_DEBUG3 register - spmi: trace: fix stack-out-of-bound access in SPMI tracing functions - __follow_mount_rcu(): verify that mount_lock remains unchanged - Input: gscps2 - check return value of ioremap() in gscps2_probe() - x86/olpc: fix 'logical not is only applied to the left hand side' - ftrace/x86: Add back ftrace_expected assignment - x86/bugs: Enable STIBP for IBPB mitigated RETBleed - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix losing FCP-2 targets during port perturbation tests - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix losing FCP-2 targets on long port disable with I/Os - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix erroneous mailbox timeout after PCI error injection - scsi: qla2xxx: Turn off multi-queue for 8G adapters - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix discovery issues in FC-AL topology - scsi: zfcp: Fix missing auto port scan and thus missing target ports - video: fbdev: s3fb: Check the size of screen before memset_io() - video: fbdev: arkfb: Check the size of screen before memset_io() - video: fbdev: vt8623fb: Check the size of screen before memset_io() - x86/entry: Build thunk_$(BITS) only if CONFIG_PREEMPTION=y - sched: Fix the check of nr_running at queue wakelist - tools/thermal: Fix possible path truncations - video: fbdev: arkfb: Fix a divide-by-zero bug in ark_set_pixclock() - x86/numa: Use cpumask_available instead of hardcoded NULL check - sched, cpuset: Fix dl_cpu_busy() panic due to empty cs->cpus_allowed - sched/deadline: Merge dl_task_can_attach() and dl_cpu_busy() - scripts/faddr2line: Fix vmlinux detection on arm64 - genelf: Use HAVE_LIBCRYPTO_SUPPORT, not the never defined HAVE_LIBCRYPTO - powerpc/pci: Fix PHB numbering when using opal-phbid - kprobes: Forbid probing on trampoline and BPF code areas - perf symbol: Fail to read phdr workaround - powerpc/cell/axon_msi: Fix refcount leak in setup_msi_msg_address - powerpc/xive: Fix refcount leak in xive_get_max_prio - powerpc/spufs: Fix refcount leak in spufs_init_isolated_loader - f2fs: fix to remove F2FS_COMPR_FL and tag F2FS_NOCOMP_FL at the same time - f2fs: write checkpoint during FG_GC - f2fs: don't set GC_FAILURE_PIN for background GC - powerpc/pci: Prefer PCI domain assignment via DT 'linux,pci-domain' and alias - powerpc/32: Do not allow selection of e5500 or e6500 CPUs on PPC32 - ASoC: mchp-spdifrx: disable end of block interrupt on failures - video: fbdev: sis: fix typos in SiS_GetModeID() - video: fbdev: amba-clcd: Fix refcount leak bugs - watchdog: armada_37xx_wdt: check the return value of devm_ioremap() in armada_37xx_wdt_probe() - ASoC: audio-graph-card: Add of_node_put() in fail path - fuse: Remove the control interface for virtio-fs - ASoC: qcom: q6dsp: Fix an off-by-one in q6adm_alloc_copp() - ASoC: fsl_easrc: use snd_pcm_format_t type for sample_format - s390/zcore: fix race when reading from hardware system area - s390/dump: fix old lowcore virtual vs physical address confusion - perf tools: Fix dso_id inode generation comparison - iommu/arm-smmu: qcom_iommu: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of loop - mfd: max77620: Fix refcount leak in max77620_initialise_fps - mfd: t7l66xb: Drop platform disable callback - remoteproc: sysmon: Wait for SSCTL service to come up - lib/smp_processor_id: fix imbalanced instrumentation_end() call - kfifo: fix kfifo_to_user() return type - rpmsg: qcom_smd: Fix refcount leak in qcom_smd_parse_edge - iommu/exynos: Handle failed IOMMU device registration properly - tty: n_gsm: fix missing corner cases in gsmld_poll() - tty: n_gsm: fix DM command - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong T1 retry count handling - vfio/ccw: Do not change FSM state in subchannel event - vfio/mdev: Make to_mdev_device() into a static inline - vfio: Split creation of a vfio_device into init and register ops - vfio: Simplify the lifetime logic for vfio_device - vfio: Remove extra put/gets around vfio_device->group - remoteproc: qcom: wcnss: Fix handling of IRQs - ASoC: qcom: Fix missing of_node_put() in asoc_qcom_lpass_cpu_platform_probe() - tty: n_gsm: fix race condition in gsmld_write() - tty: n_gsm: fix packet re-transmission without open control channel - tty: n_gsm: fix non flow control frames during mux flow off - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong queuing behavior in gsm_dlci_data_output() - tty: n_gsm: fix user open not possible at responder until initiator open - tty: n_gsm: Delete gsmtty open SABM frame when config requester - ASoC: samsung: change gpiod_speaker_power and rx1950_audio from global to static variables - powerpc/perf: Optimize clearing the pending PMI and remove WARN_ON for PMI check in power_pmu_disable - ASoC: samsung: h1940_uda1380: include proepr GPIO consumer header - profiling: fix shift too large makes kernel panic - selftests/livepatch: better synchronize test_klp_callbacks_busy - remoteproc: k3-r5: Fix refcount leak in k3_r5_cluster_of_init - rpmsg: mtk_rpmsg: Fix circular locking dependency - ASoC: codecs: wcd9335: move gains from SX_TLV to S8_TLV - ASoC: codecs: msm8916-wcd-digital: move gains from SX_TLV to S8_TLV - serial: 8250_dw: Store LSR into lsr_saved_flags in dw8250_tx_wait_empty() - serial: 8250: Export ICR access helpers for internal use - ASoC: mediatek: mt8173-rt5650: Fix refcount leak in mt8173_rt5650_dev_probe - ASoC: codecs: da7210: add check for i2c_add_driver - ASoC: mt6797-mt6351: Fix refcount leak in mt6797_mt6351_dev_probe - ASoC: mediatek: mt8173: Fix refcount leak in mt8173_rt5650_rt5676_dev_probe - ASoC: samsung: Fix error handling in aries_audio_probe - ASoC: cros_ec_codec: Fix refcount leak in cros_ec_codec_platform_probe - opp: Fix error check in dev_pm_opp_attach_genpd() - usb: cdns3: Don't use priv_dev uninitialized in cdns3_gadget_ep_enable() - nvme: use command_id instead of req->tag in trace_nvme_complete_rq() - null_blk: fix ida error handling in null_add_dev() - RDMA/rxe: Fix error unwind in rxe_create_qp() - RDMA/mlx5: Add missing check for return value in get namespace flow - selftests: kvm: set rax before vmcall - mm/mmap.c: fix missing call to vm_unacct_memory in mmap_region - RDMA/srpt: Fix a use-after-free - RDMA/srpt: Introduce a reference count in struct srpt_device - RDMA/srpt: Duplicate port name members - platform/olpc: Fix uninitialized data in debugfs write - usb: cdns3: change place of 'priv_ep' assignment in cdns3_gadget_ep_dequeue(), cdns3_gadget_ep_enable() - USB: serial: fix tty-port initialized comments - PCI: tegra194: Fix link up retry sequence - PCI: tegra194: Fix Root Port interrupt handling - HID: alps: Declare U1_UNICORN_LEGACY support - mmc: cavium-thunderx: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of loop - mmc: cavium-octeon: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of loop - HID: mcp2221: prevent a buffer overflow in mcp_smbus_write() - gpio: gpiolib-of: Fix refcount bugs in of_mm_gpiochip_add_data() - RDMA/hfi1: fix potential memory leak in setup_base_ctxt() - RDMA/siw: Fix duplicated reported IW_CM_EVENT_CONNECT_REPLY event - RDMA/qedr: Fix potential memory leak in __qedr_alloc_mr() - RDMA/qedr: Improve error logs for rdma_alloc_tid error return - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Fix modinfo output for stringify - RDMA/rtrs: Avoid Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare - RDMA/rtrs: Define MIN_CHUNK_SIZE - um: random: Don't initialise hwrng struct with zero - interconnect: imx: fix max_node_id - eeprom: idt_89hpesx: uninitialized data in idt_dbgfs_csr_write() - usb: dwc3: qcom: fix missing optional irq warnings - usb: dwc3: core: Do not perform GCTL_CORE_SOFTRESET during bootup - usb: dwc3: core: Deprecate GCTL.CORESOFTRESET - usb: aspeed-vhub: Fix refcount leak bug in ast_vhub_init_desc() - usb: gadget: udc: amd5536 depends on HAS_DMA - xtensa: iss: fix handling error cases in iss_net_configure() - xtensa: iss/network: provide release() callback - scsi: smartpqi: Fix DMA direction for RAID requests - PCI: qcom: Set up rev 2.1.0 PARF_PHY before enabling clocks - PCI/portdrv: Don't disable AER reporting in get_port_device_capability() - KVM: s390: pv: leak the topmost page table when destroy fails - mmc: block: Add single read for 4k sector cards - mmc: sdhci-of-at91: fix set_uhs_signaling rewriting of MC1R - memstick/ms_block: Fix a memory leak - memstick/ms_block: Fix some incorrect memory allocation - mmc: sdhci-of-esdhc: Fix refcount leak in esdhc_signal_voltage_switch - staging: rtl8192u: Fix sleep in atomic context bug in dm_fsync_timer_callback - intel_th: msu: Fix vmalloced buffers - intel_th: msu-sink: Potential dereference of null pointer - intel_th: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - PCI: endpoint: Don't stop controller when unbinding endpoint function - dmaengine: sf-pdma: Add multithread support for a DMA channel - dmaengine: sf-pdma: apply proper spinlock flags in sf_pdma_prep_dma_memcpy() - KVM: arm64: Don't return from void function - soundwire: bus_type: fix remove and shutdown support - PCI: dwc: Always enable CDM check if "snps,enable-cdm-check" exists - PCI: dwc: Deallocate EPC memory on dw_pcie_ep_init() errors - PCI: dwc: Add unroll iATU space support to dw_pcie_disable_atu() - clk: qcom: camcc-sdm845: Fix topology around titan_top power domain - clk: qcom: ipq8074: set BRANCH_HALT_DELAY flag for UBI clocks - clk: qcom: ipq8074: fix NSS port frequency tables - clk: qcom: ipq8074: SW workaround for UBI32 PLL lock - clk: qcom: ipq8074: fix NSS core PLL-s - usb: host: xhci: use snprintf() in xhci_decode_trb() - clk: qcom: clk-krait: unlock spin after mux completion - misc: rtsx: Fix an error handling path in rtsx_pci_probe() - dmaengine: dw-edma: Fix eDMA Rd/Wr-channels and DMA-direction semantics - mwifiex: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by dev_coredumpv - mwifiex: Ignore BTCOEX events from the 88W8897 firmware - KVM: Don't set Accessed/Dirty bits for ZERO_PAGE - clk: mediatek: reset: Fix written reset bit offset - iio: accel: bma400: Reordering of header files - platform/chrome: cros_ec: Always expose last resume result - iio: accel: bma400: Fix the scale min and max macro values - netfilter: xtables: Bring SPDX identifier back - usb: xhci: tegra: Fix error check - usb: gadget: tegra-xudc: Fix error check in tegra_xudc_powerdomain_init() - usb: ohci-nxp: Fix refcount leak in ohci_hcd_nxp_probe - usb: host: Fix refcount leak in ehci_hcd_ppc_of_probe - fpga: altera-pr-ip: fix unsigned comparison with less than zero - mtd: st_spi_fsm: Add a clk_disable_unprepare() in .probe()'s error path - mtd: partitions: Fix refcount leak in parse_redboot_of - mtd: sm_ftl: Fix deadlock caused by cancel_work_sync in sm_release - HID: cp2112: prevent a buffer overflow in cp2112_xfer() - PCI: tegra194: Fix PM error handling in tegra_pcie_config_ep() - mtd: rawnand: meson: Fix a potential double free issue - mtd: maps: Fix refcount leak in ap_flash_init - mtd: maps: Fix refcount leak in of_flash_probe_versatile - clk: renesas: r9a06g032: Fix UART clkgrp bitsel - wireguard: allowedips: don't corrupt stack when detecting overflow - wireguard: ratelimiter: use hrtimer in selftest - dccp: put dccp_qpolicy_full() and dccp_qpolicy_push() in the same lock - net: ionic: fix error check for vlan flags in ionic_set_nic_features() - net: rose: fix netdev reference changes - netdevsim: Avoid allocation warnings triggered from user space - iavf: Fix max_rate limiting - net: allow unbound socket for packets in VRF when tcp_l3mdev_accept set - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_l3mdev_accept. - ipv6: add READ_ONCE(sk->sk_bound_dev_if) in INET6_MATCH() - tcp: sk->sk_bound_dev_if once in inet_request_bound_dev_if() - inet: add READ_ONCE(sk->sk_bound_dev_if) in INET_MATCH() - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix auth key size error - crypto: inside-secure - Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE for of - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - don't use GFP_KERNEL to alloc mem during softirq - net/mlx5e: Fix the value of MLX5E_MAX_RQ_NUM_MTTS - net/mlx5e: Remove WARN_ON when trying to offload an unsupported TLS cipher/version - media: cedrus: hevc: Add check for invalid timestamp - wifi: libertas: Fix possible refcount leak in if_usb_probe() - wifi: iwlwifi: mvm: fix double list_add at iwl_mvm_mac_wake_tx_queue - wifi: wil6210: debugfs: fix uninitialized variable use in `wil_write_file_wmi()` - i2c: mux-gpmux: Add of_node_put() when breaking out of loop - i2c: cadence: Support PEC for SMBus block read - Bluetooth: hci_intel: Add check for platform_driver_register - can: pch_can: pch_can_error(): initialize errc before using it - can: error: specify the values of data[5..7] of CAN error frames - can: usb_8dev: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: kvaser_usb_leaf: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: kvaser_usb_hydra: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: sun4i_can: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: hi311x: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: sja1000: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: rcar_can: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - can: pch_can: do not report txerr and rxerr during bus-off - selftests/bpf: fix a test for snprintf() overflow - wifi: p54: add missing parentheses in p54_flush() - wifi: p54: Fix an error handling path in p54spi_probe() - wifi: wil6210: debugfs: fix info leak in wil_write_file_wmi() - fs: check FMODE_LSEEK to control internal pipe splicing - bpf: Fix subprog names in stack traces. - selftests: timers: clocksource-switch: fix passing errors from child - selftests: timers: valid-adjtimex: build fix for newer toolchains - libbpf: Fix the name of a reused map - tcp: make retransmitted SKB fit into the send window - drm/exynos/exynos7_drm_decon: free resources when clk_set_parent() failed. - mediatek: mt76: mac80211: Fix missing of_node_put() in mt76_led_init() - mt76: mt76x02u: fix possible memory leak in __mt76x02u_mcu_send_msg - media: platform: mtk-mdp: Fix mdp_ipi_comm structure alignment - crypto: hisilicon - Kunpeng916 crypto driver don't sleep when in softirq - drm/msm/mdp5: Fix global state lock backoff - lib: bitmap: provide devm_bitmap_alloc() and devm_bitmap_zalloc() - lib: bitmap: order includes alphabetically - drm: bridge: sii8620: fix possible off-by-one - drm/mediatek: dpi: Only enable dpi after the bridge is enabled - drm/mediatek: dpi: Remove output format of YUV - drm/rockchip: Fix an error handling path rockchip_dp_probe() - drm/rockchip: vop: Don't crash for invalid duplicate_state() - selftests/xsk: Destroy BPF resources only when ctx refcount drops to 0 - crypto: arm64/gcm - Select AEAD for GHASH_ARM64_CE - drm/vc4: hdmi: Correct HDMI timing registers for interlaced modes - drm/vc4: hdmi: Fix timings for interlaced modes - drm/vc4: hdmi: Limit the BCM2711 to the max without scrambling - drm/vc4: hdmi: Don't access the connector state in reset if kmalloc fails - drm/vc4: hdmi: Avoid full hdmi audio fifo writes - drm/vc4: hdmi: Remove firmware logic for MAI threshold setting - drm/vc4: dsi: Add correct stop condition to vc4_dsi_encoder_disable iteration - drm/vc4: dsi: Fix dsi0 interrupt support - drm/vc4: dsi: Register dsi0 as the correct vc4 encoder type - drm/vc4: dsi: Introduce a variant structure - drm/vc4: dsi: Use snprintf for the PHY clocks instead of an array - drm/vc4: drv: Remove the DSI pointer in vc4_drv - drm/vc4: dsi: Correct pixel order for DSI0 - drm/vc4: dsi: Correct DSI divider calculations - drm/vc4: plane: Fix margin calculations for the right/bottom edges - drm/vc4: plane: Remove subpixel positioning check - media: tw686x: Fix memory leak in tw686x_video_init - media: v4l2-mem2mem: prevent pollerr when last_buffer_dequeued is set - media: hdpvr: fix error value returns in hdpvr_read - drm/mcde: Fix refcount leak in mcde_dsi_bind - drm: bridge: adv7511: Add check for mipi_dsi_driver_register - crypto: ccp - During shutdown, check SEV data pointer before using - test_bpf: fix incorrect netdev features - drm/radeon: fix incorrrect SPDX-License-Identifiers - wifi: iwlegacy: 4965: fix potential off-by-one overflow in il4965_rs_fill_link_cmd() - media: tw686x: Register the irq at the end of probe - crypto: sun8i-ss - fix infinite loop in sun8i_ss_setup_ivs() - i2c: Fix a potential use after free - crypto: sun8i-ss - fix error codes in allocate_flows() - crypto: sun8i-ss - do not allocate memory when handling hash requests - drm: adv7511: override i2c address of cec before accessing it - virtio-gpu: fix a missing check to avoid NULL dereference - i2c: npcm: Correct slave role behavior - i2c: npcm: Remove own slave addresses 2:10 - drm/mediatek: Add pull-down MIPI operation in mtk_dsi_poweroff function - drm/mediatek: Separate poweron/poweroff from enable/disable and define new funcs - drm/mediatek: Modify dsi funcs to atomic operations - drm/radeon: fix potential buffer overflow in ni_set_mc_special_registers() - ath11k: Fix incorrect debug_mask mappings - drm/mipi-dbi: align max_chunk to 2 in spi_transfer - ath11k: fix netdev open race - wifi: rtlwifi: fix error codes in rtl_debugfs_set_write_h2c() - drm/st7735r: Fix module autoloading for Okaya RH128128T - ath10k: do not enforce interrupt trigger type - drm/bridge: tc358767: Make sure Refclk clock are enabled - drm/bridge: tc358767: Move (e)DP bridge endpoint parsing into dedicated function - pwm: lpc18xx-sct: Convert to devm_platform_ioremap_resource() - pwm: sifive: Shut down hardware only after pwmchip_remove() completed - pwm: sifive: Ensure the clk is enabled exactly once per running PWM - pwm: sifive: Simplify offset calculation for PWMCMP registers - pwm: sifive: Don't check the return code of pwmchip_remove() - dm: return early from dm_pr_call() if DM device is suspended - thermal/tools/tmon: Include pthread and time headers in tmon.h - selftests/seccomp: Fix compile warning when CC=clang - nohz/full, sched/rt: Fix missed tick-reenabling bug in dequeue_task_rt() - drivers/perf: arm_spe: Fix consistency of SYS_PMSCR_EL1.CX - arm64: dts: qcom: qcs404: Fix incorrect USB2 PHYs assignment - soc: qcom: Make QCOM_RPMPD depend on PM - regulator: of: Fix refcount leak bug in of_get_regulation_constraints() - blktrace: Trace remapped requests correctly - block: remove the request_queue to argument request based tracepoints - hwmon: (drivetemp) Add module alias - blk-mq: don't create hctx debugfs dir until q->debugfs_dir is created - erofs: avoid consecutive detection for Highmem memory - arm64: tegra: Fix SDMMC1 CD on P2888 - arm64: dts: mt7622: fix BPI-R64 WPS button - bus: hisi_lpc: fix missing platform_device_put() in hisi_lpc_acpi_probe() - ARM: dts: qcom: pm8841: add required thermal-sensor-cells - soc: qcom: aoss: Fix refcount leak in qmp_cooling_devices_register - soc: qcom: ocmem: Fix refcount leak in of_get_ocmem - ACPI: APEI: Fix _EINJ vs EFI_MEMORY_SP - regulator: qcom_smd: Fix pm8916_pldo range - cpufreq: zynq: Fix refcount leak in zynq_get_revision - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix refcount leak in omap3xxx_prm_late_init - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix refcount leak in omapdss_init_of - ARM: dts: qcom: mdm9615: add missing PMIC GPIO reg - block: fix infinite loop for invalid zone append - soc: fsl: guts: machine variable might be unset - locking/lockdep: Fix lockdep_init_map_*() confusion - arm64: cpufeature: Allow different PMU versions in ID_DFR0_EL1 - hexagon: select ARCH_WANT_LD_ORPHAN_WARN - ARM: dts: ast2600-evb: fix board compatible - ARM: dts: ast2500-evb: fix board compatible - x86/pmem: Fix platform-device leak in error path - arm64: dts: renesas: Fix thermal-sensors on single-zone sensors - soc: amlogic: Fix refcount leak in meson-secure-pwrc.c - soc: renesas: r8a779a0-sysc: Fix A2DP1 and A2CV[2357] PDR values - Input: atmel_mxt_ts - fix up inverted RESET handler - ARM: dts: imx7d-colibri-emmc: add cpu1 supply - ACPI: processor/idle: Annotate more functions to live in cpuidle section - ARM: bcm: Fix refcount leak in bcm_kona_smc_init - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon: Fix regulator node names - meson-mx-socinfo: Fix refcount leak in meson_mx_socinfo_init - ARM: findbit: fix overflowing offset - spi: spi-rspi: Fix PIO fallback on RZ platforms - powerpc/64s: Disable stack variable initialisation for prom_init - selinux: Add boundary check in put_entry() - PM: hibernate: defer device probing when resuming from hibernation - firmware: tegra: Fix error check return value of debugfs_create_file() - ARM: shmobile: rcar-gen2: Increase refcount for new reference - arm64: dts: allwinner: a64: orangepi-win: Fix LED node name - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: fix NAND node name - ACPI: LPSS: Fix missing check in register_device_clock() - ACPI: PM: save NVS memory for Lenovo G40-45 - ACPI: EC: Drop the EC_FLAGS_IGNORE_DSDT_GPE quirk - ACPI: EC: Remove duplicate ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th entry from DMI quirks - ARM: OMAP2+: display: Fix refcount leak bug - spi: synquacer: Add missing clk_disable_unprepare() - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Add DT for Meraki MR26 - ARM: dts: imx6ul: fix qspi node compatible - ARM: dts: imx6ul: fix lcdif node compatible - ARM: dts: imx6ul: fix csi node compatible - ARM: dts: imx6ul: fix keypad compatible - ARM: dts: imx6ul: change operating-points to uint32-matrix - ARM: dts: imx6ul: add missing properties for sram - wait: Fix __wait_event_hrtimeout for RT/DL tasks - irqchip/mips-gic: Check the return value of ioremap() in gic_of_init() - genirq: GENERIC_IRQ_IPI depends on SMP - irqchip/mips-gic: Only register IPI domain when SMP is enabled - genirq: Don't return error on missing optional irq_request_resources() - ext2: Add more validity checks for inode counts - arm64: Do not forget syscall when starting a new thread. - x86: Handle idle=nomwait cmdline properly for x86_idle - epoll: autoremove wakers even more aggressively - netfilter: nf_tables: fix null deref due to zeroed list head - lockdep: Allow tuning tracing capacity constants. - usb: dwc3: gadget: fix high speed multiplier setting - usb: dwc3: gadget: refactor dwc3_repare_one_trb - arm64: dts: uniphier: Fix USB interrupts for PXs3 SoC - ARM: dts: uniphier: Fix USB interrupts for PXs2 SoC - USB: HCD: Fix URB giveback issue in tasklet function - usb: typec: ucsi: Acknowledge the GET_ERROR_STATUS command completion - coresight: Clear the connection field properly - MIPS: cpuinfo: Fix a warning for CONFIG_CPUMASK_OFFSTACK - powerpc/powernv: Avoid crashing if rng is NULL - powerpc/ptdump: Fix display of RW pages on FSL_BOOK3E - powerpc/fsl-pci: Fix Class Code of PCIe Root Port - PCI: Add defines for normal and subtractive PCI bridges - ia64, processor: fix -Wincompatible-pointer-types in ia64_get_irr() - media: [PATCH] pci: atomisp_cmd: fix three missing checks on list iterator - md-raid10: fix KASAN warning - md-raid: destroy the bitmap after destroying the thread - serial: mvebu-uart: uart2 error bits clearing - fuse: limit nsec - scsi: qla2xxx: Zero undefined mailbox IN registers - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix incorrect display of max frame size - scsi: sg: Allow waiting for commands to complete on removed device - iio: light: isl29028: Fix the warning in isl29028_remove() - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Update NAND bus clock instead of system clock - drm/amdgpu: Check BO's requested pinning domains against its preferred_domains - drm/nouveau/acpi: Don't print error when we get -EINPROGRESS from pm_runtime - drm/nouveau: Don't pm_runtime_put_sync(), only pm_runtime_put_autosuspend() - drm/nouveau: fix another off-by-one in nvbios_addr - drm/vc4: hdmi: Disable audio if dmas property is present but empty - drm/gem: Properly annotate WW context on drm_gem_lock_reservations() error - parisc: io_pgetevents_time64() needs compat syscall in 32-bit compat mode - parisc: Check the return value of ioremap() in lba_driver_probe() - parisc: Fix device names in /proc/iomem - ovl: drop WARN_ON() dentry is NULL in ovl_encode_fh() - usbnet: Fix linkwatch use-after-free on disconnect - fbcon: Fix accelerated fbdev scrolling while logo is still shown - fbcon: Fix boundary checks for fbcon=vc:n1-n2 parameters - thermal: sysfs: Fix cooling_device_stats_setup() error code path - fs: Add missing umask strip in vfs_tmpfile - vfs: Check the truncate maximum size in inode_newsize_ok() - tty: vt: initialize unicode screen buffer - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for HP OMEN 15 (8786) mute LED - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for another Asus K42JZ model - ALSA: hda/cirrus - support for iMac 12,1 model - ALSA: hda/conexant: Add quirk for LENOVO 20149 Notebook model - riscv: set default pm_power_off to NULL - KVM: x86: Tag kvm_mmu_x86_module_init() with __init - KVM: x86: Set error code to segment selector on LLDT/LTR non-canonical #GP - KVM: x86: Mark TSS busy during LTR emulation _after_ all fault checks - KVM: nVMX: Let userspace set nVMX MSR to any _host_ supported value - KVM: s390: pv: don't present the ecall interrupt twice - KVM: SVM: Don't BUG if userspace injects an interrupt with GIF=0 - KVM: nVMX: Snapshot pre-VM-Enter DEBUGCTL for !nested_run_pending case - KVM: nVMX: Snapshot pre-VM-Enter BNDCFGS for !nested_run_pending case - HID: wacom: Don't register pad_input for touch switch - HID: wacom: Only report rotation for art pen - add barriers to buffer_uptodate and set_buffer_uptodate - wifi: mac80211_hwsim: use 32-bit skb cookie - wifi: mac80211_hwsim: add back erroneously removed cast - wifi: mac80211_hwsim: fix race condition in pending packet - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP Spectre x360 15-eb0xxx - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NV45PZ - ALSA: bcd2000: Fix a UAF bug on the error path of probing - scsi: Revert "scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover" - Revert "pNFS: nfs3_set_ds_client should set NFS_CS_NOPING" - x86: link vdso and boot with -z noexecstack --no-warn-rwx-segments - Makefile: link with -z noexecstack --no-warn-rwx-segments - !253 [5.10] [bugfix] : fix arm32 compiler error ERROR and warning - openeuler: net: txgbe: fix arm32 compile error because 64bit div and warnning - macintosh/adb: fix oob read in do_adb_query() function - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x13D3:0x3586 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x13D3:0x3587 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x0CB8:0xC558 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x04C5:0x1675 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add Realtek RTL8852C support ID 0x04CA:0x4007 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add support of IMC Networks PID 0x3568 - Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Add DT compatible for CYW55572 - Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Add BCM4349B1 variant - selftests: KVM: Handle compiler optimizations in ucall - tools/kvm_stat: fix display of error when multiple processes are found - ACPI: APEI: Better fix to avoid spamming the console with old error logs - ACPI: video: Shortening quirk list by identifying Clevo by board_name only - ACPI: video: Force backlight native for some TongFang devices - selftests/bpf: Check dst_port only on the client socket - selftests/bpf: Extend verifier and bpf_sock tests for dst_port loads - ath9k_htc: fix NULL pointer dereference at ath9k_htc_tx_get_packet() - ath9k_htc: fix NULL pointer dereference at ath9k_htc_rxep() - x86/speculation: Make all RETbleed mitigations 64-bit only - x86/bugs: Do not enable IBPB at firmware entry when IBPB is not available - xfs: prevent UAF in xfs_log_item_in_current_chkpt - docs/kernel-parameters: Update descriptions for "mitigations=" param with retbleed - EDAC/ghes: Set the DIMM label unconditionally - ARM: 9216/1: Fix MAX_DMA_ADDRESS overflow - mt7601u: add USB device ID for some versions of XiaoDu WiFi Dongle. - page_alloc: fix invalid watermark check on a negative value - ARM: crypto: comment out gcc warning that breaks clang builds - sctp: leave the err path free in sctp_stream_init to sctp_stream_free - sfc: disable softirqs for ptp TX - perf symbol: Correct address for bss symbols - virtio-net: fix the race between refill work and close - sctp: fix sleep in atomic context bug in timer handlers - i40e: Fix interface init with MSI interrupts (no MSI-X) - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_reflect_tos. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_comp_sack_nr. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_comp_sack_slack_ns. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_comp_sack_delay_ns. - net: macsec: fix potential resource leak in macsec_add_rxsa() and macsec_add_txsa() - macsec: always read MACSEC_SA_ATTR_PN as a u64 - macsec: limit replay window size with XPN - macsec: fix error message in macsec_add_rxsa and _txsa - macsec: fix NULL deref in macsec_add_rxsa - Documentation: fix sctp_wmem in ip-sysctl.rst - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_invalid_ratelimit. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_autocorking. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_min_rtt_wlen. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_min_tso_segs. - net: sungem_phy: Add of_node_put() for reference returned by of_get_parent() - igmp: Fix data-races around sysctl_igmp_qrv. - net/tls: Remove the context from the list in tls_device_down - net: ping6: Fix memleak in ipv6_renew_options(). - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_challenge_ack_limit. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_limit_output_bytes. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_moderate_rcvbuf. - Revert "tcp: change pingpong threshold to 3" - scsi: ufs: host: Hold reference returned by of_parse_phandle() - ice: do not setup vlan for loopback VSI - ice: check (DD | EOF) bits on Rx descriptor rather than (EOP | RS) - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_no_ssthresh_metrics_save. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_nometrics_save. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_frto. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_app_win. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_dsack. - watch_queue: Fix missing locking in add_watch_to_object() - watch_queue: Fix missing rcu annotation - nouveau/svm: Fix to migrate all requested pages - s390/archrandom: prevent CPACF trng invocations in interrupt context - ntfs: fix use-after-free in ntfs_ucsncmp() - Revert "ocfs2: mount shared volume without ha stack" - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free caused by l2cap_chan_put - net: usb: ax88179_178a needs FLAG_SEND_ZLP - x86/alternative: Report missing return thunk details - x86/amd: Use IBPB for firmware calls - Bluetooth: Fix bt_skb_sendmmsg not allocating partial chunks - Bluetooth: SCO: Fix sco_send_frame returning skb->len - Bluetooth: Fix passing NULL to PTR_ERR - Bluetooth: RFCOMM: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with bt_skb_sendmmsg - Bluetooth: SCO: Replace use of memcpy_from_msg with bt_skb_sendmsg - Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmmsg helper - Bluetooth: Add bt_skb_sendmsg helper - ALSA: memalloc: Align buffer allocations in page size - bitfield.h: Fix "type of reg too small for mask" test - drm/imx/dcss: fix unused but set variable warnings - dlm: fix pending remove if msg allocation fails - x86/bugs: Warn when "ibrs" mitigation is selected on Enhanced IBRS parts - sched/deadline: Fix BUG_ON condition for deboosted tasks - bpf: Make sure mac_header was set before using it - mm/mempolicy: fix uninit-value in mpol_rebind_policy() - KVM: Don't null dereference ops->destroy - spi: bcm2835: bcm2835_spi_handle_err(): fix NULL pointer deref for non DMA transfers - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_max_reordering. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_rfc1337. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_stdurg. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_retrans_collapse. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_slow_start_after_idle. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_thin_linear_timeouts. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_recovery. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_early_retrans. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl knobs related to SYN option. - udp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_udp_l3mdev_accept. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_prot_sock. - ipv4: Fix a data-race around sysctl_fib_multipath_use_neigh. - drm/imx/dcss: Add missing of_node_put() in fail path - be2net: Fix buffer overflow in be_get_module_eeprom - gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address when regcache sync during init - gpio: pca953x: use the correct range when do regmap sync - gpio: pca953x: only use single read/write for No AI mode - ixgbe: Add locking to prevent panic when setting sriov_numvfs to zero - i40e: Fix erroneous adapter reinitialization during recovery process - iavf: Fix handling of dummy receive descriptors - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_fastopen_blackhole_timeout. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_fastopen. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_max_syn_backlog. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_notsent_lowat. - tcp: Fix data-races around some timeout sysctl knobs. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_reordering. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_syncookies. - tcp: Fix data-races around keepalive sysctl knobs. - igmp: Fix data-races around sysctl_igmp_max_msf. - igmp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_igmp_max_memberships. - igmp: Fix data-races around sysctl_igmp_llm_reports. - net/tls: Fix race in TLS device down flow - net: stmmac: fix dma queue left shift overflow issue - i2c: cadence: Change large transfer count reset logic to be unconditional - net: stmmac: fix unbalanced ptp clock issue in suspend/resume flow - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_probe_interval. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_probe_threshold. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_mtu_probe_floor. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_min_snd_mss. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_base_mss. - tcp: Fix data-races around sysctl_tcp_mtu_probing. - tcp/dccp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_fwmark_accept. - ip: Fix a data-race around sysctl_fwmark_reflect. - ip: Fix a data-race around sysctl_ip_autobind_reuse. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_nonlocal_bind. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_fwd_update_priority. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_fwd_use_pmtu. - ip: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_no_pmtu_disc. - igc: Reinstate IGC_REMOVED logic and implement it properly - drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode - perf/core: Fix data race between perf_event_set_output() and perf_mmap_close() - pinctrl: ralink: Check for null return of devm_kcalloc - power/reset: arm-versatile: Fix refcount leak in versatile_reboot_probe - serial: mvebu-uart: correctly report configured baudrate value - PCI: hv: Fix interrupt mapping for multi-MSI - PCI: hv: Reuse existing IRTE allocation in compose_msi_msg() - PCI: hv: Fix hv_arch_irq_unmask() for multi-MSI - PCI: hv: Fix multi-MSI to allow more than one MSI vector - Revert "m68knommu: only set CONFIG_ISA_DMA_API for ColdFire sub-arch" - net: inline rollback_registered_many() - net: move rollback_registered_many() - net: inline rollback_registered() - net: move net_set_todo inside rollback_registered() - docs: net: explain struct net_device lifetime - xen/gntdev: Ignore failure to unmap INVALID_GRANT_HANDLE - mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix IPv4 nexthop gateway indication - riscv: add as-options for modules with assembly compontents - pinctrl: stm32: fix optional IRQ support to gpios - !196 openEuler-22.03-LTS: kernel: add OPENEULER_VERSION_CODE to version.h - !176 bugfix: Limit "Dummy wait" workaround to old Intel systems in acpi idle driver - ACPI: processor idle: Practically limit "Dummy wait" workaround to old Intel systems - kernel: add OPENEULER_VERSION_CODE to version.h- bnx2x: fix potential memory leak in bnx2x_tpa_stop() - scsi: stex: Properly zero out the passthrough command structure - libbpf: Fix null-pointer dereference in find_prog_by_sec_insn() - blktrace: remove unnessary stop block trace in 'blk_trace_shutdown' - blktrace: fix possible memleak in '__blk_trace_remove' - blktrace: introduce 'blk_trace_{start,stop}' helper - ext4: record error information when insert extent failed in 'ext4_split_extent_at' - pgp: Check result of crypto_alloc_shash properly - net: tun: fix bugs for oversize packet when napi frags enabled - irqdomain: Fix driver re-inserting failures when IRQs not being freed - nbd: refactor size updates - nbd: move the task_recv check into nbd_size_update - nbd: remove the call to set_blocksize - Revert "cifs: fix double free race when mount fails in cifs_get_root()" - scsi: libsas: Resume SAS host for phy reset or enable via sysfs - !207 [5.10] [bugfix] : merge net-swift txgbe out_of_tree module v1.2.3 to openEuler/txgbe for some known bugs - openeuler: net: txgbe: Fix some known bugs, merge net-swift txgbe-1.2.3 out-of-tree - openeuler: configs: delete txgbe/Kconfig, add txgbe_config to netswift/Kconfig- atm: idt77252: fix use-after-free bugs caused by tst_timer - fs: fix UAF/GPF bug in nilfs_mdt_destroy - wifi: Fix potential buffer overflow in 'brcmf_fweh_event_worker' - nilfs2: fix NULL pointer dereference at nilfs_bmap_lookup_at_level() - mm/hugetlb: fix races when looking up a CONT-PTE/PMD size hugetlb page - usb: mon: make mmapped memory read only - scsi: sd: Revert "scsi: sd: Remove a local variable" - devlink: Fix use-after-free after a failed reload - nouveau: fix migrate_to_ram() for faulting page - mm/memory.c: fix race when faulting a device private page - vsock: Fix memory leak in vsock_connect() - ext4: fix bug_on in __es_tree_search caused by bad boot loader inode - ext4: add EXT4_IGET_BAD flag to prevent unexpected bad inode - ext4: add helper to check quota inums - ext4: fix bug_on in __es_tree_search caused by bad quota inode - netfilter: nfnetlink_osf: fix possible bogus match in nf_osf_find() - mtd: rawnand: cafe: fix drivers probe/remove methods - nilfs2: fix leak of nilfs_root in case of writer thread creation failure - net: mvpp2: fix mvpp2 debugfs leak - x86/unwind/orc: Unwind ftrace trampolines with correct ORC entry - kprobes: don't call disarm_kprobe() for disabled kprobes - block: fix inaccurate io_ticks by set 'precise_iostat' - arm64: fix rodata=full - block: fix kabi broken in request_queue - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in blk_mq_tags - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in blk_mq_tag_set - blk-mq: Fix blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter() for shared tags - blk-mq-sched: Don't reference queue tagset in blk_mq_sched_tags_teardown() - blk-mq: Optimise blk_mq_queue_tag_busy_iter() for shared tags - blk-mq: Stop using pointers for blk_mq_tags bitmap tags - blk-mq: Use shared tags for shared sbitmap support - blk-mq: Always use blk_mq_is_sbitmap_shared - blk-mq: Refactor and rename blk_mq_free_map_and_{requests->rqs}() - blk-mq: Add blk_mq_alloc_map_and_rqs() - blk-mq: Add blk_mq_tag_update_sched_shared_sbitmap() - blk-mq: Don't clear driver tags own mapping - blk-mq: Pass driver tags to blk_mq_clear_rq_mapping() - blk-mq-sched: Rename blk_mq_sched_free_{requests -> rqs}() - blk-mq-sched: Rename blk_mq_sched_alloc_{tags -> map_and_rqs}() - blk-mq: Invert check in blk_mq_update_nr_requests() - blk-mq: Relocate shared sbitmap resize in blk_mq_update_nr_requests() - blk-mq: Change rqs check in blk_mq_free_rqs() - Revert "blk-mq: fix kabi broken by "blk-mq: Use request queue-wide tags for tagset-wide sbitmap"" - block: fix null-deref in percpu_ref_put - x86: Use -mindirect-branch-cs-prefix for RETPOLINE builds - x86/asm/32: Fix ANNOTATE_UNRET_SAFE use on 32-bit - objtool: Fix objtool regression on x32 systems - objtool: Fix symbol creation - objtool: Fix type of reloc::addend - objtool: Fix code relocs vs weak symbols - x86/alternative: Add debug prints to apply_retpolines() - x86/alternative: Try inline spectre_v2=retpoline,amd - x86/alternative: Handle Jcc __x86_indirect_thunk_ eg - x86/insn-eval: Handle return values from the decoder - x86/pat: Fix x86_has_pat_wp() - serial: 8250: Fix PM usage_count for console handover - serial: pl011: UPSTAT_AUTORTS requires .throttle/unthrottle - serial: stm32: Clear prev values before setting RTS delays - serial: 8250: fix return error code in serial8250_request_std_resource() - vt: fix memory overlapping when deleting chars in the buffer - tty: serial: samsung_tty: set dma burst_size to 1 - usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix event pending check - usb: typec: add missing uevent when partner support PD - USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add Belimo device ids - signal handling: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging - nvme-pci: phison e16 has bogus namespace ids - Revert "can: xilinx_can: Limit CANFD brp to 2" - ARM: dts: stm32: use the correct clock source for CEC on stm32mp151 - soc: ixp4xx/npe: Fix unused match warning - irqchip: or1k-pic: Undefine mask_ack for level triggered hardware - ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for rate controls - ASoC: madera: Fix event generation for OUT1 demux - ASoC: cs47l15: Fix event generation for low power mux control - ASoC: dapm: Initialise kcontrol data for mux/demux controls - ASoC: wm5110: Fix DRE control - ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-loader: Clarify the cl_dsp_init() flow - pinctrl: aspeed: Fix potential NULL dereference in aspeed_pinmux_set_mux() - ASoC: ops: Fix off by one in range control validation - net: sfp: fix memory leak in sfp_probe() - nvme-tcp: always fail a request when sending it failed - NFC: nxp-nci: don't print header length mismatch on i2c error - net: tipc: fix possible refcount leak in tipc_sk_create() - platform/x86: hp-wmi: Ignore Sanitization Mode event - cpufreq: pmac32-cpufreq: Fix refcount leak bug - scsi: hisi_sas: Limit max hw sectors for v3 HW - netfilter: br_netfilter: do not skip all hooks with 0 priority - virtio_mmio: Restore guest page size on resume - virtio_mmio: Add missing PM calls to freeze/restore - mm: sysctl: fix missing numa_stat when !CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE - net/tls: Check for errors in tls_device_init - KVM: x86: Fully initialize 'struct kvm_lapic_irq' in kvm_pv_kick_cpu_op() - net: atlantic: remove aq_nic_deinit() when resume - net: atlantic: remove deep parameter on suspend/resume functions - sfc: fix kernel panic when creating VF - seg6: bpf: fix skb checksum in bpf_push_seg6_encap() - seg6: fix skb checksum in SRv6 End.B6 and End.B6.Encaps behaviors - seg6: fix skb checksum evaluation in SRH encapsulation/insertion - sfc: fix use after free when disabling sriov - ima: Fix potential memory leak in ima_init_crypto() - ima: force signature verification when CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is configured - net: ftgmac100: Hold reference returned by of_get_child_by_name() - nexthop: Fix data-races around nexthop_compat_mode. - ipv4: Fix data-races around sysctl_ip_dynaddr. - raw: Fix a data-race around sysctl_raw_l3mdev_accept. - icmp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_icmp_ratemask. - icmp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_icmp_ratelimit. - sysctl: Fix data-races in proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies(). - drm/i915/gt: Serialize TLB invalidates with GT resets - drm/i915/selftests: fix a couple IS_ERR() vs NULL tests - ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix SPI NOR campatible on Orange Pi Zero - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix typo in i2s1 node - ipv4: Fix a data-race around sysctl_fib_sync_mem. - icmp: Fix data-races around sysctl. - cipso: Fix data-races around sysctl. - net: Fix data-races around sysctl_mem. - inetpeer: Fix data-races around sysctl. - tcp: Fix a data-race around sysctl_tcp_max_orphans. - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_jiffies(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_doulongvec_minmax(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec_minmax(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec_minmax(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_douintvec(). - sysctl: Fix data races in proc_dointvec(). - net: stmmac: dwc-qos: Disable split header for Tegra194 - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the handling of fmt_config flexible array - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Correct the ssp rate discovery in skl_get_ssp_clks() - ASoC: tas2764: Fix amp gain register offset & default - ASoC: tas2764: Correct playback volume range - ASoC: tas2764: Fix and extend FSYNC polarity handling - ASoC: tas2764: Add post reset delays - ASoC: sgtl5000: Fix noise on shutdown/remove - ima: Fix a potential integer overflow in ima_appraise_measurement - drm/i915: fix a possible refcount leak in intel_dp_add_mst_connector() - net/mlx5e: Fix capability check for updating vnic env counters - net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix build time constant test in RX - net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix build time constant test in TX - ARM: 9210/1: Mark the FDT_FIXED sections as shareable - ARM: 9209/1: Spectre-BHB: avoid pr_info() every time a CPU comes out of idle - spi: amd: Limit max transfer and message size - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-ts7970: Fix ngpio typo and count - ext4: fix race condition between ext4_write and ext4_convert_inline_data - Revert "evm: Fix memleak in init_desc" - sh: convert nommu io{re,un}map() to static inline functions - nilfs2: fix incorrect masking of permission flags for symlinks - fs/remap: constrain dedupe of EOF blocks - drm/panfrost: Fix shrinker list corruption by madvise IOCTL - drm/panfrost: Put mapping instead of shmem obj on panfrost_mmu_map_fault_addr() error - btrfs: return -EAGAIN for NOWAIT dio reads/writes on compressed and inline extents - wifi: mac80211: fix queue selection for mesh/OCB interfaces - ARM: 9214/1: alignment: advance IT state after emulating Thumb instruction - ARM: 9213/1: Print message about disabled Spectre workarounds only once - ip: fix dflt addr selection for connected nexthop - net: sock: tracing: Fix sock_exceed_buf_limit not to dereference stale pointer - tracing/histograms: Fix memory leak problem - mm: split huge PUD on wp_huge_pud fallback - fix race between exit_itimers() and /proc/pid/timers - xen/netback: avoid entering xenvif_rx_next_skb() with an empty rx queue - ALSA: hda/realtek - Enable the headset-mic on a Xiaomi's laptop - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine with alc221 - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine with alc671 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SF313-51 - ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ProDesk 600 G3 model - ALSA: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E5430 - Revert "mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Fix setting busy timeout setting" - dmaengine: ti: Add missing put_device in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate - dmaengine: ti: Fix refcount leak in ti_dra7_xbar_route_allocate - dmaengine: at_xdma: handle errors of at_xdmac_alloc_desc() correctly - dmaengine: pl330: Fix lockdep warning about non-static key - ida: don't use BUG_ON() for debugging - dt-bindings: dma: allwinner,sun50i-a64-dma: Fix min/max typo - misc: rtsx_usb: set return value in rsp_buf alloc err path - misc: rtsx_usb: use separate command and response buffers - misc: rtsx_usb: fix use of dma mapped buffer for usb bulk transfer - dmaengine: imx-sdma: Allow imx8m for imx7 FW revs - i2c: cadence: Unregister the clk notifier in error path - r8169: fix accessing unset transport header - selftests: forwarding: fix error message in learning_test - selftests: forwarding: fix learning_test when h1 supports IFF_UNICAST_FLT - selftests: forwarding: fix flood_unicast_test when h2 supports IFF_UNICAST_FLT - ibmvnic: Properly dispose of all skbs during a failover. - i40e: Fix dropped jumbo frames statistics - xsk: Clear page contiguity bit when unmapping pool - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2_icp: fix eeprom compatibles - ARM: dts: at91: sam9x60ek: fix eeprom compatible and size - ARM: at91: pm: use proper compatibles for sam9x60's rtc and rtt - ARM: at91: pm: use proper compatible for sama5d2's rtc - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-*: Fix vdd_lvs1_2-supply typo - pinctrl: sunxi: sunxi_pconf_set: use correct offset - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: correct I2C3 pad settings - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: correct gpio-led pad settings - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: correct the uart2 pinctl value - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: correct mmc pad settings - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8994: Fix CPU6/7 reg values - pinctrl: sunxi: a83t: Fix NAND function name for some pins - ARM: meson: Fix refcount leak in meson_smp_prepare_cpus - xfs: remove incorrect ASSERT in xfs_rename - can: kvaser_usb: kvaser_usb_leaf: fix bittiming limits - can: kvaser_usb: kvaser_usb_leaf: fix CAN clock frequency regression - can: kvaser_usb: replace run-time checks with struct kvaser_usb_driver_info - powerpc/powernv: delay rng platform device creation until later in boot - video: of_display_timing.h: include errno.h - memregion: Fix memregion_free() fallback definition - PM: runtime: Redefine pm_runtime_release_supplier() - fbdev: fbmem: Fix logo center image dx issue - iommu/vt-d: Fix PCI bus rescan device hot add - netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: release elements in clone from abort path - net: rose: fix UAF bug caused by rose_t0timer_expiry - usbnet: fix memory leak in error case - bpf: Fix insufficient bounds propagation from adjust_scalar_min_max_vals - bpf: Fix incorrect verifier simulation around jmp32's jeq/jne - can: gs_usb: gs_usb_open/close(): fix memory leak - can: grcan: grcan_probe(): remove extra of_node_get() - can: bcm: use call_rcu() instead of costly synchronize_rcu() - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo L140PU - clocksource/drivers/ixp4xx: remove EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL from ixp4xx_timer_setup() - net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1070 composition - net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Telit 0x1060 composition - selftests/rseq: Change type of rseq_offset to ptrdiff_t - selftests/rseq: x86-32: use %gs segment selector for accessing rseq thread area - selftests/rseq: x86-64: use %fs segment selector for accessing rseq thread area - selftests/rseq: Fix: work-around asm goto compiler bugs - selftests/rseq: Remove arm/mips asm goto compiler work-around - selftests/rseq: Fix warnings about #if checks of undefined tokens - selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 offsets by using long rather than off_t - selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32 missing instruction selection "u" and "x" for load/store - selftests/rseq: Fix ppc32: wrong rseq_cs 32-bit field pointer on big endian - selftests/rseq: Uplift rseq selftests for compatibility with glibc-2.35 - selftests/rseq: Introduce thread pointer getters - selftests/rseq: Introduce rseq_get_abi() helper - selftests/rseq: Remove volatile from __rseq_abi - selftests/rseq: Remove useless assignment to cpu variable - selftests/rseq: introduce own copy of rseq uapi header - selftests/rseq: remove ARRAY_SIZE define from individual tests - hwmon: (ibmaem) don't call platform_device_del() if platform_device_add() fails - ipv6/sit: fix ipip6_tunnel_get_prl return value - sit: use min - drivers: cpufreq: Add missing of_node_put() in qoriq-cpufreq.c - xen/gntdev: Avoid blocking in unmap_grant_pages() - tcp: add a missing nf_reset_ct() in 3WHS handling - xfs: fix xfs_trans slab cache name - xfs: ensure xfs_errortag_random_default matches XFS_ERRTAG_MAX - net: tun: avoid disabling NAPI twice - tunnels: do not assume mac header is set in skb_tunnel_check_pmtu() - io_uring: ensure that send/sendmsg and recv/recvmsg check sqe->ioprio - epic100: fix use after free on rmmod - tipc: move bc link creation back to tipc_node_create - NFC: nxp-nci: Don't issue a zero length i2c_master_read() - nfc: nfcmrvl: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - net: bonding: fix use-after-free after 802.3ad slave unbind - net: bonding: fix possible NULL deref in rlb code - net/sched: act_api: Notify user space if any actions were flushed before error - netfilter: nft_dynset: restore set element counter when failing to update - s390: remove unneeded 'select BUILD_BIN2C' - PM / devfreq: exynos-ppmu: Fix refcount leak in of_get_devfreq_events - caif_virtio: fix race between virtio_device_ready() and ndo_open() - NFSD: restore EINVAL error translation in nfsd_commit() - net: ipv6: unexport __init-annotated seg6_hmac_net_init() - usbnet: fix memory allocation in helpers - linux/dim: Fix divide by 0 in RDMA DIM - RDMA/cm: Fix memory leak in ib_cm_insert_listen - RDMA/qedr: Fix reporting QP timeout attribute - net: dp83822: disable rx error interrupt - net: dp83822: disable false carrier interrupt - net: tun: stop NAPI when detaching queues - net: tun: unlink NAPI from device on destruction - net: dsa: bcm_sf2: force pause link settings - selftests/net: pass ipv6_args to udpgso_bench's IPv6 TCP test - virtio-net: fix race between ndo_open() and virtio_device_ready() - net: usb: ax88179_178a: Fix packet receiving - SUNRPC: Fix READ_PLUS crasher - s390/archrandom: simplify back to earlier design and initialize earlier - dm raid: fix KASAN warning in raid5_add_disks - dm raid: fix accesses beyond end of raid member array - powerpc/bpf: Fix use of user_pt_regs in uapi - powerpc/book3e: Fix PUD allocation size in map_kernel_page() - powerpc/prom_init: Fix kernel config grep - nvdimm: Fix badblocks clear off-by-one error - nvme-pci: add NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID for ADATA XPG SX6000LNP (AKA SPECTRIX S40G) - ipv6: take care of disable_policy when restoring routes - drm/amdgpu: To flush tlb for MMHUB of RAVEN series - net: mscc: ocelot: allow unregistered IP multicast flooding - powerpc/ftrace: Remove ftrace init tramp once kernel init is complete - tick/nohz: unexport __init-annotated tick_nohz_full_setup() - drm: remove drm_fb_helper_modinit - MAINTAINERS: add Amir as xfs maintainer for 5.10.y- nilfs2: fix use-after-free bug of struct nilfs_root - can: j1939: j1939_session_destroy(): fix memory leak of skbs - r8152: Rate limit overflow messages - nfp: fix use-after-free in area_cache_get() - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix use-after-free caused by l2cap_reassemble_sdu - media: pvrusb2: fix memory leak in pvr_probe - binderfs: rework superblock destruction - libbpf: Fix use-after-free in btf_dump_name_dups - sch_sfb: Also store skb len before calling child enqueue - sch_sfb: Don't assume the skb is still around after enqueueing to child - watch-queue: remove spurious double semicolon - watchqueue: make sure to serialize 'wqueue->defunct' properly - kabi: net: fix kabi broken in sk_buff - io_uring/af_unix: defer registered files gc to io_uring release - mISDN: fix use-after-free bugs in l1oip timer handlers - ubi: fastmap: Add fastmap control support for Module parameters - ubi: fastmap: Add fastmap control support for 'UBI_IOCATT' ioctl - ipv6: Fix data races around sk->sk_prot. - io_uring: Use original task for req identity in io_identity_cow() - tcp: Fix data races around icsk->icsk_af_ops. - wifi: mac80211: fix crash in beacon protection for P2P-device - ovl: do not fail because of O_NOATIME - x86/ftrace: Use alternative RET encoding - x86/ibt,ftrace: Make function-graph play nice - Revert "x86/ftrace: Use alternative RET encoding" - tcp/udp: Fix memory leak in ipv6_renew_options(). - kcm: avoid potential race in kcm_tx_work - ubifs: Reserve one leb for each journal head while doing budget - ubifs: do_rename: Fix wrong space budget when target inode's nlink > 1 - ubifs: Fix wrong dirty space budget for dirty inode - ubifs: Rectify space budget for ubifs_xrename() - ubifs: Rectify space budget for ubifs_symlink() if symlink is encrypted - powerpc/pseries: wire up rng during setup_arch() - kbuild: link vmlinux only once for CONFIG_TRIM_UNUSED_KSYMS (2nd attempt) - random: update comment from copy_to_user() -> copy_to_iter() - modpost: fix section mismatch check for exported init/exit sections - ARM: cns3xxx: Fix refcount leak in cns3xxx_init - memory: samsung: exynos5422-dmc: Fix refcount leak in of_get_dram_timings - ARM: Fix refcount leak in axxia_boot_secondary - soc: bcm: brcmstb: pm: pm-arm: Fix refcount leak in brcmstb_pm_probe - ARM: exynos: Fix refcount leak in exynos_map_pmu - ARM: dts: imx6qdl: correct PU regulator ramp delay - ARM: dts: imx7: Move hsic_phy power domain to HSIC PHY node - powerpc/powernv: wire up rng during setup_arch - powerpc/rtas: Allow ibm,platform-dump RTAS call with null buffer address - powerpc: Enable execve syscall exit tracepoint - parisc: Enable ARCH_HAS_STRICT_MODULE_RWX - parisc/stifb: Fix fb_is_primary_device() only available with CONFIG_FB_STI - xtensa: Fix refcount leak bug in time.c - xtensa: xtfpga: Fix refcount leak bug in setup - iio: adc: adi-axi-adc: Fix refcount leak in adi_axi_adc_attach_client - iio: adc: axp288: Override TS pin bias current for some models - iio: adc: stm32: Fix IRQs on STM32F4 by removing custom spurious IRQs message - iio: adc: stm32: Fix ADCs iteration in irq handler - iio: imu: inv_icm42600: Fix broken icm42600 (chip id 0 value) - iio: adc: stm32: fix maximum clock rate for stm32mp15x - iio: trigger: sysfs: fix use-after-free on remove - iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix the error handling in mpu3050_power_up() - iio: accel: mma8452: ignore the return value of reset operation - iio:accel:mxc4005: rearrange iio trigger get and register - iio:accel:bma180: rearrange iio trigger get and register - iio:chemical:ccs811: rearrange iio trigger get and register - f2fs: attach inline_data after setting compression - usb: chipidea: udc: check request status before setting device address - USB: gadget: Fix double-free bug in raw_gadget driver - usb: gadget: Fix non-unique driver names in raw-gadget driver - xhci-pci: Allow host runtime PM as default for Intel Meteor Lake xHCI - xhci-pci: Allow host runtime PM as default for Intel Raptor Lake xHCI - xhci: turn off port power in shutdown - usb: typec: wcove: Drop wrong dependency to INTEL_SOC_PMIC - iio: adc: vf610: fix conversion mode sysfs node name - iio: mma8452: fix probe fail when device tree compatible is used. - s390/cpumf: Handle events cycles and instructions identical - gpio: winbond: Fix error code in winbond_gpio_get() - nvme: move the Samsung X5 quirk entry to the core quirks - nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device - nvme-pci: allocate nvme_command within driver pdu - nvme: mark nvme_setup_passsthru() inline - nvme: centralize setting the timeout in nvme_alloc_request - Revert "net/tls: fix tls_sk_proto_close executed repeatedly" - virtio_net: fix xdp_rxq_info bug after suspend/resume - igb: Make DMA faster when CPU is active on the PCIe link - regmap-irq: Fix a bug in regmap_irq_enable() for type_in_mask chips - ice: ethtool: advertise 1000M speeds properly - afs: Fix dynamic root getattr - MIPS: Remove repetitive increase irq_err_count - x86/xen: Remove undefined behavior in setup_features() - selftests: netfilter: correct PKTGEN_SCRIPT_PATHS in - udmabuf: add back sanity check - net/tls: fix tls_sk_proto_close executed repeatedly - erspan: do not assume transport header is always set - drm/msm/dp: fix connect/disconnect handled at irq_hpd - drm/msm/dp: promote irq_hpd handle to handle link training correctly - drm/msm/dp: deinitialize mainlink if link training failed - drm/msm/dp: fixes wrong connection state caused by failure of link train - drm/msm/dp: check core_initialized before disable interrupts at dp_display_unbind() - drm/msm/mdp4: Fix refcount leak in mdp4_modeset_init_intf - net/sched: sch_netem: Fix arithmetic in netem_dump() for 32-bit platforms - bonding: ARP monitor spams NETDEV_NOTIFY_PEERS notifiers - igb: fix a use-after-free issue in igb_clean_tx_ring - tipc: fix use-after-free Read in tipc_named_reinit - tipc: simplify the finalize work queue - phy: aquantia: Fix AN when higher speeds than 1G are not advertised - bpf, x86: Fix tail call count offset calculation on bpf2bpf call - drm/sun4i: Fix crash during suspend after component bind failure - bpf: Fix request_sock leak in sk lookup helpers - drm/msm: use for_each_sgtable_sg to iterate over scatterlist - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix zone transition to full condition - netfilter: use get_random_u32 instead of prandom - netfilter: nftables: add nft_parse_register_store() and use it - netfilter: nftables: add nft_parse_register_load() and use it - drm/msm: Fix double pm_runtime_disable() call - USB: serial: option: add Quectel RM500K module support - USB: serial: option: add Quectel EM05-G modem - USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910Cx 0x1250 composition - dm mirror log: clear log bits up to BITS_PER_LONG boundary - dm era: commit metadata in postsuspend after worker stops - ata: libata: add qc->flags in ata_qc_complete_template tracepoint - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Fix setting busy timeout setting - mmc: sdhci-pci-o2micro: Fix card detect by dealing with debouncing - btrfs: add error messages to all unrecognized mount options - net: openvswitch: fix parsing of nw_proto for IPv6 fragments - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NS50PU - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo PD70PNT - ALSA: hda/realtek: Apply fixup for Lenovo Yoga Duet 7 properly - ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC897 headset MIC no sound - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add mute LED quirk for HP Omen laptop - ALSA: hda/conexant: Fix missing beep setup - ALSA: hda/via: Fix missing beep setup - random: quiet urandom warning ratelimit suppression message - random: schedule mix_interrupt_randomness() less often - arm64: mm: Don't invalidate FROM_DEVICE buffers at start of DMA transfer - serial: core: Initialize rs485 RTS polarity already on probe - tcp: drop the hash_32() part from the index calculation - tcp: dynamically allocate the perturb table used by source ports - tcp: add small random increments to the source port - tcp: use different parts of the port_offset for index and offset - tcp: add some entropy in __inet_hash_connect() - usb: gadget: u_ether: fix regression in setting fixed MAC address - zonefs: fix zonefs_iomap_begin() for reads - s390/mm: use non-quiescing sske for KVM switch to keyed guest - clk: imx8mp: fix usb_root_clk parent - powerpc/book3e: get rid of #include - igc: Enable PCIe PTM - Revert "PCI: Make pci_enable_ptm() private" - net: openvswitch: fix misuse of the cached connection on tuple changes - net/sched: act_police: more accurate MTU policing - dma-direct: don't over-decrypt memory - virtio-pci: Remove wrong address verification in vp_del_vqs() - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix right sounds and mute/micmute LEDs for HP machine - KVM: SVM: Use kzalloc for sev ioctl interfaces to prevent kernel data leak - KVM: x86: Account a variety of miscellaneous allocations - KVM: arm64: Don't read a HW interrupt pending state in user context - ext4: add reserved GDT blocks check - drm/amd/display: Cap OLED brightness per max frame-average luminance - dm mirror log: round up region bitmap size to BITS_PER_LONG - serial: 8250: Store to lsr_save_flags after lsr read - usb: gadget: lpc32xx_udc: Fix refcount leak in lpc32xx_udc_probe - usb: dwc2: Fix memory leak in dwc2_hcd_init - USB: serial: io_ti: add Agilent E5805A support - USB: serial: option: add support for Cinterion MV31 with new baseline - crypto: memneq - move into lib/ - comedi: vmk80xx: fix expression for tx buffer size - mei: me: add raptor lake point S DID - i2c: designware: Use standard optional ref clock implementation - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix refcount leak in gic_populate_ppi_partitions - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix error handling in gic_populate_ppi_partitions - irqchip/gic/realview: Fix refcount leak in realview_gic_of_init - i2c: npcm7xx: Add check for platform_driver_register - faddr2line: Fix overlapping text section failures, the sequel - block: Fix handling of offline queues in blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx() - certs/blacklist_hashes.c: fix const confusion in certs blacklist - arm64: ftrace: consistently handle PLTs. - arm64: ftrace: fix branch range checks - net: ax25: Fix deadlock caused by skb_recv_datagram in ax25_recvmsg - net: bgmac: Fix an erroneous kfree() in bgmac_remove() - mlxsw: spectrum_cnt: Reorder counter pools - nvme: add device name to warning in uuid_show() - nvme: use sysfs_emit instead of sprintf - drm/i915/reset: Fix error_state_read ptr + offset use - misc: atmel-ssc: Fix IRQ check in ssc_probe - tty: goldfish: Fix free_irq() on remove - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Release cpu lock in error case - i40e: Fix call trace in setup_tx_descriptors - i40e: Fix calculating the number of queue pairs - i40e: Fix adding ADQ filter to TC0 - clocksource: hyper-v: unexport __init-annotated hv_init_clocksource() - pNFS: Avoid a live lock condition in pnfs_update_layout() - pNFS: Don't keep retrying if the server replied NFS4ERR_LAYOUTUNAVAILABLE - random: credit cpu and bootloader seeds by default - gpio: dwapb: Don't print error on -EPROBE_DEFER - MIPS: Loongson-3: fix compile mips cpu_hwmon as module build error. - mellanox: mlx5: avoid uninitialized variable warning with gcc-12 - net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix misuse of mem alloc interface netdev[napi]_alloc_frag - ipv6: Fix signed integer overflow in l2tp_ip6_sendmsg - nfc: nfcmrvl: Fix memory leak in nfcmrvl_play_deferred - virtio-mmio: fix missing put_device() when vm_cmdline_parent registration failed - ALSA: hda/realtek - Add HW8326 support - scsi: pmcraid: Fix missing resource cleanup in error case - scsi: ipr: Fix missing/incorrect resource cleanup in error case - scsi: lpfc: Allow reduced polling rate for nvme_admin_async_event cmd completion - scsi: lpfc: Fix port stuck in bypassed state after LIP in PT2PT topology - scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Expand vcpuHint to 16 bits - Input: soc_button_array - also add Lenovo Yoga Tablet2 1051F to dmi_use_low_level_irq - ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix event generation for wm_adsp_fw_put() - ASoC: es8328: Fix event generation for deemphasis control - ASoC: wm8962: Fix suspend while playing music - quota: Prevent memory allocation recursion while holding dq_lock - ata: libata-core: fix NULL pointer deref in ata_host_alloc_pinfo() - ASoC: cs42l51: Correct minimum value for SX volume control - ASoC: cs42l56: Correct typo in minimum level for SX volume controls - ASoC: cs42l52: Correct TLV for Bypass Volume - ASoC: cs53l30: Correct number of volume levels on SX controls - ASoC: cs35l36: Update digital volume TLV - ASoC: cs42l52: Fix TLV scales for mixer controls - dma-debug: make things less spammy under memory pressure - ASoC: nau8822: Add operation for internal PLL off and on - arm64: dts: imx8mm-beacon: Enable RTS-CTS on UART3 - bpf: Fix incorrect memory charge cost calculation in stack_map_alloc() - nfsd: Replace use of rwsem with errseq_t - 9p: missing chunk of "fs/9p: Don't update file type when updating file attributes" - !164 add CONFIG_TXGBE=m for arm64 openeuler_deconfig - openeuler: configs: add CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_NETSWIFT=y and CONFIG_TXGBE=m for arm64 arch default config- binder: fix UAF of ref->proc caused by race condition - wifi: cfg80211: fix u8 overflow in cfg80211_update_notlisted_nontrans() - wifi: mac80211: fix MBSSID parsing use-after-free - fbdev: smscufx: Fix use-after-free in ufx_ops_open() - arm64: fix oops in concurrently setting insn_emulation sysctls - wifi: cfg80211: avoid nontransmitted BSS list corruption - ext4: ext4_read_bh_lock() should submit IO if the buffer isn't uptodate - ipv4: Handle attempt to delete multipath route when fib_info contains an nh reference - HID: roccat: Fix use-after-free in roccat_read() - wifi: cfg80211: fix BSS refcounting bugs - mm/rmap: Fix kabi broken in anon_vma - mm/rmap: Fix anon_vma->degree ambiguity leading to double-reuse - tcp: fix tcp_mtup_probe_success vs wrong snd_cwnd - dmaengine: idxd: add missing callback function to support DMA_INTERRUPT - zonefs: fix handling of explicit_open option on mount - PCI: qcom: Fix pipe clock imbalance - md/raid0: Ignore RAID0 layout if the second zone has only one device - interconnect: Restore sync state by ignoring ipa-virt in provider count - interconnect: qcom: sc7180: Drop IP0 interconnects - powerpc/mm: Switch obsolete dssall to .long - drm/atomic: Force bridge self-refresh-exit on CRTC switch - drm/bridge: analogix_dp: Support PSR-exit to disable transition - Input: bcm5974 - set missing URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP urb flag - ixgbe: fix unexpected VLAN Rx in promisc mode on VF - ixgbe: fix bcast packets Rx on VF after promisc removal - nfc: st21nfca: fix incorrect sizing calculations in EVT_TRANSACTION - nfc: st21nfca: fix memory leaks in EVT_TRANSACTION handling - nfc: st21nfca: fix incorrect validating logic in EVT_TRANSACTION - net: phy: dp83867: retrigger SGMII AN when link change - mmc: block: Fix CQE recovery reset success - ata: libata-transport: fix {dma|pio|xfer}_mode sysfs files - cifs: fix reconnect on smb3 mount types - cifs: return errors during session setup during reconnects - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix for quirk to enable speaker output on the Lenovo Yoga DuetITL 2021 - ALSA: hda/conexant - Fix loopback issue with CX20632 - scripts/gdb: change kernel config dumping method - vringh: Fix loop descriptors check in the indirect cases - nodemask: Fix return values to be unsigned - cifs: version operations for smb20 unneeded when legacy support disabled - s390/gmap: voluntarily schedule during key setting - jump_label,noinstr: Avoid instrumentation for JUMP_LABEL=n builds - x86/cpu: Elide KCSAN for cpu_has() and friends - modpost: fix undefined behavior of is_arm_mapping_symbol() - drm/radeon: fix a possible null pointer dereference - ceph: allow ceph.dir.rctime xattr to be updatable - Revert "net: af_key: add check for pfkey_broadcast in function pfkey_process" - scsi: myrb: Fix up null pointer access on myrb_cleanup() - md: protect md_unregister_thread from reentrancy - watchdog: wdat_wdt: Stop watchdog when rebooting the system - kernfs: Separate kernfs_pr_cont_buf and rename_lock. - serial: msm_serial: disable interrupts in __msm_console_write() - staging: rtl8712: fix uninit-value in r871xu_drv_init() - staging: rtl8712: fix uninit-value in usb_read8() and friends - clocksource/drivers/sp804: Avoid error on multiple instances - extcon: Modify extcon device to be created after driver data is set - misc: rtsx: set NULL intfdata when probe fails - usb: dwc2: gadget: don't reset gadget's driver->bus - sysrq: do not omit current cpu when showing backtrace of all active CPUs - USB: hcd-pci: Fully suspend across freeze/thaw cycle - drivers: usb: host: Fix deadlock in oxu_bus_suspend() - drivers: tty: serial: Fix deadlock in sa1100_set_termios() - USB: host: isp116x: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - drivers: staging: rtl8192e: Fix deadlock in rtllib_beacons_stop() - drivers: staging: rtl8192u: Fix deadlock in ieee80211_beacons_stop() - tty: Fix a possible resource leak in icom_probe - tty: synclink_gt: Fix null-pointer-dereference in slgt_clean() - lkdtm/usercopy: Expand size of "out of frame" object - iio: st_sensors: Add a local lock for protecting odr - staging: rtl8712: fix a potential memory leak in r871xu_drv_init() - iio: dummy: iio_simple_dummy: check the return value of kstrdup() - drm: imx: fix compiler warning with gcc-12 - net: altera: Fix refcount leak in altera_tse_mdio_create - ip_gre: test csum_start instead of transport header - net/mlx5: fs, fail conflicting actions - net/mlx5: Rearm the FW tracer after each tracer event - net: ipv6: unexport __init-annotated seg6_hmac_init() - net: xfrm: unexport __init-annotated xfrm4_protocol_init() - net: mdio: unexport __init-annotated mdio_bus_init() - SUNRPC: Fix the calculation of xdr->end in xdr_get_next_encode_buffer() - net/mlx4_en: Fix wrong return value on ioctl EEPROM query failure - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Fix refcount leak in gswip_gphy_fw_list - bpf, arm64: Clear prog->jited_len along prog->jited - af_unix: Fix a data-race in unix_dgram_peer_wake_me(). - xen: unexport __init-annotated xen_xlate_map_ballooned_pages() - netfilter: nf_tables: bail out early if hardware offload is not supported - netfilter: nf_tables: memleak flow rule from commit path - netfilter: nf_tables: release new hooks on unsupported flowtable flags - ata: pata_octeon_cf: Fix refcount leak in octeon_cf_probe - netfilter: nf_tables: always initialize flowtable hook list in transaction - powerpc/kasan: Force thread size increase with KASAN - netfilter: nf_tables: delete flowtable hooks via transaction list - netfilter: nat: really support inet nat without l3 address - xprtrdma: treat all calls not a bcall when bc_serv is NULL - video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: release the resources correctly in pxa3xx_gcu_probe/remove() - video: fbdev: hyperv_fb: Allow resolutions with size > 64 MB for Gen1 - NFSv4: Don't hold the layoutget locks across multiple RPC calls - dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: In struct zynqmp_dma_chan fix desc_size data type - m68knommu: fix undefined reference to `_init_sp' - m68knommu: set ZERO_PAGE() to the allocated zeroed page - i2c: cadence: Increase timeout per message if necessary - f2fs: remove WARN_ON in f2fs_is_valid_blkaddr - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - iommu/arm-smmu: fix possible null-ptr-deref in arm_smmu_device_probe() - tracing: Avoid adding tracer option before update_tracer_options - tracing: Fix sleeping function called from invalid context on RT kernel - bootconfig: Make the bootconfig.o as a normal object file - mips: cpc: Fix refcount leak in mips_cpc_default_phys_base - dmaengine: idxd: set DMA_INTERRUPT cap bit - perf c2c: Fix sorting in percent_rmt_hitm_cmp() - driver core: Fix wait_for_device_probe() & deferred_probe_timeout interaction - tipc: check attribute length for bearer name - scsi: sd: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference - afs: Fix infinite loop found by xfstest generic/676 - gpio: pca953x: use the correct register address to do regcache sync - tcp: tcp_rtx_synack() can be called from process context - net: sched: add barrier to fix packet stuck problem for lockless qdisc - net/mlx5e: Update netdev features after changing XDP state - net/mlx5: correct ECE offset in query qp output - net/mlx5: Don't use already freed action pointer - sfc: fix wrong tx channel offset with efx_separate_tx_channels - sfc: fix considering that all channels have TX queues - nfp: only report pause frame configuration for physical device - net/smc: fixes for converting from "struct smc_cdc_tx_pend **" to "struct smc_wr_tx_pend_priv *" - riscv: read-only pages should not be writable - bpf: Fix probe read error in ___bpf_prog_run() - ubi: fastmap: Fix high cpu usage of ubi_bgt by making sure wl_pool not empty - jffs2: fix memory leak in jffs2_do_fill_super - modpost: fix removing numeric suffixes - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Fix refcount leak in mv88e6xxx_mdios_register - net: ethernet: ti: am65-cpsw-nuss: Fix some refcount leaks - net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: out of bounds read in mtk_hwlro_get_fdir_entry() - net: sched: fixed barrier to prevent skbuff sticking in qdisc backlog - s390/crypto: fix scatterwalk_unmap() callers in AES-GCM - clocksource/drivers/oxnas-rps: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - ASoC: fsl_sai: Fix FSL_SAI_xDR/xFR definition - watchdog: ts4800_wdt: Fix refcount leak in ts4800_wdt_probe - watchdog: rti-wdt: Fix pm_runtime_get_sync() error checking - driver: base: fix UAF when driver_attach failed - bus: ti-sysc: Fix warnings for unbind for serial - firmware: dmi-sysfs: Fix memory leak in dmi_sysfs_register_handle - serial: stm32-usart: Correct CSIZE, bits, and parity - serial: st-asc: Sanitize CSIZE and correct PARENB for CS7 - serial: sifive: Sanitize CSIZE and c_iflag - serial: sh-sci: Don't allow CS5-6 - serial: txx9: Don't allow CS5-6 - serial: rda-uart: Don't allow CS5-6 - serial: digicolor-usart: Don't allow CS5-6 - serial: 8250_fintek: Check SER_RS485_RTS_* only with RS485 - serial: meson: acquire port->lock in startup() - rtc: mt6397: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - clocksource/drivers/riscv: Events are stopped during CPU suspend - soc: rockchip: Fix refcount leak in rockchip_grf_init - extcon: ptn5150: Add queue work sync before driver release - coresight: cpu-debug: Replace mutex with mutex_trylock on panic notifier - serial: sifive: Report actual baud base rather than fixed 115200 - phy: qcom-qmp: fix pipe-clock imbalance on power-on failure - rpmsg: qcom_smd: Fix returning 0 if irq_of_parse_and_map() fails - iio: adc: sc27xx: Fine tune the scale calibration values - iio: adc: sc27xx: fix read big scale voltage not right - iio: proximity: vl53l0x: Fix return value check of wait_for_completion_timeout - iio: adc: stmpe-adc: Fix wait_for_completion_timeout return value check - usb: typec: mux: Check dev_set_name() return value - firmware: stratix10-svc: fix a missing check on list iterator - misc: fastrpc: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - usb: dwc3: pci: Fix pm_runtime_get_sync() error checking - rpmsg: qcom_smd: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - pwm: lp3943: Fix duty calculation in case period was clamped - staging: fieldbus: Fix the error handling path in anybuss_host_common_probe() - usb: musb: Fix missing of_node_put() in omap2430_probe - USB: storage: karma: fix rio_karma_init return - usb: usbip: add missing device lock on tweak configuration cmd - usb: usbip: fix a refcount leak in stub_probe() - tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: fix potential bug when using both of_alias_get_id and ida_simple_get - tty: n_tty: Restore EOF push handling behavior - tty: serial: owl: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() in owl_uart_probe - tty: goldfish: Use tty_port_destroy() to destroy port - lkdtm/bugs: Check for the NULL pointer after calling kmalloc - iio: adc: ad7124: Remove shift from scan_type - staging: greybus: codecs: fix type confusion of list iterator variable - pcmcia: db1xxx_ss: restrict to MIPS_DB1XXX boards - init/Kconfig: Add SMP to the dependencies of QOS_SCHED - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Disable ECMDQ before the system is suspended - tty: fix deadlock caused by calling printk() under tty_port->lock- netfilter: nf_conntrack_irc: Fix forged IP logic - ext4: fix dir corruption when ext4_dx_add_entry() fails - ext4: fix check for block being out of directory size - ext4: make sure ext4_append() always allocates new block - ext4: check if directory block is within i_size - ext4: make variable "count" signed - iommu: Fix compliation failure caused by iommu_device_register - ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix race at SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC - blk-iocost: don't ignore vrate_min on QD contention - !157 Enable NVMe over TCP for arm64 - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: enable nvmf tcp- KVM: arm64: Try stage2 block mapping for host device MMIO - KVM: arm64: Remove the creation time's mapping of MMIO regions - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_ext_shift_extents - arm64: kdump: Properly handle the 4G boundary - KVM: x86/pmu: Update AMD PMC sample period to fix guest NMI-watchdog - KVM: x86/pmu: Introduce pmc->is_paused to reduce the call time of perf interfaces - hwtracing: hisi_ptt: Fix up for "iommu/dma: Make header private" - MAINTAINERS: Add maintainer for HiSilicon PTT driver - docs: trace: Add HiSilicon PTT device driver documentation - hwtracing: hisi_ptt: Add tune function support for HiSilicon PCIe Tune and Trace device - hwtracing: hisi_ptt: Add trace function support for HiSilicon PCIe Tune and Trace device - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Make default domain type of HiSilicon PTT device to identity - spi: hisi-sfc-v3xx: add address mode check - spi: hisi-sfc-v3xx: fix potential irq race condition - spi: hisi-sfc-v3xx: drop unnecessary ACPI_PTR and related ifendif protection - spi: hisi-sfc-v3xx: extend version checking compatibility - mm: Force TLB flush for PFNMAP mappings before unlink_file_vma() - sched/fair: Fix kabi broken in struct cfs_rq - sched/fair: Fix cfs_rq_clock_pelt() for throttled cfs_rq - ext4: only allow test_dummy_encryption when supported - MIPS: IP30: Remove incorrect `cpu_has_fpu' override - MIPS: IP27: Remove incorrect `cpu_has_fpu' override - RDMA/rxe: Generate a completion for unsupported/invalid opcode - Revert "random: use static branch for crng_ready()" - block: fix bio_clone_blkg_association() to associate with proper blkcg_gq - bfq: Remove pointless bfq_init_rq() calls - bfq: Drop pointless unlock-lock pair - bfq: Avoid merging queues with different parents - thermal/core: Fix memory leak in the error path - thermal/core: fix a UAF bug in __thermal_cooling_device_register() - kseltest/cgroup: Make work if run interactively - xfs: assert in xfs_btree_del_cursor should take into account error - xfs: consider shutdown in bmapbt cursor delete assert - xfs: restore shutdown check in mapped write fault path - xfs: fix incorrect root dquot corruption error when switching group/project quota types - xfs: sync lazy sb accounting on quiesce of read-only mounts - xfs: set inode size after creating symlink - net: ipa: fix page free in ipa_endpoint_replenish_one() - net: ipa: fix page free in ipa_endpoint_trans_release() - phy: qcom-qmp: fix reset-controller leak on probe errors - coresight: core: Fix coresight device probe failure issue - blk-iolatency: Fix inflight count imbalances and IO hangs on offline - vdpasim: allow to enable a vq repeatedly - dt-bindings: gpio: altera: correct interrupt-cells - docs/ Cope with removal of language=None in Sphinx 5.0.0 - SMB3: EBADF/EIO errors in rename/open caused by race condition in smb2_compound_op - ARM: pxa: maybe fix gpio lookup tables - ARM: dts: s5pv210: Remove spi-cs-high on panel in Aries - phy: qcom-qmp: fix struct clk leak on probe errors - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: fix the sleep clock frequency - gma500: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - tilcdc: tilcdc_external: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - serial: pch: don't overwrite xmit->buf[0] by x_char - stm: ltdc: fix two incorrect NULL checks on list iterator - carl9170: tx: fix an incorrect use of list iterator - ASoC: rt5514: Fix event generation for "DSP Voice Wake Up" control - rtl818x: Prevent using not initialized queues - xtensa/simdisk: fix proc_read_simdisk() - hugetlb: fix huge_pmd_unshare address update - nodemask.h: fix compilation error with GCC12 - iommu/msm: Fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - ftrace: Clean up hash direct_functions on register failures - um: Fix out-of-bounds read in LDT setup - um: chan_user: Fix winch_tramp() return value - mac80211: upgrade passive scan to active scan on DFS channels after beacon rx - cfg80211: declare MODULE_FIRMWARE for regulatory.db - irqchip: irq-xtensa-mx: fix initial IRQ affinity - irqchip/armada-370-xp: Do not touch Performance Counter Overflow on A375, A38x, A39x - csky: patch_text: Fixup last cpu should be master - RDMA/hfi1: Fix potential integer multiplication overflow errors - Kconfig: Add option for asm goto w/ tied outputs to workaround clang-13 bug - ima: remove the IMA_TEMPLATE Kconfig option - media: coda: Add more H264 levels for CODA960 - media: coda: Fix reported H264 profile - mtd: cfi_cmdset_0002: Use chip_ready() for write on S29GL064N - mtd: cfi_cmdset_0002: Move and rename chip_check/chip_ready/chip_good_for_write - md: fix an incorrect NULL check in md_reload_sb - md: fix an incorrect NULL check in does_sb_need_changing - drm/i915/dsi: fix VBT send packet port selection for ICL+ - drm/bridge: analogix_dp: Grab runtime PM reference for DP-AUX - drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: atom: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - drm/nouveau/clk: Fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - drm/etnaviv: check for reaped mapping in etnaviv_iommu_unmap_gem - drm/amdgpu/cs: make commands with 0 chunks illegal behaviour. - scsi: ufs: qcom: Add a readl() to make sure ref_clk gets enabled - scsi: dc395x: Fix a missing check on list iterator - ocfs2: dlmfs: fix error handling of user_dlm_destroy_lock - dlm: fix missing lkb refcount handling - dlm: fix plock invalid read - s390/perf: obtain sie_block from the right address - mm, compaction: fast_find_migrateblock() should return pfn in the target zone - PCI: qcom: Fix unbalanced PHY init on probe errors - PCI: qcom: Fix runtime PM imbalance on probe errors - PCI/PM: Fix bridge_d3_blacklist[] Elo i2 overwrite of Gigabyte X299 - tracing: Fix potential double free in create_var_ref() - ACPI: property: Release subnode properties with data nodes - ext4: avoid cycles in directory h-tree - ext4: verify dir block before splitting it - ext4: filter out EXT4_FC_REPLAY from on-disk superblock field s_state - bfq: Update cgroup information before merging bio - bfq: Split shared queues on move between cgroups - efi: Do not import certificates from UEFI Secure Boot for T2 Macs - iwlwifi: mvm: fix assert 1F04 upon reconfig - wifi: mac80211: fix use-after-free in chanctx code - f2fs: fix to do sanity check for inline inode - f2fs: fix fallocate to use file_modified to update permissions consistently - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on total_data_blocks - f2fs: don't need inode lock for system hidden quota - f2fs: fix deadloop in foreground GC - f2fs: fix to clear dirty inode in f2fs_evict_inode() - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on block address in f2fs_do_zero_range() - f2fs: fix to avoid f2fs_bug_on() in dec_valid_node_count() - perf jevents: Fix event syntax error caused by ExtSel - perf c2c: Use stdio interface if slang is not supported - i2c: rcar: fix PM ref counts in probe error paths - i2c: npcm: Handle spurious interrupts - i2c: npcm: Correct register access width - i2c: npcm: Fix timeout calculation - iommu/amd: Increase timeout waiting for GA log enablement - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: fix chan initialization in stm32_mdma_irq_handler() - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: rework interrupt handler - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: remove GISR1 register - video: fbdev: clcdfb: Fix refcount leak in clcdfb_of_vram_setup - NFSv4/pNFS: Do not fail I/O when we fail to allocate the pNFS layout - NFS: Don't report errors from nfs_pageio_complete() more than once - NFS: Do not report flush errors in nfs_write_end() - NFS: fsync() should report filesystem errors over EINTR/ERESTARTSYS - NFS: Do not report EINTR/ERESTARTSYS as mapping errors - dmaengine: idxd: Fix the error handling path in idxd_cdev_register() - i2c: at91: Initialize dma_buf in at91_twi_xfer() - MIPS: Loongson: Use hwmon_device_register_with_groups() to register hwmon - cpufreq: mediatek: Unregister platform device on exit - cpufreq: mediatek: Use module_init and add module_exit - cpufreq: mediatek: add missing platform_driver_unregister() on error in mtk_cpufreq_driver_init - i2c: at91: use dma safe buffers - iommu/mediatek: Add list_del in mtk_iommu_remove - f2fs: fix dereference of stale list iterator after loop body - OPP: call of_node_put() on error path in _bandwidth_supported() - Input: stmfts - do not leave device disabled in stmfts_input_open - RDMA/hfi1: Prevent use of lock before it is initialized - mailbox: forward the hrtimer if not queued and under a lock - mfd: davinci_voicecodec: Fix possible null-ptr-deref davinci_vc_probe() - powerpc/fsl_rio: Fix refcount leak in fsl_rio_setup - macintosh: via-pmu and via-cuda need RTC_LIB - powerpc/perf: Fix the threshold compare group constraint for power9 - powerpc/64: Only WARN if __pa()/__va() called with bad addresses - hwrng: omap3-rom - fix using wrong clk_disable() in omap_rom_rng_runtime_resume() - PCI/AER: Clear MULTI_ERR_COR/UNCOR_RCV bits - Input: sparcspkr - fix refcount leak in bbc_beep_probe - crypto: cryptd - Protect per-CPU resource by disabling BH. - crypto: sun8i-ss - handle zero sized sg - crypto: sun8i-ss - rework handling of IV - PCI: imx6: Fix PERST# start-up sequence - ipc/mqueue: use get_tree_nodev() in mqueue_get_tree() - proc: fix dentry/inode overinstantiating under /proc/${pid}/net - ASoC: atmel-classd: Remove endianness flag on class d component - ASoC: atmel-pdmic: Remove endianness flag on pdmic component - powerpc/4xx/cpm: Fix return value of __setup() handler - powerpc/idle: Fix return value of __setup() handler - pinctrl: renesas: core: Fix possible null-ptr-deref in sh_pfc_map_resources() - powerpc/8xx: export 'cpm_setbrg' for modules - drivers/base/memory: fix an unlikely reference counting issue in __add_memory_block() - dax: fix cache flush on PMD-mapped pages - drivers/base/node.c: fix compaction sysfs file leak - pinctrl: mvebu: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - nvdimm: Allow overwrite in the presence of disabled dimms - nvdimm: Fix firmware activation deadlock scenarios - firmware: arm_scmi: Fix list protocols enumeration in the base protocol - mfd: ipaq-micro: Fix error check return value of platform_get_irq() - powerpc/fadump: fix PT_LOAD segment for boot memory area - arm: mediatek: select arch timer for mt7629 - pinctrl: bcm2835: implement hook for missing gpio-ranges - gpiolib: of: Introduce hook for missing gpio-ranges - crypto: marvell/cesa - ECB does not IV - misc: ocxl: fix possible double free in ocxl_file_register_afu - ARM: dts: bcm2835-rpi-b: Fix GPIO line names - ARM: dts: bcm2837-rpi-3-b-plus: Fix GPIO line name of power LED - ARM: dts: bcm2837-rpi-cm3-io3: Fix GPIO line names for SMPS I2C - ARM: dts: bcm2835-rpi-zero-w: Fix GPIO line name for Wifi/BT - ARM: dts: stm32: Fix PHY post-reset delay on Avenger96 - can: xilinx_can: mark bit timing constants as const - platform/chrome: Re-introduce cros_ec_cmd_xfer and use it for ioctls - ARM: dts: imx6dl-colibri: Fix I2C pinmuxing - platform/chrome: cros_ec: fix error handling in cros_ec_register() - KVM: nVMX: Clear IDT vectoring on nested VM-Exit for double/triple fault - KVM: nVMX: Leave most VM-Exit info fields unmodified on failed VM-Entry - soc: qcom: llcc: Add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() - ARM: dts: ci4x10: Adapt to changes in imx6qdl.dtsi regarding fec clocks - PCI: dwc: Fix setting error return on MSI DMA mapping failure - PCI: rockchip: Fix find_first_zero_bit() limit - PCI: cadence: Fix find_first_zero_bit() limit - soc: qcom: smsm: Fix missing of_node_put() in smsm_parse_ipc - soc: qcom: smp2p: Fix missing of_node_put() in smp2p_parse_ipc - ARM: dts: suniv: F1C100: fix watchdog compatible - memory: samsung: exynos5422-dmc: Avoid some over memory allocation - arm64: dts: rockchip: Move drive-impedance-ohm to emmc phy on rk3399 - net/smc: postpone sk_refcnt increment in connect() - rxrpc: Fix decision on when to generate an IDLE ACK - rxrpc: Don't let ack.previousPacket regress - rxrpc: Fix overlapping ACK accounting - rxrpc: Don't try to resend the request if we're receiving the reply - rxrpc: Fix listen() setting the bar too high for the prealloc rings - hv_netvsc: Fix potential dereference of NULL pointer - net: stmmac: fix out-of-bounds access in a selftest - net: stmmac: selftests: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() - ASoC: max98090: Move check for invalid values before casting in max98090_put_enab_tlv() - NFC: hci: fix sleep in atomic context bugs in nfc_hci_hcp_message_tx - ASoC: wm2000: fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in wm2000_anc_transition() - thermal/drivers/imx_sc_thermal: Fix refcount leak in imx_sc_thermal_probe - thermal/core: Fix memory leak in __thermal_cooling_device_register() - thermal/drivers/core: Use a char pointer for the cooling device name - thermal/drivers/broadcom: Fix potential NULL dereference in sr_thermal_probe - thermal/drivers/bcm2711: Don't clamp temperature at zero - drm/i915: Fix CFI violation with show_dynamic_id() - drm/msm/dpu: handle pm_runtime_get_sync() errors in bind path - x86/sev: Annotate stack change in the #VC handler - drm: msm: fix possible memory leak in mdp5_crtc_cursor_set() - drm/msm/a6xx: Fix refcount leak in a6xx_gpu_init - ext4: reject the 'commit' option on ext2 filesystems - media: rkvdec: h264: Fix bit depth wrap in pps packet - media: rkvdec: h264: Fix dpb_valid implementation - media: staging: media: rkvdec: Make use of the helper function devm_platform_ioremap_resource() - media: ov7670: remove ov7670_power_off from ov7670_remove - ASoC: ti: j721e-evm: Fix refcount leak in j721e_soc_probe_* - sctp: read sk->sk_bound_dev_if once in sctp_rcv() - lsm,selinux: pass flowi_common instead of flowi to the LSM hooks - m68k: math-emu: Fix dependencies of math emulation support - nvme: set dma alignment to dword - Bluetooth: use hdev lock for accept_list and reject_list in conn req - Bluetooth: use inclusive language when filtering devices - Bluetooth: use inclusive language in HCI role comments - Bluetooth: LL privacy allow RPA - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Rudimentary typo fixes - Bluetooth: Interleave with allowlist scan - Bluetooth: fix dangling sco_conn and use-after-free in sco_sock_timeout - media: vsp1: Fix offset calculation for plane cropping - media: pvrusb2: fix array-index-out-of-bounds in pvr2_i2c_core_init - media: exynos4-is: Change clk_disable to clk_disable_unprepare - media: st-delta: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in delta_probe - media: exynos4-is: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in fimc_is_probe - media: aspeed: Fix an error handling path in aspeed_video_probe() - scripts/faddr2line: Fix overlapping text section failures - kselftest/cgroup: fix to use OUTPUT dir - ASoC: samsung: Fix refcount leak in aries_audio_probe - ASoC: samsung: Use dev_err_probe() helper - regulator: pfuze100: Fix refcount leak in pfuze_parse_regulators_dt - ASoC: mxs-saif: Fix refcount leak in mxs_saif_probe - ASoC: fsl: Fix refcount leak in imx_sgtl5000_probe - ath11k: Don't check arvif->is_started before sending management frames - perf/amd/ibs: Use interrupt regs ip for stack unwinding - regulator: qcom_smd: Fix up PM8950 regulator configuration - Revert "cpufreq: Fix possible race in cpufreq online error path" - spi: spi-fsl-qspi: check return value after calling platform_get_resource_byname() - iomap: iomap_write_failed fix - media: uvcvideo: Fix missing check to determine if element is found in list - drm/msm: return an error pointer in msm_gem_prime_get_sg_table() - drm/msm/mdp5: Return error code in mdp5_mixer_release when deadlock is detected - drm/msm/mdp5: Return error code in mdp5_pipe_release when deadlock is detected - drm/msm/dp: fix event thread stuck in wait_event after kthread_stop() - regulator: core: Fix enable_count imbalance with EXCLUSIVE_GET - arm64: fix types in copy_highpage() - x86/mm: Cleanup the control_va_addr_alignment() __setup handler - irqchip/aspeed-scu-ic: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - irqchip/aspeed-i2c-ic: Fix irq_of_parse_and_map() return value - irqchip/exiu: Fix acknowledgment of edge triggered interrupts - x86: Fix return value of __setup handlers - virtio_blk: fix the discard_granularity and discard_alignment queue limits - perf tools: Use Python devtools for version autodetection rather than runtime - drm/rockchip: vop: fix possible null-ptr-deref in vop_bind() - drm/panel: panel-simple: Fix proper bpc for AM-1280800N3TZQW-T00H - drm/msm: add missing include to msm_drv.c - drm/msm/hdmi: fix error check return value of irq_of_parse_and_map() - drm/msm/hdmi: check return value after calling platform_get_resource_byname() - drm/msm/dsi: fix error checks and return values for DSI xmit functions - drm/msm/dp: fix error check return value of irq_of_parse_and_map() - drm/msm/dp: stop event kernel thread when DP unbind - drm/msm/disp/dpu1: set vbif hw config to NULL to avoid use after memory free during pm runtime resume - perf tools: Add missing headers needed by util/data.h - ASoC: rk3328: fix disabling mclk on pclk probe failure - x86/speculation: Add missing prototype for unpriv_ebpf_notify() - mtd: rawnand: cadence: fix possible null-ptr-deref in cadence_nand_dt_probe() - x86/pm: Fix false positive kmemleak report in msr_build_context() - mtd: spi-nor: core: Check written SR value in spi_nor_write_16bit_sr_and_check() - libbpf: Fix logic for finding matching program for CO-RE relocation - selftests/resctrl: Fix null pointer dereference on open failed - scsi: ufs: core: Exclude UECxx from SFR dump list - scsi: ufs: qcom: Fix ufs_qcom_resume() - drm/msm/dpu: adjust display_v_end for eDP and DP - of: overlay: do not break notify on NOTIFY_{OK|STOP} - fsnotify: fix wrong lockdep annotations - ALSA: pcm: Check for null pointer of pointer substream before dereferencing it - drm/panel: simple: Add missing bus flags for Innolux G070Y2-L01 - media: hantro: Empty encoder capture buffers by default - ath9k_htc: fix potential out of bounds access with invalid rxstatus->rs_keyix - cpufreq: Fix possible race in cpufreq online error path - spi: img-spfi: Fix pm_runtime_get_sync() error checking - drm/bridge: Fix error handling in analogix_dp_probe - HID: elan: Fix potential double free in elan_input_configured - HID: hid-led: fix maximum brightness for Dream Cheeky - mtd: rawnand: denali: Use managed device resources - EDAC/dmc520: Don't print an error for each unconfigured interrupt line - drbd: fix duplicate array initializer - target: remove an incorrect unmap zeroes data deduction - efi: Add missing prototype for efi_capsule_setup_info - NFC: NULL out the dev->rfkill to prevent UAF - net: dsa: mt7530: 1G can also support 1000BASE-X link mode - scftorture: Fix distribution of short handler delays - spi: spi-ti-qspi: Fix return value handling of wait_for_completion_timeout - drm: mali-dp: potential dereference of null pointer - drm/komeda: Fix an undefined behavior bug in komeda_plane_add() - nl80211: show SSID for P2P_GO interfaces - bpf: Fix excessive memory allocation in stack_map_alloc() - libbpf: Don't error out on CO-RE relos for overriden weak subprogs - drm/vc4: txp: Force alpha to be 0xff if it's disabled - drm/vc4: txp: Don't set TXP_VSTART_AT_EOF - drm/vc4: hvs: Reset muxes at probe time - drm/mediatek: Fix mtk_cec_mask() - drm/ingenic: Reset pixclock rate when parent clock rate changes - x86/delay: Fix the wrong asm constraint in delay_loop() - ASoC: mediatek: Fix missing of_node_put in mt2701_wm8960_machine_probe - ASoC: mediatek: Fix error handling in mt8173_max98090_dev_probe - spi: qcom-qspi: Add minItems to interconnect-names - drm/bridge: adv7511: clean up CEC adapter when probe fails - drm/edid: fix invalid EDID extension block filtering - ath9k: fix ar9003_get_eepmisc - ath11k: acquire ab->base_lock in unassign when finding the peer by addr - dt-bindings: display: sitronix, st7735r: Fix backlight in example - RDMA/hfi1: Prevent panic when SDMA is disabled - powerpc/iommu: Add missing of_node_put in iommu_init_early_dart - macintosh/via-pmu: Fix build failure when CONFIG_INPUT is disabled - powerpc/powernv: fix missing of_node_put in uv_init() - powerpc/xics: fix refcount leak in icp_opal_init() - powerpc/powernv/vas: Assign real address to rx_fifo in vas_rx_win_attr - tracing: incorrect isolate_mote_t cast in mm_vmscan_lru_isolate - PCI: Avoid pci_dev_lock() AB/BA deadlock with sriov_numvfs_store() - ARM: hisi: Add missing of_node_put after of_find_compatible_node - ARM: dts: exynos: add atmel,24c128 fallback to Samsung EEPROM - ARM: versatile: Add missing of_node_put in dcscb_init - pinctrl: renesas: rzn1: Fix possible null-ptr-deref in sh_pfc_map_resources() - fat: add ratelimit to fat*_ent_bread() - powerpc/fadump: Fix fadump to work with a different endian capture kernel - ARM: OMAP1: clock: Fix UART rate reporting algorithm - fs: jfs: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in dbFree() - soc: ti: ti_sci_pm_domains: Check for null return of devm_kcalloc - crypto: ccree - use fine grained DMA mapping dir - PM / devfreq: rk3399_dmc: Disable edev on remove() - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8994: Fix BLSP[12]_DMA channels count - ARM: dts: s5pv210: align DMA channels with dtschema - ARM: dts: ox820: align interrupt controller node name with dtschema - IB/rdmavt: add missing locks in rvt_ruc_loopback - gfs2: use i_lock spin_lock for inode qadata - selftests/bpf: fix btf_dump/btf_dump due to recent clang change - eth: tg3: silence the GCC 12 array-bounds warning - rxrpc, afs: Fix selection of abort codes - rxrpc: Return an error to sendmsg if call failed - m68k: atari: Make Atari ROM port I/O write macros return void - x86/microcode: Add explicit CPU vendor dependency - can: mcp251xfd: silence clang's -Wunaligned-access warning - ASoC: rt1015p: remove dependency on GPIOLIB - ASoC: max98357a: remove dependency on GPIOLIB - media: exynos4-is: Fix compile warning - net: phy: micrel: Allow probing without .driver_data - nbd: Fix hung on disconnect request if socket is closed before - ASoC: rt5645: Fix errorenous cleanup order - nvme-pci: fix a NULL pointer dereference in nvme_alloc_admin_tags - openrisc: start CPU timer early in boot - media: cec-adap.c: fix is_configuring state - media: imon: reorganize serialization - media: coda: limit frame interval enumeration to supported encoder frame sizes - media: rga: fix possible memory leak in rga_probe - rtlwifi: Use pr_warn instead of WARN_ONCE - ipmi: Fix pr_fmt to avoid compilation issues - ipmi:ssif: Check for NULL msg when handling events and messages - ACPI: PM: Block ASUS B1400CEAE from suspend to idle by default - dma-debug: change allocation mode from GFP_NOWAIT to GFP_ATIOMIC - spi: stm32-qspi: Fix wait_cmd timeout in APM mode - perf/amd/ibs: Cascade pmu init functions' return value - s390/preempt: disable __preempt_count_add() optimization for PROFILE_ALL_BRANCHES - net: remove two BUG() from skb_checksum_help() - ASoC: tscs454: Add endianness flag in snd_soc_component_driver - HID: bigben: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in bigben_probe - drm/amdgpu/ucode: Remove firmware load type check in amdgpu_ucode_free_bo - mlxsw: Treat LLDP packets as control - mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Do not warn about priority changes - ASoC: dapm: Don't fold register value changes into notifications - net/mlx5: fs, delete the FTE when there are no rules attached to it - ipv6: Don't send rs packets to the interface of ARPHRD_TUNNEL - drm: msm: fix error check return value of irq_of_parse_and_map() - arm64: compat: Do not treat syscall number as ESR_ELx for a bad syscall - ath10k: skip ath10k_halt during suspend for driver state RESTARTING - drm/amd/pm: fix the compile warning - drm/plane: Move range check for format_count earlier - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for the HP Pro Tablet 408 - ath11k: disable spectral scan during spectral deinit - scsi: lpfc: Fix resource leak in lpfc_sli4_send_seq_to_ulp() - scsi: ufs: Use pm_runtime_resume_and_get() instead of pm_runtime_get_sync() - scsi: megaraid: Fix error check return value of register_chrdev() - drivers: mmc: sdhci_am654: Add the quirk to set TESTCD bit - mmc: jz4740: Apply DMA engine limits to maximum segment size - md/bitmap: don't set sb values if can't pass sanity check - media: cx25821: Fix the warning when removing the module - media: pci: cx23885: Fix the error handling in cx23885_initdev() - media: venus: hfi: avoid null dereference in deinit - ath9k: fix QCA9561 PA bias level - drm/amd/pm: fix double free in si_parse_power_table() - tools/power turbostat: fix ICX DRAM power numbers - spi: spi-rspi: Remove setting {src,dst}_{addr,addr_width} based on DMA direction - ALSA: jack: Access input_dev under mutex - sfc: ef10: Fix assigning negative value to unsigned variable - rcu: Make TASKS_RUDE_RCU select IRQ_WORK - rcu-tasks: Fix race in schedule and flush work - drm/komeda: return early if drm_universal_plane_init() fails. - ACPICA: Avoid cache flush inside virtual machines - x86/platform/uv: Update TSC sync state for UV5 - fbcon: Consistently protect deferred_takeover with console_lock() - ipv6: fix locking issues with loops over idev->addr_list - ipw2x00: Fix potential NULL dereference in libipw_xmit() - b43: Fix assigning negative value to unsigned variable - b43legacy: Fix assigning negative value to unsigned variable - mwifiex: add mutex lock for call in mwifiex_dfs_chan_sw_work_queue - drm/virtio: fix NULL pointer dereference in virtio_gpu_conn_get_modes - iommu/vt-d: Add RPLS to quirk list to skip TE disabling - btrfs: repair super block num_devices automatically - btrfs: add "0x" prefix for unsupported optional features - ptrace: Reimplement PTRACE_KILL by always sending SIGKILL - ptrace/xtensa: Replace PT_SINGLESTEP with TIF_SINGLESTEP - ptrace/um: Replace PT_DTRACE with TIF_SINGLESTEP - perf/x86/intel: Fix event constraints for ICL - x86/MCE/AMD: Fix memory leak when threshold_create_bank() fails - parisc/stifb: Keep track of hardware path of graphics card - Fonts: Make font size unsigned in font_desc - xhci: Allow host runtime PM as default for Intel Alder Lake N xHCI - cifs: when extending a file with falloc we should make files not-sparse - usb: core: hcd: Add support for deferring roothub registration - usb: dwc3: gadget: Move null pinter check to proper place - USB: new quirk for Dell Gen 2 devices - USB: serial: option: add Quectel BG95 modem - ALSA: usb-audio: Cancel pending work at closing a MIDI substream - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix microphone noise on ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output for Dell XPS 15 9520 laptop - riscv: Fix irq_work when SMP is disabled - riscv: Initialize thread pointer before calling C functions - parisc/stifb: Implement fb_is_primary_device() - binfmt_flat: do not stop relocating GOT entries prematurely on riscv- efi: capsule-loader: Fix use-after-free in efi_capsule_write - etmem: Add a scan flag to support specified page swap-out - etmem: add swapcache reclaim to etmem - etmem: add original kernel swap enabled options - etmem: add CONFIG_ETMEM macro definition for etmem feature - config: enable CONFIG_ETMEM by default - add ETMEM feature CONFIG to mm/Kconfig - quota: Add more checking after reading from quota file - quota: Replace all block number checking with helper function - quota: Check next/prev free block number after reading from quota file - RDMA/hns: Fix gid idx issue caused by free mr - RDMA/hns: Use the reserved loopback QPs to free MR before destroying MPT - scsi: libiscsi: Teardown iscsi_cls_conn gracefully - scsi: libiscsi: Add iscsi_cls_conn to sysfs after initialization - scsi: iscsi: Add helper functions to manage iscsi_cls_conn - blk-mq: fix io hung due to missing commit_rqs - x86/speculation: Add LFENCE to RSB fill sequence - x86/speculation: Add RSB VM Exit protections - !110 Add patches for CVE-2022-29900, CVE-2022-23816 and CVE-2022-29901 - Re-add padlen to the structure alt_instr - tools headers: Remove broken definition of __LITTLE_ENDIAN - tools arch: Update arch/x86/lib/mem{cpy,set}_64.S copies used in 'perf bench mem memcpy' - again - objtool: Fix elf_create_undef_symbol() endianness - kvm: fix objtool relocation warning - um: Add missing apply_returns() - x86/bugs: Remove apostrophe typo - tools headers cpufeatures: Sync with the kernel sources - tools arch x86: Sync the msr-index.h copy with the kernel sources - x86/kvm: fix FASTOP_SIZE when return thunks are enabled - efi/x86: use naked RET on mixed mode call wrapper - x86/speculation: Use DECLARE_PER_CPU for x86_spec_ctrl_current - x86/ftrace: Add UNWIND_HINT_FUNC annotation for ftrace_stub - x86/xen: Fix initialisation in hypercall_page after rethunk - x86, kvm: use proper ASM macros for kvm_vcpu_is_preempted - tools/insn: Restore the relative include paths for cross building - x86/static_call: Serialize __static_call_fixup() properly - x86/speculation: Disable RRSBA behavior - x86/kexec: Disable RET on kexec - x86/bugs: Do not enable IBPB-on-entry when IBPB is not supported - x86/bugs: Add Cannon lake to RETBleed affected CPU list - x86/retbleed: Add fine grained Kconfig knobs - x86/cpu/amd: Enumerate BTC_NO - x86/common: Stamp out the stepping madness - x86/speculation: Fill RSB on vmexit for IBRS - KVM: VMX: Fix IBRS handling after vmexit - KVM: VMX: Prevent guest RSB poisoning attacks with eIBRS - KVM: VMX: Convert launched argument to flags - KVM: VMX: Flatten __vmx_vcpu_run() - objtool: Re-add UNWIND_HINT_{SAVE_RESTORE} - x86/speculation: Remove x86_spec_ctrl_mask - x86/speculation: Use cached host SPEC_CTRL value for guest entry/exit - x86/speculation: Fix SPEC_CTRL write on SMT state change - x86/speculation: Fix firmware entry SPEC_CTRL handling - x86/speculation: Fix RSB filling with CONFIG_RETPOLINE=n - x86/cpu/amd: Add Spectral Chicken - objtool: Add entry UNRET validation - x86/bugs: Do IBPB fallback check only once - x86/bugs: Add retbleed=ibpb - x86/xen: Rename SYS* entry points - objtool: Update Retpoline validation - intel_idle: Disable IBRS during long idle - x86/bugs: Report Intel retbleed vulnerability - x86/bugs: Split spectre_v2_select_mitigation() and spectre_v2_user_select_mitigation() - x86/speculation: Add spectre_v2=ibrs option to support Kernel IBRS - x86/bugs: Optimize SPEC_CTRL MSR writes - x86/entry: Add kernel IBRS implementation - x86/bugs: Keep a per-CPU IA32_SPEC_CTRL value - x86/bugs: Enable STIBP for JMP2RET - x86/bugs: Add AMD retbleed= boot parameter - x86/bugs: Report AMD retbleed vulnerability - x86: Add magic AMD return-thunk - objtool: Treat .text.__x86.* as noinstr - x86: Use return-thunk in asm code - x86/sev: Avoid using __x86_return_thunk - x86/vsyscall_emu/64: Don't use RET in vsyscall emulation - x86/kvm: Fix SETcc emulation for return thunks - x86/bpf: Use alternative RET encoding - x86/ftrace: Use alternative RET encoding - x86,static_call: Use alternative RET encoding - objtool: skip non-text sections when adding return-thunk sites - x86,objtool: Create .return_sites - x86: Undo return-thunk damage - x86/retpoline: Use -mfunction-return - Makefile: Set retpoline cflags based on CONFIG_CC_IS_{CLANG,GCC} - x86/retpoline: Swizzle retpoline thunk - x86/retpoline: Cleanup some #ifdefery - x86/cpufeatures: Move RETPOLINE flags to word 11 - x86/kvm/vmx: Make noinstr clean - x86/realmode: build with -D__DISABLE_EXPORTS - x86/entry: Remove skip_r11rcx - objtool: Fix SLS validation for kcov tail-call replacement - crypto: x86/poly1305 - Fixup SLS - objtool: Default ignore INT3 for unreachable - kvm/emulate: Fix SETcc emulation function offsets with SLS - tools arch: Update arch/x86/lib/mem{cpy,set}_64.S copies used in 'perf bench mem memcpy' - x86: Add straight-line-speculation mitigation - objtool: Add straight-line-speculation validation - x86/alternative: Relax text_poke_bp() constraint - x86: Fix objtool build warning - x86: Prepare inline-asm for straight-line-speculation - x86: Prepare asm files for straight-line-speculation - x86/lib/atomic64_386_32: Rename things - bpf,x86: Respect X86_FEATURE_RETPOLINE* - bpf,x86: Simplify computing label offsets - x86/alternative: Implement .retpoline_sites support - x86/retpoline: Create a retpoline thunk array - x86/retpoline: Move the retpoline thunk declarations to nospec-branch.h - x86/asm: Fixup odd GEN-for-each-reg.h usage - x86/asm: Fix register order - x86/retpoline: Remove unused replacement symbols - objtool,x86: Replace alternatives with .retpoline_sites - objtool: Explicitly avoid self modifying code in .altinstr_replacement - objtool: Classify symbols - objtool: Handle __sanitize_cov*() tail calls - objtool: Introduce CFI hash - objtool: Make .altinstructions section entry size consistent - objtool: Remove reloc symbol type checks in get_alt_entry() - objtool: print out the symbol type when complaining about it - objtool: Teach get_alt_entry() about more relocation types - objtool: Don't make .altinstructions writable - objtool/x86: Ignore __x86_indirect_alt_* symbols - objtool: Only rewrite unconditional retpoline thunk calls - objtool: Fix .symtab_shndx handling for elf_create_undef_symbol() - x86/alternative: Optimize single-byte NOPs at an arbitrary position - objtool: Support asm jump tables - objtool/x86: Rewrite retpoline thunk calls - objtool: Skip magical retpoline .altinstr_replacement - objtool: Cache instruction relocs - objtool: Keep track of retpoline call sites - objtool: Add elf_create_undef_symbol() - objtool: Extract elf_symbol_add() - objtool: Extract elf_strtab_concat() - objtool: Create reloc sections implicitly - objtool: Add elf_create_reloc() helper - objtool: Rework the elf_rebuild_reloc_section() logic - objtool: Handle per arch retpoline naming - objtool: Correctly handle retpoline thunk calls - x86/retpoline: Simplify retpolines - x86/alternatives: Optimize optimize_nops() - x86: Add insn_decode_kernel() - x86/alternative: Use insn_decode() - x86/insn: Add an insn_decode() API - x86/insn: Add a __ignore_sync_check__ marker - x86/insn: Rename insn_decode() to insn_decode_from_regs() - x86/alternative: Use ALTERNATIVE_TERNARY() in _static_cpu_has() - x86/alternative: Support ALTERNATIVE_TERNARY - x86/alternative: Support not-feature - x86/alternative: Merge include files - x86/xen: Support objtool vmlinux.o validation in xen-head.S - x86/xen: Support objtool validation in xen-asm.S - objtool: Combine UNWIND_HINT_RET_OFFSET and UNWIND_HINT_FUNC - objtool: Assume only ELF functions do sibling calls - objtool: Support retpoline jump detection for vmlinux.o - objtool: Support stack layout changes in alternatives - objtool: Add 'alt_group' struct - objtool: Refactor ORC section generation - KVM/nVMX: Use __vmx_vcpu_run in nested_vmx_check_vmentry_hw - KVM/VMX: Use TEST %REG,%REG instead of CMP $0,%REG in vmenter.S- netfilter: nf_tables: disallow binding to already bound chain - netfilter: nf_conntrack_irc: Tighten matching on DCC message - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: enable ACPI_HMAT and HOT_MEMREMOVE - video: fbdev: i740fb: Error out if 'pixclock' equals zero - block: fix the problem of io_ticks becoming smaller - KVM: x86: do not report a vCPU as preempted outside instruction boundaries - !107 video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: Fix integer overflow in pxa3xx_gcu_write - video: fbdev: pxa3xx-gcu: Fix integer overflow in pxa3xx_gcu_write- netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow RULE_ID to refer to another chain - netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow CHAIN_ID to refer to another table - netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow SET_ID to refer to another table- bpf, cgroup: Fix kernel BUG in purge_effective_progs - bpf: Don't use tnum_range on array range checking for poke descriptors - configfs: fix a race in configfs_lookup() - configfs: fold configfs_attach_attr into configfs_lookup - configfs: simplify the configfs_dirent_is_ready - configfs: return -ENAMETOOLONG earlier in configfs_lookup - af_key: Do not call xfrm_probe_algs in parallel - tty: use new tty_insert_flip_string_and_push_buffer() in pty_write() - tty: extract tty_flip_buffer_commit() from tty_flip_buffer_push() - tty: drop tty_schedule_flip() - tty: the rest, stop using tty_schedule_flip() - tty: drivers/tty/, stop using tty_schedule_flip() - pipe: fix kabi for poll_usage in struct pipe_inode_info - bpf: Enlarge offset check value to INT_MAX in bpf_skb_{load,store}_bytes - bpf: Fix potential array overflow in bpf_trampoline_get_progs() - NFSD: Fix possible sleep during nfsd4_release_lockowner() - NFS: Memory allocation failures are not server fatal errors - docs: submitting-patches: Fix crossref to 'The canonical patch format' - tpm: ibmvtpm: Correct the return value in tpm_ibmvtpm_probe() - tpm: Fix buffer access in tpm2_get_tpm_pt() - HID: multitouch: add quirks to enable Lenovo X12 trackpoint - HID: multitouch: Add support for Google Whiskers Touchpad - raid5: introduce MD_BROKEN - dm verity: set DM_TARGET_IMMUTABLE feature flag - dm stats: add cond_resched when looping over entries - dm crypt: make printing of the key constant-time - dm integrity: fix error code in dm_integrity_ctr() - ARM: dts: s5pv210: Correct interrupt name for bluetooth in Aries - Bluetooth: hci_qca: Use del_timer_sync() before freeing - zsmalloc: fix races between asynchronous zspage free and page migration - crypto: ecrdsa - Fix incorrect use of vli_cmp - crypto: caam - fix i.MX6SX entropy delay value - x86, kvm: use correct GFP flags for preemption disabled - x86/kvm: Alloc dummy async #PF token outside of raw spinlock - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: fix incorrect NULL check on list iterator - netfilter: conntrack: re-fetch conntrack after insertion - crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() synchronous - crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to __drbg_seed() - crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with !rng_is_initialized() - crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of seeding state - lib/crypto: add prompts back to crypto libraries - exfat: check if cluster num is valid - drm/i915: Fix -Wstringop-overflow warning in call to intel_read_wm_latency() - xfs: detect overflows in bmbt records - net: ipa: compute proper aggregation limit - assoc_array: Fix BUG_ON during garbage collect - cfg80211: set custom regdomain after wiphy registration - pipe: Fix missing lock in pipe_resize_ring() - pipe: make poll_usage boolean and annotate its access - drivers: i2c: thunderx: Allow driver to work with ACPI defined TWSI controllers - i2c: ismt: Provide a DMA buffer for Interrupt Cause Logging - net: ftgmac100: Disable hardware checksum on AST2600 - nfc: pn533: Fix buggy cleanup order - net: af_key: check encryption module availability consistency - percpu_ref_init(): clean ->percpu_count_ref on failure - pinctrl: sunxi: fix f1c100s uart2 function- net: fix sk_wmem_schedule() and sk_rmem_schedule() errors - KVM: arm64: Use generic KVM xfer to guest work function - entry: KVM: Allow use of generic KVM entry w/o full generic support - KVM: arm64: Record number of signal exits as a vCPU stat - VFS: Rolling Back the fmode macro definition and structure members - dm thin: fix use-after-free crash in dm_sm_register_threshold_callback - Revert "NFS: Use of mapping_set_error() results in spurious errors" - random: Fix kabi change of get_random_bytes() - random: Fix kabi change due to enum cpuhp_state - ALSA: ctxfi: Add SB046x PCI ID - random: check for signals after page of pool writes - random: wire up fops->splice_{read,write}_iter() - random: convert to using fops->write_iter() - random: convert to using fops->read_iter() - random: unify batched entropy implementations - random: move randomize_page() into mm where it belongs - random: move initialization functions out of hot pages - random: make consistent use of buf and len - random: use proper return types on get_random_{int,long}_wait() - random: remove extern from functions in header - random: use static branch for crng_ready() - random: credit architectural init the exact amount - random: handle latent entropy and command line from random_init() - random: use proper jiffies comparison macro - random: remove ratelimiting for in-kernel unseeded randomness - random: move initialization out of reseeding hot path - random: avoid initializing twice in credit race - random: use symbolic constants for crng_init states - siphash: use one source of truth for siphash permutations - random: help compiler out with fast_mix() by using simpler arguments - random: do not use input pool from hard IRQs - random: order timer entropy functions below interrupt functions - random: do not pretend to handle premature next security model - random: use first 128 bits of input as fast init - random: do not use batches when !crng_ready() - random: insist on random_get_entropy() existing in order to simplify - xtensa: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - sparc: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - um: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - x86/tsc: Use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - nios2: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - arm: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - mips: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of just c0 random - riscv: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - m68k: use fallback for random_get_entropy() instead of zero - timekeeping: Add raw clock fallback for random_get_entropy() - powerpc: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - alpha: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - parisc: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - s390: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - ia64: define get_cycles macro for arch-override - init: call time_init() before rand_initialize() - random: fix sysctl documentation nits - random: document crng_fast_key_erasure() destination possibility - random: make random_get_entropy() return an unsigned long - random: allow partial reads if later user copies fail - random: check for signals every PAGE_SIZE chunk of /dev/[u]random - random: check for signal_pending() outside of need_resched() check - random: do not allow user to keep crng key around on stack - random: do not split fast init input in add_hwgenerator_randomness() - random: mix build-time latent entropy into pool at init - random: re-add removed comment about get_random_{u32,u64} reseeding - random: treat bootloader trust toggle the same way as cpu trust toggle - random: skip fast_init if hwrng provides large chunk of entropy - random: check for signal and try earlier when generating entropy - random: reseed more often immediately after booting - random: make consistent usage of crng_ready() - random: use SipHash as interrupt entropy accumulator - random: replace custom notifier chain with standard one - random: don't let 644 read-only sysctls be written to - random: give sysctl_random_min_urandom_seed a more sensible value - random: do crng pre-init loading in worker rather than irq - random: unify cycles_t and jiffies usage and types - random: cleanup UUID handling - random: only wake up writers after zap if threshold was passed - random: round-robin registers as ulong, not u32 - random: clear fast pool, crng, and batches in cpuhp bring up - random: pull add_hwgenerator_randomness() declaration into random.h - random: check for crng_init == 0 in add_device_randomness() - random: unify early init crng load accounting - random: do not take pool spinlock at boot - random: defer fast pool mixing to worker - random: rewrite header introductory comment - random: group sysctl functions - random: group userspace read/write functions - random: group entropy collection functions - random: group entropy extraction functions - random: group crng functions - random: group initialization wait functions - random: remove whitespace and reorder includes - random: remove useless header comment - random: introduce drain_entropy() helper to declutter crng_reseed() - random: deobfuscate irq u32/u64 contributions - random: add proper SPDX header - random: remove unused tracepoints - random: remove ifdef'd out interrupt bench - random: tie batched entropy generation to base_crng generation - random: fix locking for crng_init in crng_reseed() - random: zero buffer after reading entropy from userspace - random: remove outdated INT_MAX >> 6 check in urandom_read() - random: make more consistent use of integer types - random: use hash function for crng_slow_load() - random: use simpler fast key erasure flow on per-cpu keys - random: absorb fast pool into input pool after fast load - random: do not xor RDRAND when writing into /dev/random - random: ensure early RDSEED goes through mixer on init - random: inline leaves of rand_initialize() - random: get rid of secondary crngs - random: use RDSEED instead of RDRAND in entropy extraction - random: fix locking in crng_fast_load() - random: remove batched entropy locking - random: remove use_input_pool parameter from crng_reseed() - random: make credit_entropy_bits() always safe - random: always wake up entropy writers after extraction - random: use linear min-entropy accumulation crediting - random: simplify entropy debiting - random: use computational hash for entropy extraction - random: only call crng_finalize_init() for primary_crng - random: access primary_pool directly rather than through pointer - random: continually use hwgenerator randomness - random: simplify arithmetic function flow in account() - random: selectively clang-format where it makes sense - random: access input_pool_data directly rather than through pointer - random: cleanup fractional entropy shift constants - random: prepend remaining pool constants with POOL_ - random: de-duplicate INPUT_POOL constants - random: remove unused OUTPUT_POOL constants - random: rather than entropy_store abstraction, use global - random: remove unused extract_entropy() reserved argument - random: remove incomplete last_data logic - random: cleanup integer types - random: cleanup poolinfo abstraction - random: fix typo in comments - random: don't reset crng_init_cnt on urandom_read() - random: avoid superfluous call to RDRAND in CRNG extraction - random: early initialization of ChaCha constants - random: use IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NUMA) instead of ifdefs - random: harmonize "crng init done" messages - random: mix bootloader randomness into pool - random: do not re-init if crng_reseed completes before primary init - random: do not sign extend bytes for rotation when mixing - random: use BLAKE2s instead of SHA1 in extraction - random: remove unused irq_flags argument from add_interrupt_randomness() - random: document add_hwgenerator_randomness() with other input functions - lib/crypto: blake2s: avoid indirect calls to compression function for Clang CFI - lib/crypto: sha1: re-roll loops to reduce code size - lib/crypto: blake2s: move hmac construction into wireguard - lib/crypto: blake2s: include as built-in - crypto: blake2s - include instead of - crypto: blake2s - adjust include guard naming - crypto: blake2s - add comment for blake2s_state fields - crypto: blake2s - optimize blake2s initialization - crypto: blake2s - share the "shash" API boilerplate code - crypto: blake2s - move update and final logic to internal/blake2s.h - crypto: blake2s - remove unneeded includes - crypto: x86/blake2s - define shash_alg structs using macros - crypto: blake2s - define shash_alg structs using macros - crypto: lib/blake2s - Move selftest prototype into header file - MAINTAINERS: add git tree for random.c - MAINTAINERS: co-maintain random.c - random: remove dead code left over from blocking pool - random: avoid arch_get_random_seed_long() when collecting IRQ randomness - ACPI: sysfs: Fix BERT error region memory mapping - ACPI: sysfs: Make sparse happy about address space in use - media: vim2m: initialize the media device earlier - media: vim2m: Register video device after setting up internals - KVM: x86: Properly handle APF vs disabled LAPIC situation - staging: rtl8723bs: prevent ->Ssid overflow in rtw_wx_set_scan() - Revert "alinux: random: speed up the initialization of module" - !71 xfs: backport 2 patches from upstream - xfs: fix inode reservation space for removing transaction - xfs: fix comment for start time value of inode with bigtime enabled- module: check for exit sections in layout_sections() instead of module_init_section() - afs: Fix afs_getattr() to refetch file status if callback break occurred - i2c: mt7621: fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in mtk_i2c_probe() - module: treat exit sections the same as init sections when !CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD - dt-bindings: pinctrl: aspeed-g6: remove FWQSPID group - Input: ili210x - fix reset timing - arm64: Enable repeat tlbi workaround on KRYO4XX gold CPUs - net: atlantic: verify hw_head_ lies within TX buffer ring - net: atlantic: add check for MAX_SKB_FRAGS - net: atlantic: reduce scope of is_rsc_complete - net: atlantic: fix "frag[0] not initialized" - net: stmmac: fix missing pci_disable_device() on error in stmmac_pci_probe() - ethernet: tulip: fix missing pci_disable_device() on error in tulip_init_one() - nl80211: fix locking in nl80211_set_tx_bitrate_mask() - selftests: add ping test with ping_group_range tuned - nl80211: validate S1G channel width - mac80211: fix rx reordering with non explicit / psmp ack policy - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix missed DMA unmap for aborted commands - perf bench numa: Address compiler error on s390 - gpio: mvebu/pwm: Refuse requests with inverted polarity - gpio: gpio-vf610: do not touch other bits when set the target bit - riscv: dts: sifive: fu540-c000: align dma node name with dtschema - net: bridge: Clear offload_fwd_mark when passing frame up bridge interface. - igb: skip phy status check where unavailable - ARM: 9197/1: spectre-bhb: fix loop8 sequence for Thumb2 - ARM: 9196/1: spectre-bhb: enable for Cortex-A15 - net: af_key: add check for pfkey_broadcast in function pfkey_process - net/mlx5e: Properly block LRO when XDP is enabled - NFC: nci: fix sleep in atomic context bugs caused by nci_skb_alloc - net/qla3xxx: Fix a test in ql_reset_work() - clk: at91: generated: consider range when calculating best rate - ice: fix possible under reporting of ethtool Tx and Rx statistics - net: vmxnet3: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in vmxnet3_rq_cleanup() - net: vmxnet3: fix possible use-after-free bugs in vmxnet3_rq_alloc_rx_buf() - net: systemport: Fix an error handling path in bcm_sysport_probe() - net/sched: act_pedit: sanitize shift argument before usage - net: evaluate net.ipvX.conf.all.disable_policy and disable_xfrm - net: macb: Increment rx bd head after allocating skb and buffer - net: ipa: record proper RX transaction count - ARM: dts: aspeed-g6: fix SPI1/SPI2 quad pin group - pinctrl: pinctrl-aspeed-g6: remove FWQSPID group in pinctrl - ARM: dts: aspeed-g6: remove FWQSPID group in pinctrl dtsi - dma-buf: fix use of DMA_BUF_SET_NAME_{A,B} in userspace - drm/dp/mst: fix a possible memory leak in fetch_monitor_name() - libceph: fix potential use-after-free on linger ping and resends - crypto: qcom-rng - fix infinite loop on requests not multiple of WORD_SZ - arm64: mte: Ensure the cleared tags are visible before setting the PTE - arm64: paravirt: Use RCU read locks to guard stolen_time - KVM: x86/mmu: Update number of zapped pages even if page list is stable - PCI/PM: Avoid putting Elo i2 PCIe Ports in D3cold - Fix double fget() in vhost_net_set_backend() - selinux: fix bad cleanup on error in hashtab_duplicate() - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for TongFang devices with pop noise - ALSA: wavefront: Proper check of get_user() error - ALSA: usb-audio: Restore Rane SL-1 quirk - nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings during disk space reclamation - nilfs2: fix lockdep warnings in page operations for btree nodes - platform/chrome: cros_ec_debugfs: detach log reader wq from devm - drbd: remove usage of list iterator variable after loop - MIPS: lantiq: check the return value of kzalloc() - fs: fix an infinite loop in iomap_fiemap - rtc: mc146818-lib: Fix the AltCentury for AMD platforms - nvme-multipath: fix hang when disk goes live over reconnect - tools/virtio: compile with -pthread - vhost_vdpa: don't setup irq offloading when irq_num < 0 - s390/pci: improve zpci_dev reference counting - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable headset mic on Lenovo P360 - crypto: x86/chacha20 - Avoid spurious jumps to other functions - crypto: stm32 - fix reference leak in stm32_crc_remove - rtc: sun6i: Fix time overflow handling - gfs2: Disable page faults during lockless buffered reads - nvme-pci: add quirks for Samsung X5 SSDs - Input: stmfts - fix reference leak in stmfts_input_open - Input: add bounds checking to input_set_capability() - um: Cleanup syscall_handler_t definition/cast, fix warning - rtc: pcf2127: fix bug when reading alarm registers - rtc: fix use-after-free on device removal - igc: Update I226_K device ID - igc: Remove phy->type checking - igc: Remove _I_PHY_ID checking - io_uring: always grab file table for deferred statx - usb: gadget: fix race when gadget driver register via ioctl- crypto: arm64/poly1305 - fix a read out-of-bound - posix-cpu-timers: Cleanup CPU timers before freeing them during exec - net_sched: cls_route: remove from list when handle is 0 - tty: serial: 8250: 8250_port: Move prototypes to shared location - mm/slub: add missing TID updates on slab deactivation - signal/seccomp: Dump core when there is only one live thread - netfilter: nft_compat: use nfnetlink_unicast() - netfilter: use nfnetlink_unicast() - dm-mpath: fix UAF in multipath_message() - tun: avoid double free in tun_free_netdev - efi/libstub: arm64: Fix KASLR and memmap= collision - efi/libstub: arm64: support strchr function for EFI stub - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: add pagecache limit proc interface" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: create kernel thread for page cache limit" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: calculate reclaim pages for each node" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: shrink page cache" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: reconfiguration about page cache limit when memory plug/unplug" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: do shrink_page_cache when adding page to page cache" - Revert "mm/page_cache_limit: add support for droping caches for target node" - drivers/perf: hisi: Add Support for CPA PMU - drivers/perf: hisi: Associate PMUs in SICL with CPUs online - drivers/perf: hisi: Add driver for HiSilicon PCIe PMU - SUNRPC: Fix fall-through warnings for Clang - usb: gadget: uvc: allow for application to cleanly shutdown - usb: gadget: uvc: rename function to be more consistent - ping: fix address binding wrt vrf - arm[64]/memremap: don't abuse pfn_valid() to ensure presence of linear map - net: phy: Fix race condition on link status change - SUNRPC: Don't call connect() more than once on a TCP socket - SUNRPC: Prevent immediate close+reconnect - SUNRPC: Clean up scheduling of autoclose - drm/vmwgfx: Initialize drm_mode_fb_cmd2 - cgroup/cpuset: Remove cpus_allowed/mems_allowed setup in cpuset_init_smp() - net: atlantic: always deep reset on pm op, fixing up my null deref regression - i40e: i40e_main: fix a missing check on list iterator - drm/nouveau/tegra: Stop using iommu_present() - ceph: fix setting of xattrs on async created inodes - serial: 8250_mtk: Fix register address for XON/XOFF character - serial: 8250_mtk: Fix UART_EFR register address - slimbus: qcom: Fix IRQ check in qcom_slim_probe - USB: serial: option: add Fibocom MA510 modem - USB: serial: option: add Fibocom L610 modem - USB: serial: qcserial: add support for Sierra Wireless EM7590 - USB: serial: pl2303: add device id for HP LM930 Display - usb: typec: tcpci_mt6360: Update for BMC PHY setting - usb: typec: tcpci: Don't skip cleanup in .remove() on error - usb: cdc-wdm: fix reading stuck on device close - tty: n_gsm: fix mux activation issues in gsm_config() - tty/serial: digicolor: fix possible null-ptr-deref in digicolor_uart_probe() - firmware_loader: use kernel credentials when reading firmware - tcp: resalt the secret every 10 seconds - net: sfp: Add tx-fault workaround for Huawei MA5671A SFP ONT - net: emaclite: Don't advertise 1000BASE-T and do auto negotiation - s390: disable -Warray-bounds - ASoC: ops: Validate input values in snd_soc_put_volsw_range() - ASoC: max98090: Generate notifications on changes for custom control - ASoC: max98090: Reject invalid values in custom control put() - hwmon: (f71882fg) Fix negative temperature - gfs2: Fix filesystem block deallocation for short writes - tls: Fix context leak on tls_device_down - net: sfc: ef10: fix memory leak in efx_ef10_mtd_probe() - net/smc: non blocking recvmsg() return -EAGAIN when no data and signal_pending - net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Fix Wake-on-LAN with mac_link_down() - net: bcmgenet: Check for Wake-on-LAN interrupt probe deferral - net/sched: act_pedit: really ensure the skb is writable - s390/lcs: fix variable dereferenced before check - s390/ctcm: fix potential memory leak - s390/ctcm: fix variable dereferenced before check - selftests: vm: Makefile: rename TARGETS to VMTARGETS - hwmon: (ltq-cputemp) restrict it to SOC_XWAY - dim: initialize all struct fields - ionic: fix missing pci_release_regions() on error in ionic_probe() - nfs: fix broken handling of the softreval mount option - mac80211_hwsim: call ieee80211_tx_prepare_skb under RCU protection - net: sfc: fix memory leak due to ptp channel - sfc: Use swap() instead of open coding it - netlink: do not reset transport header in netlink_recvmsg() - drm/nouveau: Fix a potential theorical leak in nouveau_get_backlight_name() - ipv4: drop dst in multicast routing path - net: mscc: ocelot: avoid corrupting hardware counters when moving VCAP filters - net: mscc: ocelot: restrict tc-trap actions to VCAP IS2 lookup 0 - net: mscc: ocelot: fix VCAP IS2 filters matching on both lookups - net: mscc: ocelot: fix last VCAP IS1/IS2 filter persisting in hardware when deleted - net: Fix features skip in for_each_netdev_feature() - mac80211: Reset MBSSID parameters upon connection - hwmon: (tmp401) Add OF device ID table - iwlwifi: iwl-dbg: Use del_timer_sync() before freeing - batman-adv: Don't skb_split skbuffs with frag_list - !68 scsi: mpt3sas: Transition IOC to Ready state during shutdown - scsi: mpt3sas: Stop fw fault watchdog work item during system shutdown - !48 Fix kabi header file being repeatedly referenced by the same file - scsi: mpt3sas: Transition IOC to Ready state during shutdown - Fix kabi header file being repeatedly referenced by the same file- x86: Clear .brk area at early boot- netfilter: nf_queue: do not allow packet truncation below transport header offset - io_uring: use separate list entry for iopoll requests - io_uring: add missing item types for various requests - io_uring:drop identity before creating a private one - io-wq: Switch io_wqe_worker's fs before releasing request - coresight: etm4x: Workaround CPU hung bug on HiSilicon ETM - mm: userfaultfd: fix missing cache flush in mcopy_atomic_pte() and __mcopy_atomic() - mm: hugetlb: fix missing cache flush in copy_huge_page_from_user() - mm: fix missing cache flush for all tail pages of compound page - Bluetooth: Fix the creation of hdev->name - arm: remove CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_HOLES_MEMORYMODEL - nfp: bpf: silence bitwise vs. logical OR warning - drm/amd/display/dc/gpio/gpio_service: Pass around correct dce_{version, environment} types - block: drbd: drbd_nl: Make conversion to 'enum drbd_ret_code' explicit - regulator: consumer: Add missing stubs to regulator/consumer.h - MIPS: Use address-of operator on section symbols- ipv6/addrconf: fix a null-ptr-deref bug for ip6_ptr - xfrm: xfrm_policy: fix a possible double xfrm_pols_put() in xfrm_bundle_lookup() - ath9k: fix use-after-free in ath9k_hif_usb_rx_cb - jbd2: Fix assertion 'jh->b_frozen_data == NULL' failure when journal aborted - RDMA/hns: Recover 1bit-ECC error of RAM on chip - RDMA/hns: Refactor the abnormal interrupt handler function - RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect clearing of interrupt status register - RDMA/hns: Fix the wrong type of return value of the interrupt handler - RDMA/hns: Remove unused abnormal interrupt of type RAS - ext4: Fix race when reusing xattr blocks - ext4: Unindent codeblock in ext4_xattr_block_set() - ext4: Remove EA inode entry from mbcache on inode eviction - mbcache: Add functions to delete entry if unused - mbcache: Don't reclaim used entries - md/raid6: refactor raid5_read_one_chunk - md/raid10: enable io accounting - md/raid1: enable io accounting - md/raid1: rename print_msg with r1bio_existed - md/raid5: avoid redundant bio clone in raid5_read_one_chunk - md: add io accounting for raid0 and raid5 - mmc: rtsx: add 74 Clocks in power on flow - PCI: aardvark: Fix reading MSI interrupt number - PCI: aardvark: Clear all MSIs at setup - dm: interlock pending dm_io and dm_wait_for_bios_completion - rcu: Apply callbacks processing time limit only on softirq - rcu: Fix callbacks processing time limit retaining cond_resched() - KVM: LAPIC: Enable timer posted-interrupt only when mwait/hlt is advertised - KVM: x86/mmu: avoid NULL-pointer dereference on page freeing bugs - KVM: x86: Do not change ICR on write to APIC_SELF_IPI - x86/kvm: Preserve BSP MSR_KVM_POLL_CONTROL across suspend/resume - net/mlx5: Fix slab-out-of-bounds while reading resource dump menu - kvm: x86/cpuid: Only provide CPUID leaf 0xA if host has architectural PMU - net: igmp: respect RCU rules in ip_mc_source() and ip_mc_msfilter() - btrfs: always log symlinks in full mode - smsc911x: allow using IRQ0 - selftests: ocelot: tc_flower_chains: specify conform-exceed action for policer - bnxt_en: Fix unnecessary dropping of RX packets - bnxt_en: Fix possible bnxt_open() failure caused by wrong RFS flag - selftests: mirror_gre_bridge_1q: Avoid changing PVID while interface is operational - net: emaclite: Add error handling for of_address_to_resource() - net: cpsw: add missing of_node_put() in cpsw_probe_dt() - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: add missing of_node_put() in sun8i_dwmac_register_mdio_mux() - net: dsa: mt7530: add missing of_node_put() in mt7530_setup() - net: ethernet: mediatek: add missing of_node_put() in mtk_sgmii_init() - NFSv4: Don't invalidate inode attributes on delegation return - RDMA/siw: Fix a condition race issue in MPA request processing - selftests/seccomp: Don't call read() on TTY from background pgrp - net/mlx5: Avoid double clear or set of sync reset requested - net/mlx5e: Fix the calling of update_buffer_lossy() API - net/mlx5e: CT: Fix queued up restore put() executing after relevant ft release - net/mlx5e: Fix trust state reset in reload - ASoC: dmaengine: Restore NULL prepare_slave_config() callback - hwmon: (adt7470) Fix warning on module removal - gpio: pca953x: fix irq_stat not updated when irq is disabled (irq_mask not set) - can: grcan: only use the NAPI poll budget for RX - can: grcan: grcan_probe(): fix broken system id check for errata workaround needs - can: grcan: use ofdev->dev when allocating DMA memory - can: isotp: remove re-binding of bound socket - can: grcan: grcan_close(): fix deadlock - s390/dasd: Fix read inconsistency for ESE DASD devices - s390/dasd: Fix read for ESE with blksize < 4k - s390/dasd: prevent double format of tracks for ESE devices - s390/dasd: fix data corruption for ESE devices - ASoC: meson: Fix event generation for AUI CODEC mux - ASoC: meson: Fix event generation for G12A tohdmi mux - ASoC: meson: Fix event generation for AUI ACODEC mux - ASoC: wm8958: Fix change notifications for DSP controls - ASoC: da7219: Fix change notifications for tone generator frequency - genirq: Synchronize interrupt thread startup - net: stmmac: disable Split Header (SPH) for Intel platforms - firewire: core: extend card->lock in fw_core_handle_bus_reset - firewire: remove check of list iterator against head past the loop body - firewire: fix potential uaf in outbound_phy_packet_callback() - Revert "SUNRPC: attempt AF_LOCAL connect on setup" - drm/amd/display: Avoid reading audio pattern past AUDIO_CHANNELS_COUNT - iommu/vt-d: Calculate mask for non-aligned flushes - KVM: x86/svm: Account for family 17h event renumberings in amd_pmc_perf_hw_id - gpiolib: of: fix bounds check for 'gpio-reserved-ranges' - mmc: core: Set HS clock speed before sending HS CMD13 - mmc: sdhci-msm: Reset GCC_SDCC_BCR register for SDHC - ALSA: fireworks: fix wrong return count shorter than expected by 4 bytes - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Yoga Duet 7 13ITL6 speakers - parisc: Merge model and model name into one line in /proc/cpuinfo - MIPS: Fix CP0 counter erratum detection for R4k CPUs - perf symbol: Remove arch__symbols__fixup_end() - tty: n_gsm: fix software flow control handling - tty: n_gsm: fix incorrect UA handling - tty: n_gsm: fix reset fifo race condition - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command frame length field encoding - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong command retry handling - tty: n_gsm: fix missing explicit ldisc flush - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong DLCI release order - tty: n_gsm: fix insufficient txframe size - netfilter: nft_socket: only do sk lookups when indev is available - tty: n_gsm: fix malformed counter for out of frame data - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong signal octet encoding in convergence layer type 2 - tty: n_gsm: fix mux cleanup after unregister tty device - tty: n_gsm: fix decoupled mux resource - tty: n_gsm: fix restart handling via CLD command - perf symbol: Update symbols__fixup_end() - perf symbol: Pass is_kallsyms to symbols__fixup_end() - x86/cpu: Load microcode during restore_processor_state() - thermal: int340x: Fix callback prototype - net: ethernet: stmmac: fix write to sgmii_adapter_base - drm/i915: Fix SEL_FETCH_PLANE_*(PIPE_B+) register addresses - kasan: prevent cpu_quarantine corruption when CPU offline and cache shrink occur at same time - zonefs: Clear inode information flags on inode creation - zonefs: Fix management of open zones - powerpc/perf: Fix 32bit compile - drivers: net: hippi: Fix deadlock in rr_close() - cifs: destage any unwritten data to the server before calling copychunk_write - x86: __memcpy_flushcache: fix wrong alignment if size > 2^32 - ASoC: wm8731: Disable the regulator when probing fails - ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: correct device endpoints for max98373 - tcp: fix F-RTO may not work correctly when receiving DSACK - Revert "ibmvnic: Add ethtool private flag for driver-defined queue limits" - ibmvnic: fix miscellaneous checks - ixgbe: ensure IPsec VF<->PF compatibility - net: fec: add missing of_node_put() in fec_enet_init_stop_mode() - bnx2x: fix napi API usage sequence - tls: Skip tls_append_frag on zero copy size - drm/amd/display: Fix memory leak in dcn21_clock_source_create - drm/amdkfd: Fix GWS queue count - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Don't set GSWIP_MII_CFG_RMII_CLK - net: phy: marvell10g: fix return value on error - net: bcmgenet: hide status block before TX timestamping - clk: sunxi: sun9i-mmc: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - bus: sunxi-rsb: Fix the return value of sunxi_rsb_device_create() - tcp: make sure treq->af_specific is initialized - tcp: fix potential xmit stalls caused by TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT - ip_gre, ip6_gre: Fix race condition on o_seqno in collect_md mode - ip6_gre: Make o_seqno start from 0 in native mode - ip_gre: Make o_seqno start from 0 in native mode - net/smc: sync err code when tcp connection was refused - cpufreq: fix memory leak in sun50i_cpufreq_nvmem_probe - pinctrl: pistachio: fix use of irq_of_parse_and_map() - arm64: dts: imx8mn-ddr4-evk: Describe the 32.768 kHz PMIC clock - ARM: dts: imx6ull-colibri: fix vqmmc regulator - sctp: check asoc strreset_chunk in sctp_generate_reconf_event - wireguard: device: check for metadata_dst with skb_valid_dst() - pinctrl: stm32: Keep pinctrl block clock enabled when LEVEL IRQ requested - tcp: md5: incorrect tcp_header_len for incoming connections - pinctrl: rockchip: fix RK3308 pinmux bits - bpf, lwt: Fix crash when using bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key() from bpf_xmit lwt hook - netfilter: nft_set_rbtree: overlap detection with element re-addition after deletion - net: dsa: Add missing of_node_put() in dsa_port_link_register_of - memory: renesas-rpc-if: Fix HF/OSPI data transfer in Manual Mode - pinctrl: stm32: Do not call stm32_gpio_get() for edge triggered IRQs in EOI - mtd: rawnand: Fix return value check of wait_for_completion_timeout - pinctrl: mediatek: moore: Fix build error - ipvs: correctly print the memory size of ip_vs_conn_tab - ARM: dts: logicpd-som-lv: Fix wrong pinmuxing on OMAP35 - ARM: dts: am3517-evm: Fix misc pinmuxing - ARM: dts: Fix mmc order for omap3-gta04 - phy: ti: Add missing pm_runtime_disable() in serdes_am654_probe - phy: mapphone-mdm6600: Fix PM error handling in phy_mdm6600_probe - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d4_xplained: fix pinctrl phandle name - ARM: dts: at91: Map MCLK for wm8731 on at91sam9g20ek - phy: ti: omap-usb2: Fix error handling in omap_usb2_enable_clocks - bus: ti-sysc: Make omap3 gpt12 quirk handling SoC specific - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix refcount leak in omap_gic_of_init - phy: samsung: exynos5250-sata: fix missing device put in probe error paths - phy: samsung: Fix missing of_node_put() in exynos_sata_phy_probe - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-apalis: Fix sgtl5000 detection issue - USB: Fix xhci event ring dequeue pointer ERDP update issue - mtd: rawnand: fix ecc parameters for mt7622 - iio:imu:bmi160: disable regulator in error path - arm64: dts: meson: remove CPU opps below 1GHz for SM1 boards - arm64: dts: meson: remove CPU opps below 1GHz for G12B boards - video: fbdev: udlfb: properly check endpoint type - iocost: don't reset the inuse weight of under-weighted debtors - x86/pci/xen: Disable PCI/MSI[-X] masking for XEN_HVM guests - riscv: patch_text: Fixup last cpu should be master - hex2bin: fix access beyond string end - pinctrl: samsung: fix missing GPIOLIB on ARM64 Exynos config - arch_topology: Do not set llc_sibling if llc_id is invalid - serial: 8250: Correct the clock for EndRun PTP/1588 PCIe device - serial: 8250: Also set sticky MCR bits in console restoration - serial: imx: fix overrun interrupts in DMA mode - usb: phy: generic: Get the vbus supply - usb: cdns3: Fix issue for clear halt endpoint - usb: dwc3: gadget: Return proper request status - usb: dwc3: core: Only handle soft-reset in DCTL - usb: dwc3: core: Fix tx/rx threshold settings - usb: dwc3: Try usb-role-switch first in dwc3_drd_init - usb: gadget: configfs: clear deactivation flag in configfs_composite_unbind() - usb: gadget: uvc: Fix crash when encoding data for usb request - usb: typec: ucsi: Fix role swapping - usb: typec: ucsi: Fix reuse of completion structure - usb: misc: fix improper handling of refcount in uss720_probe() - iio: imu: inv_icm42600: Fix I2C init possible nack - iio: magnetometer: ak8975: Fix the error handling in ak8975_power_on() - iio: dac: ad5446: Fix read_raw not returning set value - iio: dac: ad5592r: Fix the missing return value. - xhci: increase usb U3 -> U0 link resume timeout from 100ms to 500ms - xhci: stop polling roothubs after shutdown - xhci: Enable runtime PM on second Alderlake controller - USB: serial: option: add Telit 0x1057, 0x1058, 0x1075 compositions - USB: serial: option: add support for Cinterion MV32-WA/MV32-WB - USB: serial: cp210x: add PIDs for Kamstrup USB Meter Reader - USB: serial: whiteheat: fix heap overflow in WHITEHEAT_GET_DTR_RTS - USB: quirks: add STRING quirk for VCOM device - USB: quirks: add a Realtek card reader - usb: mtu3: fix USB 3.0 dual-role-switch from device to host - lightnvm: disable the subsystem- lockdown: Fix kexec lockdown bypass with ima policy - fbmem: Check virtual screen sizes in fb_set_var() - fbcon: Prevent that screen size is smaller than font size - fbcon: Disallow setting font bigger than screen size - inotify: show inotify mask flags in proc fdinfo - block: prevent lockdep false positive warning about 'bd_mutex' - block: fix that part scan is disabled in device_add_disk() - block: Fix warning in bd_link_disk_holder() - ucounts: add missing data type changes - bpf: Don't redirect packets with invalid pkt_len - Revert "net: micrel: fix KS8851_MLL Kconfig" - block/compat_ioctl: fix range check in BLKGETSIZE - staging: ion: Prevent incorrect reference counting behavour - spi: atmel-quadspi: Fix the buswidth adjustment between spi-mem and controller - can: isotp: stop timeout monitoring when no first frame was sent - ext4: force overhead calculation if the s_overhead_cluster makes no sense - ext4: fix overhead calculation to account for the reserved gdt blocks - ext4, doc: fix incorrect h_reserved size - ext4: limit length to bitmap_maxbytes - blocksize in punch_hole - ext4: fix fallocate to use file_modified to update permissions consistently - perf report: Set PERF_SAMPLE_DATA_SRC bit for Arm SPE event - powerpc/perf: Fix power9 event alternatives - drm/vc4: Use pm_runtime_resume_and_get to fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage - KVM: PPC: Fix TCE handling for VFIO - drm/panel/raspberrypi-touchscreen: Initialise the bridge in prepare - drm/panel/raspberrypi-touchscreen: Avoid NULL deref if not initialised - perf/core: Fix perf_mmap fail when CONFIG_PERF_USE_VMALLOC enabled - sched/pelt: Fix attach_entity_load_avg() corner case - arm_pmu: Validate single/group leader events - ARC: entry: fix syscall_trace_exit argument - e1000e: Fix possible overflow in LTR decoding - ASoC: soc-dapm: fix two incorrect uses of list iterator - gpio: Request interrupts after IRQ is initialized - openvswitch: fix OOB access in reserve_sfa_size() - xtensa: fix a7 clobbering in coprocessor context load/store - xtensa: patch_text: Fixup last cpu should be master - net: atlantic: invert deep par in pm functions, preventing null derefs - dma: at_xdmac: fix a missing check on list iterator - ata: pata_marvell: Check the 'bmdma_addr' beforing reading - mm/mmu_notifier.c: fix race in mmu_interval_notifier_remove() - mm, hugetlb: allow for "high" userspace addresses - EDAC/synopsys: Read the error count from the correct register - nvme-pci: disable namespace identifiers for Qemu controllers - nvme: add a quirk to disable namespace identifiers - stat: fix inconsistency between struct stat and struct compat_stat - scsi: qedi: Fix failed disconnect handling - net: macb: Restart tx only if queue pointer is lagging - drm/msm/mdp5: check the return of kzalloc() - dpaa_eth: Fix missing of_node_put in dpaa_get_ts_info() - brcmfmac: sdio: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the constant - mt76: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the constant - net: atlantic: Avoid out-of-bounds indexing - cifs: Check the IOCB_DIRECT flag, not O_DIRECT - vxlan: fix error return code in vxlan_fdb_append - arm64: dts: imx: Fix imx8*-var-som touchscreen property sizes - ALSA: usb-audio: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the constant - platform/x86: samsung-laptop: Fix an unsigned comparison which can never be negative - reset: tegra-bpmp: Restore Handle errors in BPMP response - ARM: vexpress/spc: Avoid negative array index when !SMP - arm64: mm: fix p?d_leaf() - arm64/mm: Remove [PUD|PMD]_TABLE_BIT from [pud|pmd]_bad() - selftests: mlxsw: vxlan_flooding: Prevent flooding of unwanted packets - dmaengine: idxd: add RO check for wq max_transfer_size write - dmaengine: idxd: add RO check for wq max_batch_size write - net: stmmac: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic() in atomic state - netlink: reset network and mac headers in netlink_dump() - ipv6: fix kabi for ip6_rt_gc_expire in struct netns_ipv6 - ipv6: make ip6_rt_gc_expire an atomic_t - l3mdev: l3mdev_master_upper_ifindex_by_index_rcu should be using netdev_master_upper_dev_get_rcu - net/sched: cls_u32: fix possible leak in u32_init_knode() - ip6_gre: Fix skb_under_panic in __gre6_xmit() - ip6_gre: Avoid updating tunnel->tun_hlen in __gre6_xmit() - net/packet: fix packet_sock xmit return value checking - net/smc: Fix sock leak when release after smc_shutdown() - rxrpc: Restore removed timer deletion - igc: Fix BUG: scheduling while atomic - igc: Fix infinite loop in release_swfw_sync - esp: limit skb_page_frag_refill use to a single page - spi: spi-mtk-nor: initialize spi controller after resume - dmaengine: mediatek:Fix PM usage reference leak of mtk_uart_apdma_alloc_chan_resources - dmaengine: imx-sdma: Fix error checking in sdma_event_remap - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: do not switch off SIDO Buck when codec is in use - ASoC: msm8916-wcd-digital: Check failure for devm_snd_soc_register_component - ASoC: atmel: Remove system clock tree configuration for at91sam9g20ek - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NP70PNP - ALSA: usb-audio: Clear MIDI port active flag after draining - gfs2: assign rgrp glock before compute_bitstructs - perf tools: Fix segfault accessing sample_id xyarray - tracing: Dump stacktrace trigger to the corresponding instance - mm: page_alloc: fix building error on -Werror=array-compare - etherdevice: Adjust ether_addr* prototypes to silence -Wstringop-overead- KEYS: Fix mistaken sizeof call in pgp_key_generate_id - KEYS: Add safe guard against faulty PGP key - KEYS: Fix error path return value in pgp_generate_fingerprint - block: fix mismatch size for flush_rq - crypto: hisilicon/sec - don't sleep when in softirq - xen/arm: Fix race in RB-tree based P2M accounting - nbd: fix io hung while disconnecting device - nbd: don't clear 'NBD_CMD_INFLIGHT' flag if request is not completed - filemap: Correct the conditions for marking a folio as accessed - Revert "mm/filemap: fix that first page is not mark accessed in filemap_read()" - net: rose: fix UAF bugs caused by timer handler - nbd: fix race between nbd_alloc_config() and module removal - nbd: call genl_unregister_family() first in nbd_cleanup() - openeuler_defconfig: Enable SENSORS_ZHAOXIN_CPUTEMP as module by default - Driver for Zhaoxin CPU core temperature monitoring - scsi: iscsi: fix kabi broken in struct iscsi_transport - scsi: iscsi: fix kabi broken in struct iscsi_cls_conn - scsi: iscsi: Fix unbound endpoint error handling - scsi: iscsi: Fix endpoint reuse regression - dma-direct: avoid redundant memory sync for swiotlb - timers: Fix warning condition in __run_timers() - i2c: pasemi: Wait for write xfers to finish - smp: Fix offline cpu check in flush_smp_call_function_queue() - dm integrity: fix memory corruption when tag_size is less than digest size - ARM: davinci: da850-evm: Avoid NULL pointer dereference - tick/nohz: Use WARN_ON_ONCE() to prevent console saturation - genirq/affinity: Consider that CPUs on nodes can be unbalanced - drm/amdgpu: Enable gfxoff quirk on MacBook Pro - drm/amd/display: don't ignore alpha property on pre-multiplied mode - ipv6: fix panic when forwarding a pkt with no in6 dev - nl80211: correctly check NL80211_ATTR_REG_ALPHA2 size - ALSA: pcm: Test for "silence" field in struct "pcm_format_data" - ALSA: hda/realtek: add quirk for Lenovo Thinkpad X12 speakers - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo PD50PNT - btrfs: mark resumed async balance as writing - btrfs: fix root ref counts in error handling in btrfs_get_root_ref - ath9k: Fix usage of driver-private space in tx_info - ath9k: Properly clear TX status area before reporting to mac80211 - gcc-plugins: latent_entropy: use /dev/urandom - memory: renesas-rpc-if: fix platform-device leak in error path - KVM: x86/mmu: Resolve nx_huge_pages when kvm.ko is loaded - mm: kmemleak: take a full lowmem check in kmemleak_*_phys() - mm: fix unexpected zeroed page mapping with zram swap - mm, page_alloc: fix build_zonerefs_node() - perf/imx_ddr: Fix undefined behavior due to shift overflowing the constant - drivers: net: slip: fix NPD bug in sl_tx_timeout() - scsi: megaraid_sas: Target with invalid LUN ID is deleted during scan - scsi: mvsas: Add PCI ID of RocketRaid 2640 - drm/amd/display: Fix allocate_mst_payload assert on resume - drm/amd/display: Revert FEC check in validation - myri10ge: fix an incorrect free for skb in myri10ge_sw_tso - net: usb: aqc111: Fix out-of-bounds accesses in RX fixup - net: axienet: setup mdio unconditionally - tlb: hugetlb: Add more sizes to tlb_remove_huge_tlb_entry - arm64: alternatives: mark patch_alternative() as `noinstr` - regulator: wm8994: Add an off-on delay for WM8994 variant - gpu: ipu-v3: Fix dev_dbg frequency output - ata: libata-core: Disable READ LOG DMA EXT for Samsung 840 EVOs - net: micrel: fix KS8851_MLL Kconfig - scsi: ibmvscsis: Increase INITIAL_SRP_LIMIT to 1024 - scsi: lpfc: Fix queue failures when recovering from PCI parity error - scsi: target: tcmu: Fix possible page UAF - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Prevent load re-ordering when reading ring buffer - drm/amdkfd: Check for potential null return of kmalloc_array() - drm/amdgpu/vcn: improve vcn dpg stop procedure - drm/amdkfd: Fix Incorrect VMIDs passed to HWS - drm/amd/display: Update VTEM Infopacket definition - drm/amd/display: FEC check in timing validation - drm/amd/display: fix audio format not updated after edid updated - btrfs: do not warn for free space inode in cow_file_range - btrfs: fix fallocate to use file_modified to update permissions consistently - drm/amd: Add USBC connector ID - net: bcmgenet: Revert "Use stronger register read/writes to assure ordering" - dm mpath: only use ktime_get_ns() in historical selector - cifs: potential buffer overflow in handling symlinks - nfc: nci: add flush_workqueue to prevent uaf - perf tools: Fix misleading add event PMU debug message - testing/selftests/mqueue: Fix mq_perf_tests to free the allocated cpu set - sctp: Initialize daddr on peeled off socket - scsi: iscsi: Fix conn cleanup and stop race during iscsid restart - scsi: iscsi: Fix offload conn cleanup when iscsid restarts - scsi: iscsi: Move iscsi_ep_disconnect() - scsi: iscsi: Fix in-kernel conn failure handling - scsi: iscsi: Rel ref after iscsi_lookup_endpoint() - scsi: iscsi: Use system_unbound_wq for destroy_work - scsi: iscsi: Force immediate failure during shutdown - scsi: iscsi: Stop queueing during ep_disconnect - scsi: pm80xx: Enable upper inbound, outbound queues - scsi: pm80xx: Mask and unmask upper interrupt vectors 32-63 - net/smc: Fix NULL pointer dereference in smc_pnet_find_ib() - drm/msm/dsi: Use connector directly in msm_dsi_manager_connector_init() - drm/msm: Fix range size vs end confusion - cfg80211: hold bss_lock while updating nontrans_list - net/sched: taprio: Check if socket flags are valid - net: ethernet: stmmac: fix altr_tse_pcs function when using a fixed-link - net: dsa: felix: suppress -EPROBE_DEFER errors - net/sched: fix initialization order when updating chain 0 head - mlxsw: i2c: Fix initialization error flow - net: mdio: Alphabetically sort header inclusion - gpiolib: acpi: use correct format characters - veth: Ensure eth header is in skb's linear part - SUNRPC: Fix the svc_deferred_event trace class - media: rockchip/rga: do proper error checking in probe - firmware: arm_scmi: Fix sorting of retrieved clock rates - memory: atmel-ebi: Fix missing of_node_put in atmel_ebi_probe - drm/msm: Add missing put_task_struct() in debugfs path - btrfs: remove unused variable in btrfs_{start,write}_dirty_block_groups() - ACPI: processor idle: Check for architectural support for LPI - cpuidle: PSCI: Move the `has_lpi` check to the beginning of the function - drm/amdkfd: Use drm_priv to pass VM from KFD to amdgpu- powerpc: Fix virt_addr_valid() for 64-bit Book3E & 32-bit - Revert "powerpc: Fix virt_addr_valid() check" - mm/sparsemem: fix 'mem_section' will never be NULL gcc 12 warning - irqchip/gic, gic-v3: Prevent GSI to SGI translations - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Replace smp_store_mb() with virt_store_mb() - arm64: module: remove (NOLOAD) from linker script - selftests: cgroup: Test open-time cgroup namespace usage for migration checks - selftests: cgroup: Test open-time credential usage for migration checks - selftests: cgroup: Make cg_create() use 0755 for permission instead of 0644 - selftests/cgroup: Fix build on older distros - mm: don't skip swap entry even if zap_details specified - ubsan: remove CONFIG_UBSAN_OBJECT_SIZE - dmaengine: Revert "dmaengine: shdma: Fix runtime PM imbalance on error" - tools build: Use $(shell ) instead of `` to get embedded libperl's ccopts - tools build: Filter out options and warnings not supported by clang - perf python: Fix probing for some clang command line options - perf build: Don't use -ffat-lto-objects in the python feature test when building with clang-13 - drm/amdkfd: Create file descriptor after client is added to smi_clients list - drm/nouveau/pmu: Add missing callbacks for Tegra devices - drm/amdgpu/smu10: fix SoC/fclk units in auto mode - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix GICR_CTLR.RWP polling - perf: qcom_l2_pmu: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - ata: sata_dwc_460ex: Fix crash due to OOB write - gpio: Restrict usage of GPIO chip irq members before initialization - RDMA/hfi1: Fix use-after-free bug for mm struct - arm64: patch_text: Fixup last cpu should be master - btrfs: prevent subvol with swapfile from being deleted - btrfs: fix qgroup reserve overflow the qgroup limit - x86/speculation: Restore speculation related MSRs during S3 resume - x86/pm: Save the MSR validity status at context setup - mm/mempolicy: fix mpol_new leak in shared_policy_replace - mmmremap.c: avoid pointless invalidate_range_start/end on mremap(old_size=0) - lz4: fix LZ4_decompress_safe_partial read out of bound - mmc: renesas_sdhi: don't overwrite TAP settings when HS400 tuning is complete - mmc: mmci: stm32: correctly check all elements of sg list - Revert "mmc: sdhci-xenon: fix annoying 1.8V regulator warning" - arm64: Add part number for Arm Cortex-A78AE - perf session: Remap buf if there is no space for event - perf tools: Fix perf's libperf_print callback - perf: arm-spe: Fix perf report --mem-mode - iommu/omap: Fix regression in probe for NULL pointer dereference - SUNRPC: svc_tcp_sendmsg() should handle errors from xdr_alloc_bvec() - SUNRPC: Handle low memory situations in call_status() - SUNRPC: Handle ENOMEM in call_transmit_status() - io_uring: don't touch scm_fp_list after queueing skb - drbd: Fix five use after free bugs in get_initial_state - bpf: Support dual-stack sockets in bpf_tcp_check_syncookie - spi: bcm-qspi: fix MSPI only access with bcm_qspi_exec_mem_op() - qede: confirm skb is allocated before using - net: phy: mscc-miim: reject clause 45 register accesses - rxrpc: fix a race in rxrpc_exit_net() - net: openvswitch: fix leak of nested actions - net: openvswitch: don't send internal clone attribute to the userspace. - ice: synchronize_rcu() when terminating rings - ipv6: Fix stats accounting in ip6_pkt_drop - ice: Do not skip not enabled queues in ice_vc_dis_qs_msg - ice: Set txq_teid to ICE_INVAL_TEID on ring creation - dpaa2-ptp: Fix refcount leak in dpaa2_ptp_probe - IB/rdmavt: add lock to call to rvt_error_qp to prevent a race condition - RDMA/mlx5: Don't remove cache MRs when a delay is needed - sfc: Do not free an empty page_ring - bnxt_en: reserve space inside receive page for skb_shared_info - drm/imx: Fix memory leak in imx_pd_connector_get_modes - drm/imx: imx-ldb: Check for null pointer after calling kmemdup - net: stmmac: Fix unset max_speed difference between DT and non-DT platforms - net: ipv4: fix route with nexthop object delete warning - ice: Clear default forwarding VSI during VSI release - net/tls: fix slab-out-of-bounds bug in decrypt_internal - scsi: zorro7xx: Fix a resource leak in zorro7xx_remove_one() - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix potential crash on module unload - drm/amdgpu: fix off by one in amdgpu_gfx_kiq_acquire() - Revert "hv: utils: add PTP_1588_CLOCK to Kconfig to fix build" - mm: fix race between MADV_FREE reclaim and blkdev direct IO read - parisc: Fix patch code locking and flushing - parisc: Fix CPU affinity for Lasi, WAX and Dino chips - NFS: Avoid writeback threads getting stuck in mempool_alloc() - NFS: nfsiod should not block forever in mempool_alloc() - SUNRPC: Fix socket waits for write buffer space - jfs: prevent NULL deref in diFree - virtio_console: eliminate anonymous module_init & module_exit - serial: samsung_tty: do not unlock port->lock for uart_write_wakeup() - x86/Kconfig: Do not allow CONFIG_X86_X32_ABI=y with llvm-objcopy - NFS: swap-out must always use STABLE writes. - NFS: swap IO handling is slightly different for O_DIRECT IO - SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks. - SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory - SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory - clk: Enforce that disjoints limits are invalid - clk: ti: Preserve node in ti_dt_clocks_register() - xen: delay xen_hvm_init_time_ops() if kdump is boot on vcpu>=32 - NFSv4: Protect the state recovery thread against direct reclaim - NFSv4.2: fix reference count leaks in _nfs42_proc_copy_notify() - w1: w1_therm: fixes w1_seq for ds28ea00 sensors - staging: wfx: fix an error handling in wfx_init_common() - phy: amlogic: meson8b-usb2: Use dev_err_probe() - staging: vchiq_core: handle NULL result of find_service_by_handle - clk: si5341: fix reported clk_rate when output divider is 2 - minix: fix bug when opening a file with O_DIRECT - init/main.c: return 1 from handled __setup() functions - ceph: fix memory leak in ceph_readdir when note_last_dentry returns error - netlabel: fix out-of-bounds memory accesses - Bluetooth: Fix use after free in hci_send_acl - MIPS: ingenic: correct unit node address - xtensa: fix DTC warning unit_address_format - usb: dwc3: omap: fix "unbalanced disables for smps10_out1" on omap5evm - net: sfp: add 2500base-X quirk for Lantech SFP module - net: limit altnames to 64k total - net: account alternate interface name memory - can: isotp: set default value for N_As to 50 micro seconds - scsi: libfc: Fix use after free in fc_exch_abts_resp() - powerpc/secvar: fix refcount leak in format_show() - MIPS: fix fortify panic when copying asm exception handlers - PCI: endpoint: Fix misused goto label - bnxt_en: Eliminate unintended link toggle during FW reset - Bluetooth: use memset avoid memory leaks - Bluetooth: Fix not checking for valid hdev on bt_dev_{info,warn,err,dbg} - tuntap: add sanity checks about msg_controllen in sendmsg - macvtap: advertise link netns via netlink - mips: ralink: fix a refcount leak in ill_acc_of_setup() - net/smc: correct settings of RMB window update limit - scsi: hisi_sas: Free irq vectors in order for v3 HW - scsi: aha152x: Fix aha152x_setup() __setup handler return value - mt76: mt7615: Fix assigning negative values to unsigned variable - scsi: pm8001: Fix memory leak in pm8001_chip_fw_flash_update_req() - scsi: pm8001: Fix tag leaks on error - scsi: pm8001: Fix task leak in pm8001_send_abort_all() - scsi: pm8001: Fix pm8001_mpi_task_abort_resp() - scsi: pm8001: Fix pm80xx_pci_mem_copy() interface - drm/amdkfd: make CRAT table missing message informational only - dm ioctl: prevent potential spectre v1 gadget - ipv4: Invalidate neighbour for broadcast address upon address addition - iwlwifi: mvm: Correctly set fragmented EBS - power: supply: axp288-charger: Set Vhold to 4.4V - PCI: pciehp: Add Qualcomm quirk for Command Completed erratum - tcp: Don't acquire inet_listen_hashbucket::lock with disabled BH. - PCI: endpoint: Fix alignment fault error in copy tests - usb: ehci: add pci device support for Aspeed platforms - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: fix event handling soft lockup - PCI: aardvark: Fix support for MSI interrupts - drm/amdgpu: Fix recursive locking warning - powerpc: Set crashkernel offset to mid of RMA region - ipv6: fix kabi for mc_forwarding in struct ipv6_devconf - ipv6: make mc_forwarding atomic - libbpf: Fix build issue with llvm-readelf - cfg80211: don't add non transmitted BSS to 6GHz scanned channels - mt76: dma: initialize skip_unmap in mt76_dma_rx_fill - power: supply: axp20x_battery: properly report current when discharging - scsi: bfa: Replace snprintf() with sysfs_emit() - scsi: mvsas: Replace snprintf() with sysfs_emit() - bpf: Make dst_port field in struct bpf_sock 16-bit wide - ath11k: mhi: use mhi_sync_power_up() - ath11k: fix kernel panic during unload/load ath11k modules - powerpc: dts: t104xrdb: fix phy type for FMAN 4/5 - ptp: replace snprintf with sysfs_emit - usb: gadget: tegra-xudc: Fix control endpoint's definitions - usb: gadget: tegra-xudc: Do not program SPARAM - drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_cs: fix refcount leak of a dma_fence obj - drm/amd/display: Add signal type check when verify stream backends same - ath5k: fix OOB in ath5k_eeprom_read_pcal_info_5111 - drm: Add orientation quirk for GPD Win Max - KVM: x86/emulator: Emulate RDPID only if it is enabled in guest - KVM: x86/svm: Clear reserved bits written to PerfEvtSeln MSRs - rtc: wm8350: Handle error for wm8350_register_irq - gfs2: gfs2_setattr_size error path fix - gfs2: Fix gfs2_release for non-writers regression - gfs2: Check for active reservation in gfs2_release - xen/blkfront: force data bouncing when backend is untrusted - xen/netfront: force data bouncing when backend is untrusted - xen/netfront: fix leaking data in shared pages - xen/blkfront: fix leaking data in shared pages - netfilter: nf_tables: stricter validation of element data - xen-netfront: restore __skb_queue_tail() positioning in xennet_get_responses() - tmpfs: fix the issue that the mount and remount results are inconsistent. - tmpfs: fix undefined-behaviour in shmem_reconfigure() - mm/filemap: fix UAF in find_lock_entries - shmem: allow reporting fanotify events with file handles on tmpfs - fs: introduce a wrapper uuid_to_fsid() - Revert "iommu: handle page response timeout" - mm/filemap: fix that first page is not mark accessed in filemap_read() - block: don't use cmpxchg64() on 32-bit platform - block: fix that iostat can show huge wait time - block: fix sleeping function called from invalid context in part_get_stat_info() - block: fix kabi broken in struct hd_struct - blk-mq: fix kabi broken in struct request - block: update nsecs[] in part_stat_show() and diskstats_show() - blk-throttle: fix io hung due to configuration updates - kabi: deduplication friendly structs- vt: drop old FONT ioctls - genirq: Take the proposed affinity at face value if force==true - irqchip/gic-v3: Always trust the managed affinity provided by the core code - genirq: Always limit the affinity to online CPUs - genirq/msi: Shutdown managed interrupts with unsatifiable affinities - sign-file: Support SM signature - arm64: Do not defer reserve_crashkernel() for platforms with no DMA memory zones- smp: fix early_param csdlock_debug boot panic - RDMA/hns: Use hr_reg_read() instead of remaining roce_get_xxx() - RDMA/hns: Use hr_reg_xxx() instead of remaining roce_set_xxx() - RDMA/hns: Remove the num_cqc_timer variable - RDMA/hns: Add the detection for CMDQ status in the device initialization process - RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary ret variable from hns_roce_dereg_mr() - RDMA/hns: Init the variable at the suitable place - RDMA/hns: Add judgment on the execution result of CMDQ that free vf resource - RDMA/hns: Remove redundant variable "ret" - RDMA/hns: Remove unused function to_hns_roce_state() - RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary check for the sgid_attr when modifying QP - ipmi:watchdog: Set panic count to proper value on a panic - ipmi/watchdog: replace atomic_add() and atomic_sub() - scsi: hisi_sas: Change the debugfs parameters dump count default value - blk-mq: don't clear flush_rq from tags->rqs[] - ext4: correct the misjudgment in ext4_iget_extra_inode - ext4: correct max_inline_xattr_value_size computing - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_xattr_set_entry - ext4: add EXT4_INODE_HAS_XATTR_SPACE macro in xattr.h - x86/speculation/mmio: Print SMT warning - KVM: x86/speculation: Disable Fill buffer clear within guests - x86/speculation/mmio: Reuse SRBDS mitigation for SBDS - x86/speculation/srbds: Update SRBDS mitigation selection - x86/speculation/mmio: Add sysfs reporting for Processor MMIO Stale Data - x86/speculation/mmio: Enable CPU Fill buffer clearing on idle - x86/bugs: Group MDS, TAA & Processor MMIO Stale Data mitigations - x86/speculation/mmio: Add mitigation for Processor MMIO Stale Data - x86/speculation: Add a common function for MD_CLEAR mitigation update - x86/speculation/mmio: Enumerate Processor MMIO Stale Data bug - Documentation: Add documentation for Processor MMIO Stale Data - PCI: xgene: Revert "PCI: xgene: Use inbound resources for setup" - can: m_can: m_can_tx_handler(): fix use after free of skb - openvswitch: Fixed nd target mask field in the flow dump. - docs: sysctl/kernel: add missing bit to panic_print - um: Fix uml_mconsole stop/go - ARM: dts: spear13xx: Update SPI dma properties - ARM: dts: spear1340: Update serial node properties - ASoC: topology: Allow TLV control to be either read or write - dt-bindings: spi: mxic: The interrupt property is not mandatory - dt-bindings: mtd: nand-controller: Fix a comment in the examples - dt-bindings: mtd: nand-controller: Fix the reg property description - bpf: Fix comment for helper bpf_current_task_under_cgroup() - bpf: Adjust BPF stack helper functions to accommodate skip > 0 - mm/usercopy: return 1 from hardened_usercopy __setup() handler - mm/memcontrol: return 1 from cgroup.memory __setup() handler - ARM: 9187/1: JIVE: fix return value of __setup handler - mm/mmap: return 1 from stack_guard_gap __setup() handler - batman-adv: Check ptr for NULL before reducing its refcnt - ASoC: soc-compress: Change the check for codec_dai - staging: mt7621-dts: fix pinctrl-0 items to be size-1 items on ethernet - proc: bootconfig: Add null pointer check - can: isotp: restore accidentally removed MSG_PEEK feature - platform/chrome: cros_ec_typec: Check for EC device - ACPI: CPPC: Avoid out of bounds access when parsing _CPC data - riscv module: remove (NOLOAD) - io_uring: fix memory leak of uid in files registration - ARM: iop32x: offset IRQ numbers by 1 - ASoC: mediatek: mt6358: add missing EXPORT_SYMBOLs - pinctrl: nuvoton: npcm7xx: Use %zu printk format for ARRAY_SIZE() - pinctrl: nuvoton: npcm7xx: Rename DS() macro to DSTR() - watchdog: rti-wdt: Add missing pm_runtime_disable() in probe function - pinctrl: pinconf-generic: Print arguments for bias-pull-* - watch_queue: Free the page array when watch_queue is dismantled - crypto: arm/aes-neonbs-cbc - Select generic cbc and aes - mailbox: imx: fix wakeup failure from freeze mode - rxrpc: Fix call timer start racing with call destruction - gfs2: Make sure FITRIM minlen is rounded up to fs block size - rtc: check if __rtc_read_time was successful - XArray: Update the LRU list in xas_split() - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_register_get_dev_id(): fix return of error value - can: mcba_usb: properly check endpoint type - XArray: Fix xas_create_range() when multi-order entry present - wireguard: socket: ignore v6 endpoints when ipv6 is disabled - wireguard: socket: free skb in send6 when ipv6 is disabled - wireguard: queueing: use CFI-safe ptr_ring cleanup function - ASoC: SOF: Intel: Fix NULL ptr dereference when ENOMEM - KVM: SVM: fix panic on out-of-bounds guest IRQ - KVM: x86: fix sending PV IPI - KVM: Prevent module exit until all VMs are freed - KVM: x86: Forbid VMM to set SYNIC/STIMER MSRs when SynIC wasn't activated - platform: chrome: Split trace include file - scsi: qla2xxx: Use correct feature type field during RFF_ID processing - scsi: qla2xxx: Reduce false trigger to login - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix N2N inconsistent PLOGI - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix missed DMA unmap for NVMe ls requests - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix hang due to session stuck - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix incorrect reporting of task management failure - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix disk failure to rediscover - scsi: qla2xxx: Suppress a kernel complaint in qla_create_qpair() - scsi: qla2xxx: Check for firmware dump already collected - scsi: qla2xxx: Add devids and conditionals for 28xx - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix device reconnect in loop topology - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning for missing error code - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix wrong FDMI data for 64G adapter - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix scheduling while atomic - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix stuck session in gpdb - powerpc: Fix build errors with newer binutils - powerpc/lib/sstep: Fix build errors with newer binutils - powerpc/lib/sstep: Fix 'sthcx' instruction - powerpc/kasan: Fix early region not updated correctly - KVM: x86/mmu: Check for present SPTE when clearing dirty bit in TDP MMU - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add alc256-samsung-headphone fixup - media: atomisp: fix bad usage at error handling logic - mmc: host: Return an error when ->enable_sdio_irq() ops is missing - media: hdpvr: initialize dev->worker at hdpvr_register_videodev - media: Revert "media: em28xx: add missing em28xx_close_extension" - video: fbdev: sm712fb: Fix crash in smtcfb_write() - ARM: mmp: Fix failure to remove sram device - ARM: tegra: tamonten: Fix I2C3 pad setting - lib/test_lockup: fix kernel pointer check for separate address spaces - uaccess: fix type mismatch warnings from access_ok() - media: cx88-mpeg: clear interrupt status register before streaming video - ASoC: soc-core: skip zero num_dai component in searching dai name - ARM: dts: bcm2711: Add the missing L1/L2 cache information - video: fbdev: udlfb: replace snprintf in show functions with sysfs_emit - video: fbdev: omapfb: panel-tpo-td043mtea1: Use sysfs_emit() instead of snprintf() - video: fbdev: omapfb: panel-dsi-cm: Use sysfs_emit() instead of snprintf() - arm64: defconfig: build imx-sdma as a module - ARM: dts: imx7: Use audio_mclk_post_div instead audio_mclk_root_clk - ARM: ftrace: avoid redundant loads or clobbering IP - media: atomisp: fix dummy_ptr check to avoid duplicate active_bo - media: atomisp_gmin_platform: Add DMI quirk to not turn AXP ELDO2 regulator off on some boards - ASoC: madera: Add dependencies on MFD - ARM: dts: bcm2837: Add the missing L1/L2 cache information - ARM: dts: qcom: fix gic_irq_domain_translate warnings for msm8960 - video: fbdev: omapfb: acx565akm: replace snprintf with sysfs_emit - video: fbdev: cirrusfb: check pixclock to avoid divide by zero - video: fbdev: w100fb: Reset global state - video: fbdev: nvidiafb: Use strscpy() to prevent buffer overflow - media: ir_toy: free before error exiting - media: staging: media: zoran: fix various V4L2 compliance errors - media: staging: media: zoran: calculate the right buffer number for zoran_reap_stat_com - media: staging: media: zoran: move videodev alloc - ntfs: add sanity check on allocation size - f2fs: compress: fix to print raw data size in error path of lz4 decompression - NFSD: Fix nfsd_breaker_owns_lease() return values - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on curseg->alloc_type - ext4: don't BUG if someone dirty pages without asking ext4 first - ext4: fix ext4_mb_mark_bb() with flex_bg with fast_commit - ext4: correct cluster len and clusters changed accounting in ext4_mb_mark_bb - locking/lockdep: Iterate lock_classes directly when reading lockdep files - spi: tegra20: Use of_device_get_match_data() - nvme-tcp: lockdep: annotate in-kernel sockets - parisc: Fix handling off probe non-access faults - PM: core: keep irq flags in device_pm_check_callbacks() - ACPI/APEI: Limit printable size of BERT table data - Revert "Revert "block, bfq: honor already-setup queue merges"" - lib/raid6/test/Makefile: Use $(pound) instead of # for Make 4.3 - ACPICA: Avoid walking the ACPI Namespace if it is not there - fs/binfmt_elf: Fix AT_PHDR for unusual ELF files - irqchip/nvic: Release nvic_base upon failure - irqchip/qcom-pdc: Fix broken locking - Fix incorrect type in assignment of ipv6 port for audit - loop: use sysfs_emit() in the sysfs xxx show() - selinux: allow FIOCLEX and FIONCLEX with policy capability - selinux: use correct type for context length - pinctrl: npcm: Fix broken references to chip->parent_device - gcc-plugins/stackleak: Exactly match strings instead of prefixes - regulator: rpi-panel: Handle I2C errors/timing to the Atmel - LSM: general protection fault in legacy_parse_param - fs: fix fd table size alignment properly - lib/test: use after free in register_test_dev_kmod() - fs: fd tables have to be multiples of BITS_PER_LONG - net: dsa: bcm_sf2_cfp: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - NFSv4/pNFS: Fix another issue with a list iterator pointing to the head - qlcnic: dcb: default to returning -EOPNOTSUPP - selftests: test_vxlan_under_vrf: Fix broken test case - net: phy: broadcom: Fix brcm_fet_config_init() - net: enetc: report software timestamping via SO_TIMESTAMPING - xen: fix is_xen_pmu() - clk: Initialize orphan req_rate - clk: qcom: gcc-msm8994: Fix gpll4 width - kdb: Fix the putarea helper function - NFSv4.1: don't retry BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION on session error - netfilter: nf_conntrack_tcp: preserve liberal flag in tcp options - jfs: fix divide error in dbNextAG - driver core: dd: fix return value of __setup handler - firmware: google: Properly state IOMEM dependency - kgdbts: fix return value of __setup handler - serial: 8250: fix XOFF/XON sending when DMA is used - kgdboc: fix return value of __setup handler - tty: hvc: fix return value of __setup handler - pinctrl/rockchip: Add missing of_node_put() in rockchip_pinctrl_probe - pinctrl: nomadik: Add missing of_node_put() in nmk_pinctrl_probe - pinctrl: mediatek: paris: Skip custom extra pin config dump for virtual GPIOs - pinctrl: mediatek: paris: Fix pingroup pin config state readback - pinctrl: mediatek: paris: Fix "argument" argument type for mtk_pinconf_get() - pinctrl: mediatek: paris: Fix PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_* readback - pinctrl: mediatek: Fix missing of_node_put() in mtk_pctrl_init - staging: mt7621-dts: fix GB-PC2 devicetree - staging: mt7621-dts: fix pinctrl properties for ethernet - staging: mt7621-dts: fix formatting - staging: mt7621-dts: fix LEDs and pinctrl on GB-PC1 devicetree - NFS: remove unneeded check in decode_devicenotify_args() - clk: tegra: tegra124-emc: Fix missing put_device() call in emc_ensure_emc_driver - clk: clps711x: Terminate clk_div_table with sentinel element - clk: loongson1: Terminate clk_div_table with sentinel element - clk: actions: Terminate clk_div_table with sentinel element - nvdimm/region: Fix default alignment for small regions - remoteproc: qcom_q6v5_mss: Fix some leaks in q6v5_alloc_memory_region - remoteproc: qcom_wcnss: Add missing of_node_put() in wcnss_alloc_memory_region - remoteproc: qcom: Fix missing of_node_put in adsp_alloc_memory_region - dmaengine: hisi_dma: fix MSI allocate fail when reload hisi_dma - clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Update the frac table for pixel clock - clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Update logic to calculate D value for RCG - clk: at91: sama7g5: fix parents of PDMCs' GCLK - clk: imx7d: Remove audio_mclk_root_clk - dma-debug: fix return value of __setup handlers - NFS: Return valid errors from nfs2/3_decode_dirent() - habanalabs: Add check for pci_enable_device - iio: adc: Add check for devm_request_threaded_irq - serial: 8250: Fix race condition in RTS-after-send handling - NFS: Use of mapping_set_error() results in spurious errors - serial: 8250_lpss: Balance reference count for PCI DMA device - serial: 8250_mid: Balance reference count for PCI DMA device - phy: dphy: Correct lpx parameter and its derivatives(ta_{get,go,sure}) - clk: qcom: ipq8074: Use floor ops for SDCC1 clock - pinctrl: renesas: checker: Fix miscalculation of number of states - pinctrl: renesas: r8a77470: Reduce size for narrow VIN1 channel - staging:iio:adc:ad7280a: Fix handing of device address bit reversing. - iio: mma8452: Fix probe failing when an i2c_device_id is used - clk: qcom: ipq8074: fix PCI-E clock oops - soundwire: intel: fix wrong register name in intel_shim_wake - cpufreq: qcom-cpufreq-nvmem: fix reading of PVS Valid fuse - misc: alcor_pci: Fix an error handling path - fsi: Aspeed: Fix a potential double free - fsi: aspeed: convert to devm_platform_ioremap_resource - pwm: lpc18xx-sct: Initialize driver data and hardware before pwmchip_add() - mxser: fix xmit_buf leak in activate when LSR == 0xff - mfd: asic3: Add missing iounmap() on error asic3_mfd_probe - tipc: fix the timer expires after interval 100ms - openvswitch: always update flow key after nat - tcp: ensure PMTU updates are processed during fastopen - net: bcmgenet: Use stronger register read/writes to assure ordering - PCI: Avoid broken MSI on SB600 USB devices - selftests/bpf/ Exit with proper code - i2c: mux: demux-pinctrl: do not deactivate a master that is not active - i2c: meson: Fix wrong speed use from probe - af_netlink: Fix shift out of bounds in group mask calculation - ipv4: Fix route lookups when handling ICMP redirects and PMTU updates - Bluetooth: btmtksdio: Fix kernel oops in btmtksdio_interrupt - Bluetooth: call hci_le_conn_failed with hdev lock in hci_le_conn_failed - selftests/bpf: Fix error reporting from sock_fields programs - bareudp: use ipv6_mod_enabled to check if IPv6 enabled - can: isotp: support MSG_TRUNC flag when reading from socket - can: isotp: return -EADDRNOTAVAIL when reading from unbound socket - USB: storage: ums-realtek: fix error code in rts51x_read_mem() - samples/bpf, xdpsock: Fix race when running for fix duration of time - bpf, sockmap: Fix double uncharge the mem of sk_msg - bpf, sockmap: Fix more uncharged while msg has more_data - bpf, sockmap: Fix memleak in tcp_bpf_sendmsg while sk msg is full - RDMA/mlx5: Fix memory leak in error flow for subscribe event routine - mtd: rawnand: atmel: fix refcount issue in atmel_nand_controller_init - MIPS: pgalloc: fix memory leak caused by pgd_free() - MIPS: RB532: fix return value of __setup handler - mips: cdmm: Fix refcount leak in mips_cdmm_phys_base - ath10k: Fix error handling in ath10k_setup_msa_resources - vxcan: enable local echo for sent CAN frames - powerpc: 8xx: fix a return value error in mpc8xx_pic_init - platform/x86: huawei-wmi: check the return value of device_create_file() - selftests/bpf: Make test_lwt_ip_encap more stable and faster - libbpf: Unmap rings when umem deleted - mfd: mc13xxx: Add check for mc13xxx_irq_request - powerpc/sysdev: fix incorrect use to determine if list is empty - mips: DEC: honor CONFIG_MIPS_FP_SUPPORT=n - net: axienet: fix RX ring refill allocation failure handling - IB/hfi1: Allow larger MTU without AIP - power: supply: wm8350-power: Add missing free in free_charger_irq - power: supply: wm8350-power: Handle error for wm8350_register_irq - i2c: xiic: Make bus names unique - hv_balloon: rate-limit "Unhandled message" warning - KVM: x86/emulator: Defer not-present segment check in __load_segment_descriptor() - KVM: x86: Fix emulation in writing cr8 - powerpc/Makefile: Don't pass -mcpu=powerpc64 when building 32-bit - powerpc/mm/numa: skip NUMA_NO_NODE onlining in parse_numa_properties() - libbpf: Skip forward declaration when counting duplicated type names - gpu: host1x: Fix a memory leak in 'host1x_remove()' - bpf, arm64: Feed byte-offset into bpf line info - bpf, arm64: Call build_prologue() first in first JIT pass - drm/bridge: cdns-dsi: Make sure to to create proper aliases for dt - scsi: hisi_sas: Change permission of parameter prot_mask - power: supply: bq24190_charger: Fix bq24190_vbus_is_enabled() wrong false return - drm/tegra: Fix reference leak in tegra_dsi_ganged_probe - ext2: correct max file size computing - TOMOYO: fix __setup handlers return values - drm/amd/display: Remove vupdate_int_entry definition - RDMA/mlx5: Fix the flow of a miss in the allocation of a cache ODP MR - scsi: pm8001: Fix abort all task initialization - scsi: pm8001: Fix NCQ NON DATA command completion handling - scsi: pm8001: Fix NCQ NON DATA command task initialization - scsi: pm8001: Fix le32 values handling in pm80xx_chip_sata_req() - scsi: pm8001: Fix le32 values handling in pm80xx_chip_ssp_io_req() - scsi: pm8001: Fix payload initialization in pm80xx_encrypt_update() - scsi: pm8001: Fix le32 values handling in pm80xx_set_sas_protocol_timer_config() - scsi: pm8001: Fix payload initialization in pm80xx_set_thermal_config() - scsi: pm8001: Fix command initialization in pm8001_chip_ssp_tm_req() - scsi: pm8001: Fix command initialization in pm80XX_send_read_log() - dm crypt: fix get_key_size compiler warning if !CONFIG_KEYS - drm/msm/dpu: fix dp audio condition - drm/msm/dpu: add DSPP blocks teardown - drm/msm/dp: populate connector of struct dp_panel - iwlwifi: mvm: Fix an error code in iwl_mvm_up() - iwlwifi: Fix -EIO error code that is never returned - dax: make sure inodes are flushed before destroy cache - IB/cma: Allow XRC INI QPs to set their local ACK timeout - drm/amd/display: Add affected crtcs to atomic state for dsc mst unplug - drm/amd/pm: enable pm sysfs write for one VF mode - iommu/ipmmu-vmsa: Check for error num after setting mask - HID: i2c-hid: fix GET/SET_REPORT for unnumbered reports - power: supply: ab8500: Fix memory leak in ab8500_fg_sysfs_init - drm/bridge: dw-hdmi: use safe format when first in bridge chain - PCI: aardvark: Fix reading PCI_EXP_RTSTA_PME bit on emulated bridge - scripts/dtc: Call pkg-config POSIXly correct - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Enable port policy support on 6097 - mt76: mt7615: check sta_rates pointer in mt7615_sta_rate_tbl_update - mt76: mt7603: check sta_rates pointer in mt7603_sta_rate_tbl_update - mt76: mt7915: use proper aid value in mt7915_mcu_sta_basic_tlv - mt76: mt7915: use proper aid value in mt7915_mcu_wtbl_generic_tlv in sta mode - powerpc/perf: Don't use perf_hw_context for trace IMC PMU - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Check return value of kvmppc_radix_init - powerpc: dts: t1040rdb: fix ports names for Seville Ethernet switch - ray_cs: Check ioremap return value - power: reset: gemini-poweroff: Fix IRQ check in gemini_poweroff_probe - i40e: respect metadata on XSK Rx to skb - i40e: don't reserve excessive XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM on XSK Rx to skb - KVM: PPC: Fix vmx/vsx mixup in mmio emulation - RDMA/core: Set MR type in ib_reg_user_mr - ath9k_htc: fix uninit value bugs - drm/amd/pm: return -ENOTSUPP if there is no get_dpm_ultimate_freq function - drm/amd/display: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in amdgpu_dm_connector_add_common_modes() - drm/nouveau/acr: Fix undefined behavior in nvkm_acr_hsfw_load_bl() - ionic: fix type complaint in ionic_dev_cmd_clean() - drm/edid: Don't clear formats if using deep color - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: fix controller timings setting - mtd: onenand: Check for error irq - Bluetooth: hci_serdev: call init_rwsem() before p->open() - udmabuf: validate ubuf->pagecount - libbpf: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference when destroying skeleton - drm/panfrost: Check for error num after setting mask - ath10k: fix memory overwrite of the WoWLAN wakeup packet pattern - drm: bridge: adv7511: Fix ADV7535 HPD enablement - drm/bridge: nwl-dsi: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in nwl_dsi_probe - drm/bridge: Add missing pm_runtime_disable() in __dw_mipi_dsi_probe - drm/bridge: Fix free wrong object in sii8620_init_rcp_input_dev - drm/meson: osd_afbcd: Add an exit callback to struct meson_afbcd_ops - ARM: configs: multi_v5_defconfig: re-enable CONFIG_V4L_PLATFORM_DRIVERS - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: Add missing of_node_put() in wcd934x_codec_parse_data - ASoC: msm8916-wcd-analog: Fix error handling in pm8916_wcd_analog_spmi_probe - ASoC: atmel: Fix error handling in sam9x5_wm8731_driver_probe - ASoC: atmel: sam9x5_wm8731: use devm_snd_soc_register_card() - mmc: davinci_mmc: Handle error for clk_enable - ASoC: msm8916-wcd-digital: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() in msm8916_wcd_digital_probe - ASoC: imx-es8328: Fix error return code in imx_es8328_probe() - ASoC: fsl_spdif: Disable TX clock when stop - ASoC: mxs: Fix error handling in mxs_sgtl5000_probe - ASoC: dmaengine: do not use a NULL prepare_slave_config() callback - ASoC: SOF: Add missing of_node_put() in imx8m_probe - ASoC: rockchip: i2s: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() in rockchip_i2s_probe - ASoC: rockchip: i2s: Use devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() - ivtv: fix incorrect device_caps for ivtvfb - media: saa7134: fix incorrect use to determine if list is empty - media: saa7134: convert list_for_each to entry variant - video: fbdev: omapfb: Add missing of_node_put() in dvic_probe_of - ASoC: fsi: Add check for clk_enable - ASoC: wm8350: Handle error for wm8350_register_irq - ASoC: atmel: Add missing of_node_put() in at91sam9g20ek_audio_probe - media: vidtv: Check for null return of vzalloc - media: stk1160: If start stream fails, return buffers with VB2_BUF_STATE_QUEUED - m68k: coldfire/device.c: only build for MCF_EDMA when h/w macros are defined - arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix SDIO regulator supply properties on rk3399-firefly - ALSA: firewire-lib: fix uninitialized flag for AV/C deferred transaction - memory: emif: check the pointer temp in get_device_details() - memory: emif: Add check for setup_interrupts - ASoC: soc-compress: prevent the potentially use of null pointer - ASoC: dwc-i2s: Handle errors for clk_enable - ASoC: atmel_ssc_dai: Handle errors for clk_enable - ASoC: mxs-saif: Handle errors for clk_enable - printk: fix return value of printk.devkmsg __setup handler - arm64: dts: broadcom: Fix sata nodename - arm64: dts: ns2: Fix spi-cpol and spi-cpha property - ALSA: spi: Add check for clk_enable() - ASoC: ti: davinci-i2s: Add check for clk_enable() - ASoC: rt5663: check the return value of devm_kzalloc() in rt5663_parse_dp() - uaccess: fix nios2 and microblaze get_user_8() - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: fix return value of wcd934x_rx_hph_mode_put - media: cedrus: h264: Fix neighbour info buffer size - media: cedrus: H265: Fix neighbour info buffer size - media: usb: go7007: s2250-board: fix leak in probe() - media: em28xx: initialize refcount before kref_get - media: video/hdmi: handle short reads of hdmi info frame. - ARM: dts: imx: Add missing LVDS decoder on M53Menlo - ARM: dts: sun8i: v3s: Move the csi1 block to follow address order - soc: ti: wkup_m3_ipc: Fix IRQ check in wkup_m3_ipc_probe - firmware: ti_sci: Fix compilation failure when CONFIG_TI_SCI_PROTOCOL is not defined - arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: Correct TCS configuration for apps rsc - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: fix microphone bias properties and values - soc: qcom: aoss: remove spurious IRQF_ONESHOT flags - soc: qcom: ocmem: Fix missing put_device() call in of_get_ocmem - soc: qcom: rpmpd: Check for null return of devm_kcalloc - ARM: dts: qcom: ipq4019: fix sleep clock - firmware: qcom: scm: Remove reassignment to desc following initializer - video: fbdev: fbcvt.c: fix printing in fb_cvt_print_name() - video: fbdev: atmel_lcdfb: fix an error code in atmel_lcdfb_probe() - video: fbdev: smscufx: Fix null-ptr-deref in ufx_usb_probe() - video: fbdev: controlfb: Fix COMPILE_TEST build - video: fbdev: controlfb: Fix set but not used warnings - video: fbdev: matroxfb: set maxvram of vbG200eW to the same as vbG200 to avoid black screen - media: aspeed: Correct value for h-total-pixels - media: hantro: Fix overfill bottom register field name - media: meson: vdec: potential dereference of null pointer - media: coda: Fix missing put_device() call in coda_get_vdoa_data - ASoC: generic: simple-card-utils: remove useless assignment - ASoC: xilinx: xlnx_formatter_pcm: Handle sysclk setting - media: bttv: fix WARNING regression on tunerless devices - media: mtk-vcodec: potential dereference of null pointer - media: v4l2-mem2mem: Apply DST_QUEUE_OFF_BASE on MMAP buffers across ioctls - media: staging: media: zoran: fix usage of vb2_dma_contig_set_max_seg_size - kunit: make kunit_test_timeout compatible with comment - selftests, x86: fix how is being invoked - f2fs: fix compressed file start atomic write may cause data corruption - f2fs: compress: remove unneeded read when rewrite whole cluster - btrfs: fix unexpected error path when reflinking an inline extent - f2fs: fix to avoid potential deadlock - nfsd: more robust allocation failure handling in nfsd_file_cache_init - f2fs: fix missing free nid in f2fs_handle_failed_inode - perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix address filter config for 32-bit kernel - perf/core: Fix address filter parser for multiple filters - rseq: Optimise rseq_get_rseq_cs() and clear_rseq_cs() - sched/core: Export pelt_thermal_tp - sched/debug: Remove mpol_get/put and task_lock/unlock from sched_show_numa - f2fs: fix to enable ATGC correctly via gc_idle sysfs interface - watch_queue: Actually free the watch - watch_queue: Fix NULL dereference in error cleanup - io_uring: terminate manual loop iterator loop correctly for non-vecs - clocksource: acpi_pm: fix return value of __setup handler - hwmon: (pmbus) Add Vin unit off handling - hwrng: nomadik - Change clk_disable to clk_disable_unprepare - amba: Make the remove callback return void - vfio: platform: simplify device removal - crypto: ccree - Fix use after free in cc_cipher_exit() - crypto: ccp - ccp_dmaengine_unregister release dma channels - ACPI: APEI: fix return value of __setup handlers - clocksource/drivers/timer-of: Check return value of of_iomap in timer_of_base_init() - clocksource/drivers/timer-microchip-pit64b: Use notrace - clocksource/drivers/exynos_mct: Handle DTS with higher number of interrupts - clocksource/drivers/exynos_mct: Refactor resources allocation - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Fix regression from errata i940 fix - crypto: vmx - add missing dependencies - crypto: amlogic - call finalize with bh disabled - crypto: sun8i-ce - call finalize with bh disabled - crypto: sun8i-ss - call finalize with bh disabled - hwrng: atmel - disable trng on failure path - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: Handle error for dma_set_mask - PM: suspend: fix return value of __setup handler - PM: hibernate: fix __setup handler error handling - block: don't delete queue kobject before its children - nvme: cleanup __nvme_check_ids - hwmon: (sch56xx-common) Replace WDOG_ACTIVE with WDOG_HW_RUNNING - hwmon: (pmbus) Add mutex to regulator ops - spi: pxa2xx-pci: Balance reference count for PCI DMA device - crypto: ccree - don't attempt 0 len DMA mappings - EVM: fix the evm= __setup handler return value - audit: log AUDIT_TIME_* records only from rules - crypto: rockchip - ECB does not need IV - selftests/x86: Add validity check and allow field splitting - arm64/mm: avoid fixmap race condition when create pud mapping - spi: tegra114: Add missing IRQ check in tegra_spi_probe - thermal: int340x: Check for NULL after calling kmemdup() - crypto: mxs-dcp - Fix scatterlist processing - crypto: authenc - Fix sleep in atomic context in decrypt_tail - crypto: sun8i-ss - really disable hash on A80 - hwrng: cavium - HW_RANDOM_CAVIUM should depend on ARCH_THUNDER - hwrng: cavium - Check health status while reading random data - selinux: check return value of sel_make_avc_files - regulator: qcom_smd: fix for_each_child.cocci warnings - PCI: xgene: Revert "PCI: xgene: Fix IB window setup" - PCI: pciehp: Clear cmd_busy bit in polling mode - drm/i915/gem: add missing boundary check in vm_access - brcmfmac: pcie: Fix crashes due to early IRQs - brcmfmac: pcie: Replace brcmf_pcie_copy_mem_todev with memcpy_toio - brcmfmac: pcie: Release firmwares in the brcmf_pcie_setup error path - brcmfmac: firmware: Allocate space for default boardrev in nvram - xtensa: fix xtensa_wsr always writing 0 - xtensa: fix stop_machine_cpuslocked call in patch_text - media: davinci: vpif: fix unbalanced runtime PM enable - media: davinci: vpif: fix unbalanced runtime PM get - media: gpio-ir-tx: fix transmit with long spaces on Orange Pi PC - DEC: Limit PMAX memory probing to R3k systems - crypto: rsa-pkcs1pad - fix buffer overread in pkcs1pad_verify_complete() - crypto: rsa-pkcs1pad - restore signature length check - crypto: rsa-pkcs1pad - correctly get hash from source scatterlist - crypto: rsa-pkcs1pad - only allow with rsa - exec: Force single empty string when argv is empty - lib/raid6/test: fix multiple definition linking error - thermal: int340x: Increase bitmap size - pstore: Don't use semaphores in always-atomic-context code - carl9170: fix missing bit-wise or operator for tx_params - mgag200 fix memmapsl configuration in GCTL6 register - ARM: dts: exynos: add missing HDMI supplies on SMDK5420 - ARM: dts: exynos: add missing HDMI supplies on SMDK5250 - ARM: dts: exynos: fix UART3 pins configuration in Exynos5250 - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2: Fix PMERRLOC resource size - video: fbdev: atari: Atari 2 bpp (STe) palette bugfix - video: fbdev: sm712fb: Fix crash in smtcfb_read() - drm/edid: check basic audio support on CEA extension block - block: limit request dispatch loop duration - mailbox: tegra-hsp: Flush whole channel - ext4: fix fs corruption when tring to remove a non-empty directory with IO error - ext4: fix ext4_fc_stats trace point - coredump: Also dump first pages of non-executable ELF libraries - ACPI: properties: Consistently return -ENOENT if there are no more references - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: Fix gic-v3 compatible regs - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e: Fix gic-v3 compatible regs - arm64: dts: ti: k3-am65: Fix gic-v3 compatible regs - arm64: signal: nofpsimd: Do not allocate fp/simd context when not available - udp: call udp_encap_enable for v6 sockets when enabling encap - powerpc/kvm: Fix kvm_use_magic_page - can: isotp: sanitize CAN ID checks in isotp_bind() - drbd: fix potential silent data corruption - dm integrity: set journal entry unused when shrinking device - mm/kmemleak: reset tag when compare object pointer - mm,hwpoison: unmap poisoned page before invalidation - Revert "mm: madvise: skip unmapped vma holes passed to process_madvise" - mm: madvise: return correct bytes advised with process_madvise - mm: madvise: skip unmapped vma holes passed to process_madvise - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix audio regression on Mi Notebook Pro 2020 - ALSA: pcm: Fix potential AB/BA lock with buffer_mutex and mmap_lock - ALSA: hda: Avoid unsol event during RPM suspending - ALSA: cs4236: fix an incorrect NULL check on list iterator - cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() - cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() - Revert "Input: clear BTN_RIGHT/MIDDLE on buttonpads" - riscv: Increase stack size under KASAN - riscv: Fix fill_callchain return value - qed: display VF trust config - scsi: libsas: Fix sas_ata_qc_issue() handling of NCQ NON DATA commands - mempolicy: mbind_range() set_policy() after vma_merge() - mm: invalidate hwpoison page cache page in fault path - mm/pages_alloc.c: don't create ZONE_MOVABLE beyond the end of a node - mtd: rawnand: protect access to rawnand devices while in suspend - spi: mxic: Fix the transmit path - pinctrl: samsung: drop pin banks references on error paths - remoteproc: Fix count check in rproc_coredump_write() - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on .cp_pack_total_block_count - f2fs: quota: fix loop condition at f2fs_quota_sync() - f2fs: fix to unlock page correctly in error path of is_alive() - NFSD: prevent integer overflow on 32 bit systems - NFSD: prevent underflow in nfssvc_decode_writeargs() - SUNRPC: avoid race between mod_timer() and del_timer_sync() - HID: intel-ish-hid: Use dma_alloc_coherent for firmware update - firmware: stratix10-svc: add missing callback parameter on RSU - Documentation: update stable tree link - Documentation: add link to stable release candidate tree - KEYS: fix length validation in keyctl_pkey_params_get_2() - clk: uniphier: Fix fixed-rate initialization - greybus: svc: fix an error handling bug in gb_svc_hello() - iio: inkern: make a best effort on offset calculation - iio: inkern: apply consumer scale when no channel scale is available - iio: inkern: apply consumer scale on IIO_VAL_INT cases - iio: afe: rescale: use s64 for temporary scale calculations - coresight: Fix TRCCONFIGR.QE sysfs interface - mei: avoid iterator usage outside of list_for_each_entry - mei: me: add Alder Lake N device id. - xhci: fix uninitialized string returned by xhci_decode_ctrl_ctx() - xhci: make xhci_handshake timeout for xhci_reset() adjustable - xhci: fix runtime PM imbalance in USB2 resume - xhci: fix garbage USBSTS being logged in some cases - USB: usb-storage: Fix use of bitfields for hardware data in ene_ub6250.c - virtio-blk: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size - tpm: fix reference counting for struct tpm_chip - iommu/iova: Improve 32-bit free space estimate - locking/lockdep: Avoid potential access of invalid memory in lock_class - net: dsa: microchip: add spi_device_id tables - Input: zinitix - do not report shadow fingers - spi: Fix erroneous sgs value with min_t() - Revert "gpio: Revert regression in sysfs-gpio (gpiolib.c)" - net:mcf8390: Use platform_get_irq() to get the interrupt - spi: Fix invalid sgs value - gpio: Revert regression in sysfs-gpio (gpiolib.c) - ethernet: sun: Free the coherent when failing in probing - tools/virtio: fix virtio_test execution - vdpa/mlx5: should verify CTRL_VQ feature exists for MQ - virtio_console: break out of buf poll on remove - ARM: mstar: Select HAVE_ARM_ARCH_TIMER - xfrm: fix tunnel model fragmentation behavior - HID: logitech-dj: add new lightspeed receiver id - hv: utils: add PTP_1588_CLOCK to Kconfig to fix build - USB: serial: simple: add Nokia phone driver - USB: serial: pl2303: add IBM device IDs- NFC: netlink: fix sleep in atomic bug when firmware download timeout - KVM: x86: avoid calling x86 emulator without a decoded instruction - net: hns3: fix tm port shapping of fibre port is incorrect after driver initialization - net: hns3: fix PF rss size initialization bug - net: hns3: restore tm priority/qset to default settings when tc disabled - net: hns3: modify the ring param print info - net: hns3: don't push link state to VF if unalive - net: hns3: set port base vlan tbl_sta to false before removing old vlan- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address - bpf: Fix KASAN use-after-free Read in compute_effective_progs - fs, mm: fix race in unlinking swapfile - ext4: recover csum seed of tmp_inode after migrating to extents - lockdown: also lock down previous kgdb use - nds32: fix access_ok() checks in get/put_user - wcn36xx: Differentiate wcn3660 from wcn3620 - tpm: use try_get_ops() in tpm-space.c - mac80211: fix potential double free on mesh join - rcu: Don't deboost before reporting expedited quiescent state - Revert "ath: add support for special 0x0 regulatory domain" - crypto: qat - disable registration of algorithms - ACPI: video: Force backlight native for Clevo NL5xRU and NL5xNU - ACPI: battery: Add device HID and quirk for Microsoft Surface Go 3 - ACPI / x86: Work around broken XSDT on Advantech DAC-BJ01 board - drivers: net: xgene: Fix regression in CRC stripping - ALSA: pci: fix reading of swapped values from pcmreg in AC97 codec - ALSA: cmipci: Restore aux vol on suspend/resume - ALSA: usb-audio: Add mute TLV for playback volumes on RODE NT-USB - ALSA: pcm: Add stream lock during PCM reset ioctl operations - ALSA: pcm: Fix races among concurrent prealloc proc writes - ALSA: pcm: Fix races among concurrent prepare and hw_params/hw_free calls - ALSA: pcm: Fix races among concurrent read/write and buffer changes - ALSA: pcm: Fix races among concurrent hw_params and hw_free calls - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GA402 - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic problem for a HP machine with alc671 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NP50PNJ - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NP70PNJ - ALSA: usb-audio: add mapping for new Corsair Virtuoso SE - ALSA: oss: Fix PCM OSS buffer allocation overflow - ASoC: sti: Fix deadlock via snd_pcm_stop_xrun() call - staging: fbtft: fb_st7789v: reset display before initialization - tpm: Fix error handling in async work - cgroup-v1: Correct privileges check in release_agent writes - exfat: avoid incorrectly releasing for root inode - net: ipv6: fix skb_over_panic in __ip6_append_data- eulerfs: fix potential sbi->persisters free error - fs/ntfs3: Fix invalid free in log_replay - Revert "nfs: nfs_file_write() should check for writeback errors" - xfs: Skip repetitive warnings about mount options - xfs: rename variable mp to parsing_mp - ext4: convert from atomic_t to refcount_t on ext4_io_end->count - powerpc/32: Fix overread/overwrite of thread_struct via ptrace - RDMA/hns: Refactor the alloc_cqc() - RDMA/hns: Refactor the alloc_srqc() - RDMA/hns: Clean up the return value check of hns_roce_alloc_cmd_mailbox() - RDMA/hns: Remove similar code that configures the hardware contexts - RDMA/hns: Refactor mailbox functions - RDMA/hns: Fix the wrong type of parameter "op" of the mailbox - RDMA/hns: Remove redundant parameter "mailbox" in the mailbox - RDMA/hns: Remove fixed parameter "timeout" in the mailbox - RDMA/hns: Remove the unused parameter "op_modifier" in mailbox - tcp: increase source port perturb table to 2^16 - tcp: change source port randomizarion at connect() time - ext4: correct the judgment of BUG in ext4_mb_normalize_request - ext4: fix bug_on ext4_mb_use_inode_pa - net/ns: put workqueue of cleanup_net sleep for a while when notify. - bcache: avoid unnecessary soft lockup in kworker update_writeback_rate() - md: bcache: check the return value of kzalloc() in detached_dev_do_request() - bcache: memset on stack variables in bch_btree_check() and bch_sectors_dirty_init() - bcache: avoid journal no-space deadlock by reserving 1 journal bucket - bcache: remove incremental dirty sector counting for bch_sectors_dirty_init() - bcache: improve multithreaded bch_sectors_dirty_init() - bcache: improve multithreaded bch_btree_check() - bcache: fixup multiple threads crash - bcache: fixup bcache_dev_sectors_dirty_add() multithreaded CPU false sharing - bcache: use default_groups in kobj_type - bcache: fix NULL pointer reference in cached_dev_detach_finish - bcache: replace snprintf in show functions with sysfs_emit - bcache: move uapi header bcache.h to bcache code directory - bcache: move calc_cached_dev_sectors to proper place on backing device detach - bcache: fix error info in register_bcache() - md: bcache: Fix spelling of 'acquire' - bcache: avoid oversized read request in cache missing code path - bcache: remove bcache device self-defined readahead - lib: crc64: fix kernel-doc warning - bcache: fix a regression of code compiling failure in debug.c - bcache: Use 64-bit arithmetic instead of 32-bit - md: bcache: Trivial typo fixes in the file journal.c - md: bcache: avoid -Wempty-body warnings - bcache: use NULL instead of using plain integer as pointer - bcache: remove PTR_CACHE - bcache: reduce redundant code in bch_cached_dev_run() - bcache: Avoid comma separated statements - bcache: Fix register_device_aync typo - bcache: consider the fragmentation when update the writeback rate - bcache: don't pass BIOSET_NEED_BVECS for the 'bio_set' embedded in 'cache_set' - bcache: set pdev_set_uuid before scond loop iteration - md/bcache: convert comma to semicolon - bcache:remove a superfluous check in register_bcache - bcache: fix race between setting bdev state to none and new write request direct to backing - Revert "selftests/bpf: Add test for bpf_timer overwriting crash" - smsc95xx: Ignore -ENODEV errors when device is unplugged - net: usb: Correct reset handling of smsc95xx - net: usb: Correct PHY handling of smsc95xx - perf symbols: Fix symbol size calculation condition - Input: aiptek - properly check endpoint type - scsi: mpt3sas: Page fault in reply q processing - usb: usbtmc: Fix bug in pipe direction for control transfers - usb: gadget: Fix use-after-free bug by not setting udc->dev.driver - usb: gadget: rndis: prevent integer overflow in rndis_set_response() - net: mscc: ocelot: fix backwards compatibility with single-chain tc-flower offload - net: bcmgenet: skip invalid partial checksums - bnx2x: fix built-in kernel driver load failure - net: phy: mscc: Add MODULE_FIRMWARE macros - net: dsa: Add missing of_node_put() in dsa_port_parse_of - net: handle ARPHRD_PIMREG in dev_is_mac_header_xmit() - drm/panel: simple: Fix Innolux G070Y2-L01 BPP settings - drm/imx: parallel-display: Remove bus flags check in imx_pd_bridge_atomic_check() - hv_netvsc: Add check for kvmalloc_array - atm: eni: Add check for dma_map_single - net/packet: fix slab-out-of-bounds access in packet_recvmsg() - net: phy: marvell: Fix invalid comparison in the resume and suspend functions - esp6: fix check on ipv6_skip_exthdr's return value - vsock: each transport cycles only on its own sockets - efi: fix return value of __setup handlers - mm: swap: get rid of livelock in swapin readahead - ocfs2: fix crash when initialize filecheck kobj fails - crypto: qcom-rng - ensure buffer for generate is completely filled- jbd2: fix outstanding credits assert in jbd2_journal_commit_transaction() - NFSv4: fix open failure with O_ACCMODE flag - Revert "NFSv4: Handle the special Linux file open access mode" - jbd2: fix a potential race while discarding reserved buffers after an abort - x86: Pin task-stack in __get_wchan() - x86: Fix __get_wchan() for !STACKTRACE - x86: Fix get_wchan() to support the ORC unwinder - netfilter: nf_tables: disallow non-stateful expression in sets earlier - io_uring: fix using under-expanded iters - io_uring: don't re-import iovecs from callbacks - nfc: replace improper check device_is_registered() in netlink related functions - io_uring: always use original task when preparing req identity - block: fix NULL pointer dereference in disk_release() - block, bfq: make bfq_has_work() more accurate - blk-mq: fix panic during blk_mq_run_work_fn() - blk-mq: cancel blk-mq dispatch work in both blk_cleanup_queue and disk_release() - net: hns3: fix incorrect type of argument in declaration of function hclge_comm_get_rss_indir_tbl - net: hns3: add query vf ring and vector map relation - net: hns3: add byte order conversion for VF to PF mailbox message - net: hns3: add byte order conversion for PF to VF mailbox message - net: hns3: remove the affinity settings of vector0 - net: hns3: fix access null pointer issue when set tx-buf-size as 0 - net: hns3: add return value for mailbox handling in PF - net: hns3: add validity check for message data length - net: hns3: modify the return code of hclge_get_ring_chain_from_mbx - net: hns3: fix error log of tx/rx tqps stats - net: hns3: align the debugfs output to the left - net: hns3: clear inited state and stop client after failed to register netdev - net: hns3: Fix spelling mistake "actvie" -> "active" - net: hns3: remove unnecessary line wrap for hns3_set_tunable - net: hns3: replace magic value by HCLGE_RING_REG_OFFSET - net: hns3: fix the wrong words in comments - net: hns3: update the comment of function hclgevf_get_mbx_resp - net: hns3: add log for setting tx spare buf size - net: hns3: add failure logs in hclge_set_vport_mtu - net: hns3: refine the definition for struct hclge_pf_to_vf_msg - net: hns3: refactor hns3_set_ringparam() - net: hns3: add ethtool parameter check for CQE/EQE mode - net: hns3: fix software vlan talbe of vlan 0 inconsistent with hardware - net: hns3: fix the concurrency between functions reading debugfs - skbuff: fix coalescing for page_pool fragment recycling - netfilter: nf_tables: sanitize nft_set_desc_concat_parse() - kselftest/vm: fix tests build with old libc - sfc: extend the locking on mcdi->seqno - tcp: make tcp_read_sock() more robust - nl80211: Update bss channel on channel switch for P2P_CLIENT - drm/vrr: Set VRR capable prop only if it is attached to connector - iwlwifi: don't advertise TWT support - atm: firestream: check the return value of ioremap() in fs_init() - can: rcar_canfd: rcar_canfd_channel_probe(): register the CAN device when fully ready - ARM: 9178/1: fix unmet dependency on BITREVERSE for HAVE_ARCH_BITREVERSE - MIPS: smp: fill in sibling and core maps earlier - mac80211: refuse aggregations sessions before authorized - ARM: dts: rockchip: fix a typo on rk3288 crypto-controller - ARM: dts: rockchip: reorder rk322x hmdi clocks - arm64: dts: agilex: use the compatible "intel,socfpga-agilex-hsotg" - arm64: dts: rockchip: reorder rk3399 hdmi clocks - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix rk3399-puma eMMC HS400 signal integrity - xfrm: Fix xfrm migrate issues when address family changes - xfrm: Check if_id in xfrm_migrate - Revert "xfrm: state and policy should fail if XFRMA_IF_ID 0"- ptrace: Check PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP permission on PTRACE_SEIZE - proc: Fix a dentry lock race between release_task and lookup - x86/sgx: Fix race between reclaimer and page fault handler - x86/sgx: Mark PCMD page as dirty when modifying contents - x86/sgx: Free backing memory after faulting the enclave page - KVM: SEV: add cache flush to solve SEV cache incoherency issues - mm/sharepool: Fix sharepool node id invalid when using sp_alloc - share_pool: Fix ABBA deadlock - sharepool: fix hisi oom deadlock - floppy: disable FDRAWCMD by default - xhci: Fix a logic issue when display Zhaoxin XHCI root hub speed - sw64: optimize simd version of memcpy and memset - sw64: fix sendfile system call - sw64: fix the number of aux entries in ARCH_DLINFO - sw64: pcie: enable PME and AER support - sw64: unify 32-bit MEMIO address of host and guest - hwmon: add support for sw64 temperature sensor - sw64: pci: align the address of mmio resource to PAGE_SIZE - sw64: signal: save/restore fpregs with copy user - sw64: push and pop kernel stack with ldi instruction - ipmi: add ipmi driver support - sw64: add pvt device to chip3.dts - hwmon: add voltage sensor support for sw64 - sw64: remap PA with |= in early_ioremap - sw64: vdso: fix CFI directives for fpregs in vrt_sigreturn - sw64: vdso: fix backtrace of vrt_sigreturn - sw64: kvm: simplify the code - sw64: force signal and fault for traps and debugging - sw64: fix compile error for DISCONTIGMEM=y - sw64: add old sigprocmask back for compatibility - sw64: add dynamic turning on/off cores support - sw64: add dynamic frequency scaling support - sw64: fix ip checksum calculation - sw64: remove unnecessary parameter in REG_OFFSET_NAME - sw64: kvm: fix bad page state setting outside of kvm memory pool - sw64: fix setup_rt_frame for non SA_SIGINFO - sw64: do some cleanups for rt_sigframe - sw64: kvm: handle ldl_u and stl_u when exit mmio - sw64: fix some compile errors - sw64: add missing global __constant_c_memset - sw64: remove unnecessary include headers - sw64: increase position index in c_next for cpuinfo - sw64: Kconfig: remove dependence on ARCH_SUPPORTS_ACPI - sw64: Kconfig: remove dependence on !PREEMPT - sw64: clean up out-of-date selected options - sw64: add kbuild defconfig rule - sw64: ptrace: clean up debug codes - sw64: add ARCH_HAS_PTE_SPECIAL support - sw64: kvm: remap pages of guest by vm_insert_page() - sw64: clean up a.out and ECOFF binary related headers - sw64: switch to old-style semctl/shmctl syscalls - sw64: define NR_SYSCALLS as generated __NR_syscalls - sw64: add SO_RCVTIMEO/ SO_SNDTIMEO socket options - sw64: dts: rename spi flash partition to fix warning - sw64: fix ex_table entries from misalignment handlers - sw64: radeon: add a force flush to delay work when radeon uvd suspend - sw64: add set time support for hypervisor based rtc - sw64: add regs and stack access APIs to support kprobe events - sw64: unify access to LONGTIME for guest and emulator - sw64: enable more than 32 CPUs for guest - sw64: fix SPDX license identifier in uapi headers - sw64: add required include headers to ptrace.h - sw64: fix the VDSO symbol generation for nm - sw64: add clone3 syscall support - sw64: add missing pkey syscall numbers - sw64: reformat syscall.tbl - sw64: fix printk method for guest os - sw64: remove unused a.out.h - sw64: switch GUP to the generic get_user_pages_fast() implementation - sw64: kvm: fix bug when open file with the O_DIRECT flag - sw64: fix compile error for CONFIG_PCI=n - sw64: rename kvm_mem variables - sw64: fix coding style problems - sw64: kvm: remove MAX_VPN - sw64: clean up useless #if 0 and #if 1 - sw64: fix coding style problems - sw64: remove MAX_ASN - sw64: add support for emulator running mode - sw64: optimize ip checksum calculation - sw64: use jump label for running modes - sw64: mm: mark pci and memmap region as nomap - sw64: fix the value of QEMU_PRINTF_BUFF_BASE - sw64: clean up some useless codes - sw64: numa: switch to arch node_distance - sw64: fix all compile warnings - sw64: remove CONFIG_USE_PERCPU_NUMA_NODE_ID=n code - sw64: simplify cpumask_of_node - sw64: modify tc_sched_clock debugfs file - sw64: remove redundant Kconfig source - sw64: switch to generic pcibios_set_master and pci_common_swizzle - sw64: print correct initrd address - sw64: mm: use memblock to find the end of memory - sw64: mm: warn overlapped memmap and DMA region - sw64: pci: remove some useless code - sw64: mm: reorder memblock_init process - sw64: vdso: fix time calculation - sw64: vdso: change vdso version - sw64: vdso: add automatic syscall fallback - sw64: iommu: fix 32-bit devices dma ops - sw64: re-implement sw64_dma_direct_ops according upstream - config: add initial openeuler_defconfig for sw64 - watch_queue: Fix filter limit check - ext4: add check to prevent attempting to resize an fs with sparse_super2 - x86/traps: Mark do_int3() NOKPROBE_SYMBOL - x86/boot: Add setup_indirect support in early_memremap_is_setup_data() - x86/boot: Fix memremap of setup_indirect structures - watch_queue: Make comment about setting ->defunct more accurate - watch_queue: Fix lack of barrier/sync/lock between post and read - watch_queue: Free the alloc bitmap when the watch_queue is torn down - watch_queue: Fix the alloc bitmap size to reflect notes allocated - watch_queue: Fix to always request a pow-of-2 pipe ring size - watch_queue: Fix to release page in ->release() - watch_queue, pipe: Free watchqueue state after clearing pipe ring - virtio: acknowledge all features before access - virtio: unexport virtio_finalize_features - arm64: dts: marvell: armada-37xx: Remap IO space to bus address 0x0 - riscv: Fix auipc+jalr relocation range checks - mmc: meson: Fix usage of meson_mmc_post_req() - net: macb: Fix lost RX packet wakeup race in NAPI receive - staging: gdm724x: fix use after free in gdm_lte_rx() - staging: rtl8723bs: Fix access-point mode deadlock - selftests/memfd: clean up mapping in mfd_fail_write - selftest/vm: fix map_fixed_noreplace test failure - tracing: Ensure trace buffer is at least 4096 bytes large - ipv6: prevent a possible race condition with lifetimes - Revert "xen-netback: Check for hotplug-status existence before watching" - Revert "xen-netback: remove 'hotplug-status' once it has served its purpose" - gpio: Return EPROBE_DEFER if gc->to_irq is NULL - hwmon: (pmbus) Clear pmbus fault/warning bits after read - net-sysfs: add check for netdevice being present to speed_show - spi: rockchip: terminate dma transmission when slave abort - spi: rockchip: Fix error in getting num-cs property - selftests/bpf: Add test for bpf_timer overwriting crash - net: bcmgenet: Don't claim WOL when its not available - sctp: fix kernel-infoleak for SCTP sockets - net: phy: DP83822: clear MISR2 register to disable interrupts - gianfar: ethtool: Fix refcount leak in gfar_get_ts_info - gpio: ts4900: Do not set DAT and OE together - selftests: Kill tcpdump processes launched by subshell. - NFC: port100: fix use-after-free in port100_send_complete - net/mlx5e: Lag, Only handle events from highest priority multipath entry - net/mlx5: Fix a race on command flush flow - net/mlx5: Fix size field in bufferx_reg struct - net: ethernet: lpc_eth: Handle error for clk_enable - net: ethernet: ti: cpts: Handle error for clk_enable - tipc: fix incorrect order of state message data sanity check - ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe - ice: Fix curr_link_speed advertised speed - ice: Rename a couple of variables - ice: Remove unnecessary checker loop - ice: Align macro names to the specification - ice: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses - i40e: stop disabling VFs due to PF error responses - ARM: dts: aspeed: Fix AST2600 quad spi group - net: dsa: mt7530: fix incorrect test in mt753x_phylink_validate() - drm/sun4i: mixer: Fix P010 and P210 format numbers - qed: return status of qed_iov_get_link - esp: Fix BEET mode inter address family tunneling on GSO - net: qlogic: check the return value of dma_alloc_coherent() in qed_vf_hw_prepare() - isdn: hfcpci: check the return value of dma_set_mask() in setup_hw() - virtio-blk: Don't use MAX_DISCARD_SEGMENTS if max_discard_seg is zero - mISDN: Fix memory leak in dsp_pipeline_build() - mISDN: Remove obsolete PIPELINE_DEBUG debugging information - tipc: fix kernel panic when enabling bearer - arm64: dts: armada-3720-turris-mox: Add missing ethernet0 alias - HID: vivaldi: fix sysfs attributes leak - clk: qcom: gdsc: Add support to update GDSC transition delay - ARM: boot: dts: bcm2711: Fix HVS register range- net, xdp: Update pkt_type if generic XDP changes unicast MAC - KVM: x86/mmu: fix NULL pointer dereference on guest INVPCID - sched/psi: report zeroes for CPU full at the system level - psi: Fix PSI_MEM_FULL state when tasks are in memstall and doing reclaim - psi: Fix psi state corruption when schedule() races with cgroup move - psi: Reduce calls to sched_clock() in psi - psi: Optimize task switch inside shared cgroups - psi: Pressure states are unlikely - psi: Use ONCPU state tracking machinery to detect reclaim - psi: Add PSI_CPU_FULL state - block/psi: remove PSI annotations from direct IO - psi: make kabi compatibility for psi in struct cgroup - psi, tracepoint: introduce tracepoints for psi_memstall_{enter, leave} - psi: fix wrong iteration in iterate_groups - config: change CONFIG_DMATEST from y to m - perf: Fix sys_perf_event_open() race against self - blk-mq: fix kabi broken by "blk-mq: Use request queue-wide tags for tagset-wide sbitmap" - blk-mq: fix use-after-free in blk_mq_exit_sched - blk-mq: Use request queue-wide tags for tagset-wide sbitmap - blk-mq: Some tag allocation code refactoring - arm64: Add memmap reserve range check to avoid conflict - ext4: add reserved GDT blocks check - ax25: Fix UAF bugs in ax25 timers - ax25: fix UAF bug in ax25_send_control() - ax25: Fix refcount leaks caused by ax25_cb_del() - ax25: fix UAF bugs of net_device caused by rebinding operation - ax25: fix reference count leaks of ax25_dev - ax25: add refcount in ax25_dev to avoid UAF bugs - driver core: fix deadlock in __driver_attach - driver core: fix deadlock in __device_attach - inet: fully convert sk->sk_rx_dst to RCU rules - Revert "ACPI: PM: s2idle: Cancel wakeup before dispatching EC GPE" - arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_RPRES - arm64: cpufeature: add HWCAP for FEAT_AFP - arm64: Add Cortex-A510 CPU part definition - arm64: Add Cortex-X2 CPU part definition - arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition - arm64: cputype: Add CPU implementor & types for the Apple M1 cores- sched/qos: Add qos_tg_{throttle,unthrottle}_{up,down} - sched: Throttle offline task at tracehook_notify_resume() - kfence: parse param before alloc kfence_pool - arm64: remove page granularity limitation from KFENCE - Revert "arm64: remove page granularity limitation from KFENCE" - slub: add back check for free nonslab objects - audit: improve audit queue handling when "audit=1" on cmdline - Revert "audit: bugfix for infinite loop when flush the hold queue" - hamradio: fix macro redefine warning - Revert "xfrm: xfrm_state_mtu should return at least 1280 for ipv6" - btrfs: add missing run of delayed items after unlink during log replay - btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove qgroup - btrfs: fix lost prealloc extents beyond eof after full fsync - tracing: Fix return value of __setup handlers - tracing/histogram: Fix sorting on old "cpu" value - HID: add mapping for KEY_ALL_APPLICATIONS - HID: add mapping for KEY_DICTATE - Input: samsung-keypad - properly state IOMEM dependency - Input: elan_i2c - fix regulator enable count imbalance after suspend/resume - Input: elan_i2c - move regulator_[en|dis]able() out of elan_[en|dis]able_power() - net: dcb: disable softirqs in dcbnl_flush_dev() - drm/amdgpu: fix suspend/resume hang regression - nl80211: Handle nla_memdup failures in handle_nan_filter - iavf: Refactor iavf state machine tracking - net: chelsio: cxgb3: check the return value of pci_find_capability() - ibmvnic: complete init_done on transport events - ARM: tegra: Move panels to AUX bus - soc: fsl: qe: Check of ioremap return value - soc: fsl: guts: Add a missing memory allocation failure check - soc: fsl: guts: Revert commit 3c0d64e867ed - ARM: dts: Use 32KiHz oscillator on devkit8000 - ARM: dts: switch timer config to common devkit8000 devicetree - s390/extable: fix exception table sorting - memfd: fix F_SEAL_WRITE after shmem huge page allocated - ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing - igc: igc_write_phy_reg_gpy: drop premature return - pinctrl: sunxi: Use unique lockdep classes for IRQs - selftests: mlxsw: tc_police_scale: Make test more robust - ARM: 9182/1: mmu: fix returns from early_param() and __setup() functions - ARM: Fix kgdb breakpoint for Thumb2 - igc: igc_read_phy_reg_gpy: drop premature return - arm64: dts: rockchip: Switch RK3399-Gru DP to SPDIF output - can: gs_usb: change active_channels's type from atomic_t to u8 - ASoC: cs4265: Fix the duplicated control name - firmware: arm_scmi: Remove space in MODULE_ALIAS name - efivars: Respect "block" flag in efivar_entry_set_safe() - ixgbe: xsk: change !netif_carrier_ok() handling in ixgbe_xmit_zc() - net: arcnet: com20020: Fix null-ptr-deref in com20020pci_probe() - ibmvnic: register netdev after init of adapter - net: sxgbe: fix return value of __setup handler - iavf: Fix missing check for running netdev - mac80211: treat some SAE auth steps as final - net: stmmac: fix return value of __setup handler - mac80211: fix forwarded mesh frames AC & queue selection - ice: fix concurrent reset and removal of VFs - ice: Fix race conditions between virtchnl handling and VF ndo ops - net/smc: fix unexpected SMC_CLC_DECL_ERR_REGRMB error cause by server - net/smc: fix unexpected SMC_CLC_DECL_ERR_REGRMB error generated by client - net/smc: fix connection leak - net: dcb: flush lingering app table entries for unregistered devices - net: ipv6: ensure we call ipv6_mc_down() at most once - batman-adv: Don't expect inter-netns unique iflink indices - batman-adv: Request iflink once in batadv_get_real_netdevice - batman-adv: Request iflink once in batadv-on-batadv check - netfilter: nf_queue: handle socket prefetch - netfilter: nf_queue: fix possible use-after-free - netfilter: nf_queue: don't assume sk is full socket - net: fix up skbs delta_truesize in UDP GRO frag_list - e1000e: Correct NVM checksum verification flow - xfrm: enforce validity of offload input flags - xfrm: fix the if_id check in changelink - bpf, sockmap: Do not ignore orig_len parameter - netfilter: fix use-after-free in __nf_register_net_hook() - xfrm: fix MTU regression - mm: Consider __GFP_NOWARN flag for oversized kvmalloc() calls - ntb: intel: fix port config status offset for SPR - thermal: core: Fix TZ_GET_TRIP NULL pointer dereference - xen/netfront: destroy queues before real_num_tx_queues is zeroed - drm/i915: s/JSP2/ICP2/ PCH - iommu/amd: Recover from event log overflow - ASoC: ops: Shift tested values in snd_soc_put_volsw() by +min - riscv: Fix config KASAN && DEBUG_VIRTUAL - riscv: Fix config KASAN && SPARSEMEM && !SPARSE_VMEMMAP - riscv/efi_stub: Fix get_boot_hartid_from_fdt() return value - ALSA: intel_hdmi: Fix reference to PCM buffer address - tracing: Add ustring operation to filtering string pointers - drm/amdgpu: check vm ready by amdgpu_vm->evicting flag - ata: pata_hpt37x: fix PCI clock detection - serial: stm32: prevent TDR register overwrite when sending x_char - tracing: Add test for user space strings when filtering on string pointers - exfat: fix i_blocks for files truncated over 4 GiB - exfat: reuse exfat_inode_info variable instead of calling EXFAT_I() - net: usb: cdc_mbim: avoid altsetting toggling for Telit FN990 - i2c: qup: allow COMPILE_TEST - i2c: cadence: allow COMPILE_TEST - dmaengine: shdma: Fix runtime PM imbalance on error - selftests/seccomp: Fix seccomp failure by adding missing headers - cifs: fix double free race when mount fails in cifs_get_root() - tipc: fix a bit overflow in tipc_crypto_key_rcv() - KVM: arm64: vgic: Read HW interrupt pending state from the HW - Input: clear BTN_RIGHT/MIDDLE on buttonpads - regulator: core: fix false positive in regulator_late_cleanup() - ASoC: rt5682: do not block workqueue if card is unbound - ASoC: rt5668: do not block workqueue if card is unbound - i2c: bcm2835: Avoid clock stretching timeouts - mac80211_hwsim: initialize ieee80211_tx_info at hw_scan_work - mac80211_hwsim: report NOACK frames in tx_status- arm64: Fix wrong logic in gic_arch_restore_irqs() - secure_seq: use the 64 bits of the siphash for port offset calculation - vfio/iommu: Fix uncorrect type parameters which used in bitmap operations - ipv6: per-netns exclusive flowlabel checks - memblock: use kfree() to release kmalloced memblock regions - gpio: tegra186: Fix chip_data type confusion - tty: n_gsm: fix deadlock in gsmtty_open() - tty: n_gsm: fix wrong tty control line for flow control - tty: n_gsm: fix NULL pointer access due to DLCI release - tty: n_gsm: fix proper link termination after failed open - tty: n_gsm: fix encoding of control signal octet bit DV - riscv: fix oops caused by irqsoff latency tracer - thermal: int340x: fix memory leak in int3400_notify() - RDMA/cma: Do not change route.addr.src_addr outside state checks - driver core: Free DMA range map when device is released - xhci: Prevent futile URB re-submissions due to incorrect return value. - xhci: re-initialize the HC during resume if HCE was set - usb: dwc3: gadget: Let the interrupt handler disable bottom halves. - usb: dwc3: pci: Fix Bay Trail phy GPIO mappings - usb: dwc2: drd: fix soft connect when gadget is unconfigured - USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910R1 compositions - USB: serial: option: add support for DW5829e - tracefs: Set the group ownership in apply_options() not parse_options() - usb: gadget: rndis: add spinlock for rndis response list - Revert "USB: serial: ch341: add new Product ID for CH341A" - ata: pata_hpt37x: disable primary channel on HPT371 - sc16is7xx: Fix for incorrect data being transmitted - iio: Fix error handling for PM - iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: wait for settling time in st_lsm6dsx_read_oneshot - iio: adc: ad7124: fix mask used for setting AIN_BUFP & AIN_BUFM bits - iio: adc: men_z188_adc: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - tracing: Have traceon and traceoff trigger honor the instance - RDMA/ib_srp: Fix a deadlock - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Move free_permit from free_clt to rtrs_clt_close - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Kill wait_for_inflight_permits - regmap-irq: Update interrupt clear register for proper reset - spi: spi-zynq-qspi: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in zynq_qspi_exec_mem_op() - net/mlx5e: kTLS, Use CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY for device-offloaded packets - net/mlx5: Fix wrong limitation of metadata match on ecpf - net/mlx5: Fix possible deadlock on rule deletion - udp_tunnel: Fix end of loop test in udp_tunnel_nic_unregister() - surface: surface3_power: Fix battery readings on batteries without a serial number - net/smc: Use a mutex for locking "struct smc_pnettable" - netfilter: nf_tables: fix memory leak during stateful obj update - nfp: flower: Fix a potential leak in nfp_tunnel_add_shared_mac() - net: Force inlining of checksum functions in net/checksum.h - net: ll_temac: check the return value of devm_kmalloc() - net/sched: act_ct: Fix flow table lookup after ct clear or switching zones - net/mlx5e: Fix wrong return value on ioctl EEPROM query failure - drm/edid: Always set RGB444 - openvswitch: Fix setting ipv6 fields causing hw csum failure - gso: do not skip outer ip header in case of ipip and net_failover - tipc: Fix end of loop tests for list_for_each_entry() - net: __pskb_pull_tail() & pskb_carve_frag_list() drop_monitor friends - io_uring: add a schedule point in io_add_buffers() - bpf: Add schedule points in batch ops - selftests: bpf: Check bpf_msg_push_data return value - bpf: Do not try bpf_msg_push_data with len 0 - hwmon: Handle failure to register sensor with thermal zone correctly - bnxt_en: Fix active FEC reporting to ethtool - bnx2x: fix driver load from initrd - perf data: Fix double free in perf_session__delete() - ping: remove pr_err from ping_lookup - optee: use driver internal tee_context for some rpc - tee: export teedev_open() and teedev_close_context() - x86/fpu: Correct pkru/xstate inconsistency - CDC-NCM: avoid overflow in sanity checking - USB: zaurus: support another broken Zaurus - drm/i915: Correctly populate use_sagv_wm for all pipes - drm/amdgpu: disable MMHUB PG for Picasso - KVM: x86/mmu: make apf token non-zero to fix bug - parisc/unaligned: Fix ldw() and stw() unalignment handlers - parisc/unaligned: Fix fldd and fstd unaligned handlers on 32-bit kernel - vhost/vsock: don't check owner in vhost_vsock_stop() while releasing - clk: jz4725b: fix mmc0 clock gating - btrfs: tree-checker: check item_size for dev_item - btrfs: tree-checker: check item_size for inode_item- huge tmpfs: remove shrinklist addition from shmem_setattr() - huge tmpfs: fix split_huge_page() after FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE - huge tmpfs: fix fallocate(vanilla) advance over huge pages - nfc: nfcmrvl: main: reorder destructive operations in nfcmrvl_nci_unregister_dev to avoid bugs - dynamic_hugetlb: fix undefined struct cftype - file: fix kabi change since add f_ctl_mode - selftests/bpf: add demo for file read pattern detection - libbpf: Support detecting writable tracepoint program - ext4: add trace for the read and release of regular file - xfs: add trace for read and release of regular file - fs: add helper fs_file_read_do_trace() - vfs: add bare tracepoints for vfs read and release - bpf: Support writable context for bare tracepoint - trace: bpf: Allow bpf to attach to bare tracepoints - readahead: introduce FMODE_CTL_WILLNEED to read first 2MB of file - lockdep: Correct lock_classes index mapping - i2c: brcmstb: fix support for DSL and CM variants - copy_process(): Move fd_install() out of sighand->siglock critical section - i2c: qcom-cci: don't put a device tree node before i2c_add_adapter() - i2c: qcom-cci: don't delete an unregistered adapter - dmaengine: sh: rcar-dmac: Check for error num after dma_set_max_seg_size - dmaengine: stm32-dmamux: Fix PM disable depth imbalance in stm32_dmamux_probe - dmaengine: sh: rcar-dmac: Check for error num after setting mask - net: sched: limit TC_ACT_REPEAT loops - EDAC: Fix calculation of returned address and next offset in edac_align_ptr() - scsi: lpfc: Fix pt2pt NVMe PRLI reject LOGO loop - kconfig: fix failing to generate auto.conf - net: macb: Align the dma and coherent dma masks - net: usb: qmi_wwan: Add support for Dell DW5829e - tracing: Fix tp_printk option related with tp_printk_stop_on_boot - drm/rockchip: dw_hdmi: Do not leave clock enabled in error case - xprtrdma: fix pointer derefs in error cases of rpcrdma_ep_create - soc: aspeed: lpc-ctrl: Block error printing on probe defer cases - ata: libata-core: Disable TRIM on M88V29 - kconfig: let 'shell' return enough output for deep path names - selftests: fixup build warnings in pidfd / clone3 tests - pidfd: fix test failure due to stack overflow on some arches - arm64: dts: meson-g12: drop BL32 region from SEI510/SEI610 - arm64: dts: meson-g12: add ATF BL32 reserved-memory region - arm64: dts: meson-gx: add ATF BL32 reserved-memory region - netfilter: conntrack: don't refresh sctp entries in closed state - irqchip/sifive-plic: Add missing thead,c900-plic match string - phy: usb: Leave some clocks running during suspend - ARM: OMAP2+: adjust the location of put_device() call in omapdss_init_of - ARM: OMAP2+: hwmod: Add of_node_put() before break - NFS: Don't set NFS_INO_INVALID_XATTR if there is no xattr cache - KVM: x86/pmu: Use AMD64_RAW_EVENT_MASK for PERF_TYPE_RAW - KVM: x86/pmu: Don't truncate the PerfEvtSeln MSR when creating a perf event - KVM: x86/pmu: Refactoring find_arch_event() to pmc_perf_hw_id() - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix memory leak in vmbus_add_channel_kobj - mtd: rawnand: brcmnand: Fixed incorrect sub-page ECC status - mtd: rawnand: qcom: Fix clock sequencing in qcom_nandc_probe() - tty: n_tty: do not look ahead for EOL character past the end of the buffer - NFS: Do not report writeback errors in nfs_getattr() - block/wbt: fix negative inflight counter when remove scsi device - ASoC: tas2770: Insert post reset delay - KVM: SVM: Never reject emulation due to SMAP errata for !SEV guests - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: don't leak PM reference in error path - powerpc/lib/sstep: fix 'ptesync' build error - ASoC: ops: Fix stereo change notifications in snd_soc_put_volsw_range() - ASoC: ops: Fix stereo change notifications in snd_soc_put_volsw() - ALSA: hda: Fix missing codec probe on Shenker Dock 15 - ALSA: hda: Fix regression on forced probe mask option - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix deadlock by COEF mutex - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Legion Y9000X 2019 - selftests/exec: Add non-regular to TEST_GEN_PROGS - perf bpf: Defer freeing string after possible strlen() on it - dpaa2-eth: Initialize mutex used in one step timestamping path - libsubcmd: Fix use-after-free for realloc(..., 0) - bonding: fix data-races around agg_select_timer - net_sched: add __rcu annotation to netdev->qdisc - drop_monitor: fix data-race in dropmon_net_event / trace_napi_poll_hit - ping: fix the dif and sdif check in ping_lookup - net: ieee802154: ca8210: Fix lifs/sifs periods - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: fix use after free in gswip_remove() - net: dsa: lan9303: fix reset on probe - netfilter: nft_synproxy: unregister hooks on init error path - selftests: netfilter: fix exit value for nft_concat_range - iwlwifi: pcie: gen2: fix locking when "HW not ready" - iwlwifi: pcie: fix locking when "HW not ready" - drm/i915/gvt: Make DRM_I915_GVT depend on X86 - vsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is interrupted by a signal - drm/i915/opregion: check port number bounds for SWSCI display power state - drm/radeon: Fix backlight control on iMac 12,1 - iwlwifi: fix use-after-free - kbuild: lto: Merge module sections if and only if CONFIG_LTO_CLANG is enabled - kbuild: lto: merge module sections - random: wake up /dev/random writers after zap - gcc-plugins/stackleak: Use noinstr in favor of notrace - Revert "module, async: async_synchronize_full() on module init iff async is used" - x86/Xen: streamline (and fix) PV CPU enumeration - drm/amdgpu: fix logic inversion in check - nvme-rdma: fix possible use-after-free in transport error_recovery work - nvme-tcp: fix possible use-after-free in transport error_recovery work - nvme: fix a possible use-after-free in controller reset during load - scsi: pm8001: Fix use-after-free for aborted SSP/STP sas_task - scsi: pm8001: Fix use-after-free for aborted TMF sas_task - quota: make dquot_quota_sync return errors from ->sync_fs - vfs: make freeze_super abort when sync_filesystem returns error - selftests: skip mincore.check_file_mmap when fs lacks needed support - selftests: openat2: Skip testcases that fail with EOPNOTSUPP - selftests: openat2: Add missing dependency in Makefile - selftests: openat2: Print also errno in failure messages - selftests/zram: Adapt the situation that /dev/zram0 is being used - selftests/ Fix compression ratio calculation - selftests/zram: Skip max_comp_streams interface on newer kernel - net: ieee802154: at86rf230: Stop leaking skb's - kselftest: signal all child processes - selftests: rtc: Increase test timeout so that all tests run - platform/x86: ISST: Fix possible circular locking dependency detected - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the RWC NANOTE P8 AY07J 2-in-1 - btrfs: send: in case of IO error log it - parisc: Add ioread64_lo_hi() and iowrite64_lo_hi() - PCI: hv: Fix NUMA node assignment when kernel boots with custom NUMA topology - mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses - mmc: block: fix read single on recovery logic - parisc: Fix sglist access in ccio-dma.c - parisc: Fix data TLB miss in sba_unmap_sg - parisc: Drop __init from map_pages declaration - serial: parisc: GSC: fix build when IOSAPIC is not set - Revert "svm: Add warning message for AVIC IPI invalid target" - HID:Add support for UGTABLET WP5540 - scsi: lpfc: Fix mailbox command failure during driver initialization - can: isotp: add SF_BROADCAST support for functional addressing - can: isotp: prevent race between isotp_bind() and isotp_setsockopt() - fs/proc: task_mmu.c: don't read mapcount for migration entry - mm: memcg: synchronize objcg lists with a dedicated spinlock - drm/nouveau/pmu/gm200-: use alternate falcon reset sequence- ext4: fix bug_on in ext4_writepages - ext4: fix warning in ext4_handle_inode_extension - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_rename_dir_prepare - ext4: fix warning when submitting superblock in ext4_commit_super() - ipv6: annotate some data-races around sk->sk_prot - net/sched: cls_u32: fix netns refcount changes in u32_change() - ext4: fix bug_on in __es_tree_search - exec: Remove redundant check in do_open_execat/uselib - floppy: use a statically allocated error counter - ext4: fix race condition between ext4_write and ext4_convert_inline_data - arm64: Fix some build errors related to KEXEC - ubi: ubi_create_volume: Fix use-after-free when volume creation failed - ubi: fastmap: Don't reserve beb_rsvd_pebs while filling fm pool - net: ipv6: fix use after free of struct seg6_pernet_data - net: ipv6: check return value of rhashtable_init - KVM: arm64: vgic: Drop WARN from vgic_get_irq - Documentation: arm64: Add limitation for exactmap - arm64: Fix reserved memory via memmap - ARM: 9191/1: arm/stacktrace, kasan: Silence KASAN warnings in unwind_frame()- io_uring: fix race between timeout flush and removal - net/x25: Fix null-ptr-deref caused by x25_disconnect - iommu: Fix potential use-after-free during probe - perf: Fix list corruption in perf_cgroup_switch() - arm64: dts: imx8mq: fix lcdif port node - scsi: lpfc: Reduce log messages seen after firmware download - scsi: lpfc: Remove NVMe support if kernel has NVME_FC disabled - can: isotp: fix error path in isotp_sendmsg() to unlock wait queue - Makefile.extrawarn: Move -Wunaligned-access to W=1 - hwmon: (dell-smm) Speed up setting of fan speed - phy: ti: Fix missing sentinel for clk_div_table - speakup-dectlk: Restore pitch setting - USB: serial: cp210x: add CPI Bulk Coin Recycler id - USB: serial: cp210x: add NCR Retail IO box id - USB: serial: ch341: add support for GW Instek USB2.0-Serial devices - USB: serial: option: add ZTE MF286D modem - USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add support for Brainboxes US-159/235/320 - usb: raw-gadget: fix handling of dual-direction-capable endpoints - usb: gadget: f_uac2: Define specific wTerminalType - usb: gadget: udc: renesas_usb3: Fix host to USB_ROLE_NONE transition - usb: dwc3: gadget: Prevent core from processing stale TRBs - usb: ulpi: Call of_node_put correctly - usb: ulpi: Move of_node_put to ulpi_dev_release - net: usb: ax88179_178a: Fix out-of-bounds accesses in RX fixup - Revert "usb: dwc2: drd: fix soft connect when gadget is unconfigured" - usb: dwc2: drd: fix soft connect when gadget is unconfigured - eeprom: ee1004: limit i2c reads to I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX - n_tty: wake up poll(POLLRDNORM) on receiving data - vt_ioctl: add array_index_nospec to VT_ACTIVATE - vt_ioctl: fix array_index_nospec in vt_setactivate - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: fix use-after-free in mv88e6xxx_mdios_unregister - net: mscc: ocelot: fix mutex lock error during ethtool stats read - ice: fix IPIP and SIT TSO offload - ice: fix an error code in ice_cfg_phy_fec() - dpaa2-eth: unregister the netdev before disconnecting from the PHY - net: amd-xgbe: disable interrupts during pci removal - tipc: rate limit warning for received illegal binding update - net: mdio: aspeed: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - veth: fix races around rq->rx_notify_masked - net: fix a memleak when uncloning an skb dst and its metadata - net: do not keep the dst cache when uncloning an skb dst and its metadata - nfp: flower: fix ida_idx not being released - ipmr,ip6mr: acquire RTNL before calling ip[6]mr_free_table() on failure path - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus - net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus - net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus - net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus - bonding: pair enable_port with slave_arr_updates - gpio: sifive: use the correct register to read output values - ACPI: PM: s2idle: Cancel wakeup before dispatching EC GPE - drm/panel: simple: Assign data from panel_dpi_probe() correctly - ixgbevf: Require large buffers for build_skb on 82599VF - arm64: dts: meson-g12b-odroid-n2: fix typo 'dio2133' - netfilter: ctnetlink: disable helper autoassign - misc: fastrpc: avoid double fput() on failed usercopy - drm/vc4: hdmi: Allow DBLCLK modes even if horz timing is odd. - gpio: aggregator: Fix calling into sleeping GPIO controllers - usb: f_fs: Fix use-after-free for epfile - ARM: dts: imx7ulp: Fix 'assigned-clocks-parents' typo - phy: xilinx: zynqmp: Fix bus width setting for SGMII - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-udoo: Properly describe the SD card detect - staging: fbtft: Fix error path in fbtft_driver_module_init() - ARM: dts: meson8b: Fix the UART device-tree schema validation - ARM: dts: meson8: Fix the UART device-tree schema validation - ARM: dts: meson: Fix the UART compatible strings - ARM: dts: Fix timer regression for beagleboard revision c - drm/rockchip: vop: Correct RK3399 VOP register fields - PM: s2idle: ACPI: Fix wakeup interrupts handling - ACPI/IORT: Check node revision for PMCG resources - nvme-tcp: fix bogus request completion when failing to send AER - ARM: socfpga: fix missing RESET_CONTROLLER - ARM: dts: Fix boot regression on Skomer - ARM: dts: imx23-evk: Remove MX23_PAD_SSP1_DETECT from hog group - riscv: fix build with binutils 2.38 - KVM: VMX: Set vmcs.PENDING_DBG.BS on #DB in STI/MOVSS blocking shadow - KVM: SVM: Don't kill SEV guest if SMAP erratum triggers in usermode - KVM: nVMX: Also filter MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_PINBASED_CTLS when eVMCS - KVM: nVMX: eVMCS: Filter out VM_EXIT_SAVE_VMX_PREEMPTION_TIMER - KVM: eventfd: Fix false positive RCU usage warning - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: use return val of readl_poll_timeout() - nvme-pci: add the IGNORE_DEV_SUBNQN quirk for Intel P4500/P4600 SSDs - perf: Always wake the parent event - usb: dwc2: gadget: don't try to disable ep0 in dwc2_hsotg_suspend - PM: hibernate: Remove register_nosave_region_late() - scsi: myrs: Fix crash in error case - scsi: ufs: Treat link loss as fatal error - scsi: pm8001: Fix bogus FW crash for maxcpus=1 - scsi: qedf: Fix refcount issue when LOGO is received during TMF - scsi: qedf: Add stag_work to all the vports - scsi: ufs: ufshcd-pltfrm: Check the return value of devm_kstrdup() - scsi: target: iscsi: Make sure the np under each tpg is unique - powerpc/fixmap: Fix VM debug warning on unmap - net: sched: Clarify error message when qdisc kind is unknown - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for the 1Netbook OneXPlayer - x86/perf: Avoid warning for Arch LBR without XSAVE - NFSv4 handle port presence in fs_location server string - NFSv4 expose nfs_parse_server_name function - NFSv4 remove zero number of fs_locations entries error check - NFSv4.1: Fix uninitialised variable in devicenotify - nfs: nfs4clinet: check the return value of kstrdup() - NFSv4 only print the label when its queried - NFS: change nfs_access_get_cached to only report the mask - tracing: Propagate is_signed to expression - drm/amdgpu: Set a suitable dev_info.gart_page_size - NFSD: Fix offset type in I/O trace points - NFSD: Clamp WRITE offsets - NFS: Fix initialisation of nfs_client cl_flags field - net: phy: marvell: Fix MDI-x polarity setting in 88e1118-compatible PHYs - net: phy: marvell: Fix RGMII Tx/Rx delays setting in 88e1121-compatible PHYs - can: isotp: fix potential CAN frame reception race in isotp_rcv() - mmc: sdhci-of-esdhc: Check for error num after setting mask - ima: Do not print policy rule with inactive LSM labels - ima: Allow template selection with ima_template[_fmt]= after ima_hash= - ima: Remove ima_policy file before directory - integrity: check the return value of audit_log_start()- crypto: api - Move cryptomgr soft dependency into algapi - moxart: fix potential use-after-free on remove path - selftests: nft_concat_range: add test for reload with no element add/del - cgroup/cpuset: Fix "suspicious RCU usage" lockdep warning - net: dsa: mt7530: make NET_DSA_MT7530 select MEDIATEK_GE_PHY - ext4: fix incorrect type issue during replay_del_range - ext4: fix error handling in ext4_fc_record_modified_inode() - ext4: fix error handling in ext4_restore_inline_data() - ext4: modify the logic of ext4_mb_new_blocks_simple - ext4: prevent used blocks from being allocated during fast commit replay - EDAC/xgene: Fix deferred probing - EDAC/altera: Fix deferred probing - x86/perf: Default set FREEZE_ON_SMI for all - perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix crash with stop filters in single-range mode - perf stat: Fix display of grouped aliased events - fbcon: Add option to enable legacy hardware acceleration - Revert "fbcon: Disable accelerated scrolling" - rtc: cmos: Evaluate century appropriate - tools/resolve_btfids: Do not print any commands when building silently - selftests: futex: Use variable MAKE instead of make - selftests/exec: Remove pipe from TEST_GEN_FILES - bpf: Use VM_MAP instead of VM_ALLOC for ringbuf - gve: fix the wrong AdminQ buffer queue index check - nfsd: nfsd4_setclientid_confirm mistakenly expires confirmed client. - scsi: bnx2fc: Make bnx2fc_recv_frame() mp safe - pinctrl: bcm2835: Fix a few error paths - pinctrl: intel: fix unexpected interrupt - pinctrl: intel: Fix a glitch when updating IRQ flags on a preconfigured line - ASoC: max9759: fix underflow in speaker_gain_control_put() - ASoC: cpcap: Check for NULL pointer after calling of_get_child_by_name - ASoC: xilinx: xlnx_formatter_pcm: Make buffer bytes multiple of period bytes - ASoC: fsl: Add missing error handling in pcm030_fabric_probe - drm/i915/overlay: Prevent divide by zero bugs in scaling - net: stmmac: ensure PTP time register reads are consistent - net: stmmac: dump gmac4 DMA registers correctly - net: macsec: Verify that send_sci is on when setting Tx sci explicitly - net: macsec: Fix offload support for NETDEV_UNREGISTER event - net: ieee802154: Return meaningful error codes from the netlink helpers - net: ieee802154: ca8210: Stop leaking skb's - net: ieee802154: mcr20a: Fix lifs/sifs periods - net: ieee802154: hwsim: Ensure proper channel selection at probe time - spi: uniphier: fix reference count leak in uniphier_spi_probe() - spi: meson-spicc: add IRQ check in meson_spicc_probe - spi: mediatek: Avoid NULL pointer crash in interrupt - spi: bcm-qspi: check for valid cs before applying chip select - iommu/amd: Fix loop timeout issue in iommu_ga_log_enable() - iommu/vt-d: Fix potential memory leak in intel_setup_irq_remapping() - RDMA/mlx4: Don't continue event handler after memory allocation failure - RDMA/siw: Fix broken RDMA Read Fence/Resume logic. - IB/rdmavt: Validate remote_addr during loopback atomic tests - RDMA/ucma: Protect mc during concurrent multicast leaves - RDMA/cma: Use correct address when leaving multicast group - Revert "ASoC: mediatek: Check for error clk pointer" - IB/hfi1: Fix AIP early init panic - dma-buf: heaps: Fix potential spectre v1 gadget - block: bio-integrity: Advance seed correctly for larger interval sizes - mm/kmemleak: avoid scanning potential huge holes - mm/pgtable: define pte_index so that preprocessor could recognize it - mm/debug_vm_pgtable: remove pte entry from the page table - nvme-fabrics: fix state check in nvmf_ctlr_matches_baseopts() - drm/amd/display: Force link_rate as LINK_RATE_RBR2 for 2018 15" Apple Retina panels - drm/nouveau: fix off by one in BIOS boundary checking - btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan worker - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570 Aorus Xtreme after reboot from Windows - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570S Aorus Master (newer chipset) - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add missing fixup-model entry for Gigabyte X570 ALC1220 quirks - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS GU603 - ALSA: hda: realtek: Fix race at concurrent COEF updates - ALSA: hda: Fix UAF of leds class devs at unbinding - ALSA: usb-audio: Correct quirk for VF0770 - ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_xr_sx() - ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_volsw_sx() - ASoC: ops: Reject out of bounds values in snd_soc_put_volsw() - selinux: fix double free of cond_list on error paths - Revert "drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the device is powered with CEC" again - Revert "drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the device is powered with CEC" - psi: fix failure of create cgroup psi trigger - mbigen: fix mbigen driver defer probe - md/raid1: fix missing bitmap update w/o WriteMostly devices - md/raid1: only allocate write behind bio for WriteMostly device - raid1: ensure write behind bio has less than BIO_MAX_VECS sectors - arm64: entry: Save some nops when CONFIG_ARM64_PSEUDO_NMI is not set - crypto: crct10dif-neon - fix use via crypto_shash_digest() - net: fix information leakage in /proc/net/ptype - config: enable CONFIG_QOS_SCHED_SMT_EXPELLER by - sched: Add tracepoint for qos smt expeller - sched: Add statistics for qos smt expeller - sched: Implement the function of qos smt expeller - sched: Introduce qos smt expeller for co-location - ext4: fix symlink file size not match to file content - ext4: fix bug_on in start_this_handle during umount filesystem - ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_search_dir - KVM: s390: Return error on SIDA memop on normal guest - fs-writeback: writeback_sb_inodes:Recalculate 'wrote' according skipped pages - ubi: fastmap: Fix high cpu usage of ubi_bgt by making sure wl_pool not empty - perf c2c: Update documentation for display option 'all' - perf c2c: Sort on all cache hit for load operations - perf c2c: Refactor node header - perf c2c: Add dimensions for load miss - perf c2c: Add dimensions for load hit - perf c2c: Add dimensions for total load hit - rcu/nocb: Make rcu_core() callbacks acceleration preempt-safe - livepatch/arm64: Fix incorrect endian conversion when long jump - livepatch: Print logs when register failed - livepatch: Print logs when check calltrace failed - livepatch: Print logs when patch text failed - livepatch: Optimize list_del operation in 'arch_klp_unpatch_func' - livepatch: Use 'old_insns' to replace 'old_insn' - livepatch: Remove redundant copy for old codes - livepatch: Reduce duplicate codes and fix issue on patch text - mm: export collect_procs() - rcu: Prevent expedited GP from enabling tick on offline CPU- tcp: add missing tcp_skb_can_collapse() test in tcp_shift_skb_data() - af_packet: fix data-race in packet_setsockopt / packet_setsockopt - cpuset: Fix the bug that subpart_cpus updated wrongly in update_cpumask() - rtnetlink: make sure to refresh master_dev/m_ops in __rtnl_newlink() - fanotify: Fix stale file descriptor in copy_event_to_user() - net: amd-xgbe: Fix skb data length underflow - net: amd-xgbe: ensure to reset the tx_timer_active flag - ipheth: fix EOVERFLOW in ipheth_rcvbulk_callback - net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix uninitialized variable modact - net/mlx5: Use del_timer_sync in fw reset flow of halting poll - net/mlx5e: Fix handling of wrong devices during bond netevent - drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the device is powered with CEC - x86/cpu: Add Xeon Icelake-D to list of CPUs that support PPIN - x86/mce: Add Xeon Sapphire Rapids to list of CPUs that support PPIN - psi: Fix uaf issue when psi trigger is destroyed while being polled - KVM: x86: Forcibly leave nested virt when SMM state is toggled - Revert "drivers: bus: simple-pm-bus: Add support for probing simple bus only devices" - net: ipa: prevent concurrent replenish - net: ipa: use a bitmap for endpoint replenish_enabled - net: ipa: fix atomic update in ipa_endpoint_replenish() - PCI: pciehp: Fix infinite loop in IRQ handler upon power fault - mtd: rawnand: mpc5121: Remove unused variable in ads5121_select_chip() - block: Fix wrong offset in bio_truncate() - fsnotify: invalidate dcache before IN_DELETE event - usr/include/Makefile: add linux/nfc.h to the compile-test coverage - dt-bindings: can: tcan4x5x: fix mram-cfg RX FIFO config - net: bridge: vlan: fix memory leak in __allowed_ingress - ipv4: remove sparse error in ip_neigh_gw4() - ipv4: tcp: send zero IPID in SYNACK messages - ipv4: raw: lock the socket in raw_bind() - net: bridge: vlan: fix single net device option dumping - Revert "ipv6: Honor all IPv6 PIO Valid Lifetime values" - net: cpsw: Properly initialise struct page_pool_params - drm/msm/dpu: invalid parameter check in dpu_setup_dspp_pcc - drm/msm/hdmi: Fix missing put_device() call in msm_hdmi_get_phy - video: hyperv_fb: Fix validation of screen resolution - ibmvnic: don't spin in tasklet - ibmvnic: init ->running_cap_crqs early - ipv4: fix ip option filtering for locally generated fragments - net: ipv4: Fix the warning for dereference - net: ipv4: Move ip_options_fragment() out of loop - powerpc/perf: Fix power_pmu_disable to call clear_pmi_irq_pending only if PMI is pending - hwmon: (lm90) Mark alert as broken for MAX6654 - efi/libstub: arm64: Fix image check alignment at entry - rxrpc: Adjust retransmission backoff - octeontx2-pf: Forward error codes to VF - phylib: fix potential use-after-free - net: phy: broadcom: hook up soft_reset for BCM54616S - sched/pelt: Relax the sync of util_sum with util_avg - kernel: delete repeated words in comments - netfilter: conntrack: don't increment invalid counter on NF_REPEAT - powerpc64/bpf: Limit 'ldbrx' to processors compliant with ISA v2.06 - NFS: Ensure the server has an up to date ctime before renaming - NFS: Ensure the server has an up to date ctime before hardlinking - ipv6: annotate accesses to fn->fn_sernum - drm/msm/dsi: invalid parameter check in msm_dsi_phy_enable - drm/msm/dsi: Fix missing put_device() call in dsi_get_phy - drm/msm: Fix wrong size calculation - net-procfs: show net devices bound packet types - hwmon: (lm90) Reduce maximum conversion rate for G781 - ipv4: avoid using shared IP generator for connected sockets - ping: fix the sk_bound_dev_if match in ping_lookup - hwmon: (lm90) Mark alert as broken for MAX6680 - hwmon: (lm90) Mark alert as broken for MAX6646/6647/6649 - ipv6_tunnel: Rate limit warning messages - scsi: bnx2fc: Flush destroy_work queue before calling bnx2fc_interface_put() - rpmsg: char: Fix race between the release of rpmsg_eptdev and cdev - rpmsg: char: Fix race between the release of rpmsg_ctrldev and cdev - usb: roles: fix include/linux/usb/role.h compile issue - i40e: fix unsigned stat widths - i40e: Fix for failed to init adminq while VF reset - i40e: Fix queues reservation for XDP - i40e: Fix issue when maximum queues is exceeded - i40e: Increase delay to 1 s after global EMP reset - powerpc/32: Fix boot failure with GCC latent entropy plugin - powerpc/32s: Fix kasan_init_region() for KASAN - powerpc/32s: Allocate one 256k IBAT instead of two consecutives 128k IBATs - x86/MCE/AMD: Allow thresholding interface updates after init - sched/membarrier: Fix membarrier-rseq fence command missing from query bitmask - ocfs2: fix a deadlock when commit trans - jbd2: export jbd2_journal_[grab|put]_journal_head - ucsi_ccg: Check DEV_INT bit only when starting CCG4 - usb: typec: tcpm: Do not disconnect while receiving VBUS off - USB: core: Fix hang in usb_kill_urb by adding memory barriers - usb: gadget: f_sourcesink: Fix isoc transfer for USB_SPEED_SUPER_PLUS - usb: common: ulpi: Fix crash in ulpi_match() - usb: xhci-plat: fix crash when suspend if remote wake enable - usb-storage: Add unusual-devs entry for VL817 USB-SATA bridge - tty: Add support for Brainboxes UC cards. - tty: n_gsm: fix SW flow control encoding/handling - serial: stm32: fix software flow control transfer - serial: 8250: of: Fix mapped region size when using reg-offset property - netfilter: nft_payload: do not update layer 4 checksum when mangling fragments - arm64: errata: Fix exec handling in erratum 1418040 workaround - KVM: x86: Update vCPU's runtime CPUID on write to MSR_IA32_XSS - drm/etnaviv: relax submit size limits - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix CAS_COUNT_WRITE issue for ICX - Revert "KVM: SVM: avoid infinite loop on NPF from bad address" - fsnotify: fix fsnotify hooks in pseudo filesystems - ceph: set pool_ns in new inode layout for async creates - ceph: properly put ceph_string reference after async create attempt - tracing: Don't inc err_log entry count if entry allocation fails - tracing/histogram: Fix a potential memory leak for kstrdup() - PM: wakeup: simplify the output logic of pm_show_wakelocks() - efi: runtime: avoid EFIv2 runtime services on Apple x86 machines - scsi: zfcp: Fix failed recovery on gone remote port with non-NPIV FCP devices - bpf: Guard against accessing NULL pt_regs in bpf_get_task_stack() - s390/hypfs: include z/VM guests with access control group set - s390/module: fix loading modules with a lot of relocations - net: stmmac: skip only stmmac_ptp_register when resume from suspend - net: sfp: ignore disabled SFP node - media: venus: core: Drop second v4l2 device unregister - Bluetooth: refactor malicious adv data check - drm/vmwgfx: Fix stale file descriptors on failed usercopy - select: Fix indefinitely sleeping task in poll_schedule_timeout() - KVM: x86/mmu: Fix write-protection of PTs mapped by the TDP MMU - rcu: Tighten rcu_advance_cbs_nowake() checks - bnx2x: Invalidate fastpath HSI version for VFs - bnx2x: Utilize firmware - drm/i915: Flush TLBs before releasing backing store- llc: only change llc->dev when bind() succeeds - netdevice: add the case if dev is NULL - llc: fix netdevice reference leaks in llc_ui_bind() - Revert "clocksource: Reduce clocksource-skew threshold" - Revert "clocksource: Avoid accidental unstable marking of clocksources" - Revert "xfrm: rate limit SA mapping change message to user space" - ipvlan: Modify the value of ipvlan modes - of: Enable crashkernel=X,high to support kexec option -s - arm64: kdump: Try not to use NO_BLOCK_MAPPINGS for memory under 4G - arm64: kdump: Use page-level mapping for the high memory of crashkernel - arm64: kdump: Don't force page-level mappings for memory above 4G - arm64: kdump: Update the name of crashk_low_res - x86: KVM: Fixed the bug that WAITmax cannot be updated in real time - powerpc: Free fdt on error in elf64_load() - powerpc: If kexec_build_elf_info() fails return immediately from elf64_load() - nfc: st21nfca: Fix potential buffer overflows in EVT_TRANSACTION - ixgbevf: add disable link state - ixgbe: add improvement for MDD response functionality - ixgbe: add the ability for the PF to disable VF link state - can: mcba_usb: mcba_usb_start_xmit(): fix double dev_kfree_skb in error path - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Fix possible double free in error case - arm64: fix clang warning about TRAMP_VALIAS - arm64: kvm: Fix copy-and-paste error in bhb templates for v5.10 stable - arm64: proton-pack: Include unprivileged eBPF status in Spectre v2 mitigation reporting - arm64: Use the clearbhb instruction in mitigations - KVM: arm64: Allow SMCCC_ARCH_WORKAROUND_3 to be discovered and migrated - arm64: Mitigate spectre style branch history side channels - KVM: arm64: Allow indirect vectors to be used without SPECTRE_V3A - arm64: proton-pack: Report Spectre-BHB vulnerabilities as part of Spectre-v2 - arm64: Add percpu vectors for EL1 - arm64: entry: Add macro for reading symbol addresses from the trampoline - arm64: entry: Add vectors that have the bhb mitigation sequences - arm64: entry: Add non-kpti __bp_harden_el1_vectors for mitigations - arm64: entry: Allow the trampoline text to occupy multiple pages - arm64: entry: Make the kpti trampoline's kpti sequence optional - arm64: entry: Move trampoline macros out of ifdef'd section - arm64: entry: Don't assume tramp_vectors is the start of the vectors - arm64: entry: Allow tramp_alias to access symbols after the 4K boundary - arm64: entry: Move the trampoline data page before the text page - arm64: entry: Free up another register on kpti's tramp_exit path - arm64: entry: Make the trampoline cleanup optional - arm64: spectre: Rename spectre_v4_patch_fw_mitigation_conduit - arm64: entry.S: Add ventry overflow sanity checks - ARM: Spectre-BHB: provide empty stub for non-config - ARM: Do not use NOCROSSREFS directive with ld.lld - ARM: include unprivileged BPF status in Spectre V2 reporting - ARM: Spectre-BHB workaround - ARM: use LOADADDR() to get load address of sections - ARM: early traps initialisation - ARM: report Spectre v2 status through sysfs - arm64: add ID_AA64ISAR2_EL1 sys register - x86/speculation: Warn about eIBRS + LFENCE + Unprivileged eBPF + SMT - x86/speculation: Warn about Spectre v2 LFENCE mitigation - x86/speculation: Update link to AMD speculation whitepaper - x86/speculation: Use generic retpoline by default on AMD - x86/speculation: Include unprivileged eBPF status in Spectre v2 mitigation reporting - Documentation/hw-vuln: Update spectre doc - x86/speculation: Add eIBRS + Retpoline options - x86/speculation: Rename RETPOLINE_AMD to RETPOLINE_LFENCE - x86,bugs: Unconditionally allow spectre_v2=retpoline,amd - can: usb_8dev: usb_8dev_start_xmit(): fix double dev_kfree_skb() in error path - scripts: sphinx-pre-install: Fix ctex support on Debian - scripts: sphinx-pre-install: add required ctex dependency - ath10k: Fix the MTU size on QCA9377 SDIO - mtd: nand: bbt: Fix corner case in bad block table handling - lib/test_meminit: destroy cache in kmem_cache_alloc_bulk() test - mm/hmm.c: allow VM_MIXEDMAP to work with hmm_range_fault - lib82596: Fix IRQ check in sni_82596_probe - scripts/dtc: dtx_diff: remove broken example from help text - dt-bindings: watchdog: Require samsung,syscon-phandle for Exynos7 - dt-bindings: display: meson-vpu: Add missing amlogic,canvas property - dt-bindings: display: meson-dw-hdmi: add missing sound-name-prefix property - net: mscc: ocelot: fix using match before it is set - net: sfp: fix high power modules without diagnostic monitoring - net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix error checking in mtk_mac_config() - bcmgenet: add WOL IRQ check - net_sched: restore "mpu xxx" handling - net: bonding: fix bond_xmit_broadcast return value error bug - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: drop not documented adreno properties - devlink: Remove misleading internal_flags from health reporter dump - perf probe: Fix ppc64 'perf probe add events failed' case - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Fix at_xdmac_lld struct definition - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Fix lld view setting - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Fix concurrency over xfers_list - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Print debug message after realeasing the lock - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Start transfer for cyclic channels in issue_pending - dmaengine: at_xdmac: Don't start transactions at tx_submit level - perf script: Fix hex dump character output - libcxgb: Don't accidentally set RTO_ONLINK in cxgb_find_route() - gre: Don't accidentally set RTO_ONLINK in gre_fill_metadata_dst() - xfrm: Don't accidentally set RTO_ONLINK in decode_session4() - netns: add schedule point in ops_exit_list() - inet: frags: annotate races around fqdir->dead and fqdir->high_thresh - taskstats: Cleanup the use of task->exit_code - virtio_ring: mark ring unused on error - vdpa/mlx5: Fix wrong configuration of virtio_version_1_0 - rtc: pxa: fix null pointer dereference - HID: vivaldi: fix handling devices not using numbered reports - net: axienet: increase default TX ring size to 128 - net: axienet: fix for TX busy handling - net: axienet: fix number of TX ring slots for available check - net: axienet: Fix TX ring slot available check - net: axienet: limit minimum TX ring size - net: axienet: add missing memory barriers - net: axienet: reset core on initialization prior to MDIO access - net: axienet: Wait for PhyRstCmplt after core reset - net: axienet: increase reset timeout - net/smc: Fix hung_task when removing SMC-R devices - clk: si5341: Fix clock HW provider cleanup - clk: Emit a stern warning with writable debugfs enabled - af_unix: annote lockless accesses to unix_tot_inflight & gc_in_progress - f2fs: fix to reserve space for IO align feature - f2fs: compress: fix potential deadlock of compress file - parisc: pdc_stable: Fix memory leak in pdcs_register_pathentries - net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Fix incorrect iounmap when removing module - net/fsl: xgmac_mdio: Add workaround for erratum A-009885 - ipv4: avoid quadratic behavior in netns dismantle - ipv4: update fib_info_cnt under spinlock protection - perf evsel: Override attr->sample_period for non-libpfm4 events - xdp: check prog type before updating BPF link - bpftool: Remove inclusion of utilities.mak from Makefiles - powerpc/fsl/dts: Enable WA for erratum A-009885 on fman3l MDIO buses - powerpc/cell: Fix clang -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning - Revert "net/mlx5: Add retry mechanism to the command entry index allocation" - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: fix STM32_MDMA_CTBR_TSEL_MASK - RDMA/rxe: Fix a typo in opcode name - dmaengine: uniphier-xdmac: Fix type of address variables - scsi: core: Show SCMD_LAST in text form - Bluetooth: hci_sync: Fix not setting adv set duration - Documentation: fix firewire.rst ABI file path error - Documentation: refer to config RANDOMIZE_BASE for kernel address-space randomization - Documentation: ACPI: Fix data node reference documentation - Documentation: dmaengine: Correctly describe dmatest with channel unset - media: correct MEDIA_TEST_SUPPORT help text - drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the device is powered with CEC - media: rcar-csi2: Optimize the selection PHTW register - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_tef_obj_read(): fix typo in error message - firmware: Update Kconfig help text for Google firmware - of: base: Improve argument length mismatch error - drm/radeon: fix error handling in radeon_driver_open_kms - ext4: don't use the orphan list when migrating an inode - ext4: destroy ext4_fc_dentry_cachep kmemcache on module removal - ext4: fast commit may miss tracking unwritten range during ftruncate - ext4: use ext4_ext_remove_space() for fast commit replay delete range - ext4: set csum seed in tmp inode while migrating to extents - ext4: fix fast commit may miss tracking range for FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE - ext4: initialize err_blk before calling __ext4_get_inode_loc - ext4: fix a possible ABBA deadlock due to busy PA - ext4: make sure quota gets properly shutdown on error - ext4: make sure to reset inode lockdep class when quota enabling fails - btrfs: respect the max size in the header when activating swap file - btrfs: check the root node for uptodate before returning it - btrfs: fix deadlock between quota enable and other quota operations - xfrm: fix policy lookup for ipv6 gre packets - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Set PCI_STATUS_CAP_LIST for PCIe device - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Correctly set PCIe capabilities - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Fix definitions of reserved bits - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Properly mark reserved PCIe bits in PCI config space - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Make expansion ROM Base Address register read-only - PCI: pciehp: Use down_read/write_nested(reset_lock) to fix lockdep errors - PCI: xgene: Fix IB window setup - powerpc/64s/radix: Fix huge vmap false positive - parisc: Fix lpa and lpa_user defines - drm/bridge: analogix_dp: Make PSR-exit block less - drm/nouveau/kms/nv04: use vzalloc for nv04_display - drm/etnaviv: limit submit sizes - device property: Fix fwnode_graph_devcon_match() fwnode leak - s390/mm: fix 2KB pgtable release race - iwlwifi: mvm: Increase the scan timeout guard to 30 seconds - tracing/kprobes: 'nmissed' not showed correctly for kretprobe - cputime, cpuacct: Include guest time in user time in cpuacct.stat - serial: Fix incorrect rs485 polarity on uart open - fuse: Pass correct lend value to filemap_write_and_wait_range() - xen/gntdev: fix unmap notification order - spi: uniphier: Fix a bug that doesn't point to private data correctly - tpm: fix NPE on probe for missing device - ubifs: Error path in ubifs_remount_rw() seems to wrongly free write buffers - crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr - crypto: stm32/crc32 - Fix kernel BUG triggered in probe() - crypto: omap-aes - Fix broken pm_runtime_and_get() usage - rpmsg: core: Clean up resources on announce_create failure. - phy: mediatek: Fix missing check in mtk_mipi_tx_probe - ASoC: mediatek: mt8183: fix device_node leak - ASoC: mediatek: mt8173: fix device_node leak - scsi: sr: Don't use GFP_DMA - MIPS: Octeon: Fix build errors using clang - i2c: designware-pci: Fix to change data types of hcnt and lcnt parameters - irqchip/gic-v4: Disable redistributors' view of the VPE table at boot time - MIPS: OCTEON: add put_device() after of_find_device_by_node() - udf: Fix error handling in udf_new_inode() - powerpc/fadump: Fix inaccurate CPU state info in vmcore generated with panic - powerpc: handle kdump appropriately with crash_kexec_post_notifiers option - selftests/powerpc/spectre_v2: Return skip code when miss_percent is high - powerpc/40x: Map 32Mbytes of memory at startup - MIPS: Loongson64: Use three arguments for slti - ALSA: seq: Set upper limit of processed events - scsi: lpfc: Trigger SLI4 firmware dump before doing driver cleanup - dm: fix alloc_dax error handling in alloc_dev - nvmem: core: set size for sysfs bin file - w1: Misuse of get_user()/put_user() reported by sparse - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Suppress failed alloc warning in H_COPY_TOFROM_GUEST - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Suppress warnings when allocating too big memory slots - powerpc/powermac: Add missing lockdep_register_key() - clk: meson: gxbb: Fix the SDM_EN bit for MPLL0 on GXBB - i2c: mpc: Correct I2C reset procedure - powerpc/smp: Move setup_profiling_timer() under CONFIG_PROFILING - i2c: i801: Don't silently correct invalid transfer size - powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory ordering race - powerpc/btext: add missing of_node_put - powerpc/cell: add missing of_node_put - powerpc/powernv: add missing of_node_put - powerpc/6xx: add missing of_node_put - x86/kbuild: Enable CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL=y in the defconfigs - parisc: Avoid calling faulthandler_disabled() twice - random: do not throw away excess input to crng_fast_load - serial: core: Keep mctrl register state and cached copy in sync - serial: pl010: Drop CR register reset on set_termios - regulator: qcom_smd: Align probe function with rpmh-regulator - net: gemini: allow any RGMII interface mode - net: phy: marvell: configure RGMII delays for 88E1118 - mlxsw: pci: Avoid flow control for EMAD packets - dm space map common: add bounds check to sm_ll_lookup_bitmap() - dm btree: add a defensive bounds check to insert_at() - mac80211: allow non-standard VHT MCS-10/11 - net: mdio: Demote probed message to debug print - btrfs: remove BUG_ON(!eie) in find_parent_nodes - btrfs: remove BUG_ON() in find_parent_nodes() - ACPI: battery: Add the ThinkPad "Not Charging" quirk - amdgpu/pm: Make sysfs pm attributes as read-only for VFs - drm/amdgpu: fixup bad vram size on gmc v8 - ACPICA: Hardware: Do not flush CPU cache when entering S4 and S5 - ACPICA: Fix wrong interpretation of PCC address - ACPICA: Executer: Fix the REFCLASS_REFOF case in acpi_ex_opcode_1A_0T_1R() - ACPICA: Utilities: Avoid deleting the same object twice in a row - ACPICA: actypes.h: Expand the ACPI_ACCESS_ definitions - drm/etnaviv: consider completed fence seqno in hang check - xfrm: rate limit SA mapping change message to user space - Bluetooth: vhci: Set HCI_QUIRK_VALID_LE_STATES - ath11k: Fix napi related hang - um: registers: Rename function names to avoid conflicts and build problems - iwlwifi: pcie: make sure prph_info is set when treating wakeup IRQ - iwlwifi: mvm: Fix calculation of frame length - iwlwifi: remove module loading failure message - iwlwifi: fix leaks/bad data after failed firmware load - PM: AVS: qcom-cpr: Use div64_ul instead of do_div - rtw88: 8822c: update rx settings to prevent potential hw deadlock - ath9k: Fix out-of-bound memcpy in ath9k_hif_usb_rx_stream - usb: hub: Add delay for SuperSpeed hub resume to let links transit to U0 - cpufreq: Fix initialization of min and max frequency QoS requests - PM: runtime: Add safety net to supplier device release - arm64: tegra: Adjust length of CCPLEX cluster MMIO region - arm64: dts: ls1028a-qds: move rtc node to the correct i2c bus - mmc: core: Fixup storing of OCR for MMC_QUIRK_NONSTD_SDIO - media: saa7146: hexium_gemini: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in hexium_attach() - media: igorplugusb: receiver overflow should be reported - HID: quirks: Allow inverting the absolute X/Y values - bpf: Do not WARN in bpf_warn_invalid_xdp_action() - net: bonding: debug: avoid printing debug logs when bond is not notifying peers - x86/mce: Mark mce_read_aux() noinstr - x86/mce: Mark mce_end() noinstr - x86/mce: Mark mce_panic() noinstr - x86/mce: Allow instrumentation during task work queueing - ath11k: Avoid false DEADLOCK warning reported by lockdep - selftests/ftrace: make kprobe profile testcase description unique - gpio: aspeed: Convert aspeed_gpio.lock to raw_spinlock - net: phy: prefer 1000baseT over 1000baseKX - net-sysfs: update the queue counts in the unregistration path - ath10k: Fix tx hanging - ath11k: avoid deadlock by change ieee80211_queue_work for regd_update_work - iwlwifi: mvm: avoid clearing a just saved session protection id - iwlwifi: mvm: synchronize with FW after multicast commands - thunderbolt: Runtime PM activate both ends of the device link - media: m920x: don't use stack on USB reads - media: saa7146: hexium_orion: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in hexium_attach() - media: rcar-vin: Update format alignment constraints - media: uvcvideo: Increase UVC_CTRL_CONTROL_TIMEOUT to 5 seconds. - drm: rcar-du: Fix CRTC timings when CMM is used - x86/mm: Flush global TLB when switching to trampoline page-table - floppy: Add max size check for user space request - usb: uhci: add aspeed ast2600 uhci support - arm64: dts: ti: j7200-main: Fix 'dtbs_check' serdes_ln_ctrl node - ACPI / x86: Add not-present quirk for the PCI0.SDHB.BRC1 device on the GPD win - ACPI / x86: Allow specifying acpi_device_override_status() quirks by path - ACPI: Change acpi_device_always_present() into acpi_device_override_status() - ACPI / x86: Drop PWM2 device on Lenovo Yoga Book from always present table - media: venus: avoid calling core_clk_setrate() concurrently during concurrent video sessions - ath11k: Avoid NULL ptr access during mgmt tx cleanup - rsi: Fix out-of-bounds read in rsi_read_pkt() - rsi: Fix use-after-free in rsi_rx_done_handler() - crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT - HSI: core: Fix return freed object in hsi_new_client - gpiolib: acpi: Do not set the IRQ type if the IRQ is already in use - tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of .shutdown() - drm/bridge: megachips: Ensure both bridges are probed before registration - mlxsw: pci: Add shutdown method in PCI driver - soc: ti: pruss: fix referenced node in error message - drm/amdgpu/display: set vblank_disable_immediate for DC - drm/amd/display: check top_pipe_to_program pointer - ARM: imx: rename DEBUG_IMX21_IMX27_UART to DEBUG_IMX27_UART - EDAC/synopsys: Use the quirk for version instead of ddr version - media: b2c2: Add missing check in flexcop_pci_isr: - HID: apple: Do not reset quirks when the Fn key is not found - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for the Lenovo Yoga Book X91F/L - usb: gadget: f_fs: Use stream_open() for endpoint files - ath11k: Fix crash caused by uninitialized TX ring - media: atomisp: handle errors at sh_css_create_isp_params() - batman-adv: allow netlink usage in unprivileged containers - ARM: shmobile: rcar-gen2: Add missing of_node_put() - media: atomisp-ov2680: Fix ov2680_set_fmt() clobbering the exposure - media: atomisp: set per-device's default mode - media: atomisp: fix try_fmt logic - drm/nouveau/pmu/gm200-: avoid touching PMU outside of DEVINIT/PREOS/ACR - drm/bridge: dw-hdmi: handle ELD when DRM_BRIDGE_ATTACH_NO_CONNECTOR - ar5523: Fix null-ptr-deref with unexpected WDCMSG_TARGET_START reply - selftests/bpf: Fix bpf_object leak in skb_ctx selftest - drm/lima: fix warning when CONFIG_DEBUG_SG=y & CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG=y - fs: dlm: filter user dlm messages for kernel locks - Bluetooth: Fix debugfs entry leak in hci_register_dev() - ARM: dts: omap3-n900: Fix lp5523 for multi color - of: base: Fix phandle argument length mismatch error message - clk: bm1880: remove kfrees on static allocations - ASoC: fsl_asrc: refine the check of available clock divider - RDMA/cxgb4: Set queue pair state when being queried - ASoC: fsl_mqs: fix MODULE_ALIAS - powerpc/xive: Add missing null check after calling kmalloc - mips: bcm63xx: add support for clk_set_parent() - mips: lantiq: add support for clk_set_parent() - arm64: tegra: Remove non existent Tegra194 reset - arm64: tegra: Fix Tegra194 HDA {clock,reset}-names ordering - counter: stm32-lptimer-cnt: remove iio counter abi - misc: lattice-ecp3-config: Fix task hung when firmware load failed - ASoC: samsung: idma: Check of ioremap return value - ASoC: mediatek: Check for error clk pointer - phy: uniphier-usb3ss: fix unintended writing zeros to PHY register - ASoC: Intel: catpt: Test dmaengine_submit() result before moving on - iommu/amd: Restore GA log/tail pointer on host resume - iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() - dmaengine: pxa/mmp: stop referencing config->slave_id - mips: fix Kconfig reference to PHYS_ADDR_T_64BIT - mips: add SYS_HAS_CPU_MIPS64_R5 config for MIPS Release 5 support - clk: stm32: Fix ltdc's clock turn off by clk_disable_unused() after system enter shell - of: unittest: 64 bit dma address test requires arch support - of: unittest: fix warning on PowerPC frame size warning - ASoC: rt5663: Handle device_property_read_u32_array error codes - RDMA/cma: Let cma_resolve_ib_dev() continue search even after empty entry - RDMA/core: Let ib_find_gid() continue search even after empty entry - powerpc/powermac: Add additional missing lockdep_register_key() - PCI/MSI: Fix pci_irq_vector()/pci_irq_get_affinity() - RDMA/qedr: Fix reporting max_{send/recv}_wr attrs - scsi: ufs: Fix race conditions related to driver data - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Fix table descriptor paddr formatting - openrisc: Add clone3 ABI wrapper - binder: fix handling of error during copy - char/mwave: Adjust io port register size - ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous '0' in Presonus Studio 1810c's ID - ALSA: oss: fix compile error when OSS_DEBUG is enabled - clocksource: Avoid accidental unstable marking of clocksources - clocksource: Reduce clocksource-skew threshold - powerpc/32s: Fix shift-out-of-bounds in KASAN init - powerpc/perf: Fix PMU callbacks to clear pending PMI before resetting an overflown PMC - powerpc/irq: Add helper to set regs->softe - powerpc/perf: move perf irq/nmi handling details into traps.c - powerpc/perf: MMCR0 control for PMU registers under PMCC=00 - powerpc/64s: Convert some cpu_setup() and cpu_restore() functions to C - dt-bindings: thermal: Fix definition of cooling-maps contribution property - ASoC: uniphier: drop selecting non-existing SND_SOC_UNIPHIER_AIO_DMA - powerpc/prom_init: Fix improper check of prom_getprop() - clk: imx8mn: Fix imx8mn_clko1_sels - scsi: pm80xx: Update WARN_ON check in pm8001_mpi_build_cmd() - RDMA/bnxt_re: Scan the whole bitmap when checking if "disabling RCFW with pending cmd-bit" - ALSA: hda: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - ALSA: PCM: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - ALSA: jack: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - ext4: avoid trim error on fs with small groups - net: mcs7830: handle usb read errors properly - iwlwifi: mvm: Use div_s64 instead of do_div in iwl_mvm_ftm_rtt_smoothing() - pcmcia: fix setting of kthread task states - can: xilinx_can: xcan_probe(): check for error irq - can: softing: softing_startstop(): fix set but not used variable warning - tpm_tis: Fix an error handling path in 'tpm_tis_core_init()' - tpm: add request_locality before write TPM_INT_ENABLE - can: mcp251xfd: add missing newline to printed strings - regmap: Call regmap_debugfs_exit() prior to _init() - netrom: fix api breakage in nr_setsockopt() - ax25: uninitialized variable in ax25_setsockopt() - spi: spi-meson-spifc: Add missing pm_runtime_disable() in meson_spifc_probe - Bluetooth: L2CAP: uninitialized variables in l2cap_sock_setsockopt() - lib/mpi: Add the return value check of kcalloc() - net/mlx5: Set command entry semaphore up once got index free - Revert "net/mlx5e: Block offload of outer header csum for UDP tunnels" - net/mlx5e: Don't block routes with nexthop objects in SW - net/mlx5e: Fix page DMA map/unmap attributes - debugfs: lockdown: Allow reading debugfs files that are not world readable - HID: hid-uclogic-params: Invalid parameter check in uclogic_params_frame_init_v1_buttonpad - HID: hid-uclogic-params: Invalid parameter check in uclogic_params_huion_init - HID: hid-uclogic-params: Invalid parameter check in uclogic_params_get_str_desc - HID: hid-uclogic-params: Invalid parameter check in uclogic_params_init - usb: dwc3: qcom: Fix NULL vs IS_ERR checking in dwc3_qcom_probe - Bluetooth: hci_qca: Fix NULL vs IS_ERR_OR_NULL check in qca_serdev_probe - Bluetooth: hci_bcm: Check for error irq - fsl/fman: Check for null pointer after calling devm_ioremap - staging: greybus: audio: Check null pointer - rocker: fix a sleeping in atomic bug - ppp: ensure minimum packet size in ppp_write() - netfilter: nft_set_pipapo: allocate pcpu scratch maps on clone - bpf: Fix SO_RCVBUF/SO_SNDBUF handling in _bpf_setsockopt(). - bpf: Don't promote bogus looking registers after null check. - netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: fix refcount leak in clusterip_tg_check() - power: reset: mt6397: Check for null res pointer - pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in nonstatic_find_mem_region() - pcmcia: rsrc_nonstatic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in __nonstatic_find_io_region() - ACPI: scan: Create platform device for BCM4752 and LNV4752 ACPI nodes - x86/mce/inject: Avoid out-of-bounds write when setting flags - hwmon: (mr75203) fix wrong power-up delay value - x86/boot/compressed: Move CLANG_FLAGS to beginning of KBUILD_CFLAGS - Bluetooth: hci_qca: Stop IBS timer during BT OFF - software node: fix wrong node passed to find nargs_prop - backlight: qcom-wled: Respect enabled-strings in set_brightness - backlight: qcom-wled: Use cpu_to_le16 macro to perform conversion - backlight: qcom-wled: Override default length with qcom,enabled-strings - backlight: qcom-wled: Fix off-by-one maximum with default num_strings - backlight: qcom-wled: Pass number of elements to read to read_u32_array - backlight: qcom-wled: Validate enabled string indices in DT - bpftool: Enable line buffering for stdout - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix using wrong mode - um: virtio_uml: Fix time-travel external time propagation - um: fix ndelay/udelay defines - selinux: fix potential memleak in selinux_add_opt() - mmc: meson-mx-sdio: add IRQ check - mmc: meson-mx-sdhc: add IRQ check - iwlwifi: mvm: test roc running status bits before removing the sta - iwlwifi: mvm: fix 32-bit build in FTM - ARM: dts: armada-38x: Add generic compatible to UART nodes - arm64: dts: marvell: cn9130: enable CP0 GPIO controllers - arm64: dts: marvell: cn9130: add GPIO and SPI aliases - usb: ftdi-elan: fix memory leak on device disconnect - ARM: 9159/1: decompressor: Avoid UNPREDICTABLE NOP encoding - xfrm: state and policy should fail if XFRMA_IF_ID 0 - xfrm: interface with if_id 0 should return error - media: hantro: Fix probe func error path - drm/tegra: vic: Fix DMA API misuse - drm/bridge: ti-sn65dsi86: Set max register for regmap - drm/msm/dpu: fix safe status debugfs file - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix gpio-ranges property - arm64: dts: qcom: c630: Fix soundcard setup - ath11k: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in ath11k_mac_op_hw_scan() - media: coda/imx-vdoa: Handle dma_set_coherent_mask error codes - media: msi001: fix possible null-ptr-deref in msi001_probe() - media: dw2102: Fix use after free - ARM: dts: gemini: NAS4220-B: fis-index-block with 128 KiB sectors - ath11k: Fix deleting uninitialized kernel timer during fragment cache flush - crypto: stm32 - Revert broken pm_runtime_resume_and_get changes - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix bugs and crash in tests - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix lrw chaining mode - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix double pm exit - crypto: stm32/cryp - check early input data - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix xts and race condition in crypto_engine requests - crypto: stm32/cryp - fix CTR counter carry - crypto: stm32 - Fix last sparse warning in stm32_cryp_check_ctr_counter - selftests: harness: avoid false negatives if test has no ASSERTs - selftests: clone3: clone3: add case CLONE3_ARGS_NO_TEST - x86/uaccess: Move variable into switch case statement - xfrm: fix a small bug in xfrm_sa_len() - mwifiex: Fix possible ABBA deadlock - rcu/exp: Mark current CPU as exp-QS in IPI loop second pass - drm/msm/dp: displayPort driver need algorithm rational - sched/rt: Try to restart rt period timer when rt runtime exceeded - Revert "sched/rt: Try to restart rt period timer when rt runtime exceeded" - wireless: iwlwifi: Fix a double free in iwl_txq_dyn_alloc_dma - media: si2157: Fix "warm" tuner state detection - media: saa7146: mxb: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in mxb_attach() - media: dib8000: Fix a memleak in dib8000_init() - bpf: Remove config check to enable bpf support for branch records - bpf: Disallow BPF_LOG_KERNEL log level for bpf(BPF_BTF_LOAD) - bpf: Adjust BTF log size limit. - sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym CPU capacity - sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task - Bluetooth: btmtksdio: fix resume failure - staging: rtl8192e: rtllib_module: fix error handle case in alloc_rtllib() - staging: rtl8192e: return error code from rtllib_softmac_init() - floppy: Fix hang in watchdog when disk is ejected - serial: amba-pl011: do not request memory region twice - tty: serial: uartlite: allow 64 bit address - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: Correct the d-cache-sets info - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e: Fix the L2 cache sets - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200: Fix the L2 cache sets - drm/radeon/radeon_kms: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in radeon_driver_open_kms() - drm/amdgpu: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in amdgpu_connector_lcd_native_mode() - thermal/drivers/imx8mm: Enable ADC when enabling monitor - ACPI: EC: Rework flushing of EC work while suspended to idle - cgroup: Trace event cgroup id fields should be u64 - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: fix MMC controller aliases - netfilter: bridge: add support for pppoe filtering - thermal/drivers/imx: Implement runtime PM support - media: venus: core: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'venus_probe()' - media: venus: core: Fix a potential NULL pointer dereference in an error handling path - media: venus: core, venc, vdec: Fix probe dependency error - media: venus: pm_helpers: Control core power domain manually - media: coda: fix CODA960 JPEG encoder buffer overflow - media: mtk-vcodec: call v4l2_m2m_ctx_release first when file is released - media: si470x-i2c: fix possible memory leak in si470x_i2c_probe() - media: imx-pxp: Initialize the spinlock prior to using it - media: rcar-csi2: Correct the selection of hsfreqrange - mfd: atmel-flexcom: Use .resume_noirq - mfd: atmel-flexcom: Remove #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP - tty: serial: atmel: Call dma_async_issue_pending() - tty: serial: atmel: Check return code of dmaengine_submit() - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e: correct cache-sets info - ath11k: Use host CE parameters for CE interrupts configuration - crypto: qat - fix undetected PFVF timeout in ACK loop - crypto: qat - make pfvf send message direction agnostic - crypto: qat - remove unnecessary collision prevention step in PFVF - crypto: qat - fix spelling mistake: "messge" -> "message" - ARM: dts: stm32: fix dtbs_check warning on ili9341 dts binding on stm32f429 disco - mtd: hyperbus: rpc-if: fix bug in rpcif_hb_remove - crypto: qce - fix uaf on qce_skcipher_register_one - crypto: qce - fix uaf on qce_ahash_register_one - media: dmxdev: fix UAF when dvb_register_device() fails - arm64: dts: renesas: cat875: Add rx/tx delays - drm/vboxvideo: fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() check - fs: dlm: fix build with CONFIG_IPV6 disabled - tee: fix put order in teedev_close_context() - ath11k: reset RSN/WPA present state for open BSS - ath11k: clear the keys properly via DISABLE_KEY - ath11k: Fix ETSI regd with weather radar overlap - Bluetooth: stop proccessing malicious adv data - memory: renesas-rpc-if: Return error in case devm_ioremap_resource() fails - fs: dlm: don't call kernel_getpeername() in error_report() - fs: dlm: use sk->sk_socket instead of con->sock - arm64: dts: meson-gxbb-wetek: fix missing GPIO binding - arm64: dts: meson-gxbb-wetek: fix HDMI in early boot - arm64: dts: amlogic: Fix SPI NOR flash node name for ODROID N2/N2+ - arm64: dts: amlogic: meson-g12: Fix GPU operating point table node name - media: aspeed: Update signal status immediately to ensure sane hw state - media: em28xx: fix memory leak in em28xx_init_dev - media: aspeed: fix mode-detect always time out at 2nd run - media: atomisp: fix uninitialized bug in gmin_get_pmic_id_and_addr() - media: atomisp: fix enum formats logic - media: atomisp: add NULL check for asd obtained from atomisp_video_pipe - media: staging: media: atomisp: pci: Balance braces around conditional statements in file atomisp_cmd.c - media: atomisp: fix ifdefs in sh_css.c - media: atomisp: fix inverted error check for ia_css_mipi_is_source_port_valid() - media: atomisp: do not use err var when checking port validity for ISP2400 - media: atomisp: fix inverted logic in buffers_needed() - media: atomisp: fix punit_ddr_dvfs_enable() argument for mrfld_power up case - media: atomisp: add missing media_device_cleanup() in atomisp_unregister_entities() - media: videobuf2: Fix the size printk format - mtd: hyperbus: rpc-if: Check return value of rpcif_sw_init() - ath11k: Send PPDU_STATS_CFG with proper pdev mask to firmware - wcn36xx: fix RX BD rate mapping for 5GHz legacy rates - wcn36xx: populate band before determining rate on RX - wcn36xx: Put DXE block into reset before freeing memory - wcn36xx: Release DMA channel descriptor allocations - wcn36xx: Fix DMA channel enable/disable cycle - wcn36xx: Indicate beacon not connection loss on MISSED_BEACON_IND - wcn36xx: ensure pairing of init_scan/finish_scan and start_scan/end_scan - drm/vc4: hdmi: Set a default HSM rate - clk: bcm-2835: Remove rounding up the dividers - clk: bcm-2835: Pick the closest clock rate - Bluetooth: cmtp: fix possible panic when cmtp_init_sockets() fails - drm/rockchip: dsi: Reconfigure hardware on resume() - drm/rockchip: dsi: Disable PLL clock on bind error - drm/rockchip: dsi: Hold pm-runtime across bind/unbind - drm/rockchip: dsi: Fix unbalanced clock on probe error - drm/panel: innolux-p079zca: Delete panel on attach() failure - drm/panel: kingdisplay-kd097d04: Delete panel on attach() failure - drm: fix null-ptr-deref in drm_dev_init_release() - drm/bridge: display-connector: fix an uninitialized pointer in probe() - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix not initializing sk_peer_pid - drm/ttm: Put BO in its memory manager's lru list - shmem: fix a race between shmem_unused_huge_shrink and shmem_evict_inode - mm/page_alloc.c: do not warn allocation failure on zone DMA if no managed pages - dma/pool: create dma atomic pool only if dma zone has managed pages - mm_zone: add function to check if managed dma zone exists - PCI: Add function 1 DMA alias quirk for Marvell 88SE9125 SATA controller - dma_fence_array: Fix PENDING_ERROR leak in dma_fence_array_signaled() - gpu: host1x: Add back arm_iommu_detach_device() - iommu/io-pgtable-arm-v7s: Add error handle for page table allocation failure - lkdtm: Fix content of section containing lkdtm_rodata_do_nothing() - iio: adc: ti-adc081c: Partial revert of removal of ACPI IDs - can: softing_cs: softingcs_probe(): fix memleak on registration failure - media: cec-pin: fix interrupt en/disable handling - media: stk1160: fix control-message timeouts - media: pvrusb2: fix control-message timeouts - media: redrat3: fix control-message timeouts - media: dib0700: fix undefined behavior in tuner shutdown - media: s2255: fix control-message timeouts - media: cpia2: fix control-message timeouts - media: em28xx: fix control-message timeouts - media: mceusb: fix control-message timeouts - media: flexcop-usb: fix control-message timeouts - media: v4l2-ioctl.c: readbuffers depends on V4L2_CAP_READWRITE - rtc: cmos: take rtc_lock while reading from CMOS - tools/nolibc: fix incorrect truncation of exit code - tools/nolibc: i386: fix initial stack alignment - tools/nolibc: x86-64: Fix startup code bug - x86/gpu: Reserve stolen memory for first integrated Intel GPU - mtd: rawnand: davinci: Rewrite function description - mtd: rawnand: davinci: Avoid duplicated page read - mtd: rawnand: davinci: Don't calculate ECC when reading page - mtd: Fixed breaking list in __mtd_del_partition. - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Remove explicit default gpmi clock setting for i.MX6 - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Add ERR007117 protection for nfc_apply_timings - nfc: llcp: fix NULL error pointer dereference on sendmsg() after failed bind() - HID: wacom: Avoid using stale array indicies to read contact count - HID: wacom: Ignore the confidence flag when a touch is removed - HID: wacom: Reset expected and received contact counts at the same time - HID: uhid: Fix worker destroying device without any protection - KVM: VMX: switch blocked_vcpu_on_cpu_lock to raw spinlock- sysctl: Modify sysctl_overload_detect_period minimum to 100ms - ax25: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in ax25 timers - ax25: fix NPD bug in ax25_disconnect - ax25: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ax25_kill_by_device - ax25: improve the incomplete fix to avoid UAF and NPD bugs - arm64: clear_page() shouldn't use DC ZVA when DCZID_EL0.DZP == 1 - mm: gup: fix potential pgmap refcnt leak in __gup_device_huge() - mtd: phram: Fix error return code in phram_setup()- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value - netfilter: nf_tables: initialize registers in nft_do_chain() - sched: Fix yet more sched_fork() races - USB: gadget: validate interface OS descriptor requests - usb: gadget: don't release an existing dev->buf - usb: gadget: clear related members when goto fail - usb: gadget: rndis: check size of RNDIS_MSG_SET command - locking/csd_lock: Add boot parameter for controlling CSD lock debugging - mm/mempolicy: fix a race between offset_il_node and mpol_rebind_task - PCI: fix kabi change in struct pci_dev - PCI/RCEC: Fix RCiEP device to RCEC association - PCI/AER: Add RCEC AER error injection support - PCI/PME: Add pcie_walk_rcec() to RCEC PME handling - PCI/AER: Add pcie_walk_rcec() to RCEC AER handling - PCI/ERR: Recover from RCiEP AER errors - PCI/ERR: Add pcie_link_rcec() to associate RCiEPs - PCI/ERR: Recover from RCEC AER errors - PCI/ERR: Clear AER status only when we control AER - PCI/ERR: Add pci_walk_bridge() to pcie_do_recovery() - PCI/ERR: Avoid negated conditional for clarity - PCI/ERR: Use "bridge" for clarity in pcie_do_recovery() - PCI/ERR: Simplify by computing pci_pcie_type() once - PCI/ERR: Simplify by using pci_upstream_bridge() - PCI/ERR: Rename reset_link() to reset_subordinates() - PCI/ERR: Cache RCEC EA Capability offset in pci_init_capabilities() - PCI/ERR: Bind RCEC devices to the Root Port driver - PCI/AER: Write AER Capability only when we control it - af_key: add __GFP_ZERO flag for compose_sadb_supported in function pfkey_register- SUNRPC: Ensure we flush any closed sockets before xs_xprt_free() - scsi: hisi_sas: Use autosuspend for the host controller - scsi: libsas: Keep host active while processing events - scsi: hisi_sas: Keep controller active between ISR of phyup and the event being processed - scsi: libsas: Defer works of new phys during suspend - scsi: libsas: Refactor sas_queue_deferred_work() - scsi: libsas: Add flag SAS_HA_RESUMING - scsi: libsas: Resume host while sending SMP I/Os - scsi: hisi_sas: Add more logs for runtime suspend/resume - scsi: libsas: Insert PORTE_BROADCAST_RCVD event for resuming host - scsi: mvsas: Add spin_lock/unlock() to protect asd_sas_port->phy_list - scsi: hisi_sas: Fix some issues related to asd_sas_port->phy_list - scsi: libsas: Add spin_lock/unlock() to protect asd_sas_port->phy_list - scsi: block: pm: Always set request queue runtime active in blk_post_runtime_resume() - scsi: Revert "scsi: hisi_sas: Filter out new PHY up events during suspend" - scsi: libsas: Don't always drain event workqueue for HA resume - scsi: hisi_sas: Wait for phyup in hisi_sas_control_phy() - scsi: hisi_sas: Initialise devices in .slave_alloc callback - can: ems_usb: ems_usb_start_xmit(): fix double dev_kfree_skb() in error path - drivers: hamradio: 6pack: fix UAF bug caused by mod_timer() - hamradio: remove needs_free_netdev to avoid UAF - hamradio: defer 6pack kfree after unregister_netdev - mm: page_counter: mitigate consequences of a page_counter underflow - nbd: fix possible overflow on 'first_minor' in nbd_dev_add() - io_uring: don't keep looping for more events if we can't flush overflow - hugetlbfs: fix a truncation issue in hugepages parameter - spi: hisi-kunpeng: Fix the debugfs directory name incorrect - spi: hisi-kunpeng: Add debugfs support - xen/netfront: react properly to failing gnttab_end_foreign_access_ref() - xen/gnttab: fix gnttab_end_foreign_access() without page specified - xen/pvcalls: use alloc/free_pages_exact() - xen/9p: use alloc/free_pages_exact() - xen: remove gnttab_query_foreign_access() - xen/gntalloc: don't use gnttab_query_foreign_access() - xen/scsifront: don't use gnttab_query_foreign_access() for mapped status - xen/netfront: don't use gnttab_query_foreign_access() for mapped status - xen/blkfront: don't use gnttab_query_foreign_access() for mapped status - xen/grant-table: add gnttab_try_end_foreign_access() - xen/xenbus: don't let xenbus_grant_ring() remove grants in error case - net: sched: fix use-after-free in tc_new_tfilter() - mtd: fixup CFI on ixp4xx - powerpc/pseries: Get entry and uaccess flush required bits from H_GET_CPU_CHARACTERISTICS - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order quirk entries for Lenovo - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Legion Y9000X 2020 - ALSA: hda: ALC287: Add Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 9i 14ITL5 speaker quirk - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix silent output on Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master after reboot from Windows - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add speaker fixup for some Yoga 15ITL5 devices - KVM: x86: remove PMU FIXED_CTR3 from msrs_to_save_all - firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: fix kobject leak in probe error path - firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: fix NULL-pointer deref on duplicate entries - firmware: qemu_fw_cfg: fix sysfs information leak - rtlwifi: rtl8192cu: Fix WARNING when calling local_irq_restore() with interrupts enabled - media: uvcvideo: fix division by zero at stream start - video: vga16fb: Only probe for EGA and VGA 16 color graphic cards - 9p: only copy valid iattrs in 9P2000.L setattr implementation - KVM: s390: Clarify SIGP orders versus STOP/RESTART - KVM: x86: Register Processor Trace interrupt hook iff PT enabled in guest - perf: Protect perf_guest_cbs with RCU - remoteproc: qcom: pil_info: Don't memcpy_toio more than is provided - orangefs: Fix the size of a memory allocation in orangefs_bufmap_alloc() - devtmpfs regression fix: reconfigure on each mount - kbuild: Add $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) to 'has_libelf' test - staging: greybus: fix stack size warning with UBSAN - drm/i915: Avoid bitwise vs logical OR warning in snb_wm_latency_quirk() - staging: wlan-ng: Avoid bitwise vs logical OR warning in hfa384x_usb_throttlefn() - media: Revert "media: uvcvideo: Set unique vdev name based in type" - random: fix crash on multiple early calls to add_bootloader_randomness() - random: fix data race on crng init time - random: fix data race on crng_node_pool - can: gs_usb: gs_can_start_xmit(): zero-initialize hf->{flags,reserved} - can: isotp: convert struct tpcon::{idx,len} to unsigned int - can: gs_usb: fix use of uninitialized variable, detach device on reception of invalid USB data - mfd: intel-lpss: Fix too early PM enablement in the ACPI ->probe() - veth: Do not record rx queue hint in veth_xmit - mmc: sdhci-pci: Add PCI ID for Intel ADL - ath11k: Fix buffer overflow when scanning with extraie - USB: Fix "slab-out-of-bounds Write" bug in usb_hcd_poll_rh_status - USB: core: Fix bug in resuming hub's handling of wakeup requests - ARM: dts: exynos: Fix BCM4330 Bluetooth reset polarity in I9100 - Bluetooth: bfusb: fix division by zero in send path - Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for Foxconn QCA 0xe0d0 - Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for Foxconn MT7922A - Bluetooth: btusb: Add two more Bluetooth parts for WCN6855 - Bluetooth: btusb: fix memory leak in btusb_mtk_submit_wmt_recv_urb() - workqueue: Fix unbind_workers() VS wq_worker_running() race- Add java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel BuildRequires for kernel.spec - Compress modules to xz format in kernel.spec, which reduces disk consumption - kabichk: do kabi check only for 4K page_size- USB: gadget: validate endpoint index for xilinx udc - sr9700: sanity check for packet length - Reinstate some of "swiotlb: rework "fix info leak with DMA_FROM_DEVICE"" - swiotlb: fix info leak with DMA_FROM_DEVICE- sched/fair: Add qos_throttle_list node in struct cfs_rq - ARM: 9142/1: kasan: work around LPAE build warning - mm: kfence: fix missing objcg housekeeping for SLAB - cgroup: Export cgroup.kill from cgroupv2 to cgroupv1 - cgroup: introduce cgroup.kill - memcg: Fix inconsistent oom event behavior for OOM_MEMCG_KILL - memcg: Export and from cgroupv2 to cgroupv1 - net: hns3: fix phy can not link up when autoneg off and reset - net: hns3: add NULL pointer check for hns3_set/get_ringparam() - net: hns3: add netdev reset check for hns3_set_tunable() - net: hns3: clean residual vf config after disable sriov - net: hns3: add max order judgement for tx spare buffer - net: hns3: fix ethtool tx copybreak buf size indicating not aligned issue - net: hns3: refine the process when PF set VF VLAN - net: hns3: add vlan list lock to protect vlan list - net: hns3: fix port base vlan add fail when concurrent with reset - net: hns3: fix bug when PF set the duplicate MAC address for VFs - net: hns3: handle empty unknown interrupt for VF - net: hns3: fix race condition in debugfs - arm64: cpu_park: Move into stand-alone file - arm64: quick_kexec: Move to stand-alone file - jffs2: fix NULL pointer dereference in jffs2_scan_medium - rseq, ptrace: Add PTRACE_GET_RSEQ_CONFIGURATION request - config: enable CONFIG_MEMCG_MEMFS_INFO by default - mm/memcg_memfs_info: show files that having pages charged in mem_cgroup - share_pool: don't trace the invalid spa address - mm: share_pool: adjust sp_alloc behavior when coredump - mm: share_pool: adjust sp_make_share_k2u behavior when coredump- net/spnic: Remove spnic driver. - SCSI: spfc: remove SPFC driver- block-map: add __GFP_ZERO flag for alloc_page in function bio_copy_kern - net: snmp: inline snmp_get_cpu_field()- Revert "Compress modules to xz format in kernel.spec, which reduces disk consumption" - esp: Fix possible buffer overflow in ESP transformation - sock: remove one redundant SKB_FRAG_PAGE_ORDER macro - kabi: only reserve flags on X86_64 and ARM64 - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: only compile PG_pool on X86_64 and ARM64- kabi: fix kabi broken in struct fuse_args - fuse: fix pipe buffer lifetime for direct_io- vfs: fs_context: fix up param length parsing in legacy_parse_param - NFS: LOOKUP_DIRECTORY is also ok with symlinks - blk-mq: fix potential uaf for 'queue_hw_ctx' - blk-mq: add exception handling when srcu->sda alloc failed- mm/dynamic_hugetlb: initialize subpages before merging - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: set/clear HPageFreed - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: only support to merge 2M dynamicly - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: hold the lock until pages back to hugetlb - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: use mem_cgroup_force_empty to reclaim pages - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: check page using check_new_page - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: use pfn to traverse subpages - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: improve the initialization of huge pages - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: check free_pages_prepares when split pages- Compress modules to xz format in kernel.spec, which reduces disk consumption.- irqchip/gic-phytium-2500: Fix issue that interrupts are concentrated in one cpu- scsi: ses: Fix crash caused by kfree an invalid pointer - ovl: fix incorrect extent info in metacopy case - perf sched: Cast PTHREAD_STACK_MIN to int as it may turn into sysconf(__SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN_VALUE)- arm/arm64: paravirt: Remove GPL from pv_ops export- ima: bugfix for digest lists importing - net/hinic: Fix call trace when the rx_buff module parameter is grater than 2 - net/hinic: Fix null pointer dereference in hinic_physical_port_id- net/hinic: Fix double free issue- src-openEuler: add with_64kb to control 64KB page size - scsi: spfc: Remove redundant mask and spinlock - xfs: order CIL checkpoint start records - xfs: attach iclog callbacks in xlog_cil_set_ctx_write_state() - xfs: factor out log write ordering from xlog_cil_push_work() - xfs: pass a CIL context to xlog_write() - xfs: fix the forward progress assertion in xfs_iwalk_run_callbacks - xfs: move xlog_commit_record to xfs_log_cil.c - xfs: log head and tail aren't reliable during shutdown - xfs: don't run shutdown callbacks on active iclogs - xfs: separate out log shutdown callback processing - xfs: rework xlog_state_do_callback() - xfs: make forced shutdown processing atomic - xfs: convert log flags to an operational state field - xfs: move recovery needed state updates to xfs_log_mount_finish - xfs: XLOG_STATE_IOERROR must die - xfs: convert XLOG_FORCED_SHUTDOWN() to xlog_is_shutdown() - Revert "nfs: ensure correct writeback errors are returned on close()" - fuse: support SB_NOSEC flag to improve write performance - fuse: add a flag FUSE_OPEN_KILL_SUIDGID for open() request - fuse: don't send ATTR_MODE to kill suid/sgid for handle_killpriv_v2 - fuse: setattr should set FATTR_KILL_SUIDGID - fuse: set FUSE_WRITE_KILL_SUIDGID in cached write path - fuse: rename FUSE_WRITE_KILL_PRIV to FUSE_WRITE_KILL_SUIDGID - fuse: introduce the notion of FUSE_HANDLE_KILLPRIV_V2 - xfs: remove dead stale buf unpin handling code - xfs: hold buffer across unpin and potential shutdown processing - xfs: fix an ABBA deadlock in xfs_rename - Revert "efi/libstub: arm64: Relax 2M alignment again for relocatable kernels" - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix memset during queues clearing - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify device status check parameter - crypto: hisilicon/qm - remove redundant cache writeback - crypto: hisilicon/qm - disable queue when 'CQ' error - crypto: hisilicon/qm - reset function if event queue overflows - crypto: hisilicon/qm - use request_threaded_irq instead - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the handling method after abnormal interruption - crypto: hisilicon/qm - code movement - crypto: hisilicon/qm - remove unnecessary device memory reset - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix deadlock for remove driver - crypto: hisilicon/sec - add some comments for soft fallback - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for engine- blk-throttle: Set BIO_THROTTLED when bio has been throttled - bpf, selftests: Add ringbuf memory type confusion test - bpf/selftests: Test bpf_d_path on rdonly_mem. - bpf, selftests: Add various ringbuf tests with invalid offset - selftests/bpf: Add verifier test for PTR_TO_MEM spill - bpf: Fix ringbuf memory type confusion when passing to helpers - bpf: Fix out of bounds access for ringbuf helpers - bpf: Generally fix helper register offset check - bpf: Mark PTR_TO_FUNC register initially with zero offset - bpf: Generalize check_ctx_reg for reuse with other types - bpf/selftests: Test PTR_TO_RDONLY_MEM - bpf: Add MEM_RDONLY for helper args that are pointers to rdonly mem. - bpf: Make per_cpu_ptr return rdonly PTR_TO_MEM. - bpf: Convert PTR_TO_MEM_OR_NULL to composable types. - bpf: Introduce MEM_RDONLY flag - bpf: Replace PTR_TO_XXX_OR_NULL with PTR_TO_XXX | PTR_MAYBE_NULL - bpf: Replace RET_XXX_OR_NULL with RET_XXX | PTR_MAYBE_NULL - bpf: Replace ARG_XXX_OR_NULL with ARG_XXX | PTR_MAYBE_NULL - bpf: Introduce composable reg, ret and arg types. - bpf: Fix out of bounds access from invalid *_or_null type verification - blk-mq: decrease pending_queues when it expires - blk-mq: add debugfs to print information for blk_mq_tag_set - blk-mq: allow hardware queue to get more tag while sharing a tag set - bfq: fix use-after-free in bfq_dispatch_request - livepatch/core: Validate function old_name before 'klp_init_object_loaded' - arm64: config: enable CONFIG_ARM64_UCE_KERNEL_RECOVERY - arm64: ras: copy_from_user scenario support uce kernel recovery - efi: Fix efi_find_mirror redefine in x86 - sched: Fix sleeping in atomic context at cpu_qos_write() - vfio/iommu_type1: Fix the logic of updating num_non_hwdbm_domains - iommu: Stop tracking the dirty log status of iommu_domain - iommu/smmuv3: Remove the S1 mapping restriction of dirty log - timekeeping: Avoiding false sharing in field access of tk_core - config: close CONFIG_ARM64_ILP32 - arm64: replace is_compat_task() with is_ilp32_compat_task() in TASK_SIZE_MAX - arch_topology: Fix missing clear cluster_cpumask in remove_cpu_topology() - kabi: fix split error of kABI reference checking tool - ipv6: blackhole_netdev needs snmp6 counters - net: avoid quadratic behavior in netdev_wait_allrefs_any() - net: allow out-of-order netdev unregistration - net: transition netdev reg state earlier in run_todo - ipv6: give an IPv6 dev to blackhole_netdev - configs: disable CONFIG_RODATA_FULL_DEFAULT_ENABLED - dm rq: don't queue request to blk-mq during DM suspend - rcu/nocb: Fix missed nocb_timer requeue - dm: fix mempool NULL pointer race when completing IO - blk-mq: Improve performance of non-mq IO schedulers with multiple HW queues - Revert "blk-mq, elevator: Count requests per hctx to improve performance"- lib/iov_iter: initialize "flags" in new pipe_buffer- sched: enable CONFIG_QOS_SCHED on arm64 - sched/qos: Remove dependency CONFIG_x86- ubifs: rename_whiteout: correct old_dir size computing - configs: update the defconfigs to support 9P - Revert "dm space maps: don't reset space map allocation cursor when committing" - drivers: hooks: add bonding driver vendor hooks - etmem: etmem scan module Replace WARN_ONCE() with debug_printk for "nothing read" - netfilter: nf_tables_offload: incorrect flow offload action array size- f2fs: fix to do sanity check in is_alive() - f2fs: fix to avoid panic in is_alive() if metadata is inconsistent - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on inode type during garbage collection - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Fix attach device failed when smmuv3 supports HTTU - configs: enable CONFIG_INTEL_IDXD - ext4: convert DIV_ROUND_UP to DIV_ROUND_UP_ULL- bonding: force carrier update when releasing slave - ext4: fix underflow in ext4_max_bitmap_size() - dm: make sure dm_table is binded before queue request - tty/amba-pl011: Call acpi_put_table() to fix memory leak - config: enable MEMORY_RELIABLE by default - mm: add support for page cache use reliable memory - shmem: Introduce shmem reliable - mm: Reserve field in mm_struct for memory reliable - mm: Introduce reliable flag for user task - meminfo: Show reliable memory info - mm: Introduce memory reliable - efi: Disable mirror feature if kernelcore is not specified - mm: Demote warning message in vmemmap_verify() to debug level - mm: Ratelimited mirrored memory related warning messages - efi: Find mirrored memory ranges for arm64 - efi: Make efi_find_mirror() public - arm64: efi: Add fake memory support - efi: Make efi_print_memmap() public- arm64: openeuler_defconfig: Enable config for ultrasoc driver - drivers/coresight: Add Ultrasoc System Memory Buffer driver - coresight: etm4x: Modify core-commit to avoid HiSilicon ETM overflow - RAS: Report ARM processor information to userspace - configs: enable CONFIG_NTB_INTEL - udf: Restore i_lenAlloc when inode expansion fails - udf: Fix NULL ptr deref when converting from inline format - rcu: Do not report strict GPs for outgoing CPUs - rcu-tasks: Make ksoftirqd provide RCU Tasks quiescent states - entry: Explicitly flush pending rcuog wakeup before last rescheduling point - rcu/nocb: Trigger self-IPI on late deferred wake up before user resume - irq_work: Cleanup - powerpc/process, kasan: Silence KASAN warnings in __get_wchan() - net/spnic: Reduce the timeout of the channel between driver and firmware - net/spnic: Fix an error when netdev failed to link up - net/spnic: Fix xor checksum error when sending a non 4B-aligned message to firmware - net/spnic: Fix ethtool loopback command failure - net/spnic: Fix array bounds error in ethtool get_link_ksettings - x86/tsc: Make cur->adjusted values in package#1 to be the same - ata: Add support for PxSCT.LPM set based on actual LPM capability - ata: Add support for disabling PhyRdy Change Interrupt based on actual LPM capability - ahci: Fix some bugs like plugin support and sata link stability when user enable ahci RTD3 - EHCI: Clear wakeup signal locked in S0 state when device plug in - XHCI: Fix some device identify fail when enable xHCI runtime suspend - rtc: Fix set RTC time delay 500ms on some Zhaoxin SOCs- yam: fix a memory leak in yam_siocdevprivate() - Phytium/S2500: kdump: Avoid vmcore saving failure across multi-socket - irqchip/irq-gic-phytium-2500: Add support for kdump - ipmi_si: Phytium S2500 workaround for MMIO-based IPMI - iommu: support phytium ft2000plus and S2500 iommu function - sw64: vfio: select VFIO_IOMMU_TYPE1 as default - sw64: tty: add serial driver for sw64 - sw64: spi: add driver for SPI controller - sw64: add hypervisor based RTC on SW64 systems - sw64: kgdb: add support for sw64 - sw64: LPC: add driver for LPC controller - sw64: iommu: fix a bug in calling 'alloc_pages_node' - sw64: iommu: add iommu driver for sw64 - sw64: gpu/drm: fix kernel crash caused by drm driver - sw64: radeon: correct low-level mmio memset direct calls - sw64: gpu/drm: solve driver load cause kernel crash - amdgpu: enable KFD on SW64 systems - sw64: megaraid: fix kernel panic caused by accessing an illegal address - sw64: i2c: add i2c driver based designware for sw64 - sw64: efi: add SMBIOS/DMI and EFI runtime driver codes - sw64: gpio: add sunway builtin gpio driver - sw64: acpi: add initial acpi infrastructure support - sw64: add perf userspace tool support for sw64 - tools uapi: fix sw64 support - sw64: kvm: add definitions for kvm - sw64: moduleparam: fix sw64 compile failure - sw64: kdump/kexec: add KEXEC_ARCH_SW_64 definition - sw64: add AUDIT_ARCH_SW64 definition - sw64: ftrace: add sw64 support to recordmcount - sw64: add sw_64 support to buildtar, mkdebian and builddeb - sw64: add basic support for sw64 - mm/pin_mem: add invalid check for pinmemory boot parameter - livepatch/x86: Fix incorrect use of 'strncpy' - livepatch: Fix issues in klp_mem_{prepare,recycle} - livepatch: Introduce 'arch_klp_save_old_code' - livepatch: Reduce duplicated arch_klp_mem_{prepare,recycle} - livepatch: Move 'klp_func_list' related codes out of 'arch' - livepatch: Introduce 'struct arch_klp_data' - livepatch/arm64: Uniform 'old_func' field in struct klp_func_node - tpm_tis_spi: set default probe function if device id not match - deconfig: intel ice-lake missing config enable - selftests/sgx: Fix Q1 and Q2 calculation in sigstruct.c - selftests/sgx: remove checks for file execute permissions - selftests/sgx: Refine the test enclave to have storage - selftests/sgx: Add EXPECT_EEXIT() macro - selftests/sgx: Dump enclave memory map - selftests/sgx: Migrate to kselftest harness - selftests/sgx: Rename 'eenter' and 'sgx_call_vdso' - x86/sgx: Expose SGX architectural definitions to the kernel - selftests/sgx: Use getauxval() to simplify test code - selftests/sgx: Improve error detection and messages - selftests/sgx: Use a statically generated 3072-bit RSA key - x86/sgx: Remove unnecessary kmap() from sgx_ioc_enclave_init() - x86/sgx: Add a basic NUMA allocation scheme to sgx_alloc_epc_page() - x86/sgx: Replace section->init_laundry_list with sgx_dirty_page_list - x86/sgx: Maintain encl->refcount for each encl->mm_list entry - x86/sgx: Drop racy follow_pfn() check - x86/sgx: Fix the return type of sgx_init() - x86/sgx: Return -EINVAL on a zero length buffer in sgx_ioc_enclave_add_pages() - x86/sgx: Fix sgx_ioc_enclave_provision() kernel-doc - x86/sgx: Return -ERESTARTSYS in sgx_ioc_enclave_add_pages() - x86/sgx: Clarify 'laundry_list' locking - x86/sgx: Update MAINTAINERS - Documentation/x86: Document SGX kernel architecture - x86/sgx: Add ptrace() support for the SGX driver - x86/sgx: Add a page reclaimer - selftests/x86: Add a selftest for SGX - x86/vdso: Implement a vDSO for Intel SGX enclave call - x86/traps: Attempt to fixup exceptions in vDSO before signaling - x86/fault: Add a helper function to sanitize error code - x86/vdso: Add support for exception fixup in vDSO functions - x86/sgx: Add SGX_IOC_ENCLAVE_PROVISION - x86/sgx: Add SGX_IOC_ENCLAVE_INIT - x86/sgx: Add SGX_IOC_ENCLAVE_ADD_PAGES - x86/sgx: Add SGX_IOC_ENCLAVE_CREATE - x86/sgx: Add an SGX misc driver interface - mm: Add 'mprotect' hook to struct vm_operations_struct - x86/sgx: Add SGX page allocator functions - x86/cpu/intel: Add a nosgx kernel parameter - x86/cpu/intel: Detect SGX support - x86/sgx: Initialize metadata for Enclave Page Cache (EPC) sections - x86/{cpufeatures,msr}: Add Intel SGX Launch Control hardware bits - x86/cpufeatures: Add Intel SGX hardware bits - x86/sgx: Add wrappers for ENCLS functions - x86/sgx: Add SGX architectural data structures - configfs: fix a race in configfs_{,un}register_subsystem() - fs/dirty_pages: fix wrong lock for inode list in super_block - ACPI: irq: Prevent unregistering of GIC SGIs - PM: ACPI: Refresh wakeup device power configuration every time - ACPICA: Interpreter: fix memory leak by using existing buffer- configs: enable CONFIG_INTEGRITY_PLATFORM_KEYRING and CONFIG_LOAD_UEFI_KEYS - tipc: improve size validations for received domain records - cgroup-v1: Require capabilities to set release_agent - NFSv4: nfs_atomic_open() can race when looking up a non-regular file - NFSv4: Handle case where the lookup of a directory fails - cgroup/cpuset: Fix a race between cpuset_attach() and cpu hotplug - block: update io_ticks when io hang - livepatch: Fix missing unlock on error in klp_enable_patch() - livepatch: Fix kobject refcount bug on klp_init_patch_early failure path- kabi: cleanup config entries of kabi - kabi: fix build error when CONFIG_KABI_RESERVE=n - kabi:crypto: reserve space for RSASSA-PSS style certificates - mm/page_alloc: use accumulated load when building node fallback list - mm/page_alloc: print node fallback order - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: Enable Kunpeng related configs- rcu: Make TASKS_TRACE_RCU select IRQ_WORK - x86/kdump: make crash kernel boot faster - mm, hwpoison: fix condition in free hugetlb page path - x509: Detect sm2 keys by their parameters OID - mm/page_alloc.c: fix 'zone_id' may be used uninitialized in this function warning - sysctl: returns -EINVAL when a negative value is passed to proc_doulongvec_minmax - arm64: fix address limit problem with TASK_SIZE_MAX - arm64: mark __system_matches_cap as __maybe_unused - arm64: Avoid premature usercopy failure - arm64: uaccess: remove vestigal UAO support - arm64: uaccess: remove redundant PAN toggling - arm64: uaccess: remove addr_limit_user_check() - arm64: uaccess: remove set_fs() - arm64: uaccess cleanup macro naming - arm64: uaccess: split user/kernel routines - arm64: uaccess: refactor __{get,put}_user - arm64: uaccess: simplify __copy_user_flushcache() - arm64: uaccess: rename privileged uaccess routines - arm64: sdei: explicitly simulate PAN/UAO entry - arm64: sdei: move uaccess logic to arch/arm64/ - Revert "arm64: fix current_thread_info()->addr_limit setup" - Revert "arm64: fix USER_DS definition problem in non-compat mode" - Revert "arm64: Avoid premature usercopy failure" - arm64: alternatives: Move length validation in alternative_{insn, endif} - arm64: alternatives: Split up alternative.h - arm64: uaccess: move uao_* alternatives to asm-uaccess.h - Revert "arm64: alternatives: Move length validation in alternative_{insn, endif}" - arm64: add C wrappers for SET_PSTATE_*() - arm64: ensure ERET from kthread is illegal- livepatch/core: Fix where module get and put in different macro - livepatch/core: Remove redundant klp_free_objects_mod_limited - livepatch/core: Fix reference count issues - arm64/mpam: realign step entry when traversing rmid_transform - dt-bindings: mpam: refactor device tree node structure - arm64/mpam: refactor device tree structure to support multiple devices - arm64/mpam: fix __mpam_device_create() section mismatch error - block, bfq: don't move oom_bfqq - fget: clarify and improve __fget_files() implementation - KABI: add reserve space for thread_info struct - kabi: Reserve syscall entries for kabi compatibility - perf tools: Update powerpc's syscall.tbl copy from the kernel sources- kabi: reserve space for arm64 SME in thread_struct - KABI: KABI reservation for IMA namespace - kabi: Reserve space for struct acpi_device_power - kabi:fuse: reserve space for future expansion - kabi: net: reserve space for some net subsystems related structure - KABI: reserve space for struct input_dev - KABI: reserve space for several i2c structures - KABI: add reserve space for sched structures - sched: move CPU field back into thread_info if THREAD_INFO_IN_TASK=y - powerpc: add CPU field to struct thread_info - s390: add CPU field to struct thread_info - x86: add CPU field to struct thread_info - arm64: add CPU field to struct thread_info - powerpc: smp: remove hack to obtain offset of task_struct::cpu - riscv: rely on core code to keep thread_info::cpu updated - Input: zinitix - make sure the IRQ is allocated before it gets enabled - ARM: dts: gpio-ranges property is now required - ipv6: raw: check passed optlen before reading - drm/amd/display: Added power down for DCN10 - mISDN: change function names to avoid conflicts - atlantic: Fix buff_ring OOB in aq_ring_rx_clean - net: udp: fix alignment problem in udp4_seq_show() - ip6_vti: initialize __ip6_tnl_parm struct in vti6_siocdevprivate - scsi: libiscsi: Fix UAF in iscsi_conn_get_param()/iscsi_conn_teardown() - usb: mtu3: fix interval value for intr and isoc - ipv6: Do cleanup if attribute validation fails in multipath route - ipv6: Continue processing multipath route even if gateway attribute is invalid - power: bq25890: Enable continuous conversion for ADC at charging - rndis_host: support Hytera digital radios - power: reset: ltc2952: Fix use of floating point literals - power: supply: core: Break capacity loop - net: ena: Fix error handling when calculating max IO queues number - net: ena: Fix undefined state when tx request id is out of bounds - sch_qfq: prevent shift-out-of-bounds in qfq_init_qdisc - batman-adv: mcast: don't send link-local multicast to mcast routers - lwtunnel: Validate RTA_ENCAP_TYPE attribute length - ipv6: Check attribute length for RTA_GATEWAY when deleting multipath route - ipv6: Check attribute length for RTA_GATEWAY in multipath route - ipv4: Check attribute length for RTA_FLOW in multipath route - ipv4: Check attribute length for RTA_GATEWAY in multipath route - ftrace/samples: Add missing prototypes direct functions - i40e: Fix incorrect netdev's real number of RX/TX queues - i40e: Fix for displaying message regarding NVM version - i40e: fix use-after-free in i40e_sync_filters_subtask() - sfc: The RX page_ring is optional - mac80211: initialize variable have_higher_than_11mbit - RDMA/uverbs: Check for null return of kmalloc_array - netrom: fix copying in user data in nr_setsockopt - RDMA/core: Don't infoleak GRH fields - iavf: Fix limit of total number of queues to active queues of VF - i40e: Fix to not show opcode msg on unsuccessful VF MAC change - ieee802154: atusb: fix uninit value in atusb_set_extended_addr - tracing: Tag trace_percpu_buffer as a percpu pointer - tracing: Fix check for trace_percpu_buffer validity in get_trace_buf() - selftests: x86: fix [-Wstringop-overread] warn in test_process_vm_readv() - f2fs: quota: fix potential deadlock - bpf: Add kconfig knob for disabling unpriv bpf by default - perf script: Fix CPU filtering of a script's switch events - net: fix use-after-free in tw_timer_handler - Input: spaceball - fix parsing of movement data packets - Input: appletouch - initialize work before device registration - scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Set residual data length conditionally - binder: fix async_free_space accounting for empty parcels - usb: mtu3: set interval of FS intr and isoc endpoint - usb: mtu3: fix list_head check warning - usb: mtu3: add memory barrier before set GPD's HWO - usb: gadget: f_fs: Clear ffs_eventfd in ffs_data_clear. - xhci: Fresco FL1100 controller should not have BROKEN_MSI quirk set. - drm/amdgpu: add support for IP discovery gc_info table v2 - drm/amdgpu: When the VCN(1.0) block is suspended, powergating is explicitly enabled - uapi: fix linux/nfc.h userspace compilation errors - nfc: uapi: use kernel size_t to fix user-space builds - i2c: validate user data in compat ioctl - fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe - net/ncsi: check for error return from call to nla_put_u32 - selftests/net: udpgso_bench_tx: fix dst ip argument - net/mlx5e: Fix wrong features assignment in case of error - ionic: Initialize the 'lif->dbid_inuse' bitmap - igc: Fix TX timestamp support for non-MSI-X platforms - net/smc: fix kernel panic caused by race of smc_sock - net/smc: don't send CDC/LLC message if link not ready - net/smc: improved fix wait on already cleared link - NFC: st21nfca: Fix memory leak in device probe and remove - net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes - net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths - net: usb: pegasus: Do not drop long Ethernet frames - net/smc: fix using of uninitialized completions - sctp: use call_rcu to free endpoint - selftests: Calculate udpgso segment count without header adjustment - udp: using datalen to cap ipv6 udp max gso segments - net/mlx5e: Fix ICOSQ recovery flow for XSK - net/mlx5e: Wrap the tx reporter dump callback to extract the sq - net/mlx5: DR, Fix NULL vs IS_ERR checking in dr_domain_init_resources - scsi: lpfc: Terminate string in lpfc_debugfs_nvmeio_trc_write() - selinux: initialize proto variable in selinux_ip_postroute_compat() - fix typo in s390 mcount regex - memblock: fix memblock_phys_alloc() section mismatch error - platform/x86: apple-gmux: use resource_size() with res - parisc: Clear stale IIR value on instruction access rights trap - tomoyo: use hwight16() in tomoyo_domain_quota_is_ok() - tomoyo: Check exceeded quota early in tomoyo_domain_quota_is_ok(). - Input: i8042 - enable deferred probe quirk for ASUS UM325UA - Input: i8042 - add deferred probe support - fs/ntfs3: Add ntfs3 module in openeuler_defconfig - fs/ntfs3: Add NTFS3 in fs/Kconfig and fs/Makefile - fs/ntfs3: Fix the issue from backport 5.15 to 5.10 - fs/ntfs3: Add MAINTAINERS - fs/ntfs3: Check for NULL pointers in ni_try_remove_attr_list - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ntfs_read_mft - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ni_parse_reparse - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ntfs_create_inode - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ntfs_readlink_hlp - fs/ntfs3: Rework ntfs_utf16_to_nls - fs/ntfs3: Fix memory leak if fill_super failed - fs/ntfs3: Keep prealloc for all types of files - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecessary functions - fs/ntfs3: Forbid FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE for normal files - fs/ntfs3: Refactoring of ntfs_set_ea - fs/ntfs3: Remove locked argument in ntfs_set_ea - fs/ntfs3: Use available posix_acl_release instead of ntfs_posix_acl_release - fs/ntfs3: Check for NULL if ATTR_EA_INFO is incorrect - fs/ntfs3: Refactoring of ntfs_init_from_boot - fs/ntfs3: Reject mount if boot's cluster size < media sector size - fs/ntfs3: Refactoring lock in ntfs_init_acl - fs/ntfs3: Change posix_acl_equiv_mode to posix_acl_update_mode - fs/ntfs3: Pass flags to ntfs_set_ea in ntfs_set_acl_ex - fs/ntfs3: Refactor ntfs_get_acl_ex for better readability - fs/ntfs3: Move ni_lock_dir and ni_unlock into ntfs_create_inode - fs/ntfs3: Fix logical error in ntfs_create_inode - fs/ntfs3: Remove deprecated mount options nls - fs/ntfs3: Remove a useless shadowing variable - fs/ntfs3: Remove a useless test in 'indx_find()' - fs/ntfs3: Add sync flag to ntfs_sb_write_run and al_update - fs/ntfs3: Change max hardlinks limit to 4000 - fs/ntfs3: Fix insertion of attr in ni_ins_attr_ext - fs/ntfs3: Fix a memory leak on object opts - Doc/fs/ntfs3: Fix rst format and make it cleaner - fs/ntfs3: Initiliaze sb blocksize only in one place + refactor - fs/ntfs3: Initialize pointer before use place in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove tmp pointer upcase in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove tmp pointer bd_inode in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove tmp var is_ro in ntfs_fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Use sb instead of sbi->sb in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecessary variable loading in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Return straight without goto in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Remove impossible fault condition in fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Change EINVAL to ENOMEM when d_make_root fails - fs/ntfs3: Fix wrong error message $Logfile -> $UpCase - fs/ntfs3: Use min/max macros instated of ternary operators - fs/ntfs3: Use clamp/max macros instead of comparisons - fs/ntfs3: Remove always false condition check - fs/ntfs3: Fix ntfs_look_for_free_space() does only report -ENOSPC - fs/ntfs3: Remove tabs before spaces from comment - fs/ntfs3: Remove braces from single statment block - fs/ntfs3: Place Comparisons constant right side of the test - fs/ntfs3: Remove '+' before constant in ni_insert_resident() - fs/ntfs3: Always use binary search with entry search - fs/ntfs3: Make binary search to search smaller chunks in beginning - fs/ntfs3: Limit binary search table size - fs/ntfs3: Remove unneeded header files from c files - fs/ntfs3: Change right headers to lznt.c - fs/ntfs3: Change right headers to upcase.c - fs/ntfs3: Change right headers to bitfunc.c - fs/ntfs3: Add missing header and guards to lib/ headers - fs/ntfs3: Add missing headers and forward declarations to ntfs_fs.h - fs/ntfs3: Add missing header files to ntfs.h - fs/ntfs3. Add forward declarations for structs to debug.h - fs/ntfs3: Remove redundant initialization of variable err - fs/ntfs3: Show uid/gid always in show_options() - fs/ntfs3: Rename mount option no_acs_rules > (no)acsrules - fs/ntfs3: Add iocharset= mount option as alias for nls= - fs/ntfs3: Make mount option nohidden more universal - fs/ntfs3: Init spi more in init_fs_context than fill_super - fs/ntfs3: Use new api for mounting - fs/ntfs3: Convert mount options to pointer in sbi - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecesarry remount flag handling - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecesarry mount option noatime - fs/ntfs3: Change how module init/info messages are displayed - fs/ntfs3: Remove GPL boilerplates from decompress lib files - fs/ntfs3: Remove unnecessary condition checking from ntfs_file_read_iter - fs/ntfs3: Fix integer overflow in ni_fiemap with fiemap_prep() - fs/ntfs3: Restyle comments to better align with kernel-doc - fs/ntfs3: Rework file operations - fs/ntfs3: Remove fat ioctl's from ntfs3 driver for now - fs/ntfs3: Restyle comments to better align with kernel-doc - fs/ntfs3: Fix error handling in indx_insert_into_root() - fs/ntfs3: Potential NULL dereference in hdr_find_split() - fs/ntfs3: Fix error code in indx_add_allocate() - fs/ntfs3: fix an error code in ntfs_get_acl_ex() - fs/ntfs3: add checks for allocation failure - fs/ntfs3: Use kcalloc/kmalloc_array over kzalloc/kmalloc - fs/ntfs3: Do not use driver own alloc wrappers - fs/ntfs3: Use kernel ALIGN macros over driver specific - fs/ntfs3: Restyle comment block in ni_parse_reparse() - fs/ntfs3: Remove unused including - fs/ntfs3: Fix fall-through warnings for Clang - fs/ntfs3: Fix one none utf8 char in source file - fs/ntfs3: Remove unused variable cnt in ntfs_security_init() - fs/ntfs3: Fix integer overflow in multiplication - fs/ntfs3: Add ifndef + define to all header files - fs/ntfs3: Use linux/log2 is_power_of_2 function - fs/ntfs3: Fix various spelling mistakes - fs/ntfs3: Add Kconfig, Makefile and doc - fs/ntfs3: Add NTFS journal - fs/ntfs3: Add compression - fs/ntfs3: Add attrib operations - fs/ntfs3: Add file operations and implementation - fs/ntfs3: Add bitmap - fs/ntfs3: Add initialization of super block - fs/ntfs3: Add headers and misc files - openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF - Revert "openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF" - change x86 configs - change arm64 configs - mm/damon: hide kernel pointer from tracepoint event - mm/damon/vaddr: hide kernel pointer from damon_va_three_regions() failure log - mm/damon/vaddr: use pr_debug() for damon_va_three_regions() failure logging - mm/damon/dbgfs: remove an unnecessary variable - mm/damon: move the implementation of damon_insert_region to damon.h - mm/damon: add access checking for hugetlb pages - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: update for schemes statistics - mm/damon/dbgfs: support all DAMOS stats - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/reclaim: document statistics parameters - mm/damon/reclaim: provide reclamation statistics - mm/damon/schemes: account how many times quota limit has exceeded - mm/damon/schemes: account scheme actions that successfully applied - mm/damon: remove a mistakenly added comment for a future feature - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: update for kdamond_pid and (mk|rm)_contexts - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: mention tracepoint at the beginning - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: remove redundant information - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/usage: update for scheme quotas and watermarks - mm/damon: convert macro functions to static inline functions - mm/damon: modify damon_rand() macro to static inline function - mm/damon: move damon_rand() definition into damon.h - mm/damon/schemes: add the validity judgment of thresholds - mm/damon/vaddr: remove swap_ranges() and replace it with swap() - mm/damon: remove some unneeded function definitions in damon.h - mm/damon/core: use abs() instead of diff_of() - mm/damon: add 'age' of region tracepoint support - mm/damon: unified access_check function naming rules - mm/damon/dbgfs: fix 'struct pid' leaks in 'dbgfs_target_ids_write()' - mm/damon/dbgfs: protect targets destructions with kdamond_lock - selftests/damon: split test cases - selftests/damon: test debugfs file reads/writes with huge count - selftests/damon: test wrong DAMOS condition ranges input - selftests/damon: test DAMON enabling with empty target_ids case - selftests/damon: skip test if DAMON is running - mm/damon/vaddr-test: remove unnecessary variables - mm/damon/vaddr-test: split a test function having >1024 bytes frame size - mm/damon/vaddr: remove an unnecessary warning message - mm/damon/core: remove unnecessary error messages - mm/damon/dbgfs: remove an unnecessary error message - mm/damon/core: use better timer mechanisms selection threshold - mm/damon/core: fix fake load reports due to uninterruptible sleeps - timers: implement usleep_idle_range() - mm/damon/dbgfs: fix missed use of damon_dbgfs_lock - mm/damon/dbgfs: use '__GFP_NOWARN' for user-specified size buffer allocation - NFC: add necessary privilege flags in netlink layer - net: add and use skb_unclone_keeptruesize() helper - openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF - tools/bpftool: Fix cross-build - tools/bpftool: Force clean of out-of-tree build - x86/kdump: add log before booting crash kernel - selftests/x86: Test signal frame XSTATE header corruption handling - x86/fpu: Add address range checks to copy_user_to_xstate() - block, bfq: move bfqq to root_group if parent group is offlined - ext4: report error to userspace by netlink - crypto: Add PMULL judgment during initialization to prevent oops - phonet/pep: refuse to enable an unbound pipe - hamradio: improve the incomplete fix to avoid NPD - hamradio: defer ax25 kfree after unregister_netdev - ax25: NPD bug when detaching AX25 device - hwmon: (lm90) Do not report 'busy' status bit as alarm - hwmom: (lm90) Fix citical alarm status for MAX6680/MAX6681 - pinctrl: mediatek: fix global-out-of-bounds issue - ASoC: rt5682: fix the wrong jack type detected - ASoC: tas2770: Fix setting of high sample rates - Input: goodix - add id->model mapping for the "9111" model - Input: elants_i2c - do not check Remark ID on eKTH3900/eKTH5312 - mm: mempolicy: fix THP allocations escaping mempolicy restrictions - KVM: VMX: Fix stale docs for kvm-intel.emulate_invalid_guest_state - usb: gadget: u_ether: fix race in setting MAC address in setup phase - ceph: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories - tee: optee: Fix incorrect page free bug - mac80211: fix locking in ieee80211_start_ap error path - ARM: 9169/1: entry: fix Thumb2 bug in iWMMXt exception handling - mmc: mmci: stm32: clear DLYB_CR after sending tuning command - mmc: core: Disable card detect during shutdown - mmc: meson-mx-sdhc: Set MANUAL_STOP for multi-block SDIO commands - mmc: sdhci-tegra: Fix switch to HS400ES mode - gpio: dln2: Fix interrupts when replugging the device - pinctrl: stm32: consider the GPIO offset to expose all the GPIO lines - KVM: VMX: Wake vCPU when delivering posted IRQ even if vCPU == this vCPU - platform/x86: intel_pmc_core: fix memleak on registration failure - x86/pkey: Fix undefined behaviour with PKRU_WD_BIT - parisc: Fix mask used to select futex spinlock - parisc: Correct completer in lws start - ipmi: fix initialization when workqueue allocation fails - ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early - ipmi: bail out if init_srcu_struct fails - Input: atmel_mxt_ts - fix double free in mxt_read_info_block - ASoC: meson: aiu: Move AIU_I2S_MISC hold setting to aiu-fifo-i2s - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for Clevo NJ51CU - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add new alc285-hp-amp-init model - ALSA: hda/realtek: Amp init fixup for HP ZBook 15 G6 - ALSA: drivers: opl3: Fix incorrect use of vp->state - ALSA: jack: Check the return value of kstrdup() - hwmon: (lm90) Drop critical attribute support for MAX6654 - hwmon: (lm90) Add basic support for TI TMP461 - hwmon: (lm90) Introduce flag indicating extended temperature support - hwmon: (lm90) Fix usage of CONFIG2 register in detect function - pinctrl: bcm2835: Change init order for gpio hogs - Input: elantech - fix stack out of bound access in elantech_change_report_id() - sfc: falcon: Check null pointer of rx_queue->page_ring - sfc: Check null pointer of rx_queue->page_ring - net: ks8851: Check for error irq - drivers: net: smc911x: Check for error irq - fjes: Check for error irq - bonding: fix ad_actor_system option setting to default - ipmi: Fix UAF when uninstall ipmi_si and ipmi_msghandler module - igb: fix deadlock caused by taking RTNL in RPM resume path - net: skip virtio_net_hdr_set_proto if protocol already set - net: accept UFOv6 packages in virtio_net_hdr_to_skb - qlcnic: potential dereference null pointer of rx_queue->page_ring - net: marvell: prestera: fix incorrect return of port_find - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-wandboard: Fix Ethernet support - RDMA/hns: Replace kfree() with kvfree() - IB/qib: Fix memory leak in qib_user_sdma_queue_pkts() - ASoC: meson: aiu: fifo: Add missing dma_coerce_mask_and_coherent() - spi: change clk_disable_unprepare to clk_unprepare - arm64: dts: allwinner: orangepi-zero-plus: fix PHY mode - HID: potential dereference of null pointer - HID: holtek: fix mouse probing - net: usb: lan78xx: add Allied Telesis AT29M2-AF - arm64: vdso32: require CROSS_COMPILE_COMPAT for gcc+bfd - arm64: vdso32: drop -no-integrated-as flag - mm/shmem.c: fix judgment error in shmem_is_huge() - drm: fix free illegal pointer when create drm_property_blob failed - BMA: Fix pointer cast compile warning in arm32 builds - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: Enable ARM64_PMEM_LEGACY - arm64: register persistent memory via protected memory - x86: pmem: move persistent memory(legacy) code into nvdimm - openeuler_defconfig: enable CONFIG_VENDOR_HOOKS for x86 and arm64 - vendor_hooks: make android vendor hooks feature generic. - ANDROID: fixup restricted hooks after tracepont refactoring - tracepoints: Do not punish non static call users - tracepoints: Remove unnecessary "data_args" macro parameter - ANDROID: simplify vendor hooks for non-GKI builds - ANDROID: vendor_hooks: fix __section macro - ANDROID: use static_call() for restricted hooks - ANDROID: fix redefinition error for restricted vendor hooks - ANDROID: add support for vendor hooks - mm: add PG_pool in /proc/kpageflags - ext4: Fix BUG_ON in ext4_bread when write quota data - ext4: fix null-ptr-deref in '__ext4_journal_ensure_credits' - bpf, mm: Fix lockdep warning triggered by stack_map_get_build_id_offset() - mmap_lock: change trace and locking order - mm: mmap_lock: fix disabling preemption directly - mm/mmap_lock: remove dead code for !CONFIG_TRACING configurations - mm: mmap_lock: use local locks instead of disabling preemption - mm: mmap_lock: add tracepoints around lock acquisition - ext4: fix an use-after-free issue about data=journal writeback mode - mm/pin_mem: improve pin mem pages rmap and free method - mm/pin_mem: add PG_hotreplace to mark pages need hotreplaced - mm/pin_mem: refactor pin memory mem reserve and pid reserve code - audit: bugfix for infinite loop when flush the hold queue - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Remove arm_smmu_cmdq_issue_sync() to keep consistent with upstream - ipvlan: disable l2e local xmit - watchdog: Fix sleeping function called from atomic context - tcp_comp: Del compressed_data and remaining_data from tcp_comp_context_rx - tcp_comp: Add dpkt to save decompressed skb - tcp_comp: Fix ZSTD_decompressStream failed - tcp_comp: Fix comp_read_size return value - tcp_comp: Avoiding the null pointer problem of ctx in comp_stream_read - tcp_comp: open configs for tcp compression - tcp_comp: implement recvmsg for tcp compression - tcp_comp: implement sendmsg for tcp compression - Revert "sched: Introcude config option SCHED_OPTIMIZE_LOAD_TRACKING" - Revert "sched: Add switch for update_blocked_averages" - Revert "sched: Add frequency control for load update in scheduler_tick" - Revert "sched: Access control for sysctl_update_load_latency" - Revert "sched: Fix branch prediction error in static_key" - Revert "arm: Optimize ttwu IPI" - Revert "sched/idle: introduce smart halt polling" - Revert "sched/idle: Add IAS_SMART_HALT_POLL config for smart halt polling feature" - Revert "sched: Add menuconfig option for CONFIG_SCHED_OPTIMIZE_LOAD_TRACKING" - Revert "sysctl: Refactor IAS framework" - Revert "sched/idle: Optimize the loop time algorithm to reduce multicore disturb" - Revert "sched/idle: Reported an error when an illegal negative value is passed" - Revert "sched: Aware multi-core system for optimize loadtracking" - blk-throttle: enable hierarchical throttle in cgroup v1 - md: Fix undefined behaviour in is_mddev_idle - cgroup: fix compile error when CONFIG_MEMCG = n - xfs: map unwritten blocks in XFS_IOC_{ALLOC,FREE}SP just like fallocate - fbcon: fix ypos over boundary issue - mm/zswap: move to use crypto_acomp API for hardware acceleration - net: fix a data race when get vlan device - ipvlan: Add handling of NETDEV_UP events - perf vendor events amd: Add Zen3 events- Disable-SATA-disk-phy-for-severe-I_T-nexus reset failure - Export-sas_phy_enable - bonding: allow nesting of bonding device - bonding: avoid adding slave device with IFF_MASTER flag - bonding: 3ad: Fix the conflict between bond_update_slave_arr and the state machine - openeuler_defconfig: enable CONFIG_DYNAMIC_HUGETLB for x86 - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add Document for dynamic hugetlb feature - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: disable dynamic hugetlb if hugetlb_vmemmap is enabled - mm/huge_memory: disable THP when dynamic hugetlb is enabled - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add some tracepoints - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: free huge pages to dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: alloc huge pages from dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: collects resv allocated for dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add interface to disable normal pages allocation - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: free pages to dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: alloc page from dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add migration function - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add merge page function - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add split page function - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add interface to configure the count of hugepages - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: add PG_pool flag to mark pages from dhugetlb_pool - mm/dynamic_hugetlb: establish the dynamic hugetlb feature framework - mm/hugetlb: add parameter hugetlbfs_inode_info to several functions - mm: declare several functions- SCSI: spfc: Update lb mode acquired solution - cpufreq: intel_pstate: Add Icelake servers support in no-HWP mode - asm-generic: Add missing brackets for io_stop_wc macro - net: hns3: add ethtool priv-flag for TX push - net: hns3: add support for TX push mode - asm-generic: introduce io_stop_wc() and add implementation for ARM64 - net/spnic:Remove the code about little endian and big endian conversion - net/spnic:Remove the code of polling mode - net/spnic:Remove unused clp hardware channels - net/spnic:Remove unused functions about ceq - RDMA/hns: Replace get_udp_sport with rdma_get_udp_sport - RDMA/core: Calculate UDP source port based on flow label or lqpn/rqpn - RDMA/hns: Modify the hop num of HIP09 EQ to 1 - RDMA/hns: Remove magic number - RDMA/hns: Remove macros that are no longer used - RDMA/hns: Correctly initialize the members of Array[][] - RDMA/hns: Correct the type of variables participating in the shift operation - RDMA/hns: Replace tab with space in the right-side comments - RDMA/hns: Correct the print format to be consistent with the variable type - RDMA/hns: Correct the hex print format - RDMA/hns: Validate the pkey index - RDMA/hns: Modify the value of MAX_LP_MSG_LEN to meet hardware compatibility - RDMA/hns: Fix initial arm_st of CQ - RDMA: Constify netdev->dev_addr accesses - RDMA/hns: Use dma_alloc_coherent() instead of kmalloc/dma_map_single() - RDMA/hns: Add the check of the CQE size of the user space - RDMA/hns: Fix the size setting error when copying CQE in clean_cq() - RDMA/hns: Work around broken constant propagation in gcc 8 - RDMA/hns: Delete unnecessary blank lines. - RDMA/hns: Adjust the order in which irq are requested and enabled - RDMA/hns: Remove dqpn filling when modify qp from Init to Init - RDMA/hns: Fix query destination qpn - RDMA/hns: Bugfix for incorrect association between dip_idx and dgid - RDMA/hns: Bugfix for the missing assignment for dip_idx - RDMA/hns: Bugfix for data type of dip_idx - RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect lsn field - RDMA/hns: Delete unused hns bitmap interface - RDMA/hns: Use IDA interface to manage srq index - RDMA/hns: Ownerbit mode add control field - RDMA/hns: Remove unsupport cmdq mode - RDMA/hns: Don't overwrite supplied QP attributes - RDMA/hns: Fix the double unlock problem of poll_sem - hugetlbfs: fix issue of preallocation of gigantic pages can't work - hugetlbfs: extend the definition of hugepages parameter to support node allocation - cpupower: Add cpuid cap flag for MSR_AMD_HWCR support - cpupower: Remove family arg to decode_pstates() - cpupower: Condense pstate enabled bit checks in decode_pstates() - cpupower: Update family checks when decoding HW pstates - cpupower: Remove unused pscur variable. - cpupower: Add CPUPOWER_CAP_AMD_HW_PSTATE cpuid caps flag - cpupower: Correct macro name for CPB caps flag - cpupower: Update msr_pstate union struct naming - openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_ARM64_EPAN for ARM64 - arm64: Support execute-only permissions with Enhanced PAN - arm64: head.S: cleanup SCTLR_ELx initialization - arm64: smccc: Save lr before calling __arm_smccc_sve_check() - arm64: smccc: Support SMCCC v1.3 SVE register saving hint - KVM: arm64: Implement the TRNG hypervisor call - arm64: Add support for SMCCC TRNG entropy source - firmware: smccc: Introduce SMCCC TRNG framework - firmware: smccc: Add SMCCC TRNG function call IDs - arm64: abort counter_read_on_cpu() when irqs_disabled() - arm64: implement CPPC FFH support using AMUs - arm64: split counter validation function - arm64: wrap and generalise counter read functions - arm64: Add HWCAP for self-synchronising virtual counter - arm64: Add handling of CNTVCTSS traps - arm64: Add CNT{P,V}CTSS_EL0 alternatives to cnt{p,v}ct_el0 - arm64: Add a capability for FEAT_ECV - clocksource/drivers/arch_arm_timer: Move workaround synchronisation around - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Fix masking for high freq counters - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Drop unnecessary ISB on CVAL programming - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Remove any trace of the TVAL programming interface - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Work around broken CVAL implementations - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Advertise 56bit timer to the core code - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Move MMIO timer programming over to CVAL - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Fix MMIO base address vs callback ordering issue - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Move drop _tval from erratum function names - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Move system register timer programming over to CVAL - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Extend write side of timer register accessors to u64 - clocksource/drivers/arm_arch_timer: Drop CNT*_TVAL read accessors - clocksource/arm_arch_timer: Add build-time guards for unhandled register accesses - can: raw: return -ERANGE when filterset does not fit into user space buffer - x86: hugepage: use nt copy hugepage to AEP in x86- xen/netback: don't queue unlimited number of packages - xen/netback: fix rx queue stall detection - xen/console: harden hvc_xen against event channel storms - xen/netfront: harden netfront against event channel storms - xen/blkfront: harden blkfront against event channel storms - Revert "xsk: Do not sleep in poll() when need_wakeup set" - bus: ti-sysc: Fix variable set but not used warning for reinit_modules - rcu: Mark accesses to rcu_state.n_force_qs - scsi: scsi_debug: Sanity check block descriptor length in resp_mode_select() - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix type in min_t to avoid stack OOB - scsi: scsi_debug: Don't call kcalloc() if size arg is zero - ovl: fix warning in ovl_create_real() - fuse: annotate lock in fuse_reverse_inval_entry() - media: mxl111sf: change mutex_init() location - xsk: Do not sleep in poll() when need_wakeup set - ARM: dts: imx6ull-pinfunc: Fix CSI_DATA07__ESAI_TX0 pad name - Input: touchscreen - avoid bitwise vs logical OR warning - drm/amdgpu: correct register access for RLC_JUMP_TABLE_RESTORE - libata: if T_LENGTH is zero, dma direction should be DMA_NONE - serial: 8250_fintek: Fix garbled text for console - iocost: Fix divide-by-zero on donation from low hweight cgroup - zonefs: add MODULE_ALIAS_FS - btrfs: fix double free of anon_dev after failure to create subvolume - btrfs: fix memory leak in __add_inode_ref() - USB: serial: option: add Telit FN990 compositions - USB: serial: cp210x: fix CP2105 GPIO registration - usb: xhci: Extend support for runtime power management for AMD's Yellow carp. - PCI/MSI: Mask MSI-X vectors only on success - PCI/MSI: Clear PCI_MSIX_FLAGS_MASKALL on error - usb: dwc2: fix STM ID/VBUS detection startup delay in dwc2_driver_probe - USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo USB-C to Ethernet Adapher(RTL8153-04) - tty: n_hdlc: make n_hdlc_tty_wakeup() asynchronous - KVM: x86: Drop guest CPUID check for host initiated writes to MSR_IA32_PERF_CAPABILITIES - Revert "usb: early: convert to readl_poll_timeout_atomic()" - bpf, selftests: Fix racing issue in btf_skc_cls_ingress test - sit: do not call ipip6_dev_free() from sit_init_net() - net: systemport: Add global locking for descriptor lifecycle - net/smc: Prevent smc_release() from long blocking - net: Fix double 0x prefix print in SKB dump - sfc_ef100: potential dereference of null pointer - net/packet: rx_owner_map depends on pg_vec - ixgbe: set X550 MDIO speed before talking to PHY - ixgbe: Document how to enable NBASE-T support - igc: Fix typo in i225 LTR functions - igbvf: fix double free in `igbvf_probe` - igb: Fix removal of unicast MAC filters of VFs - soc/tegra: fuse: Fix bitwise vs. logical OR warning - mptcp: clear 'kern' flag from fallback sockets - drm/amd/pm: fix a potential gpu_metrics_table memory leak - flow_offload: return EOPNOTSUPP for the unsupported mpls action type - mac80211: fix lookup when adding AddBA extension element - mac80211: agg-tx: don't schedule_and_wake_txq() under sta->lock - drm/ast: potential dereference of null pointer - selftest/net/forwarding: declare NETIFS p9 p10 - net/sched: sch_ets: don't remove idle classes from the round-robin list - dmaengine: st_fdma: fix MODULE_ALIAS - selftests: Fix IPv6 address bind tests - selftests: Fix raw socket bind tests with VRF - selftests: Add duplicate config only for MD5 VRF tests - net: hns3: fix use-after-free bug in hclgevf_send_mbx_msg - inet_diag: fix kernel-infoleak for UDP sockets - sch_cake: do not call cake_destroy() from cake_init() - s390/kexec_file: fix error handling when applying relocations - selftests: net: Correct ping6 expected rc from 2 to 1 - virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY - soc: imx: Register SoC device only on i.MX boards - clk: Don't parent clks until the parent is fully registered - ARM: socfpga: dts: fix qspi node compatible - ceph: initialize pathlen variable in reconnect_caps_cb - ceph: fix duplicate increment of opened_inodes metric - tee: amdtee: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug - mac80211: track only QoS data frames for admission control - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix audio-supply for Rock Pi 4 - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix rk3399-leez-p710 vcc3v3-lan supply - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix rk3308-roc-cc vcc-sd supply - arm64: dts: rockchip: remove mmc-hs400-enhanced-strobe from rk3399-khadas-edge - arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: Improve the Ethernet PHY description - arm64: dts: imx8m: correct assigned clocks for FEC - dm btree remove: fix use after free in rebalance_children() - look for jgnop instruction as well as bcrl on s390 - vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds - virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for virtio device - bpf, selftests: Add test case trying to taint map value pointer - bpf: Make 32->64 bounds propagation slightly more robust - bpf: Fix signed bounds propagation after mov32 - firmware: arm_scpi: Fix string overflow in SCPI genpd driver - mac80211: validate extended element ID is present - mac80211: send ADDBA requests using the tid/queue of the aggregation session - mac80211: mark TX-during-stop for TX in in_reconfig - mac80211: fix regression in SSN handling of addba tx - KVM: downgrade two BUG_ONs to WARN_ON_ONCE - KVM: selftests: Make sure kvm_create_max_vcpus test won't hit RLIMIT_NOFILE - arm: ioremap: don't abuse pfn_valid() to check if pfn is in RAM - arm: extend pfn_valid to take into account freed memory map alignment - memblock: align freed memory map on pageblock boundaries with SPARSEMEM - memblock: free_unused_memmap: use pageblock units instead of MAX_ORDER - perf intel-pt: Fix error timestamp setting on the decoder error path - perf intel-pt: Fix missing 'instruction' events with 'q' option - perf intel-pt: Fix next 'err' value, walking trace - perf intel-pt: Fix state setting when receiving overflow (OVF) packet - perf intel-pt: Fix intel_pt_fup_event() assumptions about setting state type - perf intel-pt: Fix sync state when a PSB (synchronization) packet is found - perf intel-pt: Fix some PGE (packet generation enable/control flow packets) usage - perf inject: Fix itrace space allowed for new attributes - ethtool: do not perform operations on net devices being unregistered - hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error - fuse: make sure reclaim doesn't write the inode - bpf: Fix integer overflow in argument calculation for bpf_map_area_alloc - staging: most: dim2: use device release method - KVM: x86: Ignore sparse banks size for an "all CPUs", non-sparse IPI req - tracing: Fix a kmemleak false positive in tracing_map - drm/amd/display: add connector type check for CRC source set - drm/amd/display: Fix for the no Audio bug with Tiled Displays - net: netlink: af_netlink: Prevent empty skb by adding a check on len. - i2c: rk3x: Handle a spurious start completion interrupt flag - parisc/agp: Annotate parisc agp init functions with __init - ALSA: hda/hdmi: fix HDA codec entry table order for ADL-P - ALSA: hda: Add Intel DG2 PCI ID and HDMI codec vid - net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G - Revert "tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: drop earlycon entry for i.MX8QXP" - s390/test_unwind: use raw opcode instead of invalid instruction - KVM: arm64: Save PSTATE early on exit - drm/msm/dsi: set default num_data_lanes - nfc: fix segfault in nfc_genl_dump_devices_done - cgroup: Use open-time cgroup namespace for process migration perm checks - cgroup: Allocate cgroup_file_ctx for kernfs_open_file->priv - cgroup: Use open-time credentials for process migraton perm checks - cgroup/cgroup.c: replace 'of->kn->priv' with of_cft() - cgroup: cgroup.{procs,threads} factor out common parts - netfilter: selftest: fix file permission - Documentation/Kbuild: Remove references to - MAINTAINERS: adjust GCC PLUGINS after removal - doc: gcc-plugins: update gcc-plugins.rst - kbuild: simplify GCC_PLUGINS enablement in dummy-tools/gcc - bpf: Add selftests to cover packet access corner cases - misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation - irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets - irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing INVALL - irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts - irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() - irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits. - csky: fix typo of fpu config macro - iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and remove - iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error - iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x - iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before disabling vdda - iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension - iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() - iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint - iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error - iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler - iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler - iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting - iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler - iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS - iio: trigger: Fix reference counting - iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness - xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime suspend - usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits - xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from runtime suspending - usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries - USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers - selftests/fib_tests: Rework fib_rp_filter_test() - net/qla3xxx: fix an error code in ql_adapter_up() - net, neigh: clear whole pneigh_entry at alloc time - net: fec: only clear interrupt of handling queue in fec_enet_rx_queue() - net: altera: set a couple error code in probe() - net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero - tools build: Remove needless libpython-version feature check that breaks test-all fast path - dt-bindings: net: Reintroduce PHY no lane swap binding - Documentation/locking/locktypes: Update migrate_disable() bits. - perf tools: Fix SMT detection fast read path - Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on emulated bridge" - i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc - mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation - mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account - i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF - i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF - clk: imx: use module_platform_driver - RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase - RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly - ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put - ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from msm_routing_put_audio_mixer - ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars - PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment - qede: validate non LSO skb length - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command - scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() - block: fix ioprio_get(IOPRIO_WHO_PGRP) vs setuid(2) - tracefs: Set all files to the same group ownership as the mount option - net: mvpp2: fix XDP rx queues registering - aio: fix use-after-free due to missing POLLFREE handling - aio: keep poll requests on waitqueue until completed - signalfd: use wake_up_pollfree() - binder: use wake_up_pollfree() - wait: add wake_up_pollfree() - libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 - can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt - can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free - drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in drm_syncobj_find_fence. - clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup - mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning - tracefs: Have new files inherit the ownership of their parent - nfsd: Fix nsfd startup race (again) - nfsd: fix use-after-free due to delegation race - md: fix update super 1.0 on rdev size change - btrfs: replace the BUG_ON in btrfs_del_root_ref with proper error handling - btrfs: clear extent buffer uptodate when we fail to write it - scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed - ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() - ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB - ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 - ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 platform - ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write - mm: bdi: initialize bdi_min_ratio when bdi is unregistered - KVM: x86: Wait for IPIs to be delivered when handling Hyper-V TLB flush hypercall - net/sched: fq_pie: prevent dismantle issue - devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() - IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation - iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count - iavf: restore MSI state on reset - netfilter: conntrack: annotate data-races around ct->timeout - udp: using datalen to cap max gso segments - seg6: fix the iif in the IPv6 socket control block - nfp: Fix memory leak in nfp_cpp_area_cache_add() - bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic - ice: ignore dropped packets during init - bpf: Fix the off-by-two error in range markings - bpf, x86: Fix "no previous prototype" warning - vrf: don't run conntrack on vrf with !dflt qdisc - selftests: netfilter: add a vrf+conntrack testcase - nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done - drm/amdkfd: fix boot failure when iommu is disabled in Picasso. - drm/amdgpu: init iommu after amdkfd device init - drm/amdgpu: move iommu_resume before ip init/resume - drm/amdgpu: add amdgpu_amdkfd_resume_iommu - drm/amdkfd: separate kfd_iommu_resume from kfd_resume - drm/amd/amdkfd: adjust dummy functions' placement - x86/sme: Explicitly map new EFI memmap table as encrypted - can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() - can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter - can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device - IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr - IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic - IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled - nft_set_pipapo: Fix bucket load in AVX2 lookup routine for six 8-bit groups - HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers - HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device - HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference - HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers - HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony - HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys - HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB detection - HID: google: add eel USB id - HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover - gcc-plugins: fix gcc 11 indigestion with plugins... - gcc-plugins: simplify GCC plugin-dev capability test - usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens - tee: handle lookup of shm with reference count 0 - f2fs: fix to do sanity check on last xattr entry in __f2fs_setxattr() - rds: memory leak in __rds_conn_create() - ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static - net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode - parisc: Mark cr16 CPU clocksource unstable on all SMP machines - iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed - serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode - serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() - serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array - serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak - serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for tegra20 and tegra30 - serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id - tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support - x86/64/mm: Map all kernel memory into trampoline_pgd - x86/tsc: Disable clocksource watchdog for TSC on qualified platorms - x86/tsc: Add a timer to make sure TSC_adjust is always checked - usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect - USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub - xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register. - vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling `vc_resize' - parisc: Fix "make install" on newer debian releases - parisc: Fix KBUILD_IMAGE for self-extracting kernel - x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in paranoid_entry() - x86/pv: Switch SWAPGS to ALTERNATIVE - sched/uclamp: Fix rq->uclamp_max not set on first enqueue - x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() - x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel CR3 - x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, and qword - KVM: VMX: Set failure code in prepare_vmcs02() - KVM: x86/pmu: Fix reserved bits for AMD PerfEvtSeln register - atlantic: Remove warn trace message. - atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware - Remove Half duplex mode speed capabilities. - atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c. - atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac version. - atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t - atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions - drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state - drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers - net/smc: Keep smc_close_final rc during active close - net/rds: correct socket tunable error in rds_tcp_tune() - net/smc: fix wrong list_del in smc_lgr_cleanup_early - ipv4: convert fib_num_tclassid_users to atomic_t - net: annotate data-races on txq->xmit_lock_owner - dpaa2-eth: destroy workqueue at the end of remove function - net: marvell: mvpp2: Fix the computation of shared CPUs - net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of "0" if no IRQ is available - ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on ES8336 codec - rxrpc: Fix rxrpc_local leak in rxrpc_lookup_peer() - rxrpc: Fix rxrpc_peer leak in rxrpc_look_up_bundle() - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S - ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF - ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK - ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC - ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S - ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF - mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in mt7915_get_phy_mode - selftests: net: Correct case name - net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() - arm64: ftrace: add missing BTIs - siphash: use _unaligned version by default - net: mpls: Fix notifications when deleting a device - net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() - tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault - natsemi: xtensa: fix section mismatch warnings - i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback - i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK - i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout - i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors - wireguard: ratelimiter: use kvcalloc() instead of kvzalloc() - wireguard: receive: drop handshakes if queue lock is contended - wireguard: receive: use ring buffer for incoming handshakes - wireguard: device: reset peer src endpoint when netns exits - wireguard: selftests: rename DEBUG_PI_LIST to DEBUG_PLIST - wireguard: selftests: actually test for routing loops - wireguard: allowedips: add missing __rcu annotation to satisfy sparse - wireguard: selftests: increase default dmesg log size - tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about signed values - KVM: X86: Use vcpu->arch.walk_mmu for kvm_mmu_invlpg() - KVM: arm64: Avoid setting the upper 32 bits of TCR_EL2 and CPTR_EL2 to 1 - KVM: x86: Use a stable condition around all VT-d PI paths - KVM: nVMX: Flush current VPID (L1 vs. L2) for KVM_REQ_TLB_FLUSH_GUEST - KVM: Disallow user memslot with size that exceeds "unsigned long" - drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices - ipv6: fix memory leak in fib6_rule_suppress - sata_fsl: fix warning in remove_proc_entry when rmmod sata_fsl - sata_fsl: fix UAF in sata_fsl_port_stop when rmmod sata_fsl - s390/pci: move pseudo-MMIO to prevent MIO overlap - ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue - rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start - kprobes: Limit max data_size of the kretprobe instances - vrf: Reset IPCB/IP6CB when processing outbound pkts in vrf dev xmit - ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions - net/smc: Avoid warning of possible recursive locking - perf report: Fix memory leaks around perf_tip() - perf hist: Fix memory leak of a perf_hpp_fmt - net: ethernet: dec: tulip: de4x5: fix possible array overflows in type3_infoblock() - net: tulip: de4x5: fix the problem that the array 'lp->phy[8]' may be out of bound - ipv6: check return value of ipv6_skip_exthdr - ethernet: hisilicon: hns: hns_dsaf_misc: fix a possible array overflow in hns_dsaf_ge_srst_by_port() - ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile - drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak - drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been triggered again - scsi: iscsi: Unblock session then wake up error handler - thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal zone init - btrfs: check-integrity: fix a warning on write caching disabled disk - s390/setup: avoid using memblock_enforce_memory_limit - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue after S3 deep - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control - net: return correct error code - net/smc: Transfer remaining wait queue entries during fallback - mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped - drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY - powerpc/pseries/ddw: Revert "Extend upper limit for huge DMA window for persistent memory" - gfs2: Fix length of holes reported at end-of-file - gfs2: release iopen glock early in evict - ovl: fix deadlock in splice write - ovl: simplify file splice - can: j1939: j1939_tp_cmd_recv(): check the dst address of TP.CM_BAM - NFSv42: Fix pagecache invalidation after COPY/CLONE - drm/amdgpu/gfx9: switch to golden tsc registers for renoir+ - net: stmmac: platform: fix build warning when with !CONFIG_PM_SLEEP - shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several IPC nses - s390/mm: validate VMA in PGSTE manipulation functions - tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value - xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly - xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist - xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page - xen/netfront: read response from backend only once - xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly - xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring page - xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once - xen: sync include/xen/interface/io/ring.h with Xen's newest version - tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events - vhost/vsock: fix incorrect used length reported to the guest - iommu/amd: Clarify AMD IOMMUv2 initialization messages - smb3: do not error on fsync when readonly - ceph: properly handle statfs on multifs setups - f2fs: set SBI_NEED_FSCK flag when inconsistent node block found - sched/scs: Reset task stack state in bringup_cpu() - tcp: correctly handle increased zerocopy args struct size - net: mscc: ocelot: correctly report the timestamping RX filters in ethtool - net: mscc: ocelot: don't downgrade timestamping RX filters in SIOCSHWTSTAMP - net/smc: Don't call clcsock shutdown twice when smc shutdown - net: vlan: fix underflow for the real_dev refcnt - net/sched: sch_ets: don't peek at classes beyond 'nbands' - tls: fix replacing proto_ops - tls: splice_read: fix record type check - MIPS: use 3-level pgtable for 64KB page size on MIPS_VA_BITS_48 - MIPS: loongson64: fix FTLB configuration - igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic - nvmet: use IOCB_NOWAIT only if the filesystem supports it - net/smc: Fix loop in smc_listen - net/smc: Fix NULL pointer dereferencing in smc_vlan_by_tcpsk() - net: phylink: Force retrigger in case of latched link-fail indicator - net: phylink: Force link down and retrigger resolve on interface change - lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() - tcp_cubic: fix spurious Hystart ACK train detections for not-cwnd-limited flows - drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset - PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() - net/ncsi : Add payload to be 32-bit aligned to fix dropped packets - nvmet-tcp: fix incomplete data digest send - net: marvell: mvpp2: increase MTU limit when XDP enabled - mlxsw: spectrum: Protect driver from buggy firmware - mlxsw: Verify the accessed index doesn't exceed the array length - net/smc: Ensure the active closing peer first closes clcsock - erofs: fix deadlock when shrink erofs slab - scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer - scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING - ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow - ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing - net: nexthop: release IPv6 per-cpu dsts when replacing a nexthop group - net: ipv6: add fib6_nh_release_dsts stub - net: stmmac: retain PTP clock time during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctls - net: stmmac: fix system hang caused by eee_ctrl_timer during suspend/resume - nfp: checking parameter process for rx-usecs/tx-usecs is invalid - ipv6: fix typos in __ip6_finish_output() - firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented - mptcp: fix delack timer - ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on ES8336 codec - iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation is on - net: marvell: prestera: fix double free issue on err path - drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test - drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks - ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE - NFSv42: Don't fail clone() unless the OP_CLONE operation failed - firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller - net: ieee802154: handle iftypes as u32 - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from hw_params - ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling - ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer - ARM: dts: bcm2711: Fix PCIe interrupts - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Add interrupt properties to GPIO node - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Fix I2C controller interrupt - netfilter: flowtable: fix IPv6 tunnel addr match - netfilter: ipvs: Fix reuse connection if RS weight is 0 - netfilter: ctnetlink: do not erase error code with EINVAL - netfilter: ctnetlink: fix filtering with CTA_TUPLE_REPLY - proc/vmcore: fix clearing user buffer by properly using clear_user() - PCI: aardvark: Fix link training - PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual bridge - PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS response - PCI: aardvark: Update comment about disabling link training - PCI: aardvark: Deduplicate code in advk_pcie_rd_conf() - powerpc/32: Fix hardlockup on vmap stack overflow - mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue - mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB - mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support - tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached - tracing/uprobe: Fix uprobe_perf_open probes iteration - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Prevent POWER7/8 TLB flush flushing SLB - xen: detect uninitialized xenbus in xenbus_init - xen: don't continue xenstore initialization in case of errors - fuse: release pipe buf after last use - staging: rtl8192e: Fix use after free in _rtl92e_pci_disconnect() - staging: greybus: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() calls - staging/fbtft: Fix backlight - HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid contacts - Revert "parisc: Fix backtrace to always include init funtion names" - media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 - ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access - binder: fix test regression due to sender_euid change - usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex - usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race - usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl interrupts - usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer dereference in probe - net: nexthop: fix null pointer dereference when IPv6 is not enabled - usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception - usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer - usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer - usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal - usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames - USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants - USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition - ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field - ARM: Add unwinding annotations to __loop.*delay functions - fcntl: fix potential deadlocks for &fown_struct.lock - mm: usercopy: Warn vmalloc/module address in check_heap_object() - powerpc: Fix virt_addr_valid() check - jffs2: fix memory leak in jffs2_scan_medium - jffs2: fix memory leak in jffs2_do_mount_fs - jffs2: fix use-after-free in jffs2_clear_xattr_subsystem - powerpc/85xx: Fix oops when CONFIG_FSL_PMC=n - netdevsim: Zero-initialize memory for new map's value in function nsim_bpf_map_alloc - mm/hwpoison: clear MF_COUNT_INCREASED before retrying get_any_page() - hugetlb: address ref count racing in prep_compound_gigantic_page - memblock: ensure there is no overflow in memblock_overlaps_region() - phonet: refcount leak in pep_sock_accep - Revert "[Backport] ARM: BCM53016: Specify switch ports for Meraki MR32" - USB: gadget: bRequestType is a bitfield, not a enum - USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests - Revert "perf: Rework perf_event_exit_event()" - ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in snd_hdac_stream_assign() - ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues - x86/Kconfig: Fix an unused variable error in dell-smm-hwmon - btrfs: update device path inode time instead of bd_inode - fs: export an inode_update_time helper - ice: Delete always true check of PF pointer - usb: max-3421: Use driver data instead of maintaining a list of bound devices - ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix - selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation fails - RDMA/netlink: Add __maybe_unused to static inline in C file - scsi: ufs: core: Fix task management completion timeout race - scsi: ufs: core: Fix task management completion - drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not works on vga and dvi connectors - drm/i915/dp: Ensure sink rate values are always valid - drm/udl: fix control-message timeout - drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums - cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type - parisc/sticon: fix reverse colors - btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions - net: stmmac: socfpga: add runtime suspend/resume callback for stratix10 platform - udf: Fix crash after seekdir - KVM: nVMX: don't use vcpu->arch.efer when checking host state on nested state load - block: Check ADMIN before NICE for IOPRIO_CLASS_RT - s390/kexec: fix memory leak of ipl report buffer - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() - powerpc/8xx: Fix pinned TLBs with CONFIG_STRICT_KERNEL_RWX - x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V setup fails - mm: kmemleak: slob: respect SLAB_NOLEAKTRACE flag - ipc: WARN if trying to remove ipc object which is absent - tipc: check for null after calling kmemdup - hexagon: clean up timer-regs.h - hexagon: export raw I/O routines for modules - tun: fix bonding active backup with arp monitoring - arm64: vdso32: suppress error message for 'make mrproper' - net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: Fix ethernet on rk3399 based devices - s390/kexec: fix return code handling - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake Server - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on Skylake Server - pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Use GLOBAL_TOC for kvmppc_h_set_dabr/xdabr() - e100: fix device suspend/resume - NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race - net: nfc: nci: Change the NCI close sequence - NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device - NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request - i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg - i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not power of two - i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e driver - i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF - i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs - i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync - i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue - net: virtio_net_hdr_to_skb: count transport header in UFO - net: dpaa2-eth: fix use-after-free in dpaa2_eth_remove - net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress to ingress - scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs - net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported - net/mlx5: E-Switch, Change mode lock from mutex to rw semaphore - net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received - net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() - platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in 'lis3lv02d_probe()' - mips: lantiq: add support for clk_get_parent() - mips: bcm63xx: add support for clk_get_parent() - MIPS: generic/yamon-dt: fix uninitialized variable error - iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 - iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing VF reset - iavf: validate pointers - iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure - iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode - iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf - iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features - iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count - net/smc: Make sure the link_id is unique - sock: fix /proc/net/sockstat underflow in sk_clone_lock() - net: reduce indentation level in sk_clone_lock() - tipc: only accept encrypted MSG_CRYPTO msgs - bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off - net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check - net: ipa: disable HOLB drop when updating timer - tracing: Add length protection to histogram string copies - tcp: Fix uninitialized access in skb frags array for Rx 0cp. - net-zerocopy: Refactor skb frag fast-forward op. - net-zerocopy: Copy straggler unaligned data for TCP Rx. zerocopy. - drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame - perf tests: Remove bash construct from - perf bench futex: Fix memory leak of perf_cpu_map__new() - perf bpf: Avoid memory leak from perf_env__insert_btf() - tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field over the field size - perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints - sched/core: Mitigate race cpus_share_cache()/update_top_cache_domain() - mips: BCM63XX: ensure that CPU_SUPPORTS_32BIT_KERNEL is set - clk: qcom: gcc-msm8996: Drop (again) gcc_aggre1_pnoc_ahb_clk - clk/ast2600: Fix soc revision for AHB - clk: ingenic: Fix bugs with divided dividers - f2fs: fix incorrect return value in f2fs_sanity_check_ckpt() - f2fs: compress: disallow disabling compress on non-empty compressed file - sh: define __BIG_ENDIAN for math-emu - sh: math-emu: drop unused functions - sh: fix kconfig unmet dependency warning for FRAME_POINTER - f2fs: fix to use WHINT_MODE - f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints - maple: fix wrong return value of maple_bus_init(). - sh: check return code of request_irq - powerpc/8xx: Fix Oops with STRICT_KERNEL_RWX without DEBUG_RODATA_TEST - powerpc/dcr: Use cmplwi instead of 3-argument cmpli - ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block - ARM: dts: qcom: fix memory and mdio nodes naming for RB3011 - powerpc/5200: dts: fix memory node unit name - iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() - scsi: target: Fix alua_tg_pt_gps_count tracking - scsi: target: Fix ordered tag handling - MIPS: sni: Fix the build - tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc - ALSA: ISA: not for M68K - ARM: dts: ls1021a-tsn: use generic "jedec,spi-nor" compatible for flash - ARM: dts: ls1021a: move thermal-zones node out of soc/ - usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - ARM: dts: omap: fix gpmc,mux-add-data type - firmware_loader: fix pre-allocated buf built-in firmware use - ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices based on ES8336 codec - scsi: advansys: Fix kernel pointer leak - ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high jack-detect - clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register - ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue - arm64: dts: freescale: fix arm,sp805 compatible string - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: Fix qcom,controlled-remotely property - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8998: Fix CPU/L2 idle state latency and residency - ARM: BCM53016: Specify switch ports for Meraki MR32 - staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect (v2) - ARM: dts: ux500: Skomer regulator fixes - usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read - usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg - bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost - RDMA/bnxt_re: Check if the vlan is valid before reporting - arm64: dts: hisilicon: fix arm,sp805 compatible string - arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable CDN DP on Pinebook Pro - scsi: lpfc: Fix list_add() corruption in lpfc_drain_txq() - ARM: dts: NSP: Fix mpcore, mmc node names - staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it - arm64: dts: allwinner: a100: Fix thermal zone node name - arm64: dts: allwinner: h5: Fix GPU thermal zone node name - ARM: dts: sunxi: Fix OPPs node name - arm64: zynqmp: Fix serial compatible string - arm64: zynqmp: Do not duplicate flash partition label property - ubifs: ubifs_releasepage: Remove ubifs_assert(0) to valid this process - ubifs: ubifs_writepage: Mark page dirty after writing inode failed - fget: check that the fd still exists after getting a ref to it - nbd: Fix use-after-free in blk_mq_free_rqs - xfs: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories - pipe: Fix endless sleep problem due to the out-of-order - blk-cgroup: prevent rcu_sched detected stalls warnings while iterating blkgs - blk-throttle: don't check whether or not lower limit is valid if CONFIG_BLK_DEV_THROTTLING_LOW is off - block: Fix fsync always failed if once failed - kfence: fix memory leak when cat kfence objects - io_uring: fix soft lockup when call __io_remove_buffers - io_uring: return back safer resurrect - io_uring: fix ltout double free on completion race - ext4: always panic when errors=panic is specified - scsi: core: Stop using DRIVER_ERROR - drm/i915/guc: Update to use firmware v49.0.1- Increase-debugfs_dump_index-after-dump - brd: expose number of allocated pages in debugfs - net: hns3: create new common cmd code for PF and VF modules - net: hns3: refactor VF tqp stats APIs with new common tqp stats APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF tqp stats APIs with new common tqp stats APIs - net: hns3: create new set of common tqp stats APIs for PF and VF reuse - net: hns3: refactor VF rss init APIs with new common rss init APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF rss init APIs with new common rss init APIs - net: hns3: create new set of common rss init APIs for PF and VF reuse - net: hns3: refactor VF rss set APIs with new common rss set APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF rss set APIs with new common rss set APIs - net: hns3: create new set of common rss set APIs for PF and VF module - net: hns3: refactor VF rss get APIs with new common rss get APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF rss get APIs with new common rss get APIs - net: hns3: create new set of common rss get APIs for PF and VF rss module - net: hns3: refactor hclge_comm_send function in PF/VF drivers - net: hns3: create new rss common structure hclge_comm_rss_cfg - net: hns3: delete the hclge_cmd.c and hclgevf_cmd.c - net: hns3: refactor VF cmdq init and uninit APIs with new common APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF cmdq init and uninit APIs with new common APIs - net: hns3: create common cmdq init and uninit APIs - net: hns3: refactor VF cmdq resource APIs with new common APIs - net: hns3: refactor PF cmdq resource APIs with new common APIs - net: hns3: create common cmdq resource allocate/free/query APIs - net: hns3: refactor hclgevf_cmd_send with new hclge_comm_cmd_send API - net: hns3: refactor hclge_cmd_send with new hclge_comm_cmd_send API - net: hns3: create new set of unified hclge_comm_cmd_send APIs - net: hns3: use struct hclge_desc to replace hclgevf_desc in VF cmdq module - net: hns3: create new cmdq hardware description structure hclge_comm_hw - net: hns3: refactor hns3 makefile to support hns3_common module - Revert "bcache: add a framework to perform prefetch" - Revert "bcache: provide a switch to bypass all IO requests" - Revert "bcache: inflight prefetch requests block overlapped normal requests" - Revert "bcache: Delay to invalidate cache data in writearound write" - Revert "bcache: Add a sample of userspace prefetch client" - Revert "bcache: Rewrite patch to delay to invalidate cache data" - Revert "bcache: do not collect data insert info created by write_moving" - Revert "bcache: always record start time of a sample"- netfilter: fix regression in looped (broad|multi)cast's MAC handling - ACPI: CPPC: Fix cppc_cpufreq_init failed in CPU Hotplug situation - cpufreq: Fix get_cpu_device() failure in add_cpu_dev_symlink() - serial: amba-pl011: Fix serial port discard interrupt when interrupt signal line of serial port is connected to mbigen. - dt-bindings: mpam: add document for arm64 mpam - arm64/mpam: add device tree support for mpam initialization - arm64/mpam: remove __init macro to support driver probe - perf script: Fix printing 'phys_addr' failure issue - bcache: always record start time of a sample - bcache: do not collect data insert info created by write_moving - bcache: Rewrite patch to delay to invalidate cache data - bcache: Add a sample of userspace prefetch client - bcache: Delay to invalidate cache data in writearound write - bcache: inflight prefetch requests block overlapped normal requests - bcache: provide a switch to bypass all IO requests - bcache: add a framework to perform prefetch - tcp: Add some stub info for KABI consistency - BMA: Fix format string compile warning in arm32 builds- hugepage: add sysctl for hugepage alloc and mig - mm: export node type {pmem|dram} under /sys/bus/node - acpi/numa: memorize node type from SRAT table - etmem_scan: add pte_hole callback - etmem_scan: release CPU after scan walk_step size - etmem: fix potential UAF when walk ept page table - etmem: fix concurrent access to export file operations - etmem scan: fix memleak in vm_idle_read - etmem_scan: x86: support scan 4 level ept under 5 level host page table - etmem: x86: support scan hugetlb of vm - etmem: add ioctl for mm idle scan - RDMA/hns: Remove support for HIP06 - RDMA/hns: Remove RST2RST error prints for hw v1 - RDMA/hns: Support direct wqe of userspace - RDMA/hns: Modify the mapping attribute of doorbell to device - RDMA/hns: Encapsulate the qp db as a function - RDMA/hns: Use the core code to manage the fixed mmap entries - RDMA/hns: Use IDA interface to manage uar index - RDMA/hns: Enable the cmd mask of uverbs to create and destroy AH - RDMA/hns: Fix Direct WQE is not enable - RDMA/hns: Enable stash feature of HIP09- tcp_comp: add stub proto ops for tcp compression socket - tcp_comp: allow ignore local tcp connections - tcp_comp: only enable compression for give server ports - tcp_comp: add sysctl for enable/disable compression - tcp_comp: add init and cleanup hook for compression - tcp_comp: add tcp comp option to SYN and SYN-ACK - tcp_comp: add Kconfig for tcp payload compression - xfs: move the CIL workqueue to the CIL - xfs: CIL work is serialised, not pipelined - xfs: AIL needs asynchronous CIL forcing - xfs: reduce ilock acquisitions in xfs_file_fsync - xfs: refactor xfs_file_fsync - xfs: throttle inode inactivation queuing on memory reclaim - xfs: avoid buffer deadlocks when walking fs inodes - xfs: use background worker pool when transactions can't get free space - xfs: don't run speculative preallocation gc when fs is frozen - xfs: flush inode inactivation work when compiling usage statistics - xfs: inactivate inodes any time we try to free speculative preallocations - xfs: queue inactivation immediately when free realtime extents are tight - xfs: queue inactivation immediately when quota is nearing enforcement - xfs: queue inactivation immediately when free space is tight - xfs: per-cpu deferred inode inactivation queues - xfs: detach dquots from inode if we don't need to inactivate it - xfs: move xfs_inactive call to xfs_inode_mark_reclaimable - xfs: remove the active vs running quota differentiation - xfs: remove the flags argument to xfs_qm_dquot_walk - xfs: remove xfs_dqrele_all_inodes - xfs: remove support for disabling quota accounting on a mounted file system - xfs: don't nest transactions when scanning for eofblocks - xfs: force log and push AIL to clear pinned inodes when aborting mount - xfs: separate primary inode selection criteria in xfs_iget_cache_hit - xfs: refactor the inode recycling code - xfs: add iclog state trace events - xfs: rename struct xfs_eofblocks to xfs_icwalk - xfs: change the prefix of XFS_EOF_FLAGS_* to XFS_ICWALK_FLAG_ - xfs: selectively keep sick inodes in memory - xfs: drop IDONTCACHE on inodes when we mark them sick - xfs: refactor per-AG inode tagging functions - xfs: merge xfs_reclaim_inodes_ag into xfs_inode_walk_ag - xfs: pass struct xfs_eofblocks to the inode scan callback - xfs: fix radix tree tag signs - xfs: make the icwalk processing functions clean up the grab state - xfs: clean up inode state flag tests in xfs_blockgc_igrab - xfs: remove indirect calls from xfs_inode_walk{,_ag} - xfs: remove iter_flags parameter from xfs_inode_walk_* - xfs: move xfs_inew_wait call into xfs_dqrele_inode - xfs: separate the dqrele_all inode grab logic from xfs_inode_walk_ag_grab - xfs: pass the goal of the incore inode walk to xfs_inode_walk() - xfs: rename xfs_inode_walk functions to xfs_icwalk - xfs: move the inode walk functions further down - xfs: detach inode dquots at the end of inactivation - xfs: move the quotaoff dqrele inode walk into xfs_icache.c - xfs: don't bounce the iolock between free_{eof,cow}blocks - xfs: expose the blockgc workqueue knobs publicly - xfs: rename the blockgc workqueue - xfs: prevent metadata files from being inactivated - xfs: parallelize block preallocation garbage collection - xfs: rename block gc start and stop functions - xfs: only walk the incore inode tree once per blockgc scan - xfs: consolidate the eofblocks and cowblocks workers - xfs: consolidate incore inode radix tree posteof/cowblocks tags - xfs: remove trivial eof/cowblocks functions - xfs: hide xfs_icache_free_cowblocks - xfs: hide xfs_icache_free_eofblocks - xfs: relocate the eofb/cowb workqueue functions - xfs: set WQ_SYSFS on all workqueues in debug mode - xfs: increase the default parallelism levels of pwork clients - xfs: flush speculative space allocations when we run out of space - xfs: refactor xfs_icache_free_{eof,cow}blocks call sites - xfs: add a tracepoint for blockgc scans - xfs: flush eof/cowblocks if we can't reserve quota for chown - xfs: flush eof/cowblocks if we can't reserve quota for inode creation - xfs: flush eof/cowblocks if we can't reserve quota for file blocks - xfs: try worst case space reservation upfront in xfs_reflink_remap_extent - xfs: pass flags and return gc errors from xfs_blockgc_free_quota - xfs: move and rename xfs_inode_free_quota_blocks to avoid conflicts - xfs: xfs_inode_free_quota_blocks should scan project quota - xfs: don't stall cowblocks scan if we can't take locks - xfs: trigger all block gc scans when low on quota space - xfs: shut down the filesystem if we screw up quota reservation - xfs: rename code to error in xfs_ioctl_setattr - xfs: remove xfs_qm_vop_chown_reserve - xfs: refactor inode ownership change transaction/inode/quota allocation idiom - xfs: refactor inode creation transaction/inode/quota allocation idiom - xfs: refactor reflink functions to use xfs_trans_alloc_inode - xfs: allow reservation of rtblocks with xfs_trans_alloc_inode - xfs: refactor common transaction/inode/quota allocation idiom - xfs: reserve data and rt quota at the same time - xfs: fix up build warnings when quotas are disabled - xfs: clean up icreate quota reservation calls - xfs: remove xfs_trans_unreserve_quota_nblks completely - xfs: create convenience wrappers for incore quota block reservations - xfs: clean up quota reservation callsites - xfs: reduce quota reservation when doing a dax unwritten extent conversion - scsi:spraid: use bsg module to replace with ioctrl - KVM: vmx/pmu: Fix dummy check if lbr_desc->event is created - KVM: vmx/pmu: Expose LBR_FMT in the MSR_IA32_PERF_CAPABILITIES - KVM: vmx/pmu: Release guest LBR event via lazy release mechanism - KVM: vmx/pmu: Emulate legacy freezing LBRs on virtual PMI - KVM: vmx/pmu: Reduce the overhead of LBR pass-through or cancellation - KVM: vmx/pmu: Pass-through LBR msrs when the guest LBR event is ACTIVE - KVM: vmx/pmu: Create a guest LBR event when vcpu sets DEBUGCTLMSR_LBR - KVM: vmx/pmu: Add PMU_CAP_LBR_FMT check when guest LBR is enabled - KVM: vmx/pmu: Add PMU_CAP_LBR_FMT check when guest LBR is enabled - KVM: x86/pmu: preserve IA32_PERF_CAPABILITIES across CPUID refresh - KVM: x86/vmx: Make vmx_set_intercept_for_msr() non-static - KVM: VMX: read/write MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTLMSR from GUEST_IA32_DEBUGCTL - openeuler_defconfig: Enable sharepool feature in defconfig - net/spnic:The reset command flags modification. - net/spnic:Attribute negotiation and optimization. - net/spnic:RSS initialization process optimization - arm64: Fix conflict for capability when cpu hotplug - memcg: Add static key for memcg kswapd - memcg: make memcg kswapd deal with dirty - memcg: support memcg sync reclaim work as kswapd - memcg: Export memcg.high from cgroupv2 to cgroupv1 - memcg: Export memcg.{min/low} from cgroupv2 to cgroupv1 - kabi: Add reserved page and gfp flags for future extension - kabi: reserve space for cgroup_bpf_attach_type and bpf_cgroup_storage_type - bpf: Migrate cgroup_bpf to internal cgroup_bpf_attach_type enum - bpf: Split cgroup_bpf_enabled per attach type - bpf: Try to avoid kzalloc in cgroup/{s,g}etsockopt - bpf: Allow bpf_{s,g}etsockopt from cgroup bind{4,6} hooks - KABI: Add KABI_AUX_PTR extenstions to some more base structures - kabi: Generalize naming of kabi helper macros - arm64: Request resources for reserved memory via memmap - arm64: Add support for memmap kernel parameters- openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_KABI_RESERVE for x86 and arm64 - KABI: Add CONFIG_KABI_RESERVE to control KABI padding reserve - KABI: Fix allmodconfig build error - Revert "kabi: reserve space for ptp_clock.h" - kabi: reserve space for arm64 cpufeature related structure - UAPI: nfsfh.h: Replace one-element array with flexible-array member - kabi: Add kabi reservation for storage module - KABI:reserve space for sched structures - KABI: reserve space for IMA IPE - kabi: reserve space for cred and user_namespace - Increase size of ucounts to atomic_long_t - kabi: reserve space for fwnode.h - kabi: reserve space for iommu.h - kabi: reserve space for ptp_clock.h - kabi: reserve space for struct ptp_clock_info - kabi: reserve space for struct ptp_clock - kabi: reserve space for struct module - kabi: reserve space for kobject related structures - kabi: reserve space for io subsystem related structures - KABI: add KABI padding to x86/paravirt ops structures - KABI: add KABI padding to cpuidle structures - kabi: reserve space for struct dma_map_ops - kabi: reserve space for struct cpu_stop_work - kabi: reserve space for perf subsystem related structures - kabi: net: reserve space for net netfilter subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net bpf subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net rdma subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net sunrpc subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net can subsystem related structure - kabi: net: reserve space for net base subsystem related structure - kabi: reserve space for cgroup bpf structures - kabi: reserve space for cpu cgroup and cpuset cgroup related structures - kabi: reserve space for memcg related structures - kabi: reserve space for cgroup framework related structures - kabi: mm: reserve space for memory subsystem related - msi: Add kabi_reserve in msi.h - irqdomain: Add kabi_reserve in irqdomain - irq_desc: Add kabi_reserve in irq_desc - irq: Add kabi_reserve in irq - interrupt: Add kabi_reserve in interrupt.h - bootparam: Add kabi_reserve in bootparam - kabi: reserve space for hrtimer related structures - kabi: reserve space for time and workqueue subsystem related structure - kabi: reserve space for struct worker - kabi: reserve space for net_namespace - kabi: reserve space for power management related structure - kabi: reserve space for pci subsystem related structure - kabi: reserve space for posix clock related structure - kabi: add kABI reference checking tool - kabi: add a tool to generate the kabi reference relationship - kabi: add script tools to check kabi symbol - kabi: enables more stringent kabi checks - kabi: add KABI_SIZE_ALIGN_CHECKS for more stringent kabi checks - kabi: add kabi helper macros - pci: do not save 'PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_BUS_RESET' - PCI: check BIR before mapping MSI-X Table - PCI: Fail MSI-X mapping if MSI-X Table offset is out of range of BAR space - PCI/sysfs: Take reference on device to be removed - pciehp: fix a race between pciehp and removing operations by sysfs - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add suspend and resume support - cgroup: Fix task_css_check rcu warnings - psi: using cpuacct_cgrp_id under CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT - psi: fix unexpected behavior of psi in cgroup v1 during init - perf inject: Fix ARM SPE handling - perf tools: Set COMPAT_NEED_REALLOCARRAY for CONFIG_AUXTRACE=1 - perf arm-spe: Support hardware-based PID tracing - perf arm-spe: Save context ID in record - perf arm-spe: Update --switch-events docs in 'perf record' - perf arm-spe: Track task context switch for cpu-mode events - perf arm-spe: Print size using consistent format - perf arm-spe: Implement find_snapshot callback - perf arm-spe: Snapshot mode test - perf arm-spe: Add snapshot mode support - perf arm-spe: Don't wait for PERF_RECORD_EXIT event - perf arm-spe: Bail out if the trace is later than perf event - perf arm-spe: Assign kernel time to synthesized event - perf arm-spe: Convert event kernel time to counter value - perf arm-spe: Save clock parameters from TIME_CONV event - perf arm-spe: Remove redundant checking for "full_auxtrace" - perf arm-spe: Enable timestamp for per-cpu mode - perf arm-spe: Correct sample flags for dummy event - perf arm-spe: Correct sample flags for SPE event - perf arm-spe: Avoid potential buffer overrun - perf arm-spe: Set sample's data source field - perf arm-spe: Synthesize memory event - perf arm-spe: Fill address info for samples - perf arm-spe: Store operation type in packet - perf arm-spe: Store memory address in packet - perf arm-spe: Enable sample type PERF_SAMPLE_DATA_SRC - perf c2c: Add local variables for output metrics - perf c2c: Refactor node display - perf c2c: Fix argument type for percent() - perf c2c: Refactor display filter - perf c2c: Refactor hist entry validation - perf c2c: Rename for shared cache line stats - perf arm-spe: Add support for ARMv8.3-SPE - perf arm_spe: Decode memory tagging properties - perf arm-spe: Add more sub classes for operation packet - perf arm-spe: Refactor operation packet handling - perf arm-spe: Add new function arm_spe_pkt_desc_op_type() - perf arm-spe: Remove size condition checking for events - perf arm-spe: Refactor event type handling - perf arm-spe: Add new function arm_spe_pkt_desc_event() - perf arm-spe: Refactor counter packet handling - perf arm-spe: Add new function arm_spe_pkt_desc_counter() - perf arm-spe: Refactor context packet handling - perf arm_spe: Fixup top byte for data virtual address - perf arm-spe: Refactor address packet handling - perf arm-spe: Add new function arm_spe_pkt_desc_addr() - perf arm-spe: Refactor packet header parsing - perf arm-spe: Refactor printing string to buffer - perf arm-spe: Fix packet length handling - perf arm-spe: Refactor arm_spe_get_events() - perf arm-spe: Refactor payload size calculation - perf arm-spe: Fix a typo in comment - perf arm-spe: Include bitops.h for BIT() macro - perf mem: Support ARM SPE events - perf c2c: Support AUX trace - perf mem: Support AUX trace - perf auxtrace: Add itrace option '-M' for memory events - perf mem: Only initialize memory event for recording - perf c2c: Support memory event PERF_MEM_EVENTS__LOAD_STORE - perf mem: Support new memory event PERF_MEM_EVENTS__LOAD_STORE - perf mem: Introduce weak function perf_mem_events__ptr() - perf mem: Search event name with more flexible path - share_pool: Use sharepool_no_page to alloc hugepage - share_pool: Show sp vmflags in /proc/$pid/smaps - share_pool: charge pages to the memcg of current task - share_pool: Use node_id from spa when alloc share_pool memory - share_pool: Don't allow non-sp mmap in sp address range - share_pool: support fork() and exit() to handle the mm - share_pool: Implement sp_group_del_task() - share_pool: Implement sp_group_add_task() - share_pool: Implement sp_alloc() - share_pool: Implement sp_unshare_uva() - share_pool: Implement sp_make_share_k2u() - share_pool: Implement sp_free() - share_pool: Implement sp_group_id_by_pid() - share_pool: Implement sp_unshare_kva - share_pool: Implement sp_make_share_u2k() - share_pool: Compact memory when necessary - share_pool: Add sp-area management code - share_pool: Implement sp_walk_page_range() - share_pool: Add VM_SHARE_POOL flag for vm_area_struct - share_pool: Add proc interfaces to show sp info - share_pool: Reserve the va space for share_pool - share_pool: Add Statement for all the exported symbol - share_pool: Add base framework for share_pool - shmem: Alloc shared memory on a specified memory node - memory: introduce do_mm_populate - vmalloc: Extend for hugepages mapping - mm/hugetlb: allocate huge page and setup page table - timekeeping: Really make sure wall_to_monotonic isn't positive - tracing/osnoise: Fix compile warning in function start_kthread - configs: Enable osnoise and timerlat - tracing: Have osnoise_main() add a quiescent state for task rcu - tracing/osnoise: Make osnoise_instances static - tracing/osnoise: Remove PREEMPT_RT ifdefs from inside functions - tracing/osnoise: Remove STACKTRACE ifdefs from inside functions - tracing/osnoise: Allow multiple instances of the same tracer - tracing/osnoise: Remove TIMERLAT ifdefs from inside functions - tracing: Disable "other" permission bits in the tracefs files - tracing/osnoise: Support a list of trace_array *tr - tracing/osnoise: Use start/stop_per_cpu_kthreads() on osnoise_cpus_write() - tracing/osnoise: Split workload start from the tracer start - tracing/osnoise: Improve comments about barrier need for NMI callbacks - tracing/osnoise: Do not follow tracing_cpumask - tracing: Fix missing osnoise tracer on max_latency - tracing/osnoise: Fix missed cpus_read_unlock() in start_per_cpu_kthreads() - trace/osnoise: Print a stop tracing message - trace/osnoise: Make 'noise' variable s64 in run_osnoise() - tracing: Fix spelling in osnoise tracer "interferences" -> "interference" - Documentation: Fix a typo on trace/osnoise-tracer - trace/osnoise: Fix return value on osnoise_init_hotplug_support - trace/osnoise: Make interval u64 on osnoise_main - trace/osnoise: Support hotplug operations - trace/osnoise: Fix 'no previous prototype' warnings - trace/osnoise: Fix an ifdef comment - trace/osnoise: Add a header with PREEMPT_RT additional fields - trace: Add timerlat tracer - trace: Add osnoise tracer - tracing: Merge irqflags + preempt counter. - trace: Add __print_ns_to_secs() and __print_ns_without_secs() helpers - trace: Add a generic function to read/write u64 values from tracefs - driver core: auxiliary bus: Fix memory leak when driver_register() fail - driver core: auxiliary bus: Remove unneeded module bits - driver core: auxiliary bus: Fix calling stage for auxiliary bus init - driver core: auxiliary bus: Fix auxiliary bus shutdown null auxdrv ptr - driver core: auxiliary bus: minor coding style tweaks - driver core: auxiliary bus: make remove function return void - driver core: auxiliary bus: move slab.h from include file - Add auxiliary bus support - svm: Set CONFIG_HISI_SVM as m by default - svm: Change svm to modules and remove unused functions - arm64/ascend: Enable CONFIG_ASCEND_OOM for openeuler_defconfig - arm64/ascend: Add new enable_oom_killer interface for oom contrl - x86: Support huge vmalloc mappings - arm64: Support huge vmalloc mappings - mm: vmalloc: Let user to control huge vmalloc default behavior - pid_ns: Make pid_max per namespace - arm64/mpam: rmid: refine allocation and release process - arm64/mpam: resctrl: add tips when rmid modification failed - arm64/mpam: Fix mpam corrupt when cpu online - vfio/mdev: Add missing error handling to dev_set_name() - KVM: arm64: Restore PMU configuration on first run - KVM: arm64: Refuse to run VCPU if PMU is not initialized - KVM: arm64: Add kvm_vcpu_has_pmu() helper - KVM: LAPIC: Keep stored TMCCT register value 0 after KVM_SET_LAPIC - KVM: x86: Properly reset MMU context at vCPU RESET/INIT - KVM: LAPIC: Write 0 to TMICT should also cancel vmx-preemption timer - KVM: X86: Fix missing local pCPU when executing wbinvd on all dirty pCPUs - kvm: SMM: fix losing SMI problem - arm64: mm: support setting page attributes for debugging - mm: emit the "free" trace report before freeing memory in kmem_cache_free() - mm, page_alloc: disable pcplists during memory offline - mm, page_alloc: move draining pcplists to page isolation users - mm, page_alloc: cache pageset high and batch in struct zone - mm, page_alloc: simplify pageset_update() - mm, page_alloc: remove setup_pageset() - mm, page_alloc: calculate pageset high and batch once per zone - mm, page_alloc: clean up pageset high and batch update - tools arch x86: Sync the msr-index.h copy with the kernel sources - powercap: RAPL: Add AMD Fam19h RAPL support - powercap: Add AMD Fam17h RAPL support - powercap/intel_rapl_msr: Convert rapl_msr_priv into pointer - x86/msr-index: sort AMD RAPL MSRs by address - Revert "ima: Introduce ima namespace" - Revert "ima: Add a list of the installed ima namespaces" - Revert "ima: Bind ima namespace to the file descriptor" - Revert "ima: Add ima policy related data to the ima namespace" - Revert "ima: Add methods for parsing ima policy configuration string" - Revert "ima: Add ima namespace to the ima subsystem APIs" - Revert "ima: Extend the APIs in the integrity subsystem" - Revert "ima: Add integrity inode related data to the ima namespace" - Revert "ima: Enable per ima namespace policy settings" - Revert "ima: Add ima namespace id to the measurement list related structures" - Revert "ima: Keep track of the measurment list per ima namespace" - Revert "ima: Check ima namespace ID during digest entry lookup" - Revert "ima: Add a new ima template that includes namespace ID" - Revert "ima: Add per namespace view of the measurement list" - Revert "ima: Add a reader counter to the integrity inode data" - Revert "ima: Extend permissions to the ima securityfs entries" - Revert "ima: Add the violation counter to the namespace" - Revert "ima: Change the owning user namespace of the ima namespace if necessary" - Revert "ima: Configure the new ima namespace from securityfs" - Revert "ima: Parse per ima namespace policy file" - Revert "user namespace: Add function that checks if the UID map is defined" - Revert "ima: Remap IDs of subject based rules if necessary" - Revert "keys: Add domain tag to the keyring search criteria" - Revert "keys: Include key domain tag in the iterative search" - Revert "keys: Allow to set key domain tag separately from the key type" - Revert "ima: Add key domain to the ima namespace" - Revert "integrity: Add key domain tag to the search criteria" - Revert "ima: Load per ima namespace x509 certificate" - Revert "ima: Add dummy boot aggregate to per ima namespace measurement list" - Revert "ima: Set ML template per ima namespace" - Revert "ima: fix a potential crash owing to the compiler optimisation" - Revert "ima: Introduce ima-ns-sig template" - Revert "digest list: disable digest lists in non-root ima namespaces" - Revert "imans: Use initial ima namespace domain tag when IMANS is disabled." - Revert "imans: Check CAP_SYS_ADMIN in userns associated with IMA NS during configuration." - config: enable CONFIG_ASCEND_CLEAN_CDM by default - numa/cdm: Introduce a bootarg to specify the target nodes to move to - numa: Move the management structures for cdm nodes to ddr - tick/nohz: Call tick_nohz_task_switch() with interrupts disabled - tick/nohz: Kick only _queued_ task whose tick dependency is updated - tick/nohz: Change signal tick dependency to wake up CPUs of member tasks - tick/nohz: Only wake up a single target cpu when kicking a task - tick/nohz: Update idle_exittime on actual idle exit - tick/nohz: Remove superflous check for CONFIG_VIRT_CPU_ACCOUNTING_NATIVE - tick/nohz: Conditionally restart tick on idle exit - tick/sched: Release seqcount before invoking calc_load_global() - tick/sched: Optimize tick_do_update_jiffies64() further - tick/sched: Reduce seqcount held scope in tick_do_update_jiffies64() - tick/sched: Use tick_next_period for lockless quick check - arm64: Revert feature: Add memmap parameter and register pmem - crypto: hisilicon/zip - enable ssid for sva sgl - crypto: hisilicon/zip - add new algorithms for uacce device - PCI: fix the wrong class type for HiSilicon NP 5896 - PCI: Fix SD5896 NP init failure - fs: fix a hungtask problem when freeze/unfreeze fs - PCI: Add support of port isolation for QLogic HBA card 26 - xfs: fix chown leaking delalloc quota blocks when fssetxattr fails - xfs: punch out data fork delalloc blocks on COW writeback failure - xfs: use kmem_cache_free() for kmem_cache objects - xfs: fix I_DONTCACHE - xfs: only set IOMAP_F_SHARED when providing a srcmap to a write - xfs: fix perag structure refcounting error when scrub fails - xfs: make fsmap backend function key parameters const - xfs: fix off-by-one error when the last rt extent is in use - xfs: make xfs_rtalloc_query_range input parameters const - xfs: replace kmem_alloc_large() with kvmalloc() - xfs: remove kmem_alloc_io() - mm: Add kvrealloc() - xfs: introduce all-mounts list for cpu hotplug notifications - xfs: introduce CPU hotplug infrastructure - xfs: prevent spoofing of rtbitmap blocks when recovering buffers - xfs: Enforce attr3 buffer recovery order - xfs: logging the on disk inode LSN can make it go backwards - xfs: avoid unnecessary waits in xfs_log_force_lsn() - xfs: log forces imply data device cache flushes - xfs: factor out forced iclog flushes - xfs: fix ordering violation between cache flushes and tail updates - xfs: fold __xlog_state_release_iclog into xlog_state_release_iclog - xfs: external logs need to flush data device - xfs: flush data dev on external log write - xfs: fix an integer overflow error in xfs_growfs_rt - xfs: reset child dir '..' entry when unlinking child - xfs: don't wait on future iclogs when pushing the CIL - xfs: Fix a CIL UAF by getting get rid of the iclog callback lock - xfs: remove callback dequeue loop from xlog_state_do_iclog_callbacks - xfs: don't nest icloglock inside ic_callback_lock - xfs: force the log offline when log intent item recovery fails - xfs: fix log intent recovery ENOSPC shutdowns when inactivating inodes - xfs: xfs_log_force_lsn isn't passed a LSN - xfs: Fix CIL throttle hang when CIL space used going backwards - xfs: journal IO cache flush reductions - xfs: remove need_start_rec parameter from xlog_write() - xfs: CIL checkpoint flushes caches unconditionally - xfs: async blkdev cache flush - xfs: separate CIL commit record IO - xfs: Fix 64-bit division on 32-bit in xlog_state_switch_iclogs() - xfs: log stripe roundoff is a property of the log - xfs: only reset incore inode health state flags when reclaiming an inode - xfs: don't take a spinlock unconditionally in the DIO fastpath - xfs: bunmapi has unnecessary AG lock ordering issues - xfs: btree format inode forks can have zero extents - xfs: Fix fall-through warnings for Clang - xfs: don't reset log idle state on covering checkpoints - xfs: check free AG space when making per-AG reservations - xfs: unconditionally read all AGFs on mounts with perag reservation - xfs: fix deadlock retry tracepoint arguments - xfs: fix scrub and remount-ro protection when running scrub - xfs: fix xfs_reflink_unshare usage of filemap_write_and_wait_range - xfs: count free space btree blocks when scrubbing pre-lazysbcount fses - xfs: update superblock counters correctly for !lazysbcount - xfs: don't check agf_btreeblks on pre-lazysbcount filesystems - xfs: remove obsolete AGF counter debugging - xfs: drop submit side trans alloc for append ioends - net: hns3: Fix spelling mistake "faile" -> "failed" - net: hns3: fix hns3 driver header file not self-contained issue - net: hns3: replace one tab with space in for statement - net: hns3: remove rebundant line for hclge_dbg_dump_tm_pg() - net: hns3: add comments for hclge_dbg_fill_content() - net: hns3: align return value type of atomic_read() with its output - net: hns3: modify one argument type of function hclge_ncl_config_data_print - net: hns3: Align type of some variables with their print type - net: hns3: add print vport id for failed message of vlan - net: hns3: refactor function hclge_set_vlan_filter_hw - net: hns3: optimize function hclge_cfg_common_loopback() - net: hns3: refactor function hns3_get_vector_ring_chain() - net: hns3: refactor function hclge_set_channels() - net: hns3: refactor function hclge_configure() - net: hns3: split function hclge_update_port_base_vlan_cfg() - net: hns3: split function hns3_nic_net_xmit() - net: hns3: split function hclge_get_fd_rule_info() - net: hns3: split function hclge_init_vlan_config() - net: hns3: refactor function hns3_fill_skb_desc to simplify code - net: hns3: extract macro to simplify ring stats update code - net: hns3: make symbol 'hclge_mac_speed_map_to_fw' static - net: hns3: split function hns3_set_l2l3l4() - net: hns3: split function hns3_handle_bdinfo() - net: hns3: split function hns3_nic_get_stats64() - net: hns3: refine function hclge_tm_pri_q_qs_cfg() - net: hns3: add new function hclge_tm_schd_mode_tc_base_cfg() - net: hns3: refine function hclge_cfg_mac_speed_dup_hw() - net: hns3: split function hns3_get_tx_timeo_queue_info() - net: hns3: refactor two hns3 debugfs functions - net: hns3: refactor hns3_nic_reuse_page() - net: hns3: refactor reset_prepare_general retry statement - net: hns3: use macro IANA_VXLAN_GPE_UDP_PORT to replace number 4790 - net: vxlan: add macro definition for number of IANA VXLAN-GPE port - net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset command - net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when queried by debugfs - net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool - net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs - net: hns3: add dql info when tx timeout - net: hns3: debugfs add drop packet statistics of multicast and broadcast for igu - net: hns3: format the output of the MAC address - net: hns3: add log for workqueue scheduled late - net: hns3: remove the way to set tx spare buf via module parameter - net: hns3: add support to set/get rx buf len via ethtool for hns3 driver - ethtool: extend ringparam setting/getting API with rx_buf_len - ethtool: add support to set/get rx buf len via ethtool - net: hns3: add support to set/get tx copybreak buf size via ethtool for hns3 driver - ethtool: add support to set/get tx copybreak buf size via ethtool - vhost_net: avoid tx queue stuck when sendmsg fails - crypto: x86/sm4 - Fix invalid section entry size - crypto: sm4 - Do not change section of ck and sbox - crypto: x86/sm4 - Fix frame pointer stack corruption - Add the configuration for accelerated of SM4 - crypto: x86/sm4 - add AES-NI/AVX2/x86_64 implementation - crypto: x86/sm4 - export reusable AESNI/AVX functions - crypto: tcrypt - add the asynchronous speed test for SM4 - crypto: x86/sm4 - add AES-NI/AVX/x86_64 implementation - crypto: arm64/sm4-ce - Make dependent on sm4 library instead of sm4-generic - crypto: sm4 - create SM4 library based on sm4 generic code - crypto: tcrypt - add GCM/CCM mode test for SM4 algorithm - crypto: testmgr - Add GCM/CCM mode test of SM4 algorithm - crypto: tcrypt - Fix missing return value check - ipvlan: limit loop_qlen ranges - ipvlan: limit loop_delay ranges - ipvlan: Introduce local xmit queue for l2e mode - ipvlan: check the value of module parameter ipvlan_default_mode - ipvlan: Introduce l2e mode - mpam: update monitor rmid and group configuration - mpam: Add support for group rmid modify - mpam: enable rdt_mon_capable for mbw monitor - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support to enable/disable SMMU user_mpam_en - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support to get SMMU mpam configuration - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support to configure mpam in STE/CD context - iommu: add iommu interface to set/get device configuration - block/wbt: fix negative inflight counter when remove scsi device - md/raid1: fix a race between removing rdev and access conf->mirrors[i].rdev - arm64/ascend: Enable CONFIG_ASCEND_DVPP_MMAP - arm64/ascend: Enable DvPP mmap features for Ascend Platform - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: Adjust page size to 4K and VA_BITS to 48 - openeuler_defconfig: Adjust CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT to 7 - arm64: openeuler_defconfig: increase CONFIG_NR_CPUS value to 4096 - audit: ensure userspace is penalized the same as the kernel when under pressure - audit: improve robustness of the audit queue handling - arm32: kaslr: Bugfix of initrd size calculation when enabled kaslr - drm/hisilicon: Features to support reading resolutions from EDID - drm/hisilicon: Support i2c driver algorithms for bit-shift adapters - mm: Change tmpfs size base on ddr size. - SUNRPC: Close a race with transport setup and module put - sched: Introduce handle priority reversion mechanism - mm: Check numa node hugepages enough when mmap hugetlb - block: return errors from blk_execute_rq() - blk: Fix lock inversion between ioc lock and bfqd lock - bfq: Remove merged request already in bfq_requests_merged()- selftests/x86/iopl: Adjust to the faked iopl CLI/STI usage - thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions - perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails - scripts/ Rewrite based on upstream - erofs: fix unsafe pagevec reuse of hooked pclusters - erofs: remove the occupied parameter from z_erofs_pagevec_enqueue() - PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI - PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability - PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries - parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path - x86/iopl: Fake iopl(3) CLI/STI usage - net: stmmac: dwmac-rk: fix unbalanced pm_runtime_enable warnings - net: stmmac: fix issue where clk is being unprepared twice - net: stmmac: fix system hang if change mac address after interface ifdown - net: stmmac: fix missing unlock on error in stmmac_suspend() - net: stmmac: platform: fix build error with !CONFIG_PM_SLEEP - net: stmmac: add clocks management for gmac driver - bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() - loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size - block: Add a helper to validate the block size - fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support - soc/tegra: pmc: Fix imbalanced clock disabling in error code path - x86/sev: Make the #VC exception stacks part of the default stacks storage - x86/sev: Add an x86 version of cc_platform_has() - arch/cc: Introduce a function to check for confidential computing features - selftests/bpf: Fix also no-alu32 strobemeta selftest - mmc: moxart: Fix null pointer dereference on pointer host - ath10k: fix invalid dma_addr_t token assignment - SUNRPC: Partial revert of commit 6f9f17287e78 - PCI: aardvark: Fix PCIe Max Payload Size setting - PCI: Add PCI_EXP_DEVCTL_PAYLOAD_* macros - drm/sun4i: Fix macros in sun8i_csc.h - powerpc/85xx: fix timebase sync issue when CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU=n - powerpc/powernv/prd: Unregister OPAL_MSG_PRD2 notifier during module unload - mtd: rawnand: au1550nd: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: plat_nand: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: orion: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: pasemi: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: gpio: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: mpc5121: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: xway: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - mtd: rawnand: ams-delta: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - s390/cio: make ccw_device_dma_* more robust - s390/ap: Fix hanging ioctl caused by orphaned replies - s390/tape: fix timer initialization in tape_std_assign() - s390/cio: check the subchannel validity for dev_busid - video: backlight: Drop maximum brightness override for brightness zero - mfd: dln2: Add cell for initializing DLN2 ADC - mm, oom: do not trigger out_of_memory from the #PF - mm, oom: pagefault_out_of_memory: don't force global OOM for dying tasks - powerpc/bpf: Emit stf barrier instruction sequences for BPF_NOSPEC - powerpc/security: Add a helper to query stf_barrier type - powerpc/bpf: Validate branch ranges - powerpc/lib: Add helper to check if offset is within conditional branch range - memcg: prohibit unconditional exceeding the limit of dying tasks - 9p/net: fix missing error check in p9_check_errors - net, neigh: Enable state migration between NUD_PERMANENT and NTF_USE - f2fs: should use GFP_NOFS for directory inodes - irqchip/sifive-plic: Fixup EOI failed when masked - posix-cpu-timers: Clear task::posix_cputimers_work in copy_process() - x86/mce: Add errata workaround for Skylake SKX37 - MIPS: Fix assembly error from MIPSr2 code used within MIPS_ISA_ARCH_LEVEL - parisc: Fix backtrace to always include init funtion names - ARM: 9156/1: drop cc-option fallbacks for architecture selection - ARM: 9155/1: fix early early_iounmap() - selftests/net: udpgso_bench_rx: fix port argument - cxgb4: fix eeprom len when diagnostics not implemented - net/smc: fix sk_refcnt underflow on linkdown and fallback - vsock: prevent unnecessary refcnt inc for nonblocking connect - net: stmmac: allow a tc-taprio base-time of zero - net/sched: sch_taprio: fix undefined behavior in ktime_mono_to_any - seq_file: fix passing wrong private data - gve: Fix off by one in gve_tx_timeout() - bpf: sockmap, strparser, and tls are reusing qdisc_skb_cb and colliding - bpf, sockmap: Remove unhash handler for BPF sockmap usage - arm64: pgtable: make __pte_to_phys/__phys_to_pte_val inline functions - nfc: pn533: Fix double free when pn533_fill_fragment_skbs() fails - llc: fix out-of-bound array index in llc_sk_dev_hash() - perf bpf: Add missing free to bpf_event__print_bpf_prog_info() - zram: off by one in read_block_state() - mm/zsmalloc.c: close race window between zs_pool_dec_isolated() and zs_unregister_migration() - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_chip_start(): fix error handling for mcp251xfd_chip_rx_int_enable() - mfd: core: Add missing of_node_put for loop iteration - drm/nouveau/svm: Fix refcount leak bug and missing check against null bug - ACPI: PMIC: Fix intel_pmic_regs_handler() read accesses - ice: Fix not stopping Tx queues for VFs - ice: Fix replacing VF hardware MAC to existing MAC filter - net: vlan: fix a UAF in vlan_dev_real_dev() - openrisc: fix SMP tlb flush NULL pointer dereference - ethtool: fix ethtool msg len calculation for pause stats - net: davinci_emac: Fix interrupt pacing disable - xen-pciback: Fix return in pm_ctrl_init() - i2c: xlr: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'xlr_i2c_probe()' - NFSv4: Fix a regression in nfs_set_open_stateid_locked() - scsi: qla2xxx: Turn off target reset during issue_lip - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix gnl list corruption - scsi: qla2xxx: Relogin during fabric disturbance - scsi: qla2xxx: Changes to support FCP2 Target - ar7: fix kernel builds for compiler test - watchdog: f71808e_wdt: fix inaccurate report in WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT - m68k: set a default value for MEMORY_RESERVE - signal/sh: Use force_sig(SIGKILL) instead of do_group_exit(SIGKILL) - dmaengine: dmaengine_desc_callback_valid(): Check for `callback_result` - netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: fix OOB when mac header was cleared - soc: fsl: dpaa2-console: free buffer before returning from dpaa2_console_read - auxdisplay: ht16k33: Fix frame buffer device blanking - auxdisplay: ht16k33: Connect backlight to fbdev - auxdisplay: img-ascii-lcd: Fix lock-up when displaying empty string - Fix user namespace leak - NFS: Fix an Oops in pnfs_mark_request_commit() - NFS: Fix up commit deadlocks - dmaengine: at_xdmac: fix AT_XDMAC_CC_PERID() macro - rtc: rv3032: fix error handling in rv3032_clkout_set_rate() - remoteproc: Fix a memory leak in an error handling path in 'rproc_handle_vdev()' - mtd: core: don't remove debugfs directory if device is in use - PCI: uniphier: Serialize INTx masking/unmasking and fix the bit operation - mtd: spi-nor: hisi-sfc: Remove excessive clk_disable_unprepare() - fs: orangefs: fix error return code of orangefs_revalidate_lookup() - NFS: Fix deadlocks in nfs_scan_commit_list() - opp: Fix return in _opp_add_static_v2() - PCI: aardvark: Fix preserving PCI_EXP_RTCTL_CRSSVE flag on emulated bridge - PCI: aardvark: Don't spam about PIO Response Status - drm/plane-helper: fix uninitialized variable reference - pnfs/flexfiles: Fix misplaced barrier in nfs4_ff_layout_prepare_ds - NFS: Fix dentry verifier races - i2c: mediatek: fixing the incorrect register offset - nfsd: don't alloc under spinlock in rpc_parse_scope_id - rpmsg: Fix rpmsg_create_ept return when RPMSG config is not defined - apparmor: fix error check - power: supply: bq27xxx: Fix kernel crash on IRQ handler register error - mips: cm: Convert to bitfield API to fix out-of-bounds access - virtio_ring: check desc == NULL when using indirect with packed - ASoC: cs42l42: Correct configuring of switch inversion from ts-inv - ASoC: cs42l42: Use device_property API instead of of_property - ASoC: cs42l42: Disable regulators if probe fails - powerpc/44x/fsp2: add missing of_node_put - HID: u2fzero: properly handle timeouts in usb_submit_urb - HID: u2fzero: clarify error check and length calculations - clk: at91: sam9x60-pll: use DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST_ULL - serial: xilinx_uartps: Fix race condition causing stuck TX - phy: qcom-snps: Correct the FSEL_MASK - phy: ti: gmii-sel: check of_get_address() for failure - phy: qcom-qusb2: Fix a memory leak on probe - pinctrl: equilibrium: Fix function addition in multiple groups - soc: qcom: apr: Add of_node_put() before return - firmware: qcom_scm: Fix error retval in __qcom_scm_is_call_available() - usb: dwc2: drd: reset current session before setting the new one - usb: dwc2: drd: fix dwc2_drd_role_sw_set when clock could be disabled - usb: dwc2: drd: fix dwc2_force_mode call in dwc2_ovr_init - serial: imx: fix detach/attach of serial console - scsi: ufs: ufshcd-pltfrm: Fix memory leak due to probe defer - scsi: ufs: Refactor ufshcd_setup_clocks() to remove skip_ref_clk - iio: adis: do not disabe IRQs in 'adis_init()' - usb: typec: STUSB160X should select REGMAP_I2C - soc: qcom: rpmhpd: Make power_on actually enable the domain - soc: qcom: rpmhpd: Provide some missing struct member descriptions - ASoC: cs42l42: Defer probe if request_threaded_irq() returns EPROBE_DEFER - ASoC: cs42l42: Correct some register default values - ARM: dts: stm32: fix AV96 board SAI2 pin muxing on stm32mp15 - ARM: dts: stm32: fix SAI sub nodes register range - ARM: dts: stm32: Reduce DHCOR SPI NOR frequency to 50 MHz - pinctrl: renesas: checker: Fix off-by-one bug in drive register check - staging: ks7010: select CRYPTO_HASH/CRYPTO_MICHAEL_MIC - staging: most: dim2: do not double-register the same device - usb: musb: select GENERIC_PHY instead of depending on it - RDMA/mlx4: Return missed an error if device doesn't support steering - scsi: csiostor: Uninitialized data in csio_ln_vnp_read_cbfn() - power: supply: max17040: fix null-ptr-deref in max17040_probe() - power: supply: rt5033_battery: Change voltage values to µV - usb: gadget: hid: fix error code in do_config() - serial: 8250_dw: Drop wrong use of ACPI_PTR() - powerpc: fix unbalanced node refcount in check_kvm_guest() - powerpc: Fix is_kvm_guest() / kvm_para_available() - powerpc: Reintroduce is_kvm_guest() as a fast-path check - powerpc: Rename is_kvm_guest() to check_kvm_guest() - powerpc: Refactor is_kvm_guest() declaration to new header - video: fbdev: chipsfb: use memset_io() instead of memset() - clk: at91: check pmc node status before registering syscore ops - memory: fsl_ifc: fix leak of irq and nand_irq in fsl_ifc_ctrl_probe - soc/tegra: Fix an error handling path in tegra_powergate_power_up() - ASoC: SOF: topology: do not power down primary core during topology removal - arm: dts: omap3-gta04a4: accelerometer irq fix - driver core: Fix possible memory leak in device_link_add() - scsi: pm80xx: Fix misleading log statement in pm8001_mpi_get_nvmd_resp() - soundwire: debugfs: use controller id and link_id for debugfs - ALSA: hda: Use position buffer for SKL+ again - ALSA: hda: Fix hang during shutdown due to link reset - ALSA: hda: Release controller display power during shutdown/reboot - ALSA: hda: Reduce udelay() at SKL+ position reporting - arm64: dts: qcom: pm8916: Remove wrong reg-names for rtc@6000 - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon: Fix Ethernet PHY mode - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916: Fix Secondary MI2S bit clock - JFS: fix memleak in jfs_mount - MIPS: loongson64: make CPU_LOONGSON64 depends on MIPS_FP_SUPPORT - scsi: dc395: Fix error case unwinding - ARM: dts: at91: tse850: the emac<->phy interface is rmii - bus: ti-sysc: Fix timekeeping_suspended warning on resume - arm64: dts: meson-g12b: Fix the pwm regulator supply properties - arm64: dts: meson-g12a: Fix the pwm regulator supply properties - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e-main: Fix "bus-range" upto 256 bus number for PCIe - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e-main: Fix "max-virtual-functions" in PCIe EP nodes - RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix query SRQ failure - ARM: dts: qcom: msm8974: Add xo_board reference clock to DSI0 PHY - arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix GPU register width for RK3328 - ARM: s3c: irq-s3c24xx: Fix return value check for s3c24xx_init_intc() - clk: mvebu: ap-cpu-clk: Fix a memory leak in error handling paths - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Fix memory nodes names - RDMA/rxe: Fix wrong port_cap_flags - iio: st_sensors: disable regulators after device unregistration - iio: st_sensors: Call st_sensors_power_enable() from bus drivers - of: unittest: fix EXPECT text for gpio hog errors - bpf: Fix propagation of signed bounds from 64-bit min/max into 32-bit. - bpf: Fix propagation of bounds from 64-bit min/max into 32-bit and var_off. - cgroup: Fix rootcg cpu.stat guest double counting - ibmvnic: Process crqs after enabling interrupts - ibmvnic: don't stop queue in xmit - udp6: allow SO_MARK ctrl msg to affect routing - selftests/bpf: Fix fclose/pclose mismatch in test_progs - crypto: pcrypt - Delay write to padata->info - net: phylink: avoid mvneta warning when setting pause parameters - net: amd-xgbe: Toggle PLL settings during rate change - selftests/bpf: Fix fd cleanup in sk_lookup test - selftests: bpf: Convert sk_lookup ctx access tests to PROG_TEST_RUN - drm/amdgpu/gmc6: fix DMA mask from 44 to 40 bits - wcn36xx: Fix discarded frames due to wrong sequence number - wcn36xx: add proper DMA memory barriers in rx path - libertas: Fix possible memory leak in probe and disconnect - libertas_tf: Fix possible memory leak in probe and disconnect - KVM: s390: Fix handle_sske page fault handling - samples/kretprobes: Fix return value if register_kretprobe() failed - spi: spi-rpc-if: Check return value of rpcif_sw_init() - tcp: don't free a FIN sk_buff in tcp_remove_empty_skb() - libbpf: Fix endianness detection in BPF_CORE_READ_BITFIELD_PROBED() - tpm_tis_spi: Add missing SPI ID - tpm: fix Atmel TPM crash caused by too frequent queries - irq: mips: avoid nested irq_enter() - KVM: s390: pv: avoid stalls for kvm_s390_pv_init_vm - KVM: s390: pv: avoid double free of sida page - s390/gmap: don't unconditionally call pte_unmap_unlock() in __gmap_zap() - libbpf: Fix BTF header parsing checks - libbpf: Fix overflow in BTF sanity checks - libbpf: Allow loading empty BTFs - libbpf: Fix BTF data layout checks and allow empty BTF - bpftool: Avoid leaking the JSON writer prepared for program metadata - KVM: selftests: Fix nested SVM tests when built with clang - KVM: selftests: Add operand to vmsave/vmload/vmrun in svm.c - smackfs: use netlbl_cfg_cipsov4_del() for deleting cipso_v4_doi - drm/msm: Fix potential NULL dereference in DPU SSPP - x86/sev: Fix stack type check in vc_switch_off_ist() - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Select TIMER_OF - PM: hibernate: fix sparse warnings - nvme-rdma: fix error code in nvme_rdma_setup_ctrl - phy: micrel: ksz8041nl: do not use power down mode - net: enetc: unmap DMA in enetc_send_cmd() - mwifiex: Send DELBA requests according to spec - rsi: stop thread firstly in rsi_91x_init() error handling - mt76: mt7915: fix muar_idx in mt7915_mcu_alloc_sta_req() - mt76: mt7915: fix sta_rec_wtbl tag len - mt76: mt7915: fix possible infinite loop release semaphore - mt76: mt76x02: fix endianness warnings in mt76x02_mac.c - mt76: mt7615: fix endianness warning in mt7615_mac_write_txwi - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix bitwise vs. logical warning - mmc: mxs-mmc: disable regulator on error and in the remove function - media: ir_toy: assignment to be16 should be of correct type - net: stream: don't purge sk_error_queue in sk_stream_kill_queues() - drm/msm: uninitialized variable in msm_gem_import() - drm/msm: potential error pointer dereference in init() - tcp: switch orphan_count to bare per-cpu counters - kernel/sched: Fix sched_fork() access an invalid sched_task_group - ath10k: fix max antenna gain unit - hwmon: (pmbus/lm25066) Let compiler determine outer dimension of lm25066_coeff - hwmon: Fix possible memleak in __hwmon_device_register() - net, neigh: Fix NTF_EXT_LEARNED in combination with NTF_USE - memstick: jmb38x_ms: use appropriate free function in jmb38x_ms_alloc_host() - memstick: avoid out-of-range warning - mmc: sdhci-omap: Fix context restore - mmc: sdhci-omap: Fix NULL pointer exception if regulator is not configured - gve: Recover from queue stall due to missed IRQ - b43: fix a lower bounds test - b43legacy: fix a lower bounds test - hwrng: mtk - Force runtime pm ops for sleep ops - crypto: qat - disregard spurious PFVF interrupts - crypto: qat - detect PFVF collision after ACK - media: dvb-frontends: mn88443x: Handle errors of clk_prepare_enable() - netfilter: nft_dynset: relax superfluous check on set updates - rcu: Always inline rcu_dynticks_task*_{enter,exit}() - EDAC/amd64: Handle three rank interleaving mode - PM: EM: Fix inefficient states detection - ath9k: Fix potential interrupt storm on queue reset - media: em28xx: Don't use ops->suspend if it is NULL - cpuidle: Fix kobject memory leaks in error paths - crypto: ecc - fix CRYPTO_DEFAULT_RNG dependency - kprobes: Do not use local variable when creating debugfs file - media: cx23885: Fix snd_card_free call on null card pointer - media: tm6000: Avoid card name truncation - media: si470x: Avoid card name truncation - media: radio-wl1273: Avoid card name truncation - media: mtk-vpu: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'mtk_vpu_probe()' - media: TDA1997x: handle short reads of hdmi info frame. - media: v4l2-ioctl: S_CTRL output the right value - media: dvb-usb: fix ununit-value in az6027_rc_query - media: cxd2880-spi: Fix a null pointer dereference on error handling path - media: em28xx: add missing em28xx_close_extension - drm/amdgpu: fix warning for overflow check - arm64: mm: update max_pfn after memory hotplug - drm/ttm: stop calling tt_swapin in vm_access - ath10k: sdio: Add missing BH locking around napi_schdule() - ath10k: Fix missing frame timestamp for beacon/probe-resp - ath11k: Fix memory leak in ath11k_qmi_driver_event_work - ath11k: fix packet drops due to incorrect 6 GHz freq value in rx status - ath11k: Avoid race during regd updates - ath11k: fix some sleeping in atomic bugs - net: dsa: rtl8366rb: Fix off-by-one bug - rxrpc: Fix _usecs_to_jiffies() by using usecs_to_jiffies() - crypto: caam - disable pkc for non-E SoCs - Bluetooth: btmtkuart: fix a memleak in mtk_hci_wmt_sync - wilc1000: fix possible memory leak in cfg_scan_result() - wcn36xx: Fix Antenna Diversity Switching - cgroup: Make rebind_subsystems() disable v2 controllers all at once - net: net_namespace: Fix undefined member in key_remove_domain() - lockdep: Let lock_is_held_type() detect recursive read as read - virtio-gpu: fix possible memory allocation failure - drm/v3d: fix wait for TMU write combiner flush - objtool: Fix static_call list generation - x86/xen: Mark cpu_bringup_and_idle() as dead_end_function - objtool: Add xen_start_kernel() to noreturn list - MIPS: lantiq: dma: fix burst length for DEU - rcu: Fix existing exp request check in sync_sched_exp_online_cleanup() - Bluetooth: fix init and cleanup of sco_conn.timeout_work - selftests/bpf: Fix strobemeta selftest regression - netfilter: conntrack: set on IPS_ASSURED if flows enters internal stream state - parisc/kgdb: add kgdb_roundup() to make kgdb work with idle polling - parisc/unwind: fix unwinder when CONFIG_64BIT is enabled - erofs: don't trigger WARN() when decompression fails - task_stack: Fix end_of_stack() for architectures with upwards-growing stack - parisc: fix warning in flush_tlb_all - selftests/core: fix conflicting types compile error for close_range() - drm/amd/display: dcn20_resource_construct reduce scope of FPU enabled - x86/hyperv: Protect set_hv_tscchange_cb() against getting preempted - wcn36xx: Correct band/freq reporting on RX - spi: bcm-qspi: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in bcm_qspi_probe() - btrfs: do not take the uuid_mutex in btrfs_rm_device - btrfs: reflink: initialize return value to 0 in btrfs_extent_same() - ACPI: AC: Quirk GK45 to skip reading _PSR - net: annotate data-race in neigh_output() - vrf: run conntrack only in context of lower/physdev for locally generated packets - ARM: 9136/1: ARMv7-M uses BE-8, not BE-32 - gfs2: Fix glock_hash_walk bugs - gfs2: Cancel remote delete work asynchronously - gre/sit: Don't generate link-local addr if addr_gen_mode is IN6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_NONE - ARM: clang: Do not rely on lr register for stacktrace - smackfs: use __GFP_NOFAIL for smk_cipso_doi() - iwlwifi: mvm: disable RX-diversity in powersave - selftests/bpf: Fix perf_buffer test on system with offline cpus - selftests: kvm: fix mismatched fclose() after popen() - nvme: drop scan_lock and always kick requeue list when removing namespaces - nvmet-tcp: fix use-after-free when a port is removed - nvmet-rdma: fix use-after-free when a port is removed - nvmet: fix use-after-free when a port is removed - media: allegro: ignore interrupt if mailbox is not initialized - block: remove inaccurate requeue check - mwl8k: Fix use-after-free in mwl8k_fw_state_machine() - mt76: mt7915: fix an off-by-one bound check - tracing/cfi: Fix cmp_entries_* functions signature mismatch - workqueue: make sysfs of unbound kworker cpumask more clever - lib/xz: Validate the value before assigning it to an enum variable - lib/xz: Avoid overlapping memcpy() with invalid input with in-place decompression - memstick: r592: Fix a UAF bug when removing the driver - md: update superblock after changing rdev flags in state_store - block: bump max plugged deferred size from 16 to 32 - drm/msm: prevent NULL dereference in msm_gpu_crashstate_capture() - leaking_addresses: Always print a trailing newline - net: phy: micrel: make *-skew-ps check more lenient - drm/amdkfd: fix resume error when iommu disabled in Picasso - ACPI: battery: Accept charges over the design capacity as full - iov_iter: Fix iov_iter_get_pages{,_alloc} page fault return value - mmc: moxart: Fix reference count leaks in moxart_probe - ath: dfs_pattern_detector: Fix possible null-pointer dereference in channel_detector_create() - tracefs: Have tracefs directories not set OTH permission bits by default - net-sysfs: try not to restart the syscall if it will fail eventually - media: usb: dvd-usb: fix uninit-value bug in dibusb_read_eeprom_byte() - media: ipu3-imgu: VIDIOC_QUERYCAP: Fix bus_info - media: ipu3-imgu: imgu_fmt: Handle properly try - ACPICA: Avoid evaluating methods too early during system resume - fs/proc/uptime.c: Fix idle time reporting in /proc/uptime - ipmi: Disable some operations during a panic - media: rcar-csi2: Add checking to rcsi2_start_receiver() - brcmfmac: Add DMI nvram filename quirk for Cyberbook T116 tablet - rtw88: fix RX clock gate setting while fifo dump - ia64: don't do IA64_CMPXCHG_DEBUG without CONFIG_PRINTK - media: mceusb: return without resubmitting URB in case of -EPROTO error. - media: imx: set a media_device bus_info string - media: s5p-mfc: Add checking to s5p_mfc_probe(). - media: s5p-mfc: fix possible null-pointer dereference in s5p_mfc_probe() - media: uvcvideo: Set unique vdev name based in type - media: uvcvideo: Return -EIO for control errors - media: uvcvideo: Set capability in s_param - media: stm32: Potential NULL pointer dereference in dcmi_irq_thread() - media: atomisp: Fix error handling in probe - media: netup_unidvb: handle interrupt properly according to the firmware - media: mt9p031: Fix corrupted frame after restarting stream - ath10k: high latency fixes for beacon buffer - ath11k: Change DMA_FROM_DEVICE to DMA_TO_DEVICE when map reinjected packets - ath11k: add handler for scan event WMI_SCAN_EVENT_DEQUEUED - ath11k: Avoid reg rules update during firmware recovery - drm/amdgpu: Fix MMIO access page fault - fscrypt: allow 256-bit master keys with AES-256-XTS - mwifiex: Properly initialize private structure on interface type changes - mwifiex: Run SET_BSS_MODE when changing from P2P to STATION vif-type - x86: Increase exception stack sizes - ath11k: Align bss_chan_info structure with firmware - smackfs: Fix use-after-free in netlbl_catmap_walk() - rcu-tasks: Move RTGS_WAIT_CBS to beginning of rcu_tasks_kthread() loop - net: sched: update default qdisc visibility after Tx queue cnt changes - locking/lockdep: Avoid RCU-induced noinstr fail - MIPS: lantiq: dma: reset correct number of channel - MIPS: lantiq: dma: add small delay after reset - platform/x86: wmi: do not fail if disabling fails - rcutorture: Avoid problematic critical section nesting on PREEMPT_RT - drm/panel-orientation-quirks: add Valve Steam Deck - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for the Samsung Galaxy Book 10.6 - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for KD Kurio Smart C15200 2-in-1 - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Update the Lenovo Ideapad D330 quirk (v2) - dma-buf: WARN on dmabuf release with pending attachments - power: supply: max17042_battery: Clear status bits in interrupt handler - USB: chipidea: fix interrupt deadlock - USB: iowarrior: fix control-message timeouts - most: fix control-message timeouts - serial: 8250: fix racy uartclk update - USB: serial: keyspan: fix memleak on probe errors - iio: ad5770r: make devicetree property reading consistent - iio: dac: ad5446: Fix ad5622_write() return value - coresight: cti: Correct the parameter for pm_runtime_put - pinctrl: core: fix possible memory leak in pinctrl_enable() - PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on emulated bridge - PCI: aardvark: Set PCI Bridge Class Code to PCI Bridge - PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_BUS_RESET on emulated bridge - PCI: aardvark: Fix support for bus mastering and PCI_COMMAND on emulated bridge - PCI: aardvark: Read all 16-bits from PCIE_MSI_PAYLOAD_REG - PCI: aardvark: Fix return value of MSI domain .alloc() method - PCI: aardvark: Fix configuring Reference clock - PCI: aardvark: Fix reporting Data Link Layer Link Active - PCI: aardvark: Do not unmask unused interrupts - PCI: aardvark: Fix checking for link up via LTSSM state - PCI: aardvark: Do not clear status bits of masked interrupts - PCI: cadence: Add cdns_plat_pcie_probe() missing return - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Fix emulation of W1C bits - xen/balloon: add late_initcall_sync() for initial ballooning done - ALSA: mixer: fix deadlock in snd_mixer_oss_set_volume - ALSA: mixer: oss: Fix racy access to slots - ifb: fix building without CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT - serial: core: Fix initializing and restoring termios speed - ring-buffer: Protect ring_buffer_reset() from reentrancy - powerpc/85xx: Fix oops when mpc85xx_smp_guts_ids node cannot be found - can: j1939: j1939_can_recv(): ignore messages with invalid source address - can: j1939: j1939_tp_cmd_recv(): ignore abort message in the BAM transport - KVM: nVMX: Query current VMCS when determining if MSR bitmaps are in use - KVM: arm64: Extract ESR_ELx.EC only - power: supply: max17042_battery: use VFSOC for capacity when no rsns - power: supply: max17042_battery: Prevent int underflow in set_soc_threshold - mtd: rawnand: socrates: Keep the driver compatible with on-die ECC engines - soc: fsl: dpio: use the combined functions to protect critical zone - soc: fsl: dpio: replace smp_processor_id with raw_smp_processor_id - signal/mips: Update (_save|_restore)_fp_context to fail with -EFAULT - memory: renesas-rpc-if: Correct QSPI data transfer in Manual mode - signal: Remove the bogus sigkill_pending in ptrace_stop - RDMA/qedr: Fix NULL deref for query_qp on the GSI QP - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel ICX IIO event constraints - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Support extra IMC channel on Ice Lake server - rsi: Fix module dev_oper_mode parameter description - rsi: fix rate mask set leading to P2P failure - rsi: fix key enabled check causing unwanted encryption for vap_id > 0 - rsi: fix occasional initialisation failure with BT coex - wcn36xx: handle connection loss indication - libata: fix checking of DMA state - mwifiex: Try waking the firmware until we get an interrupt - mwifiex: Read a PCI register after writing the TX ring write pointer - PM: sleep: Do not let "syscore" devices runtime-suspend during system transitions - wcn36xx: Fix (QoS) null data frame bitrate/modulation - wcn36xx: Fix tx_status mechanism - wcn36xx: Fix HT40 capability for 2Ghz band - ifb: Depend on netfilter alternatively to tc - evm: mark evm_fixmode as __ro_after_init - rtl8187: fix control-message timeouts - PCI: Mark Atheros QCA6174 to avoid bus reset - ath10k: fix division by zero in send path - ath10k: fix control-message timeout - ath6kl: fix control-message timeout - ath6kl: fix division by zero in send path - mwifiex: fix division by zero in fw download path - EDAC/sb_edac: Fix top-of-high-memory value for Broadwell/Haswell - regulator: dt-bindings: samsung,s5m8767: correct s5m8767,pmic-buck-default-dvs-idx property - regulator: s5m8767: do not use reset value as DVS voltage if GPIO DVS is disabled - hwmon: (pmbus/lm25066) Add offset coefficients - selinux: fix race condition when computing ocontext SIDs - ia64: kprobes: Fix to pass correct trampoline address to the handler - KVM: VMX: Unregister posted interrupt wakeup handler on hardware unsetup - btrfs: call btrfs_check_rw_degradable only if there is a missing device - btrfs: fix lost error handling when replaying directory deletes - btrfs: clear MISSING device status bit in btrfs_close_one_device - rds: stop using dmapool - net/smc: Correct spelling mistake to TCPF_SYN_RECV - net/smc: Fix smc_link->llc_testlink_time overflow - nfp: bpf: relax prog rejection for mtu check through max_pkt_offset - vmxnet3: do not stop tx queues after netif_device_detach() - r8169: Add device 10ec:8162 to driver r8169 - nvmet-tcp: fix header digest verification - block: schedule queue restart after BLK_STS_ZONE_RESOURCE - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for GPD Win3 - watchdog: Fix OMAP watchdog early handling - net: multicast: calculate csum of looped-back and forwarded packets - spi: spl022: fix Microwire full duplex mode - nvmet-tcp: fix a memory leak when releasing a queue - xen/netfront: stop tx queues during live migration - gpio: mlxbf2.c: Add check for bgpio_init failure - bpf: Prevent increasing bpf_jit_limit above max - bpf: Define bpf_jit_alloc_exec_limit for arm64 JIT - fcnal-test: kill hanging ping/nettest binaries on cleanup - drm: panel-orientation-quirks: Add quirk for Aya Neo 2021 - mmc: winbond: don't build on M68K - reset: socfpga: add empty driver allowing consumers to probe - ARM: dts: sun7i: A20-olinuxino-lime2: Fix ethernet phy-mode - hyperv/vmbus: include linux/bitops.h - sfc: Don't use netif_info before net_device setup - sfc: Export fibre-specific supported link modes - cavium: Fix return values of the probe function - mISDN: Fix return values of the probe function - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix unmap of already freed sgl - scsi: qla2xxx: Return -ENOMEM if kzalloc() fails - cavium: Return negative value when pci_alloc_irq_vectors() fails - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fixes HP Spectre x360 15-eb1xxx speakers - ASoC: soc-core: fix null-ptr-deref in snd_soc_del_component_unlocked() - x86/irq: Ensure PI wakeup handler is unregistered before module unload - x86/cpu: Fix migration safety with X86_BUG_NULL_SEL - x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in mem_encrypt_identity.c - fuse: fix page stealing - ext4: fix lazy initialization next schedule time computation in more granular unit - ALSA: timer: Unconditionally unlink slave instances, too - ALSA: synth: missing check for possible NULL after the call to kstrdup - ALSA: hda: Free card instance properly at probe errors - ALSA: usb-audio: Add registration quirk for JBL Quantum 400 - ALSA: usb-audio: Line6 HX-Stomp XL USB_ID for 48k-fixed quirk - ALSA: line6: fix control and interrupt message timeouts - ALSA: 6fire: fix control and bulk message timeouts - ALSA: ua101: fix division by zero at probe - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for HP EliteBook 840 G7 mute LED - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS UX550VE - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for Acer Spin SP513-54N - ALSA: hda/realtek: Headset fixup for Clevo NH77HJQ - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo PC70HS - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add a quirk for HP OMEN 15 mute LED - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix mic mute LED for the HP Spectre x360 14 - media: v4l2-ioctl: Fix check_ext_ctrls - media: ir-kbd-i2c: improve responsiveness of hauppauge zilog receivers - media: rkvdec: Support dynamic resolution changes - media: ite-cir: IR receiver stop working after receive overflow - media: rkvdec: Do not override sizeimage for output format - crypto: s5p-sss - Add error handling in s5p_aes_probe() - firmware/psci: fix application of sizeof to pointer - tpm: Check for integer overflow in tpm2_map_response_body() - parisc: Fix ptrace check on syscall return - parisc: Fix set_fixmap() on PA1.x CPUs - exfat: fix incorrect loading of i_blocks for large files - mmc: dw_mmc: Dont wait for DRTO on Write RSP error - mmc: mtk-sd: Add wait dma stop done flow - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix use after free in eh_abort path - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix kernel crash when accessing port_speed sysfs file - scsi: core: Remove command size deduction from scsi_setup_scsi_cmnd() - ocfs2: fix data corruption on truncate - libata: fix read log timeout value - Input: i8042 - Add quirk for Fujitsu Lifebook T725 - Input: elantench - fix misreporting trackpoint coordinates - Input: iforce - fix control-message timeout - binder: use cred instead of task for getsecid - binder: use cred instead of task for selinux checks - binder: use euid from cred instead of using task - usb: xhci: Enable runtime-pm by default on AMD Yellow Carp platform - xhci: Fix USB 3.1 enumeration issues by increasing roothub power-on-good delay- kprobe : fix out-of-bounds in register_kretprobe when parsing negative data_size - ima: Fix the pathname to relative path when get absolute path failed - Revert "init: only move down lockup_detector_init() when - pci: Enable acs for QLogic HBA cards - config: enable SVA feature - vfio/migration: bugfix queue isolation configuration - acc/migration: bugfix Guest reset scene - vfio/acc: Modify operation to get queues number - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the uacce mode check - crypto: hisilicon/zip - Fix spelling mistake "COMSUMED" -> "CONSUMED" - crypto: hisilicon - Fix sscanf format signedness - arm64/numa: cdm: Cacheline aligned cdmmask to improve performance - ntp: Avoid undefined behaviour in second_overflow() - arm64: kexec: only clear EOI for SDEI in NMI context - iommu/iova: wait 'fq_timer' handler to finish before destroying 'fq' - ilp32: fix compile problem when ARM64_ILP32 and UBSAN are both enabled - acpi/arm64: check the returned logical CPU number of 'acpi_map_cpuid()' - arm64: fix abi change caused by ILP32 - arm64: cpufeature: add cmdline option for disable lse - cache: Workaround HiSilicon Taishan DC CVAU - signal: Export tracepoint symbol signal_generate - suspend: export cpu_suspend/cpu_resume/psci_ops - printk: export log_buf_addr_get/log_buf_len_get - printk: Export a symbol. - ACPI / APEI: Notify all ras err to driver - Export sysboml for bbox to use. - tty: fix possible deadlock in console_unlock - printk: move printk_safe macros to printk header - iommu: set the default iommu-dma mode as non-strict - iommu/iova: avoid softlockup in fq_flush_timeout - svm: Enable CONFIG_HISI_SVM by default - svm: Add svm_get_phys to get phys addr for ts core - svm: add set l2 cache read count functions - svm: implement svm pin/unpin pages to forbid page migrtate - svm: Add ioctl to get meminfo - svm: implement the process remap features - svm: implement the svm process load flag - svm: add support for allocing memory which is within 4G physical address in svm_mmap - svm: driver probe to read l2buff addr - svm: Add and export svm_get_pasid - svm: implement svm bind and unbind - svm: using a rbtree to manage the svm_process - svm: add svm bind ioctl and add some functions - svm: init the children device of svm device - svm: init the svm device and remove the svm device - svm: add svm drv framework for ascend - arm64/crypto: Accelerated CRC T10 DIF computation - watchdog: Fix check_preemption_disabled() error - ext4: stop IO for page without buffer_head - driver: support ts core ras process - imans: Check CAP_SYS_ADMIN in userns associated with IMA NS during configuration. - stop_machine: mask pseudo nmi before running the callback - stop_machine: mask sdei before running the callback - hugetlb: before freeing hugetlb page set dtor to appropriate value- memcg: unify memcg stat flushing - memcg: flush stats only if updated - blk-cgroup: blk_cgroup_bio_start() should use irq-safe operations on blkg->iostat_cpu - memcg: flush lruvec stats in the refault - mm, memcg: remove unused functions - memcg: infrastructure to flush memcg stats - memcg: switch lruvec stats to rstat - mm: memcontrol: fix blocking rstat function called from atomic cgroup1 thresholding code - cgroup: rstat: fix A-A deadlock on 32bit around u64_stats_sync - kselftests: cgroup: update kmem test for new vmstat implementation - mm: memcontrol: consolidate lruvec stat flushing - mm: memcontrol: switch to rstat - cgroup: rstat: punt root-level optimization to individual controllers - cgroup: rstat: support cgroup1 - mm: memcontrol: privatize memcg_page_state query functions - mm: memcontrol: kill mem_cgroup_nodeinfo() - mm: memcontrol: fix cpuhotplug statistics flushing - hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare - rsi: fix control-message timeout - media: staging/intel-ipu3: css: Fix wrong size comparison imgu_css_fw_init - staging: rtl8192u: fix control-message timeouts - staging: r8712u: fix control-message timeout - comedi: vmk80xx: fix bulk and interrupt message timeouts - comedi: vmk80xx: fix bulk-buffer overflow - comedi: vmk80xx: fix transfer-buffer overflows - comedi: ni_usb6501: fix NULL-deref in command paths - comedi: dt9812: fix DMA buffers on stack - isofs: Fix out of bound access for corrupted isofs image - staging: rtl8712: fix use-after-free in rtl8712_dl_fw - printk/console: Allow to disable console output by using console="" or console=null - binder: don't detect sender/target during buffer cleanup - usb-storage: Add compatibility quirk flags for iODD 2531/2541 - usb: musb: Balance list entry in musb_gadget_queue - usb: gadget: Mark USB_FSL_QE broken on 64-bit - usb: ehci: handshake CMD_RUN instead of STS_HALT - Revert "x86/kvm: fix vcpu-id indexed array sizes" - KVM: x86: avoid warning with -Wbitwise-instead-of-logical - ovl: warn about orphan metacopy - ext4: fix e2fsprogs checksum failure for mounted filesystem - ima: Fix warning: no previous prototype for function 'ima_add_kexec_buffer' - kfence: default to dynamic branch instead of static keys mode - kfence: always use static branches to guard kfence_alloc() - kfence: shorten critical sections of alloc/free - kfence: add note to documentation about skipping covered allocations - kfence: limit currently covered allocations when pool nearly full - kfence: move saving stack trace of allocations into __kfence_alloc() - kfence: count unexpectedly skipped allocations - stacktrace: move filter_irq_stacks() to kernel/stacktrace.c - powerpc: Don't provide __kernel_map_pages() without ARCH_SUPPORTS_DEBUG_PAGEALLOC - powerpc/booke: Disable STRICT_KERNEL_RWX, DEBUG_PAGEALLOC and KFENCE - bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking - block: avoid quiesce while elevator init - mwifiex_usb: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv - bonding: Fix a use-after-free problem when bond_sysfs_slave_add() failed - drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal - drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list - drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal - locks: Fix UBSAN undefined behaviour in flock64_to_posix_lock - livepatch/arm: fix incorrect stack detection - sched/rt: Try to restart rt period timer when rt runtime exceeded - blkcg: Remove extra blkcg_bio_issue_init - ubifs: read-only if LEB may always be taken in ubifs_garbage_collect - ubifs: fix double return leb in ubifs_garbage_collect - ubifs: fix slab-out-of-bounds in ubifs_change_lp- printk: enable zap_locks on X86 and ARM64 - printk: fix potential deadlock in printk() - printk/panic: prevent spin waiting in printk() - panic/printk: fix zap_lock - printk/panic: Avoid deadlock in printk() - lib/clear_user: ensure loop in __arch_clear_user cache-aligned v2 - mm/cdm: enable CONFIG_COHERENT_DEVICE in openeuler_defconfig - mm: Be allowed to alloc CDM node memory for MPOL_BIND - mm: Add DDR and HBM to nodes by cmdline - mm: Change mbind(MPOL_BIND) implementation for CDM nodes - mm: Ignore cpuset enforcement when allocation flag has __GFP_THISNODE - mm: Ignore madvise(MADV_MERGEABLE) request for VM_CDM marked VMAs - mm: Exclude CDM marked VMAs from auto NUMA - mm: Exclude CDM nodes from task->mems_allowed and root cpuset - mm: Tag VMA with VM_CDM flag explicitly during mbind(MPOL_BIND) and page fault - mm: Enable Buddy allocation isolation for CDM nodes - mm: Change generic FALLBACK zonelist creation process - mm: Define coherent device memory (CDM) node - fs/dcache.c: avoid softlock since too many negative dentry - fs/dcache.c: avoid panic while lockref of dentry overflow - ACPI/MPAM: Use acpi_map_pxm_to_node() to get node id for memory node - arm64/mpam: Fix use-after-free in mkdir_resctrl_prepare() - mm/page_cache_limit: add support for droping caches for target node - mm/page_cache_limit: do shrink_page_cache when adding page to page cache - mm/page_cache_limit: reconfiguration about page cache limit when memory plug/unplug - mm/page_cache_limit: shrink page cache - mm/page_cache_limit: calculate reclaim pages for each node - mm/page_cache_limit: create kernel thread for page cache limit - mm/page_cache_limit: add pagecache limit proc interface - openeuler_defconfig: Enable some Icelake support configs - timer_list: avoid other cpu soft lockup when printing timer list- gpio: gpio-hisi: Add HiSilicon GPIO support - hugetlbfs: avoid overflow in hugetlbfs_fallocate - config: Open CONFIG_CORELOCKUP_DETECTOR - watchdog/corelockup: Depends on the hardlockup detection switch - watchdog/corelockup: Add interface to control the detection sensitivity. - watchdog/corelockup: Optimized core lockup detection judgment rules - corelockup: Add detector enable support by cmdline - corelockup: Disable wfi/wfe mode for pmu based nmi - corelockup: Add support of cpu core hang check - KVM: arm64: vgic-its: Flush pending LPIs when nuking DT - KVM: arm64: Mark the page dirty only if the fault is handled successfully - KVM: arm64: Filter out the case of only changing permissions from stage-2 map path - KVM: arm64: Adjust partial code of hyp stage-1 map and guest stage-2 map - KVM: arm64: Add support for probing Hisi ncsnp capability - KVM: arm64: Probe Hisi CPU TYPE from ACPI/DTB - perf, kvm/arm64: perf-kvm-stat to report VM TRAP - perf, kvm/arm64: Add stat support on arm64 - KVM: arm64: Adjust entry/exit and trap related tracepoints - openeuler_defconfig: Build HiSilicon I2C/SPI/SFC driver as module - kvm: arm/arm64: add irqsave for lpi_cache_lock - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Do not execute invalidate MSI-LPI translation cache on movi command - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Introduce multiple LPI translation caches - net:spnic:Clear the flag of CSUM and TSO when VXLAN is not supported - net:spnic:Support to configure DMA atrribute thru firmware. - net:spnic: Add the get_rxfh_indir_size in ethtool_ops structure. - iscsi: use dynamic single thread workqueue to improve performance - workqueue: implement NUMA affinity for single thread workqueue - iscsi: add member for NUMA aware order workqueue - livepatch: Fix crash when access the global variable in hook - jump_label: skip resource release if jump label is not relocated - SCSI: spfc: fix typo of last_cmsn- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait- net: hns3: allow configure ETS bandwidth of all TCs - net: hns3: remove check VF uc mac exist when set by PF - net: hns3: fix some mac statistics is always 0 in device version V2 - net: hns3: fix kernel crash when unload VF while it is being reset - net: hns3: sync rx ring head in echo common pull - net: hns3: fix pfc packet number incorrect after querying pfc parameters - net: hns3: fix ROCE base interrupt vector initialization bug - net: hns3: fix failed to add reuse multicast mac addr to hardware when mc mac table is full - net: hisilicon: fix hsn3_ethtool kernel-doc warnings - net: hns3: adjust string spaces of some parameters of tx bd info in debugfs - net: hns3: expand buffer len for some debugfs command - net: hns3: add more string spaces for dumping packets number of queue info in debugfs - net: hns3: fix data endian problem of some functions of debugfs - net: hns3: ignore reset event before initialization process is done - net: hns3: change hclge/hclgevf workqueue to WQ_UNBOUND mode - net: hns3: add error recovery module and type for himac - net: hns3: add new ras error type for roce - net: hns3: add update ethtool advertised link modes for FIBRE port when autoneg off - net: hns3: modify functions of converting speed ability to ethtool link mode - net: hns3: add support pause/pfc durations for mac statistics - net: hns3: device specifications add number of mac statistics - net: hns3: modify mac statistics update process for compatibility - net: hns3: add debugfs support for interrupt coalesce - net: hns3: schedule the polling again when allocation fails - net: hns3: fix for miscalculation of rx unused desc - net: hns3: Add configuration of TM QCN error event - net: hns3: use dev_driver_string() instead of pci_dev->driver->name - net: hns3: debugfs add support dumping page pool info - net: hns3: disable firmware compatible features when uninstall PF - net: hns3: PF enable promisc for VF when mac table is overflow - net: hns3: don't rollback when destroy mqprio fail - net: hns3: remove tc enable checking - net: hns3: fix hclge_dbg_dump_tm_pg() stack usage - net: hns3: PF support get multicast MAC address space assigned by firmware - net: hns3: PF support get unicast MAC address space assigned by firmware - mm/damon: remove return value from before_terminate callback - mm/damon: fix a few spelling mistakes in comments and a pr_debug message - Docs/admin-guide/mm/pagemap: wordsmith page flags descriptions - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/start: simplify the content - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/start: fix a wrong link - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon/start: fix wrong example commands - mm/damon: simplify stop mechanism - mm/damon/dbgfs: add adaptive_targets list check before enable monitor_on - mm/damon: remove unnecessary variable initialization - Documentation/admin-guide/mm/damon: add a document for DAMON_RECLAIM - mm/damon: introduce DAMON-based Reclamation (DAMON_RECLAIM) - selftests/damon: support watermarks - mm/damon/dbgfs: support watermarks - mm/damon/schemes: activate schemes based on a watermarks mechanism - tools/selftests/damon: update for regions prioritization of schemes - mm/damon/dbgfs: support prioritization weights - mm/damon/vaddr,paddr: support pageout prioritization - mm/damon/schemes: prioritize regions within the quotas - mm/damon/selftests: support schemes quotas - mm/damon/dbgfs: support quotas of schemes - mm/damon/schemes: implement time quota - mm/damon/schemes: skip already charged targets and regions - mm/damon/schemes: implement size quota for schemes application speed control - mm/damon/paddr: support the pageout scheme - mm/damon/dbgfs: remove unnecessary variables - mm/damon/vaddr: constify static mm_walk_ops - Docs/DAMON: document physical memory monitoring support - mm/damon/dbgfs: support physical memory monitoring - mm/damon: implement primitives for physical address space monitoring - mm/damon/vaddr: separate commonly usable functions - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon: document 'init_regions' feature - mm/damon/dbgfs-test: add a unit test case for 'init_regions' - mm/damon/dbgfs: allow users to set initial monitoring target regions - Docs/admin-guide/mm/damon: document DAMON-based Operation Schemes - selftests/damon: add 'schemes' debugfs tests - mm/damon/schemes: implement statistics feature - mm/damon/dbgfs: support DAMON-based Operation Schemes - mm/damon/vaddr: support DAMON-based Operation Schemes - mm/damon/core: implement DAMON-based Operation Schemes (DAMOS) - mm/damon/core: account age of target regions - mm/damon/core: nullify pointer ctx->kdamond with a NULL - mm/damon: needn't hold kdamond_lock to print pid of kdamond - mm/damon: remove unnecessary do_exit() from kdamond - mm/damon/core: print kdamond start log in debug mode only - include/linux/damon.h: fix kernel-doc comments for 'damon_callback' - docs/vm/damon: remove broken reference - MAINTAINERS: update SeongJae's email address - Documentation/vm: move user guides to admin-guide/mm/ - mm/damon: grammar s/works/work/ - mm/damon/core-test: fix wrong expectations for 'damon_split_regions_of()' - mm/damon: don't use strnlen() with known-bogus source length - sched: Add cluster scheduler level in core and related Kconfig for ARM64 - topology: Represent clusters of CPUs within a die- remove unused linux-kernel-test.patch- net: phy: fix duplex out of sync problem while changing settings - ARM: use ldr_l to replace ldr instruction for the symbol jump - squashfs: provides backing_dev_info in order to disable read-ahead - nbd_genl_status: null check for nla_nest_start - Bluetooth: sco: Fix lock_sock() blockage by memcpy_from_msg() - Bluetooth: switch to lock_sock in SCO - ubi: fix slab-out-of-bounds in ubi_eba_get_ldesc+0xfb/0x130 - bpf, cgroup: Assign cgroup in cgroup_sk_alloc when called from interrupt - bpf, cgroups: Fix cgroup v2 fallback on v1/v2 mixed mode - scsi: make sure that request queue queiesce and unquiesce balanced - scsi: avoid to quiesce sdev->request_queue two times - dm: don't stop request queue after the dm device is suspended - blk-mq: support concurrent queue quiesce/unquiesce - nvme: loop: clear NVME_CTRL_ADMIN_Q_STOPPED after admin queue is reallocated - nvme: paring quiesce/unquiesce - nvme: prepare for pairing quiescing and unquiescing - nvme: apply nvme API to quiesce/unquiesce admin queue - nvme: add APIs for stopping/starting admin queue - ARM: 9057/1: cache-v7: add missing ISB after cache level selection - blk-mq: don't free tags if the tag_set is used by other device in queue initialztion - ALSA: usb-audio: Add Audient iD14 to mixer map quirk table - ALSA: usb-audio: Add Schiit Hel device to mixer map quirk table - Revert "wcn36xx: Disable bmps when encryption is disabled" - ARM: 9120/1: Revert "amba: make use of -1 IRQs warn" - Revert "drm/ttm: fix memleak in ttm_transfered_destroy" - mm: khugepaged: skip huge page collapse for special files - Revert "usb: core: hcd: Add support for deferring roothub registration" - Revert "xhci: Set HCD flag to defer primary roothub registration" - net: ethernet: microchip: lan743x: Fix skb allocation failure - vrf: Revert "Reset skb conntrack connection..." - sfc: Fix reading non-legacy supported link modes - Revert "io_uring: reinforce cancel on flush during exit" - scsi: core: Put LLD module refcnt after SCSI device is released - iio: buffer: Return error if no callback is given - iio: core: Allow drivers to specify a label without it coming from of - regulator: core: Respect off_on_delay at startup - regulator: core: do not continue if selector match - ubi: fix race condition between ctrl_cdev_ioctl and ubi_cdev_ioctl - Revert "[Backport] arm64: mm: account for hotplug memory when randomizing the linear region" - ubi: fastmap: Add all fastmap pebs into 'ai->fastmap' when fm->used_blocks>=2 - ubi: fastmap: Return error code if memory allocation fails in add_aeb() - ubifs: Fix to add refcount once page is set private - ubifs: Fix read out-of-bounds in ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock() - ubifs: setflags: Make dirtied_ino_d 8 bytes aligned - ubifs: Rectify space amount budget for mkdir/tmpfile operations - ubifs: Fix 'ui->dirty' race between do_tmpfile() and writeback work - ubifs: Rename whiteout atomically - ubifs: Add missing iput if do_tmpfile() failed in rename whiteout - ubifs: Fix wrong number of inodes locked by ui_mutex in ubifs_inode comment - ubifs: Fix deadlock in concurrent rename whiteout and inode writeback - ubifs: rename_whiteout: Fix double free for whiteout_ui->data - blk-cgroup: fix missing put device in error path from blkg_conf_pref() - blk-cgroup: synchronize blkg creation against policy deactivation - perf script: Check session->header.env.arch before using it - riscv: Fix asan-stack clang build - riscv: fix misalgned trap vector base address - scsi: ufs: ufs-exynos: Correct timeout value setting registers - KVM: s390: preserve deliverable_mask in __airqs_kick_single_vcpu - KVM: s390: clear kicked_mask before sleeping again - lan743x: fix endianness when accessing descriptors - phy: phy_ethtool_ksettings_set: Lock the PHY while changing settings - phy: phy_start_aneg: Add an unlocked version - phy: phy_ethtool_ksettings_set: Move after phy_start_aneg - phy: phy_ethtool_ksettings_get: Lock the phy for consistency - net/tls: Fix flipped sign in async_wait.err assignment - net: nxp: lpc_eth.c: avoid hang when bringing interface down - net: ethernet: microchip: lan743x: Fix dma allocation failure by using dma_set_mask_and_coherent - net: ethernet: microchip: lan743x: Fix driver crash when lan743x_pm_resume fails - mlxsw: pci: Recycle received packet upon allocation failure - nios2: Make NIOS2_DTB_SOURCE_BOOL depend on !COMPILE_TEST - gpio: xgs-iproc: fix parsing of ngpios property - RDMA/sa_query: Use strscpy_pad instead of memcpy to copy a string - net: Prevent infinite while loop in skb_tx_hash() - cfg80211: correct bridge/4addr mode check - net-sysfs: initialize uid and gid before calling net_ns_get_ownership - net: batman-adv: fix error handling - regmap: Fix possible double-free in regcache_rbtree_exit() - reset: brcmstb-rescal: fix incorrect polarity of status bit - arm64: dts: allwinner: h5: NanoPI Neo 2: Fix ethernet node - RDMA/mlx5: Set user priority for DCT - octeontx2-af: Display all enabled PF VF rsrc_alloc entries. - nvme-tcp: fix possible req->offset corruption - nvme-tcp: fix data digest pointer calculation - nvmet-tcp: fix data digest pointer calculation - IB/hfi1: Fix abba locking issue with sc_disable() - IB/qib: Protect from buffer overflow in struct qib_user_sdma_pkt fields - bpf: Fix error usage of map_fd and fdget() in generic_map_update_batch() - bpf: Fix potential race in tail call compatibility check - tcp_bpf: Fix one concurrency problem in the tcp_bpf_send_verdict function - riscv, bpf: Fix potential NULL dereference - drm/ttm: fix memleak in ttm_transfered_destroy - mm, thp: bail out early in collapse_file for writeback page - net: lan78xx: fix division by zero in send path - cfg80211: fix management registrations locking - cfg80211: scan: fix RCU in cfg80211_add_nontrans_list() - nvme-tcp: fix H2CData PDU send accounting (again) - ocfs2: fix race between searching chunks and release journal_head from buffer_head - mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: clear the buffer_read_ready to reset standard tuning circuit - mmc: sdhci: Map more voltage level to SDHCI_POWER_330 - mmc: dw_mmc: exynos: fix the finding clock sample value - mmc: mediatek: Move cqhci init behind ungate clock - mmc: cqhci: clear HALT state after CQE enable - mmc: vub300: fix control-message timeouts - net/tls: Fix flipped sign in tls_err_abort() calls - Revert "net: mdiobus: Fix memory leak in __mdiobus_register" - nfc: port100: fix using -ERRNO as command type mask - tipc: fix size validations for the MSG_CRYPTO type - ata: sata_mv: Fix the error handling of mv_chip_id() - pinctrl: amd: disable and mask interrupts on probe - Revert "pinctrl: bcm: ns: support updated DT binding as syscon subnode" - usbnet: fix error return code in usbnet_probe() - usbnet: sanity check for maxpacket - powerpc/bpf: Fix BPF_MOD when imm == 1 - ARM: 9141/1: only warn about XIP address when not compile testing - ARM: 9139/1: kprobes: fix arch_init_kprobes() prototype - ARM: 9138/1: fix link warning with XIP + frame-pointer - ARM: 9134/1: remove duplicate memcpy() definition - ARM: 9133/1: mm: proc-macros: ensure *_tlb_fns are 4B aligned - ARM: 9132/1: Fix __get_user_check failure with ARM KASAN images - ALSA: timer: Fix use-after-free problem - io_uring: don't take uring_lock during iowq cancel - io_uring: deduplicate failing task_work_add - nbd: add sanity check for first_minor - bpf: Add ambient BPF runtime context stored in current - net: make free_netdev() more lenient with unregistering devices - ovl: fix use after free in struct ovl_aio_req - ext4: if zeroout fails fall back to splitting the extent node - loop: Select I/O scheduler 'none' from inside add_disk() - blk-mq: Introduce the BLK_MQ_F_NO_SCHED_BY_DEFAULT flag - Revert "[Huawei] block: stop wait rcu once we can ensure no io while elevator init" - ext4: refresh the ext4_ext_path struct after dropping i_data_sem. - ext4: ensure enough credits in ext4_ext_shift_path_extents - block, bfq: fix UAF problem in bfqg_stats_init() - ARM: 9098/1: ftrace: MODULE_PLT: Fix build problem without DYNAMIC_FTRACE - ARM: 9079/1: ftrace: Add MODULE_PLTS support - ARM: 9078/1: Add warn suppress parameter to arm_gen_branch_link() - ARM: 9077/1: PLT: Move struct plt_entries definition to header - sctp: add vtag check in sctp_sf_ootb - sctp: add vtag check in sctp_sf_do_8_5_1_E_sa - sctp: add vtag check in sctp_sf_violation - sctp: fix the processing for COOKIE_ECHO chunk - sctp: fix the processing for INIT_ACK chunk - sctp: fix the processing for INIT chunk - sctp: use init_tag from inithdr for ABORT chunk - Bluetooth: fix use-after-free error in lock_sock_nested() - loop: fix loop_validate_block_size() can't make sense - Fix NULL pointer dereference in handling for passthrough commands - nbd: Fix use-after-free in pid_show - PM: hibernate: Get block device exclusively in swsusp_check() - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix out-of-bound read in resp_report_tgtpgs() - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix out-of-bound read in resp_readcap16() - ext4: check magic even the extent block bh is verified - ext4: avoid recheck extent for EXT4_EX_FORCE_CACHE - pinctrl: stm32: use valid pin identifier in stm32_pinctrl_resume() - ARM: 9122/1: select HAVE_FUTEX_CMPXCHG - selftests: bpf: fix backported ASSERT_FALSE - e1000e: Separate TGP board type from SPT - tracing: Have all levels of checks prevent recursion - net: mdiobus: Fix memory leak in __mdiobus_register - bpf, test, cgroup: Use sk_{alloc,free} for test cases - s390/pci: fix zpci_zdev_put() on reserve - can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix TX buffer concurrent access in isotp_sendmsg() - scsi: core: Fix shost->cmd_per_lun calculation in scsi_add_host_with_dma() - sched/scs: Reset the shadow stack when idle_task_exit - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix a memory leak in an error path of qla2x00_process_els() - scsi: iscsi: Fix set_param() handling - Input: snvs_pwrkey - add clk handling - perf/x86/msr: Add Sapphire Rapids CPU support - libperf tests: Fix test_stat_cpu - ALSA: hda: avoid write to STATESTS if controller is in reset - platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Update timeout value in comment - isdn: mISDN: Fix sleeping function called from invalid context - ARM: dts: spear3xx: Fix gmac node - net: stmmac: add support for dwmac 3.40a - btrfs: deal with errors when checking if a dir entry exists during log replay - ALSA: hda: intel: Allow repeatedly probing on codec configuration errors - gcc-plugins/structleak: add makefile var for disabling structleak - net: hns3: fix the max tx size according to user manual - drm: mxsfb: Fix NULL pointer dereference crash on unload - net: bridge: mcast: use multicast_membership_interval for IGMPv3 - selftests: netfilter: remove stray bash debug line - netfilter: Kconfig: use 'default y' instead of 'm' for bool config option - isdn: cpai: check ctr->cnr to avoid array index out of bound - nfc: nci: fix the UAF of rf_conn_info object - KVM: nVMX: promptly process interrupts delivered while in guest mode - mm, slub: fix incorrect memcg slab count for bulk free - mm, slub: fix potential memoryleak in kmem_cache_open() - mm, slub: fix mismatch between reconstructed freelist depth and cnt - powerpc/idle: Don't corrupt back chain when going idle - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Make idle_kvm_start_guest() return 0 if it went to guest - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix stack handling in idle_kvm_start_guest() - powerpc64/idle: Fix SP offsets when saving GPRs - net: dsa: mt7530: correct ds->num_ports - audit: fix possible null-pointer dereference in audit_filter_rules - ASoC: DAPM: Fix missing kctl change notifications - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo PC50HS - ALSA: usb-audio: Provide quirk for Sennheiser GSP670 Headset - vfs: check fd has read access in kernel_read_file_from_fd() - elfcore: correct reference to CONFIG_UML - userfaultfd: fix a race between writeprotect and exit_mmap() - ocfs2: mount fails with buffer overflow in strlen - ocfs2: fix data corruption after conversion from inline format - ceph: fix handling of "meta" errors - ceph: skip existing superblocks that are blocklisted or shut down when mounting - can: j1939: j1939_xtp_rx_rts_session_new(): abort TP less than 9 bytes - can: j1939: j1939_xtp_rx_dat_one(): cancel session if receive TP.DT with error length - can: j1939: j1939_netdev_start(): fix UAF for rx_kref of j1939_priv - can: j1939: j1939_tp_rxtimer(): fix errant alert in j1939_tp_rxtimer - can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): add result check for wait_event_interruptible() - can: isotp: isotp_sendmsg(): fix return error on FC timeout on TX path - can: peak_pci: peak_pci_remove(): fix UAF - can: peak_usb: pcan_usb_fd_decode_status(): fix back to ERROR_ACTIVE state notification - can: rcar_can: fix suspend/resume - net: enetc: fix ethtool counter name for PM0_TERR - drm/panel: ilitek-ili9881c: Fix sync for Feixin K101-IM2BYL02 panel - ice: Add missing E810 device ids - e1000e: Fix packet loss on Tiger Lake and later - net: stmmac: Fix E2E delay mechanism - net: hns3: disable sriov before unload hclge layer - net: hns3: fix vf reset workqueue cannot exit - net: hns3: add limit ets dwrr bandwidth cannot be 0 - net: hns3: reset DWRR of unused tc to zero - powerpc/smp: do not decrement idle task preempt count in CPU offline - NIOS2: irqflags: rename a redefined register name - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: fix register definition - ipv6: When forwarding count rx stats on the orig netdev - tcp: md5: Fix overlap between vrf and non-vrf keys - lan78xx: select CRC32 - netfilter: ipvs: make global sysctl readonly in non-init netns - netfilter: ip6t_rt: fix rt0_hdr parsing in rt_mt6 - ice: fix getting UDP tunnel entry - ASoC: wm8960: Fix clock configuration on slave mode - dma-debug: fix sg checks in debug_dma_map_sg() - netfilter: xt_IDLETIMER: fix panic that occurs when timer_type has garbage value - NFSD: Keep existing listeners on portlist error - xtensa: xtfpga: Try software restart before simulating CPU reset - xtensa: xtfpga: use CONFIG_USE_OF instead of CONFIG_OF - drm/amdgpu/display: fix dependencies for DRM_AMD_DC_SI - xen/x86: prevent PVH type from getting clobbered - block: decode QUEUE_FLAG_HCTX_ACTIVE in debugfs output - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d2_som1_ek: disable ISC node by default - arm: dts: vexpress-v2p-ca9: Fix the SMB unit-address - io_uring: fix splice_fd_in checks backport typo - xhci: add quirk for host controllers that don't update endpoint DCS - parisc: math-emu: Fix fall-through warnings - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use PHY_DETECT on internal PHY's - ionic: don't remove netdev->dev_addr when syncing uc list - net: mscc: ocelot: warn when a PTP IRQ is raised for an unknown skb - nfp: flow_offload: move flow_indr_dev_register from app init to app start - r8152: select CRC32 and CRYPTO/CRYPTO_HASH/CRYPTO_SHA256 - qed: Fix missing error code in qed_slowpath_start() - mqprio: Correct stats in mqprio_dump_class_stats(). - platform/x86: intel_scu_ipc: Fix busy loop expiry time - acpi/arm64: fix next_platform_timer() section mismatch error - drm/msm/dsi: fix off by one in dsi_bus_clk_enable error handling - drm/msm/dsi: Fix an error code in msm_dsi_modeset_init() - drm/msm/a6xx: Track current ctx by seqno - drm/msm/mdp5: fix cursor-related warnings - drm/msm: Fix null pointer dereference on pointer edp - drm/edid: In connector_bad_edid() cap num_of_ext by num_blocks read - drm/panel: olimex-lcd-olinuxino: select CRC32 - spi: bcm-qspi: clear MSPI spifie interrupt during probe - platform/mellanox: mlxreg-io: Fix read access of n-bytes size attributes - platform/mellanox: mlxreg-io: Fix argument base in kstrtou32() call - mlxsw: thermal: Fix out-of-bounds memory accesses - ata: ahci_platform: fix null-ptr-deref in ahci_platform_enable_regulators() - pata_legacy: fix a couple uninitialized variable bugs - NFC: digital: fix possible memory leak in digital_in_send_sdd_req() - NFC: digital: fix possible memory leak in digital_tg_listen_mdaa() - nfc: fix error handling of nfc_proto_register() - vhost-vdpa: Fix the wrong input in config_cb - ethernet: s2io: fix setting mac address during resume - net: encx24j600: check error in devm_regmap_init_encx24j600 - net: dsa: microchip: Added the condition for scheduling ksz_mib_read_work - net: stmmac: fix get_hw_feature() on old hardware - net/mlx5e: Mutually exclude RX-FCS and RX-port-timestamp - net/mlx5e: Fix memory leak in mlx5_core_destroy_cq() error path - net: korina: select CRC32 - net: arc: select CRC32 - gpio: pca953x: Improve bias setting - sctp: account stream padding length for reconf chunk - nvme-pci: Fix abort command id - ARM: dts: bcm2711-rpi-4-b: Fix pcie0's unit address formatting - ARM: dts: bcm2711-rpi-4-b: fix sd_io_1v8_reg regulator states - ARM: dts: bcm2711: fix MDIO #address- and #size-cells - ARM: dts: bcm2711-rpi-4-b: Fix usb's unit address - tee: optee: Fix missing devices unregister during optee_remove - iio: dac: ti-dac5571: fix an error code in probe() - iio: ssp_sensors: fix error code in ssp_print_mcu_debug() - iio: ssp_sensors: add more range checking in ssp_parse_dataframe() - iio: adc: max1027: Fix the number of max1X31 channels - iio: light: opt3001: Fixed timeout error when 0 lux - iio: mtk-auxadc: fix case IIO_CHAN_INFO_PROCESSED - iio: adc: max1027: Fix wrong shift with 12-bit devices - iio: adc128s052: Fix the error handling path of 'adc128_probe()' - iio: adc: ad7793: Fix IRQ flag - iio: adc: ad7780: Fix IRQ flag - iio: adc: ad7192: Add IRQ flag - driver core: Reject pointless SYNC_STATE_ONLY device links - drivers: bus: simple-pm-bus: Add support for probing simple bus only devices - iio: adc: aspeed: set driver data when adc probe. - powerpc/xive: Discard disabled interrupts in get_irqchip_state() - x86/Kconfig: Do not enable AMD_MEM_ENCRYPT_ACTIVE_BY_DEFAULT automatically - nvmem: Fix shift-out-of-bound (UBSAN) with byte size cells - EDAC/armada-xp: Fix output of uncorrectable error counter - virtio: write back F_VERSION_1 before validate - misc: fastrpc: Add missing lock before accessing find_vma() - USB: serial: option: add prod. id for Quectel EG91 - USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910Cx composition 0x1204 - USB: serial: option: add Quectel EC200S-CN module support - USB: serial: qcserial: add EM9191 QDL support - Input: xpad - add support for another USB ID of Nacon GC-100 - usb: musb: dsps: Fix the probe error path - efi/cper: use stack buffer for error record decoding - cb710: avoid NULL pointer subtraction - xhci: Enable trust tx length quirk for Fresco FL11 USB controller - xhci: Fix command ring pointer corruption while aborting a command - xhci: guard accesses to ep_state in xhci_endpoint_reset() - USB: xhci: dbc: fix tty registration race - mei: me: add Ice Lake-N device id. - x86/resctrl: Free the ctrlval arrays when domain_setup_mon_state() fails - btrfs: fix abort logic in btrfs_replace_file_extents - btrfs: update refs for any root except tree log roots - btrfs: check for error when looking up inode during dir entry replay - btrfs: deal with errors when adding inode reference during log replay - btrfs: deal with errors when replaying dir entry during log replay - btrfs: unlock newly allocated extent buffer after error - drm/msm: Avoid potential overflow in timeout_to_jiffies() - arm64/hugetlb: fix CMA gigantic page order for non-4K PAGE_SIZE - csky: Fixup broken in ptrace - csky: don't let sigreturn play with priveleged bits of status register - clk: socfpga: agilex: fix duplicate s2f_user0_clk - s390: fix strrchr() implementation - nds32/ftrace: Fix Error: invalid operands (*UND* and *UND* sections) for `^' - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix the mic type detection issue for ASUS G551JW - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix for quirk to enable speaker output on the Lenovo 13s Gen2 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 - ALSA: hda/realtek - ALC236 headset MIC recording issue - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo X170KM-G - ALSA: hda/realtek: Complete partial device name to avoid ambiguity - ALSA: hda - Enable headphone mic on Dell Latitude laptops with ALC3254 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output for Dell Precision 5560 laptop - ALSA: seq: Fix a potential UAF by wrong private_free call order - ALSA: pcm: Workaround for a wrong offset in SYNC_PTR compat ioctl - ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk for VF0770 - hwmon: (pmbus/ibm-cffps) max_power_out swap changes - sched: Always inline is_percpu_thread() - perf/core: fix userpage->time_enabled of inactive events - scsi: virtio_scsi: Fix spelling mistake "Unsupport" -> "Unsupported" - scsi: ses: Fix unsigned comparison with less than zero - drm/amdgpu: fix pin_count leak - net: sun: SUNVNET_COMMON should depend on INET - vboxfs: fix broken legacy mount signature checking - mac80211: check return value of rhashtable_init - net: prevent user from passing illegal stab size - hwmon: (ltc2947) Properly handle errors when looking for the external clock - m68k: Handle arrivals of multiple signals correctly - mac80211: Drop frames from invalid MAC address in ad-hoc mode - netfilter: nf_nat_masquerade: defer conntrack walk to work queue - netfilter: nf_nat_masquerade: make async masq_inet6_event handling generic - ASoC: SOF: loader: release_firmware() on load failure to avoid batching - HID: wacom: Add new Intuos BT (CTL-4100WL/CTL-6100WL) device IDs - netfilter: ip6_tables: zero-initialize fragment offset - HID: apple: Fix logical maximum and usage maximum of Magic Keyboard JIS - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: tag SoundWire BEs as non-atomic - x86/hpet: Use another crystalball to evaluate HPET usability - x86/entry: Clear X86_FEATURE_SMAP when CONFIG_X86_SMAP=n - x86/entry: Correct reference to intended CONFIG_64_BIT - x86/sev: Return an error on a returned non-zero SW_EXITINFO1[31:0] - x86/Kconfig: Correct reference to MWINCHIP3D - x86/platform/olpc: Correct ifdef symbol to intended CONFIG_OLPC_XO15_SCI - pseries/eeh: Fix the kdump kernel crash during eeh_pseries_init - powerpc/64s: fix program check interrupt emergency stack path - powerpc/bpf: Fix BPF_SUB when imm == 0x80000000 - RISC-V: Include clone3() on rv32 - bpf, s390: Fix potential memory leak about jit_data - riscv/vdso: make arch_setup_additional_pages wait for mmap_sem for write killable - i2c: mediatek: Add OFFSET_EXT_CONF setting back - i2c: acpi: fix resource leak in reconfiguration device addition - powerpc/iommu: Report the correct most efficient DMA mask for PCI devices - net: prefer socket bound to interface when not in VRF - i40e: Fix freeing of uninitialized misc IRQ vector - i40e: fix endless loop under rtnl - gve: report 64bit tx_bytes counter from gve_handle_report_stats() - gve: fix gve_get_stats() - rtnetlink: fix if_nlmsg_stats_size() under estimation - gve: Avoid freeing NULL pointer - gve: Correct available tx qpl check - drm/nouveau/debugfs: fix file release memory leak - drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: fix file release memory leak - drm/nouveau: avoid a use-after-free when BO init fails - video: fbdev: gbefb: Only instantiate device when built for IP32 - drm/sun4i: dw-hdmi: Fix HDMI PHY clock setup - bus: ti-sysc: Use CLKDM_NOAUTO for dra7 dcan1 for errata i893 - perf jevents: Tidy error handling - netlink: annotate data races around nlk->bound - net: sfp: Fix typo in state machine debug string - net/sched: sch_taprio: properly cancel timer from taprio_destroy() - net: bridge: fix under estimation in br_get_linkxstats_size() - net: bridge: use nla_total_size_64bit() in br_get_linkxstats_size() - ARM: imx6: disable the GIC CPU interface before calling stby-poweroff sequence - dt-bindings: drm/bridge: ti-sn65dsi86: Fix reg value - arm64: dts: ls1028a: add missing CAN nodes - ptp_pch: Load module automatically if ID matches - powerpc/fsl/dts: Fix phy-connection-type for fm1mac3 - net_sched: fix NULL deref in fifo_set_limit() - phy: mdio: fix memory leak - net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix double allocation of acl flow counter - net/mlx5e: IPSEC RX, enable checksum complete - soc: ti: omap-prm: Fix external abort for am335x pruss - bpf, arm: Fix register clobbering in div/mod implementation - iwlwifi: pcie: add configuration of a Wi-Fi adapter on Dell XPS 15 - xtensa: call irqchip_init only when CONFIG_USE_OF is selected - xtensa: use CONFIG_USE_OF instead of CONFIG_OF - arm64: dts: qcom: pm8150: use qcom,pm8998-pon binding - ath5k: fix building with LEDS=m - PCI: hv: Fix sleep while in non-sleep context when removing child devices from the bus - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-pico: Fix Ethernet support - ARM: dts: imx: Fix USB host power regulator polarity on M53Menlo - ARM: dts: imx: Add missing pinctrl-names for panel on M53Menlo - soc: qcom: mdt_loader: Drop PT_LOAD check on hash segment - ARM: at91: pm: do not panic if ram controllers are not enabled - ARM: dts: qcom: apq8064: Use 27MHz PXO clock as DSI PLL reference - soc: qcom: socinfo: Fixed argument passed to platform_set_data() - bus: ti-sysc: Add break in switch statement in sysc_init_soc() - riscv: Flush current cpu icache before other cpus - ARM: dts: qcom: apq8064: use compatible which contains chipid - ARM: dts: imx6dl-yapp4: Fix lp5562 LED driver probe - ARM: dts: omap3430-sdp: Fix NAND device node - xen/balloon: fix cancelled balloon action - SUNRPC: fix sign error causing rpcsec_gss drops - nfsd4: Handle the NFSv4 READDIR 'dircount' hint being zero - nfsd: fix error handling of register_pernet_subsys() in init_nfsd() - ovl: fix IOCB_DIRECT if underlying fs doesn't support direct IO - ovl: fix missing negative dentry check in ovl_rename() - mmc: sdhci-of-at91: replace while loop with read_poll_timeout - mmc: sdhci-of-at91: wait for calibration done before proceed - mmc: meson-gx: do not use memcpy_to/fromio for dram-access-quirk - xen/privcmd: fix error handling in mmap-resource processing - drm/nouveau/kms/tu102-: delay enabling cursor until after assign_windows - usb: typec: tcpm: handle SRC_STARTUP state if cc changes - USB: cdc-acm: fix break reporting - USB: cdc-acm: fix racy tty buffer accesses - usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: Also search for 'phys' phandle - Partially revert "usb: Kconfig: using select for USB_COMMON dependency" - nbd: fix uaf in nbd_handle_reply() - nbd: partition nbd_read_stat() into nbd_read_reply() and nbd_handle_reply() - nbd: clean up return value checking of sock_xmit() - nbd: don't start request if nbd_queue_rq() failed - nbd: check sock index in nbd_read_stat() - nbd: make sure request completion won't concurrent - nbd: don't handle response without a corresponding request message - libata: Add ATA_HORKAGE_NO_NCQ_ON_ATI for Samsung 860 and 870 SSD. - perf/x86: Reset destroy callback on event init failure - KVM: x86: nSVM: restore int_vector in svm_clear_vintr - kvm: x86: Add AMD PMU MSRs to msrs_to_save_all[] - KVM: do not shrink halt_poll_ns below grow_start - selftests: KVM: Align SMCCC call with the spec in steal_time - tools/vm/page-types: remove dependency on opt_file for idle page tracking - smb3: correct smb3 ACL security descriptor - irqchip/gic: Work around broken Renesas integration - scsi: ses: Retry failed Send/Receive Diagnostic commands - thermal/drivers/tsens: Fix wrong check for tzd in irq handlers - nvme-fc: avoid race between time out and tear down - nvme-fc: update hardware queues before using them - selftests:kvm: fix get_warnings_count() ignoring fscanf() return warn - selftests: be sure to make khdr before other targets - habanalabs/gaudi: fix LBW RR configuration - usb: dwc2: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - usb: testusb: Fix for showing the connection speed - scsi: sd: Free scsi_disk device via put_device() - ext2: fix sleeping in atomic bugs on error - sparc64: fix pci_iounmap() when CONFIG_PCI is not set - xen-netback: correct success/error reporting for the SKB-with-fraglist case - net: mdio: introduce a shutdown method to mdio device drivers - btrfs: fix mount failure due to past and transient device flush error - btrfs: replace BUG_ON() in btrfs_csum_one_bio() with proper error handling - nfsd: back channel stuck in SEQ4_STATUS_CB_PATH_DOWN - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Update info for the Chuwi Hi10 Plus (CWI527) tablet - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Chuwi HiBook (CWI514) tablet - spi: rockchip: handle zero length transfers without timing out - netfilter: nf_tables: Fix oversized kvmalloc() calls - netfilter: conntrack: serialize hash resizes and cleanups - KVM: x86: Handle SRCU initialization failure during page track init - HID: usbhid: free raw_report buffers in usbhid_stop - mm: don't allow oversized kvmalloc() calls - netfilter: ipset: Fix oversized kvmalloc() calls - HID: betop: fix slab-out-of-bounds Write in betop_probe - usb: hso: remove the bailout parameter - ASoC: dapm: use component prefix when checking widget names - net: udp: annotate data race around udp_sk(sk)->corkflag - HID: u2fzero: ignore incomplete packets without data - ext4: add error checking to ext4_ext_replay_set_iblocks() - ext4: fix reserved space counter leakage - ext4: limit the number of blocks in one ADD_RANGE TLV - ext4: fix loff_t overflow in ext4_max_bitmap_size() - ipack: ipoctal: fix module reference leak - ipack: ipoctal: fix missing allocation-failure check - ipack: ipoctal: fix tty-registration error handling - ipack: ipoctal: fix tty registration race - ipack: ipoctal: fix stack information leak - debugfs: debugfs_create_file_size(): use IS_ERR to check for error - elf: don't use MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE for elf interpreter mappings - nvme: add command id quirk for apple controllers - hwmon: (pmbus/mp2975) Add missed POUT attribute for page 1 mp2975 controller - perf/x86/intel: Update event constraints for ICX - af_unix: fix races in sk_peer_pid and sk_peer_cred accesses - net: sched: flower: protect fl_walk() with rcu - net: phy: bcm7xxx: Fixed indirect MMD operations - net: hns3: fix always enable rx vlan filter problem after selftest - net: hns3: fix prototype warning - net: hns3: fix show wrong state when add existing uc mac address - net: hns3: fix mixed flag HCLGE_FLAG_MQPRIO_ENABLE and HCLGE_FLAG_DCB_ENABLE - net: hns3: do not allow call hns3_nic_net_open repeatedly - ixgbe: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ixgbe_xdp_setup - scsi: csiostor: Add module softdep on cxgb4 - Revert "block, bfq: honor already-setup queue merges" - net: ks8851: fix link error - selftests, bpf: test_lwt_ip_encap: Really disable rp_filter - selftests, bpf: Fix makefile dependencies on libbpf - bpf: Exempt CAP_BPF from checks against bpf_jit_limit - e100: fix buffer overrun in e100_get_regs - e100: fix length calculation in e100_get_regs_len - dsa: mv88e6xxx: Include tagger overhead when setting MTU for DSA and CPU ports - dsa: mv88e6xxx: Fix MTU definition - dsa: mv88e6xxx: 6161: Use chip wide MAX MTU - drm/i915/request: fix early tracepoints - smsc95xx: fix stalled rx after link change - net: ipv4: Fix rtnexthop len when RTA_FLOW is present - net: enetc: fix the incorrect clearing of IF_MODE bits - hwmon: (tmp421) fix rounding for negative values - hwmon: (tmp421) report /PVLD condition as fault - mptcp: don't return sockets in foreign netns - sctp: break out if skb_header_pointer returns NULL in sctp_rcv_ootb - mac80211-hwsim: fix late beacon hrtimer handling - mac80211: mesh: fix potentially unaligned access - mac80211: limit injected vht mcs/nss in ieee80211_parse_tx_radiotap - mac80211: Fix ieee80211_amsdu_aggregate frag_tail bug - hwmon: (mlxreg-fan) Return non-zero value when fan current state is enforced from sysfs - RDMA/cma: Fix listener leak in rdma_cma_listen_on_all() failure - IB/cma: Do not send IGMP leaves for sendonly Multicast groups - bpf: Handle return value of BPF_PROG_TYPE_STRUCT_OPS prog - ipvs: check that ip_vs_conn_tab_bits is between 8 and 20 - drm/amdgpu: correct initial cp_hqd_quantum for gfx9 - drm/amd/display: Pass PCI deviceid into DC - RDMA/cma: Do not change route.addr.src_addr.ss_family - media: ir_toy: prevent device from hanging during transmit - KVM: rseq: Update rseq when processing NOTIFY_RESUME on xfer to KVM guest - KVM: nVMX: Filter out all unsupported controls when eVMCS was activated - KVM: x86: nSVM: don't copy virt_ext from vmcb12 - KVM: x86: Fix stack-out-of-bounds memory access from ioapic_write_indirect() - x86/kvmclock: Move this_cpu_pvti into kvmclock.h - mac80211: fix use-after-free in CCMP/GCMP RX - scsi: ufs: Fix illegal offset in UPIU event trace - gpio: pca953x: do not ignore i2c errors - hwmon: (w83791d) Fix NULL pointer dereference by removing unnecessary structure field - hwmon: (w83792d) Fix NULL pointer dereference by removing unnecessary structure field - hwmon: (w83793) Fix NULL pointer dereference by removing unnecessary structure field - hwmon: (tmp421) handle I2C errors - fs-verity: fix signed integer overflow with i_size near S64_MAX - ACPI: NFIT: Use fallback node id when numa info in NFIT table is incorrect - ALSA: hda/realtek: Quirks to enable speaker output for Lenovo Legion 7i 15IMHG05, Yoga 7i 14ITL5/15ITL5, and 13s Gen2 laptops. - usb: cdns3: fix race condition before setting doorbell - cpufreq: schedutil: Destroy mutex before kobject_put() frees the memory - scsi: qla2xxx: Changes to support kdump kernel for NVMe BFS - cpufreq: schedutil: Use kobject release() method to free sugov_tunables - tty: Fix out-of-bound vmalloc access in imageblit - ubifs: ubifs_dump_node: Dump all branches of the index node - ubifs: ubifs_dump_sleb: Remove unused function - ubifs: Pass node length in all node dumping callers - ubifs: Remove the redundant return in dbg_check_nondata_nodes_order - Revert "ubifs: Fix out-of-bounds memory access caused by abnormal value of node_len" - ubifs: Limit dumping length by size of memory which is allocated for the node - ext4: prevent partial update of the extent blocks - ext4: check for inconsistent extents between index and leaf block - ext4: check for out-of-order index extents in ext4_valid_extent_entries() - quota: correct error number in free_dqentry() - quota: check block number when reading the block in quota file - mm: rmap: explicitly reset vma->anon_vma in unlink_anon_vmas() - cgroup: Fix memory leak caused by missing cgroup_bpf_offline - qnx4: work around gcc false positive warning bug - xen/balloon: fix balloon kthread freezing - USB: serial: cp210x: fix dropped characters with CP2102 - thermal/drivers/int340x: Do not set a wrong tcc offset on resume - EDAC/dmc520: Assign the proper type to dimm->edac_mode - EDAC/synopsys: Fix wrong value type assignment for edac_mode - spi: Fix tegra20 build with CONFIG_PM=n - net: 6pack: Fix tx timeout and slot time - alpha: Declare virt_to_phys and virt_to_bus parameter as pointer to volatile - arm64: Mark __stack_chk_guard as __ro_after_init - parisc: Use absolute_pointer() to define PAGE0 - qnx4: avoid stringop-overread errors - sparc: avoid stringop-overread errors - net: i825xx: Use absolute_pointer for memcpy from fixed memory location - compiler.h: Introduce absolute_pointer macro - block: flush the integrity workqueue in blk_integrity_unregister - block: check if a profile is actually registered in blk_integrity_unregister - amd/display: downgrade validation failure log level - sparc32: page align size in arch_dma_alloc - nvme-rdma: destroy cm id before destroy qp to avoid use after free - nvme-multipath: fix ANA state updates when a namespace is not present - xen/balloon: use a kernel thread instead a workqueue - bpf: Add oversize check before call kvcalloc() - cpufreq: intel_pstate: Override parameters if HWP forced by BIOS - ipv6: delay fib6_sernum increase in fib6_add - m68k: Double cast io functions to unsigned long - blk-mq: avoid to iterate over stale request - net: stmmac: allow CSR clock of 300MHz - net: macb: fix use after free on rmmod - net: phylink: Update SFP selected interface on advertising changes - io_uring: put provided buffer meta data under memcg accounting - x86/asm: Fix SETZ size enqcmds() build failure - x86/asm: Add a missing __iomem annotation in enqcmds() - md: fix a lock order reversal in md_alloc - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Fix potential VPE leak on error - irqchip/goldfish-pic: Select GENERIC_IRQ_CHIP to fix build - scsi: lpfc: Use correct scnprintf() limit - scsi: qla2xxx: Restore initiator in dual mode - cifs: fix a sign extension bug - thermal/core: Potential buffer overflow in thermal_build_list_of_policies() - nvme: keep ctrl->namespaces ordered - treewide: Change list_sort to use const pointers - nvme-tcp: fix incorrect h2cdata pdu offset accounting - fpga: machxo2-spi: Fix missing error code in machxo2_write_complete() - fpga: machxo2-spi: Return an error on failure - tty: synclink_gt: rename a conflicting function name - tty: synclink_gt, drop unneeded forward declarations - scsi: target: Fix the pgr/alua_support_store functions - scsi: iscsi: Adjust iface sysfs attr detection - atlantic: Fix issue in the pm resume flow. - net/mlx4_en: Don't allow aRFS for encapsulated packets - qed: rdma - don't wait for resources under hw error recovery flow - gpio: uniphier: Fix void functions to remove return value - s390/qeth: fix NULL deref in qeth_clear_working_pool_list() - kselftest/arm64: signal: Skip tests if required features are missing - kselftest/arm64: signal: Add SVE to the set of features we can check for - net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres - net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres - net/smc: fix 'workqueue leaked lock' in smc_conn_abort_work - net/smc: add missing error check in smc_clc_prfx_set() - bnxt_en: Fix TX timeout when TX ring size is set to the smallest - enetc: Fix uninitialized struct dim_sample field usage - enetc: Fix illegal access when reading affinity_hint - platform/x86/intel: punit_ipc: Drop wrong use of ACPI_PTR() - afs: Fix updating of i_blocks on file/dir extension - afs: Fix incorrect triggering of sillyrename on 3rd-party invalidation - comedi: Fix memory leak in compat_insnlist() - net: hso: fix muxed tty registration - drm/amd/pm: Update intermediate power state for SI - scsi: sd_zbc: Ensure buffer size is aligned to SECTOR_SIZE - serial: mvebu-uart: fix driver's tx_empty callback - serial: 8250: 8250_omap: Fix RX_LVL register offset - xhci: Set HCD flag to defer primary roothub registration - btrfs: prevent __btrfs_dump_space_info() to underflow its free space - erofs: fix up erofs_lookup tracepoint - mcb: fix error handling in mcb_alloc_bus() - USB: serial: option: add device id for Foxconn T99W265 - USB: serial: option: remove duplicate USB device ID - USB: serial: option: add Telit LN920 compositions - USB: serial: mos7840: remove duplicated 0xac24 device ID - usb: core: hcd: Add support for deferring roothub registration - usb: dwc3: core: balance phy init and exit - Re-enable UAS for LaCie Rugged USB3-FW with fk quirk - staging: greybus: uart: fix tty use after free - binder: make sure fd closes complete - Revert "USB: bcma: Add a check for devm_gpiod_get" - USB: cdc-acm: fix minor-number release - USB: serial: cp210x: add ID for GW Instek GDM-834x Digital Multimeter - usb-storage: Add quirk for ScanLogic SL11R-IDE older than 2.6c - xen/x86: fix PV trap handling on secondary processors - cifs: fix incorrect check for null pointer in header_assemble - usb: musb: tusb6010: uninitialized data in tusb_fifo_write_unaligned() - usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC transfer complete handling for DDMA - usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for BDMA and Slave - usb: gadget: r8a66597: fix a loop in set_feature() - ocfs2: drop acl cache for directories too - PCI: aardvark: Increase polling delay to 1.5s while waiting for PIO response - drm/amdgpu: fix out of bounds write - sched/topology: Fix sched_domain_topology_level alloc in sched_init_numa() - arm64: Avoid premature usercopy failure - livepatch: Check whole stack when CONFIG_PREEMPT is set - arm64: remove page granularity limitation from KFENCE - drm/nouveau/nvkm: Replace -ENOSYS with -ENODEV - sched/idle: Make the idle timer expire in hard interrupt context - rtc: rx8010: select REGMAP_I2C - blk-mq: allow 4x BLK_MAX_REQUEST_COUNT at blk_plug for multiple_queues - pwm: stm32-lp: Don't modify HW state in .remove() callback - pwm: rockchip: Don't modify HW state in .remove() callback - pwm: img: Don't modify HW state in .remove() callback - habanalabs: add validity check for event ID received from F/W - nilfs2: fix memory leak in nilfs_sysfs_delete_snapshot_group - nilfs2: fix memory leak in nilfs_sysfs_create_snapshot_group - nilfs2: fix memory leak in nilfs_sysfs_delete_##name##_group - nilfs2: fix memory leak in nilfs_sysfs_create_##name##_group - nilfs2: fix NULL pointer in nilfs_##name##_attr_release - nilfs2: fix memory leak in nilfs_sysfs_create_device_group - btrfs: fix lockdep warning while mounting sprout fs - btrfs: update the bdev time directly when closing - ceph: lockdep annotations for try_nonblocking_invalidate - ceph: remove the capsnaps when removing caps - ceph: request Fw caps before updating the mtime in ceph_write_iter - dmaengine: xilinx_dma: Set DMA mask for coherent APIs - dmaengine: ioat: depends on !UML - dmaengine: sprd: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - dmaengine: idxd: depends on !UML - iommu/amd: Relocate GAMSup check to early_enable_iommus - parisc: Move pci_dev_is_behind_card_dino to where it is used - dma-buf: DMABUF_MOVE_NOTIFY should depend on DMA_SHARED_BUFFER - drivers: base: cacheinfo: Get rid of DEFINE_SMP_CALL_CACHE_FUNCTION() - drm/amdgpu: Disable PCIE_DPM on Intel RKL Platform - thermal/core: Fix thermal_cooling_device_register() prototype - tools/bootconfig: Fix tracing_on option checking in - Kconfig.debug: drop selecting non-existing HARDLOCKUP_DETECTOR_ARCH - ceph: cancel delayed work instead of flushing on mdsc teardown - ceph: allow ceph_put_mds_session to take NULL or ERR_PTR - platform/chrome: cros_ec_trace: Fix format warnings - platform/chrome: sensorhub: Add trace events for sample - dmaengine: idxd: fix wq slot allocation index check - pwm: mxs: Don't modify HW state in .probe() after the PWM chip was registered - pwm: lpc32xx: Don't modify HW state in .probe() after the PWM chip was registered - PM: sleep: core: Avoid setting power.must_resume to false - profiling: fix shift-out-of-bounds bugs - nilfs2: use refcount_dec_and_lock() to fix potential UAF - prctl: allow to setup brk for et_dyn executables - 9p/trans_virtio: Remove sysfs file on probe failure - thermal/drivers/exynos: Fix an error code in exynos_tmu_probe() - perf tools: Allow build-id with trailing zeros - tools lib: Adopt memchr_inv() from kernel - perf test: Fix bpf test sample mismatch reporting - dmaengine: acpi: Avoid comparison GSI with Linux vIRQ - um: virtio_uml: fix memory leak on init failures - coredump: fix memleak in dump_vma_snapshot() - staging: rtl8192u: Fix bitwise vs logical operator in TranslateRxSignalStuff819xUsb() - Revert "net/mlx5: Register to devlink ingress VLAN filter trap" - s390/pci_mmio: fully validate the VMA before calling follow_pte() - console: consume APC, DM, DCS - PCI: aardvark: Fix reporting CRS value - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Add PCIe Root Capabilities Register - media: firewire: firedtv-avc: fix a buffer overflow in avc_ca_pmt() - ext4: fix potential infinite loop in ext4_dx_readdir() - mm: memcontrol: set the correct memcg swappiness restriction - mm, vmscan: guarantee drop_slab_node() termination - powerpc/numa: Update cpu_cpu_map on CPU online/offline - powerpc/powernv/pci: fix a RCU-list lock - blktrace: Fix uaf in blk_trace access after removing by sysfs - ext4: drop unnecessary journal handle in delalloc write - ext4: factor out write end code of inline file - ext4: correct the error path of ext4_write_inline_data_end() - ext4: check and update i_disksize properly - efi: Change down_interruptible() in virt_efi_reset_system() to down_trylock() - ramfs: fix mount source show for ramfs - fs: add vfs_parse_fs_param_source() helper - blk-cgroup: fix UAF by grabbing blkcg lock before destroying blkg pd - block: fix memory leak for mq shared sbitmap - ia64: ensure proper NUMA distance and possible map initialization - sched/topology: Make sched_init_numa() use a set for the deduplicating sort - sched/topology: fix the issue groups don't span domain->span for NUMA diameter > 2 - sched/topology: Warn when NUMA diameter > 2 - nbd: add the check to prevent overflow in __nbd_ioctl() - block: fix UAF from race of ioc_release_fn() and __ioc_clear_queue() - blk-throttle: fix UAF by deleteing timer in blk_throtl_exit() - block: don't call rq_qos_ops->done_bio if the bio isn't tracked - kabi: Introduce KABI_RESERVE macro for openEuler kernel - sched/fair: fix sd_llc_alloc_all() compile error- net: phy: realtek: net: Fix less than zero comparison of a u16 - net: phy: realtek: add dt property to enable ALDPS mode - net: phy: realtek: add dt property to disable CLKOUT clock - openeuler_defconfig: Build HISI PMU drivers as modules. - configs: add config BMA to config files - Huawei BMA: Adding Huawei BMA driver: cdev_veth_drv - Huawei BMA: Adding Huawei BMA driver: host_kbox_drv - Huawei BMA: Adding Huawei BMA driver: host_veth_drv - Huawei BMA: Adding Huawei BMA driver: host_cdev_drv - Huawei BMA: Adding Huawei BMA driver: host_edma_drv - page_pool: disable dma mapping support for 32-bit arch with 64-bit DMA - page_pool: use relaxed atomic for release side accounting - net: hns3: add option to turn off page pool feature - net: hns3: support skb's frag page recycling based on page pool - page_pool: add frag page recycling support in page pool - page_pool: add interface to manipulate frag count in page pool - page_pool: keep pp info as long as page pool owns the page - page_pool: mask the page->signature before the checking - skbuff: Fix a potential race while recycling page_pool packets - net: ti: add pp skb recycling support - mvpp2: prefetch page - mvpp2: prefetch right address - mvneta: recycle buffers - mvpp2: recycle buffers - page_pool: Allow drivers to hint on SKB recycling - skbuff: add a parameter to __skb_frag_unref - mm: add a signature in struct page - net: page_pool: simplify page recycling condition tests - skbuff: Call skb_zcopy_clear() before unref'ing fragments - net: page_pool: Add bulk support for ptr_ring - MAINTAINERS: update for DAMON - mm/damon: add user space selftests - mm/damon: add kunit tests - Documentation: add documents for DAMON - mm/damon/dbgfs: support multiple contexts - mm/damon/dbgfs: export kdamond pid to the user space - mm/damon: implement a debugfs-based user space interface - mm/damon: add a tracepoint - mm/damon: implement primitives for the virtual memory address spaces - mm/idle_page_tracking: make PG_idle reusable - mm/damon: adaptively adjust regions - mm/damon/core: implement region-based sampling - mm: introduce Data Access MONitor (DAMON) - sched/fair: fix try_steal compile error - config: enable CONFIG_SCHED_STEAL by default - sched/fair: introduce SCHED_STEAL - disable stealing by default - sched/fair: Provide idle search schedstats - sched/fair: disable stealing if too many NUMA nodes - sched/fair: Steal work from an overloaded CPU when CPU goes idle - sched/fair: Provide can_migrate_task_llc - sched/fair: Generalize the detach_task interface - sched/fair: Hoist idle_stamp up from idle_balance - sched/fair: Dynamically update cfs_overload_cpus - sched/topology: Provide cfs_overload_cpus bitmap - sched/topology: Provide hooks to allocate data shared per LLC - sched: Provide sparsemask, a reduced contention bitmap - psi: introduce psi_v1 boot parameter - psi: support psi under cgroup v1 - spfc: Fix compile errors when O=xxx is specified- openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_HW_RANDOM_HISI_GM by default - hwrng: add hisilicon GM auth trng driver - cgroup/files: support boot parameter to control if disable files cgroup - files_cgroup: Fix soft lockup when refcnt overflow. - filescontrol: silence suspicious RCU warning - mm/memcg: fix NULL pointer dereference in memcg_slab_free_hook() - mm: memcontrol: move PageMemcgKmem to the scope of CONFIG_MEMCG_KMEM - mm: memcontrol: inline __memcg_kmem_{un}charge() into obj_cgroup_{un}charge_pages() - mm: memcontrol: use obj_cgroup APIs to charge kmem pages - mm: memcontrol: change ug->dummy_page only if memcg changed - mm: memcontrol: directly access page->memcg_data in mm/page_alloc.c - mm: memcontrol: introduce obj_cgroup_{un}charge_pages - mm: Convert page kmemcg type to a page memcg flag - mm: Introduce page memcg flags - mm: memcontrol/slab: Use helpers to access slab page's memcg_data - mm: memcontrol: Use helpers to read page's memcg data - scsi: spfc: initial commit the spfc module - mmap: userswap: fix some format issues - mmap: userswap: fix memory leak in do_mmap - perf stat: Add --quiet option- net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Fix array overrun in bcm_sf2_num_active_ports() - bnxt_en: Fix error recovery regression - x86/mce: Avoid infinite loop for copy from user recovery - net: renesas: sh_eth: Fix freeing wrong tx descriptor - mfd: lpc_sch: Rename GPIOBASE to prevent build error - mfd: lpc_sch: Partially revert "Add support for Intel Quark X1000" - bnxt_en: Fix possible unintended driver initiated error recovery - bnxt_en: Improve logging of error recovery settings information. - bnxt_en: Convert to use netif_level() helpers. - bnxt_en: Consolidate firmware reset event logging. - bnxt_en: log firmware debug notifications - bnxt_en: Fix asic.rev in devlink dev info command - bnxt_en: fix stored FW_PSID version masks - net: dsa: b53: Fix IMP port setup on BCM5301x - ip_gre: validate csum_start only on pull - qlcnic: Remove redundant unlock in qlcnic_pinit_from_rom - fq_codel: reject silly quantum parameters - netfilter: socket: icmp6: fix use-after-scope - net: dsa: b53: Set correct number of ports in the DSA struct - net: dsa: b53: Fix calculating number of switch ports - net: hso: add failure handler for add_net_device - selftests: mptcp: clean tmp files in simult_flows - net: dsa: tag_rtl4_a: Fix egress tags - gpio: mpc8xxx: Use 'devm_gpiochip_add_data()' to simplify the code and avoid a leak - gpio: mpc8xxx: Fix a resources leak in the error handling path of 'mpc8xxx_probe()' - perf bench inject-buildid: Handle writen() errors - perf unwind: Do not overwrite FEATURE_CHECK_LDFLAGS-libunwind-{x86,aarch64} - ARC: export clear_user_page() for modules - mtd: rawnand: cafe: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'cafe_nand_probe()' - PCI: Sync __pci_register_driver() stub for CONFIG_PCI=n - KVM: arm64: Handle PSCI resets before userspace touches vCPU state - KVM: arm64: Fix read-side race on updates to vcpu reset state - tracing/boot: Fix a hist trigger dependency for boot time tracing - mfd: tqmx86: Clear GPIO IRQ resource when no IRQ is set - PCI: Fix pci_dev_str_match_path() alloc while atomic bug - KVM: arm64: Restrict IPA size to maximum 48 bits on 4K and 16K page size - netfilter: nft_ct: protect nft_ct_pcpu_template_refcnt with mutex - netfilter: Fix fall-through warnings for Clang - PCI: iproc: Fix BCMA probe resource handling - PCI: of: Don't fail devm_pci_alloc_host_bridge() on missing 'ranges' - backlight: ktd253: Stabilize backlight - mfd: axp20x: Update AXP288 volatile ranges - s390/bpf: Fix branch shortening during codegen pass - s390/bpf: Fix 64-bit subtraction of the -0x80000000 constant - s390/bpf: Fix optimizing out zero-extensions - NTB: perf: Fix an error code in perf_setup_inbuf() - NTB: Fix an error code in ntb_msit_probe() - ethtool: Fix an error code in cxgb2.c - PCI: ibmphp: Fix double unmap of io_mem - block, bfq: honor already-setup queue merges - net: usb: cdc_mbim: avoid altsetting toggling for Telit LN920 - Set fc_nlinfo in nh_create_ipv4, nh_create_ipv6 - octeontx2-af: Add additional register check to rvu_poll_reg() - watchdog: Start watchdog in watchdog_set_last_hw_keepalive only if appropriate - PCI: Add ACS quirks for Cavium multi-function devices - PCI: j721e: Add PCIe support for AM64 - PCI: j721e: Add PCIe support for J7200 - PCI: cadence: Add quirk flag to set minimum delay in LTSSM Detect.Quiet state - PCI: cadence: Use bitfield for *quirk_retrain_flag* instead of bool - tracing/probes: Reject events which have the same name of existing one - PCI: rcar: Fix runtime PM imbalance in rcar_pcie_ep_probe() - mfd: Don't use irq_create_mapping() to resolve a mapping - PCI: tegra: Fix OF node reference leak - PCI: tegra194: Fix MSI-X programming - PCI: tegra194: Fix handling BME_CHGED event - fuse: fix use after free in fuse_read_interrupt() - PCI: Add ACS quirks for NXP LX2xx0 and LX2xx2 platforms - mfd: db8500-prcmu: Adjust map to reality - dt-bindings: mtd: gpmc: Fix the ECC bytes vs. OOB bytes equation - mm/memory_hotplug: use "unsigned long" for PFN in zone_for_pfn_range() - bnxt_en: make bnxt_free_skbs() safe to call after bnxt_free_mem() - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Tolerate treclaim. in fake-suspend mode changing registers - ibmvnic: check failover_pending in login response - dt-bindings: arm: Fix Toradex compatible typo - udp_tunnel: Fix udp_tunnel_nic work-queue type - qed: Handle management FW error - selftest: net: fix typo in altname test - tcp: fix tp->undo_retrans accounting in tcp_sacktag_one() - x86/uaccess: Fix 32-bit __get_user_asm_u64() when CC_HAS_ASM_GOTO_OUTPUT=y - net: dsa: destroy the phylink instance on any error in dsa_slave_phy_setup - net/af_unix: fix a data-race in unix_dgram_poll - vhost_net: fix OoB on sendmsg() failure. - gen_compile_commands: fix missing 'sys' package - net: ipa: initialize all filter table slots - events: Reuse value read using READ_ONCE instead of re-reading it - nvme-tcp: fix io_work priority inversion - net/mlx5: Fix potential sleeping in atomic context - net/mlx5: FWTrace, cancel work on alloc pd error flow - perf machine: Initialize srcline string member in add_location struct - drm/rockchip: cdn-dp-core: Make cdn_dp_core_resume __maybe_unused - tipc: increase timeout in tipc_sk_enqueue() - r6040: Restore MDIO clock frequency after MAC reset - net/l2tp: Fix reference count leak in l2tp_udp_recv_core - dccp: don't duplicate ccid when cloning dccp sock - ptp: dp83640: don't define PAGE0 - net-caif: avoid user-triggerable WARN_ON(1) - net/{mlx5|nfp|bnxt}: Remove unnecessary RTNL lock assert - ethtool: Fix rxnfc copy to user buffer overflow - tipc: fix an use-after-free issue in tipc_recvmsg - x86/mm: Fix kern_addr_valid() to cope with existing but not present entries - x86/pat: Pass valid address to sanitize_phys() - s390/sclp: fix Secure-IPL facility detection - drm/etnaviv: add missing MMU context put when reaping MMU mapping - drm/etnaviv: reference MMU context when setting up hardware state - drm/etnaviv: fix MMU context leak on GPU reset - drm/etnaviv: exec and MMU state is lost when resetting the GPU - drm/etnaviv: keep MMU context across runtime suspend/resume - drm/etnaviv: stop abusing mmu_context as FE running marker - drm/etnaviv: put submit prev MMU context when it exists - drm/etnaviv: return context from etnaviv_iommu_context_get - drm/amd/amdgpu: Increase HWIP_MAX_INSTANCE to 10 - PCI: Add AMD GPU multi-function power dependencies - PM: base: power: don't try to use non-existing RTC for storing data - arm64/sve: Use correct size when reinitialising SVE state - bnx2x: Fix enabling network interfaces without VFs - xen: reset legacy rtc flag for PV domU - btrfs: fix upper limit for max_inline for page size 64K - drm/bridge: lt9611: Fix handling of 4k panels - fanotify: limit number of event merge attempts - drm/panfrost: Clamp lock region to Bifrost minimum - drm/panfrost: Use u64 for size in lock_region - drm/panfrost: Simplify lock_region calculation - drm/amd/display: Update bounding box states (v2) - drm/amd/display: Update number of DCN3 clock states - drm/amdgpu: Fix BUG_ON assert - drm/panfrost: Make sure MMU context lifetime is not bound to panfrost_priv - drm/dp_mst: Fix return code on sideband message failure - drm/msi/mdp4: populate priv->kms in mdp4_kms_init - drm/mgag200: Select clock in PLL update functions - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: fix maximum frame length - lib/test_stackinit: Fix static initializer test - platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: Send command again when timeout occurs - libnvdimm/pmem: Fix crash triggered when I/O in-flight during unbind - mm,vmscan: fix divide by zero in get_scan_count - mm/hugetlb: initialize hugetlb_usage in mm_init - mm/hmm: bypass devmap pte when all pfn requested flags are fulfilled - hugetlb: fix hugetlb cgroup refcounting during vma split - s390/pv: fix the forcing of the swiotlb - cpufreq: powernv: Fix init_chip_info initialization in numa=off - scsi: qla2xxx: Sync queue idx with queue_pair_map idx - scsi: qla2xxx: Changes to support kdump kernel - scsi: BusLogic: Fix missing pr_cont() use - ovl: fix BUG_ON() in may_delete() when called from ovl_cleanup() - parisc: fix crash with signals and alloca - io_uring: remove duplicated io_size from rw - fs/io_uring Don't use the return value from import_iovec(). - net: w5100: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - fix array-index-out-of-bounds in taprio_change - net: fix NULL pointer reference in cipso_v4_doi_free - ath9k: fix sleeping in atomic context - ath9k: fix OOB read ar9300_eeprom_restore_internal - wcn36xx: Fix missing frame timestamp for beacon/probe-resp - selftests/bpf: Fix potential unreleased lock - parport: remove non-zero check on count - net/mlx5: DR, Enable QP retransmission - net/mlx5: DR, fix a potential use-after-free bug - iwlwifi: mvm: Fix scan channel flags settings - iwlwifi: fw: correctly limit to monitor dump - iwlwifi: mvm: fix access to BSS elements - iwlwifi: mvm: avoid static queue number aliasing - iwlwifi: mvm: fix a memory leak in iwl_mvm_mac_ctxt_beacon_changed - iwlwifi: pcie: free RBs during configure - nfsd: fix crash on LOCKT on reexported NFSv3 - drm/amdkfd: Account for SH/SE count when setting up cu masks. - ASoC: rockchip: i2s: Fixup config for DAIFMT_DSP_A/B - ASoC: rockchip: i2s: Fix regmap_ops hang - usbip:vhci_hcd USB port can get stuck in the disabled state - usbip: give back URBs for unsent unlink requests during cleanup - usb: musb: musb_dsps: request_irq() after initializing musb - Revert "USB: xhci: fix U1/U2 handling for hardware with XHCI_INTEL_HOST quirk set" - cifs: fix wrong release in sess_alloc_buffer() failed path - mmc: core: Return correct emmc response in case of ioctl error - selftests/bpf: Enlarge select() timeout for test_maps - mmc: rtsx_pci: Fix long reads when clock is prescaled - mmc: sdhci-of-arasan: Check return value of non-void funtions - mmc: sdhci-of-arasan: Modified SD default speed to 19MHz for ZynqMP - of: Don't allow __of_attached_node_sysfs() without CONFIG_SYSFS - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix passing loadable flag for module - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix module configuration for KPB and MIXER - soundwire: intel: fix potential race condition during power down - btrfs: tree-log: check btrfs_lookup_data_extent return value - m68knommu: only set CONFIG_ISA_DMA_API for ColdFire sub-arch - octeontx2-pf: Fix NIX1_RX interface backpressure - rtw88: wow: fix size access error of probe request - rtw88: wow: build wow function only if CONFIG_PM is on - rtw88: use read_poll_timeout instead of fixed sleep - rtl8xxxu: Fix the handling of TX A-MPDU aggregation - drm/exynos: Always initialize mapping in exynos_drm_register_dma() - lockd: lockd server-side shouldn't set fl_ops - usb: chipidea: host: fix port index underflow and UBSAN complains - gfs2: Don't call dlm after protocol is unmounted - kselftest/arm64: pac: Fix skipping of tests on systems without PAC - kselftest/arm64: mte: Fix misleading output when skipping tests - net: Fix offloading indirect devices dependency on qdisc order creation - staging: rts5208: Fix get_ms_information() heap buffer size - hwmon: (pmbus/ibm-cffps) Fix write bits for LED control - selftests/bpf: Fix flaky send_signal test - rpc: fix gss_svc_init cleanup on failure - tcp: enable data-less, empty-cookie SYN with TFO_SERVER_COOKIE_NOT_REQD - iomap: pass writeback errors to the mapping - serial: sh-sci: fix break handling for sysrq - opp: Don't print an error if required-opps is missing - Bluetooth: Fix handling of LE Enhanced Connection Complete - nvme: code command_id with a genctr for use-after-free validation - nvme-tcp: don't check blk_mq_tag_to_rq when receiving pdu data - arm64: dts: ls1046a: fix eeprom entries - arm64: tegra: Fix compatible string for Tegra132 CPUs - ARM: tegra: tamonten: Fix UART pad setting - ARM: tegra: acer-a500: Remove bogus USB VBUS regulators - mac80211: Fix monitor MTU limit so that A-MSDUs get through - drm/display: fix possible null-pointer dereference in dcn10_set_clock() - gpu: drm: amd: amdgpu: amdgpu_i2c: fix possible uninitialized-variable access in amdgpu_i2c_router_select_ddc_port() - net/mlx5: Fix variable type to match 64bit - drm/msm/dp: return correct edid checksum after corrupted edid checksum read - Bluetooth: avoid circular locks in sco_sock_connect - Bluetooth: schedule SCO timeouts with delayed_work - drm/vmwgfx: fix potential UAF in vmwgfx_surface.c - selftests/bpf: Fix xdp_tx.c prog section name - drm/amd/display: fix incorrect CM/TF programming sequence in dwb - drm/amd/display: fix missing writeback disablement if plane is removed - thunderbolt: Fix port linking by checking all adapters - drm: xlnx: zynqmp: release reset to DP controller before accessing DP registers - drm: xlnx: zynqmp_dpsub: Call pm_runtime_get_sync before setting pixel clock - drm/msm/dsi: Fix DSI and DSI PHY regulator config from SDM660 - drm/msm: mdp4: drop vblank get/put from prepare/complete_commit - net: ethernet: stmmac: Do not use unreachable() in ipq806x_gmac_probe() - nvmem: qfprom: Fix up qfprom_disable_fuse_blowing() ordering - arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: Fix epss_l3 unit address - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8996: don't use underscore in node name - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8994: don't use underscore in node name - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm630: don't use underscore in node name - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: drop '0x' from unit address - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm660: use reg value for memory node - arm64: dts: qcom: ipq8074: fix pci node reg property - ARM: dts: imx53-ppd: Fix ACHC entry - serial: 8250_omap: Handle optional overrun-throttle-ms property - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm630: Fix TLMM node and pinctrl configuration - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm630: Rewrite memory map - gfs2: Fix glock recursion in freeze_go_xmote_bh - media: tegra-cec: Handle errors of clk_prepare_enable() - media: TDA1997x: fix tda1997x_query_dv_timings() return value - media: v4l2-dv-timings.c: fix wrong condition in two for-loops - media: imx258: Limit the max analogue gain to 480 - media: imx258: Rectify mismatch of VTS value - ASoC: Intel: update sof_pcm512x quirks - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Move "Platform Clock" routes to the maps for the matching in-/output - arm64: tegra: Fix Tegra194 PCIe EP compatible string - ARM: dts: at91: use the right property for shutdown controller - bonding: 3ad: fix the concurrency between __bond_release_one() and bond_3ad_state_machine_handler() - ARM: dts: stm32: Update AV96 adv7513 node per dtbs_check - ARM: dts: stm32: Set {bitclock,frame}-master phandles on ST DKx - ARM: dts: stm32: Set {bitclock,frame}-master phandles on DHCOM SoM - workqueue: Fix possible memory leaks in wq_numa_init() - Bluetooth: skip invalid hci_sync_conn_complete_evt - ata: sata_dwc_460ex: No need to call phy_exit() befre phy_init() - libbpf: Fix race when pinning maps in parallel - samples: bpf: Fix tracex7 error raised on the missing argument - staging: ks7010: Fix the initialization of the 'sleep_status' structure - serial: 8250_pci: make setup_port() parameters explicitly unsigned - hvsi: don't panic on tty_register_driver failure - xtensa: ISS: don't panic in rs_init - serial: 8250: Define RX trigger levels for OxSemi 950 devices - s390: make PCI mio support a machine flag - s390/jump_label: print real address in a case of a jump label bug - flow_dissector: Fix out-of-bounds warnings - ipv4: ip_output.c: Fix out-of-bounds warning in ip_copy_addrs() - video: fbdev: riva: Error out if 'pixclock' equals zero - video: fbdev: kyro: Error out if 'pixclock' equals zero - video: fbdev: asiliantfb: Error out if 'pixclock' equals zero - arm64: dts: allwinner: h6: tanix-tx6: Fix regulator node names - drm/bridge: nwl-dsi: Avoid potential multiplication overflow on 32-bit - bpf/tests: Do not PASS tests without actually testing the result - bpf/tests: Fix copy-and-paste error in double word test - drm/amd/amdgpu: Update debugfs link_settings output link_rate field in hex - drm/amdgpu: Fix a printing message - ethtool: improve compat ioctl handling - nfp: fix return statement in nfp_net_parse_meta() - media: atomisp: pci: fix error return code in atomisp_pci_probe() - media: atomisp: Fix runtime PM imbalance in atomisp_pci_probe - media: platform: stm32: unprepare clocks at handling errors in probe - media: hantro: vp8: Move noisy WARN_ON to vpu_debug - drm/amd/display: Fix timer_per_pixel unit error - selftests: firmware: Fix ignored return val of asprintf() warn - bus: fsl-mc: fix mmio base address for child DPRCs - tty: serial: jsm: hold port lock when reporting modem line changes - staging: board: Fix uninitialized spinlock when attaching genpd - usb: gadget: composite: Allow bMaxPower=0 if self-powered - USB: EHCI: ehci-mv: improve error handling in mv_ehci_enable() - usb: gadget: u_ether: fix a potential null pointer dereference - usb: host: fotg210: fix the actual_length of an iso packet - usb: host: fotg210: fix the endpoint's transactional opportunities calculation - igc: Check if num of q_vectors is smaller than max before array access - rcu: Fix macro name CONFIG_TASKS_RCU_TRACE - drm: protect drm_master pointers in drm_lease.c - drm: serialize drm_file.master with a new spinlock - drm: avoid blocking in drm_clients_info's rcu section - Smack: Fix wrong semantics in smk_access_entry() - netlink: Deal with ESRCH error in nlmsg_notify() - video: fbdev: kyro: fix a DoS bug by restricting user input - ARM: dts: qcom: apq8064: correct clock names - iavf: fix locking of critical sections - iavf: do not override the adapter state in the watchdog task - iio: dac: ad5624r: Fix incorrect handling of an optional regulator. - net: phy: Fix data type in DP83822 dp8382x_disable_wol() - tipc: keep the skb in rcv queue until the whole data is read - PCI: Use pci_update_current_state() in pci_enable_device_flags() - crypto: mxs-dcp - Use sg_mapping_iter to copy data - x86/hyperv: fix for unwanted manipulation of sched_clock when TSC marked unstable - libbpf: Fix reuse of pinned map on older kernel - media: dib8000: rewrite the init prbs logic - ASoC: atmel: ATMEL drivers don't need HAS_DMA - drm/amdgpu: Fix amdgpu_ras_eeprom_init() - drm/vc4: hdmi: Set HD_CTL_WHOLSMP and HD_CTL_CHALIGN_SET - userfaultfd: prevent concurrent API initialization - kbuild: Fix 'no symbols' warning when CONFIG_TRIM_UNUSD_KSYMS=y - MIPS: Malta: fix alignment of the devicetree buffer - f2fs: should put a page beyond EOF when preparing a write - f2fs: deallocate compressed pages when error happens - f2fs: fix to unmap pages from userspace process in punch_hole() - f2fs: fix unexpected ENOENT comes from f2fs_map_blocks() - f2fs: fix to account missing .skipped_gc_rwsem - soc: mediatek: cmdq: add address shift in jump - KVM: PPC: Fix clearing never mapped TCEs in realmode - clk: at91: clk-generated: Limit the requested rate to our range - fscache: Fix cookie key hashing - RDMA/hns: Fix QP's resp incomplete assignment - powerpc/smp: Update cpu_core_map on all PowerPc systems - platform/x86: dell-smbios-wmi: Add missing kfree in error-exit from run_smbios_call - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV Nested: Reflect guest PMU in-use to L0 when guest SPRs are live - scsi: ufs: ufs-exynos: Fix static checker warning - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix copy_tofrom_guest routines - clk: imx8m: fix clock tree update of TF-A managed clocks - HID: i2c-hid: Fix Elan touchpad regression - iommu/vt-d: Update the virtual command related registers - powerpc/config: Renable MTD_PHYSMAP_OF - scsi: qedf: Fix error codes in qedf_alloc_global_queues() - scsi: qedi: Fix error codes in qedi_alloc_global_queues() - scsi: smartpqi: Fix an error code in pqi_get_raid_map() - powerpc/numa: Consider the max NUMA node for migratable LPAR - pinctrl: single: Fix error return code in pcs_parse_bits_in_pinctrl_entry() - scsi: fdomain: Fix error return code in fdomain_probe() - sunrpc: Fix return value of get_srcport() - SUNRPC query transport's source port - SUNRPC/xprtrdma: Fix reconnection locking - SUNRPC: Fix potential memory corruption - NFSv4/pnfs: The layout barrier indicate a minimal value for the seqid - NFSv4/pNFS: Always allow update of a zero valued layout barrier - NFSv4/pNFS: Fix a layoutget livelock loop - dma-debug: fix debugfs initialization order - openrisc: don't printk() unconditionally - f2fs: reduce the scope of setting fsck tag when de->name_len is zero - cpuidle: pseries: Mark pseries_idle_proble() as __init - RDMA/mlx5: Delete not-available udata check - RDMA/efa: Remove double QP type assignment - powerpc/stacktrace: Include linux/delay.h - cpuidle: pseries: Fixup CEDE0 latency only for POWER10 onwards - scsi: ufs: Fix memory corruption by ufshcd_read_desc_param() - vfio: Use config not menuconfig for VFIO_NOIOMMU - pinctrl: samsung: Fix pinctrl bank pin count - scsi: BusLogic: Use %X for u32 sized integer rather than %lX - docs: Fix infiniband uverbs minor number - RDMA/iwcm: Release resources if iw_cm module initialization fails - IB/hfi1: Adjust pkey entry in index 0 - clk: rockchip: drop GRF dependency for rk3328/rk3036 pll types - scsi: bsg: Remove support for SCSI_IOCTL_SEND_COMMAND - pinctrl: armada-37xx: Correct PWM pins definitions - pinctrl: remove empty lines in pinctrl subsystem - f2fs: quota: fix potential deadlock - HID: input: do not report stylus battery state as "full" - PCI: aardvark: Fix masking and unmasking legacy INTx interrupts - PCI: aardvark: Fix checking for PIO status - PCI: Export pci_pio_to_address() for module use - PCI: aardvark: Configure PCIe resources from 'ranges' DT property - PCI: xilinx-nwl: Enable the clock through CCF - PCI: Return ~0 data on pciconfig_read() CAP_SYS_ADMIN failure - PCI: Restrict ASMedia ASM1062 SATA Max Payload Size Supported - PCI/portdrv: Enable Bandwidth Notification only if port supports it - f2fs: fix to do sanity check for sb/cp fields correctly - ARM: 9105/1: atags_to_fdt: don't warn about stack size - libata: add ATA_HORKAGE_NO_NCQ_TRIM for Samsung 860 and 870 SSDs - dmaengine: imx-sdma: remove duplicated sdma_load_context - Revert "dmaengine: imx-sdma: refine to load context only once" - s390/qdio: cancel the ESTABLISH ccw after timeout - s390/qdio: fix roll-back after timeout on ESTABLISH ccw - media: rc-loopback: return number of emitters rather than error - media: uvc: don't do DMA on stack - VMCI: fix NULL pointer dereference when unmapping queue pair - crypto: ccp - shutdown SEV firmware on kexec - dm crypt: Avoid percpu_counter spinlock contention in crypt_page_alloc() - power: supply: max17042: handle fails of reading status register - block: bfq: fix bfq_set_next_ioprio_data() - crypto: public_key: fix overflow during implicit conversion - wcn36xx: Ensure finish scan is not requested before start scan - iio: ltc2983: fix device probe - arm64: head: avoid over-mapping in map_memory - arm64: mm: Fix TLBI vs ASID rollover - soc: aspeed: p2a-ctrl: Fix boundary check for mmap - soc: aspeed: lpc-ctrl: Fix boundary check for mmap - soc: qcom: aoss: Fix the out of bound usage of cooling_devs - pinctrl: ingenic: Fix incorrect pull up/down info - pinctrl: stmfx: Fix hazardous u8[] to unsigned long cast - clk: socfpga: agilex: add the bypass register for s2f_usr0 clock - clk: socfpga: agilex: fix up s2f_user0_clk representation - clk: socfpga: agilex: fix the parents of the psi_ref_clk - tools/thermal/tmon: Add cross compiling support - selftests/ftrace: Fix requirement check of README file - ceph: fix dereference of null pointer cf - 9p/xen: Fix end of loop tests for list_for_each_entry - xen: fix setting of max_pfn in shared_info - powerpc/perf/hv-gpci: Fix counter value parsing - PCI/MSI: Skip masking MSI-X on Xen PV - blk-zoned: allow BLKREPORTZONE without CAP_SYS_ADMIN - blk-zoned: allow zone management send operations without CAP_SYS_ADMIN - btrfs: reset replace target device to allocation state on close - btrfs: wake up async_delalloc_pages waiters after submit - io-wq: fix wakeup race when adding new work - io_uring: fail links of cancelled timeouts - io_uring: add ->splice_fd_in checks - io_uring: place fixed tables under memcg limits - io_uring: limit fixed table size by RLIMIT_NOFILE - rtc: tps65910: Correct driver module alias - ext4: flush s_error_work before journal destroy in ext4_fill_super - crypto: ccp - fix resource leaks in ccp_run_aes_gcm_cmd() - make OPTIMIZE_INLINING config editable - bpf: Fix integer overflow in prealloc_elems_and_freelist() - iommu/vt-d: Fix clearing real DMA device's scalable-mode context entries - iommu/vt-d: Global devTLB flush when present context entry changed - mm: slub: fix slub_debug disabling for list of slabs - mm: vmscan: fix missing psi annotation for node_reclaim() - ipc: replace costly bailout check in sysvipc_find_ipc() - bpf, mips: Validate conditional branch offsets - ARM: Qualify enabling of swiotlb_init() - arm64: mm: account for hotplug memory when randomizing the linear region - blk-mq-sched: Fix blk_mq_sched_alloc_tags() error handling - disable OPTIMIZE_INLINING by default - Revert "compiler: remove CONFIG_OPTIMIZE_INLINING entirely" - ARM: Support KFENCE for ARM - ARM: mm: Provide is_write_fault() - ARM: mm: Provide set_memory_valid() - kfence: show cpu and timestamp in alloc/free info - kfence: test: fail fast if disabled at boot - slub: force on no_hash_pointers when slub_debug is enabled - printk: clarify the documentation for plain pointer printing - lib/vsprintf: do not show no_hash_pointers message multiple times - kfence: add function to mask address bits - kfence, x86: only define helpers if !MODULE - kfence: fix is_kfence_address() for addresses below KFENCE_POOL_SIZE - kfence: skip all GFP_ZONEMASK allocations - kfence: move the size check to the beginning of __kfence_alloc() - kfence: defer kfence_test_init to ensure that kunit debugfs is created - kfence: unconditionally use unbound work queue - mm, slub: change run-time assertion in kmalloc_index() to compile-time - kfence: use TASK_IDLE when awaiting allocation - arm64: mm: don't use CON and BLK mapping if KFENCE is enabled - kfence: use power-efficient work queue to run delayed work - kfence: maximize allocation wait timeout duration - kfence: await for allocation using wait_event - kfence: zero guard page after out-of-bounds access - powerpc: Enable KFENCE for PPC32 - powerpc/32s: Always map kernel text and rodata with BATs - kfence, x86: fix preemptible warning on KPTI-enabled systems - kfence: make compatible with kmemleak - kfence: fix reports if constant function prefixes exist - kfence, slab: fix cache_alloc_debugcheck_after() for bulk allocations - kfence: fix printk format for ptrdiff_t - kasan: use error_report_end tracepoint - kfence: use error_report_end tracepoint - tracing: add error_report_end trace point - kfence: report sensitive information based on no_hash_pointers - lib/vsprintf: no_hash_pointers prints all addresses as unhashed - kselftest: add support for skipped tests - lib: use KSTM_MODULE_GLOBALS macro in kselftest drivers - MAINTAINERS: add entry for KFENCE - kfence: add test suite - kfence, Documentation: add KFENCE documentation - kfence, kasan: make KFENCE compatible with KASAN - mm, kfence: insert KFENCE hooks for SLUB - mm, kfence: insert KFENCE hooks for SLAB - kfence: use pt_regs to generate stack trace on faults - arm64, kfence: enable KFENCE for ARM64 - x86, kfence: enable KFENCE for x86 - mm: add Kernel Electric-Fence infrastructure- Revert "time: Handle negative seconds correctly in timespec64_to_ns()" - Revert "posix-cpu-timers: Force next expiration recalc after itimer reset" - Revert "block: nbd: add sanity check for first_minor" - Revert "Bluetooth: Move shutdown callback before flushing tx and rx queue" - clk: kirkwood: Fix a clocking boot regression - backlight: pwm_bl: Improve bootloader/kernel device handover - fbmem: don't allow too huge resolutions - IMA: remove the dependency on CRYPTO_MD5 - IMA: remove -Wmissing-prototypes warning - fuse: flush extending writes - fuse: truncate pagecache on atomic_o_trunc - ARM: dts: at91: add pinctrl-{names, 0} for all gpios - KVM: nVMX: Unconditionally clear nested.pi_pending on nested VM-Enter - KVM: VMX: avoid running vmx_handle_exit_irqoff in case of emulation - KVM: x86: Update vCPU's hv_clock before back to guest when tsc_offset is adjusted - KVM: s390: index kvm->arch.idle_mask by vcpu_idx - Revert "KVM: x86: mmu: Add guest physical address check in translate_gpa()" - x86/resctrl: Fix a maybe-uninitialized build warning treated as error - perf/x86/amd/ibs: Extend PERF_PMU_CAP_NO_EXCLUDE to IBS Op - tty: Fix data race between tiocsti() and flush_to_ldisc() - bio: fix page leak bio_add_hw_page failure - io_uring: IORING_OP_WRITE needs hash_reg_file set - time: Handle negative seconds correctly in timespec64_to_ns() - f2fs: guarantee to write dirty data when enabling checkpoint back - iwlwifi Add support for ax201 in Samsung Galaxy Book Flex2 Alpha - ASoC: rt5682: Remove unused variable in rt5682_i2c_remove() - ipv4: fix endianness issue in inet_rtm_getroute_build_skb() - octeontx2-af: Set proper errorcode for IPv4 checksum errors - octeontx2-af: Fix static code analyzer reported issues - octeontx2-af: Fix loop in free and unmap counter - net: qualcomm: fix QCA7000 checksum handling - net: sched: Fix qdisc_rate_table refcount leak when get tcf_block failed - ipv4: make exception cache less predictible - ipv6: make exception cache less predictible - brcmfmac: pcie: fix oops on failure to resume and reprobe - bcma: Fix memory leak for internally-handled cores - atlantic: Fix driver resume flow. - ath6kl: wmi: fix an error code in ath6kl_wmi_sync_point() - ice: Only lock to update netdev dev_addr - iwlwifi: skip first element in the WTAS ACPI table - iwlwifi: follow the new inclusive terminology - ASoC: wcd9335: Disable irq on slave ports in the remove function - ASoC: wcd9335: Fix a memory leak in the error handling path of the probe function - ASoC: wcd9335: Fix a double irq free in the remove function - tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: fix the wrong mapbase value - usb: bdc: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'bdc_probe()' - usb: bdc: Fix an error handling path in 'bdc_probe()' when no suitable DMA config is available - usb: ehci-orion: Handle errors of clk_prepare_enable() in probe - i2c: xlp9xx: fix main IRQ check - i2c: mt65xx: fix IRQ check - CIFS: Fix a potencially linear read overflow - bpf: Fix possible out of bound write in narrow load handling - mmc: moxart: Fix issue with uninitialized dma_slave_config - mmc: dw_mmc: Fix issue with uninitialized dma_slave_config - mmc: sdhci: Fix issue with uninitialized dma_slave_config - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Fix module resource and format selection - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Leave data as is when invoking TLV IPCs - ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: Fix format selection for max98373 - rsi: fix an error code in rsi_probe() - rsi: fix error code in rsi_load_9116_firmware() - gfs2: init system threads before freeze lock - i2c: hix5hd2: fix IRQ check - i2c: fix platform_get_irq.cocci warnings - i2c: s3c2410: fix IRQ check - i2c: iop3xx: fix deferred probing - Bluetooth: add timeout sanity check to hci_inquiry - lkdtm: replace SCSI_DISPATCH_CMD with SCSI_QUEUE_RQ - mm/swap: consider max pages in iomap_swapfile_add_extent - usb: gadget: mv_u3d: request_irq() after initializing UDC - firmware: raspberrypi: Fix a leak in 'rpi_firmware_get()' - firmware: raspberrypi: Keep count of all consumers - i2c: synquacer: fix deferred probing - clk: staging: correct reference to config IOMEM to config HAS_IOMEM - arm64: dts: marvell: armada-37xx: Extend PCIe MEM space - nfsd4: Fix forced-expiry locking - lockd: Fix invalid lockowner cast after vfs_test_lock - locking/local_lock: Add missing owner initialization - locking/lockdep: Mark local_lock_t - mac80211: Fix insufficient headroom issue for AMSDU - libbpf: Re-build when changes - usb: phy: tahvo: add IRQ check - usb: host: ohci-tmio: add IRQ check - PM: cpu: Make notifier chain use a raw_spinlock_t - Bluetooth: Move shutdown callback before flushing tx and rx queue - samples: pktgen: add missing IPv6 option to pktgen scripts - devlink: Clear whole devlink_flash_notify struct - selftests/bpf: Fix test_core_autosize on big-endian machines - usb: gadget: udc: renesas_usb3: Fix soc_device_match() abuse - usb: phy: twl6030: add IRQ checks - usb: phy: fsl-usb: add IRQ check - usb: gadget: udc: s3c2410: add IRQ check - usb: gadget: udc: at91: add IRQ check - usb: dwc3: qcom: add IRQ check - usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: add IRQ check - ASoC: rt5682: Properly turn off regulators if wrong device ID - ASoC: rt5682: Implement remove callback - net/mlx5: Fix unpublish devlink parameters - net/mlx5: Register to devlink ingress VLAN filter trap - drm/msm/dsi: Fix some reference counted resource leaks - Bluetooth: fix repeated calls to sco_sock_kill - ASoC: Intel: Fix platform ID matching - cgroup/cpuset: Fix violation of cpuset locking rule - cgroup/cpuset: Miscellaneous code cleanup - counter: 104-quad-8: Return error when invalid mode during ceiling_write - arm64: dts: exynos: correct GIC CPU interfaces address range on Exynos7 - drm/msm/dpu: make dpu_hw_ctl_clear_all_blendstages clear necessary LMs - drm/msm/mdp4: move HW revision detection to earlier phase - drm/msm/mdp4: refactor HW revision detection into read_mdp_hw_revision - selftests/bpf: Fix bpf-iter-tcp4 test to print correctly the dest IP - PM: EM: Increase energy calculation precision - Bluetooth: increase BTNAMSIZ to 21 chars to fix potential buffer overflow - debugfs: Return error during {full/open}_proxy_open() on rmmod - soc: qcom: smsm: Fix missed interrupts if state changes while masked - bpf, samples: Add missing mprog-disable to xdp_redirect_cpu's optstring - PCI: PM: Enable PME if it can be signaled from D3cold - PCI: PM: Avoid forcing PCI_D0 for wakeup reasons inconsistently - media: venus: venc: Fix potential null pointer dereference on pointer fmt - media: em28xx-input: fix refcount bug in em28xx_usb_disconnect - leds: trigger: audio: Add an activate callback to ensure the initial brightness is set - leds: lt3593: Put fwnode in any case during ->probe() - i2c: highlander: add IRQ check - net/mlx5: Fix missing return value in mlx5_devlink_eswitch_inline_mode_set() - devlink: Break parameter notification sequence to be before/after unload/load driver - arm64: dts: renesas: hihope-rzg2-ex: Add EtherAVB internal rx delay - arm64: dts: renesas: rzg2: Convert EtherAVB to explicit delay handling - Bluetooth: mgmt: Fix wrong opcode in the response for add_adv cmd - net: cipso: fix warnings in netlbl_cipsov4_add_std - drm: mxsfb: Clear FIFO_CLEAR bit - drm: mxsfb: Increase number of outstanding requests on V4 and newer HW - drm: mxsfb: Enable recovery on underflow - cgroup/cpuset: Fix a partition bug with hotplug - net/mlx5e: Block LRO if firmware asks for tunneled LRO - net/mlx5e: Prohibit inner indir TIRs in IPoIB - ARM: dts: meson8b: ec100: Fix the pwm regulator supply properties - ARM: dts: meson8b: mxq: Fix the pwm regulator supply properties - ARM: dts: meson8b: odroidc1: Fix the pwm regulator supply properties - ARM: dts: meson8: Use a higher default GPU clock frequency - tcp: seq_file: Avoid skipping sk during tcp_seek_last_pos - drm/amdgpu/acp: Make PM domain really work - 6lowpan: iphc: Fix an off-by-one check of array index - Bluetooth: sco: prevent information leak in sco_conn_defer_accept() - media: atomisp: fix the uninitialized use and rename "retvalue" - media: coda: fix frame_mem_ctrl for YUV420 and YVU420 formats - media: rockchip/rga: fix error handling in probe - media: rockchip/rga: use pm_runtime_resume_and_get() - media: go7007: remove redundant initialization - media: go7007: fix memory leak in go7007_usb_probe - media: dvb-usb: Fix error handling in dvb_usb_i2c_init - media: dvb-usb: fix uninit-value in vp702x_read_mac_addr - media: dvb-usb: fix uninit-value in dvb_usb_adapter_dvb_init - ionic: cleanly release devlink instance - driver core: Fix error return code in really_probe() - firmware: fix theoretical UAF race with firmware cache and resume - gfs2: Fix memory leak of object lsi on error return path - libbpf: Fix removal of inner map in bpf_object__create_map - soc: qcom: rpmhpd: Use corner in power_off - i40e: improve locking of mac_filter_hash - arm64: dts: renesas: r8a77995: draak: Remove bogus adv7511w properties - ARM: dts: aspeed-g6: Fix HVI3C function-group in pinctrl dtsi - libbpf: Fix the possible memory leak on error - gve: fix the wrong AdminQ buffer overflow check - drm/of: free the iterator object on failure - bpf: Fix potential memleak and UAF in the verifier. - bpf: Fix a typo of reuseport map in bpf.h. - drm/of: free the right object - media: cxd2880-spi: Fix an error handling path - soc: rockchip: ROCKCHIP_GRF should not default to y, unconditionally - leds: is31fl32xx: Fix missing error code in is31fl32xx_parse_dt() - media: TDA1997x: enable EDID support - ASoC: mediatek: mt8183: Fix Unbalanced pm_runtime_enable in mt8183_afe_pcm_dev_probe - drm/gma500: Fix end of loop tests for list_for_each_entry - drm/panfrost: Fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in panfrost_clk_init() - EDAC/i10nm: Fix NVDIMM detection - spi: spi-zynq-qspi: use wait_for_completion_timeout to make zynq_qspi_exec_mem_op not interruptible - spi: sprd: Fix the wrong WDG_LOAD_VAL - regulator: vctrl: Avoid lockdep warning in enable/disable ops - regulator: vctrl: Use locked regulator_get_voltage in probe path - blk-crypto: fix check for too-large dun_bytes - spi: davinci: invoke chipselect callback - x86/mce: Defer processing of early errors - tpm: ibmvtpm: Avoid error message when process gets signal while waiting - certs: Trigger creation of RSA module signing key if it's not an RSA key - crypto: qat - use proper type for vf_mask - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix priority comparison when non-secure priorities are used - spi: coldfire-qspi: Use clk_disable_unprepare in the remove function - block: nbd: add sanity check for first_minor - clocksource/drivers/sh_cmt: Fix wrong setting if don't request IRQ for clock source channel - lib/mpi: use kcalloc in mpi_resize - irqchip/loongson-pch-pic: Improve edge triggered interrupt support - genirq/timings: Fix error return code in irq_timings_test_irqs() - spi: spi-pic32: Fix issue with uninitialized dma_slave_config - spi: spi-fsl-dspi: Fix issue with uninitialized dma_slave_config - block: return ELEVATOR_DISCARD_MERGE if possible - m68k: Fix invalid RMW_INSNS on CPUs that lack CAS - rcu: Fix stall-warning deadlock due to non-release of rcu_node ->lock - rcu: Add lockdep_assert_irqs_disabled() to rcu_sched_clock_irq() and callees - rcu: Fix to include first blocked task in stall warning - sched: Fix UCLAMP_FLAG_IDLE setting - sched/numa: Fix is_core_idle() - m68k: emu: Fix invalid free in nfeth_cleanup() - power: supply: cw2015: use dev_err_probe to allow deferred probe - s390/ap: fix state machine hang after failure to enable irq - s390/debug: fix debug area life cycle - s390/debug: keep debug data on resize - s390/pci: fix misleading rc in clp_set_pci_fn() - s390/kasan: fix large PMD pages address alignment check - udf_get_extendedattr() had no boundary checks. - fcntl: fix potential deadlock for &fasync_struct.fa_lock - crypto: qat - do not export adf_iov_putmsg() - crypto: qat - fix naming for init/shutdown VF to PF notifications - crypto: qat - fix reuse of completion variable - crypto: qat - handle both source of interrupt in VF ISR - crypto: qat - do not ignore errors from enable_vf2pf_comms() - crypto: omap - Fix inconsistent locking of device lists - libata: fix ata_host_start() - s390/zcrypt: fix wrong offset index for APKA master key valid state - s390/cio: add dev_busid sysfs entry for each subchannel - power: supply: max17042_battery: fix typo in MAx17042_TOFF - power: supply: smb347-charger: Add missing pin control activation - nvmet: pass back cntlid on successful completion - nvme-rdma: don't update queue count when failing to set io queues - nvme-tcp: don't update queue count when failing to set io queues - blk-throtl: optimize IOPS throttle for large IO scenarios - bcache: add proper error unwinding in bcache_device_init - isofs: joliet: Fix iocharset=utf8 mount option - udf: Fix iocharset=utf8 mount option - udf: Check LVID earlier - hrtimer: Ensure timerfd notification for HIGHRES=n - hrtimer: Avoid double reprogramming in __hrtimer_start_range_ns() - posix-cpu-timers: Force next expiration recalc after itimer reset - EDAC/mce_amd: Do not load edac_mce_amd module on guests - rcu/tree: Handle VM stoppage in stall detection - sched/deadline: Fix missing clock update in migrate_task_rq_dl() - crypto: omap-sham - clear dma flags only after omap_sham_update_dma_stop() - power: supply: axp288_fuel_gauge: Report register-address on readb / writeb errors - sched/deadline: Fix reset_on_fork reporting of DL tasks - crypto: mxs-dcp - Check for DMA mapping errors - regulator: tps65910: Silence deferred probe error - regmap: fix the offset of register error log - locking/mutex: Fix HANDOFF condition - PCI: Call Max Payload Size-related fixup quirks early - x86/reboot: Limit Dell Optiplex 990 quirk to early BIOS versions - xhci: fix unsafe memory usage in xhci tracing - xhci: fix even more unsafe memory usage in xhci tracing - usb: mtu3: fix the wrong HS mult value - usb: mtu3: use @mult for HS isoc or intr - usb: mtu3: restore HS function when set SS/SSP - usb: gadget: tegra-xudc: fix the wrong mult value for HS isoc or intr - usb: host: xhci-rcar: Don't reload firmware after the completion - ALSA: usb-audio: Add registration quirk for JBL Quantum 800 - blk-mq: clearing flush request reference in tags->rqs[] - netfilter: nftables: clone set element expression template - netfilter: nf_tables: initialize set before expression setup - blk-mq: fix is_flush_rq - blk-mq: fix kernel panic during iterating over flush request - x86/events/amd/iommu: Fix invalid Perf result due to IOMMU PMC power-gating - Revert "r8169: avoid link-up interrupt issue on RTL8106e if user enables ASPM" - tty: drop termiox user definitions - net: linux/skbuff.h: combine SKB_EXTENSIONS + KCOV handling - serial: 8250: 8250_omap: Fix unused variable warning - net: kcov: don't select SKB_EXTENSIONS when there is no NET - net: ll_temac: Remove left-over debug message - USB: serial: mos7720: improve OOM-handling in read_mos_reg() - livepatch: Adapt livepatch-sample for stop_machine model - livepatch: Add klp_{register,unregister}_patch for stop_machine model - media: stkwebcam: fix memory leak in stk_camera_probe - fuse: fix illegal access to inode with reused nodeid - new helper: inode_wrong_type() - spi: Switch to signed types for *_native_cs SPI controller fields - ALSA: pcm: fix divide error in snd_pcm_lib_ioctl - ALSA: hda/realtek: Workaround for conflicting SSID on ASUS ROG Strix G17 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Quirk for HP Spectre x360 14 amp setup - cryptoloop: add a deprecation warning - perf/x86/amd/power: Assign pmu.module - perf/x86/amd/ibs: Work around erratum #1197 - ceph: fix possible null-pointer dereference in ceph_mdsmap_decode() - perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix mask of num_address_ranges - qede: Fix memset corruption - net: macb: Add a NULL check on desc_ptp - qed: Fix the VF msix vectors flow - reset: reset-zynqmp: Fixed the argument data type - gpu: ipu-v3: Fix i.MX IPU-v3 offset calculations for (semi)planar U/V formats - ARM: OMAP1: ams-delta: remove unused function ams_delta_camera_power - xtensa: fix kconfig unmet dependency warning for HAVE_FUTEX_CMPXCHG - static_call: Fix unused variable warn w/o MODULE - Revert "Add a reference to ucounts for each cred" - Revert "cred: add missing return error code when set_cred_ucounts() failed" - Revert "ucounts: Increase ucounts reference counter before the security hook" - ubifs: report correct st_size for encrypted symlinks - f2fs: report correct st_size for encrypted symlinks - ext4: report correct st_size for encrypted symlinks - fscrypt: add fscrypt_symlink_getattr() for computing st_size - bpf: Fix potentially incorrect results with bpf_get_local_storage() - audit: move put_tree() to avoid trim_trees refcount underflow and UAF - net: don't unconditionally copy_from_user a struct ifreq for socket ioctls - Revert "parisc: Add assembly implementations for memset, strlen, strcpy, strncpy and strcat" - Revert "floppy: reintroduce O_NDELAY fix" - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8994-angler: Fix gpio-reserved-ranges 85-88 - lkdtm: Enable DOUBLE_FAULT on all architectures - net: dsa: mt7530: fix VLAN traffic leaks again - usb: typec: ucsi: Clear pending after acking connector change - usb: typec: ucsi: Work around PPM losing change information - usb: typec: ucsi: acpi: Always decode connector change information - tracepoint: Use rcu get state and cond sync for static call updates - srcu: Provide polling interfaces for Tiny SRCU grace periods - srcu: Make Tiny SRCU use multi-bit grace-period counter - srcu: Provide internal interface to start a Tiny SRCU grace period - srcu: Provide polling interfaces for Tree SRCU grace periods - srcu: Provide internal interface to start a Tree SRCU grace period - riscv: Fixup patch_text panic in ftrace - riscv: Fixup wrong ftrace remove cflag - Bluetooth: btusb: check conditions before enabling USB ALT 3 for WBS - tipc: call tipc_wait_for_connect only when dlen is not 0 - mtd: spinand: Fix incorrect parameters for on-die ECC - pipe: do FASYNC notifications for every pipe IO, not just state changes - pipe: avoid unnecessary EPOLLET wakeups under normal loads - btrfs: fix race between marking inode needs to be logged and log syncing - net/rds: dma_map_sg is entitled to merge entries - drm/nouveau/kms/nv50: workaround EFI GOP window channel format differences - drm/nouveau/disp: power down unused DP links during init - drm: Copy drm_wait_vblank to user before returning - blk-mq: don't grab rq's refcount in blk_mq_check_expired() - drm/amd/pm: change the workload type for some cards - Revert "drm/amd/pm: fix workload mismatch on vega10" - qed: Fix null-pointer dereference in qed_rdma_create_qp() - qed: qed ll2 race condition fixes - tools/virtio: fix build - vringh: Use wiov->used to check for read/write desc order - virtio_vdpa: reject invalid vq indices - virtio_pci: Support surprise removal of virtio pci device - virtio: Improve vq->broken access to avoid any compiler optimization - cpufreq: blocklist Qualcomm sm8150 in cpufreq-dt-platdev - opp: remove WARN when no valid OPPs remain - iwlwifi: pnvm: accept multiple HW-type TLVs - clk: renesas: rcar-usb2-clock-sel: Fix kernel NULL pointer dereference - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix integer overflow on 23 bit left shift of a u32 - dt-bindings: sifive-l2-cache: Fix 'select' matching - usb: gadget: u_audio: fix race condition on endpoint stop - drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak - net: stmmac: fix kernel panic due to NULL pointer dereference of plat->est - net: stmmac: add mutex lock to protect est parameters - Revert "mmc: sdhci-iproc: Set SDHCI_QUIRK_CAP_CLOCK_BASE_BROKEN on BCM2711" - rtnetlink: Return correct error on changing device netns - cxgb4: dont touch blocked freelist bitmap after free - ipv4: use siphash instead of Jenkins in fnhe_hashfun() - ipv6: use siphash in rt6_exception_hash() - net/sched: ets: fix crash when flipping from 'strict' to 'quantum' - ucounts: Increase ucounts reference counter before the security hook - net: marvell: fix MVNETA_TX_IN_PRGRS bit number - xgene-v2: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of 'xge_probe()' - ip_gre: add validation for csum_start - RDMA/efa: Free IRQ vectors on error flow - e1000e: Do not take care about recovery NVM checksum - e1000e: Fix the max snoop/no-snoop latency for 10M - igc: Use num_tx_queues when iterating over tx_ring queue - igc: fix page fault when thunderbolt is unplugged - net: usb: pegasus: fixes of set_register(s) return value evaluation; - ice: do not abort devlink info if board identifier can't be found - RDMA/bnxt_re: Remove unpaired rtnl unlock in bnxt_re_dev_init() - IB/hfi1: Fix possible null-pointer dereference in _extend_sdma_tx_descs() - RDMA/bnxt_re: Add missing spin lock initialization - scsi: core: Fix hang of freezing queue between blocking and running device - usb: dwc3: gadget: Stop EP0 transfers during pullup disable - usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix dwc3_calc_trbs_left() - usb: renesas-xhci: Prefer firmware loading on unknown ROM state - USB: serial: option: add new VID/PID to support Fibocom FG150 - Revert "USB: serial: ch341: fix character loss at high transfer rates" - drm/amdgpu: Cancel delayed work when GFXOFF is disabled - Revert "btrfs: compression: don't try to compress if we don't have enough pages" - riscv: Ensure the value of FP registers in the core dump file is up to date - ceph: correctly handle releasing an embedded cap flush - can: usb: esd_usb2: esd_usb2_rx_event(): fix the interchange of the CAN RX and TX error counters - net: mscc: Fix non-GPL export of regmap APIs - ovl: fix uninitialized pointer read in ovl_lookup_real_one() - blk-iocost: fix lockdep warning on blkcg->lock - netfilter: conntrack: collect all entries in one cycle - ARC: Fix CONFIG_STACKDEPOT - ASoC: component: Remove misplaced prefix handling in pin control functions - ASoC: rt5682: Adjust headset volume button threshold - bpf: Fix NULL pointer dereference in bpf_get_local_storage() helper - bpf: Fix ringbuf helper function compatibility - ARM: spectre-v2: turn off the mitigation via boot cmdline param - ext4: fix potential uninitialized access to retval in kmmpd - take LOOKUP_{ROOT,ROOT_GRABBED,JUMPED} out of LOOKUP_... space - switch file_open_root() to struct path - kyber: introduce kyber_depth_updated() - perf annotate: Add itrace options support - mm: Fix the uninitialized use in overcommit_policy_handler - memcg: enable accounting for ldt_struct objects - memcg: enable accounting for posix_timers_cache slab - memcg: enable accounting for signals - memcg: enable accounting for new namesapces and struct nsproxy - memcg: enable accounting for fasync_cache - memcg: enable accounting for mnt_cache entries - memcg: charge fs_context and legacy_fs_context - memcg: enable accounting for pids in nested pid namespaces - blk-mq: fix divide by zero crash in tg_may_dispatch() - ext4: prevent getting empty inode buffer - ext4: move ext4_fill_raw_inode() related functions - ext4: factor out ext4_fill_raw_inode() - ext4: make the updating inode data procedure atomic - ext4: move inode eio simulation behind io completeion - sched: Aware multi-core system for optimize loadtracking - livepatch: Fix compile warnning - md: revert io stats accounting - sched/idle: Reported an error when an illegal negative value is passed - sched/idle: Optimize the loop time algorithm to reduce multicore disturb - serial: 8250: 8250_omap: Fix possible array out of bounds access - once: Fix panic when module unload - ext4: wipe ext4_dir_entry2 upon file deletion - livepatch: move arch_klp_mem_recycle after the return value judgment - livepatch/x86: only check stack top - livepatch/ppc64: only check stack top - livepatch/ppc32: only check stack top - livepatch/arm: only check stack top - livepatch/arm64: only check stack top - livepatch: checks only if the replaced instruction is on the stack - livepatch: Add state describe for force - blk-mq: clear active_queues before clearing BLK_MQ_F_TAG_QUEUE_SHARED - sysctl: Refactor IAS framework - io_uring: ensure symmetry in handling iter types in loop_rw_iter() - ext4: fix race writing to an inline_data file while its xattrs are changing - memcg: enable accounting of ipc resources - vt_kdsetmode: extend console locking - net: qrtr: fix another OOB Read in qrtr_endpoint_post - btrfs: fix NULL pointer dereference when deleting device by invalid id - acpi: acpica: fix acpi parse and parseext cache leaks - acpi: acpica: fix acpi operand cache leak in dsutils.c - sctp: add param size validation for SCTP_PARAM_SET_PRIMARY - sctp: validate chunk size in __rcv_asconf_lookup - ARM: footbridge: remove personal server platform - hfs: fix null-ptr-deref in hfs_find_init() - io_uring: only assign io_uring_enter() SQPOLL error in actual error case - io_uring: fix xa_alloc_cycle() error return value check - fs: warn about impending deprecation of mandatory locks - mm: memcontrol: fix occasional OOMs due to proportional memory.low reclaim - ASoC: intel: atom: Fix breakage for PCM buffer address setup - ALSA: hda/realtek: Limit mic boost on HP ProBook 445 G8 - PCI: Increase D3 delay for AMD Renoir/Cezanne XHCI - s390/pci: fix use after free of zpci_dev - ALSA: hda/via: Apply runtime PM workaround for ASUS B23E - btrfs: prevent rename2 from exchanging a subvol with a directory from different parents - mmc: sdhci-iproc: Set SDHCI_QUIRK_CAP_CLOCK_BASE_BROKEN on BCM2711 - mmc: sdhci-iproc: Cap min clock frequency on BCM2711 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable 4-speaker output for Dell XPS 15 9510 laptop - ipack: tpci200: fix memory leak in the tpci200_register - ipack: tpci200: fix many double free issues in tpci200_pci_probe - slimbus: ngd: reset dma setup during runtime pm - slimbus: messaging: check for valid transaction id - slimbus: messaging: start transaction ids from 1 instead of zero - tracing / histogram: Fix NULL pointer dereference on strcmp() on NULL event name - ALSA: hda - fix the 'Capture Switch' value change notifications - clk: qcom: gdsc: Ensure regulator init state matches GDSC state - clk: imx6q: fix uart earlycon unwork - mmc: sdhci-msm: Update the software timeout value for sdhc - mmc: mmci: stm32: Check when the voltage switch procedure should be done - mmc: dw_mmc: Fix hang on data CRC error - Revert "flow_offload: action should not be NULL when it is referenced" - iavf: Fix ping is lost after untrusted VF had tried to change MAC - i40e: Fix ATR queue selection - r8152: fix writing USB_BP2_EN - iommu/vt-d: Fix incomplete cache flush in intel_pasid_tear_down_entry() - iommu/vt-d: Consolidate duplicate cache invaliation code - ovs: clear skb->tstamp in forwarding path - net: mdio-mux: Handle -EPROBE_DEFER correctly - net: mdio-mux: Don't ignore memory allocation errors - sch_cake: fix srchost/dsthost hashing mode - ixgbe, xsk: clean up the resources in ixgbe_xsk_pool_enable error path - net: qlcnic: add missed unlock in qlcnic_83xx_flash_read32 - virtio-net: use NETIF_F_GRO_HW instead of NETIF_F_LRO - virtio-net: support XDP when not more queues - vrf: Reset skb conntrack connection on VRF rcv - bnxt_en: Add missing DMA memory barriers - bnxt_en: Disable aRFS if running on 212 firmware - ptp_pch: Restore dependency on PCI - net: 6pack: fix slab-out-of-bounds in decode_data - bnxt: count Tx drops - bnxt: make sure xmit_more + errors does not miss doorbells - bnxt: disable napi before canceling DIM - bnxt: don't lock the tx queue from napi poll - bpf: Clear zext_dst of dead insns - drm/mediatek: Add AAL output size configuration - drm/mediatek: Fix aal size config - soc / drm: mediatek: Move DDP component defines into mtk-mmsys.h - vdpa/mlx5: Avoid destroying MR on empty iotlb - vhost: Fix the calculation in vhost_overflow() - bus: ti-sysc: Fix error handling for sysc_check_active_timer() - vhost-vdpa: Fix integer overflow in vhost_vdpa_process_iotlb_update() - virtio: Protect vqs list access - dccp: add do-while-0 stubs for dccp_pr_debug macros - cpufreq: armada-37xx: forbid cpufreq for 1.2 GHz variant - iommu: Check if group is NULL before remove device - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8992-bullhead: Remove PSCI - arm64: dts: qcom: c630: fix correct powerdown pin for WSA881x - Bluetooth: hidp: use correct wait queue when removing ctrl_wait - drm/amd/display: workaround for hard hang on HPD on native DP - drm/amd/display: Fix Dynamic bpp issue with 8K30 with Navi 1X - net: usb: lan78xx: don't modify phy_device state concurrently - net: usb: pegasus: Check the return value of get_geristers() and friends; - ARM: dts: nomadik: Fix up interrupt controller node names - qede: fix crash in rmmod qede while automatic debug collection - drm/amdgpu: fix the doorbell missing when in CGPG issue for renoir. - scsi: core: Fix capacity set to zero after offlinining device - scsi: core: Avoid printing an error if target_alloc() returns -ENXIO - scsi: scsi_dh_rdac: Avoid crash during rdac_bus_attach() - scsi: megaraid_mm: Fix end of loop tests for list_for_each_entry() - scsi: pm80xx: Fix TMF task completion race condition - dmaengine: of-dma: router_xlate to return -EPROBE_DEFER if controller is not yet available - ARM: dts: am43x-epos-evm: Reduce i2c0 bus speed for tps65218 - net: xfrm: Fix end of loop tests for list_for_each_entry - spi: spi-mux: Add module info needed for autoloading - dmaengine: usb-dmac: Fix PM reference leak in usb_dmac_probe() - dmaengine: xilinx_dma: Fix read-after-free bug when terminating transfers - USB: core: Fix incorrect pipe calculation in do_proc_control() - USB: core: Avoid WARNings for 0-length descriptor requests - KVM: X86: Fix warning caused by stale emulation context - KVM: x86: Factor out x86 instruction emulation with decoding - media: drivers/media/usb: fix memory leak in zr364xx_probe - media: zr364xx: fix memory leaks in probe() - media: zr364xx: propagate errors from zr364xx_start_readpipe() - mtd: cfi_cmdset_0002: fix crash when erasing/writing AMD cards - ath9k: Postpone key cache entry deletion for TXQ frames reference it - ath: Modify ath_key_delete() to not need full key entry - ath: Export ath_hw_keysetmac() - ath9k: Clear key cache explicitly on disabling hardware - ath: Use safer key clearing with key cache entries - net: dsa: microchip: ksz8795: Use software untagging on CPU port - net: dsa: microchip: ksz8795: Fix VLAN untagged flag change on deletion - net: dsa: microchip: ksz8795: Reject unsupported VLAN configuration - net: dsa: microchip: ksz8795: Fix PVID tag insertion - net: dsa: microchip: Fix probing KSZ87xx switch with DT node for host port - KVM: nSVM: always intercept VMLOAD/VMSAVE when nested (CVE-2021-3656) - KVM: nSVM: avoid picking up unsupported bits from L2 in int_ctl (CVE-2021-3653) - Handle clang's module.{c,d}tor sections - ceph: take snap_empty_lock atomically with snaprealm refcount change - ceph: clean up locking annotation for ceph_get_snap_realm and __lookup_snap_realm - ceph: add some lockdep assertions around snaprealm handling - vboxsf: Add support for the atomic_open directory-inode op - vboxsf: Add vboxsf_[create|release]_sf_handle() helpers - KVM: nVMX: Use vmx_need_pf_intercept() when deciding if L0 wants a #PF - KVM: VMX: Use current VMCS to query WAITPKG support for MSR emulation - efi/libstub: arm64: Double check image alignment at entry - powerpc/smp: Fix OOPS in topology_init() - PCI/MSI: Protect msi_desc::masked for multi-MSI - PCI/MSI: Use msi_mask_irq() in pci_msi_shutdown() - PCI/MSI: Correct misleading comments - PCI/MSI: Do not set invalid bits in MSI mask - PCI/MSI: Enforce MSI[X] entry updates to be visible - PCI/MSI: Enforce that MSI-X table entry is masked for update - PCI/MSI: Mask all unused MSI-X entries - PCI/MSI: Enable and mask MSI-X early - genirq/timings: Prevent potential array overflow in __irq_timings_store() - genirq/msi: Ensure deactivation on teardown - x86/resctrl: Fix default monitoring groups reporting - x86/ioapic: Force affinity setup before startup - x86/msi: Force affinity setup before startup - genirq: Provide IRQCHIP_AFFINITY_PRE_STARTUP - x86/tools: Fix objdump version check again - efi/libstub: arm64: Relax 2M alignment again for relocatable kernels - efi/libstub: arm64: Force Image reallocation if BSS was not reserved - arm64: efi: kaslr: Fix occasional random alloc (and boot) failure - nbd: Aovid double completion of a request - vsock/virtio: avoid potential deadlock when vsock device remove - xen/events: Fix race in set_evtchn_to_irq - drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off - net: igmp: increase size of mr_ifc_count - tcp_bbr: fix u32 wrap bug in round logic if bbr_init() called after 2B packets - net: linkwatch: fix failure to restore device state across suspend/resume - net: bridge: fix memleak in br_add_if() - net: bridge: fix flags interpretation for extern learn fdb entries - net: bridge: validate the NUD_PERMANENT bit when adding an extern_learn FDB entry - net: dsa: sja1105: fix broken backpressure in .port_fdb_dump - net: dsa: lantiq: fix broken backpressure in .port_fdb_dump - net: dsa: lan9303: fix broken backpressure in .port_fdb_dump - net: igmp: fix data-race in igmp_ifc_timer_expire() - net: Fix memory leak in ieee802154_raw_deliver - net: dsa: microchip: ksz8795: Fix VLAN filtering - net: dsa: microchip: Fix ksz_read64() - drm/meson: fix colour distortion from HDR set during vendor u-boot - net/mlx5: Fix return value from tracer initialization - net/mlx5: Synchronize correct IRQ when destroying CQ - bareudp: Fix invalid read beyond skb's linear data - psample: Add a fwd declaration for skbuff - iavf: Set RSS LUT and key in reset handle path - ice: don't remove netdev->dev_addr from uc sync list - ice: Prevent probing virtual functions - net: sched: act_mirred: Reset ct info when mirror/redirect skb - net/smc: fix wait on already cleared link - ppp: Fix generating ifname when empty IFLA_IFNAME is specified - net: phy: micrel: Fix link detection on ksz87xx switch" - bpf: Fix integer overflow involving bucket_size - libbpf: Fix probe for BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SOCKOPT - platform/x86: pcengines-apuv2: Add missing terminating entries to gpio-lookup tables - net: mvvp2: fix short frame size on s390 - net: dsa: mt7530: add the missing RxUnicast MIB counter - ASoC: cs42l42: Fix LRCLK frame start edge - pinctrl: tigerlake: Fix GPIO mapping for newer version of software - netfilter: nf_conntrack_bridge: Fix memory leak when error - ASoC: cs42l42: Remove duplicate control for WNF filter frequency - ASoC: cs42l42: Fix inversion of ADC Notch Switch control - ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-ipc: fix reply size checking - ASoC: cs42l42: Don't allow SND_SOC_DAIFMT_LEFT_J - ASoC: cs42l42: Correct definition of ADC Volume control - pinctrl: mediatek: Fix fallback behavior for bias_set_combo - ieee802154: hwsim: fix GPF in hwsim_new_edge_nl - ieee802154: hwsim: fix GPF in hwsim_set_edge_lqi - drm/amdgpu: don't enable baco on boco platforms in runpm - drm/amd/display: use GFP_ATOMIC in amdgpu_dm_irq_schedule_work - drm/amd/display: Remove invalid assert for ODM + MPC case - libnvdimm/region: Fix label activation vs errors - ACPI: NFIT: Fix support for virtual SPA ranges - ceph: reduce contention in ceph_check_delayed_caps() - ARC: fp: set FPU_STATUS.FWE to enable FPU_STATUS update on context switch - net: ethernet: ti: cpsw: fix min eth packet size for non-switch use-cases - seccomp: Fix setting loaded filter count during TSYNC - scsi: lpfc: Move initialization of phba->poll_list earlier to avoid crash - cifs: create sd context must be a multiple of 8 - i2c: dev: zero out array used for i2c reads from userspace - ASoC: intel: atom: Fix reference to PCM buffer address - ASoC: tlv320aic31xx: Fix jack detection after suspend - ASoC: uniphier: Fix reference to PCM buffer address - ASoC: xilinx: Fix reference to PCM buffer address - ASoC: amd: Fix reference to PCM buffer address - iio: adc: Fix incorrect exit of for-loop - iio: humidity: hdc100x: Add margin to the conversion time - iio: adis: set GPIO reset pin direction - iio: adc: ti-ads7950: Ensure CS is deasserted after reading channels - net: xilinx_emaclite: Do not print real IOMEM pointer - ovl: prevent private clone if bind mount is not allowed - ppp: Fix generating ppp unit id when ifname is not specified - ALSA: hda: Add quirk for ASUS Flow x13 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP ProBook 650 G8 Notebook PC - ALSA: pcm: Fix mmap breakage without explicit buffer setup - USB:ehci:fix Kunpeng920 ehci hardware problem - vboxsf: Make vboxsf_dir_create() return the handle for the created file - vboxsf: Honor excl flag to the dir-inode create op - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon: Fix USB ref clock references - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon: Fix USB extal reference - arm64: dts: renesas: rzg2: Add usb2_clksel to RZ/G2 M/N/H - mm: make zone_to_nid() and zone_set_nid() available for DISCONTIGMEM - Revert "selftests/resctrl: Use resctrl/info for feature detection" - bpf: Add lockdown check for probe_write_user helper - firmware: tee_bnxt: Release TEE shm, session, and context during kexec - tee: Correct inappropriate usage of TEE_SHM_DMA_BUF flag - KVM: SVM: Fix off-by-one indexing when nullifying last used SEV VMCB - sched: Add menuconfig option for CONFIG_SCHED_OPTIMIZE_LOAD_TRACKING - sched/rt: Fix double enqueue caused by rt_effective_prio - Revert "sched/rt: Fix double enqueue caused by rt_effective_prio" - drm/amdgpu/display: only enable aux backlight control for OLED panels - smb3: rc uninitialized in one fallocate path - net/qla3xxx: fix schedule while atomic in ql_wait_for_drvr_lock and ql_adapter_reset - alpha: Send stop IPI to send to online CPUs - net: qede: Fix end of loop tests for list_for_each_entry - virt_wifi: fix error on connect - reiserfs: check directory items on read from disk - reiserfs: add check for root_inode in reiserfs_fill_super - libata: fix ata_pio_sector for CONFIG_HIGHMEM - drm/i915: avoid uninitialised var in eb_parse() - sched/rt: Fix double enqueue caused by rt_effective_prio - perf/x86/amd: Don't touch the AMD64_EVENTSEL_HOSTONLY bit inside the guest - soc: ixp4xx/qmgr: fix invalid __iomem access - drm/i915: Correct SFC_DONE register offset - interconnect: qcom: icc-rpmh: Ensure floor BW is enforced for all nodes - interconnect: Always call pre_aggregate before aggregate - interconnect: Zero initial BW after sync-state - spi: meson-spicc: fix memory leak in meson_spicc_remove - interconnect: Fix undersized devress_alloc allocation - soc: ixp4xx: fix printing resources - arm64: vdso: Avoid ISB after reading from cntvct_el0 - KVM: x86/mmu: Fix per-cpu counter corruption on 32-bit builds - KVM: Do not leak memory for duplicate debugfs directories - KVM: x86: accept userspace interrupt only if no event is injected - md/raid10: properly indicate failure when ending a failed write request - ARM: omap2+: hwmod: fix potential NULL pointer access - Revert "gpio: mpc8xxx: change the gpio interrupt flags." - bus: ti-sysc: AM3: RNG is GP only - selinux: correct the return value when loads initial sids - pcmcia: i82092: fix a null pointer dereference bug - net/xfrm/compat: Copy xfrm_spdattr_type_t atributes - xfrm: Fix RCU vs hash_resize_mutex lock inversion - timers: Move clearing of base::timer_running under base:: Lock - fpga: dfl: fme: Fix cpu hotplug issue in performance reporting - serial: 8250_pci: Avoid irq sharing for MSI(-X) interrupts. - serial: 8250_pci: Enumerate Elkhart Lake UARTs via dedicated driver - MIPS: Malta: Do not byte-swap accesses to the CBUS UART - serial: 8250: Mask out floating 16/32-bit bus bits - serial: 8250_mtk: fix uart corruption issue when rx power off - serial: tegra: Only print FIFO error message when an error occurs - ext4: fix potential htree corruption when growing large_dir directories - pipe: increase minimum default pipe size to 2 pages - media: rtl28xxu: fix zero-length control request - drivers core: Fix oops when driver probe fails - staging: rtl8712: error handling refactoring - staging: rtl8712: get rid of flush_scheduled_work - staging: rtl8723bs: Fix a resource leak in sd_int_dpc - tpm_ftpm_tee: Free and unregister TEE shared memory during kexec - optee: fix tee out of memory failure seen during kexec reboot - optee: Refuse to load the driver under the kdump kernel - optee: Fix memory leak when failing to register shm pages - tee: add tee_shm_alloc_kernel_buf() - optee: Clear stale cache entries during initialization - arm64: stacktrace: avoid tracing arch_stack_walk() - tracepoint: Fix static call function vs data state mismatch - tracepoint: static call: Compare data on transition from 2->1 callees - tracing: Fix NULL pointer dereference in start_creating - tracing: Reject string operand in the histogram expression - tracing / histogram: Give calculation hist_fields a size - scripts/tracing: fix the bug that can't parse raw_trace_func - clk: fix leak on devm_clk_bulk_get_all() unwind - usb: otg-fsm: Fix hrtimer list corruption - usb: typec: tcpm: Keep other events when receiving FRS and Sourcing_vbus events - usb: host: ohci-at91: suspend/resume ports after/before OHCI accesses - usb: gadget: f_hid: idle uses the highest byte for duration - usb: gadget: f_hid: fixed NULL pointer dereference - usb: gadget: f_hid: added GET_IDLE and SET_IDLE handlers - usb: cdns3: Fixed incorrect gadget state - usb: gadget: remove leaked entry from udc driver list - usb: dwc3: gadget: Avoid runtime resume if disabling pullup - ALSA: usb-audio: Add registration quirk for JBL Quantum 600 - ALSA: usb-audio: Fix superfluous autosuspend recovery - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix headset mic for Acer SWIFT SF314-56 (ALC256) - ALSA: hda/realtek: add mic quirk for Acer SF314-42 - ALSA: pcm - fix mmap capability check for the snd-dummy driver - drm/amdgpu/display: fix DMUB firmware version info - firmware_loader: fix use-after-free in firmware_fallback_sysfs - firmware_loader: use -ETIMEDOUT instead of -EAGAIN in fw_load_sysfs_fallback - USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add device ID for Auto-M3 OP-COM v2 - USB: serial: ch341: fix character loss at high transfer rates - USB: serial: option: add Telit FD980 composition 0x1056 - USB: usbtmc: Fix RCU stall warning - Bluetooth: defer cleanup of resources in hci_unregister_dev() - blk-iolatency: error out if blk_get_queue() failed in iolatency_set_limit() - net: vxge: fix use-after-free in vxge_device_unregister - net: fec: fix use-after-free in fec_drv_remove - net: pegasus: fix uninit-value in get_interrupt_interval - bnx2x: fix an error code in bnx2x_nic_load() - mips: Fix non-POSIX regexp - MIPS: check return value of pgtable_pmd_page_ctor - net: sched: fix lockdep_set_class() typo error for sch->seqlock - net: dsa: qca: ar9331: reorder MDIO write sequence - net: ipv6: fix returned variable type in ip6_skb_dst_mtu - nfp: update ethtool reporting of pauseframe control - sctp: move the active_key update after sh_keys is added - RDMA/mlx5: Delay emptying a cache entry when a new MR is added to it recently - gpio: tqmx86: really make IRQ optional - net: natsemi: Fix missing pci_disable_device() in probe and remove - net: phy: micrel: Fix detection of ksz87xx switch - net: dsa: sja1105: match FDB entries regardless of inner/outer VLAN tag - net: dsa: sja1105: be stateless with FDB entries on SJA1105P/Q/R/S/SJA1110 too - net: dsa: sja1105: invalidate dynamic FDB entries learned concurrently with statically added ones - net: dsa: sja1105: overwrite dynamic FDB entries with static ones in .port_fdb_add - net, gro: Set inner transport header offset in tcp/udp GRO hook - dmaengine: imx-dma: configure the generic DMA type to make it work - ARM: dts: stm32: Fix touchscreen IRQ line assignment on DHCOM - ARM: dts: stm32: Disable LAN8710 EDPD on DHCOM - media: videobuf2-core: dequeue if start_streaming fails - scsi: sr: Return correct event when media event code is 3 - spi: imx: mx51-ecspi: Fix low-speed CONFIGREG delay calculation - spi: imx: mx51-ecspi: Reinstate low-speed CONFIGREG delay - dmaengine: stm32-dmamux: Fix PM usage counter unbalance in stm32 dmamux ops - dmaengine: stm32-dma: Fix PM usage counter imbalance in stm32 dma ops - clk: tegra: Implement disable_unused() of tegra_clk_sdmmc_mux_ops - dmaengine: uniphier-xdmac: Use readl_poll_timeout_atomic() in atomic state - omap5-board-common: remove not physically existing vdds_1v8_main fixed-regulator - ARM: dts: am437x-l4: fix typo in can@0 node - clk: stm32f4: fix post divisor setup for I2S/SAI PLLs - ALSA: usb-audio: fix incorrect clock source setting - arm64: dts: armada-3720-turris-mox: remove mrvl,i2c-fast-mode - arm64: dts: armada-3720-turris-mox: fixed indices for the SDHC controllers - ARM: dts: imx: Swap M53Menlo pinctrl_power_button/pinctrl_power_out pins - ARM: imx: fix missing 3rd argument in macro imx_mmdc_perf_init - ARM: dts: colibri-imx6ull: limit SDIO clock to 25MHz - arm64: dts: ls1028: sl28: fix networking for variant 2 - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-sr-som: Increase the PHY reset duration to 10ms - ARM: imx: add missing clk_disable_unprepare() - ARM: imx: add missing iounmap() - arm64: dts: ls1028a: fix node name for the sysclk - net: xfrm: fix memory leak in xfrm_user_rcv_msg - bus: ti-sysc: Fix gpt12 system timer issue with reserved status - ALSA: seq: Fix racy deletion of subscriber - Revert "ACPICA: Fix memory leak caused by _CID repair function" - sched/idle: Add IAS_SMART_HALT_POLL config for smart halt polling feature - sched/idle: introduce smart halt polling - arm: Optimize ttwu IPI - kthread: Fix PF_KTHREAD vs to_kthread() race - mtd: mtdconcat: Check _read,_write callbacks existence before assignment - mtd: mtdconcat: Judge callback existence based on the master - lib: use PFN_PHYS() in devmem_is_allowed() - arm64: fix compat syscall return truncation - blk: reuse lookup_sem to serialize partition operations - Revert "[Backport] block: take bd_mutex around delete_partitions in del_gendisk" - Revert "[Huawei] block: avoid creating invalid symlink file for patitions" - block: ensure the memory order between bi_private and bi_status - amba-pl011: Fix no irq issue due to no IRQ domain found - arm64: seccomp: fix the incorrect name of syscall __NR_compat_exit in secure computing mode - seqlock: avoid -Wshadow warnings - asm-generic: fix ffs -Wshadow warning - spi: mediatek: Fix fifo transfer - selftest/bpf: Verifier tests for var-off access - bpf, selftests: Adjust few selftest outcomes wrt unreachable code - bpf: Update selftests to reflect new error states - bpf, selftests: Adjust few selftest result_unpriv outcomes - selftest/bpf: Adjust expected verifier errors - selftests/bpf: Add a test for ptr_to_map_value on stack for helper access - Revert "watchdog: iTCO_wdt: Account for rebooting on second timeout" - firmware: arm_scmi: Add delayed response status check - firmware: arm_scmi: Ensure drivers provide a probe function - Revert "Bluetooth: Shutdown controller after workqueues are flushed or cancelled" - ACPI: fix NULL pointer dereference - drm/amd/display: Fix max vstartup calculation for modes with borders - drm/amd/display: Fix comparison error in dcn21 DML - nvme: fix nvme_setup_command metadata trace event - efi/mokvar: Reserve the table only if it is in boot services data - ASoC: ti: j721e-evm: Check for not initialized parent_clk_id - ASoC: ti: j721e-evm: Fix unbalanced domain activity tracking during startup - net: Fix zero-copy head len calculation. - ASoC: rt5682: Fix the issue of garbled recording after powerd_dbus_suspend - qed: fix possible unpaired spin_{un}lock_bh in _qed_mcp_cmd_and_union() - r8152: Fix potential PM refcount imbalance - ASoC: tlv320aic31xx: fix reversed bclk/wclk master bits - spi: stm32h7: fix full duplex irq handler handling - regulator: rt5033: Fix n_voltages settings for BUCK and LDO - regulator: rtmv20: Fix wrong mask for strobe-polarity-high - btrfs: fix lost inode on log replay after mix of fsync, rename and inode eviction - btrfs: fix race causing unnecessary inode logging during link and rename - Revert "drm/i915: Propagate errors on awaiting already signaled fences" - drm/i915: Revert "drm/i915/gem: Asynchronous cmdparser" - powerpc/kprobes: Fix kprobe Oops happens in booke - sched: Fix branch prediction error in static_key - sched: Access control for sysctl_update_load_latency - mm,hwpoison: return -EHWPOISON to denote that the page has already been poisoned - mm/memory-failure: use a mutex to avoid memory_failure() races - can: j1939: j1939_session_deactivate(): clarify lifetime of session object - i40e: Add additional info to PHY type error - Revert "perf map: Fix dso->nsinfo refcounting" - powerpc/pseries: Fix regression while building external modules - SMB3: fix readpage for large swap cache - bpf: Fix pointer arithmetic mask tightening under state pruning - bpf: verifier: Allocate idmap scratch in verifier env - bpf: Remove superfluous aux sanitation on subprog rejection - bpf: Fix leakage due to insufficient speculative store bypass mitigation - bpf: Introduce BPF nospec instruction for mitigating Spectre v4 - can: hi311x: fix a signedness bug in hi3110_cmd() - sis900: Fix missing pci_disable_device() in probe and remove - tulip: windbond-840: Fix missing pci_disable_device() in probe and remove - sctp: fix return value check in __sctp_rcv_asconf_lookup - net/mlx5e: Fix nullptr in mlx5e_hairpin_get_mdev() - net/mlx5: Fix flow table chaining - skmsg: Make sk_psock_destroy() static - drm/msm/dp: Initialize the INTF_CONFIG register - drm/msm/dpu: Fix sm8250_mdp register length - net: llc: fix skb_over_panic - KVM: x86: Check the right feature bit for MSR_KVM_ASYNC_PF_ACK access - mlx4: Fix missing error code in mlx4_load_one() - octeontx2-pf: Fix interface down flag on error - tipc: do not write skb_shinfo frags when doing decrytion - ionic: count csum_none when offload enabled - ionic: fix up dim accounting for tx and rx - ionic: remove intr coalesce update from napi - net: qrtr: fix memory leaks - net: Set true network header for ECN decapsulation - tipc: fix sleeping in tipc accept routine - tipc: fix implicit-connect for SYN+ - i40e: Fix log TC creation failure when max num of queues is exceeded - i40e: Fix queue-to-TC mapping on Tx - i40e: Fix firmware LLDP agent related warning - i40e: Fix logic of disabling queues - netfilter: nft_nat: allow to specify layer 4 protocol NAT only - netfilter: conntrack: adjust stop timestamp to real expiry value - mac80211: fix enabling 4-address mode on a sta vif after assoc - bpf: Fix OOB read when printing XDP link fdinfo - RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix stats counters - cfg80211: Fix possible memory leak in function cfg80211_bss_update - nfc: nfcsim: fix use after free during module unload - blk-iocost: fix operation ordering in iocg_wake_fn() - drm/amdgpu: Fix resource leak on probe error path - drm/amdgpu: Avoid printing of stack contents on firmware load error - drm/amd/display: ensure dentist display clock update finished in DCN20 - NIU: fix incorrect error return, missed in previous revert - HID: wacom: Re-enable touch by default for Cintiq 24HDT / 27QHDT - alpha: register early reserved memory in memblock - can: esd_usb2: fix memory leak - can: ems_usb: fix memory leak - can: usb_8dev: fix memory leak - can: mcba_usb_start(): add missing urb->transfer_dma initialization - can: peak_usb: pcan_usb_handle_bus_evt(): fix reading rxerr/txerr values - can: raw: raw_setsockopt(): fix raw_rcv panic for sock UAF - can: j1939: j1939_xtp_rx_dat_one(): fix rxtimer value between consecutive TP.DT to 750ms - ocfs2: issue zeroout to EOF blocks - ocfs2: fix zero out valid data - KVM: add missing compat KVM_CLEAR_DIRTY_LOG - x86/kvm: fix vcpu-id indexed array sizes - ACPI: DPTF: Fix reading of attributes - Revert "ACPI: resources: Add checks for ACPI IRQ override" - btrfs: mark compressed range uptodate only if all bio succeed - btrfs: fix rw device counting in __btrfs_free_extra_devids - pipe: make pipe writes always wake up readers - x86/asm: Ensure asm/proto.h can be included stand-alone - io_uring: fix null-ptr-deref in io_sq_offload_start() - selftest: fix build error in tools/testing/selftests/vm/userfaultfd.c - ipv6: ip6_finish_output2: set sk into newly allocated nskb - ARM: dts: versatile: Fix up interrupt controller node names - iomap: remove the length variable in iomap_seek_hole - iomap: remove the length variable in iomap_seek_data - cifs: fix the out of range assignment to bit fields in parse_server_interfaces - firmware: arm_scmi: Fix range check for the maximum number of pending messages - firmware: arm_scmi: Fix possible scmi_linux_errmap buffer overflow - hfs: add lock nesting notation to hfs_find_init - hfs: fix high memory mapping in hfs_bnode_read - hfs: add missing clean-up in hfs_fill_super - drm/ttm: add a check against null pointer dereference - ipv6: allocate enough headroom in ip6_finish_output2() - rcu-tasks: Don't delete holdouts within trc_wait_for_one_reader() - rcu-tasks: Don't delete holdouts within trc_inspect_reader() - sctp: move 198 addresses from unusable to private scope - net: annotate data race around sk_ll_usec - net/802/garp: fix memleak in garp_request_join() - net/802/mrp: fix memleak in mrp_request_join() - cgroup1: fix leaked context root causing sporadic NULL deref in LTP - workqueue: fix UAF in pwq_unbound_release_workfn() - af_unix: fix garbage collect vs MSG_PEEK - KVM: x86: determine if an exception has an error code only when injecting it. - io_uring: fix link timeout refs - tools: Allow proper CC/CXX/... override with LLVM=1 in Makefile.include - perf annotate: Add error log in symbol__annotate() - perf env: Normalize aarch64.* and arm64.* to arm64 in normalize_arch() - skbuff: Fix build with SKB extensions disabled - xhci: add xhci_get_virt_ep() helper - sfc: ensure correct number of XDP queues - drm/i915/gvt: Clear d3_entered on elsp cmd submission. - usb: ehci: Prevent missed ehci interrupts with edge-triggered MSI - perf inject: Close inject.output on exit - Documentation: Fix intiramfs script name - skbuff: Release nfct refcount on napi stolen or re-used skbs - bonding: fix build issue - PCI: Mark AMD Navi14 GPU ATS as broken - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: enable SerDes PCS register dump via ethtool -d on Topaz - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: enable SerDes RX stats for Topaz - drm/amdgpu: update golden setting for sienna_cichlid - drm: Return -ENOTTY for non-drm ioctls - driver core: Prevent warning when removing a device link from unregistered consumer - nds32: fix up stack guard gap - misc: eeprom: at24: Always append device id even if label property is set. - rbd: always kick acquire on "acquired" and "released" notifications - rbd: don't hold lock_rwsem while running_list is being drained - hugetlbfs: fix mount mode command line processing - memblock: make for_each_mem_range() traverse MEMBLOCK_HOTPLUG regions - userfaultfd: do not untag user pointers - io_uring: remove double poll entry on arm failure - io_uring: explicitly count entries for poll reqs - selftest: use mmap instead of posix_memalign to allocate memory - posix-cpu-timers: Fix rearm racing against process tick - bus: mhi: core: Validate channel ID when processing command completions - ixgbe: Fix packet corruption due to missing DMA sync - media: ngene: Fix out-of-bounds bug in ngene_command_config_free_buf() - btrfs: check for missing device in btrfs_trim_fs - tracing: Synthetic event field_pos is an index not a boolean - tracing: Fix bug in rb_per_cpu_empty() that might cause deadloop. - tracing/histogram: Rename "cpu" to "common_cpu" - tracepoints: Update static_call before tp_funcs when adding a tracepoint - firmware/efi: Tell memblock about EFI iomem reservations - usb: typec: stusb160x: register role switch before interrupt registration - usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix sending zero length packet in DDMA mode. - usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix GOUTNAK flow for Slave mode. - usb: gadget: Fix Unbalanced pm_runtime_enable in tegra_xudc_probe - USB: serial: cp210x: add ID for CEL EM3588 USB ZigBee stick - USB: serial: cp210x: fix comments for GE CS1000 - USB: serial: option: add support for u-blox LARA-R6 family - usb: renesas_usbhs: Fix superfluous irqs happen after usb_pkt_pop() - usb: max-3421: Prevent corruption of freed memory - USB: usb-storage: Add LaCie Rugged USB3-FW to IGNORE_UAS - usb: hub: Fix link power management max exit latency (MEL) calculations - usb: hub: Disable USB 3 device initiated lpm if exit latency is too high - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV Nested: Sanitise H_ENTER_NESTED TM state - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Fix H_RTAS rets buffer overflow - xhci: Fix lost USB 2 remote wake - usb: xhci: avoid renesas_usb_fw.mem when it's unusable - Revert "usb: renesas-xhci: Fix handling of unknown ROM state" - ALSA: pcm: Fix mmap capability check - ALSA: pcm: Call substream ack() method upon compat mmap commit - ALSA: hdmi: Expose all pins on MSI MS-7C94 board - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix pop noise and 2 Front Mic issues on a machine - ALSA: sb: Fix potential ABBA deadlock in CSP driver - ALSA: usb-audio: Add registration quirk for JBL Quantum headsets - ALSA: usb-audio: Add missing proc text entry for BESPOKEN type - s390/boot: fix use of expolines in the DMA code - s390/ftrace: fix ftrace_update_ftrace_func implementation - mmc: core: Don't allocate IDA for OF aliases - proc: Avoid mixing integer types in mem_rw() - cifs: fix fallocate when trying to allocate a hole. - cifs: only write 64kb at a time when fallocating a small region of a file - drm/panel: raspberrypi-touchscreen: Prevent double-free - net: sched: cls_api: Fix the the wrong parameter - net: dsa: sja1105: make VID 4095 a bridge VLAN too - tcp: disable TFO blackhole logic by default - sctp: update active_key for asoc when old key is being replaced - nvme: set the PRACT bit when using Write Zeroes with T10 PI - r8169: Avoid duplicate sysfs entry creation error - afs: Fix tracepoint string placement with built-in AFS - Revert "USB: quirks: ignore remote wake-up on Fibocom L850-GL LTE modem" - nvme-pci: don't WARN_ON in nvme_reset_work if ctrl.state is not RESETTING - ceph: don't WARN if we're still opening a session to an MDS - ipv6: fix another slab-out-of-bounds in fib6_nh_flush_exceptions - net/sched: act_skbmod: Skip non-Ethernet packets - spi: spi-bcm2835: Fix deadlock - ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-cfg: add missing ElkhartLake PCI ID - net/tcp_fastopen: fix data races around tfo_active_disable_stamp - net: hisilicon: rename CACHE_LINE_MASK to avoid redefinition - bnxt_en: Check abort error state in bnxt_half_open_nic() - bnxt_en: Validate vlan protocol ID on RX packets - bnxt_en: Add missing check for BNXT_STATE_ABORT_ERR in bnxt_fw_rset_task() - bnxt_en: Refresh RoCE capabilities in bnxt_ulp_probe() - bnxt_en: don't disable an already disabled PCI device - ACPI: Kconfig: Fix table override from built-in initrd - spi: cadence: Correct initialisation of runtime PM again - scsi: target: Fix protect handling in WRITE SAME(32) - scsi: iscsi: Fix iface sysfs attr detection - netrom: Decrease sock refcount when sock timers expire - sctp: trim optlen when it's a huge value in sctp_setsockopt - net: sched: fix memory leak in tcindex_partial_destroy_work - KVM: PPC: Fix kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl vcpu_load leak - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Fix CONFIG_TRANSACTIONAL_MEM=n crash - net: decnet: Fix sleeping inside in af_decnet - efi/tpm: Differentiate missing and invalid final event log table. - dma-mapping: handle vmalloc addresses in dma_common_{mmap,get_sgtable} - usb: hso: fix error handling code of hso_create_net_device - net: fix uninit-value in caif_seqpkt_sendmsg - bpftool: Check malloc return value in mount_bpffs_for_pin - bpf, sockmap, udp: sk_prot needs inuse_idx set for proc stats - bpf, sockmap, tcp: sk_prot needs inuse_idx set for proc stats - bpf, sockmap: Fix potential memory leak on unlikely error case - s390/bpf: Perform r1 range checking before accessing jit->seen_reg[r1] - liquidio: Fix unintentional sign extension issue on left shift of u16 - timers: Fix get_next_timer_interrupt() with no timers pending - xdp, net: Fix use-after-free in bpf_xdp_link_release - bpf: Fix tail_call_reachable rejection for interpreter when jit failed - bpf, test: fix NULL pointer dereference on invalid expected_attach_type - ASoC: rt5631: Fix regcache sync errors on resume - spi: mediatek: fix fifo rx mode - regulator: hi6421: Fix getting wrong drvdata - regulator: hi6421: Use correct variable type for regmap api val argument - spi: stm32: fixes pm_runtime calls in probe/remove - spi: imx: add a check for speed_hz before calculating the clock - ASoC: wm_adsp: Correct wm_coeff_tlv_get handling - perf sched: Fix record failure when CONFIG_SCHEDSTATS is not set - perf lzma: Close lzma stream on exit - perf script: Fix memory 'threads' and 'cpus' leaks on exit - perf report: Free generated help strings for sort option - perf env: Fix memory leak of cpu_pmu_caps - perf test maps__merge_in: Fix memory leak of maps - perf dso: Fix memory leak in dso__new_map() - perf test event_update: Fix memory leak of evlist - perf test session_topology: Delete session->evlist - perf env: Fix sibling_dies memory leak - perf probe: Fix dso->nsinfo refcounting - perf map: Fix dso->nsinfo refcounting - perf inject: Fix dso->nsinfo refcounting - KVM: x86/pmu: Clear anythread deprecated bit when 0xa leaf is unsupported on the SVM - nvme-pci: do not call nvme_dev_remove_admin from nvme_remove - mptcp: fix warning in __skb_flow_dissect() when do syn cookie for subflow join - cxgb4: fix IRQ free race during driver unload - pwm: sprd: Ensure configuring period and duty_cycle isn't wrongly skipped - selftests: icmp_redirect: IPv6 PMTU info should be cleared after redirect - selftests: icmp_redirect: remove from checking for IPv6 route get - stmmac: platform: Fix signedness bug in stmmac_probe_config_dt() - ipv6: fix 'disable_policy' for fwd packets - bonding: fix incorrect return value of bond_ipsec_offload_ok() - bonding: fix suspicious RCU usage in bond_ipsec_offload_ok() - bonding: Add struct bond_ipesc to manage SA - bonding: disallow setting nested bonding + ipsec offload - bonding: fix suspicious RCU usage in bond_ipsec_del_sa() - ixgbevf: use xso.real_dev instead of in callback functions of struct xfrmdev_ops - bonding: fix null dereference in bond_ipsec_add_sa() - bonding: fix suspicious RCU usage in bond_ipsec_add_sa() - net: add kcov handle to skb extensions - gve: Fix an error handling path in 'gve_probe()' - igb: Fix position of assignment to *ring - igb: Check if num of q_vectors is smaller than max before array access - iavf: Fix an error handling path in 'iavf_probe()' - e1000e: Fix an error handling path in 'e1000_probe()' - fm10k: Fix an error handling path in 'fm10k_probe()' - igb: Fix an error handling path in 'igb_probe()' - igc: Fix an error handling path in 'igc_probe()' - ixgbe: Fix an error handling path in 'ixgbe_probe()' - igc: change default return of igc_read_phy_reg() - igb: Fix use-after-free error during reset - igc: Fix use-after-free error during reset - sched: Add frequency control for load update in scheduler_tick - sched: Add switch for update_blocked_averages - sched: Introcude config option SCHED_OPTIMIZE_LOAD_TRACKING - udp: annotate data races around unix_sk(sk)->gso_size - drm/panel: nt35510: Do not fail if DSI read fails - bpf: Track subprog poke descriptors correctly and fix use-after-free - bpftool: Properly close va_list 'ap' by va_end() on error - tools: bpf: Fix error in 'make -C tools/ bpf_install' - tcp: call sk_wmem_schedule before sk_mem_charge in zerocopy path - ipv6: tcp: drop silly ICMPv6 packet too big messages - tcp: fix tcp_init_transfer() to not reset icsk_ca_initialized - tcp: annotate data races around tp->mtu_info - tcp: consistently disable header prediction for mptcp - ARM: dts: tacoma: Add phase corrections for eMMC - ARM: dts: aspeed: Fix AST2600 machines line names - kbuild: do not suppress Kconfig prompts for silent build - dma-buf/sync_file: Don't leak fences on merge failure - net: fddi: fix UAF in fza_probe - net: dsa: properly check for the bridge_leave methods in dsa_switch_bridge_leave() - Revert "mm/shmem: fix shmem_swapin() race with swapoff" - net: validate lwtstate->data before returning from skb_tunnel_info() - net: send SYNACK packet with accepted fwmark - net: ti: fix UAF in tlan_remove_one - net: qcom/emac: fix UAF in emac_remove - net: moxa: fix UAF in moxart_mac_probe - net: ip_tunnel: fix mtu calculation for ETHER tunnel devices - net: bcmgenet: Ensure all TX/RX queues DMAs are disabled - net: netdevsim: use xso.real_dev instead of in callback functions of struct xfrmdev_ops - net: bridge: sync fdb to new unicast-filtering ports - net/sched: act_ct: remove and free nf_table callbacks - vmxnet3: fix cksum offload issues for tunnels with non-default udp ports - net/sched: act_ct: fix err check for nf_conntrack_confirm - netfilter: ctnetlink: suspicious RCU usage in ctnetlink_dump_helpinfo - net: ipv6: fix return value of ip6_skb_dst_mtu - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: enable devlink ATU hash param for Topaz - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: enable .rmu_disable() on Topaz - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: use correct .stats_set_histogram() on Topaz - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: enable .port_set_policy() on Topaz - net: bcmgenet: ensure EXT_ENERGY_DET_MASK is clear - usb: cdns3: Enable TDL_CHK only for OUT ep - mm/page_alloc: fix memory map initialization for descending nodes - mm/userfaultfd: fix uffd-wp special cases for fork() - mm/thp: simplify copying of huge zero page pmd when fork - f2fs: Show casefolding support only when supported - Revert "swap: fix do_swap_page() race with swapoff" - arm64: dts: marvell: armada-37xx: move firmware node to generic dtsi file - firmware: turris-mox-rwtm: add marvell,armada-3700-rwtm-firmware compatible string - cifs: prevent NULL deref in cifs_compose_mount_options() - s390: introduce proper type handling call_on_stack() macro - s390/traps: do not test MONITOR CALL without CONFIG_BUG - thermal/core/thermal_of: Stop zone device before unregistering it - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Clean up error handling path of iio mapping - sched/fair: Fix CFS bandwidth hrtimer expiry type - scsi: qedf: Add check to synchronize abort and flush - scsi: libfc: Fix array index out of bound exception - scsi: aic7xxx: Fix unintentional sign extension issue on left shift of u8 - rtc: max77686: Do not enforce (incorrect) interrupt trigger type - arch/arm64/boot/dts/marvell: fix NAND partitioning scheme - kbuild: mkcompile_h: consider timestamp if KBUILD_BUILD_TIMESTAMP is set - thermal/drivers/sprd: Add missing of_node_put for loop iteration - thermal/drivers/imx_sc: Add missing of_node_put for loop iteration - thermal/drivers/rcar_gen3_thermal: Do not shadow rcar_gen3_ths_tj_1 - thermal/core: Correct function name thermal_zone_device_unregister() - arm64: dts: imx8mq: assign PCIe clocks - arm64: dts: ls208xa: remove bus-num from dspi node - firmware: tegra: bpmp: Fix Tegra234-only builds - soc/tegra: fuse: Fix Tegra234-only builds - ARM: OMAP2+: Block suspend for am3 and am4 if PM is not configured - ARM: dts: stm32: fix stpmic node for stm32mp1 boards - ARM: dts: stm32: Rename spi-flash/mx66l51235l@N to flash@N on DHCOM SoM - ARM: dts: stm32: Drop unused linux,wakeup from touchscreen node on DHCOM SoM - ARM: dts: stm32: fix the Odyssey SoM eMMC VQMMC supply - ARM: dts: stm32: move stmmac axi config in ethernet node on stm32mp15 - ARM: dts: stm32: fix i2c node name on stm32f746 to prevent warnings - ARM: dts: rockchip: fix supply properties in io-domains nodes - arm64: dts: juno: Update SCPI nodes as per the YAML schema - ARM: dts: bcm283x: Fix up GPIO LED node names - ARM: dts: bcm283x: Fix up MMC node names - firmware: arm_scmi: Fix the build when CONFIG_MAILBOX is not selected - firmware: arm_scmi: Add SMCCC discovery dependency in Kconfig - memory: tegra: Fix compilation warnings on 64bit platforms - ARM: dts: stm32: fix timer nodes on STM32 MCU to prevent warnings - ARM: dts: stm32: fix RCC node name on stm32f429 MCU - ARM: dts: stm32: fix gpio-keys node on STM32 MCU boards - ARM: dts: stm32: fix stm32mp157c-odyssey card detect pin - ARM: dts: stm32: Fix touchscreen node on dhcom-pdk2 - ARM: dts: stm32: Remove extra size-cells on dhcom-pdk2 - arm64: dts: qcom: sc7180: Move rmtfs memory region - ARM: tegra: nexus7: Correct 3v3 regulator GPIO of PM269 variant - ARM: tegra: wm8903: Fix polarity of headphones-detection GPIO in device-trees - arm64: dts: ti: k3-am654x/j721e/j7200-common-proc-board: Fix MCU_RGMII1_TXC direction - ARM: dts: OMAP2+: Replace underscores in sub-mailbox node names - ARM: dts: am335x: fix ti,no-reset-on-init flag for gpios - ARM: dts: am437x-gp-evm: fix ti,no-reset-on-init flag for gpios - ARM: dts: am57xx-cl-som-am57x: fix ti,no-reset-on-init flag for gpios - kbuild: sink stdout from cmd for silent build - rtc: mxc_v2: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - ARM: dts: imx6dl-riotboard: configure PHY clock and set proper EEE value - ARM: dts: ux500: Fix orientation of accelerometer - ARM: dts: ux500: Rename gpio-controller node - ARM: dts: ux500: Fix interrupt cells - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix regulator-gpio states array - ARM: imx: pm-imx5: Fix references to imx5_cpu_suspend_info - ARM: dts: imx6: phyFLEX: Fix UART hardware flow control - ARM: dts: Hurricane 2: Fix NAND nodes names - ARM: dts: BCM63xx: Fix NAND nodes names - ARM: NSP: dts: fix NAND nodes names - ARM: Cygnus: dts: fix NAND nodes names - ARM: brcmstb: dts: fix NAND nodes names - reset: ti-syscon: fix to_ti_syscon_reset_data macro - arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix power-controller node names for rk3399 - arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix power-controller node names for rk3328 - arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix power-controller node names for px30 - ARM: dts: rockchip: Fix power-controller node names for rk3288 - ARM: dts: rockchip: Fix power-controller node names for rk3188 - ARM: dts: rockchip: Fix power-controller node names for rk3066a - ARM: dts: rockchip: Fix IOMMU nodes properties on rk322x - ARM: dts: rockchip: Fix the timer clocks order - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix pinctrl sleep nodename for rk3399.dtsi - ARM: dts: rockchip: fix pinctrl sleep nodename for rk3036-kylin and rk3288 - ARM: dts: rockchip: Fix thermal sensor cells o rk322x - ARM: dts: gemini: add device_type on pci - ARM: dts: gemini: rename mdio to the right name - scsi: scsi_dh_alua: Fix signedness bug in alua_rtpg() - MIPS: vdso: Invalid GIC access through VDSO - mips: disable branch profiling in boot/decompress.o - mips: always link byteswap helpers into decompressor - static_call: Fix static_call_text_reserved() vs __init - jump_label: Fix jump_label_text_reserved() vs __init - sched/uclamp: Ignore max aggregation if rq is idle - scsi: be2iscsi: Fix an error handling path in beiscsi_dev_probe() - arm64: dts: rockchip: Re-add regulator-always-on for vcc_sdio for rk3399-roc-pc - arm64: dts: rockchip: Re-add regulator-boot-on, regulator-always-on for vdd_gpu on rk3399-roc-pc - firmware: turris-mox-rwtm: show message about HWRNG registration - firmware: turris-mox-rwtm: fail probing when firmware does not support hwrng - firmware: turris-mox-rwtm: report failures better - firmware: turris-mox-rwtm: fix reply status decoding function - thermal/drivers/rcar_gen3_thermal: Fix coefficient calculations - ARM: dts: imx6q-dhcom: Add gpios pinctrl for i2c bus recovery - ARM: dts: imx6q-dhcom: Fix ethernet plugin detection problems - ARM: dts: imx6q-dhcom: Fix ethernet reset time properties - thermal/drivers/sprd: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - ARM: dts: am437x: align ti,pindir-d0-out-d1-in property with dt-shema - ARM: dts: am335x: align ti,pindir-d0-out-d1-in property with dt-shema - ARM: dts: dra7: Fix duplicate USB4 target module node - arm64: dts: allwinner: a64-sopine-baseboard: change RGMII mode to TXID - memory: fsl_ifc: fix leak of private memory on probe failure - memory: fsl_ifc: fix leak of IO mapping on probe failure - arm64: dts: ti: k3-j721e-main: Fix external refclk input to SERDES - arm64: dts: renesas: r8a779a0: Drop power-domains property from GIC node - reset: bail if try_module_get() fails - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: Fixup SPI binding - dt-bindings: i2c: at91: fix example for scl-gpios - firmware: arm_scmi: Reset Rx buffer to max size during async commands - firmware: tegra: Fix error return code in tegra210_bpmp_init() - arm64: dts: qcom: trogdor: Add no-hpd to DSI bridge node - ARM: dts: stm32: Rework LAN8710Ai PHY reset on DHCOM SoM - ARM: dts: stm32: Connect PHY IRQ line on DH STM32MP1 SoM - arm64: dts: renesas: r8a7796[01]: Fix OPP table entry voltages - arm64: dts: renesas: Add missing opp-suspend properties - arm64: dts: ti: j7200-main: Enable USB2 PHY RX sensitivity workaround - ARM: dts: r8a7779, marzen: Fix DU clock names - arm64: dts: renesas: v3msk: Fix memory size - rtc: fix snprintf() checking in is_rtc_hctosys() - ARM: dts: sun8i: h3: orangepi-plus: Fix ethernet phy-mode - memory: pl353: Fix error return code in pl353_smc_probe() - reset: brcmstb: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - memory: atmel-ebi: add missing of_node_put for loop iteration - memory: stm32-fmc2-ebi: add missing of_node_put for loop iteration - ARM: dts: exynos: fix PWM LED max brightness on Odroid XU4 - ARM: dts: exynos: fix PWM LED max brightness on Odroid HC1 - ARM: dts: exynos: fix PWM LED max brightness on Odroid XU/XU3 - ARM: exynos: add missing of_node_put for loop iteration - reset: a10sr: add missing of_match_table reference - reset: RESET_INTEL_GW should depend on X86 - reset: RESET_BRCMSTB_RESCAL should depend on ARCH_BRCMSTB - ARM: dts: gemini-rut1xx: remove duplicate ethernet node - hexagon: use common DISCARDS macro - hexagon: handle {,SOFT}IRQENTRY_TEXT in linker script - NFSv4/pNFS: Don't call _nfs4_pnfs_v3_ds_connect multiple times - NFSv4/pnfs: Fix layoutget behaviour after invalidation - NFSv4/pnfs: Fix the layout barrier update - vdpa/mlx5: Clear vq ready indication upon device reset - ALSA: isa: Fix error return code in snd_cmi8330_probe() - nfsd: Reduce contention for the nfsd_file nf_rwsem - nvme-tcp: can't set sk_user_data without write_lock - virtio_net: move tx vq operation under tx queue lock - vdpa/mlx5: Fix possible failure in umem size calculation - vdpa/mlx5: Fix umem sizes assignments on VQ create - PCI: tegra194: Fix tegra_pcie_ep_raise_msi_irq() ill-defined shift - pwm: imx1: Don't disable clocks at device remove time - PCI: intel-gw: Fix INTx enable - x86/fpu: Limit xstate copy size in xstateregs_set() - x86/fpu: Fix copy_xstate_to_kernel() gap handling - f2fs: fix to avoid adding tab before doc section - PCI: iproc: Support multi-MSI only on uniprocessor kernel - PCI: iproc: Fix multi-MSI base vector number allocation - ubifs: Set/Clear I_LINKABLE under i_lock for whiteout inode - nfs: fix acl memory leak of posix_acl_create() - SUNRPC: prevent port reuse on transports which don't request it. - watchdog: jz4740: Fix return value check in jz4740_wdt_probe() - watchdog: aspeed: fix hardware timeout calculation - ubifs: journal: Fix error return code in ubifs_jnl_write_inode() - ubifs: Fix off-by-one error - um: fix error return code in winch_tramp() - um: fix error return code in slip_open() - misc: alcor_pci: fix inverted branch condition - NFSv4: Fix an Oops in pnfs_mark_request_commit() when doing O_DIRECT - NFSv4: Initialise connection to the server in nfs4_alloc_client() - power: supply: rt5033_battery: Fix device tree enumeration - PCI/sysfs: Fix dsm_label_utf16s_to_utf8s() buffer overrun - remoteproc: k3-r5: Fix an error message - f2fs: compress: fix to disallow temp extension - f2fs: add MODULE_SOFTDEP to ensure crc32 is included in the initramfs - x86/signal: Detect and prevent an alternate signal stack overflow - NFSD: Fix TP_printk() format specifier in nfsd_clid_class - f2fs: atgc: fix to set default age threshold - virtio_console: Assure used length from device is limited - virtio_net: Fix error handling in virtnet_restore() - virtio-blk: Fix memory leak among suspend/resume procedure - PCI: rockchip: Register IRQ handlers after device and data are ready - ACPI: video: Add quirk for the Dell Vostro 3350 - ACPI: AMBA: Fix resource name in /proc/iomem - pwm: tegra: Don't modify HW state in .remove callback - pwm: img: Fix PM reference leak in img_pwm_enable() - drm/amdkfd: fix sysfs kobj leak - power: supply: ab8500: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - power: supply: charger-manager: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - NFS: nfs_find_open_context() may only select open files - drm/gma500: Add the missed drm_gem_object_put() in psb_user_framebuffer_create() - ceph: remove bogus checks and WARN_ONs from ceph_set_page_dirty - orangefs: fix orangefs df output. - PCI: tegra: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - remoteproc: core: Fix cdev remove and rproc del - x86/fpu: Return proper error codes from user access functions - watchdog: iTCO_wdt: Account for rebooting on second timeout - watchdog: imx_sc_wdt: fix pretimeout - watchdog: Fix possible use-after-free by calling del_timer_sync() - watchdog: sc520_wdt: Fix possible use-after-free in wdt_turnoff() - watchdog: Fix possible use-after-free in wdt_startup() - PCI: pciehp: Ignore Link Down/Up caused by DPC - NFSv4: Fix delegation return in cases where we have to retry - PCI/P2PDMA: Avoid pci_get_slot(), which may sleep - ARM: 9087/1: kprobes: test-thumb: fix for LLVM_IAS=1 - power: reset: gpio-poweroff: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - power: supply: max17042: Do not enforce (incorrect) interrupt trigger type - PCI: hv: Fix a race condition when removing the device - power: supply: ab8500: Avoid NULL pointers - PCI: ftpci100: Rename macro name collision - pwm: spear: Don't modify HW state in .remove callback - power: supply: sc2731_charger: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - power: supply: sc27xx: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - kcov: add __no_sanitize_coverage to fix noinstr for all architectures - lib/decompress_unlz4.c: correctly handle zero-padding around initrds. - phy: intel: Fix for warnings due to EMMC clock 175Mhz change in FIP - i2c: core: Disable client irq on reboot/shutdown - intel_th: Wait until port is in reset before programming it - staging: rtl8723bs: fix macro value for 2.4Ghz only device - leds: turris-omnia: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - ALSA: firewire-motu: fix detection for S/PDIF source on optical interface in v2 protocol - ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Fix 6i6 Gen 2 line out descriptions - ALSA: hda: Add IRQ check for platform_get_irq() - backlight: lm3630a: Fix return code of .update_status() callback - ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98357a: shrink platform_id below 20 characters - powerpc/boot: Fixup device-tree on little endian - usb: gadget: hid: fix error return code in hid_bind() - usb: gadget: f_hid: fix endianness issue with descriptors - ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Fix scarlett2_*_ctl_put() return values - ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Fix data_mutex lock - ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Fix 18i8 Gen 2 PCM Input count - ALSA: bebob: add support for ToneWeal FW66 - Input: hideep - fix the uninitialized use in hideep_nvm_unlock() - s390/mem_detect: fix tprot() program check new psw handling - s390/mem_detect: fix diag260() program check new psw handling - s390/ipl_parm: fix program check new psw handling - s390/processor: always inline stap() and __load_psw_mask() - habanalabs: remove node from list before freeing the node - habanalabs/gaudi: set the correct cpu_id on MME2_QM failure - ASoC: soc-core: Fix the error return code in snd_soc_of_parse_audio_routing() - powerpc/mm/book3s64: Fix possible build error - gpio: pca953x: Add support for the On Semi pca9655 - selftests/powerpc: Fix "no_handler" EBB selftest - ALSA: ppc: fix error return code in snd_pmac_probe() - scsi: storvsc: Correctly handle multiple flags in srb_status - gpio: zynq: Check return value of irq_get_irq_data - gpio: zynq: Check return value of pm_runtime_get_sync - ASoC: soc-pcm: fix the return value in dpcm_apply_symmetry() - iommu/arm-smmu: Fix arm_smmu_device refcount leak in address translation - iommu/arm-smmu: Fix arm_smmu_device refcount leak when arm_smmu_rpm_get fails - powerpc/ps3: Add dma_mask to ps3_dma_region - ALSA: sb: Fix potential double-free of CSP mixer elements - selftests: timers: rtcpie: skip test if default RTC device does not exist - s390: disable SSP when needed - s390/sclp_vt220: fix console name to match device - serial: tty: uartlite: fix console setup - fsi: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - ASoC: img: Fix PM reference leak in img_i2s_in_probe() - mfd: cpcap: Fix cpcap dmamask not set warnings - mfd: da9052/stmpe: Add and modify MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - scsi: qedi: Fix cleanup session block/unblock use - scsi: qedi: Fix TMF session block/unblock use - scsi: qedi: Fix race during abort timeouts - scsi: qedi: Fix null ref during abort handling - scsi: iscsi: Fix shost->max_id use - scsi: iscsi: Fix conn use after free during resets - scsi: iscsi: Add iscsi_cls_conn refcount helpers - scsi: megaraid_sas: Handle missing interrupts while re-enabling IRQs - scsi: megaraid_sas: Early detection of VD deletion through RaidMap update - scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix resource leak in case of probe failure - fs/jfs: Fix missing error code in lmLogInit() - scsi: scsi_dh_alua: Check for negative result value - scsi: core: Fixup calling convention for scsi_mode_sense() - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix deadlock while cancelling the running firmware event - tty: serial: 8250: serial_cs: Fix a memory leak in error handling path - ALSA: ac97: fix PM reference leak in ac97_bus_remove() - scsi: core: Cap scsi_host cmd_per_lun at can_queue - scsi: lpfc: Fix crash when lpfc_sli4_hba_setup() fails to initialize the SGLs - scsi: lpfc: Fix "Unexpected timeout" error in direct attach topology - scsi: arcmsr: Fix doorbell status being updated late on ARC-1886 - w1: ds2438: fixing bug that would always get page0 - usb: common: usb-conn-gpio: fix NULL pointer dereference of charger - Revert "ALSA: bebob/oxfw: fix Kconfig entry for Mackie d.2 Pro" - ALSA: usx2y: Don't call free_pages_exact() with NULL address - ALSA: usx2y: Avoid camelCase - iio: magn: bmc150: Balance runtime pm + use pm_runtime_resume_and_get() - iio: gyro: fxa21002c: Balance runtime pm + use pm_runtime_resume_and_get(). - partitions: msdos: fix one-byte get_unaligned() - ASoC: intel/boards: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - misc: alcor_pci: fix null-ptr-deref when there is no PCI bridge - misc/libmasm/module: Fix two use after free in ibmasm_init_one - serial: fsl_lpuart: disable DMA for console and fix sysrq - tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: fix the potential risk of division or modulo by zero - rcu: Reject RCU_LOCKDEP_WARN() false positives - srcu: Fix broken node geometry after early ssp init - scsi: arcmsr: Fix the wrong CDB payload report to IOP - dmaengine: fsl-qdma: check dma_set_mask return value - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add mutual exclusion between PCH DMIC and RT715 - leds: tlc591xx: fix return value check in tlc591xx_probe() - net: bridge: multicast: fix MRD advertisement router port marking race - net: bridge: multicast: fix PIM hello router port marking race - Revert "drm/ast: Remove reference to struct drm_device.pdev" - drm/ingenic: Switch IPU plane to type OVERLAY - drm/ingenic: Fix non-OSD mode - drm/dp_mst: Add missing drm parameters to recently added call to drm_dbg_kms() - drm/dp_mst: Avoid to mess up payload table by ports in stale topology - drm/dp_mst: Do not set proposed vcpi directly - fbmem: Do not delete the mode that is still in use - cgroup: verify that source is a string - drm/i915/gt: Fix -EDEADLK handling regression - drm/i915/gtt: drop the page table optimisation - tracing: Do not reference char * as a string in histograms - scsi: zfcp: Report port fc_security as unknown early during remote cable pull - scsi: core: Fix bad pointer dereference when ehandler kthread is invalid - KVM: X86: Disable hardware breakpoints unconditionally before kvm_x86->run() - KVM: nSVM: Check the value written to MSR_VM_HSAVE_PA - KVM: x86/mmu: Do not apply HPA (memory encryption) mask to GPAs - KVM: x86: Use guest MAXPHYADDR from CPUID.0x8000_0008 iff TDP is enabled - KVM: mmio: Fix use-after-free Read in kvm_vm_ioctl_unregister_coalesced_mmio - cifs: handle reconnect of tcon when there is no cached dfs referral - certs: add 'x509_revocation_list' to gitignore - f2fs: fix to avoid racing on fsync_entry_slab by multi filesystem instances - smackfs: restrict bytes count in smk_set_cipso() - jfs: fix GPF in diFree - drm/ast: Remove reference to struct drm_device.pdev - pinctrl: mcp23s08: Fix missing unlock on error in mcp23s08_irq() - dm writecache: write at least 4k when committing - io_uring: fix clear IORING_SETUP_R_DISABLED in wrong function - media: uvcvideo: Fix pixel format change for Elgato Cam Link 4K - media: gspca/sunplus: fix zero-length control requests - media: gspca/sq905: fix control-request direction - media: zr364xx: fix memory leak in zr364xx_start_readpipe - media: dtv5100: fix control-request directions - media: subdev: disallow ioctl for saa6588/davinci - PCI: aardvark: Implement workaround for the readback value of VEND_ID - PCI: aardvark: Fix checking for PIO Non-posted Request - PCI: Leave Apple Thunderbolt controllers on for s2idle or standby - dm writecache: flush origin device when writing and cache is full - dm zoned: check zone capacity - coresight: tmc-etf: Fix global-out-of-bounds in tmc_update_etf_buffer() - coresight: Propagate symlink failure - ipack/carriers/tpci200: Fix a double free in tpci200_pci_probe - tracing: Resize tgid_map to pid_max, not PID_MAX_DEFAULT - tracing: Simplify & fix saved_tgids logic - rq-qos: fix missed wake-ups in rq_qos_throttle try two - seq_buf: Fix overflow in seq_buf_putmem_hex() - extcon: intel-mrfld: Sync hardware and software state on init - selftests/lkdtm: Fix expected text for CR4 pinning - lkdtm/bugs: XFAIL UNALIGNED_LOAD_STORE_WRITE - nvmem: core: add a missing of_node_put - mfd: syscon: Free the allocated name field of struct regmap_config - power: supply: ab8500: Fix an old bug - thermal/drivers/int340x/processor_thermal: Fix tcc setting - ipmi/watchdog: Stop watchdog timer when the current action is 'none' - qemu_fw_cfg: Make fw_cfg_rev_attr a proper kobj_attribute - i40e: fix PTP on 5Gb links - ASoC: tegra: Set driver_name=tegra for all machine drivers - fpga: stratix10-soc: Add missing fpga_mgr_free() call - clocksource/arm_arch_timer: Improve Allwinner A64 timer workaround - cpu/hotplug: Cure the cpusets trainwreck - arm64: tlb: fix the TTL value of tlb_get_level - ata: ahci_sunxi: Disable DIPM - mmc: core: Allow UHS-I voltage switch for SDSC cards if supported - mmc: core: clear flags before allowing to retune - mmc: sdhci: Fix warning message when accessing RPMB in HS400 mode - mmc: sdhci-acpi: Disable write protect detection on Toshiba Encore 2 WT8-B - drm/i915/display: Do not zero past infoframes.vsc - drm/nouveau: Don't set allow_fb_modifiers explicitly - drm/arm/malidp: Always list modifiers - drm/msm/mdp4: Fix modifier support enabling - drm/tegra: Don't set allow_fb_modifiers explicitly - drm/amd/display: Reject non-zero src_y and src_x for video planes - pinctrl/amd: Add device HID for new AMD GPIO controller - drm/amd/display: fix incorrrect valid irq check - drm/rockchip: dsi: remove extra component_del() call - drm/dp: Handle zeroed port counts in drm_dp_read_downstream_info() - drm/vc4: hdmi: Prevent clock unbalance - drm/vc4: crtc: Skip the TXP - drm/vc4: txp: Properly set the possible_crtcs mask - drm/radeon: Call radeon_suspend_kms() in radeon_pci_shutdown() for Loongson64 - drm/radeon: Add the missed drm_gem_object_put() in radeon_user_framebuffer_create() - drm/amdgpu: enable sdma0 tmz for Raven/Renoir(V2) - drm/amdgpu: Update NV SIMD-per-CU to 2 - powerpc/powernv/vas: Release reference to tgid during window close - powerpc/barrier: Avoid collision with clang's __lwsync macro - powerpc/mm: Fix lockup on kernel exec fault - arm64: dts: rockchip: Enable USB3 for rk3328 Rock64 - arm64: dts: rockchip: add rk3328 dwc3 usb controller node - ath11k: unlock on error path in ath11k_mac_op_add_interface() - MIPS: MT extensions are not available on MIPS32r1 - selftests/resctrl: Fix incorrect parsing of option "-t" - MIPS: set mips32r5 for virt extensions - MIPS: loongsoon64: Reserve memory below starting pfn to prevent Oops - sctp: add size validation when walking chunks - sctp: validate from_addr_param return - flow_offload: action should not be NULL when it is referenced - bpf: Fix false positive kmemleak report in bpf_ringbuf_area_alloc() - sched/fair: Ensure _sum and _avg values stay consistent - Bluetooth: btusb: fix bt fiwmare downloading failure issue for qca btsoc. - Bluetooth: mgmt: Fix the command returns garbage parameter value - Bluetooth: btusb: Add support USB ALT 3 for WBS - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix invalid access on ECRED Connection response - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Fix invalid access if ECRED Reconfigure fails - Bluetooth: btusb: Add a new QCA_ROME device (0cf3:e500) - Bluetooth: Shutdown controller after workqueues are flushed or cancelled - Bluetooth: Fix alt settings for incoming SCO with transparent coding format - Bluetooth: Fix the HCI to MGMT status conversion table - Bluetooth: btusb: Fixed too many in-token issue for Mediatek Chip. - RDMA/cma: Fix rdma_resolve_route() memory leak - net: ip: avoid OOM kills with large UDP sends over loopback - media, bpf: Do not copy more entries than user space requested - IB/isert: Align target max I/O size to initiator size - mac80211_hwsim: add concurrent channels scanning support over virtio - mac80211: consider per-CPU statistics if present - cfg80211: fix default HE tx bitrate mask in 2G band - wireless: wext-spy: Fix out-of-bounds warning - sfc: error code if SRIOV cannot be disabled - sfc: avoid double pci_remove of VFs - iwlwifi: pcie: fix context info freeing - iwlwifi: pcie: free IML DMA memory allocation - iwlwifi: mvm: fix error print when session protection ends - iwlwifi: mvm: don't change band on bound PHY contexts - RDMA/rxe: Don't overwrite errno from ib_umem_get() - vsock: notify server to shutdown when client has pending signal - atm: nicstar: register the interrupt handler in the right place - atm: nicstar: use 'dma_free_coherent' instead of 'kfree' - net: fec: add ndo_select_queue to fix TX bandwidth fluctuations - MIPS: add PMD table accounting into MIPS'pmd_alloc_one - rtl8xxxu: Fix device info for RTL8192EU devices - mt76: mt7915: fix IEEE80211_HE_PHY_CAP7_MAX_NC for station mode - drm/amdkfd: Walk through list with dqm lock hold - drm/amdgpu: fix bad address translation for sienna_cichlid - io_uring: fix false WARN_ONCE - net: sched: fix error return code in tcf_del_walker() - net: ipa: Add missing of_node_put() in ipa_firmware_load() - net: fix mistake path for netdev_features_strings - mt76: mt7615: fix fixed-rate tx status reporting - ice: mark PTYPE 2 as reserved - ice: fix incorrect payload indicator on PTYPE - bpf: Fix up register-based shifts in interpreter to silence KUBSAN - drm/amdkfd: Fix circular lock in nocpsch path - drm/amdkfd: fix circular locking on get_wave_state - cw1200: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - wl1251: Fix possible buffer overflow in wl1251_cmd_scan - wlcore/wl12xx: Fix wl12xx get_mac error if device is in ELP - dm writecache: commit just one block, not a full page - xfrm: Fix error reporting in xfrm_state_construct. - drm/amd/display: Verify Gamma & Degamma LUT sizes in amdgpu_dm_atomic_check - r8169: avoid link-up interrupt issue on RTL8106e if user enables ASPM - selinux: use __GFP_NOWARN with GFP_NOWAIT in the AVC - fjes: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - drm/amdkfd: use allowed domain for vmbo validation - net: sgi: ioc3-eth: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - selftests: Clean forgotten resources as part of cleanup() - net: phy: realtek: add delay to fix RXC generation issue - drm/amd/display: Fix off-by-one error in DML - drm/amd/display: Set DISPCLK_MAX_ERRDET_CYCLES to 7 - drm/amd/display: Release MST resources on switch from MST to SST - drm/amd/display: Update scaling settings on modeset - drm/amd/display: Fix DCN 3.01 DSCCLK validation - net: moxa: Use devm_platform_get_and_ioremap_resource() - net: micrel: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - net: mvpp2: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - net: bcmgenet: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - net: mscc: ocelot: check return value after calling platform_get_resource() - virtio_net: Remove BUG() to avoid machine dead - ice: fix clang warning regarding deadcode.DeadStores - ice: set the value of global config lock timeout longer - pinctrl: mcp23s08: fix race condition in irq handler - net: bridge: mrp: Update ring transitions. - dm: Fix dm_accept_partial_bio() relative to zone management commands - dm writecache: don't split bios when overwriting contiguous cache content - dm space maps: don't reset space map allocation cursor when committing - RDMA/cxgb4: Fix missing error code in create_qp() - net: tcp better handling of reordering then loss cases - drm/amdgpu: remove unsafe optimization to drop preamble ib - drm/amd/display: Avoid HDCP over-read and corruption - MIPS: ingenic: Select CPU_SUPPORTS_CPUFREQ && MIPS_EXTERNAL_TIMER - MIPS: cpu-probe: Fix FPU detection on Ingenic JZ4760(B) - ipv6: use prandom_u32() for ID generation - virtio-net: Add validation for used length - drm: bridge: cdns-mhdp8546: Fix PM reference leak in - clk: tegra: Ensure that PLLU configuration is applied properly - clk: tegra: Fix refcounting of gate clocks - RDMA/rtrs: Change MAX_SESS_QUEUE_DEPTH - net: stmmac: the XPCS obscures a potential "PHY not found" error - drm: rockchip: add missing registers for RK3066 - drm: rockchip: add missing registers for RK3188 - net/mlx5: Fix lag port remapping logic - net/mlx5e: IPsec/rep_tc: Fix rep_tc_update_skb drops IPsec packet - clk: renesas: r8a77995: Add ZA2 clock - drm/bridge: cdns: Fix PM reference leak in cdns_dsi_transfer() - igb: fix assignment on big endian machines - igb: handle vlan types with checker enabled - e100: handle eeprom as little endian - drm/vc4: hdmi: Fix PM reference leak in vc4_hdmi_encoder_pre_crtc_co() - drm/vc4: Fix clock source for VEC PixelValve on BCM2711 - udf: Fix NULL pointer dereference in udf_symlink function - drm/sched: Avoid data corruptions - drm/scheduler: Fix hang when sched_entity released - pinctrl: equilibrium: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - net/sched: cls_api: increase max_reclassify_loop - net: mdio: provide shim implementation of devm_of_mdiobus_register - drm/virtio: Fix double free on probe failure - reiserfs: add check for invalid 1st journal block - drm/bridge: lt9611: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - net: mdio: ipq8064: add regmap config to disable REGCACHE - drm/mediatek: Fix PM reference leak in mtk_crtc_ddp_hw_init() - net: Treat __napi_schedule_irqoff() as __napi_schedule() on PREEMPT_RT - atm: nicstar: Fix possible use-after-free in nicstar_cleanup() - mISDN: fix possible use-after-free in HFC_cleanup() - atm: iphase: fix possible use-after-free in ia_module_exit() - hugetlb: clear huge pte during flush function on mips platform - clk: renesas: rcar-usb2-clock-sel: Fix error handling in .probe() - drm/amd/display: fix use_max_lb flag for 420 pixel formats - net: pch_gbe: Use proper accessors to BE data in pch_ptp_match() - drm/bridge: nwl-dsi: Force a full modeset when crtc_state->active is changed to be true - drm/vc4: fix argument ordering in vc4_crtc_get_margins() - drm/amd/amdgpu/sriov disable all ip hw status by default - drm/amd/display: fix HDCP reset sequence on reinitialize - drm/ast: Fixed CVE for DP501 - drm/zte: Don't select DRM_KMS_FB_HELPER - drm/mxsfb: Don't select DRM_KMS_FB_HELPER - perf data: Close all files in close_dir() - perf test bpf: Free obj_buf - perf probe-file: Delete namelist in del_events() on the error path - igmp: Add ip_mc_list lock in ip_check_mc_rcu - ACPI / PPTT: get PPTT table in the first beginning - Revert "[Huawei] sched: export sched_setscheduler symbol" - kcsan: Never set up watchpoints on NULL pointers - ext4: inline jbd2_journal_[un]register_shrinker() - jbd2: export jbd2_journal_[un]register_shrinker() - fs: remove bdev_try_to_free_page callback - ext4: remove bdev_try_to_free_page() callback - jbd2: simplify journal_clean_one_cp_list() - jbd2,ext4: add a shrinker to release checkpointed buffers - jbd2: remove redundant buffer io error checks - jbd2: don't abort the journal when freeing buffers - jbd2: ensure abort the journal if detect IO error when writing original buffer back - jbd2: remove the out label in __jbd2_journal_remove_checkpoint() - net: spnic: add NIC layer - net: spnic: initial commit the common module of Ramaxel NIC driver - spraid: Add CONFIG_RAMAXEL_SPRAID in defconfig of arch arm64 and x86 - spraid: support Ramaxel raid controller - powerpc/preempt: Don't touch the idle task's preempt_count during hotplug - iommu/dma: Fix compile warning in 32-bit builds - cred: add missing return error code when set_cred_ucounts() failed - s390: preempt: Fix preempt_count initialization - crypto: qce - fix error return code in qce_skcipher_async_req_handle() - scsi: core: Retry I/O for Notify (Enable Spinup) Required error - media: exynos4-is: remove a now unused integer - mmc: vub3000: fix control-request direction - mmc: block: Disable CMDQ on the ioctl path - io_uring: fix blocking inline submission - block: return the correct bvec when checking for gaps - erofs: fix error return code in erofs_read_superblock() - tpm: Replace WARN_ONCE() with dev_err_once() in tpm_tis_status() - fscrypt: fix derivation of SipHash keys on big endian CPUs - fscrypt: don't ignore minor_hash when hash is 0 - mailbox: qcom-ipcc: Fix IPCC mbox channel exhaustion - scsi: target: cxgbit: Unmap DMA buffer before calling target_execute_cmd() - scsi: fc: Correct RHBA attributes length - exfat: handle wrong stream entry size in exfat_readdir() - csky: syscache: Fixup duplicate cache flush - csky: fix syscache.c fallthrough warning - perf llvm: Return -ENOMEM when asprintf() fails - selftests/vm/pkeys: refill shadow register after implicit kernel write - selftests/vm/pkeys: handle negative sys_pkey_alloc() return code - selftests/vm/pkeys: fix alloc_random_pkey() to make it really, really random - lib/math/rational.c: fix divide by zero - mm/z3fold: use release_z3fold_page_locked() to release locked z3fold page - mm/z3fold: fix potential memory leak in z3fold_destroy_pool() - include/linux/huge_mm.h: remove extern keyword - hugetlb: remove prep_compound_huge_page cleanup - mm/hugetlb: remove redundant check in preparing and destroying gigantic page - mm/hugetlb: use helper huge_page_order and pages_per_huge_page - mm/huge_memory.c: don't discard hugepage if other processes are mapping it - mm/huge_memory.c: add missing read-only THP checking in transparent_hugepage_enabled() - mm/huge_memory.c: remove dedicated macro HPAGE_CACHE_INDEX_MASK - mm/pmem: avoid inserting hugepage PTE entry with fsdax if hugepage support is disabled - vfio/pci: Handle concurrent vma faults - arm64: dts: marvell: armada-37xx: Fix reg for standard variant of UART - serial: mvebu-uart: correctly calculate minimal possible baudrate - serial: mvebu-uart: do not allow changing baudrate when uartclk is not available - ALSA: firewire-lib: Fix 'amdtp_domain_start()' when no AMDTP_OUT_STREAM stream is found - powerpc/papr_scm: Make 'perf_stats' invisible if perf-stats unavailable - powerpc/64s: Fix copy-paste data exposure into newly created tasks - powerpc/papr_scm: Properly handle UUID types and API - powerpc: Offline CPU in stop_this_cpu() - serial: 8250: 8250_omap: Fix possible interrupt storm on K3 SoCs - serial: 8250: 8250_omap: Disable RX interrupt after DMA enable - selftests/ftrace: fix event-no-pid on 1-core machine - leds: ktd2692: Fix an error handling path - leds: as3645a: Fix error return code in as3645a_parse_node() - ASoC: fsl_spdif: Fix unexpected interrupt after suspend - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add SOF_RT715_DAI_ID_FIX for AlderLake - ASoC: atmel-i2s: Fix usage of capture and playback at the same time - powerpc/powernv: Fix machine check reporting of async store errors - extcon: max8997: Add missing modalias string - extcon: sm5502: Drop invalid register write in sm5502_reg_data - phy: ti: dm816x: Fix the error handling path in 'dm816x_usb_phy_probe() - phy: uniphier-pcie: Fix updating phy parameters - soundwire: stream: Fix test for DP prepare complete - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix error return value in _scsih_expander_add() - habanalabs: Fix an error handling path in 'hl_pci_probe()' - mtd: rawnand: marvell: add missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in marvell_nfc_resume() - of: Fix truncation of memory sizes on 32-bit platforms - ASoC: cs42l42: Correct definition of CS42L42_ADC_PDN_MASK - iio: prox: isl29501: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: light: vcnl4035: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - serial: 8250: Actually allow UPF_MAGIC_MULTIPLIER baud rates - staging: mt7621-dts: fix pci address for PCI memory range - coresight: core: Fix use of uninitialized pointer - staging: rtl8712: fix memory leak in rtl871x_load_fw_cb - staging: rtl8712: fix error handling in r871xu_drv_init - staging: gdm724x: check for overflow in gdm_lte_netif_rx() - staging: gdm724x: check for buffer overflow in gdm_lte_multi_sdu_pkt() - ASoC: fsl_spdif: Fix error handler with pm_runtime_enable - iio: light: vcnl4000: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: magn: rm3100: Fix alignment of buffer in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: adc: ti-ads8688: Fix alignment of buffer in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: adc: mxs-lradc: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: adc: hx711: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: adc: at91-sama5d2: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - thunderbolt: Bond lanes only when dual_link_port != NULL in alloc_dev_default() - eeprom: idt_89hpesx: Restore printing the unsupported fwnode name - eeprom: idt_89hpesx: Put fwnode in matching case during ->probe() - usb: dwc2: Don't reset the core after setting turnaround time - usb: gadget: f_fs: Fix setting of device and driver data cross-references - ASoC: mediatek: mtk-btcvsd: Fix an error handling path in 'mtk_btcvsd_snd_probe()' - ASoC: rt5682-sdw: set regcache_cache_only false before reading RT5682_DEVICE_ID - ASoC: rt5682: fix getting the wrong device id when the suspend_stress_test - ASoC: rt715-sdw: use first_hw_init flag on resume - ASoC: rt711-sdw: use first_hw_init flag on resume - ASoC: rt700-sdw: use first_hw_init flag on resume - ASoC: rt5682-sdw: use first_hw_init flag on resume - ASoC: rt1308-sdw: use first_hw_init flag on resume - ASoC: max98373-sdw: use first_hw_init flag on resume - iommu/dma: Fix IOVA reserve dma ranges - selftests: splice: Adjust for handler fallback removal - s390: appldata depends on PROC_SYSCTL - s390: enable HAVE_IOREMAP_PROT - s390/irq: select HAVE_IRQ_EXIT_ON_IRQ_STACK - iommu/amd: Fix extended features logging - visorbus: fix error return code in visorchipset_init() - fsi/sbefifo: Fix reset timeout - fsi/sbefifo: Clean up correct FIFO when receiving reset request from SBE - fsi: occ: Don't accept response from un-initialized OCC - fsi: scom: Reset the FSI2PIB engine for any error - fsi: core: Fix return of error values on failures - mfd: rn5t618: Fix IRQ trigger by changing it to level mode - mfd: mp2629: Select MFD_CORE to fix build error - scsi: iscsi: Flush block work before unblock - scsi: FlashPoint: Rename si_flags field - leds: lp50xx: Put fwnode in error case during ->probe() - leds: lm3697: Don't spam logs when probe is deferred - leds: lm3692x: Put fwnode in any case during ->probe() - leds: lm36274: Put fwnode in error case during ->probe() - leds: lm3532: select regmap I2C API - leds: class: The -ENOTSUPP should never be seen by user space - tty: nozomi: Fix the error handling path of 'nozomi_card_init()' - firmware: stratix10-svc: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - char: pcmcia: error out if 'num_bytes_read' is greater than 4 in set_protocol() - staging: mmal-vchiq: Fix incorrect static vchiq_instance. - mtd: rawnand: arasan: Ensure proper configuration for the asserted target - mtd: partitions: redboot: seek fis-index-block in the right node - perf scripting python: Fix tuple_set_u64() - Input: hil_kbd - fix error return code in hil_dev_connect() - ASoC: rsnd: tidyup loop on rsnd_adg_clk_query() - backlight: lm3630a_bl: Put fwnode in error case during ->probe() - ASoC: hisilicon: fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in hi6210_i2s_startup() - ASoC: rk3328: fix missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in rk3328_platform_probe() - iio: potentiostat: lmp91000: Fix alignment of buffer in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: cros_ec_sensors: Fix alignment of buffer in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: chemical: atlas: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: light: tcs3472: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: light: tcs3414: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: light: isl29125: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: magn: bmc150: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: magn: hmc5843: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: prox: as3935: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: prox: pulsed-light: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: prox: srf08: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: humidity: am2315: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: gyro: bmg160: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: adc: vf610: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: adc: ti-ads1015: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: accel: stk8ba50: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: accel: stk8312: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: accel: mxc4005: Fix overread of data and alignment issue. - iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: accel: hid: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: accel: bma220: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: accel: bma180: Fix buffer alignment in iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: adis16475: do not return ints in irq handlers - iio: adis16400: do not return ints in irq handlers - iio: adis_buffer: do not return ints in irq handlers - mwifiex: re-fix for unaligned accesses - tty: nozomi: Fix a resource leak in an error handling function - serial: 8250_omap: fix a timeout loop condition - serial: fsl_lpuart: remove RTSCTS handling from get_mctrl() - serial: fsl_lpuart: don't modify arbitrary data on lpuart32 - rcu: Invoke rcu_spawn_core_kthreads() from rcu_spawn_gp_kthread() - ASoC: rt5682: Disable irq on shutdown - staging: fbtft: Don't spam logs when probe is deferred - staging: fbtft: Rectify GPIO handling - MIPS: Fix PKMAP with 32-bit MIPS huge page support - RDMA/core: Always release restrack object - RDMA/mlx5: Don't access NULL-cleared mpi pointer - net: tipc: fix FB_MTU eat two pages - net: sched: fix warning in tcindex_alloc_perfect_hash - net: lwtunnel: handle MTU calculation in forwading - writeback: fix obtain a reference to a freeing memcg css - clk: si5341: Update initialization magic - clk: si5341: Check for input clock presence and PLL lock on startup - clk: si5341: Avoid divide errors due to bogus register contents - clk: si5341: Wait for DEVICE_READY on startup - clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: fix CAL_L write in alpha_pll_fabia_prepare - clk: actions: Fix AHPPREDIV-H-AHB clock chain on Owl S500 SoC - clk: actions: Fix bisp_factor_table based clocks on Owl S500 SoC - clk: actions: Fix SD clocks factor table on Owl S500 SoC - clk: actions: Fix UART clock dividers on Owl S500 SoC - Bluetooth: Fix handling of HCI_LE_Advertising_Set_Terminated event - Bluetooth: Fix Set Extended (Scan Response) Data - Bluetooth: Fix not sending Set Extended Scan Response - Bluetooth: mgmt: Fix slab-out-of-bounds in tlv_data_is_valid - Revert "be2net: disable bh with spin_lock in be_process_mcc" - gve: Fix swapped vars when fetching max queues - RDMA/cma: Fix incorrect Packet Lifetime calculation - bpfilter: Specify the log level for the kmsg message - net: dsa: sja1105: fix NULL pointer dereference in sja1105_reload_cbs() - e1000e: Check the PCIm state - ipv6: fix out-of-bound access in ip6_parse_tlv() - net: atlantic: fix the macsec key length - net: phy: mscc: fix macsec key length - net: macsec: fix the length used to copy the key for offloading - RDMA/cma: Protect RMW with qp_mutex - ibmvnic: free tx_pool if tso_pool alloc fails - ibmvnic: set ltb->buff to NULL after freeing - Revert "ibmvnic: remove duplicate napi_schedule call in open function" - i40e: Fix missing rtnl locking when setting up pf switch - i40e: Fix autoneg disabling for non-10GBaseT links - i40e: Fix error handling in i40e_vsi_open - bpf: Do not change gso_size during bpf_skb_change_proto() - can: j1939: j1939_sk_setsockopt(): prevent allocation of j1939 filter for optlen == 0 - ipv6: exthdrs: do not blindly use init_net - net: bcmgenet: Fix attaching to PYH failed on RPi 4B - mac80211: remove iwlwifi specific workaround NDPs of null_response - drm/msm/dpu: Fix error return code in dpu_mdss_init() - drm/msm: Fix error return code in msm_drm_init() - bpf: Fix null ptr deref with mixed tail calls and subprogs - ieee802154: hwsim: avoid possible crash in hwsim_del_edge_nl() - ieee802154: hwsim: Fix memory leak in hwsim_add_one - tc-testing: fix list handling - net: ti: am65-cpsw-nuss: Fix crash when changing number of TX queues - net/ipv4: swap flow ports when validating source - ip6_tunnel: fix GRE6 segmentation - vxlan: add missing rcu_read_lock() in neigh_reduce() - rtw88: 8822c: fix lc calibration timing - iwlwifi: increase PNVM load timeout - xfrm: Fix xfrm offload fallback fail case - pkt_sched: sch_qfq: fix qfq_change_class() error path - netfilter: nf_tables_offload: check FLOW_DISSECTOR_KEY_BASIC in VLAN transfer logic - tls: prevent oversized sendfile() hangs by ignoring MSG_MORE - net: sched: add barrier to ensure correct ordering for lockless qdisc - vrf: do not push non-ND strict packets with a source LLA through packet taps again - net: ethernet: ezchip: fix error handling - net: ethernet: ezchip: fix UAF in nps_enet_remove - net: ethernet: aeroflex: fix UAF in greth_of_remove - mt76: mt7615: fix NULL pointer dereference in tx_prepare_skb() - mt76: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in mt76_tx - samples/bpf: Fix the error return code of xdp_redirect's main() - samples/bpf: Fix Segmentation fault for xdp_redirect command - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Set minimal max_send_wr and max_recv_wr - bpf: Fix libelf endian handling in resolv_btfids - xsk: Fix broken Tx ring validation - xsk: Fix missing validation for skb and unaligned mode - selftests/bpf: Whitelist test_progs.h from .gitignore - RDMA/rxe: Fix qp reference counting for atomic ops - netfilter: nft_tproxy: restrict support to TCP and UDP transport protocols - netfilter: nft_osf: check for TCP packet before further processing - netfilter: nft_exthdr: check for IPv6 packet before further processing - RDMA/mlx5: Don't add slave port to unaffiliated list - netlabel: Fix memory leak in netlbl_mgmt_add_common - ath11k: send beacon template after vdev_start/restart during csa - ath10k: Fix an error code in ath10k_add_interface() - ath11k: Fix an error handling path in ath11k_core_fetch_board_data_api_n() - cw1200: Revert unnecessary patches that fix unreal use-after-free bugs - brcmsmac: mac80211_if: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - brcmfmac: Fix a double-free in brcmf_sdio_bus_reset - brcmfmac: correctly report average RSSI in station info - brcmfmac: fix setting of station info chains bitmask - ssb: Fix error return code in ssb_bus_scan() - wcn36xx: Move hal_buf allocation to devm_kmalloc in probe - clk: imx8mq: remove SYS PLL 1/2 clock gates - ieee802154: hwsim: Fix possible memory leak in hwsim_subscribe_all_others - wireless: carl9170: fix LEDS build errors & warnings - ath10k: add missing error return code in ath10k_pci_probe() - ath10k: go to path err_unsupported when chip id is not supported - tools/bpftool: Fix error return code in do_batch() - drm: qxl: ensure is ininitialized - clk: vc5: fix output disabling when enabling a FOD - drm/vc4: hdmi: Fix error path of hpd-gpios - drm/pl111: Actually fix CONFIG_VEXPRESS_CONFIG depends - RDMA/rxe: Fix failure during driver load - drm/pl111: depend on CONFIG_VEXPRESS_CONFIG - RDMA/core: Sanitize WQ state received from the userspace - net/sched: act_vlan: Fix modify to allow 0 - xfrm: remove the fragment check for ipv6 beet mode - clk: tegra30: Use 300MHz for video decoder by default - ehea: fix error return code in ehea_restart_qps() - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Fix memory leak of not-freed sess->stats and stats->pcpu_stats - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Check if the queue_depth has changed during a reconnection - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Fix memory leak when having multiple sessions - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Fix memory leak of unfreed rtrs_srv_stats object - RDMA/rtrs: Do not reset hb_missed_max after re-connection - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Check state of the rtrs_clt_sess before reading its stats - RDMA/srp: Fix a recently introduced memory leak - mptcp: generate subflow hmac after mptcp_finish_join() - mptcp: fix pr_debug in mptcp_token_new_connect - drm/rockchip: cdn-dp: fix sign extension on an int multiply for a u64 result - drm/rockchip: lvds: Fix an error handling path - drm/rockchip: dsi: move all lane config except LCDC mux to bind() - drm/rockchip: cdn-dp-core: add missing clk_disable_unprepare() on error in cdn_dp_grf_write() - drm: rockchip: set alpha_en to 0 if it is not used - net: ftgmac100: add missing error return code in ftgmac100_probe() - clk: meson: g12a: fix gp0 and hifi ranges - net: qrtr: ns: Fix error return code in qrtr_ns_init() - drm/vmwgfx: Fix cpu updates of coherent multisample surfaces - drm/vmwgfx: Mark a surface gpu-dirty after the SVGA3dCmdDXGenMips command - pinctrl: renesas: r8a77990: JTAG pins do not have pull-down capabilities - pinctrl: renesas: r8a7796: Add missing bias for PRESET# pin - net: pch_gbe: Propagate error from devm_gpio_request_one() - net: mvpp2: Put fwnode in error case during ->probe() - video: fbdev: imxfb: Fix an error message - drm/ast: Fix missing conversions to managed API - drm/amd/dc: Fix a missing check bug in dm_dp_mst_detect() - drm/bridge: Fix the stop condition of drm_bridge_chain_pre_enable() - drm/bridge/sii8620: fix dependency on extcon - xfrm: xfrm_state_mtu should return at least 1280 for ipv6 - mm: memcg/slab: properly set up gfp flags for objcg pointer array - mm/shmem: fix shmem_swapin() race with swapoff - swap: fix do_swap_page() race with swapoff - mm/debug_vm_pgtable: ensure THP availability via has_transparent_hugepage() - mm/debug_vm_pgtable/basic: iterate over entire protection_map[] - mm/debug_vm_pgtable/basic: add validation for dirtiness after write protect - dax: fix ENOMEM handling in grab_mapping_entry() - ocfs2: fix snprintf() checking - blk-mq: update hctx->dispatch_busy in case of real scheduler - cpufreq: Make cpufreq_online() call driver->offline() on errors - ACPI: bgrt: Fix CFI violation - ACPI: Use DEVICE_ATTR_ macros - extcon: extcon-max8997: Fix IRQ freeing at error path - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Save and restore timer TIOCP_CFG - mark pstore-blk as broken - ACPI: sysfs: Fix a buffer overrun problem with description_show() - nvme-pci: look for StorageD3Enable on companion ACPI device instead - block: avoid double io accounting for flush request - ACPI: PM / fan: Put fan device IDs into separate header file - PM / devfreq: Add missing error code in devfreq_add_device() - media: video-mux: Skip dangling endpoints - media: v4l2-async: Clean v4l2_async_notifier_add_fwnode_remote_subdev - psi: Fix race between psi_trigger_create/destroy - crypto: nx - Fix RCU warning in nx842_OF_upd_status - spi: spi-sun6i: Fix chipselect/clock bug - lockdep/selftests: Fix selftests vs PROVE_RAW_LOCK_NESTING - lockdep: Fix wait-type for empty stack - sched/uclamp: Fix uclamp_tg_restrict() - sched/rt: Fix Deadline utilization tracking during policy change - sched/rt: Fix RT utilization tracking during policy change - x86/sev: Split up runtime #VC handler for correct state tracking - x86/sev: Make sure IRQs are disabled while GHCB is active - btrfs: clear log tree recovering status if starting transaction fails - regulator: hi655x: Fix pass wrong pointer to config.driver_data - KVM: arm64: Don't zero the cycle count register when PMCR_EL0.P is set - perf/arm-cmn: Fix invalid pointer when access dtc object sharing the same IRQ number - KVM: x86/mmu: Fix return value in tdp_mmu_map_handle_target_level() - KVM: nVMX: Don't clobber nested MMU's A/D status on EPTP switch - KVM: nVMX: Ensure 64-bit shift when checking VMFUNC bitmap - KVM: nVMX: Sync all PGDs on nested transition with shadow paging - hwmon: (max31790) Fix fan speed reporting for fan7..12 - hwmon: (max31722) Remove non-standard ACPI device IDs - hwmon: (lm70) Revert "hwmon: (lm70) Add support for ACPI" - hwmon: (lm70) Use device_get_match_data() - media: s5p-g2d: Fix a memory leak on ctx->fh.m2m_ctx - media: subdev: remove VIDIOC_DQEVENT_TIME32 handling - arm64/mm: Fix ttbr0 values stored in struct thread_info for software-pan - arm64: consistently use reserved_pg_dir - mmc: usdhi6rol0: fix error return code in usdhi6_probe() - crypto: sm2 - fix a memory leak in sm2 - crypto: sm2 - remove unnecessary reset operations - crypto: x86/curve25519 - fix cpu feature checking logic in mod_exit - crypto: omap-sham - Fix PM reference leak in omap sham ops - crypto: nitrox - fix unchecked variable in nitrox_register_interrupts - regulator: fan53880: Fix vsel_mask setting for FAN53880_BUCK - media: siano: Fix out-of-bounds warnings in smscore_load_firmware_family2() - m68k: atari: Fix ATARI_KBD_CORE kconfig unmet dependency warning - media: gspca/gl860: fix zero-length control requests - media: tc358743: Fix error return code in tc358743_probe_of() - media: au0828: fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() check - media: exynos4-is: Fix a use after free in isp_video_release - media: rkvdec: Fix .buf_prepare - locking/lockdep: Reduce LOCKDEP dependency list - pata_ep93xx: fix deferred probing - media: rc: i2c: Fix an error message - crypto: ccp - Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - crypto: sa2ul - Fix pm_runtime enable in sa_ul_probe() - crypto: sa2ul - Fix leaks on failure paths with sa_dma_init() - x86/elf: Use _BITUL() macro in UAPI headers - evm: fix writing /evm overflow - pata_octeon_cf: avoid WARN_ON() in ata_host_activate() - kbuild: Fix objtool dependency for 'OBJECT_FILES_NON_STANDARD_ := n' - sched/uclamp: Fix locking around cpu_util_update_eff() - sched/uclamp: Fix wrong implementation of cpu.uclamp.min - media: I2C: change 'RST' to "RSET" to fix multiple build errors - pata_rb532_cf: fix deferred probing - sata_highbank: fix deferred probing - crypto: ux500 - Fix error return code in hash_hw_final() - crypto: ixp4xx - update IV after requests - crypto: ixp4xx - dma_unmap the correct address - media: hantro: do a PM resume earlier - media: s5p_cec: decrement usage count if disabled - media: venus: Rework error fail recover logic - spi: Avoid undefined behaviour when counting unused native CSs - spi: Allow to have all native CSs in use along with GPIOs - writeback, cgroup: increment isw_nr_in_flight before grabbing an inode - ia64: mca_drv: fix incorrect array size calculation - kthread_worker: fix return value when kthread_mod_delayed_work() races with kthread_cancel_delayed_work_sync() - block: fix discard request merge - mailbox: qcom: Use PLATFORM_DEVID_AUTO to register platform device - cifs: fix missing spinlock around update to ses->status - HID: wacom: Correct base usage for capacitive ExpressKey status bits - ACPI: tables: Add custom DSDT file as makefile prerequisite - tpm_tis_spi: add missing SPI device ID entries - clocksource: Check per-CPU clock synchronization when marked unstable - clocksource: Retry clock read if long delays detected - ACPI: EC: trust DSDT GPE for certain HP laptop - cifs: improve fallocate emulation - PCI: hv: Add check for hyperv_initialized in init_hv_pci_drv() - EDAC/Intel: Do not load EDAC driver when running as a guest - nvmet-fc: do not check for invalid target port in nvmet_fc_handle_fcp_rqst() - nvme-pci: fix var. type for increasing cq_head - platform/x86: toshiba_acpi: Fix missing error code in toshiba_acpi_setup_keyboard() - platform/x86: asus-nb-wmi: Revert "add support for ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14 and G15" - platform/x86: asus-nb-wmi: Revert "Drop duplicate DMI quirk structures" - block: fix race between adding/removing rq qos and normal IO - ACPI: resources: Add checks for ACPI IRQ override - ACPI: bus: Call kobject_put() in acpi_init() error path - ACPICA: Fix memory leak caused by _CID repair function - fs: dlm: fix memory leak when fenced - drivers: hv: Fix missing error code in vmbus_connect() - open: don't silently ignore unknown O-flags in openat2() - random32: Fix implicit truncation warning in prandom_seed_state() - fs: dlm: cancel work sync othercon - blk-mq: clear stale request in tags->rq[] before freeing one request pool - blk-mq: grab rq->refcount before calling ->fn in blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter - ACPI: EC: Make more Asus laptops use ECDT _GPE - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Goodix GT912 panel of TM800A550L tablets - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add an extra entry for the upside down Goodix touchscreen on Teclast X89 tablets - Input: goodix - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi - Move upside down quirks to touchscreen_dmi.c - lib: vsprintf: Fix handling of number field widths in vsscanf - hv_utils: Fix passing zero to 'PTR_ERR' warning - ACPI: processor idle: Fix up C-state latency if not ordered - EDAC/ti: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - HID: do not use down_interruptible() when unbinding devices - ACPI: video: use native backlight for GA401/GA502/GA503 - media: Fix Media Controller API config checks - regulator: da9052: Ensure enough delay time for .set_voltage_time_sel - regulator: mt6358: Fix vdram2 .vsel_mask - KVM: s390: get rid of register asm usage - lockding/lockdep: Avoid to find wrong lock dep path in check_irq_usage() - locking/lockdep: Fix the dep path printing for backwards BFS - btrfs: disable build on platforms having page size 256K - btrfs: don't clear page extent mapped if we're not invalidating the full page - btrfs: sysfs: fix format string for some discard stats - btrfs: abort transaction if we fail to update the delayed inode - btrfs: fix error handling in __btrfs_update_delayed_inode - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix TLB management on SMT8 POWER9 and POWER10 processors - drivers/perf: fix the missed ida_simple_remove() in ddr_perf_probe() - hwmon: (max31790) Fix pwmX_enable attributes - hwmon: (max31790) Report correct current pwm duty cycles - media: imx-csi: Skip first few frames from a BT.656 source - media: siano: fix device register error path - media: dvb_net: avoid speculation from net slot - crypto: shash - avoid comparing pointers to exported functions under CFI - spi: meson-spicc: fix memory leak in meson_spicc_probe - spi: meson-spicc: fix a wrong goto jump for avoiding memory leak. - mmc: via-sdmmc: add a check against NULL pointer dereference - mmc: sdhci-sprd: use sdhci_sprd_writew - memstick: rtsx_usb_ms: fix UAF - media: dvd_usb: memory leak in cinergyt2_fe_attach - Makefile: fix GDB warning with CONFIG_RELR - media: st-hva: Fix potential NULL pointer dereferences - media: bt8xx: Fix a missing check bug in bt878_probe - media: v4l2-core: Avoid the dangling pointer in v4l2_fh_release - media: cedrus: Fix .buf_prepare - media: hantro: Fix .buf_prepare - media: em28xx: Fix possible memory leak of em28xx struct - media: bt878: do not schedule tasklet when it is not setup - media: i2c: ov2659: Use clk_{prepare_enable,disable_unprepare}() to set xvclk on/off - sched/fair: Fix ascii art by relpacing tabs - arm64: perf: Convert snprintf to sysfs_emit - crypto: qce: skcipher: Fix incorrect sg count for dma transfers - crypto: qat - remove unused macro in FW loader - crypto: qat - check return code of qat_hal_rd_rel_reg() - media: imx: imx7_mipi_csis: Fix logging of only error event counters - media: pvrusb2: fix warning in pvr2_i2c_core_done - media: hevc: Fix dependent slice segment flags - media: cobalt: fix race condition in setting HPD - media: cpia2: fix memory leak in cpia2_usb_probe - media: sti: fix obj-$(config) targets - crypto: nx - add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - hwrng: exynos - Fix runtime PM imbalance on error - sched/core: Initialize the idle task with preemption disabled - regulator: uniphier: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - spi: omap-100k: Fix the length judgment problem - spi: spi-topcliff-pch: Fix potential double free in pch_spi_process_messages() - spi: spi-loopback-test: Fix 'tx_buf' might be 'rx_buf' - media: exynos-gsc: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: exynos4-is: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: sti/bdisp: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: sunxi: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: s5p-jpeg: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: mtk-vcodec: fix PM runtime get logic - media: sh_vou: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: am437x: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: s5p: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: mdk-mdp: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - media: marvel-ccic: fix some issues when getting pm_runtime - staging: media: rkvdec: fix pm_runtime_get_sync() usage count - Add a reference to ucounts for each cred - spi: Make of_register_spi_device also set the fwnode - thermal/cpufreq_cooling: Update offline CPUs per-cpu thermal_pressure - fuse: reject internal errno - fuse: check connected before queueing on fpq->io - fuse: ignore PG_workingset after stealing - fuse: Fix infinite loop in sget_fc() - fuse: Fix crash if superblock of submount gets killed early - fuse: Fix crash in fuse_dentry_automount() error path - evm: Refuse EVM_ALLOW_METADATA_WRITES only if an HMAC key is loaded - loop: Fix missing discard support when using LOOP_CONFIGURE - powerpc/stacktrace: Fix spurious "stale" traces in raise_backtrace_ipi() - seq_buf: Make trace_seq_putmem_hex() support data longer than 8 - tracepoint: Add tracepoint_probe_register_may_exist() for BPF tracing - tracing/histograms: Fix parsing of "sym-offset" modifier - rsi: fix AP mode with WPA failure due to encrypted EAPOL - rsi: Assign beacon rate settings to the correct rate_info descriptor field - ssb: sdio: Don't overwrite const buffer if block_write fails - ath9k: Fix kernel NULL pointer dereference during ath_reset_internal() - serial_cs: remove wrong GLOBETROTTER.cis entry - serial_cs: Add Option International GSM-Ready 56K/ISDN modem - serial: sh-sci: Stop dmaengine transfer in sci_stop_tx() - serial: mvebu-uart: fix calculation of clock divisor - iio: accel: bma180: Fix BMA25x bandwidth register values - iio: ltr501: ltr501_read_ps(): add missing endianness conversion - iio: ltr501: ltr559: fix initialization of LTR501_ALS_CONTR - iio: ltr501: mark register holding upper 8 bits of ALS_DATA{0,1} and PS_DATA as volatile, too - iio: light: tcs3472: do not free unallocated IRQ - iio: frequency: adf4350: disable reg and clk on error in adf4350_probe() - rtc: stm32: Fix unbalanced clk_disable_unprepare() on probe error path - clk: agilex/stratix10: fix bypass representation - clk: agilex/stratix10: remove noc_clk - clk: agilex/stratix10/n5x: fix how the bypass_reg is handled - f2fs: Prevent swap file in LFS mode - s390: mm: Fix secure storage access exception handling - s390/cio: dont call css_wait_for_slow_path() inside a lock - KVM: x86/mmu: Use MMU's role to detect CR4.SMEP value in nested NPT walk - KVM: x86/mmu: Treat NX as used (not reserved) for all !TDP shadow MMUs - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Workaround high stack usage with clang - KVM: nVMX: Handle split-lock #AC exceptions that happen in L2 - mm/gup: fix try_grab_compound_head() race with split_huge_page() - bus: mhi: Wait for M2 state during system resume - mac80211: remove iwlwifi specific workaround that broke sta NDP tx - can: peak_pciefd: pucan_handle_status(): fix a potential starvation issue in TX path - can: j1939: j1939_sk_init(): set SOCK_RCU_FREE to call sk_destruct() after RCU is done - can: isotp: isotp_release(): omit unintended hrtimer restart on socket release - can: gw: synchronize rcu operations before removing gw job entry - can: bcm: delay release of struct bcm_op after synchronize_rcu() - ext4: use ext4_grp_locked_error in mb_find_extent - ext4: fix avefreec in find_group_orlov - ext4: remove check for zero nr_to_scan in ext4_es_scan() - ext4: correct the cache_nr in tracepoint ext4_es_shrink_exit - ext4: return error code when ext4_fill_flex_info() fails - ext4: fix overflow in ext4_iomap_alloc() - ext4: fix kernel infoleak via ext4_extent_header - btrfs: clear defrag status of a root if starting transaction fails - btrfs: compression: don't try to compress if we don't have enough pages - btrfs: send: fix invalid path for unlink operations after parent orphanization - ARM: dts: at91: sama5d4: fix pinctrl muxing - ARM: dts: ux500: Fix LED probing - crypto: ccp - Annotate SEV Firmware file names - crypto: nx - Fix memcpy() over-reading in nonce - Input: joydev - prevent use of not validated data in JSIOCSBTNMAP ioctl - iov_iter_fault_in_readable() should do nothing in xarray case - copy_page_to_iter(): fix ITER_DISCARD case - selftests/lkdtm: Avoid needing explicit sub-shell - ntfs: fix validity check for file name attribute - gfs2: Fix error handling in init_statfs - gfs2: Fix underflow in gfs2_page_mkwrite - xhci: solve a double free problem while doing s4 - usb: typec: Add the missed altmode_id_remove() in typec_register_altmode() - usb: dwc3: Fix debugfs creation flow - USB: cdc-acm: blacklist Heimann USB Appset device - usb: renesas-xhci: Fix handling of unknown ROM state - usb: gadget: eem: fix echo command packet response issue - net: can: ems_usb: fix use-after-free in ems_usb_disconnect() - Input: usbtouchscreen - fix control-request directions - media: dvb-usb: fix wrong definition - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP EliteBook 830 G8 Notebook PC - ALSA: hda/realtek: Apply LED fixup for HP Dragonfly G1, too - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix bass speaker DAC mapping for Asus UM431D - ALSA: hda/realtek: Improve fixup for HP Spectre x360 15-df0xxx - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP EliteBook x360 830 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add another ALC236 variant support - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP ProBook 630 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP ProBook 445 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP ProBook 450 G8 - ALSA: intel8x0: Fix breakage at ac97 clock measurement - ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Fix wrong resume call - ALSA: firewire-motu: fix stream format for MOTU 8pre FireWire - ALSA: usb-audio: Fix OOB access at proc output - ALSA: usb-audio: fix rate on Ozone Z90 USB headset - Bluetooth: Remove spurious error message - Bluetooth: btqca: Don't modify firmware contents in-place - Bluetooth: hci_qca: fix potential GPF - Revert "evm: Refuse EVM_ALLOW_METADATA_WRITES only if an HMAC key is loaded" - configfs: fix memleak in configfs_release_bin_file - init: only move down lockup_detector_init() when sdei_watchdog is enabled - arm64: fix AUDIT_ARCH_AARCH64ILP32 bug on audit subsystem - ext4: cleanup in-core orphan list if ext4_truncate() failed to get a transaction handle - ext4: fix WARN_ON_ONCE(!buffer_uptodate) after an error writing the superblock - tty/serial/imx: Enable TXEN bit in imx_poll_init(). - xen/events: reset active flag for lateeoi events later - Hexagon: change jumps to must-extend in futex_atomic_* - Hexagon: add target builtins to kernel - Hexagon: fix build errors - media: uvcvideo: Support devices that report an OT as an entity source - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Save and restore FSCR in the P9 path - ubifs: Remove ui_mutex in ubifs_xattr_get and change_xattr - ubifs: Fix races between xattr_{set|get} and listxattr operations - block: stop wait rcu once we can ensure no io while elevator init - writeback: don't warn on an unregistered BDI in __mark_inode_dirty - mm/page_isolation: do not isolate the max order page - mm/zswap: fix passing zero to 'PTR_ERR' warning - mm/page_alloc: speed up the iteration of max_order - mm: hugetlb: fix type of delta parameter and related local variables in gather_surplus_pages() - mm: vmalloc: prevent use after free in _vm_unmap_aliases - arm32: kaslr: Fix the bitmap error - net: make sure devices go through netdev_wait_all_refs - net: fib_notifier: don't return positive values on fib registration - netfilter: nftables: avoid potential overflows on 32bit arches - netfilter: Dissect flow after packet mangling - net: fix a concurrency bug in l2tp_tunnel_register() - ext4: fix possible UAF when remounting r/o a mmp-protected file system - SUNRPC: Should wake up the privileged task firstly. - SUNRPC: Fix the batch tasks count wraparound. - Revert "KVM: x86/mmu: Drop kvm_mmu_extended_role.cr4_la57 hack" - RDMA/mlx5: Block FDB rules when not in switchdev mode - gpio: AMD8111 and TQMX86 require HAS_IOPORT_MAP - drm/nouveau: fix dma_address check for CPU/GPU sync - gpio: mxc: Fix disabled interrupt wake-up support - scsi: sr: Return appropriate error code when disk is ejected - arm64: seccomp: fix compilation error with ILP32 support - scsi: sd: block: Fix regressions in read-only block device handling - integrity: Load mokx variables into the blacklist keyring - certs: Add ability to preload revocation certs - certs: Move load_system_certificate_list to a common function - certs: Add EFI_CERT_X509_GUID support for dbx entries - Revert "drm: add a locked version of drm_is_current_master" - netfs: fix test for whether we can skip read when writing beyond EOF - swiotlb: manipulate orig_addr when tlb_addr has offset - KVM: SVM: Call SEV Guest Decommission if ASID binding fails - mm, futex: fix shared futex pgoff on shmem huge page - mm/thp: another PVMW_SYNC fix in page_vma_mapped_walk() - mm/thp: fix page_vma_mapped_walk() if THP mapped by ptes - mm: page_vma_mapped_walk(): get vma_address_end() earlier - mm: page_vma_mapped_walk(): use goto instead of while (1) - mm: page_vma_mapped_walk(): add a level of indentation - mm: page_vma_mapped_walk(): crossing page table boundary - mm: page_vma_mapped_walk(): prettify PVMW_MIGRATION block - mm: page_vma_mapped_walk(): use pmde for *pvmw->pmd - mm: page_vma_mapped_walk(): settle PageHuge on entry - mm: page_vma_mapped_walk(): use page for pvmw->page - mm: thp: replace DEBUG_VM BUG with VM_WARN when unmap fails for split - mm/thp: unmap_mapping_page() to fix THP truncate_cleanup_page() - mm/thp: fix page_address_in_vma() on file THP tails - mm/thp: fix vma_address() if virtual address below file offset - mm/thp: try_to_unmap() use TTU_SYNC for safe splitting - mm/thp: make is_huge_zero_pmd() safe and quicker - mm/thp: fix __split_huge_pmd_locked() on shmem migration entry - mm, thp: use head page in __migration_entry_wait() - mm/rmap: use page_not_mapped in try_to_unmap() - mm/rmap: remove unneeded semicolon in page_not_mapped() - mm: add VM_WARN_ON_ONCE_PAGE() macro - x86/fpu: Make init_fpstate correct with optimized XSAVE - x86/fpu: Preserve supervisor states in sanitize_restored_user_xstate() - kthread: prevent deadlock when kthread_mod_delayed_work() races with kthread_cancel_delayed_work_sync() - kthread_worker: split code for canceling the delayed work timer - ceph: must hold snap_rwsem when filling inode for async create - i2c: robotfuzz-osif: fix control-request directions - KVM: do not allow mapping valid but non-reference-counted pages - s390/stack: fix possible register corruption with stack switch helper - nilfs2: fix memory leak in nilfs_sysfs_delete_device_group - gpiolib: cdev: zero padding during conversion to gpioline_info_changed - i2c: i801: Ensure that SMBHSTSTS_INUSE_STS is cleared when leaving i801_access - pinctrl: stm32: fix the reported number of GPIO lines per bank - perf/x86: Track pmu in per-CPU cpu_hw_events - net: ll_temac: Avoid ndo_start_xmit returning NETDEV_TX_BUSY - net: ll_temac: Add memory-barriers for TX BD access - PCI: Add AMD RS690 quirk to enable 64-bit DMA - recordmcount: Correct st_shndx handling - mac80211: handle various extensible elements correctly - mac80211: reset profile_periodicity/ema_ap - net: qed: Fix memcpy() overflow of qed_dcbx_params() - KVM: selftests: Fix kvm_check_cap() assertion - r8169: Avoid memcpy() over-reading of ETH_SS_STATS - sh_eth: Avoid memcpy() over-reading of ETH_SS_STATS - r8152: Avoid memcpy() over-reading of ETH_SS_STATS - net/packet: annotate accesses to po->ifindex - net/packet: annotate accesses to po->bind - net: caif: fix memory leak in ldisc_open - riscv32: Use medany C model for modules - net: phy: dp83867: perform soft reset and retain established link - net/packet: annotate data race in packet_sendmsg() - inet: annotate date races around sk->sk_txhash - net: annotate data race in sock_error() - ping: Check return value of function 'ping_queue_rcv_skb' - inet: annotate data race in inet_send_prepare() and inet_dgram_connect() - net: ethtool: clear heap allocations for ethtool function - mac80211: drop multicast fragments - net: ipv4: Remove unneed BUG() function - dmaengine: mediatek: use GFP_NOWAIT instead of GFP_ATOMIC in prep_dma - dmaengine: mediatek: do not issue a new desc if one is still current - dmaengine: mediatek: free the proper desc in desc_free handler - dmaengine: rcar-dmac: Fix PM reference leak in rcar_dmac_probe() - cfg80211: call cfg80211_leave_ocb when switching away from OCB - mac80211_hwsim: drop pending frames on stop - mac80211: remove warning in ieee80211_get_sband() - dmaengine: xilinx: dpdma: Limit descriptor IDs to 16 bits - dmaengine: xilinx: dpdma: Add missing dependencies to Kconfig - dmaengine: stm32-mdma: fix PM reference leak in stm32_mdma_alloc_chan_resourc() - dmaengine: zynqmp_dma: Fix PM reference leak in zynqmp_dma_alloc_chan_resourc() - perf/x86/intel/lbr: Zero the xstate buffer on allocation - perf/x86/lbr: Remove cpuc->lbr_xsave allocation from atomic context - locking/lockdep: Improve noinstr vs errors - x86/xen: Fix noinstr fail in exc_xen_unknown_trap() - x86/entry: Fix noinstr fail in __do_fast_syscall_32() - drm/vc4: hdmi: Make sure the controller is powered in detect - drm/vc4: hdmi: Move the HSM clock enable to runtime_pm - Revert "PCI: PM: Do not read power state in pci_enable_device_flags()" - spi: spi-nxp-fspi: move the register operation after the clock enable - arm64: Ignore any DMA offsets in the max_zone_phys() calculation - MIPS: generic: Update node names to avoid unit addresses - mmc: meson-gx: use memcpy_to/fromio for dram-access-quirk - ARM: 9081/1: fix gcc-10 thumb2-kernel regression - drm/amdgpu: wait for moving fence after pinning - drm/radeon: wait for moving fence after pinning - drm/nouveau: wait for moving fence after pinning v2 - drm: add a locked version of drm_is_current_master - Revert "drm/amdgpu/gfx10: enlarge CP_MEC_DOORBELL_RANGE_UPPER to cover full doorbell." - Revert "drm/amdgpu/gfx9: fix the doorbell missing when in CGPG issue." - module: limit enabling module.sig_enforce- scsi: core: Treat device offline as a failure - blk-wbt: make sure throttle is enabled properly - blk-wbt: introduce a new disable state to prevent false positive by rwb_enabled() - arm64: fpsimd: run kernel mode NEON with softirqs disabled - arm64: assembler: introduce wxN aliases for wN registers - arm64: assembler: remove conditional NEON yield macros - crypto: arm64/crc-t10dif - move NEON yield to C code - crypto: arm64/aes-ce-mac - simplify NEON yield - crypto: arm64/aes-neonbs - remove NEON yield calls - crypto: arm64/sha512-ce - simplify NEON yield - crypto: arm64/sha3-ce - simplify NEON yield - crypto: arm64/sha2-ce - simplify NEON yield - crypto: arm64/sha1-ce - simplify NEON yield - arm64: assembler: add cond_yield macro - mm: fix page reference leak in soft_offline_page() - block_dump: remove comments in docs - block_dump: remove block_dump feature - block_dump: remove block_dump feature in mark_inode_dirty() - crypto: sun8i-ce - fix error return code in sun8i_ce_prng_generate() - crypto: nx - add missing call to of_node_put() - net: hns3: fix a return value error in hclge_get_reset_status() - net: hns3: check vlan id before using it - net: hns3: check queue id range before using - net: hns3: fix misuse vf id and vport id in some logs - net: hns3: fix inconsistent vf id print - net: hns3: fix change RSS 'hfunc' ineffective issue - net: hns3: fix the timing issue of VF clearing interrupt sources - net: hns3: fix the exception when query imp info - net: hns3: disable mac in flr process - net: hns3: change affinity_mask to numa node range - net: hns3: pad the short tunnel frame before sending to hardware - net: hns3: make hclgevf_cmd_caps_bit_map0 and hclge_cmd_caps_bit_map0 static- imans: Use initial ima namespace domain tag when IMANS is disabled.- IOMMU: SMMUv2: Bypass SMMU in default for some SoCs - arm64: phytium: using MIDR_PHYTIUM_FT2000PLUS instead of ARM_CPU_IMP_PHYTIUM - arm64: Add MIDR encoding for PHYTIUM CPUs - arm64: Add MIDR encoding for HiSilicon Taishan CPUs - usb: xhci: Add workaround for phytium - arm64: topology: Support PHYTIUM CPU - hugetlb: pass head page to remove_hugetlb_page() - userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: fix new flag usage in error path - hugetlb: fix uninitialized subpool pointer - percpu: flush tlb in pcpu_reclaim_populated() - percpu: implement partial chunk depopulation - percpu: use pcpu_free_slot instead of pcpu_nr_slots - 1 - percpu: factor out pcpu_check_block_hint() - percpu: split __pcpu_balance_workfn() - percpu: fix a comment about the chunks ordering - slub: fix kmalloc_pagealloc_invalid_free unit test - slub: fix unreclaimable slab stat for bulk free - net: hns3: remove unnecessary spaces - net: hns3: add some required spaces - net: hns3: clean up a type mismatch warning - net: hns3: refine function hns3_set_default_feature() - net: hns3: uniform parameter name of hclge_ptp_clean_tx_hwts() - net: hnss3: use max() to simplify code - net: hns3: modify a print format of hns3_dbg_queue_map() - net: hns3: refine function hclge_dbg_dump_tm_pri() - net: hns3: reconstruct function hclge_ets_validate() - net: hns3: reconstruct function hns3_self_test - net: hns3: initialize each member of structure array on a separate line - net: hns3: add required space in comment - net: hns3: remove unnecessary "static" of local variables in function - net: hns3: don't config TM DWRR twice when set ETS - net: hns3: add new function hclge_get_speed_bit() - net: hns3: refactor function hclgevf_parse_capability() - net: hns3: refactor function hclge_parse_capability() - net: hns3: add trace event in hclge_gen_resp_to_vf() - net: hns3: uniform type of function parameter cmd - net: hns3: merge some repetitive macros - net: hns3: package new functions to simplify hclgevf_mbx_handler code - net: hns3: remove redundant param to simplify code - net: hns3: use memcpy to simplify code - net: hns3: remove redundant param mbx_event_pending - net: hns3: add hns3_state_init() to do state initialization - net: hns3: add macros for mac speeds of firmware command - sched: bugfix setscheduler unlock cpuset_rwsem - ima: fix db size overflow and Kconfig issues - mm: page_poison: print page info when corruption is caught - kasan: fix conflict with page poisoning - mm: fix page_owner initializing issue for arm32 - net: hns3: add ethtool support for CQE/EQE mode configuration - net: hns3: add support for EQE/CQE mode configuration - ethtool: extend coalesce setting uAPI with CQE mode - ethtool: add two coalesce attributes for CQE mode - ethtool: add ETHTOOL_COALESCE_ALL_PARAMS define - net: hns3: fix get wrong pfc_en when query PFC configuration - net: hns3: fix GRO configuration error after reset - net: hns3: change the method of getting cmd index in debugfs - net: hns3: fix duplicate node in VLAN list - net: hns3: fix speed unknown issue in bond 4 - net: hns3: add waiting time before cmdq memory is released - net: hns3: clear hardware resource when loading driver - net: hns3: make array spec_opcode static const, makes object smaller - digest list: disable digest lists in non-root ima namespaces - ima: Introduce ima-ns-sig template - ima: fix a potential crash owing to the compiler optimisation - ima: Set ML template per ima namespace - ima: Add dummy boot aggregate to per ima namespace measurement list - ima: Load per ima namespace x509 certificate - integrity: Add key domain tag to the search criteria - ima: Add key domain to the ima namespace - keys: Allow to set key domain tag separately from the key type - keys: Include key domain tag in the iterative search - keys: Add domain tag to the keyring search criteria - ima: Remap IDs of subject based rules if necessary - user namespace: Add function that checks if the UID map is defined - ima: Parse per ima namespace policy file - ima: Configure the new ima namespace from securityfs - ima: Change the owning user namespace of the ima namespace if necessary - ima: Add the violation counter to the namespace - ima: Extend permissions to the ima securityfs entries - ima: Add a reader counter to the integrity inode data - ima: Add per namespace view of the measurement list - ima: Add a new ima template that includes namespace ID - ima: Check ima namespace ID during digest entry lookup - ima: Keep track of the measurment list per ima namespace - ima: Add ima namespace id to the measurement list related structures - ima: Enable per ima namespace policy settings - ima: Add integrity inode related data to the ima namespace - ima: Extend the APIs in the integrity subsystem - ima: Add ima namespace to the ima subsystem APIs - ima: Add methods for parsing ima policy configuration string - ima: Add ima policy related data to the ima namespace - ima: Bind ima namespace to the file descriptor - ima: Add a list of the installed ima namespaces - ima: Introduce ima namespace - mm/page_alloc: further fix __alloc_pages_bulk() return value - mm/page_alloc: correct return value when failing at preparing - mm/page_alloc: avoid page allocator recursion with pagesets.lock held - mm: vmscan: shrink deferred objects proportional to priority - mm: memcontrol: reparent nr_deferred when memcg offline - mm: vmscan: don't need allocate shrinker->nr_deferred for memcg aware shrinkers - mm: vmscan: use per memcg nr_deferred of shrinker - mm: vmscan: add per memcg shrinker nr_deferred - mm: vmscan: use a new flag to indicate shrinker is registered - mm: vmscan: add shrinker_info_protected() helper - mm: memcontrol: rename shrinker_map to shrinker_info - mm: vmscan: use kvfree_rcu instead of call_rcu - mm: vmscan: remove memcg_shrinker_map_size - mm: vmscan: use shrinker_rwsem to protect shrinker_maps allocation - mm: vmscan: consolidate shrinker_maps handling code - mm: vmscan: use nid from shrink_control for tracepoint - scsi/hifc: Fix memory leakage bug - crypto: hisilicon/qm - set a qp error flag for userspace - vfio/hisilicon: add acc live migration driver - vfio/hisilicon: modify QM for live migration driver - vfio/pci: provide customized live migration VFIO driver framework - PCI: Set dma-can-stall for HiSilicon chips - PCI: Add a quirk to set pasid_no_tlp for HiSilicon chips - PCI: PASID can be enabled without TLP prefix - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the CTR mode BD configuration - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the max length of AAD for the CCM mode - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fixup icv checking enabled on Kunpeng 930 - crypto: hisilicon - check _PS0 and _PR0 method - crypto: hisilicon - change parameter passing of debugfs function - crypto: hisilicon - support runtime PM for accelerator device - crypto: hisilicon - add runtime PM ops - crypto: hisilicon - using 'debugfs_create_file' instead of 'debugfs_create_regset32' - crypto: hisilicon/sec - modify the hardware endian configuration - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the abnormal exiting process - crypto: hisilicon - enable hpre device clock gating - crypto: hisilicon - enable sec device clock gating - crypto: hisilicon - enable zip device clock gating - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the process of disabling sva prefetching- mm/page_alloc: correct return value of populated elements if bulk array is populated - mm: fix oom killing for disabled pid - X86/config: Enable CONFIG_USERSWAP - eulerfs: change default config file - eulerfs: add Kconfig and Makefile - eulerfs: add super_operations and module_init/exit - eulerfs: add inode_operations for symlink inode - eulerfs: add file_operations for dir inode - eulerfs: add inode_operations for dir inode and special inode - eulerfs: add file operations and inode operations for regular file - eulerfs: add dax operations - eulerfs: add inode related interfaces - eulerfs: add dependency operations - eulerfs: add nv dict operations - eulerfs: add filename interfaces - eulerfs: add interfaces for page wear - eulerfs: add interfaces for inode lock transfer - eulerfs: add flush interfaces - eulerfs: add memory allocation interfaces - eulerfs: add kmeme_cache definitions and interfaces - eulerfs: common definitions - vfio/pci: Fix wrong return value when get iommu attribute DOMAIN_ATTR_NESTING - net: hns3: remove always exist devlink pointer check - net: hns3: add support ethtool extended link state - net: hns3: add header file hns3_ethtoo.h - ethtool: add two link extended substates of bad signal integrity - docs: ethtool: Add two link extended substates of bad signal integrity - net: hns3: add support for triggering reset by ethtool- check-kabi: check-kabi support python3 and python2- srcu: Take early exit on memory-allocation failure - iommu: fix build error when CONFIG_IOMMU_API is off - USB: Fix some clerical mistakes- userswap: add a kernel parameter to enable userswap - userfaultfd: fix BUG_ON() in userfaultfd_release() - spi: hisi-kunpeng: Fix Woverflow warning on conversion - spi: Add HiSilicon SPI Controller Driver for Kunpeng SoCs - scsi: hisi_sas: Speed up error handling when internal abort timeout occurs - scsi: hisi_sas: Reset controller for internal abort timeout - scsi: hisi_sas: Include HZ in timer macros - scsi: hisi_sas: Run I_T nexus resets in parallel for clear nexus reset - scsi: hisi_sas: Put a limit of link reset retries - scsi: libsas: Introduce more SAM status code aliases in enum exec_status - scsi: hisi_sas: Propagate errors in interrupt_init_v1_hw() - scsi: hisi_sas: Print SATA device SAS address for soft reset failure - scsi: hisi_sas: Warn in v3 hw channel interrupt handler when status reg cleared - scsi: hisi_sas: Directly snapshot registers when executing a reset - scsi: hisi_sas: Call sas_unregister_ha() to roll back if .hw_init() fails - scsi: hisi_sas: Print SAS address for v3 hw erroneous completion print - scsi: hisi_sas: Delete some unused callbacks - scsi: hisi_sas: Add trace FIFO debugfs support - scsi: hisi_sas: Flush workqueue in hisi_sas_v3_remove() - scsi: hisi_sas: Enable debugfs support by default - scsi: hisi_sas: Don't check .nr_hw_queues in hisi_sas_task_prep() - scsi: hisi_sas: Remove deferred probe check in hisi_sas_v2_probe() - scsi: libsas: Remove temporarily-added _gfp() API variants - scsi: mvsas: Switch back to original libsas event notifiers - scsi: isci: Switch back to original libsas event notifiers - scsi: libsas: Switch back to original event notifiers API - scsi: pm80xx: Switch back to original libsas event notifiers - scsi: aic94xx: Switch back to original libsas event notifiers - scsi: hisi_sas: Switch back to original libsas event notifiers - scsi: libsas: Add gfp_t flags parameter to event notifications - scsi: hisi_sas: Pass gfp_t flags to libsas event notifiers - scsi: aic94xx: Pass gfp_t flags to libsas event notifiers - scsi: pm80xx: Pass gfp_t flags to libsas event notifiers - scsi: libsas: Pass gfp_t flags to event notifiers - scsi: hisi_sas: Remove auto_affine_msi_experimental module_param - scsi: hisi_sas: Expose HW queues for v2 hw - driver core: platform: Add devm_platform_get_irqs_affinity() - ACPI: Drop acpi_dev_irqresource_disabled() - resource: Add irqresource_disabled() - genirq/affinity: Add irq_update_affinity_desc() - mm: fix some spelling mistakes in comments - scsi: hisi_sas: Remove preemptible() - scsi: hisi_sas: Move debugfs code to v3 hw driver - scsi: hisi_sas: Reduce some indirection in v3 hw driver - scsi: hisi_sas_v3_hw: Remove extra function calls for runtime pm - scsi: hisi_sas_v3_hw: Don't use PCI helper functions - scsi: hisi_sas_v3_hw: Drop PCI Wakeup calls from .resume - ACPI: APEI: fix synchronous external aborts in user-mode - Revert "kretprobe: check re-registration of the same kretprobe earlier" - i2c: add support for HiSilicon I2C controller - i2c: core: add api to provide frequency mode strings - i2c: core: add managed function for adding i2c adapters - fs/buffer.c: add checking buffer head stat before clear - watchdog: sbsa: Support architecture version 1 - perf/smmuv3: Don't trample existing events with global filter - arm_pmu: move to use request_irq by IRQF_NO_AUTOEN flag - genirq: Add IRQF_NO_AUTOEN for request_irq/nmi() - drivers/perf: hisi: Fix data source control - perf/hisi: Use irq_set_affinity() - perf/arm-smmuv3: Use irq_set_affinity() - genirq: Export affinity setter for modules - drivers/perf: hisi: Add support for HiSilicon PA PMU driver - drivers/perf: hisi: Add support for HiSilicon SLLC PMU driver - drivers/perf: hisi: Update DDRC PMU for programmable counter - drivers/perf: hisi: Add new functions for HHA PMU - drivers/perf: hisi: Add new functions for L3C PMU - drivers/perf: hisi: Add PMU version for uncore PMU drivers. - drivers/perf: hisi: Refactor code for more uncore PMUs - drivers/perf: hisi: Remove unnecessary check of counter index - driver/perf: Remove ARM_SMMU_V3_PMU dependency on ARM_SMMU_V3 - drivers/perf: Add support for ARMv8.3-SPE - perf/smmuv3: Support sysfs identifier file - drivers/perf: hisi: Add identifier sysfs file - net: hns3: change the method of obtaining default ptp cycle - net: hns3: add devlink reload support for VF - net: hns3: add devlink reload support for PF - net: hns3: add support for devlink get info for VF - net: hns3: add support for devlink get info for PF - net: hns3: add support for registering devlink for VF - net: hns3: add support for registering devlink for PF - devlink: add documentation for hns3 driver - seq_file: disallow extremely large seq buffer allocations- config: enable kernel hotupgrade features by default - pid: add pid reserve method for checkpoint and recover - mm: add pin memory method for checkpoint add restore - arm64: Add memmap parameter and register pmem - arm64: smp: Add support for cpu park - arm64: Reserve memory for quick kexec - kexec: Add quick kexec support for kernel - openeuler_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_SMMU_BYPASS_DEV by default - iommu: Enable smmu-v3 when 3408iMR/3416iMRraid card exist - net: hns3: fix rx VLAN offload state inconsistent issue - net: hns3: disable port VLAN filter when support function level VLAN filter control - net: hns3: add match_id to check mailbox response from PF to VF - net: hns3: fix possible mismatches resp of mailbox - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support for less than one ECMDQ per core - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add arm_smmu_ecmdq_issue_cmdlist() for non-shared ECMDQ - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Ensure that a set of associated commands are inserted in the same ECMDQ - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support for ECMDQ register mode - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Extract reusable function __arm_smmu_cmdq_skip_err() - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add and use static helper function arm_smmu_get_cmdq() - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add and use static helper function arm_smmu_cmdq_issue_cmd_with_sync() - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Use command queue batching helpers to improve performance - sched: Add /debug/sched_preempt - preempt/dynamic: Support dynamic preempt with preempt= boot option - preempt/dynamic: Provide irqentry_exit_cond_resched() static call - preempt/dynamic: Provide preempt_schedule[_notrace]() static calls - preempt/dynamic: Provide cond_resched() and might_resched() static calls - preempt: Introduce CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC - static_call: Provide DEFINE_STATIC_CALL_RET0() - static_call/x86: Add __static_call_return0() - openeuler_defconfig: Enable Phytium FT-2500 support by default - irqchip/gic-phytium-2500: Add support for GIC of Phytium S2500 - sched/fair: Merge select_idle_core/cpu() - sched/fair: Remove select_idle_smt() - sched/fair: Move avg_scan_cost calculations under SIS_PROP - sched/fair: Remove SIS_AVG_CPU - net: hns3: add support for dumping MAC umv counter in debugfs - net: hns3: add support for FD counter in debugfs - net: hns3: Fix a memory leak in an error handling path in 'hclge_handle_error_info_log()' - net: hns3: fix different snprintf() limit - net: hns3: fix reuse conflict of the rx page - net: hns3: use bounce buffer when rx page can not be reused - net: hns3: optimize the rx page reuse handling process - net: hns3: support dma_map_sg() for multi frags skb - net: hns3: add support to query tx spare buffer size for pf - net: hns3: use tx bounce buffer for small packets - net: hns3: refactor for hns3_fill_desc() function - net: hns3: minor refactor related to desc_cb handling - net: hns3: fix a double shift bug - net: hns3: add debugfs support for ptp info - net: hns3: add support for PTP - net: hns3: use list_move_tail instead of list_del/list_add_tail in hclge_main.c - net: hns3: use list_move_tail instead of list_del/list_add_tail in hclgevf_main.c - net: hns3: add error handling compatibility during initialization - net: hns3: update error recovery module and type - net: hns3: add support for imp-handle ras capability - net: hns3: add the RAS compatibility adaptation solution - net: hns3: add support for handling all errors through MSI-X - net: hns3: remove now redundant logic related to HNAE3_UNKNOWN_RESET - net: hns3: add scheduling logic for error handling task - net: hns3: add a separate error handling task - net: hns3: add debugfs support for vlan configuration - net: hns3: add support for VF modify VLAN filter state - net: hns3: add query basic info support for VF - net: hns3: add support for modify VLAN filter state - net: hns3: refine function hclge_set_vf_vlan_cfg() - net: hns3: remove unnecessary updating port based VLAN - net: hns3: refine for hclge_push_vf_port_base_vlan_info() - net: hns3: add 'QoS' support for port based VLAN configuration - net: hns3: switch to dim algorithm for adaptive interrupt moderation - net: hns3: use HCLGE_VPORT_STATE_PROMISC_CHANGE to replace HCLGE_STATE_PROMISC_CHANGED - net: hns3: configure promisc mode for VF asynchronously - net: hns3: Fix return of uninitialized variable ret - net: hns3: remove the useless debugfs file node cmd - net: hns3: refactor dump serv info of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump mac tnl status of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump qs shaper of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump qos buf cfg of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump qos pri map of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump qos pause cfg of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump tc of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump tm of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump tm map of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump fd tcam of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor queue info of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor queue map of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump reg dcb info of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump reg of debugfs - net: hns3: fix user's coalesce configuration lost issue - net: hns3: refactor dump ncl config of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump m7 info of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump reset info of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump intr of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump loopback of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump mng tbl of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump mac list of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dump bd info of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor dev capability and dev spec of debugfs - net: hns3: refactor the debugfs process - net: hns3: refactor out RX completion checksum - net: hns3: support RXD advanced layout - net: hns3: clear unnecessary reset request in hclge_reset_rebuild - net: hns3: change the value of the SEPARATOR_VALUE macro in hclgevf_main.c - net: hns3: cleanup inappropriate spaces in struct hlcgevf_tqp_stats - net: hns3: remove a duplicate pf reset counting - net: hns3: VF not request link status when PF support push link status feature - net: hns3: PF add support for pushing link status to VFs - net: hns3: Fix potential null pointer defererence of null ae_dev - net: hns3: Trivial spell fix in hns3 driver - net: hns3: add suspend and resume pm_ops - net: hns3: change flr_prepare/flr_done function names - net: hns3: Remove un-necessary 'else-if' in the hclge_reset_event() - net: hns3: Remove the left over redundant check & assignment - net: hns3: add stats logging when skb padding fails - net: hns3: expand the tc config command - net: hns3: add tx send size handling for tso skb - net: hns3: optimize the process of queue reset - net: hns3: remove the rss_size limitation by vector num - net: hns3: fix use-after-free issue for hclge_add_fd_entry_common() - net: hns3: fix missing rule state assignment - net: hns3: no return statement in hclge_clear_arfs_rules - net: hns3: split out hclge_tm_vport_tc_info_update() - net: hns3: split function hclge_reset_rebuild() - net: hns3: fix some typos in hclge_main.c - net: hns3: fix prototype warning - net: hns3: remove unused parameter from hclge_dbg_dump_loopback() - net: hns3: remove unused parameter from hclge_set_vf_vlan_common() - net: hns3: remove redundant query in hclge_config_tm_hw_err_int() - net: hns3: remove redundant blank lines - net: hns3: remove unused code of vmdq - net: hns3: add support for user-def data of flow director - net: hns3: refine for hns3_del_all_fd_entries() - net: hns3: refactor flow director configuration - net: hns3: add support for traffic class tuple support for flow director by ethtool - net: hns3: refactor for function hclge_fd_convert_tuple - net: hns3: refactor out hclge_fd_get_tuple() - net: hns3: refactor out hclge_add_fd_entry() - net: hns3: add phy loopback support for imp-controlled PHYs - net: hns3: add ioctl support for imp-controlled PHYs - net: hns3: add get/set pause parameters support for imp-controlled PHYs - net: hns3: add support for imp-controlled PHYs - net: hns3: use pause capability queried from firmware - net: hns3: use FEC capability queried from firmware - net: hns3: refactor out hclge_rm_vport_all_mac_table() - net: hns3: refactor out hclgevf_set_rss_tuple() - net: hns3: refactor out hclge_set_rss_tuple() - net: hns3: split out hclgevf_cmd_send() - net: hns3: split out hclge_cmd_send() - net: hns3: split out hclge_dbg_dump_qos_buf_cfg() - net: hns3: refactor out hclgevf_get_rss_tuple() - net: hns3: refactor out hclge_get_rss_tuple() - net: hns3: refactor out hclge_set_vf_vlan_common() - net: hns3: use ipv6_addr_any() helper - net: hns3: clean up hns3_dbg_cmd_write() - net: hns3: refactor out hclgevf_cmd_convert_err_code() - net: hns3: refactor out hclge_cmd_convert_err_code() - net: hns3: fix return of random stack value - net: hns3: cleanup for endian issue for VF RSS - net: hns3: remove unused macro definition - net: hns3: remove an unused parameter in hclge_vf_rate_param_check() - net: hns3: remove redundant return value of hns3_uninit_all_ring() - net: hns3: change hclge_query_bd_num() param type - net: hns3: change hclge_parse_speed() param type - net: hns3: modify some unmacthed types print parameter - net: hns3: clean up unnecessary parentheses in macro definitions - net: hns3: remove the shaper param magic number - net: hns3: remove redundant client_setup_tc handle - net: hns3: clean up some incorrect variable types in hclge_dbg_dump_tm_map() - net: hns3: replace macro of max qset number with specification - net: hns3: debugfs add max tm rate specification print - net: hns3: add support for obtaining the maximum frame size - net: hns3: optimize the code when update the tc info - net: hns3: RSS indirection table use device specification - net: hns3: add api capability bits for firmware - net: hns3: remove redundant null check of an array - net: hns3: add debugfs support for tm nodes, priority and qset info - net: hns3: add interfaces to query information of tm priority/qset - x86/perf: Add uncore performance monitor support for Zhaoxin CPUs - iommu/vt-d:Add support for detecting ACPI device, in RMRR - USB:Fix kernel NULL pointer when unbind UHCI form vfio-pci - xhci: fix issue with resume from system Sx state - xhci: Adjust the UHCI Controllers bit value - ALSA: hda: Add support of Zhaoxin NB HDAC codec - ALSA: hda: Add support of Zhaoxin NB HDAC - ALSA: hda: Add Zhaoxin SB HDAC non snoop - xhci: Show Zhaoxin XHCI root hub speed correctly - xhci: fix issue of cross page boundary in TRB prefetch - xhci: Add Zhaoxin xHCI LPM U1/U2 feature support - ata: sata_zhaoxin: Add support for Zhaoxin Serial ATA - crypto: x86/crc32c-intel - Don't match some Zhaoxin CPUs - Add MCA supprot for X86_VENDOR_CENTAUR CPUs - Add support for extended topology detection - Get locgical processors numbers bits per package - ima: fix CONFIG_IMA_DIGEST_DB_MEGABYTES in openeuler_defconfig - usb: gadget: rndis: Fix info leak of rndis - crypto: hisilicon/qm - implement for querying hardware tasks status. - crypto: hisilicon/sec - Fix spelling mistake "fallbcak" -> "fallback" - crypto: hisilicon/zip - adds the max shaper type rate - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - adds the max shaper type rate - crypto: hisilicon/sec - adds the max shaper type rate - crypto: hisilicon/qm - supports to inquiry each function's QoS - crypto: hisilicon/qm - add pf ping single vf function - crypto: hisilicon/qm - merges the work initialization process into a single function - crypto: hisilicon/qm - add the "alg_qos" file node - crypto: hisilicon/qm - supports writing QoS int the host - uacce: add print information if not enable sva - crypto: hisilicon/sec - modify the SEC request structure - crypto: hisilicon/sec - add hardware integrity check value process - crypto: hisilicon/sec - add fallback tfm supporting for aeads - crypto: hisilicon/sec - add new algorithm mode for AEAD - crypto: hisilicon/qm - update reset flow - crypto: hisilicon/qm - add callback to support communication - crypto: hisilicon/qm - enable PF and VFs communication - crypto: hisilicon/qm - adjust reset interface - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - register ecdh NIST P384 - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add check before gx modulo p - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - fix ecdh self test issue - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fixup 3des minimum key size declaration - crypto: hisilicon/sec - add fallback tfm supporting for XTS mode - crypto: hisilicon/sec - add new skcipher mode for SEC - crypto: hisilicon/sec - driver adapt to new SQE - crypto: hisilicon/sec - add new type of SQE - crypto: hisilicon - switch to memdup_user_nul() - crypto: ecdh - add test suite for NIST P384 - crypto: ecdh - register NIST P384 tfm - crypto: ecdh - fix 'ecdh_init' - crypto: ecdh - fix ecdh-nist-p192's entry in testmgr - crypto: hisilicon/qm - support address prefetching - crypto: hisilicon/qm - add MSI detection steps on Kunpeng930 - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix the process of VF's list adding - crypto: hisilicon/qm - add dfx log if not use hardware crypto algs - crypto: hisilicon/qm - enable to close master ooo when NFE occurs - crypto: hisilicon/qm - adjust order of device error configuration - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify 'QM_RESETTING' clearing error - crypto: hisilicon/qm - initialize the device before doing tasks - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add 'default' for switch statement - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - delete rudundant macro definition - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - use 'GENMASK' to generate mask value - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - delete rudundant initialization - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - remove the macro of 'HPRE_DEV' - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - replace macro with inline function - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - init a structure member each line - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - the macro 'HPRE_ADDR' expands - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - fix unmapping invalid dma address - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - extend 'cra_driver_name' with curve name - crypto: ecdh - extend 'cra_driver_name' with curve name - crypto: testmgr - fix initialization of 'secret_size' - crypto: hisilicon - enable new error types for QM - crypto: hisilicon - add new error type for SEC - crypto: hisilicon - support new error types for ZIP - crypto: hisilicon - dynamic configuration 'err_info' - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - delete redundant log and return in advance - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add debug log - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - use the correct variable type - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - delete the rudundant space after return - crypto: hisilicon/sgl - fix the sg buf unmap - crypto: hisilicon/sgl - fix the soft sg map to hardware sg - crypto: hisilicon/sgl - add some dfx logs - crypto: hisilicon/sgl - delete unneeded variable initialization - crypto: hisilicon/sgl - add a comment for block size initialization - crypto: hisilicon/sec - use the correct print format - crypto: hisilicon/trng - add version to adapt new algorithm - crypto: hisilicon/qm - add stop queue by hardware - crypto: ecc - delete a useless function declaration - crypto: hisilicon/qm - delete redundant code - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fixup checking the 3DES weak key - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - fix a typo in hpre_crypto.c - crypto: hisilicon/sec - Fix a module parameter error - crypto: hisilicon/sec - Fixes AES algorithm mode parameter problem - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - Add processing of src_data in 'CURVE25519' - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - delete redundant '\n' - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - fix a typo and delete redundant blank line - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - fix PASID setting on kunpeng 920 - crypto: hisilicon/zip - support new 'sqe' type in Kunpeng930 - crypto: hisilicon/zip - initialize operations about 'sqe' in 'acomp_alg.init' - crypto: hisilicon/zip - add comments for 'hisi_zip_sqe' - crypto: hisilicon/zip - adjust functions location - uacce: delete unneeded variable initialization - crypto: hisilicon - use the correct HiSilicon copyright - crypto: hisilicon/qm - add queue isolation support for Kunpeng930 - crypto: hisilicon/qm - set the number of queues for function - crypto: hisilicon/qm - move 'CURRENT_QM' code to qm.c - crypto: hisilicon/qm - set the total number of queues - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - fix Kconfig - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - fix "hpre_ctx_init" resource leak - crypto: hisilicon - fix the check on dma address - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - optimise 'hpre_algs_register' error path - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - delete wrap of 'CONFIG_CRYPTO_DH' - crypto: ecc - Correct an error in the comments - crypto: hisilicon/sec - Supply missing description for 'sec_queue_empty()'s 'queue' param - crypto: ecdsa - Register NIST P384 and extend test suite - crypto: ecc - Add math to support fast NIST P384 - crypto: ecc - Add NIST P384 curve parameters - crypto: ecdsa - Add support for ECDSA signature verification - oid_registry: Add OIDs for ECDSA with SHA224/256/384/512 - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fixes some driver coding style - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fixes some coding style - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add 'CURVE25519' algorithm - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add 'ECDH' algorithm - crypto: ecc - add curve25519 params and expose them - crypto: ecc - expose ecc curves - crypto: ecdh - move curve_id of ECDH from the key to algorithm name - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add algorithm type - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add version adapt to new algorithms - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix printing format issue - crypto: hisilicon/qm - do not reset hardware when CE happens - crypto: hisilicon/qm - update irqflag - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix the value of 'QM_SQC_VFT_BASE_MASK_V2' - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix request missing error - crypto: hisilicon/qm - removing driver after reset - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - enable Elliptic curve cryptography - crypto: hisilicon - PASID fixed on Kunpeng 930 - crypto: hisilicon/qm - fix use of 'dma_map_single' - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - tiny fix - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - adapt the number of clusters - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add ecc algorithm inqury for uacce device - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - add two RAS correctable errors processing - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - delete ECC 1bit error reported threshold - crypto: hisilicon/sec - register SEC device to uacce - crypto: hisilicon/hpre - register HPRE device to uacce - crypto: hisilicon - add ZIP device using mode parameter - crypto: hisilicon/qm - SVA bugfixed on Kunpeng920 - crypto: hisilicon/trng - replace atomic_add_return() - crypto: hisilicon/trng - add support for PRNG - crypto: hisilicon/trng - add HiSilicon TRNG driver support - hwrng: hisi - remove HiSilicon TRNG driver - crypto: hisilicon/zip - add a work_queue for zip irq - crypto: sha - split sha.h into sha1.h and sha2.h - uacce: modify the module author information. - uacce: delete some redundant code. - crypto: hisilicon/sec2 - Fix aead authentication setting key error - crypto: hisilicon/qm - split 'hisi_qm_init' into smaller pieces - crypto: hisilicon/qm - split 'qm_eq_ctx_cfg' into smaller pieces - crypto: hisilicon/qm - split 'qm_qp_ctx_cfg' into smaller pieces - crypto: hisilicon/qm - replace 'sprintf' with 'scnprintf' - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify return type of 'qm_set_sqctype' - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the return type of debugfs interface - crypto: hisilicon/qm - modify the return type of function - crypto: hisilicon/qm - numbers are replaced by macros - crypto: hisilicon - fixes some coding style - crypto: hisilicon - delete unused structure member variables - crypto: hisilicon - Fix doc warnings in sgl.c and qm.c - RDMA/hns: Add window selection field of congestion control - RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect vlan enable bit in QPC - RDMA/hns: Add vendor_err info to error WC - RDMA/hns: Fix spelling mistakes of original - RDMA/hns: Simplify the judgment in hns_roce_v2_post_send() - RDMA/hns: Encapsulate flushing CQE as a function - RDMA/hns: Modify function return value type - RDMA/hns: Clean definitions of EQC structure - RDMA/hns: Delete unnecessary branch of hns_roce_v2_query_qp - RDMA/hns: Add member assignments for qp_init_attr - RDMA/hns: Fix some print issues - RDMA/hns: Fix uninitialized variable - RDMA/hns: Force rewrite inline flag of WQE - RDMA/hns: Use IDA interface to manage xrcd index - RDMA/hns: Use IDA interface to manage pd index - RDMA/hns: Use IDA interface to manage mtpt index - RDMA/hns: Remove unused RR mechanism - RDMA/hns: Remove the unused hns_roce_bitmap_free_range function - RDMA/hns: Remove the unused hns_roce_bitmap_alloc_range function - RDMA/hns: Clean SRQC structure definition - RDMA/hns: Use new interface to write DB related fields - RDMA/hns: Use new interface to write FRMR fields - RDMA/hns: Use new interface to get CQE fields - RDMA/hns: Use new interface to modify QP context - RDMA/hns: Use new interface to write CQ context. - RDMA/hns: Add hr_reg_write_bool() - RDMA/hns: Add a check to ensure integer mtu is positive - RDMA/hns: Do not use !! for values that are already bool when calling hr_reg_write() - RDMA/hns: Clear extended doorbell info before using - RDMA/hns: Support getting max QP number from firmware - RDMA/hns: Use refcount_t instead of atomic_t for QP reference counting - RDMA/hns: Use refcount_t instead of atomic_t for SRQ reference counting - RDMA/hns: Use refcount_t instead of atomic_t for CQ reference counting - RDMA/hns: Refactor capability configuration flow of VF - RDMA/hns: Clean the hardware related code for HEM - RDMA/hns: Use refcount_t APIs for HEM - RDMA/hns: Fix wrong timer context buffer page size - RDMA/hns: Refactor root BT allocation for MTR - RDMA/hns: Remove unused CMDQ member - RDMA/hns: Remove Receive Queue of CMDQ - RDMA/hns: Rename CMDQ head/tail pointer to PI/CI - RDMA/hns: Refactor extend link table allocation - RDMA/hns: Remove unused parameter udata - RDMA/hns: Remove the condition of light load for posting DWQE - RDMA/hns: Remove duplicated hem page size config code - RDMA/hns: Enable RoCE on virtual functions - RDMA/hns: Set parameters of all the functions belong to a PF - RDMA/hns: Reserve the resource for the VFs - RDMA/hns: Query the number of functions supported by the PF - RDMA/hns: Simplify function's resource related command - RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary flush operation for workqueue - RDMA/hns: Prevent le32 from being implicitly converted to u32 - RDMA/hns: Simplify the function config_eqc() - RDMA/hns: Add XRC subtype in QPC and XRC type in SRQC - RDMA/hns: Remove unsupported QP types - RDMA/hns: Delete unused members in the structure hns_roce_hw - RDMA/hns: Delete redundant abnormal interrupt status - RDMA/hns: Delete redundant condition judgment related to eq - RDMA/hns: Fix missing assignment of max_inline_data - RDMA/hns: Avoid enabling RQ inline on UD - RDMA/hns: Modify prints for mailbox and command queue - RDMA/hns: Support more return types of command queue - RDMA/hns: Enable all CMDQ context - RDMA/hns: Use GFP_ATOMIC under spin lock - RDMA/hns: Reorganize doorbell update interfaces for all queues - RDMA/hns: Support configuring doorbell mode of RQ and CQ - RDMA/hns: Simplify command fields for HEM base address configuration - RDMA/hns: Reorganize process of setting HEM - RDMA/hns: Refactor reset state checking flow - RDMA/hns: Reorganize hns_roce_create_cq() - RDMA/hns: Refactor hns_roce_v2_poll_one() - RDMA/hns: Support congestion control type selection according to the FW - RDMA/hns: Support query information of functions from FW - RDMA/hns: Fix a spelling mistake in hns_roce_hw_v1.c - RDMA/hns: Support to query firmware version - RDMA/hns: Fix memory corruption when allocating XRCDN - RDMA/hns: Fix bug during CMDQ initialization - RDMA/hns: Add support for XRC on HIP09 - RDMA/hns: Use new SQ doorbell register for HIP09 - RDMA/hns: Adjust definition of FRMR fields - RDMA/hns: Refactor process of posting CMDQ - RDMA/hns: Adjust fields and variables about CMDQ tail/head - RDMA/hns: Remove redundant operations on CMDQ - RDMA/hns: Remove unused member and variable of CMDQ - RDMA/hns: Delete redundant judgment when preparing descriptors - RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary wrap around for EQ's consumer index - RDMA/hns: Avoid unnecessary memset on WQEs in post_send - RDMA/hns: Remove some magic numbers - RDMA/hns: Move HIP06 related definitions into hns_roce_hw_v1.h - RDMA/hns: Replace wmb&__raw_writeq with writeq - RDMA/hns: Skip qp_flow_control_init() for HIP09 - RDMA/hns: Add mapped page count checking for MTR - RDMA/hns: Avoid filling sgid index when modifying QP to RTR - RDMA/hns: Add support of direct wqe - RDMA/hns: Add verification of QP type when post_recv - RDMA/hns: Refactor hns_roce_v2_post_srq_recv() - RDMA/hns: Clear remaining unused sges when post_recv - RDMA/hns: Refactor post recv flow - RDMA/hns: Use new interfaces to write SRQC - RDMA/hns: Refactor code about SRQ Context - RDMA/hns: Refactor hns_roce_create_srq() - RDMA/hns: Remove the reserved WQE of SRQ - RDMA/hns: Force srq_limit to 0 when creating SRQ - RDMA/hns: Bugfix for checking whether the srq is full when post wr - RDMA/hns: Allocate one more recv SGE for HIP08 - RDMA/hns: Use new interface to set MPT related fields - RDMA/hns: Optimize the MR registration process - RDMA/hns: Refactor the MTR creation flow - RDMA/hw/hns/hns_roce_mr: Add missing description for 'hr_dev' param - RDMA/hw/hns/hns_roce_hw_v1: Fix doc-rot issue relating to 'rereset' - RDMA/hns: Use mutex instead of spinlock for ida allocation - RDMA/hns: Create CQ with selected CQN for bank load balance - RDMA/hns: remove h from printk format specifier - RDMA/hns: Simplify AEQE process for different types of queue - RDMA/hns: Fix inaccurate prints - RDMA/hns: Fix incorrect symbol types - RDMA/hns: Clear redundant variable initialization - RDMA/hns: Fix coding style issues - RDMA/hns: Remove unnecessary access right set during INIT2INIT - RDMA/hns: WARN_ON if get a reserved sl from users - RDMA/hns: Move capability flags of QP and CQ to hns-abi.h - RDMA/hns: Refactor process of setting extended sge - RDMA/hns: Add support for QP stash - RDMA/hns: Add support for CQ stash - RDMA/hns: Create QP with selected QPN for bank load balance - RDMA/hns: Add UD support for HIP09 - RDMA/hns: Simplify process of filling UD SQ WQE - RDMA/hns: Remove the portn field in UD SQ WQE - RDMA/hns: Refactor the hns_roce_buf allocation flow - RDMA/hns: Add new PCI device ID matching for HIP09 - RDMA/hns: Support owner mode doorbell - RDMA/hns: Fix double free of the pointer to TSQ/TPQ - RDMA/hns: Add support for filling GMV table - RDMA/hns: Add support for configuring GMV table - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Remove the redundant shift operation of 'size' - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Standardize granule size when support RIL - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Align invalid range with leaf page size upwards when support RIL - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Change the TLBI CMD in arm_smmu_cache_invalidate() - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Remove the limitation on the page table format of sync/clear_dirty_log() - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Make data access permissions of stage1/2 compatible - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Using HTTU with SMMU STE and stage 2 TTD - vfio/pci: Inject page response upon response region fill - vfio/pci: Register a DMA fault response region - vfio: Document nested stage control - vfio/pci: Register and allow DMA FAULT IRQ signaling - vfio: Add new IRQ for DMA fault reporting - vfio/pci: Add framework for custom interrupt indices - vfio: Use capability chains to handle device specific irq - vfio/pci: Allow to mmap the fault queue - vfio/pci: Register an iommu fault handler - vfio/pci: Add VFIO_REGION_TYPE_NESTED region type - vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_SET_MSI_BINDING - vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_CACHE_INVALIDATE - vfio: VFIO_IOMMU_SET_PASID_TABLE - iommu/smmuv3: report additional recoverable faults - iommu/smmuv3: Implement bind/unbind_guest_msi - iommu/smmuv3: Enforce incompatibility between nested mode and HW MSI regions - iommu/smmuv3: Nested mode single MSI doorbell per domain enforcement - dma-iommu: Implement NESTED_MSI cookie - iommu/smmuv3: Implement cache_invalidate - iommu/smmuv3: Allow stage 1 invalidation with unmanaged ASIDs - iommu/smmuv3: Implement attach/detach_pasid_table - iommu/smmuv3: Get prepared for nested stage support - iommu/smmuv3: Allow s1 and s2 configs to coexist - iommu: Introduce bind/unbind_guest_msi - iommu: Introduce attach/detach_pasid_table API - config: Enable CONFIG_USERSWAP - userswap: support userswap via userfaultfd - userswap: add a new flag 'MAP_REPLACE' for mmap() - ima: don't allow control characters in policy path - ima: Add max size for IMA digest database - net: hns3: replace skb->csum_not_inet with skb_csum_is_sctp - net: ixgbevf: use skb_csum_is_sctp instead of protocol check - net: ixgbe: use skb_csum_is_sctp instead of protocol check - net: igc: use skb_csum_is_sctp instead of protocol check - net: igbvf: use skb_csum_is_sctp instead of protocol check - net: igb: use skb_csum_is_sctp instead of protocol check - net: add inline function skb_csum_is_sctp - net: hns3: fix expression that is currently always true - net: hns3: adjust rss tc mode configure command - net: hns3: adjust rss indirection table configure command - net: hns3: add support for max 512 rss size - net: hns3: add support for hw tc offload of tc flower - net: hns3: add support for forwarding packet to queues of specified TC when flow director rule hit - net: hns3: add support for tc mqprio offload - net: hns3: refine the struct hane3_tc_info - hisilicon/hns3: convert comma to semicolon - net: use the new dev_page_is_reusable() instead of private versions - net: introduce common dev_page_is_reusable() - skbuff: constify skb_propagate_pfmemalloc() "page" argument - mm: constify page_is_pfmemalloc() argument - net: hns3: refine the VLAN tag handle for port based VLAN - net: hns3: add priv flags support to switch limit promisc mode - net: hns3: add support for extended promiscuous command - KVM: arm64: GICv4.1: Give a chance to save VLPI state - KVM: arm64: GICv4.1: Restore VLPI pending state to physical side - KVM: arm64: GICv4.1: Try to save VLPI state in save_pending_tables - KVM: arm64: GICv4.1: Add function to get VLPI state - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Drop the setting of PTZ altogether - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add a cache invalidation right after vPE unmapping - net: hns3: keep MAC pause mode when multiple TCs are enabled - net: hns3: add a check for devcie's verion in hns3_tunnel_csum_bug() - net: hns3: add more info to hns3_dbg_bd_info() - net: hns3: add udp tunnel checksum segmentation support - net: hns3: remove unsupported NETIF_F_GSO_UDP_TUNNEL_CSUM - net: hns3: add support for TX hardware checksum offload - net: hns3: add support for RX completion checksum - vfio/iommu_type1: Add support for manual dirty log clear - vfio/iommu_type1: Optimize dirty bitmap population based on iommu HWDBM - vfio/iommu_type1: Add HWDBM status maintenance - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Realize support_dirty_log iommu ops - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Realize clear_dirty_log iommu ops - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Realize sync_dirty_log iommu ops - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Realize switch_dirty_log iommu ops - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add feature detection for BBML - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Enable HTTU for stage1 with io-pgtable mapping - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Add and realize clear_dirty_log ops - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Add and realize sync_dirty_log ops - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Add and realize merge_page ops - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Add and realize split_block ops - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Add quirk ARM_HD and ARM_BBMLx - iommu: Introduce dirty log tracking framework - vfio/iommu_type1: Mantain a counter for non_pinned_groups - fs/filescontrol.c: fix warning:large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type - irqchip/gic-v4.1: Reduce the delay when polling GICR_VPENDBASER.Dirty - KVM: arm64: Delay the polling of the GICR_VPENDBASER.Dirty bit - KVM: arm64: Make use of TWED feature - arm64: cpufeature: TWED support detection - move ETMEM feature CONFIG to mm/Kconfig and add architecture dependency - x86/config: Set CONFIG_TXGBE=m by default - net: txgbe: Add support for Netswift 10G NIC - net: hns3: fix spelling mistake "memroy" -> "memory" - net: hns3: adds debugfs to dump more info of shaping parameters - net: hns3: add support to utilize the firmware calculated shaping parameters - net: hns3: add support for pf querying new interrupt resources - net: hns3: add support for mapping device memory - net: hns3: add support for 1280 queues - net: hns3: rename gl_adapt_enable in struct hns3_enet_coalesce - net: hns3: add support for 1us unit GL configuration - net: hns3: add support for querying maximum value of GL - net: hns3: add support for configuring interrupt quantity limiting - net: hns3: Remove duplicated include - locking/qspinlock: Disable CNA by default - locking/qspinlock: Add CNA support for ARM64 - KVM: arm64: Rename 'struct pv_sched_ops' - locking/qspinlock: Introduce the shuffle reduction optimization into CNA - locking/qspinlock: Avoid moving certain threads between waiting queues in CNA - locking/qspinlock: Introduce starvation avoidance into CNA - locking/qspinlock: Introduce CNA into the slow path of qspinlock - locking/qspinlock: Refactor the qspinlock slow path - locking/qspinlock: Rename mcs lock/unlock macros and make them more generic - mm/page_alloc: do bulk array bounds check after checking populated elements - mm/page_alloc: __alloc_pages_bulk(): do bounds check before accessing array - net: page_pool: use alloc_pages_bulk in refill code path - net: page_pool: refactor dma_map into own function page_pool_dma_map - SUNRPC: refresh rq_pages using a bulk page allocator - SUNRPC: set rq_page_end differently - mm/page_alloc: inline __rmqueue_pcplist - mm/page_alloc: optimize code layout for __alloc_pages_bulk - mm/page_alloc: add an array-based interface to the bulk page allocator - mm/page_alloc: add a bulk page allocator - mm/page_alloc: rename alloced to allocated - mm/mempolicy: fix mpol_misplaced kernel-doc - mm/mempolicy: rewrite alloc_pages_vma documentation - mm/mempolicy: rewrite alloc_pages documentation - mm/mempolicy: rename alloc_pages_current to alloc_pages - mm/page_alloc: combine __alloc_pages and __alloc_pages_nodemask - mm/page_alloc: rename gfp_mask to gfp - mm/page_alloc: rename alloc_mask to alloc_gfp - mm/filemap: fix infinite loop in generic_file_buffered_read() - mm/filemap.c: generic_file_buffered_read() now uses find_get_pages_contig - mm/filemap/c: break generic_file_buffered_read up into multiple functions - powerpc/mm: enable HAVE_MOVE_PMD support - powerpc/book3s64/mm: update flush_tlb_range to flush page walk cache - mm/mremap: allow arch runtime override - powerpc/64s/radix: refactor TLB flush type selection - mm/mremap: hold the rmap lock in write mode when moving page table entries. - mm/mremap: use pmd/pud_poplulate to update page table entries - mm/mremap: don't enable optimized PUD move if page table levels is 2 - mm/mremap: convert huge PUD move to separate helper - selftest/mremap_test: avoid crash with static build - selftest/mremap_test: update the test to handle pagesize other than 4K - mm: rename p4d_page_vaddr to p4d_pgtable and make it return pud_t * - mm: rename pud_page_vaddr to pud_pgtable and make it return pmd_t * - mm/mremap.c: fix extent calculation - arm64: mremap speedup - enable HAVE_MOVE_PUD - x86: mremap speedup - Enable HAVE_MOVE_PUD - mm: speedup mremap on 1GB or larger regions - kselftests: vm: add mremap tests - sched: Limit the amount of NUMA imbalance that can exist at fork time - sched/numa: Allow a floating imbalance between NUMA nodes - sched: Avoid unnecessary calculation of load imbalance at clone time - sched/numa: Rename nr_running and break out the magic number - mm/vmstat.c: erase latency in vmstat_shepherd - mm, slub: splice cpu and page freelists in deactivate_slab() - mm: memcontrol: optimize per-lruvec stats counter memory usage - vsprintf: dump full information of page flags in pGp - mm, slub: don't combine pr_err with INFO - mm, slub: use pGp to print page flags - RDMA/umem: batch page unpin in __ib_umem_release() - mm/gup: add a range variant of unpin_user_pages_dirty_lock() - mm/gup: decrement head page once for group of subpages - mm/gup: add compound page list iterator - mm, slab, slub: stop taking cpu hotplug lock - mm, slab, slub: stop taking memory hotplug lock - mm, slub: stop freeing kmem_cache_node structures on node offline - sched: Unthrottle qos cfs rq when free a task group - sched: Fix offline task can't be killed in a timely - sched: Unthrottle the throttled cfs rq when offline rq - sched: Enable qos scheduler config - sched: Throttle qos cfs_rq when current cpu is running online task - sched: Introduce qos scheduler for co-location - smp: Inline on_each_cpu_cond() and on_each_cpu() - x86/mm/tlb: Remove unnecessary uses of the inline keyword - cpumask: Mark functions as pure - x86/mm/tlb: Do not make is_lazy dirty for no reason - x86/mm/tlb: Privatize cpu_tlbstate - x86/mm/tlb: Flush remote and local TLBs concurrently - x86/mm/tlb: Open-code on_each_cpu_cond_mask() for tlb_is_not_lazy() - x86/mm/tlb: Unify flush_tlb_func_local() and flush_tlb_func_remote() - smp: Run functions concurrently in smp_call_function_many_cond() - smp: Cleanup smp_call_function*() - mm: migrate: fix missing update page_private to hugetlb_page_subpool - arm64: mm: hugetlb: add support for free vmemmap pages of HugeTLB - mm: hugetlb: introduce CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE_FREE_VMEMMAP_DEFAULT_ON - mm: sparsemem: use huge PMD mapping for vmemmap pages - mm: sparsemem: split the huge PMD mapping of vmemmap pages - mm: hugetlb: introduce nr_free_vmemmap_pages in the struct hstate - mm: hugetlb: add a kernel parameter hugetlb_free_vmemmap - mm: hugetlb: alloc the vmemmap pages associated with each HugeTLB page - mm: hugetlb: defer freeing of HugeTLB pages - mm: hugetlb: free the vmemmap pages associated with each HugeTLB page - mm: hugetlb: gather discrete indexes of tail page - mm: hugetlb: introduce a new config HUGETLB_PAGE_FREE_VMEMMAP - mm: memory_hotplug: factor out bootmem core functions to bootmem_info.c - hugetlb: add lockdep_assert_held() calls for hugetlb_lock - hugetlb: make free_huge_page irq safe - hugetlb: change free_pool_huge_page to remove_pool_huge_page - hugetlb: call update_and_free_page without hugetlb_lock - hugetlb: create remove_hugetlb_page() to separate functionality - hugetlb: add per-hstate mutex to synchronize user adjustments - hugetlb: no need to drop hugetlb_lock to call cma_release - mm/cma: change cma mutex to irq safe spinlock - hugetlb: convert PageHugeFreed to HPageFreed flag - hugetlb: convert PageHugeTemporary() to HPageTemporary flag - hugetlb: convert page_huge_active() HPageMigratable flag - hugetlb: use page.private for hugetlb specific page flags - powerpc: Fix reverse map real-mode address lookup with huge vmalloc - mm/vmalloc: unbreak kasan vmalloc support - KVM: s390: prepare for hugepage vmalloc - mm/vmalloc: add vmalloc_no_huge - mm/ioremap: fix iomap_max_page_shift - mm/vmalloc: improve allocation failure error messages - mm/vmalloc: use free_vm_area() if an allocation fails - powerpc/64s/radix: Enable huge vmalloc mappings - mm/vmalloc: hugepage vmalloc mappings - mm/vmalloc: add vmap_range_noflush variant - mm: move vmap_range from mm/ioremap.c to mm/vmalloc.c - mm/vmalloc: provide fallback arch huge vmap support functions - x86: inline huge vmap supported functions - arm64: inline huge vmap supported functions - powerpc: inline huge vmap supported functions - mm: HUGE_VMAP arch support cleanup - mm/ioremap: rename ioremap_*_range to vmap_*_range - mm/vmalloc: rename vmap_*_range vmap_pages_*_range - mm: apply_to_pte_range warn and fail if a large pte is encountered - mm/vmalloc: fix HUGE_VMAP regression by enabling huge pages in vmalloc_to_page - ARM: mm: add missing pud_page define to 2-level page tables - mm/vmalloc.c:__vmalloc_area_node(): avoid 32-bit overflow - mm/lru: revise the comments of lru_lock - mm/lru: introduce relock_page_lruvec() - mm/lru: replace pgdat lru_lock with lruvec lock - mm/swap.c: serialize memcg changes in pagevec_lru_move_fn - mm/compaction: do page isolation first in compaction - mm/lru: introduce TestClearPageLRU() - mm/mlock: remove __munlock_isolate_lru_page() - mm/mlock: remove lru_lock on TestClearPageMlocked - mm/vmscan: remove lruvec reget in move_pages_to_lru - mm/lru: move lock into lru_note_cost - mm/swap.c: fold vm event PGROTATED into pagevec_move_tail_fn - mm/memcg: add debug checking in lock_page_memcg - mm: page_idle_get_page() does not need lru_lock - mm/rmap: stop store reordering issue on page->mapping - mm/vmscan: remove unnecessary lruvec adding - mm/thp: narrow lru locking - mm/thp: simplify lru_add_page_tail() - mm/thp: use head for head page in lru_add_page_tail() - mm/thp: move lru_add_page_tail() to huge_memory.c - mm/swap: remove unused local variable nr_shadows - mm: remove nrexceptional from inode: remove BUG_ON - mm: remove nrexceptional from inode - dax: account DAX entries as nrpages - mm: stop accounting shadow entries - mm: introduce and use mapping_empty() - mm/filemap: fix find_lock_entries hang on 32-bit THP - mm/filemap: fix mapping_seek_hole_data on THP & 32-bit - mm/highmem.c: fix zero_user_segments() with start > end - mm: remove pagevec_lookup_entries - mm: pass pvec directly to find_get_entries - mm: remove nr_entries parameter from pagevec_lookup_entries - mm: add an 'end' parameter to pagevec_lookup_entries - mm: add an 'end' parameter to find_get_entries - mm: add and use find_lock_entries - iomap: use mapping_seek_hole_data - mm/filemap: add mapping_seek_hole_data - mm/filemap: add helper for finding pages - mm/filemap: rename find_get_entry to mapping_get_entry - mm: add FGP_ENTRY - mm/swap: optimise get_shadow_from_swap_cache - mm/shmem: use pagevec_lookup in shmem_unlock_mapping - mm: make pagecache tagged lookups return only head pages - mm: support THPs in zero_user_segments - mm: vmstat: add cma statistics - memcg: enable memcg oom-kill for __GFP_NOFAIL - mm/page_alloc: count CMA pages per zone and print them in /proc/zoneinfo - mm/page_owner: record the timestamp of all pages during free - mm/page_owner: record timestamp and pid - mm/vmalloc: rework the drain logic - arm64: clear_page: Add new implementation of clear_page() by STNP - memcg: update the child's qos_level synchronously in memcg_qos_write() - memcg: Add static key for memcg priority - memcg: enable CONFIG_MEMCG_QOS by default - memcg: support priority for oom- add buildrequire: openssl for kernel build - add buildrequire: perl-devel for perf binary- arm64: errata: enable HISILICON_ERRATUM_HIP08_RU_PREFETCH - arm64: errata: add option to disable cache readunique prefetch on HIP08 - config: disable config ARM64_BOOTPARAM_HOTPLUG_CPU0 by default - arm64: Add config switch and kernel parameter for CPU0 hotplug - iommu/vt-d: Check for allocation failure in aux_detach_device() - iommu/vt-d: Fix ineffective devTLB invalidation for subdevices - iommu/vt-d: Fix general protection fault in aux_detach_device() - NFSv4: Refactor to use user namespaces for nfs4idmap - NFS: NFSv2/NFSv3: Use cred from fs_context during mount - seccomp: Remove bogus __user annotations - seccomp/cache: Report cache data through /proc/pid/seccomp_cache - xtensa: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - sh: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - s390: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - riscv: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - powerpc: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - parisc: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - csky: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - arm: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - arm64: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - selftests/seccomp: Compare bitmap vs filter overhead - x86: Enable seccomp architecture tracking - seccomp/cache: Add "emulator" to check if filter is constant allow - seccomp/cache: Lookup syscall allowlist bitmap for fast path - usb: dwc3: core: fix kernel panic when do reboot - usb: dwc3: debugfs: Add and remove endpoint dirs dynamically - perf beauty: Update copy of linux/socket.h with the kernel sources - tools headers UAPI: Sync linux/in.h copy with the kernel sources - net: fec_ptp: add clock rate zero check - net: stmmac: disable clocks in stmmac_remove_config_dt() - mm/slub.c: include swab.h - mm/slub: actually fix freelist pointer vs redzoning - mm/slub: fix redzoning for small allocations - mm/slub: clarify verification reporting - mm/swap: fix pte_same_as_swp() not removing uffd-wp bit when compare - net: bridge: fix vlan tunnel dst refcnt when egressing - net: bridge: fix vlan tunnel dst null pointer dereference - net: ll_temac: Fix TX BD buffer overwrite - net: ll_temac: Make sure to free skb when it is completely used - drm/amdgpu/gfx9: fix the doorbell missing when in CGPG issue. - drm/amdgpu/gfx10: enlarge CP_MEC_DOORBELL_RANGE_UPPER to cover full doorbell. - cfg80211: avoid double free of PMSR request - cfg80211: make certificate generation more robust - mac80211: Fix NULL ptr deref for injected rate info - dmaengine: pl330: fix wrong usage of spinlock flags in dma_cyclc - crash_core, vmcoreinfo: append 'SECTION_SIZE_BITS' to vmcoreinfo - x86/fpu: Reset state for all signal restore failures - x86/fpu: Invalidate FPU state after a failed XRSTOR from a user buffer - x86/fpu: Prevent state corruption in __fpu__restore_sig() - x86/pkru: Write hardware init value to PKRU when xstate is init - x86/ioremap: Map EFI-reserved memory as encrypted for SEV - x86/process: Check PF_KTHREAD and not current->mm for kernel threads - x86/mm: Avoid truncating memblocks for SGX memory - ARCv2: save ABI registers across signal handling - s390/ap: Fix hanging ioctl caused by wrong msg counter - s390/mcck: fix calculation of SIE critical section size - KVM: X86: Fix x86_emulator slab cache leak - KVM: x86/mmu: Calculate and check "full" mmu_role for nested MMU - KVM: x86: Immediately reset the MMU context when the SMM flag is cleared - PCI: Work around Huawei Intelligent NIC VF FLR erratum - PCI: Add ACS quirk for Broadcom BCM57414 NIC - PCI: aardvark: Fix kernel panic during PIO transfer - PCI: Mark some NVIDIA GPUs to avoid bus reset - PCI: Mark TI C667X to avoid bus reset - tracing: Do no increment trace_clock_global() by one - tracing: Do not stop recording comms if the trace file is being read - tracing: Do not stop recording cmdlines when tracing is off - usb: chipidea: imx: Fix Battery Charger 1.2 CDP detection - usb: core: hub: Disable autosuspend for Cypress CY7C65632 - can: mcba_usb: fix memory leak in mcba_usb - can: j1939: fix Use-after-Free, hold skb ref while in use - can: bcm/raw/isotp: use per module netdevice notifier - can: bcm: fix infoleak in struct bcm_msg_head - bpf: Do not mark insn as seen under speculative path verification - bpf: Inherit expanded/patched seen count from old aux data - irqchip/gic-v3: Workaround inconsistent PMR setting on NMI entry - mm: relocate 'write_protect_seq' in struct mm_struct - hwmon: (scpi-hwmon) shows the negative temperature properly - radeon: use memcpy_to/fromio for UVD fw upload - ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: Fix pop noise during audio capture begin - drm/sun4i: dw-hdmi: Make HDMI PHY into a platform device - pinctrl: ralink: rt2880: avoid to error in calls is pin is already enabled - ASoC: rt5682: Fix the fast discharge for headset unplugging in soundwire mode - regulator: rt4801: Fix NULL pointer dereference if priv->enable_gpios is NULL - spi: stm32-qspi: Always wait BUSY bit to be cleared in stm32_qspi_wait_cmd() - ASoC: tas2562: Fix TDM_CFG0_SAMPRATE values - sched/pelt: Ensure that *_sum is always synced with *_avg - spi: spi-zynq-qspi: Fix some wrong goto jumps & missing error code - regulator: rtmv20: Fix to make regcache value first reading back from HW - ASoC: fsl-asoc-card: Set .owner attribute when registering card. - phy: phy-mtk-tphy: Fix some resource leaks in mtk_phy_init() - ASoC: rt5659: Fix the lost powers for the HDA header - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add X1 Carbon Gen 9 second fan support - regulator: bd70528: Fix off-by-one for buck123 .n_voltages setting - regulator: cros-ec: Fix error code in dev_err message - net: ethernet: fix potential use-after-free in ec_bhf_remove - icmp: don't send out ICMP messages with a source address of - bnxt_en: Call bnxt_ethtool_free() in bnxt_init_one() error path - bnxt_en: Fix TQM fastpath ring backing store computation - bnxt_en: Rediscover PHY capabilities after firmware reset - cxgb4: fix wrong shift. - net: cdc_eem: fix tx fixup skb leak - net: hamradio: fix memory leak in mkiss_close - be2net: Fix an error handling path in 'be_probe()' - net/mlx5: Reset mkey index on creation - net/mlx5: E-Switch, Allow setting GUID for host PF vport - net/mlx5: E-Switch, Read PF mac address - net/af_unix: fix a data-race in unix_dgram_sendmsg / unix_release_sock - net: ipv4: fix memory leak in ip_mc_add1_src - net: fec_ptp: fix issue caused by refactor the fec_devtype - net: usb: fix possible use-after-free in smsc75xx_bind - lantiq: net: fix duplicated skb in rx descriptor ring - net: cdc_ncm: switch to eth%d interface naming - ptp: improve max_adj check against unreasonable values - bpf: Fix leakage under speculation on mispredicted branches - net: qrtr: fix OOB Read in qrtr_endpoint_post - ipv4: Fix device used for dst_alloc with local routes - cxgb4: fix wrong ethtool n-tuple rule lookup - netxen_nic: Fix an error handling path in 'netxen_nic_probe()' - qlcnic: Fix an error handling path in 'qlcnic_probe()' - ethtool: strset: fix message length calculation - net: qualcomm: rmnet: don't over-count statistics - net: qualcomm: rmnet: Update rmnet device MTU based on real device - net: make get_net_ns return error if NET_NS is disabled - net: stmmac: dwmac1000: Fix extended MAC address registers definition - cxgb4: halt chip before flashing PHY firmware image - cxgb4: fix sleep in atomic when flashing PHY firmware - cxgb4: fix endianness when flashing boot image - alx: Fix an error handling path in 'alx_probe()' - selftests: mptcp: enable syncookie only in absence of reorders - mptcp: do not warn on bad input from the network - mptcp: try harder to borrow memory from subflow under pressure - sch_cake: Fix out of bounds when parsing TCP options and header - mptcp: Fix out of bounds when parsing TCP options - netfilter: synproxy: Fix out of bounds when parsing TCP options - net/mlx5e: Block offload of outer header csum for UDP tunnels - net/mlx5: DR, Don't use SW steering when RoCE is not supported - net/mlx5: DR, Allow SW steering for sw_owner_v2 devices - net/mlx5: Consider RoCE cap before init RDMA resources - net/mlx5e: Fix page reclaim for dead peer hairpin - net/mlx5e: Remove dependency in IPsec initialization flows - net/sched: act_ct: handle DNAT tuple collision - rtnetlink: Fix regression in bridge VLAN configuration - udp: fix race between close() and udp_abort() - ice: parameterize functions responsible for Tx ring management - ice: add ndo_bpf callback for safe mode netdev ops - netfilter: nft_fib_ipv6: skip ipv6 packets from any to link-local - net: lantiq: disable interrupt before sheduling NAPI - net: dsa: felix: re-enable TX flow control in ocelot_port_flush() - net: rds: fix memory leak in rds_recvmsg - vrf: fix maximum MTU - net: ipv4: fix memory leak in netlbl_cipsov4_add_std - libbpf: Fixes incorrect rx_ring_setup_done - mlxsw: core: Set thermal zone polling delay argument to real value at init - mlxsw: reg: Spectrum-3: Enforce lowest max-shaper burst size of 11 - mac80211: fix skb length check in ieee80211_scan_rx() - batman-adv: Avoid WARN_ON timing related checks - kvm: LAPIC: Restore guard to prevent illegal APIC register access - afs: Fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL check - dmaengine: stedma40: add missing iounmap() on error in d40_probe() - dmaengine: SF_PDMA depends on HAS_IOMEM - dmaengine: QCOM_HIDMA_MGMT depends on HAS_IOMEM - dmaengine: ALTERA_MSGDMA depends on HAS_IOMEM - dmaengine: xilinx: dpdma: initialize registers before request_irq - dmaengine: fsl-dpaa2-qdma: Fix error return code in two functions - dmaengine: idxd: add missing dsa driver unregister - ext4: fix memory leak in ext4_fill_super - Revert "Revert "scsi: megaraid_sas: Added support for shared host tagset for cpuhotplug"" - Revert "block: Fix a lockdep complaint triggered by request queue flushing" - nvme-loop: use blk_mq_hctx_set_fq_lock_class to set loop's lock class - blk-mq: add new API of blk_mq_hctx_set_fq_lock_class - block: check disk exist before trying to add partition - block: avoid creating invalid symlink file for patitions - block: take bd_mutex around delete_partitions in del_gendisk - scsi: remove unused kobj map for sd devie to avoid memleak - scsi: libsas: Add LUN number check in .slave_alloc callback - dm btree remove: assign new_root only when removal succeeds - scsi: libiscsi: Reset max/exp cmdsn during recovery - scsi: iscsi_tcp: Fix shost can_queue initialization - scsi: libiscsi: Add helper to calculate max SCSI cmds per session - scsi: libiscsi: Fix iSCSI host workq destruction - scsi: libiscsi: Fix iscsi_task use after free() - scsi: libiscsi: Drop taskqueuelock - ext4: stop return ENOSPC from ext4_issue_zeroout - scsi: sd: Call sd_revalidate_disk() for ioctl(BLKRRPART) - powerpc/fsl_booke/kaslr: rename kaslr-booke32.rst to kaslr-booke.rst and add 64bit part - powerpc/fsl_booke/64: clear the original kernel if randomized - powerpc/fsl_booke/64: do not clear the BSS for the second pass - powerpc/fsl_booke/64: implement KASLR for fsl_booke64 - powerpc/fsl_booke/64: introduce reloc_kernel_entry() helper - powerpc/fsl_booke/kaslr: refactor kaslr_legal_offset() and kaslr_early_init() - arm64: Force NO_BLOCK_MAPPINGS if crashkernel reservation is required - exec: Move unshare_files to fix posix file locking during exec - exec: Don't open code get_close_on_exec - ARM: mm: Fix PXN process with LPAE feature - ARM: mm: Provide die_kernel_fault() helper - ARM: mm: Kill page table base print in show_pte() - ARM: mm: Cleanup access_error() - ARM: mm: Kill task_struct argument for __do_page_fault() - ARM: mm: Rafactor the __do_page_fault() - fanotify: fix copy_event_to_user() fid error clean up - block: fix inflight statistics of part0 - debugfs: fix security_locked_down() call for SELinux - vti6: fix ipv4 pmtu check to honor ip header df - vti: fix ipv4 pmtu check to honor ip header df - alinux: random: speed up the initialization of module - mm: set the sleep_mapped to true for zbud and z3fold - mm/zswap: add the flag can_sleep_mapped - kasan: fix null pointer dereference in kasan_record_aux_stack - bpf: Fix NULL pointer dereference in bpf_get_local_storage() helper - fib: Return the correct errno code - net: Return the correct errno code - net/x25: Return the correct errno code - rtnetlink: Fix missing error code in rtnl_bridge_notify() - drm/amd/amdgpu:save psp ring wptr to avoid attack - drm/amd/display: Fix potential memory leak in DMUB hw_init - drm/amdgpu: refine amdgpu_fru_get_product_info - drm/amd/display: Allow bandwidth validation for 0 streams. - net: ipconfig: Don't override command-line hostnames or domains - nvme-loop: do not warn for deleted controllers during reset - nvme-loop: check for NVME_LOOP_Q_LIVE in nvme_loop_destroy_admin_queue() - nvme-loop: clear NVME_LOOP_Q_LIVE when nvme_loop_configure_admin_queue() fails - nvme-loop: reset queue count to 1 in nvme_loop_destroy_io_queues() - scsi: scsi_devinfo: Add blacklist entry for HPE OPEN-V - Bluetooth: Add a new USB ID for RTL8822CE - scsi: qedf: Do not put host in qedf_vport_create() unconditionally - ethernet: myri10ge: Fix missing error code in myri10ge_probe() - scsi: target: core: Fix warning on realtime kernels - gfs2: Fix use-after-free in gfs2_glock_shrink_scan - riscv: Use -mno-relax when using lld linker - HID: gt683r: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - gfs2: fix a deadlock on withdraw-during-mount - gfs2: Prevent direct-I/O write fallback errors from getting lost - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix build warning when mmc_omap is not built - ARM: OMAP1: Fix use of possibly uninitialized irq variable - drm/tegra: sor: Fully initialize SOR before registration - gpu: host1x: Split up client initalization and registration - drm/tegra: sor: Do not leak runtime PM reference - HID: usbhid: fix info leak in hid_submit_ctrl - HID: Add BUS_VIRTUAL to hid_connect logging - HID: multitouch: set Stylus suffix for Stylus-application devices, too - HID: quirks: Add quirk for Lenovo optical mouse - HID: hid-sensor-hub: Return error for hid_set_field() failure - HID: hid-input: add mapping for emoji picker key - HID: a4tech: use A4_2WHEEL_MOUSE_HACK_B8 for A4TECH NB-95 - HID: quirks: Set INCREMENT_USAGE_ON_DUPLICATE for Saitek X65 - net: ieee802154: fix null deref in parse dev addr - livepatch: fix unload hook could not be excuted - mm/memory-failure: make sure wait for page writeback in memory_failure - iommu: sva: Fix compile error in iommu_sva_bind_group - proc: only require mm_struct for writing - tracing: Correct the length check which causes memory corruption - scsi: core: Only put parent device if host state differs from SHOST_CREATED - scsi: core: Put .shost_dev in failure path if host state changes to RUNNING - scsi: core: Fix failure handling of scsi_add_host_with_dma() - scsi: core: Fix error handling of scsi_host_alloc() - NFSv4: nfs4_proc_set_acl needs to restore NFS_CAP_UIDGID_NOMAP on error. - NFSv4: Fix second deadlock in nfs4_evict_inode() - NFS: Fix use-after-free in nfs4_init_client() - kvm: fix previous commit for 32-bit builds - perf session: Correct buffer copying when peeking events - NFSv4: Fix deadlock between nfs4_evict_inode() and nfs4_opendata_get_inode() - NFS: Fix a potential NULL dereference in nfs_get_client() - IB/mlx5: Fix initializing CQ fragments buffer - KVM: x86: Ensure liveliness of nested VM-Enter fail tracepoint message - x86/nmi_watchdog: Fix old-style NMI watchdog regression on old Intel CPUs - sched/fair: Fix util_est UTIL_AVG_UNCHANGED handling - sched/fair: Make sure to update tg contrib for blocked load - sched/fair: Keep load_avg and load_sum synced - perf: Fix data race between pin_count increment/decrement - gpio: wcd934x: Fix shift-out-of-bounds error - phy: ti: Fix an error code in wiz_probe() - ASoC: meson: gx-card: fix sound-dai dt schema - ASoC: core: Fix Null-point-dereference in fmt_single_name() - phy: cadence: Sierra: Fix error return code in cdns_sierra_phy_probe() - tools/bootconfig: Fix error return code in apply_xbc() - Avoid orphan section with !SMP - ARM: cpuidle: Avoid orphan section warning - RDMA/mlx4: Do not map the core_clock page to user space unless enabled - RDMA/ipoib: Fix warning caused by destroying non-initial netns - drm/msm/a6xx: avoid shadow NULL reference in failure path - drm/msm/a6xx: update/fix CP_PROTECT initialization - drm/msm/a6xx: fix incorrectly set uavflagprd_inv field for A650 - drm/mcde: Fix off by 10^3 in calculation - usb: typec: mux: Fix copy-paste mistake in typec_mux_match - usb: dwc3: gadget: Disable gadget IRQ during pullup disable - phy: usb: Fix misuse of IS_ENABLED - regulator: rtmv20: Fix .set_current_limit/.get_current_limit callbacks - regulator: bd71828: Fix .n_voltages settings - regulator: fan53880: Fix missing n_voltages setting - regulator: bd718x7: Fix the BUCK7 voltage setting on BD71837 - regulator: max77620: Use device_set_of_node_from_dev() - regulator: core: resolve supply for boot-on/always-on regulators - usb: typec: tcpm: cancel frs hrtimer when unregister tcpm port - usb: typec: tcpm: cancel vdm and state machine hrtimer when unregister tcpm port - usb: fix various gadget panics on 10gbps cabling - usb: fix various gadgets null ptr deref on 10gbps cabling. - usb: gadget: eem: fix wrong eem header operation - USB: serial: cp210x: fix alternate function for CP2102N QFN20 - USB: serial: quatech2: fix control-request directions - USB: serial: omninet: add device id for Zyxel Omni 56K Plus - USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add NovaTech OrionMX product ID - usb: gadget: f_fs: Ensure io_completion_wq is idle during unbind - usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Add missed error check for devm_ioremap_resource() - usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Put fwnode in error case during ->probe() - usb: typec: ucsi: Clear PPM capability data in ucsi_init() error path - usb: typec: wcove: Use LE to CPU conversion when accessing msg->header - usb: musb: fix MUSB_QUIRK_B_DISCONNECT_99 handling - usb: dwc3: ep0: fix NULL pointer exception - usb: dwc3: gadget: Bail from dwc3_gadget_exit() if dwc->gadget is NULL - usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: Disable the regulator in the error handling path of the probe - usb: dwc3-meson-g12a: fix usb2 PHY glue init when phy0 is disabled - usb: pd: Set PD_T_SINK_WAIT_CAP to 310ms - usb: f_ncm: only first packet of aggregate needs to start timer - USB: f_ncm: ncm_bitrate (speed) is unsigned - mmc: renesas_sdhi: Fix HS400 on R-Car M3-W+ - mmc: renesas_sdhi: abort tuning when timeout detected - ftrace: Do not blindly read the ip address in ftrace_bug() - cgroup1: don't allow '\n' in renaming - btrfs: promote debugging asserts to full-fledged checks in validate_super - btrfs: return value from btrfs_mark_extent_written() in case of error - async_xor: check src_offs is not NULL before updating it - staging: rtl8723bs: Fix uninitialized variables - kvm: avoid speculation-based attacks from out-of-range memslot accesses - KVM: X86: MMU: Use the correct inherited permissions to get shadow page - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix M2M event umask for Ice Lake server - drm: Lock pointer access in drm_master_release() - drm: Fix use-after-free read in drm_getunique() - Revert "ACPI: sleep: Put the FACS table after using it" - spi: bcm2835: Fix out-of-bounds access with more than 4 slaves - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP ZBook Power G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP EliteBook 840 Aero G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs and speaker for HP EliteBook x360 1040 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs and speaker for HP Elite Dragonfly G2 - ALSA: hda/realtek: headphone and mic don't work on an Acer laptop - ALSA: firewire-lib: fix the context to call snd_pcm_stop_xrun() - ALSA: seq: Fix race of snd_seq_timer_open() - i2c: mpc: implement erratum A-004447 workaround - i2c: mpc: Make use of i2c_recover_bus() - spi: Cleanup on failure of initial setup - spi: Don't have controller clean up spi device before driver unbind - powerpc/fsl: set fsl,i2c-erratum-a004447 flag for P1010 i2c controllers - powerpc/fsl: set fsl,i2c-erratum-a004447 flag for P2041 i2c controllers - nvmet: fix false keep-alive timeout when a controller is torn down - nvme-tcp: remove incorrect Kconfig dep in BLK_DEV_NVME - bnx2x: Fix missing error code in bnx2x_iov_init_one() - dm verity: fix require_signatures module_param permissions - MIPS: Fix kernel hang under FUNCTION_GRAPH_TRACER and PREEMPT_TRACER - nvme-fabrics: decode host pathing error for connect - net: dsa: microchip: enable phy errata workaround on 9567 - net: appletalk: cops: Fix data race in cops_probe1 - net: macb: ensure the device is available before accessing GEMGXL control registers - scsi: target: qla2xxx: Wait for stop_phase1 at WWN removal - scsi: hisi_sas: Drop free_irq() of devm_request_irq() allocated irq - scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Set correct residual data length - scsi: bnx2fc: Return failure if io_req is already in ABTS processing - net:sfc: fix non-freed irq in legacy irq mode - RDS tcp loopback connection can hang - net/qla3xxx: fix schedule while atomic in ql_sem_spinlock - wq: handle VM suspension in stall detection - cgroup: disable controllers at parse time - net: mdiobus: get rid of a BUG_ON() - netlink: disable IRQs for netlink_lock_table() - bonding: init notify_work earlier to avoid uninitialized use - isdn: mISDN: netjet: Fix crash in nj_probe: - usb: chipidea: udc: assign interrupt number to USB gadget structure - spi: sprd: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - ASoC: sti-sas: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - vfio-ccw: Serialize FSM IDLE state with I/O completion - vfio-ccw: Reset FSM state to IDLE inside FSM - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for the Lenovo Miix 3-830 tablet - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for the Glavey TM800A550L tablet - usb: cdns3: Fix runtime PM imbalance on error - net/nfc/rawsock.c: fix a permission check bug - bpf: Forbid trampoline attach for functions with variable arguments - spi: spi-zynq-qspi: Fix stack violation bug - spi: Fix spi device unregister flow - ASoC: amd: fix for pcm_read() error - ASoC: max98088: fix ni clock divider calculation - proc: Track /proc/$pid/attr/ opener mm_struct - mtd: mtd_blkdevs: Initialize rq.limits.discard_granularity - block, bfq: set next_rq to waker_bfqq->next_rq in waker injection - bdev: Do not return EBUSY if bdev discard races with write - powerpc/perf: Invoke per-CPU variable access with disabled interrupts - perf annotate: Fix jump parsing for C++ code. - perf tools: Fix arm64 build error with gcc-11 - perf record: Fix memory leak in vDSO found using ASAN - perf parse-events: Check if the software events array slots are populated - perf symbol-elf: Fix memory leak by freeing sdt_note.args - perf env: Fix memory leak of bpf_prog_info_linear member - scsi: iscsi: Fix iSCSI cls conn state - scsi: iscsi: Fix race condition between login and sync thread - Revert "perf kmem: Do not pass additional arguments - neighbour: allow NUD_NOARP entries to be forced GCed - xen-netback: take a reference to the RX task thread - netfilter: nf_tables: missing error reporting for not selected expressions - i2c: qcom-geni: Suspend and resume the bus during SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM ops - lib/lz4: explicitly support in-place decompression - x86/kvm: Disable all PV features on crash - x86/kvm: Disable kvmclock on all CPUs on shutdown - x86/kvm: Teardown PV features on boot CPU as well - KVM: arm64: Fix debug register indexing - KVM: SVM: Truncate GPR value for DR and CR accesses in !64-bit mode - btrfs: fix unmountable seed device after fstrim - drm/msm/dpu: always use mdp device to scale bandwidth - mm, hugetlb: fix simple resv_huge_pages underflow on UFFDIO_COPY - btrfs: fix deadlock when cloning inline extents and low on available space - btrfs: abort in rename_exchange if we fail to insert the second ref - btrfs: fixup error handling in fixup_inode_link_counts - btrfs: return errors from btrfs_del_csums in cleanup_ref_head - btrfs: fix error handling in btrfs_del_csums - btrfs: mark ordered extent and inode with error if we fail to finish - powerpc/kprobes: Fix validation of prefixed instructions across page boundary - x86/apic: Mark _all_ legacy interrupts when IO/APIC is missing - drm/amdgpu: make sure we unpin the UVD BO - drm/amdgpu: Don't query CE and UE errors - nfc: fix NULL ptr dereference in llcp_sock_getname() after failed connect - x86/sev: Check SME/SEV support in CPUID first - x86/cpufeatures: Force disable X86_FEATURE_ENQCMD and remove update_pasid() - mm/page_alloc: fix counting of free pages after take off from buddy - mm/debug_vm_pgtable: fix alignment for pmd/pud_advanced_tests() - ocfs2: fix data corruption by fallocate - pid: take a reference when initializing `cad_pid` - usb: dwc2: Fix build in periphal-only mode - ext4: fix accessing uninit percpu counter variable with fast_commit - ext4: fix memory leak in ext4_mb_init_backend on error path. - ext4: fix fast commit alignment issues - ext4: fix memory leak in ext4_fill_super - ARM: dts: imx6q-dhcom: Add PU,VDD1P1,VDD2P5 regulators - ARM: dts: imx6dl-yapp4: Fix RGMII connection to QCA8334 switch - ALSA: hda: update the power_state during the direct-complete - ALSA: hda: Fix for mute key LED for HP Pavilion 15-CK0xx - ALSA: timer: Fix master timer notification - gfs2: fix scheduling while atomic bug in glocks - HID: multitouch: require Finger field to mark Win8 reports as MT - HID: magicmouse: fix NULL-deref on disconnect - HID: i2c-hid: Skip ELAN power-on command after reset - net: caif: fix memory leak in cfusbl_device_notify - net: caif: fix memory leak in caif_device_notify - net: caif: add proper error handling - net: caif: added cfserl_release function - wireguard: allowedips: free empty intermediate nodes when removing single node - wireguard: allowedips: allocate nodes in kmem_cache - wireguard: allowedips: remove nodes in O(1) - wireguard: allowedips: initialize list head in selftest - wireguard: selftests: make sure rp_filter is disabled on vethc - wireguard: selftests: remove old conntrack kconfig value - wireguard: use synchronize_net rather than synchronize_rcu - wireguard: peer: allocate in kmem_cache - wireguard: do not use -O3 - Bluetooth: use correct lock to prevent UAF of hdev object - Bluetooth: fix the erroneous flush_work() order - drm/amdgpu/jpeg3: add cancel_delayed_work_sync before power gate - drm/amdgpu/jpeg2.5: add cancel_delayed_work_sync before power gate - drm/amdgpu/vcn3: add cancel_delayed_work_sync before power gate - io_uring: use better types for cflags - io_uring: fix link timeout refs - riscv: vdso: fix and clean-up Makefile - serial: stm32: fix threaded interrupt handling - tipc: fix unique bearer names sanity check - tipc: add extack messages for bearer/media failure - bus: ti-sysc: Fix flakey idling of uarts and stop using swsup_sidle_act - ARM: dts: imx: emcon-avari: Fix nxp,pca8574 #gpio-cells - ARM: dts: imx7d-pico: Fix the 'tuning-step' property - ARM: dts: imx7d-meerkat96: Fix the 'tuning-step' property - arm64: dts: freescale: sl28: var4: fix RGMII clock and voltage - arm64: dts: zii-ultra: fix 12V_MAIN voltage - arm64: dts: ls1028a: fix memory node - bus: ti-sysc: Fix am335x resume hang for usb otg module - optee: use export_uuid() to copy client UUID - arm64: dts: ti: j7200-main: Mark Main NAVSS as dma-coherent - ixgbe: add correct exception tracing for XDP - ixgbe: optimize for XDP_REDIRECT in xsk path - ice: add correct exception tracing for XDP - ice: optimize for XDP_REDIRECT in xsk path - ice: simplify ice_run_xdp - i40e: add correct exception tracing for XDP - i40e: optimize for XDP_REDIRECT in xsk path - cxgb4: avoid link re-train during TC-MQPRIO configuration - i2c: qcom-geni: Add shutdown callback for i2c - ice: Allow all LLDP packets from PF to Tx - ice: report supported and advertised autoneg using PHY capabilities - ice: handle the VF VSI rebuild failure - ice: Fix VFR issues for AVF drivers that expect ATQLEN cleared - ice: Fix allowing VF to request more/less queues via virtchnl - ipv6: Fix KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds Read in fib6_nh_flush_exceptions - cxgb4: fix regression with HASH tc prio value update - ixgbevf: add correct exception tracing for XDP - igb: add correct exception tracing for XDP - ieee802154: fix error return code in ieee802154_llsec_getparams() - ieee802154: fix error return code in ieee802154_add_iface() - bpf, lockdown, audit: Fix buggy SELinux lockdown permission checks - bpf: Simplify cases in bpf_base_func_proto - drm/i915/selftests: Fix return value check in live_breadcrumbs_smoketest() - netfilter: nfnetlink_cthelper: hit EBUSY on updates if size mismatches - netfilter: nft_ct: skip expectations for confirmed conntrack - nvmet: fix freeing unallocated p2pmem - net/mlx5: DR, Create multi-destination flow table with level less than 64 - net/mlx5e: Check for needed capability for cvlan matching - net/mlx5: Check firmware sync reset requested is set before trying to abort it - net/mlx5e: Fix incompatible casting - net/tls: Fix use-after-free after the TLS device goes down and up - net/tls: Replace TLS_RX_SYNC_RUNNING with RCU - net: sock: fix in-kernel mark setting - net: dsa: tag_8021q: fix the VLAN IDs used for encoding sub-VLANs - perf probe: Fix NULL pointer dereference in convert_variable_location() - ACPICA: Clean up context mutex during object deletion - nvme-rdma: fix in-casule data send for chained sgls - mptcp: always parse mptcp options for MPC reqsk - net/sched: act_ct: Fix ct template allocation for zone 0 - net/sched: act_ct: Offload connections with commit action - devlink: Correct VIRTUAL port to not have phys_port attributes - HID: i2c-hid: fix format string mismatch - HID: pidff: fix error return code in hid_pidff_init() - HID: logitech-hidpp: initialize level variable - ipvs: ignore IP_VS_SVC_F_HASHED flag when adding service - vfio/platform: fix module_put call in error flow - samples: vfio-mdev: fix error handing in mdpy_fb_probe() - vfio/pci: zap_vma_ptes() needs MMU - vfio/pci: Fix error return code in vfio_ecap_init() - efi: cper: fix snprintf() use in cper_dimm_err_location() - efi/libstub: prevent read overflow in find_file_option() - efi: Allow EFI_MEMORY_XP and EFI_MEMORY_RO both to be cleared - efi/fdt: fix panic when no valid fdt found - netfilter: conntrack: unregister ipv4 sockopts on error unwind - hwmon: (pmbus/isl68137) remove READ_TEMPERATURE_3 for RAA228228 - hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix index values - net: usb: cdc_ncm: don't spew notifications - btrfs: tree-checker: do not error out if extent ref hash doesn't match - ext4: fix bug on in ext4_es_cache_extent as ext4_split_extent_at failed - usb: core: reduce power-on-good delay time of root hub - neighbour: Prevent Race condition in neighbour subsytem - scripts/clang-tools: switch explicitly to Python 3 - net: hso: bail out on interrupt URB allocation failure - Revert "Revert "ALSA: usx2y: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference"" - SUNRPC: More fixes for backlog congestion - bpftool: Add sock_release help info for cgroup attach/prog load command - net: hns3: check the return of skb_checksum_help() - samples/bpf: Consider frame size in tx_only of xdpsock sample - i915: fix build warning in intel_dp_get_link_status() - net: mvpp2: add buffer header handling in RX - net: zero-initialize tc skb extension on allocation - MIPS: ralink: export rt_sysc_membase for rt2880_wdt.c - MIPS: alchemy: xxs1500: add gpio-au1000.h header file - net: hsr: fix mac_len checks - sch_dsmark: fix a NULL deref in qdisc_reset() - net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: Fix packet statistics support for MT7628/88 - ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: snd_scarlett_gen2_controls_create() can be static - ipv6: record frag_max_size in atomic fragments in input path - net: lantiq: fix memory corruption in RX ring - scsi: libsas: Use _safe() loop in sas_resume_port() - ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: Use optional clk APIs - ixgbe: fix large MTU request from VF - bpf: Set mac_len in bpf_skb_change_head - bpf, offload: Reorder offload callback 'prepare' in verifier - ASoC: cs35l33: fix an error code in probe() - staging: emxx_udc: fix loop in _nbu2ss_nuke() - cxgb4: avoid accessing registers when clearing filters - iommu/vt-d: Use user privilege for RID2PASID translation - net: hns3: put off calling register_netdev() until client initialize complete - net: hns3: fix incorrect resp_msg issue - iommu/virtio: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - gve: Correct SKB queue index validation. - gve: Upgrade memory barrier in poll routine - gve: Add NULL pointer checks when freeing irqs. - gve: Update mgmt_msix_idx if num_ntfy changes - gve: Check TX QPL was actually assigned - net/smc: remove device from smcd_dev_list after failed device_add() - mld: fix panic in mld_newpack() - bnxt_en: Fix context memory setup for 64K page size. - bnxt_en: Include new P5 HV definition in VF check. - net: bnx2: Fix error return code in bnx2_init_board() - net: hso: check for allocation failure in hso_create_bulk_serial_device() - net: sched: fix tx action reschedule issue with stopped queue - net: sched: fix tx action rescheduling issue during deactivation - net: sched: fix packet stuck problem for lockless qdisc - tls splice: check SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK instead of MSG_DONTWAIT - openvswitch: meter: fix race when getting now_ms. - cxgb4/ch_ktls: Clear resources when pf4 device is removed - net: mdio: octeon: Fix some double free issues - net: mdio: thunder: Fix a double free issue in the .remove function - chelsio/chtls: unlock on error in chtls_pt_recvmsg() - net: fec: fix the potential memory leak in fec_enet_init() - net: packetmmap: fix only tx timestamp on request - net: really orphan skbs tied to closing sk - spi: Assume GPIO CS active high in ACPI case - vfio-ccw: Check initialized flag in cp_init() - net: ipa: memory region array is variable size - net: stmmac: Fix MAC WoL not working if PHY does not support WoL - ASoC: cs42l42: Regmap must use_single_read/write - interconnect: qcom: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - interconnect: qcom: bcm-voter: add a missing of_node_put() - net: dsa: fix error code getting shifted with 4 in dsa_slave_get_sset_count - net: netcp: Fix an error message - linux/bits.h: fix compilation error with GENMASK - block: fix a race between del_gendisk and BLKRRPART - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Chuwi Hi10 Pro (CWI529) tablet - drm/amdgpu: stop touching sched.ready in the backend - drm/amd/amdgpu: fix a potential deadlock in gpu reset - drm/amdgpu: Fix a use-after-free - drm/amd/amdgpu: fix refcount leak - drm/amd/display: Disconnect non-DP with no EDID - SMB3: incorrect file id in requests compounded with open - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add info for the Mediacom Winpad 7.0 W700 tablet - platform/x86: intel_punit_ipc: Append MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE for ACPI - platform/x86: hp-wireless: add AMD's hardware id to the supported list - btrfs: do not BUG_ON in link_to_fixup_dir - btrfs: release path before starting transaction when cloning inline extent - scsi: pm80xx: Fix drives missing during rmmod/insmod loop - openrisc: Define memory barrier mb - scsi: BusLogic: Fix 64-bit system enumeration error for Buslogic - scsi: ufs: ufs-mediatek: Fix power down spec violation - btrfs: return whole extents in fiemap - brcmfmac: properly check for bus register errors - Revert "brcmfmac: add a check for the status of usb_register" - net: liquidio: Add missing null pointer checks - Revert "net: liquidio: fix a NULL pointer dereference" - media: gspca: properly check for errors in po1030_probe() - Revert "media: gspca: Check the return value of write_bridge for timeout" - media: gspca: mt9m111: Check write_bridge for timeout - Revert "media: gspca: mt9m111: Check write_bridge for timeout" - media: dvb: Add check on sp8870_readreg return - Revert "media: dvb: Add check on sp8870_readreg" - ASoC: cs43130: handle errors in cs43130_probe() properly - Revert "ASoC: cs43130: fix a NULL pointer dereference" - libertas: register sysfs groups properly - Revert "libertas: add checks for the return value of sysfs_create_group" - dmaengine: qcom_hidma: comment platform_driver_register call - Revert "dmaengine: qcom_hidma: Check for driver register failure" - isdn: mISDN: correctly handle ph_info allocation failure in hfcsusb_ph_info - Revert "isdn: mISDN: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference of kzalloc" - ath6kl: return error code in ath6kl_wmi_set_roam_lrssi_cmd() - Revert "ath6kl: return error code in ath6kl_wmi_set_roam_lrssi_cmd()" - isdn: mISDNinfineon: check/cleanup ioremap failure correctly in setup_io - Revert "isdn: mISDNinfineon: fix potential NULL pointer dereference" - Revert "ALSA: usx2y: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference" - Revert "ALSA: gus: add a check of the status of snd_ctl_add" - char: hpet: add checks after calling ioremap - Revert "char: hpet: fix a missing check of ioremap" - net: caif: remove BUG_ON(dev == NULL) in caif_xmit - Revert "net: caif: replace BUG_ON with recovery code" - net/smc: properly handle workqueue allocation failure - Revert "net/smc: fix a NULL pointer dereference" - net: fujitsu: fix potential null-ptr-deref - Revert "net: fujitsu: fix a potential NULL pointer dereference" - serial: max310x: unregister uart driver in case of failure and abort - Revert "serial: max310x: pass return value of spi_register_driver" - Revert "ALSA: sb: fix a missing check of snd_ctl_add" - Revert "media: usb: gspca: add a missed check for goto_low_power" - Revert "crypto: cavium/nitrox - add an error message to explain the failure of pci_request_mem_regions" - gpio: cadence: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - platform/x86: hp_accel: Avoid invoking _INI to speed up resume - mptcp: fix data stream corruption - mptcp: drop unconditional pr_warn on bad opt - mptcp: avoid error message on infinite mapping - nvmet-tcp: fix inline data size comparison in nvmet_tcp_queue_response - perf jevents: Fix getting maximum number of fds - afs: Fix the nlink handling of dir-over-dir rename - i2c: sh_mobile: Use new clock calculation formulas for RZ/G2E - i2c: i801: Don't generate an interrupt on bus reset - i2c: mediatek: Disable i2c start_en and clear intr_stat brfore reset - i2c: s3c2410: fix possible NULL pointer deref on read message after write - net: dsa: sja1105: fix VL lookup command packing for P/Q/R/S - net: dsa: sja1105: call dsa_unregister_switch when allocating memory fails - net: dsa: sja1105: add error handling in sja1105_setup() - net: dsa: sja1105: error out on unsupported PHY mode - net: dsa: sja1105: use 4095 as the private VLAN for untagged traffic - net: dsa: sja1105: update existing VLANs from the bridge VLAN list - net: dsa: fix a crash if ->get_sset_count() fails - net: dsa: mt7530: fix VLAN traffic leaks - netfilter: flowtable: Remove redundant hw refresh bit - spi: spi-fsl-dspi: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - tipc: skb_linearize the head skb when reassembling msgs - tipc: wait and exit until all work queues are done - Revert "net:tipc: Fix a double free in tipc_sk_mcast_rcv" - SUNRPC in case of backlog, hand free slots directly to waiting task - net/mlx5: Set term table as an unmanaged flow table - net/mlx4: Fix EEPROM dump support - net/mlx5e: Fix null deref accessing lag dev - net/mlx5: Set reformat action when needed for termination rules - net/mlx5e: Fix nullptr in add_vlan_push_action() - {net,vdpa}/mlx5: Configure interface MAC into mpfs L2 table - net/mlx5e: Fix error path of updating netdev queues - net/mlx5e: Fix multipath lag activation - net/mlx5e: reset XPS on error flow if netdev isn't registered yet - drm/meson: fix shutdown crash when component not probed - NFSv4: Fix v4.0/v4.1 SEEK_DATA return -ENOTSUPP when set NFS_V4_2 config - NFS: Don't corrupt the value of pg_bytes_written in nfs_do_recoalesce() - NFS: Fix an Oopsable condition in __nfs_pageio_add_request() - NFS: fix an incorrect limit in filelayout_decode_layout() - fs/nfs: Use fatal_signal_pending instead of signal_pending - Bluetooth: cmtp: fix file refcount when cmtp_attach_device fails - net: usb: fix memory leak in smsc75xx_bind - usb: typec: mux: Fix matching with typec_altmode_desc - usb: gadget: udc: renesas_usb3: Fix a race in usb3_start_pipen() - usb: dwc3: gadget: Properly track pending and queued SG - thermal/drivers/intel: Initialize RW trip to THERMAL_TEMP_INVALID - USB: serial: pl2303: add device id for ADLINK ND-6530 GC - USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add IDs for IDS GmbH Products - USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910-S1 compositions 0x7010, 0x7011 - USB: serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: add device id - serial: rp2: use 'request_firmware' instead of 'request_firmware_nowait' - serial: sh-sci: Fix off-by-one error in FIFO threshold register setting - serial: tegra: Fix a mask operation that is always true - drivers: base: Fix device link removal - USB: usbfs: Don't WARN about excessively large memory allocations - Revert "irqbypass: do not start cons/prod when failed connect" - USB: trancevibrator: fix control-request direction - serial: 8250_pci: handle FL_NOIRQ board flag - serial: 8250_pci: Add support for new HPE serial device - serial: 8250_dw: Add device HID for new AMD UART controller - serial: 8250: Add UART_BUG_TXRACE workaround for Aspeed VUART - iio: adc: ad7192: handle regulator voltage error first - iio: adc: ad7192: Avoid disabling a clock that was never enabled. - iio: adc: ad7793: Add missing error code in ad7793_setup() - iio: adc: ad7923: Fix undersized rx buffer. - iio: adc: ad7124: Fix potential overflow due to non sequential channel numbers - iio: adc: ad7124: Fix missbalanced regulator enable / disable on error. - iio: adc: ad7768-1: Fix too small buffer passed to iio_push_to_buffers_with_timestamp() - iio: dac: ad5770r: Put fwnode in error case during ->probe() - iio: gyro: fxas21002c: balance runtime power in error path - staging: iio: cdc: ad7746: avoid overwrite of num_channels - mei: request autosuspend after sending rx flow control - KVM: arm64: Prevent mixed-width VM creation - KVM: X86: Fix vCPU preempted state from guest's point of view - thunderbolt: dma_port: Fix NVM read buffer bounds and offset issue - thunderbolt: usb4: Fix NVM read buffer bounds and offset issue - misc/uss720: fix memory leak in uss720_probe - serial: core: fix suspicious security_locked_down() call - seccomp: Refactor notification handler to prepare for new semantics - Documentation: seccomp: Fix user notification documentation - kgdb: fix gcc-11 warnings harder - selftests/gpio: Fix build when source tree is read only - selftests/gpio: Move include of up - selftests/gpio: Use TEST_GEN_PROGS_EXTENDED - drm/amdgpu/jpeg2.0: add cancel_delayed_work_sync before power gate - drm/amdgpu/vcn2.5: add cancel_delayed_work_sync before power gate - drm/amdgpu/vcn2.0: add cancel_delayed_work_sync before power gate - drm/amdkfd: correct sienna_cichlid SDMA RLC register offset error - drm/amdgpu/vcn1: add cancel_delayed_work_sync before power gate - drm/amd/pm: correct MGpuFanBoost setting - dm snapshot: properly fix a crash when an origin has no snapshots - ath11k: Clear the fragment cache during key install - ath10k: Validate first subframe of A-MSDU before processing the list - ath10k: Fix TKIP Michael MIC verification for PCIe - ath10k: drop MPDU which has discard flag set by firmware for SDIO - ath10k: drop fragments with multicast DA for SDIO - ath10k: drop fragments with multicast DA for PCIe - ath10k: add CCMP PN replay protection for fragmented frames for PCIe - mac80211: extend protection against mixed key and fragment cache attacks - mac80211: do not accept/forward invalid EAPOL frames - mac80211: prevent attacks on TKIP/WEP as well - mac80211: check defrag PN against current frame - mac80211: add fragment cache to sta_info - mac80211: drop A-MSDUs on old ciphers - cfg80211: mitigate A-MSDU aggregation attacks - mac80211: properly handle A-MSDUs that start with an RFC 1042 header - mac80211: prevent mixed key and fragment cache attacks - mac80211: assure all fragments are encrypted - netfilter: nft_set_pipapo_avx2: Add irq_fpu_usable() check, fallback to non-AVX2 version - net/sched: fq_pie: fix OOB access in the traffic path - net/sched: fq_pie: re-factor fix for fq_pie endless loop - net: hso: fix control-request directions - proc: Check /proc/$pid/attr/ writes against file opener - perf scripts python: Fix warning display - perf scripts python: Fix Array TypeError - perf scripts python: Fix copy to clipboard from Top Calls by elapsed Time report - perf intel-pt: Fix transaction abort handling - perf intel-pt: Fix sample instruction bytes - iommu/vt-d: Fix sysfs leak in alloc_iommu() - NFSv4: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in pnfs_mark_matching_lsegs_return() - cifs: set server->cipher_type to AES-128-CCM for SMB3.0 - ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Improve driver startup messages - ALSA: usb-audio: scarlett2: Fix device hang with ehci-pci - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs and speaker for HP Zbook Fury 17 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs and speaker for HP Zbook Fury 15 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs and speaker for HP Zbook G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP 855 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Chain in pop reduction fixup for ThinkStation P340 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Headphone volume is controlled by Front mixer - ALSA: hda/realtek: the bass speaker can't output sound on Yoga 9i - sched: export sched_setscheduler symbol - arm32: kaslr: Bugfix of BSS size calculation when enabled kaslr - mm: Move HOLES_IN_ZONE into mm - mm,hwpoison: return -EBUSY when migration fails - livepatch: put memory alloc and free out stop machine - livepatch/core: Support function force patched/unpatched - livepatch/ppc64: Enable livepatch without ftrace - livepatch/ppc64: Sample testcase fix ppc64 - livepatch/ppc64: Ignore the first frame when checking stack - livepatch/ppc64: Make sure caller function in stack - livepatch/ppc64: Use module_alloc to alloc func_node - livepatch/ppc64: Implement per func_node livepatch trampoline - livepatch/ppc64: Check active func in consistency stack checking - livepatch/ppc64: Support use func_descr for new_func - livepatch/ppc64: Implement livepatch without ftrace for ppc64be - livepatch/ppc32: Ignore the first frame when checking stack - livepatch/ppc32: Check active func in consistency stack checking - livepatch/ppc32: Fix current backtracking in klp_check_calltrace - livepatch/ppc32: Fix func size less than limit - livepatch/ppc32: Add support for longjump - livepatch/ppc32: Support livepatch without ftrace - livepatch/x86: check active func in consistency stack checking - livepatch/x86: support livepatch without ftrace - livepatch/core: Revert module_enable_ro and module_disable_ro - livepatch/arm: Check active func in consistency stack checking - livepatch/arm: Add support for livepatch plt - livepatch/arm: Fix current backtracking in klp_check_calltrace - livepatch/arm: Support livepatch without ftrace - livepatch/core: Add support for arm for klp relocation - arm/module: Use plt section indices for relocations - livepatch/core: Add livepatch consistency depends - livepatch/arm64: check active func in consistency stack checking - livepatch/arm64: Fix current backtracking in klp_check_calltrace - livepatch/arm64: Fix func size less than limit - livepatch/arm64: Support livepatch without ftrace - livepatch/core: Support jump_label - livepatch/core: Supprt load and unload hooks - livepatch/core: Split livepatch consistency - livepatch/core: Restrict livepatch patched/unpatched when plant kprobe - livepatch/core: Allow implementation without ftrace - DEBUG: iommu: Sanity-check of page requests - DEBUG: iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add SVA trace events - TESTING: vfio: Add support for Shared Virtual Addressing - iommu: Add group variant for SVA bind/unbind - mm: export symbol mmput_async - mm: export symbol find_get_task_by_vpid - mm: export symbol mm_access - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Support auxiliary domains - iommu: Use device fault trace event - trace/iommu: Add sva trace events - iommu: handle page response timeout - iommu: Add a timeout parameter for PRQ response - iommu: Introduce attach/detach_pasid_table API - Documentation: Generalize the "pci=noats" boot parameter - PCI: Support ats-supported device-tree property - arm64: dts: fast models: Enable PCIe ATS for Base RevC FVP - dt-bindings: PCI: generic: Add ats-supported property - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Ratelimit event dump - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support for Hardware Translation Table Update - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Enable broadcast TLB maintenance - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support for PRI - PCI/ATS: Export PRI functions - PCI/ATS: Add PRI stubs - mm: notify remote TLBs when dirtying a PTE - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add stall support for platform devices - ACPI/IORT: Enable stall support for platform devices - dt-bindings: document stall property for IOMMU masters - NFC: nci: fix memory leak in nci_allocate_device - perf unwind: Set userdata for all __report_module() paths - perf unwind: Fix separate debug info files when using elfutils' libdw's unwinder - KVM: x86: Defer vtime accounting 'til after IRQ handling - context_tracking: Move guest exit vtime accounting to separate helpers - context_tracking: Move guest exit context tracking to separate helpers - bpf: No need to simulate speculative domain for immediates - bpf: Fix mask direction swap upon off reg sign change - bpf: Wrap aux data inside bpf_sanitize_info container - mm/page_alloc: fix counting of managed_pages - mm: page_alloc: refactor setup_per_zone_lowmem_reserve() - dm verity: allow only one error handling mode - Bluetooth: SMP: Fail if remote and local public keys are identical - video: hgafb: correctly handle card detect failure during probe - nvmet: use new ana_log_size instead the old one - x86/boot/compressed/64: Check SEV encryption in the 32-bit boot-path - rtc: pcf85063: fallback to parent of_node - nvme-multipath: fix double initialization of ANA state - x86/Xen: swap NX determination and GDT setup on BSP - openrisc: mm/init.c: remove unused memblock_region variable in map_ram() - drm/i915/gt: Disable HiZ Raw Stall Optimization on broken gen7 - tty: vt: always invoke vc->vc_sw->con_resize callback - vt: Fix character height handling with VT_RESIZEX - vt_ioctl: Revert VT_RESIZEX parameter handling removal - vgacon: Record video mode changes with VT_RESIZEX - video: hgafb: fix potential NULL pointer dereference - qlcnic: Add null check after calling netdev_alloc_skb - leds: lp5523: check return value of lp5xx_read and jump to cleanup code - ics932s401: fix broken handling of errors when word reading fails - net: rtlwifi: properly check for alloc_workqueue() failure - scsi: ufs: handle cleanup correctly on devm_reset_control_get error - net: stmicro: handle clk_prepare() failure during init - ethernet: sun: niu: fix missing checks of niu_pci_eeprom_read() - Revert "niu: fix missing checks of niu_pci_eeprom_read" - Revert "qlcnic: Avoid potential NULL pointer dereference" - Revert "rtlwifi: fix a potential NULL pointer dereference" - Revert "media: rcar_drif: fix a memory disclosure" - cdrom: gdrom: initialize global variable at init time - cdrom: gdrom: deallocate struct gdrom_unit fields in remove_gdrom - Revert "gdrom: fix a memory leak bug" - Revert "scsi: ufs: fix a missing check of devm_reset_control_get" - Revert "ecryptfs: replace BUG_ON with error handling code" - Revert "video: imsttfb: fix potential NULL pointer dereferences" - Revert "hwmon: (lm80) fix a missing check of bus read in lm80 probe" - Revert "leds: lp5523: fix a missing check of return value of lp55xx_read" - Revert "net: stmicro: fix a missing check of clk_prepare" - Revert "video: hgafb: fix potential NULL pointer dereference" - kcsan: Fix debugfs initcall return type - dm snapshot: fix crash with transient storage and zero chunk size - ipc/mqueue, msg, sem: avoid relying on a stack reference past its expiry - xen-pciback: reconfigure also from backend watch handler - xen-pciback: redo VF placement in the virtual topology - mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: increase 1.8V regulator wait - powerpc/64s/syscall: Fix ptrace syscall info with scv syscalls - powerpc/64s/syscall: Use pt_regs.trap to distinguish syscall ABI difference between sc and scv syscalls - drm/amdgpu: update sdma golden setting for Navi12 - drm/amdgpu: update gc golden setting for Navi12 - drm/amdgpu: disable 3DCGCG on picasso/raven1 to avoid compute hang - drm/amdgpu: Fix GPU TLB update error when PAGE_SIZE > AMDGPU_PAGE_SIZE - x86/sev-es: Forward page-faults which happen during emulation - x86/sev-es: Use __put_user()/__get_user() for data accesses - x86/sev-es: Don't return NULL from sev_es_get_ghcb() - x86/sev-es: Invalidate the GHCB after completing VMGEXIT - x86/sev-es: Move sev_es_put_ghcb() in prep for follow on patch - nvme-tcp: fix possible use-after-completion - Revert "serial: mvebu-uart: Fix to avoid a potential NULL pointer dereference" - rapidio: handle create_workqueue() failure - Revert "rapidio: fix a NULL pointer dereference when create_workqueue() fails" - uio_hv_generic: Fix a memory leak in error handling paths - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add fixup for HP Spectre x360 15-df0xxx - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add fixup for HP OMEN laptop - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix silent headphone output on ASUS UX430UA - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add some CLOVE SSIDs of ALC293 - ALSA: hda/realtek: reset eapd coeff to default value for alc287 - ALSA: firewire-lib: fix check for the size of isochronous packet payload - Revert "ALSA: sb8: add a check for request_region" - ALSA: hda: fixup headset for ASUS GU502 laptop - ALSA: bebob/oxfw: fix Kconfig entry for Mackie d.2 Pro - ALSA: usb-audio: Validate MS endpoint descriptors - ALSA: firewire-lib: fix calculation for size of IR context payload - ALSA: dice: fix stream format at middle sampling rate for Alesis iO 26 - ALSA: line6: Fix racy initialization of LINE6 MIDI - ALSA: firewire-lib: fix amdtp_packet tracepoints event for packet_index field - ALSA: intel8x0: Don't update period unless prepared - ALSA: dice: fix stream format for TC Electronic Konnekt Live at high sampling transfer frequency - misc: eeprom: at24: check suspend status before disable regulator - cifs: fix memory leak in smb2_copychunk_range - btrfs: avoid RCU stalls while running delayed iputs - powerpc: Fix early setup to make early_ioremap() work - locking/mutex: clear MUTEX_FLAGS if wait_list is empty due to signal - locking/lockdep: Correct calling tracepoints - perf/x86: Avoid touching LBR_TOS MSR for Arch LBR - nvmet: seset ns->file when open fails - ptrace: make ptrace() fail if the tracee changed its pid unexpectedly - powerpc/pseries: Fix hcall tracing recursion in pv queued spinlocks - tools/testing/selftests/exec: fix link error - RDMA/uverbs: Fix a NULL vs IS_ERR() bug - RDMA/mlx5: Fix query DCT via DEVX - platform/x86: dell-smbios-wmi: Fix oops on rmmod dell_smbios - platform/x86: intel_int0002_vgpio: Only call enable_irq_wake() when using s2idle - platform/mellanox: mlxbf-tmfifo: Fix a memory barrier issue - nvme-fc: clear q_live at beginning of association teardown - nvme-tcp: rerun io_work if req_list is not empty - nvme-loop: fix memory leak in nvme_loop_create_ctrl() - nvmet: fix memory leak in nvmet_alloc_ctrl() - nvmet: remove unused ctrl->cqs - RDMA/core: Don't access cm_id after its destruction - RDMA/mlx5: Recover from fatal event in dual port mode - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix error return code in qla82xx_write_flash_dword() - scsi: qedf: Add pointer checks in qedf_update_link_speed() - scsi: ufs: core: Increase the usable queue depth - RDMA/rxe: Clear all QP fields if creation failed - RDMA/core: Prevent divide-by-zero error triggered by the user - RDMA/siw: Release xarray entry - RDMA/siw: Properly check send and receive CQ pointers - tee: amdtee: unload TA only when its refcount becomes 0 - openrisc: Fix a memory leak - firmware: arm_scpi: Prevent the ternary sign expansion bug - scripts: switch explicitly to Python 3 - tweewide: Fix most Shebang lines - ipv6: remove extra dev_hold() for fallback tunnels - ip6_tunnel: sit: proper dev_{hold|put} in ndo_[un]init methods - sit: proper dev_{hold|put} in ndo_[un]init methods - ip6_gre: proper dev_{hold|put} in ndo_[un]init methods - net: stmmac: Do not enable RX FIFO overflow interrupts - lib: stackdepot: turn depot_lock spinlock to raw_spinlock - block: reexpand iov_iter after read/write - ALSA: hda: generic: change the DAC ctl name for LO+SPK or LO+HP - net:CXGB4: fix leak if sk_buff is not used - gpiolib: acpi: Add quirk to ignore EC wakeups on Dell Venue 10 Pro 5055 - drm/amd/display: Fix two cursor duplication when using overlay - nvmet: remove unsupported command noise - net: hsr: check skb can contain struct hsr_ethhdr in fill_frame_info - bridge: Fix possible races between assigning rx_handler_data and setting IFF_BRIDGE_PORT bit - amdgpu/pm: Prevent force of DCEFCLK on NAVI10 and SIENNA_CICHLID - scsi: target: tcmu: Return from tcmu_handle_completions() if cmd_id not found - ceph: don't allow access to MDS-private inodes - ceph: don't clobber i_snap_caps on non-I_NEW inode - ceph: fix fscache invalidation - scsi: lpfc: Fix illegal memory access on Abort IOCBs - riscv: Workaround mcount name prior to clang-13 - scripts/ Fix RISC-V regex for clang - riscv: Use $(LD) instead of $(CC) to link vDSO - platform/chrome: cros_ec_typec: Add DP mode check - ARM: 9075/1: kernel: Fix interrupted SMC calls - um: Disable CONFIG_GCOV with MODULES - um: Mark all kernel symbols as local - NFS: NFS_INO_REVAL_PAGECACHE should mark the change attribute invalid - Input: silead - add workaround for x86 BIOS-es which bring the chip up in a stuck state - Input: elants_i2c - do not bind to i2c-hid compatible ACPI instantiated devices - PCI: tegra: Fix runtime PM imbalance in pex_ep_event_pex_rst_deassert() - ACPI / hotplug / PCI: Fix reference count leak in enable_slot() - ARM: 9066/1: ftrace: pause/unpause function graph tracer in cpu_suspend() - dmaengine: dw-edma: Fix crash on loading/unloading driver - PCI: thunder: Fix compile testing - virtio_net: Do not pull payload in skb->head - isdn: capi: fix mismatched prototypes - cxgb4: Fix the -Wmisleading-indentation warning - usb: sl811-hcd: improve misleading indentation - kgdb: fix gcc-11 warning on indentation - airo: work around stack usage warning - drm/i915/display: fix compiler warning about array overrun - x86/msr: Fix wr/rdmsr_safe_regs_on_cpu() prototypes - ASoC: rsnd: check all BUSIF status when error - nvme: do not try to reconfigure APST when the controller is not live - ext4: fix debug format string warning - debugfs: Make debugfs_allow RO after init - dt-bindings: serial: 8250: Remove duplicated compatible strings - dt-bindings: media: renesas,vin: Make resets optional on R-Car Gen1 - i2c: mediatek: Fix send master code at more than 1MHz - media: rkvdec: Remove of_match_ptr() - clk: exynos7: Mark aclk_fsys1_200 as critical - drm/i915: Fix crash in auto_retire - drm/i915/overlay: Fix active retire callback alignment - drm/i915: Read C0DRB3/C1DRB3 as 16 bits again - drm/i915/gt: Fix a double free in gen8_preallocate_top_level_pdp - kobject_uevent: remove warning in init_uevent_argv() - usb: typec: tcpm: Fix error while calculating PPS out values - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Handle dra7 timer wrap errata i940 - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Prepare to handle dra7 timer wrap issue - MIPS: Avoid handcoded DIVU in `__div64_32' altogether - MIPS: Avoid DIVU in `__div64_32' is result would be zero - MIPS: Reinstate platform `__div64_32' handler - mm: fix struct page layout on 32-bit systems - iommu/vt-d: Remove WO permissions on second-level paging entries - iommu/vt-d: Preset Access/Dirty bits for IOVA over FL - Revert "iommu/vt-d: Preset Access/Dirty bits for IOVA over FL" - Revert "iommu/vt-d: Remove WO permissions on second-level paging entries" - KVM: VMX: Disable preemption when probing user return MSRs - KVM: VMX: Do not advertise RDPID if ENABLE_RDTSCP control is unsupported - KVM: nVMX: Always make an attempt to map eVMCS after migration - KVM: x86: Move RDPID emulation intercept to its own enum - KVM: x86: Emulate RDPID only if RDTSCP is supported - xen/gntdev: fix gntdev_mmap() error exit path - cdc-wdm: untangle a circular dependency between callback and softint - iio: tsl2583: Fix division by a zero lux_val - iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix reported temperature value - xhci: Add reset resume quirk for AMD xhci controller. - xhci: Do not use GFP_KERNEL in (potentially) atomic context - xhci-pci: Allow host runtime PM as default for Intel Alder Lake xHCI - usb: typec: ucsi: Put fwnode in any case during ->probe() - usb: typec: ucsi: Retrieve all the PDOs instead of just the first 4 - usb: dwc3: gadget: Return success always for kick transfer in ep queue - usb: dwc3: gadget: Enable suspend events - usb: core: hub: fix race condition about TRSMRCY of resume - usb: dwc2: Fix gadget DMA unmap direction - usb: xhci: Increase timeout for HC halt - usb: dwc3: pci: Enable usb2-gadget-lpm-disable for Intel Merrifield - usb: dwc3: omap: improve extcon initialization - blk-mq: Swap two calls in blk_mq_exit_queue() - blk-mq: plug request for shared sbitmap - nbd: Fix NULL pointer in flush_workqueue - f2fs: compress: fix to assign cc.cluster_idx correctly - f2fs: compress: fix race condition of overwrite vs truncate - f2fs: compress: fix to free compress page correctly - nvmet-rdma: Fix NULL deref when SEND is completed with error - nvmet: fix inline bio check for bdev-ns - nvmet: add lba to sect conversion helpers - kyber: fix out of bounds access when preempted - ACPI: scan: Fix a memory leak in an error handling path - usb: musb: Fix an error message - hwmon: (occ) Fix poll rate limiting - usb: fotg210-hcd: Fix an error message - iio: hid-sensors: select IIO_TRIGGERED_BUFFER under HID_SENSOR_IIO_TRIGGER - iio: proximity: pulsedlight: Fix rumtime PM imbalance on error - iio: light: gp2ap002: Fix rumtime PM imbalance on error - usb: dwc3: gadget: Free gadget structure only after freeing endpoints - perf tools: Fix dynamic libbpf link - xen/unpopulated-alloc: fix error return code in fill_list() - xen/unpopulated-alloc: consolidate pgmap manipulation - dax: Wake up all waiters after invalidating dax entry - dax: Add a wakeup mode parameter to put_unlocked_entry() - dax: Add an enum for specifying dax wakup mode - KVM: x86: Prevent deadlock against tk_core.seq - KVM: x86: Cancel pvclock_gtod_work on module removal - drm/msm/dp: initialize audio_comp when audio starts - KVM: LAPIC: Accurately guarantee busy wait for timer to expire when using hv_timer - kvm: exit halt polling on need_resched() as well - drm/i915: Avoid div-by-zero on gen2 - drm/amd/display: Initialize attribute for hdcp_srm sysfs file - drm/radeon/dpm: Disable sclk switching on Oland when two 4K 60Hz monitors are connected - btrfs: fix race leading to unpersisted data and metadata on fsync - arm64: Fix race condition on PG_dcache_clean in __sync_icache_dcache() - arm64: mte: initialize RGSR_EL1.SEED in __cpu_setup - blk-iocost: fix weight updates of inner active iocgs - mm/hugetlb: fix F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE - kasan: fix unit tests with CONFIG_UBSAN_LOCAL_BOUNDS enabled - userfaultfd: release page in error path to avoid BUG_ON - squashfs: fix divide error in calculate_skip() - hfsplus: prevent corruption in shrinking truncate - powerpc/64s: Fix crashes when toggling entry flush barrier - powerpc/64s: Fix crashes when toggling stf barrier - ARC: mm: Use max_high_pfn as a HIGHMEM zone border - ARC: mm: PAE: use 40-bit physical page mask - ARC: entry: fix off-by-one error in syscall number validation - f2fs: avoid unneeded data copy in f2fs_ioc_move_range() - mptcp: fix splat when closing unaccepted socket - i40e: Fix PHY type identifiers for 2.5G and 5G adapters - i40e: fix the restart auto-negotiation after FEC modified - i40e: Fix use-after-free in i40e_client_subtask() - i40e: fix broken XDP support - netfilter: nftables: avoid overflows in nft_hash_buckets() - kernel/resource: make walk_mem_res() find all busy IORESOURCE_MEM resources - kernel/resource: make walk_system_ram_res() find all busy IORESOURCE_SYSTEM_RAM resources - kernel: kexec_file: fix error return code of kexec_calculate_store_digests() - fs/proc/generic.c: fix incorrect pde_is_permanent check - sched/fair: Fix unfairness caused by missing load decay - sched: Fix out-of-bound access in uclamp - can: m_can: m_can_tx_work_queue(): fix tx_skb race condition - can: mcp251x: fix resume from sleep before interface was brought up - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_probe(): add missing can_rx_offload_del() in error path - netfilter: nftables: Fix a memleak from userdata error path in new objects - netfilter: nfnetlink_osf: Fix a missing skb_header_pointer() NULL check - smc: disallow TCP_ULP in smc_setsockopt() - net: fix nla_strcmp to handle more then one trailing null character - ethtool: fix missing NLM_F_MULTI flag when dumping - mm/gup: check for isolation errors - mm/gup: return an error on migration failure - mm/gup: check every subpage of a compound page during isolation - ksm: fix potential missing rmap_item for stable_node - mm/migrate.c: fix potential indeterminate pte entry in migrate_vma_insert_page() - mm/hugeltb: handle the error case in hugetlb_fix_reserve_counts() - khugepaged: fix wrong result value for trace_mm_collapse_huge_page_isolate() - arm64: entry: always set GIC_PRIO_PSR_I_SET during entry - arm64: entry: factor irq triage logic into macros - drm/radeon: Avoid power table parsing memory leaks - drm/radeon: Fix off-by-one power_state index heap overwrite - net: stmmac: Clear receive all(RA) bit when promiscuous mode is off - xsk: Fix for xp_aligned_validate_desc() when len == chunk_size - netfilter: xt_SECMARK: add new revision to fix structure layout - sctp: fix a SCTP_MIB_CURRESTAB leak in sctp_sf_do_dupcook_b - ethernet:enic: Fix a use after free bug in enic_hard_start_xmit - block/rnbd-clt: Check the return value of the function rtrs_clt_query - block/rnbd-clt: Change queue_depth type in rnbd_clt_session to size_t - libbpf: Fix signed overflow in ringbuf_process_ring - sunrpc: Fix misplaced barrier in call_decode - RISC-V: Fix error code returned by riscv_hartid_to_cpuid() - sctp: do asoc update earlier in sctp_sf_do_dupcook_a - net: hns3: disable phy loopback setting in hclge_mac_start_phy - net: hns3: use netif_tx_disable to stop the transmit queue - net: hns3: fix for vxlan gpe tx checksum bug - net: hns3: add check for HNS3_NIC_STATE_INITED in hns3_reset_notify_up_enet() - net: hns3: initialize the message content in hclge_get_link_mode() - net: hns3: fix incorrect configuration for igu_egu_hw_err - rtc: ds1307: Fix wday settings for rx8130 - scsi: ufs: core: Narrow down fast path in system suspend path - scsi: ufs: core: Cancel rpm_dev_flush_recheck_work during system suspend - scsi: ufs: core: Do not put UFS power into LPM if link is broken - scsi: qla2xxx: Prevent PRLI in target mode - ceph: fix inode leak on getattr error in __fh_to_dentry - swiotlb: Fix the type of index - xprtrdma: rpcrdma_mr_pop() already does list_del_init() - xprtrdma: Fix cwnd update ordering - xprtrdma: Avoid Receive Queue wrapping - pwm: atmel: Fix duty cycle calculation in .get_state() - SUNRPC: fix ternary sign expansion bug in tracing - dmaengine: idxd: fix cdev setup and free device lifetime issues - dmaengine: idxd: fix dma device lifetime - dmaengine: idxd: Fix potential null dereference on pointer status - rtc: fsl-ftm-alarm: add MODULE_TABLE() - nfsd: ensure new clients break delegations - NFSv4.x: Don't return NFS4ERR_NOMATCHING_LAYOUT if we're unmounting - thermal/drivers/tsens: Fix missing put_device error - SUNRPC: Handle major timeout in xprt_adjust_timeout() - SUNRPC: Remove trace_xprt_transmit_queued - SUNRPC: Move fault injection call sites - NFSv4.2 fix handling of sr_eof in SEEK's reply - pNFS/flexfiles: fix incorrect size check in decode_nfs_fh() - PCI: endpoint: Fix missing destroy_workqueue() - NFS: Deal correctly with attribute generation counter overflow - NFSv4.2: Always flush out writes in nfs42_proc_fallocate() - NFS: Fix attribute bitmask in _nfs42_proc_fallocate() - NFS: nfs4_bitmask_adjust() must not change the server global bitmasks - rpmsg: qcom_glink_native: fix error return code of qcom_glink_rx_data() - f2fs: fix to avoid accessing invalid fio in f2fs_allocate_data_block() - f2fs: Fix a hungtask problem in atomic write - f2fs: fix to cover __allocate_new_section() with curseg_lock - f2fs: fix to avoid touching checkpointed data in get_victim() - PCI: endpoint: Fix NULL pointer dereference for ->get_features() - PCI: endpoint: Make *_free_bar() to return error codes on failure - PCI: endpoint: Add helper API to get the 'next' unreserved BAR - PCI: endpoint: Make *_get_first_free_bar() take into account 64 bit BAR - f2fs: fix to update last i_size if fallocate partially succeeds - f2fs: fix to align to section for fallocate() on pinned file - PCI: Release OF node in pci_scan_device()'s error path - PCI: iproc: Fix return value of iproc_msi_irq_domain_alloc() - remoteproc: qcom_q6v5_mss: Validate p_filesz in ELF loader - remoteproc: qcom_q6v5_mss: Replace ioremap with memremap - f2fs: fix a redundant call to f2fs_balance_fs if an error occurs - f2fs: fix panic during f2fs_resize_fs() - f2fs: fix to allow migrating fully valid segment - f2fs: fix compat F2FS_IOC_{MOVE,GARBAGE_COLLECT}_RANGE - f2fs: move ioctl interface definitions to separated file - thermal: thermal_of: Fix error return code of thermal_of_populate_bind_params() - ASoC: rt286: Make RT286_SET_GPIO_* readable and writable - watchdog: fix barriers when printing backtraces from all CPUs - watchdog/softlockup: remove logic that tried to prevent repeated reports - watchdog: explicitly update timestamp when reporting softlockup - watchdog: rename __touch_watchdog() to a better descriptive name - ia64: module: fix symbolizer crash on fdescr - bnxt_en: Add PCI IDs for Hyper-V VF devices. - kbuild: generate Module.symvers only when vmlinux exists - selftests: mlxsw: Fix mausezahn invocation in ERSPAN scale test - selftests: mlxsw: Increase the tolerance of backlog buildup - net: ethernet: mtk_eth_soc: fix RX VLAN offload - iavf: remove duplicate free resources calls - powerpc/iommu: Annotate nested lock for lockdep - qtnfmac: Fix possible buffer overflow in qtnf_event_handle_external_auth - wl3501_cs: Fix out-of-bounds warnings in wl3501_mgmt_join - wl3501_cs: Fix out-of-bounds warnings in wl3501_send_pkt - crypto: ccp: Free SEV device if SEV init fails - mt76: mt7615: fix entering driver-own state on mt7663 - drm/amdgpu: Add mem sync flag for IB allocated by SA - drm/amd/display: add handling for hdcp2 rx id list validation - drm/amd/display: fixed divide by zero kernel crash during dsc enablement - powerpc/pseries: Stop calling printk in rtas_stop_self() - samples/bpf: Fix broken tracex1 due to kprobe argument change - net: sched: tapr: prevent cycle_time == 0 in parse_taprio_schedule - ethtool: ioctl: Fix out-of-bounds warning in store_link_ksettings_for_user() - ASoC: rt286: Generalize support for ALC3263 codec - powerpc/smp: Set numa node before updating mask - flow_dissector: Fix out-of-bounds warning in __skb_flow_bpf_to_target() - sctp: Fix out-of-bounds warning in sctp_process_asconf_param() - ALSA: hda/hdmi: fix race in handling acomp ELD notification at resume - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for new ADL-P Rvp - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Lenovo Ideapad S740 - kconfig: nconf: stop endless search loops - selftests: Set CC to clang in if LLVM is set - drm/amd/display: Force vsync flip when reconfiguring MPCC - iommu/amd: Remove performance counter pre-initialization test - Revert "iommu/amd: Fix performance counter initialization" - ASoC: rsnd: call rsnd_ssi_master_clk_start() from rsnd_ssi_init() - powerpc/mm: Add cond_resched() while removing hpte mappings - iwlwifi: pcie: make cfg vs. trans_cfg more robust - cuse: prevent clone - virtiofs: fix userns - fuse: invalidate attrs when page writeback completes - mt76: mt7915: fix txpower init for TSSI off chips - mt76: mt76x0: disable GTK offloading - mt76: mt7615: support loading EEPROM for MT7613BE - rtw88: 8822c: add LC calibration for RTL8822C - pinctrl: samsung: use 'int' for register masks in Exynos - mac80211: clear the beacon's CRC after channel switch - IB/hfi1: Correct oversized ring allocation - coresight: Do not scan for graph if none is present - MIPS: Loongson64: Use _CACHE_UNCACHED instead of _CACHE_UNCACHED_ACCELERATED - i2c: Add I2C_AQ_NO_REP_START adapter quirk - ASoC: rt5670: Add a quirk for the Dell Venue 10 Pro 5055 - Bluetooth: btusb: Enable quirk boolean flag for Mediatek Chip. - ice: handle increasing Tx or Rx ring sizes - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for the Chuwi Hi8 tablet - ip6_vti: proper dev_{hold|put} in ndo_[un]init methods - net: hns3: add handling for xmit skb with recursive fraglist - net: hns3: remediate a potential overflow risk of bd_num_list - powerpc/32: Statically initialise first emergency context - selftests/powerpc: Fix L1D flushing tests for Power10 - Bluetooth: check for zapped sk before connecting - net: bridge: when suppression is enabled exclude RARP packets - net/sched: cls_flower: use ntohs for struct flow_dissector_key_ports - Bluetooth: initialize skb_queue_head at l2cap_chan_create() - Bluetooth: Set CONF_NOT_COMPLETE as l2cap_chan default - ALSA: bebob: enable to deliver MIDI messages for multiple ports - ALSA: rme9652: don't disable if not enabled - ALSA: hdspm: don't disable if not enabled - ALSA: hdsp: don't disable if not enabled - i2c: bail out early when RDWR parameters are wrong - Bluetooth: Fix incorrect status handling in LE PHY UPDATE event - ASoC: rsnd: core: Check convert rate in rsnd_hw_params - net: stmmac: Set FIFO sizes for ipq806x - net/mlx5e: Use net_prefetchw instead of prefetchw in MPWQE TX datapath - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Enable jack-detect support on Asus T100TAF - tipc: convert dest node's address to network order - fs: dlm: flush swork on shutdown - fs: dlm: check on minimum msglen size - fs: dlm: add errno handling to check callback - fs: dlm: fix debugfs dump - ath11k: fix thermal temperature read - kvm: Cap halt polling at kvm->max_halt_poll_ns - cpufreq: intel_pstate: Use HWP if enabled by platform firmware - PM: runtime: Fix unpaired parent child_count for force_resume - ACPI: PM: Add ACPI ID of Alder Lake Fan - KVM/VMX: Invoke NMI non-IST entry instead of IST entry - KVM: x86/mmu: Remove the defunct update_pte() paging hook - tpm, tpm_tis: Reserve locality in tpm_tis_resume() - tpm, tpm_tis: Extend locality handling to TPM2 in tpm_tis_gen_interrupt() - tpm: fix error return code in tpm2_get_cc_attrs_tbl() - KEYS: trusted: Fix memory leak on object td - sctp: delay auto_asconf init until binding the first addr - Revert "net/sctp: fix race condition in sctp_destroy_sock" - smp: Fix smp_call_function_single_async prototype - net: Only allow init netns to set default tcp cong to a restricted algo - bpf: Prevent writable memory-mapping of read-only ringbuf pages - bpf, ringbuf: Deny reserve of buffers larger than ringbuf - bpf: Fix alu32 const subreg bound tracking on bitwise operations - afs: Fix speculative status fetches - mm/memory-failure: unnecessary amount of unmapping - mm/sparse: add the missing sparse_buffer_fini() in error branch - mm: memcontrol: slab: fix obtain a reference to a freeing memcg - mm/sl?b.c: remove ctor argument from kmem_cache_flags - kfifo: fix ternary sign extension bugs - ia64: fix EFI_DEBUG build - perf session: Add swap operation for event TIME_CONV - perf jit: Let convert_timestamp() to be backwards-compatible - perf tools: Change fields type in perf_record_time_conv - net:nfc:digital: Fix a double free in digital_tg_recv_dep_req - net: bridge: mcast: fix broken length + header check for MRDv6 Adv. - RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix a double free in bnxt_qplib_alloc_res - RDMA/siw: Fix a use after free in siw_alloc_mr - bpf: Fix propagation of 32 bit unsigned bounds from 64 bit bounds - selftests/bpf: Fix core_reloc test runner - selftests/bpf: Fix field existence CO-RE reloc tests - selftests/bpf: Fix BPF_CORE_READ_BITFIELD() macro - net:emac/emac-mac: Fix a use after free in emac_mac_tx_buf_send - KVM: VMX: Intercept FS/GS_BASE MSR accesses for 32-bit KVM - bnxt_en: Fix RX consumer index logic in the error path. - selftests: mlxsw: Remove a redundant if statement in tc_flower_scale test - selftests: net: mirror_gre_vlan_bridge_1q: Make an FDB entry static - net: geneve: modify IP header check in geneve6_xmit_skb and geneve_xmit_skb - arm64: dts: uniphier: Change phy-mode to RGMII-ID to enable delay pins for RTL8211E - ARM: dts: uniphier: Change phy-mode to RGMII-ID to enable delay pins for RTL8211E - bnxt_en: fix ternary sign extension bug in bnxt_show_temp() - net: enetc: fix link error again - net: phy: marvell: fix m88e1111_set_downshift - net: phy: marvell: fix m88e1011_set_downshift - powerpc/52xx: Fix an invalid ASM expression ('addi' used instead of 'add') - powerpc/perf: Fix the threshold event selection for memory events in power10 - wlcore: Fix buffer overrun by snprintf due to incorrect buffer size - ath10k: Fix ath10k_wmi_tlv_op_pull_peer_stats_info() unlock without lock - ath10k: Fix a use after free in ath10k_htc_send_bundle - ath9k: Fix error check in ath9k_hw_read_revisions() for PCI devices - powerpc/64: Fix the definition of the fixmap area - RDMA/core: Add CM to restrack after successful attachment to a device - RDMA/rxe: Fix a bug in rxe_fill_ip_info() - net: phy: intel-xway: enable integrated led functions - net: renesas: ravb: Fix a stuck issue when a lot of frames are received - net: stmmac: fix TSO and TBS feature enabling during driver open - nfp: devlink: initialize the devlink port attribute "lanes" - crypto: ccp: Detect and reject "invalid" addresses destined for PSP - mt76: mt7615: fix memleak when mt7615_unregister_device() - net: davinci_emac: Fix incorrect masking of tx and rx error channel - net: marvell: prestera: fix port event handling on init - vsock/virtio: free queued packets when closing socket - sfc: ef10: fix TX queue lookup in TX event handling - ALSA: usb: midi: don't return -ENOMEM when usb_urb_ep_type_check fails - RDMA/i40iw: Fix error unwinding when i40iw_hmc_sd_one fails - RDMA/cxgb4: add missing qpid increment - gro: fix napi_gro_frags() Fast GRO breakage due to IP alignment check - net: ethernet: ixp4xx: Set the DMA masks explicitly - libbpf: Initialize the bpf_seq_printf parameters array field by field - vsock/vmci: log once the failed queue pair allocation - netfilter: nftables_offload: special ethertype handling for VLAN - netfilter: nftables_offload: VLAN id needs host byteorder in flow dissector - netfilter: nft_payload: fix C-VLAN offload support - mwl8k: Fix a double Free in mwl8k_probe_hw - i2c: mediatek: Fix wrong dma sync flag - i2c: sh7760: fix IRQ error path - wlcore: fix overlapping snprintf arguments in debugfs - rtlwifi: 8821ae: upgrade PHY and RF parameters - KVM: x86: dump_vmcs should not assume GUEST_IA32_EFER is valid - powerpc/smp: Reintroduce cpu_core_mask - powerpc/pseries: extract host bridge from pci_bus prior to bus removal - MIPS: pci-legacy: stop using of_pci_range_to_resource - drm/amd/pm: fix error code in smu_set_power_limit() - perf beauty: Fix fsconfig generator - iommu/amd: Put newline after closing bracket in warning - drm/i915/gvt: Fix error code in intel_gvt_init_device() - net/packet: remove data races in fanout operations - net/packet: make packet_fanout.arr size configurable up to 64K - net/mlx5: Fix bit-wise and with zero - ASoC: ak5558: correct reset polarity - powerpc/xive: Fix xmon command "dxi" - powerpc/xive: Drop check on irq_data in xive_core_debug_show() - i2c: sh7760: add IRQ check - i2c: rcar: add IRQ check - i2c: rcar: protect against supurious interrupts on V3U - i2c: rcar: make sure irq is not threaded on Gen2 and earlier - i2c: mlxbf: add IRQ check - i2c: jz4780: add IRQ check - i2c: emev2: add IRQ check - i2c: cadence: add IRQ check - i2c: xiic: fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync fails - i2c: stm32f7: fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync fails - i2c: sprd: fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync fails - i2c: omap: fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync fails - i2c: imx: fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync fails - i2c: imx-lpi2c: fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync fails - i2c: img-scb: fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync fails - i2c: cadence: fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync fails - RDMA/rtrs-clt: destroy sysfs after removing session from active list - RDMA/srpt: Fix error return code in srpt_cm_req_recv() - net: thunderx: Fix unintentional sign extension issue - cxgb4: Fix unintentional sign extension issues - RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix error return code in bnxt_qplib_cq_process_terminal() - IB/hfi1: Fix error return code in parse_platform_config() - RDMA/qedr: Fix error return code in qedr_iw_connect() - ovl: invalidate readdir cache on changes to dir with origin - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV P9: Restore host CTRL SPR after guest exit - mt76: mt7663s: fix the possible device hang in high traffic - mt76: mt7663s: make all of packets 4-bytes aligned in sdio tx aggregation - mt76: mt7915: fix mib stats counter reporting to mac80211 - mt76: mt7615: fix mib stats counter reporting to mac80211 - mt76: mt7915: fix aggr len debugfs node - mt76: mt7915: fix tx skb dma unmap - mt76: mt7615: fix tx skb dma unmap - mt7601u: fix always true expression - rtw88: Fix an error code in rtw_debugfs_set_rsvd_page() - xfs: fix return of uninitialized value in variable error - perf vendor events amd: Fix broken L2 Cache Hits from L2 HWPF metric - mac80211: bail out if cipher schemes are invalid - powerpc: iommu: fix build when neither PCI or IBMVIO is set - powerpc/perf: Fix PMU constraint check for EBB events - powerpc/64s: Fix pte update for kernel memory on radix - IB/hfi1: Use kzalloc() for mmu_rb_handler allocation - liquidio: Fix unintented sign extension of a left shift of a u16 - ASoC: simple-card: fix possible uninitialized single_cpu local variable - KVM: arm64: Initialize VCPU mdcr_el2 before loading it - HID: lenovo: Map mic-mute button to KEY_F20 instead of KEY_MICMUTE - HID: lenovo: Check hid_get_drvdata() returns non NULL in lenovo_event() - HID: lenovo: Fix lenovo_led_set_tp10ubkbd() error handling - HID: lenovo: Use brightness_set_blocking callback for setting LEDs brightness - ALSA: usb-audio: Add error checks for usb_driver_claim_interface() calls - iommu/vt-d: Invalidate PASID cache when root/context entry changed - iommu/vt-d: Remove WO permissions on second-level paging entries - iommu/vt-d: Preset Access/Dirty bits for IOVA over FL - iommu/vt-d: Report the right page fault address - iommu/vt-d: Report right snoop capability when using FL for IOVA - iommu: Fix a boundary issue to avoid performance drop - iommu/vt-d: Don't set then clear private data in prq_event_thread() - mips: bmips: fix syscon-reboot nodes - net: hns3: Limiting the scope of vector_ring_chain variable - nfc: pn533: prevent potential memory corruption - RDMA/core: Fix corrupted SL on passive side - bug: Remove redundant condition check in report_bug - net/tipc: fix missing destroy_workqueue() on error in tipc_crypto_start() - powerpc/pseries: Only register vio drivers if vio bus exists - udp: never accept GSO_FRAGLIST packets - net: phy: lan87xx: fix access to wrong register of LAN87xx - ALSA: core: remove redundant spin_lock pair in snd_card_disconnect - gpio: guard gpiochip_irqchip_add_domain() with GPIOLIB_IRQCHIP - MIPS/bpf: Enable bpf_probe_read{, str}() on MIPS again - powerpc: Fix HAVE_HARDLOCKUP_DETECTOR_ARCH build configuration - IB/isert: Fix a use after free in isert_connect_request - RDMA/mlx5: Fix drop packet rule in egress table - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: add bit field SFM into GERROR_ERR_MASK - ASoC: wm8960: Remove bitclk relax condition in wm8960_configure_sysclk - MIPS: loongson64: fix bug when PAGE_SIZE > 16KB - pinctrl: pinctrl-single: fix pcs_pin_dbg_show() when bits_per_mux is not zero - pinctrl: pinctrl-single: remove unused parameter - inet: use bigger hash table for IP ID generation - ima: Fix the error code for restoring the PCR value - MIPS: fix local_irq_{disable,enable} in asmmacro.h - powerpc/prom: Mark identical_pvr_fixup as __init - powerpc/fadump: Mark fadump_calculate_reserve_size as __init - libbpf: Add explicit padding to btf_dump_emit_type_decl_opts - selftests/bpf: Re-generate vmlinux.h and BPF skeletons if bpftool changed - iommu/vt-d: Reject unsupported page request modes - iommu: Check dev->iommu in iommu_dev_xxx functions - bpftool: Fix maybe-uninitialized warnings - libbpf: Add explicit padding to bpf_xdp_set_link_opts - net: lapbether: Prevent racing when checking whether the netif is running - Bluetooth: avoid deadlock between hci_dev->lock and socket lock - KVM: x86/mmu: Retry page faults that hit an invalid memslot - wilc1000: write value to WILC_INTR2_ENABLE register - RDMA/mlx5: Fix mlx5 rates to IB rates map - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Compile when any configuration is selected - ASoC: Intel: boards: sof-wm8804: add check for PLL setting - perf symbols: Fix dso__fprintf_symbols_by_name() to return the number of printed chars - HID: plantronics: Workaround for double volume key presses - xsk: Respect device's headroom and tailroom on generic xmit path - drivers/block/null_blk/main: Fix a double free in null_init. - sched/debug: Fix cgroup_path[] serialization - io_uring: fix overflows checks in provide buffers - perf/amd/uncore: Fix sysfs type mismatch - x86/events/amd/iommu: Fix sysfs type mismatch - HSI: core: fix resource leaks in hsi_add_client_from_dt() - media: cedrus: Fix H265 status definitions - nvme-pci: don't simple map sgl when sgls are disabled - nvmet-tcp: fix a segmentation fault during io parsing error - mfd: stm32-timers: Avoid clearing auto reload register - mailbox: sprd: Introduce refcnt when clients requests/free channels - scsi: ibmvfc: Fix invalid state machine BUG_ON() - scsi: sni_53c710: Add IRQ check - scsi: sun3x_esp: Add IRQ check - scsi: jazz_esp: Add IRQ check - scsi: hisi_sas: Fix IRQ checks - scsi: ufs: ufshcd-pltfrm: Fix deferred probing - scsi: pm80xx: Fix potential infinite loop - scsi: pm80xx: Increase timeout for pm80xx mpi_uninit_check() - clk: uniphier: Fix potential infinite loop - drm/radeon: Fix a missing check bug in radeon_dp_mst_detect() - drm/amd/display: use GFP_ATOMIC in dcn20_resource_construct - clk: qcom: apss-ipq-pll: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - clk: qcom: a53-pll: Add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - drm: xlnx: zynqmp: fix a memset in zynqmp_dp_train() - clk: zynqmp: pll: add set_pll_mode to check condition in zynqmp_pll_enable - clk: zynqmp: move zynqmp_pll_set_mode out of round_rate callback - vfio/mdev: Do not allow a mdev_type to have a NULL parent pointer - vfio/pci: Re-order vfio_pci_probe() - vfio/pci: Move VGA and VF initialization to functions - vfio/fsl-mc: Re-order vfio_fsl_mc_probe() - media: v4l2-ctrls.c: fix race condition in hdl->requests list - media: i2c: imx219: Balance runtime PM use-count - media: i2c: imx219: Move out locking/unlocking of vflip and hflip controls from imx219_set_stream - nvme: retrigger ANA log update if group descriptor isn't found - power: supply: bq25980: Move props from battery node - clk: imx: Fix reparenting of UARTs not associated with stdout - nvmet-tcp: fix incorrect locking in state_change sk callback - nvme-tcp: block BH in sk state_change sk callback - seccomp: Fix CONFIG tests for Seccomp_filters - ata: libahci_platform: fix IRQ check - sata_mv: add IRQ checks - pata_ipx4xx_cf: fix IRQ check - pata_arasan_cf: fix IRQ check - selftests: fix prepending $(OUTPUT) to $(TEST_PROGS) - x86/kprobes: Fix to check non boostable prefixes correctly - of: overlay: fix for_each_child.cocci warnings - drm/amdkfd: fix build error with AMD_IOMMU_V2=m - media: atomisp: Fix use after free in atomisp_alloc_css_stat_bufs() - media: m88rs6000t: avoid potential out-of-bounds reads on arrays - media: atomisp: Fixed error handling path - media: [next] staging: media: atomisp: fix memory leak of object flash - media: docs: Fix data organization of MEDIA_BUS_FMT_RGB101010_1X30 - media: m88ds3103: fix return value check in m88ds3103_probe() - media: platform: sunxi: sun6i-csi: fix error return code of sun6i_video_start_streaming() - media: venus: core: Fix some resource leaks in the error path of 'venus_probe()' - drm/probe-helper: Check epoch counter in output_poll_execute() - media: aspeed: fix clock handling logic - media: rkisp1: rsz: crash fix when setting src format - media: omap4iss: return error code when omap4iss_get() failed - media: saa7146: use sg_dma_len when building pgtable - media: saa7134: use sg_dma_len when building pgtable - media: vivid: fix assignment of dev->fbuf_out_flags - rcu: Remove spurious instrumentation_end() in rcu_nmi_enter() - afs: Fix updating of i_mode due to 3rd party change - sched/fair: Fix shift-out-of-bounds in load_balance() - drm/mcde/panel: Inverse misunderstood flag - drm/amd/display: Fix off by one in hdmi_14_process_transaction() - drm/stm: Fix bus_flags handling - drm/tilcdc: send vblank event when disabling crtc - soc: aspeed: fix a ternary sign expansion bug - xen-blkback: fix compatibility bug with single page rings - serial: omap: fix rs485 half-duplex filtering - serial: omap: don't disable rs485 if rts gpio is missing - ttyprintk: Add TTY hangup callback. - usb: dwc2: Fix hibernation between host and device modes. - usb: dwc2: Fix host mode hibernation exit with remote wakeup flow. - PM: hibernate: x86: Use crc32 instead of md5 for hibernation e820 integrity check - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Increase wait time for VMbus unload - hwmon: (pmbus/pxe1610) don't bail out when not all pages are active - x86/platform/uv: Fix !KEXEC build failure - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: return -ENOMEM if dma_map_single fails - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: fix use-after-free in zynqmp_qspi_exec_op - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: fix hang issue when suspend/resume - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: fix clk_enable/disable imbalance issue - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Use after free in __vmbus_open() - ARM: dts: aspeed: Rainier: Fix humidity sensor bus address - platform/x86: pmc_atom: Match all Beckhoff Automation baytrail boards with critclk_systems DMI table - security: keys: trusted: fix TPM2 authorizations - memory: samsung: exynos5422-dmc: handle clk_set_parent() failure - memory: renesas-rpc-if: fix possible NULL pointer dereference of resource - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: Fix missing unlock on error in zynqmp_qspi_exec_op() - m68k: Add missing mmap_read_lock() to sys_cacheflush() - usbip: vudc: fix missing unlock on error in usbip_sockfd_store() - crypto: chelsio - Read rxchannel-id from firmware - node: fix device cleanups in error handling code - firmware: qcom-scm: Fix QCOM_SCM configuration - serial: core: return early on unsupported ioctls - tty: fix return value for unsupported termiox ioctls - tty: Remove dead termiox code - tty: fix return value for unsupported ioctls - tty: actually undefine superseded ASYNC flags - USB: cdc-acm: fix TIOCGSERIAL implementation - USB: cdc-acm: fix unprivileged TIOCCSERIAL - usb: gadget: r8a66597: Add missing null check on return from platform_get_resource - spi: fsl-lpspi: Fix PM reference leak in lpspi_prepare_xfer_hardware() - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: fix incorrect operating mode in zynqmp_qspi_read_op - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: transmit dummy circles by using the controller's internal functionality - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: add mutex locking for exec_op - spi: spi-zynqmp-gqspi: use wait_for_completion_timeout to make zynqmp_qspi_exec_op not interruptible - cpufreq: armada-37xx: Fix determining base CPU frequency - cpufreq: armada-37xx: Fix driver cleanup when registration failed - clk: mvebu: armada-37xx-periph: Fix workaround for switching from L1 to L0 - clk: mvebu: armada-37xx-periph: Fix switching CPU freq from 250 Mhz to 1 GHz - cpufreq: armada-37xx: Fix the AVS value for load L1 - clk: mvebu: armada-37xx-periph: remove .set_parent method for CPU PM clock - cpufreq: armada-37xx: Fix setting TBG parent for load levels - crypto: qat - Fix a double free in adf_create_ring - crypto: sa2ul - Fix memory leak of rxd - crypto: sun8i-ss - Fix memory leak of pad - crypto: allwinner - add missing CRYPTO_ prefix - ACPI: CPPC: Replace cppc_attr with kobj_attribute - cpuidle: Fix ARM_QCOM_SPM_CPUIDLE configuration - PM: runtime: Replace inline function pm_runtime_callbacks_present() - soc: qcom: mdt_loader: Detect truncated read of segments - soc: qcom: mdt_loader: Validate that p_filesz < p_memsz - spi: fsl: add missing iounmap() on error in of_fsl_spi_probe() - spi: Fix use-after-free with devm_spi_alloc_* - clocksource/drivers/ingenic_ost: Fix return value check in ingenic_ost_probe() - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Add missing set_state_oneshot_stopped - clocksource/drivers/timer-ti-dm: Fix posted mode status check order - PM / devfreq: Use more accurate returned new_freq as resume_freq - soc: qcom: pdr: Fix error return code in pdr_register_listener - staging: greybus: uart: fix unprivileged TIOCCSERIAL - staging: fwserial: fix TIOCGSERIAL implementation - staging: fwserial: fix TIOCSSERIAL implementation - staging: rtl8192u: Fix potential infinite loop - staging: comedi: tests: ni_routes_test: Fix compilation error - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix OF_BAD_ADDR error handling - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: Fix a double free in gpmi_nand_init - iio: adc: Kconfig: make AD9467 depend on ADI_AXI_ADC symbol - firmware: qcom_scm: Workaround lack of "is available" call on SC7180 - firmware: qcom_scm: Reduce locking section for __get_convention() - firmware: qcom_scm: Make __qcom_scm_is_call_available() return bool - m68k: mvme147,mvme16x: Don't wipe PCC timer config bits - soundwire: stream: fix memory leak in stream config error path - memory: pl353: fix mask of ECC page_size config register - driver core: platform: Declare early_platform_cleanup() prototype - drivers: nvmem: Fix voltage settings for QTI qfprom-efuse - USB: gadget: udc: fix wrong pointer passed to IS_ERR() and PTR_ERR() - usb: gadget: aspeed: fix dma map failure - crypto: qat - fix error path in adf_isr_resource_alloc() - crypto: poly1305 - fix poly1305_core_setkey() declaration - NFSv4.2: fix copy stateid copying for the async copy - NFSD: Fix sparse warning in nfs4proc.c - arm64: dts: mediatek: fix reset GPIO level on pumpkin - phy: marvell: ARMADA375_USBCLUSTER_PHY should not default to y, unconditionally - phy: ti: j721e-wiz: Delete "clk_div_sel" clk provider during cleanup - soundwire: bus: Fix device found flag correctly - bus: qcom: Put child node before return - arm64: dts: renesas: r8a779a0: Fix PMU interrupt - mtd: require write permissions for locking and badblock ioctls - dt-bindings: serial: stm32: Use 'type: object' instead of false for 'additionalProperties' - usb: gadget: s3c: Fix the error handling path in 's3c2410_udc_probe()' - usb: gadget: s3c: Fix incorrect resources releasing - fotg210-udc: Complete OUT requests on short packets - fotg210-udc: Don't DMA more than the buffer can take - fotg210-udc: Mask GRP2 interrupts we don't handle - fotg210-udc: Remove a dubious condition leading to fotg210_done - fotg210-udc: Fix EP0 IN requests bigger than two packets - fotg210-udc: Fix DMA on EP0 for length > max packet size - crypto: qat - ADF_STATUS_PF_RUNNING should be set after adf_dev_init - crypto: qat - don't release uninitialized resources - crypto: ccp - fix command queuing to TEE ring buffer - usb: gadget: pch_udc: Provide a GPIO line used on Intel Minnowboard (v1) - usb: gadget: pch_udc: Initialize device pointer before use - usb: gadget: pch_udc: Check for DMA mapping error - usb: gadget: pch_udc: Check if driver is present before calling ->setup() - usb: gadget: pch_udc: Replace cpu_to_le32() by lower_32_bits() - devtmpfs: fix placement of complete() call - x86/microcode: Check for offline CPUs before requesting new microcode - spi: stm32: Fix use-after-free on unbind - arm64: dts: renesas: r8a77980: Fix vin4-7 endpoint binding - regulator: bd9576: Fix return from bd957x_probe() - spi: stm32: drop devres version of spi_register_master - crypto: sun8i-ss - Fix memory leak of object d when dma_iv fails to map - arm64: dts: qcom: db845c: fix correct powerdown pin for WSA881x - arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: fix number of pins in 'gpio-ranges' - arm64: dts: qcom: sm8150: fix number of pins in 'gpio-ranges' - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: fix number of pins in 'gpio-ranges' - arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: Fix timer interrupt to specify EL2 physical timer - arm64: dts: qcom: sm8250: Fix level triggered PMU interrupt polarity - ARM: dts: stm32: fix usart 2 & 3 pinconf to wake up with flow control - mtd: maps: fix error return code of physmap_flash_remove() - mtd: don't lock when recursively deleting partitions - mtd: rawnand: qcom: Return actual error code instead of -ENODEV - mtd: Handle possible -EPROBE_DEFER from parse_mtd_partitions() - mtd: rawnand: brcmnand: fix OOB R/W with Hamming ECC - mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix error code in fsmc_nand_probe() - spi: rockchip: avoid objtool warning - regmap: set debugfs_name to NULL after it is freed - usb: typec: stusb160x: fix return value check in stusb160x_probe() - usb: typec: tps6598x: Fix return value check in tps6598x_probe() - usb: typec: tcpci: Check ROLE_CONTROL while interpreting CC_STATUS - serial: stm32: fix tx_empty condition - serial: stm32: add FIFO flush when port is closed - serial: stm32: fix FIFO flush in startup and set_termios - serial: stm32: call stm32_transmit_chars locked - serial: stm32: fix tx dma completion, release channel - serial: stm32: fix a deadlock in set_termios - serial: stm32: fix wake-up flag handling - serial: stm32: fix a deadlock condition with wakeup event - serial: stm32: fix TX and RX FIFO thresholds - serial: stm32: fix incorrect characters on console - serial: stm32: fix startup by enabling usart for reception - serial: stm32: Use of_device_get_match_data() - serial: stm32: fix probe and remove order for dma - serial: stm32: add "_usart" prefix in functions name - serial: stm32: fix code cleaning warnings and checks - x86/platform/uv: Set section block size for hubless architectures - arm64: dts: renesas: Add mmc aliases into board dts files - ARM: dts: renesas: Add mmc aliases into R-Car Gen2 board dts files - ARM: dts: s5pv210: correct fuel gauge interrupt trigger level on Fascinate family - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Snow - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on SMDK5250 - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Odroid X/U3 family - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Midas family - ARM: dts: exynos: correct MUIC interrupt trigger level on Midas family - ARM: dts: exynos: correct fuel gauge interrupt trigger level on Midas family - ARM: dts: exynos: correct fuel gauge interrupt trigger level on GT-I9100 - memory: gpmc: fix out of bounds read and dereference on gpmc_cs[] - crypto: sun8i-ss - fix result memory leak on error path - fpga: fpga-mgr: xilinx-spi: fix error messages on -EPROBE_DEFER - firmware: xilinx: Remove zynqmp_pm_get_eemi_ops() in IS_REACHABLE(CONFIG_ZYNQMP_FIRMWARE) - firmware: xilinx: Add a blank line after function declaration - firmware: xilinx: Fix dereferencing freed memory - Revert "tools/power turbostat: adjust for temperature offset" - usb: gadget: pch_udc: Revert d3cb25a12138 completely - Revert "drm/qxl: do not run release if qxl failed to init" - ovl: fix missing revert_creds() on error path - Revert "i3c master: fix missing destroy_workqueue() on error in i3c_master_register" - Revert "drivers/net/wan/hdlc_fr: Fix a double free in pvc_xmit" - KVM: arm64: Fix KVM_VGIC_V3_ADDR_TYPE_REDIST_REGION read - KVM: arm64: Fully zero the vcpu state on reset - KVM: Stop looking for coalesced MMIO zones if the bus is destroyed - KVM: Destroy I/O bus devices on unregister failure _after_ sync'ing SRCU - KVM: arm/arm64: Fix KVM_VGIC_V3_ADDR_TYPE_REDIST read - KVM: nVMX: Truncate base/index GPR value on address calc in !64-bit - KVM: nVMX: Truncate bits 63:32 of VMCS field on nested check in !64-bit - KVM: nVMX: Defer the MMU reload to the normal path on an EPTP switch - KVM: SVM: Inject #GP on guest MSR_TSC_AUX accesses if RDTSCP unsupported - KVM: SVM: Do not allow SEV/SEV-ES initialization after vCPUs are created - KVM: SVM: Don't strip the C-bit from CR2 on #PF interception - KVM: nSVM: Set the shadow root level to the TDP level for nested NPT - KVM: x86: Remove emulator's broken checks on CR0/CR3/CR4 loads - KVM: x86/mmu: Alloc page for PDPTEs when shadowing 32-bit NPT with 64-bit - KVM: s390: extend kvm_s390_shadow_fault to return entry pointer - KVM: s390: split kvm_s390_real_to_abs - KVM: s390: VSIE: fix MVPG handling for prefixing and MSO - s390: fix detection of vector enhancements facility 1 vs. vector packed decimal facility - KVM: s390: fix guarded storage control register handling - KVM: s390: split kvm_s390_logical_to_effective - KVM: s390: VSIE: correctly handle MVPG when in VSIE - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix speaker amp on HP Envy AiO 32 - ALSA: hda/realtek: ALC285 Thinkpad jack pin quirk is unreachable - ALSA: hda/realtek: Remove redundant entry for ALC861 Haier/Uniwill devices - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC662 quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order remaining ALC269 quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC269 Lenovo quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC269 Sony quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC269 ASUS quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC269 Dell quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC269 Acer quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC269 HP quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC882 Clevo quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC882 Sony quirk table entries - ALSA: hda/realtek: Re-order ALC882 Acer quirk table entries - drm/amdgpu: fix concurrent VM flushes on Vega/Navi v2 - drm/amd/display: Reject non-zero src_y and src_x for video planes - drm: bridge/panel: Cleanup connector on bridge detach - drm/dp_mst: Set CLEAR_PAYLOAD_ID_TABLE as broadcast - drm/dp_mst: Revise broadcast msg lct & lcr - drm/radeon: fix copy of uninitialized variable back to userspace - drm/panfrost: Don't try to map pages that are already mapped - drm/panfrost: Clear MMU irqs before handling the fault - drm/qxl: use ttm bo priorities - drm/i915/gvt: Fix vfio_edid issue for BXT/APL - drm/i915/gvt: Fix virtual display setup for BXT/APL - FDDI: defxx: Make MMIO the configuration default except for EISA - mt76: fix potential DMA mapping leak - rtw88: Fix array overrun in rtw_get_tx_power_params() - cfg80211: scan: drop entry from hidden_list on overflow - ipw2x00: potential buffer overflow in libipw_wx_set_encodeext() - mt76: mt7615: use ieee80211_free_txskb() in mt7615_tx_token_put() - md: Fix missing unused status line of /proc/mdstat - md: md_open returns -EBUSY when entering racing area - md: factor out a mddev_find_locked helper from mddev_find - md: split mddev_find - md-cluster: fix use-after-free issue when removing rdev - md/bitmap: wait for external bitmap writes to complete during tear down - async_xor: increase src_offs when dropping destination page - x86, sched: Treat Intel SNC topology as default, COD as exception - selinux: add proper NULL termination to the secclass_map permissions - misc: vmw_vmci: explicitly initialize vmci_datagram payload - misc: vmw_vmci: explicitly initialize vmci_notify_bm_set_msg struct - phy: ti: j721e-wiz: Invoke wiz_init() before of_platform_device_create() - misc: lis3lv02d: Fix false-positive WARN on various HP models - phy: cadence: Sierra: Fix PHY power_on sequence - sc16is7xx: Defer probe if device read fails - iio:adc:ad7476: Fix remove handling - iio:accel:adis16201: Fix wrong axis assignment that prevents loading - iio: inv_mpu6050: Fully validate gyro and accel scale writes - soc/tegra: regulators: Fix locking up when voltage-spread is out of range - PM / devfreq: Unlock mutex and free devfreq struct in error path - PCI: keystone: Let AM65 use the pci_ops defined in pcie-designware-host.c - PCI: xgene: Fix cfg resource mapping - KVM: x86: Defer the MMU unload to the normal path on an global INVPCID - PCI: Allow VPD access for QLogic ISP2722 - FDDI: defxx: Bail out gracefully with unassigned PCI resource for CSR - MIPS: pci-rt2880: fix slot 0 configuration - MIPS: pci-mt7620: fix PLL lock check - ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: Increase maximum register in regmap - ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: Register clocks before registering component - ASoC: Intel: kbl_da7219_max98927: Fix kabylake_ssp_fixup function - ASoC: samsung: tm2_wm5110: check of of_parse return value - usb: xhci-mtk: improve bandwidth scheduling with TT - usb: xhci-mtk: remove or operator for setting schedule parameters - usb: typec: tcpm: update power supply once partner accepts - usb: typec: tcpm: Address incorrect values of tcpm psy for pps supply - usb: typec: tcpm: Address incorrect values of tcpm psy for fixed supply - drm: bridge: fix LONTIUM use of mipi_dsi_() functions - staging: fwserial: fix TIOCSSERIAL permission check - tty: moxa: fix TIOCSSERIAL permission check - staging: fwserial: fix TIOCSSERIAL jiffies conversions - USB: serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: fix TIOCSSERIAL permission check - staging: greybus: uart: fix TIOCSSERIAL jiffies conversions - USB: serial: usb_wwan: fix TIOCSSERIAL jiffies conversions - tty: amiserial: fix TIOCSSERIAL permission check - tty: moxa: fix TIOCSSERIAL jiffies conversions - usb: roles: Call try_module_get() from usb_role_switch_find_by_fwnode() - Revert "USB: cdc-acm: fix rounding error in TIOCSSERIAL" - io_uring: truncate lengths larger than MAX_RW_COUNT on provide buffers - net/nfc: fix use-after-free llcp_sock_bind/connect - bluetooth: eliminate the potential race condition when removing the HCI controller - Bluetooth: verify AMP hci_chan before amp_destroy - thermal/core/fair share: Lock the thermal zone while looping over instances - thermal/drivers/cpufreq_cooling: Fix slab OOB issue - lib/vsprintf.c: remove leftover 'f' and 'F' cases from bstr_printf() - dm rq: fix double free of blk_mq_tag_set in dev remove after table load fails - dm integrity: fix missing goto in bitmap_flush_interval error handling - dm space map common: fix division bug in sm_ll_find_free_block() - dm persistent data: packed struct should have an aligned() attribute too - tracing: Restructure trace_clock_global() to never block - tracing: Map all PIDs to command lines - tools/power turbostat: Fix offset overflow issue in index converting - rsi: Use resume_noirq for SDIO - tty: fix memory leak in vc_deallocate - usb: dwc2: Fix session request interrupt handler - usb: dwc3: core: Do core softreset when switch mode - usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix START_TRANSFER link state check - usb: dwc3: gadget: Remove FS bInterval_m1 limitation - usb: gadget/function/f_fs string table fix for multiple languages - usb: gadget: Fix double free of device descriptor pointers - usb: gadget: dummy_hcd: fix gpf in gadget_setup - media: venus: hfi_parser: Don't initialize parser on v1 - media: v4l2-ctrls: fix reference to freed memory - media: staging/intel-ipu3: Fix race condition during set_fmt - media: staging/intel-ipu3: Fix set_fmt error handling - media: staging/intel-ipu3: Fix memory leak in imu_fmt - media: dvb-usb: Fix memory leak at error in dvb_usb_device_init() - media: dvb-usb: Fix use-after-free access - media: dvbdev: Fix memory leak in dvb_media_device_free() - ext4: Fix occasional generic/418 failure - ext4: allow the dax flag to be set and cleared on inline directories - ext4: fix error return code in ext4_fc_perform_commit() - ext4: fix ext4_error_err save negative errno into superblock - ext4: fix error code in ext4_commit_super - ext4: annotate data race in jbd2_journal_dirty_metadata() - ext4: annotate data race in start_this_handle() - kbuild: update config_data.gz only when the content of .config is changed - x86/cpu: Initialize MSR_TSC_AUX if RDTSCP *or* RDPID is supported - futex: Do not apply time namespace adjustment on FUTEX_LOCK_PI - Revert 337f13046ff0 ("futex: Allow FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME with FUTEX_WAIT op") - smb3: do not attempt multichannel to server which does not support it - smb3: when mounting with multichannel include it in requested capabilities - Fix misc new gcc warnings - security: commoncap: fix -Wstringop-overread warning - sfc: farch: fix TX queue lookup in TX event handling - sfc: farch: fix TX queue lookup in TX flush done handling - exfat: fix erroneous discard when clear cluster bit - fuse: fix write deadlock - dm raid: fix inconclusive reshape layout on fast raid4/5/6 table reload sequences - md/raid1: properly indicate failure when ending a failed write request - crypto: rng - fix crypto_rng_reset() refcounting when !CRYPTO_STATS - crypto: arm/curve25519 - Move '.fpu' after '.arch' - tpm: vtpm_proxy: Avoid reading host log when using a virtual device - tpm: efi: Use local variable for calculating final log size - intel_th: pci: Add Alder Lake-M support - powerpc: fix EDEADLOCK redefinition error in uapi/asm/errno.h - powerpc/32: Fix boot failure with CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR - powerpc/kexec_file: Use current CPU info while setting up FDT - powerpc/eeh: Fix EEH handling for hugepages in ioremap space. - powerpc/powernv: Enable HAIL (HV AIL) for ISA v3.1 processors - jffs2: Hook up splice_write callback - jffs2: Fix kasan slab-out-of-bounds problem - Input: ili210x - add missing negation for touch indication on ili210x - NFSv4: Don't discard segments marked for return in _pnfs_return_layout() - NFS: Don't discard pNFS layout segments that are marked for return - NFS: fs_context: validate UDP retrans to prevent shift out-of-bounds - ACPI: GTDT: Don't corrupt interrupt mappings on watchdow probe failure - openvswitch: fix stack OOB read while fragmenting IPv4 packets - mlxsw: spectrum_mr: Update egress RIF list before route's action - f2fs: fix to avoid out-of-bounds memory access - f2fs: fix error handling in f2fs_end_enable_verity() - ubifs: Only check replay with inode type to judge if inode linked - kcsan, debugfs: Move debugfs file creation out of early init - virtiofs: fix memory leak in virtio_fs_probe() - fs: fix reporting supported extra file attributes for statx() - Makefile: Move -Wno-unused-but-set-variable out of GCC only block - arm64/vdso: Discard sections in vDSO - btrfs: fix race when picking most recent mod log operation for an old root - tools/power/turbostat: Fix turbostat for AMD Zen CPUs - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Intel Clevo PCx0Dx - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix static noise on ALC285 Lenovo laptops - ALSA: hda/realtek - Headset Mic issue on HP platform - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mic boost on Intel NUC 8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: GA503 use same quirks as GA401 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP ProBook 445 G7 - ALSA: usb-audio: Add dB range mapping for Sennheiser Communications Headset PC 8 - ALSA: usb-audio: Explicitly set up the clock selector - ALSA: sb: Fix two use after free in snd_sb_qsound_build - ALSA: hda/conexant: Re-order CX5066 quirk table entries - ALSA: emu8000: Fix a use after free in snd_emu8000_create_mixer - power: supply: cpcap-battery: fix invalid usage of list cursor - sched,psi: Handle potential task count underflow bugs more gracefully - s390/archrandom: add parameter check for s390_arch_random_generate - block/rnbd-clt: Fix missing a memory free when unloading the module - sched,fair: Alternative sched_slice() - perf: Rework perf_event_exit_event() - scsi: libfc: Fix a format specifier - mfd: arizona: Fix rumtime PM imbalance on error - mfd: da9063: Support SMBus and I2C mode - mfd: intel-m10-bmc: Fix the register access range - scsi: lpfc: Remove unsupported mbox PORT_CAPABILITIES logic - scsi: lpfc: Fix error handling for mailboxes completed in MBX_POLL mode - scsi: lpfc: Fix crash when a REG_RPI mailbox fails triggering a LOGO response - drm/amdgpu: fix NULL pointer dereference - drm/amd/display: Try YCbCr420 color when YCbCr444 fails - amdgpu: avoid incorrect %hu format string - drm/amdkfd: Fix cat debugfs hang_hws file causes system crash bug - drm/amd/display: Fix UBSAN: shift-out-of-bounds warning - drm/amd/display: Fix debugfs link_settings entry - drm/radeon/ttm: Fix memory leak userptr pages - drm/amdgpu/ttm: Fix memory leak userptr pages - drm/msm/mdp5: Do not multiply vclk line count by 100 - drm/msm/mdp5: Configure PP_SYNC_HEIGHT to double the vtotal - sched/fair: Ignore percpu threads for imbalance pulls - media: gscpa/stv06xx: fix memory leak - media: dvb-usb: fix memory leak in dvb_usb_adapter_init - media: sun8i-di: Fix runtime PM imbalance in deinterlace_start_streaming - media: platform: sti: Fix runtime PM imbalance in regs_show - media: i2c: adv7842: fix possible use-after-free in adv7842_remove() - media: i2c: tda1997: Fix possible use-after-free in tda1997x_remove() - media: i2c: adv7511-v4l2: fix possible use-after-free in adv7511_remove() - media: adv7604: fix possible use-after-free in adv76xx_remove() - media: tc358743: fix possible use-after-free in tc358743_remove() - power: supply: s3c_adc_battery: fix possible use-after-free in s3c_adc_bat_remove() - power: supply: generic-adc-battery: fix possible use-after-free in gab_remove() - clk: socfpga: arria10: Fix memory leak of socfpga_clk on error return - drm/msm/dp: Fix incorrect NULL check kbot warnings in DP driver - media: vivid: update EDID - media: em28xx: fix memory leak - scsi: scsi_dh_alua: Remove check for ASC 24h in alua_rtpg() - scsi: smartpqi: Add new PCI IDs - scsi: smartpqi: Correct request leakage during reset operations - scsi: smartpqi: Use host-wide tag space - power: supply: cpcap-charger: Add usleep to cpcap charger to avoid usb plug bounce - selftests/resctrl: Fix checking for < 0 for unsigned values - selftests/resctrl: Fix incorrect parsing of iMC counters - selftests/resctrl: Use resctrl/info for feature detection - selftests/resctrl: Fix missing options "-n" and "-p" - selftests/resctrl: Clean up resctrl features check - selftests/resctrl: Fix compilation issues for other global variables - selftests/resctrl: Fix compilation issues for global variables - selftests/resctrl: Enable gcc checks to detect buffer overflows - nvmet: return proper error code from discovery ctrl - drm/komeda: Fix bit check to import to value of proper type - ata: ahci: Disable SXS for Hisilicon Kunpeng920 - mmc: sdhci-brcmstb: Remove CQE quirk - mmc: sdhci-pci: Add PCI IDs for Intel LKF - mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: validate pinctrl before use it - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix use after free in bsg - drm/vkms: fix misuse of WARN_ON - scsi: qla2xxx: Always check the return value of qla24xx_get_isp_stats() - drm/amd/display: fix dml prefetch validation - drm/amd/display: DCHUB underflow counter increasing in some scenarios - drm/amd/display: Fix UBSAN warning for not a valid value for type '_Bool' - drm/amd/pm: fix workload mismatch on vega10 - drm/amdgpu : Fix asic reset regression issue introduce by 8f211fe8ac7c4f - drm/amdkfd: Fix UBSAN shift-out-of-bounds warning - drm/amdgpu: mask the xgmi number of hops reported from psp to kfd - backlight: qcom-wled: Fix FSC update issue for WLED5 - backlight: qcom-wled: Use sink_addr for sync toggle - power: supply: Use IRQF_ONESHOT - media: gspca/sq905.c: fix uninitialized variable - media: media/saa7164: fix saa7164_encoder_register() memory leak bugs - extcon: arizona: Fix various races on driver unbind - extcon: arizona: Fix some issues when HPDET IRQ fires after the jack has been unplugged - power: supply: bq27xxx: fix power_avg for newer ICs - atomisp: don't let it go past pipes array - media: imx: capture: Return -EPIPE from __capture_legacy_try_fmt() - media: drivers: media: pci: sta2x11: fix Kconfig dependency on GPIOLIB - media: ite-cir: check for receive overflow - scsi: target: pscsi: Fix warning in pscsi_complete_cmd() - kvfree_rcu: Use same set of GFP flags as does single-argument - sched/pelt: Fix task util_est update filtering - drm/amdgpu: Fix some unload driver issues - scsi: lpfc: Fix pt2pt connection does not recover after LOGO - scsi: lpfc: Fix incorrect dbde assignment when building target abts wqe - drm/amd/display/dc/dce/dce_aux: Remove duplicate line causing 'field overwritten' issue - drm/amdgpu/display: buffer INTERRUPT_LOW_IRQ_CONTEXT interrupt work - drm/amd/display: Don't optimize bandwidth before disabling planes - drm/amd/display: Check for DSC support instead of ASIC revision - drm/ast: fix memory leak when unload the driver - drm/amd/display: changing sr exit latency - drm/ast: Fix invalid usage of AST_MAX_HWC_WIDTH in cursor atomic_check - drm/qxl: release shadow on shutdown - drm/qxl: do not run release if qxl failed to init - drm: Added orientation quirk for OneGX1 Pro - btrfs: convert logic BUG_ON()'s in replace_path to ASSERT()'s - btrfs: do proper error handling in btrfs_update_reloc_root - btrfs: do proper error handling in create_reloc_root - spi: sync up initial chipselect state - platform/x86: intel_pmc_core: Don't use global pmcdev in quirks - crypto: omap-aes - Fix PM reference leak on omap-aes.c - crypto: sa2ul - Fix PM reference leak in sa_ul_probe() - crypto: stm32/cryp - Fix PM reference leak on stm32-cryp.c - crypto: stm32/hash - Fix PM reference leak on stm32-hash.c - crypto: sun8i-ce - Fix PM reference leak in sun8i_ce_probe() - crypto: sun8i-ss - Fix PM reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync() fails - phy: phy-twl4030-usb: Fix possible use-after-free in twl4030_usb_remove() - intel_th: Consistency and off-by-one fix - tty: n_gsm: check error while registering tty devices - usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for disabled LPM quirk - usb: core: hub: Fix PM reference leak in usb_port_resume() - usb: musb: fix PM reference leak in musb_irq_work() - usb: gadget: tegra-xudc: Fix possible use-after-free in tegra_xudc_remove() - spi: qup: fix PM reference leak in spi_qup_remove() - spi: omap-100k: Fix reference leak to master - spi: dln2: Fix reference leak to master - platform/x86: ISST: Account for increased timeout in some cases - tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Increase string size - ARM: dts: at91: change the key code of the gpio key - bus: mhi: core: Clear context for stopped channels from remove() - xhci: fix potential array out of bounds with several interrupters - xhci: check control context is valid before dereferencing it. - xhci: check port array allocation was successful before dereferencing it - fpga: dfl: pci: add DID for D5005 PAC cards - usb: xhci-mtk: support quirk to disable usb2 lpm - random: initialize ChaCha20 constants with correct endianness - perf/arm_pmu_platform: Fix error handling - perf/arm_pmu_platform: Use dev_err_probe() for IRQ errors - soundwire: cadence: only prepare attached devices on clock stop - tee: optee: do not check memref size on return from Secure World - arm64: dts: imx8mq-librem5-r3: Mark buck3 as always on - soc/tegra: pmc: Fix completion of power-gate toggling - efi/libstub: Add $(CLANG_FLAGS) to x86 flags - x86/boot: Add $(CLANG_FLAGS) to compressed KBUILD_CFLAGS - x86/build: Propagate $(CLANG_FLAGS) to $(REALMODE_FLAGS) - ARM: dts: ux500: Fix up TVK R3 sensors - ARM: dts: BCM5301X: fix "reg" formatting in /memory node - kselftest/arm64: mte: Fix MTE feature detection - PCI: PM: Do not read power state in pci_enable_device_flags() - ARM: tegra: acer-a500: Rename avdd to vdda of touchscreen node - kselftest/arm64: mte: Fix compilation with native compiler - usb: xhci: Fix port minor revision - usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore EP queue requests during bus reset - usb: gadget: f_uac1: validate input parameters - usb: gadget: f_uac2: validate input parameters - genirq/matrix: Prevent allocation counter corruption - crypto: hisilicon/sec - fixes a printing error - x86/sev: Do not require Hypervisor CPUID bit for SEV guests - usb: webcam: Invalid size of Processing Unit Descriptor - usb: gadget: uvc: add bInterval checking for HS mode - crypto: qat - fix unmap invalid dma address - crypto: api - check for ERR pointers in crypto_destroy_tfm() - bus: mhi: core: Destroy SBL devices when moving to mission mode - spi: ath79: remove spi-master setup and cleanup assignment - spi: ath79: always call chipselect function - staging: wimax/i2400m: fix byte-order issue - bus: ti-sysc: Probe for l4_wkup and l4_cfg interconnect devices first - cpuidle: tegra: Fix C7 idling state on Tegra114 - fbdev: zero-fill colormap in fbcmap.c - btrfs: fix race between transaction aborts and fsyncs leading to use-after-free - intel_th: pci: Add Rocket Lake CPU support - btrfs: fix metadata extent leak after failure to create subvolume - x86/build: Disable HIGHMEM64G selection for M486SX - btrfs: handle remount to no compress during compression - smb2: fix use-after-free in smb2_ioctl_query_info() - cifs: detect dead connections only when echoes are enabled. - cifs: fix out-of-bound memory access when calling smb3_notify() at mount point - cifs: Return correct error code from smb2_get_enc_key - irqchip/gic-v3: Do not enable irqs when handling spurious interrups - mmc: core: Fix hanging on I/O during system suspend for removable cards - mmc: core: Set read only for SD cards with permanent write protect bit - mmc: core: Do a power cycle when the CMD11 fails - mmc: block: Issue a cache flush only when it's enabled - mmc: block: Update ext_csd.cache_ctrl if it was written - mmc: sdhci-tegra: Add required callbacks to set/clear CQE_EN bit - mmc: sdhci-pci: Fix initialization of some SD cards for Intel BYT-based controllers - mmc: sdhci: Check for reset prior to DMA address unmap - mmc: uniphier-sd: Fix a resource leak in the remove function - mmc: uniphier-sd: Fix an error handling path in uniphier_sd_probe() - scsi: mpt3sas: Block PCI config access from userspace during reset - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix crash in qla2xxx_mqueuecommand() - spi: spi-ti-qspi: Free DMA resources - spi: stm32-qspi: fix pm_runtime usage_count counter - erofs: add unsupported inode i_format check - mtd: physmap: physmap-bt1-rom: Fix unintentional stack access - mtd: rawnand: atmel: Update ecc_stats.corrected counter - mtd: spinand: core: add missing MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() - Revert "mtd: spi-nor: macronix: Add support for mx25l51245g" - mtd: spi-nor: core: Fix an issue of releasing resources during read/write - fs/epoll: restore waking from ep_done_scan() - ecryptfs: fix kernel panic with null dev_name - arm64: dts: mt8173: fix property typo of 'phys' in dsi node - arm64: dts: marvell: armada-37xx: add syscon compatible to NB clk node - ARM: 9056/1: decompressor: fix BSS size calculation for LLVM ld.lld - ftrace: Handle commands when closing set_ftrace_filter file - ACPI: custom_method: fix a possible memory leak - ACPI: custom_method: fix potential use-after-free issue - tpm: acpi: Check eventlog signature before using it - vhost-vdpa: fix vm_flags for virtqueue doorbell mapping - s390/zcrypt: fix zcard and zqueue hot-unplug memleak - s390/disassembler: increase ebpf disasm buffer size - dyndbg: fix parsing file query without a line-range suffix - nitro_enclaves: Fix stale file descriptors on failed usercopy - bus: mhi: core: Sanity check values from remote device before use - bus: mhi: core: Clear configuration from channel context during reset - bus: mhi: core: Fix check for syserr at power_up - vfio: Depend on MMU - perf/core: Fix unconditional security_locked_down() call - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Correct thermal sensor allocation - USB: Add reset-resume quirk for WD19's Realtek Hub - USB: Add LPM quirk for Lenovo ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen2 Ethernet - ALSA: usb-audio: Add MIDI quirk for Vox ToneLab EX - ovl: allow upperdir inside lowerdir - ovl: fix leaked dentry - nvme-pci: set min_align_mask - swiotlb: respect min_align_mask - swiotlb: don't modify orig_addr in swiotlb_tbl_sync_single - swiotlb: refactor swiotlb_tbl_map_single - swiotlb: clean up swiotlb_tbl_unmap_single - swiotlb: factor out a nr_slots helper - swiotlb: factor out an io_tlb_offset helper - swiotlb: add a IO_TLB_SIZE define - driver core: add a min_align_mask field to struct device_dma_parameters - tools/cgroup/ updated to work on current kernel - perf ftrace: Fix access to pid in array when setting a pid filter - capabilities: require CAP_SETFCAP to map uid 0 - perf data: Fix error return code in perf_data__create_dir() - net: qrtr: Avoid potential use after free in MHI send - bpf: Fix leakage of uninitialized bpf stack under speculation - bpf: Fix masking negation logic upon negative dst register - igb: Enable RSS for Intel I211 Ethernet Controller - net: usb: ax88179_178a: initialize local variables before use - netfilter: conntrack: Make global sysctls readonly in non-init netns - mips: Do not include hi and lo in clobber list for R6 - mei: me: add Alder Lake P device id. - iwlwifi: Fix softirq/hardirq disabling in iwl_pcie_gen2_enqueue_hcmd() - ext4: fix check to prevent false positive report of incorrect used inodes - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Maintain a SID->device structure - iommu: Add a page fault handler - uacce: Enable IOMMU_DEV_FEAT_IOPF - iommu/vt-d: Support IOMMU_DEV_FEAT_IOPF - iommu: Separate IOMMU_DEV_FEAT_IOPF from IOMMU_DEV_FEAT_SVA - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Use device properties for pasid-num-bits - iommu: Fix comment for struct iommu_fwspec - iommu: Switch gather->end to the inclusive end - iommu: Add iova and size as parameters in iotlb_sync_map - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Add support for VHE - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Make BTM optional for SVA - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Split arm_smmu_tlb_inv_range() - iommu/io-pgtable: Remove tlb_flush_leaf - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Remove the page 1 fixup - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Use DEFINE_RES_MEM() to simplify code - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Assign boolean values to a bool variable - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Hook up ATC invalidation to mm ops - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Implement iommu_sva_bind/unbind() - iommu/sva: Add PASID helpers - iommu/ioasid: Add ioasid references - ext4: do not set SB_ACTIVE in ext4_orphan_cleanup() - arm64: Remove arm64_dma32_phys_limit and its uses - USB: CDC-ACM: fix poison/unpoison imbalance - net: hso: fix NULL-deref on disconnect regression - x86/crash: Fix crash_setup_memmap_entries() out-of-bounds access - ia64: tools: remove duplicate definition of ia64_mf() on ia64 - ia64: fix discontig.c section mismatches - csky: change a Kconfig symbol name to fix e1000 build error - kasan: fix hwasan build for gcc - cavium/liquidio: Fix duplicate argument - xen-netback: Check for hotplug-status existence before watching - arm64: kprobes: Restore local irqflag if kprobes is cancelled - s390/entry: save the caller of psw_idle - dmaengine: tegra20: Fix runtime PM imbalance on error - net: geneve: check skb is large enough for IPv4/IPv6 header - ARM: dts: Fix swapped mmc order for omap3 - dmaengine: xilinx: dpdma: Fix race condition in done IRQ - dmaengine: xilinx: dpdma: Fix descriptor issuing on video group - soc: qcom: geni: shield geni_icc_get() for ACPI boot - HID: wacom: Assign boolean values to a bool variable - HID cp2112: fix support for multiple gpiochips - HID: alps: fix error return code in alps_input_configured() - HID: google: add don USB id - perf map: Fix error return code in maps__clone() - perf auxtrace: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference - perf/x86/kvm: Fix Broadwell Xeon stepping in isolation_ucodes[] - perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove uncore extra PCI dev HSWEP_PCI_PCU_3 - locking/qrwlock: Fix ordering in queued_write_lock_slowpath() - bpf: Tighten speculative pointer arithmetic mask - bpf: Refactor and streamline bounds check into helper - bpf: Allow variable-offset stack access - bpf: Permits pointers on stack for helper calls - arm64: dts: allwinner: Revert SD card CD GPIO for Pine64-LTS - pinctrl: core: Show pin numbers for the controllers with base = 0 - block: return -EBUSY when there are open partitions in blkdev_reread_part - pinctrl: lewisburg: Update number of pins in community - vdpa/mlx5: Set err = -ENOMEM in case dma_map_sg_attrs fails - KEYS: trusted: Fix TPM reservation for seal/unseal - gpio: omap: Save and restore sysconfig - vhost-vdpa: protect concurrent access to vhost device iotlb - arm32: kaslr: Bugfix of fiq when enabled kaslr - perf kmem: Do not pass additional arguments to 'perf record' - arm_pmu: Fix write counter error in ARMv7 big-endian mode - kdump: replace memblock_phys_alloc_range() with memblock_find_in_range() + memblock_reserve() - openeuler_defconfig: Enable hifc driver as module - scsi/hifc: add FC service module of hifc driver - scsi/hifc: add scsi module of hifc driver - scsi/hifc: add io module of hifc driver - scsi/hifc: add port resource module of hifc driver - scsi/hifc: add port manager module of hifc driver - scsi/hifc: add chip resource module of hifc driver - net: phy: marvell: fix detection of PHY on Topaz switches - bpf: Move sanitize_val_alu out of op switch - bpf: Improve verifier error messages for users - bpf: Rework ptr_limit into alu_limit and add common error path - arm64: mte: Ensure TIF_MTE_ASYNC_FAULT is set atomically - ARM: 9071/1: uprobes: Don't hook on thumb instructions - bpf: Move off_reg into sanitize_ptr_alu - bpf: Ensure off_reg has no mixed signed bounds for all types - r8169: don't advertise pause in jumbo mode - r8169: tweak max read request size for newer chips also in jumbo mtu mode - KVM: VMX: Don't use vcpu->run->internal.ndata as an array index - KVM: VMX: Convert vcpu_vmx.exit_reason to a union - bpf: Use correct permission flag for mixed signed bounds arithmetic - arm64: dts: allwinner: h6: beelink-gs1: Remove ext. 32 kHz osc reference - arm64: dts: allwinner: Fix SD card CD GPIO for SOPine systems - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix uninitialized sr_inst - ARM: footbridge: fix PCI interrupt mapping - ARM: 9069/1: NOMMU: Fix conversion for_each_membock() to for_each_mem_range() - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix warning for omap_init_time_of() - gro: ensure frag0 meets IP header alignment - ch_ktls: do not send snd_una update to TCB in middle - ch_ktls: tcb close causes tls connection failure - ch_ktls: fix device connection close - ch_ktls: Fix kernel panic - ibmvnic: remove duplicate napi_schedule call in open function - ibmvnic: remove duplicate napi_schedule call in do_reset function - ibmvnic: avoid calling napi_disable() twice - ia64: tools: remove inclusion of ia64-specific version of errno.h header - ia64: remove duplicate entries in generic_defconfig - ethtool: pause: make sure we init driver stats - i40e: fix the panic when running bpf in xdpdrv mode - net: Make tcp_allowed_congestion_control readonly in non-init netns - mm: ptdump: fix build failure - net: ip6_tunnel: Unregister catch-all devices - net: sit: Unregister catch-all devices - net: davicom: Fix regulator not turned off on failed probe - net/mlx5e: Fix setting of RS FEC mode - netfilter: nft_limit: avoid possible divide error in nft_limit_init - net/mlx5e: fix ingress_ifindex check in mlx5e_flower_parse_meta - net: macb: fix the restore of cmp registers - libbpf: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference - netfilter: arp_tables: add pre_exit hook for table unregister - netfilter: bridge: add pre_exit hooks for ebtable unregistration - libnvdimm/region: Fix nvdimm_has_flush() to handle ND_REGION_ASYNC - ice: Fix potential infinite loop when using u8 loop counter - netfilter: conntrack: do not print icmpv6 as unknown via /proc - netfilter: flowtable: fix NAT IPv6 offload mangling - ixgbe: fix unbalanced device enable/disable in suspend/resume - scsi: libsas: Reset num_scatter if libata marks qc as NODATA - riscv: Fix spelling mistake "SPARSEMEM" to "SPARSMEM" - vfio/pci: Add missing range check in vfio_pci_mmap - arm64: alternatives: Move length validation in alternative_{insn, endif} - arm64: fix inline asm in load_unaligned_zeropad() - readdir: make sure to verify directory entry for legacy interfaces too - dm verity fec: fix misaligned RS roots IO - HID: wacom: set EV_KEY and EV_ABS only for non-HID_GENERIC type of devices - Input: i8042 - fix Pegatron C15B ID entry - Input: s6sy761 - fix coordinate read bit shift - lib: fix kconfig dependency on ARCH_WANT_FRAME_POINTERS - virt_wifi: Return micros for BSS TSF values - mac80211: clear sta->fast_rx when STA removed from 4-addr VLAN - pcnet32: Use pci_resource_len to validate PCI resource - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for add llsec seclevel - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec seclevels for monitors - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for del llsec devkey - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for add llsec devkey - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec devkeys for monitors - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for del llsec dev - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for add llsec dev - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec devs for monitors - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for del llsec key - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for add llsec key - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec keys for monitors - iwlwifi: add support for Qu with AX201 device - scsi: scsi_transport_srp: Don't block target in SRP_PORT_LOST state - ASoC: fsl_esai: Fix TDM slot setup for I2S mode - drm/msm: Fix a5xx/a6xx timestamps - ARM: omap1: fix building with clang IAS - ARM: keystone: fix integer overflow warning - neighbour: Disregard DEAD dst in neigh_update - gpu/xen: Fix a use after free in xen_drm_drv_init - ASoC: max98373: Added 30ms turn on/off time delay - ASoC: max98373: Changed amp shutdown register as volatile - xfrm: BEET mode doesn't support fragments for inner packets - iwlwifi: Fix softirq/hardirq disabling in iwl_pcie_enqueue_hcmd() - arc: kernel: Return -EFAULT if copy_to_user() fails - lockdep: Add a missing initialization hint to the "INFO: Trying to register non-static key" message - ARM: dts: Fix moving mmc devices with aliases for omap4 & 5 - ARM: dts: Drop duplicate sha2md5_fck to fix clk_disable race - ACPI: x86: Call acpi_boot_table_init() after acpi_table_upgrade() - dmaengine: idxd: fix wq cleanup of WQCFG registers - dmaengine: plx_dma: add a missing put_device() on error path - dmaengine: Fix a double free in dma_async_device_register - dmaengine: dw: Make it dependent to HAS_IOMEM - dmaengine: idxd: fix wq size store permission state - dmaengine: idxd: fix opcap sysfs attribute output - dmaengine: idxd: fix delta_rec and crc size field for completion record - dmaengine: idxd: Fix clobbering of SWERR overflow bit on writeback - gpio: sysfs: Obey valid_mask - Input: nspire-keypad - enable interrupts only when opened - mtd: rawnand: mtk: Fix WAITRDY break condition and timeout - net/sctp: fix race condition in sctp_destroy_sock - xen/events: fix setting irq affinity - net: sfp: cope with SFPs that set both LOS normal and LOS inverted - net: sfp: relax bitrate-derived mode check - perf map: Tighten snprintf() string precision to pass gcc check on some 32-bit arches - netfilter: x_tables: fix compat match/target pad out-of-bound write - block: don't ignore REQ_NOWAIT for direct IO - riscv,entry: fix misaligned base for excp_vect_table - io_uring: don't mark S_ISBLK async work as unbounded - null_blk: fix command timeout completion handling - idr test suite: Create anchor before launching throbber - idr test suite: Take RCU read lock in idr_find_test_1 - radix tree test suite: Register the main thread with the RCU library - block: only update parent bi_status when bio fail - XArray: Fix splitting to non-zero orders - gpu: host1x: Use different lock classes for each client - drm/tegra: dc: Don't set PLL clock to 0Hz - tools/kvm_stat: Add restart delay - ftrace: Check if pages were allocated before calling free_pages() - gfs2: report "already frozen/thawed" errors - drm/imx: imx-ldb: fix out of bounds array access warning - KVM: arm64: Disable guest access to trace filter controls - KVM: arm64: Hide system instruction access to Trace registers - gfs2: Flag a withdraw if init_threads() fails - interconnect: core: fix error return code of icc_link_destroy() - Revert "net: sched: bump refcount for new action in ACT replace mode" - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec params for monitors - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for del llsec seclevel - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for set llsec params - net: ieee802154: fix nl802154 del llsec devkey - net: ieee802154: fix nl802154 add llsec key - net: ieee802154: fix nl802154 del llsec dev - net: ieee802154: fix nl802154 del llsec key - net: ieee802154: nl-mac: fix check on panid - net: mac802154: Fix general protection fault - drivers: net: fix memory leak in peak_usb_create_dev - drivers: net: fix memory leak in atusb_probe - net: tun: set tun->dev->addr_len during TUNSETLINK processing - cfg80211: remove WARN_ON() in cfg80211_sme_connect - gpiolib: Read "gpio-line-names" from a firmware node - net: sched: bump refcount for new action in ACT replace mode - dt-bindings: net: ethernet-controller: fix typo in NVMEM - lockdep: Address clang -Wformat warning printing for %hd - clk: socfpga: fix iomem pointer cast on 64-bit - RAS/CEC: Correct ce_add_elem()'s returned values - vdpa/mlx5: Fix wrong use of bit numbers - vdpa/mlx5: should exclude header length and fcs from mtu - RDMA/addr: Be strict with gid size - i40e: Fix parameters in aq_get_phy_register() - drm/vc4: crtc: Reduce PV fifo threshold on hvs4 - RDMA/qedr: Fix kernel panic when trying to access recv_cq - perf report: Fix wrong LBR block sorting - RDMA/cxgb4: check for ipv6 address properly while destroying listener - net/mlx5: Fix PBMC register mapping - net/mlx5: Fix PPLM register mapping - net/mlx5: Fix placement of log_max_flow_counter - net: hns3: clear VF down state bit before request link status - tipc: increment the tmp aead refcnt before attaching it - can: mcp251x: fix support for half duplex SPI host controllers - iwlwifi: fix 11ax disabled bit in the regulatory capability flags - i2c: designware: Adjust bus_freq_hz when refuse high speed mode set - openvswitch: fix send of uninitialized stack memory in ct limit reply - net: openvswitch: conntrack: simplify the return expression of ovs_ct_limit_get_default_limit() - perf inject: Fix repipe usage - s390/cpcmd: fix inline assembly register clobbering - workqueue: Move the position of debug_work_activate() in __queue_work() - clk: fix invalid usage of list cursor in unregister - clk: fix invalid usage of list cursor in register - net: macb: restore cmp registers on resume path - net: cls_api: Fix uninitialised struct field bo->unlocked_driver_cb - scsi: ufs: core: Fix wrong Task Tag used in task management request UPIUs - scsi: ufs: core: Fix task management request completion timeout - mptcp: forbit mcast-related sockopt on MPTCP sockets - net: udp: Add support for getsockopt(..., ..., UDP_GRO, ..., ...); - drm/msm: Set drvdata to NULL when msm_drm_init() fails - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Close rtrs client conn before destroying rtrs clt session files - i40e: Fix display statistics for veb_tc - soc/fsl: qbman: fix conflicting alignment attributes - xdp: fix xdp_return_frame() kernel BUG throw for page_pool memory model - net/rds: Fix a use after free in rds_message_map_pages - net/mlx5: Don't request more than supported EQs - net/mlx5e: Fix ethtool indication of connector type - net/mlx5e: Fix mapping of ct_label zero - ASoC: sunxi: sun4i-codec: fill ASoC card owner - I2C: JZ4780: Fix bug for Ingenic X1000. - net: phy: broadcom: Only advertise EEE for supported modes - nfp: flower: ignore duplicate merge hints from FW - net: qrtr: Fix memory leak on qrtr_tx_wait failure - net/ncsi: Avoid channel_monitor hrtimer deadlock - ARM: dts: imx6: pbab01: Set vmmc supply for both SD interfaces - net:tipc: Fix a double free in tipc_sk_mcast_rcv - cxgb4: avoid collecting SGE_QBASE regs during traffic - net: dsa: Fix type was not set for devlink port - gianfar: Handle error code at MAC address change - ethernet: myri10ge: Fix a use after free in myri10ge_sw_tso - mlxsw: spectrum: Fix ECN marking in tunnel decapsulation - can: isotp: fix msg_namelen values depending on CAN_REQUIRED_SIZE - can: bcm/raw: fix msg_namelen values depending on CAN_REQUIRED_SIZE - xfrm: Provide private skb extensions for segmented and hw offloaded ESP packets - arm64: dts: imx8mm/q: Fix pad control of SD1_DATA0 - drivers/net/wan/hdlc_fr: Fix a double free in pvc_xmit - sch_red: fix off-by-one checks in red_check_params() - geneve: do not modify the shared tunnel info when PMTU triggers an ICMP reply - vxlan: do not modify the shared tunnel info when PMTU triggers an ICMP reply - amd-xgbe: Update DMA coherency values - hostfs: fix memory handling in follow_link() - i40e: Fix kernel oops when i40e driver removes VF's - i40e: Added Asym_Pause to supported link modes - virtchnl: Fix layout of RSS structures - xfrm: Fix NULL pointer dereference on policy lookup - ASoC: wm8960: Fix wrong bclk and lrclk with pll enabled for some chips - ASoC: SOF: Intel: HDA: fix core status verification - esp: delete NETIF_F_SCTP_CRC bit from features for esp offload - net: xfrm: Localize sequence counter per network namespace - ARM: OMAP4: PM: update ROM return address for OSWR and OFF - ARM: OMAP4: Fix PMIC voltage domains for bionic - regulator: bd9571mwv: Fix AVS and DVFS voltage range - remoteproc: qcom: pil_info: avoid 64-bit division - xfrm: Use actual socket sk instead of skb socket for xfrm_output_resume - xfrm: interface: fix ipv4 pmtu check to honor ip header df - ice: Recognize 860 as iSCSI port in CEE mode - ice: Refactor DCB related variables out of the ice_port_info struct - net: sched: fix err handler in tcf_action_init() - KVM: x86/mmu: preserve pending TLB flush across calls to kvm_tdp_mmu_zap_sp - KVM: x86/mmu: Don't allow TDP MMU to yield when recovering NX pages - KVM: x86/mmu: Ensure TLBs are flushed for TDP MMU during NX zapping - KVM: x86/mmu: Ensure TLBs are flushed when yielding during GFN range zap - KVM: x86/mmu: Yield in TDU MMU iter even if no SPTES changed - KVM: x86/mmu: Ensure forward progress when yielding in TDP MMU iter - KVM: x86/mmu: Rename goal_gfn to next_last_level_gfn - KVM: x86/mmu: Merge flush and non-flush tdp_mmu_iter_cond_resched - KVM: x86/mmu: change TDP MMU yield function returns to match cond_resched - i2c: turn recovery error on init to debug - percpu: make pcpu_nr_empty_pop_pages per chunk type - scsi: target: iscsi: Fix zero tag inside a trace event - scsi: pm80xx: Fix chip initialization failure - driver core: Fix locking bug in deferred_probe_timeout_work_func() - usbip: synchronize event handler with sysfs code paths - usbip: vudc synchronize sysfs code paths - usbip: stub-dev synchronize sysfs code paths - usbip: add sysfs_lock to synchronize sysfs code paths - thunderbolt: Fix off by one in tb_port_find_retimer() - thunderbolt: Fix a leak in tb_retimer_add() - net: let skb_orphan_partial wake-up waiters. - net-ipv6: bugfix - raw & sctp - switch to ipv6_can_nonlocal_bind() - net: hsr: Reset MAC header for Tx path - mac80211: fix TXQ AC confusion - mac80211: fix time-is-after bug in mlme - cfg80211: check S1G beacon compat element length - nl80211: fix potential leak of ACL params - nl80211: fix beacon head validation - net: sched: fix action overwrite reference counting - net: sched: sch_teql: fix null-pointer dereference - vdpa/mlx5: Fix suspend/resume index restoration - i40e: Fix sparse errors in i40e_txrx.c - i40e: Fix sparse error: uninitialized symbol 'ring' - i40e: Fix sparse error: 'vsi->netdev' could be null - i40e: Fix sparse warning: missing error code 'err' - net: ensure mac header is set in virtio_net_hdr_to_skb() - bpf, sockmap: Fix incorrect fwd_alloc accounting - bpf, sockmap: Fix sk->prot unhash op reset - bpf: Refcount task stack in bpf_get_task_stack - libbpf: Only create rx and tx XDP rings when necessary - libbpf: Restore umem state after socket create failure - libbpf: Ensure umem pointer is non-NULL before dereferencing - ethernet/netronome/nfp: Fix a use after free in nfp_bpf_ctrl_msg_rx - bpf: link: Refuse non-O_RDWR flags in BPF_OBJ_GET - bpf: Enforce that struct_ops programs be GPL-only - libbpf: Fix bail out from 'ringbuf_process_ring()' on error - net: hso: fix null-ptr-deref during tty device unregistration - ice: fix memory leak of aRFS after resuming from suspend - iwlwifi: pcie: properly set LTR workarounds on 22000 devices - ice: Cleanup fltr list in case of allocation issues - ice: Use port number instead of PF ID for WoL - ice: Fix for dereference of NULL pointer - ice: remove DCBNL_DEVRESET bit from PF state - ice: fix memory allocation call - ice: prevent ice_open and ice_stop during reset - ice: Increase control queue timeout - ice: Continue probe on link/PHY errors - batman-adv: initialize "struct batadv_tvlv_tt_vlan_data"->reserved field - ARM: dts: turris-omnia: configure LED[2]/INTn pin as interrupt pin - parisc: avoid a warning on u8 cast for cmpxchg on u8 pointers - parisc: parisc-agp requires SBA IOMMU driver - of: property: fw_devlink: do not link ".*,nr-gpios" - ethtool: fix incorrect datatype in set_eee ops - fs: direct-io: fix missing sdio->boundary - ocfs2: fix deadlock between setattr and dio_end_io_write - nds32: flush_dcache_page: use page_mapping_file to avoid races with swapoff - ia64: fix user_stack_pointer() for ptrace() - gcov: re-fix clang-11+ support - LOOKUP_MOUNTPOINT: we are cleaning "jumped" flag too late - IB/hfi1: Fix probe time panic when AIP is enabled with a buggy BIOS - ACPI: processor: Fix build when CONFIG_ACPI_PROCESSOR=m - drm/i915: Fix invalid access to ACPI _DSM objects - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Configure all remaining GSWIP_MII_CFG bits - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Don't use PHY auto polling - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Let GSWIP automatically set the xMII clock - net: ipv6: check for validity before dereferencing cfg->fc_nlinfo.nlh - xen/evtchn: Change irq_info lock to raw_spinlock_t - selinux: fix race between old and new sidtab - selinux: fix cond_list corruption when changing booleans - selinux: make nslot handling in avtab more robust - nfc: Avoid endless loops caused by repeated llcp_sock_connect() - nfc: fix memory leak in llcp_sock_connect() - nfc: fix refcount leak in llcp_sock_connect() - nfc: fix refcount leak in llcp_sock_bind() - ASoC: intel: atom: Stop advertising non working S24LE support - ALSA: hda/conexant: Apply quirk for another HP ZBook G5 model - ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix speaker amp setup on Acer Aspire E1 - ALSA: aloop: Fix initialization of controls - xfrm/compat: Cleanup WARN()s that can be user-triggered - arm64: fix USER_DS definition problem in non-compat mode - init/Kconfig: make COMPILE_TEST depend on HAS_IOMEM - init/Kconfig: make COMPILE_TEST depend on !S390 - bpf, x86: Validate computation of branch displacements for x86-32 - bpf, x86: Validate computation of branch displacements for x86-64 - tools/resolve_btfids: Add /libbpf to .gitignore - kbuild: Do not clean resolve_btfids if the output does not exist - kbuild: Add resolve_btfids clean to root clean target - tools/resolve_btfids: Set srctree variable unconditionally - tools/resolve_btfids: Check objects before removing - tools/resolve_btfids: Build libbpf and libsubcmd in separate directories - math: Export mul_u64_u64_div_u64 - io_uring: fix timeout cancel return code - cifs: Silently ignore unknown oplock break handle - cifs: revalidate mapping when we open files for SMB1 POSIX - ia64: fix format strings for err_inject - ia64: mca: allocate early mca with GFP_ATOMIC - selftests/vm: fix out-of-tree build - scsi: target: pscsi: Clean up after failure in pscsi_map_sg() - ptp_qoriq: fix overflow in ptp_qoriq_adjfine() u64 calcalation - platform/x86: intel_pmc_core: Ignore GBE LTR on Tiger Lake platforms - block: clear GD_NEED_PART_SCAN later in bdev_disk_changed - x86/build: Turn off -fcf-protection for realmode targets - drm/msm/disp/dpu1: icc path needs to be set before dpu runtime resume - kselftest/arm64: sve: Do not use non-canonical FFR register value - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Allow the FnLock LED to change state - net: ipa: fix init header command validation - netfilter: nftables: skip hook overlap logic if flowtable is stale - netfilter: conntrack: Fix gre tunneling over ipv6 - drm/msm: Ratelimit invalid-fence message - drm/msm/adreno: a5xx_power: Don't apply A540 lm_setup to other GPUs - drm/msm/dsi_pll_7nm: Fix variable usage for pll_lockdet_rate - mac80211: choose first enabled channel for monitor - mac80211: Check crypto_aead_encrypt for errors - mISDN: fix crash in fritzpci - kunit: tool: Fix a python tuple typing error - net: pxa168_eth: Fix a potential data race in pxa168_eth_remove - net/mlx5e: Enforce minimum value check for ICOSQ size - bpf, x86: Use kvmalloc_array instead kmalloc_array in bpf_jit_comp - platform/x86: intel-hid: Support Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Tablet Gen 2 - bus: ti-sysc: Fix warning on unbind if reset is not deasserted - ARM: dts: am33xx: add aliases for mmc interfaces - bpf: Use NOP_ATOMIC5 instead of emit_nops(&prog, 5) for BPF_TRAMP_F_CALL_ORIG - Revert "kernel: freezer should treat PF_IO_WORKER like PF_KTHREAD for freezing" - riscv: evaluate put_user() arg before enabling user access - drivers: video: fbcon: fix NULL dereference in fbcon_cursor() - driver core: clear deferred probe reason on probe retry - staging: rtl8192e: Change state information from u16 to u8 - staging: rtl8192e: Fix incorrect source in memcpy() - soc: qcom-geni-se: Cleanup the code to remove proxy votes - usb: dwc3: gadget: Clear DEP flags after stop transfers in ep disable - usb: dwc3: qcom: skip interconnect init for ACPI probe - usb: dwc2: Prevent core suspend when port connection flag is 0 - usb: dwc2: Fix HPRT0.PrtSusp bit setting for HiKey 960 board. - usb: gadget: udc: amd5536udc_pci fix null-ptr-dereference - USB: cdc-acm: fix use-after-free after probe failure - USB: cdc-acm: fix double free on probe failure - USB: cdc-acm: downgrade message to debug - USB: cdc-acm: untangle a circular dependency between callback and softint - cdc-acm: fix BREAK rx code path adding necessary calls - usb: xhci-mtk: fix broken streams issue on 0.96 xHCI - usb: musb: Fix suspend with devices connected for a64 - USB: quirks: ignore remote wake-up on Fibocom L850-GL LTE modem - usbip: vhci_hcd fix shift out-of-bounds in vhci_hub_control() - firewire: nosy: Fix a use-after-free bug in nosy_ioctl() - video: hyperv_fb: Fix a double free in hvfb_probe - usb: dwc3: pci: Enable dis_uX_susphy_quirk for Intel Merrifield - firmware: stratix10-svc: reset COMMAND_RECONFIG_FLAG_PARTIAL to 0 - extcon: Fix error handling in extcon_dev_register - extcon: Add stubs for extcon_register_notifier_all() functions - pinctrl: rockchip: fix restore error in resume - vfio/nvlink: Add missing SPAPR_TCE_IOMMU depends - drm/tegra: sor: Grab runtime PM reference across reset - drm/tegra: dc: Restore coupling of display controllers - drm/imx: fix memory leak when fails to init - reiserfs: update reiserfs_xattrs_initialized() condition - drm/amdgpu: check alignment on CPU page for bo map - drm/amdgpu: fix offset calculation in amdgpu_vm_bo_clear_mappings() - drm/amdkfd: dqm fence memory corruption - mm: fix race by making init_zero_pfn() early_initcall - s390/vdso: fix tod_steering_delta type - s390/vdso: copy tod_steering_delta value to vdso_data page - tracing: Fix stack trace event size - PM: runtime: Fix ordering in pm_runtime_get_suppliers() - PM: runtime: Fix race getting/putting suppliers at probe - KVM: SVM: ensure that EFER.SVME is set when running nested guest or on nested vmexit - KVM: SVM: load control fields from VMCB12 before checking them - xtensa: move coprocessor_flush to the .text section - xtensa: fix uaccess-related livelock in do_page_fault - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP 640 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: call alc_update_headset_mode() in hp_automute_hook - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix a determine_headset_type issue for a Dell AIO - ALSA: hda: Add missing sanity checks in PM prepare/complete callbacks - ALSA: hda: Re-add dropped snd_poewr_change_state() calls - ALSA: usb-audio: Apply sample rate quirk to Logitech Connect - ACPI: processor: Fix CPU0 wakeup in acpi_idle_play_dead() - ACPI: tables: x86: Reserve memory occupied by ACPI tables - bpf: Remove MTU check in __bpf_skb_max_len - net: 9p: advance iov on empty read - net: wan/lmc: unregister device when no matching device is found - net: ipa: fix register write command validation - net: ipa: remove two unused register definitions - appletalk: Fix skb allocation size in loopback case - net: ethernet: aquantia: Handle error cleanup of start on open - ath10k: hold RCU lock when calling ieee80211_find_sta_by_ifaddr() - iwlwifi: pcie: don't disable interrupts for reg_lock - netdevsim: dev: Initialize FIB module after debugfs - rtw88: coex: 8821c: correct antenna switch function - ath11k: add ieee80211_unregister_hw to avoid kernel crash caused by NULL pointer - brcmfmac: clear EAP/association status bits on linkdown events - can: tcan4x5x: fix max register value - net: introduce CAN specific pointer in the struct net_device - can: dev: move driver related infrastructure into separate subdir - flow_dissector: fix TTL and TOS dissection on IPv4 fragments - net: mvpp2: fix interrupt mask/unmask skip condition - io_uring: call req_set_fail_links() on short send[msg]()/recv[msg]() with MSG_WAITALL - ext4: do not iput inode under running transaction in ext4_rename() - static_call: Align static_call_is_init() patching condition - io_uring: imply MSG_NOSIGNAL for send[msg]()/recv[msg]() calls - nvmet-tcp: fix kmap leak when data digest in use - locking/ww_mutex: Fix acquire/release imbalance in ww_acquire_init()/ww_acquire_fini() - locking/ww_mutex: Simplify use_ww_ctx & ww_ctx handling - thermal/core: Add NULL pointer check before using cooling device stats - ASoC: rt711: add snd_soc_component remove callback - ASoC: rt5659: Update MCLK rate in set_sysclk() - staging: comedi: cb_pcidas64: fix request_irq() warn - staging: comedi: cb_pcidas: fix request_irq() warn - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix broken #endif placement - scsi: st: Fix a use after free in st_open() - io_uring: fix ->flags races by linked timeouts - vhost: Fix vhost_vq_reset() - kernel: freezer should treat PF_IO_WORKER like PF_KTHREAD for freezing - NFSD: fix error handling in NFSv4.0 callbacks - ASoC: cs42l42: Always wait at least 3ms after reset - ASoC: cs42l42: Fix mixer volume control - ASoC: cs42l42: Fix channel width support - ASoC: cs42l42: Fix Bitclock polarity inversion - ASoC: soc-core: Prevent warning if no DMI table is present - ASoC: es8316: Simplify adc_pga_gain_tlv table - ASoC: sgtl5000: set DAP_AVC_CTRL register to correct default value on probe - ASoC: rt5651: Fix dac- and adc- vol-tlv values being off by a factor of 10 - ASoC: rt5640: Fix dac- and adc- vol-tlv values being off by a factor of 10 - ASoC: rt1015: fix i2c communication error - iomap: Fix negative assignment to unsigned sis->pages in iomap_swapfile_activate - rpc: fix NULL dereference on kmalloc failure - fs: nfsd: fix kconfig dependency warning for NFSD_V4 - ext4: fix bh ref count on error paths - ext4: shrink race window in ext4_should_retry_alloc() - virtiofs: Fail dax mount if device does not support it - bpf: Fix fexit trampoline. - arm64: mm: correct the inside linear map range during hotplug check - io_uring: convert io_buffer_idr to XArray - io_uring: Convert personality_idr to XArray - io_uring: simplify io_remove_personalities() - posix-timers: Preserve return value in clock_adjtime32() - arm64: fix current_thread_info()->addr_limit setup - xen-blkback: don't leak persistent grants from xen_blkbk_map() - can: peak_usb: Revert "can: peak_usb: add forgotten supported devices" - nvme: fix the nsid value to print in nvme_validate_or_alloc_ns - Revert "net: bonding: fix error return code of bond_neigh_init()" - Revert "xen: fix p2m size in dom0 for disabled memory hotplug case" - fs/ext4: fix integer overflow in s_log_groups_per_flex - ext4: add reclaim checks to xattr code - mac80211: fix double free in ibss_leave - net: dsa: b53: VLAN filtering is global to all users - r8169: fix DMA being used after buffer free if WoL is enabled - can: dev: Move device back to init netns on owning netns delete - ch_ktls: fix enum-conversion warning - fs/cachefiles: Remove wait_bit_key layout dependency - mm/memcg: fix 5.10 backport of splitting page memcg - x86/mem_encrypt: Correct physical address calculation in __set_clr_pte_enc() - locking/mutex: Fix non debug version of mutex_lock_io_nested() - cifs: Adjust key sizes and key generation routines for AES256 encryption - smb3: fix cached file size problems in duplicate extents (reflink) - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix error return code of mpt3sas_base_attach() - scsi: qedi: Fix error return code of qedi_alloc_global_queues() - scsi: Revert "qla2xxx: Make sure that aborted commands are freed" - block: recalculate segment count for multi-segment discards correctly - io_uring: fix provide_buffers sign extension - perf synthetic events: Avoid write of uninitialized memory when generating PERF_RECORD_MMAP* records - perf auxtrace: Fix auxtrace queue conflict - ACPI: scan: Use unique number for instance_no - ACPI: scan: Rearrange memory allocation in acpi_device_add() - Revert "netfilter: x_tables: Update remaining dereference to RCU" - mm/mmu_notifiers: ensure range_end() is paired with range_start() - dm table: Fix zoned model check and zone sectors check - netfilter: x_tables: Use correct memory barriers. - Revert "netfilter: x_tables: Switch synchronization to RCU" - net: phy: broadcom: Fix RGMII delays for BCM50160 and BCM50610M - net: phy: broadcom: Set proper 1000BaseX/SGMII interface mode for BCM54616S - net: phy: broadcom: Avoid forward for bcm54xx_config_clock_delay() - net: phy: introduce phydev->port - net: axienet: Fix probe error cleanup - net: axienet: Properly handle PCS/PMA PHY for 1000BaseX mode - igb: avoid premature Rx buffer reuse - net, bpf: Fix ip6ip6 crash with collect_md populated skbs - net: Consolidate common blackhole dst ops - bpf: Don't do bpf_cgroup_storage_set() for kuprobe/tp programs - RDMA/cxgb4: Fix adapter LE hash errors while destroying ipv6 listening server - xen/x86: make XEN_BALLOON_MEMORY_HOTPLUG_LIMIT depend on MEMORY_HOTPLUG - octeontx2-af: Fix memory leak of object buf - net: bridge: don't notify switchdev for local FDB addresses - PM: EM: postpone creating the debugfs dir till fs_initcall - net/mlx5e: Fix error path for ethtool set-priv-flag - net/mlx5e: Offload tuple rewrite for non-CT flows - net/mlx5e: Allow to match on MPLS parameters only for MPLS over UDP - net/mlx5: Add back multicast stats for uplink representor - PM: runtime: Defer suspending suppliers - arm64: kdump: update ppos when reading elfcorehdr - drm/msm: Fix suspend/resume on i.MX5 - drm/msm: fix shutdown hook in case GPU components failed to bind - can: isotp: tx-path: zero initialize outgoing CAN frames - bpf: Fix umd memory leak in copy_process() - libbpf: Fix BTF dump of pointer-to-array-of-struct - selftests: forwarding: vxlan_bridge_1d: Fix vxlan ecn decapsulate value - selinux: vsock: Set SID for socket returned by accept() - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: Provide TX and RX fifo sizes - r8152: limit the RX buffer size of RTL8153A for USB 2.0 - igb: check timestamp validity - net: cdc-phonet: fix data-interface release on probe failure - net: check all name nodes in __dev_alloc_name - octeontx2-af: fix infinite loop in unmapping NPC counter - octeontx2-pf: Clear RSS enable flag on interace down - octeontx2-af: Fix irq free in rvu teardown - octeontx2-af: Remove TOS field from MKEX TX - octeontx2-af: Modify default KEX profile to extract TX packet fields - octeontx2-af: Formatting debugfs entry rsrc_alloc. - ipv6: weaken the v4mapped source check - ARM: dts: imx6ull: fix ubi filesystem mount failed - libbpf: Use SOCK_CLOEXEC when opening the netlink socket - libbpf: Fix error path in bpf_object__elf_init() - netfilter: flowtable: Make sure GC works periodically in idle system - netfilter: nftables: allow to update flowtable flags - netfilter: nftables: report EOPNOTSUPP on unsupported flowtable flags - net/sched: cls_flower: fix only mask bit check in the validate_ct_state - ionic: linearize tso skb with too many frags - drm/msm/dsi: fix check-before-set in the 7nm dsi_pll code - ftrace: Fix modify_ftrace_direct. - nfp: flower: fix pre_tun mask id allocation - nfp: flower: add ipv6 bit to pre_tunnel control message - nfp: flower: fix unsupported pre_tunnel flows - selftests/net: fix warnings on reuseaddr_ports_exhausted - mac80211: Allow HE operation to be longer than expected. - mac80211: fix rate mask reset - can: m_can: m_can_rx_peripheral(): fix RX being blocked by errors - can: m_can: m_can_do_rx_poll(): fix extraneous msg loss warning - can: c_can: move runtime PM enable/disable to c_can_platform - can: c_can_pci: c_can_pci_remove(): fix use-after-free - can: kvaser_pciefd: Always disable bus load reporting - can: flexcan: flexcan_chip_freeze(): fix chip freeze for missing bitrate - can: peak_usb: add forgotten supported devices - can: isotp: TX-path: ensure that CAN frame flags are initialized - can: isotp: isotp_setsockopt(): only allow to set low level TX flags for CAN-FD - tcp: relookup sock for RST+ACK packets handled by obsolete req sock - tipc: better validate user input in tipc_nl_retrieve_key() - net: phylink: Fix phylink_err() function name error in phylink_major_config - net: hdlc_x25: Prevent racing between "x25_close" and "x25_xmit"/"x25_rx" - netfilter: ctnetlink: fix dump of the expect mask attribute - selftests/bpf: Set gopt opt_class to 0 if get tunnel opt failed - flow_dissector: fix byteorder of dissected ICMP ID - net: qrtr: fix a kernel-infoleak in qrtr_recvmsg() - net: ipa: terminate message handler arrays - clk: qcom: gcc-sc7180: Use floor ops for the correct sdcc1 clk - ftgmac100: Restart MAC HW once - net: phy: broadcom: Add power down exit reset state delay - net/qlcnic: Fix a use after free in qlcnic_83xx_get_minidump_template - e1000e: Fix error handling in e1000_set_d0_lplu_state_82571 - e1000e: add rtnl_lock() to e1000_reset_task - igc: Fix igc_ptp_rx_pktstamp() - igc: Fix Supported Pause Frame Link Setting - igc: Fix Pause Frame Advertising - igc: reinit_locked() should be called with rtnl_lock - net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Qualify phydev->dev_flags based on port - net: sched: validate stab values - macvlan: macvlan_count_rx() needs to be aware of preemption - drop_monitor: Perform cleanup upon probe registration failure - ipv6: fix suspecious RCU usage warning - net/mlx5e: Don't match on Geneve options in case option masks are all zero - net/mlx5e: When changing XDP program without reset, take refs for XSK RQs - net/mlx5e: RX, Mind the MPWQE gaps when calculating offsets - libbpf: Fix INSTALL flag order - bpf: Change inode_storage's lookup_elem return value from NULL to -EBADF - veth: Store queue_mapping independently of XDP prog presence - soc: ti: omap-prm: Fix occasional abort on reset deassert for dra7 iva - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix smartreflex init regression after dropping legacy data - bus: omap_l3_noc: mark l3 irqs as IRQF_NO_THREAD - dm ioctl: fix out of bounds array access when no devices - dm verity: fix DM_VERITY_OPTS_MAX value - drm/i915: Fix the GT fence revocation runtime PM logic - drm/amdgpu: Add additional Sienna Cichlid PCI ID - drm/amdgpu/display: restore AUX_DPHY_TX_CONTROL for DCN2.x - drm/amd/pm: workaround for audio noise issue - drm/etnaviv: Use FOLL_FORCE for userptr - integrity: double check iint_cache was initialized - ARM: dts: at91-sama5d27_som1: fix phy address to 7 - ARM: dts: at91: sam9x60: fix mux-mask to match product's datasheet - ARM: dts: at91: sam9x60: fix mux-mask for PA7 so it can be set to A, B and C - arm64: dts: ls1043a: mark crypto engine dma coherent - arm64: dts: ls1012a: mark crypto engine dma coherent - arm64: dts: ls1046a: mark crypto engine dma coherent - arm64: stacktrace: don't trace arch_stack_walk() - ACPICA: Always create namespace nodes using acpi_ns_create_node() - ACPI: video: Add missing callback back for Sony VPCEH3U1E - gcov: fix clang-11+ support - kasan: fix per-page tags for non-page_alloc pages - hugetlb_cgroup: fix imbalanced css_get and css_put pair for shared mappings - squashfs: fix xattr id and id lookup sanity checks - squashfs: fix inode lookup sanity checks - z3fold: prevent reclaim/free race for headless pages - psample: Fix user API breakage - platform/x86: intel-vbtn: Stop reporting SW_DOCK events - netsec: restore phy power state after controller reset - selinux: fix variable scope issue in live sidtab conversion - selinux: don't log MAC_POLICY_LOAD record on failed policy load - btrfs: fix sleep while in non-sleep context during qgroup removal - KVM: x86: Protect userspace MSR filter with SRCU, and set atomically-ish - static_call: Fix static_call_set_init() - static_call: Fix the module key fixup - static_call: Allow module use without exposing static_call_key - static_call: Pull some static_call declarations to the type headers - ia64: fix ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT) sign - ia64: fix ia64_syscall_get_set_arguments() for break-based syscalls - mm/fork: clear PASID for new mm - block: Suppress uevent for hidden device when removed - nfs: we don't support removing system.nfs4_acl - nvme-pci: add the DISABLE_WRITE_ZEROES quirk for a Samsung PM1725a - nvme-rdma: Fix a use after free in nvmet_rdma_write_data_done - nvme-core: check ctrl css before setting up zns - nvme-fc: return NVME_SC_HOST_ABORTED_CMD when a command has been aborted - nvme-fc: set NVME_REQ_CANCELLED in nvme_fc_terminate_exchange() - nvme: add NVME_REQ_CANCELLED flag in nvme_cancel_request() - nvme: simplify error logic in nvme_validate_ns() - drm/radeon: fix AGP dependency - drm/amdgpu: fb BO should be ttm_bo_type_device - drm/amd/display: Revert dram_clock_change_latency for DCN2.1 - block: Fix REQ_OP_ZONE_RESET_ALL handling - regulator: qcom-rpmh: Correct the pmic5_hfsmps515 buck - kselftest: arm64: Fix exit code of sve-ptrace - u64_stats,lockdep: Fix u64_stats_init() vs lockdep - staging: rtl8192e: fix kconfig dependency on CRYPTO - habanalabs: Call put_pid() when releasing control device - sparc64: Fix opcode filtering in handling of no fault loads - umem: fix error return code in mm_pci_probe() - kbuild: dummy-tools: fix inverted tests for gcc - kbuild: add image_name to no-sync-config-targets - irqchip/ingenic: Add support for the JZ4760 - cifs: change noisy error message to FYI - atm: idt77252: fix null-ptr-dereference - atm: uPD98402: fix incorrect allocation - net: enetc: set MAC RX FIFO to recommended value - net: davicom: Use platform_get_irq_optional() - net: wan: fix error return code of uhdlc_init() - net: hisilicon: hns: fix error return code of hns_nic_clear_all_rx_fetch() - NFS: Correct size calculation for create reply length - nfs: fix PNFS_FLEXFILE_LAYOUT Kconfig default - gpiolib: acpi: Add missing IRQF_ONESHOT - cpufreq: blacklist Arm Vexpress platforms in cpufreq-dt-platdev - gfs2: fix use-after-free in trans_drain - cifs: ask for more credit on async read/write code paths - gianfar: fix jumbo packets+napi+rx overrun crash - sun/niu: fix wrong RXMAC_BC_FRM_CNT_COUNT count - net: intel: iavf: fix error return code of iavf_init_get_resources() - net: tehuti: fix error return code in bdx_probe() - blk-cgroup: Fix the recursive blkg rwstat - scsi: ufs: ufs-qcom: Disable interrupt in reset path - ixgbe: Fix memleak in ixgbe_configure_clsu32 - ALSA: hda: ignore invalid NHLT table - Revert "r8152: adjust the settings about MAC clock speed down for RTL8153" - atm: lanai: dont run lanai_dev_close if not open - atm: eni: dont release is never initialized - powerpc/4xx: Fix build errors from mfdcr() - net: fec: ptp: avoid register access when ipg clock is disabled - net: stmmac: fix dma physical address of descriptor when display ring - mt76: fix tx skb error handling in mt76_dma_tx_queue_skb - mm/memcg: set memcg when splitting page - mm/memcg: rename mem_cgroup_split_huge_fixup to split_page_memcg and add nr_pages argument - kvm: debugfs: add EXIT_REASON_PREEMPTION_TIMER to vcpu_stat - kvm: debugfs: add fastpath msr_wr exits to debugfs statistics - arm64/mpam: fix a possible deadlock in mpam_enable - RDMA/hns: Optimize the base address table config for MTR - fs: fix files.usage bug when move tasks - files_cgroup: fix error pointer when kvm_vm_worker_thread - fs/filescontrol: add a switch to enable / disable accounting of open fds - cgroup/files: use task_get_css() to get a valid css during dup_fd() - cgroups: Resource controller for open files - openeuler_defconfig: enable CONFIG_CGROUP_FILES by default - x86: config: disable CONFIG_BOOTPARAM_HOTPLUG_CPU0 by default - ima: fix a memory leak in ima_del_digest_data_entry - config: add digest list options for arm64 and x86 - evm: Propagate choice of HMAC algorithm in evm_crypto.c - evm: Extend evm= with x509. allow_metadata_writes and complete values - ima: Execute parser to upload digest lists not recognizable by the kernel - ima: Add parser keyword to the policy - ima: Allow direct upload of digest lists to securityfs - ima: Search key in the built-in keyrings - certs: Introduce search_trusted_key() - KEYS: Introduce load_pgp_public_keyring() - KEYS: Provide a function to load keys from a PGP keyring blob - KEYS: Provide PGP key description autogeneration - KEYS: PGP data parser - PGPLIB: Basic packet parser - PGPLIB: PGP definitions (RFC 4880) - rsa: add parser of raw format - mpi: introduce mpi_key_length() - evm: Reset status even when security.evm is modified - ima: Add Documentation/security/IMA-digest-lists.txt - ima: Introduce appraise_exec_immutable policy - ima: Introduce appraise_exec_tcb policy - ima: Introduce exec_tcb policy - ima: Add meta_immutable appraisal type - evm: Add support for digest lists of metadata - ima: Add support for appraisal with digest lists - ima: Add support for measurement with digest lists - ima: Load all digest lists from a directory at boot time - ima: Introduce new hook DIGEST_LIST_CHECK - ima: Introduce new securityfs files - ima: Prevent usage of digest lists not measured or appraised - ima: Add parser of compact digest list - ima: Use ima_show_htable_value to show violations and hash table data - ima: Generalize policy file operations - ima: Generalize ima_write_policy() and raise uploaded data size limit - ima: Generalize ima_read_policy() - ima: Allow choice of file hash algorithm for measurement and audit - ima: Add enforce-evm and log-evm modes to strictly check EVM status - init: Add kernel option to force usage of tmpfs for rootfs - gen_init_cpio: add support for file metadata - initramfs: read metadata from special file METADATA!!! - initramfs: add file metadata - ima: Don't remove security.ima if file must not be appraised - ima: Introduce template field evmsig and write to field sig as fallback - ima: Allow imasig requirement to be satisfied by EVM portable signatures - evm: Allow setxattr() and setattr() for unmodified metadata - evm: Allow xattr/attr operations for portable signatures - evm: Ignore INTEGRITY_NOLABEL/INTEGRITY_NOXATTRS if conditions are safe - evm: Introduce evm_status_revalidate() - ima: Move ima_reset_appraise_flags() call to post hooks - evm: Refuse EVM_ALLOW_METADATA_WRITES only if an HMAC key is loaded - evm: Load EVM key in ima_load_x509() to avoid appraisal - evm: Execute evm_inode_init_security() only when an HMAC key is loaded - cgroup: disable kernel memory accounting for all memory cgroups by default - etmem: Modify the memig feature name to etmem - memig: fix compile error when CONFIG_NUMA is turned off - memig: add memig-swap feature to openEuler - memig: add memig-scan feature to openEuler - arm64: fix compile error when CONFIG_ACPI is not enabled - arm64: ipi_nmi: fix compile error when CONFIG_KGDB is disabled - arm64: kgdb: Roundup cpus using IPI as NMI - kgdb: Expose default CPUs roundup fallback mechanism - arm64: ipi_nmi: Add support for NMI backtrace - nmi: backtrace: Allow runtime arch specific override - arm64: smp: Assign and setup an IPI as NMI - irqchip/gic-v3: Enable support for SGIs to act as NMIs - arm64: Add framework to turn IPI as NMI - openeuler_defconfig: Enable NMI watchdog - arm64: watchdog: add switch to select sdei_watchdog/pmu_watchdog - arm64: add new config CONFIG_PMU_WATCHDOG - arm64: Add support for hard lockup by using pmu counter - config: enable CONFIG_CPU_IDLE_GOV_HALTPOLL and CONFIG_HALTPOLL_CPUIDLE for arm - ARM: cpuidle: Add support for cpuidle-haltpoll driver for ARM - cpuidle: haltpoll: Only check boot_option_idle_override in x86 - arm64: Add some definitions of kvm_para* - cpuidle-haltpoll: Use arch_cpu_idle() to replace default_idle() - arm64: Optimize ttwu IPI - kvm: arm64: add KVM_CAP_ARM_CPU_FEATURE extension - kvm: arm64: make ID_AA64PFR0_EL1 configurable - kvm: arm64: make ID registers configurable - kvm: arm64: emulate the ID registers - arm64: add a helper function to traverse arm64_ftr_regs - KVM: arm64: Add tracepoints for PV qspinlock - KVM: arm64: Enable PV qspinlock - KVM: arm64: Add interface to support PV qspinlock - KVM: arm64: Implement PV_SCHED_KICK_CPU call - KVM: arm64: Add SMCCC PV-sched to kick cpu - KVM: arm64: Support the vCPU preemption check - KVM: arm64: Add interface to support vCPU preempted check - KVM: arm64: Support pvsched preempted via shared structure - KVM: arm64: Implement PV_SCHED_FEATURES call - KVM: arm64: Document PV-sched interface - arm64: fix the compile error when CONFIG_NUMA is disabled - arm64: Add CPU hotplug support - arm64: mark all the GICC nodes in MADT as possible cpu - loop: fix I/O error on fsync() in detached loop devices - sysrq: avoid concurrently info printing by 'sysrq-trigger' - jffs2: check the validity of dstlen in jffs2_zlib_compress() - cifs: Fix preauth hash corruption - x86/apic/of: Fix CPU devicetree-node lookups - genirq: Disable interrupts for force threaded handlers - firmware/efi: Fix a use after bug in efi_mem_reserve_persistent - efi: use 32-bit alignment for efi_guid_t literals - static_call: Fix static_call_update() sanity check - MAINTAINERS: move the staging subsystem to - MAINTAINERS: move some real subsystems off of the staging mailing list - ext4: fix rename whiteout with fast commit - ext4: fix potential error in ext4_do_update_inode - ext4: do not try to set xattr into ea_inode if value is empty - ext4: stop inode update before return - ext4: fix error handling in ext4_end_enable_verity() - efivars: respect EFI_UNSUPPORTED return from firmware - x86: Introduce TS_COMPAT_RESTART to fix get_nr_restart_syscall() - x86: Move TS_COMPAT back to asm/thread_info.h - kernel, fs: Introduce and use set_restart_fn() and arch_set_restart_data() - x86/ioapic: Ignore IRQ2 again - perf/x86/intel: Fix unchecked MSR access error caused by VLBR_EVENT - perf/x86/intel: Fix a crash caused by zero PEBS status - PCI: rpadlpar: Fix potential drc_name corruption in store functions - counter: stm32-timer-cnt: fix ceiling miss-alignment with reload register - counter: stm32-timer-cnt: fix ceiling write max value - iio: hid-sensor-temperature: Fix issues of timestamp channel - iio: hid-sensor-prox: Fix scale not correct issue - iio: hid-sensor-humidity: Fix alignment issue of timestamp channel - iio: adc: adi-axi-adc: add proper Kconfig dependencies - iio: adc: ad7949: fix wrong ADC result due to incorrect bit mask - iio: adc: ab8500-gpadc: Fix off by 10 to 3 - iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix error handling in mpu3050_trigger_handler - iio: adis16400: Fix an error code in adis16400_initial_setup() - iio:adc:qcom-spmi-vadc: add default scale to LR_MUX2_BAT_ID channel - iio:adc:stm32-adc: Add HAS_IOMEM dependency - thunderbolt: Increase runtime PM reference count on DP tunnel discovery - thunderbolt: Initialize HopID IDAs in tb_switch_alloc() - usb: dwc3: gadget: Prevent EP queuing while stopping transfers - usb: dwc3: gadget: Allow runtime suspend if UDC unbinded - usb: typec: tcpm: Invoke power_supply_changed for tcpm-source-psy- - usb: typec: Remove vdo[3] part of tps6598x_rx_identity_reg struct - usb: gadget: configfs: Fix KASAN use-after-free - usbip: Fix incorrect double assignment to udc->ud.tcp_rx - usb-storage: Add quirk to defeat Kindle's automatic unload - powerpc: Force inlining of cpu_has_feature() to avoid build failure - gfs2: bypass signal_our_withdraw if no journal - gfs2: move freeze glock outside the make_fs_rw and _ro functions - gfs2: Add common helper for holding and releasing the freeze glock - regulator: pca9450: Clear PRESET_EN bit to fix BUCK1/2/3 voltage setting - regulator: pca9450: Enable system reset on WDOG_B assertion - regulator: pca9450: Add SD_VSEL GPIO for LDO5 - net: bonding: fix error return code of bond_neigh_init() - io_uring: clear IOCB_WAITQ for non -EIOCBQUEUED return - io_uring: don't attempt IO reissue from the ring exit path - drm/amd/pm: fulfill the Polaris implementation for get_clock_by_type_with_latency() - s390/qeth: schedule TX NAPI on QAOB completion - ibmvnic: remove excessive irqsave - media: cedrus: h264: Support profile controls - io_uring: fix inconsistent lock state - iwlwifi: Add a new card for MA family - drm/amd/display: turn DPMS off on connector unplug - MIPS: compressed: fix build with enabled UBSAN - net: phy: micrel: set soft_reset callback to genphy_soft_reset for KSZ8081 - i40e: Fix endianness conversions - powerpc/sstep: Fix darn emulation - powerpc/sstep: Fix load-store and update emulation - RDMA/mlx5: Allow creating all QPs even when non RDMA profile is used - scsi: isci: Pass gfp_t flags in isci_port_bc_change_received() - scsi: isci: Pass gfp_t flags in isci_port_link_up() - scsi: isci: Pass gfp_t flags in isci_port_link_down() - scsi: mvsas: Pass gfp_t flags to libsas event notifiers - scsi: libsas: Introduce a _gfp() variant of event notifiers - scsi: libsas: Remove notifier indirection - scsi: pm8001: Neaten debug logging macros and uses - scsi: pm80xx: Fix pm8001_mpi_get_nvmd_resp() race condition - scsi: pm80xx: Make running_req atomic - scsi: pm80xx: Make mpi_build_cmd locking consistent - module: harden ELF info handling - module: avoid *goto*s in module_sig_check() - module: merge repetitive strings in module_sig_check() - RDMA/rtrs: Fix KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds bug - RDMA/rtrs: Introduce rtrs_post_send - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Jump to dereg_mr label if allocate iu fails - RDMA/rtrs: Remove unnecessary argument dir of rtrs_iu_free - bpf: Declare __bpf_free_used_maps() unconditionally - serial: stm32: fix DMA initialization error handling - tty: serial: stm32-usart: Remove set but unused 'cookie' variables - ibmvnic: serialize access to work queue on remove - ibmvnic: add some debugs - nvme-rdma: fix possible hang when failing to set io queues - gpiolib: Assign fwnode to parent's if no primary one provided - counter: stm32-timer-cnt: Report count function when SLAVE_MODE_DISABLED - RISC-V: correct enum sbi_ext_rfence_fid - scsi: ufs: ufs-mediatek: Correct operator & -> && - scsi: myrs: Fix a double free in myrs_cleanup() - scsi: lpfc: Fix some error codes in debugfs - riscv: Correct SPARSEMEM configuration - cifs: fix allocation size on newly created files - kbuild: Fix for empty SUBLEVEL or PATCHLEVEL again - net/qrtr: fix __netdev_alloc_skb call - io_uring: ensure that SQPOLL thread is started for exit - pstore: Fix warning in pstore_kill_sb() - i915/perf: Start hrtimer only if sampling the OA buffer - sunrpc: fix refcount leak for rpc auth modules - vhost_vdpa: fix the missing irq_bypass_unregister_producer() invocation - vfio: IOMMU_API should be selected - svcrdma: disable timeouts on rdma backchannel - NFSD: fix dest to src mount in inter-server COPY - NFSD: Repair misuse of sv_lock in 5.10.16-rt30. - nfsd: don't abort copies early - nfsd: Don't keep looking up unhashed files in the nfsd file cache - nvmet: don't check iosqes,iocqes for discovery controllers - nvme-tcp: fix a NULL deref when receiving a 0-length r2t PDU - nvme-tcp: fix possible hang when failing to set io queues - nvme-tcp: fix misuse of __smp_processor_id with preemption enabled - nvme: fix Write Zeroes limitations - ALSA: usb-audio: Fix unintentional sign extension issue - afs: Stop listxattr() from listing "afs.*" attributes - afs: Fix accessing YFS xattrs on a non-YFS server - ASoC: simple-card-utils: Do not handle device clock - ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: Fix lpass dai ids parse - ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: add a sanity check in set channel map - ASoC: qcom: sdm845: Fix array out of range on rx slim channels - ASoC: qcom: sdm845: Fix array out of bounds access - ASoC: SOF: intel: fix wrong poll bits in dsp power down - ASoC: SOF: Intel: unregister DMIC device on probe error - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP Pavilion x2 10-p0XX OVCD current threshold - ASoC: fsl_ssi: Fix TDM slot setup for I2S mode - drm/amd/display: Correct algorithm for reversed gamma - vhost-vdpa: set v->config_ctx to NULL if eventfd_ctx_fdget() fails - vhost-vdpa: fix use-after-free of v->config_ctx - btrfs: fix slab cache flags for free space tree bitmap - btrfs: fix race when cloning extent buffer during rewind of an old root - zonefs: fix to update .i_wr_refcnt correctly in zonefs_open_zone() - zonefs: prevent use of seq files as swap file - zonefs: Fix O_APPEND async write handling - s390/pci: fix leak of PCI device structure - s390/pci: remove superfluous zdev->zbus check - s390/pci: refactor zpci_create_device() - s390/vtime: fix increased steal time accounting - Revert "PM: runtime: Update device status before letting suppliers suspend" - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP 850 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP 440 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix mute/micmute LEDs for HP 840 G8 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Apply headset-mic quirks for Xiaomi Redmibook Air - ALSA: hda: generic: Fix the micmute led init state - ALSA: hda/realtek: apply pin quirk for XiaomiNotebook Pro - ALSA: dice: fix null pointer dereference when node is disconnected - spi: cadence: set cqspi to the driver_data field of struct device - ASoC: ak5558: Add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - ASoC: ak4458: Add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE - sdei_watchdog: Fix compile error when PPC_WATCHDOG is disable on PowerPC - net: dsa: b53: Support setting learning on port - ALSA: usb-audio: Don't avoid stopping the stream at disconnection - Revert "nfsd4: a client's own opens needn't prevent delegations" - Revert "nfsd4: remove check_conflicting_opens warning" - fuse: fix live lock in fuse_iget() - RDMA/srp: Fix support for unpopulated and unbalanced NUMA nodes - bpf, selftests: Fix up some test_verifier cases for unprivileged - bpf: Add sanity check for upper ptr_limit - bpf: Simplify alu_limit masking for pointer arithmetic - bpf: Fix off-by-one for area size in creating mask to left - bpf: Prohibit alu ops for pointer types not defining ptr_limit - crypto: x86/aes-ni-xts - use direct calls to and 4-way stride - crypto: aesni - Use TEST %reg,%reg instead of CMP $0,%reg - arm32: kaslr: Fix clock_gettime and gettimeofday performance degradation when configure CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE - arm32: kaslr: Print the real kaslr offset when kernel panic - arm32: kaslr: Fix the bug of symbols relocation - arm32: kaslr: Adapt dts files of multiple memory nodes - arm32: kaslr: Fix the bug of hidden symbols when decompressing code is compiled - arm32: kaslr: Fix the bug of module install failure - arm32: kaslr: Add missing sections about relocatable - arm64: Enable passing IMA log to next kernel on kexec - powerpc: Delete unused function delete_fdt_mem_rsv() - kexec: Use fdt_appendprop_addrrange() to add ima buffer to FDT - powerpc: Move arch independent ima kexec functions to drivers/of/kexec.c - powerpc: Enable passing IMA log to next kernel on kexec - powerpc: Move ima buffer fields to struct kimage - powerpc: Use common of_kexec_alloc_and_setup_fdt() - arm64: Use common of_kexec_alloc_and_setup_fdt() - of: Add a common kexec FDT setup function - x86: Use ELF fields defined in 'struct kimage' - powerpc: Use ELF fields defined in 'struct kimage' - arm64: Use ELF fields defined in 'struct kimage' - kexec: Move ELF fields to struct kimage - ext4: fix timer use-after-free on failed mount - ext4: drop ext4_handle_dirty_super() - ext4: use sbi instead of EXT4_SB(sb) in ext4_update_super() - ext4: save error info to sb through journal if available - ext4: protect superblock modifications with a buffer lock - ext4: drop sync argument of ext4_commit_super() - ext4: combine ext4_handle_error() and save_error_info() - ext4: defer saving error info from atomic context - ext4: simplify ext4 error translation - ext4: move functions in super.c - ext4: make ext4_abort() use __ext4_error() - ext4: standardize error message in ext4_protect_reserved_inode() - ext4: remove redundant sb checksum recomputation - RDMA/umem: Use ib_dma_max_seg_size instead of dma_get_max_seg_size - KVM: arm64: Fix nVHE hyp panic host context restore - xen/events: avoid handling the same event on two cpus at the same time - xen/events: don't unmask an event channel when an eoi is pending - mm/page_alloc.c: refactor initialization of struct page for holes in memory layout - KVM: arm64: Ensure I-cache isolation between vcpus of a same VM - mm/madvise: replace ptrace attach requirement for process_madvise - mm/userfaultfd: fix memory corruption due to writeprotect - KVM: arm64: Fix exclusive limit for IPA size - KVM: arm64: Reject VM creation when the default IPA size is unsupported - KVM: arm64: nvhe: Save the SPE context early - KVM: arm64: Avoid corrupting vCPU context register in guest exit - KVM: arm64: Fix range alignment when walking page tables - KVM: kvmclock: Fix vCPUs > 64 can't be online/hotpluged - KVM: x86: Ensure deadline timer has truly expired before posting its IRQ - x86/entry: Fix entry/exit mismatch on failed fast 32-bit syscalls - x86/sev-es: Use __copy_from_user_inatomic() - x86/sev-es: Correctly track IRQ states in runtime #VC handler - x86/entry: Move nmi entry/exit into common code - x86/sev-es: Check regs->sp is trusted before adjusting #VC IST stack - x86/sev-es: Introduce ip_within_syscall_gap() helper - x86/unwind/orc: Disable KASAN checking in the ORC unwinder, part 2 - binfmt_misc: fix possible deadlock in bm_register_write - powerpc: Fix missing declaration of [en/dis]able_kernel_vsx() - powerpc: Fix inverted SET_FULL_REGS bitop - powerpc/64s: Fix instruction encoding for lis in ppc_function_entry() - efi: stub: omit SetVirtualAddressMap() if marked unsupported in RT_PROP table - sched/membarrier: fix missing local execution of ipi_sync_rq_state() - linux/compiler-clang.h: define HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP* - zram: fix return value on writeback_store - include/linux/sched/mm.h: use rcu_dereference in in_vfork() - stop_machine: mark helpers __always_inline - seqlock,lockdep: Fix seqcount_latch_init() - powerpc/64s/exception: Clean up a missed SRR specifier - hrtimer: Update softirq_expires_next correctly after __hrtimer_get_next_event() - perf/x86/intel: Set PERF_ATTACH_SCHED_CB for large PEBS and LBR - perf/core: Flush PMU internal buffers for per-CPU events - arm64: mm: use a 48-bit ID map when possible on 52-bit VA builds - configfs: fix a use-after-free in __configfs_open_file - nvme-fc: fix racing controller reset and create association - block: rsxx: fix error return code of rsxx_pci_probe() - NFSv4.2: fix return value of _nfs4_get_security_label() - NFS: Don't gratuitously clear the inode cache when lookup failed - NFS: Don't revalidate the directory permissions on a lookup failure - SUNRPC: Set memalloc_nofs_save() for sync tasks - arm64/mm: Fix pfn_valid() for ZONE_DEVICE based memory - cpufreq: qcom-hw: Fix return value check in qcom_cpufreq_hw_cpu_init() - cpufreq: qcom-hw: fix dereferencing freed memory 'data' - sh_eth: fix TRSCER mask for R7S72100 - staging: comedi: pcl818: Fix endian problem for AI command data - staging: comedi: pcl711: Fix endian problem for AI command data - staging: comedi: me4000: Fix endian problem for AI command data - staging: comedi: dmm32at: Fix endian problem for AI command data - staging: comedi: das800: Fix endian problem for AI command data - staging: comedi: das6402: Fix endian problem for AI command data - staging: comedi: adv_pci1710: Fix endian problem for AI command data - staging: comedi: addi_apci_1500: Fix endian problem for command sample - staging: comedi: addi_apci_1032: Fix endian problem for COS sample - staging: rtl8192e: Fix possible buffer overflow in _rtl92e_wx_set_scan - staging: rtl8712: Fix possible buffer overflow in r8712_sitesurvey_cmd - staging: ks7010: prevent buffer overflow in ks_wlan_set_scan() - staging: rtl8188eu: fix potential memory corruption in rtw_check_beacon_data() - staging: rtl8712: unterminated string leads to read overflow - staging: rtl8188eu: prevent ->ssid overflow in rtw_wx_set_scan() - staging: rtl8192u: fix ->ssid overflow in r8192_wx_set_scan() - misc: fastrpc: restrict user apps from sending kernel RPC messages - misc/pvpanic: Export module FDT device table - Revert "serial: max310x: rework RX interrupt handling" - usbip: fix vudc usbip_sockfd_store races leading to gpf - usbip: fix vhci_hcd attach_store() races leading to gpf - usbip: fix stub_dev usbip_sockfd_store() races leading to gpf - usbip: fix vudc to check for stream socket - usbip: fix vhci_hcd to check for stream socket - usbip: fix stub_dev to check for stream socket - USB: serial: cp210x: add some more GE USB IDs - USB: serial: cp210x: add ID for Acuity Brands nLight Air Adapter - USB: serial: ch341: add new Product ID - USB: serial: io_edgeport: fix memory leak in edge_startup - xhci: Fix repeated xhci wake after suspend due to uncleared internal wake state - usb: xhci: Fix ASMedia ASM1042A and ASM3242 DMA addressing - xhci: Improve detection of device initiated wake signal. - usb: xhci: do not perform Soft Retry for some xHCI hosts - usb: renesas_usbhs: Clear PIPECFG for re-enabling pipe with other EPNUM - USB: usblp: fix a hang in poll() if disconnected - usb: dwc3: qcom: Honor wakeup enabled/disabled state - usb: dwc3: qcom: add ACPI device id for sc8180x - usb: dwc3: qcom: add URS Host support for sdm845 ACPI boot - usb: dwc3: qcom: Add missing DWC3 OF node refcount decrement - usb: gadget: f_uac1: stop playback on function disable - usb: gadget: f_uac2: always increase endpoint max_packet_size by one audio slot - USB: gadget: u_ether: Fix a configfs return code - USB: gadget: udc: s3c2410_udc: fix return value check in s3c2410_udc_probe() - Goodix Fingerprint device is not a modem - cifs: do not send close in compound create+close requests - mmc: cqhci: Fix random crash when remove mmc module/card - mmc: core: Fix partition switch time for eMMC - mmc: mmci: Add MMC_CAP_NEED_RSP_BUSY for the stm32 variants - xen/events: reset affinity of 2-level event when tearing it down - software node: Fix node registration - s390/dasd: fix hanging IO request during DASD driver unbind - s390/dasd: fix hanging DASD driver unbind - arm64: perf: Fix 64-bit event counter read truncation - arm64: mte: Map hotplugged memory as Normal Tagged - arm64: kasan: fix page_alloc tagging with DEBUG_VIRTUAL - block: Try to handle busy underlying device on discard - block: Discard page cache of zone reset target range - Revert 95ebabde382c ("capabilities: Don't allow writing ambiguous v3 file capabilities") - ALSA: usb-audio: fix use after free in usb_audio_disconnect - ALSA: usb-audio: fix NULL ptr dereference in usb_audio_probe - ALSA: usb-audio: Disable USB autosuspend properly in setup_disable_autosuspend() - ALSA: usb-audio: Apply the control quirk to Plantronics headsets - ALSA: usb-audio: Fix "cannot get freq eq" errors on Dell AE515 sound bar - ALSA: hda: Avoid spurious unsol event handling during S3/S4 - ALSA: hda: Flush pending unsolicited events before suspend - ALSA: hda: Drop the BATCH workaround for AMD controllers - ALSA: hda/ca0132: Add Sound BlasterX AE-5 Plus support - ALSA: hda/conexant: Add quirk for mute LED control on HP ZBook G5 - ALSA: hda/hdmi: Cancel pending works before suspend - ALSA: usb: Add Plantronics C320-M USB ctrl msg delay quirk - ARM: 9029/1: Make iwmmxt.S support Clang's integrated assembler - mmc: sdhci: Update firmware interface API - clk: qcom: gpucc-msm8998: Add resets, cxc, fix flags on gpu_gx_gdsc - scsi: target: core: Prevent underflow for service actions - scsi: target: core: Add cmd length set before cmd complete - scsi: libiscsi: Fix iscsi_prep_scsi_cmd_pdu() error handling - sysctl.c: fix underflow value setting risk in vm_table - drivers/base/memory: don't store phys_device in memory blocks - s390/smp: __smp_rescan_cpus() - move cpumask away from stack - kasan: fix memory corruption in kasan_bitops_tags test - i40e: Fix memory leak in i40e_probe - PCI: Fix pci_register_io_range() memory leak - kbuild: clamp SUBLEVEL to 255 - ext4: don't try to processed freed blocks until mballoc is initialized - PCI/LINK: Remove bandwidth notification - drivers/base: build kunit tests without structleak plugin - PCI: mediatek: Add missing of_node_put() to fix reference leak - PCI: xgene-msi: Fix race in installing chained irq handler - Input: applespi - don't wait for responses to commands indefinitely. - sparc64: Use arch_validate_flags() to validate ADI flag - sparc32: Limit memblock allocation to low memory - clk: qcom: gdsc: Implement NO_RET_PERIPH flag - iommu/amd: Fix performance counter initialization - powerpc/64: Fix stack trace not displaying final frame - HID: logitech-dj: add support for the new lightspeed connection iteration - powerpc/perf: Record counter overflow always if SAMPLE_IP is unset - powerpc: improve handling of unrecoverable system reset - spi: stm32: make spurious and overrun interrupts visible - powerpc/pci: Add ppc_md.discover_phbs() - Platform: OLPC: Fix probe error handling - mmc: sdhci-iproc: Add ACPI bindings for the RPi - mmc: mediatek: fix race condition between msdc_request_timeout and irq - mmc: mxs-mmc: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path in 'mxs_mmc_probe()' - iommu/vt-d: Clear PRQ overflow only when PRQ is empty - udf: fix silent AED tagLocation corruption - scsi: ufs: WB is only available on LUN #0 to #7 - i2c: rcar: optimize cacheline to minimize HW race condition - i2c: rcar: faster irq code to minimize HW race condition - ath11k: fix AP mode for QCA6390 - ath11k: start vdev if a bss peer is already created - ath11k: peer delete synchronization with firmware - net: enetc: initialize RFS/RSS memories for unused ports too - enetc: Fix unused var build warning for CONFIG_OF - net: dsa: tag_mtk: fix 802.1ad VLAN egress - net: dsa: tag_ar9331: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: tag_gswip: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: tag_dsa: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: tag_brcm: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: tag_edsa: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: tag_lan9303: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: tag_mtk: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: tag_ocelot: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: tag_qca: let DSA core deal with TX reallocation - net: dsa: trailer: don't allocate additional memory for padding/tagging - net: dsa: tag_ksz: don't allocate additional memory for padding/tagging - net: dsa: implement a central TX reallocation procedure - s390/qeth: fix notification for pending buffers during teardown - s390/qeth: improve completion of pending TX buffers - s390/qeth: remove QETH_QDIO_BUF_HANDLED_DELAYED state - s390/qeth: don't replace a fully completed async TX buffer - net: hns3: fix error mask definition of flow director - cifs: fix credit accounting for extra channel - media: rc: compile rc-cec.c into rc-core - media: v4l: vsp1: Fix bru null pointer access - media: v4l: vsp1: Fix uif null pointer access - media: rkisp1: params: fix wrong bits settings - media: usbtv: Fix deadlock on suspend - sh_eth: fix TRSCER mask for R7S9210 - qxl: Fix uninitialised struct field head.surface_id - s390/crypto: return -EFAULT if copy_to_user() fails - s390/cio: return -EFAULT if copy_to_user() fails - drm/i915: Wedge the GPU if command parser setup fails - drm/shmem-helpers: vunmap: Don't put pages for dma-buf - drm: meson_drv add shutdown function - drm: Use USB controller's DMA mask when importing dmabufs - drm/shmem-helper: Don't remove the offset in vm_area_struct pgoff - drm/shmem-helper: Check for purged buffers in fault handler - drm/amdgpu/display: handle aux backlight in backlight_get_brightness - drm/amdgpu/display: don't assert in set backlight function - drm/amdgpu/display: simplify backlight setting - drm/amd/pm: bug fix for pcie dpm - drm/amd/display: Fix nested FPU context in dcn21_validate_bandwidth() - drm/amdgpu/display: use GFP_ATOMIC in dcn21_validate_bandwidth_fp() - drm/amd/display: Add a backlight module option - drm/compat: Clear bounce structures - gpio: fix gpio-device list corruption - gpio: pca953x: Set IRQ type when handle Intel Galileo Gen 2 - gpiolib: acpi: Allow to find GpioInt() resource by name and index - gpiolib: acpi: Add ACPI_GPIO_QUIRK_ABSOLUTE_NUMBER quirk - bnxt_en: reliably allocate IRQ table on reset to avoid crash - s390/cio: return -EFAULT if copy_to_user() fails again - net: hns3: fix bug when calculating the TCAM table info - net: hns3: fix query vlan mask value error for flow director - perf report: Fix -F for branch & mem modes - perf traceevent: Ensure read cmdlines are null terminated. - mlxsw: spectrum_ethtool: Add an external speed to PTYS register - selftests: forwarding: Fix race condition in mirror installation - net: phy: make mdio_bus_phy_suspend/resume as __maybe_unused - ethtool: fix the check logic of at least one channel for RX/TX - net: stmmac: fix wrongly set buffer2 valid when sph unsupport - net: stmmac: fix watchdog timeout during suspend/resume stress test - net: stmmac: stop each tx channel independently - perf build: Fix ccache usage in $(CC) when generating arch errno table - tools/resolve_btfids: Fix build error with older host toolchains - ixgbe: fail to create xfrm offload of IPsec tunnel mode SA - r8169: fix r8168fp_adjust_ocp_cmd function - s390/qeth: fix memory leak after failed TX Buffer allocation - net: qrtr: fix error return code of qrtr_sendmsg() - net: enetc: allow hardware timestamping on TX queues with tc-etf enabled - net: davicom: Fix regulator not turned off on driver removal - net: davicom: Fix regulator not turned off on failed probe - net: lapbether: Remove netif_start_queue / netif_stop_queue - stmmac: intel: Fixes clock registration error seen for multiple interfaces - net: stmmac: Fix VLAN filter delete timeout issue in Intel mGBE SGMII - cipso,calipso: resolve a number of problems with the DOI refcounts - netdevsim: init u64 stats for 32bit hardware - net: usb: qmi_wwan: allow qmimux add/del with master up - net: dsa: sja1105: fix SGMII PCS being forced to SPEED_UNKNOWN instead of SPEED_10 - net: mscc: ocelot: properly reject destination IP keys in VCAP IS1 - net: sched: avoid duplicates in classes dump - nexthop: Do not flush blackhole nexthops when loopback goes down - net: stmmac: fix incorrect DMA channel intr enable setting of EQoS v4.10 - net/mlx4_en: update moderation when config reset - net: ethernet: mtk-star-emac: fix wrong unmap in RX handling - net: enetc: keep RX ring consumer index in sync with hardware - net: enetc: remove bogus write to SIRXIDR from enetc_setup_rxbdr - net: enetc: force the RGMII speed and duplex instead of operating in inband mode - net: enetc: don't disable VLAN filtering in IFF_PROMISC mode - net: enetc: fix incorrect TPID when receiving 802.1ad tagged packets - net: enetc: take the MDIO lock only once per NAPI poll cycle - net: enetc: don't overwrite the RSS indirection table when initializing - sh_eth: fix TRSCER mask for SH771x - net: dsa: tag_rtl4_a: fix egress tags - docs: networking: drop special stable handling - Revert "mm, slub: consider rest of partial list if acquire_slab() fails" - cifs: return proper error code in statfs(2) - mount: fix mounting of detached mounts onto targets that reside on shared mounts - powerpc/603: Fix protection of user pages mapped with PROT_NONE - mt76: dma: do not report truncated frames to mac80211 - ibmvnic: always store valid MAC address - ibmvnic: Fix possibly uninitialized old_num_tx_queues variable warning. - libbpf: Clear map_info before each bpf_obj_get_info_by_fd - samples, bpf: Add missing munmap in xdpsock - selftests/bpf: Mask bpf_csum_diff() return value to 16 bits in test_verifier - selftests/bpf: No need to drop the packet when there is no geneve opt - selftests/bpf: Use the last page in test_snprintf_btf on s390 - net: phy: fix save wrong speed and duplex problem if autoneg is on - net: always use icmp{,v6}_ndo_send from ndo_start_xmit - netfilter: x_tables: gpf inside xt_find_revision() - netfilter: nf_nat: undo erroneous tcp edemux lookup - tcp: add sanity tests to TCP_QUEUE_SEQ - tcp: Fix sign comparison bug in getsockopt(TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE) - can: tcan4x5x: tcan4x5x_init(): fix initialization - clear MRAM before entering Normal Mode - can: flexcan: invoke flexcan_chip_freeze() to enter freeze mode - can: flexcan: enable RX FIFO after FRZ/HALT valid - can: flexcan: assert FRZ bit in flexcan_chip_freeze() - can: skb: can_skb_set_owner(): fix ref counting if socket was closed before setting skb ownership - net: l2tp: reduce log level of messages in receive path, add counter instead - net: avoid infinite loop in mpls_gso_segment when mpls_hlen == 0 - net: check if protocol extracted by virtio_net_hdr_set_proto is correct - net: Fix gro aggregation for udp encaps with zero csum - ath9k: fix transmitting to stations in dynamic SMPS mode - crypto: mips/poly1305 - enable for all MIPS processors - ethernet: alx: fix order of calls on resume - powerpc/pseries: Don't enforce MSI affinity with kdump - powerpc/perf: Fix handling of privilege level checks in perf interrupt context - uapi: nfnetlink_cthelper.h: fix userspace compilation error - arm64/mpam: fix a memleak in add_schema - cacheinfo: workaround cacheinfo's info_list uninitialized error - openeuler_defconfig: Enable MPAM by default - arm64/mpam: Sort domains when cpu online - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Refresh cpu mask for handling cpuhp - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Allow setting register MPAMCFG_MBW_MIN to 0 - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Use resctrl_group_init_alloc() for default group - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Add proper error handling to resctrl_mount() - arm64/mpam: Use fs_context to parse mount options - arm64/mpam: Supplement additional useful ctrl features for mount options - arm64/mpam: Set per-cpu's closid to none zero for cdp - arm64/mpam: Simplify mpamid cdp mapping process - arm64/mpam: Filter schema control type with ctrl features - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Add rmid file in resctrl sysfs - arm64/mpam: Split header files into suitable location - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Export resource's properties to info directory - arm64/mpam: Add resctrl_ctrl_feature structure to manage ctrl features - arm64/mpam: Add wait queue for monitor alloc and free - arm64/mpam: Remap reqpartid,pmg to rmid and intpartid to closid - arm64/mpam: Separate internal and downstream priority event - arm64/mpam: Enabling registering and logging error interrupts - arm64/mpam: Fix MPAM_ESR intPARTID_range error - arm64/mpam: Integrate monitor data for Memory Bandwidth if cdp enabled - arm64/mpam: Add hook-events id for ctrl features - arm64/mpam: Re-plan intpartid narrowing process - arm64/mpam: Restore extend ctrls' max width for checking schemata input - arm64/mpam: Squash default priority from mpam device to class - arm64/mpam: Store intpri and dspri for mpam device reset - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Support priority and hardlimit(Memory bandwidth) configuration - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Support cpus' monitoring for mon group - arm64/mpam: resctrl: collect child mon group's monitor data - arm64/mpam: Using software-defined id for rdtgroup instead of 32-bit integer - arm64/mpam: Implement intpartid narrowing process - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Remove unnecessary CONFIG_ARM64 - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Remove ctrlmon sysfile - arm64/mpam: Clean up header files and rearrange declarations - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Support cdp on monitoring data - arm64/mpam: Support cdp on allocating monitors - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Move ctrlmon sysfile write/read function to mpam_ctrlmon.c - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Update closid alloc and free process with bitmap - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Update resources reset process - arm64/mpam: Support cdp in mpam_sched_in() - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Write and read schemata by schema_list - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Use resctrl_group_init_alloc() to init schema list - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Add helpers for init and destroy schemata list - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Supplement cdpl2,cdpl3 for mount options - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Append schemata CDP definitions - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Rebuild configuration and monitoring pipeline - arm64/mpam: Probe partid,pmg and feature capabilities' ranges from classes - arm64/mpam: Add helper for getting MSCs' configuration - arm64/mpam: Migrate old MSCs' discovery process to new branch - drivers: base: cacheinfo: Add helper to search cacheinfo by of_node - arm64/mpam: Implement helpers for handling configuration and monitoring - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Handle cpuhp and resctrl_dom allocation - arm64/mpam: resctrl: Re-synchronise resctrl's view of online CPUs - arm64/mpam: Init resctrl resources' info from resctrl_res selected - arm64/mpam: Pick MPAM resources and events for resctrl_res exported - arm64/mpam: Allocate mpam component configuration arrays - arm64/mpam: Summarize feature support during mpam_enable() - arm64/mpam: Reset controls when CPUs come online - arm64/mpam: Add helper for getting mpam sysprops - arm64/mpam: Probe the features resctrl supports - arm64/mpam: Supplement MPAM MSC register layout definitions - arm64/mpam: Probe supported partid/pmg ranges from devices - arm64/mpam: Add mpam driver discovery phase and kbuild boiler plate - arm64/mpam: Preparing for MPAM refactoring - arm64/mpam: Supplement err tips in info/last_cmd_status - arm64/mpam: Fix unreset resources when mkdir ctrl group or umount resctrl - MPAM / ACPI: Refactoring MPAM init process and set MPAM ACPI as entrance - ACPI 6.x: Add definitions for MPAM table - ACPI / PPTT: cacheinfo: Label caches based on fw_token - ACPI / PPTT: Filthy hack to find _a_ backwards reference in the PPTT [ROTTEN] - ACPI / PPTT: Add helper to validate cache nodes from an offset [dead] - ACPI / processor: Add helper to convert acpi_id to a phys_cpuid - arm64/mpam: cleanup the source file's licence - mpam : fix monitor's disorder from - mpam : fix missing fill MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL register - arm64/mpam: use snprintf instead of sprintf - arm64/mpam: cleanup debuging code - arm64/mpam: fix a missing unlock in error branch - arm64/mpam: remove unnecessary debug message and dead code - arm64/mpam: correct num of partid/pmg - arm64/mpam: get num_partids from system regs instead of hard code - arm64/mpam: update group flags only when enable sucsses - arm64/mpam: remove unsupported resource - arm64/mpam: only add new domain node to domain list - arm64/mpam: unmap all previous address when failed - arm64/mpam: destroy domain list when failed to init - arm64/mpam: fix hard code address map for 1620 2P - mpam: fix potential resource leak in mpam_domains_init - mpam: Code security rectification - cmetrics: remove dead code in mpam_ctrlmon.c and resctrlfs.c - arm64/mpam: fix compile warning - arm64/mpam: add cmdline option: mpam - resctrlfs: fix up RESCTRL dependency - arm64/mpam: hard code mpam resource for Hi1620 2P - arm64/mpam: support L3TALL, HHALL - arm64/mpam: debug: remove debug pr_info at schemata - arm64/mpam: use 5% as min memory bandwidth - arm64/mpam: don't allowd create mon_groups when out of mon/pmg - arm64/mpam: fix HHA MAX SET/GET operation - arm64/mpam: monitor pmg as a property of partid - arm64/mpam: enable alloc/mon capable when MPAM enabled - arm64/mpam: add L3TALL & HHALL - arm64/mpam: alloc/mon capable/enabled debug - arm64/mpam: get alloc/mon capable/enabled from h/w - arm64/mpam: don't reserve mon 0, we can use it as nomarl - arm64/mpam: get num_mon & num_pmg from hardware - arm64/mpam: add num_monitors in info dir - arm64/mpam: mon: add WARN_ON for debug free_pmg - arm64/mpam: free mon when remove momgroups - arm64/mpam: operation not permitted when remove a ctrl group with a mondata - arm64/mpam: support monitor - arm64/mpam: disable MPAM_SYS_REG_DEBUG - arm64/mpam: print mpam caps info when booting - arm64/mpam: add mpam extension runtime detection - arm64/mpam: support num_partids/num_pmgs - arm64/mpam: support monitor - arm64/mpam: support monitor read - arm64/mpam: pass rdtgroup when create mon_data dir - arm64/mpam: add group partid/pmg to tasks show - arm64/mpam: debug: print debug info when create mon_data - arm64/mpam: debug: print more useful info for mon_data - resctrlfs: mpam: Build basic framework for mpam - resctrlfs: init support resctrlfs - nvme-pci: add quirks for Lexar 256GB SSD - nvme-pci: mark Seagate Nytro XM1440 as QUIRK_NO_NS_DESC_LIST. - KVM: SVM: Clear the CR4 register on reset - scsi: ufs: Fix a duplicate dev quirk number - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for HP Spectre x360 convertible - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: reorganize quirks by generation - PCI: cadence: Retrain Link to work around Gen2 training defect - ALSA: usb-audio: add mixer quirks for Pioneer DJM-900NXS2 - ALSA: usb-audio: Add DJM750 to Pioneer mixer quirk - HID: i2c-hid: Add I2C_HID_QUIRK_NO_IRQ_AFTER_RESET for ITE8568 EC on Voyo Winpad A15 - mmc: sdhci-of-dwcmshc: set SDHCI_QUIRK2_PRESET_VALUE_BROKEN - drm/msm/a5xx: Remove overwriting A5XX_PC_DBG_ECO_CNTL register - scsi: ufs: ufs-exynos: Use UFSHCD_QUIRK_ALIGN_SG_WITH_PAGE_SIZE - scsi: ufs: ufs-exynos: Apply vendor-specific values for three timeouts - scsi: ufs: Introduce a quirk to allow only page-aligned sg entries - misc: eeprom_93xx46: Add quirk to support Microchip 93LC46B eeprom - scsi: ufs: Add a quirk to permit overriding UniPro defaults - scsi: ufs-mediatek: Enable UFSHCI_QUIRK_SKIP_MANUAL_WB_FLUSH_CTRL - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing TGL_HDMI quirk for Dell SKU 0A32 - KVM: x86: Supplement __cr4_reserved_bits() with X86_FEATURE_PCID check - PCI: Add function 1 DMA alias quirk for Marvell 9215 SATA controller - usb: cdns3: fix NULL pointer dereference on no platform data - usb: cdns3: add quirk for enable runtime pm by default - usb: cdns3: host: add xhci_plat_priv quirk XHCI_SKIP_PHY_INIT - usb: cdns3: host: add .suspend_quirk for xhci-plat.c - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for ARCHOS Cesium 140 - ACPI: video: Add DMI quirk for GIGABYTE GB-BXBT-2807 - media: cx23885: add more quirks for reset DMA on some AMD IOMMU - HID: mf: add support for 0079:1846 Mayflash/Dragonrise USB Gamecube Adapter - platform/x86: acer-wmi: Add ACER_CAP_KBD_DOCK quirk for the Aspire Switch 10E SW3-016 - platform/x86: acer-wmi: Add support for SW_TABLET_MODE on Switch devices - platform/x86: acer-wmi: Add ACER_CAP_SET_FUNCTION_MODE capability flag - platform/x86: acer-wmi: Add new force_caps module parameter - platform/x86: acer-wmi: Cleanup accelerometer device handling - platform/x86: acer-wmi: Cleanup ACER_CAP_FOO defines - bus: ti-sysc: Implement GPMC debug quirk to drop platform data - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for new TigerLake-SDCA device - mwifiex: pcie: skip cancel_work_sync() on reset failure path - Bluetooth: btqca: Add valid le states quirk - iommu/amd: Fix sleeping in atomic in increase_address_space() - btrfs: don't flush from btrfs_delayed_inode_reserve_metadata - btrfs: export and rename qgroup_reserve_meta - arm64: Make CPU_BIG_ENDIAN depend on ld.bfd or ld.lld 13.0.0+ - parisc: Enable -mlong-calls gcc option with CONFIG_COMPILE_TEST - nvme-pci: mark Kingston SKC2000 as not supporting the deepest power state - ASoC: SOF: Intel: broadwell: fix mutual exclusion with catpt driver - ACPICA: Fix race in generic_serial_bus (I2C) and GPIO op_region parameter handling - r8169: fix resuming from suspend on RTL8105e if machine runs on battery - tomoyo: recognize kernel threads correctly - Revert "arm64: dts: amlogic: add missing ethernet reset ID" - iommu/vt-d: Fix status code for Allocate/Free PASID command - rsxx: Return -EFAULT if copy_to_user() fails - ftrace: Have recordmcount use w8 to read relp->r_info in arm64_is_fake_mcount - ALSA: hda: intel-nhlt: verify config type - IB/mlx5: Add missing error code - RDMA/rxe: Fix missing kconfig dependency on CRYPTO - RDMA/cm: Fix IRQ restore in ib_send_cm_sidr_rep - ALSA: ctxfi: cthw20k2: fix mask on conf to allow 4 bits - drm/amdgpu: fix parameter error of RREG32_PCIE() in amdgpu_regs_pcie - drm/amdgpu:disable VCN for Navi12 SKU - dm verity: fix FEC for RS roots unaligned to block size - dm bufio: subtract the number of initial sectors in dm_bufio_get_device_size - io_uring: ignore double poll add on the same waitqueue head - ring-buffer: Force before_stamp and write_stamp to be different on discard - PM: runtime: Update device status before letting suppliers suspend - btrfs: fix warning when creating a directory with smack enabled - btrfs: unlock extents in btrfs_zero_range in case of quota reservation errors - btrfs: free correct amount of space in btrfs_delayed_inode_reserve_metadata - btrfs: validate qgroup inherit for SNAP_CREATE_V2 ioctl - btrfs: fix race between extent freeing/allocation when using bitmaps - btrfs: fix stale data exposure after cloning a hole with NO_HOLES enabled - btrfs: fix race between swap file activation and snapshot creation - btrfs: fix race between writes to swap files and scrub - btrfs: fix raid6 qstripe kmap - btrfs: avoid double put of block group when emptying cluster - tpm, tpm_tis: Decorate tpm_get_timeouts() with request_locality() - tpm, tpm_tis: Decorate tpm_tis_gen_interrupt() with request_locality() - ALSA: usb-audio: Drop bogus dB range in too low level - ALSA: usb-audio: use Corsair Virtuoso mapping for Corsair Virtuoso SE - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable headset mic of Acer SWIFT with ALC256 - powerpc: Do not compile any dts if CONFIG_OF_ALL_DTBS=y - ext4: find old entry again if failed to rename whiteout - net: sfp: add workaround for Realtek RTL8672 and RTL9601C chips - net: sfp: VSOL V2801F / CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2.0 workaround - ALSA: hda/realtek: Apply dual codec quirks for MSI Godlike X570 board - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Intel NUC 10 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for Clevo NH55RZQ - media: v4l: ioctl: Fix memory leak in video_usercopy - tty: teach the n_tty ICANON case about the new "cookie continuations" too - tty: teach n_tty line discipline about the new "cookie continuations" - tty: clean up legacy leftovers from n_tty line discipline - tty: fix up hung_up_tty_read() conversion - tty: fix up iterate_tty_read() EOVERFLOW handling - powerpc/sstep: Fix incorrect return from analyze_instr() - powerpc/sstep: Check instruction validity against ISA version before emulation - swap: fix swapfile read/write offset - remoteproc/mediatek: Fix kernel test robot warning - zsmalloc: account the number of compacted pages correctly - xen: fix p2m size in dom0 for disabled memory hotplug case - xen-netback: respect gnttab_map_refs()'s return value - Xen/gnttab: handle p2m update errors on a per-slot basis - scsi: iscsi: Verify lengths on passthrough PDUs - scsi: iscsi: Ensure sysfs attributes are limited to PAGE_SIZE - scsi: iscsi: Restrict sessions and handles to admin capabilities - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for the Acer One S1002 tablet - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5651: Add quirk for the Jumper EZpad 7 tablet - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for the Voyo Winpad A15 tablet - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for the Estar Beauty HD MID 7316R tablet - sched/features: Fix hrtick reprogramming - parisc: Bump 64-bit IRQ stack size to 64 KB - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: detect DMIC number based on mach params - ASoC: Intel: sof-sdw: indent and add quirks consistently - perf/x86/kvm: Add Cascade Lake Xeon steppings to isolation_ucodes[] - btrfs: fix error handling in commit_fs_roots - ASoC: Intel: Add DMI quirk table to soc_intel_is_byt_cr() - nvme-tcp: add clean action for failed reconnection - nvme-rdma: add clean action for failed reconnection - nvme-core: add cancel tagset helpers - f2fs: fix to set/clear I_LINKABLE under i_lock - f2fs: handle unallocated section and zone on pinned/atgc - media: uvcvideo: Allow entities with no pads - drm/amd/amdgpu: add error handling to amdgpu_virt_read_pf2vf_data - drm/amd/display: Guard against NULL pointer deref when get_i2c_info fails - ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add new BYT_RT5640_NO_SPEAKERS quirk-flag - PCI: Add a REBAR size quirk for Sapphire RX 5600 XT Pulse - drm/amdgpu: Add check to prevent IH overflow - fs: make unlazy_walk() error handling consistent - crypto: tcrypt - avoid signed overflow in byte count - drm/hisilicon: Fix use-after-free - brcmfmac: Add DMI nvram filename quirk for Voyo winpad A15 tablet - brcmfmac: Add DMI nvram filename quirk for Predia Basic tablet - staging: bcm2835-audio: Replace unsafe strcpy() with strscpy() - staging: most: sound: add sanity check for function argument - Bluetooth: Fix null pointer dereference in amp_read_loc_assoc_final_data - Bluetooth: Add new HCI_QUIRK_NO_SUSPEND_NOTIFIER quirk - net: sfp: add mode quirk for GPON module Ubiquiti U-Fiber Instant - ath10k: fix wmi mgmt tx queue full due to race condition - pktgen: fix misuse of BUG_ON() in pktgen_thread_worker() - mt76: mt7615: reset token when mac_reset happens - Bluetooth: btusb: fix memory leak on suspend and resume - Bluetooth: hci_h5: Set HCI_QUIRK_SIMULTANEOUS_DISCOVERY for btrtl - wlcore: Fix command execute failure 19 for wl12xx - vt/consolemap: do font sum unsigned - x86/reboot: Add Zotac ZBOX CI327 nano PCI reboot quirk - staging: fwserial: Fix error handling in fwserial_create - EDAC/amd64: Do not load on family 0x15, model 0x13 - rsi: Move card interrupt handling to RX thread - rsi: Fix TX EAPOL packet handling against iwlwifi AP - ASoC: qcom: Remove useless debug print - dt-bindings: net: btusb: DT fix s/interrupt-name/interrupt-names/ - dt-bindings: ethernet-controller: fix fixed-link specification - net: fix dev_ifsioc_locked() race condition - net: psample: Fix netlink skb length with tunnel info - net: hsr: add support for EntryForgetTime - net: ag71xx: remove unnecessary MTU reservation - net: dsa: tag_rtl4_a: Support also egress tags - net/sched: cls_flower: Reject invalid ct_state flags rules - net: bridge: use switchdev for port flags set through sysfs too - mptcp: do not wakeup listener for MPJ subflows - tcp: fix tcp_rmem documentation - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Do not signal REG_MR - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Use bitmask to check sess->flags - RDMA/rtrs: Do not signal for heatbeat - mm/hugetlb.c: fix unnecessary address expansion of pmd sharing - nbd: handle device refs for DESTROY_ON_DISCONNECT properly - riscv: Get rid of MAX_EARLY_MAPPING_SIZE - net: fix up truesize of cloned skb in skb_prepare_for_shift() - tomoyo: ignore data race while checking quota - smackfs: restrict bytes count in smackfs write functions - net/af_iucv: remove WARN_ONCE on malformed RX packets - xfs: Fix assert failure in xfs_setattr_size() - media: v4l2-ctrls.c: fix shift-out-of-bounds in std_validate - erofs: fix shift-out-of-bounds of blkszbits - media: mceusb: sanity check for prescaler value - udlfb: Fix memory leak in dlfb_usb_probe - sched/core: Allow try_invoke_on_locked_down_task() with irqs disabled - JFS: more checks for invalid superblock - x86/build: Treat R_386_PLT32 relocation as R_386_PC32 - drm/virtio: use kvmalloc for large allocations - Input: elan_i2c - add new trackpoint report type 0x5F - Input: elantech - fix protocol errors for some trackpoints in SMBus mode - net: usb: qmi_wwan: support ZTE P685M modem - ARM: dts: aspeed: Add LCLK to lpc-snoop - net_sched: fix RTNL deadlock again caused by request_module() - net: qrtr: Fix memory leak in qrtr_tun_open - net: sched: fix police ext initialization - wireguard: queueing: get rid of per-peer ring buffers - wireguard: selftests: test multiple parallel streams - net: icmp: pass zeroed opts from icmp{,v6}_ndo_send before sending - ipv6: silence compilation warning for non-IPV6 builds - kgdb: fix to kill breakpoints on initmem after boot - drm/i915: Reject 446-480MHz HDMI clock on GLK - dm era: only resize metadata in preresume - dm era: Reinitialize bitset cache before digesting a new writeset - dm era: Use correct value size in equality function of writeset tree - dm era: Fix bitset memory leaks - dm era: Verify the data block size hasn't changed - dm era: Update in-core bitset after committing the metadata - dm era: Recover committed writeset after crash - dm writecache: fix writing beyond end of underlying device when shrinking - dm writecache: return the exact table values that were set - dm writecache: fix performance degradation in ssd mode - dm table: fix zoned iterate_devices based device capability checks - dm table: fix DAX iterate_devices based device capability checks - dm table: fix iterate_devices based device capability checks - dm: fix deadlock when swapping to encrypted device - gfs2: Recursive gfs2_quota_hold in gfs2_iomap_end - gfs2: Lock imbalance on error path in gfs2_recover_one - gfs2: Don't skip dlm unlock if glock has an lvb - gfs2: fix glock confusion in function signal_our_withdraw - spi: spi-synquacer: fix set_cs handling - spi: fsl: invert spisel_boot signal on MPC8309 - sparc32: fix a user-triggerable oops in clear_user() - f2fs: flush data when enabling checkpoint back - f2fs: enforce the immutable flag on open files - f2fs: fix out-of-repair __setattr_copy() - irqchip/loongson-pch-msi: Use bitmap_zalloc() to allocate bitmap - um: defer killing userspace on page table update failures - um: mm: check more comprehensively for stub changes - virtio/s390: implement virtio-ccw revision 2 correctly - s390/vtime: fix inline assembly clobber list - proc: don't allow async path resolution of /proc/thread-self components - cpufreq: intel_pstate: Get per-CPU max freq via MSR_HWP_CAPABILITIES if available - cpufreq: intel_pstate: Change intel_pstate_get_hwp_max() argument - cpufreq: qcom-hw: drop devm_xxx() calls from init/exit hooks - thermal: cpufreq_cooling: freq_qos_update_request() returns < 0 on error - kcmp: Support selection of SYS_kcmp without CHECKPOINT_RESTORE - zonefs: Fix file size of zones in full condition - exfat: fix shift-out-of-bounds in exfat_fill_super() - printk: fix deadlock when kernel panic - mfd: gateworks-gsc: Fix interrupt type - gpio: pcf857x: Fix missing first interrupt - mei: me: add adler lake point LP DID - mei: me: add adler lake point S DID - mei: me: emmitsburg workstation DID - mei: fix transfer over dma with extended header - spmi: spmi-pmic-arb: Fix hw_irq overflow - powerpc/32s: Add missing call to kuep_lock on syscall entry - powerpc/kexec_file: fix FDT size estimation for kdump kernel - powerpc/32: Preserve cr1 in exception prolog stack check to fix build error - mmc: sdhci-pci-o2micro: Bug fix for SDR104 HW tuning failure - mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: fix kernel panic when remove module - module: Ignore _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ when warning for undefined symbols - nvmem: qcom-spmi-sdam: Fix uninitialized pdev pointer - KVM: nSVM: fix running nested guests when npt=0 - mm, compaction: make fast_isolate_freepages() stay within zone - mm/vmscan: restore zone_reclaim_mode ABI - hugetlb: fix copy_huge_page_from_user contig page struct assumption - hugetlb: fix update_and_free_page contig page struct assumption - mm: memcontrol: fix get_active_memcg return value - mm: memcontrol: fix swap undercounting in cgroup2 - x86: fix seq_file iteration for pat/memtype.c - seq_file: document how per-entry resources are managed. - fs/affs: release old buffer head on error path - mtd: spi-nor: hisi-sfc: Put child node np on error path - mtd: spi-nor: core: Add erase size check for erase command initialization - mtd: spi-nor: core: Fix erase type discovery for overlaid region - mtd: spi-nor: sfdp: Fix wrong erase type bitmask for overlaid region - mtd: spi-nor: sfdp: Fix last erase region marking - coresight: etm4x: Handle accesses to TRCSTALLCTLR - watchdog: mei_wdt: request stop on unregister - watchdog: qcom: Remove incorrect usage of QCOM_WDT_ENABLE_IRQ - riscv: Disable KSAN_SANITIZE for vDSO - arm64: spectre: Prevent lockdep splat on v4 mitigation enable path - arm64 module: set plt* section addresses to 0x0 - arm64: uprobe: Return EOPNOTSUPP for AARCH32 instruction probing - arm64: kexec_file: fix memory leakage in create_dtb() when fdt_open_into() fails - iommu/arm-smmu-qcom: Fix mask extraction for bootloader programmed SMRs - arm64: Extend workaround for erratum 1024718 to all versions of Cortex-A55 - kprobes: Fix to delay the kprobes jump optimization - rcu/nocb: Perform deferred wake up before last idle's need_resched() check - rcu: Pull deferred rcuog wake up to rcu_eqs_enter() callers - powerpc/prom: Fix "ibm,arch-vec-5-platform-support" scan - x86/entry: Fix instrumentation annotation - x86/fault: Fix AMD erratum #91 errata fixup for user code - x86/reboot: Force all cpus to exit VMX root if VMX is supported - x86/virt: Eat faults on VMXOFF in reboot flows - media: smipcie: fix interrupt handling and IR timeout - media: marvell-ccic: power up the device on mclk enable - media: ipu3-cio2: Fix mbus_code processing in cio2_subdev_set_fmt() - media: ir_toy: add another IR Droid device - media: i2c: max9286: fix access to unallocated memory - floppy: reintroduce O_NDELAY fix - staging: rtl8188eu: Add Edimax EW-7811UN V2 to device table - staging: gdm724x: Fix DMA from stack - staging/mt7621-dma: mtk-hsdma.c->hsdma-mt7621.c - arm64: dts: agilex: fix phy interface bit shift for gmac1 and gmac2 - dts64: mt7622: fix slow sd card access - pstore: Fix typo in compression option name - drivers/misc/vmw_vmci: restrict too big queue size in qp_host_alloc_queue - misc: rtsx: init of rts522a add OCP power off when no card is present - arm64: ptrace: Fix seccomp of traced syscall -1 (NO_SYSCALL) - seccomp: Add missing return in non-void function - soc: samsung: exynos-asv: handle reading revision register error - soc: samsung: exynos-asv: don't defer early on not-supported SoCs - crypto: sun4i-ss - initialize need_fallback - crypto: sun4i-ss - handle BigEndian for cipher - crypto: sun4i-ss - IV register does not work on A10 and A13 - crypto: sun4i-ss - checking sg length is not sufficient - crypto: michael_mic - fix broken misalignment handling - crypto: aesni - prevent misaligned buffers on the stack - crypto: arm64/sha - add missing module aliases - drm/i915/gt: Correct surface base address for renderclear - drm/i915/gt: Flush before changing register state - btrfs: fix extent buffer leak on failure to copy root - btrfs: account for new extents being deleted in total_bytes_pinned - btrfs: handle space_info::total_bytes_pinned inside the delayed ref itself - btrfs: splice remaining dirty_bg's onto the transaction dirty bg list - btrfs: fix reloc root leak with 0 ref reloc roots on recovery - btrfs: abort the transaction if we fail to inc ref in btrfs_copy_root - btrfs: add asserts for deleting backref cache nodes - btrfs: do not warn if we can't find the reloc root when looking up backref - btrfs: do not cleanup upper nodes in btrfs_backref_cleanup_node - KEYS: trusted: Reserve TPM for seal and unseal operations - KEYS: trusted: Fix migratable=1 failing - KEYS: trusted: Fix incorrect handling of tpm_get_random() - tpm_tis: Clean up locality release - tpm_tis: Fix check_locality for correct locality acquisition - erofs: initialized fields can only be observed after bit is set - selinux: fix inconsistency between inode_getxattr and inode_listsecurity - ASoC: siu: Fix build error by a wrong const prefix - drm/rockchip: Require the YTR modifier for AFBC - drm/panel: kd35t133: allow using non-continuous dsi clock - drm/sched: Cancel and flush all outstanding jobs before finish. - drm/modes: Switch to 64bit maths to avoid integer overflow - drm/nouveau/kms: handle mDP connectors - drm/amdgpu: Set reference clock to 100Mhz on Renoir (v2) - drm/amdkfd: Fix recursive lock warnings - drm/amd/display: Add vupdate_no_lock interrupts for DCN2.1 - drm/amd/display: Remove Assert from dcn10_get_dig_frontend - drm/amd/display: Add FPU wrappers to dcn21_validate_bandwidth() - Revert "drm/amd/display: Update NV1x SR latency values" - bcache: Move journal work to new flush wq - bcache: Give btree_io_wq correct semantics again - Revert "bcache: Kill btree_io_wq" - Revert "MIPS: Octeon: Remove special handling of CONFIG_MIPS_ELF_APPENDED_DTB=y" - MIPS: VDSO: Use CLANG_FLAGS instead of filtering out '--target=' - MIPS: Support binutils configured with --enable-mips-fix-loongson3-llsc=yes - MIPS: Ingenic: Disable HPTLB for D0 XBurst CPUs too - ALSA: hda/realtek: Quirk for HP Spectre x360 14 amp setup - ALSA: hda/realtek: modify EAPD in the ALC886 - ALSA: hda/hdmi: Drop bogus check at closing a stream - ALSA: hda: Add another CometLake-H PCI ID - ALSA: fireface: fix to parse sync status register of latter protocol - phy: lantiq: rcu-usb2: wait after clock enable - USB: serial: mos7720: fix error code in mos7720_write() - USB: serial: mos7840: fix error code in mos7840_write() - USB: serial: pl2303: fix line-speed handling on newer chips - USB: serial: ftdi_sio: fix FTX sub-integer prescaler - usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix dep->interval for fullspeed interrupt - usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix setting of DEPCFG.bInterval_m1 - usb: musb: Fix runtime PM race in musb_queue_resume_work - USB: serial: option: update interface mapping for ZTE P685M - media: mceusb: Fix potential out-of-bounds shift - Input: i8042 - add ASUS Zenbook Flip to noselftest list - Input: joydev - prevent potential read overflow in ioctl - Input: xpad - add support for PowerA Enhanced Wired Controller for Xbox Series X|S - Input: raydium_ts_i2c - do not send zero length - HID: wacom: Ignore attempts to overwrite the touch_max value from HID - HID: logitech-dj: add support for keyboard events in eQUAD step 4 Gaming - cpufreq: ACPI: Set cpuinfo.max_freq directly if max boost is known - ACPI: configfs: add missing check after configfs_register_default_group() - ACPI: property: Fix fwnode string properties matching - soundwire: intel: fix possible crash when no device is detected - blk-settings: align max_sectors on "logical_block_size" boundary - scsi: sd: Fix Opal support - ide/falconide: Fix module unload - block: reopen the device in blkdev_reread_part - scsi: sd: sd_zbc: Don't pass GFP_NOIO to kvcalloc - scsi: bnx2fc: Fix Kconfig warning & CNIC build errors - csky: Fix a size determination in gpr_get() - proc: use kvzalloc for our kernel buffer - mm/rmap: fix potential pte_unmap on an not mapped pte - mm: fix memory_failure() handling of dax-namespace metadata - mm,thp,shmem: make khugepaged obey tmpfs mount flags - i2c: exynos5: Preserve high speed master code - i2c: brcmstb: Fix brcmstd_send_i2c_cmd condition - arm64: Add missing ISB after invalidating TLB in __primary_switch - KVM: x86/mmu: Expand collapsible SPTE zap for TDP MMU to ZONE_DEVICE and HugeTLB pages - KVM: SVM: Intercept INVPCID when it's disabled to inject #UD - NFSv4: Fixes for nfs4_bitmask_adjust() - r8169: fix jumbo packet handling on RTL8168e - mm/compaction: fix misbehaviors of fast_find_migrateblock() - mm/hugetlb: suppress wrong warning info when alloc gigantic page - mm/hugetlb: fix potential double free in hugetlb_register_node() error path - mm/memory.c: fix potential pte_unmap_unlock pte error - mm: memcontrol: fix slub memory accounting - mm: memcontrol: fix NR_ANON_THPS accounting in charge moving - ocfs2: fix a use after free on error - wireguard: kconfig: use arm chacha even with no neon - wireguard: device: do not generate ICMP for non-IP packets - vxlan: move debug check after netdev unregister - PCI: rockchip: Make 'ep-gpios' DT property optional - net/mlx4_core: Add missed mlx4_free_cmd_mailbox() - net: stmmac: fix CBS idleslope and sendslope calculation - ice: update the number of available RSS queues - ice: Fix state bits on LLDP mode switch - ice: Account for port VLAN in VF max packet size calculation - ice: report correct max number of TCs - vfio/type1: Use follow_pte() - pwm: iqs620a: Fix overflow and optimize calculations - octeontx2-af: Fix an off by one in rvu_dbg_qsize_write() - i40e: Fix add TC filter for IPv6 - nios2: fixed broken sys_clone syscall - Take mmap lock in cacheflush syscall - i40e: Fix VFs not created - i40e: Fix addition of RX filters after enabling FW LLDP agent - i40e: Fix overwriting flow control settings during driver loading - i40e: Add zero-initialization of AQ command structures - i40e: Fix flow for IPv6 next header (extension header) - PCI: cadence: Fix DMA range mapping early return error - PCI: pci-bridge-emul: Fix array overruns, improve safety - device-dax: Fix default return code of range_parse() - mailbox: sprd: correct definition of SPRD_OUTBOX_FIFO_FULL - ext: EXT4_KUNIT_TESTS should depend on EXT4_FS instead of selecting it - regmap: sdw: use _no_pm functions in regmap_read/write - remoteproc/mediatek: acknowledge watchdog IRQ after handled - misc: fastrpc: fix incorrect usage of dma_map_sgtable - soundwire: bus: fix confusion on device used by pm_runtime - soundwire: export sdw_write/read_no_pm functions - soundwire: bus: use sdw_write_no_pm when setting the bus scale registers - soundwire: bus: use sdw_update_no_pm when initializing a device - nvmem: core: skip child nodes not matching binding - nvmem: core: Fix a resource leak on error in nvmem_add_cells_from_of() - coresight: etm4x: Skip accessing TRCPDCR in save/restore - phy: USB_LGM_PHY should depend on X86 - ext4: fix potential htree index checksum corruption - vfio-pci/zdev: fix possible segmentation fault issue - vfio/iommu_type1: Fix some sanity checks in detach group - vfio/iommu_type1: Populate full dirty when detach non-pinned group - drm/msm/dp: trigger unplug event in msm_dp_display_disable - drm/msm: Fix races managing the OOB state for timestamp vs timestamps. - drm/msm: Fix race of GPU init vs timestamp power management. - drm/msm/mdp5: Fix wait-for-commit for cmd panels - drm/msm/dsi: Correct io_start for MSM8994 (20nm PHY) - drm/msm: Fix MSM_INFO_GET_IOVA with carveout - mei: hbm: call mei_set_devstate() on hbm stop response - PCI: Align checking of syscall user config accessors - VMCI: Use set_page_dirty_lock() when unregistering guest memory - PCI: xilinx-cpm: Fix reference count leak on error path - pwm: rockchip: Eliminate potential race condition when probing - pwm: rockchip: rockchip_pwm_probe(): Remove superfluous clk_unprepare() - pwm: rockchip: Enable APB clock during register access while probing - soundwire: cadence: fix ACK/NAK handling - PCI: rcar: Always allocate MSI addresses in 32bit space - misc: eeprom_93xx46: Add module alias to avoid breaking support for non device tree users - phy: cadence-torrent: Fix error code in cdns_torrent_phy_probe() - phy: rockchip-emmc: emmc_phy_init() always return 0 - misc: eeprom_93xx46: Fix module alias to enable module autoprobe - ARM: 9065/1: OABI compat: fix build when EPOLL is not enabled - Input: zinitix - fix return type of zinitix_init_touch() - sparc: fix led.c driver when PROC_FS is not enabled - sparc64: only select COMPAT_BINFMT_ELF if BINFMT_ELF is set - Input: elo - fix an error code in elo_connect() - perf test: Fix unaligned access in sample parsing test - perf intel-pt: Fix IPC with CYC threshold - perf intel-pt: Fix premature IPC - perf intel-pt: Fix missing CYC processing in PSB - perf record: Fix continue profiling after draining the buffer - Input: sur40 - fix an error code in sur40_probe() - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Do not pass a valid pointer to PTR_ERR() - RDMA/rtrs-srv-sysfs: fix missing put_device - RDMA/rtrs-srv: fix memory leak by missing kobject free - RDMA/rtrs: Only allow addition of path to an already established session - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Fix stack-out-of-bounds - RDMA/ucma: Fix use-after-free bug in ucma_create_uevent - RDMA/hns: Fixes missing error code of CMDQ - ceph: fix flush_snap logic after putting caps - svcrdma: Hold private mutex while invoking rdma_accept() - nfsd: register pernet ops last, unregister first - perf symbols: Fix return value when loading PE DSO - printk: avoid prb_first_valid_seq() where possible - spi: Skip zero-length transfers in spi_transfer_one_message() - spi: dw: Avoid stack content exposure - regulator: bd718x7, bd71828, Fix dvs voltage levels - perf symbols: Use (long) for iterator for bfd symbols - selftests/ftrace: Update synthetic event syntax errors - clk: aspeed: Fix APLL calculate formula from ast2600-A2 - regulator: qcom-rpmh: fix pm8009 ldo7 - powerpc/kuap: Restore AMR after replaying soft interrupts - powerpc/uaccess: Avoid might_fault() when user access is enabled - spi: pxa2xx: Fix the controller numbering for Wildcat Point - clk: divider: fix initialization with parent_hw - RDMA/hns: Disable RQ inline by default - RDMA/hns: Fix type of sq_signal_bits - RDMA/siw: Fix calculation of tx_valid_cpus size - RDMA/hns: Fixed wrong judgments in the goto branch - kselftests: dmabuf-heaps: Fix Makefile's inclusion of the kernel's usr/include dir - kunit: tool: fix unit test cleanup handling - clk: qcom: gcc-msm8998: Fix Alpha PLL type for all GPLLs - powerpc/8xx: Fix software emulation interrupt - powerpc/pseries/dlpar: handle ibm, configure-connector delay status - mfd: wm831x-auxadc: Prevent use after free in wm831x_auxadc_read_irq() - mfd: altera-sysmgr: Fix physical address storing more - spi: stm32: properly handle 0 byte transfer - RDMA/rxe: Correct skb on loopback path - RDMA/rxe: Fix coding error in rxe_rcv_mcast_pkt - RDMA/rxe: Fix coding error in rxe_recv.c - perf vendor events arm64: Fix Ampere eMag event typo - perf tools: Fix DSO filtering when not finding a map for a sampled address - rtc: zynqmp: depend on HAS_IOMEM - tracepoint: Do not fail unregistering a probe due to memory failure - IB/cm: Avoid a loop when device has 255 ports - IB/mlx5: Return appropriate error code instead of ENOMEM - iommu: Properly pass gfp_t in _iommu_map() to avoid atomic sleeping - iommu: Move iotlb_sync_map out from __iommu_map - amba: Fix resource leak for drivers without .remove - i2c: qcom-geni: Store DMA mapping data in geni_i2c_dev struct - ARM: 9046/1: decompressor: Do not clear SCTLR.nTLSMD for ARMv7+ cores - mmc: renesas_sdhi_internal_dmac: Fix DMA buffer alignment from 8 to 128-bytes - mmc: usdhi6rol0: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of the probe - mmc: sdhci-sprd: Fix some resource leaks in the remove function - mmc: owl-mmc: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path and in the remove function - powerpc/time: Enable sched clock for irqtime - powerpc/47x: Disable 256k page size - KVM: PPC: Make the VMX instruction emulation routines static - IB/umad: Return EPOLLERR in case of when device disassociated - IB/umad: Return EIO in case of when device disassociated - iommu: Switch gather->end to the inclusive end - scsi: lpfc: Fix ancient double free - objtool: Fix ".cold" section suffix check for newer versions of GCC - objtool: Fix retpoline detection in asm code - objtool: Fix error handling for STD/CLD warnings - auxdisplay: ht16k33: Fix refresh rate handling - watchdog: intel-mid_wdt: Postpone IRQ handler registration till SCU is ready - isofs: release buffer head before return - regulator: core: Avoid debugfs: Directory ... already present! error - power: supply: smb347-charger: Fix interrupt usage if interrupt is unavailable - power: supply: axp20x_usb_power: Init work before enabling IRQs - regulator: s5m8767: Drop regulators OF node reference - spi: atmel: Put allocated master before return - regulator: s5m8767: Fix reference count leak - certs: Fix blacklist flag type confusion - watch_queue: Drop references to /dev/watch_queue - regulator: axp20x: Fix reference cout leak - platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: Add LID and BATTERY to default mask - platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: Use EC_HOST_EVENT_MASK not BIT - clk: sunxi-ng: h6: Fix clock divider range on some clocks - IB/mlx5: Add mutex destroy call to cap_mask_mutex mutex - RDMA/mlx5: Use the correct obj_id upon DEVX TIR creation - spi: imx: Don't print error on -EPROBEDEFER - clocksource/drivers/mxs_timer: Add missing semicolon when DEBUG is defined - clocksource/drivers/ixp4xx: Select TIMER_OF when needed - power: supply: fix sbs-charger build, needs REGMAP_I2C - dmaengine: idxd: set DMA channel to be private - rtc: s5m: select REGMAP_I2C - power: reset: at91-sama5d2_shdwc: fix wkupdbc mask - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Init wr_cnt as 1 - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Refactor the failure cases in alloc_clt - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Fix missing wr_cqe - RDMA/rtrs: Call kobject_put in the failure path - RDMA/rtrs-clt: Set mininum limit when create QP - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Use sysfs_remove_file_self for disconnect - RDMA/rtrs-srv: Release lock before call into close_sess - RDMA/rtrs: Extend ibtrs_cq_qp_create - of/fdt: Make sure no-map does not remove already reserved regions - fdt: Properly handle "no-map" field in the memory region - power: supply: cpcap-charger: Fix power_supply_put on null battery pointer - power: supply: cpcap-battery: Fix missing power_supply_put() - power: supply: cpcap-charger: Fix missing power_supply_put() - mfd: bd9571mwv: Use devm_mfd_add_devices() - dmaengine: hsu: disable spurious interrupt - dmaengine: owl-dma: Fix a resource leak in the remove function - dmaengine: fsldma: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path of the probe function - dmaengine: fsldma: Fix a resource leak in the remove function - RDMA/siw: Fix handling of zero-sized Read and Receive Queues. - HID: core: detect and skip invalid inputs to snto32() - clk: renesas: r8a779a0: Fix parent of CBFUSA clock - clk: renesas: r8a779a0: Remove non-existent S2 clock - clk: sunxi-ng: h6: Fix CEC clock - spi: cadence-quadspi: Abort read if dummy cycles required are too many - i2c: iproc: handle master read request - i2c: iproc: update slave isr mask (ISR_MASK_SLAVE) - i2c: iproc: handle only slave interrupts which are enabled - quota: Fix memory leak when handling corrupted quota file - arm64: dts: qcom: qrb5165-rb5: fix pm8009 regulators - regulator: qcom-rpmh-regulator: add pm8009-1 chip revision - selftests/powerpc: Make the test check in posix compliant - clk: meson: clk-pll: propagate the error from meson_clk_pll_set_rate() - clk: meson: clk-pll: make "ret" a signed integer - clk: meson: clk-pll: fix initializing the old rate (fallback) for a PLL - power: supply: cpcap: Add missing IRQF_ONESHOT to fix regression - HSI: Fix PM usage counter unbalance in ssi_hw_init - capabilities: Don't allow writing ambiguous v3 file capabilities - drm/amdgpu/display: remove hdcp_srm sysfs on device removal - smp: Process pending softirqs in flush_smp_call_function_from_idle() - irqchip/imx: IMX_INTMUX should not default to y, unconditionally - ubifs: Fix error return code in alloc_wbufs() - ubifs: replay: Fix high stack usage, again - ubifs: Fix memleak in ubifs_init_authentication - jffs2: fix use after free in jffs2_sum_write_data() - fs/jfs: fix potential integer overflow on shift of a int - ASoC: simple-card-utils: Fix device module clock - ima: Free IMA measurement buffer after kexec syscall - ima: Free IMA measurement buffer on error - ASoC: SOF: sof-pci-dev: add missing Up-Extreme quirk - nvmet: set status to 0 in case for invalid nsid - nvmet: remove extra variable in identify ns - nvme-multipath: set nr_zones for zoned namespaces - nvmet-tcp: fix potential race of tcp socket closing accept_work - nvmet-tcp: fix receive data digest calculation for multiple h2cdata PDUs - io_uring: fix possible deadlock in io_uring_poll - crypto: ecdh_helper - Ensure 'len >= secret.len' in decode_key() - hwrng: timeriomem - Fix cooldown period calculation - drm/dp_mst: Don't cache EDIDs for physical ports - drm/lima: fix reference leak in lima_pm_busy - drm/vc4: hdmi: Update the CEC clock divider on HSM rate change - drm/vc4: hdmi: Compute the CEC clock divider from the clock rate - drm/vc4: hdmi: Restore cec physical address on reconnect - drm/vc4: hdmi: Fix up CEC registers - drm/vc4: hdmi: Fix register offset with longer CEC messages - drm/vc4: hdmi: Move hdmi reset to bind - s390/zcrypt: return EIO when msg retry limit reached - KVM: x86: Restore all 64 bits of DR6 and DR7 during RSM on x86-64 - btrfs: fix double accounting of ordered extent for subpage case in btrfs_invalidapge - btrfs: clarify error returns values in __load_free_space_cache - ASoC: SOF: debug: Fix a potential issue on string buffer termination - ASoC: rt5682: Fix panic in rt5682_jack_detect_handler happening during system shutdown - ASoC: qcom: lpass: Fix i2s ctl register bit map - locking/lockdep: Avoid unmatched unlock - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing TGL_HDMI quirk for Dell SKU 0A3E - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing TGL_HDMI quirk for Dell SKU 0A5E - Drivers: hv: vmbus: Avoid use-after-free in vmbus_onoffer_rescind() - drm/mediatek: Check if fb is null - KVM: nSVM: Don't strip host's C-bit from guest's CR3 when reading PDPTRs - ASoC: qcom: Fix typo error in HDMI regmap config callbacks - f2fs: fix a wrong condition in __submit_bio - drm/amdgpu: Prevent shift wrapping in amdgpu_read_mask() - f2fs: fix to avoid inconsistent quota data - mtd: parsers: afs: Fix freeing the part name memory in failure - ASoC: codecs: add missing max_register in regmap config - ASoC: cpcap: fix microphone timeslot mask - ata: ahci_brcm: Add back regulators management - mm: proc: Invalidate TLB after clearing soft-dirty page state - drm/nouveau: bail out of nouveau_channel_new if channel init fails - crypto: talitos - Fix ctr(aes) on SEC1 - crypto: talitos - Work around SEC6 ERRATA (AES-CTR mode data size error) - mtd: parser: imagetag: fix error codes in bcm963xx_parse_imagetag_partitions() - perf/arm-cmn: Move IRQs when migrating context - perf/arm-cmn: Fix PMU instance naming - ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: cancel D0i3 work during runtime suspend - ASoC: qcom: lpass-cpu: Remove bit clock state check - f2fs: compress: fix potential deadlock - sched/eas: Don't update misfit status if the task is pinned - media: uvcvideo: Accept invalid bFormatIndex and bFrameIndex values - media: pxa_camera: declare variable when DEBUG is defined - media: mtk-vcodec: fix argument used when DEBUG is defined - media: cx25821: Fix a bug when reallocating some dma memory - media: qm1d1c0042: fix error return code in qm1d1c0042_init() - media: atomisp: Fix a buffer overflow in debug code - media: vidtv: psi: fix missing crc for PMT - media: lmedm04: Fix misuse of comma - media: software_node: Fix refcounts in software_node_get_next_child() - drm/amd/display: Fix HDMI deep color output for DCE 6-11. - drm/amd/display: Fix 10/12 bpc setup in DCE output bit depth reduction. - macintosh/adb-iop: Use big-endian autopoll mask - bsg: free the request before return error code - drm/amdgpu: toggle on DF Cstate after finishing xgmi injection - drm/tegra: Fix reference leak when pm_runtime_get_sync() fails - MIPS: Compare __SYNC_loongson3_war against 0 - MIPS: properly stop .eh_frame generation - media: ti-vpe: cal: fix write to unallocated memory - media: imx7: csi: Fix pad link validation - media: imx7: csi: Fix regression for parallel cameras on i.MX6UL - drm/sun4i: tcon: fix inverted DCLK polarity - sched/fair: Avoid stale CPU util_est value for schedutil in task dequeue - crypto: bcm - Rename struct device_private to bcm_device_private - evm: Fix memleak in init_desc - ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: Move frontend AIFs to q6asm-dai - ASoC: cs42l56: fix up error handling in probe - media: aspeed: fix error return code in aspeed_video_setup_video() - media: tm6000: Fix memleak in tm6000_start_stream - media: media/pci: Fix memleak in empress_init - media: em28xx: Fix use-after-free in em28xx_alloc_urbs - media: vsp1: Fix an error handling path in the probe function - media: camss: missing error code in msm_video_register() - media: mtk-vcodec: fix error return code in vdec_vp9_decode() - media: imx: Fix csc/scaler unregister - media: imx: Unregister csc/scaler only if registered - media: i2c: ov5670: Fix PIXEL_RATE minimum value - media: ipu3-cio2: Build only for x86 - drm/fourcc: fix Amlogic format modifier masks - drm/virtio: make sure context is created in gem open - MIPS: lantiq: Explicitly compare LTQ_EBU_PCC_ISTAT against 0 - MIPS: c-r4k: Fix section mismatch for loongson2_sc_init - drm/amdgpu: Fix macro name _AMDGPU_TRACE_H_ in preprocessor if condition - drm: rcar-du: Fix the return check of of_parse_phandle and of_find_device_by_node - drm: rcar-du: Fix crash when using LVDS1 clock for CRTC - drm: rcar-du: Fix PM reference leak in rcar_cmm_enable() - kcsan: Rewrite kcsan_prandom_u32_max() without prandom_u32_state() - media: allegro: Fix use after free on error - hwrng: ingenic - Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - crypto: arm64/aes-ce - really hide slower algos when faster ones are enabled - crypto: sun4i-ss - fix kmap usage - crypto: sun4i-ss - linearize buffers content must be kept - drm/vc4: hdmi: Take into account the clock doubling flag in atomic_check - drm/panel: mantix: Tweak init sequence - drm/fb-helper: Add missed unlocks in setcmap_legacy() - gma500: clean up error handling in init - drm/gma500: Fix error return code in psb_driver_load() - fbdev: aty: SPARC64 requires FB_ATY_CT - tty: implement read_iter - tty: convert tty_ldisc_ops 'read()' function to take a kernel pointer - net: enetc: fix destroyed phylink dereference during unbind - net: mvneta: Remove per-cpu queue mapping for Armada 3700 - net: amd-xgbe: Fix network fluctuations when using 1G BELFUSE SFP - net: amd-xgbe: Reset link when the link never comes back - net: amd-xgbe: Fix NETDEV WATCHDOG transmit queue timeout warning - net: amd-xgbe: Reset the PHY rx data path when mailbox command timeout - net: phy: mscc: adding LCPLL reset to VSC8514 - net: dsa: felix: don't deinitialize unused ports - net: dsa: felix: perform teardown in reverse order of setup - ibmvnic: skip send_request_unmap for timeout reset - ibmvnic: add memory barrier to protect long term buffer - bpf: Clear subreg_def for global function return values - b43: N-PHY: Fix the update of coef for the PHY revision >= 3case - cxgb4/chtls/cxgbit: Keeping the max ofld immediate data size same in cxgb4 and ulds - net: axienet: Handle deferred probe on clock properly - tcp: fix SO_RCVLOWAT related hangs under mem pressure - selftests: mptcp: fix ACKRX debug message - bpf: Fix bpf_fib_lookup helper MTU check for SKB ctx - bpf, devmap: Use GFP_KERNEL for xdp bulk queue allocation - bpf: Fix an unitialized value in bpf_iter - libbpf: Ignore non function pointer member in struct_ops - mac80211: fix potential overflow when multiplying to u32 integers - net/mlx5e: Check tunnel offload is required before setting SWP - net/mlx5e: CT: manage the lifetime of the ct entry object - net/mlx5: Disable devlink reload for lag devices - net/mlx5: Disallow RoCE on lag device - net/mlx5: Disallow RoCE on multi port slave device - net/mlx5: Disable devlink reload for multi port slave device - net/mlx5e: kTLS, Use refcounts to free kTLS RX priv context - net/mlx5e: Replace synchronize_rcu with synchronize_net - net/mlx5: Fix health error state handling - net/mlx5e: Change interrupt moderation channel params also when channels are closed - net/mlx5e: Don't change interrupt moderation params when DIM is enabled - net: phy: consider that suspend2ram may cut off PHY power - dpaa2-eth: fix memory leak in XDP_REDIRECT - xen/netback: fix spurious event detection for common event case - bnxt_en: Fix devlink info's stored fw.psid version format. - bnxt_en: reverse order of TX disable and carrier off - ibmvnic: Set to CLOSED state even on error - selftests/bpf: Convert to bash - ath9k: fix data bus crash when setting nf_override via debugfs - iwlwifi: pnvm: increment the pointer before checking the TLV - iwlwifi: pnvm: set the PNVM again if it was already loaded - bpf_lru_list: Read double-checked variable once without lock - iwlwifi: mvm: don't check if CSA event is running before removing - iwlwifi: mvm: assign SAR table revision to the command later - iwlwifi: mvm: send stored PPAG command instead of local - iwlwifi: mvm: store PPAG enabled/disabled flag properly - iwlwifi: mvm: fix the type we use in the PPAG table validity checks - soc: aspeed: snoop: Add clock control logic - ath11k: fix a locking bug in ath11k_mac_op_start() - ath10k: Fix lockdep assertion warning in ath10k_sta_statistics - ath10k: Fix suspicious RCU usage warning in ath10k_wmi_tlv_parse_peer_stats_info() - ARM: at91: use proper asm syntax in pm_suspend - staging: wfx: fix possible panic with re-queued frames - optee: simplify i2c access - ARM: s3c: fix fiq for clang IAS - iwlwifi: mvm: set enabled in the PPAG command properly - arm64: dts: meson: fix broken wifi node for Khadas VIM3L - arm64: dts: msm8916: Fix reserved and rfsa nodes unit address - soc: qcom: ocmem: don't return NULL in of_get_ocmem - Bluetooth: btusb: Fix memory leak in btusb_mtk_wmt_recv - opp: Correct debug message in _opp_add_static_v2() - arm64: dts: armada-3720-turris-mox: rename u-boot mtd partition to a53-firmware - ARM: dts: armada388-helios4: assign pinctrl to each fan - ARM: dts: armada388-helios4: assign pinctrl to LEDs - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_probe(): fix errata reference - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon: Fix EEPROM compatible value - x86/MSR: Filter MSR writes through X86_IOC_WRMSR_REGS ioctl too - staging: rtl8723bs: wifi_regd.c: Fix incorrect number of regulatory rules - usb: dwc2: Make "trimming xfer length" a debug message - usb: dwc2: Abort transaction after errors with unknown reason - usb: dwc2: Do not update data length if it is 0 on inbound transfers - ARM: dts: Configure missing thermal interrupt for 4430 - memory: ti-aemif: Drop child node when jumping out loop - Bluetooth: Put HCI device if inquiry procedure interrupts - Bluetooth: drop HCI device reference before return - staging: media: atomisp: Fix size_t format specifier in hmm_alloc() debug statemenet - soc: ti: pm33xx: Fix some resource leak in the error handling paths of the probe function - soc: qcom: socinfo: Fix an off by one in qcom_show_pmic_model() - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845-db845c: Fix reset-pin of ov8856 node - usb: gadget: u_audio: Free requests only after callback - ACPICA: Fix exception code class checks - arm64: dts: rockchip: rk3328: Add clock_in_out property to gmac2phy node - cpufreq: brcmstb-avs-cpufreq: Fix resource leaks in ->remove() - cpufreq: brcmstb-avs-cpufreq: Free resources in error path - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-samsung-a2015: Fix sensors - arm64: dts: allwinner: A64: Limit MMC2 bus frequency to 150 MHz - arm64: dts: allwinner: H6: Allow up to 150 MHz MMC bus frequency - arm64: dts: allwinner: Drop non-removable from SoPine/LTS SD card - arm64: dts: allwinner: H6: properly connect USB PHY to port 0 - arm64: dts: allwinner: A64: properly connect USB PHY to port 0 - firmware: arm_scmi: Fix call site of scmi_notification_exit - bpf: Avoid warning when re-casting __bpf_call_base into __bpf_call_base_args - bpf: Add bpf_patch_call_args prototype to include/linux/bpf.h - net: stmmac: dwmac-meson8b: fix enabling the timing-adjustment clock - arm64: dts: qcom: msm8916-samsung-a5u: Fix iris compatible - staging: vchiq: Fix bulk transfers on 64-bit builds - staging: vchiq: Fix bulk userdata handling - Bluetooth: hci_qca: Fix memleak in qca_controller_memdump - memory: mtk-smi: Fix PM usage counter unbalance in mtk_smi ops - arm64: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Espresso - arm64: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on TM2 - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Odroid XU3 family - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Arndale Octa - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Spring - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Rinato - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Monk - ARM: dts: exynos: correct PMIC interrupt trigger level on Artik 5 - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon: Fix audio-1.8V pin enable - arm64: dts: renesas: beacon kit: Fix choppy Bluetooth Audio - Bluetooth: Fix initializing response id after clearing struct - Bluetooth: hci_uart: Fix a race for write_work scheduling - Bluetooth: btqcomsmd: Fix a resource leak in error handling paths in the probe function - ath10k: Fix error handling in case of CE pipe init failure - drm/i915/gt: One more flush for Baytrail clear residuals - ALSA: pcm: Don't call sync_stop if it hasn't been stopped - ALSA: pcm: Assure sync with the pending stop operation at suspend - ALSA: pcm: Call sync_stop at disconnection - random: fix the RNDRESEEDCRNG ioctl - Define SANTIZER_DISCARDS with CONFIG_GCOV_KERNEL=y - MIPS: add missing PAGE_ALIGNED_DATA() section - ALSA: usb-audio: Fix PCM buffer allocation in non-vmalloc mode - bfq: Avoid false bfq queue merging - virt: vbox: Do not use wait_event_interruptible when called from kernel context - PCI: Decline to resize resources if boot config must be preserved - PCI: qcom: Use PHY_REFCLK_USE_PAD only for ipq8064 - w1: w1_therm: Fix conversion result for negative temperatures - kdb: Make memory allocations more robust - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox Ch erroneous error - scsi: libsas: docs: Remove notify_ha_event() - debugfs: do not attempt to create a new file before the filesystem is initalized - debugfs: be more robust at handling improper input in debugfs_lookup() - vdpa/mlx5: fix param validation in mlx5_vdpa_get_config() - add DWARF v5 sections - scripts/ support big endian for ARCH sh - kbuild: fix CONFIG_TRIM_UNUSED_KSYMS build for ppc64 - cifs: Set CIFS_MOUNT_USE_PREFIX_PATH flag on setting cifs_sb->prepath. - cxgb4: Add new T6 PCI device id 0x6092 - NET: usb: qmi_wwan: Adding support for Cinterion MV31 - drm/xlnx: fix kmemleak by sending vblank_event in atomic_disable - KVM: Use kvm_pfn_t for local PFN variable in hva_to_pfn_remapped() - mm: provide a saner PTE walking API for modules - KVM: do not assume PTE is writable after follow_pfn - mm: simplify follow_pte{,pmd} - mm: unexport follow_pte_pmd - KVM: x86: Zap the oldest MMU pages, not the newest - hwmon: (dell-smm) Add XPS 15 L502X to fan control blacklist - arm64: tegra: Add power-domain for Tegra210 HDA - Bluetooth: btusb: Some Qualcomm Bluetooth adapters stop working - ntfs: check for valid standard information attribute - ceph: downgrade warning from mdsmap decode to debug - usb: quirks: add quirk to start video capture on ELMO L-12F document camera reliable - USB: quirks: sort quirk entries - nvme-rdma: Use ibdev_to_node instead of dereferencing ->dma_device - RDMA: Lift ibdev_to_node from rds to common code - HID: make arrays usage and value to be the same - bpf: Fix truncation handling for mod32 dst reg wrt zero - of: unittest: Fix build on architectures without CONFIG_OF_ADDRESS - mm: Remove examples from enum zone_type comment - arm64: mm: Set ZONE_DMA size based on early IORT scan - arm64: mm: Set ZONE_DMA size based on devicetree's dma-ranges - of: unittest: Add test for of_dma_get_max_cpu_address() - of/address: Introduce of_dma_get_max_cpu_address() - arm64: mm: Move zone_dma_bits initialization into zone_sizes_init() - arm64: mm: Move reserve_crashkernel() into mem_init() - rockchip: Make cdn_dp_resume depend on CONFIG_PM_SLEEP - crypto - shash: reduce minimum alignment of shash_desc structure - arm32: kaslr: print kaslr offset when kernel panic - arm32: kaslr: pop visibility when compile decompress boot code as we need relocate BSS by GOT. - arm32: kaslr: When boot with vxboot, we must adjust dtb address before kaslr_early_init, and store dtb address after init. - arm: kaslr: Fix memtop calculate, when there is no memory top info, we can't use zero instead it. - arm32: kaslr: Add missing sections about relocatable - No idea why this broke ... - ARM: decompressor: add KASLR support - ARM: decompressor: explicitly map decompressor binary cacheable - ARM: kernel: implement randomization of the kernel load address - arm: vectors: use local symbol names for vector entry points - ARM: kernel: refer to swapper_pg_dir via its symbol - ARM: mm: export default vmalloc base address - ARM: kernel: use PC relative symbol references in suspend/resume code - ARM: kernel: use PC-relative symbol references in MMU switch code - ARM: kernel: make vmlinux buildable as a PIE executable - ARM: kernel: switch to relative exception tables - arm-soc: various: replace open coded VA->PA calculation of pen_release - arm-soc: mvebu: replace open coded VA->PA conversion - arm-soc: exynos: replace open coded VA->PA conversions - asm-generic: add sections to __ro_after_init - Revert "[Huawei] Microchip Polarfire SoC Clock Driver" - Revert "[Huawei] RISC-V: Add Microchip PolarFire kconfig option" - sdei_watchdog: avoid possible false hardlockup - kprobes/arm64: Blacklist sdei watchdog callback functions - sdei_watchdog: set secure timer period base on 'watchdog_thresh' - sdei_watchdog: clear EOI of the secure timer before kdump - sdei_watchdog: refresh 'last_timestamp' when enabling nmi_watchdog - watchdog: add nmi_watchdog support for arm64 based on SDEI - lockup_detector: init lockup detector after all the init_calls - firmware: arm_sdei: make 'sdei_api_event_disable/enable' public - firmware: arm_sdei: add interrupt binding api - watchdog: make hardlockup detect code public - ARM: hw_breakpoint: Do not directly check the event's overflow_handler hook - net/hinic: Remove the initialization of the global variable g_uld_info - media: pwc: Use correct device for DMA - btrfs: fix crash after non-aligned direct IO write with O_DSYNC - btrfs: fix backport of 2175bf57dc952 in 5.10.13 - Bluetooth: btusb: Always fallback to alt 1 for WBS - tty: protect tty_write from odd low-level tty disciplines - xen-blkback: fix error handling in xen_blkbk_map() - xen-scsiback: don't "handle" error by BUG() - xen-netback: don't "handle" error by BUG() - xen-blkback: don't "handle" error by BUG() - xen/arm: don't ignore return errors from set_phys_to_machine - Xen/gntdev: correct error checking in gntdev_map_grant_pages() - Xen/gntdev: correct dev_bus_addr handling in gntdev_map_grant_pages() - Xen/x86: also check kernel mapping in set_foreign_p2m_mapping() - Xen/x86: don't bail early from clear_foreign_p2m_mapping() - net: fix proc_fs init handling in af_packet and tls - net: bridge: Fix a warning when del bridge sysfs - net: openvswitch: fix TTL decrement exception action execution - net: sched: incorrect Kconfig dependencies on Netfilter modules - mt76: mt7615: fix rdd mcu cmd endianness - mt76: mt7915: fix endian issues - net/sched: fix miss init the mru in qdisc_skb_cb - mptcp: skip to next candidate if subflow has unacked data - net: qrtr: Fix port ID for control messages - IB/isert: add module param to set sg_tablesize for IO cmd - vdpa_sim: add get_config callback in vdpasim_dev_attr - vdpa_sim: make 'config' generic and usable for any device type - vdpa_sim: store parsed MAC address in a buffer - vdpa_sim: add struct vdpasim_dev_attr for device attributes - vdpa_sim: remove hard-coded virtq count - kcov, usb: only collect coverage from __usb_hcd_giveback_urb in softirq - ovl: expand warning in ovl_d_real() - net/qrtr: restrict user-controlled length in qrtr_tun_write_iter() - net/rds: restrict iovecs length for RDS_CMSG_RDMA_ARGS - vsock: fix locking in vsock_shutdown() - vsock/virtio: update credit only if socket is not closed - switchdev: mrp: Remove SWITCHDEV_ATTR_ID_MRP_PORT_STAT - bridge: mrp: Fix the usage of br_mrp_port_switchdev_set_state - net: watchdog: hold device global xmit lock during tx disable - net/vmw_vsock: improve locking in vsock_connect_timeout() - net/vmw_vsock: fix NULL pointer dereference - net: fix iteration for sctp transport seq_files - net: gro: do not keep too many GRO packets in napi->rx_list - cpufreq: ACPI: Update arch scale-invariance max perf ratio if CPPC is not there - cpufreq: ACPI: Extend frequency tables to cover boost frequencies - net: dsa: call teardown method on probe failure - udp: fix skb_copy_and_csum_datagram with odd segment sizes - rxrpc: Fix clearance of Tx/Rx ring when releasing a call - arm64: mte: Allow PTRACE_PEEKMTETAGS access to the zero page - x86/pci: Create PCI/MSI irqdomain after x86_init.pci.arch_init() - scripts: set proper OpenSSL include dir also for sign-file - h8300: fix PREEMPTION build, TI_PRE_COUNT undefined - i2c: stm32f7: fix configuration of the digital filter - clk: sunxi-ng: mp: fix parent rate change flag check - drm/sun4i: dw-hdmi: Fix max. frequency for H6 - drm/sun4i: Fix H6 HDMI PHY configuration - drm/sun4i: dw-hdmi: always set clock rate - drm/sun4i: tcon: set sync polarity for tcon1 channel - firmware_loader: align .builtin_fw to 8 - net: hns3: add a check for index in hclge_get_rss_key() - net: hns3: add a check for tqp_index in hclge_get_ring_chain_from_mbx() - net: hns3: add a check for queue_id in hclge_reset_vf_queue() - net: dsa: felix: implement port flushing on .phylink_mac_link_down - x86/build: Disable CET instrumentation in the kernel for 32-bit too - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix a memory leak - netfilter: conntrack: skip identical origin tuple in same zone only - ibmvnic: Clear failover_pending if unable to schedule - net: stmmac: set TxQ mode back to DCB after disabling CBS - selftests: txtimestamp: fix compilation issue - net: enetc: initialize the RFS and RSS memories - hv_netvsc: Reset the RSC count if NVSP_STAT_FAIL in netvsc_receive() - net: ipa: set error code in gsi_channel_setup() - net: hdlc_x25: Return meaningful error code in x25_open - xen/netback: avoid race in xenvif_rx_ring_slots_available() - netfilter: flowtable: fix tcp and udp header checksum update - netfilter: nftables: fix possible UAF over chains from packet path in netns - selftests: netfilter: fix current year - netfilter: xt_recent: Fix attempt to update deleted entry - bpf: Check for integer overflow when using roundup_pow_of_two() - bpf: Unbreak BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE when kprobe is called via do_int3 - dmaengine: idxd: check device state before issue command - drm/vc4: hvs: Fix buffer overflow with the dlist handling - mt76: dma: fix a possible memory leak in mt76_add_fragment() - ath9k: fix build error with LEDS_CLASS=m - dmaengine: idxd: fix misc interrupt completion - cgroup-v1: add disabled controller check in cgroup1_parse_param() - KVM: x86: cleanup CR3 reserved bits checks - lkdtm: don't move ctors to .rodata - x86/efi: Remove EFI PGD build time checks - Revert "lib: Restrict cpumask_local_spread to houskeeping CPUs" - ubsan: implement __ubsan_handle_alignment_assumption - ARM: kexec: fix oops after TLB are invalidated - ARM: ensure the signal page contains defined contents - kallsyms: fix nonconverging kallsyms table with lld - ARM: dts: lpc32xx: Revert set default clock rate of HCLK PLL - bfq-iosched: Revert "bfq: Fix computation of shallow depth" - riscv: virt_addr_valid must check the address belongs to linear mapping - drm/amd/display: Decrement refcount of dc_sink before reassignment - drm/amd/display: Free atomic state after drm_atomic_commit - drm/amd/display: Fix dc_sink kref count in emulated_link_detect - drm/amd/display: Release DSC before acquiring - drm/amd/display: Add more Clock Sources to DCN2.1 - drm/amd/display: Fix DPCD translation for LTTPR AUX_RD_INTERVAL - nvme-pci: ignore the subsysem NQN on Phison E16 - x86/split_lock: Enable the split lock feature on another Alder Lake CPU - scsi: lpfc: Fix EEH encountering oops with NVMe traffic - ovl: skip getxattr of security labels - cap: fix conversions on getxattr - ovl: perform vfs_getxattr() with mounter creds - arm64: dts: rockchip: Disable display for NanoPi R2S - platform/x86: hp-wmi: Disable tablet-mode reporting by default - arm64: dts: rockchip: remove interrupt-names property from rk3399 vdec node - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix suspcious RCU usage splats for omap_enter_idle_coupled - arm64: dts: qcom: sdm845: Reserve LPASS clocks in gcc - arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix PCIe DT properties on rk3399 - soc: ti: omap-prm: Fix boot time errors for rst_map_012 bits 0 and 1 - tmpfs: disallow CONFIG_TMPFS_INODE64 on alpha - tmpfs: disallow CONFIG_TMPFS_INODE64 on s390 - dmaengine: move channel device_node deletion to driver - drm/dp_mst: Don't report ports connected if nothing is attached to them - drm/i915/tgl+: Make sure TypeC FIA is powered up when initializing it - Revert "drm/amd/display: Update NV1x SR latency values" - cgroup: fix psi monitor for root cgroup - arm/xen: Don't probe xenbus as part of an early initcall - drm/i915: Fix overlay frontbuffer tracking - tracing: Check length before giving out the filter buffer - tracing: Do not count ftrace events in top level enable output - gpio: ep93xx: Fix single irqchip with multi gpiochips - gpio: ep93xx: fix BUG_ON port F usage - gpio: mxs: GPIO_MXS should not default to y unconditionally - Revert "dts: phy: add GPIO number and active state used for phy reset" - objtool: Fix seg fault with Clang non-section symbols - squashfs: add more sanity checks in xattr id lookup - squashfs: add more sanity checks in inode lookup - squashfs: add more sanity checks in id lookup - squashfs: avoid out of bounds writes in decompressors - Revert "mm: memcontrol: avoid workload stalls when lowering memory.high" - nilfs2: make splice write available again - drm/i915: Skip vswing programming for TBT - drm/i915: Fix ICL MG PHY vswing handling - bpf: Fix verifier jsgt branch analysis on max bound - bpf: Fix 32 bit src register truncation on div/mod - bpf: Fix verifier jmp32 pruning decision logic - regulator: Fix lockdep warning resolving supplies - blk-cgroup: Use cond_resched() when destroy blkgs - i2c: mediatek: Move suspend and resume handling to NOIRQ phase - SUNRPC: Handle 0 length opaque XDR object data properly - SUNRPC: Move simple_get_bytes and simple_get_netobj into private header - iwlwifi: queue: bail out on invalid freeing - iwlwifi: mvm: guard against device removal in reprobe - iwlwifi: pcie: add rules to match Qu with Hr2 - iwlwifi: mvm: invalidate IDs of internal stations at mvm start - iwlwifi: pcie: fix context info memory leak - iwlwifi: pcie: add a NULL check in iwl_pcie_txq_unmap - iwlwifi: mvm: take mutex for calling iwl_mvm_get_sync_time() - iwlwifi: mvm: skip power command when unbinding vif during CSA - ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: set proper flags for Dell TGL-H SKU 0A5E - ASoC: ak4458: correct reset polarity - ALSA: hda: intel-dsp-config: add PCI id for TGL-H - pNFS/NFSv4: Improve rejection of out-of-order layouts - pNFS/NFSv4: Try to return invalid layout in pnfs_layout_process() - chtls: Fix potential resource leak - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Zero snd_ctl_elem_value - mac80211: 160MHz with extended NSS BW in CSA - drm/nouveau/nvif: fix method count when pushing an array - ASoC: wm_adsp: Fix control name parsing for multi-fw - regulator: core: avoid regulator_resolve_supply() race condition - af_key: relax availability checks for skb size calculation - powerpc/64/signal: Fix regression in __kernel_sigtramp_rt64() semantics - gpiolib: cdev: clear debounce period if line set to output - io_uring: drop mm/files between task_work_submit - io_uring: reinforce cancel on flush during exit - io_uring: fix sqo ownership false positive warning - io_uring: fix list corruption for splice file_get - io_uring: fix flush cqring overflow list while TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE - io_uring: fix cancellation taking mutex while TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE - io_uring: replace inflight_wait with tctx->wait - io_uring: fix __io_uring_files_cancel() with TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE - io_uring: if we see flush on exit, cancel related tasks - io_uring: account io_uring internal files as REQ_F_INFLIGHT - io_uring: fix files cancellation - io_uring: always batch cancel in *cancel_files() - io_uring: pass files into kill timeouts/poll - io_uring: don't iterate io_uring_cancel_files() - io_uring: add a {task,files} pair matching helper - io_uring: simplify io_task_match() - net: sched: replaced invalid qdisc tree flush helper in qdisc_replace - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: override existent unicast portvec in port_fdb_add - udp: ipv4: manipulate network header of NATed UDP GRO fraglist - net: ip_tunnel: fix mtu calculation - neighbour: Prevent a dead entry from updating gc_list - igc: Report speed and duplex as unknown when device is runtime suspended - md: Set prev_flush_start and flush_bio in an atomic way - Input: ili210x - implement pressure reporting for ILI251x - Input: xpad - sync supported devices with fork on GitHub - Input: goodix - add support for Goodix GT9286 chip - x86/apic: Add extra serialization for non-serializing MSRs - x86/debug: Prevent data breakpoints on cpu_dr7 - x86/debug: Prevent data breakpoints on __per_cpu_offset - x86/debug: Fix DR6 handling - x86/build: Disable CET instrumentation in the kernel - mm/filemap: add missing mem_cgroup_uncharge() to __add_to_page_cache_locked() - mm: thp: fix MADV_REMOVE deadlock on shmem THP - mm/vmalloc: separate put pages and flush VM flags - mm, compaction: move high_pfn to the for loop scope - mm: hugetlb: remove VM_BUG_ON_PAGE from page_huge_active - mm: hugetlb: fix a race between isolating and freeing page - mm: hugetlb: fix a race between freeing and dissolving the page - mm: hugetlbfs: fix cannot migrate the fallocated HugeTLB page - ARM: 9043/1: tegra: Fix misplaced tegra_uart_config in decompressor - ARM: footbridge: fix dc21285 PCI configuration accessors - ARM: dts; gta04: SPI panel chip select is active low - DTS: ARM: gta04: remove legacy spi-cs-high to make display work again - KVM: x86: Set so called 'reserved CR3 bits in LM mask' at vCPU reset - KVM: x86: Update emulator context mode if SYSENTER xfers to 64-bit mode - KVM: x86: fix CPUID entries returned by KVM_GET_CPUID2 ioctl - KVM: x86: Allow guests to see MSR_IA32_TSX_CTRL even if tsx=off - KVM: x86/mmu: Fix TDP MMU zap collapsible SPTEs - KVM: SVM: Treat SVM as unsupported when running as an SEV guest - nvme-pci: avoid the deepest sleep state on Kingston A2000 SSDs - io_uring: don't modify identity's files uncess identity is cowed - drm/amd/display: Revert "Fix EDID parsing after resume from suspend" - drm/i915: Power up combo PHY lanes for for HDMI as well - drm/i915: Extract intel_ddi_power_up_lanes() - drm/i915/display: Prevent double YUV range correction on HDR planes - drm/i915/gt: Close race between enable_breadcrumbs and cancel_breadcrumbs - drm/i915/gem: Drop lru bumping on display unpinning - drm/i915: Fix the MST PBN divider calculation - drm/dp/mst: Export drm_dp_get_vc_payload_bw() - Fix unsynchronized access to sev members through svm_register_enc_region - mmc: core: Limit retries when analyse of SDIO tuples fails - mmc: sdhci-pltfm: Fix linking err for sdhci-brcmstb - smb3: fix crediting for compounding when only one request in flight - smb3: Fix out-of-bounds bug in SMB2_negotiate() - iommu: Check dev->iommu in dev_iommu_priv_get() before dereferencing it - cifs: report error instead of invalid when revalidating a dentry fails - RISC-V: Define MAXPHYSMEM_1GB only for RV32 - xhci: fix bounce buffer usage for non-sg list case - scripts: use pkg-config to locate libcrypto - genirq/msi: Activate Multi-MSI early when MSI_FLAG_ACTIVATE_EARLY is set - genirq: Prevent [devm_]irq_alloc_desc from returning irq 0 - libnvdimm/dimm: Avoid race between probe and available_slots_show() - libnvdimm/namespace: Fix visibility of namespace resource attribute - tracepoint: Fix race between tracing and removing tracepoint - tracing: Use pause-on-trace with the latency tracers - kretprobe: Avoid re-registration of the same kretprobe earlier - tracing/kprobe: Fix to support kretprobe events on unloaded modules - fgraph: Initialize tracing_graph_pause at task creation - gpiolib: free device name on error path to fix kmemleak - mac80211: fix station rate table updates on assoc - ovl: implement volatile-specific fsync error behaviour - ovl: avoid deadlock on directory ioctl - ovl: fix dentry leak in ovl_get_redirect - thunderbolt: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in tb_acpi_add_link() - kbuild: fix duplicated flags in DEBUG_CFLAGS - memblock: do not start bottom-up allocations with kernel_end - vdpa/mlx5: Restore the hardware used index after change map - nvmet-tcp: fix out-of-bounds access when receiving multiple h2cdata PDUs - ARM: dts: sun7i: a20: bananapro: Fix ethernet phy-mode - net: ipa: pass correct dma_handle to dma_free_coherent() - r8169: fix WoL on shutdown if CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ is set - net: mvpp2: TCAM entry enable should be written after SRAM data - net: lapb: Copy the skb before sending a packet - net/mlx5e: Release skb in case of failure in tc update skb - net/mlx5e: Update max_opened_tc also when channels are closed - net/mlx5: Fix leak upon failure of rule creation - net/mlx5: Fix function calculation for page trees - ibmvnic: device remove has higher precedence over reset - i40e: Revert "i40e: don't report link up for a VF who hasn't enabled queues" - igc: check return value of ret_val in igc_config_fc_after_link_up - igc: set the default return value to -IGC_ERR_NVM in igc_write_nvm_srwr - SUNRPC: Fix NFS READs that start at non-page-aligned offsets - arm64: dts: ls1046a: fix dcfg address range - rxrpc: Fix deadlock around release of dst cached on udp tunnel - r8169: work around RTL8125 UDP hw bug - arm64: dts: meson: switch TFLASH_VDD_EN pin to open drain on Odroid-C4 - bpf, preload: Fix build when $(O) points to a relative path - um: virtio: free vu_dev only with the contained struct device - bpf, inode_storage: Put file handler if no storage was found - bpf, cgroup: Fix problematic bounds check - bpf, cgroup: Fix optlen WARN_ON_ONCE toctou - vdpa/mlx5: Fix memory key MTT population - ARM: dts: stm32: Fix GPIO hog flags on DHCOM DRC02 - ARM: dts: stm32: Disable optional TSC2004 on DRC02 board - ARM: dts: stm32: Disable WP on DHCOM uSD slot - ARM: dts: stm32: Connect card-detect signal on DHCOM - ARM: dts: stm32: Fix polarity of the DH DRC02 uSD card detect - arm64: dts: rockchip: Use only supported PCIe link speed on Pinebook Pro - arm64: dts: rockchip: fix vopl iommu irq on px30 - arm64: dts: amlogic: meson-g12: Set FL-adj property value - Input: i8042 - unbreak Pegatron C15B - arm64: dts: qcom: c630: keep both touchpad devices enabled - ARM: OMAP1: OSK: fix ohci-omap breakage - usb: xhci-mtk: break loop when find the endpoint to drop - usb: xhci-mtk: skip dropping bandwidth of unchecked endpoints - usb: xhci-mtk: fix unreleased bandwidth data - usb: dwc3: fix clock issue during resume in OTG mode - usb: dwc2: Fix endpoint direction check in ep_from_windex - usb: renesas_usbhs: Clear pipe running flag in usbhs_pkt_pop() - USB: usblp: don't call usb_set_interface if there's a single alt - usb: gadget: aspeed: add missing of_node_put - USB: gadget: legacy: fix an error code in eth_bind() - usb: host: xhci: mvebu: make USB 3.0 PHY optional for Armada 3720 - USB: serial: option: Adding support for Cinterion MV31 - USB: serial: cp210x: add new VID/PID for supporting Teraoka AD2000 - USB: serial: cp210x: add pid/vid for WSDA-200-USB- net/hinic: Add NIC Layer - net/hinic: Update Hardware Abstract Layer - workqueue: Restrict affinity change to rescuer - kthread: Extract KTHREAD_IS_PER_CPU - x86/cpu: Add another Alder Lake CPU to the Intel family - objtool: Don't fail the kernel build on fatal errors - habanalabs: disable FW events on device removal - habanalabs: fix backward compatibility of idle check - habanalabs: zero pci counters packet before submit to FW - drm/amd/display: Fixed corruptions on HPDRX link loss restore - drm/amd/display: Use hardware sequencer functions for PG control - drm/amd/display: Change function decide_dp_link_settings to avoid infinite looping - drm/amd/display: Allow PSTATE chnage when no displays are enabled - drm/amd/display: Update dram_clock_change_latency for DCN2.1 - selftests/powerpc: Only test lwm/stmw on big endian - platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add P53/73 firmware to fan_quirk_table for dual fan control - nvmet: set right status on error in id-ns handler - nvme-pci: allow use of cmb on v1.4 controllers - nvme-tcp: avoid request double completion for concurrent nvme_tcp_timeout - nvme-rdma: avoid request double completion for concurrent nvme_rdma_timeout - nvme: check the PRINFO bit before deciding the host buffer length - udf: fix the problem that the disc content is not displayed - i2c: tegra: Create i2c_writesl_vi() to use with VI I2C for filling TX FIFO - ALSA: hda: Add Cometlake-R PCI ID - scsi: ibmvfc: Set default timeout to avoid crash during migration - mac80211: fix encryption key selection for 802.3 xmit - mac80211: fix fast-rx encryption check - mac80211: fix incorrect strlen of .write in debugfs - objtool: Don't add empty symbols to the rbtree - ALSA: hda: Add AlderLake-P PCI ID and HDMI codec vid - ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: Resume codec to do jack detection - scsi: fnic: Fix memleak in vnic_dev_init_devcmd2 - scsi: libfc: Avoid invoking response handler twice if ep is already completed - scsi: scsi_transport_srp: Don't block target in failfast state - x86: __always_inline __{rd,wr}msr() - locking/lockdep: Avoid noinstr warning for DEBUG_LOCKDEP - habanalabs: fix dma_addr passed to dma_mmap_coherent - platform/x86: intel-vbtn: Support for tablet mode on Dell Inspiron 7352 - platform/x86: touchscreen_dmi: Add swap-x-y quirk for Goodix touchscreen on Estar Beauty HD tablet - tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Set higher of cpuinfo_max_freq or base_frequency - tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select: Set scaling_max_freq to base_frequency - phy: cpcap-usb: Fix warning for missing regulator_disable - iommu/vt-d: Do not use flush-queue when caching-mode is on - ARM: 9025/1: Kconfig: CPU_BIG_ENDIAN depends on !LD_IS_LLD - Revert "x86/setup: don't remove E820_TYPE_RAM for pfn 0" - arm64: Do not pass tagged addresses to __is_lm_address() - arm64: Fix kernel address detection of __is_lm_address() - arm64: dts: meson: Describe G12b GPU as coherent - drm/panfrost: Support cache-coherent integrations - iommu/io-pgtable-arm: Support coherency for Mali LPAE - ibmvnic: Ensure that CRQ entry read are correctly ordered - net: switchdev: don't set port_obj_info->handled true when -EOPNOTSUPP - net: dsa: bcm_sf2: put device node before return - mlxsw: spectrum_span: Do not overwrite policer configuration - stmmac: intel: Configure EHL PSE0 GbE and PSE1 GbE to 32 bits DMA addressing - net: octeontx2: Make sure the buffer is 128 byte aligned - net: fec: put child node on error path - net: stmmac: dwmac-intel-plat: remove config data on error - net: dsa: microchip: Adjust reset release timing to match reference reset circuit - vsock: fix the race conditions in multi-transport support - tcp: fix TLP timer not set when CA_STATE changes from DISORDER to OPEN - tcp: make TCP_USER_TIMEOUT accurate for zero window probes - team: protect features update by RCU to avoid deadlock - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix description for parameter ql2xenforce_iocb_limit - ASoC: topology: Fix memory corruption in soc_tplg_denum_create_values() - ASoC: topology: Properly unregister DAI on removal - ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-mt6358: ignore TDM DAI link by default - ASoC: mediatek: mt8183-da7219: ignore TDM DAI link by default - NFC: fix possible resource leak - NFC: fix resource leak when target index is invalid - rxrpc: Fix memory leak in rxrpc_lookup_local - selftests: forwarding: Specify interface when invoking mausezahn - nvme-multipath: Early exit if no path is available - iommu/vt-d: Correctly check addr alignment in qi_flush_dev_iotlb_pasid() - iommu/amd: Use IVHD EFR for early initialization of IOMMU features - of/device: Update dma_range_map only when dev has valid dma-ranges - ACPI/IORT: Do not blindly trust DMA masks from firmware - can: dev: prevent potential information leak in can_fill_info() - net/mlx5: CT: Fix incorrect removal of tuple_nat_node from nat rhashtable - net/mlx5e: Revert parameters on errors when changing MTU and LRO state without reset - net/mlx5e: Revert parameters on errors when changing trust state without reset - net/mlx5e: Correctly handle changing the number of queues when the interface is down - net/mlx5e: Fix CT rule + encap slow path offload and deletion - net/mlx5e: Disable hw-tc-offload when MLX5_CLS_ACT config is disabled - net/mlx5: Maintain separate page trees for ECPF and PF functions - net/mlx5e: Reduce tc unsupported key print level - net/mlx5e: free page before return - net/mlx5e: E-switch, Fix rate calculation for overflow - net/mlx5: Fix memory leak on flow table creation error flow - igc: fix link speed advertising - i40e: acquire VSI pointer only after VF is initialized - ice: Fix MSI-X vector fallback logic - ice: Don't allow more channels than LAN MSI-X available - ice: update dev_addr in ice_set_mac_address even if HW filter exists - ice: Implement flow for IPv6 next header (extension header) - ice: fix FDir IPv6 flexbyte - mac80211: pause TX while changing interface type - iwlwifi: pcie: reschedule in long-running memory reads - iwlwifi: pcie: use jiffies for memory read spin time limit - iwlwifi: pcie: set LTR on more devices - iwlwifi: pnvm: don't try to load after failures - iwlwifi: pnvm: don't skip everything when not reloading - iwlwifi: pcie: avoid potential PNVM leaks - ASoC: qcom: lpass: Fix out-of-bounds DAI ID lookup - ASoC: SOF: Intel: soundwire: fix select/depend unmet dependencies - pNFS/NFSv4: Update the layout barrier when we schedule a layoutreturn - pNFS/NFSv4: Fix a layout segment leak in pnfs_layout_process() - powerpc/64s: prevent recursive replay_soft_interrupts causing superfluous interrupt - ASoC: Intel: Skylake: skl-topology: Fix OOPs ib skl_tplg_complete - spi: altera: Fix memory leak on error path - ASoC: qcom: lpass-ipq806x: fix bitwidth regmap field - ASoC: qcom: Fix broken support to MI2S TERTIARY and QUATERNARY - ASoC: qcom: Fix incorrect volatile registers - ASoC: dt-bindings: lpass: Fix and common up lpass dai ids - RDMA/cxgb4: Fix the reported max_recv_sge value - firmware: imx: select SOC_BUS to fix firmware build - arm64: dts: imx8mp: Correct the gpio ranges of gpio3 - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-sr-som: fix some cubox-i platforms - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-kontron-samx6i: fix i2c_lcd/cam default status - ARM: imx: fix imx8m dependencies - arm64: dts: ls1028a: fix the offset of the reset register - xfrm: Fix wraparound in xfrm_policy_addr_delta() - selftests: xfrm: fix test return value override issue in - xfrm: fix disable_xfrm sysctl when used on xfrm interfaces - xfrm: Fix oops in xfrm_replay_advance_bmp - Revert "block: simplify set_init_blocksize" to regain lost performance - Revert "RDMA/mlx5: Fix devlink deadlock on net namespace deletion" - netfilter: nft_dynset: add timeout extension to template - ARM: zImage: atags_to_fdt: Fix node names on added root nodes - ARM: imx: build suspend-imx6.S with arm instruction set - clk: qcom: gcc-sm250: Use floor ops for sdcc clks - clk: mmp2: fix build without CONFIG_PM - clk: imx: fix Kconfig warning for i.MX SCU clk - blk-mq: test QUEUE_FLAG_HCTX_ACTIVE for sbitmap_shared in hctx_may_queue - xen-blkfront: allow discard-* nodes to be optional - tee: optee: replace might_sleep with cond_resched - KVM: Documentation: Fix spec for KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP_VM - uapi: fix big endian definition of ipv6_rpl_sr_hdr - drm/i915/selftest: Fix potential memory leak - drm/i915: Check for all subplatform bits - drm/nouveau/dispnv50: Restore pushing of all data. - drm/vc4: Correct POS1_SCL for hvs5 - drm/vc4: Correct lbm size and calculation - drm/nouveau/svm: fail NOUVEAU_SVM_INIT ioctl on unsupported devices - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-kontron-samx6i: fix pwms for lcd-backlight - net/mlx5e: Fix IPSEC stats - drm/i915/pmu: Don't grab wakeref when enabling events - drm/i915/gt: Clear CACHE_MODE prior to clearing residuals - iwlwifi: Fix IWL_SUBDEVICE_NO_160 macro to use the correct bit. - mt7601u: fix rx buffer refcounting - mt76: mt7663s: fix rx buffer refcounting - mt7601u: fix kernel crash unplugging the device - arm64: dts: broadcom: Fix USB DMA address translation for Stingray - leds: trigger: fix potential deadlock with libata - xen: Fix XenStore initialisation for XS_LOCAL - io_uring: fix wqe->lock/completion_lock deadlock - KVM: Forbid the use of tagged userspace addresses for memslots - KVM: x86: get smi pending status correctly - KVM: nVMX: Sync unsync'd vmcs02 state to vmcs12 on migration - KVM: x86: allow KVM_REQ_GET_NESTED_STATE_PAGES outside guest mode for VMX - KVM: nSVM: cancel KVM_REQ_GET_NESTED_STATE_PAGES on nested vmexit - KVM: arm64: Filter out v8.1+ events on v8.0 HW - KVM: x86/pmu: Fix UBSAN shift-out-of-bounds warning in intel_pmu_refresh() - KVM: x86/pmu: Fix HW_REF_CPU_CYCLES event pseudo-encoding in intel_arch_events[] - btrfs: fix possible free space tree corruption with online conversion - btrfs: fix lockdep warning due to seqcount_mutex on 32bit arch - drivers: soc: atmel: add null entry at the end of at91_soc_allowed_list[] - drivers: soc: atmel: Avoid calling at91_soc_init on non AT91 SoCs - crypto: marvel/cesa - Fix tdma descriptor on 64-bit - efi/apple-properties: Reinstate support for boolean properties - x86/entry: Emit a symbol for register restoring thunk - PM: hibernate: flush swap writer after marking - s390/vfio-ap: No need to disable IRQ after queue reset - s390: uv: Fix sysfs max number of VCPUs reporting - net: usb: qmi_wwan: added support for Thales Cinterion PLSx3 modem family - bcache: only check feature sets when sb->version >= BCACHE_SB_VERSION_CDEV_WITH_FEATURES - drivers/nouveau/kms/nv50-: Reject format modifiers for cursor planes - drm/i915/gt: Always try to reserve GGTT address 0x0 - drm/i915: Always flush the active worker before returning from the wait - drm/nouveau/kms/gk104-gp1xx: Fix > 64x64 cursors - Revert "drm/amdgpu/swsmu: drop set_fan_speed_percent (v2)" - ASoC: AMD Renoir - refine DMI entries for some Lenovo products - x86/xen: avoid warning in Xen pv guest with CONFIG_AMD_MEM_ENCRYPT enabled - wext: fix NULL-ptr-dereference with cfg80211's lack of commit() - ARM: dts: imx6qdl-gw52xx: fix duplicate regulator naming - ARM: dts: ux500: Reserve memory carveouts - ARM: dts: tbs2910: rename MMC node aliases - media: rc: ensure that uevent can be read directly after rc device register - media: rc: ite-cir: fix min_timeout calculation - media: rc: fix timeout handling after switch to microsecond durations - media: hantro: Fix reset_raw_fmt initialization - media: cedrus: Fix H264 decoding - media: cec: add stm32 driver - parisc: Enable -mlong-calls gcc option by default when !CONFIG_MODULES - ALSA: hda/via: Apply the workaround generically for Clevo machines - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable headset of ASUS B1400CEPE with ALC256 - kernel: kexec: remove the lock operation of system_transition_mutex - ACPI: thermal: Do not call acpi_thermal_check() directly - ACPI: sysfs: Prefer "compatible" modalias - tty: avoid using vfs_iocb_iter_write() for redirected console writes - nbd: freeze the queue while we're adding connections - iwlwifi: provide gso_type to GSO packets- kdump: update Documentation about crashkernel - arm64: kdump: add memory for devices by DT property linux,usable-memory-range - x86, arm64: Add ARCH_WANT_RESERVE_CRASH_KERNEL config - arm64: kdump: reimplement crashkernel=X - arm64: kdump: introduce some macroes for crash kernel reservation - x86/elf: Move vmcore_elf_check_arch_cross to arch/x86/include/asm/elf.h - x86: kdump: move reserve_crashkernel[_low]() into crash_core.c - x86: kdump: move xen_pv_domain() check and insert_resource() to setup_arch() - x86: kdump: use macro CRASH_ADDR_LOW_MAX in functions reserve_crashkernel() - x86: kdump: make the lower bound of crash kernel reservation consistent - x86: kdump: replace the hard-coded alignment with macro CRASH_ALIGN - ARM: kdump: Add LPAE support - ARM: kdump: fix timer interrupts panic, could not boot capture_kernel - driver: input: fix UBSAN warning in input_defuzz_abs_event - vdso: do cntvct workaround in the VDSO - arm64: arch_timer: Disable CNTVCT_EL0 trap if workaround is enabled - cgroup: Return ERSCH when add Z process into task - ARM: 9027/1: head.S: explicitly map DT even if it lives in the first physical section - ARM: 9028/1: disable KASAN in call stack capturing routines - ARM: 9022/1: Change arch/arm/lib/mem*.S to use WEAK instead of .weak - ARM: 9020/1: mm: use correct section size macro to describe the FDT virtual address - ARM: 9017/2: Enable KASan for ARM - ARM: 9016/2: Initialize the mapping of KASan shadow memory - ARM: 9015/2: Define the virtual space of KASan's shadow region - ARM: 9014/2: Replace string mem* functions for KASan - ARM: 9013/2: Disable KASan instrumentation for some code - ARM: 9012/1: move device tree mapping out of linear region - ARM: 9011/1: centralize phys-to-virt conversion of DT/ATAGS address - drm/radeon: check the alloc_workqueue return value - printk: fix string termination for record_print_text() - printk: fix buffer overflow potential for print_text() - tools: Factor HOSTCC, HOSTLD, HOSTAR definitions - mm: fix a race on nr_swap_pages - mm/page_alloc: add a missing mm_page_alloc_zone_locked() tracepoint - objtool: Don't fail on missing symbol table - io_uring: fix sleeping under spin in __io_clean_op - io_uring: dont kill fasync under completion_lock - io_uring: fix skipping disabling sqo on exec - io_uring: fix uring_flush in exit_files() warning - io_uring: fix false positive sqo warning on flush - io_uring: do sqo disable on install_fd error - io_uring: fix null-deref in io_disable_sqo_submit - io_uring: stop SQPOLL submit on creator's death - io_uring: add warn_once for io_uring_flush() - io_uring: inline io_uring_attempt_task_drop() - kernel/io_uring: cancel io_uring before task works - iwlwifi: dbg: Don't touch the tlv data - RDMA/vmw_pvrdma: Fix network_hdr_type reported in WC - media: v4l2-subdev.h: BIT() is not available in userspace - media: Revert "media: videobuf2: Fix length check for single plane dmabuf queueing" - HID: multitouch: Apply MT_QUIRK_CONFIDENCE quirk for multi-input devices - HID: wacom: Correct NULL dereference on AES pen proximity - futex: Handle faults correctly for PI futexes - futex: Simplify fixup_pi_state_owner() - futex: Use pi_state_update_owner() in put_pi_state() - rtmutex: Remove unused argument from rt_mutex_proxy_unlock() - futex: Provide and use pi_state_update_owner() - futex: Replace pointless printk in fixup_owner() - futex: Ensure the correct return value from futex_lock_pi() - Revert "mm/slub: fix a memory leak in sysfs_slab_add()" - gpio: mvebu: fix pwm .get_state period calculation - PCI/AER: increments pci bus reference count in aer-inject process - PCI: add a member in 'struct pci_bus' to record the original 'pci_ops' - sched, rt: fix isolated CPUs leaving task_group indefinitely throttled - cgroup: wait for cgroup destruction to complete when umount - cgroup: check if cgroup root is alive in cgroupstats_show() - mtd:avoid blktrans_open/release race and avoid insmod ftl.ko deadlock - jffs2: move jffs2_init_inode_info() just after allocating inode - jffs2: protect no-raw-node-ref check of inocache by erase_completion_lock - jffs2: handle INO_STATE_CLEARING in jffs2_do_read_inode() - jffs2: reset pino_nlink to 0 when inode creation failed - jffs2: GC deadlock reading a page that is used in jffs2_write_begin() - jffs2: make the overwritten xattr invisible after remount - Revert "mm: fix initialization of struct page for holes in memory layout" - mm: fix initialization of struct page for holes in memory layout - Commit 9bb48c82aced ("tty: implement write_iter") converted the tty layer to use write_iter. - fs/pipe: allow sendfile() to pipe again - interconnect: imx8mq: Use icc_sync_state - kernfs: wire up ->splice_read and ->splice_write - kernfs: implement ->write_iter - kernfs: implement ->read_iter - bpf: Local storage helpers should check nullness of owner ptr passed - drm/i915/hdcp: Get conn while content_type changed - ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: Avoid checking jack on system suspend - tcp: Fix potential use-after-free due to double kfree() - x86/sev-es: Handle string port IO to kernel memory properly - net: systemport: free dev before on error path - tty: fix up hung_up_tty_write() conversion - tty: implement write_iter - x86/sev: Fix nonistr violation - pinctrl: qcom: Don't clear pending interrupts when enabling - pinctrl: qcom: Properly clear "intr_ack_high" interrupts when unmasking - pinctrl: qcom: No need to read-modify-write the interrupt status - pinctrl: qcom: Allow SoCs to specify a GPIO function that's not 0 - net: core: devlink: use right genl user_ptr when handling port param get/set - net: mscc: ocelot: Fix multicast to the CPU port - tcp: fix TCP_USER_TIMEOUT with zero window - tcp: do not mess with cloned skbs in tcp_add_backlog() - net: dsa: b53: fix an off by one in checking "vlan->vid" - net: Disable NETIF_F_HW_TLS_RX when RXCSUM is disabled - net: mscc: ocelot: allow offloading of bridge on top of LAG - ipv6: set multicast flag on the multicast route - net_sched: reject silly cell_log in qdisc_get_rtab() - net_sched: avoid shift-out-of-bounds in tcindex_set_parms() - ipv6: create multicast route with RTPROT_KERNEL - udp: mask TOS bits in udp_v4_early_demux() - net_sched: gen_estimator: support large ewma log - tcp: fix TCP socket rehash stats mis-accounting - kasan: fix incorrect arguments passing in kasan_add_zero_shadow - kasan: fix unaligned address is unhandled in kasan_remove_zero_shadow - skbuff: back tiny skbs with kmalloc() in __netdev_alloc_skb() too - lightnvm: fix memory leak when submit fails - cachefiles: Drop superfluous readpages aops NULL check - nvme-pci: fix error unwind in nvme_map_data - nvme-pci: refactor nvme_unmap_data - sh_eth: Fix power down vs. is_opened flag ordering - selftests/powerpc: Fix exit status of pkey tests - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: also read STU state in mv88e6250_g1_vtu_getnext - octeontx2-af: Fix missing check bugs in rvu_cgx.c - ASoC: SOF: Intel: fix page fault at probe if i915 init fails - locking/lockdep: Cure noinstr fail - sh: Remove unused HAVE_COPY_THREAD_TLS macro - sh: dma: fix kconfig dependency for G2_DMA - drm/i915/hdcp: Update CP property in update_pipe - tools: gpio: fix %llu warning in gpio-watch.c - tools: gpio: fix %llu warning in gpio-event-mon.c - netfilter: rpfilter: mask ecn bits before fib lookup - cls_flower: call nla_ok() before nla_next() - x86/cpu/amd: Set __max_die_per_package on AMD - x86/entry: Fix noinstr fail - drm/i915: Only enable DFP 4:4:4->4:2:0 conversion when outputting YCbCr 4:4:4 - drm/i915: s/intel_dp_sink_dpms/intel_dp_set_power/ - driver core: Extend device_is_dependent() - driver core: Fix device link device name collision - drivers core: Free dma_range_map when driver probe failed - xhci: tegra: Delay for disabling LFPS detector - xhci: make sure TRB is fully written before giving it to the controller - usb: cdns3: imx: fix can't create core device the second time issue - usb: cdns3: imx: fix writing read-only memory issue - usb: bdc: Make bdc pci driver depend on BROKEN - usb: udc: core: Use lock when write to soft_connect - USB: gadget: dummy-hcd: Fix errors in port-reset handling - usb: gadget: aspeed: fix stop dma register setting. - USB: ehci: fix an interrupt calltrace error - ehci: fix EHCI host controller initialization sequence - serial: mvebu-uart: fix tx lost characters at power off - stm class: Fix module init return on allocation failure - intel_th: pci: Add Alder Lake-P support - io_uring: fix short read retries for non-reg files - io_uring: fix SQPOLL IORING_OP_CLOSE cancelation state - io_uring: iopoll requests should also wake task ->in_idle state - mm: fix numa stats for thp migration - mm: memcg: fix memcg file_dirty numa stat - mm: memcg/slab: optimize objcg stock draining - proc_sysctl: fix oops caused by incorrect command parameters - x86/setup: don't remove E820_TYPE_RAM for pfn 0 - x86/mmx: Use KFPU_387 for MMX string operations - x86/topology: Make __max_die_per_package available unconditionally - x86/fpu: Add kernel_fpu_begin_mask() to selectively initialize state - irqchip/mips-cpu: Set IPI domain parent chip - cifs: do not fail __smb_send_rqst if non-fatal signals are pending - powerpc/64s: fix scv entry fallback flush vs interrupt - counter:ti-eqep: remove floor - iio: adc: ti_am335x_adc: remove omitted iio_kfifo_free() - drivers: iio: temperature: Add delay after the addressed reset command in mlx90632.c - iio: ad5504: Fix setting power-down state - iio: common: st_sensors: fix possible infinite loop in st_sensors_irq_thread - i2c: sprd: depend on COMMON_CLK to fix compile tests - perf evlist: Fix id index for heterogeneous systems - can: peak_usb: fix use after free bugs - can: vxcan: vxcan_xmit: fix use after free bug - can: dev: can_restart: fix use after free bug - selftests: net: fib_tests: remove duplicate log test - xsk: Clear pool even for inactive queues - ALSA: hda: Balance runtime/system PM if direct-complete is disabled - gpio: sifive: select IRQ_DOMAIN_HIERARCHY rather than depend on it - platform/x86: hp-wmi: Don't log a warning on HPWMI_RET_UNKNOWN_COMMAND errors - platform/x86: intel-vbtn: Drop HP Stream x360 Convertible PC 11 from allow-list - drm/vc4: Unify PCM card's driver_name - i2c: octeon: check correct size of maximum RECV_LEN packet - iov_iter: fix the uaccess area in copy_compat_iovec_from_user - printk: fix kmsg_dump_get_buffer length calulations - printk: ringbuffer: fix line counting - RDMA/cma: Fix error flow in default_roce_mode_store - RDMA/umem: Avoid undefined behavior of rounddown_pow_of_two() - drm/amdkfd: Fix out-of-bounds read in kdf_create_vcrat_image_cpu() - bpf: Reject too big ctx_size_in for raw_tp test run - arm64: entry: remove redundant IRQ flag tracing - powerpc: Fix alignment bug within the init sections - powerpc: Use the common INIT_DATA_SECTION macro in - bpf: Prevent double bpf_prog_put call from bpf_tracing_prog_attach - crypto: omap-sham - Fix link error without crypto-engine - scsi: ufs: Fix tm request when non-fatal error happens - scsi: ufs: ufshcd-pltfrm depends on HAS_IOMEM - scsi: megaraid_sas: Fix MEGASAS_IOC_FIRMWARE regression - btrfs: print the actual offset in btrfs_root_name - RDMA/ucma: Do not miss ctx destruction steps in some cases - pinctrl: mediatek: Fix fallback call path - pinctrl: aspeed: g6: Fix PWMG0 pinctrl setting - gpiolib: cdev: fix frame size warning in gpio_ioctl() - nfsd: Don't set eof on a truncated READ_PLUS - nfsd: Fixes for nfsd4_encode_read_plus_data() - x86/xen: fix 'nopvspin' build error - RISC-V: Fix maximum allowed phsyical memory for RV32 - RISC-V: Set current memblock limit - libperf tests: Fail when failing to get a tracepoint id - libperf tests: If a test fails return non-zero - io_uring: flush timeouts that should already have expired - drm/nouveau/kms/nv50-: fix case where notifier buffer is at offset 0 - drm/nouveau/mmu: fix vram heap sizing - drm/nouveau/i2c/gm200: increase width of aux semaphore owner fields - drm/nouveau/privring: ack interrupts the same way as RM - drm/nouveau/bios: fix issue shadowing expansion ROMs - drm/amd/display: Fix to be able to stop crc calculation - HID: logitech-hidpp: Add product ID for MX Ergo in Bluetooth mode - drm/amd/display: disable dcn10 pipe split by default - drm/amdgpu/psp: fix psp gfx ctrl cmds - riscv: defconfig: enable gpio support for HiFive Unleashed - dts: phy: add GPIO number and active state used for phy reset - dts: phy: fix missing mdio device and probe failure of vsc8541-01 device - x86/xen: Fix xen_hvm_smp_init() when vector callback not available - x86/xen: Add xen_no_vector_callback option to test PCI INTX delivery - xen: Fix event channel callback via INTX/GSI - arm64: make atomic helpers __always_inline - riscv: cacheinfo: Fix using smp_processor_id() in preemptible - ALSA: hda/tegra: fix tegra-hda on tegra30 soc - clk: tegra30: Add hda clock default rates to clock driver - HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on ASUS UX550 - HID: logitech-dj: add the G602 receiver - riscv: Enable interrupts during syscalls with M-Mode - riscv: Fix sifive serial driver - riscv: Fix kernel time_init() - scsi: sd: Suppress spurious errors when WRITE SAME is being disabled - scsi: scsi_debug: Fix memleak in scsi_debug_init() - scsi: qedi: Correct max length of CHAP secret - scsi: ufs: Correct the LUN used in eh_device_reset_handler() callback - scsi: ufs: Relax the condition of UFSHCI_QUIRK_SKIP_MANUAL_WB_FLUSH_CTRL - x86/hyperv: Fix kexec panic/hang issues - dm integrity: select CRYPTO_SKCIPHER - HID: sony: select CONFIG_CRC32 - HID: multitouch: Enable multi-input for Synaptics pointstick/touchpad device - SUNRPC: Handle TCP socket sends with kernel_sendpage() again - ASoC: rt711: mutex between calibration and power state changes - ASoC: Intel: haswell: Add missing pm_ops - drm/i915: Check for rq->hwsp validity after acquiring RCU lock - drm/i915/gt: Prevent use of engine->wa_ctx after error - drm/amd/display: DCN2X Find Secondary Pipe properly in MPO + ODM Case - drm/amdgpu: remove gpu info firmware of green sardine - drm/syncobj: Fix use-after-free - drm/atomic: put state on error path - dm integrity: conditionally disable "recalculate" feature - dm integrity: fix a crash if "recalculate" used without "internal_hash" - dm: avoid filesystem lookup in dm_get_dev_t() - mmc: sdhci-brcmstb: Fix mmc timeout errors on S5 suspend - mmc: sdhci-xenon: fix 1.8v regulator stabilization - mmc: sdhci-of-dwcmshc: fix rpmb access - mmc: core: don't initialize block size from ext_csd if not present - pinctrl: ingenic: Fix JZ4760 support - fs: fix lazytime expiration handling in __writeback_single_inode() - btrfs: send: fix invalid clone operations when cloning from the same file and root - btrfs: don't clear ret in btrfs_start_dirty_block_groups - btrfs: fix lockdep splat in btrfs_recover_relocation - btrfs: do not double free backref nodes on error - btrfs: don't get an EINTR during drop_snapshot for reloc - ACPI: scan: Make acpi_bus_get_device() clear return pointer on error - dm crypt: fix copy and paste bug in crypt_alloc_req_aead - crypto: xor - Fix divide error in do_xor_speed() - ALSA: hda/via: Add minimum mute flag - ALSA: hda/realtek - Limit int mic boost on Acer Aspire E5-575T - ALSA: seq: oss: Fix missing error check in snd_seq_oss_synth_make_info() - platform/x86: ideapad-laptop: Disable touchpad_switch for ELAN0634 - platform/x86: i2c-multi-instantiate: Don't create platform device for INT3515 ACPI nodes - i2c: bpmp-tegra: Ignore unknown I2C_M flags - i2c: tegra: Wait for config load atomically while in ISR - mtd: rawnand: nandsim: Fix the logic when selecting Hamming soft ECC engine - mtd: rawnand: gpmi: fix dst bit offset when extracting raw payload - scsi: target: tcmu: Fix use-after-free of se_cmd->priv - mtd: phram: use div_u64_rem to stop overwrite len in phram_setup - mtd: phram: Allow the user to set the erase page size.- config: add initial openeuler_defconfig for x86 - config: add initial openeuler_defconfig for arm64 - spi: cadence: cache reference clock rate during probe - spi: fsl: Fix driver breakage when SPI_CS_HIGH is not set in spi->mode - cxgb4/chtls: Fix tid stuck due to wrong update of qid - net: dsa: unbind all switches from tree when DSA master unbinds - mac80211: check if atf has been disabled in __ieee80211_schedule_txq - mac80211: do not drop tx nulldata packets on encrypted links - drm/panel: otm8009a: allow using non-continuous dsi clock - can: mcp251xfd: mcp251xfd_handle_rxif_one(): fix wrong NULL pointer check - net: stmmac: use __napi_schedule() for PREEMPT_RT - rxrpc: Fix handling of an unsupported token type in rxrpc_read() - net: dsa: clear devlink port type before unregistering slave netdevs - net: phy: smsc: fix clk error handling - dt-bindings: net: renesas,etheravb: RZ/G2H needs tx-internal-delay-ps - net: avoid 32 x truesize under-estimation for tiny skbs - net: stmmac: fix taprio configuration when base_time is in the past - net: stmmac: fix taprio schedule configuration - net: sit: unregister_netdevice on newlink's error path - net: stmmac: Fixed mtu channged by cache aligned - i40e: fix potential NULL pointer dereferencing - rxrpc: Call state should be read with READ_ONCE() under some circumstances - net: dcb: Accept RTM_GETDCB messages carrying set-like DCB commands - net: dcb: Validate netlink message in DCB handler - esp: avoid unneeded kmap_atomic call - rndis_host: set proper input size for OID_GEN_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM request - net: mvpp2: Remove Pause and Asym_Pause support - mlxsw: core: Increase critical threshold for ASIC thermal zone - mlxsw: core: Add validation of transceiver temperature thresholds - tipc: fix NULL deref in tipc_link_xmit() - net: ipv6: Validate GSO SKB before finish IPv6 processing - netxen_nic: fix MSI/MSI-x interrupts - udp: Prevent reuseport_select_sock from reading uninitialized socks - net: fix use-after-free when UDP GRO with shared fraglist - net: ipa: modem: add missing SET_NETDEV_DEV() for proper sysfs links - bpf: Fix helper bpf_map_peek_elem_proto pointing to wrong callback - bpf: Support PTR_TO_MEM{,_OR_NULL} register spilling - bpf: Don't leak memory in bpf getsockopt when optlen == 0 - nfsd4: readdirplus shouldn't return parent of export - X.509: Fix crash caused by NULL pointer - bpf: Fix signed_{sub,add32}_overflows type handling - drm/amdgpu/display: drop DCN support for aarch64 - x86/hyperv: Initialize clockevents after LAPIC is initialized - bpf: Fix selftest compilation on clang 11 - Revert "kconfig: remove 'kvmconfig' and 'xenconfig' shorthands" - kretprobe: check re-registration of the same kretprobe earlier - perf tools: set the default length of HW_BREAKPOINT_X as 4 for non X86_64 - ARM: LPAE: Use phys_addr_t instead of unsigned long in outercache hooks - aio: add timeout validity check for io_[p]getevents - ARM: kprobes: fix gcc-7 build warning - proc: fix ubsan warning in mem_lseek - netfilter: nf_nat: Fix memleak in nf_nat_init - netfilter: conntrack: fix reading nf_conntrack_buckets - ALSA: firewire-tascam: Fix integer overflow in midi_port_work() - ALSA: fireface: Fix integer overflow in transmit_midi_msg() - dm: eliminate potential source of excessive kernel log noise - selftests: netfilter: Pass family parameter "-f" to conntrack tool - net: sunrpc: interpret the return value of kstrtou32 correctly - iommu/vt-d: Fix unaligned addresses for intel_flush_svm_range_dev() - riscv: Trace irq on only interrupt is enabled - mm, slub: consider rest of partial list if acquire_slab() fails - drm/i915/gt: Restore clear-residual mitigations for Ivybridge, Baytrail - drm/i915/icl: Fix initing the DSI DSC power refcount during HW readout - drm/i915/dsi: Use unconditional msleep for the panel_on_delay when there is no reset-deassert MIPI-sequence - dm zoned: select CONFIG_CRC32 - umount(2): move the flag validity checks first - IB/mlx5: Fix error unwinding when set_has_smi_cap fails - RDMA/mlx5: Fix wrong free of blue flame register on error - bnxt_en: Improve stats context resource accounting with RDMA driver loaded. - RDMA/usnic: Fix memleak in find_free_vf_and_create_qp_grp - RDMA/restrack: Don't treat as an error allocation ID wrapping - ext4: fix superblock checksum failure when setting password salt - scsi: ufs: Fix possible power drain during system suspend - NFS: nfs_igrab_and_active must first reference the superblock - NFS: nfs_delegation_find_inode_server must first reference the superblock - NFS/pNFS: Fix a leak of the layout 'plh_outstanding' counter - NFS/pNFS: Don't leak DS commits in pnfs_generic_retry_commit() - NFS/pNFS: Don't call pnfs_free_bucket_lseg() before removing the request - NFS: Adjust fs_context error logging - pNFS: Stricter ordering of layoutget and layoutreturn - pNFS: Mark layout for return if return-on-close was not sent - pNFS: We want return-on-close to complete when evicting the inode - NFS4: Fix use-after-free in trace_event_raw_event_nfs4_set_lock - nvme-tcp: Fix warning with CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT - nvme-tcp: fix possible data corruption with bio merges - nvme: don't intialize hwmon for discovery controllers - nvmet-rdma: Fix NULL deref when setting pi_enable and traddr INADDR_ANY - ASoC: Intel: fix error code cnl_set_dsp_D0() - ASoC: meson: axg-tdmin: fix axg skew offset - ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-interface: fix loopback - dump_common_audit_data(): fix racy accesses to ->d_name - perf intel-pt: Fix 'CPU too large' error - mm: don't put pinned pages into the swap cache - mm: don't play games with pinned pages in clear_page_refs - mm: fix clear_refs_write locking - blk-mq-debugfs: Add decode for BLK_MQ_F_TAG_HCTX_SHARED - net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix changing vf VLANID - net/mlx5: Fix passing zero to 'PTR_ERR' - net/mlx5e: CT: Use per flow counter when CT flow accounting is enabled - iommu/vt-d: Update domain geometry in - nvme-fc: avoid calling _nvme_fc_abort_outstanding_ios from interrupt context - cfg80211: select CONFIG_CRC32 - x86/sev-es: Fix SEV-ES OUT/IN immediate opcode vc handling - bpf: Save correct stopping point in file seq iteration - bpf: Simplify task_file_seq_get_next() - rcu-tasks: Move RCU-tasks initialization to before early_initcall() - poll: fix performance regression due to out-of-line __put_user() - ARM: picoxcell: fix missing interrupt-parent properties - drm/msm: Call msm_init_vram before binding the gpu - ACPI: scan: add stub acpi_create_platform_device() for !CONFIG_ACPI - iommu/vt-d: Fix lockdep splat in sva bind()/unbind() - usb: typec: Fix copy paste error for NVIDIA alt-mode description - drm/amdgpu: fix potential memory leak during navi12 deinitialization - drm/amd/pm: fix the failure when change power profile for renoir - drm/amdgpu: fix a GPU hang issue when remove device - drm/amd/display: fix sysfs amdgpu_current_backlight_pwm NULL pointer issue - nvmet-rdma: Fix list_del corruption on queue establishment failure - nvme: avoid possible double fetch in handling CQE - nvme-pci: mark Samsung PM1725a as IGNORE_DEV_SUBNQN - selftests: fix the return value for UDP GRO test - net: ethernet: fs_enet: Add missing MODULE_LICENSE - misdn: dsp: select CONFIG_BITREVERSE - arch/arc: add copy_user_page() to to fix build error on ARC - bfq: Fix computation of shallow depth - io_uring: drop file refs after task cancel - spi: fix the divide by 0 error when calculating xfer waiting time - kconfig: remove 'kvmconfig' and 'xenconfig' shorthands - lib/raid6: Let $(UNROLL) rules work with macOS userland - hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure that calculation doesn't discard big period values - habanalabs: Fix memleak in hl_device_reset - spi: altera: fix return value for altera_spi_txrx() - staging: spmi: hisi-spmi-controller: Fix some error handling paths - habanalabs: register to pci shutdown callback - habanalabs/gaudi: retry loading TPC f/w on -EINTR - habanalabs: adjust pci controller init to new firmware - ARM: dts: ux500/golden: Set display max brightness - ethernet: ucc_geth: fix definition and size of ucc_geth_tx_global_pram - regulator: bd718x7: Add enable times - btrfs: fix transaction leak and crash after RO remount caused by qgroup rescan - btrfs: merge critical sections of discard lock in workfn - btrfs: fix async discard stall - ath11k: qmi: try to allocate a big block of DMA memory first - netfilter: ipset: fixes possible oops in mtype_resize - ath11k: fix crash caused by NULL rx_channel - ARM: omap2: pmic-cpcap: fix maximum voltage to be consistent with defaults on xt875 - ARC: build: move symlink creation to arch/arc/Makefile to avoid race - ARC: build: add boot_targets to PHONY - ARC: build: add uImage.lzma to the top-level target - ARC: build: remove non-existing bootpImage from KBUILD_IMAGE - io_uring: drop mm and files after task_work_run - io_uring: don't take files/mm for a dead task - ext4: don't leak old mountpoint samples - btrfs: tree-checker: check if chunk item end overflows - r8152: Add Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub - stmmac: intel: change all EHL/TGL to auto detect phy addr - dm crypt: defer decryption to a tasklet if interrupts disabled - dm crypt: do not call bio_endio() from the dm-crypt tasklet - dm crypt: do not wait for backlogged crypto request completion in softirq - dm crypt: use GFP_ATOMIC when allocating crypto requests from softirq - dm integrity: fix the maximum number of arguments - dm integrity: fix flush with external metadata device - dm snapshot: flush merged data before committing metadata - dm raid: fix discard limits for raid1 - mm/process_vm_access.c: include compat.h - mm/hugetlb: fix potential missing huge page size info - mm/vmalloc.c: fix potential memory leak - compiler.h: Raise minimum version of GCC to 5.1 for arm64 - xen/privcmd: allow fetching resource sizes - ACPI: scan: Harden acpi_device_add() against device ID overflows - RDMA/ocrdma: Fix use after free in ocrdma_dealloc_ucontext_pd() - MIPS: relocatable: fix possible boot hangup with KASLR enabled - MIPS: Fix malformed NT_FILE and NT_SIGINFO in 32bit coredumps - MIPS: boot: Fix unaligned access with CONFIG_MIPS_RAW_APPENDED_DTB - mips: lib: uncached: fix non-standard usage of variable 'sp' - mips: fix Section mismatch in reference - riscv: Fix KASAN memory mapping. - riscv: Fixup CONFIG_GENERIC_TIME_VSYSCALL - riscv: return -ENOSYS for syscall -1 - riscv: Drop a duplicated PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC - cifs: fix interrupted close commands - cifs: check pointer before freeing - ext4: fix wrong list_splice in ext4_fc_cleanup - ext4: use IS_ERR instead of IS_ERR_OR_NULL and set inode null when IS_ERR - tools/bootconfig: Add tracing_on support to helper scripts - tracing/kprobes: Do the notrace functions check without kprobes on ftrace - drm/bridge: sii902x: Enable I/O and core VCC supplies if present - dt-bindings: display: sii902x: Add supply bindings - drm/bridge: sii902x: Refactor init code into separate function - drm/i915/backlight: fix CPU mode backlight takeover on LPT - drm/i915/gt: Limit VFE threads based on GT - drm/i915: Allow the sysadmin to override security mitigations - drm/amdgpu: add new device id for Renior - Revert "drm/amd/display: Fixed Intermittent blue screen on OLED panel" - drm/amdgpu: fix DRM_INFO flood if display core is not supported (bug 210921) - drm/amdgpu: add green_sardine device id (v2) - x86/hyperv: check cpu mask after interrupt has been disabled - ASoC: dapm: remove widget from dirty list on free - ASoC: AMD Renoir - add DMI entry for Lenovo ThinkPad X395 - ALSA: doc: Fix reference to mixart.rst - ALSA: hda/realtek: fix right sounds and mute/micmute LEDs for HP machines - btrfs: prevent NULL pointer dereference in extent_io_tree_panic - btrfs: reloc: fix wrong file extent type check to avoid false ENOENT - sched/rt.c: pick and check task if double_lock_balance() unlock the rq - sched/deadline.c: pick and check task if double_lock_balance() unlock the rq - tools headers UAPI: Sync linux/fscrypt.h with the kernel sources - drm/panfrost: Remove unused variables in panfrost_job_close() - regmap: debugfs: Fix a reversed if statement in regmap_debugfs_init() - net: drop bogus skb with CHECKSUM_PARTIAL and offset beyond end of trimmed packet - block: fix use-after-free in disk_part_iter_next - can: isotp: isotp_getname(): fix kernel information leak - block/rnbd-clt: avoid module unload race with close confirmation - xsk: Rollback reservation at NETDEV_TX_BUSY - xsk: Fix race in SKB mode transmit with shared cq - KVM: arm64: Don't access PMCR_EL0 when no PMU is available - selftests: fib_nexthops: Fix wrong mausezahn invocation - net: mvneta: fix error message when MTU too large for XDP - drm/i915/dp: Track pm_qos per connector - net: mvpp2: disable force link UP during port init procedure - regulator: qcom-rpmh-regulator: correct hfsmps515 definition - arm64: cpufeature: remove non-exist CONFIG_KVM_ARM_HOST - wan: ds26522: select CONFIG_BITREVERSE - regmap: debugfs: Fix a memory leak when calling regmap_attach_dev - net/mlx5e: Fix two double free cases - net/mlx5e: Fix memleak in mlx5e_create_l2_table_groups - nvme-tcp: Fix possible race of io_work and direct send - bpftool: Fix compilation failure for net.o with older glibc - iommu/intel: Fix memleak in intel_irq_remapping_alloc - iommu/vt-d: Fix misuse of ALIGN in qi_flush_piotlb() - zonefs: select CONFIG_CRC32 - lightnvm: select CONFIG_CRC32 - block: rsxx: select CONFIG_CRC32 - wil6210: select CONFIG_CRC32 - phy: dp83640: select CONFIG_CRC32 - qed: select CONFIG_CRC32 - arm64: mm: Fix ARCH_LOW_ADDRESS_LIMIT when !CONFIG_ZONE_DMA - dmaengine: xilinx_dma: fix mixed_enum_type coverity warning - dmaengine: xilinx_dma: fix incompatible param warning in _child_probe() - dmaengine: xilinx_dma: check dma_async_device_register return value - dmaengine: milbeaut-xdmac: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of the probe function - dmaengine: mediatek: mtk-hsdma: Fix a resource leak in the error handling path of the probe function - interconnect: qcom: fix rpmh link failures - interconnect: imx: Add a missing of_node_put after of_device_is_available - bcache: set bcache device into read-only mode for BCH_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_OBSO_LARGE_BUCKET - i2c: mediatek: Fix apdma and i2c hand-shake timeout - i2c: i801: Fix the i2c-mux gpiod_lookup_table not being properly terminated - spi: stm32: FIFO threshold level - fix align packet size - spi: spi-geni-qcom: Fix geni_spi_isr() NULL dereference in timeout case - cpufreq: powernow-k8: pass policy rather than use cpufreq_cpu_get() - spi: spi-geni-qcom: Fail new xfers if xfer/cancel/abort pending - can: kvaser_pciefd: select CONFIG_CRC32 - can: m_can: m_can_class_unregister(): remove erroneous m_can_clk_stop() - can: tcan4x5x: fix bittiming const, use common bittiming from m_can driver - selftests/bpf: Clarify build error if no vmlinux - dmaengine: dw-edma: Fix use after free in dw_edma_alloc_chunk() - i2c: sprd: use a specific timeout to avoid system hang up issue - ARM: OMAP2+: omap_device: fix idling of devices during probe - fanotify: Fix sys_fanotify_mark() on native x86-32 - HID: wacom: Fix memory leakage caused by kfifo_alloc - ionic: start queues before announcing link up - scsi: lpfc: Fix variable 'vport' set but not used in lpfc_sli4_abts_err_handler() - net/mlx5: Check if lag is supported before creating one - net/mlx5e: In skb build skip setting mark in switchdev mode - net/mlx5e: ethtool, Fix restriction of autoneg with 56G - net/mlx5: Use port_num 1 instead of 0 when delete a RoCE address - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Exclude RMII from modes that report 1 GbE - s390/qeth: fix L2 header access in qeth_l3_osa_features_check() - s390/qeth: fix locking for discipline setup / removal - s390/qeth: fix deadlock during recovery - nexthop: Bounce NHA_GATEWAY in FDB nexthop groups - nexthop: Unlink nexthop group entry in error path - nexthop: Fix off-by-one error in error path - octeontx2-af: fix memory leak of lmac and lmac->name - chtls: Fix chtls resources release sequence - chtls: Added a check to avoid NULL pointer dereference - chtls: Replace skb_dequeue with skb_peek - chtls: Avoid unnecessary freeing of oreq pointer - chtls: Fix panic when route to peer not configured - chtls: Remove invalid set_tcb call - chtls: Fix hardware tid leak - net: ip: always refragment ip defragmented packets - net: fix pmtu check in nopmtudisc mode - tools: selftests: add test for changing routes with PTMU exceptions - net: ipv6: fib: flush exceptions when purging route - ptp: ptp_ines: prevent build when HAS_IOMEM is not set - net: bareudp: add missing error handling for bareudp_link_config() - net/sonic: Fix some resource leaks in error handling paths - net: vlan: avoid leaks on register_vlan_dev() failures - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: Balance syscon (de)initialization - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: Balance internal PHY power - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: Balance internal PHY resource references - net: stmmac: dwmac-sun8i: Fix probe error handling - net: hns3: fix a phy loopback fail issue - net: hns3: fix the number of queues actually used by ARQ - net: hns3: fix incorrect handling of sctp6 rss tuple - net: cdc_ncm: correct overhead in delayed_ndp_size - btrfs: shrink delalloc pages instead of full inodes - btrfs: fix deadlock when cloning inline extent and low on free metadata space - btrfs: skip unnecessary searches for xattrs when logging an inode - scsi: ufs: Fix -Wsometimes-uninitialized warning - io_uring: Fix return value from alloc_fixed_file_ref_node - drm/panfrost: Don't corrupt the queue mutex on open/close - iommu/arm-smmu-qcom: Initialize SCTLR of the bypass context - RDMA/hns: Avoid filling sl in high 3 bits of vlan_id - io_uring: patch up IOPOLL overflow_flush sync - io_uring: limit {io|sq}poll submit locking scope - io_uring: synchronise IOPOLL on task_submit fail - powerpc/32s: Fix RTAS machine check with VMAP stack - ARM: 9031/1: hyp-stub: remove unused .L__boot_cpu_mode_offset symbol - ARM: kvm: replace open coded VA->PA calculations with adr_l call - ARM: head.S: use PC relative insn sequence to calculate PHYS_OFFSET - ARM: sleep.S: use PC-relative insn sequence for sleep_save_sp/mpidr_hash - ARM: head: use PC-relative insn sequence for __smp_alt - ARM: kernel: use relative references for UP/SMP alternatives - ARM: head.S: use PC-relative insn sequence for secondary_data - ARM: head-common.S: use PC-relative insn sequence for idmap creation - ARM: head-common.S: use PC-relative insn sequence for __proc_info - ARM: efistub: replace adrl pseudo-op with adr_l macro invocation - ARM: p2v: reduce p2v alignment requirement to 2 MiB - ARM: p2v: switch to MOVW for Thumb2 and ARM/LPAE - ARM: p2v: simplify __fixup_pv_table() - ARM: p2v: use relative references in patch site arrays - ARM: p2v: drop redundant 'type' argument from __pv_stub - ARM: p2v: factor out BE8 handling - ARM: p2v: factor out shared loop processing - ARM: p2v: move patching code to separate assembler source file - ARM: module: add support for place relative relocations - ARM: assembler: introduce adr_l, ldr_l and str_l macros - scsi: target: Fix XCOPY NAA identifier lookup - rtlwifi: rise completion at the last step of firmware callback - xsk: Fix memory leak for failed bind - KVM: x86: fix shift out of bounds reported by UBSAN - x86/mtrr: Correct the range check before performing MTRR type lookups - dmaengine: idxd: off by one in cleanup code - netfilter: nft_dynset: report EOPNOTSUPP on missing set feature - netfilter: xt_RATEEST: reject non-null terminated string from userspace - netfilter: ipset: fix shift-out-of-bounds in htable_bits() - netfilter: x_tables: Update remaining dereference to RCU - ARM: dts: OMAP3: disable AES on N950/N9 - net/mlx5e: Fix SWP offsets when vlan inserted by driver - bcache: introduce BCH_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_LOG_LARGE_BUCKET_SIZE for large bucket - bcache: check unsupported feature sets for bcache register - bcache: fix typo from SUUP to SUPP in features.h - drm/i915: clear the gpu reloc batch - drm/i915: clear the shadow batch - arm64: link with -z norelro for LLD or aarch64-elf - dmabuf: fix use-after-free of dmabuf's file->f_inode - Revert "device property: Keep secondary firmware node secondary by type" - btrfs: send: fix wrong file path when there is an inode with a pending rmdir - btrfs: qgroup: don't try to wait flushing if we're already holding a transaction - iommu/vt-d: Move intel_iommu info from struct intel_svm to struct intel_svm_dev - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add two "Intel Reference board" SSID in the ALC256. - ALSA: hda/realtek: Enable mute and micmute LED on HP EliteBook 850 G7 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Add mute LED quirk for more HP laptops - ALSA: hda/realtek - Fix speaker volume control on Lenovo C940 - ALSA: hda/conexant: add a new hda codec CX11970 - ALSA: hda/via: Fix runtime PM for Clevo W35xSS - blk-iocost: fix NULL iocg deref from racing against initialization - x86/resctrl: Don't move a task to the same resource group - x86/resctrl: Use an IPI instead of task_work_add() to update PQR_ASSOC MSR - KVM: x86/mmu: Ensure TDP MMU roots are freed after yield - kvm: check tlbs_dirty directly - KVM: x86/mmu: Get root level from walkers when retrieving MMIO SPTE - KVM: x86/mmu: Use -1 to flag an undefined spte in get_mmio_spte() - x86/mm: Fix leak of pmd ptlock - mm: make wait_on_page_writeback() wait for multiple pending writebacks - hwmon: (amd_energy) fix allocation of hwmon_channel_info config - USB: serial: keyspan_pda: remove unused variable - usb: gadget: configfs: Fix use-after-free issue with udc_name - usb: gadget: configfs: Preserve function ordering after bind failure - usb: gadget: Fix spinlock lockup on usb_function_deactivate - USB: gadget: legacy: fix return error code in acm_ms_bind() - usb: gadget: u_ether: Fix MTU size mismatch with RX packet size - usb: gadget: function: printer: Fix a memory leak for interface descriptor - usb: gadget: f_uac2: reset wMaxPacketSize - USB: Gadget: dummy-hcd: Fix shift-out-of-bounds bug - usb: gadget: select CONFIG_CRC32 - ALSA: usb-audio: Fix UBSAN warnings for MIDI jacks - USB: usblp: fix DMA to stack - USB: yurex: fix control-URB timeout handling - USB: serial: option: add Quectel EM160R-GL - USB: serial: option: add LongSung M5710 module support - USB: serial: iuu_phoenix: fix DMA from stack - usb: uas: Add PNY USB Portable SSD to unusual_uas - usb: usbip: vhci_hcd: protect shift size - USB: xhci: fix U1/U2 handling for hardware with XHCI_INTEL_HOST quirk set - usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: add missing put_device() call in usbmisc_get_init_data() - usb: dwc3: ulpi: Fix USB2.0 HS/FS/LS PHY suspend regression - usb: dwc3: ulpi: Replace CPU-based busyloop with Protocol-based one - usb: dwc3: ulpi: Use VStsDone to detect PHY regs access completion - usb: dwc3: gadget: Clear wait flag on dequeue - usb: dwc3: gadget: Restart DWC3 gadget when enabling pullup - usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: disable clk on error handling path in probe - usb: typec: intel_pmc_mux: Configure HPD first for HPD+IRQ request - USB: cdc-wdm: Fix use after free in service_outstanding_interrupt(). - USB: cdc-acm: blacklist another IR Droid device - usb: gadget: enable super speed plus - staging: mt7621-dma: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path - Staging: comedi: Return -EFAULT if copy_to_user() fails - powerpc: Handle .text.{hot,unlikely}.* in linker script - crypto: asym_tpm: correct zero out potential secrets - crypto: ecdh - avoid buffer overflow in ecdh_set_secret() - scsi: block: Do not accept any requests while suspended - scsi: block: Remove RQF_PREEMPT and BLK_MQ_REQ_PREEMPT - Bluetooth: revert: hci_h5: close serdev device and free hu in h5_close - kbuild: don't hardcode depmod path - scsi: ufs: Clear UAC for FFU and RPMB LUNs - depmod: handle the case of /sbin/depmod without /sbin in PATH - lib/genalloc: fix the overflow when size is too big - local64.h: make mandatory - scsi: core: Only process PM requests if rpm_status != RPM_ACTIVE - scsi: scsi_transport_spi: Set RQF_PM for domain validation commands - scsi: ide: Mark power management requests with RQF_PM instead of RQF_PREEMPT - scsi: ide: Do not set the RQF_PREEMPT flag for sense requests - scsi: block: Introduce BLK_MQ_REQ_PM - scsi: ufs-pci: Enable UFSHCD_CAP_RPM_AUTOSUSPEND for Intel controllers - scsi: ufs-pci: Fix recovery from hibernate exit errors for Intel controllers - scsi: ufs-pci: Ensure UFS device is in PowerDown mode for suspend-to-disk ->poweroff() - scsi: ufs-pci: Fix restore from S4 for Intel controllers - scsi: ufs: Fix wrong print message in dev_err() - workqueue: Kick a worker based on the actual activation of delayed works - block: add debugfs stanza for QUEUE_FLAG_NOWAIT - selftests/vm: fix building protection keys test - stmmac: intel: Add PCI IDs for TGL-H platform - selftests: mlxsw: Set headroom size of correct port - net: usb: qmi_wwan: add Quectel EM160R-GL - ibmvnic: fix: NULL pointer dereference. - CDC-NCM: remove "connected" log message - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Fix GSWIP_MII_CFG(p) register access - net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: Enable GSWIP_MII_CFG_EN also for internal PHYs - r8169: work around power-saving bug on some chip versions - vhost_net: fix ubuf refcount incorrectly when sendmsg fails - bareudp: Fix use of incorrect min_headroom size - bareudp: set NETIF_F_LLTX flag - net: hdlc_ppp: Fix issues when mod_timer is called while timer is running - erspan: fix version 1 check in gre_parse_header() - net: hns: fix return value check in __lb_other_process() - net: sched: prevent invalid Scell_log shift count - ipv4: Ignore ECN bits for fib lookups in fib_compute_spec_dst() - bnxt_en: Fix AER recovery. - net: mvpp2: fix pkt coalescing int-threshold configuration - bnxt_en: Check TQM rings for maximum supported value. - e1000e: Export S0ix flags to ethtool - Revert "e1000e: disable s0ix entry and exit flows for ME systems" - e1000e: bump up timeout to wait when ME un-configures ULP mode - e1000e: Only run S0ix flows if shutdown succeeded - tun: fix return value when the number of iovs exceeds MAX_SKB_FRAGS - net: ethernet: ti: cpts: fix ethtool output when no ptp_clock registered - net-sysfs: take the rtnl lock when accessing xps_rxqs_map and num_tc - net-sysfs: take the rtnl lock when storing xps_rxqs - net-sysfs: take the rtnl lock when accessing xps_cpus_map and num_tc - net-sysfs: take the rtnl lock when storing xps_cpus - net: ethernet: Fix memleak in ethoc_probe - net/ncsi: Use real net-device for response handler - virtio_net: Fix recursive call to cpus_read_lock() - qede: fix offload for IPIP tunnel packets - net: ethernet: mvneta: Fix error handling in mvneta_probe - ibmvnic: continue fatal error reset after passive init - ibmvnic: fix login buffer memory leak - net: stmmac: dwmac-meson8b: ignore the second clock input - net: mvpp2: Fix GoP port 3 Networking Complex Control configurations - atm: idt77252: call pci_disable_device() on error path - ionic: account for vlan tag len in rx buffer len - ethernet: ucc_geth: set dev->max_mtu to 1518 - ethernet: ucc_geth: fix use-after-free in ucc_geth_remove() - net: systemport: set dev->max_mtu to UMAC_MAX_MTU_SIZE - net: mvpp2: prs: fix PPPoE with ipv6 packet parse - net: mvpp2: Add TCAM entry to drop flow control pause frames - net/sched: sch_taprio: ensure to reset/destroy all child qdiscs - iavf: fix double-release of rtnl_lock - i40e: Fix Error I40E_AQ_RC_EINVAL when removing VFs - mwifiex: Fix possible buffer overflows in mwifiex_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start - exec: Transform exec_update_mutex into a rw_semaphore - rwsem: Implement down_read_interruptible - rwsem: Implement down_read_killable_nested - perf: Break deadlock involving exec_update_mutex - fuse: fix bad inode - RDMA/siw,rxe: Make emulated devices virtual in the device tree - RDMA/core: remove use of dma_virt_ops - scsi: ufs: Re-enable WriteBooster after device reset - scsi: ufs: Allow an error return value from ->device_reset() - drm/i915/tgl: Fix Combo PHY DPLL fractional divider for 38.4MHz ref clock - ALSA: hda/hdmi: Fix incorrect mutex unlock in silent_stream_disable() - ALSA: hda/realtek - Modify Dell platform name - Bluetooth: Fix attempting to set RPA timeout when unsupported - kdev_t: always inline major/minor helper functions - dt-bindings: rtc: add reset-source property - rtc: pcf2127: only use watchdog when explicitly available - rtc: pcf2127: move watchdog initialisation to a separate function - Revert "mtd: spinand: Fix OOB read" - Revert "drm/amd/display: Fix memory leaks in S3 resume" - ext4: fix bug for rename with RENAME_WHITEOUT - device-dax: Fix range release - ext4: avoid s_mb_prefetch to be zero in individual scenarios - dm verity: skip verity work if I/O error when system is shutting down - ALSA: pcm: Clear the full allocated memory at hw_params - io_uring: remove racy overflow list fast checks - s390: always clear kernel stack backchain before calling functions - tick/sched: Remove bogus boot "safety" check - drm/amd/display: updated wm table for Renoir - ceph: fix inode refcount leak when ceph_fill_inode on non-I_NEW inode fails - NFSv4.2: Don't error when exiting early on a READ_PLUS buffer overflow - um: ubd: Submit all data segments atomically - um: random: Register random as hwrng-core device - watchdog: rti-wdt: fix reference leak in rti_wdt_probe - fs/namespace.c: WARN if mnt_count has become negative - powerpc/64: irq replay remove decrementer overflow check - module: delay kobject uevent until after module init call - f2fs: fix race of pending_pages in decompression - f2fs: avoid race condition for shrinker count - NFSv4: Fix a pNFS layout related use-after-free race when freeing the inode - i3c master: fix missing destroy_workqueue() on error in i3c_master_register - powerpc: sysdev: add missing iounmap() on error in mpic_msgr_probe() - rtc: pl031: fix resource leak in pl031_probe - quota: Don't overflow quota file offsets - module: set MODULE_STATE_GOING state when a module fails to load - rtc: sun6i: Fix memleak in sun6i_rtc_clk_init - io_uring: check kthread stopped flag when sq thread is unparked - fcntl: Fix potential deadlock in send_sig{io, urg}() - ext4: check for invalid block size early when mounting a file system - bfs: don't use WARNING: string when it's just info. - ALSA: rawmidi: Access runtime->avail always in spinlock - ALSA: seq: Use bool for snd_seq_queue internal flags - f2fs: fix shift-out-of-bounds in sanity_check_raw_super() - media: gp8psk: initialize stats at power control logic - misc: vmw_vmci: fix kernel info-leak by initializing dbells in vmci_ctx_get_chkpt_doorbells() - reiserfs: add check for an invalid ih_entry_count - fbcon: Disable accelerated scrolling - Bluetooth: hci_h5: close serdev device and free hu in h5_close - scsi: cxgb4i: Fix TLS dependency - zlib: move EXPORT_SYMBOL() and MODULE_LICENSE() out of dfltcc_syms.c - cgroup: Fix memory leak when parsing multiple source parameters - tools headers UAPI: Sync linux/const.h with the kernel headers - uapi: move constants from to - io_uring: fix io_sqe_files_unregister() hangs - io_uring: add a helper for setting a ref node - io_uring: use bottom half safe lock for fixed file data - io_uring: don't assume mm is constant across submits - lib/zlib: fix inflating zlib streams on s390 - mm: memmap defer init doesn't work as expected - mm/hugetlb: fix deadlock in hugetlb_cow error path - scsi: block: Fix a race in the runtime power management code - opp: Call the missing clk_put() on error - opp: fix memory leak in _allocate_opp_table - spi: dw-bt1: Fix undefined devm_mux_control_get symbol - jffs2: Fix NULL pointer dereference in rp_size fs option parsing - jffs2: Allow setting rp_size to zero during remounting - io_uring: close a small race gap for files cancel - drm/amd/display: Add get_dig_frontend implementation for DCEx - md/raid10: initialize r10_bio->read_slot before use. - ethtool: fix string set id check - ethtool: fix error paths in ethnl_set_channels() - mptcp: fix security context on server socket - net/sched: sch_taprio: reset child qdiscs before freeing themobs-worker-backend-test-arm-0005.novalocal 1675209600  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~5.10.0-    !"##perf0-metadata_list-compact_tlv-perf-5.10.0- -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/generic-hardened-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs://private/openEuler:22.03:LTS/standard_aarch64/dbe8f6301a56c8d0197bd7dbe749003a-kernelcpioxz2aarch64-openEuler-linux-gnu  !"#$%!&'ASCII textELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=69dbecbe23a20520108927582b0a386257e03029, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=40d1516abf50858c184b5d0d4eeb02f06eac3eab, strippeddirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=bd2f177c38f480b72e7b9ee3d9096a95c587988a, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5ff31691d999b78899fadb743304e8efe041ad34, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=594f9376104db1042a464e2e14ab7da182eabd99, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c257f552869e312545c702ebe80ca5f346c50eba, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d932730dc07ef12045629831e886a1de2cb9e11c, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4738454d442c5af90f2df1abf1ac9b1ba50c1e74, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a8a6fb14eabbcf82e818bc7e6881b904a6d6665e, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ffe31d9dc14eea001a0f767b20f3564e76023acb, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b1740b3a088b8c4f89f30d0c14320bfd003ff5a3, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5d78bfb8f39f146e8bbda0b6b40be74748f512f6, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=1b33cbc09f8aec3eb22afb5a627ccce63a86171c, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c6dcdba4ac188f7a98cf0319be3f52f112b226a8, strippedBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executablePerl5 module source textPerl script text executablePython script, ASCII text executablePOSIX shell script, ASCII text executablePython script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines (389)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (576) (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (540) (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, Unicode text, UTF-8 text, with very long lines (318) (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with 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