nodejs-bindings-1.3.0-1.oe24090>    f궾 ;G|`u` n_ Kf7t"R&zW9p )RWfHz98Ebx7X40rb WҠ6!w, fz!VO5SR6!mS,r;wx|GAz_7HpTy40)j21|2{ENE0QoqgW*0ͯt%pS.v!!8?d ! [ EKT\ ` d l   $0q%(t8|9:AFGHIRXY\]^DdEeJfOTX^Cnodejs-bindings1.3.01.oe2409Helper module for loading your native module's .node fileThis is a helper module for authors of Node.js native addon modules. It is basically the "swiss army knife" of require()ing your native module's .node file. Throughout the course of Node's native addon history, addons have ended up being compiled in a variety of different places, depending on which build tool and which version of node was used. To make matters worse, now the gyp build tool can produce either a Release or Debug build, each being built into different locations. This module checks all the possible locations that a native addon would be built at, and returns the first one that loads successfully.f궹dc-64g.compass-cidMIThttp://openeuler.orgUnspecifiedbindings-1.3.0.tgz rootrootrootrootnodejs-bindings  nodejs-packagingrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)3.0.4-14.6.0-1i386i486i586i686pentium3pentium4athlongeodex86_64armv3larmv4barmv4larmv4tlarmv5tlarmv5telarmv5tejlarmv6larmv6hlarmv7larmv7hlarmv7hnlarmv8larmv8hlarmv8hnlarmv8hcnlaarch64loongarch64powerpc64leppc64leriscv64noarch4.18.2_>eshaoqiang kang - 1.3.0-1- Package initnoarchdc-64g.compass-ci 17266582331.3.0-1.oe2409bindings-1.3.0.tgznodejs-bindings.speccpiogzip9utf-8148e3c9a5c78bc74cab57b197033071251d36c13a0999b71d7e19be8d4999715bec6b810ac89d57a9325d0266d6b958b4d02603b019ce5d2bea525519aa3be36 Name: nodejs-bindings Version: 1.3.0 Release: 1 Summary: Helper module for loading your native module's .node file License: MIT URL: Source0: BuildArch: noarch ExclusiveArch: i386 i486 i586 i686 pentium3 pentium4 athlon geode x86_64 armv3l armv4b armv4l armv4tl armv5tl armv5tel armv5tejl armv6l armv6hl armv7l armv7hl armv7hnl armv8l armv8hl armv8hnl armv8hcnl aarch64 loongarch64 powerpc64le ppc64le riscv64 noarch BuildRequires: nodejs-packaging %description This is a helper module for authors of Node.js native addon modules. It is basically the "swiss army knife" of require()ing your native module's .node file. Throughout the course of Node's native addon history, addons have ended up being compiled in a variety of different places, depending on which build tool and which version of node was used. To make matters worse, now the gyp build tool can produce either a Release or Debug build, each being built into different locations. This module checks all the possible locations that a native addon would be built at, and returns the first one that loads successfully. %prep cd '/home/lkp/rpmbuild/BUILD' rm -rf 'package' /usr/lib/rpm/rpmuncompress -x '/home/lkp/rpmbuild/SOURCES/bindings-1.3.0.tgz' STATUS=$? if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then exit $STATUS fi cd 'package' /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . %install mkdir -p /home/lkp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/nodejs-bindings-1.3.0-1.oe2409.x86_64/usr/lib/node_modules/bindings cp -pr package.json bindings.js \ /home/lkp/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/nodejs-bindings-1.3.0-1.oe2409.x86_64/usr/lib/node_modules/bindings /usr/lib/rpm/nodejs-symlink-deps /usr/lib/node_modules %files %doc /usr/lib/node_modules/bindings %changelog * Thu Aug 20 2020 shaoqiang kang - 1.3.0-1 - Package init ?X <]ۧzAd$w"e:&̸ cF%ƒ$EHT(4)[Q,CzR}]w\ιgTTUSݐ_55mm^jiD/<KQVkUTH$c8E}r$N2h<<|+e[}#~$'*fPb*iA+ȵdVS}stuܘ +Yi)V{TWW[DEM'\;B_O_G&[bJW Ozࡇ=][-jT~r2ʘԋMY4.2}L*K'9DK .pC^ߝ/GɊ.k>1̭@콈I_~lG׏Vs?{n3RQL)޽~T4= %ǜ`0Ϭs9r)&\T~Y xV]|h"hia̽*Ӱ bv""QrZoyjM'|_Dwʹ0|3kQ*bozxSdzޯKpe5lx*՜3{vfZ"$f|=inl؇!ͻg?6~!t<;׼% D y& {r/띕 . J]gN˧^W\Fְ ·Ky^qe͑ 8!VCx%9dvm'YGH2o _n0t:?\{2ݪt佐,xeqzZJK+8)a;ic[ϵ6V![q9hq%si5MW{޺L[`<ٴ_A{,[ݰ3׳ƌUqʊCun:Jwk謘 P#},FLPɫM%m9V /KWѣJ:3ڽ y 9|Mε_T i[?Vc+[Z]Seխ#[X=rK:IR"iјywsU93.HZwF8rwe[U/ޙ[#MaG [8I۱21ݒܸ fz]O;+(V!SCD|ay!醴; }@ިhoO=6[LKfk;} }]" )dJ1y.U: *HLJuK,͞_Qlҳl2 }>OһH=|'e$p1$x j֓Mᤛz)OCl}͑<6O< G]3c<}ƄvNh\qnrL3Cs,v.b?# j] \j;qɺ`@6´psUSmP`9L/ ̮.[.IZFgn|WeO.z>t4p;(U;زE|Bx͙c lL3FoO} (#Y-0JA厨xVBH6|br>xyBY`Oy4<9 +:7õ$k~?gr;}ܤا'jrRSWn9w}'m!uUCdWf4ǻlSڋbvd:hԃv7!FmsxI;_,}3G#j .UC[n98x&#}^Zcx䪣x5+Ԯi9"!lxf,`l䍁i}"Ofb")5O8 uKR[2uدS{Q•pt\Գ s}c[ͷ½;5#9O[ϬS *g5WgmK{ubtUJM x9WTY=*"WFGB.\eRm=葞"yd .dҞM1ue ȧ84~oc1o)ٍ 1ԕ}Xbpb[d|Cy_Gbo;-mJLZ߇EۖcLRQ\|xA"߮~W?" 6*=QS^u}Tr_HhP]YtoBkf_=" (>) C&hC )<ɤH@A/d4 O)!0[Ms