perl-Test-InDistDir-1.112071-10> )lp 2e3a5a3db6c21bfe13e39d99c6c68b619d933ac80ecc07248823af60f4877a6cd377c591fc6a1162d7308d7fe07c7a3ca84b6e70lVr,h>; ? d " R  $ 0 < T   8Vts(89:FcGxHIXY\]^6bdefl t u 4v Lw |x y z     Cperl-Test-InDistDir1.11207110Test environment setup for development with IDEThis module helps run test scripts in IDEs like Komodo. When running test scripts in an IDE i have to set up a project file defining the dist dir to run tests in and a lib dir to load additional modules from. Often I didn't feel like doing that, especially when i only wanted to do a small patch to a dist. In those cases i added a BEGIN block to mangle the environment for me. This module basically is that BEGIN block. It automatically moves up one directory when it cannot see the test script in "t/$scriptname" and includes 'lib' in @INC when there's no blib present. That way the test ends up with almost the same environment it'd get from EUMM/prove/etc., even when it's actually run inside the t/ directory. At the same time it will still function correctly when called by EUMM/prove/etc., since it does not change the environment in those cases.b 5localhostWTFPLUnspecified A큤A큤A큤b 6N.tb 6N.tb 6N.t73a6180851cb850506ec87001d42da34d314def8c06d88cc7d36b40bad525825d4b266f4068b676409c1cfa79c768b0dfe631e3b2aa4178643592847210d8d1210c2d7748f3055c308308969f6f197e4b81e2bea9bd1b4afe8e5195aeefbd8e5rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootperl-Test-InDistDir-1.112071-10.src.rpmperl(Test::InDistDir)perl-Test-InDistDir    perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.34.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.15.1^[^openEuler Buildteam - 1.112071-10openEuler Buildteam - 1.112071-9- Type:bugfix - ID:NA - SUG:NA - DESC:change delete packlist- Package initlocalhost -g -mieeecpioxz2noarch-openEuler-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textPerl5 module source textPCF v.Ooutf-8036e0b0d39c6b72c4abbfcd702e37b4bf6b7490dd48e2cdb183fa18cad322d32?P7zXZ !#,3] b2u jӫ`(y-ᕑ+`MamHH Dn!Bn@@,/*t8;=9"a8bW0tq&[\÷Y Qg4QȰN>I}#1_,:fO}A>苯ʱi֒[aEj1y(Tgwl7 &018 phxWK@f/r"Ec"+z7@K&蛿!q3~cܮ,aŏwM&fSb Խ+H# _ #K;QNl~PX%ӤŇ=n+Ɗ8)m~ "΄-'OK2X) 8ʍQ Ąk,SX 튲Rgfw_5ïhtIV&/|Xt5c\9!T|#3s^ ^_ 4<7kW pAUQxY ڥ F JujV4-eDLvd1wTD)s t>K^wf-4>S(?]^r̢6kYѶ>Ս-lKJȢ00͘7r?"ps4^ +HvVǦahJ=Uf9 q. B{'UHiÇ i | QBpj7w1pCS >Lw^9p/A@nƯ/P=/9Wp6Csrߊ>RYCX d+c)θ~ࠗP#WKqi>dd[&m!5 79,/Isor`xupX;oaZ=/ze d ѯXRY ej^ EҒ}" ,ōxYK(V'w8.6OD%z}ZcS=o[]/ &W9U6'L޶5'k7af=ci.bꂘ5s_wp@{[!ktIIr<2G u&hUVM!NjROBv0PHsba \kP0)(J; OӘ+/=\oiNߨa|˜{^"q}tN":j*~dM(׎R$g[DcuߝyX4|i\ VLa3þ܎;*%Iu9QCqaj |f߲Bưʘ1La˟4P_(IF:8ǧyх&J@Ẻ 4XmrP/׮>J@v2.KbrJb4M ^ǽF]1Rg} E %l2 ~;ܖo4ǜ眭V~,i|dVs!gִXFy +S{^HlV,;Cd #x)X؏o6Ͱa30uKF|&0P{{ Aq1h0U YZ