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The openldap-clients package contains the client programs needed for accessing and modifying OpenLDAP directories.g* %KojiRockyOpenLDAPinfrastructure@rockylinux.orgUnspecified 8 P ? - s S > 2AAAAAAAAAAg*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*g*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../../../../usr/bin/ldapwhoami../../../../usr/bin/ldapexop../../../../usr/bin/ldappasswd../../../../usr/bin/ldapsearch../../../../usr/bin/ldapurl../../../../usr/bin/ldapmodrdn../../../../usr/bin/ldapmodify../../../../usr/bin/ldapdelete../../../../usr/bin/ldapcomparerootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootopenldap-2.4.46-20.el8_10.src.rpmopenldap-clientsopenldap-clients(aarch-64)@@@@@@@ `_Z@^W@^@^]Y=\[[H@[?Y[?Y[<[<[3|@Z2@Z1@Z@ZZ_@Z0@Z}@Zz@Zz@Zc/@Z'YZ@Y@YyY_wY_wY3@XDX@XX*X*XX@XW8dW3W(W W @@V=@V^@UUa@Un@U>$U:T!TD@TT}T,@T@Tp@TT@TeT2@S@S@S @S@SSSrS0@S@SR@R@R@RRpRe@R].@R[R' RZ@QQ@QQQdQ^QZ@QGQ=@Q7/Q \PPx@PvPS@P2&P@P P H@PP@OO9OO}@OpZ@OOdODOC@OB5O;@O'ONN@N@NyNm@NTNGN&@NpMI@MY@MQ0@MIG@M>@M8#M%L[@L@LΫLwLH2LEL,@L,@L@K@K @Kg@KrKKf@KUKKK y@K>JĴJ_@J@Jv@J@J@Ju@J@JjJKOJ.NI@In@I2IIq@IFFH@H8@H@Hz@HkmHQH=I@H)G@G΋@GƢ@G@GD@GGG@GGGNGSG/G@GFl@FF%@F@F$@FFF@F@FR@F,Eّ@Et E[@E?QEE@D@D@DDP@CtC@C.CCáCqCCs6@Cs6@CJWC;@C @B=BTBBx@Bn-@Bn-@B$Y@B$Y@B$Y@AAڅ@AvA[@A+-A$@A@@6@@@@@@c@@@}'@r@h@Dw@@9@@,@@(@ @@@@?F@???\@??@?6?r?a@?L@?!?'@??>@??@?&@>@>܍>@>F>R@>]>>G@>.>@=@==z@=z@=ϛ=a@=S= =@=j@<@ - 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Bump version to 2.4.46-20 - Resolves: RHEL-35538 - Fix OpenSSL channel binding digest- Bump version to 2.4.46-19 - Resolves: RHEL-34283 - openldap: null pointer dereference in ber_memalloc_x function- Add TLS_REQSAN option and change the default to TRY (#1814674)- Rebuild without MP_2 support (#1909037)- CLDAP ldap_result hangs if nobody listens on the port (#1875361)- Fix covscan issues from previous release (#1822737)- Backport Channel Binding support (#1822904, #1822737)- Use OpenSSL-1.0.2+ API for host name verification (#1788572)- Do not fallback to checking CN when no SAN matched (#1740070)- Reference default system-wide CA certificates in manpages (#1611624)- Backport upstream fixes for ITS 7595 - add OpenSSL EC support (#1623497)- Rebuilt for Build with LDAP_USE_NON_BLOCKING_TLS (#1594928) - Remove unused leftover MozNSS Compat. Layer references (cont.) (#1557967)- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Remove unused leftover MozNSS Compat. Layer references (#1557967)- MozNSS Compat. Layer: Make log messages more clear (#1598103) - MozNSS Compat. Layer: Fix memleaks reported by valgrind (#1595203)- Perl 5.28 rebuild - MozNSS Compat. Layer: Fix typos, and spelling in the README file header (#1564161)- Rebase to version OpenLDAP 2.4.46 (#1559652)- Utilize system-wide crypto-policies (#1483979)- fix: openldap does not use Fedora build flags + makes use of redhat-rpm-config package - Drop superfluous back-sql linking patch- MozNSS Compat. Layer: fix: libldap tlsmc continues even after it fails to extract CA certificates (#1550110)- TLS: Use system trusted CA store by default (#1270678, #1537259)- Complete change: Disable TLSMC in F29+- Escape macros in %changelog - Disable TLSMC in F29+ - Remove obsolete Group tag - Don't call ldconfig in servers subpackage - Switch to %ldconfig_scriptlets - Remove unneeded Requires(post): systemd-sysv, chkconfig - Switch to %systemd_requires - Change BuildRequires: systemd-units to systemd- Drop TCP wrappers support (#1531487)- MozNSS Compat. Layer fixes (#1400570) - fix incorrect parsing of CACertDir (orig. #1533955) - fix PIN disclaimer not always shown (orig. #1516409) - fix recursive directory deletion (orig. #1516409) - Ensure consistency of a PEM dir before usage (orig. #1516409) + Warn just before use of a PIN about key file extraction - Enable usage of NSS DB with PEM cert/key (orig. #1525485) + Fix a possible invalid dereference (covscan)- Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Fix issues in MozNSS compatibility layer (#1400570) + Force write file with fsync to avoid race conditions + Always filestamp both sql and dbm NSS DB variants to not rely on default DB type prefix + Allow missing cert and key which is a valid usecase + Create extraction folder only in /tmp to simplify selinux rules + Fix Covscan issues- Build with OpenSSL with MozNSS compatibility layer (#1400570)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebase to version 2.4.45 (#1458081) * fixes CVE-2017-9287 (#1456712, #1456713) - Update the 'sources' file with new SHA512 hashes- Change Requires to Recommends for nss-tools (#1415086)- Perl 5.26 rebuild- NSS: Maximal TLS protocol version should be equal to NSS default (#1435692)- NSS: Enhance OpenLDAP to support TLSv1.3 protocol with NSS (#1435692) - NSS: Rearrange ciphers-, parsing-, and protocol-related patches (#1435692)- Rebuilt for NSS: Update list of ciphers (#1387868)- NSS: Use what NSS considers default for DEFAULT cipher string (#1387868)- NSS: fix: incorrect multi-keyword parsing and support new ones (#1243517)- fix previous commit (#1375432)- fix: Setting olcTLSProtocolMin does not change supported protocols (#1375432) - fix: slapd should start after network-online.service (#1336487)- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Update to 2.4.44 (#1305191)- Bring back *.la files in %{_libdir}/openldap/ (#1331484)- Keep *.so libraries in %{_libdir}/openldap/ (#1331484) - Include AllOp overlay (#1319782)- Ensure all libtool archive files are removed (.la)- Rebuilt for Update to 2.4.43 (#1253871)- New upstream release 2.4.41 (#1238251)- Rebuilt for Perl 5.22 rebuild- fix: bring back tmpfiles config (#1215655)- remove spurious ghosted file- link against moznss again (#1187742)- fix: Unknown Berkeley DB major version in db.h (#1191098)- CVE-2015-1545: slapd crashes on search with deref control (#1190645)- link against openssl by default - simplify package even more by removing certificate generation- remove tmpfiles config since it's no longer needed - fix invalid ldif - simplify checking for missing server configuration- remove openldap-fedora-systemd.patch - remove openldap-ldaprc-currentdir.patch - remove openldap-userconfig-setgid.patch - remove openldap-syncrepl-unset-tls-options.patch - remove unneeded configure flags, disable sql backend and aci - make mdb default after a new installation - remove pid file and args file - renumber patches and sources- harden the build - improve check_password - provide an unversioned symlink to remove openldap.pc- enhancement: generate openldap.pc (#1171493)- enhancement: support TLSv1 and later (#1160466)- new upstream release (#1147877)- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for fix license handling- fix: fix typo in (#1117229)- fix: make default service configuration listen on ldaps:/// as well (#1105634)- Rebuilt for fix: remove correct tmp file when generating server cert (#1103102)- re-symlink unversioned libraries, so ldconfig is not confused (#1028557)- don't automatically convert slapd.conf to slapd-config- remove redundant sysconfig-related stuff - add documentation reference to service file - alias slapd.service as openldap.service- CVE-2013-4449: segfault on certain queries with rwm overlay (#1060851)- new upstream release (#1059186)- new upstream release (#1031608)- fix: slaptest incorrectly handles 'include' directives containing a custom file (#1028935)- new upstream release (#1023916) - fix: missing a linefeed at the end of file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf (#1019836)- fix: slapd daemon fails to start with segmentation fault on s390x (#1020661)- rebuilt for libdb-5.3.28- fix: CLDAP is broken for IPv6 (#1018688)- fix: typos in manpages- new upstream release + compile-in mdb backend- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- fix: using slaptest to convert slapd.conf to LDIF format ignores "loglevel 0"- do not needlessly run ldconfig after installing openldap-devel - fix: LDAPI with GSSAPI does not work if SASL_NOCANON=on (#960222) - fix: lt_dlopen() with back_perl (#960048)- fix: minor documentation fixes - set SASL_NOCANON to on by default (#949864) - remove trailing spaces- drop the evolution patch- new upstream release (#947235) - fix: slapd.service should ensure that network is up before starting (#946921) - fix: NSS related resource leak (#929357)- fix: syncrepl push DELETE operation does not recover (#920482) - run autoreconf every build, drop autoreconf patch (#926280)- enable perl backend (#820547) - package ppolicy-check-password (#829749) - add perl specific BuildRequires - fix bogus dates- new upstream release (#917603) - fix: slapcat segfaults if cn=config.ldif not present (#872784) - use systemd-rpm macros in spec file (#850247)- rebuild against new cyrus-sasl- fix update: libldap does not load PEM certificate if certdb is used as TLS_CACERTDIR (#857455)- fix: slapd with rwm overlay segfault following ldapmodify (#865685)- new upstream release: + slapd: ACLs, syncrepl + backends: locking and memory management in MDB + manpages: slapo-refint - patch update: MozNSS certificate database in SQL format cannot be used (#860317) - fix: slapd.service should not use /tmp (#859019)- fix: some TLS ciphers cannot be enabled (#852338) - fix: connection hangs after fallback to second server when certificate hostname verification fails (#852476) - fix: not all certificates in OpenSSL compatible CA certificate directory format are loaded (#852786) - fix: MozNSS certificate database in SQL format cannot be used (#857373) - fix: libldap does not load PEM certificate if certdb is used as TLS_CACERTDIR (#857455)- enhancement: TLS, prefer private keys from authenticated slots - enhancement: TLS, allow certificate specification including token name - resolve TLS failures in replication in 389 Directory Server- new upstream release + library: double free, SASL handling + tools: read SASL_NOCANON from config file + slapd: config index renumbering, duplicate error response + backends: various fixes in mdb, bdb/hdb, ldap + accesslog, syncprov: fix memory leaks in with replication + sha2: portability, thread safety, support SSHA256,384,512 + documentation fixes- fix: slapd refuses to set up TLS with self-signed PEM certificate (#842022)- multilib fix: move libslapi from openldap-servers to openldap package- fix: querying for IPv6 DNS records when IPv6 is disabled on the host (#835013) - fix: smbk5pwd module computes invalid LM hashes (#841560)- modify the package build process + fix autoconfig files to detect Mozilla NSS library using pkg-config + remove compiler flags which are not needed currently + build server, client and library together + avoid stray dependencies by using --as-needed linker flag + enable SLAPI interface in slapd- update fix: count constraint broken when using multiple modifications (#795766) - fix: invalid order of TLS shutdown operations (#808464) - fix: TLS error messages overwriting in tlsm_verify_cert() (#810462) - fix: reading pin from file can make all TLS connections hang (#829317) - CVE-2012-2668: cipher suite selection by name can be ignored (#825875) - fix: slapd fails to start on reboot (#829272) - fix: default cipher suite is always selected (#828790) - fix: less influence between individual TLS contexts: - replication with TLS does not work (#795763) - possibly others- fix: nss-tools package is required by the base package, not the server subpackage - fix: MozNSS CA certdir does not work together with PEM CA cert file (#819536)- new upstream release + library: IPv6 url detection + library: rebinding to failed connections + server: various fixes in mdb backend + server: various fixes in replication + server: various fixes in overlays and minor backends + documentation fixes - remove patches which were merged upstream- rebuild due to libdb rebase- fix: Re-binding to a failed connection can segfault (#784989)- new upstream release + server: fixes in mdb backend + server: fixes in manual pages + server: fixes in syncprov, syncrepl, and pcache - removed patches which were merged upstream- fix: missing options in manual pages of client tools (#796232) - fix: SASL_NOCANON option missing in ldap.conf manual page (#732915)- fix: ldap_result does not succeed for sssd (#771484) - Jan Synáček : + fix: count constraint broken when using multiple modifications (#795766)- fix update: provide ldif2ldbm, not ldib2ldbm (#437104) - Jan Synáček : + unify systemctl binary paths throughout the specfile and make them usrmove compliant + make path to chkconfig binary usrmove compliant- new upstream release + MozNSS fixes + connection handling fixes + server: buxfixes in mdb backend + server: buxfixes in overlays (syncrepl, meta, monitor, perl, sql, dds, rwm) - openldap-servers now provide ldib2ldbm (#437104) - certificates management improvements + create empty Mozilla NSS certificate database during installation + enable builtin Root CA in generated database (#789088) + generate server certificate using Mozilla NSS tools instead of OpenSSL tools + fix: correct path to in service file (Jan Synáček ) - temporarily disable certificates checking in script - fix: get stuck when executing command as a ldap user- fix: replication (syncrepl) with TLS causes segfault (#783431) - fix: slapd segfaults when PEM certificate is used and key is not set (#772890)- Rebuilt for new upstream release + server: support for delta-syncrepl in multi master replication + server: add experimental backend - MDB + server: dynamic configuration for passwd, perl, shell, sock, and sql backends + server: support passwords in APR1 + library: support for Wahl (draft) + a lot of bugfixes - remove patches which were merged upstream - compile backends as modules (except BDB, HDB, and monitor) - reload systemd daemon after installation- package cleanup: + hardened build: switch from LDFLAGS to RPM macros + remove old provides and obsoletes + add new slapd maintainance scripts + drop defattr macros, clean up permissions in specfile + fix rpmlint warnings: macros in comments/changelog + fix rpmlint warnings: non UTF-8 documentation + rename environment file to be more consistent (ldap -> slapd) - replace sysv initscript with systemd service file (# - new format of environment file due to switch to systemd (automatic conversion is performed) - patch OpenLDAP to skip empty command line arguments (arguments expansion in systemd works different than in shell) - CVE-2011-4079: one-byte buffer overflow in slapd (#749324)- rebuild: openldap does not work after libdb rebase (#743824) - regression fix: openldap built without tcp_wrappers (#743213)- new feature update: honor priority/weight with ldap_domain2hostlist (#733078)- fix: SSL_ForceHandshake function is not thread safe (#701678) - fix: allow unsetting of tls_* syncrepl options (#734187)- security hardening: library needs partial RELRO support added (#733071) - fix: NSS_Init* functions are not thread safe (#731112) - fix: incorrect behavior of allow/try options of VerifyCert and TLS_REQCERT (#725819) - fix: memleak - free the return of tlsm_find_and_verify_cert_key (#725818) - fix: conversion of constraint overlay settings to cn=config is incorrect (#733067) - fix: DDS overlay tolerance parametr doesn't function and breakes default TTL (#733069) - manpage fix: errors in manual page slapo-unique (#733070) - fix: matching wildcard hostnames in certificate Subject field does not work (#733073) - new feature: honor priority/weight with ldap_domain2hostlist (#733078) - manpage fix: wrong ldap_sync_destroy() prototype in ldap_sync(3) manpage (#717722)- Rebuilt for rpm (#728707)- rebase to new upstream release - fix: memleak in tlsm_auth_cert_handler (#717730)- rebase to new upstream release - change default database type from BDB to HDB - enable ldapi:/// interface by default - set cn=config management ACLs for root user, SASL external schema (#712495) - fix: server scriptlets require initscripts package (#716857) - fix: connection fails if TLS_CACERTDIR doesn't exist but TLS_REQCERT is set to 'never' (#716854) - fix: segmentation fault caused by double-free in ldapexop (#699683) - fix: segmentation fault of client tool when input line in LDIF file is splitted but indented incorrectly (#716855) - fix: segmentation fault of client tool when LDIF input file is not terminated by a new line character (#716858)- new: system resource limiting for slapd using ulimit - fix update: openldap can't use TLS after a fork() (#636956) - fix: possible null pointer dereference in NSS implementation - fix: openldap-servers upgrade hangs or do not upgrade the database (#664433)- rebase to 2.4.24 - BDB backend switch from DB4 to DB5- Rebuilt for fix update: openldap can't use TLS after a fork() (#636956)- fix: openldap can't use TLS after a fork() (#636956) - fix: openldap-server upgrade gets stuck when the database is damaged (#664433)- fix: some server certificates refused with inadequate type error (#668899) - fix: default encryption strength dropped in switch to using NSS (#669446) - systemd compatibility: add configuration file (#656647, #668223)- initscript: slaptest with '-u' to skip database opening (#667768) - removed slurpd options from sysconfig/ldap - fix: verification of self issued certificates (#657984)- Mozilla NSS - implement full non-blocking semantics ldapsearch -Z hangs server if starttls fails (#652822) - updated list of all overlays in slapd.conf (#655899) - fix database upgrade process (#656257)- add support for multiple prefixed Mozilla NSS database files in TLS_CACERTDIR - reject non-file keyfiles in TLS_CACERTDIR (#652315) - TLS_CACERTDIR precedence over TLS_CACERT (#652304) - accept only files in hash.0 format in TLS_CACERTDIR (#650288) - improve SSL/TLS trace messages (#652818)- fix possible infinite loop when checking permissions of TLS files (#641946) - removed outdated autofs.schema (#643045) - removed outdated README.upgrade - removed relics of migrationtools- rebase to 2.4.23 - embeded db4 library removed - removed bogus links in "SEE ALSO" in several man-pages (#624616)- Mozilla NSS - delay token auth until needed (#616552) - Mozilla NSS - support use of self signed CA certs as server certs (#614545)- CVE-2010-0211 openldap: modrdn processing uninitialized pointer free (#605448) - CVE-2010-0212 openldap: modrdn processing IA5StringNormalize NULL pointer dereference (#605452) - obsolete configuration file moved to /usr/share/openldap-servers (#612602)- another shot at previous fix- fixed issue with owner of /usr/lib/ldap/__db.* (#609523)- added ldif.h to the public api in the devel package - added -lldif to the public api - added HAVE_MOZNSS and other flags to use Mozilla NSS for crypto- rebuild with connectionless support (#587722) - updated autofs schema (#584808)- rebased to 2.4.22 (mostly bugfixes, added back-ldif, back-null testing support) - due to some possible issues pointed out in last update testing phase, I'm pulling back the last change (slapd can't be moved since it depends on /usr possibly mounted from network)- moved slapd to start earlier during boot sequence- minor corrections of init script (#571235, #570057, #573804)- fixed SIGSEGV when deleting data using hdb (#562227)- fixed broken link /usr/sbin/slapschema (#559873)- removed some static libraries from openldap-devel (#556090)- rebased openldap to 2.4.21 - rebased bdb to 4.8.26- minor corrections in init script- fixed tls connection accepting when TLSVerifyClient = allow - /etc/openldap/ldap.conf removed from files owned by openldap-servers - minor changes in spec file to supress warnings - some changes in init script, so it would be possible to use it when using old configuration style- rebased openldap to 2.4.19 - rebased bdb to 4.8.24- updated smbk5pwd patch to be linked with libldap (#526500) - the last buffer overflow patch replaced with the one from upstream - added /etc/openldap/slapd.d and /etc/openldap/slapd.conf.bak to files owned by openldap-servers- cleanup of previous patch fixing buffer overflow- changed configuration approach. Instead od slapd.conf slapd is using slapd.d directory now - fix of some issues caused by renaming of init script - fix of buffer overflow issue in ldif.c pointed out by new glibc- rebase of openldap to 2.4.18- updated documentation (hashing the cacert dir)- updated init script to be LSB-compliant (#523434) - init script renamed to slapd- rebuilt with new openssl- updated %pre script to correctly install openldap group- Rebuilt for rebase of openldap to 2.4.16 - fixed minor issue in spec file (output looking interactive when installing servers)- added $SLAPD_URLS variable to init script (#504504)- extended previous patch (#481310) to remove options cfMP from some client tools - correction of patch setugid (#494330)- removed -f option from some client tools (#481310)- new upstream release- new upstream release - upgraded to db-4.7.25- rebuild with new openssl- rebuild for libltdl, i.e. copy config.sub|guess from new location- new upstream release- add SLAPD_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT to /etc/sysconfig/ldap, allowing admins to set non-default slapd shutdown timeout - add checkpoint to default slapd.conf file (#458679)- provide ldif2ldbm functionality for migrationtools - rediff all patches to get rid of patch fuzz- new upstream release - apply official bdb-4.6.21 patches- fix CVE-2008-2952 (#453728)- new upstream release- use /sbin/nologin as shell of ldap user (#447919)- new upstream release - removed unnecessary MigrationTools patches- bdb upgraded to 4.6.21 - reworked upgrade logic again to run db_upgrade when bdb version changes- reworked the upgrade logic, slapcat/slapadd of the whole database is needed only if minor version changes (2.3.x -> 2.4.y) - do not try to save database in LDIF format, if openldap-servers package is being removed (it's up to the admin to do so manually)- migration tools carved out to standalone package "migrationtools" (#236697)- new upstream release- fix CVE-2008-0658 (#432014)- init script fixes- init script made LSB-compliant (#247012)- fixed rpmlint warnings and errors - /etc/openldap/schema/README moved to /usr/share/doc/openldap- obsoleting compat-openldap properly again :)- obsoleting compat-openldap properly (#429591)- new upstream version (openldap-2.4.7)- new upstream version (openldap-2.4) - deprecating compat- package- new upstream release- fixed multilib issues - all platform independent files have the same content now (#342791)- BDB downgraded back to 4.4.20 because 4.6.18 is not supported by openldap (#314821)- skeleton /etc/sysconfig/ldap added - new SLAPD_LDAP option to turn off listening on ldap:/// (#292591) - fixed checking of SSL (#292611) - fixed upgrade with empty database- new upstream version - added images to the guide.html (#273581)- just rebuild- do not use specific automake and autoconf - do not distinguish between NPTL and non-NPTL platforms, we have NPTL everywhere - db-4.6.18 integrated - updated openldap-servers License: field to reference BDB license- new upstream version- MigrationTools-47 integrated- fix compat-slapcat compilation. Now it can be found in /usr/lib/compat-openldap/slapcat, because the tool checks argv[0] (#246581)- smbk5pwd added (#220895) - correctly distribute modules between servers and servers-sql packages- Fix initscript return codes (#242667) - Provide overlays (as modules; #246036, #245896) - Add available modules to config file- do not create script in /tmp on startup (bz#188298) - add compat-slapcat to openldap-compat (bz#179378) - do not import ddp services with (bz#201183) - sort the hosts by adders, preventing duplicities in migrate*nis*.pl (bz#201540) - start slupd for each replicated database (bz#210155) - add ldconfig to devel post/postun (bz#240253) - include misc.schema in default slapd.conf (bz#147805)- slapadd during package update is now quiet (bz#224581) - use _localstatedir instead of var/ during build (bz#220970) - bind-libbind-devel removed from BuildRequires (bz#216851) - slaptest is now quiet during service ldap start, if there is no error/warning (bz#143697) - now links with pthread (bz#198226) - do not strip binaries to produce correct .debuginfo packages (bz#152516)- New upstream release - Upgrade the scripts for migrating the database so that they might actually work. - change bind-libbind-devel to bind-devel in BuildPreReq- tcp_wrappers has a new devel and libs sub package, therefore changing build requirement for tcp_wrappers to tcp_wrappers-devel- New upstream version- New upstream version- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21- Include --enable-multimaster to close bz#185821: adding slapd_multimaster to the configure options - Upgade guide.html to the correct one for openladp-2.3.27, closing bz#190383: openldap 2.3 packages contain the administrator's guide for 2.2 - Remove the quotes from around the slaptestflags in ldap.init This closes one part of bz#204593: service ldap fails after having added entries to ldap - include __db.* in the list of files to check ownership of in ldap.init, as suggested in bz#199322: RFE: perform cleanup in ldap.init- New upstream release - Include the gethostbyname_r patch so that nss_ldap won't hang on recursive attemts to ldap_initialize.- rebuild- New upstream version- Upgrade to 2.3.21 - Add two upstream patches for db-4.4.20- Re-fix ldap.init- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- Modify the ldap.init script to call runuser correctly.- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Upgrade to 2.3.19, which upstream now considers stable - Modify the -config.patch, ldap.init, and this spec file to put the pid file and args file in an ldap-owned openldap subdirectory under /var/run. - Move back_sql* out of _sbindir/openldap , which requires hand-moving slapd and slurpd to _sbindir, and recreating symlinks by hand. - Retire openldap-2.3.11-ads.patch, which went upstream. - Update the ldap.init script to run slaptest as the ldap user rather than as root. This solves bz#150172 Startup failure after database problem - Add to the servers post and preun scriptlets so that on preun, the database is slapcatted to /var/lib/ldap/upgrade.ldif and the database files are saved to /var/lib/ldap/rpmorig. On post, if /var/lib/ldap/upgrade.ldif exists, it is slapadded. This means that on upgrades from 2.3.16-2 to higher versions, the database files may be automatically upgraded. Unfortunatly, because of the changes to the preun scriptlet, users have to do the slapcat, etc by hand when upgrading to 2.3.16-2. Also note that the /var/lib/ldap/rpmorig files need to be removed by hand because automatically removing your emergency fallback files is a bad idea. - Upgrade internal bdb to db-4.4.20. For a clean upgrade, this will require that users slapcat their databases into a temp file, move /var/lib/ldap someplace safe, upgrade the openldap rpms, then slapadd the temp file.- rebuilt- Remove Requires: cyrus-sasl and cyrus-sasl-md5 from openldap- and compat-openldap- to close bz#173313 Remove exlicit 'Requires: cyrus-sasl" + 'Requires: cyrus-sasl-md5'- Upgrade to 2.3.11, which upstream now considers stable. - Switch compat-openldap to 2.2.29 - remove references to nss_ldap_build from the spec file - remove references to 2.0 and 2.1 from the spec file. - reorganize the build() function slightly in the spec file to limit the number of redundant and conflicting options passedto configure. - Remove the attempt to hardlink ldapmodify and ldapadd together, since the current make install make ldapadd a symlink to ldapmodify. - Include the -ads patches to allow SASL binds to an Active Directory server to work. Nalin wrote the patch, based on my broken first attempt.- rebuilt against new openssl- New upstream version.- Upgrade to nev upstream version. This makes the 2.2.*-hop patch obsolete.- Move the slapd.pem file to /etc/pki/tls/certs and edit the -config patch to match to close bz#143393 Creates certificates + keys at an insecure/bad place - also use _sysconfdir instead of hard-coding /etc- Add the tls-fix-connection-test patch to close bz#161991 openldap password disclosure issue - add the hop patches to prevent infinite looping when chasing referrals. OpenLDAP ITS #3578- fix typo in ldap.init (call $klist instead of klist, from Charles Lopes)- run slaptest with the -u flag if no id2entry db files are found, because you can't check for read-write access to a non-existent database (#156787) - add _sysconfdir/openldap/cacerts, which authconfig sets as the TLS_CACERTDIR path in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf now - use a temporary wrapper script to launch slapd, in case we have arguments with embedded whitespace (#158111)- update to 2.2.26 (stable 20050429) - enable the lmpasswd scheme - print a warning if slaptest fails, slaptest -u succeeds, and one of the directories listed as the storage location for a given suffix in slapd.conf contains a readable file named __db.001 (#118678)- update to 2.2.25 (release)- update to 2.2.24 (stable 20050318) - export KRB5_KTNAME in the init script, in case it was set in the sysconfig file but not exported- prefer libresolv to libbind- add bind-libbind-devel and libtool-ltdl-devel buildprereqs- rebuild with openssl-0.9.7e- update to 2.2.23 (stable-20050125) - update notes on upgrading from earlier versions - drop slapcat variations for 2.0/2.1, which choke on 2.2's config files- update to 2.2.20 (stable-20050103) - warn about unreadable krb5 keytab files containing "ldap" keys - warn about unreadable TLS-related files - own a ref to subdirectories which we create under _libdir/tls- rebuild- update to 2.2.17 (stable-20040923) (#135188) - move nptl libraries into arch-specific subdirectories on x86 boxes - require a newer glibc which can provide nptl libpthread on i486/i586- move slapd startup to earlier in the boot sequence (#103160) - update to 2.2.15 (stable-20040822) - change version number on compat-openldap to include the non-compat version from which it's compiled, otherwise would have to start 2.2.15 at release 3 so that it upgrades correctly- build a separate, static set of libraries for openldap-devel with the non-standard ntlm bind patch applied, for use by the evolution-connector package (#125579), and installing them under evolution_connector_prefix) - provide openldap-evolution-devel = version-release in openldap-devel so that evolution-connector's source package can require a version of openldap-devel which provides what it wants- update administrator guide- add compat-openldap subpackage - default to bdb, as upstream does, gambling that we're only going to be on systems with nptl now- preliminary 2.2.13 update - move ucdata to the -servers subpackage where it belongs- build experimental sql backend as a loadable module- rebuilt- update to 2.1.30- removed rpath - added pie patch: slapd and slurpd are now pie - requires libtool >= 1.5.6-2 (PIC libltdl.a)- move rfc documentation from main to -devel (#121025)- rebuild- update to 2.1.29 (stable 20040329)- don't build servers with --with-kpasswd, that option hasn't been recognized since 2.1.23- rebuilt- Use ':' instead of '.' as separator for chown.- rebuilt- remove 'reload' from the init script -- it never worked as intended (#115310)- commit that last fix correctly this time- fix incorrect use of find when attempting to detect a common permissions error in the init script (#114866)- add bug fix patch for DB 4.2.52- change logging facility used from daemon to local4 (#112730, reversing #11047) BEHAVIOR CHANGE - SHOULD BE MENTIONED IN THE RELEASE NOTES.- incorporate fix for logic quasi-bug in slapd's SASL auxprop code (Dave Jones)- update to 2.1.25, now marked STABLE- update to db-4.2.52.- add another section to the ABI note for the TLS libdb so that it's marked as not needing an executable stack (from Arjan Van de Ven)- force bundled libdb to not use O_DIRECT by making it forget that we have it- build bundled libdb for slapd dynamically to make the package smaller, among other things - on tls-capable arches, build libdb both with and without shared posix mutexes, otherwise just without - disable posix mutexes unconditionally for db 4.0, which shouldn't need them for the migration cases where it's used - update to MigrationTools 45- upgrade db-4.1.25 to db-4.2.42.- drop rfc822-MailMember.schema, merged into upstream misc.schema at some point- actually require newer libtool, as was intended back in 2.1.22-0, noted as missed by Jim Richardson- enable rlookups, they don't cost anything unless also enabled in slapd's configuration file- rebuild- rebuild- rebuild- build- 2.1.22 now badged stable - be more aggressive in what we index by default - use/require libtool 1.5- update to 2.1.22- rebuilt- update to 2.1.21 - enable ldap, meta, monitor, null, rewrite in slapd- update to 2.1.20- update to 2.1.19- switch to db with crypto- install the db utils for the bundled libdb as %{_sbindir}/slapd_db_* - install slapcat/slapadd from 2.0.x for migration purposes- update to 2.1.17 - disable the shell backend, not expected to work well with threads - drop the kerberosSecurityObject schema, the krbName attribute it contains is only used if slapd is built with v2 kbind support- back down to db 4.0.x, which 2.0.x can compile with in ldbm-over-db setups - tweak SuSE patch to fix a few copy-paste errors and a NULL dereference- rebuilt- rebuild- rebuild- check for setgid as well- rebuild- incorporate fixes from SuSE's security audit, except for fixes to ITS 1963, 1936, 2007, 2009, which were included in 2.0.26. - add two more patches for db 4.1.24 from sleepycat's updates page - use openssl pkgconfig data, if any is available- add patches for db 4.1.24 from sleepycat's updates page- add a sample TLSCACertificateFile directive to the default slapd.conf- update to 2.0.27- update to 2.0.26, db 4.1.24.NC- change LD_FLAGS to refer to /usr/kerberos/_libdir instead of /usr/kerberos/lib, which might not be right on some arches- update to 2.0.25 "stable", ldbm-over-gdbm (putting off migration of LDBM slapd databases until we move to 2.1.x) - use %{_smp_mflags} when running make - update to MigrationTools 44 - enable dynamic module support in slapd- rebuild in new environment- use the gdbm backend again- make slapd.conf read/write by root, read by ldap- fix corner case in sendbuf fix - 2.0.23 now marked "stable"- update to 2.0.23- switch to an internalized Berkeley DB as the ldbm back-end (NOTE: this breaks access to existing on-disk directory data) - add slapcat/slapadd with gdbm for migration purposes - remove Kerberos dependency in client libs (the direct Kerberos dependency is used by the server for checking {kerberos} passwords)- update to 2.0.22- prereq chkconfig for server subpackage- update migration tools to version 40- free ride through the build system- update to 2.0.21, now earmarked as STABLE- temporarily disable optimizations for ia64 arches - specify pthreads at configure-time instead of letting configure guess- and one for Raw Hide- build for RHL 7/7.1- update to 2.0.20 (security errata)- update to 2.0.19- fix the commented-out replication example in slapd.conf- update to 2.0.18- update to 2.0.17- disable kbind support (deprecated, and I suspect unused) - configure with --with-kerberos=k5only instead of --with-kerberos=k5 - build slapd with threads- rebuild, 2.0.15 is now designated stable- update to 2.0.15- update to 2.0.14- update to 2.0.12 to pull in fixes for setting of default TLS options, among other things - update to migration tools 39 - drop tls patch, which was fixed better in this release- install saucer correctly- try to fix ldap_set_options not being able to set global options related to TLS correctly- don't attempt to create a cert at install-time, it's usually going to get the wrong CN (#51352)- add a build-time requirement on pam-devel - add a build-time requirement on a sufficiently-new libtool to link shared libraries to other shared libraries (which is needed in order for prelinking to work)- require cyrus-sasl-md5 (support for DIGEST-MD5 is required for RFC compliance) by name (follows from #43079, which split cyrus-sasl's cram-md5 and digest-md5 modules out into cyrus-sasl-md5)- enable passwd back-end (noted by Alan Sparks and Sergio Kessler)- start to prep for errata release- link libldap with liblber- add symlink and in /usr/lib- move shared libraries to /lib - redo init script for better internationalization (#26154) - don't use ldaprc files in the current directory (#38402) (patch from - add BuildPrereq on tcp wrappers since we configure with --enable-wrappers (#43707) - don't overflow debug buffer in mail500 (#41751) - don't call krb5_free_creds instead of krb5_free_cred_contents any more (#43159)- make config files noreplace (#42831)- actually change the default config to use the dummy cert - update to MigrationTools 38- build dummy certificate in %post, use it in default config - configure-time shenanigans to help a confused configure script- tweak migrate_automount and friends so that they can be run from anywhere- update to 2.0.11- update to 2.0.10- update to 2.0.9- update to 2.0.8 - drop patch which came from upstream- rebuild in new environment- back out pidfile patches, which interact weirdly with Linux threads - mark non-standard schema as such by moving them to a different directory- update to MigrationTools 36, adds netgroup support- fix thinko in that last patch- try to work around some buffering problems- gettextize the init script- gettextize the init script- move the RFCs to the base package (#21701) - update to MigrationTools 34- add support for additional OPTIONS, SLAPD_OPTIONS, and SLURPD_OPTIONS in a /etc/sysconfig/ldap file (#23549)- change automount object OID from to, per mail from the ldap-nis mailing list- force -fPIC so that shared libraries don't fall over- add Norbert Klasen's patch (via Del) to fix searches using ldaps URLs (OpenLDAP ITS #889) - add "-h ldaps:///" to server init when TLS is enabled, in order to support ldaps in addition to the regular STARTTLS (suggested by Del)- correct mismatched-dn-cn bug in update to the correct OIDs for automount and automountInformation - add notes on upgrading- update to 2.0.7 - drop chdir patch (went mainstream)- change automount object classes from auxiliary to structural- update to Migration Tools 27 - change the sense of the last simple patch- reorganize the patch list to separate MigrationTools and OpenLDAP patches - switch to Luke Howard's rfc822MailMember schema instead of the aliases.schema - configure slapd to run as the non-root user "ldap" (#19370) - chdir() before chroot() (we don't use chroot, though) (#19369) - disable saving of the pid file because the parent thread which saves it and the child thread which listens have different pids- add missing required attributes to conversion scripts to comply with schema - add schema for mail aliases, autofs, and kerberosSecurityObject rooted in our own OID tree to define attributes and classes migration scripts expect - tweak automounter migration script- try adding the suffix first when doing online migrations - force ldapadd to use simple authentication in migration scripts - add indexing of a few attributes to the default configuration - add commented-out section on using TLS to default configuration- update to 2.0.6 - add buildprereq on cyrus-sasl-devel, krb5-devel, openssl-devel - take the -s flag off of slapadd invocations in migration tools - add the cosine.schema to the default server config, needed by inetorgperson- add the nis.schema and inetorgperson.schema to the default server config - make ldapadd a hard link to ldapmodify because they're identical binaries- update to 2.0.4- remove prereq on /etc/init.d (#17531) - update to 2.0.3 - add saucer to the included clients- update to 2.0.1- update to 2.0.0 - patch to build against MIT Kerberos 1.1 and later instead of 1.0.x- remove that pesky default password - change "Copyright:" to "License:"- adjust permissions in files lists - move libexecdir from %{_prefix}/sbin to %{_sbindir}- add to the migration scripts set- build a semistatic slurpd with threads, everything else without - disable reverse lookups, per email on OpenLDAP mailing lists - make sure the execute bits are set on the shared libraries- change logging facility used from local4 to daemon (#11047)- split off clients and servers to shrink down the package and remove the base package's dependency on Perl - make certain that the binaries have sane permissions- move the init script back- tweak the init script to only source /etc/sysconfig/network if it's found- automatic rebuild- switch to gdbm; I'm getting off the db merry-go-round - tweak the init script some more - add instdir to @INC in migration scripts- tweak init script to return error codes properly - change initscripts dependency to one on /etc/init.d- prereq initscripts - make migration scripts use mktemp- do condrestart in post and stop in preun - move init script to /etc/init.d- update to 1.2.11 - add condrestart logic to init script - munge migration scripts so that you don't have to be /usr/share/openldap/migration to run them - add code to create pid files in /var/run- FHS tweaks - fix for compiling with libdb2- minor tweak so it builds on ia64- more minimalistic fix for bug #11111 after consultation with OpenLDAP team - backport replacement for the ldapuser patch- fix segfaults from queries with commas in them in in.xfingerd (bug #11111)- update to 1.2.10 - add revamped version of patch from to allow execution as any non-root user - remove test suite from %build because of weirdness in the build system- move the defaults for databases and whatnot to /var/lib/ldap (bug #10714) - fix some possible string-handling problems- start earlier, stop later.- auto rebuild in new environment (release 4)- add -D_REENTRANT to make threaded stuff more stable, even though it looks like the sources define it, too - mark *.ph files in migration tools as config files- update to 1.2.9- strip files- update to 1.2.7 - fix some bugs from bugzilla (#4885, #4887, #4888, #4967) - take include files out of base package- missing ;; in init script reload) (#4734).- move stuff from /usr/libexec to /usr/sbin - relocate config dirs to /etc/openldap- initscript munging- add the migration tools to the package- upgrade to 1.2.6 - add rc.d script - split -devel package- upgrade to latest stable (1.1.4), it now uses configure macro.- build on arm, glibc2.1- initial cut. - patches for signal handling on the alpha  !"#$%&'2.4.46-20.el8_102.4.46-20.el8_10 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnu ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=b3329c68ac8d63c695cdf4b98380093a7234ee4a, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=ad2f8437c6cb78abdf7cdfbb90dda3bac5003c23, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=40fb1852d2ad6f89ea27ff08efd528d5bb610768, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=732f25525caf4bdcdd6ff82f5ad9390f8c7e1996, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=6e1f43aa3e98c2942affadb4f0b10ec87418000c, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=59679dbfe394a24e442c0748585703a5e972e6c2, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, 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