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Rosenkraenzer 2.05-2Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2.05-1Preston Brown Matt Wilson Preston Brown Harald Hoyer Florian La Roche Yukihiro Nakai Yukihiro Nakai Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Florian La Roche Matt Wilson Bill Nottingham Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Prospector Bill Nottingham Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Florian La Roche Cristian Gafton Ken Estes Dale Lovelace Ken Estes Cristian Gafton Jeff Johnson Preston Brown Cristian Gafton Jeff Johnson Cristian Gafton Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Cristian Gafton Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Jeff Johnson Jeff Johnson Ian Macdonald Ian Macdonald Donnie Barnes Donnie Barnes Erik Troan Donnie Barnes Erik Troan - Restore audit logs in bash-4.3 or newer versions Resolves: RHEL-24990- Fix a crash in buffered_getchar() function Resolves: #2062291- Bump version number Resolves: #2004189- Fix crash if a timestamp in a history file overflowed a time_t Resolves: #1794884- Fix infinite loop in long running scripts Resolves: #1943495- Fix hang when limit for nproc is very high Resolves: #1890888- Correctly drop saved UID when effective UID is not equal to its real UID Resolves: #1793943- Avoid duplicating user path entries Resolves: #1667008- Drop saved UID when effective UID is not equal to its real UID Resolves: #1793943- Fix runtime option to enable history logging to syslog Related: #1687835- Fix `$$` expansion in subshell Resolves: #1727952- Add a runtime option to enable history logging to syslog Resolves: #1687835- Bump version number Resolves: #1650059- Set custom PATH in non-login shells Resolves: #1627074- Fix some issues identified by coverity Resolves: #1602450- Bump version number- Move user bin directories in front of the PATH Resolves: #1595223- Fix handling case statement in command subsitution Resolves: #1556867- Update to bash-4.4 patchlevel 19 Resolves: #1540383- Rebuilt for Package headers in devel package, in prep for MPI-bash- Revert change to always source from /etc/bashrc- Always source from /etc/bashrc Resolves: #1193590- Enable parallel builds- command should not be treated as special builtin Resolves: #1479220- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fix test for comparing file modification times when they differ by subsecond Resolves: #1458008- command builtin should not abort on variable assignment errors Resolves: #1389838- Explicitly unset nonblocking mode while reading from stdin Resolves: #1068697- Fix heredoc file descriptor leak Resolves: #1413676- Document 'bashbug' for reporting bugs Resolves: #1255886- Update to bash-4.4 patchlevel 12- Rebuilt for Update to bash-4.4 patchlevel 11- Update to bash-4.4 patchlevel 5- Rebase to bash-4.4 Resolves: #1376609- CVE-2016-7543: Fix for arbitrary code execution via SHELLOPTS+PS4 variables Resolves: #1379634- CVE-2016-0634 - Fix for arbitrary code execution via malicious hostname Resolves: #1377614- Inverted the condition for UsrMove safeguard check, so we comply with: Fix a crash in nested pipeline in lastpipe mode Resolves: #1349430- Do not set terminate_immediately and interrupt_immediately while expanding tilda Resolves: #1336800- Rebuilt for Actually do it properly this time Related: #1297166- Provide exec-able alternatives to hash, type and ulimit Resolves: #1297166- Patchlevel 42- #1245233 - fixed memleak- #1182278 - bash crashes on `select' if REPLY is readonly - #1241533,1224855 - bash memleak when LC_ALL set- Fix a leak introduced by plevel39- Fix --rpm-requires- Rebuilt for Patchlevel 39- rebuild against new gcc- Enable PIE (hardened build)- Patchlevel 33- force refreshing generated files, fixes build on s390- Patchlevel 30- RedHat's patchlevel 28- CVE-2014-7169 Resolves: #1146319 +- Patchlevel 25- Inhibit code injection - patch by Stephane Chazelas- Patchlevel 24- Rebuilt for Patchlevel 22- #1102815 - fix double echo in vi visual mode- Apply all upstream patches since 4.3-18-1 up to this date- Array name expansion - apply upstream quickfix- Mention ulimit -c and -f block size in POSIX mode- fix license handling- Rebuilt for Patchlevel 18- And let the build system know...- Patchlevel 11- Patchlevel 8- Update to bash-4.3- Change the paths for format-security patch- bash FTBFS if -Werror=format-string is used (#1036998)- Added suggestion to .bashrc how to disable autopaging in systemctl- Install docs to %{_pkgdocdir} where available. - Fix bogus dates in %changelog.- Fixed a bug that caused trap handlers to be executed recursively, corrupting internal data structures.- Patchlevel 45- Fix usage of partial unitialized structure Resolves: #857948- Fix fd leaks Resolves: #903833- Patchlevel 42- Use unsigned type for size- Create bashbug symlink- Patchlevel 39- Fix a comments in rpm changelog- Update info about trap in man page Resolves: #799958 - instead of setting the signal handler to SIG_IGN while installing the new trap handler, block the signal and unblock it after the new handler is installed Resolves: #695656- Revert revision 4.2.37-5 - already fixed upstream- Don't filter out environmental variables with a dot in the name Resolves: #819995- Added doc subdir to bash-doc ownership list Resolves: #846734- Increment patchlevel tag- Patchlevel 37- Rebuilt for Patchlevel 36- Remove /bin from DEFAULT_PATH_VALUE Resolves: #834571- Patchlevel 29 - Also keep release at -2, so we are newer then f16 and f17- Provide exec-able alternatives to some builtins Resolves #820192- Patchlevel 28- Don't call malloc in signal handler- Patchlevel 24- install everything in /usr Rebuilt for Add missing f:close() in postun - Patchlevel 20- erase /bin/bash and /bin/sh in postun only if we are uninstalling (#752827)- Simplified lua post script (#740611)- Clean up unneeded bash-doc files (Ville Skyttä) (#721116)- Don't crash when use `read' with associative array (#715050)- Added $HOME/.local/bin to PATH in .bash_profile (#699812)- Inc. a release no.- Patchlevel 10- Remove bash-4.2-xdupmbstowcs2-patch, which introduced another bugs- Patchlevel 8- #684293, fix the infinite loop with invalid wide char- Use lua script in postun- Patchlevel 7- Patchlevel 6- Patchlevel 5 - Static analyzis show some issues in some patches - Some cleanup- pattern matching glitch, patch from upstream- Release bash-4.2- Enable system-wide .bash_logout for login shells- Update to bash-4.2-rc2- Rebuilt for Builtins like echo and printf won't report errors when output does not succeed due to EPIPE- Drop doc/examples/loadables- don't segfault when trying to bind int variable to array with bad array subsrcipt Resolves: #618289- Move doc dir ownership to main package. - Preserve doc timestamps. - Add --without tests option for building without running the test suite.- Patch level 9- Use better nomenclature for --rpm-requires bash option (#557134)- Added missing patch- Do the same CFLAGS in generated Makefile in examples- Patch level 7- Patch level 5 - There's no more need for Requires(post) ncurses-libs- Corrected requires patch (#563301)- Don't use cond-rmatch patch - Use manso patch - Include COPYING in base bash rpm- Correct patchlevel 2- Patchlevel 4.2 - Removed old patch - Returned back manso patch- Include COPYING in doc dir- Upstream 4.1- Fixed patch for fuzz=0- Upstream 4.1.rc1- Don't segfault when TERM=eterm* and EMACS is unset (#530911)- Patch level 35- Make symlink from bashbug-suffix to bashbug man pages- Patch level 33 - spec file cleanup- check if interp section is NOBITS - define Recycles pids- alloc memory for key in creation associative array (#518644)- Upstream patch level 28- Rebuilt for Upstream patch level 24- better to use patch level in version tag like vim do- Use patch level in Release tag- Official upstream patch level 16- Split documentation, use bash-doc package Resolves: #492447- Add full URLs to upstream patches - Don't uselessly use %version macro- Official upstream patch level 10- Save parser state in pcomplete. Resolves: #487257- Release of bash-4.0- Rebuilt for Fix handling pipelines with `set -e' Resolves: #483385- No more debug output Resolves: #483002- Replace post code with lua to be able to not have external deps- Fixed release tag- Bump to upstream bash-4.0-rc1- fc builtin fix Resolves: #438841- Enabling auditing Resolves: #476216- Patchlevel 48- Added check for `command_not_found_handler' shell function Resolves: #432579- Add the Requires(post) back for ncurses-libs, so that rpm knows where to break the loop. The post actually does require the curses libs for the sh calls. Could consider doing this in LUA and not have any external deps.- Removing Requires for mktemp and ncurses, which cause dependencing loop - Enabling #define SSH_SOURCE_BASHRC, because ssh changed. Resolves: #458839 - Catch signals right after calling execve() Resolves: #455548- Changes in man page - #442018, #445692, #446625, #453409 - Changed patches to satisfy fuzz=0- Patchlevel 39- #449512 - reverting back last change - don't use glob library- #217359 - use posix glob library- #446420 - COMP_WORDBREAKS settings now works- drop /usr/bin/clear from /etc/skel/.bash_logout as suggested by #429406- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Added bash32-026 upstream official patch - Added bash32-027 upstream official patch (#249987) - Added bash32-028 upstream official patch - Added bash32-029 upstream official patch (#286861) - Added bash32-030 upstream official patch - Added bash32-031 upstream official patch (#358231) - Added bash32-032 upstream official patch - Added bash32-033 upstream official patch - Fix insert command repeating in vi mode (#190350)- fix cursor position when prompt has one invisible character (#358231) - dropped examples/loadables/ from docs, since it wasn't possible to build them anyway (#174380) - fix #286861: Wrong input confuses bash's arithmetic unit permanently - fix #344411: $RANDOM stays the same when job executed in the background- Added bash32-021 upstream official patch - Added bash32-025 upstream official patch - Added bash32-024 upstream official patch - Added bash32-023 upstream official patch - Added bash32-022 upstream official patch- Added bash32-018 upstream official patch - Added bash32-020 upstream official patch - Added bash32-019 upstream official patch- Rebuild- Update to the Improve bash $RANDOM pseudo RNG (bug #234906) now works with subshells and make $RANDOM on demand thus reducing the amount of AVCs thrown.- Changed spec file License to GPLv2+- Improve bash $RANDOM pseudo RNG (bug #234906)- Quote environment variables in the post scriptlet to prevent upgrade failures (bug #249005).- Patchlevel 17 (bug #241647).- Clarification in the ulimit man page (bug #220657).- Rebuild to link with libtinfo instead of libncurses.- Avoid %makeinstall (bug #225609).- Reinstated this change: - Post requires ncurses (bug #224567). - Reverted this change: - Added triggers for install-info (bug #225609).- Reverted this change: - Post requires ncurses (bug #224567).- Added triggers for install-info (bug #225609). - Use full path to utilities in scriptlets (bug #225609). - Fix missing sh-bangs in example scripts (bug #225609). - Post requires ncurses (bug #224567). - Removed Prefix tag (bug #225609). - Fixed BuildRoot tag (bug #225609). - Removed trailing full-stop from summary (bug #225609). - Spec file is now UTF-8 (bug #225609). - Removed obsolete Obsoletes (bug #225609). - Moved 'make check' to new 'check' section (bug #225609). - Removed uses of RPM_SOURCE_DIR (bug #225609). - Fixed macros in changelog (bug #225609). - Changed tabs to spaces (bug #225609).- Slightly better .bash_logout (bug #223960).- Back out rmatch change introduced in 3.2 (bug #220087).- Link with ncurses.- Build requires autoconf and gettext. - 3.2. No longer need aq, login, ulimit, sighandler or read-memleak patches.- Fixed 'tags out of date' problem with 'info bash' (bug #150118).- rebuild- Removed 'unset USERNAME' from default .bash_profile (bug #196735).- Updated requires patch to the ALT version.- More sighandler fixes, this time hypothetical.- Another fix for the sighandler patch (bug #192297).- Patchlevel 17.- Patchlevel 16.- Patchlevel 14.- Fixed duplicate documentation of ulimit '-x' option introduced by ulimit patch (bug #183596).- Patchlevel 10.- Patchlevel 8.- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Patchlevel 7.- Removed inaccuracies from %description (bug #178189).- Fix 'exec -l /bin/bash'.- Fix sighandler patch bug (bug #177545).- Patchlevel 5.- No longer need loadables, mbinc or shellfunc patches. - Use literal single-quote in bash man page where appropriate (bug #177051).- 3.1. - No longer need ia64, utf8, multibyteifs, jobs, sigpipe, read-e-segfault, manpage, crash, pwd, afs, subshell patches. - Remove wrap patch for now. - Use upstream patch to fix arrays.- Missed another loop for improved sighandler patch (bug #169231).- rebuilt- Fix read memleak when reading from non-blocking fd (bug #173283). - Missed another loop for improved sighandler patch (bug #169231).- Missed a loop for improved sighandler patch (bug #169231).- Test out improved sighandler patch (bug #169231).- Applied patch from upstream to fix parsing problem (bug #146638).- Added Url: tag (bug #172770). - Do not explicitly gzip info pages (bug #172770). - Fix permissions on bashbug (bug #172770).- Fixed memory allocation bug in multibyteifs patch (bug #169996).- Use 'volatile' in sighandler patch.- Avoid writing history files during signal handling (bug #163235).- Fixed multibyte IFS handling for invalid input (bug #165243).- Fixed 'LC_ALL=C export LC_ALL' behaviour (bug #165249).- Added ulimit support for RLIMIT_NICE and RLIMIT_RTPRIO (bug #157049).- Move a comment in dot-bashrc (bug #159522).- Small fix for multibyteifs patch to prevent segfault (bug #157260).- Fixed AFS support for output redirection, so that the correct errors are reported for other filesystems (bug #155373).- Fix PS1 expansion crash when PWD is unset (bg #151116).- Rebuild for new GCC.- Define _GNU_SOURCE in CPPFLAGS (bug #147573).- Reverted this change: - Added code to /etc/skel/.bash_logout to support the gpm selection buffer invalidation on virtual terminals (bug #115493).- Applied upstream patch to fix a potential NULL dereference.- Fixed job handling bug (bug #145124).- Applied patch from Florian La Roche to fix CPPFLAGS quoting in spec file.- Fixed typo in man page (spotted on bug-bash).- Use upstream patch to fix bug #139575 and bug #139306.- Fixed last patch to avoid regressions (bug #139575).- Fixed prompt wrapping code to cope with zero-length prompts (bug #139306).- Added code to /etc/skel/.bash_logout to support the gpm selection buffer invalidation on virtual terminals (bug #115493).- Patchlevel 16.- Patchlevel 15.- Patchlevel 14. - No longer need brace patch.- Apply patch from Chet Ramey to fix brace expansion.- Minor fix for job handling.- Add bashbug back in (with suffix).- Remove bash2.- Don't run tests that read from /dev/tty. - Patchlevel 13.- Check for EINVAL from waitpid() and avoid WCONTINUED in that case. - Fixed jobs4 test. - Applied experimental upstream patch for trap compatibility. - Re-make documentation to reflect source changes.- Remove 'bashbug' from the documentation, because we don't ship it due to biarch concerns.- Fixed multibyte parameter length expansion.- Fix ulimits patch from Ulrich Drepper (bug #129800).- Provide support for new limits (bug #129800).- Use upstream patch for last fix.- Fixed history saved-line handling.- Fixed multibyte IFS handling.- Applied bug-bash list patch to fix pipefail.- Make trap usage string show POSIX usage (bug #128938). - Updated ${x[@]:1} expansion fix from bug-bash list. - Updated patch to fix unset array crash (from bug-bash list).- Fix ${x[@]:1} expansion (William Park, bug-bash list).- Fix vi-change-char behaviour at EOL (bug #129526).- Applied bug-bash list patch to fix multiline PS1 prompting (bug #129382).- Fixed brace expansion (bug #129128). - Build with AFS support again, since bug #86514 seems fixed upstream (bug #129094).- Fixed crash when unsetting an unset array (from bug-bash list).- 3.0.- Don't report SIGPIPE errors (bug #128274).- Fixed command substitution problem (bug #127242).- Fixed multibyte variable substitution patch (bug #126399).- remove bashbug script/docs to avoid conflicting files in biarch installs.- rebuilt- Build requires bison (bug #125307).- Build requires libtermcap-devel (bug #125068).- Don't ship empty %{_libdir}/bash (bug #123556).- Apply patch from Nalin Dahyabhai fixing an overread.- rebuilt- rebuilt- Fix the bug causing bindings to need reparsing .inputrc (bug #114101).- Fix parameter expansion in multibyte locales (bug #112657). - Run 'make check'.- Build requires texinfo (bug #111171).- Speed up UTF-8 command-line redrawing in the common case (bug #102353, bug #110777).- Apply upstream patches (bug #109269 among others).- Fix (bug #83776).- Add bash205b-007 patch to fix bug #106876.- Rebuilt.- Rebuilt.- Avoid crashing on multibyte input when locale is set incorrectly (bug #74266).- Rebuilt.- Avoid built-in malloc implementation (bug #103768).- Rebuilt.- LFS support (bug #103627).- Rebuilt.- Merge bash-doc into main package (bug #100632).- rebuilt- Fix completion display when multibyte or control characters are to be shown (bug #90201).- Fix a warning message (bug #79629). - Don't remove generated source during build, for debuginfo package. - Don't build with AFS support (bug #86514).- Really fix bug #78455.- Don't explicitly strip binaries (bug #85995).- Really fix bug #83331 for good.- Fix builtins.1.- Actually apply the patch (bug #83331).- Fix history/UTF-8 bug (bug #83331).- More tab-completion fixing (bug #72512).- rebuilt- Force pgrp synchronization (bug #81653).- (patch26) Don't call 'size' in makefile. Pointless, and interferes with cross compiles.- Prevent prompt overwriting output (bug #74383).- Fix '-rbash' (bug #78455).- Rebuild.- Use the configure macro instead of calling ./configure directly- Revert previous change.- PreReq libtermcap.- Add readline-init patch (bug #74925).- Add the (4) patches from (bug #75888, bug #72512). - Ship '.' man page, which doesn't get picked up by glob. - Don't install files not shipped when building. - Locale shell variables fix (bug #74701).- re-bzip the docs, something was corrupted- Fix history substitution modifiers in UTF-8 (bug #70294, bug #71186). - Fix ADVANCE_CHAR at end of string (bug #70819). - docs: CWRU/POSIX.NOTES no longer exists, but ship POSIX.- Fixed out of memory problem with readline.- Added symlink for sh.1 in man1 section so that man sh works (#44039).- Update to 2.05b- Fixed readline utf8 problem (#68313).- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- don't build the stuff in examples/loadables. It breaks FHS compliance- Fix the fix for #62418- Fix kill builtin (#62418)- Get rid of completion subpackage - Use %{_tmppath}- Add patch from Ulrich Drepper to get better error messages when trying to launch an application with a bad ELF interpreter (e.g. libc5 (#60870)- Update completion- Update completion stuff and move it to a separate package- Add patches from Ian Macdonald - Add programmable completion (optional)- Fix mailcheck (#57792)- Fix autoconf mess - Build --with-afs, some users may be using it- automated rebuild- Fix conflict with sh-utils (printf builtin manpage vs. printf binary manpage) (#56590)- 2.05a- disable s390x fix, not needed anymore- Add patch from readline 4.2-3 to bash's internal libreadline- Merge Pekka Savola's patch (RFE#47762)- Add IPv6 patch from PLD (only redirection to /dev/{tcp,udp}/host/port support)- Add some bugfix patches from the maintainer- added patch for s390x from - Don't set BASH_ENV in .bash_profile, it causes .bashrc to be sourced twice in interactive non-login shells. - s/Copyright/License/- Fix tempfile creation in bashbug- bashrc moved to setup package- bash comes with its own copy of readline... Add the patches we're applying in the readline package.- Update to 2.05 - Change PROMPT_COMMAND in bashrc for xterms to something less space consuming (#24159) - Provide plugs for alternate prompt commands (#30634), but don't default to them- add default aliases for 'dir' and 'df' to have human readable output- don't Prereq: /sbin/install-info!- noreplace config files - don't own /etc/skel directory- changed /etc/bashrc to work with backspace = 0177 (rxvt)- changed /etc/skel/.bash_profile to "unset USERNAME"- Delete Japanese resources from dot-bashrc and move them to each package.- Add Japanese resource to dot-bashrc- rebuild to get rid of 0777 doc dirs- restore the ^Hs in documentation, they're highlighting sequences for less (#20654)- bash-2.04-export.patch is reported to fix compilation of older glibc-2.1 sources- fixed the summary of bash-doc to use %{version} instead of "2.03"- 'exit' in bashrc is very bad.- minor bashrc fix (Bug #8518)- Don't use tput etc. in bashrc if /usr isn't available (Bug #14116)- automatic rebuild- fix for some IA-64 issues from Stephane Eranian- Fix summary and description, they had old version numbers (Bug #12092)- add /etc/skel/.bash* ; obsolete etcskel- fix for shell functions on 64-bit architectures...- Add some backwards compatibility (for i in ; do something; done)- 2.04 final - remove the echo, pwd, test and kill man pages from the package, we're getting them from sh-utils- 2.04beta5 - adapt patches - Fix up bashrc - Don't put in bashrc1, this should be done by the bash1 package - use install -c instead of plain install to work on *BSD - remove the collected patches - they're now in the base version. - make compressed man pages optional- add some collected patches for bash2 - change it over to be the main bash package - install man-pages root:root - obsolete bash2, bash2-doc- man pages are compressed - fix description- updated patch to detect what executables are required by a script.- Remove annoying ^H's from documentation- patch to detect what executables are required by a script.- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 4)- strip binaries. - include bash-doc correctly.- fixed post/postun /etc/shells work.- updated again text in the spec file- updated text in spec file. - update to 2.03.- build it as bash2 instead of bash- set 'NON_INTERACTIVE_LOGIN_SHELLS' so profile gets read- rename man pages in bash-doc to avoid packaging conflicts (#606).- patch for the arm - use $RPM_ARCH-redhat-linux as the build target- rewrite %pre, axe %postun (to avoid prereq loops)- resurrect for RH 6.0.- update to 2.02.1- Package for 5.2.- added POSIX.NOTES doc file - some extraneous doc files removed - minor .spec file changes- upgraded to version 2.02 - Alpha, MIPS & Sparc patches removed due to lack of test platforms - glibc & signal patches no longer required - added documentation subpackage (doc)- added signal handling patch from Dean Gaudet that is based on a change made in bash 2.0. Should fix some early exit problems with suspends and fg.- added %clean- added comment explaining why install-info isn't used - added mips patch- added BuildRoot- built against glibc  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>4.4.20-5.el84.4.20-5.el84.4-releasebashalias.harray.harrayfunc.hassoc.hbashansi.hbashintl.hbashjmp.hbashtypes.hbuiltinsbuiltins.hbashgetopt.hbuiltext.hcommon.hgetopt.hcommand.hconfig-bot.hconfig-top.hconfig.hconftypes.hdispose_cmd.herror.hexterns.hgeneral.hhashlib.hincludeansi_stdlib.hchartypes.hfilecntl.hgettext.hmaxpath.hmemalloc.ho -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryC source, ASCII textASCII textpkgconfig filePRutf-8d5100cebc1e59e4c1b91c9019b20ca30cb3de8b8f49a25ee767a8ef8ea5879a0?@7zXZ !#,\o] b2u jӫ`(y/Ưr"Vz}3sjbd/f]ѥP&7_D}}>"9q 8]|7(5_AξJZ1)4'! րX{ܱL/MFs&^]Dath9eL2M |oC0xhVQEwXџQ4ڱAxy;X]]i-trJVZ]z)aIL{]=|]5~2 [{OeO8r=qURǏ4?V[*~ vϴF ~G'GP~hwЀy&9탳GmYY,o[IJ̀,!ٟh5ѠR1cwah@`OI’ԟdx47׵+/}>X٪1m0vz o"bH\oyWŨjTP/~k@fKJjIձI_[]i?<{c |mu=6jjLV6-w|G]Rr zJ׽0΍ ܽYquכIEs᫑X(T cʼnh,[<*nHʂEB;C8 nUT[3 -dS|VNugE?9L)Q?ܓ 1=o_3^vcrXn9:A:AtAtjѶ!\BJ>b^1ǹ^UUX /̢P:cN؛:2](Om5]ŸknhW)B%ݷ2Ϫ7y矗DԹU7ǟJH ;[Q@8(89CV I U| R̓Te$ovC:[(6bNsˍwz$f^ڛ&smFc5.oYǐGamLnu12o1A}41ٹf ȖnJLĘ0j6WAX-k.p瀕vwdH'"~ܘ%:8x4t|u~иe8r5`I;Fr}@.&ߧ 'amI߂]BA8y 0ޛ=iP?z0q:%u]v֤ |ܿYL}8݊Q̉yAvc?,(t2ԧ"@V~n7J|"CsKn=<] Cv!TP5ji0$չ5t`2ʮL[֝(\ΗW#ck]Ff-JmPC'S$r"|N<";S<\ٙ@ sÂQl rHNc99dWG6T' ;yVBb'EVZPfww_]#p)Ͳϙ:v Қ?Ɗ UqEqGL͆!qw}bOLNv+x>tW@xs d(pÁPAC|Hl\EW"Q(MSP@ASFIv'?pqͶ8MWT''܊yz7"f l|=;<"}hɈ5kCT*ؒ%!N4VXԗ}Y۹.ظ+;mUg>ix?{vf?-~1 r ﭞ5pX&7Jc$9}MҊgiL}T+Oel[9GLWe\}~M Ƞja!1)^uo=Nþ`[ڂ:iOOzhEAdkZl&Md@; t#Z(f=_b <g.$ $R{޵Nנ݁al嘄#aQn9౴){Tc)1)yHQogD"Asq1AgTwҕu~bpD A*ߩx6~UqbK9z?XTtV)̶/.yk !MR0Y*C |N=6HLKQ^ ;"FUCb [<3L7C<5=B|do `~Ϭ(^lM0z!vTc&m"f웷'(^a:q$p<6{~<kh?g%П&ID Z=%tWbxwC뤎 ;:k#8ſ`\ˈ:!gǦb"eg[H0-Ǯ/bT#b\1g Ba[H v@@mlS޾&I-e+sf,I#"Fʈ\[g]9lE}zF1+^ d>at̃trU}cp); J 1Mb8Tw}x!‹nҭ2y.SC܆xWQDoߠW>QT)\c%-0}]?tzKKx4C{U<BA޲$< 4MZiOU;CCDS|/|~o ^@g\FUV= }. i+q"}Dw]O@}=}&wIh'uefֵq̿.\hLILUIxG,r8{-<{QFo\<f육ψp#IuQ0;.1-̔v Wqc(om0b/8.>̓1̧ b?dߖT␌L%jw%=R?I)dr]RP^Q\zeݘœS PeP>FאpMSr(1=ۓx33[Z #l-j\ﷷCdnB#d:bB4ݜlô5%d})Y&;5ֱE/} Ghoq]7;JKC_\ʷ:jw7Rm̻uPӢpUulJo0kŠ૱[.w`YXu\QnrjLKHx\$4])r;dhPu4(,кWfكT j͉5.V p:#PdJ/<'E? 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