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Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.` 2.0infrastructure@rockylinux.orgDevelopment/Debug A큤`s`s[aC[aCa5db96b9212e44bb26458c3d2e38f05af4bc964fcc0d14b081a8edd67c516f2f29d56e0d4447c902c8b8d31f9b28af41a38bf7b39aa82672beb34fded23943f82ab184e263643e714b5fbb73a90c67d73e36466e8e2dcd6c9527375b64c0e1bfrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootperl-DateTime-1.50-1.el8.src.rpmperl-DateTime-debugsourceperl-DateTime-debugsource(x86-64)    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3[b@[H@[6@[ZZZZ|;ZH@YY@YyY6@Y-^XXa@X-X(UW@W"W@W|Ws@WA@W8dW7@V3Vm@VՄ@V2V=@VEU(UUrT@T|T|TT@Tk@S@SSj @S"@R@RƦ@R@QQQɆ@QZ@QP@P@P H@O@ONLNI @N&@N@M@M?MMMUM@MQ0@M@LY@LK@K`*KPXK@JjI@I>]I"@HH|@HsVHA=H,%GPGG}G^{Fl@F_FFF@FF@F@FM@E@E@EK/@D,@DDeD@D5DtJDC @CáC*CPaul Howarth - 2:1.50-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.49-3Jitka Plesnikova - 2:1.49-2Paul Howarth - 2:1.49-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.48-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.47-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.46-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.45-2Paul Howarth - 2:1.45-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.44-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.43-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.43-3Jitka Plesnikova - 2:1.43-2Paul Howarth - 2:1.43-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.42-2Paul Howarth - 2:1.42-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.41-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.40-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.39-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.36-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.35-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.34-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.33-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.28-1Jitka Plesnikova - 2:1.27-2Paul Howarth - 2:1.27-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.26-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.25-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.24-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.23-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.21-2Paul Howarth - 2:1.21-1Petr Pisar - 2:1.20-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.18-3Jitka Plesnikova - 2:1.18-2Paul Howarth - 2:1.18-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.17-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.14-1Jitka Plesnikova - 2:1.12-2Petr Pisar - 2:1.12-1Jitka Plesnikova - 2:1.10-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.10-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.10-2Petr Pisar - 2:1.10-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.08-1Paul Howarth - 2:1.07-1Petr Pisar - 2:1.06-1Petr Pisar - 2:1.04-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:1.03-3Petr Pisar - 2:1.03-2Jitka Plesnikova - 2:1.03-1Petr Šabata - 2:1.01-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:0.78-2Petr Pisar - 2:0.78-1Petr Pisar - 2:0.77-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2:0.70-5Petr Pisar - 2:0.70-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2:0.70-3Iain Arnell 2:0.70-2Iain Arnell 2:0.70-1Petr Sabata - 1:0.7000-3Iain Arnell 1:0.7000-2Iain Arnell 1:0.7000-1Iain Arnell 1:0.6900-1Iain Arnell 1:0.6600-6Iain Arnell 1:0.6600-5Iain Arnell 1:0.6600-4Iain Arnell 1:0.6600-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1:0.6600-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.6600-1Iain Arnell 1:0.6300-1Petr Sabata - 1:0.5300-4Marcela Maslanova - 1:0.5300-3Stepan Kasal - 1:0.5300-2Stepan Kasal - 1:0.5300-1Stepan Kasal - 1:0.4501-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1:0.4501-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1:0.4501-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.4501-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.4401-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.4304-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.4304-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.4302-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.4302-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.42-1Tom "spot" Callaway - 1:0.41-5Fedora Release Engineering - 1:0.41-4Tom "spot" Callaway 1:0.41-3Steven Pritchard 1:0.41-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.41-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1:0.39-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.39-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.38-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.38-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.37-3Steven Pritchard 1:0.37-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.37-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.36-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.36-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.35-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.34-3Steven Pritchard 1:0.34-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.34-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.32-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.31-2Steven Pritchard 1:0.31-1Steven Pritchard 1:0.30-3Steven Pritchard 0.30-2Steven Pritchard 0.30-1Paul Howarth 0.2901-2Steven Pritchard 0.2901-1- Update to 1.50 - The %F strftime pattern incorrectly zero-padded numbers less than four digits; according to POSIX::strftime, this should output the year as-is without padding (GH#83)- Rebuilt for Perl 5.28 rebuild- Update to 1.49 - Updated the ppport.h with the latest version of Devel::PPPort, which fixes a compilation warning when compiling with 5.27.11 (GH#81) - Switch upstream from to Update to 1.48 - The last release would die if Sub::Util was not available, but this should just be an optional requirement (GH#77, GH#78)- Update to 1.47 - DateTime::Duration->multiply now only allows integer multipliers (GH#73) - Added is_last_day_of_quarter() and is_last_day_of_year() methods (GH#72) - When an exception was thrown while adding a duration, the object could be left in a broken state with the duration partially applied; subsequent addition or subtraction would produce the wrong results (GH#74) - Add patch to support use without Sub::Util (GH#77, GH#78)- Update to 1.46 - Fixed the formatting for the CLDR "S" symbol, which in some cases would round up to 1 instead of truncating a value, e.g. the "SSS" symbol would format 999,999,999 nanoseconds as "1.000" (GH#71)- Rebuilt for Update to 1.45 - Added month_length(), quarter_length() and year_length() methods (GH#70)- Update to 1.44 - Added a stringify() method, which does exactly the same thing as stringification overloading does (GH#58) - Added an is_last_day_of_month() method to indicate whether or not an object falls on the last day of its month (GH#60)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Perl 5.26 rebuild- Update to 1.43 - Added a small optimization for boolification overloading: rather than relying on a fallback to stringification, we now return true directly, which is a little faster in cases like "if ($might_be_dt) { ... }" - The datetime() method now accepts a single argument to use as the separator between the date and time portion; this defaults to "T" - Drop redundant Group: tag- Rebuilt for Update to 1.42 - The DateTime::Duration->add and ->subtract methods now accept DateTime::Duration objects; this used to work by accident but is now done intentionally, with docs and tests (GH#50)- Update to 1.41 - The DateTime->add and ->subtract methods now accept DateTime::Duration objects; this used to work by accident but is now done intentionally, with docs and tests (GH#45)- Update to 1.40 - Switched from RT to the GitHub issue tracker- Update to 1.39 - Replaced Params::Validate with Params::ValidationCompiler and Specio - In my benchmarks this makes constructing a new DateTime object about 14% faster - However, it slows down module load time by about 100 milliseconds (1/10 of a second) on my desktop system with a primed cache (so really measuring compile time, not disk load time) - When you pass a locale to $dt->set you will now get a warning suggesting you should use $dt->set_locale instead (CPAN RT#115420) - Bump minimum required Perl to 5.8.4 from 5.8.1 - Use NO_PERLLOCAL=1 so we can use "make install"- Update to 1.36 - Require namespace::autoclean 0.19- Update to 1.35 - Use namespace::autoclean in all packages that import anything; without cleaning the namespace, DateTime ends up with "methods" like try and catch (from Try::Tiny), which can lead to very confusing bugs (CPAN RT#115983)- Update to 1.34 - Added the leap second coming on December 31, 2016- Update to 1.33 - When you pass a locale to $dt->set you will now get a warning suggesting you should use $dt->set_locale instead (CPAN RT#115420) - Added support for $dt->truncate( to => 'quarter' ) (GH#17) - Fixed the $dt->set docs to say that you cannot pass a locale (even though you can but you'll get a warning) and added more docs for $dt->set_locale - Require DateTime::Locale 1.05 - Require DateTime::TimeZone 2.00 - Take advantage of NO_PACKLIST option in recent EU:MM- Update to 1.28 - Fixed handling of some floating point epochs; since DateTime treated the epoch like a string instead of a number, certain epochs with a non-integer value ended up treated like integers (Perl is weird) (GH#15, fixes GH#6)- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Update to 1.27 - Added an environment variable PERL_DATETIME_DEFAULT_TZ to globally set the default time zone (GH#14); using this is very dangerous - be careful! - BR: perl-generators- Update to 1.26 - Switched from Module::Build to ExtUtils::MakeMaker (GH#13)- Update to 1.25 - DateTime->from_object would die if given a DateTime::Infinite object; now it returns another DateTime::Infinite object (CPAN RT#112712) - Simplify find command using -empty and -delete- Update to 1.24 - The last release partially broke $dt->time; if you passed a value to use as unit separator, it was ignored (CPAN RT#112585)- Update to 1.23 - Fixed several issues with the handling of non-integer values passed to from_epoch() (GH#11) - This method was simply broken for negative values, which would end up being incremented by a full second, so for example -0.5 became 0.5 - The method did not accept all valid float values; specifically, it did not accept values in scientific notation - Finally, this method now rounds all non-integer values to the nearest millisecond, which matches the precision we can expect from Perl itself (53 bits) in most cases - Make all DateTime::Infinite objects return the system's representation of positive or negative infinity for any method that returns a number or string representation (year(), month(), ymd(), iso8601(), etc.); previously some of these methods could return "Nan", "-Inf--Inf--Inf", and other confusing outputs (CPAN RT#110341)- Rebuilt for Update to 1.21 - Make all tests pass with the current DateTime::Locale - Explicitly BR: perl-devel, needed for EXTERN.h- 1.20 bump- Rebuilt for Perl 5.22 rebuild- 1.18 bump- 1.17 bump - Use %license - Make %files list more explicit- 1.14 bump- Perl 5.20 rebuild- 1.12 bump- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for 1.10 bump- 1.08 bump- 1.07 bump- 1.06 bump- 1.04 bump- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- 1.03 bump- 1.01 bump- Rebuilt for 0.78 bump- 0.77 bump- Rebuilt for Perl 5.16 rebuild- Rebuilt for Additional (Build)Requires from unofficial review- Unbundle DateTime::TimeZone and DateTime::Locale - Bump epoch and revert to upstream versioning - Specfile regenerated by cpanspec 1.78. - Update description- Perl mass rebuild- update DateTime::TimeZone to 1.35 (Olson 2011h) - add rpm 4.9 filtering macros- update DateTime to 0.70- update DateTime to 0.69 - update DateTime::TimeZone to 1.34 (Olson 2011g)- fix the testing for loop- update DateTime::TimeZone to 1.33 (Olson 2011f)- update DateTime::TimeZone to 1.32 (Olson 2011e)- update DateTime::TimeZone to 1.31 - DateTime::TimeZone no longer has Build.PL; use Makefile.PL - whitespace cleanup - clean up .packlist- Rebuilt for Update DateTime to 0.66. - Update DateTime::TimeZone to 1.26. - Update URL for FAQ in description. - BR Class::Load and parent.- Update DateTime to 0.63 - Update DateTime::TimeZone to 1.22 - DateTime license changed from "GPL+ or Artistic" to "Artistic 2.0" - Fix DTLocale/Changelog encoding- perl-DateTime-Locale-0.45 update- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- new upstream version of DateTime-TimeZone- new upstream version - use Build.PL as Makefile.PL no longer exists - use iconv to recode to utf-8, not a patch - update BuildRequires - drop Provides: perl(DateTime::TimeZoneCatalog), it is no longer there - use filtering macros- rebuild against perl 5.10.1- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to DateTime 0.4501.- Update to DateTime 0.4401. - Update to DateTime::Locale 0.42. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.8301.- Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.7904.- Update to DateTime 0.4304. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.78. - Update to DateTime::Locale 0.41.- Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.7701.- Update to DateTime 0.4302. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.77. - Update to DateTime::Locale 0.4001. - BR List::MoreUtils. - Define IS_MAINTAINER so we run the pod tests.- Update to DateTime 0.42. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.75. - Update FAQ URL in description.- Rebuild for perl 5.10 (again)- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- rebuild for new perl- Update License tag. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.70.- Update to DateTime 0.41. - Update to DateTime::Locale 0.35. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.67.- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.- Update to DateTime 0.39. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.6603.- BR Test::Output.- Update to DateTime 0.38. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.6602. - BR Test::Pod::Coverage.- Drop BR DateTime::Format::* to avoid circular build deps.- Filter Win32::TieRegistry dependency. - Do the provides filter like we do in cpanspec. - Drop some macro usage.- Update to DateTime 0.37. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.63.- Update to DateTime::Locale 0.34. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.62.- Update to Date::Time 0.36. - Update to DateTime::Locale 0.33. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.59.- Update to DateTime 0.35. - Update to DateTime::Locale 0.3101. - seems to have been renamed LICENSE.cldr. - Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.54. - Use fixperms macro instead of our own chmod incantation. - Convert DateTime::LeapSecond to UTF-8 to avoid a rpmlint warning.- Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.48.- Update to DateTime::TimeZone 0.47.- Update to DateTime 0.34.- Update to DateTime 0.32. - Improve Summary, description, and source URLs. - Fix find option order.- BR DateTime::Format::ICal and DateTime::Format::Strptime for better test coverage.- Update DateTime to 0.31. - Update DateTime::TimeZone to 0.46.- Bump Epoch (argh, 0.2901 > 0.30 to rpm) - Update DateTime::TimeZone to 0.42- Update DateTime::TimeZone to 0.41- Update DateTime to 0.30 - Update DateTime::TimeZone to 0.40- Unpack each tarball only once - Use Module::Build's build script where available - Help each module find the others when needed - Clean up files list - Include additional documentation from DT::Locale & DT::TimeZone - Add BR: perl(File::Find::Rule) & perl(Test::Pod) to improve test coverage - Remove unversioned provides of perl(DateTime) & perl(DateTime::TimeZone)- Specfile autogenerated.2:1.50-1.el82:1.50-1.el8perl-DateTime-1.50-1.el8.x86_64DateTime.cDateTime.xsppport.h/usr/src/debug//usr/src/debug/perl-DateTime-1.50-1.el8.x86_64/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryC source, ASCII textPerl POD document, ASCII textutf-8b3af413100ef562e9c014ef7e5dbe3f95d5e97b0a638017e2be4fc9cf1a9b464?`7zXZ !#,o+] b2u jӫ`(y|dXPDO-c Ǜö3 MtaǺE妴mulRҕ ö/~W_Bc$ qo'j$EvsUΈDz[ꤞuIp"#t8<آ/v5-=VoR6S,)6 pR? 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