festival-devel-1.96-37.el8 > 6 6_6 3!pQp)Tξ7]mtZ``^ ]mtZ`te[ usUn"57%[0PͶd!;%TD 4jpL!ٽrCj8\/ns+Sze߽A#[?5߉a1CPJڹa^om#R+)ETX"Ը`U >Ar' [vh\Zq^/ K`U299CQ?=Y:Vc}oJ1:8y3-͖4_`jA!+O{b%+rJI Ry/xYO9[Nc.][WKd;s{ R Nr ߦ=FH#X5d ]CL/aD{BFtZܮ@yD$m 9 闇\^@֩^I_HAq>+NC|*Fy20F'X,R8ELQցăO;f433363bede5f674f6ab4582ed8310f74f31ea1363c52d4dc64b759b0bbec0ba78cafde64cf7fb1f18f35248cf6b7040b6ef96dbxL3!pQp)Tξ7]mtZ``^ ]mtZ`2f }df˨Oo ,TЏ(+r7x]\9[|oMh$!"Ĵ{z)KicOlC#\)5G93FV lRYUJWI@$mN٨2򕌠fZ/J-%/1v3p<S?Rd  X  8>H     b(H(78@X9 X:XGN0HNhINXNYN\N]O^ObP dQYeQ^fQalQctQ|uQvQwR0xRhyRRRRRCfestival-devel1.9637.el8Development files for the Festival speech synthesis systemDevelopment files for the Festival speech synthesis system. Install festival-devel if you want to use Festival's capabilities from within your own programs, or if you intend to compile other programs using it. Note that you can also interface with Festival in via the shell or with BSD sockets.`\ord1-prod-x86build004.svc.aws.rockylinux.orgʱKojiRockyMIT and GPL+ and TCLinfrastructure@rockylinux.orgDevelopment/Librarieshttp://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/linuxx86_64 [ < 0A큤A큤`\: A\R: A\R: : : : : : `\`\@E9ee18df873af931394e325daeca1e0d2aac4741ed54e4e63d2e9ec0c1ad85a28859dd8898cfc4596d7d60372fde993d4e512ab9bc2e1c21df11e609273f4fbb8b5f7882fc8988ab186ff2243d9ed3810b5e33870e95ea00e6ce8b6391ae2d4779770361094911af725fdd94d92caa7055d72f50fa443b5ee42e37f16e8590585e802178c95bb496242f1f067cae27d4db9a8343cc34375f4e2cac79a6fd8f2e526c1617935123fa3c539d149f08b6036aedda13476ef6b4a7a84f1413bb784f99dbac0eb731473dabafef88a05344b1d8d2ff9cf516c52c3543bc6303f3541d5e9eea991d6123f97abce0dc81c83606dfe3c5cc56c5dc66eef52bdd922af4a987e8d15cddaf1c62fdcd7c4e392cba3729811db92bd6a9a5adca491035b3b9cf492a362a97781ae5346f9d67b65214093c2282b21b5d0b18251dd28510a387b27fba42948b4253b9c429397ea7e5bb274db430452949118f7e9a8bc16fd1f5686libFestival.so.1.96.0rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootfestival-1.96-37.el8.src.rpmfestival-develfestival-devel(x86-64)@    festival-libfestival-libfestival-speechtools-devellibFestival.so.1.96.0()(64bit)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1.96-37.el81.2.96-37.el83.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3Zz@ZqYYx@X@VUa@UD@SGSSpQQ1Q@PPPOH@OMc@MQ0@JJ@Jp9Ji@II@I@I@I@I)EI@HG@Gs@G1EE{@E{@E)EE5@EE@E@E@E@EL@ED@C@CCsCqCJWBp@Bo~B@BX@BAAA@@@@w@,@?I@>k@>.>d@>@=(=[==E@="@=@==<<<9 @9}@9r@9dt9N @9@Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-37Than Ngo - 1.96-36Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-35Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-34Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-33Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-32Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-31Kalev Lember - 1.96-30Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-29Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-28Jaromir Capik - 1.96-27Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-26Bruno Wolff III - 1.96-25Jon Ciesla - 1.96-24Matthias Clasen - 1.96-23Matthias Clasen - 1.96-22Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-21Bruno Wolff III - 1.96-20Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-19Tim Niemueller - 1.96-18Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-17Matthias Clasen - 1.96-16Bernie Innocenti - 1.96-15Matthias Clasen - 1.96-14Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-13Matthias Clasen - 1.96-12Jesse Keating - 1.96-11Matthias Clasen 1.96-10Matthias Clasen 1.96-9Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-8Matthias Clasen - 1.96-7Ray Strode - 1.96-6Tom "spot" Callaway - 1.96-5Matthias Clasen - 1.96-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.96-3Stepan Kasal 1.96-2Ray Strode 1.96-1David Zeuthen 1.96-0.11David Zeuthen 1.96-0.10Matthew Miller 1.96-0.9Matthew Miller 1.96-0.8Matthew Miller 1.96-0.7Matthew Miller 1.96-0.6Matthew Miller 1.96-0.5Matthew Miller 1.96-0.4Matthew Miller 1.96-0.3Matthew Miller 1.96-0.2Matthew Miller 1.96-0.1Miroslav Lichvar - 1.95-6Jesse Keating - 1.95-5.2.1Jesse Keating - 1.95-5.2Jesse Keating - 1.95-5.1Ray Strode - 1.95-5Jesse Keating Florian La Roche - 1.95-3Miloslav Trmac - 1.95-2 - 1.95-1Matthew Miller 1.95-0.mattdm8Matthew Miller 1.95-0.mattdm6Matthew Miller 1.95-0.mattdm1Miloslav Trmac - 1.4.2-25Miloslav Trmac - 1.4.2-24Elliot Lee Jonathan Blandford 1.4.2-21Warren Togami Elliot Lee Bill Nottingham 1.4.2-19Elliot Lee 1.4.2-17Tim Powers Tim Powers 1.4.2-15Jens Petersen 1.4.2-14Tim Powers 1.4.2-13Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.4.2-12Tim Powers 1.4.2-10Trond Eivind Glomsrød 1.4.2-9Tim Powers Trond Eivind Glomsrød 1.4.2-7Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.4.2-6Tim Powers Trond Eivind Glomsrød 1.4.2-2Trond Eivind Glomsrød Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild- add BR on texi2html instead tetex, minimal tex BR - fix FTBS with gcc7- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Fixing format security flaws (#1037060)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild- Fix typo in server script - bz 614200- Minor Merge review fixes, BZ 225748.- Add tighter inter-subpackage deps (recommended by rpmdiff)- Fix directory ownership for /usr/share/festival/lib/voices/es- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- Fix to build with gcc 4.7- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Fix install paths of speech_tools includes (rhbz #242607)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- Add native pulseaudio support (#471047)- Disable esd support (resolves: rhbz#492982)- Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Add Spanish voices from the guadalinex project, in the hispavoces-pal-diphone and hispavoces-sfl-diphone subpackages (#496011)- Drop the explicit dep on festival-voice, as it is redundant and causes problems with multiple providers- Fix build with gcc 4.4- Make -docs and all the festvox subpackages noarch- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Tweak summaries- interoperate with other apps by using pacat for audio output (bug 467531)- fix license tag- Fix the build with gcc 4.3- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- fix a typo in a summary and in festival-1.96-nitech-proclaimvoice.patch - Resolves: #239216- rebuild- Forgot to add the .scm files- Update to Matthew Miller's much improved package (#232105) - Move the buildroot patch around- fix the library link patch to use -lncurses instead of -ltinfo -- the later is all that's really needed, but the former works on older distros too.- festival-devel depends on the libraries package, not base festival. this raises an multilib question: need to obsolete festival.i386 on x86_64. Right now, there's no mechanism for doing that. Fortunately, all the changes in packaging happen to make it so that the current version doesn't conflict with the old release, so one will get unused cruft but not breakage when upgrading. - Bite teh proverbial bullet and make libFestival build shared. - update speech-tools soname patch to work in the more general case needed by the festival main build - make said shared-lib a subpackage to avoid multiarching the whole thing - split festival-devel and speechutils-devel in anticipation of future plan of actually decoupling these packages. - note that rpmlint complains about "missing" deps on the devel packages. it should be fixed to recognize requiring a -lib/libs package is sufficent or better. - add saytime script. Because, really, what else is this package *for*? - add the intro.text so (intro) works. 196 more bytes won't kill us. :) - remove $PATH from LD_LIBRARY_PATH used in build. (What the heck?) - add defattr to all subpackages. I don't think it's strictly necessary since putting it in the first package seems sufficient, but that's probably not behavior to count on. - make descriptions and summaries use more consistant language- Upstream baseurl now includes version. (Thanks Alan Black @ cmu) - Update siteinit patch to also incorporate sitevars - Add sitevars as a config file - Ship our own siteinit and sitevars as sources - In default sitevars, reference /usr/local/share/festival/lib as another place to look for voices (it's okay if that doesn't exist). Hopefully, this will encourage people who want to install non-RPM-packaged voices to keep from doing it in /usr/share. - Fix wrong references to slt voice in other nitech voices - Fix wrongly commented-out (require 'f2bf0lr) in awb, clb, and rms voices. - Stop untarring source files and use the setup macro properly. - Get rid of silly DATA.TMP directories for installing voices and dictionaries. - Stop making ../speechtools link. Currently solved by patching to look in the current directory; could also do this by moving everything up a directory. - TODO: festival-buildroot.patch could stand to be updated. May not even be needed anymore. - Drop the 8k versions of the diphone voices, since there's not really any point. If you want smaller, use one of the arctic_hts voices instead. And overall, this saves us about 4.5M.- Fix copy-paste error in JMK description (thanks Matthias Clasen) - Remove "nitech-us-" from the names of those voice packages to make the package names shorter. (This will also be more convenient if we switch to the cmu versions in the future.) - made aliases so old cmu_us_*_arctic_hts voice names still work. - Look for /etc/festival/siteinit.scm (and move siteinit.scm there!) - Mark siteinit.scm as a config file - Remove some non-useful stuff from speech-tools-utils. - Move main dir from /usr/share/festival to /usr/share/festival/lib at request of upstream. Also, we can drop the FHS (well, "fsstnd" -- it's old) patch and just pass FTLIBDIR to make. Which, hey, we were already doing. Yay redundancy. - clean up CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. "-fpermissive" was hiding bad stuff. - update speech tools with patch from AWB to fix 64-bit build issue with EST_DProbDist - there's still some compiler warnings which should be addressed upstream. - The nitech hts voices don't properly proclaim_voice, making them not show up for gnome-speech and thus making orca crash. See details in the comments in bug #232105.- use festvox- instead of festival-voice for voice packages -- matches upstream tarballs, and is shorter. Also, use shorter form of the date-based version. - get the README.htsvoice from the nitech voices -- it contains license info. - build (but don't enable by default) ESD support in speech-tools (bug - fix coding error noted in bug #162137 -- need to push this upstream. - link speech tools libraries with -lm, -ltermcap, -lesd and with themselves (bug #198190, partially) - holy sheesh. Use g++ for CXX, not gcc. Fixes bug #198190 completely.- subpackages! Split out speech-tools, docs, voices. - long descriptions for the individual voices, carefully gathered from readmes and web sites. - ooh. replace cmu_hts voices with the updated versions from upstream . Two new voices, and updated versions of the others. (The voices packaged at festvox.org are apparently based on older versions of these, which in turn are from the CMU upstream.) - TODO: make aliases for the cmu voices. - arguably, voices should be made in to their own src.rpms. They don't need anything from here to build. That's for a future version. (At that time, the gigantic multisyn voices could be added.) The CMU dict needs festival installed to build, but I don't think it needs the source, so dicts could be subpackages too. And the docs are also a good candidate for separation. speech-tools, though, is incestuously used in the festival build process and I think it makes sense to keep that bundled. - TODO: check through the speechtools-utils for what should actually be packaged; fix the include path for siod (and anything else that needs it). - TODO: package festival.el so it just works with emacs. - TODO: reinvent festival_server_control as a proper init script - TODO: put the festival server in sbin, maybe? - Another question: should we drop the 8k diphone voices? Any point? - Changed "X11-like" to "MIT-style" (which is what X11 is) to make rpmlint happy. - make %{festivalversion} macro to deal with all of the changes to version in subpackages. Kludgy, but there's RPM for you.- oh! The "etc-path" is important after all. Map that into /usr/lib[arch]/festival via a kludge. - make cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts the default voice, in preparation for splitting the voice packages. (thankfully, there's already a fallback mechanism -- cool!)- clean up accidental backup file left in updated awb_arctic_hts tarball - remove /usr/share/festival/etc (see bug #228315) - move unpackage voices to the prep section where it belongs - other minor spec file readability changes - "make install" for this package is, um, "interesting". It seems geared for local user-level builds. So, rather than doing that and then patching it up, do the right parts by hand as necessary. (The previous version of the spec file did a convoluted mix of both.) - don't install static libs. - took out the massive hack that munges EST_*.h to speech_tools/EST_*.h in the installed header files -- programs should instead use -I/usr/include/speech_tools, shouldn't they? Put this back if I'm wrong. - TODO -- autogenerated speech_tools docs - festvox_ellpc11k.tar.gz, the spanish voice, wasn't getting installed anyway due to a license question. Since it's also gone upstream, removing.- Preliminary update to 1.96 - Update to new cmu_us_*_arctic files -- they're changed upstream, although they don't appear to be versioned. Awesome. The current versions are those found in the same directory with the 1.96 files. - ditto festlex_CMU.tar.gz - add macro for speechtoolsversion - minor update to festival-1.96-american.patch. - update shared build patch and rename to make more obvious that it applies to the speechtools portion of the package. - gcc 4 build patches now upstream. - localhost-connections patch now upstream. - note that festvox_ellpc11k.tar.gz and festvox_kallpc8k.tar.gz are no longer in the directory tree upstream; drop?- link with ncurses - add dist tag - make scriptlets safer- rebuild- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- get gnopernicus working again. Patch from Fernando Herrera (bug 178312) - add a lot of compiler flags and random cruft to get festival to build with gcc 4.1- rebuilt- another try to get it to compile again- require info packages so the post does not fail - remove /usr/bin/VCLocalRule from buildroot since it is an extranious file that does not need to be installed- Fix build with gcc 4 (#156132) - Require /sbin/install-info for scriptlets (#155698) - Don't ship %{_bindir}/VCLocalRules (#75645)- patch from Matthew Miller to update to 1.95. Full changelog below- put speech-tools binaries in /usr/libexec/speech-tools so as to not clutter /usr/bin. Another approach would be to make speech-tools a separate package and to make these utilities a subpackage of that. - macro-ize /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/include- worked on this some more - made actually work -- put back rest of fsstnd patch which I had broken - made kludge for lack of sonames in shared libraries -- I think I did the right thing - put back american as the default -- british dicts are non-free.- preliminary update to 1.95 beta - add really nice CMU_ARCTIC HTS voices, which is the whole point of wanting to do this. (They have a free license.) - switch to festvox.org north american upstream urls - keep old doc files -- there's no new ones yet. - add comment to specfile about reason for lack of OALD (British) voices -- they've got a more restrictive license. - change license to "X11-style", because that's how they describe it. - remove exclusivearch. I dunno if this builds on other archs, but I also don't know why it wouldn't. - fancier buildroot string, 'cause hey, why not. - more "datadir" macros - remove most of Patch0 (fsstnd) -- can be done by setting variables instead. there's some bits in speechtools still, though - update Patch3 (shared-build) - don't apply patches 20 and 21 -- no longer needed. - disable adding "FreeBSD" and "OpenBSD" to the dictionary for now. Probably a whole list of geek words should be added. Also, the patch was applied in an icky kludgy way.- Update for gcc 3.4- Use shared libraries to reduce package size - Don't ship patch backup files- rebuilt- Remove the spanish voices until we get clarification on the license- BR libtermcap-devel #104722- rebuilt- clean up buildroot references (#75643, #77908, #102985) - remove some extraneous scripts - fix build with gcc-3.3- Rebuild- rebuilt- redirect install-info spewage- put info files in infodir - add post and postun script to install and uninstall info dir file entry - drop postscript and info files from docs- rebuild- Adapt to current libstdc++- build using gcc-3.2-0.1- Add some missing helpprograms (# 67698)- automated rebuild- Fix some rpmlint errors- Fix ISO C++ compliance- rebuilt- Get rid of CVS directiories in doc dir - Fix broken symlinks for components from speech_tools- 1.4.2 - Lots of fixes to make it build, more needed - Cleanups - Update URL - Fix docs inclusion - Drop prefix - Use %{_tmppath}- Add defattr (Bug #15033)- fix build on current 7.0- fix build on current 7.0- FHSify- Fix build on non-x86- initial packaging 1.96-37.el81.96-37.el8festivalMakefileModuleDescription.hPhone.hfestival.hfngram.hintonation.hlexicon.hmodule_support.hmodules.htext.hlibFestival.sofestival-develCOPYING/usr/include//usr/include/festival//usr/lib64//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/festival-devel/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textC++ source, ASCII textC source, ASCII textRutf-86e66287b041cfbcf324e0c786c604298e50335c083172b3ad4ecf1e0c3cdd50a?@7zXZ !#,?!] b2u jӫ`(y,fOGhPS!i]ldUrp%­VXCbh +s dAg1~ E:oyq'e^a f#ܓ{Xe R+ߒGF뵑d_]1} ،iY $H'f%q.'V<0!@s8cgedz6՝/iBN*b[{Ƕڜˆ1>Q`uy)fow*wO3/dU잿[I<ޡi4掠Ea&(z]XCD,}EFz.JZ"d'ެdӕGKhņc!T**~W!HzDZ6L"6FdT%MC(܄7!!EX\EESX:zqxQ7@_*͔ czp l4,w E4y3$'nď`V` D@"1ܮن0H> )„Pk\̺ŀ+β^Wi>eBDw"F)\ʮH+F a$ 0_e:TF:0Źt=JfL/U | GZ<F9[NJۻξV=vcV$jmDZ/>񮡐86u[o?R<0mG"S$ӖǴfr\ q&*lRZs6oC%k? 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