sudo-devel-1.9.5p2-1.el8_9 > 6 6_6 3!pQp)Tξ7]mtZ`e ]mtZ`:_ Kl4P|}x [ s4"xk,bZ "+Nam Ko?:@靓;&xe,@U{@bۍ ,~bF{W6ހǡjql-3,OB-|v ohIb}Q <~ n@ S>J)I 6!&q+a_ГLAVHf6-P=Z4M^1ׇ~pb^Bg Djkz2T~?֙j32zS'SуJ%lr$>v/+h_{Q hʈMkj"b26MSNV,Q:ʜRK1%rjN N R.&|Zc&cfeUϪ/b" 9 3=ܔ~~H/`kfjw.1i@ !y40c7ae6a3dfa9e40da6d01e9ac7e2bf6dce86e97e4e1e62191704dc16138131c7594e5aca8fd8285fb667ae43ca3af598e226fb9嬉3!pQp)Tξ7]mtZ`e ]mtZ`Ou 2@J~ Z8DS=r*& $,g`Eը,ܖ?̧Z,70"9!SjbvՂmx2Ơ'/DJ ݉_uw|3p 븧UjxР$^[:F/8݋u%/ B@5LMy\ 8+x뤚V|T&Mb~c<e7,t>hK ~5kvd6쎑u$՗KHx R̐LCY:h$ Y镦dn5BD5:LG?!ΗBn @uRMt~!.dAmEɐ]"<RfA:i{l$M':|+S,XsAP))P \%G*h9z"#Y 55C= b94YR;f3rNg񯴡*SR"Dw8w>p9o?od   8 ",< D L \   $4H\|((T8\9:+6Gl`HlpIlXlYl\l]l^lbmDdnenfnlntnunvno@oDoJoCsudo-devel1.9.5p21.el8_9Development files for sudoThe sudo-devel package contains header files developing sudo plugins that use큤eaem_ڵxea470a72998355f291c0b8b70bbed0e49a78bd73bfb4ef2a817525ca269e93c7970f625f8a2379e444ce5d7624b4260eb165eb200375f4b980f0fda39279e7c45a392797f1038de6ae9dc26f73d50699051451273bdf78f0c0904a30088363c16brootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootsudo-1.9.5p2-1.el8_9.src.rpmsudo-develsudo-devel(x86-64)    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)sudo3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-11.9.5p2-1.el8_94.14.3eXca@`>^^:@^@]{@]]V]QT\"\[[;@[t[\ZnZ}@Z2gYéY@Y@YyY0Y.@X@XXX!@W@Wv@WW;W/@Wm WM|W5W4p@WW@VV;DU@U@U@UUUU@T~TWn@T*@S@SP@S@S@R@RIgQB@Q/FQ#@PPaPH@P1@P@P O@ON@ODO1@O!@@On@NNg\N7@MMRM4/@L@L*@LLL)@L)@LGKŮ@K@KzKrKrKG@KEJ@J:JlE@JUJ?r@I@Il@H*HnHXH)HG@G@G9GgG@G@G@GVGVFֱ@Fɂ@F@EE@>@=@=@=@<<@< - 1.9.5p2-1Radovan Sroka - Sroka - 1.8.29-8Radovan Sroka - 1.8.29-7Radovan Sroka - 1.8.29-6Radovan Sroka - 1.8.29-5Radovan Sroka - 1.8.29-4Radovan Sroka - 1.8.29-2Radovan Sroka - 1.8.28p1-1Radovan Sroka - 1.8.25-7Radovan Sroka - 1.8.25-6Radovan Sroka - 1.8.25-5Radovan Sroka - 1.8.25-4Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.25-3Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.25-2Radovan Sroka - 1.8.25-1Radovan Sroka - 1.8.23-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.23-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.22-0.2.b1Radovan Sroka - 1.8.22b1-1Marek Tamaskovic - 1.8.21p2-1Matthew Miller - 1.8.20p2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.20p2-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.20p2-2Daniel Kopecek 1.8.20p2-1Daniel Kopecek 1.8.20p1-1Jiri Vymazal - 1.8.20-0.1.b1Tomas Sykora - 1.8.19p2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.19-0.3.20161108git738c3cbDaniel Kopecek 1.8.19-0.2.20161108git738c3cbRadovan Sroka 1.8.19-0.1.20160923git90e4538Radovan Sroka 1.8.18-1Radovan Sroka 1.8.18rc4-1Radovan Sroka 1.8.18rc2-1Radovan Sroka 1.8.18b2-1Daniel Kopecek 1.8.17p1-1Daniel Kopecek 1.8.16-4Daniel Kopecek 1.8.16-3Daniel Kopecek 1.8.16-2Daniel Kopecek 1.8.16-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.15-2Daniel Kopecek 1.8.15-1Radovan Sroka 1.8.14p3-3Radovan Sroka 1.8.14p3-2Radovan Sroka 1.8.14p3-1Radovan Sroka 1.8.14p1-1Radovan Sroka 1.8.12-2Radovan Sroka - 1.8.14b4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.12-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.12Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.11p2-1Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.11-1Tom Callaway - 1.8.8-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.8-5Peter Robinson 1.8.8-4Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.8-3Ville Skyttä - 1.8.8-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.8-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.6p7-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.6p7-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.6p3-3Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.6p3-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.6p3-1Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.6-1Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.5-4Bill Nottingham - 1.8.5-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.5-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.5-1Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.3p1-6Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.3p1-5Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.3p1-4Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.3p1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.3p1-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.3p1-1Peter Robinson - 1.8.1p2-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.8.1p2-1Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.4p5-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.7.4p5-3Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.4p5-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.4p4-5Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.4p4-4Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.4p4-3Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.4p4-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.4p4-1Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.2p6-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.2p6-1Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.2p5-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.2p2-5Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.2p2-4Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.2p2-3Ville Skyttä - 1.7.2p2-2Daniel Kopecek - 1.7.2p2-1Tomas Mraz - 1.7.1-7Daniel Kopecek 1.7.1-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.7.1-5Daniel Kopecek 1.7.1-4Daniel Kopecek 1.7.1-1Daniel Kopecek 1.6.9p17-6Daniel Kopecek 1.6.9p17-3Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p17-2Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p17-1Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p13-7Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p13-6Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p13-5Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p13-4Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p13-3Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p13-2Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p13-1Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p12-1Dennis Gilmore 1.6.9p4-6Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p4-5Release Engineering - 1.6.9p4-4Release Engineering - 1.6.9p4-3Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p4-2Peter Vrabec 1.6.9p4-1Peter Vrabec 1.6.8p12-14Peter Vrabec 1.6.8p12-13Peter Vrabec 1.6.8p12-12Peter Vrabec 1.6.8p12-11Jesse Keating - 1.6.8p12-10Peter Vrabec 1.6.8p12-9Peter Vrabec 1.6.8p12-8Karel Zak 1.6.8p12-7Jesse Keating - 1.6.8p12-6.1Karel Zak 1.6.8p12-6Karel Zak 1.6.8p12-5Jesse Keating - 1.6.8p12-4.1Karel Zak 1.6.8p12-4Jesse Keating - 1.6.8p12-3.1Dan Walsh 1.6.8p12-3Jesse Keating Karel Zak 1.6.8p12-1Karel Zak 1.6.8p11-1Tomas Mraz 1.6.8p9-6Karel Zak 1.6.8p9-5Karel Zak 1.6.8p9-4Karel Zak 1.6.8p9-3Dan Walsh 1.6.8p9-2Karel Zak 1.6.8p9-1Karel Zak 1.6.8p8-2Thomas Woerner 1.6.8p8-1Thomas Woerner 1.6.7p5-31Thomas Woerner 1.6.7p5-30.1Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-30Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-29Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-28Elliot Lee Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-26Thomas Woerner 1.6.7p5-25Colin Walters 1.6.7p5-24Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-23Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-22Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-21Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-20Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-19Thomas Woerner 1.6.7p5-18Elliot Lee Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-16Karsten Hopp 1.6.7p5-15Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-14Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-13Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-12Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-11Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-10Thomas Woerner Jeremy Katz 1.6.7p5-9Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-8Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-7Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-6Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-5Dan Walsh 1.6.7p5-4.selDan Walsh 1.6.7p5-3Elliot Lee Thomas Woerner 1.6.7p5-1Nalin Dahyabhai 1.6.6-2Bill Nottingham 1.6.6-1Tim Powers Tim Powers Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.6.5p2-2Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.6.5p2-1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.6.5p1-1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.6.5-1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.6.4p1-1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.6.4-1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 1.6.3p7-2Than Ngo Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Prospector Karsten Hopp Nalin Dahyabhai Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Preston Brown Tim Powers Bill Nottingham Preston Brown Preston Brown Michael Maher Michael Maher Otto Hammersmith Otto Hammersmith Michael Fulbright Michael Fulbright RHEL 8.9.0.Z ERRATUM - Rebase to 1.9.5p2 - CVE-2023-28486 sudo: Sudo does not escape control characters in log messages Resolves: RHEL-21825 - CVE-2023-28487 sudo: Sudo does not escape control characters in sudoreplay output Resolves: RHEL-21831 - CVE-2023-42465 sudo: Targeted Corruption of Register and Stack Variables Resolves: RHEL-21820RHEL 8.8.0 ERRATUM - CVE-2023-22809 sudo: arbitrary file write with privileges of the RunAs user Resolves: rhbz#2161221 - sudo digest check fails incorrectly for certain file sizes (SHA512/SHA384) Resolves: rhbz#2114576RHEL 8.6.0 ERRATUM - sudoedit does not work with selinux args Resolves: rhbz#2029551 - Make sure SIGCHLD is not ignored when sudo is executed Resolves: rhbz#1999751 - [RFE] pass KRB5CCNAME to pam_authenticate environment if available Resolves: rhbz#1917379 - utmp resource leak in sudo Resolves: rhbz#1986572- RHEL 8.4 ERRATUM - CVE-2021-3156 Resolves: rhbz#1917734 - CVE-2021-23239 sudo: possible directory existence test due to race condition in sudoedit Resolves: rhzb#1916434 - CVE-2021-23240 sudo: symbolic link attack in SELinux-enabled sudoedit Resolves: rhbz#1917038 - updated upstream url Resolves: rhbz#1923825- RHEL 8.3 ERRATUM - sudo allows privilege escalation with expire password Resolves: rhbz#1815164- RHEL 8.2 ERRATUM - CVE-2019-18634 Resolves: rhbz#1798093- RHEL 8.2 ERRATUM - CVE-2019-19232 Resolves: rhbz#1786987 Resolves: rhbz#1796518- RHEL 8.2 ERRATUM - rebase to 1.8.29 Resolves: rhbz#1733961 Resolves: rhbz#1651662- RHEL 8.2 ERRATUM - rebase to 1.8.28p1 Resolves: rhbz#1733961 - fixed man page for always_set_home Resolves: rhbz#1576880 - sudo does not work with notbefore/after Resolves: rhbz#1679508 - NOTBEFORE showing value of sudoNotAfter Ldap attribute Resolves: rhbz#1715516 - CVE-2019-14287 sudo - Privilege escalation via 'Runas' specification with 'ALL' keyword Resolves: rhbz#1760697- RHEL 8.1 ERRATUM - sudo ipa_hostname not honored Resolves: rhbz#1738662- RHEL 8.1 ERRATUM - Fixed The LDAP backend which is not properly parsing sudoOptions, resulting in selinux roles not being applied Resolves: rhbz#1738326- RHEL 8.1 ERRATUM - Fixed problem with sudo-1.8.23 and 'who am i' Resolves: rhbz#1673886 - Backporting sudo bug with expired passwords Resolves: rhbz#1676819- Fix most of the man page scans problems - Resolves: rhbz#1613327- bump release for new build Resolves: rhbz#1625683- Depend explicitly on /usr/sbin/sendmail instead of sendmail (rhel-7 sync) - Simplified pam configuration file by removing duplicate pam stack entries Resolves: rhbz#1633144- rebase to the new upstream version 1.8.25p1 - sync patches with rhel-7.6 - sync sudoers with rhel-7.6 resolves: rhbz#1633144- install /etc/dnf/protected.d/sudo instead of /etc/yum/protected.d/sudo resolves: rhbz#1626972- Packaging update for RHEL 8.0 (sync with latest RHEL 7 state)- Rebuilt for update to 1.8.22b1 - Added /usr/local/sbin and /usr/local/bin to secure path rhbz#1166185- update to 1.8.21p2 - Moved from the -devel sub-package to main package (1481225)- replace file-based requirements with package-level ones: - /etc/pam.d/system-auth to 'pam' - /bin/chmod to 'coreutils' (bug #1488934) - /usr/bin/vi to vim-minimal - ... and make vim-minimal "recommends" instead of "requires", because other editors can be configured.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update to 1.8.20p2- update to 1.8.20p1 - fixes CVE-2017-1000367 Resolves: rhbz#1456884- update to latest development version 1.8.20b1 - added sudo to dnf/yum protected packages Resolves: rhbz#1418756- update to 1.8.19p2- Rebuilt for update to latest development version - fixes CVE-2016-7076- we were not able to update from rc and beta versions to stable one - so this is a new snapshot package which resolves it- update to 1.8.18- update to 1.8.18rc4- update to 1.8.18rc2 - dropped sudo-1.8.14p1-ldapconfpatch.patch upstreamed --> update to 1.8.18b2 - added --disable-root-mailer as configure option Resolves: rhbz#1324091- update to 1.8.17p1 - install the /var/db/sudo/lectured Resolves: rhbz#1321414- removed INPUTRC from env_keep to prevent a possible info leak Resolves: rhbz#1340701- fixed upstream patch for rhbz#1328735- fixed invalid sesh argument array construction- update to 1.8.16- Rebuilt for update to 1.8.15 - fixes CVE-2015-5602- enable upstream test suite- add patch that resolves initialization problem before sudo_strsplit call - add patch that resolves deadcode in visudo.c - add patch that removes extra while in visudo.c and sudoers.c- update to 1.8.14p3- update to 1.8.14p1-1 - rebase sudo-1.8.14b3-ldapconfpatch.patch -> sudo-1.8.14p1-ldapconfpatch.patch - rebase sudo-1.8.14b4-docpassexpire.patch -> sudo-1.8.14p1-docpassexpire.patch- add patch3 sudo.1.8.14b4-passexpire.patch that makes change in documentation about timestamp_time - Resolves: rhbz#1162070- Update to 1.8.14b4 - Add own %{_tmpfilesdir}/sudo.conf- Rebuilt for update to 1.8.12 - fixes CVE-2014-9680- update to 1.8.11p2 - added patch to fix upstream bug #671 -- exiting immediately when audit is disabled- update to 1.8.11 - major changes & fixes: - when running a command in the background, sudo will now forward SIGINFO to the command - the passwords in ldap.conf and ldap.secret may now be encoded in base64. - SELinux role changes are now audited. For sudoedit, we now audit the actual editor being run, instead of just the sudoedit command. - it is now possible to match an environment variable's value as well as its name using env_keep and env_check - new files created via sudoedit as a non-root user now have the proper group id - sudoedit now works correctly in conjunction with sudo's SELinux RBAC support - it is now possible to disable network interface probing in sudo.conf by changing the value of the probe_interfaces setting - when listing a user's privileges (sudo -l), the sudoers plugin will now prompt for the user's password even if the targetpw, rootpw or runaspw options are set. - the new use_netgroups sudoers option can be used to explicitly enable or disable netgroups support - visudo can now export a sudoers file in JSON format using the new -x flag - added patch to read ldap.conf more closely to nss_ldap - require /usr/bin/vi instead of vim-minimal - include pam.d/system-auth in PAM session phase from pam.d/sudo - include pam.d/sudo in PAM session phase from pam.d/sudo-i- fix license handling- Rebuilt for Drop ChangeLog, we ship NEWS- remove bundled copy of zlib before compilation - drop the requiretty Defaults setting from sudoers- Own the %{_libexecdir}/sudo dir.- update to 1.8.8 - major changes & fixes: - LDAP SASL support now works properly with Kerberos - root may no longer change its SELinux role without entering a password - user messages are now always displayed in the user's locale, even when the same message is being logged or mailed in a different locale. - log files created by sudo now explicitly have the group set to group ID 0 rather than relying on BSD group semantics - sudo now stores its libexec files in a sudo subdirectory instead of in libexec itself - system_group and group_file sudoers group provider plugins are now installed by default - the paths to ldap.conf and ldap.secret may now be specified as arguments to the sudoers plugin in the sudo.conf file - ...and many new features and settings. See the upstream ChangeLog for the full list. - several sssd support fixes - added patch to make uid/gid specification parsing more strict (don't accept an invalid number as uid/gid) - use the _pkgdocdir macro (see - fixed several bugs found by the clang static analyzer - added %post dependency on chmod- Rebuilt for update to 1.8.6p7 - fixes CVE-2013-1775 and CVE-2013-1776 - fixed several packaging issues (thanks to - build with system zlib. - let rpmbuild strip libexecdir/*.so. - own the %{_docdir}/sudo-* dir. - fix some rpmlint warnings (spaces vs tabs, unescaped macros). - fix bogus %changelog dates.- Rebuilt for added upstream patch for a regression - don't include arch specific files in the -devel subpackage - ship only one sample plugin in the -devel subpackage- update to 1.8.6p3 - drop -pipelist patch (fixed in upstream)- update to 1.8.6- added patches that fix & improve SSSD support (thanks to - re-enabled SSSD support - removed libsss_sudo dependency- flip sudoers2ldif executable bit after make install, not in setup- Rebuilt for update to 1.8.5 - fixed CVE-2012-2337 - temporarily disabled SSSD support- fixed problems with undefined symbols (rhbz#798517)- SSSD patch update- added SSSD support- added patch for CVE-2012-0809- Rebuilt for update to 1.8.3p1 - disable output word wrapping if the output is piped- Remove execute bit from sample script in docs so we don't pull in perl- rebase to 1.8.1p2 - removed .sudoi patch - fixed typo: RELPRO -> RELRO - added -devel subpackage for the sudo_plugin.h header file - use default ldap configuration files again- build with RELRO- Rebuilt for rebase to 1.7.4p5 - fixed sudo-1.7.4p4-getgrouplist.patch - fixes CVE-2011-0008, CVE-2011-0010- anybody in the wheel group has now root access (using password) (rhbz#656873) - sync configuration paths with the nss_ldap package (rhbz#652687)- added upstream patch to fix rhbz#638345- added patch for #635250 - /var/run/sudo -> /var/db/sudo in .spec- sudo now uses /var/db/sudo for timestamps- update to new upstream version - new command available: sudoreplay - use native audit support - corrected license field value: BSD -> ISC- added patch that fixes insufficient environment sanitization issue (#598154)- update to new upstream version - merged .audit and .libaudit patch - added sudoers.ldap.5* to files- update to new upstream version- fixed no valid sudoers sources found (#558875)- audit related and corrections - added --with-audit configure option - removed call to libtoolize- fixed segfault when #include directive is used in cycles (#561336)- Add /etc/sudoers.d dir and use it in default config (#551470). - Drop *.pod man page duplicates from docs.- new upstream version 1.7.2p2-1 - commented out unused aliases in sudoers to make visudo happy (#550239)- rebuilt with new audit- moved secure_path from compile-time option to sudoers file (#517428)- Rebuilt for moved the closefrom() call before audit_help_open() (sudo-1.7.1-auditfix.patch) - epoch number sync- updated sudo to version 1.7.1 - fixed small bug in (sudo-1.7.1-conffix.patch)- fixed building with new libtool - fix for incorrect handling of groups in Runas_User - added /usr/local/sbin to secure-path- build with sendmail installed - Added /usr/local/bin to secure-path- adjust audit patch, do not scream when kernel is compiled without audit netlink support (#401201)- upgrade- build with newer autoconf-2.62 (#449614)- compiled with secure path (#80215)- fix path to updatedb in /etc/sudoers (#445103)- include ldap files in rpm package (#439506)- include [sudo] in password prompt (#437092)- audit support improvement- upgrade to the latest upstream release- upgrade to the latest upstream release - add selinux support- sparc64 needs to be in the -fPIE list with s390- fix complains about audit_log_user_command(): Connection refused (#401201)- Rebuild for deps- Rebuild for openssl bump- fix autotools stuff and add audit support- upgrade to upstream release- also use getgrouplist() to determine group membership (#235915)- fix some spec file issues- fix rpmlint issue- fix typo in sudoers file (#212308)- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21- fix sudoers file, X apps didn't work (#206320)- use Red Hat specific default sudoers file- fix #198755 - make login processes (sudo -i) initialise session keyring (thanks for PAM config files to David Howells) - add IPv6 support (patch by Milan Zazrivec)- rebuild- fix #190062 - "ssh localhost sudo su" will show the password in clear- add LDAP support (#170848)- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- reset env. by default- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Remove selinux patch. It has been decided that the SELinux patch for sudo is - no longer necessary. In tageted policy it had no effect. In strict/MLS policy - We require the person using sudo to execute newrole before using sudo.- rebuilt- new upstream version 1.6.8p12- new upstream version 1.6.8p11- use include instead of pam_stack in pam config- enable interfaces in selinux patch - merge sudo-1.6.8p8-sesh-stopsig.patch to selinux patch- fix debuginfo- fix #162623 - sesh hangs when child suspends- Add back in interfaces call, SELinux has been fixed to work around- new version 1.6.8p9 (resolve #161116 - CAN-2005-1993 sudo trusted user arbitrary command execution)- fix #154511 - sudo does not use limits.conf- new version 1.6.8p8: new sudoedit and sudo_noexec- rebuild- added missing BuildRequires for libselinux-devel (#132883)- Fix missing param error in sesh- Remove full patch check from sesh- Fix selinux patch to switch to root user- rebuilt- Eliminate tty handling from selinux- fixed spec file: sesh in file section with selinux flag (#119682)- Enhance sesh.c to fork/exec children itself, to avoid having sudo reap all domains. - Only reinstall default signal handlers immediately before exec of child with SELinux patch- change to default to sysadm_r - Fix tty handling- Add /bin/sesh to run selinux code. - replace /bin/bash -c with /bin/sesh- Hard code to use "/bin/bash -c" for selinux- Eliminate closing and reopening of terminals, to match su.- SELinux fixes to make transitions work properly- pied sudo- rebuilt- Eliminate interfaces call, since this requires big SELinux privs - and it seems to be useless.- visudo requires vim-minimal or setting EDITOR to something useful (#68605)- Fix is_selinux_enabled call- Clean up patch on failure- Remove sudo.te for now.- Fix usage message- Clean up sudo.te to not blow up if pam.te not present- added missing BuildRequires for groff- remove left-over debugging code- Fix terminal handling that caused Sudo to exit on non selinux machines.- Remove sudo_var_run_t which is now pam_var_run_t- Fix terminal handling and policy- Fix policy- Turn on SELinux support- Add support for SELinux- rebuilt* Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers - rebuilt- remove absolute path names from the PAM configuration, ensuring that the right modules get used for whichever arch we're built for - don't try to install the FAQ, which isn't there any more- update to 1.6.6- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- Fix bug #63768- 1.6.5p2- 1.6.5p1 - Hope this "a new release per day" madness stops ;)- 1.6.5- 1.6.4p1- Update to 1.6.4- Add build requirements (#49706) - s/Copyright/License/ - bzip2 source- update to 1.6.3p7 - use %{_tmppath}- 1.6.3p6, fixes buffer overrun- 1.6.3p5- automatic rebuild- fixed owner of sudo and visudo- modify PAM setup to use system-auth - clean up buildrooting by using the makeinstall macro- initial build in main distrib - update to 1.6.3 - deal with compressed man pages- updated to 1.6.1 for Powertools 6.2 - config files are now noreplace.- updated to 1.5.9p2 for Powertools 6.1- sudo is configured with pam. There's no pam.d file. Oops.- upgraded to 1.59p1 for powertools 6.0- fixed so it doesn't find /usr/bin/vi first, but instead /bin/vi (always installed)- built package for 5.2- updated SPEC file- updated to 1.5.4- built for glibc, no problems- Fixed for 4.2 PowerTools - Still need to be pamified - Still need to move stmp file to /var/log- First version for PowerCD.1.9.5p2-1.el8_91.9.5p2-1.el8_9sudo_plugin.hsudo-develsample_plugin.csudo_plugin.8.gz/usr/include//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/sudo-devel//usr/share/man/man8/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuC source, ASCII textdirectoryC source, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)utf-8035640c1eeedd237a57de100a3667dd9f326633ebc23f53e27fc88f0b18f796b?p7zXZ !#,r] b2u Q{LXq;zY1 Y V^KCkl~)SVLĝ=]d+zU{so;[m z0^.ίe0{p)$j\˫iەl`W93ssU:'D?@),Bk*~ZLA,^(lokHzjİ߭C{H 0h(":Gͯ N0\p?XKcD:žH٩$3 }h,՛ |$&c~^\I-zmZ§KY@˻D42DMiL>{SW"eOZrwswItF]"Bop̌G!Q¶iֵ/UHT|2kSLgwg>_AlN9ܛm -W.oVІ|̬-Iy"X=3 ՛ߍ|A;=-xJIa[n҄wm9m, :t17œh׻mPkBdQI;rCon:tW`ܫLKFT {_C;KAi@4X*v^\,:N]g0DSwҒ}f!? om ֨O -`e,։ǻNWi_A[(@5۱r(AIr ȣ5osYEQڌL,zyC1VRp?% !wZl=qxL{@~CʕɖaȶPs_K:+t(D?JZJQ2!tA]hC4 D IKz\nP]s;T>b}TMrEm) 3L0 \s{*p\77(\j{3M\Ն'.q[#0>Hxs alBba|)]rLˇ-ΐØ/~~Kw-aOP"I_޼JR|>9).|J?FQ[[:iuy&fӌ *cIKFUCBNؑ9Tx{Sw=~ʞR3M i7Q*|%`scXG qk~bn)^F",CQqF(j<|+$DLK+ +%3KS2VlZl_)+LÜ͢>W3+r_Wk[Da4©1r:<P@o2 ͒ʺ܈ ꒑ o'􇷻kAmP2t( P4GS}]:$J,aAI$I)*'QXԵV 2~)]dw@yޡh ́ *'P xO*mZ7f,M=`91(y:MAL*ư=jQ dʹ%U :Qa'hB&>st v=xGaO+zL;r.?qq%ESIgYyS z?*AMJNЪ\(5%ɬAqH\C MN,̈́PFP+9})OO| "l" *ۂ|dN_a9T6M~0ߍ _Os" qƅZz^+mcQYn# {Pf4"˯P-dYyh߉9[yP={6?#4p~JT)t @_lg8-F@gƐZfb q , V‚ a=oo,렍V^@Nir;d&.ZJK͝z3~OJ#J3#uE00zVjJ+46T^^F`e:%oWK 2|nԚ2G}[c\1P™?|B $8V 3ܦomܩӹ~k i~> ;fNNRft<N.3rn>SBĢ[nrRۿi c~fH@F$:|qqҐ9WyJ xA+uD]U}CY=N`jm]H >f+ >c󉅦TVm6@ld;, ^6NhzQ/~t>m 1t 6]sD{P:_:un ~j]n8AxϏA#)o)h_~jZw+-"G*y^?v.ty Z{ZH'(ṆϨ&CիdqL]"rEܗY)fÑ˒{gRHgrS4'I a0;^Ų! 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