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w I 5 x J 5 y Kd K K K K K C ignition 2.19.0 3.el9_5 First boot installer and configuration tool (RHEL CoreOS only) This software is currently only supported on RHEL CoreOS.
Ignition is a utility used to manipulate systems during the initramfs.
This includes partitioning disks, formatting partitions, writing files
(regular files, systemd units, etc.), and configuring users. On first
boot, Ignition reads its configuration from a source of truth (remote
URL, network metadata service, hypervisor bridge, etc.) and applies
the configuration. g38pb-fca15c7e-9ee6-4fd8-82ea-312d54e9018b-b-aarch64 Rocky Linux 9.5 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation ASL 2.0 Rocky Linux Build System (Peridot)