ipa-client-epn-4.12.2-1.el9> M Mv ĉJ4!!%joLne)Ip-Bm5 ']g'\releng@rockylinux.org p-Bm5 ']˵>=b1]%D2`XdGG~Rb2:D!9YQ[%%S y$<Pԃ5DuHoGBlDA6 :\)L :݇BA?Ad  W 1B }?   "  <  p     @     P  p( 8 9 P:.>;?;@;G; H; I< X<(Y<4\<\ ]< ^=3 b>d?Ke?Pf?Ul?Xt?t u? v?w@ x@ y@@@@A<A@Cipa-client-epn4.12.21.el9Tools to configure Expiring Password Notification in IPAThis package provides a service to collect and send expiring password notifications via email (SMTP).g'gpb-143ff964-414c-4642-b094-703beaf4a0d1-b-aarch64Rocky Linux 9.5Rocky Enterprise Software FoundationGPL-3.0-or-laterRocky Linux Build System (Peridot) System Environment/Basehttp://www.freeipa.org/linuxaarch64 if [ $1 -eq 1 ] && [ -x "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper" ]; then # Initial installation /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper install-system-units ipa-epn.service || : fi if [ $1 -eq 1 ] && [ -x "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper" ]; then # Initial installation /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper install-system-units ipa-epn.timer || : fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ] && [ -x "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper" ]; then # Package removal, not upgrade /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper remove-system-units ipa-epn.service || : fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ] && [ -x "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper" ]; then # Package removal, not upgrade /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper remove-system-units ipa-epn.timer || : fi j -KTA큀A큤A큤g'Ƞf}f}g'}g'}g'}g'ȵf}f}g'ȵf}f}f}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-4.12.2-1.el9.src.rpmconfig(ipa-client-epn)ipa-client-epnipa-client-epn(aarch-64) @       /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/usr/bin/python3config(ipa-client-epn)ipa-clientrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)systemd-unitssystemd-unitssystemd-unitssystemd-units4.12.2-1.el94.12.2-1.el93.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.4.18-1246.6-3246.6-3246.6-3246.6-`S@f_fWf0@f@e@eԔ@eN@eeeie[J@eH@ed d@dr@dcc&@cc@c#@c@cWFlorence Blanc-Renaud - 4.12.2-1Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.12.0-7Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.12.0-6Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.12.0-5Julien Rische - 4.12.0-4Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.12.0-3Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.12.0-2Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.12.0-1Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-11Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-10Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-9Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-8Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-72024 Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-6Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-5Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-4Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-3Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-2Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.11.0-1Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.2-4Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.2-3Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.2-2Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.2-1Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.1-6Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.1-5Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.1-4Alexander Bokovoy - 4.10.1-3Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.1-2Florence Blanc-Renaud - 4.10.1-1Rafael Jeffman - 4.10.0-7- Resolves: RHEL-54546 Covscan issues: Resource Leak - Resolves: RHEL-49602 misleading warning for missing ipa-selinux-nfast package on luna hsm h/w - Resolves: RHEL-40359 With unreachable AD, ipa trust returns an internal error- Resolves: RHEL-53500 adtrustinstance only prints issues in check_inst() and does not log them - Resolves: RHEL-52306 Unconditionally add MS-PAC to global config - Resolves: RHEL-52300 RFE - Keep the configured value for the "nsslapd-ignore-time-skew" after a "force-sync" - Resolves: RHEL-52222 ipa-replica/server-install with softhsm needs to check permission/ownership of /var/lib/softhsm/tokens to avoid install failure - Resolves: RHEL-51944 Include latest fixes in python3-ipatests packages - Resolves: RHEL-50804 ipa-migrate -Z with invalid cert options fails with 'ValueError: option error' - Resolves: RHEL-49602 misleading warning for missing ipa-selinux-nfast package on luna hsm h/w - Resolves: RHEL-27856 'Unable to log in as uid=admin-replica.testrealm.test,ou=people,o=ipaca' during replica install- Resolves: RHEL-47292 Include latest fixes in python3-ipatests packages - Resolves: RHEL-47146 Syntax error uninstalling the selinux-luna subpackage - Resolves: RHEL-46009 ipa-migrate with -Z option fails with ValueError: option error - Resolves: RHEL-46003 ipa-migrate -V options fails to display version - Resolves: RHEL-45463 ipa-migrate stage-mode is failing with error: Modifying a mapped attribute in a managed entry is not allowed - Resolves: RHEL-40890 ipa-server-install: token_password_file read in kra.install_check after calling hsm_validator in ca.install_check - Resolves: RHEL-40661 Adjust "ipa config-mod --addattr ipaconfigstring=EnforceLDAPOTP" to allow for non OTP users in some cases- Resolves: RHEL-37285 IPA Web UI not showing replication agreement for non-admin users - Resolves: RHEL-42703 PSKC.xml issues with ipa_otptoken_import.py - Resolves: RHEL-41194 ipa-client rpm post script creates always ssh_config.orig even if nothing needs to be changed - Resolves: RHEL-39477 kdc.crt certificate not getting automatically renewed by certmonger in IPA Hidden replica - Resolves: RHEL-46559 Include latest fixes in python3-ipatests packages - Resolves: RHEL-22188 [RFE] Allow IPA SIDgen task to continue if it finds an entity that SID can't be assigned to- Resolves: RHEL-29928 CVE-2024-3183 freeipa: user can obtain a hash of the passwords of all domain users and perform offline brute force - Resolves: RHEL-29691 CVE-2024-2698 freeipa: delegation rules allow a proxy service to impersonate any user to access another target service- Related: RHEL-34809 temporarily revert a commit that depends on newer version of python-jwcrypto- Resolves: RHEL-39950 ipa-client can't be installed because of a missing dependency- Resolves: RHEL-39140 Rebase ipa to the latest 4.12 version for RHEL 9.5 - Resolves: RHEL-34757 The change for preventing deletion of the admin user caused a regression in disable - Resolves: RHEL-30553 Depend on nfsv4-client-utils or nfs-utils - Resolves: RHEL-29762 IPA sidgen fails to create SID for manually set ID for a new range [rhel-9.5.0] - Resolves: RHEL-26261 Fix replica connection check for use with AD administrator - Resolves: RHEL-18062 ipa ca-show NAME --certificate-out=file creates empty file when NAME does not exist - Resolves: RHEL-12149 traceback in ipaserver/dcerpc.py - Resolves: RHEL-4810 [RFE] FreeIPA-to-FreeIPA migration - Resolves: RHEL-4807 [RFE] Support in IPA for HSM boxes- Resolves: RHEL-33645 - Update samba to version 4.20.0- Resolves: RHEL-23377 Enforce OTP for ldap bind (in some scenarios) - Resolves: RHEL-29745 Unable to re-add broken AD trust - NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - Resolves: RHEL-30905 Backport latest test fixes in ipa- Resolves: RHEL-28258 vault fails on non-fips client if server is in FIPS mode - Resolves: RHEL-26154 ipa: freeipa: specially crafted HTTP requests potentially lead to DoS or data exposure- Resolves: RHEL-12143 'ipa vault-add is failing with ipa: ERROR: an internal error has occurred in FIPS mode - Resolves: RHEL-25738 ipa-kdb: Cannot determine if PAC generator is available- Resolves: RHEL-25260 tier-1-upstream-dns-locations failed on RHEL8.8 gating - Resolves: RHEL-25738 ipa-kdb: Cannot determine if PAC generator is available - Resolves: RHEL-25815 Backport latest test fixes in python3-ipatests- Resolves: RHEL-23627 IPA stops working if HTTP/... service principal was created before FreeIPA 4.4.0 and never modified - Resolves: RHEL-23625 sidgen plugin does not ignore staged users - Resolves: RHEL-23621 session cookie can't be read - Resolves: RHEL-22372 Gating-DL1 test failure in test_integration/test_dns_locations.py::TestDNSLocations::()::test_ipa_ca_records - Resolves: RHEL-21809 CA less servers are failing to be added in topology segment for domain suffix - Resolves: RHEL-17996 Memory leak in IdM's KDC- Resolves: RHEL-12589 ipa: Invalid CSRF protection - Resolves: RHEL-19748 ipa hbac-test did not report that it hit an arbitrary search limit - Resolves: RHEL-21059 'DogtagCertsConfigCheck' fails, displaying the error message 'Malformed directive: ca.signing.certnickname=caSigningCert cert-pki-ca' - Resolves: RHEL-21804 ipa client 4.10.2 - Failed to obtain host TGT - Resolves: RHEL-21809 CA less servers are failing to be added in topology segment for domain suffix - Resolves: RHEL-21810 ipa-client-install --automount-location does not work - Resolves: RHEL-21811 Handle change in behavior of pki-server ca-config-show in pki 11.5.0 - Resolves: RHEL-21812 Backport latest test fixes in ipa - Resolves: RHEL-21813 krb5kdc fails to start when pkinit and otp auth type is enabled in ipa - Resolves: RHEL-21815 IPA 389ds plugins need to have better logging and tracing - Resolves: RHEL-21937 Make sure a default NetBIOS name is set if not passed in by ADTrust instance constructor- Resolves: RHEL-16985 Handle samba 4.19 changes in samba.security.dom_sid()- Resolves: RHEL-14428 healthcheck reports nsslapd-accesslog-logbuffering is set to 'off'- Resolves: RHEL-14292 Backport latest test fixes in python3-ipatests - Resolves: RHEL-15443 Server install: failure to install with externally signed CA because of timezone issue - Resolves: RHEL-15444 Minimum length parameter in pwpolicy cannot be removed with empty string - Resolves: RHEL-14842 Upstream xmlrpc tests are failing in RHEL9.4- Resolves: RHEL-11652 Rebase ipa to latest 4.11.x version for RHEL 9.4- Resolves: rhbz#2231847 RHEL 8.8 & 9.2 fails to create AD trust with STIG applied - Resolves: rhbz#2232056 Include latest test fixes in python3-ipatests- Resolves: rhbz#2229712 Delete operation protection for admin user - Resolves: rhbz#2227831 Interrupt request processing in ipadb_fill_info3() if connection to 389ds is lost - Resolves: rhbz#2227784 libipa_otp_lasttoken plugin memory leak - Resolves: rhbz#2224570 Improved error messages are needed when attempting to add a non-existing idp to a user - Resolves: rhbz#2230251 Backport latest test fixes to python3-ipatests- Resolves: rhbz#2192969 Better handling of the command line and web UI cert search and/or list features - Resolves: rhbz#2214933 Uninstalling of the IPA server is encountering a failure during the unconfiguration of the CA (Unconfiguring CA) - Resolves: rhbz#2216114 After updating the RHEL from 8.7 to 8.8, IPA services fails to start - Resolves: rhbz#2216549 Upgrade to 4.9.10-6.0.1 fails: attributes are managed by topology plugin - Resolves: rhbz#2216611 Backport latest test fixes in python3-ipatests - Resolves: rhbz#2216872 User authentication failing on OTP validation using multiple tokens, succeeds with password only- Resolves: rhbz#2196426 [Rebase] Rebase ipa to latest 4.10.x release for RHEL 9.3 - Resolves: rhbz#2192969 Better handling of the command line and web UI cert search and/or list features - Resolves: rhbz#2192625 Better catch of the IPA web UI event "IPA Error 4301:CertificateOperationError", and IPA httpd error CertificateOperationError - Resolves: rhbz#2188567 IPA client Kerberos configuration incompatible with java - Resolves: rhbz#2182683 Tolerate absence of PAC ticket signature depending of domain and servers capabilities [rhel-9] - Resolves: rhbz#2180914 Sequence processing failures for group_add using server context - Resolves: rhbz#2165880 Add RBCD support to IPA - Resolves: rhbz#2160399 get_ranges - [file ipa_sidgen_common.c, line 276]: Failed to convert LDAP entry to range struct- Resolves: rhbz#2169632 Backport latest test fixes in python3-ipatests- Resolves: rhbz#2162656 Passwordless (GSSAPI) SSH not working for subdomain - Resolves: rhbz#2166326 Removing the last DNS type for ipa-ca does not work - Resolves: rhbz#2167473 RFE - Add a warning note about possible performance impact of the Auto Member rebuild task - Resolves: rhbz#2168244 requestsearchtimelimit=0 doesn't seems to be work with ipa-acme-manage pruning command- Resolves: rhbz#2161284 'ERROR Could not remove /tmp/tmpbkw6hawo.ipabkp' can be seen prior to 'ipa-client-install' command was successful - Resolves: rhbz#2164403 ipa-trust-add with --range-type=ipa-ad-trust-posix fails while creating an ID range - Resolves: rhbz#2162677 RFE: Implement support for PKI certificate and request pruning - Resolves: rhbz#2167312 - Backport latest test fixes in python3-ipatests- Rebuild against krb5 1.20.1 ABI - Resolves: rhbz#2155425- Resolves: rhbz#2148887 MemberManager with groups fails - Resolves: rhbz#2150335 idm:client is missing dependency on krb5-pkinit- Resolves: rhbz#2141315 [Rebase] Rebase ipa to latest 4.10.x release for RHEL 9.2 - Resolves: rhbz#2094673 ipa-client-install should just use system wide CA store and do not specify TLS_CACERT in ldap.conf - Resolves: rhbz#2117167 After leapp upgrade on ipa-client ipa-server package installation failed. (`REQ_FULL_WITH_MEMBERS` returns object from wrong domain) - Resolves: rhbz#2127833 Password Policy Grace login limit allows invalid maximum value - Resolves: rhbz#2143224 [RFE] add certificate support to ipa-client instead of one time password - Resolves: rhbz#2144736 vault interoperability with older RHEL systems is broken - Resolves: rhbz#2148258 ipa-client-install does not maintain server affinity during installation - Resolves: rhbz#2148379 Add warning for empty targetattr when creating ACI with RBAC - Resolves: rhbz#2148380 OTP token sync always returns OK even with random numbers - Resolves: rhbz#2148381 Deprecated feature idnssoaserial in IdM appears when creating reverse dns zones - Resolves: rhbz#2148382 Introduction of URI records for kerberos breaks location functionality- Resolves: rhbz#2124547 Attempt to log in as "root" user with admin's password in Web UI does not properly fail - Resolves: rhbz#2137555 Attempt to log in as "root" user with admin's password in Web UI does not properly fail [rhel-9.1.0.z]/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh 4.12.2-1.el94.12.2-1.el94.12.2-1.el9 epnepn.confexpire_msg.templateipa-epn.serviceipa-epn.timeripa-epnipa-client-epnContributors.txtREADME.mdipa-client-epnCOPYINGipa-epn.1.gzepn.conf.5.gz/etc/ipa//etc/ipa/epn//usr/lib/systemd/system//usr/sbin//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/ipa-client-epn//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/ipa-client-epn//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share/man/man5/-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpiozstd19aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textPython script, ASCII text executableUTF-8 Unicode texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)Rutf-843f7ae70e185b7def1047a1599a22fe97f53c5653b04a6ed9cd93a68dec678410d0d56e73cc3e18bf1cdaa52004d749e47166264d00a18f2aa9c37aca2ab4453?(/h#*A0LkVUUU X`aO{/{{N#Rfb;--I9Je5j=?Bg ;0_ GFj6`\8$/QjӡJx'oN2w1q'_E{m=vXLP;]tXƇ}7/r"0+-J>m#TXI @֩偬 4զKx@ Q8U4§WȬ  K KGvzyf]HLrGv.6XA˸BѾz Ha :ZZ$I C +"{q* GQ`UgDg;} 9` "~gQWڠe'}D:=Eꉽyu[0*m1ͩ4v> _oMӱNƺS >KU"Bl!k۾3׶k67m%+msn;Sy8HV8|ˎELDi Lf7)*WQ<#XQeB<80mI{&6:di%r_nv _\T7#]V+c68FeKekxð+Eqo`(^'g7#SF~%oN1'm[8_%N:sBٞNvb5ArC=9O $r#ԕʈ榟:uԤm!'Xu #yAd`.iw!'`UXPh,B Q .1_c^^b4 Ashd`pxtV:h>2BB2/,I0 eGP,QR{ʄېc&(mW5J3c(: JN4rf,Q Rxр [5]/c&9[{]mpxldpsކ|ZC1`,kD| 3( 롟jr yڷj ]grsX7DbHHey(SKZ}xT)qePم}שI9H9z%i:SuW=)j;JO[|B‘N~F*G;]g^7Be:f$XX;זAvK>=r!3yO[h6fӏH @6Hx]@D}LL3PXeP1QGfב@H2?BB޾s$I noybul53\g' Hu  r iG!0YyP @&3P9n;M6N}^\NMk&S;Zc #ߜRؽ2cӂ r1/o^TWϚxWX,zi O'dr-qa>_IbM9X{mB'VDGfz-qR5_٤jf|ɌmDDkKł=ܝKXzPwxp*ڧ=.O-DzKFsmN1;v P!}1m̈v G-BwDDdĔ#s=cry,?)"q"r\6>62!no\bi7#Ey0C<-lϐ]7(^ =2[ z{L7tx茧uOWɟ멬Wus`Ðą~v?I~nrmː?luz{m=k!D9A.+=L}7Ia9)]k_+j҂uլ[@~yz#6wY/fH 9 G#-` J0XB.{m(>b_9J`j])(Fm*e'&O'@mSrA#3FtҚjfFs@ H<0IQVhCKah@R{!TX>^N ǭ WfmXQiV9Y D>Vơ+2Ukiz?5 Úgo9 7RyHzsy=Gt4a,Ww~JE] ; Q CTl*Crwѳ027~yP03E4:U €Uك,j͍yC> &!ZL[zeaw͆t"329hVsa<hX w)^(({tG1MH Θsgp%x4^z"lȸoxy[vSO$N.4sH7rTcYQmtn "*e/E|.7x$\[Aj/fκfO MmȩqM 3U\qolA~hLv_8Pf 9@p3Qb)b`wD$y3{I) a%}^}4,b0+ @Z3OWLrbNiI;a/ɐcRtE{\{ϺS1U mF^ٕ&E,F㗽Xvz ǐ fOP s9*/,$T]djs,aTنDXv|9wf_iQ  DϦ& Ks+gi\p1a5R8gi ѥ.ЈHwt=-ǡ' '2Lg(rr+=3C<@x=R/Ǜ}t ^#Svh>F%DÄ6{'"L6}R8 6w@m\|)yL#Ms*"W #"&*@SAP :d8) 8] % 9-$Zr& rorz! 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