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Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.g3cQpb-0dc92ed6-8d2d-4667-8fdb-7ee5aad6794c-b-i686plRocky Linux 9.5Rocky Enterprise Software FoundationLGPLv3+Rocky Linux Build System (Peridot) Development/Debug<ToAAAA큤g3d!g3d"g3d"g3d"g3dg3dg3d9965fc53fdbb4142938deb7b667b6a7eff00972ac8f7a3dfce347202e6baaad1../../../.build-id/8b/436cc3284111f99bdaf2e03bbdf27f1b715bf2../../../../../usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)sssd-debuginfo(x86-32)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.4.18-12.9.5-4.el9_5.! @fg@e!@e@e@e)eReRe@d dd@ddu@doMdbc<@c]cdAlexey Tikhonov - 2.9.5-4.1Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.5-4Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.5-3Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.5-2Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.5-1Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.4-7Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.4-6Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.4-5Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.4-4Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.4-3Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.4-2Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.4-1Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.3-2Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.3-1Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.2-2Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.2-1Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.1-2Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.1-1Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.0-5Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.0-4Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.0-3Alexey Tikhonov - 2.9.0-1Alexey Tikhonov - 2.8.2-2Alexey Tikhonov - 2.8.2-1Alexey Tikhonov - 2.8.1-1- Resolves: RHEL-59876 - EL9/CentOS Stream 9 lost offline smart card authentication - Resolves: RHEL-50912 - possible regression of rhbz#2196521- Resolves: RHEL-49711 - SYSDB: remove index on dataExpireTimestamp - Resolves: RHEL-49811 - 2FA is being enforced after upgrading 2.9.1->2.9.4- Resolves: RHEL-40742 - passkey_child with wrong owner- Resolves: RHEL-40742 - passkey_child with wrong owner - Resolves: RHEL-41047 - sssd is skipping GPO evaluation with auto_private_groups - Resolves: RHEL-40570 - GPO access the wrong memory location- Resolves: RHEL-36586 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.5 - Resolves: RHEL-27716 - SSSD fails to process AD groups with 'Global Scope' correctly causing incomplete group-membership on RHEL if cache is empty - Resolves: RHEL-17659 - [RfE] SSSD Failover Enhancements - Resolves: RHEL-35781 - Passkey errors when handling multiple altSecurityIdentities values - Resolves: RHEL-30142 - sssd_pac is crashing - Resolves: RHEL-22206 - Errors in krb5_child.log every time a user authenticates - Pre-authentication failed: No pkinit_anchors supplied - Resolves: RHEL-32595 - Excessive "Domain not found' messages logged to sssd_nss & sssd_be in multidomain AD forest - Resolves: RHEL-28666 - sssctl config-check is reporting false positive error msg - Resolves: RHEL-29454 - NULL dereference in inotify handling - Resolves: RHEL-1654 - Improve documentation for allowing e-mail address as username- Relates: RHEL-33645 - Rebase Samba to the latest 4.20.x release- Resolves: RHEL-27209 - Race condition during authorization leads to GPO policies functioning inconsistently [rhel-9.4.0]- Resolves: RHEL-28161 - Passkey cannot fall back to password- Resolves: RHEL-28161 - Passkey cannot fall back to password- Resolves: RHEL-22340 - socket leak - Resolves: RHEL-28161 - Passkey cannot fall back to password- Resolves: RHEL-12503 - AD users are unable to log in due to case sensitivity of user because the domain is found as an alias to the email address. - Resolves: RHEL-22288 - ssh pubkey stored in ldap/AD no longer works to authenticate via sssd - Resolves: RHEL-22194 - gdm smartcard login fails with sssd-2.9.3 in case of multiple identities- Resolves: RHEL-2632 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.4 - Resolves: RHEL-18395 - latest sssd breaks logging in via XDMCP for LDAP/Kerberos users - Resolves: RHEL-17498 - New sssd.conf seems not to be backwards compatible (wrt SmartCard auth of local users using 'files provider') [rhel-9] - Resolves: RHEL-21079 - SSSD GPO lacks group resolution on hosts [rhel-9] - Resolves: RHEL-19211 - Excessive logging to sssd_nss and sssd_be in multi-domain AD forest [rhel-9]- Resolves: RHEL-2632 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.4- Resolves: RHEL-2632 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.4 - Resolves: RHEL-14427 - Expected cn in RDN, got uid - Resolves: RHEL-12229 - HANA validation on RHEL 9.2 issue possibly related to libc/nss_sss behaviour - Resolves: RHEL-3925 - SSSD goes offline when, while reading a single user, misses a required attribute (i.e. SID) - Resolves: RHEL-2319 - Passkey authentication for centrally managed users - Resolves: RHEL-4146 - Incorrect handling of reverse IPv6 update results in update failure - Resolves: RHEL-4971 - sssd-kcm does not appear to expire Kerberos tickets (RFE: sssd_kcm should have the option to automatically delete the expired tickets)- Resolves: RHEL-2319 - Passkey authentication for centrally managed users- Resolves: RHEL-2632 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.4 - Resolves: RHEL-2319 - Passkey authentication for centrally managed users - Resolves: rhbz#2234829 - SSSD runs multiples lookup search for each NFS request (SBUS req chaining stopped working) - Resolves: rhbz#2236119 - dbus and crond getting terminated with SIGBUS in sss_client code- Resolves: rhbz#2218858 - [sssd] SSSD enters failed state after heavy load in the system- Resolves: rhbz#2167837 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.3 - Resolves: rhbz#2196816 - [RHEL9] [sssd] User lookup on IPA client fails with 's2n get_fqlist request failed' - Resolves: rhbz#2162552 - sssd client caches old data after removing netgroup member on IDM - Resolves: rhbz#2189542 - [sssd] RHEL 9.3 Tier 0 Localization - Resolves: rhbz#2133854 - [RHEL9] In some cases when `sdap_add_incomplete_groups()` is called with `ignore_group_members = true`, groups should be treated as complete - Resolves: rhbz#1765354 - [RFE] - Show password expiration warning when IdM users login with SSH keys- Related: rhbz#2190415 - Rebase Samba to the latest 4.18.x release Rebuild against rebased Samba libs.- Related: rhbz#2190415 - Rebase Samba to the latest 4.18.x release Rebuild against rebased Samba libs.- Resolves: rhbz#2167837 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.3- Resolves: rhbz#2167837 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.3 - Resolves: rhbz#1765354 - [RFE] - Show password expiration warning when IdM users login with SSH keys - Resolves: rhbz#1913839 - filter_groups doesn't filter GID from 'id' output: AD + 'ldap_id_mapping = True' corner case - Resolves: rhbz#2100789 - [Improvement] sssctl config-check command does not show an error when we don't have id_provider in the domain section - Resolves: rhbz#2152177 - [RFE] Add support for ldapi:// URLs - Resolves: rhbz#2164852 - man page entry should make clear that a nested group needs a name - Resolves: rhbz#2166627 - Improvement: sss_client: add 'getsidbyusername()' and 'getsidbygroupname()' and corresponding python bindings - Resolves: rhbz#2166943 - kinit switches KCM away from the newly issued ticket - Resolves: rhbz#2167728 - [sssd] Auth fails if client cannot speak to forest root domain (ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s failed)- Resolves: rhbz#2160001 - Reference to 'sssd-ldap-attributes' man page is missing in 'sssd-ldap', etc man pages - Resolves: rhbz#2143159 - automount killed by SIGSEGV- Resolves: rhbz#2127510 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.2 - Resolves: rhbz#1608496 - sssd failing to register dynamic DNS addresses against an AD server due to unnecessary DNS search - Resolves: rhbz#2110091 - SSSD doesn't handle changes in 'resolv.conf' properly (when started right before network service) - Resolves: rhbz#2136791 - Lower the severity of the log message for SSSD so that it is not shown at the default debug level. - Resolves: rhbz#2139684 - [sssd] RHEL 9.2 Tier 0 Localization - Resolves: rhbz#2139837 - Analyzer: Optimize and remove duplicate messages in verbose list - Resolves: rhbz#2142794 - SSSD: `sssctl analyze` command shouldn't require 'root' privileged - Resolves: rhbz#2144893 - changing password with ldap_password_policy = shadow does not take effect immediately - Resolves: rhbz#2148737 - UPN check cannot be disabled explicitly but requires krb5_validate = false' as a work-around- Resolves: rhbz#2127510 - Rebase SSSD for RHEL 9.2 - Resolves: rhbz#1507035 - [RFE] SSSD does not support to change the user’s password when option ldap_pwd_policy equals to shadow in sssd.conf file - Resolves: rhbz#1766490 - Use negative cache better and domain checks for lookup by SIDs - Resolves: rhbz#1964121 - RFE: Add an option to sssd config to convert home directories to lowercase (or add a new template for the 'override_homedir' option) - Resolves: rhbz#2074307 - reduce debug level in case well_known_sid_to_name() fails - Resolves: rhbz#2096031 - SSSD: sdap_handle_id_collision_for_incomplete_groups debug message missing a new line - Resolves: rhbz#2103325 - Supported AD group types should be explained in the docs - Resolves: rhbz#2111388 - authenticating against external IdP services okta (native app) with OAuth client secret failed - Resolves: rhbz#2115171 - SSSD: duplicate dns_resolver_* option in man sssd.conf - Resolves: rhbz#2127492 - sssd timezone issues sudonotafter - Resolves: rhbz#2128840 - [RFE] provide dbus method to find users by attr - Resolves: rhbz#2128883 - Cannot SSH with AD user to ipa-client (`krb5_validate` and `pac_check` settings conflict) - Resolves: rhbz#2136791 - Lower the severity of the log message for SSSD so that it is not shown at the default debug level. - Resolves: rhbz#2139837 - Analyzer: Optimize and remove duplicate messages in verbose -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpiozstd19i686-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8b436cc3284111f99bdaf2e03bbdf27f1b715bf2, with debug_info, not strippedPsssd-debugsource(x86-32)2.9.5-4.el9_5.1utf-879d3565c7644aca774a202a1921a6fbd9ae895bfb31bad2af050522369f163e2a547b23680f58fc79a36dd4703688b60f9c7bc2432842ab60f43dc4119390d41?(/h4 Ҝ.O TBJÃ.Y.:y.))j*O}Dxх& n5lp% eÊGUip6v=sUt ;c sFDI7E8qF(a 1eig~^ An(PNN!Z46TӢ}?Jj9~)~KDXRMTM"2f]Q5gB# u*G4^gIa@m=K-@*QnE 8:N-j!SxQ1sy p9x"S/VW>MX&='Jfd^gff]OC39y"JKKXiԏIh]<`aBNJds\ҪTOTT;?^&?UD5\2*˳~Cr9V ե ǿQbқɏ(/ &nݍo5̬G*Ė]&&0RK$S:T6Vu\kr={~uy%9ńlj*5)楤dR1-ɰXRl6-__K&ҫ l~1Ĕ]L0$24ٵ\K Cz!s :A4u|E>!^{Ųk5/wpB<^eeֱo~"8P" ^ < (ωzbufǡߡ!o?/4ԝjh18i;_"E|/-"  %MxbKF+}2%(% 6*psv99ƞc<,A|3PN]&s'A.+c̢ 388KI(B#EDL3`Rr)LY8#@Ɇ(XFO緥42U.cgu'\1s oī걳iE=g8& ƿqVK쯓p+U,~ e+st󸷫Ԏtk14MTݨC߰G,ߊ,uP cV1(A͆Yc!ϴQ9fψ!z.-a5k=BSb uMXTެ/N +UvRÍը:C-aoqbE6T0 $ylj޻P{2ҫ A hh6vl'Q^$5)6zLkjۛnp: N+p{VZn̘+禦( @EXk2°[q}/:k,` RbeҀT ֍XKX*l({+F z=4g(TatTUZqTUݢ>f쯙D*Xl]-^V ;jQ^QȽBZxuZFY`3W4-}nR>E2Ѣ{Tl[Dai7DDޱQgRU%_oQFC͈j,M"wB|*<؋^󰳉yК4-FfV7G iMGԬ3^HͩY]Pۨw{SMumgٲ&5xLV[ ͦ[+\SBt Ј$I0P8ve& "%e$4OA؝P  0 67.* Jv%Oc &(>a54 Bqzc6& |0d-*eo*6 iב=: g"![D"Rg?޳XLiк a-#n%Ԟ0x [ vlP*DXǣJ>$W˷s"\n%xU }B ol)7`|&o#{>\''3nIډejZO3iSj$o$U<0! 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