����anaconda-install-env-deps-����>� M Mv�������� ĉJ4!!�%j�o�Lne)Ip-Bm5 ']g*�releng@rockylinux.org p-Bm5 ']O�� ޶��r����Cq+BCʛv�\V�}���b�f�H?<����Ԥ?��c�ᢡL�{��u�v��A�N���ҥ��h�&?'I�6� �t1�}g1¾��|^�p�.����=���/D�]��K#�; �"G �O�{r�8]����Z���g���(>�Z7�a�9z�Qsp���Cq�n��I�Њ�}� �w��޶@ϣY�x|.�+ ��(��eߌ�vt���Xe��������p6�$�1*nqT�G��C�^��g�_�:�`�yi$[��^˪HS��:��{yGI�ۼ���j�n�*{��[S��.$H5�Xz�����������/��;Ϊz�EPR�� �d�c���?5��e!��m?�\#�`P�v:! ��k^���L��T�GW��p{�՞���+�4/H��0F���dk�d~�&��U��������K]y�̢*�,v[�?Z� ����ٺ��KJ��]���J�g{7�d��-�ڟ����L}�305152fba2f181e80935f50c7c797813afa6f6a8dda6e7c8bf398ed8af485aa39acffa9746523238e45980621e60f45026afda03@�zg��?f(��ղx���[|>�������*>?>d���&� 6� e�d�h����������� �'�N�TY�� � � (�8�$9�$: �$X;DY;Lb;�d=e="f='l=*�=@�=D�=X�=p�=x�=~�=��=�Canaconda-install-env-deps34.25.5.91.el9.rocky.0.3Installation environment specific dependenciesThe anaconda-install-env-deps metapackage lists all installation environment dependencies. This makes it possible for packages (such as Initial Setup) to depend on the main Anaconda package without pulling in all the install time dependencies as well.g)��pb-48d1b681-5879-414c-8354-fce8f7cc1f89-b-i686Rocky Linux 9.5Rocky Enterprise Software FoundationGPLv2+ and MITRocky Linux Build System (Peridot) Unspecifiedhttp://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anacondalinuxi686anaconda-     createrepo_cgdbisomd5sumkexec-toolslibblockdev-plugins-allrealmdrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)rsynctmuxudisks2-iscsi1.*�f���f��@f�a�f��@fK;@f�f"@f-�e���e��e�N@e�p�e���e��@e���e�5@eq��epb@d��d���d���d�}�d���d��d}�@d\��d��c��@c��@cۥ�c���c��c��c���cl��Release Engineering - Kolman - Kolman - Vykydal - Koukiou - Koukiou - Koukiou - Koukiou - Koukiou - Vykydal - Vykydal - Konecny - Kolman - Kolman - Kolman - Kolman - Kolman - Konecny - Konecny - Konecny - Konecny - Konecny - Konecny - Konecny -ír Slávik -ír Slávik - Vykydal - Kolman - Poncova - Konecny - Konecny -ír Slávik - Konecny - Konecny - Vykydal - Kolman - Add Rocky Linux specific changes- network: ignore kickstart configuration of nBFT devices (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-30149 Resolves: RHEL-34235 Resolves: RHEL-32146 - network: do not dump configurations of nBFT devices (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-30149 Resolves: RHEL-34235 Resolves: RHEL-32146 - network: ignore nBFT devices connections in network configuration (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-30149 Resolves: RHEL-34235 Resolves: RHEL-32146 - network: add a test for ignoring ifname=nbft* for device renaming (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-30149 Resolves: RHEL-34235 Resolves: RHEL-32146 - network: do not create empty dir for only ifname=nbft* options (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-30149 Resolves: RHEL-34235 Resolves: RHEL-32146 - network: Avoid creating link files for 'nbft' interfaces (tbzatek) Resolves: RHEL-30149 Resolves: RHEL-34235 Resolves: RHEL-32146 - Update translations from Weblate for rhel-9 (github-actions)- Use proxy server also for FTP .treeinfo download (jkonecny) Resolves: RHEL-27938 - Update translations from Weblate for rhel-9 (github-actions)- Fix source spoke being inaccessible if payload thread errors out (mkolman) Resolves: RHEL-4721 - Do not create default wired connections for bond ports (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-38451 - Consolidate code for dumping network connections (rvykydal) Related: RHEL-38451- Update translations from Weblate for rhel-9 - Change location of rescue mode flag file (jstodola) Resolves: RHEL-4794- Update translations from Weblate for rhel-9 - Do not rewrite logs in rescue mode (jstodola) Resolves: RHEL-4794 - Write a warning rescue selinux (akankovs) Resolves: RHEL-14005 - Fix kickstart --dhcpclass option application (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-30406- Fix Source0 in spec to point to upstream source URL (kkoukiou) - Do not try to load sha256 module in intramfs (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-4747 - Do not try to load the floppy kernel module (jstodola) Resolves: RHEL-4747 - anaconda-modprobe: don't try and load cramfs (awilliam) Resolves: RHEL-4747- network: do not crash on destroyed device object in GUI (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-20891- anaconda-diskroot: wait before dying on media check fail (awilliam) Resolves: RHEL-4790 - Add ping tool to Dracut (jkonecny) Resolves: RHEL-5719 - gui:Fix index error for _remove_treeinfo_repositories() (liuwenyu.0311) Resolves: RHEL-29561- Do not initialize kernel features in init (jkonecny) Resolves: RHEL-27076- Update translations Resolves: RHEL-24945- Lower log file permission in /tmp (jkonecny) Resolves: RHEL-23345 - Add utility function to set file mode (jkonecny) Related: RHEL-23345- Disable bug reporting to Bugzilla from anaconda (kkoukiou) Resolves: RHEL-24419 - Fixed file-write operation to a public directory (ataf) Resolves: RHEL-23345- bootupd: Use --write-uuid (walters) Related: RHEL-17205 - bootloader: Detect bootupd and skip regular install (vslavik) Related: RHEL-17205 - ostree: Use bootupd if installed by payload (vslavik) Resolves: RHEL-17205 - bootloader: Create an installation task for collecting kernel arguments (vponcova) Related: RHEL-17205 - bootloader: Add the collect_arguments method (vponcova) Related: RHEL-17205 - bootloader: Remove the install_boot_loader function (vponcova) Related: RHEL-17205 - Apply the bootloader options before the installation (vponcova) Related: RHEL-17205- rpm-ostree: Setup readonly sysroot for ostree & rw karg (tim) Related: RHEL-2250- Fix missing emit of zfcp kickstart statements (maier) Related: RHEL-11384 - DeviceTreeViewer: Add path-id attribute to zfcp-attached SCSI disks (maier) Related: RHEL-11384 - Fix missing WWID values for multipath devices in advanced storage UI (#2046654) (maier) Resolves: RHEL-11384 - rescue: Don't allow to mount systems without a root device (vponcova) Resolves: RHEL-14696 - Do not crash on default None values of ostreecontainer command (rvykydal) Related: RHEL-2250 - Fix wrong dracut timeout message (jkonecny) Resolves: RHEL-5638 - Move rpm-ostree deps from Lorax to Anaconda (#2125655) (jkonecny) Related: RHEL-2250 - Implement needs_network for rpm_ostree_container (#2125655) (jkonecny) Related: RHEL-2250 - Add tests for RPM Ostree payload with source from container (#2125655) (rvykydal) Related: RHEL-2250 - Enable RPM OSTree from container source in payload (#2125655) (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-2250 - Add RPM OSTree source from container (#2125655) (rvykydal) Related: RHEL-2250- tests: Add a test case for the NVMe module (vtrefny) Resolves: RHEL-11543 Resolves: RHEL-11544 - Add a simple NVMe module for NVMe Fabrics support (vtrefny) Resolves: RHEL-11543 Resolves: RHEL-11544 - network: ignore BOOTIF connections when creating device configurations (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-4766 - network: ignore BOOTIF connections when looking for initramfs bond ports (rvykydal) Resolves: RHEL-4766- Fix versioning on RHEL 9.4 (jkonecny)- timezone: for kickstart allow also timezones not offered by GUI (rvykydal) Resolves: jira#RHEL-13150 - Rename Organization to Organization ID on subscription screen (mkolman) Resolves: jira#RHEL-11167- iscsi: Allow changing iSCSI initiator name once set (vtrefny) Resolves: rhbz#2223977 - Missing translation for button labels in Beta dialog Resolves: rhbz#2225450- Allow showing passphrase when unlocking LUKS device (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#2013190 - Be more indulgent when reclaiming disk space (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#2187371 - Do not print error on inst.ks=cdrom|hd (jkonecny) Resolves: rhbz#2077045- Remove unused variable in TUI software selection (ozobal) Related: rhbz#2214266 Related: rhbz#2164819 - Fix aarch64 architecture detection (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#2164819- Add option for installing RedHat kernel (ozobal) Related: rhbz#2164819 Resolves: rhbz#2214266 - Add TUI for installing non-standard kernels (ozobal) Resolves: rhbz#2214266 Resolves: rhbz#2164819 - Add GUI option for installing 64k ARM kernel (ozobal) Resolves: rhbz#2214266 Resolves: rhbz#2164819 - Add match_available_packages to dnf_manager (ozobal) Related: rhbz#2214266 Related: rhbz#2164819- Warn about deprecated inst.geoloc=provider_... (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2127473 - Improve doc strings for geolocation (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Do not run geolocation for TUI (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2127473 - gui: Simplify invalid timezone handling. (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Try to set timezone from language on welcome spoke (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2127473 - Always set timezone with priority (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2127473 - Add timezone priority to module backend and interface (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2127473 - Use existing locale in welcome spoke (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2127473 - Apply geolocation in main process (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Add back waiting for geolocation (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Add wait_for_task() to wait for a Task with timeout (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Don't fall back to default timezone in welcome spoke (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Use directly URLs in conf geoloc provider field (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Remove unmodularized geolocation (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Use modularized geolocation instead of unmodularized (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Hide the geolocation task in Timezone's interface (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Add GeolocationTask to the Timezone module (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Add a D-Bus structure for geolocation data (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Add conf option for geolocation provider (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Retranslate welcome screen more simply (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Fix translations of the pre-release warning dialog (vponcova) Resolves: rhbz#2165762 Related: rhbz#2127473 - Split Timezone module tests for tasks to new file (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Make check for geolocation start a standalone helper (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Keep Timezone proxy in Welcome spoke (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Split starting locales in welcome spoke to a helper (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Rename constant to reflect its usage (vslavik) Related: rhbz#2127473 - Fix "proxy" boot option is printing inst. warning (jkonecny) Related: rhbz#2177219 - Allow showing proxy passwords on the installation source spoke (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#2013190 - Allow showing passwords on the subscription spoke (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#2013190 - Always hide the user password by default (jstodola) Related: rhbz#2013190 - Always hide the root password by default (jstodola) Related: rhbz#2013190- Stop infinite wait for CDROM when KS is processed (jkonecny) Resolves: rhbz#2209599 - Apply --noverifyssl option for liveimg kickstart command (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#2157921- Fix kickstart proxy cmd in stage1 (jkonecny) Resolves: rhbz#2177219 - Check minimal LUKS passphrase length in FIPS mode for Kickstart (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2163497 - GUI: Require 8 chars of LUKS passwords in FIPS mode (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2163497 - Use inst.proxy in stage1 (jkonecny) Resolves: rhbz#2177219 - Change driver_updates exit info messages to debug (jkonecny) Related: rhbz#2154906- Add DNS search and ignore options from kickstart (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2065754 - driver_updates: migrate driver_updates.py to pep8 format (jkonecny) Related: rhbz#2154906 - driver_updates: adding tests for the new logging solution (jkonecny) Related: rhbz#2154906 - driver_updates: add lot of debug logs for easier debugging (jkonecny) Related: rhbz#2154906 - driver_updates: extend where we print log messages (jkonecny) Resolves: rhbz#2154906 - Add missing documentation about OEMDRV (jkonecny) Related: rhbz#2171811 - oemdrv: wait up to 5 seconds for disks to be handled (rmetrich) Resolves: rhbz#2171811- Update translations Resolves: rhbz#2139640- Fix network configuration from kickstart in intramfs (rvykydal) Resolves: rhbz#2153361- Show only usable devices in custom partitioning (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#2052938- Show an error message when subscription token transfer fails (mkolman) Resolves: rhbz#2057472 - Bump blivet version for NVMe-oF support (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2164343 - Make text in custom_storage_helper more accurate (ozobal) Resolves: rhbz#2133046 - Fix infobar colors in GTK GUI (ozobal) Resolves: rhbz#2074827- Add a NVMe-FC tab to the Advanced Storage screen (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2107346 - Update the .glade file for the Advanced Storage screen (vponcova) Related: rhbz#2107346 - Filter out NVMe over Fibre Channel from local disks (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2107346 - Install nvme-cli on boot.iso (vslavik) Resolves: rhbz#2107346- payload: fix repo --includepkgs option (rvykydal) Resolves: rhbz#2158210 - bootloader/zipl.py: update for zipl >= 2.25.0 (dan) Resolves: rhbz#2157916- Delegate auto-attach handling to RHSM (mkolman) Resolves: rhbz#2083319 - Use RHEL9_SshKeyData to fix sshkey quoting problem (bcl) Resolves: rhbz#2149362 - Test the InstallerStorage.copy method (vponcova) Related: rhbz#2093793 - Show multiple bootloader devices on the Manual Partitioning screen (vponcova) Resolves: rhbz#2093793 - Implement the Root.copy method (vponcova) Related: rhbz#2093793 - Redefine the Blivet.roots attribute (vponcova) Related: rhbz#2093793 - Redefine the Blivet.copy method (vponcova) Related: rhbz#2093793 - Use correct hint for VNC password boot option (jstodola) Resolves: rhbz#2124818- Disable the concurrency check in the error dialog in TUI (vponcova) Resolves: rhbz#2070920 - Support bond device activated in initramfs from kickstart (rvykydal) Resolves: rhbz#2133053- Initialize empty disks on the Manual Partitioning screen (vponcova) Resolves: rhbz#2127100 - infra: Set test vars from templates (vslavik) - infra: Port check for matching templates from master (vslavik) - infra: Port templating mechanism from master (vslavik) - dracut: read filename dhcp option from dhcpopts file (rvykydal) Related: rhbz#199184334.25.5.9-1.el9.rocky.0.334.25.5.9-1.el9.rocky.0.3-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpiozstd19i686-redhat-linux-gnufcoe-utilsnvme-cli1.0.12-3.20100323git utf-8aaada29e7a9cab643ee3cc4eee876ea240668b776a129e9787b275f57c1e91d523d0422b4fea28f771e872741bb370790b3cd0538eafb461233e820b84b57a2e?���`(�/�h�070701010bTRAILER!!!,�8�